Basic concepts of the hotel industry. Basic concepts of the hotel industry Hotel industry

Hotel industry. Accommodation services. Standard international classification of accommodation facilities. Key indicators of hotel activity and models of its organization. Food services

The hotel industry as a type of economic activity includes the provision of hotel services and the organization of short-term accommodation for a fee in hotels, campsites, motels, school and student dormitories, guest houses, etc. This activity also includes restaurant services.

It is accepted in international practice Standard classification of tourist accommodation facilities, developed by WTO experts (Table 3.1). In Russia, based on the above classification, the State Standard “Accommodation Facilities” was developed, which came into force on January 1, 1999 (Appendix 23).

Collective accommodation means “any facility that regularly or occasionally provides tourists with overnight accommodation in a room or other premises, but the number of rooms it contains exceeds a certain minimum” determined by each country independently (for example, in Russia - 10 rooms, in Italy - 7 rooms). Moreover, all rooms in a given enterprise must be subject to a single management (even if it does not aim to make a profit), be grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and available equipment.

Collective tourist accommodation facilities include: hotels and similar accommodation facilities, specialized establishments and other accommodation enterprises.

Hotels have the following features:

· consist of numbers, the number of which exceeds a certain minimum, have a single management;

· provide a variety of hotel services, the list of which is not limited to daily making of beds, cleaning of rooms and bathrooms;

· grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided, available equipment and country standards;

· targeted at their segment of travelers;

· can be independent or part of specialized associations (chains).

Table 3.1

Categories Rank Groups
1. Collective accommodation facilities for tourists 1.1. Hotels and similar accommodation facilities 1.2. Specialized establishments 1.3. Other collective institutions 1.1.1. Hotels 1.1.2. Similar establishments 1.2.1. Health facilities 1.2.2. Labor and recreation camps 1.2.3. Public means of transport 1.2.4. Congress centers 1.3.1. Dwellings intended for recreation 1.3.2. Camping 1.3.3. Others
2. Individual accommodation facilities for tourists 2.1. Individual accommodation facilities 2.1.1. Own dwellings 2.1.2. Rented rooms 2.1.3. Rented dwellings 2.1.4. Accommodation with relatives and friends (free) 2.1.5. Others

Similar establishments include boarding houses and rooming houses, tourist hostels and other accommodations that consist of rooms and provide limited hotel services, including daily bed making, room and bathroom cleaning.

Specialized enterprises, in addition to providing accommodation services, also perform any other specialized function, for example, organizing conferences, treatment, etc.

Enterprises of this type include health centers, labor and recreation camps, congress centers, etc. Other collective accommodation facilities provide limited hotel services, excluding daily bed making and cleaning of residential premises. They may not consist of rooms, but rather be units such as “dwellings,” “camping grounds,” or “collective sleeping quarters (dormitories).” All accommodation facilities are classified into separate groups. The Hotels and Similar Enterprises group includes hotels, apartment hotels, motels, roadside and beach hotels, live-in clubs, boarding houses, rooming houses, and tourist hostels.

The Specialized Enterprises group consists of sanatoriums, labor and recreation camps, accommodation in collective means of transport (trains, sea and river vessels and yachts), as well as congress centers.

The group "Other collective accommodation" includes complexes of houses and bungalows organized as holiday dwellings, enclosed sites for tents, caravans, caravans, marinas for small craft, as well as youth hostels, etc.

Individual accommodation facilities include your own homes - apartments, villas, mansions, cottages used by resident visitors (including timeshare apartments), rooms rented from individuals or agencies, premises provided free of charge by relatives and friends.

Classification as one or another accommodation facility is determined by the laws and regulations of each country. For example, in Italy, the “Basic Law for the Development and Improvement of Tourism” classifies the hotel industry as enterprises for receiving tourists - hotels, motels, rural tourist complexes and boarding houses, bases and recreation camps for youth, tourist villages, rural houses, houses and furnished apartments, houses rest, youth houses, alpine shelters. Accommodation businesses in Denmark include hotels, motels, campsites, tourist centers, guest houses, boarding schools, estates, etc.

IN Russian Federation The following regulatory documents defining accommodation services have been adopted and are in force:

Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490 (Appendix 12);

GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist excursion service. Hotel classification";

GOST R 51185-98 “Tourist services. Accommodation facilities. General requirements";

GOST R 50690-2000 “Tourist services. General requirements";

All-Russian classifier of services to the population OK 002-93 (OKUN), as amended 5/99 OKUN, including section 060000 “Tourist services and accommodation services” (Appendix 22);

All-Russian Classifier of Sectors of the National Economy (OKONKh);

All-Russian classifier of types of economic activities, products and services (OKDP).

The above documents interpret the concepts of “accommodation facility” and “hotel” differently. In some official documents, the concept of “hotel” is interpreted as “a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended to provide services.”

GOST R 50645-94 “Tourist and excursion services. Classification of Hotels" gives the following definitions of some types of accommodation: "Hotel is an enterprise intended for temporary residence. Motel is a hotel located near a highway.”

According to the Russian standard, a hotel is classified as a temporary accommodation establishment with a capacity of at least 10 rooms. The category of hotels is indicated by the symbol * (star). The number of stars increases in accordance with the improvement in the quality of service and hotel equipment. For hotels, categories range from one to five stars, for motels - from one to four stars. The classification of accommodation services and terminology presented in the regulatory documents of Russia and the Standard International Classification of Activities in Tourism (SICTA), adopted by Eurostat and the WTO, differ significantly.

In different countries of the world, various symbols are used to indicate the category of hotels and other accommodation facilities - from stars in France and Russia to crowns in England. Attempts to introduce a unified international classification of hotels have so far been unsuccessful.

However, in 1989 the WTO Secretariat developed Recommendations for interregional harmonization of criteria hotel classification based on standards adopted by regional commissions(Appendix 10). The recommendations define the minimum requirements for the building and rooms, the quality of hotel equipment and furniture, energy and water supply, heating, sanitation, security and communications, kitchen, hotel services and staff. A hotel of any category can be classified as a building with at least 10 rooms, which must have cold and hot water throughout the day. The highest category of the hotel is the “five stars” category. Accommodation facilities that do not meet the requirements for one-star hotels may be classified as non-category hotels. In most countries, pre-classification of a hotel is a prerequisite for obtaining a hotel license. It should be borne in mind that many hotel chains set their own requirements, which are usually higher than those of national standards.

To protect the professional interests of hotel industry workers, national hotel associations are formed in a number of countries (for example, the Russian Hotel Association - RGA), which, in turn, formed the International Hotel Association (IHA), which is the leading international organization of the hotel industry. The important contribution of MGA to the development international tourism was adopted in 1981. International hotel rules, defining the principles of the relationship between the client and the hotel administration and which have not lost their relevance to this day (Appendix 8).

Legal entities and individuals operating in the field of providing hotel services and referred to as a “hotel”, according to Russian legislation, are providers of the “tourist accommodation” service.

Hospitality establishments (including hotels, motels, campgrounds, hostels, etc.) vary in capacity - the number of places to stay and the number of rooms in them. According to the WTO definition, a hotel is collective remedy accommodation, consisting of a certain number of rooms, having a single management, providing a set of services (minimum - making beds, cleaning the room and bathroom) and grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and room equipment. In this case, the hotel category is determined by the number of stars, crowns, etc. assigned to the hotel, and the classification depends on the structure (segment) of visitors (tourists, businessmen, etc.). The category of the hotel must be confirmed by a certificate of conformity.

The category of the hotel where the tourist will be accommodated must be indicated on the TOUR-1 tourist voucher form (Appendix 16), and the type of accommodation is also indicated there: single room - one room (SGL); Double Room- DVM (DBL); triple room - TRP, etc.

The activities of accommodation enterprises are characterized by the following indicators: number of rooms (number of places), class (category), load factor, range of services and their cost, as well as balance sheet profit and profitability.

There are large and small hotels. The WTO recommends that a small hotel be considered a hotel with up to 30 rooms. Another point of view is that small hotel is a hotel that can be serviced and managed by members of the same family. Most small hotels are, as a rule, independent hotels that are not part of hotel chains.

It seems appropriate, based on world experience, to distinguish some types of hotels: high class, middle class, apart hotels and economy class hotels.

Urban high class hotel characterized by a large number of staff and a very high level of service. Typical hotel characteristics include: size (small to medium number of rooms), location in the city center, highly qualified staff, expensive furnishings, high-quality appliances and equipment. The hotel is managed by a management company. Consumers of hotel services are large businessmen, participants in conferences and symposiums, and individual tourists.

