Armenia Yerevan attractions top 10. City sculpture of Yerevan. Opera House and Freedom Square

The sunny, welcoming, and very picturesque capital of Armenia, Yerevan, is always happy to welcome guests. The “Pink City” hides a lot of interesting and beautiful things, so it will take more than one day to explore all its sights. But even the shortest trip will bring travelers a lot of pleasure: below are the most striking, famous and interesting places. We'll tell you what to see and where to go in Yerevan short term.

Sights of Yerevan on the map:

The main attraction of the capital of Armenia, without visiting which it is impossible to imagine a trip to this city, is the Cascade architectural complex. This is a whole system of sculptures, stairs, flower beds, flower beds and fountains, built according to the design of the architect Alexander Tamayan, who developed the development plan for Yerevan.

Photo of the Cascade in Yerevan

The construction originates in a small square where works of world-famous sculptors are located. The attraction was built with the help of a businessman, philanthropist and collector from the United States, Gerard Cafesjian. Flying up 740 steps, the Cascade ends at the observation deck with the “Revived Armenia” obelisk. The Cascade itself in Yerevan is 500 meters long and 50 meters wide. At the top next to the obelisk there is an eternal gray construction site:

From above, Yerevan is in full view:

Warm up with tea on the observation deck

In 2009, when work on the monumental building was completed, the entrepreneur opened the “Art Center” in its interior, a museum where works in the style of contemporary art are exhibited. You can find sculptures by Stanislav Libensky and Yaroslava Brikhtova, works by John Altun, Andy Warhol, Grigor Khanjian, Marc Chagall, Fernando Botero, Arshile Gorky and many other masters. The Center also has a Swarovski Crystal Palace room and concert hall. We visited a similar one in Istanbul.

Republic Square

Republic Square (formerly named after Lenin) is the central square in Yerevan. In 1924, it was designed by Tamayan, and by 1958 all construction work was completed. It is here that all public holidays take place, and it was here that multi-day rallies took place during the spring unrest in Armenia in 2018.

The architectural ensemble of the object consists of several buildings, the facades of which are finished with pink and white tuff:

  • The government of the country with city chimes;
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Energy;
  • Museum of the History of Armenia;
  • Central Post;
  • Marriott Armenia Hotel.
In front of the Museum there are Singing Fountains - the highlight of the square. The performance starts at 21:00. Jets of water, effectively illuminated in different colors, dance to classical music, rock, jazz and pop. Attention! The show does not take place in winter. During the cold season, the bowl of the fountain is decorated with New Year's figures and garlands. It is on the Republic Square that we are.


The Matenadaran Institute of Ancient Manuscripts named after St. Mesrop Mashtots is a research center founded in 1920 at the meetings of the Etchmiadzin Monastery and the world's largest collection of ancient manuscripts. There are about 100,000 archival documents and about 17,000 manuscripts written in Armenian, Hebrew, Russian, Syriac, Latin, Arabic and many other languages.

The institute has a museum consisting of 14 halls. Visitors will get acquainted with the history of medieval sciences, see ancient miniatures, ancient manuscripts, books, maps from different countries and times. To view the exhibitions, it is better to take a tour in one of 9 languages. Ticket price is about 1000 drams.

Attention! The museum is open from Tuesday to Thursday, photographing exhibits costs 2,500 drams, and taking pictures with flash is strictly prohibited.

Armenian Genocide Museum

The Armenian Genocide Museum in Yerevan is part of the Tsitsenrnakaberd complex, a memorial dedicated to the same sad events of the early 20th century. The museum was opened in 1995. It occupies an inconspicuous concrete building with an area of ​​2000 sq. m. m., the first floor of which is completely underground.

The permanent exhibition occupies 4 halls: photographs, demographic tables, books, documents are presented here, which can be used to trace the history of the preparation and implementation of the genocide by the Turkish authorities. In 2014, Forbes magazine included the Museum in its list of nine memorial complexes that everyone should visit. Entrance to the territory of Tsitsenrnakaberd is free. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Temple of the Intercession Holy Mother of God is the main cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church in Armenia. Finished with pink tuff, it combines the traditions of both Armenian and Russian architecture.

