Why the Boeing that disappeared over the Indian Ocean will never be found. "Call sign: Twin Towers." The mystery of the pilot of the missing Malaysian Boeing Boeing 777 crash

British virtual tracker Ian Wilson is a video engineer by profession. He discovered an object similar to an airplane using the resource Google Maps. I saw him lying in the inaccessible jungles of Cambodia.

Yang has no doubt: this object is the plane - most likely, the same one - the Malaysian Boeing 777-200, which on March 8, 2014, flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared in the most mysterious way along with 239 passengers.

Based on the outline of the discovered airliner, it is the right one. Only almost 6 meters longer - not 63.7 meters, but 70.

The tail fell off, the tracker explains, and lies a little further from the fuselage. Hence the "extension".

The main objection of skeptics: the photo from space used by Google Maps could have been accidentally captured by a plane flying over the jungle. In addition, four years have passed since the loss, quite enough for lush tropical vegetation to completely hide the liner. And it’s strange that the car in the photo is practically intact. Even if the plane had not crashed from a great height, but had tried to land in the jungle, it most likely would have broken into several large fragments.

No,” Wilson dismisses doubts. Like, I checked it using one of the resource options - “escape ground view”. The plane is down.

Could the virtual tracker have “stumbled upon” not MH370, but some other Boeing 777-200? Excluded - no other similar ones fell in this area of ​​Cambodia. At least, aviation experts nothing is known about such disasters.

Wilson said he would like to get to the crash site he discovered himself. After all, Malaysian and Australian specialists, who, albeit to no avail, are officially busy searching for the remains of the liner, as a rule, do not respond to the “signals” of virtual trackers. Or they brush them off.


And here's another Boeing

Competing with Wilson is Australian Peter McMahon, who has long been passionate about investigating aircraft accidents. Using Google Maps, he also saw the silhouette of a crashed Malaysian Boeing. But in another place - under water. If he gets to it, he will have to dive.

In March 2018, McMahon: The Boeing lies in shallow water about 16 kilometers south of Round Island, one of the Seychelles. The satellite photo shows both the wings and the fuselage.

The Australian Transport and Safety Bureau told McMahon that the plane he discovered could well be the one he was looking for. But no action was taken. The Malaysian authorities also responded. But more harshly: they asked not to mislead people.

McMahon somehow saw that the fuselage of the airliner was full of holes. It’s as if it’s been pierced by machine-gun fire.

And one more

In 2016, the Malaysian Boeing was found by Scott Waring, a famous ufologist and virtual archaeologist among those who look for anomalies in images transmitted from other planets, for example, from Mars.

Scott assures that he did not specifically search for the missing airliner. I was looking for traces of UFOs that were seen in the Cape area Good Hope(Cape of Good Hope) in 2013. And for this purpose, I looked at the photographs of the area posted in Google Earth. I saw the outline of the plane. He lies under water. Almost whole.

1. General description of the situation

The Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 (Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur) took off from Amsterdam Schiphol Airport at 10:14 UTC (14:14 Moscow time) on 07/17/2014 and was supposed to arrive at its destination at 06:10 local time (22:10 UTC/2:10 MSK).
The flight was carried out by a third replacement crew. According to the British newspaper Daily Mail, the two crews swapped shifts to avoid flying over the war zone. Pilots expressed concerns about the risky route.
At 16:15 Kyiv time (14:15 GMT), Ukrainian air traffic controllers first lost contact with him, and then at 16:20 Kyiv time (14:20 GMT) he completely disappeared from the radars of the Dnepropetrovsk regional control center. At 16:45 Kyiv time (14:45 GMT), a signal from the emergency beacon of an airliner was detected three kilometers northwest of the village of Grabovo, Shakhtarsky district, Donetsk region, which is located 78 km from Donetsk and approximately 50 km from the border with Russia . Subsequently, the remains of the plane were found burning on the ground in Ukraine. The plane crashed near the village of Grabovo (near the city of Torez). None of the passengers or crew survived.

2. The need to conduct a situational analysis

The need to conduct this type of analysis is caused by the need to identify external and internal factors that caused the death of the Boeing 777, as well as to determine the circle of persons involved in this situation and parties interested in deriving any benefit from this event. As well as determining the circle of persons legally responsible for this event.

3. Concept of situation and situational analysis

A situation is a combination of internal and external factors, circumstances, conditions, active and passive forces and material resources.

Situational analysis allows, based on a deeper understanding of the situation and the dynamics of its development, to develop and accept more substantiated conclusions, as well as to anticipate the possible occurrence of crisis situations and take timely measures to prevent them.

4. Analytical group

In order to conduct a situational analysis, the Russian Union of Engineers created an analytical group under the leadership of Ivan Andrievsky - a team of highly qualified specialists capable of conducting an examination in the process of situational analysis.
The analytical group included:
Level 1 experts are highly qualified specialists with professional knowledge and experience in one of the areas or problems directly related to the object of the situational analysis.
Level 2 experts are highly qualified specialists who are able to analyze and assess the situation as a whole.
technologist - a specialist who has the necessary professional knowledge and experience in organizing and conducting situational analysis.
analyst is a specialist who has both the necessary professional knowledge and experience in analyzing situations in this area, as well as experience in supporting situational analysis, preparing analytical reports and conclusions.

The final work was first shown to the President of the Center for International Geopolitical Analysis - Colonel General of the Reserve, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov and received his positive assessment, then it was finalized and presented to the public.

5. Initial data for conducting situational analysis

In order to conduct a situational analysis, experts from the Russian Union of Engineers took into account the following initial data:
Conclusions from an engineering and technical analysis previously conducted by RSI experts of the causes of the death of the Boeing 777;
Assessment of the airspace in the area in which the Boeing 777 crash occurred;
Assessment of military infrastructure in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed;
Assessment of the mechanism for making management decisions that led to the destruction of a civilian aircraft and the structure of command and control of troops in the zone of the anti-terrorist operation (ATO) by the Ukrainian authorities;
Assessment of the state of the military-political situation in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed before and after the disaster;
Assessment of coverage of the death of Boeing 777 by officials and the media (speeches by leaders of European countries, as well as the USA and Malaysia);
Progress in the investigation into the causes of the Malaysian Boeing 777 crash;
Preliminary results of the investigation of the Dutch Safety Board dated 09.09.2014;
Conclusions of other experts.

5.1. Conclusions from an engineering and technical analysis previously conducted by RSI experts of the causes of the death of the Boeing 777

According to analysts of the Russian Union of Engineers, the death of the Boeing 777 occurred as a result of its complex destruction by both missile weapons combat aircraft, using a melee air-to-air missile, and cannon armament using a 30-mm aircraft cannon or an SPPU-22 container with a double-barreled 23-mm GSh-23L cannon. At the same time, when shooting at a target, a laser range finder or laser sight could be used, which could significantly increase shooting accuracy. The nature of the damage and the scattering of fragments indicate the use of two types: on the Boeing wreckage there are round holes, which are usually the result of shots from a cannon, and explosive holes, characteristic of missiles with arrow-shaped striking elements (for example, R-27).

5.2. Assessment of the territory and airspace in the area of ​​which the Boeing 777 crash occurred

The territory of the Donetsk region of Ukraine, in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed (northwest of the village of Grabovo, Shakhtarsky district, Donetsk region, which is located 78 km from Donetsk and approximately 50 km from the border with Russia) on July 17, 2014 was under the control of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s militia Republic (DPR). At the same time, only the earth was under control, but not the air.
In this territory, fighting took place between the Armed Forces of Ukraine, battalions of the National Guard of Ukraine and volunteer battalions on the one hand, and DPR militia units on the other hand.
The fighting was carried out, among other things, with the use of heavy weapons by government troops and Ukrainian formations.
A few days before the crash, according to statements by the Ukrainian authorities, other incidents with aircraft occurred in the conflict zone: on July 14, an An-26 was shot down in the Lugansk region at an altitude of 6.5 kilometers; on July 16, a Su-25 and another Su-25 were shot down. 25 was fired upon by MANPADS. In total, in June-July 2014, losses of more than ten manned personnel were reported in this area aircraft Ukrainian Air Force.

On July 8, 2014, Kyiv closed the airspace in the combat zone with the following wording: “In order to ensure an adequate level of flight safety, the airspace over the territory of the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation] is closed to any flights of civil aircraft in the interests of state aviation. The corresponding ban was issued by the State Aviation Service.”
Ukrainian authorities have closed the airspace over the conflict zone to flights civil aviation from July 1 to an altitude of 7,900 meters (26,000 ft), and from July 14 to an altitude of 9,800 meters (32,000 ft). International Association air transport(IATA) stated that, according to its data, there were no restrictions on flights in the area through which the Malaysian airliner was traveling, and the European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation indicates that the area along the airliner’s route was closed by the Ukrainian authorities to flight level 320, and at flight level 330 (33,000 feet), at which the plane was traveling, flights were allowed. According to the airline's press release, MH17's flight plan was to use 35,000 feet for the entire route through Ukrainian airspace, but Ukrainian air traffic controllers instructed it to use 33,000 feet.
By the time the Malaysian Boeing 777 disappeared from radar screens, British Airways, all American airlines, Lufthansa, Air France and Australia's Quantas had already added an extra 20 minutes to their routes to avoid the danger zone in south-eastern Ukraine.

At the time of the death of the Boeing 777, there were three civil aircraft operating in Ukrainian airspace. regular flights:
Flight from Copenhagen to Singapore at 17:17;
Flight from Paris to Taipei at 17:24;
Flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.

In addition, Russian air control systems detected a Ukrainian Air Force aircraft, presumably a Su-25, climbing in altitude in the direction of a Malaysian Boeing 777. The distance between the Su-25 aircraft and the Boeing 777 ranged from 3 to 5 km.

In Fig. Figure 1 shows the international route along which the Boeing 777 was supposed to fly. It can be seen that on Polish territory the plane followed the corridor previously established for these flights, and then deviated from the course.

Rice. 1 – Boeing 777 flight path

On 07/18/2014, a senior representative of the European air traffic control service Eurocontrol, Brian Flynn, said that due to the plane crash, about 350 flights per day, including 150 international, would be diverted due to the ban on civil aviation flights over the territory of eastern Ukraine.

As indicated in the preliminary report submitted by the Dutch side on 09.09.2014, “... the plane voluntarily deviated from the course. At 12:53 (UTC or 15.53 local time) the airliner was flying under the control of the Dnepropetrovsk air traffic control point, in control sector 2 at flight level FL330. At this point, the controller asks the aircraft if they can climb to FL350 to avoid collisions with another Boeing 777 that was flying behind. The board replies that it will not be able to occupy 350 and asks for a further flight on 330. The controller agrees, and in order to avoid dangerous approaches, sends another airliner to flight level 350. At 13:00, the crew of MH17 requests permission to deviate twenty nautical miles to the left for weather reasons. The dispatcher allows it. After this, the aircraft requests whether flight level 340 is available, the controller temporarily rejects the request, indicating to remain at 330 for now. At 13:19:53 (according to radar data), the aircraft was 3.6 nautical miles from the center line of route L980. That is, the plane deviated from its course. The controller instructs the aircraft to set a direct course to the RND waypoint due to the presence of other traffic. The aircraft crew acknowledges receipt of instructions at 13:19:56. This was the last the dispatcher heard from the crew. After 4 seconds, at 13:20:00, the dispatcher transmits traffic control permission to the board after the RND waypoint to immediately proceed to the TIKNA point, but does not receive a response” (according to the Expert magazine).

According to experts of the analytical group, one of the circumstances that caused increased interest in media coverage of the death of the Boeing 777 was its deviation from the usual route to the north and flight over territory controlled by DPR militia forces. And also the fact that regarding the reasons for this deviation, different positions were expressed that contradict each other.

5.3. Assessment of military infrastructure in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed

The military group involved in the ATO in eastern Ukraine consisted of units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (Armed Forces and Territorial Defense), the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (militia and National Guard units), the State Border Service of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine and the State Security Administration of Ukraine. According to a statement by Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as of August 2014, the group reached a strength of 50,000 people.

Ground-based air defense forces and assets

According to data provided by the head of the Main Operations Directorate - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Andrei Kartapolov at the Special Briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the crash of flight MH17 in the skies of Ukraine, held on July 21, 2014, “on the day of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777” the group The air defense of the Ukrainian armed forces near the city of Donetsk consisted of three or four anti-aircraft missile divisions of the Buk-M1 complex. […] in the morning of the same day, a Buk battery was discovered in the area of ​​​​the village of Zaroshchinskoye, which is 50 km east of Donetsk and 8 km south of Shakhtersk.”

Representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense also reported that on the day of the death of the Malaysian Boeing, they recorded the operation of several radars of the Ukrainian battery of the Buk-M1 air defense system, and then the subsequent redeployment of the Buk battery from the area of ​​the Zaroshchenskoye point closer to Donetsk.

At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that the militias do not and did not have their own aircraft and there is no military need to form a group of air defense systems in this area. Moreover, in the absence Money in the ATO, it is pointless to simply move such a large amount of equipment without giving it any task. The second aspect of this issue is that only very high military leadership can move several air defense systems across the territory of Ukraine.

According to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, by July 17, the intensity of the work of Ukrainian radar stations 9S18 "Kupol-M1" anti-aircraft complex "Buk".

Fig. 2 – Activity statistics of Ukrainian radar stations
in the area where the Malaysian Boeing 777 crashed

The Russian military recorded the operation of the Kupol radar of the Ukrainian battery of the Buk-M1 air defense system on the day of the death of the Malaysian Boeing 777.
From the presented graph it follows that on July 15, 7 stations were operating, on July 16 – 8, and on July 17 there were already 9. From July 18, the intensity of the radar station operation decreased sharply and amounted to 2-3 station operations per day.

Two questions arise:

1. To resolve what situation and what tasks were the air defense systems deployed to this point?

2. Why exactly at this time and exactly at this hour did the activity of the radars included in the air defense system increase, what were they looking for in the sky?

Aerodrome network

In Fig. 3 presents information about the most likely airfields for basing combat aircraft in Ukraine, where pre-flight preparation could be carried out, a combat sortie and return of the aircraft could be provided.