Another type of hotel - middle class hotels with a fairly wide range of services and a tariff at the level of average prices in the region.

Aparthotels- These are hotels with apartment-type rooms, equipped kitchens, a set of dishes, and household appliances. Such hotels are widely used in the vacation ownership system (timeshare).

Economy class hotel- This is a hotel with a limited range of services, located, as a rule, on the outskirts of the city, on transport routes that make it quite easy to reach the city center.

The price is 25-50% lower than the regional average for a well-equipped room; food - breakfast only; this type of hotel is intended for tourists with average incomes.

The following concepts are used in the Russian hotel industry:

hotel- a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment) in which food and accommodation are provided to any person;

place (bed)- an area containing a bed intended and suitable for the use of one person;

number- a room consisting of one or more places (single reservation element); The size and designation of the number are given in the tourist voucher.

Basic data and financial indicators of the Russian hotel industry for 1999. are given in table. 3.2 and 3.3.

Table 3.2

Table 3.3

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation in 1997, Russia had 5,043 hotels, motels and hostels for visitors. Of these, there are 4,022 hotels (data provided by all subjects of the federation, with the exception of the Chechen Republic). Compared to 1996, the total number of hotels, motels, and hostels for visitors decreased by 251 units, including 128 hotels, which as a percentage of the 1996 level is 95 and 97%, respectively. The largest share of the reduction (91%) occurred in the hotel industry rural areas and departmental property.

The number of hotel rooms at the end of the year was 202,033, the number of beds was 390,931, which is 3 and 4% lower than the 1996 level, respectively. For one average Russian hotel (including motels and hotel-type hostels - hereinafter hotels) there were 40 rooms with 78 beds. The living area of ​​one room averaged 18.1 m2, with 18.1 m2 in urban areas and 18.8 m2 in rural areas. In 1997, hotels leased out about 9% of the total usable space.

In Russia as a whole, 66% of hotels were located in urban areas and 34% in rural areas. Hotel enterprises located in cities and towns differ significantly in basic parameters from accommodation facilities in rural areas. For example, hotels in cities have an average of 55 rooms with 102 beds each, versus 10 rooms with 28 beds in rural areas.

The largest hotels in terms of room capacity were located in central cities. Moscow hotels had an average of 203 rooms with 359 beds each, in St. Petersburg - 203 rooms with 375 beds. By type of ownership, hotels with foreign participation have the largest number of rooms - on average 143 rooms with 239 beds each. Municipal and private enterprises mainly have small hotel rooms. Municipal - approximately 36 rooms with 66 beds each, and private - 24 rooms with 53 beds.

In 1997, hotels in Russia registered 44,927.8 thousand overnight stays, including 42,899.1 thousand in urban areas and 2,028.7 thousand in rural areas, which is 10 and 7% lower than the 1996 level, respectively.

Overnight stays provided foreign citizens, account for about 16% of the total number of overnight stays, which is 25% below the 1996 level.

There are 3,351 hotels in the cities. They accounted for 88% of hotel beds, 95% of overnight stays provided, and 99% of all revenues. The occupancy factor of the hotel stock was 0.34 (1996 - 0.37), while the occupancy factor of Moscow hotels was 0.54 (1996 - 0.60). Profit of city hotel facilities - 1236165.5 million rubles.

In rural areas - 1692 hotels. They account for 12% of hotel beds, 5% of overnight stays provided, less than 1% of total income, 2% of total expenses. The hotel occupancy factor was 0.12 (1996 - 0.13).

The division of the hotel industry according to the form of ownership is very important and relevant. In 1997, in the Russian Federation there were: municipal hotels - 1551, or 31% of the total number of hotels; private - 1420, or 28%; hotels that were in mixed ownership (without foreign participation) - 1232, or 2%; departmental hotels - 818, or 16%; hotels owned public organizations, - 84, or 2%; hotels that were Russian owned with foreign participation - 74, or 1%.

Hotels with foreign participation stand out sharply in terms of revenue and expenditure. As a percentage of the all-Russian level, this is 29 and 24%, respectively. Moreover, their profitability differs depending on their location. 21 hotels (joint ventures) are located in Central region(20 - in Moscow), 12 - in the Far Eastern, 11 - in the North-Western (7 - in St. Petersburg), 9 - in the North, 7 - in the North Caucasus, 4 - in the East Siberian, 3 each in Volga, Ural and West Siberian and 1 - in the Volga-Vyatka regions.

It should be noted that since 1992 in Russia there has been a reduction in the number of hotels and room capacity. Of particular concern is the emerging trend towards unprofitability of the hotel industry in most regions of the country.

In 2000, the total number of hotel enterprises was 4182 with a one-time capacity of 346.1 thousand beds. Of these (by type of ownership), 1,830 hotels are state, municipal and public hotels, 843 are private hotels, 608 are mixed Russian, 98 are joint Russian-foreign hotels and 8 are foreign (a total of 3,387 hotels). Of the total number of hotels, 81.2% are non-category hotels. The structure of categorized hotels is dominated (87%) by hotels of the 1-3 star category. The vast majority of hotels in the 4-5 star categories are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Typically, most visitors stayed in hotels for 1-3 days. The purposes of travel are mainly business (about 66% of Russian citizens and 51.3% of foreign citizens), as well as leisure and recreation (18% of Russian citizens and 44% of foreign citizens). Russian hotels are characterized by a very low role of food services in generating income (15% compared to 73% from room sales). In Moscow there are about 60 small hotels with a total capacity of approximately 1000 rooms.

The development of the recreational network has always been closely related to the political and economic situation. What happened in last years fundamental changes in these areas have had a direct impact on the current state and future development of the hotel industry in Russia.

Organized holiday It is increasingly becoming available only to the wealthy part of the population, which prefers to go abroad. For the majority of people, it is becoming more and more inaccessible.

A significant role in reducing demand is played by the ever-increasing cost of hotel services (accommodation, food), as well as the rising cost of transport. The latter had a strong impact on the volume and distance of trips - the flow of excursionists sharply decreased and long-distance trips stopped. One of the main conditions for the rise of the hotel industry is the revival of domestic tourism.

Western experts studying the state of the Russian hotel industry note an insufficient number of hotels that meet international standards, poorly trained staff, outdated infrastructure and difficulties with communications.

IN hotel management It is customary to distinguish between reception and accommodation services, maid service and technical service, as well as public areas, marketing and catering services. Recently, great importance has been attached to the security service.

In the organizational structure of hotel management in the global hotel industry since the 50s. Two main models of organizing the hotel business have been established.

The first model, the Ritz model, is associated with the name of the Swiss entrepreneur Caesar Ritz. Many prestigious hotels in the world bear his name. The main focus of these hotels was on the European traditions of sophistication and aristocracy (for example, the Palace Hotel in Moscow). Currently, this model is experiencing a crisis: over the past 25 years, more than 2 million palace-style hotel rooms have left the global hotel market.

The second model of organization is associated with the name of the American entrepreneur Kemons Wilson (chain of hotels "Holiday Inn"). This model relies on greater flexibility in meeting the needs of the client (regardless of what country the hotel is located in), combined with maintaining fairly high standards of service. Considerable attention is paid to the interior of the hotel, starting from the lobby. The main requirements of a hotel chain organized according to this model are as follows:

· unity of style (architecture, interior);

· unity of designations and external information;

· spacious and functional hall;

· speed of customer registration;

· rooms provided for regular customers;

· buffet breakfast;

· availability of a conference hall;

· flexible tariff system;

· unified management, marketing and communications service.

More than 50% of hotel rooms in the world are under the control of hotel chains built according to the second model. Such chains are, in essence, financial and economic empires controlled by one owner - the parent holding company. There is a third model of organization - the so-called “voluntary” hotel chains (such as “ Best Western", "Romantic Hotels", etc.). In this case, hotels are united under a single brand according to some homogeneous characteristics that meet certain standards and sets of services, regardless of the country of location. Hotels - members of the chain pay contributions to a single fund, which is spent on combined advertising and marketing activities, product promotion, etc. At the same time, their financial, economic and managerial independence is fully preserved. In fact, these chains represent something like an association of hotels united by a single agreement.

