The Black Sea turned turquoise. What's happening on Russian beaches? Hydrogen sulfide in the Black Sea: causes of explosion and consequences What's happening in the Black Sea

July is in full swing, along with the sea resort swimming season. I really want to plunge my body, heated by the 30-degree heat, into the foamy sea streams and experience blissful joy. But that was not the case.... People who have come thousands of miles from their places at sea in , complain about the cool water, the lack of pleasure from swimming and are forced to lie on the beaches “dry”.

In addition, there was talk on the Internet that the water had changed color and acquired a turquoise hue. What is the reason for these phenomena? Let's start with the coolness.

Why is the water in the Black Sea cold in summer?

Well, in fact, why in mid-July doctors and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Anapa give recommendations to limit swimming for organized groups of children due to the low water temperature in the sea. And, to be honest, adults, having plunged into far from gentle waters, run back. Not comfortable!

This was the case on the Anapa beaches back in early July.

Water temperature chart for the Anapa area:

Average daily data. As you can see the most cold water east coast Black Sea in Anapa.

First version. Coastal upwelling - This is the name for the phenomenon of deep sea waters rising to the surface. That is, mixing of water, sometimes they also say “turning over the sea.” For various reasons, warm surface water goes deeper and is replaced by colder deeper layers of water.

The simplest cause of cold water is the wind blowing at a certain angle from the heated land. It drives the heated mass of water offshore into the interior. And the night wind, on the contrary, drives cold sea waters to the shore.

The cyclones of the North-West continue their influence, and we feel their cold Atlantic breath here too.

How much do the surface waters of the Black Sea cool during upwelling? The difference reaches from 1-2 to 10-15 degrees Celsius. Sometimes there are very sharp temperature changes up to 20°.

When will the water start to warm up? Not right away. Most often, the phenomenon lasts from 2 to 10 days from June to August.

Second version Other experts talk about the influence of the surge phenomenon, which is more typical for winter, but has increasingly begun to appear in summer. As a result, the water level in the sea and its temperature change. The cause of the phenomenon may be poor ecology. The same is the constantly observed bloom of water, caused by an overabundance of algae, that is, eutrophication. Plants consume oxygen dissolved in water, which leads to problems in the life of animals and fish, and therefore to their death. In satellite images you can see how the color of the Black Sea water differs from others. There is simply no one to purify the water, because the microorganisms living here that cope with this have been exhausted.

Third version: the reason is the deep-sea pipelayer of the South Stream gas pipeline, aimed at Turkey and located in the Anapa Black Sea waters, just in the area near.

By moving bottom masses and strengthening structures, it raises cold silts to the surface, which cool the water. Sometimes emergency oil spills occur, both offshore and in the waters. And all human activity is aimed not at cleansing, but at polluting the sea.

Fourth reason- self-purification of the sea. A forced process, triggered by the sea itself, aimed at cooling the water to stop the growth of algae and preserve oxygen in the water. Where upwelling occurs frequently, the water is more saturated with phosphorus, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. This stimulates the development of phytoplankton, which crustaceans love to eat and therefore provides food for fish.

Whatever it is, you will have to wait a little or start the hardening process, because water at +21º+22º cannot be considered cold, given the zone location of our country. So let's not bask and accept what nature gives us with gratitude.

Problems of the Black Sea

They have been talking a lot about environmental issues in general, and in the Anapa region in particular, for a long time, but so far they are just talking. The degree of its pollution has long gone beyond all conceivable limits. Anapa has its own problem - the water is blooming! The long-standing problem caused by algae such as kamoka is not harmful to the sea, and is even beneficial to human health. We do not consider the aesthetic side.

However, the fact that every year the growth rate of the algae population in the sea is becoming greater, the scope of distribution is becoming wider, and even the installation acquired by the city for capturing “green wealth” and recycling does not bring results, is alarming. Despite the coolness, the damask has already begun to bloom. This most likely indicates an imbalance in the ecosystem. It’s not so easy to fight nature itself.

Three days ago, together with my guests, I visited all the beaches to witness with my own eyes the condition of the beaches. The water is actually a little cooler than usual for this time of year, I would even say a little cold and did not evoke a burning desire to swim.

The water temperature in the Sukko area is especially low, barely exceeding +20, but quite clean and transparent:

On the city beach and the beaches of Dzhemete, as I said, there is already a tendency for water to bloom.

Today, just three days later, the sea is getting warmer, the process has begun :-). Swimming becomes a pleasure. But a couple of degrees are still not enough to be normal.