1. Boryspil Air Base - 15th transport brigade An-30, Mi-8, An-26, Tu-134.
2. Vasilkov Air Base (UKKV) - Kiev region, 40th fighter brigade, Mig-29, L-39.
3. Airbase Vinnitsa Gavrishevka (UKWW) - Vinnytsia region, 456th transport brigade, An-26, An-24, Mi-8, Mi-9.
4. Zhulyany Air Base - airport.
5. Zaporozhye airbase - Il-76, An-12, Mi-8.
6. Kaydaki airbase (Dnepropetrovsk) - airport.
7. Kirovskoye Air Base - flight test center of the Ukrainian Air Force.
8. Kulbakino Air Base - 299th attack brigade SU-25, L-39, Su-24 - 33rd flight personnel training center.
9. Airbase Melitopol - Zaporozhye region, 25th transport air brigade Il-76, Il-78.
10. Airbase Mirgorod - Poltava region, Su-27, 831st tactical aviation brigade (IATA code MXR, ICAO code UKBM).
11. Nizhyn Air Base - An-32, Mi-8, Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine (until 1998, 199 ODRAP Tu-22R).
12. Ozernoye Air Base - home to 9 mixed fighter jets Mig-29, Su-27.
13. Starokonstantinov Airbase - Khmelnitsky region, Su-24M, Su-24MR.
14. Airbase Chernobaevka - Kherson region, Mi-24, Mi-8.
15. Airbase Chuguev - Kharkov region (KhVVAUL), 203 training air brigade, L-39, An-26, An-26Sh, Mi-8.

Rice. 3 – Airfield network in the area where the Malaysian Boeing 777 crashed

As follows from Fig. 4, most operating airfields are within the radius of combat use, for example, of such aircraft as the Mig-29, Su-25 or L-39 or the like.

Rice. 4 – Radius of combat use of aviation

Combat radius
Su-25 1250 km
MiG-29 700 km

DPR militia forces in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed

As of July 17, 2014, the Shakhtersk area, over which the Boeing 777 crashed, was under the control of the self-defense forces of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people's republic. The DPR armed forces at that time were equipped with light weapons, artillery systems, tanks and armored personnel carriers, the exact number of which has not been established. Anti-aircraft missile weapons included Igla MANPADS. As reported on 07/07/2014 by the Minister of Defense of the Lugansk People's Republic Igor Plotnitsky, representatives of the LPR people's militia seized a military aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force. We were talking about the Su-25 attack aircraft, which is currently undergoing repairs and will soon be able to serve the republic’s militia. There have been no other reports about this aircraft and the possibility of its combat use. There was also no information about the presence and, especially, the use of aviation by the DPR forces.

There was no confirmation of reports from the Ukrainian side about the presence of the Buk-M1 air defense system in the militia forces, capable of destroying air targets in the range of altitudes and speeds similar to the Boeing 777.

Even the Ukrainian authorities themselves rejected accusations that the Boeing 777 allegedly could have been shot down by a surface-to-air missile system captured by militias in Avdiivka.

In the first hours after the disaster, Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs Anton Gerashchenko stated that the authorities recorded the presence of a Buk launcher in the hands of the militia, which was moving “in the area of ​​​​the cities of Torez and Snezhnoye.” However, that same evening, a source in the leadership of the anti-terrorist operation said that the rebels in south-eastern Ukraine do not have weapons capable of shooting down a plane at an altitude of over 10 km.

According to the experts of the analytical group, the death of the Boeing 777 as a result of the use of aviation weapons could only have resulted from the armed forces of a party to the conflict that had combat aircraft, an airfield technical network and navigation equipment, as well as trained aviation and ground personnel. It should be noted that the DPR forces had neither one nor the other, nor the third.

5.4. Assessment of the mechanism for making managerial military-political decisions that led to the destruction of a civilian aircraft and the structure of command and control of troops in the zone of the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) by the Ukrainian authorities (according to theinsider.ua)

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated May 31, 2005 No. 2600-IV (as amended and supplemented) “On the fight against terrorism,” the fight against terrorism is based, in particular, on the principle of unity of command in the management of forces and means that are involved in anti-terrorist operations.

The head of the ATO, according to the Law of Ukraine “On the Fight against Terrorism,” is the first deputy head of the SBU, who is also the head of the Anti-Terrorism Center of the special service.

It is under his command that all units of other law enforcement agencies that include units to combat terrorists come under his command - these are the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Border Service, the Ministry of Defense, the State Security Administration, as well as authorized persons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other central government bodies, who are delegated to the headquarters to coordinate efforts Anti-terror.

Information about the activities of the ATO headquarters, which is carried out in Donbass, falls into the category of state secrets. Any interest on the part of journalists or the public in the leadership of the ATO causes an extremely painful reaction from representatives of the ATO and the competent authorities.

Segregation of duties

According to the Law “On the Fight against Terrorism”, the key role in the fight against terrorism is assigned to the SBU. In addition to the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the State Border Service(SPS), State Service for Emergency Situations (SSES), State Penitentiary Service, State Security Administration and other departments.

Coordination of the actions of all law enforcement and civilian departments involved, according to the law, in the ATO, is carried out by the Anti-Terrorism Center (ATC) under the SBU. The ATC has its own headquarters, which at the time of the death of Boeing was in charge of the fighting in the Donbass, and the Interdepartmental Coordination Commission (ICC) of the ATC, which coordinates activities in the ATO zone.
For the direct day-to-day management of the ATO and control over the situation in the area where it is being carried out, there is an ATO operational headquarters, in which the key role belongs to the SBU, the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The first head of the ATC in the conditions of a real armed conflict in the Donbass and the paralysis of the authorities was acting. O. the head of this structure, Vitaly Tsyganok, was appointed to this position on March 1.

On July 7, Petro Poroshenko appointed Vasyl Gritsak to the post of head of the ATC. Perhaps this appointment meant that the leadership of the SBU renounced its claims to actual leadership of combat operations in the ATO zone. From that moment on, the main responsibility for their implementation finally fell on the military, namely on the General Staff of the Armed Forces and its chief, Viktor Muzhenko.

Starting from June, the role of the ICC as a coordinating body has significantly decreased, while at the same time the role of the “small headquarters” - the operational headquarters of the ATO, in which the main role is played by Viktor Muzhenko, Vasily Gritsak, Sergei Yarovoy and the commander of the National Guard Stepan Poltorak - has increased.

Each of them relies on the ramified apparatus of its departments, if necessary, using the direct support of ministers. For example, deputy commander of the National Guard Nikolai Balan, who previously served as head of the Crimean Territorial Command of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is responsible for equipping the National Guard units in the ATO zone with equipment and weapons.
At the same time, constant control over the activities of the National Guard in the ATO zone is carried out personally by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Arsen Avakov.
Thus, as a result of the lack of clear regulation of the competencies of command and control bodies and decision-making for combat operations in the ATO zone, the doubling and tripling of command bodies in its structure, there are signs of “controlled chaos” and a desire to evade personal responsibility for the orders given.

At the same time, in the armed forces of any state there is a clear system of service hierarchy for making decisions and issuing combat orders. Moreover, if units and subunits of various types of armed forces are used in the combat zone.

In this case, they were used as ground air defense units providing aerial reconnaissance and the provision of information about the air situation to command posts and aviation units, including not only combat aircraft and their crews, but also a large number of ground personnel, including guidance navigators, fire spotters, airfield support personnel, navigation services, etc. .e. There is evidence of the use of various types of troops, forces and means in one place.

According to the experts of the analytical group, it is logical to believe that the decision to use various types of weapons in combat military force, especially when conducting combat operations by units of various law enforcement agencies, only an official who has authority in relation to the troops and armed formations subordinate to him is authorized to accept. Those. senior management of the ATO.

5.5. Assessment of the state of the military-political situation in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed before and after the disaster

On April 14, 2014, Alexander Turchynov signed a decree on conducting an anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine and on April 15 announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation in the north of the Donetsk region.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine dated May 31, 2005 No. 2600-IV (as amended and supplemented) “On the fight against terrorism”:
anti-terrorist operation - a set of coordinated special measures aimed at preventing, preventing and stopping criminal acts carried out for terrorist purposes, releasing hostages, neutralizing terrorists, minimizing the consequences of a terrorist act or other crime carried out with a terrorist purpose;
area of ​​anti-terrorist operation - areas of terrain or waters, vehicles, buildings, structures, premises and territories or waters that are adjacent to them, determined by the leadership of the anti-terrorist operation, and within which the marked operation is carried out;
regime in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation - a special order that can be introduced in the area of ​​the anti-terrorist operation for the duration of its implementation and provide for the provision of special powers defined by this Law to the subjects of the fight against terrorism, necessary for the release of hostages, ensuring the safety and health of citizens who find themselves in the area carrying out an anti-terrorist operation, the normal functioning of government bodies, local governments, enterprises, institutions, organizations.

To manage a specific anti-terrorist operation and manage the forces and means that are involved in the implementation of anti-terrorist measures, an operational headquarters is formed, headed by the head of the Anti-Terrorism Center under the SBU or a person replacing him.

It is the head of the operational headquarters who determines the limits of the area where the anti-terrorist operation will be carried out and makes decisions on the use of forces and means involved in its implementation. And, if necessary, it submits proposals for consideration by the National Security and Defense Council regarding the introduction of a state of emergency in Ukraine or in certain regions. Interference in the operational management of an anti-terrorist operation by any person, regardless of position, is not permitted. That is, in fact, even the President does not have the right to give instructions during the ATO.

Rice. 5. Map of ATO combat operations as of July 17, 2014 13:36

Aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine resumed carrying out combat missions in the ATO area. Ukrainian Armed Forces combat aircraft carried out several targeted strikes on Grad multiple launch rocket systems, checkpoints, strongholds, and concentrations of manpower and equipment of mercenary militants.
12 aircraft flights were carried out per day Air Force and 17 sorties of Army Aviation helicopters Ground Forces for the purpose of striking militant positions, delivering humanitarian supplies and search and rescue support.

Rice. 6 Map of ATO combat operations as of July 18, 2014 13:36

Behind last 24 hours The anti-terrorist operation has advanced 10-15 km into the territory controlled by the militants, and is closing a ring around them in the area of ​​Lugansk and the state border of Ukraine. This was stated by the speaker of the Information Center of the National Security and Defense Council Andrei Lysenko. Terrorists are preventing a transparent international investigation into the crash of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 plane and are interfering with the work of Ukrainian specialists at the scene of the tragedy.

5.6. Assessment of the coverage of the Boeing 777 death by officials (speeches by leaders of European countries, the USA and Malaysia)

According to the New York Times, Vladimir Putin called Barack Obama on Thursday, July 17, in the morning Washington time. The subject of the conversation was new American sanctions - the Russian President said that they were unfair, and the US President demanded that he stop supporting the separatists in Eastern Ukraine. The conversation was tense, nervous and lasted about an hour. About halfway through the conversation, Putin was informed about the downed plane, and he told Obama about it. The details were not yet known at that time, and the presidents continued to talk about sanctions. On the same day, it became clear that President Obama was expected to make a statement on this matter.

The text of the statement was sent by speechwriters from the White House. Josh Earnest handed the text to Obama, saying that, according to unconfirmed reports, there were 23 Americans on board the downed airliner. The President's statement was brief. He said the US government is investigating the circumstances of the tragedy and is in constant contact with interested parties. As the President made his announcement, Vice President Joe Biden spoke with Petro Poroshenko, who told him about an intercepted conversation between separatists saying they had shot down a civilian plane.

That is, the primary source of information about who could have done this was Petro Poroshenko.

The next day, July 18, Barack Obama issued an extensive statement on Boeing: “Evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile fired from territory inside Ukraine, which is controlled by Russian-backed separatists.”

BUT NOBODY HAS STILL PROVIDED THE LAUNCH PLACE OR EVIDENCE OF THE LAUNCH, although the Americans had a satellite over this place at this hour and know exactly what happened and how. From a satellite, such a launch is clearly visible, and if these confirmations existed, the world would have seen them long ago from a detailed press conference of the American intelligence services.

“We also know that this is not the first plane shot down in eastern Ukraine. In recent weeks, pro-Russian separatists have shot down a Ukrainian transport plane and a Ukrainian helicopter, and have also claimed responsibility for the downing of a Ukrainian fighter jet. Moreover, we know that these separatists receive constant assistance from Russia, including weapons and training. They also receive heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft systems.”

Facebook of Advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Anton Gerashchenko (18:36:21):
“16.20: In the area of ​​the village of Grabovo in Torez, a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane flying from Kuala Lumpur to Amsterdam was shot down by a missile fired from a Buk air defense system. The airliner was flying at an altitude of about 10 kilometers when the terrorists used a Buk air defense system. According to official data, there were 280 passengers and 15 crew members on board. The terrorists confirmed the fact that missiles hit the plane, calling it an AN, not a Boeing.”

Advisor to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Zoryan Shkiryak, after the death of a Malaysian Boeing plane in the east of the country, called on the United States and NATO to help the Ukrainian military in conducting a special operation against the militias. “The United States must immediately provide us with modern high-precision weapons and air support, and NATO must begin a ground military operation to protect us,” Shkiryak wrote on Facebook.

UK Government Statement:
“So far we do not have specific information about how exactly this tragedy occurred. So I don't want to speculate at this stage. We are confident that the investigation into the incident should be led by the UN. We are prepared to assist in the investigation by providing the resources and specialists of the Aircraft Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB). We believe there were British representatives on board. We check passenger details to establish the number and identities of UK nationals. We will inform the victims' families as soon as we receive additional information."

The Prime Minister of Malaysia said that although the Ukrainian side believes the plane was shot down, “at this stage Malaysia cannot reliably determine the cause of the tragedy, but we must find out and will find out exactly what happened to this flight.” He also said that Malaysia would be directly involved in the investigation and if it turns out that the plane was indeed shot down, Malaysia would insist that those responsible be brought to justice promptly.

British Prime Minister David Cameron called the incident “a direct result of Russia’s destabilization of an independent state” and said that “unless President Putin changes his approach to the situation in Ukraine, Europe and the West will have to fundamentally change their approach to Russia.”

