What kind of country is Cyprus? Nicosia city

Nicosia (Cyprus) is one of the oldest cities in the world. It was founded in the period 9-7 centuries BC, but during excavations evidence was found that people lived here 6 thousand years ago. This is a unique city that has become the capital of two states at once.

4 reasons to visit Nicosia

Lefkosia (Cyprus) - this was the name of the capital in ancient centuries and this name is retained by residents of the Turkish part of the city, however, this name was transformed into Lefkoşa (Lefkosha). And for the Cypriot (Greek) part, Nicosia is more familiar, although this name was given to the city by French conquerors in the 13th century.

Why was the capital of Cyprus split into two parts? In 1974, the entire island was divided between ethnic Greeks and Turks, who illegally seized power over a large area. Now approximately two parts of the island belong to the Republic of Cyprus, and a third to the self-proclaimed state of Northern Cyprus. Officially, the Turkish state was not recognized in the world, but in fact the situation has not changed to this day. And UN peacekeeping forces are ensuring that there are no armed clashes on the island.

So, first The reason to visit Nicosia is to see the only capital in the world of two states at once. A second– see the “neutral” territory with military posts when you move from one part of Nicosia to another. Of course, tourists are not invited to take a tour of the checkpoint, but you will see warning signs and an area with fencing and barbed wire. It is worth saying that such a confusing political situation does not affect peaceful travelers; they can easily explore the main attractions.

A is third a reason to visit a unique city. A map of Nicosia in Russian will be useful so as not to get confused interesting places Oh. And there are a lot of them in the capital of Cyprus. Here are the sights you can see in the Greek (Cypriot) part:

In the Turkish part of the city of Nicosia you can see:

There are also fourth the reason to visit Nicosia is shopping. Former bitter enemies, the Turks and Greeks, are actively engaged in trade. Even now they do not consider themselves friendly nations, but they have learned to benefit from their position in Cyprus. Nicosia became a center of trade, and practical tourists You can buy many things here very profitably. This also applies to goods from Turkey and Europe displayed in city stores - clothing, shoes, bed linen. Here you can also buy oriental spices, good coffee, olives, butter and cheese; for this you should go to the markets located in different parts of Nicosia.

How to get to the capital of Cyprus?

Find Nicosia on a map of Cyprus: you will see that it is landlocked. That's why tourists usually don't spend their entire vacation here. After all, Cyprus is a recognized place for beach holiday. And travelers prefer to stay at well-known and not so well-known resorts, and come to Nicosia on an excursion. Such mini-tours will be gladly offered to you right at the hotel. This option for visiting the capital of Cyprus is the most convenient because professional guides will take you around all significant places in Nicosia.

But you can also plan an independent trip. Look at the capital of Cyprus on the map, it is not so far from many popular resorts. You can go to Nicosia:

  • on intercity bus(for example, it will only take about 2 hours to get from Ayia Napa),
  • by rented car (renting a car in the Republic of Cyprus is quite easy).

The only difference between Nicosia and others tourist places– you will need to go through a checkpoint where you will be asked for your passport. On the Turkish side (if you come from the Republic of Cyprus) you will also be asked to fill out a tourist card. But this is not such a big difficulty compared to the pleasure of visiting the unique capital of two countries!

The city of Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus; description

A story with photos about the only divided capital in Europe - the city of Nicosia, the capital of the Greek Republic of Cyprus and the Turkish Republic Northern Cyprus.

How to get cheaply from Larnaca to Nicosia

By Intercity bus (green bus, all other colors are regular city buses and excursion buses from tour operators). A Larnaca-Nicosia bus ticket costs 4 euros one way, or 7 euros return. Buses start running at 6 a.m. every hour. The schedule depends on the season (high/low) and the day of the week (there are more flights on weekdays than on weekends).

The capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, is one of the oldest capitals in the world; it is older than Cairo and Tehran. The first city on the site of the current capital of Cyprus was founded by the Achaeans - then the future Nicosia was called Ledra. Then, on the site of Ledra, destroyed by an earthquake, they built new town- Lefkon, named after the son of one of the military leaders of Alexander the Great, Ptolemy of Egypt. Lefkon then became Lefkosia; when the Arabs defeated Salamis in the 7th century, the capital of Cyprus was moved to Lefkosia. Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, began to be called under the French rulers of the Lusignans, in the 13th century. From the mid-15th century, the Venetians took possession of the island - their rule had a very serious impact on the appearance of Cyprus and especially its capital Nicosia. For example, it was the Venetian Giulio Savorgnano who surrounded the capital with a powerful fortress wall with 11 bastions. But the fortification did not save the city from the Turks under the leadership of Lala Mustafa Pasha. The city held off the siege for a month and a half, which greatly angered the besiegers - when the Turks finally broke into the city, they killed about 20 thousand of its inhabitants. From that day on, Nicosia became the seat of the Turkish governors of Cyprus and remained so for three hundred years, until the British replaced the Turks. The British High Commissioner of Cyprus located his residence where the residence of the President of the Republic of Cyprus is located today.