It is also possible to combine the second model with the third. An example of this is the Accor hotel chain. When joining a chain, a hotel does not necessarily have to become its property. In this case, according to the agreement concluded by large hotel chains (franchisors) and independent hotels joining the chain, the latter are given the right to use for commercial purposes the brand name of the chain, technical and commercial information, reservation information systems, technical assistance, staff training and other opportunities available to the franchisor. The franchisee company pays compensation stipulated in the contract for this. The system of franchise agreements has become widespread throughout the world.

Statistics show that chain hotels have 60% higher average income and 8% higher occupancy rates than independent businesses. In Article 1027 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a franchise agreement is called a “Commercial Concession Agreement”. Under the agreement, the user is given the right to borrow the company name, commercial information, and trademark of the copyright holder for a certain fee (one-time or periodic).

Western Europe remains a stronghold of the Ritz model. At the beginning of 1995, 50 chains operating in Europe united 3,400 hotels with 410,000 rooms. However, in Europe they continue to prevail traditional hotels who are ready to create voluntary chains rather than join large hotel empires. In table Table 3.4 shows the top ten hotel chains in the global hotel industry, classified by number of rooms.

Table 3.4

Name of the parent holding (division) Country of location of headquarters Number of rooms
Hospilaliti Franchise Sister Blanstone Part. USA
Holiday Inn World wide England 386 323
Best Western International USA 295 305
Accor France 279 145
Choice Hotel International USA 271 812
Marriott International USA 251 425
ITT Sheraton Corp. USA 130 528
Promus Corp. USA 105 930
Hilton Hold Corp. USA
Carlson Hospitality World wide USA 91 177

In table Table 3.5 shows some international hotel chains that have their hotels in Russia.

According to the International Hotel Association, global hotel industry revenues in 1994 amounted to $247 billion. There are approximately 307,683 hotels worldwide (with 11,333,199 rooms), the largest concentration of which is in Europe and North America(70%). There is approximately one employee for every hotel room (11.2 million people in total). More than 4 million employees work in the US hotel industry. The average occupancy of rooms in hotels around the world was 67.7%, the average income was $84.4. The decisive factors in determining hotel income are the occupancy level and the tariff cost of one day of stay.

It costs between $15,000 and $300,000 to build and maintain one hotel room.

The leading hotel markets of the world are presented in Fig. 3.1 (based on TTG World Hotel Report).

The capacity of hotels in 10 European countries is given in table. 3.6.

The development of the world hotel industry is proceeding along the line of increase and specialization of hotel enterprises. We offer traditional hotels with a wide range of services, hotels with a reduced range of services, specialized hotels (congress centers, resort hotels, apartment hotels, golf hotels, etc.).

Table 3.5

Group Hotel/city Number of rooms Year of opening/reconstruction
Holiday Inn Vinogradovo, Moscow
Radisson SAS "Slavyanskaya", Moscow
"Lazurnaya", Sochi
"Royal", St. Petersburg
Kempinski "Balchug", Moscow
Grand Hotel Europe, St. Petersburg
Marriott "Royal", Moscow
Grand Hotel, Moscow
Renaissance "Renaissance", Moscow 1991/2001
Sheraton Palace Hotel, Moscow 1993/2000
"Nevsky Palace", St. Petersburg
Le Meridien "National", Moscow 1898/1998
Moscow Country Club, Moscow 1995/1998
Best Western Argotel, Moscow 85.
Hotel "Beresta Palace", V. Novgorod
Hotel Neptune, St. Petersburg 1991/2000

Typically, the hotel publishes a “Hotel Mission Statement”, which reveals the main directions of work with clients, defines the client market segment and financial policy.

Segments of the tourist market of hotel visitors are presented in Fig. 3.2. In this case, a market segment is understood as a homogeneous set of consumers who react equally to the consumer properties of the services offered by the hotel.

Individual retail clients are divided into so-called street clients ( independent tourists) and regular clients who book rooms on their own, as well as specialized clients (usually skiers, golfers, event participants, etc.).

Corporate clients, or corporants, are government officials, representatives of large corporations and business circles.

How large tour operators, and small travel agencies have their own retail and corporate clients who book hotel services through them.

Rice. 3.1. Leading hotel markets in the world

Table 3.6

A country Number of rooms Number of beds
Italy 895,9 943,6 1724,1
Germany 650,6 818,6 1301,2 1490,9
France 487,7 596,7 975,3 1193,3
Spain 457,9 585,7 843,3 1132,6
Great Britain 390,2 439,8 780,5 879,7
Austria 323,4 309,7 653,8 646,1
Greece 184,6 283,4 348,2 535,8
Russia - 221,3 - 440,1
Switzerland 151,4 143,5 275,4 265,0
Türkiye 37,8 134,5 75,1 276,3

Rice. 3.2. Segments of the tourist market of hotel visitors

In Fig. 3.3 presents a diagram of the hotel’s marketing services and financial policy.

The main conditions for marketing are taking into account local conditions, defining a sales and service policy, developing a revenue management strategy, a system for continuous improvement of service, and developing a pricing policy.

WTO recommendations for maintaining statistics in a hotel are presented in Fig. 3.4. Three main indicators should be highlighted: demand, supply and performance results. The “demand” indicator includes an assessment of the market, prospects for its growth and structure, the “supply” indicator includes the number of hotels and hotel rooms, the prospects for their growth; The bottom line indicator includes the hotel's occupancy rate and gross profit margin.

Rice. 3.3. Scheme of marketing services and financial policy of the hotel

Rice. 3.4. Statistics in the hotel industry

Recently, non-commercial accommodation - living with relatives, friends and acquaintances - has become widespread in the world. Temporary accommodation on a non-profit basis is practiced in a number of countries by youth organizations and educational institutions during the holidays, which provides young people with the opportunity to visit various regions of the world at minimal cost.

There are many forms of room reservations in the hotel industry, including:

· “direct” booking with guaranteed and non-guaranteed booking;

· booking on contractual terms.

“Direct” booking primarily refers to bookings without intermediaries, made according to hotel price lists published annually. These are "reference prices" provided to individual retail customers at the counter (called "counter rates" rack- rate), which may include breakfast (European or buffet) and other services in the room price.

To attract a larger number of consumers from various segments, any hotel strives to develop a flexible pricing policy, its own system of benefits and discounts, including: seasonal, group, for children, weekends, for regular customers, discount cards, etc. Discounts from the “rate at the counter” can reach 30 - 40%. The cost of hotel services is also differentiated due to:

· with the citizenship of guests (separate prices for foreigners and Russian citizens);

· weekends and weekdays;

· tourist season;

· events occurring at the place of stay (Christmas, New Year, festivals, fairs, etc.).

Contract hotel reservations are associated with technological concepts such as on-demand sales ( on reguest) and free sale ( free sale). These and other concepts of contractual relations are given in a brief dictionary of basic professional terms, concepts and definitions used in tourism, on p. 388.

Classification of accommodation facilities, hotel services and tariffs, as well as other necessary information are provided in the catalogs of travel agencies, hotels and hotel chains. The most well-known include the catalogs “Best Western”, AAA Tour, Book, UTS, Dest Eastesn Hotels, BAG “Intourist”, corporations “Inna Tour”, “Academservice”, etc. Various types of discounts are given in the so-called confidential catalogs intended for for counterparties. Information reference guide for the best hotels Russia, the CIS and Baltic countries is the “Best Eastern Hotels” catalog (2000). About 300 hotels are presented in the catalog with color photographs, brief annotations, reservation codes in the reservation systems Amodeus, Galileo, Saber, Worldspan, Sirena, as well as an Internet address. Together with the “Pricing Supplement for Accommodation and Other Related Services” published with the catalogue, the publication is a good practical guide for hotel and travel agency professionals.

The services provided to tourists and travelers on a tour often include meals. Three main forms of service can be distinguished: food paid for by the tourist; meals not included in the price of the tour package and provided for an additional fee, self-service.

Paid meals means that all food costs are included in the price hotel room or tour. This can be breakfast only (continental or full), breakfast and dinner (half board) or three meals a day ( full board).

Sometimes drinks are included in the price of meals. If meals are not included in the tour price, then you must pay extra for it at the place of stay.

Self-service means that tourists either prepare their own food (most often in holiday ownership systems) or eat in restaurants, cafes and other food establishments as ordinary visitors.

All-Russian Classifier of Types of Economic Activities, Products and Services (OKDP) classifies services Catering as services of restaurants, bars, cafes, snack bars, buffets and canteens. The classifier also provides for independent cooking by tourists and vacationers in boarding houses.

In Russia, the “Rules for the provision of public catering services” are applied, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. 1036 (Appendix 13).