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott accused Russia of supplying the militia with the anti-aircraft missile system that was used to shoot down the Malaysian Boeing 777. “We don’t want to make the situation worse, but if, as it seems now, the plane was shot down by surface-to-air missiles that it supplied Russia, then Russia bears a significant share of the responsibility,” Abbott said. At the same time, he expressed confidence that the cause of the plane crash was the Kremlin’s desire to “muddy the waters” in Ukraine.

“The Security Service of Ukraine opened criminal proceedings under Article 258 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine ( terrorist attack) in connection with the crash of a Malaysian plane in the Donetsk region. Criminal proceedings have been opened under the article “terrorist attack,” the SBU press center reported.

US Embassy in Moscow: “Our assessment is that MH17 was likely shot down by a Buk surface-to-air missile from separatist-controlled territory in eastern Ukraine. We base this judgment on several factors:

Over the past month, we have noticed an increasing volume of heavy weapons reaching the separatists across the border between Russia and Ukraine. Last weekend, Russia sent a convoy of up to 150 military vehicles, including tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery and multiple launch rocket systems, to the separatists. We also have information indicating that Russia is providing training to separatist fighters at a facility in southwest Russia, which includes training in air defense systems.
Pro-Russian separatist militants have demonstrated proficiency in surface-to-air missile systems and have shot down more than a dozen aircraft, including two large transport aircraft, in recent months.

While contact with flight MH17 was lost, we detected the launch of a surface-to-air missile from a separatist-controlled area in eastern Ukraine. We believe it was a Buk missile.

Intercepts of separatist communications posted on YouTube by the Ukrainian government indicate that the separatists were in possession of the Buk system as early as Monday, July 14. In the intercepted conversations, the separatists repeatedly mention the Buk systems they have and are redeploying.

Materials posted in in social networks on Thursday, showed a Buk missile system driving through the separatist-controlled towns of Torez and Snezhnoye, located near the site of the death and the suspected site of the surface-to-air missile launch. From this location, the Buk was able to shoot down MH17, as it has sufficient range and altitude.

Ukraine is also armed with Buk systems, but we are confident that none of the Ukrainian air defense systems were in the area of ​​the crash. Ukrainian forces also did not fire a single surface-to-air missile during the conflict, despite frequently complaining about violations of their airspace by Russian military aircraft.

Shortly after the crash, separatists - including the self-proclaimed "Minister of Defense" of the Donetsk People's Republic, Igor Strelkov - said on social media that they had shot down a military transport plane.

In an intercepted conversation that was widely posted on the Internet, a well-known separatist leader tells his interlocutor that a separatist detachment shot down the plane. After it became apparent that the plane was a civilian airliner, the separatists deleted social media posts in which they boasted that they had shot down the plane and that they had a Buk surface-to-air missile system.

The audio provided to the press by the Ukrainian security service was assessed by intelligence community analysts, who confirmed, by comparing the audio posted online by Ukraine with recordings of conversations of known separatists, that these were genuine conversations between known separatist leaders. Video footage posted on social media yesterday shows the Buk being transported through the Krasnodon area back to Russia. Video footage shows that at least one missile is missing from the system, which may indicate that a launch took place.
"Events on the ground in the crash area clearly demonstrate that the separatists are in complete control of the area."

New UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon called Russia a “sponsor of terrorism” in an interview with the Mail on Sunday, adding that the Russians should “get out of eastern Ukraine, leaving Ukraine to the Ukrainians.” On the same day in the evening it became known that the leaders of Germany, France and Great Britain announced their readiness to impose additional sanctions on Russia if Putin does not take urgent measures to facilitate an international investigation into the causes of the incident.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said that the Malaysian authorities consider it premature to make accusations until they receive irrefutable evidence about the causes of the disaster: “There is now great amount questions that require clear answers. These include whether the plane was shot down by a missile, who did it, who supplied the weapons, whether it was a mistake or a pre-planned action,” Najib Razak said. According to him, Malaysia “will not point fingers at anyone until it receives irrefutable evidence of what happened.”

The United States refuses to release its intelligence data on the downing of the Malaysian plane, does not know exactly who pressed the missile launch button, but is confident that responsibility lies with Russia, whose information about the location of Ukrainian troops is allegedly incorrect, said US State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf.

In an interview with the French newspaper Midi Libre, NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen described the July 17 tragedy as a war crime. “We have a lot of evidence that indicates that the Russian-backed separatists are guilty,” he argued. Fogh Rasmussen refused to comment on what information NATO has that indicates the guilt of one side or another. The headquarters also avoided clarification on this matter.

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Russian President Vladimir Putin will have to answer tough questions about the downing of Malaysian flight MH17 during the upcoming G20 summit in Brisbane in November. “I am attacking (shirtfront) Mr. Putin, you can be sure,” the Australian prime minister said and added that he would tell Putin that the Australians killed in the plane crash were killed by “rebels using Russian-supplied equipment.”

An analysis of the speeches of officials and the media indicates that literally in the first hours after the death of the Boeing 777, a large number (more than 100) of materials appeared in the media of a number of Western countries (primarily the USA and Great Britain), in which the blame for the death of the aircraft was placed on the Russian Federation . Moreover, the authors of the articles and officials did not provide a single fact or evidence indicating the involvement of the Russian side in the death of the Boeing 777. All materials provided either links to social networks, or statements of the Ukrainian side, or closed sources. A characteristic feature of the statements and cited materials is that they were made BEFORE the publication of the results of any commission, which included interested parties (Ukraine, in whose airspace the disaster occurred; Malaysia, as the owner of the aircraft; the USA, as the manufacturing country of the aircraft), Moreover, according to the established rules, in this case an interstate commission of investigation is created. Representatives of such a commission arrived in the Donetsk area only on July 21, 2014 and were forced to leave this area on August 8, 2014 due to the intensification of hostilities.

According to the experts of the analytical group, the speeches of the leaders of European countries and the United States that followed immediately after the death of the Boeing 777, as well as in the first days after it, were not accompanied by any evidence. This shows that they lacked this evidence then and now. These speeches, in fact, were extremely tendentious accusations, leading us astray, and aimed at directly or indirectly accusing the leadership of the Russian Federation of involvement in the death of the plane.

The American side has repeatedly stated that it has irrefutable evidence at its disposal about the guilt of the Russian side and the DRN in the death of the Boeing 777, but none of the evidence was not only presented, but also not voiced.

This suggests that the side accusing Russia was bluffing and continues to bluff now. The delay in publishing the results of the investigation into the plane crash is not because the investigation is too complex, but because the conclusions from it are too disadvantageous. Most likely, there are no damaging elements from the Buk-M1 air defense system in the bodies of the victims. If they are not there, then there is no fundamental possibility of pinning the blame on the militias.

5.7. Progress in the investigation into the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777

07/17/2014 Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk ordered the urgent creation of a government commission to clarify the circumstances of the crash in the Donetsk region of a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft en route from Amsterdam (Netherlands) to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). On the same day, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko initiated the creation of a State Commission with the involvement of specialists from ICAO and other international structures to investigate the tragedy with the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft in the Donetsk region.

On July 19, 2014, employees of Malaysian investigative structures flew to Ukraine to participate in the work of the international commission. On the same day, a group of international experts arrived to investigate the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 (the commission of 31 people included the largest number of representatives from the Netherlands - 23 people, two each from Germany and the USA, one from the UK, as well as three representatives of the Australian Embassy). The commission began work only on July 21, 2014, when by mid-day four Dutch experts managed to get to the crash site. After this, intensive shelling began on the territory where the wreckage of the Boeing 777 was located and representatives of the commission stopped their work on the ground. After several unsuccessful attempts, the commission, already consisting of 101 international experts, was still able to reach the site of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing on July 31, 2014. But they were not able to work for long - the fighting continued, the experts returned to Donetsk the same day. The work of the commission at the crash site cannot be called complete, since its representatives at the date of publication of the preliminary report (09.09.2014) were not able to collect all the fragments of the aircraft for the purpose of subsequent detailed analysis.

07/22/2014 The authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) handed over two “black boxes” from the Boeing 777 that crashed in Ukraine to experts from Malaysia, with the condition of providing access to them to international ICAO experts.

07/22/2014 President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, during a visit to the Malaysian Embassy in Kyiv, instructed Ukrainian security forces to cease hostilities and operations within a radius of 40 km from the site of the crash of the Malaysian airliner. “I gave an instruction: immediately within a radius of 40 kilometers from the site of the tragedy, Ukrainian military personnel should not conduct operations and should not open fire,” Poroshenko told reporters, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

On July 22, 2014, in the Donetsk region, Ukrainian Air Force planes launched a missile strike near the city of Shakhtersk, which is only 30 kilometers from the site of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777. Thus, the military violated the order of Petro Poroshenko to stop hostilities in that area so as not to interfere with the investigation. As a RIA correspondent reported, in addition to the airstrike on Shakhtersk, the military fired from Grad launchers: the sounds of volleys and explosions were heard near the village of Grabovo, in the vicinity of which the wreckage of the airliner is located.

07/23/2014 Malaysian representatives handed over the flight recorders of the Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner to investigators from the Dutch Safety Board, which is leading the international investigation into the crash. On the same day, the recorders were handed over to English experts from the Aircraft Accident Investigation Department, and the Farnborough Laboratory (UK) began deciphering them.

07/24/2014 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution on the death of Boeing in eastern Ukraine. The document demands an immediate cessation of hostilities in the area of ​​the plane crash and an impartial international investigation. Russian Permanent Representative Vitaly Churkin warned against unsubstantiated accusations and asked to take into account that Kyiv will try to use the situation with the death of Boeing to build up a military operation.

Ukraine is not going to stop hostilities in the east of the country while the investigation into the circumstances of the death of the Malaysian airliner is carried out. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk announced this on July 24, 2014. Which directly indicates the reluctance of the Ukrainian side to contribute as much as possible to the disclosure of the circumstances and clarification of the causes of the death of the Boeing 777.

According to Yatsenyuk, the place where the plane crashed is located quite far from the site of the fighting. “For me personally, it is more priority to free Ukraine from those who encroach on the territorial integrity of the country. There are Ukrainians who are in danger. These pro-Russian rebels are killing them. I can not wait. Responsibility for the fate of these people lies with the government and the president,” Interfax reported the prime minister’s words.

The prime minister also recalled that in a zone with a radius of 40 kilometers around the place where the Malaysian passenger airliner fell, Poroshenko ordered the fire to cease.

“The previously announced ceasefire provides for the creation of humanitarian corridors for access to the accident site. But it depends on the rebels whether they will allow evidence to be collected,” Yatsenyuk said.

Thus, despite the President’s order to stop hostilities around the site of the plane’s crash, the Ukrainian military repeatedly violated this order. Experts from Malaysia were unable to reach the site of the tragedy due to shelling of the highway leading to the village of Grabovo, very close to the place where the plane crashed. On the day when experts examined the wreckage of the liner, July 22, the shooting took place just 19 kilometers from Grabovo.

08/02/2014 According to RIA Novosti, a group of observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which arrived at the scene of the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 in eastern Ukraine, was forced to leave the scene of the disaster due to the start of shelling.

On 08/08/2014, members of the international commission to investigate the Boeing 777 crash in the Donetsk region returned to Holland from Ukraine, having not worked there for a total of a week. At the same time, it was initially planned that a thorough study of the crash site of the Boeing 777 would take at least a month. Experts were unable to collect the wreckage of the plane, and without this, scientific conclusions about the causes of the disaster are impossible. It was reported that the “first stage” was completed, the meaning of which, in fact, boiled down to the fact that the commission could not work. The timing of the second stage was not announced.

08/11/2014 The Dutch public organization De Ommeker (“The Turn”) issued an open letter to Russian President Vladimir Putin. It condemns the path chosen by Washington and Brussels to resolve the conflict in Ukraine. They also apologize on behalf of the majority of Dutch citizens for the actions of their government and the media, for “distorted facts regarding the death of the Boeing 777 near Donetsk.”

“Dreadful accusations are being made against Russia, without any evidence, without conducting an investigation, without presenting fragments of the weapon that allegedly shot down MH17,” the authors of the letter note. “We have to be only powerless observers and witnesses to what Western countries under the leadership of the United States, they accuse Russia of crimes that they themselves commit on a scale incomparable to anyone else,” says the letter published on the official website of De Ommeker.

On September 14, 2014, OSCE observers came under artillery fire at the site of the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777. The shell hit the car, OSCE officers were able to leave the scene on the second vehicle, there are no casualties among them.

10/11/2014 “It is still unsafe for Western experts to conduct an investigation at the scene of a death,” Reuters quotes Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte. “I’m furious because we know that a truce has been declared and there should be a buffer zone, but in reality there is neither one nor the other.”

Ukrainian armed forces have repeatedly fired at the area where the Boeing 777 wreckage fell. Obviously, such shelling has a dual purpose. On the one hand, it is to make it as difficult as possible to identify the ammunition that hit the plane in the air, and on the other hand, it is to impede the normal work of experts.

Due to the fact that there is fighting at the site where the Boeing 777 crashed, experts are unable to conduct a thorough inspection of the scene and collect the wreckage.

Throughout the entire time that has passed since the death of the Boeing 777, there has been a clear tendency to obstruct the work of the commission and avoid truthful and complete coverage of the situation in the media. At the same time, it becomes clear that the suppression of such facts as the publication of negotiations between Ukrainian dispatchers and the Boeing crew before and during the disaster, as well as the obstacle to identifying witnesses and direct contact with them comes from the intelligence services and law enforcement agencies of the Ukrainian side (SBU, MO, Headquarters ATO). There is a policy of isolating key witnesses who could shed light on the circumstances of the death of the Boeing 777 and, thereby, help the international commission conduct a transparent investigation.

According to experts of the analytical group, shelling of the territory where the wreckage of the Boeing 777 is located significantly complicates its collection for the purpose of subsequent detailed analysis, which is necessary to establish the causes, circumstances and culprits of the death of the aircraft.

