The wonderful island of Praslin in the Seychelles

The Seychelles island of Praslin is rightfully recognized as one of the most beautiful and unique places in a world where travelers from all corners of the Earth invariably strive to get to. This is not surprising, because the island has many the most beautiful places and natural attractions with the ideal atmosphere for an unforgettable holiday.

In addition, on Praslin there is national park Vale De Mai (Valley of May), listed world heritage UNESCO. This is where you can fully enjoy the beauty virgin nature, see many rare animals and the famous Coco de Mer palm trees, whose nuts are considered the largest in the world.

District of Praslin and Baie-Sainte-Anne


Population density

171,053 people/km²

SCR (Seychelles rupee)


Postal code

not used

International dialing code

Climate and weather

On Praslin weather forms a humid tropical climate. There are practically no seasons here, and the air temperature remains almost unchanged throughout the year and fluctuates between +24...+29° C. Tropical showers occur quite often from December to May, but they are usually warm and very short. In addition, Praslin is surrounded by a coral reef, thanks to which the coastal waters here are always calm.


Praslin is the second largest island of the Seychelles archipelago, located in the west Indian Ocean. The landscape of the island is quite uniform, its few mountains are gentle, and the slopes to the shores are smooth. The main feature of Praslin is the rain forest, which has not changed its appearance for several million years. In addition, a rare species of palm tree, Coco de Mer, grows on the island, the export of whose fruits is subject to restrictions in the country. Praslin is also home to very rare bird species: balbal, black cockatoo and blue pigeon.


The main attraction of the island is the nature reserve " May Valley", which has been under the protection of UNESCO since 1983. This amazing place represents a real tropical world that has preserved its pristine beauty and unique uniqueness. In addition, a very rare black parrot lives on its territory and a unique palm tree grows, the fruits of which are considered one of the main symbols of the country.

To others remarkable place Praslin became a farm " Black Pearl", on the territory of which shellfish are bred and high-quality black pearls are produced. During a tour of this farm, you can not only learn how shellfish grow and pearls are processed, but also purchase unique jewelry.

It is also worth visiting the local villages Bai Sant Anna And Grand Anse, where fascinating excursions are held that introduce tourists to the culture of the local population and their traditions. In addition, there are two interesting galleries on the island: Gallery & Art, which collected best works local artists and artisans, and a gallery of the famous Seychelles artist George Kamil.

It is also worth noting that there is an island not far from Praslin Arid, which is second in importance nature reserve countries.


The island has quite a large number of restaurants and small cafes offering to try traditional Seychelles cuisine. Moreover, the most popular here are small family restaurants, where almost every dish is a gastronomic masterpiece. First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to fish and seafood. For example, you should order lobsters in lemon sauce, " zurit"from octopus, " Shatini"from shark, crabs" Trululu"or shrimp in garlic sauce. In addition, rice is very popular here and is included in many dishes. Also, all establishments serve original dishes from local vegetables: stewed fruits breadfruit, fried bringel, fried plantains, giramon puree, toasted papaya rind, sprout broth and bread chips.

Meat in the Seychelles is much less common than fish, although local menu There are dishes such as pork in banana leaf, chicken curry and even bat stew.

Local desserts are no less interesting, for example, fruit kebabs, coconut nougat, stewed banana En-Jacques" and candied bilimbi.

Wash down all these delights with black tea with vanilla, or coffee. Well, the most typical alcoholic drinks here are Sabrew beer, Kalu"from coconut juice and "baka" from sugarcane juice. South African and French wines are also widespread.


The island of Praslin is rightly famous for the traditional hospitality of the local people and the availability of a large selection of varied accommodation options. It is worth noting that any hotel here, regardless of size and price category, can boast of having all the amenities and a wide range of services. Thus, even in a small economical hotel ( Chalets Cote Mer, The Britannia etc.) you can safely count on cozy rooms and a high level of service. The island has many first-class hotels, stylized inns and small bungalows. different prices. Moreover, it is on Praslin that the most luxurious and expensive hotel on the islands is located - the famous Lemuria Resort de Praslin.