The highest priority in the field of food is given to fast and accurate service to tourists. The menu at the place of stay should be clear to all tourists in the group, and prices are indicated in the country’s currency. The food must correspond to the money spent on it and not harm the health of tourists. Dissatisfaction with food due to poor organization, insufficient High Quality cooking or poor service can ruin the entire travel experience and damage the reputation of travel agents and tour operators. Among food enterprises, there are also chains and groups of enterprises operating on a franchise basis.

On the form of the TOUR-1 tourist voucher, the type of meals is indicated: P(HB) - full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner), PP(HB) - half board (breakfast and lunch, breakfast and dinner), 3(BB) - breakfast only ( Appendix 16).

Buffet and buffet presuppose the right of the tourist to choose any dish and in any quantity from those displayed in the hall.

Table d'hote is a form of service by a waiter on a single sheet with a limited number of dishes. The “A la carte” form is the client’s free choice of dishes according to the menu offered by the restaurant (for individuals or small groups). In connection with the development of the club form of service, tourists are given the opportunity to combine all forms of food service on vacation, often 24 hours a day.


1. Define the concept of “accommodation facility”.

3. What is a hotel?

You know?

5. Name the regulatory documents that define services in Russia


6. What symbols indicate the category of a hotel?

7. What indicators characterize the activities of enterprises


but in Russia;

b) in the world?

8. Name the main services of the hotel.

9. What is a hotel chain?

10. Define the two main models of hotel organization

affairs in the world.

11. Name the three main forms of tourist services


12. What forms of food are indicated in the tourist package?

13. Name the food establishments listed in the OKDP.

14. What is self-care in nutrition?

8.2. The concept of "hotel industry". Hotel classification

The hotel industry as a type of economic activity includes the provision of hotel services and the organization of paid short-term stays in hotels, campsites, motels, etc.

In international practice, a standard classification of tourist accommodation facilities, developed by WTO experts, has been adopted. According to it, all funds are divided into two categories: collective and individual.

A collective accommodation facility is defined as “any facility” that regularly or occasionally provides overnight accommodation for tourists in a room or other accommodation, the number of rooms it contains must exceed a certain minimum determined by each country independently (e.g. Russia - 10 rooms, in Italy - 7 rooms). All rooms in a given enterprise must be subject to a single guideline and be grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and the equipment available.

TO collective accommodation facilities for tourists include: hotels and similar accommodation facilities, specialized establishments and other accommodation establishments. A-priory , hotel- this is a collective accommodation facility, consisting of a certain number of rooms, having a single management, providing a set of services (minimum - making beds, cleaning rooms and bathrooms) and grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and equipment of the rooms.

Similar establishments include boarding houses and rooming houses, tourist hostels, etc.

Specialized enterprises, in addition to providing accommodation services, perform some other specialized function.

Enterprises of this type include health institutions, labor and recreation camps, congress centers, etc.

TO individual accommodation facilities include own dwellings used by visitors - apartments; villas; mansions; cottages, rooms rented from individuals or agencies; premises provided free of charge by relatives and friends.

But still, the main, classic type of tourist accommodation enterprise is a hotel.

There are different classifications of hotels. In the theory and practice of the hotel industry, it is widespread to divide hotels into groups based on the amenities they provide and the range of services they provide. These classifications establish whether a hotel category meets an accepted standard of service. Based on the results of certification, each hotel is assigned a certain category, which depends on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of its building, rooms, infrastructure, life support system, as well as the level of comfort, range of basic and additional services, staff qualifications, and service culture.

The rank is reflected in the prices, prestige, and composition of the hotel’s clientele. It allows the traveler to freely navigate the tourism market: compare hotels in terms of quality and cost of service and choose the right one.

The classification of hotels according to the level of amenities and range of services is accepted throughout the civilized world. In total, there are over 30 classifications. These classifications differ not only in symbolism, number of categories, but also in service standards. These differences stem from the historical and cultural characteristics of states and are determined by national traditions, customs and habits.

For example, good hotel in Austria and Germany must first of all have a wide range of wine and beer, and in Spain and Portugal - tobacco products. If in France the class of a hotel largely depends on the presence of a bidet, then in Greece and other southern European countries air conditioning is important in the room.

Numerous attempts by the WTO, the European Union Hotel and Restaurant Industry Committee, and the International Hotel Association to introduce a unified classification of hotels in the world have been unsuccessful.

The most common classifications are:

The star system used in France, Austria, Hungary, Egypt, China, Russia and a number of other countries in international tourist exchange;
- letter system used in Greece;
- the “crown” system, characteristic of Great Britain;
- discharge system, etc.

Let us consider the features of these classifications.

The most common classification of hotels is the French national classification, according to which all hotels, depending on their comfort, are divided into categories conventionally designated by stars.

Austria is one of the recognized world leaders in receiving tourists. That is why there are more than 20 thousand hotels in the mountainous part of the country alone.

The cheapest accommodation facilities include “youth hotels”, of which there are at least 100 in Austria (for comparison: in Russia - less than 10). These inexpensive youth hostels offer accommodation for those interested, although any special facilities are unlikely to be guaranteed.

Hotels in Austria are rated according to a five-star system, but in rural areas there are often so-called “out-of-category hotels” - small one-, two-, three-story houses, often served by a farming family.

Austrian hotels of the three- to five-star category, at first glance, differ little from each other. Most hotels of this class have a swimming pool, sauna, restaurants, buffets and solariums. The similarity is aggravated by the “romantic style” common in Austria, in which the interiors of many hotels are designed. It implies the presence of old household items, harmoniously combined with modern technology.

Sometimes the equipment in a three-star hotel may be better (thanks to, for example, a swimming pool) than a four-star one. In general, hotels in the two highest categories justify their star rating thanks to more spacious rooms and a wide range of services provided.

Five-star hotels differ from four-star hotels in additional “trifles” and a higher level of service.

When classifying hotels in Egypt, stars are also used, but it must be borne in mind that, compared to the European system, they are overestimated by approximately 1/2 star.

In China at the beginning of 1996, there were about four thousand accommodation facilities, for which the widespread five-star system is used, although, in addition to it, the country also has its own specific scale, according to which the most primitive reception bases include “guest houses” ( zhaodaisuo). These inns, or hostels, can be compared to student dormitories.

“Guest houses” (binguan) are considered more comfortable. Essentially, these are two- to three-star hotels.

The most prestigious accommodation facilities that meet the requirements for hotels of the three-four star category include tourist hotels, and hotels of the four-five star category include “wine houses” (jindian).

At the same time, Chinese standards are in no way inferior to European ones.

In Greece, the “letter system” of classification is popular, although you can see the usual stars on the facades of hotels.

All Greek hotels are divided into four categories: A, B, C, D.

Hotels of category “A” correspond to a four-star level, “B” to a three-star level, and “C” to a two-star level. Top-class hotels are often awarded the “de luxe” category. But, despite the above classification, accommodation facilities in Greece, which have the same category, differ significantly from each other.

The least demanding accommodation options include apartments (modest apartments in small houses).

Hotels that claim to be at the highest level usually meet international requirements.

Classification English hotels quite complicated. Some catalogs offer a completely traditional star category, but, as a rule, the facades of hotels depict crowns rather than stars. To transfer a hotel category from the “language of crowns” to star, you need to subtract one from the total number of crowns. Thus, London's Royal Norfork Hotel can be presented as either a three-star hotel or a four-star hotel.

But the classification proposed by the association of British travel agencies - British Travel Authority (BTA) is considered the most correct:

- budget hotels(*). Located in the central part of the city and have a minimum of amenities;
- tourist class hotels(**). The hotels have a restaurant and bar;
- middle class hotels(***). The level of service is quite high;
- first class hotels(***). Very high quality of accommodation and excellent level of service;
- luxury hotels(*****). The level of service and accommodation is top class.

Compared to other countries, English hotels have a number of features. It must be borne in mind that some London ones are completely privately owned, some are owned by joint stock companies, companies, etc. All other things being equal, preference is given to hotels in the hands of one owner.

Despite the fact that a significant part of English hotels are managed by local managers, many of them are part of large international chains. Moreover, interest in British property on the part of representatives of chains is increasing year by year.

Italy's hotel base is represented by 40 thousand hotels scattered throughout the country.

The classification of Italian hotels is quite confusing, although travelers can often see familiar stars above hotel doors. There is no official “star” scale in the country.

According to the standards adopted in Italy, hotels are differentiated into three categories. It can be assumed that the first category conditionally corresponds to the level ****, the second - ***, the third - **. In addition, within each category there is its own arbitrary gradation.