One of the reasons for the intense shelling of the area, which impedes the normal work of experts at the scene of the plane crash, may be an attempt to conceal all the circumstances of this case. For example, the one who conducted artillery shelling of the area where Boeing units are located - use artillery shells to destroy the wreckage of the aircraft and the bodies of passengers so that it becomes impossible to examine them. Such a problem could have been solved by artillery installations if the scattering of aircraft parts had not been as great as in this particular case. The second purpose of artillery work at a debris site may be to create an official excuse for not properly examining the area.

Obviously, the empty fields on which the plane's debris fell are not of interest as a military target, and the gunners are firing at the coordinates indicated to them by their higher headquarters.

Hence the conclusion that the higher headquarters of the ATO ordered the artillerymen to process the site of the fall of aircraft fragments in order to prevent the normal course of the investigation, since the true results of the investigation are not beneficial to the headquarters and leadership of the ATO.

Responsibility for this lies with the party carrying out fire control at the disaster site.

5.8. Comparison of the progress of the investigation into the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 with the progress and results of the investigation into the circumstances of the death of TU-154, which occurred in the skies of Ukraine on 10/04/2001

In this situation, it seems appropriate to compare the progress of the investigation into the death of the Boeing 777 with another disaster that occurred in the skies of Ukraine on October 4, 2001, namely the death of the Tu-154M of Siberia Airlines, operating flight SBI1812 on the route Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk. Let us compare some of the circumstances identified during the investigation of these tragedies and their consequences:

Death of Boeing 777 07/17/2014 Death of Tu-154M 04.10.2001
Initial versions On July 18, US President Barack Obama said: "Evidence indicates that the plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile fired from territory inside Ukraine, which is controlled by Russian-backed separatists."Almost immediately it was announced that the main version of the disaster was a terrorist attack.
At the same time, another version arose, according to which the explosion on board the plane occurred for technical reasons.
A few hours later, the media reported a new version of what happened: the plane was shot down by a surface-to-air missile.
Who conducted the investigation - International Commission of Inquiry into the Boeing 777 crash;
- Representatives of the OSCE;
- State Commission of Ukraine to investigate the circumstances and causes of the plane crash, head Vladimir Groysman.
- Commission to investigate the causes of the disaster, created by the President of the Russian Federation (chaired by Vladimir Rushailo);
- Commission created in the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC) and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
- Ukrainian interdepartmental commission headed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleg Dubina.
Primary analysis of the wreckage When inspecting the crash site of Boeing in Ukraine, the most important study was not carried out - laying out the wreckage of the aircraft. “They [the experts] were there, but did not lay out the debris, which must be done... [They] did not try to find the remains of the destructive elements,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.The first inspection of the wreckage of the airliner confirmed that the Tu-154 exploded due to an external lesion. In addition, fragments that were not related to the aircraft structure were found at the crash site. Experts have established that the size and shape of numerous holes in the fuselage are consistent with shrapnel from the high-explosive fragmentation warhead of the S-200 missile.
Results of the investigation into the causes of the plane's death The preliminary report submitted by the international commission does not contain detailed information about the circumstances of the plane crash. The most important examinations and studies were never carried out in a timely manner (collecting and laying out aircraft wreckage, searching for damaging elements, pathological examinations). Without this data, it is impossible to draw any conclusions about the reasons for what happened.According to the findings of the Interstate Aviation Committee (IAC), which completed its investigation in 2004, the Tu-154 aircraft was shot down by “the 5B14Sh warhead of the 5B28 missile of the S-200V anti-aircraft complex,” which approached the aircraft “from above, behind and to the left.” "The explosive device was detonated at 9.45 (UTC) at an altitude of 15 meters above the aircraft body."
Commission withdrawal “The aircraft broke up in mid-air, probably as a result of structural damage caused by the external impact of multiple high-energy objects,” a preliminary report published by the Dutch Safety Board. “The cause of the plane crash was a hit by an anti-aircraft missile, which was launched by the armed formations of the Donetsk People’s Republic” - State Commission of Ukraine to investigate the circumstances and causes of the plane crashThe Interstate Aviation Committee came to a clear conclusion: the plane was shot down by a missile.
During the investigation, which was jointly conducted by the Russian and Ukrainian commissions, an investigative experiment was carried out using a similar airliner moving along the same air corridor. As a result, as stated by the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Rushailo, no data was received to refute the preliminary conclusion. Ukraine recognized the version of the missile as “no alternative.”
Litigation On July 28, 2014, English lawyers offered families dead passengers and crew members to join the lawsuit against Putin, senior officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense and people from the close circle of the Russian President.
The Dutch authorities are not considering the option of a Hague court for the crash of a passenger Boeing 777 in the Donetsk region.
Dutch Security Minister Ivo Opstelten explained that the victims of the plane crash were citizens different countries, which means investigations can be carried out by specialized services of several states. He also noted that the International Criminal Court takes up a case only if countries interested in the investigation are unwilling or unable to conduct an independent investigation.
On 10/11/2014, relatives of the deceased Dutch citizens announced that they would sue the Dutch authorities for improper investigation of the tragedy.
Malaysian Defense Minister Datuk Seri Hismamuddin Hussein said on 08/17/2014 that those responsible for the Boeing 777 crash in Ukraine will be brought to justice. According to him, it does not matter where the trial will take place - in Malaysia, Ukraine or the International Court of Justice.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak asked the Attorney General to explore the issue of opening a criminal case against those responsible for the death of the Boeing 777. At the same time, the Prime Minister emphasized: “We are not pointing the finger at anyone at this stage until evidence is received.” . Razak also called on the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to pass a resolution condemning the possible attack on Boeing, and said that Ukraine should take responsibility for conducting an international investigation.
Initially, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case under the article “Terrorism” in connection with the crash of the Tu-154 passenger plane over the Black Sea. After the publication of the commission's findings on October 16, 2001, the case was transferred for proceedings to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the Russian side officially closed the case. The Kiev Economic Court of Appeal ruled that S7 Airlines would not receive compensation from the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense for the downing of a Tu-plane in 2001. 154. Thus, the court confirmed the decision of the previous instance, which refused to admit the guilt of the military.
The plaintiff's lawyers announced their intention to appeal the decision in the appellate court, and then, if necessary, litigate at the international level.

On May 28, 2012, the Kiev Economic Court of Appeal rejected the complaint of the Russian airline Siberia (S7 Airlines) against the decision of the court of first instance, which did not admit the guilt of the Ukrainian military in the crash of the Russian Tu-154 in 2001. On December 11, 2012, the Supreme Economic Court of Ukraine upheld the decision. Representatives of the airline announced their intention to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights, but after the MHC refused to refer the case to the Supreme Court of Ukraine on April 21, 2013, the airline, having gone through all possible authorities in Ukraine, did not take the opportunity to appeal to the ECHR. Thus, Siberia's financial claims were also not satisfied.

Compensation payments The Boeing 777 was insured for $97.3 million, including in case of death as a result of hostilities.
Relatives of German citizens who died as a result of the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 in the Donetsk region said that they are going to sue the government of Ukraine and the country's President Petro Poroshenko. This was stated by the plaintiffs’ lawyer Elmar Giemulla on September 21, 2014.
According to the lawyer, a lawsuit against Ukraine and President Poroshenko will be filed with the European Court of Human Rights within two weeks. The amount of compensation that Gimullah expects is at least one million euros for each victim of the plane crash.
Previously, Malaysia Airlines paid the relatives of the victims 5 thousand euros. The issue of paying another 50 thousand euros is currently being considered.
11/20/2003 Ukraine and Israel signed an agreement on the payment of compensation to the relatives of the victims of the Tu-154 plane crash over the Black Sea. At the same time, Kyiv insisted on its position: Ukraine does not admit its guilt, and the relatives of the passengers, in exchange for compensation (200 thousand dollars for each deceased), renounce lawsuits.
In accordance with the agreement “On the Settlement of Claims” signed between Russia and Ukraine on December 26, 2003, the Ukrainian government transferred $7,809,660 to pay the relatives of the deceased Russian passengers. Payment of compensation was carried out ex gratia, i.e. without admitting legal liability.
Position of the President of Ukraine “Today terrorists killed almost 300 people with one shot. They shot down a civilian Malaysia Airlines passenger plane, which was flying at an altitude of ten thousand one hundred meters on the route Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur.
I want to report that one of the militant leaders, in a conversation with his foreign Russian curator, Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Vasily Geranin, boasted about the downed airliner.
Today the whole world saw the true face of the aggressor, because the destruction of a peaceful plane is an act of international terrorism directed against the whole world,” said President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko on July 17, 2014
“Look what’s going on around the world, in Europe? We are not the first and we are not the last, there is no need to make a tragedy out of this. Errors happen everywhere, and not only on this scale, but on a much larger, planetary scale. If we do not lower ourselves below the civilized level, everything will be fine. And if we pour a bucket of dirt on ourselves, then you are welcome,” said President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma on October 10, 2001

It is not without interest what the US position is in similar situations. On July 3, 1988, an Iran Air Airbus A300B2-203 operated commercial passenger flight IR655 between Tehran (Iran) and Dubai (UAE) with an intermediate stop in Bandar Abbas (Iran). Despite the fact that the flight took place within the 35-kilometer wide international air corridor, the plane was shot down over Persian Gulf a missile fired from the US Navy guided-missile cruiser Vincennes, which was in Iranian territorial waters. The missile hit the plane directly and tore it in two. Flight 655 crashed into the water, killing all 290 people on board. The US government said the Iranian plane was mistakenly identified as an Iranian Air Force F-14 fighter jet.

US President Ronald Reagan called the incident “correct defensive actions,” and only after the trial at the International Court of Justice did the US authorities agree to pay compensation to the families of the victims. After 8 years and litigation, on February 26, 1996, the United States agreed to pay Iran compensation in the amount of 61.8 million US dollars for 248 victims, at the rate of 300 thousand dollars for each able-bodied victim and 150 thousand for each dependent. The United States refused to compensate for the cost of the aircraft (about 30 million dollars). At the same time, this compensation was clearly considered by the United States as a unilateral voluntary act, since the US government did not take responsibility for the events. US Vice President in 1988 George H. W. Bush, in particular, said: “I will never apologize for the United States of America, regardless of any facts.”

According to experts of the analytical group, the delay in the investigation into the causes of the disaster is due to the actions of the Ukrainian side and the unconditional assistance of the United States in this matter.

The practice of investigating plane crashes is as follows: on the day of the disaster, a state commission must be created on the territory of the state where the emergency occurred, and on the same day it is necessary to begin investigating the causes.

The Kyiv authorities did not stop military operations in the disaster area and, thereby, interfered with the work of international experts. In the first weeks after the death, the most important examinations and studies (collection and laying out of aircraft wreckage, search for damaging elements, pathological examinations) necessary in such cases were not carried out.

The Kyiv authorities did this precisely because an objective investigation was not beneficial to them.

5.9. Preliminary results of an investigation by the Dutch Safety Board

09.09.2014 The Dutch side published a preliminary report on the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in Ukraine. According to the report, "the aircraft disintegrated in mid-air, likely as a result of structural damage caused by the external impact of multiple high-energy objects." Dutch experts promise to present their final findings to the world in the summer of 2015.

In reality, the investigation does not take a year to determine the cause of the plane's death. It is enough to show the experts these “high-energy objects” extracted from the plane’s body and the bodies of passengers, and in a minute they will say with what weapon and how exactly the Malaysian Boeing 777 was shot down. Ideally, the commission would post everything it has for public access to the Internet , then the objective conclusions of the experts will not be long in coming.

The magazine "Expert" published on the same day summary report: “As follows from the report, experts did not find any signs of technical problems with the aircraft. No erroneous actions by the crew were recorded either. A full listening of communications between crew members in the cockpit, recorded on the flight voice recorders, revealed no evidence of technical malfunctions or an emergency on board. “There was not a single warning signal that could be heard in the cockpit that could indicate technical problems,” the expert commission found. The flight data recorder did not record any warnings from the aircraft systems, and the aircraft engine parameters were consistent with normal operation during the flight. The flight recorders did not record any flight abnormalities. But seconds before the crash, the plane voluntarily changed course.” Numerous holes were found on the cockpit. “Among the holes there are both large “ragged” holes and small pinholes that look like bullet marks. The Dutch do not draw any conclusions from this. Therefore, the question remains as to where exactly the plane was attacked from.”

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak welcomed the publication of the preliminary report, emphasizing that the document confirms that the airliner was technically sound and the crew acted according to the rules.

In response to the publication of the Dutch document, the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency sent to the commission investigating the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 aircraft a list of 24 actions that need to be taken first. The list was presented by the deputy head of the agency, Oleg Storchev (see Appendix 1). It contains proposals for the analysis of air and radar conditions, flight and aircraft preparation, as well as studies of flight recorders.

On 10/11/2014, relatives of the deceased Dutch citizens announced that they would sue the Dutch authorities for improper investigation of the tragedy. “They are dishonest because the investigation is moving very slowly, and experts have not even visited the crash site, although this was possible,” said lawyer Bob van der Goen, who represents the victims’ relatives.

Although in the preliminary report on the death of the Boeing 777, neither V. Putin nor the formations of the self-proclaimed DPR were found guilty, unfounded accusations against them have already been made and taken for granted.

According to the experts of the analytical group, the report is superficial and does not allow us to draw specific conclusions regarding the circumstances and causes of the death of the Boeing 777. Although, in order to make a full and complete report, the experts had both the time and the necessary materials.
The information given in the report only indicates that the plane was attacked from the outside and disintegrated in the air due to “numerous high-energy objects hitting it.”
The preliminary report was deliberately left open mass questions so as not to provide an opportunity to remove suspicions regarding Russia and the DPR.
The full report will not be ready until the summer of 2015, so the sown doubts and speculations will continue to germinate in the minds of the general public for at least another year, and during this time the geopolitical situation may change dramatically and the results of the investigation will lose their relevance, black PR in relation to The DPR and Russia will have played their role by this time; economic and moral damage will be caused on a large scale.