The building was erected from 1913 to 1916 in the village of Kenakiry specifically for the Cossack army that was stationed here. In 1918, the church was closed, beheaded, and a military club was organized within its walls. The shrine reopened in the 90s of the last century, and in 2000 it underwent a complete restoration.

Attention: the temple is open from 09:00 to 18:00, break - from 13:00 to 14:00.

The Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator is the largest temple in Yerevan and the second largest in the entire Transcaucasus. The shrine was erected according to the design of S. Kyurkchyan in 1997, to commemorate the 1700th anniversary of the country’s adoption of Christianity. Temple complex includes 2 more churches: St. Tiridates III and St. Queen Ashkhen.

The total area of ​​the facility is 3822 sq. m., and the maximum height is 54 m. All buildings were erected in a strict, restrained style using geometric shapes. This is not only a functioning cathedral, but also a repository of artifacts associated with Gregory the Illuminator, the first Catholicos of the Armenians.

Inside the Cathedral of St. Gregory in Yerevan

Excursion to the Ararat and Noy cognac factories

It is no secret that excellent quality cognac is produced in Armenia. One of the most famous factories for the production of this drink is ArArAt. Tourists who go to inspect this production will visit the tasting rooms, see the cellar where the cognac barrels are stored, if they are lucky, look at the storage room with 50-year-old drinks, and also stroll through the cozy courtyard.

Flea market "Vernisage"

The Vernissage market is the most the best place in Yerevan to purchase original gifts. It was formed in the 80s of the 20th century, and is still popular among local residents, travelers and art critics. The fact is that here you can only sell antiques and works of art: paintings, icons, carpets, national souvenirs, semi-precious stones, ancient jewelry, household items, books.

This is a place worth visiting for creative people, collectors, and those who can appreciate exclusive items. “Vernisage” is located near Republic Square, at the intersection of Hanrapetutyan and Byuzand streets.

Important! The morning is open only on Saturdays and Sundays, from 09:00 to 16:00.

Victory Park and Mother Armenia Monument

In the center of the capital is Akhtanak, or Victory Park. This favorite place recreation for local residents. In summer, here you can stroll along the shady alleys, have fun on the rides and have a snack in the cafe. But in winter there is desolation and sadness here.

The crown of all this hopelessness is the huge abandoned cafe “Aragil” with a gorgeous view of the city.

Built in 1959, the expensive restaurant has become a symbol of Yerevan. Locals loved to party here on weekends, and foreign guests were always brought here for business lunches with panoramic view:

Today it is a place where the marginalized hang out.

Yerevan, so sunny, original and unlike other cities, has always attracted my attention and evoked exciting feelings. I was able to visit here for the first time only this year. And it so happened that my first trip coincided with an important date for the city - Yerevan turned 2800 years old.

Why go to Yerevan

Despite such an impressive age, the city cannot boast of preserved historical architecture. But having lost its pristine appearance, Yerevan, it seems to me, managed to preserve the breath of time, albeit not in stone, but in the special atmosphere around it.
Besides this, there are many more reasons why you should visit this beautiful capital.
1. Meet kind, open and sympathetic people,
2. Climb to the top of the Cascade to admire the best views to the city and to the symbol of Armenia - Mount Ararat, although located on the territory of another state
3. Study the architecture of Yerevan. Despite the fact that for the most part the city was restored in Soviet time– neoclassical architecture combined with national characteristics will not leave anyone indifferent
4. Learn the history of the city and country by visiting a number of quite original museums
5. Wander around the flea market, buy yourself some small souvenirs as a gift
6. See an incredible show of singing fountains
7. And of course, try the national cuisine
In addition, Yerevan is the most convenient point for all travel around Armenia, so when coming to this mountainous republic, it is best to stay in the capital.