After the declaration of independence of Cyprus, Nicosia became the capital new republic and remained so until the moment when the right, which came to power in Cyprus, began to promote the populist idea of ​​​​the reunification of Cyprus with Greece - the so-called “enosis”. Considering that the Turks at that time made up a quarter of the country's population, it was not difficult to predict their reaction and the reaction of neighboring Turkey. In 1974, Turkey's patience ran out and its troops invaded Cyprus, within a few days occupying the entire northern part of the island and half of the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, where they were stopped by UN peacekeepers. Since then, Nicosia has been the only divided capital in Europe: it is roughly divided in half between Greeks and Turks. Since 2003, you can easily move between the Greek and Turkish parts of the island through six checkpoints, three of them are in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia - one of them is located on the main street of Ledra.

Nicosia, no man's land:

Children play football right under the UN peacekeepers' post:

From the point of view of Cypriot Greeks and Greek Greeks, the only legal way to get to the north is only from Greek territory. If you fly there regular flight Turkish airline or charter from Azerbaijan, then in this way you will break their law, and subsequently you may have problems with obtaining a Schengen visa. At this point, the situation is absolutely identical to the Georgians with Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the Ukrainians with Crimea and Azerbaijan with Nagorno-Karabakh.

If you have arrived legally in the Republic of Cyprus (Greek), then to enter Turkish part and back to Greece you only need a foreign passport - neither the Turks nor the Greeks put any stamps. But there is one nuance: I flew to Cyprus with a valid Schengen multiple visa, and, therefore, was in no way limited in the number of entries into the Greek part of the island (there are no problems with the Turks at all - all Turkish regulations apply there, including visa-free regime in the Russian Federation). However, if you flew to Cyprus on the so-called “Cypriot visa” (like most Russian package travelers), getting back “from the Turks to the Greeks” may not be such a simple matter; I highly recommend checking in advance the number of entries into Greek Cyprus allowed under your visa . Another caveat is that the checkpoints are only open until 18:00, so if you need to return on the same day, keep this in mind.

Sights of Nicosia, the capital of Greek Cyprus

Ledra Street, the main shopping and restaurant promenade in this part of the city, starts almost next to the Nicosia bus station and goes north, where it ends at the border checkpoint.

A shop with a funny name for the Russian eye:

Just south of the Greek checkpoint there is a church Faneromeni. The name is translated from Greek as “she who appeared.” This name is explained by legend: one day an icon of the Virgin Mary disappeared (or was stolen) from the monastery - all searches for it were unsuccessful until one of the nuns had a vision - she dreamed of the place where she needed to look for the icon. The nun went there and discovered the missing thing, from which the light came.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the Faneromeni Church became one of the centers of the Greek struggle against Ottoman rule. At that time, the so-called “Community of Friends” arose in Greece, a secret organization of freedom fighters from Turkish rule. Archbishop Cyprian of Cyprus became one of the members of this organization. The uprising began on March 6, 1821 and was brutally suppressed by the Turkish Pasha Kucuk Mehmet: he hanged Cyprian, three metropolitans and about ten thousand inhabitants of Cyprus. The remains of some of them are buried in a white marble mausoleum on the east side of the church.

About three hundred meters from the Faneromeni Church, on Ledra Street, there is one of three checkpoints through which you can enter the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus:

Nicosia: capital of Turkish Cyprus

Immediately after the Turkish checkpoint in a cozy square

I found an excellent tobacco shop where I bought a large bag of my favorite cigars - for one and a half euros apiece (about 100 rubles in the fall of 2015), in Moscow they cost at least 400 rubles. Pleased with the local prices, I went to the area Arabakhmet, located near the western city wall - I recommend it to everyone, the place is very colorful.

How to get to the Arabakhmet area: from the checkpoint we go north to the street Arasta(Arasta sokagi), then turn left and walk past Big Baths(Great Baths) to home Dervish Pasha behind which the mosque is located Arabakhmet(Arab Ahmet Mosque).