5.10. Conclusions of other experts

5.10.1 RSI version confirmations

On August 7, the Malaysian newspaper New Straits Times covered an article by Associated Press and Newsweek reporter Robert Parry, “Flight MH17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts,” published on August 3 on the independent resource GlobalResearch. Parry questions the Buk version and, in particular, reports that independent research indicates that the cause of the death of the airliner was fire from a fighter jet.
This is the study of Lufthansa pilot Peter Hyzenko, who, pointing to bullet entry holes centered around the cockpit, writes: “These are small holes, round and clean, showing the entry points of most likely a 30 mm caliber projectile.” Khaizenko concluded that the Boeing was damaged on both the right and left sides, which rules out the theory that the airliner was fired at from the ground. “No one before Khaizenko noticed that the shells tore the skin on both sides. This means that a surface-to-air missile is excluded, writes the New Straits Times. The words of Michael Bociurkiw, an OSCE official at the scene of the disaster, confirm the same version: “There were several parts of the fuselage that looked like they had come under very, very heavy machine gun fire.” The reliability of this version was also confirmed in the film by Arkady Mamontov “Flight MH17. Interrupted Boeing Flight", which was shown on October 5 and 11, 2014 on the Rossiya TV channel.

5.10.2. Bundestag version

On September 17, the German Bundestag published on its website a memorandum with data that flight MH17 was shot down not by a Buk missile, but by a missile from the S-125 anti-aircraft missile system (according to NATO classification - SA-3). This is an old Soviet complex, which in Russia has long been removed from service and replaced by the S-300. True, it is still in the armies former Union, including Ukraine.
The Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper writes: “The German Foreign Ministry sent this 8-page document signed by State Secretary (Deputy Minister) of Foreign Affairs Markus Ederer to the Bundestag on September 5, although it was published somewhat later. No loud statements were made to the press on this matter. Apparently, this is why, says German political scientist Kret Mayer, so as not to attract undue attention to the document. In fact, this memorandum became a forced response from the German Foreign Ministry to a request from the “left party,” the country’s leading opposition force.
The government said that “the federal government has no confirmed information that MH17 was shot down by an anti-aircraft missile,” although, as we know, the West has been unanimous in its assertion from the beginning that the plane destroyed a Buk missile of “pro-Russian separatists.” The document states that on July 17, two NATO AWACS reconnaissance aircraft were in the airspace of Poland and Romania, which monitored everything that was happening in Ukraine, including the operation of air defense systems, including their radars. The document shows that “both AWACS aircraft detected signals from an air defense system identified as an SA-3 surface-to-air air defense system, as well as a signal from another radar device that could not be identified.”
What SA-3 is is not explained (hardly by accident). However, experts know that SA-3, according to NATO classification, is precisely the S-125 air defense system, and not at all the Buk, on the use of which all accusations against Russia are based.”
On September 19, the Bundestag clarified that AWACS radars did indeed detect movement that was automatically classified as the flight of a C-125 missile. This does not mean at all that the signal came specifically from a rocket of this type. And, moreover, it was she who caused the explosion of flight MH17 in the air.”

According to the analytical group, all expert opinions that differ from the official position of Washington do not receive wide resonance in the media.
The dominant position is any point of view, followed by a conclusion about the involvement of the Russian Federation and the DPR in the death of the Boeing 777.

6. Simulation of the Boeing 777 crash situation

6.1. Model 1. The death of a Boeing 777 occurred as a result of an accidental attack by a single aircraft

6.1.1. Description of the situation according to Model 1
A single combat aircraft of the side possessing the appropriate weapons, having on board a crew capable of carrying out combat use of its military equipment, carried out an attack on the Boeing 777 on July 17, 2014.

6.1.2. Arguments confirming the reliability of the situation according to Model 1
Availability of the technical ability to destroy an aerial target of the Boeing 777 type with a combat aircraft (Su-25 or Mig-29 or other similar aircraft) in the “free hunt” mode.

6.1.3. Arguments refuting the possibility of a situation according to Model 1
Complexity independent search and pointing weapons at a single aircraft in its absence exact coordinates.
The need for personal motivation. If we assume that the pilot of the plane specifically chose a Malaysian Boeing 777, then he must have a strong personal motivation to use weapons civil aircraft, which is unlikely. A prerequisite for becoming a combat aircraft pilot is absolute mental health, which makes the assumption of his mental disorder untenable.

6.2. Model 2. The death of the Boeing 777 occurred as a result of the adoption of erroneous commands by officials making the decision to conduct combat operations and the failure to take measures to prevent the use of weapons by a combat aircraft

6.2.1. Description of the situation according to Model 2
The pilot of a combat aircraft, during combat training missions, either misunderstood the command from the ground, or, instead of simulating the use of weapons, unintentionally used a weapon on a civilian aircraft.

6.2.2. Arguments confirming the reliability of the situation according to Model 2
An argument in favor of this version can be provided by numerous facts indicating the low level of combat training of military personnel of the armed forces of the state in whose airspace the Boeing 777 crashed. It is enough to analyze the death on October 4, 2001 of the Tu-154M of Siberia Airlines, operating flight SBI1812 on the route Tel Aviv - Novosibirsk, when a civilian airliner was destroyed as a result of gross errors by the combat crew of the S-200V air defense system and poor training and lack of management of the military leadership of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during live-fire exercises.
Then the military-political leadership of Ukraine not only did not take responsibility for the deaths of 66 passengers and 12 crew members, but made it clear that they would not bear either legal or moral responsibility.
On October 10, 2001, President of Ukraine L. D. Kuchma answered journalists’ questions about the causes of the Tu-154 plane crash on October 4, 2001 as follows:
“Look what’s going on around the world, in Europe? We are not the first and we are not the last, there is no need to make a tragedy out of this. Errors happen everywhere, and not only on this scale, but on a much larger, planetary scale. If we do not lower ourselves below the civilized level, everything will be fine. And if we pour a bucket of dirt on ourselves, then you’re welcome.”

6.2.3. Arguments refuting the possibility of a situation according to Model 2
The presence of information leaks in the media and social networks about the presence of DPR militias with air defense systems of the Buk-M1 type and combat aircraft literally on the eve of the death of the Boeing 777. On July 10, Ukrainian intelligence recorded the appearance of a combat aircraft of an unknown brand among the militias. This was reported at the headquarters of the “anti-terrorist” operation. Half an hour before the plane crash, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine released information to the media about the presence of air defense among the militias.
It is necessary to understand that the scope of the officials making the decision to attack the Boeing 777 includes:
a combat aircraft pilot who used weapons that resulted in the death of a Boeing 777;
ground personnel who carried out airfield technical maintenance of the combat aircraft;
a guidance navigator who carried out target designation and guidance of a combat aircraft;
radar crews carrying out airspace reconnaissance and providing information about the air situation in the area where the Boeing 777 crashed;
the official who assigned the pilot the task of using weapons.

Moreover, all these persons must have the appropriate means of performing the task: a combat aircraft equipped with appropriate weapons, an airfield, airfield technical support facilities (fuel and air tankers, electric generators, control and measuring stations, etc.), radar stations, target designation and guidance equipment, means of communication and information transfer.

In accordance with the practice of combat control, the fulfillment by subordinates of tasks assigned by management depends on a combination of four conditions:
1. understanding by subordinates of the orders coming to them;
2. their belief that the leadership acts in accordance with the interests of the state and the Armed Forces;
3. their belief that the combat orders given coincide with their own interests;
4. their physical and mental ability to obey.

The ability to clearly and clearly formulate combat missions is an integral quality of any commander, as a link in the circuit of military command, and in this case, a superior commander with the appropriate authority was necessary to give the pilot of a combat aircraft a deliberately criminal order.

The releases of information on the eve of the Boeing 777 crash strikingly coincided with the position of the Ukrainian leadership literally in the first minutes after the disaster, when the DPR militia was accused of the death of the plane, and the Russian Federation was held responsible for it.

6.3. Model 3. The death of the Boeing 777 is deliberate and is a consequence of deliberate actions of the military-political leadership

6.3.1. Description of the situation according to Model 3
On July 17, 2014, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft operated a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur along the corridor established by dispatchers. At the same time, the plane’s route was shifted to the north compared to the routes followed by similar flights before and after the death of the Boeing 777.
At 17.17–17.20, the Boeing 777 was in Ukrainian airspace near the city of Donetsk at an altitude of 10,100 m.
It is possible that the real target was not a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, but another one, similar in outline and coloring, which was supposed to appear in the area in given time, but changed the course and time of flight, which was unknown to those who planned the operation.
An unidentified combat aircraft, located at a lower echelon on a collision course in the cloud layer, having received target designation based on air situation data received from operating radar stations, sharply gained altitude, suddenly appeared from the clouds in front of a civilian aircraft and opened fire on the cockpit, firing shots from cannon weapons of 30 mm caliber or smaller caliber.
As a result of multiple shell hits, the cockpit was damaged and suddenly depressurized, which led to the immediate death of the crew from mechanical stress and decompression. The attack was sudden and lasted a fraction of a second; the crew, due to the prevailing circumstances, could not give the warning signals established in such cases, since the flight proceeded as normal, and no one expected the attack.
Since neither the engines, nor the hydraulic system, nor other devices important for the continuation of flight were disabled, the Boeing 777, controlled by the autopilot (which is a normal situation), continued to perform level flight, possibly gradually losing altitude.
The pilot of an unidentified combat aircraft maneuvered the Boeing 777 into the rear hemisphere. After this, the unidentified aircraft took a combat course, the pilot provided target tracking with the aircraft’s on-board equipment, carried out aiming and launched R-60 or R-73 missiles.
As a result of the missiles being hit, the cabin depressurized, the aircraft control system was disrupted, the autopilot was turned off, the plane stopped horizontal flight and went into a tailspin. The resulting overload led to mechanical destruction of the aircraft at high altitudes.

6.3.2. Arguments confirming the reliability of the situation according to Model 3
The Russian military recorded the operation of nine Kupol radars of the Ukrainian battery of the Buk-M1 air defense system on the day of the death of the Malaysian Boeing 777.
The presence of information leaks about the guilt of the Russian side in the death of the Boeing 777 immediately after the disaster may indicate that this operation was planned in the information war.

6.3.3. Arguments refuting the possibility of a situation according to Model 3
The need to attract a significant amount of human and material resources to the development and implementation of the operation.
In this case, the military control circuit includes a significant number of officials:
Idea developer;
The person providing the financing;
Decision maker (possessing appropriate authority within the ATO);
The person who sets up the combat mission;
The person(s) involved in guiding the Boeing 777 and targeting the combat aircraft;
A person who gives a combat order to the pilot of a combat aircraft to destroy an air target;
Combat aircraft pilot.
When a significant number of people are involved in a combat sabotage operation, information leakage is possible, which is unacceptable when developing and implementing covert operations. Of course, each of these persons can sign the appropriate non-disclosure obligations, but, as a rule (which presupposes the secrecy of such operations), immediately after their completion, the persons involved in the implementation are subject to isolation from possible leaks. And the greater the number of people involved in such a process, the less likely it is to keep it secret.

According to experts of the RSI analytical group, Model 3 seems to be the most likely (the death of the Boeing 777 is deliberate and is a consequence of deliberate actions of the military-political leadership), however, the full picture of the situation with the death of the Boeing 777 can only be clarified by a thorough investigation and interview of all persons involved in the circumstances of this case. An example of the necessary actions and information for study is presented in a letter sent on September 25, 2014 by the Deputy Head Federal agency air transport, an authorized representative of the Russian Federation to participate in the investigation of the circumstances and causes of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing-777 crash, Oleg Storchev, to the International Commission of Inquiry (Appendix 1 to this situational analysis).

7. Parties involved in the development of the conflict situation related to the death of the Boeing 777

The death of the Malaysian Boeing 777 led to a significant expansion of the circle of states involved in this conflict situation. As the practice of investigation shows, representatives of several countries are delegated to the commission: the country in whose airspace the disaster occurred, the country that owns the aircraft, the country that manufactured the aircraft, and according to the established rules, in this case an interstate commission of investigation is created.
In this case, states that were formally not involved in this event also found themselves involved to one degree or another in the situation with the death of the Boeing 777.


The death of the Boeing 777 occurred in Ukrainian airspace. This country is in fact actively opposing a comprehensive investigation. The director of the counterintelligence department of the Security Service of Ukraine, Vitaly Naida, in an interview with CNN, expressed confidence that “a Russian trained, equipped, well-trained officer ... pressed this button deliberately” to shoot down a Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine.

Donetsk People's Republic (militia)

The wreckage of the Boeing 777 fell into territory controlled by DPR militia forces. DPR handed over the “black boxes” to the Malaysian side 07/22/2014

Russian Federation

She was accused by top officials of the United States and Great Britain of being responsible for the death of the Boeing 777. The death of the Boeing 777 was the reason for tightening sanctions against Russia.


The country that owns the Boeing 777. Participates in the investigation into the death of the aircraft. There were 45 Malaysian citizens on board the Boeing. On July 23, 2014, she handed over to the Dutch side “black boxes” received from the DPR militias.
Notable is the fact that the Malaysian side handed over the “black boxes” to representatives of the Netherlands and their subsequent sending to the UK. It seemed that the owner of the aircraft should play the greatest role and activity in the investigation. This is an established practice. In this case this is not the case.
This circumstance is connected not so much with the high qualifications of British specialists, but with the fact that the sovereign state of Malaysia is still under the strong influence of the United Kingdom. As you know, Malaysia was a British colony for a long time, and is currently part of the British Commonwealth of Nations.
09/12/2014 Malaysian Prosecutor General Abdul Ghani Patail, in an interview with the New Straits Times, said that the criminal investigation into the causes of the crash of a passenger airliner in eastern Ukraine “is in full swing”; it is being conducted simultaneously in several directions. Investigators "recreated the aircraft in virtual form using photo and video images obtained directly from the Boeing 777 crash site." The Prosecutor General also noted that, despite the ongoing international investigation, Malaysia also independently intends to find out the reasons and find those responsible for the tragedy that occurred on July 17. Previously, Patail indicated that the Malaysian side “intends to lead the legal process of bringing to justice those responsible for the crash of the airliner, since all the evidence and evidence belongs to its country.”


A country that lost 27 of its citizens as a result of the death of Boeing. Participates in the investigation of the plane crash. 09/25/2014 Tony Abbott said that Australia would make every effort, together with the Netherlands and Malaysia, to ensure that the investigation into the criminal case into the death of Boeing in the Donetsk region of Ukraine is under no circumstances hushed up.


