Russia has become a leader in deaths in plane crashes (photos, videos). What type of transport is the safest?

Statistics is an impartial science. She does not belittle or embellish the details. She presents the picture as it is. The statistics of crashes in Russia are one complete disappointment in domestic aviation. When you start looking at the causes of plane crashes, you often come across the phrase “pilot error” or “crew error.”

It's right. The human factor is the leading cause in Russia and the world. What are the biggest plane crashes in Russia over the past 10 years? Unfortunately, there are many of them. And if in the USA the statistics of crashes is falling, then in Russia it is only growing. What are the main reasons for this?

So, the leader is by a clear margin - human factor . Insufficient and unqualified training of pilots largely leads to such sad results.

Airbus A330-300 from Aeroflot.

Many experts note that old Soviet models are still in use, which are long overdue for decommissioning.

Another reason is the greed of airlines, which skimp on the quality of aircraft maintenance and the purchase of new parts and equipment.

As a result, the equipment wears out, parts are not replaced, and the aircraft becomes unusable. But it is not being taken out of service. There are known cases when the plane flew until it was completely worn out, even to the point of disaster!

List of the largest air disasters in Russia

Over the past few years, Russia has had its share of quite a few very sad disasters. One of the most “recent” is the crash of a TU-154 heading to Syria, December 25, 2016. This is the largest accident in 2016.

TU-154 from Utair.

The causes of the disaster have not yet been clarified due to difficulties in deciphering the black boxes. It is only known that the plane crashed into the Black Sea, taking with it the lives of all passengers and crew.

March 19 of the same year A FlyDubai plane flying to Rostov-on-Don from the UAE crashed. All the people died. The causes of the disaster are also still being clarified, but so far only interim results have been announced.

That night was difficult weather, which caused the plane to land twice. After the second time, it began to decline sharply and simply collapsed into GDP.

The biggest disaster in 2013, Boeing 737 crash near Kazan. All passengers and crew were killed. The accident also occurred during landing.

The reason is said to be negligence and failure of the crew to fulfill their duties, as well as their insufficient preparedness for flights.

Airplane TU-134.

Another terrible disaster that occurred in Karelia, death of TU-134 when landing. The plane collided with trees and crashed. One of the reasons is poor visibility in foggy conditions. 47 people died, but 5 managed to survive.

Plane crash near Yaroslavl of a Yak-42 aircraft led to the death of all hockey team"Lokomotiv". In this disaster only 1 person survived. During takeoff, the plane crashed into a radio beacon and crashed on the river bank. The reason also turned out to be the unpreparedness of the crew.

Monday - April 2, 2012- turned out to be the last day for most passengers and crew of Utair flight 120. Only 10 managed to survive this disaster. The accident occurred after takeoff, 42 seconds later.

The reason turned out to be the PIC’s refusal to perform anti-icing treatment, which led to a deterioration in the aerodynamic capabilities of the aircraft. Plus, the crew was unable to notice the plane stalling in time.

Which Russian planes crash more often?

In the article on our website, you can see that it is already in second place in the ranking of the most dangerous aircraft The world is occupied by IL-76, and third is the well-known TU-154. TU-134 takes sixth place.

Three models from Russian manufacturers are included in this list. That says something. However, for example, the same TU-154 was never taken out of service, as a result of which disasters continue to occur.

Russian airlines Transaero and Aeroflot were included in the ranking of the 60 safest carriers in the world, with Transaero immediately taking 15th place, ahead of airlines such as TAP Portugal, Swiss, KLM and Alitalia.

The German bureau JACDEC has been rating safe carriers for almost 40 years. However, this year the list has undergone dramatic changes, as compilers began to analyze airline safety in a new way. If previously experts took into account only the number of accidents with human casualties, correlating them with the age of the company, now all incidents with the carrier’s aircraft over the past 10 years are taken into account.

As a result, last year's leader was the Australian airline Qantas in the new ranking it immediately fell back to 11th place. The incident with the Airbus A380 aircraft, which happened in November 2010, is “to blame”: then, due to a fire in the engine, the airliner, which had 433 passengers and 26 crew members on board, was forced to emergency landing in Singapore. Because of this incident, airlines around the world grounded A380 aircraft for several days, and Qantas spent 50 million euros on repairs to the giant aircraft.