The Arabakhmet quarter is located south of the mosque and consists of three parallel streets:

Many houses here were built under the Venetians and Lusignans. The main street - Salahi Sevket(Salahi Sevket), officials of the British colonial administration once preferred to settle there (they called the street “Victory Street”). Trader with scales from the 50s of the last century:

After the Arabakhmet quarter, I again walked through some nondescript back streets into the center of Turkish-Cypriot Nicosia, right to Ataturk Square(Sarayoni). In general, there is a boring predictability in Turkish cities: the most important square is necessarily named after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the “father of the nation.” We used to have about the same garbage with countless Lenin Squares and Soviet streets. By the way, the Spaniards and Italians are not far behind: for the former, the main city square is always Placa Mayor, and for the latter, the central square is always either Garibaldi, or Vittorio Emanuele, or XX Settembre. Well, they know better at home, let’s return to the square named after the illustrious “father of all Turks.”

During British rule, the square was the business and political center of the city - all government buildings were located here. In 1901, the British demolished the Venetian palace and erected a post office and courthouse in its place.

Opposite the courthouse there is Venetian column:

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Enjoy your walks around the city of Nicosia, the capital of two countries!
Your Roman Mironenko

brief information

According to ancient Greek legend, it was on the island of Cyprus that the Olympian goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite, was born. Tourists who have visited Cyprus will understand why Aphrodite chose this island to emerge from the sea. Tourists in Cyprus will find numerous ancient Greek and Roman historical monuments, ski resorts on Mount Olympus, excellent beach resorts with wide sandy and pebble-sand beaches, the gentle warm Mediterranean Sea, delicious cuisine and, of course, hospitable locals.

Geography of Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus occupies most of the territory of the island of Cyprus, which is located in the Mediterranean Sea. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. total area Republic of Cyprus – 9,250 sq. km. In the north of the island is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

Most of the territory of the Republic of Cyprus, as well as the whole island of the same name, occupy mountains. In the southwest is mountain range Troodas, and in the north – the Kyrenia mountain range.

On the territory of the Republic of Cyprus there is the most high point The entire island is Mount Olympus, whose height reaches 1,952 m.


The capital of the Republic of Cyprus is Nicosia, which is now home to about 350 thousand people. Nicosia is believed by archaeologists to have been founded by the ancient Greeks around the 9th century BC.

Official language

The official language in the Republic of Cyprus is Greek, which belongs to the Indo-European languages.


The majority of the population of the Republic of Cyprus are Orthodox Christians, but there are also Muslims.

Government of Cyprus

The head of the Republic of Cyprus is the President, elected by popular vote for a 5-year term. Executive power belongs to the government, and legislative power belongs to the House of Representatives (56 deputies).

The main political parties in the Republic of Cyprus are the Progressive Working People's Party, the Democratic Party, the Social Democratic Movement and the Democratic Rally.

Climate and weather

The climate on the island of Cyprus is typically Mediterranean with hot, dry summers and mild, not very cold winters. In July and August average temperature air ranges from +29C in the central plains and +22C in the Troodos mountains. In January, the average air temperature in the central plains is +10C and +3C in the Troodos Mountains. The average annual precipitation is about 480 mm (only 5% of the total precipitation falls in summer).

Average air temperature in Nicosia:

January – +12C
- February - +13C
- March - +16C
- April - +21C
- May - +27C
- June - +30C
- July - +33С
- August – +32С
- September - +29C
- October - +24C
- November - +18C
- December - +14C

Sea in Cyprus

The island of Cyprus is washed on all sides Mediterranean Sea. Near the coast, the sea temperature in February ranges from +15C to +17C, and in August – from +23C to +28C.

Average sea temperature near Limassol:

January – +17.7C
- February - +16.6C
- March - +16.4C
- April - +17.6C
- May - +19.2C
- June - +23C
- July - +25.5C
- August – +25.5C
- September - +28.8C
- October - +24.2C
- November - +22C
- December - +19.5C

Rivers and lakes

Most rivers in Cyprus originate in the Troodos Mountains, but they are dependent on rainfall. This means that most rivers in Cyprus only have water for 3-4 months of the year. Only some rivers are full all year round (Xeros, Diarizos, Kargotis, Marathasa, Kouris and Germasogeia).

There are no freshwater lakes on the island of Cyprus, but there are 5 saltwater lakes.

History of Cyprus

People lived on the island of Cyprus 9 thousand years ago. At the beginning and middle of the Bronze Age (2300-1600 BC) there were already cities in Cyprus that conducted active trade.

For a long time Cyprus was under the rule of the Persian Empire, and then Ancient Rome. In 58 BC. Cyprus became a province of Ancient Rome. The Romans ruled Cyprus for almost 400 years. After the collapse of Ancient Rome, the island of Cyprus in 395 AD. was included in the Byzantine Empire.

From 1489 to 1571, Cyprus was ruled by the Venetian Republic, and then from 1571 to 1878 - Ottoman Empire.