Entertainment and relaxation

Praslin offers its guests great amount interesting leisure options and exciting events. The most popular here, of course, are excursions to the national park " May Valley" and to the farm " Black Pearl”, as well as visits to the neighboring islands of Couzeny and Curieuse. In addition, the island has many magnificent beaches, designed both for active recreation and for unity with nature, for example, Côte d'Or, Anse Georgette And Anse Marie Louise. However, the beach is the most popular here. Anse Lazio, which is considered one of the most beautiful in the whole world. Moreover, almost all beaches have ideal conditions for deep-sea fishing, scuba diving, surfing, windsurfing and sea ​​trips on yachts. In addition, Praslin is excellent place for diving, as a result of which three professional centers are open here: Octopus, Whitetip Divers and Bleu Marine. It is worth noting that they offer diving not only in the vicinity of Praslin, but also in other places in the archipelago, for example, in the National marine park Curieuse Island, which is notable for its magnificent Coral Garden.

Praslin, like all Seychelles, mainly offers beach and leisure, as well as unity with its unique tropical nature, however, for lovers of nightlife, there are also entertainment options here. For example, in the north-eastern part of the island there is a luxurious casino, Praslin's Casino, whose fame resounds throughout the world. Also in almost all large hotels Night discos and clubs operate daily, and parties and night picnics are often held on the coast.


All shopping centers and large Seychelles stores are located on the island of Mahe, but on Praslin, as on other islands, you can only find small shops and street stalls. Despite this, the island is extremely popular among shopaholics. The thing is that this is where the Coco de Mer palm grows, the fruits of which are the main Seychelles souvenir . The cost of one such coconut is at least $200, and a mandatory condition for purchase is the presence of a tax stamp. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the liquor, as well as all kinds of souvenirs, dishes and furniture made from these famous “nuts”.

The complex “ Black Pearl", on the territory of which there is a shellfish farm, a pearl processing factory and a large store offering first-class Jewelry made of black pearls. In addition, the island is home to the Gallery & Art gallery, where you can purchase original crafts and sculptures.

Among other purchases that enjoy the most here in great demand, you can highlight men's straw hats, spices (chili, curry and vanilla), aromatic tea, CDs with local music and a variety of T-shirts.


Praslin Island has so much small sizes that it can be easily crossed in just an hour. Well, from the island of Mahe you can get here in 20 minutes by air or in about an hour by water. There are four paved roads on the island itself, along which you can travel by bus (0.4-0.5 $), taxi (from 0.5 $ per km) or rented cars (from 35 $). Well, local residents prefer to ride bicycles or walk.


Almost all restaurants and hotels in Praslin have telephones that have access to international lines. However, it is worth considering that the tariffs in this case are quite expensive. A more economical option are automatic machines, calls from which are paid using magnetic cards. Such cards are sold at post offices and gas stations.

Mobile communications, which are carried out here as a standard GSM 900, is available to all vacationers who have activated roaming.

Internet access, mainly Wi-Fi, is available in all major hotels and inns.


On Praslin, as on the rest of the Seychelles islands, tropical diseases and dangerous animals are completely absent. The only exceptions are sea ​​urchins, which can injure your leg while swimming. Well, you can walk around the island literally at any time of the day, since crime here is at the lowest level. However, you should not neglect the most basic safety rules. In addition, tourists are advised to use sunscreen and avoid drinking tap water.

Business climate

There is no point in talking about any business life or industry on Praslin, since they are practically absent here. The main source of income on the island is tourism, in which most of the population is employed. It is worth noting that local legislation allows and even encourages any investment in the service sector, as well as the registration of offshore companies.

Real estate

The Seychelles is a fairly small archipelago, which is not immediately noticeable on the map; its permanent population is very small. These facts, of course, have a direct impact on the local real estate market. That is why, even on the island of Praslin, the demand for all objects significantly exceeds supply, and prices are quite high. The most popular type of real estate here are villas, the cost of which starts from $150 thousand. Also in Praslin they are in quite high demand. land(from 60 to 500 thousand $), on the territory of which the owner can build a house, a mini-hotel or a restaurant.