How to get from the airport to Yerevan

The main airport of the country, Zvartnots, is located only 10 - 12 kilometers from the center of Yerevan, and you can get there from there in 15 - 20 minutes. However, this issue continues to remain relevant for many tourists.
I will name two main and most common ways to get there
to Yerevan from the airport:
- on public transport. Minibus No. 107 departs from Zvartnots to the city center. Travel on this bus will cost 250 drams, that is, about 40 rubles.
- by taxi. In Armenia it is budget method travel, for a trip from the airport on average you need to pay 1,500 drams, which equals approximately 200 Russian rubles.

How to choose a hotel in Yerevan

When choosing accommodation when traveling, I am primarily guided by the location, availability of convenient and developed infrastructure near. Yerevan, divided into 10 districts - districts, is not such a large city by capital standards, but due to the terrain, traveling from separate areas to the center can take a lot of time. Since I knew in advance that while staying in Yerevan, I would be traveling outside of it almost every day, the location in the center was not decisive for me.

As a result, I chose a small guest house in the northern region of Yerevan with very friendly hosts. However, as expected, most hotels are concentrated in the central part of the city, near its main attractions. Here you can find both luxury hotels and simple hostels. As a rule, housing in the center is more expensive, but if you book in advance, you can find a good option even for 1,500 - 2,000 rubles per day. Possible disadvantages of housing in the center, in addition to high prices, I would also add the bustle and noise that comes from the street. That is why, when traveling, I prefer to choose more remote areas for accommodation, where the chance of meeting numerous tourists is not so high.
At the same time, if you do not plan to stay in Yerevan for a long time, it would still be more appropriate to stay in central region to save travel time to the main attractions.

Selection of hotels in Yerevan: reviews and prices

Where to eat in Yerevan

Questions about where to go for lunch or dinner, where to buy food or souvenirs are, perhaps, no less important than all the previous ones.
There are many cafes and restaurants in Yerevan with national cuisine oh, but there are the usual Italian pizzerias, or Georgian cafes that set my teeth on edge. Of course, visiting such a colorful country and not trying the national cuisine is simply a crime.

On the one hand, I never had any problems choosing a place, because everywhere in Yerevan it’s incredibly tasty, and besides, compared to central Russia significantly lower prices. But on the other hand, the choice presented to me simply made my eyes widen. Over the course of a week, I was still able to highlight for myself those places where you can try some of the local cuisine.
And my TOP 3 included:
1. Oriental cuisine on Komitas Avenue, where they prepare delicious lahmanjo (Armenian pizza)
2. Cafe with Karabakh cuisine Zhengyalov Khats on Teryan street
3. Cozy cafe “Tun Lagmajo”, also located on Teryan
The average bill in these establishments was 10,000 - 12,000 drams, that is, about 1,500 rubles for two with alcohol.
I decided not to stop at the national cuisine; sometimes there was a need to have a quick snack before another trip or have time to have lunch between two visits to the museum. In general, there is no time to study the menu with exotic local dishes, there was no need to understand the ingredients, and then slowly eat it. For such cases, I gave my preference to the usual pizzeria. The Tashir Pizza chain is quite popular in Yerevan, where in addition to the famous Italian dish you can order quite ordinary food - soup or cutlet with a side dish. Although what I liked most was the Italian fast food “Friday” on Komitas Avenue. As you understand, the average check in such establishments will be even lower.
In case you just want to enjoy the surroundings, drink a glass of wine, a cup of coffee or eat ice cream, I recommend going to the street cafe in Shahumyan Square. The tables there are located along an unusual park, stretching almost the entire length, a fountain complex containing 2,750 small fountains. The number is not accidental - that is how old the ancient city of Erebuni was in 1968, when the fountain was opened.

If you want to cook yourself at home, in addition to traditional markets, which are located in literally every district of the city, where you can buy fresh vegetables and fruits, spices and sweets, I advise you to pay attention to the Yerevan City chain of stores. This is a large supermarket, where in addition to a huge selection of everyday products, food, alcohol, right in the store in 10 minutes they will fry the most delicious kebab for you to choose from.