In 1878, Cyprus came under British control. Only in 1959 did Cyprus gain independence from the British.

In 1974, Turkish armed forces landed on Cyprus and occupied about 40% of the island's territory. Now in the north of the island there is the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which is not recognized by the world community, and on the other part of the island is the Republic of Cyprus.

In 2004, the Republic of Cyprus became a member of the European Union.


Cypriots are very proud of their cultural heritage, whose age is already about 9 thousand years. The tradition and culture of the people of Cyprus are best reflected in holidays and folk rituals.

Many folk holidays and traditions (for example, Carnival and the Flood Festival) have their roots in antiquity. Carnival is celebrated by Cypriots 50 days before Easter. The largest events of the Carnival take place in Larnaca, culminating in a procession of people to the sea, where they throw water on each other. The meaning of this tradition has been lost through the centuries. It is possible that this is how the Greeks once celebrated the birth of Aphrodite from the foam of the sea.

The most important religious holiday in the Republic of Cyprus is Easter. As we have already said, Cypriots begin to celebrate Easter 50 days before it begins.

Every spring, in May, Cypriots celebrate “Anthestiria” - a flower festival. Its traditions date back to Ancient Greece. Traditionally, Anthestiria is celebrated at the end of May.

Every September, Limassol hosts a Wine Festival in honor of the vine, which is revered by Cypriots. Without a doubt, 10 days of this holiday would have met the approval of Dionysus himself.


The cuisine of the Republic of Cyprus is strongly reminiscent of Greek (in Northern Cyprus the cuisine has Turkish roots), but it is very strongly influenced by Venetian (Italian), French, Turkish, Middle Eastern (Arab) culinary traditions. Traditional products - fish and seafood, meat, cheese (halloumi), vegetables, spices.

Be sure to try the following dishes in Cyprus:

Souvlaki – pork or poultry grilled over charcoal;
- moussaka – minced meat baked with vegetables;
- stifado - beef baked with onions;
- tavva – minced meat wrapped in grape leaves;
- kleftiko – lamb baked with potatoes.

Cyprus is famous for its centuries-old winemaking traditions. The most famous local wine is Commandaria, which belongs to Cahors.


The Republic of Cyprus has preserved a large number of historical and archaeological monuments of Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome and the Middle Ages. Some of them are included in the list world heritage UNESCO. In addition, nine churches of Cyprus are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Several hundred archeological and historical monuments are located on the territory of Northern Cyprus, where the Turkish administration operates. The top ten best attractions of the Republic of Cyprus, in our opinion, include the following:

  1. Gate of Famagusta in Nicosia
  2. Church of Chrysaliniotissa in Nicosia
  3. Bishop's Palace of Limassol
  4. Archbishop's Palace in Nicosia
  5. Kolossi Castle
  6. Sanctuary of Aphrodite at the ruins of Amathus
  7. Limassol Fortress
  8. Roman Odeon Theater
  9. Kikko Monastery in Troodos
  10. Mosaics on the ruins of ancient Greek villas in Paphos

Cities and resorts

The most big cities in the Republic of Cyprus - Famagusta, Larnaca, Paphos, Limassol, and, of course, Nicosia.

The Republic of Cyprus has several excellent beach resorts. The most popular of them are Ayia Napa, Paphos, Larnaca, Protaras and Limassol. Swimming season in Cyprus begins in April and continues until November.

Most of the beaches in Cyprus are wide, sandy, and near the beaches there are numerous fish restaurants, taverns, bars, and shops. Created on the beaches good conditions for classes aquatic species sports.

Do not forget, while vacationing in Cyprus, to visit the next 10 best places ny beaches:

  1. Coral Bay in Paphos
  2. Aphrodite Beach near Limassol
  3. Ladies" Mile near Limassol
  4. Phinikoudes Beach in Larnaca
  5. Nissi Beach in Ayia Napa
  6. Curium Beach near Limassol
  7. Macronissus Beach in Ayia Napa
  8. Fig Tree Bay in Protaras
  9. Alagadi Beach near Kyrenia
  10. Kervansaray Beach in Kyrenia

Thanks to natural conditions The Republic of Cyprus has good skiing opportunities. So, ski resort Troodos welcomes ski lovers from mid-December to the end of March. Agree, it is tempting to ride on Mount Olympus, where, according to ancient Greek myths, the gods live.


Tourists from the Republic of Cyprus bring folk art products, ceramics (including amphorae), figurines of Aphrodite, cheese, orange marmalade, honey, Cypriot wine, ouzo.