The country from whose airport MH17 Boeing 777 began its last flight. There were 192 Dutch citizens on board. The Netherlands has taken charge of the investigation into the crash of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane in the Donetsk region. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said on July 22 in The Hague that the Ukrainian government had handed over the reins of the investigation to his country.

Great Britain

A country that actively blames the Russian Federation for the death of the Boeing 777. “The tragic loss of the Malaysia Airlines plane should become a catalyst for a change in Russia’s position and an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Russia is trying to destabilize a sovereign state and violate its territorial integrity,” David Cameron told the New York Daily News on July 25, 2014.
“We in Britain are calling on our European partners to introduce tough new economic sanctions. Of course, some sanctions are not painless for any of us,” Cameron admitted. – Russia has great business ties with Europe, which is beneficial to all of us. Russian investors make a significant contribution to our economy, and Russian gas is an important source of energy for many, especially those without nuclear energy sources. Therefore, causing economic damage to Russia will be to some extent painful for our economies,” he pointed out and added that “serious economic sanctions are the only language.”

The “black boxes” of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 that crashed in the Donetsk region were delivered to the UK on July 23, 2014 under the supervision of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). In the UK, experts in Farnborough began deciphering the flight recorders. This city near London is closely associated with aviation and is famous as the site of one of the largest international air shows.
Due to historical and geopolitical peculiarities, the UK has the strongest leverage over Malaysia and the Netherlands, which explains the transfer of Boeing 777 flight recorders to experts from this country.

Country of origin of the Boeing 777. Charges were brought against the Russian Federation for its death. 07/26/2014 at 11:53 AM, White House spokesman Josh Earnest said that Russian President Vladimir Putin is to blame for the crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 in Ukraine.
“We know that the Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down from the ground by a missile. We know that it was released from territory controlled by the separatists, and at a time when Ukrainian air defenses were not working,” Ernest said.
“We saw that heavy weapons were transferred from Russia to Ukraine, which were later used by the separatists, whom Russia taught to use them. Among these weapons were air defense systems. And, judging by messages on social networks, there were also SA-11 complexes (Buk air defense system according to the US and NATO classification), the White House official added.
“So we can now conclude that Vladimir Putin and the Russians are to blame for this tragedy,” he concluded.
Earnest further quoted the words of Republican Senator Saxby Chambliss: “The Russians fired themselves or those they trained fired, it’s the same thing. The tracks lead straight to Vladimir Putin.”
Previously, the White House did not directly blame Vladimir Putin for the death of the Boeing 777, placing responsibility for the death of the airliner on the separatists.
Representatives of American intelligence admitted on July 24 that Washington does not have any information about the direct involvement of the Russian authorities in the tragedy.

According to experts from the RSI analytical group, six states and one self-proclaimed republic are directly or indirectly involved in the case related to the death of the Boeing 777, of which the dominant position (under the auspices of the United States) is the accusation against the Russian Federation. The international community (UN), despite repeated proposals from Russian diplomacy, has not developed a coordinated position conducive to an objective investigation and the speedy announcement of its results.

8. Interest of the parties

An analysis of the dynamics of the situation related to the death of the Boeing 777 indicates that most of the countries involved in this are not interested parties in the crash of the plane and extracting political and economic preferences from this event. The only country that has received certain dividends in the form of loans and borrowings is not Malaysia, but the country in whose skies the Boeing 777 crashed and which bears the lion's share of responsibility for ensuring the safety of the work of the international group of experts. It was from her that proposals to the international community on organizational measures should have come, including proposals on the possibility of introducing UN forces into the area where the Boeing 777 crashed.
It seems that the country whose plane crashed was not chosen by chance - the victim of the tragedy was a Malaysian plane, and not an American, German or English, or even a Russian airliner. The attack was carried out on an aircraft of a state that is as far away from the scene of the disaster as possible, does not have significant weight in solving geopolitical problems, and does not have access to the leading media platforms in the world. In addition, the Malaysian side already lost a similar aircraft in March of this year under very mysterious circumstances, and the results of the investigation did not clarify either the location of its wreckage, or, moreover, the reasons for its disappearance. The criminals who planned the attack on the Boeing 777 acted taking into account geopolitical assessments of the situation and chose a country that does not have significant political weight, is unable to urgently demand and achieve a comprehensive and objective investigation, a country that will meekly accept the Western position regarding those responsible for the death of the airliner.

The death of the Boeing 777 is a tragedy that was necessary to bring charges against Russia, which so easily and painlessly annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, which were considered by the West as an unsinkable NATO aircraft carrier on the Black Sea. It is no secret that plans to station NATO troops in Crimea were a reality, and the agreement on Russia’s lease of the Naval Base in Sevastopol could have been declared criminal and insignificant by the Ukrainian side, moreover, concluded by the previous “corrupt” Yanukovych administration. “Our decision on Crimea was partly related to this. Of course, first of all, and mainly, this is the support of the Crimeans, but also considerations of such an order that if we do nothing, then at some time, guided by the same principles, they will drag Ukraine into NATO and say: you are not concerns. And NATO ships will end up in the city of naval glory, Sevastopol,” said Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin on April 17, during a live press conference.

The planned actions that led to the death of the Boeing 777 are not just a tragic event on an international scale, but a tragic geopolitical event that entailed geopolitical consequences and was a catalyst for pressure on the Russian side. In March, the US and EU began imposing sanctions against Russia over the annexation of Crimea. The process of imposing sanctions continued systematically, but after the death of Boeing it was intensified:
On July 18, the European Investment Bank, on the recommendation of the European Council, stopped new financing of projects in Russia;
On July 23, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development froze decisions on new projects in Russia;
On July 26, the EU expanded the sanctions list to 15 people and 18 organizations, of which 9 are entities accused of undermining the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine; 9 - Crimean companies that changed owners after the unilateral declaration of independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea;
On July 28, the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) website published a verdict in the Yukos case, which obliges Russia to pay $50 billion to the plaintiffs. In addition, Russia was ordered to compensate legal costs of $65 million;
On July 30, the EU imposed sanctions against 8 people, as well as against the Russian National Commercial Bank, the Almaz-Antey air defense concern and Dobrolyot airline. He also introduced sanctions in the areas of trade and investment against Crimea and Sevastopol;
On July 31, the EU imposed sanctions against Sberbank of Russia, VTB Bank, Gazprombank, Vnesheconombank, and Rosselkhozbank. Also imposed an embargo on the import and export of weapons and similar material to Russia; a ban on the export of dual-use goods and technologies for military use to Russia or to Russian military end users. Obliged exporters to obtain prior permission from the competent authorities of member states to export certain types of energy equipment and technologies to Russia, and also introduced a ban on the supply of high-tech equipment to Russia for oil production in the Arctic, deep-sea shelf and shale oil;
On August 7, NATO ceased cooperation with the Russian Federation;
On September 12, the EU continued to impose sanctions. In particular, he included nine Russian defense concerns in the sanctions list: the Sirius concern, Stankoinstrument, Khimkompozit, the Kalashnikov concern, the Tula Arms Plant, Mechanical Engineering Technologies, the NPO High Precision Complexes, and the Almaz air defense concern. Antey" and NPO "Basalt". Included twenty-four people in the sanctions list.

Of course, sanctions are hitting Russia, but the main goal is to cause maximum damage to economic relations between Russia and Europe by destroying mutually beneficial ties with the Russian Federation.

9. Beneficiaries

Analyzing the consequences of the death of the Boeing 777, it is necessary to answer the question: which side benefited in this situation and which side suffered losses.

9.1. As for the parties that suffered losses, they are the DPR, the Russian Federation and, oddly enough, Malaysia.
The Malaysian side, in addition to real human losses, suffered economic damage - shares of Malaysian Airlines fell by 11.1% on July 18, 2014. Malaysia Airlines has been unprofitable for several years, with losses exceeding 4.5 billion ringgit ($1.4 billion) since the beginning of 2011. Over the past 9 months, its market value has decreased by more than 40%.
The company and, accordingly, the country that owns the company suffered significant reputational losses in terms of the attractiveness of their service for tourists. Statements by the Malaysian side about the available intelligence about the causes of the death of the Boeing 777 and the need to conduct an objective investigation do not find the proper response from the world community. Nobody listens to Malaysia.
The self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic was also not a beneficiary of the plane’s downing. She became the main culprit in the disaster. As a result, the DPR in the eyes of the world community is now firmly associated with a terrorist formation that does not stop to achieve its separatist goals before the death of not only legitimate representatives of the Ukrainian authorities, but also civilians of other states. The DPR accusations also affected Russia as an “accomplice of terrorists.”

9.2.1 It is obvious that the death of the Boeing 777, no matter how blasphemous it sounds, brought enormous benefit to the new authorities in Kyiv, who needed international financial and military-technical assistance, political and information support in order to reverse the unfavorable military situation in the Donbass and hold on to power to the political elite.
The Ukrainian “war party” received and continues to receive the most benefits, including:
high-ranking military and law enforcement officials participating in the ATO and interested in continuing hostilities due to the desire to profit from supplying troops;
nationalist-minded deputies and candidates for deputies, eager to join the Rada, who play on the feelings of the poorly educated electorate, an example of this is Oleg Lyashko;
oligarchs, a prominent representative of which is the head of the Dnepropetrovsk region, billionaire Igor Kolomoisky - one of the most powerful leaders of the “war party”. War and increased tension allow the oligarchs of Ukraine to actively redistribute property that belonged to the unfriendly clan of the “Donetsk group”, to which the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych belonged.
Over the long months of bloody confrontation in eastern Ukraine, oligarchic circles, represented by Igor Kolomoisky and others, have taken strong positions and are striving to strengthen them.
One of the tasks of the “war party” is to stop the advancement of social protests further, deeper into Ukraine. the main objective- Earn Money. Many oligarchs have their own economic interests in the military sphere.
In the Donetsk region, the most industrially developed region of Ukraine, which has been a donor to its budget for 20 years, the prevailing assets belong to the Donetsk oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, who until recently was called the “master of Donbass” (see map in Fig. 7). Whoever can quickly seize assets in Donbass and Luhansk region will be the true owner of these regions.
Igor Kolomoisky stated that “the state today is simply obliged to confiscate the property, factories, and shares of supporters of separatism. All those who financed and continue to finance terror in the country.” This is the announcement of the main tasks of Igor Kolomoisky.
As is known, and this is emphasized in the article “How the “owner of Donbass” Rinat Akhmetov does business in times of war,” published in RBC magazine in October 2014, Dnepropetrovsk governor and billionaire Igor Kolomoisky published on his Facebook page a call to “confiscate property supporters of separatism."

Rice. 7. R. Akhmetov’s largest assets in the regions of military operations as of September 3, 2014

Kolomoisky proposes to transfer the confiscated property to a special OJSC, in which the shareholders will be ATO participants, veterans, relatives of the victims: “Why should some die for their country, while others continue to fatten?” said the governor of the Dnipropetrovsk region.
According to Forbes, thanks to the financial support of Kolomoisky, the region created four of its own armed formations: two special forces battalions “Dnepr-1” and “Dnepr-2”, as well as two territorial defense battalions. Volunteers are paid from $1,260 per month. For comparison: the average salary in Ukraine is $272 (according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for April 2014), approximately the same amount received by an ordinary contract soldier serving in the Armed Forces.

Even their opponents speak respectfully of Kolomoisky’s fighters. “I wouldn’t call them [Dnepr] a gang. They can be called a private army. They are not shy about advertising their affiliation. They are well armed. They are the most organized, the most motivated and the most aggressive” (from an interview with Forbes of Roman Lyagin, Chairman of the Central Election Commission of the Donetsk People’s Republic on May 27, 2014). Former DPR Prime Minister Alexander Borodai claimed that the republic “is in a state of war with Kolomoisky’s group and troops.” It was these troops that played an important psychological role: at the very beginning of the ATO, when the Ukrainian army was falling apart before our eyes, the Dnepr battalion looked like the only real force opposing the DPR.

In 2014, Kolomoisky played a win-win game: he was the first to begin the creation of volunteer battalions, promised rewards for the heads of the separatists, began to persecute them in his region, called V. Putin a “short schizophrenic” and in just a couple of months in the eyes of ordinary people he became the main defender of Ukraine, who can now afford to make accusations against other oligarchs and propose to expropriate their property. For comparison: the oligarch Sergei Taruta, who was appointed at the same time as Kolomoisky, and who inherited the problematic Donetsk region, did not show himself in any way. He did not assemble his battalion, did not declare war on the separatists, and did not place a bounty on the head of the DPR field commander Alexander Mozhaev, known as Babai. As a result, Taruta was dismissed. The longer the ATO drags on, the more Ukrainians become disillusioned with the new President, the more Kolomoisky’s influence grows. The “war party” needs war. The longer it lasts, the more political and material dividends the party leaders receive.

The activities of Igor Kolomoisky on the day of the Boeing 777 crash and in the days preceding it should be the subject of the closest attention. This was stated by the Vice Speaker of the State Duma, Secretary of the General Council of United Russia Sergei Neverov: “In connection with the death of the Malaysian plane, it is advisable to recall the fact that the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky owns a number of Ukrainian airlines: International airlines Ukraine, Dnepravia, Aerosvit, but what is even more interesting is that the activities of the traffic control services of Dnepropetrovsk, responsible for guiding the tragic flight, are fully funded, as well as, to a large extent, the technical support of dispatch services throughout Ukraine,” he said.

In October 2014, an independent Dutch political party appealed to the International Criminal Court in The Hague to initiate criminal proceedings against Kolomoisky.

9.2.2. Another beneficiary is the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), for whose leadership, both former Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Jens Stoltenberg, who replaced him, the death of the Boeing 777 was one of the reasons for pursuing the policy of “NATO expansion to the East.” In an interview with the French publication Midi Libre, Rasmussen called the July 17 plane crash in eastern Ukraine a human tragedy that was also a war crime, and said the alliance has extensive evidence indicating that Russian-backed separatists are to blame. However, NATO leaders prefer to avoid providing facts to support their ambitious statements.