Souvenirs in Yerevan

There are two main points in Yerevan where you can choose souvenirs - Northern Avenue - works are mainly sold on this street self made, and the famous Vernissage flea market, although I would call it a flea market at a stretch, most of the market is occupied by tents with ordinary souvenirs. The choice of souvenirs here is standard - from magnets (I advise you to find a handmade one, its price is low - 1000 drams) to canvases with beautiful and recognizable landscapes of the country, and national musical instrument, the favorite among which, of course, is the duduk.

What to see in Yerevan: attractions

As I said above, Yerevan received its appearance only
in Soviet times, but despite this, the city has a lot interesting monuments and places of interest. And since most of them are located next to each other in the center, 1–2 days are enough to explore the city.

For myself, I have compiled the following list of “must see” attractions in Yerevan:
1. Cascade - a unique work - a synthesis of architecture and urban planning and sculpture, designed by the architect Alexander Tamanyan, whose monument is located near the foot of the Cascade
2. The monumental opera house - which has become one of the recognizable architectural objects in the city.
3. Republic Square with majestic neoclassical architecture and singing fountain shows in the evenings
4. Northern Avenue - the main pedestrian street of the city
5. Swap meet where you can buy traditional souvenirs,
and if you're lucky, an antique thing
6. city recreation park - Victory Park with the powerful statue of Mother Armenia and an observation deck in front of it;
7. and two interesting places located at a distance from the central part of the city – memorial Complex Tsitsernakaberd and Erebuni Fortress

I recommend starting your walk around Yerevan, of course, from the center. You can get here by taking public transport or the metro to the Yeritasardakan or Republic Square stop. The main place in the center is occupied by Mesrop Mashtots and Sayat Novi avenues, intersecting each other
with a friend on Place de France. I would also pay special attention to Northern Avenue and Abovyan Street, leading south to Republic Square. A walk along these main thoroughfares will allow you to see both the main attractions and simply admire the interesting city architecture.

But no matter how your route is structured, I highly recommend spending the evening at the top of the Cascade, admiring the stunning sunset against the backdrop of Mount Ararat.

Museums of Yerevan

Yerevan is the city where you don’t mind spending time visiting museums. There are many of them here and they are all interesting and original. For ease of understanding, I divided the museums of Yerevan into groups corresponding to the main content.
I will give first place to historical museums. Usually I don’t really like such places because of boredom and excessive “parochialism,” but in this city historical museums worthy of attention. First of all, this is the stunning and very “strong” Museum of the Armenian Genocide, the Museum of the History of Armenia (1 Arami St., Republic Square), the unusual repository of ancient manuscripts and books “Matenadaran” (53 Mashtots Ave.). All of them reveal the unique, interesting, but in many ways tragic fate of the Armenian people.

On the second - more familiar to me art galleries, including contemporary art. There are few of them in Yerevan, but they all have remarkable collections. For example, in a meeting National Gallery In Armenia there are unique works of Armenian painting. The Center for Contemporary Art is no less interesting.
(7 Mashtots Ave.) with interesting installations and original works of modern sculpture

In the third group of museums I will include houses and memorial apartments dedicated to outstanding figures of Armenia - for example, composer Aram Khachaturian, world-famous singer Charles Aznavour, artist Martiros Saryan, film director Sergei Parajanov.
In addition, the Noy Cognac Factory Museum (Isakov Ave. 2) is very popular among tourists. After the excursion, you can buy yourself the appropriate alcoholic “souvenirs”.
Before visiting, it is worth considering that all museums in Yerevan, except for the cognac factory, have a day off on Monday. In addition, it is better to visit them with excursions, since all the signatures under the exhibits are in Armenian.

Where you can go for one day from Yerevan

Everyone traveling in Armenia is definitely in luck.

The country is small, and a trip even at the most remote place, if desired, you can plan it within one day. At the same time, the main and significant attractions of Armenia are generally located not far from Yerevan, about an hour’s drive from it. This is probably why my trip to Armenia turned out to be so eventful. I visited even the most remote corners of the country, and never once stopped in another city for the night.