Office hours

Mon-Fri: 08:00-13:30

Nicosia is not easy beautiful city. It is also the capital of two states: the Republic of Cyprus and the partially recognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus.

The city is located in the central part of the country, so there are few tourists here, but Nicosia is only 30 minutes from the resort area Larnaca. The infrastructure here is very developed, and from Nicosia it is very convenient to get to anywhere in Cyprus to visit everywhere and enjoy the history and culture of the island.

About a third of the island's inhabitants live in Nicosia. This place perfectly combines several cultures (Greek, Turkish and others), as well as the past with the present - they honor their history and culture.

Nicosia has experienced many events. It was conquered by enemies more than once. The city got its name in 1192, when the English king Richard I the Lionheart gave it to Guy de Lusignan and made it the capital of the Kingdom of Cyprus. Then the city passed into the hands of either the Venetians or the British, and after Turkish troops invaded the country in 1974, the city remained divided into two parts - Turkish (northern) and Greek (southern). Northern part Nicosia is the capital of the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and is called Lefkosa. The wall of separation (" green line") began to be dismantled only in 2008.

Climate and weather

The climate in Nicosia is subtropical semi-desert. Summers here are hot and dry, and winters are warm and mild. Humidity levels are very low, so precipitation is negligible. Most of them fall between December and February. The annual precipitation is approximately 310 mm.

The air temperature in July reaches +37…+39 ºС, and in January - about +15 ºС. The minimum temperature in winter was recorded at +5.2 ºС.


The capital of the island is located in its geographical center. It is located on a large plain Mesaoria which divides mountain ranges Kyrenia And Troodos. The height of the city center is 149 meters above sea level. The Akaki River flows near Nicosia.

Thanks to the good weather conditions throughout the year and in hot climates vegetable world amazes with its diversity. Here you can find various types of rare and exotic plants, flowers, and trees. The city is surrounded by greenery, thanks to which the air here is always clean, even despite the fact that it is a large industrial center.


Nicosia is not resort area, however, this is where it is concentrated large quantity sights and interesting places that are definitely worth visiting once you are on the island.

Deserves special attention Old city , located in the central part of the capital. Recently, almost all the old buildings were reconstructed here, and today the city happily welcomes tourists from all over the world. Once upon a time, the Venetians erected huge walls here, which today are the cultural value of the city. Quarter Laiki Getinia is able to transport guests of the city to a unique era of antiquity and make it clear how important city was then and remains so to this day. The most important cultural monuments here are the cathedral St. John, Chrysaliniotissa Church, Faneromeni Church, where the most ancient frescoes and icons have been preserved. It is also worth seeing the great Salimiye Mosque.

An eastern palace was once built here, which played an important role in the history of the city. Today there are excursions here, where you can learn about who lived here and what they did. The palace has recently been restored.

Numerous bastions protected the city from enemy attacks. In total, 11 out of 12 of them have survived to this day, and they were named in honor of the Italian aristocratic families who donated funds for construction. For example, Kyrenia Gate(Porta del Proveditore), Bastion Caraffa, Musalla, Sibeli, D’Avila(this is where the city hall is located). The Palace of the President of Northern Cyprus is located in the bastion Cephare, A Roccas Bastion today it is a park.

In the city, to the west of the city wall, there is the Nicosia Central Prison, which was built back in 1894 by the British. In 1974, the prison building served as a defensive fortress against the Turkish invasion of the city.


In Nicosia, as a place where many cultures mix, you can find restaurants from almost all cuisines of the world.

National Cypriot cuisine can be enjoyed in the restaurant Estiades, whose motto is: “Eat as much as you want!”. This reflects the hospitality and generosity of the Cypriot people. In the evenings, a buffet is available for all restaurant visitors. The restaurant also serves international cuisine. And Cypriot culinary delights will delight all guests of Estiades.

The restaurant's wonderful chefs will help you plunge into the atmosphere of oriental cuisine. Abu Faysal, serving the best of Lebanese and Middle Eastern cuisine. In addition to a chic selection of dishes, visitors are offered a wonderful list of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) for every taste.

Meat lovers simply must visit the establishment where they cook, perhaps, the best steaks and other meat delicacies in all of Nicosia. At the restaurant Zebras Steakhouse more than thirty dishes are presented using best views meat. In addition, vegetarians and seafood lovers can also taste culinary delights here.

Of course, Nicosia cannot do without Chinese cuisine. Restaurant China Spice is very popular among both local residents, and among city guests. This place is considered one of the best on the entire island. The chefs present traditional Chinese dishes to their visitors, and also embody their innovative ideas, which, undoubtedly, is very popular with restaurant guests.