The world's bluest Black Sea turns turquoise

It has been known for a long time that the Black Sea changes its color at different periods of the year and even the day from dark blue to turquoise, in any case, immediately after arriving here, we drew attention to this fact, which is considered quite normal. Moreover, the sea was colored in stripes, those closer to the shore had a pronounced turquoise hue.

Bolshoy Utrish, early June 2017. The water actually looks a little turquoise.

However, the water's turquoise hue becomes permanent. For me, this color is very beautiful, but any phenomenon must have an explanation.

The fact was reported by NASA in the weekly “Arguments of the Week”

The well-known American agency supported its statement with photographs, but the Americans have not yet been able to name the reasons for this phenomenon. Our scientists, as always, are silent. How would they know? After all, monitoring the situation and studying underlying processes requires money, which, as always, is not available for such needs.

The first version of the color change is ecological: the invasion of a special type of phytoplankton, which, absorbing oxygen, causes irreparable harm to the animal world.

This fact may explain another phenomenon in the Black Sea: the increasingly common voluntary stranding of dolphins on land. The bodies of these intelligent animals can often be found on the seashore. They simply do not have enough oxygen in the water.

Why did unfamiliar plankton, unusual for the sea, settle? Most likely, these are the consequences of that environmental sluggishness, mismanagement of human activity, or whatever, complete permissiveness, which can lead to an environmental disaster.

The sea itself is trying to solve the problem of water purification and cooling, which is why upwelling starts - mixing cold deep layers with warm ones, which inhibits the development of microorganisms, purifying the water.

GENEVA, RIA Federal Press. The World Meteorological Organization published a report saying that in 2013, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached a 30-year high.

In the future, this could threaten catastrophe: acidification of the World Ocean and result in the extinction of entire species. The survival rate of some marine organisms, including corals and mollusks, may drop sharply, ITAR-TASS writes.

Scientists have calculated that the rate of increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will only increase, at least until the middle of the 21st century. The ocean absorbs about a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions from human activities on the planet, and this does not happen without leaving a trace.

This once again proves that the Black Sea is a living biosystem, with its own character, disposition, laws of development and connection with the universe. Everything in nature is linked and interconnected, and if human activity does not fit into the general order of things, nature begins to change itself, often to the detriment of humanity. What we are convinced of over and over again more and more often.

So maybe it’s time to seriously think about the consequences of our activities. At least to the best of your ability not to pollute the spaces around you?

I’ll finish the topic where I started.... The Black Sea warms up day by day and awaits guests, embracing with its foamy waters everyone who longs to meet it. Waters, albeit slightly turquoise....

Black Sea water in June 2018

PS: Yesterday June 4, 2018 at The Department of Civil Defense and Population Protection of the resort has introduced a temporary ban on swimming in the Black Sea on all beaches of the resort. Swimming in the waters is prohibited due to low sea temperatures until June 5. Everyone responsible persons, parents working in the tourist service sector were given recommendations to strengthen control over compliance with the ban.

Yesterday the water temperature was +17º, in some areas up to +16.5º. The ban on swimming in the sea is not only precautionary. If vacationers at the resort ignore it, they will face a fine of 1 to 5 thousand rubles.

What caused the decrease in water temperature in the Black Sea in June 2018? All the same cold currents that were driven by the northwest wind that blew from the Atlantic with strong gusts all last week.

The official opening of the resort season in Anapa will take place on June 11. By this time, we hope, the water will warm up a little to the required +18, and swimming will resume. Or maybe tomorrow. :)

And now July 8, 2018 Streams of cold sea water from the southern waters from Sochi reached Anapa. The swimming season has been suspended again, only the brave ones rinse in the icy streams of the Black, which dropped to +16º on the beaches of Anapa, and even less than +13° in Novorossiysk. Forecasters predict the situation will recover by July 13. But only the Black Sea itself knows when it will again be pleasantly warm, comfortable and soft like summer.

Why can't you swim in cold water? Everything is banally simple. "Walruses" - drum upwelling. For everyone else, it is fraught with cramps of the limbs, which leads to death and possible colds. And it's just uncomfortable.

Black Sea summer 2019

It was opened a week ago holiday season. The water approached +21º +22º. And today, in the Dzhemete area on June 18, I personally experienced a cold sea current. The water is no higher than +18, really cold. Brrrrr!!! Almost no people swim. The beaches are deserted. Peace and quiet!

So only a few daredevils. I think the reasons are the same as stated above. By the way, stone-algae appeared. Anapa's troubles.

Although a week ago the sea was clean and the water was warm. Rather, algae began to grow in the warm water and the sea “turned over” again to cleanse itself. I think two, three at most five days and the water will become warm again.