In the Seychelles, in almost all hotels and restaurants it is not customary to give tips, since they are usually already included in the payment for services in advance. If desired, it would only be appropriate to leave a few rupees as a “tip” to the maid or receptionist. At the same time, when paying for a taxi, the amount is only rounded up, and monetary incentives are always welcome.

Legislation Seychelles approved a pleasant law, according to which anyone can relax freely and unhindered on any beach, including on the beaches of any hotels. Nice beaches can be found almost throughout the entire circumference of the island. And its dimensions are very small, 11 by 4 kilometers.

The best beaches in Praslin are located in the northwestern part of the island. This is the famous “Gold Coast” of Cote d'Or (Cote d'Or, and another name is Anse Volbert), and Anse Lazio beach. The access to the ocean here is not covered by a coral reef, and the waves can be noticeable. On weekends, these places popular with guests from the capital island of Mahe. wild beach Anse Georgette, located nearby.


When deciding which beach to choose on Praslin, visit Anse Marie Louise for a try. It is located in the east of the island. When is the most high point high tide, a natural salt pool is formed on the shore, surrounded by sand. In the east of Praslin there is another nice beach for those who like privacy. This is Anse Consolacion.


Grand Anse Bay is more suitable for those who like to sunbathe. Here the corals come close to the shore and are covered with algae. Swimming is inconvenient and simply dangerous, you can get hurt.


The bay and beach of Anse Kerlan is decorated with coconuts and evergreen bushes, and is protected from winds and storms by two rocks. This is completely small beach, it belongs to one of the hotels on the island, Lemuria Resort.

And remember that in a day you can walk around almost all the beaches of the island, trying each of them on your own.

6.5k (74 per week)

The island of Praslin ranks 2nd in size and in terms of tourist attendance among the 33 inhabited islands of the Seychelles archipelago. Here you can see nature in all its splendor, the rarest flora and fauna, and the Vale de Mai National Park located on the territory of the atoll and other natural attractions, one of a kind.

Natural features of Praslin

The area of ​​Praslin is 38 sq. km., while the island quietly houses the famous rain forest, which has not changed its appearance for millions of years. The symbol of Seychelles also grows here - the coconut palm “coco de mer”, on the branches of which you can see a black cockatoo, blue pigeon, balbal and other rare birds. The landscape of the island is flat, with smooth transitions to the shore, so beach holiday especially popular here. As elsewhere in the Seychelles, Praslin is characterized by the absence of pronounced seasonality, the ocean here is quiet due to the close location of the coral reef, and average annual temperature fluctuates between +24…+29 degrees.

How to get to Praslin

Like almost all of the Seychelles, Praslin can be crossed from end to end in less than 1 hour.
There are two ways to get here:

  • by air- by Air Seychelles airlines, from an airport near the capital Victoria, ticket price is approximately $200;
  • on water- by ferry Mahe - Praslin or by small boat, this option will be cheaper and will take about an hour.

Praslin Airport is located in the western part of the island, near picturesque bay Grand Anse. The terminal buildings are made in typical island architecture and were reconstructed in 2001. The island receives 20 flights from the archipelago every day.

Things to do in Praslin

Despite the compact size of the island of Praslin, every vacationer will find something to their liking. Beach recreation is most in demand here, for which the most convenient conditions have been created. The coastal area has unique bays with white silk sand and incomparable beaches: Gold Coast, Anse Georgette, Anse Marie Louise, Anse Consolacion.
In 1999, the most luxurious hotel on the island of Praslin and Seychelles, Lemuria Resort, opened on Anse Kerlan beach.

The tourist infrastructure is represented by small cozy hotels, lodges, guesthouses, and B&B hotels. The area is ideal for divers; here it will not be difficult to find scuba rentals and experienced scuba diving specialists who will guide divers through the exotic wilds of coral “gardens”.

Sights of Praslin

Praslin has a lot to see: the May Valley State Park, included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Local residents are proud of the observatories of the University of Copenhagen and Uraniborg. Travelers will not pass by the delightful Grunetal Bridge, and for those who want to visit Praslin on their own, we can recommend the Black Pearl farm, the name of which fully corresponds to the type of its activity.