Among the attractions closest to Yerevan, I will note:
1. The city of Vagharshapat - famous for the fact that it houses the spiritual center of the country - the Etchmiadzin Monastery, several medieval churches, and at the entrance to the city - an archaeological complex - the ruins of the Zvartnots temple
2. The ancient temple of Garni and the ancient Geghard - a monastery in the rocks, located next to each other in the settlements of the same name
3. The famous Lake Sevan, where the most delicious trout is found
and the monastery of the same name rising on top of the hill
4. Resort town Dilijan with stunning nature around
5. The city of Ashtarak is a city of ancient churches, on the way to which you encounter the Armenian alphabet carved from stone
6. A little further away are the beautiful ancient monasteries of Khor Virap and Noravank
7. Even to the Tatev Monastery and leading to it through the gorge cable car can be reached in one day. Although, in my opinion, it is more interesting to stay overnight in this remote corner of Armenia.

Excursions from locals

Excursions around Yerevan

In order to get to know the city as best as possible in a short period of time, it is better to purchase one of the offered excursions. You can buy it at any of the sales points in the center. I'm not a big fan of excursions, but I'm always interested to see what's on offer.

This time in Yerevan I discovered the following:
- standard sightseeing tour visiting everyone iconic places cities. They can be either bus or pedestrian. The latter, in my opinion, are more interesting, although they seem tedious.
-evening excursions that will allow you to see the incredible beauty of Yerevan, illuminated by hundreds of lights.
-for pilgrims, as well as for all those interested in religion, separate excursions to religious places of the city are organized.
- I would also note that a particularly relevant direction for Yerevan is a gastronomic excursion to best restaurants cities.
The cost of city excursions depends on the time and size of the group. Their minimum price is 3500 drams, and individual excursions They are more expensive, but their advantages are undeniable.

Yerevan captivates with its sunny mood, open, smiling people on the streets, beautiful sunsets against the backdrop of pink tuff architecture. You definitely want to come back here to once again plunge into the special atmosphere of this city.

The William Saroyan Monument is a beautiful bronze statue installed in the very center of Yerevan and depicting the famous writer of Armenian origin William Saroyan. The monument looks very aesthetically pleasing, invariably attracting the attention of tourists and passers-by.

The monument to William Saroyan was erected in December 2008 in honor of the centenary of the writer’s birth. The magnificent ceremony accompanying the opening of the monument was attended by top officials of Armenia, including the current president of the country, Serzh Sargsyan. Work on the three-meter statue lasted three whole years, but the result was worth the effort - the bronze sculpture looks simply amazing. The already elderly Saroyan is depicted standing at full height, and his clothes seem to be blowing in the wind.

Overall, the William Saroyan monument is a magnificent addition to Yerevan's streetscape, and is considered a popular city attraction among tourists. Near the monument you can always see fresh flowers left by fans of the great writer.

Monument to Hovhannes Tumanyan

The monument to Hovhannes Tumanyan is dedicated to one of the founders of modern culture, poet and writer. It was Hovhannes Tumanyan who created the first primer and the book “Lusaber”. The monument was erected in 1957 by one of the famous sculptors Gukas Chubaryan on one of the most beautiful squares in Yerevan. The monument is made of bronze and stands on a large concrete pedestal. It's big enough. The height of the monument is about 4-6 meters, and its weight is 20 tons.

Despite the fact that the monument has stood for a long time, it was able to retain its majestic original appearance. Freedom Square, where the monument is located, is considered one of the most beautiful in the city. The area is also surrounded by a large number of green spaces and trees.

Khachkar monument

Khachkar (Armenian, literally “cross-stone”) - a type of Armenian architectural monuments, a stone stele with a carved image of a cross. The khachkar was erected in memory of the victims of the Armenian Genocide of 1915.

Monument to Griboyedov

The Griboyedov Monument is a beautiful bronze statue paying tribute to the famed Russian poet, playwright and diplomat Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov. The monument is located in the central part of Yerevan, being a noticeable decoration of the street landscape of the Armenian capital.

The monument to Griboedov was created in 1975 by the famous sculptor Hovhannes Bedzhanyan with the participation of the architect Spartak Kntehtsyan. The statue is installed on a massive granite pedestal, decorated with a thank you inscription. The sculpture itself is made with great skill and amazes with the deep elaboration of small details. Griboyedov is depicted standing at full height with a book of poetry clutched in his left hand. Around the monument there is a small paved area, bordered by flower beds and a small square.