Japan is now recognized as the safest airline in the world. All Nippon Airways. Second place went to the Finnish airline Finnair- thus, this carrier has become the safest airline in Europe. The last crash of a Finnair plane, which has been flying since 1923 (only British Airways and Dutch KLM are older), occurred on November 8, 1963 - on the approach to Mariehamn ( Åland Islands) the DC-3 airliner crashed. In that crash, 22 passengers and crew died, two passengers and a flight attendant survived.

Following Finnair in the ranking are the following airlines: Cathay Pacific Airways(Hong Kong), Etihad Airways(UAE), Hainan Airlines (China), JetBlue Airways(USA), Emirates(UAE) and Virgin Blue(Australia).

The second European carrier to make it into the top ten safest was the German airberlin(9th place). It is now one of the youngest airlines in the EU and was originally founded in the USA. But in 1992, the airline was bought by a group of German businessmen and it moved to Germany. During the entire existence of the carrier with airberlin aircraft, there have been no emergency situations in which people died.

The New Zealand currency closes the top ten. Air New Zealand.

15th place on the list is occupied by Russian "Transaero". The second carrier in Russia in terms of the volume of passengers transported, created in 1990, did not have any emergency situations in which passengers were killed or injured. Among European airlines, Transaero is second only to the German, in addition to Finnair and airberlin. Lufthansa(12th place) and British British Airways(13th place).

The last accident involving a British Airways aircraft occurred on September 10, 1976, when the airliner, en route from Heathrow to Istanbul, collided with an Inex Adria DC-9 in the skies over Yugoslavia. All 54 passengers and 9 crew members were killed.

Lufthansa has an incident with fatal occurred on September 14, 1993, when an A320, while landing in Warsaw, overshot the runway and crashed into the ground. Then two people died.

Russian national carrier Aeroflot ranks 35th in the ranking. JACDEC experts analyze the airline’s testimony only since 1992, that is, after the collapse of Aeroflot (and without taking into account its subsidiaries). Since that time, one disaster has occurred with his planes - in March 1994, an Airbus A310 flying from Moscow to Hong Kong crashed in the Kemerovo region. The tragedy occurred because the ship's commander, relying on the autopilot, put his 15-year-old son in his seat. He accidentally turned off the autopilot, and the plane went into an inverted tailspin. 75 people died in the disaster.

The following positions in the ranking are better than those of Aeroflot: European airlines like Portuguese TAP Portugal(16th place), British Thomas Cook Airlines(17th), Virgin Atlantic(18th), easyJet(19th) and Thomsonfly(25th), as well as Dutch KLM(23rd), Irish Ryanair(28), Swiss Swiss(30s) and Italian Alitalia(34th place).

French Air France was in 39th place in the ranking, Spanish Iberia- on the 45th. Two positions below Scandinavian SAS.

Turkish Airlines ended up in 53rd place. Over 76 years, 18 accidents occurred with the planes of this airline. domestic flights and three - at international ones. The last one happened on February 25, 2009 at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. During landing, it broke into three parts. There were 128 passengers and seven crew members on board. As a result of the crash, nine people were killed and 86 were injured.

Lasts the list of the most safe airlines planet egyptian carrier EgyptAir.

By the way, according to official statistics, 2011 in international aviation was recognized as the safest in its entire history. In total, last year in air accidents in different regions 498 people died worldwide. By comparison, in 2010, plane crashes claimed the lives of 829 passengers. The worst year in aviation history was 1996, when 2,272 people died.

Today, air travel has become so popular that airplanes in terms of frequency of use for tourists are equal to cars and trains. However, air travel seems very dangerous and not entirely reliable to many. Is this really true, how do our ideas about the dangers of air travel compare with statistics and how often do planes crash?

Choosing transport for travel

During the period of long-awaited vacations and long holidays, many are faced with the problem of choosing to travel abroad to hot beaches or snow-covered ski resorts. And it is complex, because many factors need to be correlated, such as ease of movement, the price tag for the trip itself and, most importantly, safety. Let's look at statistical studies and find out how often planes crash and whether the scale of this is really as fatal as people think.