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What to see on Praslin Island Regardless of whether you come to Praslin Island for your entire vacation, for a week, or you are just passing through for 1 day, we will help you choose the most interesting places . There is something to see here - for example, attractions, beaches, you will find information about each place with us: from opening hours to detailed description with photos. Below is a list best places

on the island of Praslin, compiled based on the ratings and reviews of users of our site. You, too, can take part in the formation of the ranking of places by leaving your review and rating. This will help our future users choose what interesting things to see on Praslin Island.

Praslin Island is the most beautiful island Seychelles archipelago. He is called " Garden of Eden"Surrounded by a coral reef, the island is the only place on earth where a grove of the "sea coconut" has survived. national park Valee De Mai ("Valley of May") is home to more than 7,000 unique "Coco De Mer" palm trees and is home to the rare black parrot. Also only here on the island. Praslin, there are 2 more rare birds - the blue pigeon and the balbal.

The relief of Praslin Island (considering that the most high peak reaches only 330 meters) is less mountainous than on the island of Mahe. The mountains here are gentle and smoothly descend to the shores. Praslin is made up of granite-like formations surrounding beautiful beaches with crystal clear waters. Doesn't happen here big waves thanks to the coral reef that surrounds the entire island. Majestic bays and beaches alternate with smaller bays in which, even at the height of the tourist season, creates a feeling of loneliness and privacy.

The island of Praslin awakens no earlier than the end of April, when local holidays begin. They are accompanied by orchestra performances and music from the good old times of French rule. And in the evening it’s time for the great African dance of the Mutia. As a treat, you can try bananas from Boudin Bay fried in their own leaves. Then the island of Praslin becomes quiet and calm again...

This is a place where the word “beauty” is inseparable from the word “serenity”. The first settlers were not deceived when they settled here and initially called the island the Isle of Palms and the “Garden of Eden.” Therefore, the earth generously gives its fruits to his descendants: the fabulous mango, the extraordinary banana and the legendary “Coco de Mer” (sea coconut).

On the west coast of the island in Grand Ance Bay there is a wonderful beach for morning sunbathing, but swimming there is almost impossible due to the shallow water depth above the corals, which are sometimes covered with algae all the way to the coast. Almost half of all tourists arrive here, on South coast, to Grand Ance Bay, not far from which the airport is located. The coastal highway runs along the bay, next to which stands the Independence Monument, topped with a sea coconut. The village of Grand Ance is the main point on the island of Praslin. There are two churches, three banks, two schools, a post office, a district administration building with a police station, a football field and “universal” shops where you can buy everything a tourist needs.

Pasquière Bay and the northern parts of Volbert and St. Anne bays are seaports and offer a beautiful view from the sea to the island for those who love sea ​​travel and will prefer the beach to a boat trip to the island of Mahe or La Digue. Here, in St. Anne's Bay, you can see the second village, which also has its own church and school, police station, post office, bank and its own monument to the sea coconut. Barclays St. Anne's Bay and its Grand Ance Bay branch are open Monday to Friday from 08.30 to 12.30. As for the beach, it is better to walk from St. Anne's Bay to Maria Louise Bay. But don’t rush to swim, behind the cape you will find an even more beautiful Sandy shore- Consolacion Bay, which is no more than 500 meters away. This one is small cozy bay between the capes of Peak Coco and Peak Consolacion is always deserted.

Wolbert Bay or Cote D"or (Gold Coast) on east coast the island is especially beautiful and famous for its snow-white beaches. This place is very popular among tourists. Although here you can always find a secluded place.

Spectacular masses of granite form the backdrop of the landscape, which contrasts with the beaches of Bois de Roses, Boudin and Kerlan Bay.

The Bay of Lazio is also interesting. It's hard to imagine best beach for swimming, because The sea here is not too calm, not too stormy, the waves are just the kind that give real pleasure. If you want to sit in the shade, beautiful large takamaki grow here. But on Sundays this bay is very popular among residents neighboring island Mahe. And only in the late afternoon, when the beach is empty, can you calmly enjoy beautiful view to the neighboring one amazing island Arid.