Today, the monument to Griboyedov is rightly considered one of the most beautiful sculptures depicting the famous writer. This famous landmark of Yerevan attracts many tourists and admirers of Griboyedov’s work.

Monument to David of Sassoun

The monument to David of Sasun is one of the largest and most famous street sculptures in Yerevan. The monument is installed in the center station square and is a recognizable symbol of the capital of Armenia.

The monument to David of Sasun was created in 1959 by the popular Armenian sculptor Yervand Kochar. The sculpture depicts David of Sassoun, the legendary folk hero of the Armenian epic of the 13th century. The equestrian statue of David himself is made of forged copper, and several basalt blocks serve as the pedestal for the monument. The sculpture is located in the center of a twenty-five-meter pool, and the height of the monument reaches 12 meters.

In general, the monument to David of Sasun is very beautiful, expressive and involuntarily attracts the attention of any tourist exploring Yerevan. Being the most famous city landmark, the image of this sculpture can often be seen on postage stamps of Armenia, in addition, the monument was chosen as the emblem for the Armenfilm film studio.

Sights of Yerevan

In 1924, A. O. Tamanyan created a project according to which the capital of Armenia was reconstructed and rebuilt, and, unfortunately, all the ancient buildings, mosques, and churches were destroyed. And today's Yerevan is what was created during the USSR.

You can start getting acquainted with the city from the Big Cascade, an unusual architectural complex, reminiscent of a majestic pyramid. The Grand Cascade is a large scale staircase made of milky tuff, connecting the city center with residential areas located high in the mountains.

Its openings are decorated with beautiful sculptures, fountains and flower beds. In the evening, thanks to the magnificent illumination, the cascade is visible from afar, illuminated almost all night with bright lights.

In front of the Great Cascade there is a small well-groomed square with multiple figures of hares. And having climbed to the very top of the cascade staircase, from the observation deck you can enjoy fabulous panoramas of the city and the symbol of Armenia - Mount Ararat.

The “Pink City,” as Yerevan is also called because of the buildings built of volcanic stone (tufa), which has a pinkish tint, is the oldest in the world, founded before Rome.

The building, built in 1959 by architect Mark Grigoryan, houses the Matenadaran named after. Mesrop Mashtots, or the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts, is one of the most significant book depositories in the world (more than 17,000 ancient manuscripts and more than 100 thousand ancient archival documents) in various languages: Latin, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Syriac, Japanese, Greek, Persian and others.

In Yerevan's Haghtanak Park, a favorite place for Yerevan residents to walk, there is a 54-meter monument in honor of the USSR Victory in the Great Patriotic War - Mother Armenia (Mayr Hayastan), made in hammered copper and symbolizing the greatness and power of the Motherland. This is a mother woman sheathing a sword, and at her feet lies a shield.

The capital of Armenia Yerevan is beautiful and ancient city with wide avenues, numerous parks, squares and amazing places. The year of its foundation is considered to be 782 BC. e. - It was at this time that the famous Erebuni fortress was built by order of King Argishti.

The center of Yerevan is a real gem of early Soviet architecture. Many of the city’s attractions and the center are concentrated in this place architectural ensemble became the beautiful Republic Square, where the famous singing fountains are located. Amazing amazing beauty building of Matenadaran, Opera and Ballet Theater named after. Spendiarova, Chess Players' House and many others.

There are a large number of monuments in Yerevan, among them the statue of Mother Armenia, revered in the city, depicting a woman with a sword in her hand, personifying the image of the Motherland.

Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator

The largest Armenian Orthodox cathedral in the city of Yerevan and the entire Transcaucasus was built in 1997-2001. in memory of the 1700th anniversary of the adoption of Christianity in Armenia. The cathedral is also a repository of the relics of Gregory the Illuminator, which were brought to this place from Naples.