Are trains safer - misconception or not?

According to statistical studies, the most in a safe way People's mode of transportation is the train. The train has a slightly higher rating. Airplanes do not inspire confidence among the world's population at all. Only sixteen percent of respondents believe in their complete reliability. If we take cars into account, their safety rating is generally low, because they are initially considered very dangerous for driving over long distances.

However, in the struggle between different modes of transport in terms of reliability, everything is not so simple. Airplanes, according to many years of research by air crash experts and statistical studies, are rightfully recognized. However, people, even despite official scientific evidence, still don’t trust them. Why is this happening? Maybe the news that a plane has crashed somewhere really frightens tourists? Let's understand the situation.

The plane is not safe?!

Although statistics is an exact science, the final result depends very much on the calculation method. When determining the security level aircraft The number of tragic events per total number of flight kilometers is taken. It is this type of calculation that is mainly used by statisticians, and it is its results that are published in official sources.

The whole secret lies in the fact that most disasters occur during takeoffs and landings. On the way, plane crashes are much less common. But this method of calculation is very beneficial for transport companies, and they very often use it so as not to discourage tourists from choosing air travel for travel. Nevertheless, such an indicator as those killed in a plane crash (their number) during accidents during takeoff and landing is acquiring very large proportions.

If we take into account the calculation of tragic cases per total mileage of movement, then the most dangerous types of movement will be two types of movement - motorcycle and walking. One has only to look at the summary of tragic moments in any city and you can see that a lot of pedestrians die, even more than motorcyclists.

If you study other methods of statistical research, then the plane will give way to the train in terms of safety. For example, in terms of the number of passenger deaths per number of trips and speed of travel, air travel is the most unfavorable.

When considering other research methods, it turns out that trains are the best choice for travel. So it’s not without reason that tourists are in a fever from the mere news that a plane has crashed, and the trip railway rightfully has a safety advantage in people's minds.

Rating of the safest airlines

Be that as it may, you will still have to fly, since there are resorts that simply cannot be reached by any other type of transport, but you really want to. Despite the bad forecasts, negative reviews and gloomy opinions, our country is still not the weakest in terms of air travel safety. But the United States has been a leader in plane crashes for quite a long period of time. If we build a ranking by countries that own aircraft, we can say that the first five include Finland, New Zealand, Hong Kong and UAE. It is the companies of these five that are worth flying, and then no plane crash will be terrible. Russia, in this ranking, is in sixteenth place with the company Transaero.

Causes of plane crashes

Why do planes crash? Before choosing an airline, tourists first of all give preference to companies with the “youngest” modes of transport in terms of service life. However, this is not at all supported by statistical data. According to them, in Russia the company with the most unworn transport fleet is Aeroflot. Its aircraft are less than five years old. However, Finland, which occupies a leading position in flight safety and a small number of plane crashes, has had its aircraft in operation for more than nine years.

This fact indicates that an aircraft crash due to wear and tear and service life is unlikely. By choosing an airline based on the criterion of its small transport, the likelihood of a crash does not decrease at all. If we look at the statistics, we can see that large quantity Aircraft accidents occur due to the human factor, and there is no escape from this.

How to overcome your fear of flying, because there are situations when traveling by plane simply cannot be avoided. Psychologists give good advice on this matter. If fear is caused by any mental disorders, be it panic attacks or fear of a small enclosed space, then these are the problems that need to be solved.

However, in many cases, fear is caused by a lack of complete personal control over the situation and the safety of the flight. This must be accepted as inevitable, because any movement by transport depends little on us. Therefore, when traveling by air, it is recommended to simply relax and take your mind off bad thoughts by watching a movie on your tablet or listening to pleasant music. Never use alcohol to relieve stress. In fact, if it dulls the nervous state, it will only be for a short time, and then the problem will only get worse. The fear of flying needs to be addressed first of all with yourself. There is no need to simply get on your nerves, taking into account the information from news channels about how often planes crash, but you just need to calm down and try to take control of your emotions.

Which planes have the most accidents?