All establishments of this kind in the city are quite expensive, but it's worth it. After all, the dishes here are incredibly tasty and very filling. And the service and hospitality of the Cypriots deserve due attention.


Basically, in Nicosia there are three-, four- and five-star hotels of well-known chains. They are equipped with everything necessary and meet any tourist requirements and international standards.

One of the most popular hotels is the three-star Classic Hotel. It is represented by the Small Luxury Hotels chain and has 60 rooms, including family suits and suites. The hotel is located in close proximity to Nicosia's business district as well as major entertainment and commercial buildings. On site you can use gym, massage parlor, bar, conference room, and also visit the “59 knives” restaurant. Depending on the room, the cost per day can be 100-150 €.

The four-star Cleopatra Hotel is located in the heart of the city. Inside the hotel there are 89 rooms, which have absolutely everything for comfortable rest visitors. On site you can use the services of a doctor, hairdresser, go to a cafe and restaurant, and visit a beauty center. For an additional fee they will make excursion programs, organize business meetings and various celebrations, and you can also visit the sauna, jacuzzi, SPA salon and much more. If visitors come with children, then nannies are at their service, and you can also use furniture for children and playrooms where children are looked after by specialists.

The only five star hotel in Nicosia is the Hilton Hotel Cyprus Hotel. It has 298 rooms. The name of this hotel is synonymous with the word "luxury". World-class stars often stay here. All rooms have private balconies and everything that even the most demanding guest might need. All the most famous ones are accepted for payment here. credit cards. There are several chic restaurants and bars, a laundry service, a business center, a SPA salon, swimming pools and much more. A separate menu has been created for children, and you can also use the services of a nanny and special playgrounds.

Entertainment and relaxation

In addition to its many attractions, Nicosia is also known for its vibrant nightlife. There are many nightclubs to suit every taste. For example, the City Royal club. Every night visitors are presented interesting program, the best incendiary music is played here, and sometimes fashion shows are held.

The place where the “golden youth” come to relax is considered the Zoo Club. Before you get here, you will have to go through strict face control. It is on this dance floor that all the most beautiful and stylish people of Nicosia gather. It features the best music and also has a luxurious restaurant where you can have a good time.

Nicosia is also a city of museums. They are definitely worth a visit when in the capital of Cyprus. The main museums are considered Municipal, Artistic, Architectural, and Museum of Jewelry Art. This is where unique things are kept that were created before our era and are of great interest to visitors today. You can get a closer look at the history of Cyprus in M Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Crafts. Here, professional guides will tell visitors about the history and life of ancient Cypriots, about whom little is known today.


Shopping in Nicosia can bring great pleasure to those who like to spend money. The street is considered the most “shopping” Stasycratus, where there are about 60 brand boutiques - Louis Vuitton, Dolce&Gabbana, Oriental Bazaar Phenicia and many others. This street is crossed by an equally important street, where there are about 30 more boutiques - the street Mnasiadou. Among its establishments you can see Max Mara, Wolford, Equinox and others.

You should remember that store opening hours are unusual for Europeans. From April 1 to October 31, stores are open until 20:00 on weekdays (on Wednesdays until 15:00), Saturdays until 19:30, and are completely closed on Sundays. The exception is shops located in the Old Town.


The best way to explore Nicosia is on foot. But if you need to travel a long distance, you can use the services public transport- municipal bus. The fare is low, but these buses are usually inconvenient. The fact is that sometimes routes can simply be cancelled, and a bus breaking down right on the road is by no means uncommon. Therefore, you can take a taxi, which costs more, but is much more comfortable. And finding a taxi on the street will not be easy at first, because the cars do not have traditional “checkered” signs. Instead, a small sign with the letter “T” is attached to them. When getting into a taxi, make sure the meter is on when boarding.


The main Internet provider in Nicosia today is CYTA. Along with it, there are quite successful private companies Reliance Globalcom and Primetel. The Internet today is available to almost all residents of the capital of Cyprus and, it must be said, that this industry has quite broad development prospects. For example, it is planned to equip buses with a Wi-Fi system, which, as experts assure, will be absolutely free.


In terms of tourist safety, Nicosia is considered one of the best holiday destinations. There are a large number of police officers in the city, who can always be contacted in case of danger.

Pickpocketing is quite rare here, but you should still keep a close eye on your belongings. It is also better not to take documents and large sums of money with you, but to leave everything in hotel safes.

If necessary, emergency services can be called by calling 112 and 199. There are also separate telephone numbers in Nicosia: ambulance - 22-452760, police - 22-495888.

Business climate

Nicosia is a business and cultural center Cyprus. The most important business centers and buildings of the island are located here, for example, the municipal building, the Palace of the President of Northern Cyprus and many other important objects.