The beautiful cathedral consists of 3 churches: the Church of the Holy Queen Ashkhen, the Church of St. Tiridates and the Cathedral of St. Gregory the Illuminator. The names for the temples were not chosen by chance - Queen Ashkhen and King Tiridates helped Gregory spread the Christian faith in Armenia.

Strict contours, geometric shapes and restrained colors, characteristic of Cathedral, give the building uniqueness. The inside of the temple is spacious and bright, there are very few icons, there are no wall paintings, there are niches and arches on the ceiling and walls. Narrow, slightly oblong windows are decorated with beautiful stained glass windows.


In the city of Yerevan, between Baghramyan, Moskovyan streets and Mesrop Mashtots Ave., right behind the opera house building, there is a magnificent architectural structure- Cascade. This is a very beautiful place - a majestic multi-tiered staircase made of milky tuff with beautiful flower beds, fountains and night illumination fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape of Yerevan.

The cascade, a staircase about 1 km long, was built to connect the upper and lower city. At its top is located Observation deck, which offers stunning views of Yerevan and the symbol of the city, Mount Ararat.

The capital of Armenia looks especially beautiful and impressive at night or in the evening - with a lot of lights.

Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque is cathedral mosque city ​​of Yerevan, it was built in 1766 by the local Turkic Khan Huseynali Khan Qajar. In 1931, the mosque was turned into a museum of nature and history of Yerevan, then into a planetarium, and currently it is cultural center Iranian community in Armenia.

The entire mosque complex occupies 7,000 m2 and includes a madrasah, a library and a prayer hall.

On the south-eastern side of the Blue Mosque there is a minaret lined with beautiful decorative tiles decorated in majolica. Also sacred place includes a courtyard, a ritual building, 28 pavilions and a dome.

Erebuni Museum

At the foot of the Arin-berd hill there is a beautiful 2-story building built of red tuff. This is one of the most beautiful places and the main attractions of Yerevan - the Erebuni Museum. It was in this place in 782 BC. there was an Urartian fortress-city of Erebuni.

The museum was built in the Urartian style, on the façade central entrance there is a bas-relief of the founder of Yerevan, King Argishti. Erebuni houses 1,500 amazing exhibits that were found during excavations of the fortress. Also in this place are displayed gifts received by the capital of Armenia for its 2750th anniversary.


In 1920, one of the largest repositories of ancient manuscripts in the world, Matenadaran, was created in Yerevan. The main façade of the storage facility is built in the shape of a parallelepiped.

Laconic and austere, it is enlivened by a high arched doorway and deep niches in the style of the national religious traditions of the 12th-13th centuries. The interiors of Matendaran are decorated with ceramics, frescoes, sculptures, mosaics - all of this complements each other and creates the impression of simplicity and solemnity.

The Institute's collections contain more than 17 thousand ancient manuscripts and about 100 thousand ancient archival documents. This collection is constantly growing with new acquisitions, finds and gifts. Many manuscripts are bound in embossed leather, and some are encased in silver covers. The parchments of the documents are richly decorated with beautiful miniatures, which are of great value for world art.

On the ground floor of the Matendaran there are storage rooms, and on the top floor there are researchers’ offices, an exhibition and reading room, as well as catalogs.


Near Yerevan in mysterious place there are the ruins of perhaps one of the most majestic and beautiful structures of church architecture in Armenia - Zvartnots, which translated means Temple of Heavenly Angels.

The ruins of a temple in this place were discovered by archaeologists at the beginning of the 20th century. To date, the first tier has been almost completely restored. According to the reconstruction of T. Toramanyan, the temple was a round 3-tier domed structure.

A cross is inscribed in the center of the base, 3 wings of which are formed in a semicircle by 6 columns, the 4th wing was a blank wall covered with frescoes and mosaics. The altar ledge had a raised platform (pulpit), and in front of it was a baptismal font. At the back of the dais there was a square room (sacristy), from which one could climb a staircase to the upper tier.

The facades of the Temple of Heavenly Angels are decorated with relief slabs with beautiful ornaments, arcature, bunches of grapes and pomegranates. The columns of the majestic Zvartnots are crowned with powerful capitals depicting eagles and crosses.


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