The most noticeable distinctive features of Italian hotels include their small sizes(50-80 numbers). As a rule, small hotels rarely claim to be of a high category and correspond to the two-star level, although in the Alpine resorts there are small hotels whose equipment and level of service meet the highest requirements.

Four-star hotels differ from three-star hotels in being more comfortable.

Some of the shortcomings of Italian hotels are fully compensated by certain advantages, which include the presence of a large number of well-equipped conference rooms.

It has a high-class resort and hotel complex on the shores of the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

The number of hotels is increasing, and the star classification that existed there 7-8 years ago has been canceled. In its place, a differentiation of hotels into three categories arose. Nevertheless, travel agency employees continue to rate Israeli hotels on a star scale for the convenience of clients.

In three-star hotels in Israel, despite their well-known modesty, clients have the opportunity to receive the minimum set of services necessary for a good rest.

Four-star hotels differ from three-star hotels not only in greater comfort, but also in a better location and a higher level of service.

In Spain there is also a gradation of accommodation facilities by category:

Hotels of five categories from * to ***** stars;
- hotel-type houses, bungalows, etc. (hoteles-apartamentes) four categories from * to **** stars;
- inns (hostales) of three categories from * to *** stars;
- boarding houses (pensiones) of three categories.

In addition, there are state-owned tourist reception enterprises (paradores), subordinate to the State Ministry of Tourism. They are located mostly in the most picturesque areas, where there are almost no other options for accommodating visitors. These include old fortresses, castles and palaces, which are equipped as luxury hotels.

Thus, each country has its own classification of hotels, and even hotels belonging to the same category, but located in different countries, have their differences.

The category of the hotel where the tourist will be accommodated must be indicated on the tourist voucher. The type of accommodation is also indicated there: single room (SGL); double room - DVM (DBL); triple room - TRP.

The activities of accommodation enterprises are characterized by the following indicators: number of rooms, class, load factor, range of services and their cost. There are large and small hotels. The WTO recommends that a small hotel be considered a hotel with up to 30 rooms. Another point of view is that a small hotel is one that is serviced and managed by members of the same family.

In addition, hotels are divided into types and types.

Aquatel- a stationary ship taken out of service as a means of transport and used as a hotel.

Aparthotel- a hotel consisting of apartments, the price of which does not depend on the number of guests living in it. Designed for self-service, including self-cooking, therefore rooms are required to have kitchens with the necessary equipment.

Business hotel- a specialized hotel for servicing businessmen.

Botel- a small hotel on the water.

Bungalow- a small building made of light materials used to accommodate tourists. Widely distributed in international youth travel centers.

Motel- a hotel for autotourists, located near the highway. These roadside hotels, in addition to comfortable rooms, provide parking spaces, gas stations and service stations.

Hotel- a traditional type of hotel enterprise, located, as a rule, in big city or resort. It has large staff service personnel, provides a wide range of additional services and a high level of comfort.

Tourist shelter- a place to rest on a route with an active mode of travel or for a short stay of tourists. Usually located in mountainous areas, etc.

Rotel- a mobile hotel, which is a carriage with single or double rooms, there is also a shared kitchen and toilet.

Flotel- a floating hotel, a large hotel on the water.

Accommodation is one of the most important elements of tourism. There are accommodations (overnight stays) - No tourism. The hotel industry is the essence of the hospitality system. It comes from the most ancient traditions, characteristic of almost any social formation in the history of mankind - respect for the guest, the festivity of his reception and service.

The first manifestations of the development of the hotel industry should be sought during the birth of tourism as such.

For example, ancient times, from which the information that has come down to us about places to accommodate visitors in connection with trade, pilgrimage, and treatment. IN Ancient Greece A big push in this area came from the Olympic Games, which attracted participants and spectators from all over the country, who needed to be provided with a place to live or shelter. The first predecessors of modern hotels were rooms, and sometimes entire houses, that were in monasteries, religious centers or places of pilgrimage for missionaries and other travelers.

In the Middle Ages, houses at monasteries for providing shelter to travelers with free food were called “xenodokbeious” (from Greek “resting places”). However, over time, such places generated profit and grew into business activities, which had already begun to take shape in the 13th century. ad. As evidence of this formation, the Association of Inn Owners arose in 1282 in Florence (Italy). The association was involved in licensing such institutions. Membership in such associations spread throughout Italy and other countries.

As the standard of living of the population increased in the following centuries, the level of service increased. The reason for this was tourism of the elite segments of the population.

In the 18th century “coffee salons” have received significant development, i.e. cafes were opened at inns.

Modest boarding houses and "guest rooms", in clergy houses or monasteries, replaced the first hotels. One of them in Europe is considered to be the Henry IV Hotel, built in Nantes in 1788. The hotel was designed for 60 guests, at that time it was considered one of the best on the continent. Subsequently, 1801 p., In Germany, the first-class hotel "Badische Hof" was opened in Baden-Baden, and in Central Switzerland in 1812 the hotel "Rigi-Klesterli" was opened. During this period of the formation of tourism, luxury hotels were built that served representatives of the aristocratic segments of the population, the nobility, and senior officers."

In the second half of the 19th century. The hotel business developed extremely quickly, because the first travel agencies were added to hotel enterprises, whose task was to organize tourist trips and sell them to consumers. And hence the new demands of tourists for living conditions, which prompted the owners to provide more and more new services, including the construction of luxury apartments with a high level of comfort. Subsequently, this development led to the creation of so-called hotel chains.

Tourist accommodation establishments. Types of hotels

Tourist accommodation establishments are any facilities where tourists are occasionally or regularly provided with a place to stay overnight.

Tourist accommodation establishments include: hotels, motels, campsites, inns, tourist centers, boarding houses, rotels, flotels, bungalows and others. 3 & International Recommendations (WTO), accommodation establishments are divided into four groups:

Hotels and similar accommodation establishments;

Commercial and social accommodation establishments;

Specialized accommodation institutions;

Private tourist accommodation establishments;

Hotels are the main accommodation establishments, and all others are additional.

Main accommodation establishments

Hotels are the most common stationary type of tourist accommodation. They are characterized by a high level of material and technical base and service.

Hotels are establishments that have at least 10 rooms, of which no more than 20% of overnight accommodations can be in rooms larger than double rooms (a hotel establishment is understood as a facility in which hotel services are provided, i.e. temporary rental of rooms or places in those rooms, or the provision of services related to renting.

In the literature on tourism, various types of hotels are distinguished:

A tourist hotel is a special type of hotel,

Botocamping is a seasonal recreational establishment with facilities and means for servicing watercraft. Located at intermediate points of linear waterways tourist routes. Capacity 50-200 seats.

Motocamp is a combined type tourist organization, like a motel that operates throughout the year and a campsite that operates in the summer.

Specialized accommodation institutions

These include hotel establishments that primarily accommodate those engaged in skilled trades. active species tourism, such as water, horseback, air, auto tourism, etc.

Rotel is a tourism establishment dedicated to summer holiday autotourists who travel in cars with trailers.

A boat is a recreational institution designed for year-round operation as a camp site, located on the banks of a river or other body of water with facilities for servicing watercraft. In the water system tourist routes- these are the starting, ending or intermediate points, with big amount excursion sites, where necessary long stay tourists. Botels act as radial centers water routes. In the cold season they are used as hotels, fishermen's houses, sports centers, etc. Capacity - 100-200 seats.

Flotel (floating hotel, hotel on the water) is a seasonal recreational establishment that operates entirely afloat, with sleeping and public spaces located on landing stages or outdated ships. Capacity - 200-300 seats. The landing stages can be blocked to form a harbor for pleasure craft. The fleet is designed for travel along the route with a stop for a 1-3 day rest in picturesque places. Fleets can moor on the shore of a lake or reservoir for the period of navigation and serve as a stronghold for radial water routes. Unlike a boat, a flotel provides tourists with a wide range of services for recreation on the water: water skis, fishing equipment, etc. Common in the USA, Spain, and Switzerland.

Shelters are institutions that have at least 10 overnight accommodations located at an intermediate point of linear or circular tourist routes and provide hotel services primarily to persons who are engaged in qualified tourism.

Private accommodation establishments are houses or rooms in private premises that are provided by owners during tourist season tourists for recreation; in cities that experience a shortage of overnight accommodation, some private apartments are used year-round.

All tourist accommodation establishments provide the following four main groups of services:



Collective tourist accommodation establishments include hotels and similar institutions, specialized establishments, and other collective tourist accommodation facilities.