Nicosia is a favorable place for development own business. The main conditions for this are the presence of a detailed business plan, as well as an alternative plan for developing your own business in case of unforeseen circumstances. The advantage of doing business here is low income tax, as well as small start-up capital. In order, for example, to open your own cafe or small restaurant, you will need about three thousand €, which is several times lower than in other European countries.

Real estate

There are no problems with purchasing real estate in Cyprus. This type of service is very well developed today. Real estate companies can carry out transactions for the purchase and sale of real estate even through the Internet (online), if one of the parties cannot attend in person. The cost of real estate only increases from year to year, and not by 1-2%, but up to 16%.

As for the cost of housing, in Nicosia it is quite high. This situation has arisen due to the fact that the capital has a large number of luxury housing and luxury apartments. Thus, a villa for 190 thousand € will be considered relatively inexpensive compared to apartments and apartments, the cost of which ranges from 300 to 800 thousand €.

It should be remembered that in Cyprus, driving is on the left, that is, the steering wheel in cars is located on the right side. In this case, the “interference from the right” rule applies, and on a circular turn, movement is made clockwise.

Problems with parking spaces are not uncommon here, so you should be especially careful.

If you have rented a car, you are prohibited from crossing the border between Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, even if you have visas for both parts of the island.

When driving a car, the blood alcohol content is allowed not to exceed 900 mg/l.

In Nicosia it is customary to tip up to 10% of the bill, but this is usually already included in the bill. When checking out of a hotel, it is better to give the money “tip” to the service staff directly, because if you leave it, for example, on the bed, no one will take the bills.

When visiting temples and churches, you should take care of your appearance. For women, their heads should be covered with a scarf, and their clothes should cover their knees. Men are prohibited from entering the temple wearing shorts.

Nicosia has hot summers and a dry climate, which makes almost everyone thirsty. Therefore, the city authorities made sure that tap water could be used without fear for health.

When communicating with the residents of Nicosia, you will find that they are very friendly people. Don’t be surprised if a complete stranger treats you to something or gives you something as a souvenir.

The largest city of Nicosia, or in Turkish Lefkosia (Nicosia, Leukosna) with an area of ​​111 km2, is a city of two capitals, of which the northern one is the capital of the TRNC, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, populated by Turks, and the southern one is the Republic of Cyprus populated by Greeks. In the city, past and present are intertwined so closely that its historical realities actively live in modern times, and modern borders are explained by the not entirely distant past. The population has exceeded 300 thousand, more than 260 thousand are ethnic Greeks. Among them are many Pontic Greek repatriates from the republics of the USSR.

Nicosia is located on a flat part in the center of the island of Cyprus between mountain ranges Kyrenia and Troodos. Due to the Mediterranean climate with its cold winters, dry hot summers and distance from the sea, the city receives little rainfall.

History in the life of modern Lefkosia

Nicosia is one of the cities where different eras and major historical events are preserved in old buildings and remains of ruins. The settlement developed around the 11th-7th centuries. BC e. in the status of a city-state. Throughout its history, the city of Nicosia has been ruined and risen more than once.

The strategically advantageous position in the Mediterranean of Cyprus doomed it to numerous transitions into different empires; Nicosia, along with the island, experienced this fate: the Kingdom of Cyprus (from the 12th century), the Venetian Republic (15th century), the Ottoman Empire (mid-16th century). - end of the 19th century), colony of Britain (beginning of the 20th century).

In 1960, the city became the capital of the Republic of Cyprus, but the 1974 military conflict between Orthodox Cypriots and Muslim Cypriots split the island and the city into 2 parts, the peace between which is now protected by UN peacekeeping forces.

West and East in the architecture of the ancient city

Greek Orthodoxy and Turkish Islam, closely intertwined in both parts of the city, are a striking feature of Nicosia's attractions. The mixture of East and West is in everything, and above all in architecture. Here are Venetian walls, refined and light thanks to the balanced proportions and distinctness of Gothic architectural elements, and Turkish buildings with domed roofs, massive walls with small openings for windows.

Here, the Selima Mosque (XVI century) was historically built as the Orthodox Cathedral of Hagia Sophia (XIII-XIV centuries), which affected the architecture of the building, which combines 2 styles. One is “French Gothic” with an upward thrust due to lancet windows, pointed elements, columns inside the building, with a clear depiction of arched vaults. The second is the Muslim style with minaret towers and a courtyard.
The only functioning mosque in southern Nicosia, Omeriye Mosque (16th century), was converted from the monastery of St. Mary (14th century).