If we look at global statistics, Boeing can be considered the most unreliable, the second in the number of crashes is An, and the IL is in third place. If we turn to Russian research, we can see that the most “falling” in our country will be “An”. Why do planes crash? In 2005 alone, as many as nine cars of this brand crashed in Russia. In the world, they account for nineteen percent of all disasters.

The causes of plane crashes in Russia are explained by journalists in one key - the outdated transport fleet of domestic companies. Is this really true and how often do planes crash for this reason?

Causes of Russian plane crashes

In general, the aging of air transport is expressed not in the number of years that have passed since its production, but in the sum of hours flown and overall technical condition. According to statistics, Russia has aircraft dating back to Soviet times, and their percentage is much higher than foreign-made units. However, you should not look at age. Compared to foreign ships, domestic ones flew much fewer hours, and Soviet production quality was one of the best in the world.

For what reason then does Russia purchase foreign aircraft for a lot of money when it has its own quite reliable aircraft? An example is the Tu aircraft. They have excellent flight safety statistics, and pilots consider them to be the most convenient in terms of technical design.

One of the reasons is the fact that Tu aircraft are very expensive in terms of the amount of fuel they consume. And since air travel has long turned into separate species business, company directors, in pursuit of reducing the cost of servicing their fleet of cars, give preference to foreign airliners, which are much more economical than their Russian counterparts.

Another reason is the decline of aircraft. The technologies for their production are significantly outdated, investments in aircraft factories are not being carried out. Therefore, our country cannot compete with more advanced foreign units.

How to save the situation?

In Russia, in order to stabilize the situation with the aircraft production market, the President signed a Decree on the creation of the United Aircraft Corporation. Moreover, investments in aircraft factories amounting to ten billion dollars were planned. This happened back in 2006. Currently the situation has not improved at all. The process of forming the corporation was greatly slowed down and, according to journalists, the purpose of its creation was not to study the competitor market, but to combine all assets Russian airlines In one place.

Nevertheless, there are positive developments. The Ilyushin Finance company purchased Il and Tu aircraft from Russia. The Tashkent production association has concluded an agreement with the St. Petersburg airline for the supply of Il aircraft to Russia, most of which will be Russian-built.

What you need to know about a plane crash?

No one is safe from an aircraft crash. However, if you have the necessary information about what happens when a plane crashes, you have a chance of surviving the crash. In the nineties, there was an accident with the B-707 airliner. The death toll in the plane crash numbered in the hundreds. However, five passengers used the information from the flight attendant's instructions and survived.

In some cases, there is a chance to be saved if you have the necessary knowledge. They are not as useless as they seem at first glance. Knowing what happens when a plane crashes, you can apply many effective methods for your own safety.

The main ways to protect yourself, as the statistics of plane crashes show us, is to follow safety precautions. First of all, it is necessary, if possible, to remain in shoes and clothing. This will provide protection in case of fire. Remove all foreign objects from your clothing pockets and fasten your seat belt tightly. It is allowed to be removed only after a special command from the flight attendant.

Immediately before an accident, if possible, you need to take a protective position - you need to bend as low as possible and clasp your hands very tightly under your knees. The head should be placed on them, and if this cannot be done, then lower it as far as possible. Your feet should rest as firmly as possible on the floor. This technique, and it is fully proven by the statistics of plane crashes, often saves the lives of passengers in a plane crash.


As you can see, flying is not such a scary thing. The main thing is to use tickets for flights only from time-tested airlines with a small number of accidents, and also to comply with the safety requirements for aircraft passengers, so that later experts do not have to study the crashing plane on which you were flying on vacation. warm country. Safe flights and successful landings and takeoffs!

The history of air travel goes back hundreds of years. major disasters. Such accidents, although rare, are usually fatal. The worst plane crash to date claimed the lives of almost six hundred people.

The most famous plane crashes

As you know, even a minor mistake made when flying an airliner can lead to its crash. It is the human factor that often becomes the cause of most disasters. Today, large-capacity aircraft take to the skies, and because of this, disasters are becoming more and more widespread. Here are some of the most famous major plane crashes.