9.2.3 The main benefit from the consequences of the death of the Boeing 777 came from the administration of Barack Obama, which influenced the position of the heads of European states and the European Union to apply further sanctions against Russia, the introduction of which had been stalled for several months. On July 26, Barack Obama said on CNBC: “As unfortunate as it is, the crash of a Malaysia Airlines plane, which was quite possibly shot down by representatives of non-state actors who received extremely powerful weapons from the Russian government, could lead to the fact that our European partners will toughen their position.”

As is known, both Russia and the EU countries suffered from economic sanctions.

The main result of the death of Boeing was a change in the attitude towards Russia as an outcast on the world stage and the further isolation of the country from the world community. On the other hand, the Ukrainian side tacitly demanded protection from such an “aggressive” neighbor, so the EU and the United States accelerated its integration into the Western space.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov commented on October 6, 2014 on recent statements by US Vice President Joe Biden that the United States “forced the European Union, against its will and to the detriment of its economic interests, to take the brunt of anti-Russian sanctions.” According to Lavrov, the US Vice President thus “confirmed the position that was outlined in Victoria Nuland’s telephone conversation in January of this year with the US Ambassador to Kyiv Jeff Pyatt, when they discussed the role of the European Union in efforts to promote Western interests in Ukraine.”

The technology that the United States successfully uses in such cases is network and non-contact wars, which ensure the seizure of territory and establishment of control over it without the use of conventional, classical weapons, and, if possible, without direct military aggression at all. Similar scenario American intelligence agencies already played with a South Korean Boeing, shot down by a Soviet fighter in 1983. Then this strengthened the isolation of the USSR from the world community and contributed to the collapse of the Soviet Union as a single state.

According to experts from the RSI analytical group, the main beneficiary of the death of the Boeing 777 is the Anglo-Saxon world: the USA and Great Britain.
At the same time, the US benefit has already been received, regardless of what results the commission of inquiry comes to. The benefit lies in the economic pressure on the Russian Federation and on European countries that feel retaliatory Russian economic sanctions. As a result of the weakening economic potential of Russia and European countries and the creation of another source of tension in Europe, the United States is increasing its influence on the world community.

10. Forecast for the development of the situation related to the death of the Boeing 777

The death of the Boeing 777 undoubtedly raised many questions for experts. A balanced analysis of a situation can only arise as a result of a long time of working on it. In this regard, it was surprising to hear hasty judgments from Western officials about the reasons for the death of Boeing in the first hours after the disaster. 09/27/2014 Sergei Lavrov stated at the UN that a thorough and independent investigation into the circumstances of the death of a Malaysian airliner over Ukrainian territory is being delayed, contrary to UN Security Council Resolution 2166. This delay plays into the hands of the Western side - according to Western rhetoric, Russia secretly continues to be the main culprit in this story. Specialists from the international commission have begun preparing the final report, which will be published within a year from the moment of the disaster. A working version of the final report will be sent to representatives of the countries participating in the investigation (Australia, Great Britain, Malaysia, Russia, USA and Ukraine). Within two months, countries will have to provide their findings, which will be included in the final report if necessary.

The representative of the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, Alexei Zaitsev, speaking on October 22, 2014 at a meeting of the 4th Committee of the UN General Assembly, said that the Russian Federation is forced to state that the investigation into the Boeing 777 crash in Ukraine on July 17 has been stopped. According to him, it “virtually died out.”
According to experts of the RSI analytical group, until the completion of the work of the international commission and the publication of the final report, which will identify the true culprits of the death of the Boeing 777, the geopolitical situation will be characterized, on the one hand, by strengthening sectoral sanctions against Russia, forcing it to renounce its rights to Crimea and Sevastopol voluntarily became part of Russia, and on the other hand, providing all possible support (including financial and military) to the Kyiv government with the aim of involving Ukraine in the orbit of Anglo-Saxon geopolitical interests and drawing it into NATO, albeit for now as a partner, stationing Western troops and weapons on its territory countries

11. Final conclusions

11.1. Before the death of the Boeing 777, information about the situation in Ukraine disappeared from the front pages of the international media. The Ukrainian authorities suffered military and political defeat due to the lack of military successes and the inability to suppress the resistance of the DPR and LPR militias; Western countries were increasingly delayed in making important decisions on the Ukrainian conflict.

Financial and military-technical assistance to Ukraine was delayed, and prospects for receiving it under difficult conditions gradually began to emerge.
The death of the Boeing 777 and the attribution of responsibility for it to the DPR and Russia were a powerful informational reason for a new round of escalation of the conflict and a reason for Ukraine to turn to Western help.

11.2. The death of the Boeing 777 is a planned military-political action. It was no coincidence that the choice of aircraft fell on Malaysia Airlines, on Malaysia - a country located far from the scene of the incident, weak in military-political terms and unable to defend its interests. A country that recently ceased to be a colony of Great Britain (1957) and is still under its enormous influence.
The investigation into the crash of the Boeing 777 differs significantly in all respects from similar investigations that took place in the past.
The death of the Boeing 777 contributed to the introduction of sectoral sanctions against the Russian Federation and the creation in the international information space of the image of Russia and its leader as accomplices of terrorism.

11.3. The situation with the death of the Boeing 777 led to the creation of an information curtain, diverting attention from the actions of the Ukrainian oligarchy, primarily Igor Kolomoisky, to seize and redistribute property in the South-East of Ukraine.

According to experts from the analytical group, direct legal responsibility for the death of Boeing lies with the top leaders of the ATO.

1.4. The death of the Boeing 777 was not just a tragedy, but a planned action of a geopolitical nature, fitting into the general concept of the US administration’s policy, the goal of which is to achieve a unipolar world and escalate aggression against the Russian Federation, reduce its economic potential, and stop the growth of its influence in the world.

12.1. The international commission conducting the investigation will take into account the issues and implement the recommendations presented by the Russian side (see Appendix 1), in order to ensure a thorough international, transparent, accountable investigation in the conditions of a complete cessation of hostilities in the area of ​​​​the Boeing 777 crash.

12.2. Malaysia Airlines has filed a claim for compensation for financial and reputational losses against the country in whose airspace the Boeing 777 crashed.

12.3. Relatives of the crew and passengers of the Boeing 777 who died as a result of the disaster should file claims against the country in whose airspace the Boeing 777 crashed, similar to what some German citizens have done.

12.4. Aviation companies and other carriers using railway, sea and land communications to refrain from transit routes through the territory of Ukraine until the complete cessation of hostilities. Otherwise, not only the death of personnel and passengers and the destruction of property and cargo is possible, but also the absence of conditions for a full and objective investigation of a possible incident.
Declare the territory of Ukraine and the airspace above it an unsafe zone for passenger and cargo transit traffic.


1. Issues that must be studied for further investigation of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash (Deputy Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, authorized representative of the Russian Federation to participate in the investigation of the circumstances and causes of the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash Oleg Storchevoy).

Annex 1
Questions that need to be explored for further investigation into the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crash
On September 25, 2014, the Deputy Head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, the authorized representative of the Russian Federation to participate in the investigation into the circumstances and causes of the Malaysian Airlines Boeing-777 crash, Oleg Storchevoy, sent a letter to the International Commission of Inquiry with a list of remaining issues that need to be clarified in during further investigation.
Actions that need to be taken first:
1. Layout of aircraft structural elements, analysis of damage to aircraft parts and possible sources of their origin is a generally accepted and mandatory element of the investigation;
2. Search for destructive elements at the scene of the plane crash, in parts of the aircraft, upholstery of seats, etc.;
3. Pathological examinations of deceased passengers and crew members, including for the presence of damaging elements and other foreign bodies and substances;
4. Study of data from Ukrainian ground-based radar facilities, including military ones, including data from primary radars, on the movement of the aircraft, starting from its entry into Ukrainian airspace;
5. Study of crew conversations inside the cockpit using internal microphone recordings;
6. Study of radio and telephone conversations of dispatchers of the Dnepropetrovsk ATS Center:
- with the “military sector” or air defense forces of Ukraine;
- with the crews of flights SIA-351 (Singapore) and AIC-113 (India);
- other negotiations within the control center;
7. Obtaining and analyzing information about the flights of military aircraft in the area of ​​the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine and at the site of the plane crash;
8. Receiving, analyzing and verifying information from the Ukrainian side about planned and completed missile launches (both for training (including simulated launches) and for combat purposes), including the locations of the deployment of the relevant forces and assets;
9. Obtaining and analyzing information about the actual availability and consumption of anti-aircraft guided missiles, all anti-aircraft missile systems in service with the armed forces of Ukraine;
10. Obtaining and analyzing data from other countries participating in the investigation on the radar situation in the region (for example, data from US satellites, NATO surveillance equipment (AWACS reconnaissance aircraft) and the Russian Federation).
In addition, you need to study the following data:
Regarding the analysis of the air situation:
11. Records of negotiations between Ukrainian air traffic services authorities and aircraft crews and with adjacent air traffic control points;
12. Negotiations between pilots of military aircraft with the military sector and among themselves in the area of ​​the armed conflict and the site of the plane crash;
13. Daily flight plan of Ukrainian military aviation for 07/17/2014;
14. Data from means of objective control of military aircraft located in the area;
15. Information on instructions received by the air traffic management authorities of Ukraine from the aviation administration of Ukraine in connection with restrictions on the use of airspace (NOTAM publication) in the areas of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as on the procedures established for interaction with aircraft crews and air defense authorities of Ukraine;
16. Evidence from the crews of aircraft flying in a similar area on the day of the plane crash about possible interference with the operation of on-board and ground equipment. navigation equipment;
Regarding the radar situation:
17. Information on the composition and performance of Ukrainian ground-based radar equipment;
18. Information on control by Ukrainian air defense forces of the use of airspace in a given area, if such control was carried out, including negotiations between air defense points;
19. Information on radar tracking of aircraft on July 17, 2014 in the area of ​​the plane crash and the locations of the relevant units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces;
20. Analysis of data previously presented by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the activation of radar centers in the period close to the time of the plane crash;
Regarding flight and aircraft preparation:
21. Information on the progress of the aircraft crew’s preparation for the flight (including information on the crew’s availability of information on the current NOTAMs, the flight level at which the flight was planned, as well as the reasons possible changes in flight plan). In addition, the planning of this flight by the Malaysian side should be studied, including statistical data on previous flights along the air route of flight MH17;
22. Information about previous failures and malfunctions, open MEL items (shortage or malfunction of any equipment from the list of minimum necessary equipment), especially regarding navigation equipment;
23. Information on the organization of aviation security during the preparation and execution of this flight (inspection of passengers, baggage and cargo; presence of dangerous or prohibited goods for transportation).
Regarding the study of flight recorders:
24. It is required to complete the analysis of DFDR (Digital Flight Data Recorder) and CVR (Voice Recorder) data, paying particular attention to the performance of navigation equipment and trajectory parameters.

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Ships from several countries conducted fruitless searches until January 2017. They were conducted on a narrow strip of the Indian Ocean west of the Australian coast; their area was 120 thousand km. Having failed to achieve a result, Australia, Malaysia and China stopped the search in January 2017, on which $160 million was spent over three years.

Recently, Malaysian authorities announced that they are again ready to begin searching for the plane if new evidence is found about its crash site. We hope that one day this mystery of the century will be solved. Thank you for being with us!

Joshua Paul/AP

Over the entire period, more than 30 pieces of debris were discovered in various areas of the Indian Ocean that could be related to the missing airliner, but the examination confirmed that only three of them belonged to the missing aircraft. Last Sunday, two of them, including a 4.3-meter-long wing fragment, were displayed for the first time in Malaysia.

Prisca Bigot STR/Reuters

Here is everything that is known about the sequence of events on board the tragically missing liner that ill-fated night. What happened to the plane - hijacking by attackers, or deliberate actions of the crew - remains a mystery five years later.

Only much later, mathematicians from the USA and Qatar found an explanation for why no debris or traces of fuel were found at the site where the Malaysian Boeing 777 plane went missing in the ocean. They calculated the behavior of the plane in five possible fall scenarios and came to the conclusion that the plane entered the water vertically or at an obtuse angle. Only with such a fall, the fuselage is almost not affected by bending moments that break it into pieces. “The final moments of MH370 will likely remain a mystery until the black boxes are found and deciphered. But experts support the version that the plane dived into the ocean,” the scientists believed.

Due to the fact that the signals were sent with a frequency of an hour, a problem arose with the accuracy of determining the possible location of the crash of the liner. It was only possible to roughly outline it using calculations of the estimated fuel remaining.

The last, seventh technical signal is recorded by satellites from a flying aircraft. His analysis ultimately made it possible to establish the approximate area where the airliner fell. The northern arc on the world map reached the countries of Central Asia and Turkmenistan, the southern arc - west of the coast of Australia. The publication of these calculations a few days after the incident excited the whole world - this led to the construction of conspiracy theories about the possibility of hijacking a plane and landing it on abandoned airfields around the world.


By this time, the real search for the missing plane begins, all interested services are involved. However, it is known for certain that the plane was still in the air at that time, its engines were running. What was happening on board at that moment is a mystery.

Malaysia Airlines officially announces the loss of the plane on its Facebook page.

These signals communicate to the ground various technical specifications aircraft - course, altitude, engine operating mode. During the entire time of this mystical flight, seven such “pings” took place, and their analysis played a vital role in subsequent searches. Despite the fact that these signals do not transmit the true coordinates of the aircraft to the ground, something about its position, as it turned out, can be learned from them. Taking into account the altitude of the satellites when receiving pings and the signal delay, experts were able to draw two possible arcs on the world map from where the last signal of the airliner could have come.

Rob Griffith/AP

The signals of this SATCOM system are not transmitted constantly, but once an hour. This system, using the Inmarsat network of geostationary communications satellites, provides coverage throughout globe, with the exception of polar regions with latitudes greater than 70°.

Only a few days after the disappearance of the airliner will valuable information be announced. All modern airliners, in addition to the mentioned transmitters operating in the VHF range, regardless of the will of the pilots, communicate with satellites and transmit to them technical information about the flight.

Flight 370 is scheduled to arrive in Beijing, but there is no one to meet at the airport. Relatives of the passengers begin to worry and try to find out something about the fate of the plane.

However, some connection (if it can be called a connection) with the plane is still present. In general, the loss of the airliner fueled interest in the design of modern civilian airliners among ordinary people, who, thanks to the incident, learned a lot about the planes they fly on, often without thinking about how they function.