Overall, Praslin Island, with its network of paths and excellent roads, is great for exploring on foot. This island is so small that it takes less than an hour to cross its width. But if you prefer to travel by car, you need to rent one in advance, since the number of local means of transportation is limited, especially during the high season.

Two car rental stations are located in Grand Ance Bay and St. Anne's Bay. Opposite the airport there is a taxi station with about twenty cars. You can order them by phone directly from the airport or from most hotels. The cost of travel increases slightly at night. You can take a bus that runs from 05.30 to 19.00 on the four main roads of the island. There is a special service on Sundays: a shuttle bus runs back and forth, crossing Valee De Mai. You can also rent a bicycle or a small boat.

Praslin is the second largest island of the Seychelles and quite popular tourist destination. At the same time, you can cross the width of the island in about an hour. The island is ideal for hiking, for this purpose there are a lot of convenient and safe walking paths. The territory of the island is mountainous with beautiful beaches and bays. If there are waves here, they are low (thanks to the coral reefs). The coast is divided into numerous bays thanks to granite rocks, and finding a place for a calm, secluded holiday will not be difficult. Many tourists who prefer a secluded holiday choose this island, because on the other popular island Seychelles - Mahe is too noisy.

Getting to the island is not difficult, there is even international Airport, which takes domestic flights. From Mahe to Praslin you can get by boat in about 50 minutes, and a helicopter flight will take no more than 20 minutes, but the price will be appropriate. There are few cars on the island, as there are only four paved roads on its territory. Locals and tourists mainly travel by several city buses or bicycles. Bus fare costs about 50 cents.

The island has a humid tropical climate, the air temperature stays between 23-30 degrees and does not change throughout the year. An increase in precipitation is observed from December to May, but the rains are infrequent and warm (thanks to the mountains, the island is protected from the winds).

There are many cafes and restaurants on the island; the most popular are small family establishments, which have a pleasant atmosphere, affordable prices and delicious traditional cuisine. The most popular are seafood dishes, and the main side dish is rice.

There are plenty of hotels on the island, but each of them boasts a decent level of service and good conditions accommodation. It is very difficult to single out any of them, especially since each of them has its own pricing policy and there are no specific prices (they depend on the influx of tourists). You can pay attention to the Chateau de Feuilles hotel. This is a small family hotel located on a beautiful, green area (there are only nine rooms, so a relaxing holiday is guaranteed). The rooms are cozy, spacious, there is a restaurant, Gym, dry cleaning, laundry, spa center, souvenir shop, organized excursions.

It cannot be said that there are many interesting sights on Praslin, but there are still some. Most of the most interesting things are concentrated in the main locality island - the village of Grand Ance. On the territory of this village there is a school, a bank, two ancient temples, and many souvenir shops. Not far from the village, on the way to the airport, you can see the original Independence Monument, which adorns the island symbol - a large sea coconut.

You can also visit the Valee De Mai National Park, which is home to more than seven thousand palm trees. This is the largest coconut grove in the world; you will never find so many palm trees in one place. The weight of sea palm fruits exceeds 20 kilograms, and their shape resembles not a ball, but a heart. In addition, in the park you can see a black parrot, which is considered the rarest of all known species of these birds. A number of interesting plants grow in the park, such as dwarf orange trees, wild carnation bushes, wild coffee, etc.

And in addition to everything, it should be noted that the park is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. You will have to pay $20 to visit this park.

On Praslin, you can visit the only farm in the Seychelles that breeds shellfish and oysters, from which black pearls are subsequently extracted. The farm is called Black Pearl farm and it is located in the western part of the island. Considering the specifics of the farm, it is not surprising that a jewelry store is open on site, where you can buy various jewelry: earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces and much more. You can get to the farm for four dollars; it is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed on Sundays).

Art lovers often visit the local art gallery George Camille Art Gallery, which allows tourists to get acquainted with the works of local artists. The most popular local artist is George Kamil, whose works are known and very popular not only in the Seychelles, but also outside the country (especially in Europe). His works are distinguished by bright colors that fully convey the whole flavor of the Seychelles. Some of the master’s works are put up for sale and anyone can buy them, but the prices are steep.


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