Japan Airlines Flight No. 123

Five hundred and twenty people were killed in the 1985 crash of a Boeing 747 owned by Japan Airlines. He was supposed to fly from Tokyo to Osaka. After twelve minutes of flight, technical problems made themselves felt.

After the Boeing's fin came off, the crew continued to fly the plane for thirty-two minutes, trying to stabilize the condition of the airliner. However, it went out of control and crashed into mountain range. It is known that four passengers managed to survive.

Disaster over India (Charkhi Dadri)

Three hundred and forty-nine victims - this is the result of a mid-air collision between a Boeing 747-100B and an Il-76 aircraft. The disaster occurred just sixty kilometers from Delhi. An Il-76 belonging to Kazakh Airlines descended from fifteen to fourteen thousand feet without receiving permission. As a result, he rammed the stabilizer and left wing of the Boeing.

In this terrible accident no one survived. The Boeing disintegrated in the air after the collision, the IL remained “intact”, but lost control.

Plane crash in Ermenonville

In France, the largest plane crash is considered to have occurred in 1974. We are talking about Turkish Airlines flight 981. The plane was supposed to fly from Istanbul to Paris and then fly to London. After takeoff from the airport in Paris, there was a sharp decompression of the cabin. This happened due to a poorly fixed cargo hatch, which, unable to withstand the load, opened. The control systems were damaged.

Just seventy-two seconds after the incident, the plane crashed. Three hundred and forty-six people were killed in the Ermenonville disaster.

L-1011 disaster

The Saudi plane, which stopped in Riyadh, was heading to its destination - Jeddah. Seven minutes into the flight, a fire started in the cargo compartment. The team decided to return to Riyadh.

The airliner managed to land, but for unknown reasons did not turn off the engines, but continued to move, stopping much further than the firefighters who were waiting for it. They did not dare to approach the board. Twenty-three minutes later the plane was completely engulfed in flames. Everyone inside, three hundred and one people, burned or died from suffocation.

Flight IR655

In the summer of 1988 over Persian Gulf V airspace Iran's Airbus A300 was shot down. He was flying from Tehran to Dubai. The American military cruiser Vincennes incorrectly identified it, which is why it was shot down using surface-to-air missiles.

America never admitted its guilt, and no apologies were made to the families of the two hundred and ninety victims. However, the US authorities paid compensation in the amount of almost sixty-two million dollars.

American Airlines Flight 191

In the history of American air travel, the largest in terms of the number of victims and the most famous is the disaster that occurred in 1979. The plane was flying from Chicago to Los Angeles. After takeoff, one of the engines failed, which was the result of poor maintenance of the airliner. As a result, the engine came off, damaging the wing - the airliner crashed next to the runway. Two hundred and seventy-three people died.

Plane crash near Donetsk

On July 17, 2014, the worst plane crash of a Malaysian Boeing 777 occurred near Donetsk. The plane was flying from Amsterdam to the city of Kuala Lumpur.

Its crash occurred over Donetsk. Almost three hundred people died. As you know, the Boeing fell into a zone of active hostilities and was shot down.

The results of the investigation are due to be made public in 2018.

A321 crash over the Sinai Peninsula

On October 31, 2015, the Airbus A321-231 aircraft, performing chartered flight on the route Sharm el-Sheikh-St. Petersburg, disappeared from radar 23 minutes after takeoff. The wreckage of the plane was found near the town of Nekhel. The tragedy claimed the lives of 224 people - 7 crew members, 192 adult passengers and 25 children were killed.

Among those returning from vacation was a little ten-month-old girl, Darina Gromova. Her photo at Pulkovo airport, which her mother posted on social network with an inscription " Main passenger", became a symbol of the plane crash and was replicated by many media. The A321 crash became the largest mass death of Russian citizens in the entire history of world aviation.

The most terrible plane crash to date, the most terrible, unexpected and even ridiculous plane crash that occurred in 1977 is considered. It claimed the lives of nearly six hundred people.

At the Tenerife airport in 1977, two large airliners collided during takeoff. We are talking about Boeing 747, owned by Dutch and American airlines. They ended up in Tenerife by chance. Airplanes were redirected there due to the terrorist attack that took place in Gran Canaria the day before.