Where individual accommodation facilities own their own housing - apartments, mansions, cottages that are used by resident visitors, rooms rented from individuals or agencies, rooms provided free of charge by relatives and friends.

Specialized accommodation establishments are also designed to serve tourists. They don't have numbers. Here the initial unit can be a dwelling, a collective bedroom, or a playground. In addition to providing tourists with a place to stay overnight, institutions can carry out other activities. Examples of such specialized institutions are health institutions (health resorts, resorts, sanatoriums), camps, accommodation establishments in public activities transport (trains, sea and river boats) and others. Here, the function of providing a place to stay overnight is not the main one.

Other collective accommodation facilities primarily include housing intended for recreation. Examples of this group of accommodation facilities are apartment-type hotels, house complexes or bungalows. These premises have a single management. they are rented out for payment, rent, free of charge, by person(s) or organization. For example, the Irish Tourist Board proposes such an organization of a complex of holiday homes. A complex of at least nine "five buildings, one of which houses an office. The houses have separate entrances and are in good operating condition. Each house has rooms for sleeping, dining, relaxing, a warehouse, a bathroom and toilet with appropriate equipment. It is planned to use the space in front home. Each accommodation establishment prepares and cleans for each new client. Routine cleaning services and linen change are not provided.

Other collective accommodation facilities include facilities (with unified management) at camping sites, in bays for small vessels.

The client is provided with overnight accommodation and a number of services: information, shopping, entertainment, etc. Student dormitories, rest homes for the elderly and similar objects of social significance must also be considered as other collective accommodation institutions.

In the classification according to operating mode, hotels are distinguished between 24-hour, seasonal, and mixed-use hotels. And according to location - hotels in the city and hotels on the water.

Hotels are also distinguished by the number of beds. In American and Ukrainian practice, they adhere to this

typology of hotels by capacity: less than 100 beds - small hotels, from 100 to 500 - medium-sized, over 500 - large.

According to the level of comfort in international practice, hotels differ by star.

Hotel classification systems

In the classification of hotels in different countries use s various systems, which today are more than thirty. The introduction of a unified classification of hotels in the world is hampered by a number of factors related to the cultural and historical development of states engaged in tourism activities, their national differences, peculiarities in the criteria for assessing the quality of service, and others.

The most common hotel classifications are:

The star system (from * to ****)) is used in France, Australia, Hungary, Egypt, China, Ukraine, Russia and other countries participating in international tourism exchange;

Letter system used in Greece (A, B, C, D)

The "crown" system characteristic of Great Britain;

Discharge system and others.

With all the variety of approaches to the hotel classification system at the present stage, they can be combined into two main groups: the “European type”, which is based on the French national system and a point rating based on the Indian national system.

The French national system provides for the division of hotels into five categories: “1 star”, “2”, “C”, “4” and “4 star-Lux” (“5 stars”).

Table 3 presents the minimum requirements for hotels according to the French (European) national classification system.

As can be seen from the table, the size of the hotel has virtually no effect on the Category. The main criterion for assessing the category of a hotel, according to the French classification, is comfort and the range of services offered.

Minimum requirements for hotels according to the French classification system













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Rooms with lazne% - ZO70 90 100
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Serving the root in the room + + +
Air conditioning in the room + + + + +
Knowledge of foreign languages ​​by the reception servicequantity1 1 2 2 3

Requirements for hotel premises of all categories

The hotel must have convenient access routes with appropriate road signs, a hard-surfaced area for temporary parking of guests' vehicles, a sign with the name of the establishment and the specified category, if there is a separate entrance to the restaurant - a sign with its name;

The hotel must be located in favorable environmental conditions;

The hotel must guarantee the safety of life, health and personal property;

The hotel must be equipped with engineering systems and a variety of equipment.

Hotel buildings are divided into main and additional. The main ones include buildings for accommodation, food, service, sport complexes and others

Dc ^ additional include boiler rooms, laundries, warehouses, garages and others.

Before hotel complex The following structures also include: substations, pumping stations, artesian wells, reservoirs, sewers and other public utilities.

The hotel premises are divided into residential, office, service and auxiliary.

Residential premises include: rooms, rooms, living rooms, sitting areas, corridors. In office premises - those premises where administrative services are located.

Service premises are:

Communication services;

Cinema and concert hall;


Dry cleaning;

Conference hall;

Restaurant, cafe, bar, canteen;

Trade enterprises;

Premises for sports, medical, healing services;

Tourist office.

Auxiliary premises:


rooms for linen and ironing;

Repair shops, etc..

The room for a business client should be of the "office" class of increased size with maximum sound insulation, with the ability to receive business partners in the room.

Specific requirements are placed on the furnishing of rooms for guests with children, family clients, disabled people, tourists with animals, etc.

The resort hotel usually provides sleeping area both in the room and in the loggia.

Some hotels provide rooms that can be transformed depending on the conditions with sliding partitions (double room).

According to their functional purpose, the hotel has the following premises:

Groups of lobby premises;

Residential part;

Room for catering for guests;

Premises of trade and consumer services;

Entertainment room;

Facilities for sports activities;

Office premises;

Household premises

Technical buildings.

The lobby group of rooms is one of the most important parts of the hotel, because it is where guests are greeted and seen.

In restaurants, bars, cafes and other food establishments, persons passing near the food can have fun and communicate.

A large composition of premises for entertainment purposes - cinema and concert halls, banquet halls, dance halls. Sports facilities include a swimming pool, gyms, bowling alleys, etc. Facilities for business meetings include conference rooms for business and banking operations, and exhibition halls.

In the group of retail and consumer service premises, services are provided to clients: retail establishments, hairdresser, dry cleaner, photography, atelier, etc.

The service and amenity premises of the hotel provide working conditions, living conditions, and food for staff.

In the technical rooms there are services that control the operation of air conditioning equipment, centralized cleaning, communications, alarms and other life support systems of the hotel.

The functional area of ​​the hotel is the area near the hotel building. It ensures isolation of clients and hotel staff from the external environment (noise, gas pollution, etc.), accessibility for visitors.

There is a place for guests to rest and parking near the hotel. Vehicle, parking. The use of underground space is also promising.

Hotel services

The organizational structure of a hotel enterprise depends on the purpose of the hotel, its location, the specifics of visitors and other factors.

Main hotel services:

Room management service;

Administrative Service;

Catering service;

Commercial service;

Engineering (technical) services;

Auxiliary and additional services.

The room management service deals with issues related to the reservation of rooms, the reception of tourists arriving at the hotel, their registration and accommodation in rooms, as well as departure home or to the next point of the travel route after the end of the tour, provides room service for tourists, Maintains proper sanitary and hygienic condition of rooms and level of comfort in residential premises, provides household services to guests.

The administrative service is responsible for organizing the management of all services of the hotel complex, resolves financial and personnel issues, creates and maintains proper working conditions for hotel staff, monitors compliance with established standards and regulations on occupational health, safety, fire and environmental safety.

The catering service provides service to hotel guests, restaurants, cafes or hotel bars, organizes and serves banquets and presentations.

The commercial service is engaged in operational and strategic planning, analyzes the results of economic and financial activities.

Engineering (technical) services create conditions for the operation of air conditioning and heat supply systems, sanitary equipment, electrical equipment, repair and construction services, television and communication systems.

Support services ensure the operation of the hotel complex, providing laundry services, linen services, cleaning services, warehouse services, etc.

Additional services are provided paid services, for example, hairdresser, swimming pool, sauna, solarium, sports facilities and other units. .

Requirements for hotel service

Requirements for hotel service can be divided into the following groups:

Qualification (for all hotel categories)

All service personnel must forgive professional training. The level of training must correspond to the level of the services they provide. One employee should be well trained in ensuring the safety of residents in the hotel, the other in food safety issues.

Knowledge of foreign language

In hotels of the one-star category (*), reception workers only need to know one foreign language, as in hotels of the two-star category (**). In three-star (***) hotels, all staff must know at least two languages, for four stars (****) the same, but at the highest level. And in five-star (****) hotels, all employees who have contact with staff must know three foreign languages.


Staff of all categories of hotels must be able to create an atmosphere of hospitality at the enterprise, be ready to conscientiously fulfill the requests of residents, be attentive, polite, tolerant, and patient.

Medical requirements

A uniform

Staff of all categories of hotels who have contact with residents must wear a uniform with an identifier (a badge indicating their position, first and last name). The uniform must be clean and tidy.