There are many Orthodox churches in the southern sector. The explanation for this is simple: the Greeks, the predominant population, profess Christianity. All the Christian sights of Nicosia are worthy of attention: the Church of St. Sava, known as the creator of the Laurels (Laurels - monastery); and the Church of Our Lady of the Annunciation, erected at the suggestion of the first President of Cyprus; and the Trypiotis temple, named after the Orthodox monastery, which, according to legend, the Ottoman Turks decided to flood with the waters of two rivers. Archangel Michael, to whom the abbot turned with a plea for help, drew a cross on a large stone near the monastery, and a large hole formed in the stone through which the water went underground.

Capital inside the Venetian walls

Nicosia attracts with its preserved Middle Ages.

Like any settlement with a long history, Nicosia has an old town with many cultural and historical monuments. It is located within the boundaries of the Venetian Walls, a fortress built by the Venetians in the mid-15th century to protect against the Ottoman Turks and which became the main attraction of the capital of Cyprus. The 5-kilometer walls of old Nicosia with 11 bastions are a defensive structure recognized as an example of military architecture of the 15th-16th centuries. Bastions are pentagonal-shaped fortifications built on the corners of the fortress walls. They bear the names of wealthy Italians who donated funds for the construction of the fortress. Five bastions are located in the Turkish part of Nicosia, five in the Greek part, and one in the UN control zone.

Bastions are not just historical monuments– each of them “serves” today: inside one is the Palace of the President of Northern Cyprus, the other has become a platform for viewing the surrounding area, the third has become a parking lot for public transport, the fourth has become a gathering place for Greek Cypriots, the fifth has a municipal garden... The walls themselves have been converted into part of an embankment roads around the old city.

One of the entrances to the old city is the Famagusta Gate, a fortification structure from the Middle Ages. Restored, they are adapted for the passage of transport and for holding holidays.
The deserted streets of the old city are full of ancient monuments, including Cathedral John the Evangelist (XVII-XVIII centuries), Archbishop's Palace with its frescoes (mid-XX century). In the courtyard of the Pan-Cyprian Gymnasium, the oldest (1812) and famous educational institution in the city, there are monuments and busts to famous Cypriots.

The old town area of ​​Laiki Geitonia is a pedestrian zone. Here Nicosia has preserved winding narrow streets, where flowers descend from the carved balconies of ancient houses, where there are Greek taverns and the loud trading of oriental bazaars, artisan shops and souvenir shops can be heard far away.

It’s hard to imagine walking around the old city without visiting museums. And there are a lot of them in Nicosia: Museums of jewelry, folk art, art galleries, ethnographical museum, Byzantine Museum, Railway Museum. Levendion City Museum was recognized as the best European museum in 1991. On display Archaeological Museum Cyprus unique exhibits from the era of antiquity. Here is the most beautiful house in Cyprus - the house of Hadji Georgakis.

Capital beyond the Venetian Walls

The center of business life of the island is Nicosia: Cyprus is not only the intersection of maritime and economic routes, but also a republic with a perfect legislative system, which explains the presence in the capital of modern business centers and branches of large international companies, world business leaders. In the area of ​​the “shopping” streets Griva Digeni, Makarius, Digeni Akrita, Stasikratou and others there are boutiques of famous designers. In Nicosia you can buy accessories and clothing from world brands.

Road to Nicosia

The shortest way to Nicosia is by air. To visit the Republic of Cyprus (South Nicosia), Russian citizens must obtain provisions. This is a document for a single entry for a period of up to 3 months, filled out on the basis of the applicant’s questionnaire and provided at the airport at the check-in counter. An application for receiving it is filled out on the Embassy website. The visa is issued online within one working day; it does not require an invitation from a resident of Cyprus, an air ticket or confirmation of place of residence.

Despite the demarcation zone, moving from one sector of the city to another is easy. To do this, you need a European Union (EU) passport; A visa to northern Nicosia is issued upon entry. Upon return from the Turkish sector, customs inspection is possible.

In both parts of the city the main currency is the euro.

Approximate hotel prices

Prices in hotels in both parts of the city are approximately the same. There are few 5* hotels in Nicosia, all of them are in the center, prices start from 110 €. Guests can enjoy indoor swimming pools, outdoor tennis courts, fitness centers, and luxury apartments.

4* hotels also in the city center offer services of at least luxury category with business class rooms and buffet, however, you can stay in rooms at significantly lower prices - from 62 €.
3* hotels remote from the center with a 24-hour reception, with family rooms, equipped kitchen - from 37 €.

2* hotels are in demand among tourists. Standard Double Room can be withdrawn - from 45 €.
Accommodation in 1* class hotels with electrical appliances, shower and toilet in the room – from 40 €.


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