The Boeings were moving along the taxiway towards each other and did not have time to avoid the collision. Five hundred and eighty-three people died in that disaster. Only sixty-one passengers managed to survive.

According to the site, the fastest aircraft in the world were taken out of service precisely because emergency situations often occurred with them.
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Ten years ago, the State Aircraft Safety Program was adopted civil aviation. Four years later, in 2012, amendments were made to the Air Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, almost quarterly, departments sign and send out strict orders and instructions to strengthen control, vigilance, and discipline in Russian aviation. Why can’t we move from words to deeds? Actually, two authoritative Russian experts addressed this question to the Prosecutor General of Russia: a member of the board World Fund flight safety Valery Shelkovnikov and member of the World Flight Safety Foundation Sergey Melnichenko. Especially for Yuri Chaika, they compiled a “Flight Safety Profile of the Russian Federation in the 21st Century,” which lists all plane crashes in the country since the beginning of the century.

To the Prosecutor General Russian Federation Chaika Yu.Ya.
Dear Yuri Yakovlevich,

We are sending you the “Flight Safety Profile of the Russian Federation in the 21st Century” in order to monitor compliance with flight safety laws. We believe that the information will be useful to you in improving flight safety, including state aviation. Using the experience of professionals, you can change things for the better. Remember, we all use air transport!
Valery Shelkovnikov, President of the International Consulting and Analytical Agency "Flight Safety", laureate of the USSR State Prize in the field of flight safety, member of the board of the World Flight Safety Foundation.
Sergey Melnichenko, CEO International Consulting and Analytical Agency "Flight Safety", member of the World Flight Safety Foundation.



2001, July 4, Irkutsk region. While landing in Irkutsk, a Tu-154 plane belonging to Vladivostok Air crashed. All 145 people died.

2001, October 4, Black Sea. While en route, the Siberia Airlines Tu-154 plane was shot down by a missile fired by the Ukrainian military. 78 people died (all).

2001, December 1, New Inya. A fire started on the Il-76TD plane of the border troops. While trying to make an emergency landing, the plane collided with the ground. All 18 people on board were killed. The plane carried the registration plates of a commercial aircraft.

2004, August 24, after taking off from Domodedovo, due to the explosion of bombs on board during the flight, a Tu-134 plane of the Volga-Aviaexpress airline, on which 44 people (all) died, and a Tu-154 plane of the Sibir airline, on which 46 people died person (all).

2005, March 16, Varandey. The An-24RV aircraft of the Regionavia airline crashed during its landing approach; out of 52 people, 28 died.

2006, July 9, Irkutsk. An Airbus A-310 of Siberia Airlines crashed while landing. Of the 203 people, 125 died.

2007, March 17, Samara. The UTAIR Tu-134 plane crashed while landing.” Six people out of 57 died.

By order of the Government of the Russian Federation 641-r on May 6, 2008, the State Program for Ensuring the Flight Safety of Civil Aviation Aircraft was approved. Did not help:

2008, May 26, Chelyabinsk. When returning to Chelyabinsk, due to a fire on board, the An-12 aircraft of the Moscovia airline crashed before reaching 11 km from the airfield. All 9 people on the plane were killed.

2008, September 14, Perm. An Aeroflot-Nord Boeing 737-500 plane crashed during its landing approach. All 88 people on board were killed.

2009, January 9, Altai. During the hunt, the Mi-171 helicopter crashed, killing 7 of the 11 people on board.

2010, March 22, Moscow/Domodedovo airfield area. The Tu-204 aircraft of the Aviastar-Tu airline, which carried only eight crew members, crashed while landing at the destination airfield. Everyone survived, but the plane was destroyed.

2010, August 3, Igarka. The An-24 aircraft of Katek-Avia airlines crashed during the landing approach. Twelve out of fifteen people died.

2010, December 4, Moscow/Domodedovo. By doing emergency landing The Tu-154M plane of Dagestan Airlines rolled out of the runway and broke up. Two people died.

2011, January 1, Surgut. Due to a fire that started on the ground in the electrical system of the Tu-154 aircraft of the Kogalymavia airline, the aircraft completely burned out, three out of 134 people died.