Today the hotel industry is the most powerful economic system in the region or tourist center and an important part of the tourism economy.

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Hotel industry

Nowadays, the hotel industry is a highly competitive industry. Increasingly, we are witnessing how a new restaurant or hotel is opened, with the goal of satisfying the needs of certain consumer groups as fully as possible.

Enterprises are created, and after a while some of them cannot withstand the competition and go out of business. In the hotel industry, the word “service” means a system of measures that ensure a high level of comfort and satisfy a wide variety of everyday, economic and cultural needs of guests. And every year these requests and requirements for services increase. And the higher the culture and quality of guest services, the higher the image of the hotel, the more attractive it is for clients and, what is no less important today, the more successful the material prosperity of the hotel.

An important responsibility for hotels is to create a reputation for high quality service. High quality of guest service is ensured by the collective efforts of employees of all hotel services, constant and effective control by the administration, work to improve forms and methods of service, study and implementation of best practices, new equipment and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided.

In today's competitive environment, hospitality businesses can no longer rely on traditional, ineffective, conservative forms of production culture if they are to survive.

The hospitality industry has historically formed and grown from the accommodation sector, represented by various types of hotel enterprises. In the classical sense, a hotel is a house with furnished rooms for visitors. In modern conditions, a hotel is an enterprise designed to provide hotel services to citizens, as well as individual tourists and organized groups.

A modern hotel enterprise provides consumers not only with accommodation and food services, but also with a wide range of transport, communications, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports services, beauty salon services, etc. In fact hotel companies in the structure of the tourism and hospitality industry, they perform key functions, as they form and offer consumers a comprehensive hotel product, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the tourism and hospitality industry take part. Based on this, it is legitimate to single out the hotel industry or hotel business as the largest complex component of the tourism and hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with the single tourism and hospitality industry.

So, a hotel is a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended to provide accommodation services. Having been defined as a collective accommodation facility, a hotel combines a number of rooms (guest rooms), ranging from the required legally established level (in Russia it is 10 rooms) and up to a number depending on the type and objectives of a particular enterprise. All rooms are subject to a single management and are grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and the equipment available.

The organizational structure of an accommodation facility in its canonical understanding consists of a complex of departments (services, departments), which can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first function of the services is direct contact with guests and their prompt service. In English, this group is aptly called "front-office". If you mentally follow the arrival of a guest, you can get an idea of ​​the structure of this part of the hotel's organizational structure.

The peculiarity of hotel marketing follows from the characteristics of the hotel product, its fixity in time and space. It is not possible to change numbers significantly in a short period of time, store them for future sale, or follow them to consumers.

The demand for hotel services is fickle, depends on the time of year, and is subject to seasonal fluctuations. Production hotel product requires high material costs with significantly lower variable costs. Fixed costs do not depend on the number of clients (guests) served, but variable costs do. This requires the involvement of large additional staff during the season, which often cannot be patriots of the hotel. He is not interested to the required extent in timely and quality service. In addition, the lack of funds for fixed costs reduces the quality of the hotel product.

A hotel service cannot be produced for future use or saved. The hotel service satisfies the immediate demand of the client. And if it is not provided, then the hotel’s potential income is lost and cannot be replenished. Moreover, a service not provided on time may result in future damage to the hotel.

The sale of a hotel product depends not only on the hotel staff, but also on the internal quality of the hotel product (amenities, comfort, culture, level of service, hotel image). Sales also largely depend on tour operators and travel agencies, marketing decisions, on the availability of transport and transport links, on the location of the hotel and weather, the environment and recreational, cultural and historical opportunities of the region, on the image of the country, area, as well as on the availability and quantity competitors.

1. Basic concepts of the hotel industry.

The hospitality industry is a collection of enterprises that provide various services for receiving and serving guests. This definition is very close to the concept of modern hotel complexes, since they provide not only accommodation services (accommodation), but also many different related services.

Hotel activities in Russia mean the activities of legal and individuals(individual entrepreneurs) who have or are vested in the prescribed manner with property rights to any collective accommodation facility (with a capacity of at least 10 places) under the direct order and management of it to provide services for temporary accommodation (residence) and services to citizens.

The following concepts are used in the Russian hotel industry:

hotel - a property complex in which accommodation and meals are provided to guests;

room - a room consisting of one or more places (a single element of a reservation);

place (bed) - an area with a bed intended for use by one person.

In international practice, in accordance with the recommendations of the World Tourism Organization, all accommodation facilities are divided into two categories: collective and individual.

Collective accommodation facilities include hotels and similar accommodation facilities, specialized establishments, and other collective establishments. WTO definition of hotel.

A hotel is a collective accommodation facility, consisting of a certain number of rooms, having a single management, providing a set of services (at a minimum - making beds, cleaning rooms and bathrooms) and grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and equipment of the rooms.

From this definition we can derive the main characteristics of a hotel:

* availability of numbers, and their number must be no less than the minimum established by law (for Russia - 10);

* subordination of all numbers to a single management:

* availability of a certain set of services (room cleaning, daily

making beds, cleaning bathrooms, additional services);

* compliance with a specific class or category.

Similar establishments include boarding houses and furnished rooms, which consist of rooms and provide a certain, usually limited, range of hotel services.

The difference between specialized institutions is that they can additionally provide any specialized services, such as medical, health resort, etc.

Other community facilities are any facilities intended for recreational purposes that provide limited hotel services. These include: complexes of houses and bungalows, sites for caravans, tents, bays for small vessels, etc.

Individual accommodation facilities include citizens’ own homes provided for a fee or without payment: apartments, villas, cottages, mansions, rooms, etc.

2. The most common classification systems.

2.1. By location.

According to the location of the hotel there can be:

1) located within the city (in the center, on the outskirts). Almost all business hotels, luxury hotels, middle-class hotels are central;

2) located on the sea coast. In this case, the distance to the sea is very important (50 meters, 100, 150, 200, 250,300);

3) located in the mountains. Usually these are small hotels in picturesque mountainous areas on the tourist route in the most convenient location recreation. A mountain hotel, as a rule, contains the necessary equipment for the summer and winter holidays of its guests, for example, mountaineering and ski equipment, lifts, etc.

2.2. By duration of work.

Based on the duration of operation, hotels are divided into:

Working all year round;

Seasonal (two-season and one-season).

2.3. By length of stay of guests.

Hotels are classified according to the length of stay of guests:

For long stay clients;

For a short stay.

2.4. According to room prices.

Based on room prices, hotels are classified into:

Budget ($25-35);

Economical ($35-55);

Medium ($55-95);

First-class ($95-$195);

Apartment ($65-125);

Fashionable ($125-425).

2.5. According to the level of comfort.

Classification of hotel enterprises by comfort level plays a huge role in solving issues of managing the quality of hotel services. Main criteria:

State of the room stock: room area (m2), share of single rooms (one-room), multi-room rooms, apartments, availability of utilities, etc.;

Condition of furniture, equipment, sanitary and hygienic items, etc.;

Availability and condition of food establishments: restaurants, cafes, bars, etc.;

Condition of the building, access roads, arrangement of the territory adjacent to the hotel;

Information support and technical equipment, including the availability of telephone, satellite communications, televisions, refrigerators, mini-bars, mini-safes, etc.,

Ensuring the possibility of providing a number of additional services.

2.6. According to room capacity.

Room capacity refers to the number of places (rooms) that can be offered to customers at the same time.

Many countries use the following approach to classify hotels by capacity:

Small - up to 100-150 rooms;

Medium - from 100 to 300-400 numbers;

Large - from 300 to 600-1000 rooms;

Giants - more than 1000 rooms.

2.7. According to the functional purpose of the hotel enterprise.

Target hotels are divided into:

A. Business hotels serving persons on business trips and trips. Hotels in this group are best known as hotels for congress services: servicing symposiums, congresses, meetings, conferences, etc.

To serve business people, appropriate conditions must be created, and therefore the following requirements are imposed on business hotels:

Location near administrative, public and other city centers;

The predominance of single rooms in the number of rooms;

Mandatory organization in the room, along with a rest and sleep area, a work area;

Availability of apartments in the hotel room;

Availability of special premises for business events;

Availability of special technical equipment;

Availability of financial support services;

Ensuring the provision of high quality food;

Equipment for parking lots and garages.

B. Hotels for recreation (resort, tourist).

Resort hotels. The concept of a “resort hotel” provides for the provision of accommodation, food and a number of additional services to people seeking relaxation and restoration of health.