It is not known what happens to the plane during the subsequent hours, whether its crew, conductors, and passengers are alive and conscious.

For all the subsequent hours, the plane will fly without communication with the ground, completely unknown to ground services.

Having realized that the plane was really missing, and this was not an error of the tracking devices, airline announces red alert.

Lai Seng Sin/Reuters

“During this period of uncertainty, Malaysia Airlines needs to establish the facts by contacting other controllers and aircraft flying on that route,” the airline later explained.

At this time, the airline is trying to contact the missing aircraft by all means and determine its location.

Malaysia Airlines said its plane, en route to Beijing, disappeared from radar screens.

By this time, the plane had deviated from its route by hundreds of kilometers, ending up on the other side of the Malay Peninsula. Around this time, civilian and military radars last recorded the aircraft's location. Later, Malaysian authorities will transmit their radar data to American and British representatives. From them the first conclusion will be drawn that the plane did not go north, but in a completely different direction.

Tomasz Bartkowiak/Reuters

Despite the fact that the plane's transmitters are turned off, the plane is detected by military radars, which see it and themselves irradiate it with radio waves. The Malaysian Air Force would later report that the plane was spotted flying over the island of Pulau Perak in the Strait of Malacca.

The co-pilot is 27-year-old Farik Abdul Hamid, who has worked for the airline for seven years. Over 2800 flight hours.


The pilot of the aircraft is 53-year-old Zachary Ahzmad Shah, an experienced pilot who has worked for the airline for 33 years. As commander of the Boeing 777-200 since 1998. Flight time was 18,423, 8,659 of which were on Boeing 777-200. Married, father of three children.

The expected next ACARS signal, transmitted once every half hour, is not sent from the aircraft. It means. That the system stopped working between 21.07 and 21.37 Moscow time. This is an important circumstance, since the system can only be turned off knowledgeable people. If the plane were captured by terrorists or hijacked, the system itself would continue to transmit to the ground about all the evolutions of the plane.

Malaysian tracking systems lost the aircraft over the Gulf of Thailand at coordinates 06 55 15 N and 103 34 43 E.

Andrew Heneen

The plane disappears from screens and Malaysian military radar.

After the transponders are turned off, the plane disappears from ground radar screens. “From that point on, from the controller’s point of view, the plane is flying blind,” Quest explains. Vietnamese dispatchers at Ho Chi Minh Airport also no longer see the mark. Turning off the transponder is not that difficult - just flip a switch in the cockpit.

Transponder devices transmitting information about the aircraft's location and identification data suddenly turn off. These transmitters automatically send signals from the aircraft, conveying the aircraft number, flight altitude, speed and heading. Their range is short, but it is thanks to them that controllers on the ground see the plane’s mark and know which side is in front of them and its flight parameters.

An airliner caught fire in the skies over Los Angeles ... An airliner caught fire in the sky over Los Angeles. Boeing 777 Philippine Airlines was forced to return to Los Angeles airport... The plane Moscow - Phuket was forced to land in Tashkent due to rowdy behavior ... representative of Tashkent airport. According to him, we are talking about an airplane Boeing 777 Nordwind Airlines Airlines. The passenger's aggressive behavior posed a threat to flight safety...

Politics, 06 Sep, 18:57

Poroshenko considered the request to release Tsemakh as an admission of guilt by Russia for MH17 ... was confirmed. Demand to release Vladimir Tsemakh, a witness in the death case Boeing 777 , shot down in the sky over Donbass in 2014, means that..., Poroshenko noted, we are also talking about those killed in the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. “Can you imagine that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin... on television” that he knew nothing about the alleged exchange. Passenger Boeing MH17, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, was shot down over...

Society, 05 Sep, 20:46

At Sheremetyevo, a ramp damaged the door of a plane arriving from Beijing Plane to Sheremetyevo Boeing 777 , traveling along the Beijing-Moscow route, received damage to the door from the jet bridge. About... Boeing flying from the USA to China returned to the airport due to the loss of a part Airplane Boeing 777 , operating a flight from New York to Shanghai, returned to the airport..., said it had arranged an additional plane to China. Early July Boeing 777 -200 airlines Air Canada, flying from Vancouver to Sydney, on... Passengers reported a crush during smoke on the Moscow-Yerevan plane On board Boeing 737 Nordwind Airlines (“ North wind") a stampede began during the evacuation... the airport, “they gave them food and drink,” and after a while they were given another plane. Boeing 737 of North Wind Airlines aborted its flight due to an alarm... Vancouver-Sydney flight aborted after injuries due to turbulence ...CBC TV channel. We are talking about flight AC33, operated by Boeing 777 -200. In total there were 269 passengers and 15 members on board... The Netherlands explained the use of data from social networks in the MH17 case ... called the information received from social networks an important part of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 . He stated this at a press conference, broadcast by... . Representatives of the International Investigation Team (JIT) presented the results of the investigation into the plane crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines in Donbass in 2014. The suspects were named as the former... DPR denies involvement in MH17 crash in Donbass ... that the forces of the region could not have been involved in the collapse of the Malaysian Boeing 777 . This was reported by the Donetsk News Agency (DAN). “In service with the army...to this day. Therefore, the militia could not have been involved in the crash Boeing in Donbass,” the department said. The department added that in... of a similar class. The international investigation team has summed up the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 which happened in 2014 in Donbass. Attorney General Fred Westerbeke... The investigation has announced the date for the consideration of the MH17 case in court in The Hague Trial of suspects involved in the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the skies over Donbass in 2014 at the Hague International... The International Investigation Team (JIT) presented a second report on the causes of the crash Boeing. The main conclusion of the investigation is that the Buk from which... The Kremlin commented on the Dutch TV channel's story about the MH17 crash ..., in which the names of the alleged defendants in the case of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing 777 in the skies over Donbass in 2014. This is reported... by the report. It was also claimed that they have a “pronounced anti-Russian orientation.” Passenger Boeing-777 Malaysian Prime Minister doubts results of investigation into MH17 crash ... the Russian side. Russia and Holland will continue dialogue on the investigation of the crash Boeing-777 The Prime Minister added that Malaysia should also join the review..., he said about the politicization of the investigation: “This is not a neutral examination.” Passenger Boeing-777 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur suffered... Boeing 777 returns urgently to Singapore after cabin pressure drops ... salon. This was reported by The Straits Times newspaper. When the plane Boeing 777 reached a height of 7.3 thousand m and was already above... suffered. In September, due to a drop in pressure in the aircraft cabin Boeing Jet Airways 737 flight Mumbai - Jaipur injured more than 30...

Society, 25 Sep 2018, 10:46

National Geographic simulated the final minutes of the missing MH370 flight ... how the last minutes of the Malaysian flight could have passed Boeing 777 , which has been searched since 2014 Polet Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines ended with the plane entering... it disappeared from radar, but continued to communicate with the satellite. Boeing confirmed the establishment of communication seven times, and this indicates that... Jeong. In its film, National Geographic relies on the calculations of engineers Boeing, who established what happened to the plane in the last minutes of the flight...

Politics, 17 Sep 2018, 15:47

Russia will transfer new data on the missile that shot down Boeing to the Netherlands ... New information in the case of the crash Boeing-777 over Donbass, provided by the Russian Ministry of Defense, was sent to the Prosecutor General's Office for transfer... Ministry of Defense about the downed Boeing missile Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the missile that shot down in 2014 in the sky over Donbass Boeing-777 , was carried out... in operations in eastern Ukraine. The Ministry of Defense spoke about the origin of the downed Boeing missiles over Donbass Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine... The Dutch Foreign Ministry commented on the findings of the investigation into MH17 ... of the joint investigation team that the Buk that was shot down in the Donbass Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, arrived from Russia, indicates its involvement in... a meeting of the Dutch government regarding the conclusions of the investigation into the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. The investigation in the Netherlands spoke about the Buk from Russia that shot down MH17... the missile on board the Buk complex is untenable. Crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines near Donetsk Airplane Boeing 777 -200ER of Malaysia Airlines was shot down over Donetsk... Experts suspect the commander of deliberately crashing a Malaysian Boeing ... the group would take responsibility for what happened,” Dolan said. Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, which was flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared... Australia reports on search for missing Malaysian Boeing ... A Malaysian who went missing in March 2014 over the Indian Ocean Boeing 777 -200 (MH370) has still not been found, the reasons for its disappearance... to the Malaysian authorities so that they establish the reason for the disappearance of the aircraft. Airplane Boeing 777 -200, traveling on flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, disappeared... from the USA, where the plane was manufactured, it was recognized as part of the aileron Boeing 777 . A door believed to belong to the plane was then discovered. However, other traces... The airliner flying from Kamchatka to Moscow urgently landed in Novosibirsk ... Airplane Boeing-777 Aeroflot airline, which was flying from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to Moscow, made... “Russia” commented on the “tail landing” of its plane in Vnukovo ...mode Rossiya Airlines denied the information that the plane Boeing, flying on the flight Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Moscow, landing at the airport... the tail part of the runway (runway). "During the landing of the plane Boeing-777 , traveling on flight FV6486 Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - Moscow, in conditions of wind shear... no. The representative of Rossiya Airlines also emphasized that we are talking about Boeing-777 , not about Boeing-737. Maria Bondarenko Ekaterina Kostina The media reported an emergency landing of a Boeing 777 from China to Domodedovo ... At Domodedovo airport he committed emergency landing liner Boeing777 airline "VIM-Avia", flying from China. This was reported by Interfax ... source, the plane had problems with the engine. “The crew managed to land Boeing-777 in Domodedovo, despite the engine failure,” the emergency services said... Earlier, on June 28, a plane made an emergency landing at Domodedovo airport Boeing AzurAir 767, heading to Cuba. The reason for the landing was the activation... Bellingcat has proven the Russian origin of the Buk that shot down MH17 ...denied. Dutch Safety Council in its final report on the circumstances of the crash Boeing 777 named the cause of the disaster as a surface-to-air missile hitting the airliner... specialists from the military concern Almaz-Antey published the results of their own investigation into the disaster Boeing 777 . It follows from it that the airliner was shot down by a missile that was no longer used...

Politics, 06 Mar 2017, 21:59

What Ukraine demanded from Russia at the International Court of Justice ...or indirectly responsible for a number of terrorist attacks on the territory of Ukraine (crash Boeing-777 flight MH17 in July 2014, shelling of civilians in...

Politics, 06 Mar 2017, 15:24

Hearings on Ukraine's claim against Russia over Donbass and Crimea have begun in The Hague. ... claims, Kyiv demands full compensation from the Russian government for the death Boeing-777 flight MH17, for “shelling of civilians” in Volnovakha, Mariupol, Kramatorsk... Japanese Boeing crash lands in Krasnoyarsk due to engine failure ... . At the time of writing this material there was no official confirmation. "Airplane Boeing-777 Japan Airlines requested an emergency landing in Krasnoyarsk due to a refusal... there was no request.​ TASS reports that emergency landing made a plane Boeing 777 . "Boeing plane 777 Flight NH204 landed safely at Yemelyanovo airport,” they reported... Boeing makes an emergency landing due to a passenger trying to break into the cockpit ... Passenger Boeing 777 , on a flight from Chicago to Hong Kong, made an emergency landing in... Boeing that took off from Vnukovo returned to the airport due to problems with the landing gear ...Passenger plane Boeing-777 , who had problems with the landing gear during the flight, safely... the technical services of the capital's airport will begin to find out the reasons for what happened. Long-haul airliner Boeing-777 made a flight Moscow - Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. After departure, the crew commander said... Dutch prosecutors received in Moscow in the case of the death of Boeing MH17 ... with the Netherlands in order to clarify the circumstances of this terrible tragedy. Airplane Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed in eastern Ukraine 17 ... (OVV) presented the final report of the technical commission on the causes of the crash of the Malaysian Boeing. During the investigation, experts came to the conclusion that the plane crash occurred... sq. km. The head of the Security Council of the Netherlands, Tibbe Jaustra, said later that Boeing in Donbass was shot down from territory controlled by militias.​ “The borders of the territory... An unknown plane approached European airliners flying from Japan ... dispatchers decided to change the flight level of a passenger in that area Boeing-777 airline KLM, which operated a flight from Japan to Holland. IN... The Foreign Ministry called the authors of the BBC film about MH17 anti-Russian ... The authors of the BBC film about the crash Boeing 777 in Donbass are obviously opposed to Russia. This was stated by the official... and the militia. This is a very dangerous trend,” the Foreign Ministry concluded. Crash Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines near Donetsk BBC at the end of April... took place on May 3, Open Russia translated it into Russian. Boeing 777 , flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed in eastern Ukraine... Hungarian Air Force fighters raised alert after losing contact with Boeing ... Hungarian Air Force fighters escorted the passenger flight Boeing 777 British Airways after the aircraft failed to establish... two Gripens fighters were scrambled. They accompanied for some time Boeing, until the plane was identified and the Hungarian side received... they had already returned to base. A British Airways spokesman said that Boeing promptly restored contact with dispatchers and landed safely in London...

Boeing ...challenged the Ministry of Justice's restriction on the publication of materials relating to the investigation into the Malaysian disaster Boeing 777 , crashed in 2014 in Donbass, writes Volkskrant. In February... the elimination of its consequences,” said Volkskrant editor Philippe Remarque. Passenger airliner Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, crashed...

China sent a sonar reconnaissance vessel to search for Boeing ... China sent a sonar reconnaissance vessel to help search for the Malaysian Boeing 777 , who disappeared in 2014, reports the BBC. The ship is moving... a fragment of an unidentified aircraft was discovered, which was later identified as a fragment of the missing Boeing. It turned out to be part of the aileron flap - the control surface of the wing. Later, in... . At the same time, there were suggestions that the fragment could be a part of the missing one. Boeing. However, experts have indicated that Indian Ocean currents are unlikely... Experts doubt whether the wing fragment belongs to the missing Boeing ...last Saturday off the coast of Thailand, are unlikely to belong to the Malaysian Boeing 777 , who disappeared in March 2014. Aviation aircraft are inclined to this conclusion... 3 m in length. Thai media suggested that the fragment belongs to Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing (flight...


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