2011, March 5, Belgorod region. While performing a test flight before being handed over to the customer, the An-148 aircraft crashed. All six people on board were killed.

2011, June 20, Petrozavodsk. The RusAir Tu-134A3 plane crashed while landing. 47 people out of 52 on board were killed.

2011, July 11, R. Ob. After an engine fire, the crew of the Angara Airlines An-24RV aircraft landed on the water surface of the Ob River. Of the 37 people, seven died.

2011, August 9, Omsukchan. Due to an engine fire, the An-12 aircraft of the Avis-Amur airline was returning to Magadan, but crashed in the Omsukchan area. All 11 people on board died.

2011, September 7, Yaroslavl. During takeoff, the Yak-42 plane of the Yak-Service airline crashed. Of the 45 people on board, 44 died.

2012, April 2, Tyumen. After takeoff, the ATR72 aircraft of UTair Airlines crashed. 33 of the 43 people on board were killed.

2012, September 12, Palana. The An-28 aircraft of the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky airline suffered a catastrophe while landing, 10 of the fourteen people on board died.

On December 25, 2012, Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 260-FZ “On Amendments to the Air Code of the Russian Federation” was issued, which supplemented it with Article 24.1, which became the most important amendment to the Air Code on the issue of the Flight Safety Management System in the Russian Federation.

Article 24.1. Implementation state system flight safety management of civil aircraft is ensured in the Russian Federation in accordance with the international standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

The Government of the Russian Federation, as part of ensuring the implementation of the state civil aircraft flight safety management system, establishes the procedure for the development and application of aircraft safety management systems legal entities– developers and manufacturers of civil aircraft, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out commercial air transport, legal entities providing maintenance of civil aircraft, air navigation services for aircraft flights, educational organizations and organizations training civil aircraft pilots, operators of certified civil aviation aerodromes in relation to aircraft, the development, production, operation or maintenance of which is carried out by the specified legal entities individuals, individual entrepreneurs, educational institutions.

In order to manage the flight safety of civil aircraft, the authorized body in the field of civil aviation, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, collects and analyzes data on hazard and risk factors that pose a threat to the safety of civil aircraft, stores this data and exchanges it in accordance with with international standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization.

It looks like this didn't help either:

2012, December 29, Moscow/Vnukovo. As a result of the Tu-204 aircraft rolling out of the runway after landing Red Airlines Wings killed five of the eight people on board.

On February 25, 2013, the ICAO Council adopted Annex 19 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation “Flight Safety Management” (the State Program adopted in 2008 has not undergone changes in accordance with this document)

2013, July 2, Deputy. The Polar Airlines Mi-8 helicopter crashed, killing 24 out of twenty-eight people.

2013, November 17, Kazan. While performing a go-around, a Boeing 737-500 crashed, killing all 50 people.

2014, October 20, Moscow/Vnukovo. A Dassault Falcon 50EX aircraft taking off collided with a snow blower stopped on the runway. All 4 people on the plane died.

2016, July 1, Irkutsk region. While extinguishing a forest fire, an Il-76 aircraft from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations collided with the surface of the earth. The plane carried the registration plates of a commercial aircraft. All 11 people on board died.

2016, October 21, Yamal Peninsula. Not having reached 45 km to its destination, the Skol Airlines Mi-8 helicopter, with 22 people on board, collided with the surface of the earth and fell on its side. As a result of the disaster, 19 people died.

2016, December 25, Sochi. After takeoff, the Tu-154 aircraft, operated by 223, collided with the sea surface and sank. flight squad Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The plane carried the registration plates of a commercial aircraft. All 92 people on the plane were killed.

2018, February 11, Moscow region. After takeoff, the An-148 plane of Saratov Airlines crashed. All on board were killed - 71 people.

To be continued? What needs to be done to ensure that flight safety in Russia is ensured in practice and not on paper? We are interested in your opinion.

Among the passengers of the crashed plane was a teacher of the St. Petersburg University of Civil Aviation, a famous aviation expert Boris Aleksandrovich Karmaleev, Honored Pilot of Russia. ICAA “Flight Safety expresses condolences to the family, friends and friends of Boris Alexandrovich.


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