Tourist hotels. The essence of the “tourist hotel” concept comes down to the following:

A tourist hotel, as a rule, is located on tourist routes and receives clients from these routes;

The range of services offered at a tourist hotel is formed in accordance with the route program and is determined in advance by a voucher or trip;

To organize services, the structure of a tourist hotel provides a travel agency or travel and excursion bureau.

Description of work

Nowadays, the hotel industry is a highly competitive industry. Increasingly, we are witnessing how a new restaurant or hotel is opened, with the goal of satisfying the needs of certain consumer groups as fully as possible.

Nowadays, the hotel industry is a highly competitive industry. Increasingly, we are witnessing how a new restaurant or hotel is opened, with the goal of satisfying the needs of certain consumer groups as fully as possible.

Enterprises are created, and after a while some of them cannot withstand the competition and go out of business. In the hotel industry, the word “service” means a system of measures that ensure a high level of comfort and satisfy a wide variety of everyday, economic and cultural needs of guests. And every year these requests and requirements for services increase. And the higher the culture and quality of guest services, the higher the image of the hotel, the more attractive it is for clients and, what is no less important today, the more successful the material prosperity of the hotel.

An important responsibility for hotels is to create a reputation for high quality service. High quality of guest service is ensured by the collective efforts of employees of all hotel services, constant and effective control by the administration, work to improve forms and methods of service, study and implementation of best practices, new equipment and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided.

In today's competitive environment, hospitality businesses can no longer rely on traditional, ineffective, conservative forms of production culture if they are to survive.

The hospitality industry has historically formed and grown from the accommodation sector, represented by various types of hotel enterprises. In the classical sense, a hotel is a house with furnished rooms for visitors. IN modern conditions A hotel is an enterprise designed to provide hotel services to citizens, as well as individual tourists and organized groups.

A modern hotel enterprise provides consumers not only with accommodation and food services, but also with a wide range of transport, communications, entertainment, excursion services, medical, sports services, beauty salon services, etc. In fact, hotel enterprises in the structure of the tourism and hospitality industry perform key functions, as they form and offer consumers a comprehensive hotel product, in the formation and promotion of which all sectors and elements of the tourism and hospitality industry take part. Based on this, it is legitimate to single out the hotel industry or hotel business as the largest complex component of the tourism and hospitality industry and consider it independently, largely identifying it with the single tourism and hospitality industry.

So, a hotel is a property complex (building, part of a building, equipment and other property) intended to provide accommodation services. Having been defined as a collective accommodation facility, a hotel combines a number of rooms (guest rooms), ranging from the required legally established level (in Russia it is 10 rooms) and up to a number depending on the type and objectives of a particular enterprise. All rooms are subject to a single management and are grouped into classes and categories in accordance with the services provided and the equipment available.

The organizational structure of an accommodation facility in its canonical understanding consists of a complex of departments (services, departments), which can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first function of the services is direct contact with guests and their prompt service. In English, this group is aptly called "front-office". If you mentally follow the arrival of a guest, you can get an idea of ​​the structure of this part of the hotel's organizational structure.

For a more complete sketch, let’s take a high-class hotel as an example. The first point of contact is the garage service employee, who takes on the responsibility of parking and maintaining the guest's car. Next, the baton is taken over by the doorman (often performing purely decorative functions) and the bellhop in the hall, who receives luggage. The guest checks in at the receptionist, identifying his reservation (if any), filling out the guest card, receiving and paying for the room. All. Meanwhile, cleanliness and tranquility are maintained by the maid service and floor attendants. The chain is small, but since first impressions are the most important, and there is no chance to correct them, coordination is extremely important here.

It is necessary to know about the guest’s arrival in advance, to have a free and fully prepared and functioning residential room. The identification and registration procedure must be quick and error-free. It is in simplifying and accelerating this process that the main function of a hotel automated management system consists.

A somewhat different situation occurs in the group of departments whose work is devoted to the functioning of the internal mechanisms of the enterprise, namely: the marketing department, accounting (financial department), and administration. This is where most of the information flows, where it is systematized, analyzed and extrapolated. This is the so-called "back-office" hosting facility.

In recent years, the hotel market has been characterized by an increase in supply while a simultaneous reduction in demand for accommodation services. This situation, as you might guess, is fraught with increased competition, which already did not allow hotel owners to sleep peacefully throughout the last quarter of the twentieth century.

One of the main areas of formation of strategic competitive advantages in the hotel business is the provision of higher quality services compared to competing analogues. The key here is to provide services that meet and even exceed the expectations of target customers. Customer expectations are formed on the basis of their existing experience, as well as information received through direct (personal) or mass (non-personal) marketing communication channels. Based on this, consumers choose a service provider and, after providing them, compare their idea of ​​the service received with their expectations. If the idea of ​​the service provided does not meet expectations, customers lose all interest in the service company, but if it meets or exceeds their expectations, they may turn to such a service provider again.

The buyer always strives for a certain correspondence between the price of the service and its quality. It is interesting to note that, as a rule, the buyer of a service is less likely to complain about it high price than a buyer of a physical product. If he thinks the price is too high, he simply leaves without buying. Dissatisfaction with the service usually leads to large losses in market share. That is why the service provider must identify the needs and expectations of its target customers as accurately as possible.

Today, the hospitality industry is the most powerful economic system in the region or tourist center and an important component of the tourism economy.

In rapidly changing market conditions, the most important marketing function of any tourism enterprise is to conduct marketing research. Without them, the company will not be able to navigate the business environment, find out the characteristics of the markets it is interested in, study the actions of competitors and the needs of its customers.

In the last century, marketing research as such was not needed, since most firms were small and knew their customers personally. In the 20th century, there was a need to obtain more extensive information about customers and their purchasing needs.

A hotel company, operating in difficult market conditions, must be attentive to the questions of who and how to serve. Any market consists of consumers who differ from each other in their tastes, desires, needs and purchase hotel services for different motivations. Therefore, the implementation of successful marketing activities requires taking into account individual preferences various categories of consumers.

The market for hotel industry enterprises can be defined as a socio-economic phenomenon that combines supply and demand to ensure the purchase and sale of a hotel product at a certain time and place. The market for hotel services is characterized by the presence of entities, which are hotel enterprises and consumers of hotel services.

The hotel services market can be characterized as a market of monopolistic competition with clearly defined features of oligopolistic competition. Its main characteristics:

There is a fairly large number of buyers on the market who have insufficient information about the services provided by enterprises operating in the field hotel business. Therefore, it is imperative to carry out an active marketing and advertising policy aimed at informing potential clients about the hotel and the range of services it provides;

There are quite a large number of sellers on the market, whose services are differentiated, but the differences are in principle insignificant: some have paid parking, some do not, etc. Since no one firm sells exactly the same product, it has some power over price. At the same time, the presence on the market of similar substitute services limits the firm’s ability to increase prices, since if similar services are available on the market, consumers are very sensitive to their price. For this reason, methods of price competition are excluded from the market;

An element of oligopoly in the market is introduced by high entry barriers: to enter the industry, you must have significant capital, since construction and necessary equipment For a hotel they are quite expensive. At the same time, exit from the industry is not limited by virtually any barriers: the hotel building is relatively easy to convert, rooms can be rented out as offices, etc. This ratio of entry and exit barriers gives rise to some business insurance.

The peculiarity of hotel marketing follows from the characteristics of the hotel product, its fixity in time and space. It is not possible to change numbers significantly in a short period of time, store them for future sale, or follow them to consumers.

The demand for hotel services is fickle, depends on the time of year, and is subject to seasonal fluctuations. The production of a hotel product requires high material costs with significantly lower variable costs. Fixed costs do not depend on the number of clients (guests) served, but variable costs do. This requires the involvement of large additional staff during the season, which often cannot be patriots of the hotel. He is not interested to the required extent in timely and quality service. In addition, the lack of funds for fixed costs reduces the quality of the hotel product.

A hotel service cannot be produced for future use or saved. The hotel service satisfies the immediate demand of the client. And if it is not provided, then the hotel’s potential income is lost and cannot be replenished. Moreover, a service not provided on time can result in future damage to the hotel.

The sale of a hotel product depends not only on the hotel staff, but also on the internal quality of the hotel product (amenities, comfort, culture, level of service, hotel image). Sales also largely depend on tour operators and travel agencies, marketing decisions, the availability of transport and transport links, on the location of the hotel and the weather, the environment and recreational, cultural and historical opportunities of the region, on the image of the country, the area, as well as on the presence and number of competitors.


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