Summer is already coming to an end, but the Black Sea in the Anapa area has not yet pleased us with its warm streams. It will never reach +24. Even in Dzhemet on the milk waters it is cool, even colder in Sukko and in B. Utrish - it’s deeper there. But the coolness of the sea invigorates at night, despite the 30-degree heat during the day. And it pleases. 2019- best summer for us residents of Anapa. I sympathize with the guests a little. On the other hand, it is more comfortable to relax, there is no heat and stuffiness.

This is how cold summer is 19 :)

Number of passengers traveling on planes to Black Sea resorts, has already increased 1.5 times compared to last year, as calculated at Vnukovo airport. Another news - the Black Sea has turned turquoise due to algae blooms. Environmentalists say this is an indicator of good water quality. AiF checked what is happening on the beaches Krasnodar region.

Sochi: where to eat and swim?

Sochi keeps its mark elite resort. True, in June the weather was not pleasant. But the Confederations Cup matches are taking place in the city, and the atmosphere is festive. The further summer program is also rich: you can attend performances by Cirque Du Soleil, ice shows, and music festivals.

Yes, holidays in Sochi remain expensive. However, places have appeared where you don’t have to shell out 1,000 rubles for lunch - many inexpensive canteens have opened in the city. In restaurants, chefs offer dishes prepared from local products: Cossack lamb ribs, borscht with donuts and lard, dumplings.

Two-story cars roam the streets sightseeing buses with an open top. “There were no such things in the city before,” says a local resident V. Mikhailenko. “I myself recently took a ride from Sochi to the Olympic Park and listened to a review lecture.”

“I came to Sochi for the first time,” says Tatiana Babchinskaya. - My husband and small child and I settled in the Imereti Lowland - nearby Olympic Park, "Sochi Park". We also visited Rosa Khutor. Everything is very beautiful, European - impressive. But Adler was unpleasantly surprised: the chaotic tent trade does not make the resort beautiful at all.”

The beaches of Sochi, while there are few tourists, remain quite clean. However, locals recommend going to the Olympic Park for swimming. “There is an open sea, and even before the Olympic construction, when there were wild beaches“, the locals preferred to swim and sunbathe in this place,” advises V. Mikhailenko. “Now everything has been improved, and the quality of the water has not deteriorated.”

Housing (cost per day):

Bed space (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1 room apartment

from 1.5 thousand rubles.

Hotel room 3*

from 4.2 thousand rubles.

Room in a 5* hotel, with breakfast

from 42 thousand rubles.


100 g kebab

from 200 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 180 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


for free

Chaise longue+umbrella

from 150 rub. at one o'clock

Water park ticket

1.5 thousand rubles, children under 5 years old free

Dolphinarium ticket



children under 5 years old

for free

Sochi Park

Anapa: warm sea, seaweed, low prices

Shallow sea sandy beaches: Anapa is a resort specifically for families with children. And the city was filled with tourists from the very beginning summer holidays. Among the new entertainment: the Bora Bora water complex, the Sukko Valley park, extreme attraction Zip Line.

“We are 100% loaded,” says the hotel owner Eduard Bedrosov. - But early booking now almost none. Although 7-8 years ago, when the economic situation was more stable, rooms were sold already in January. And we haven’t raised prices for several years.”

“In my opinion, a holiday in Anapa is a little cheaper than at other resorts in the region,” says the tourist Elena Vdovichenko. - But there are few places where they accept bank cards, so I advise you to take more cash with you.”

At the end of July - in August, algae appear in the Anapa Sea. Their scientific name is “vagrant cladophora”, and in common parlance - Kamka. When the water temperature rises to 23 degrees (and last year it reached 27-28 degrees), the Kamka begins to multiply quickly - it grows up to 120 meters in a day. These algae are filamentous, and it is almost impossible to get them out of the water. Local authorities are trying to solve the problem: they are negotiating to purchase equipment for algae removal abroad. By the way, they are also common on other beaches in the world, for example in Italy.

Housing (cost per day):

Bed space (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1 room apartment

from 1.8 thousand rubles.

Hotel room 3*

from 4 thousand rubles.

Room in a 5* hotel, all inclusive

21.3 thousand rubles.


100 g kebab

from 160 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 150 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 350 rub.


for free

Chaise longue+umbrella

from 100 rub. at one o'clock

Water park ticket

1200 rub., children under 5 years old free

Dolphinarium ticket

800 rub., children under 5 years old free

Gelendzhik: embankment, mountains, pine trees

This year, Gelendzhik updated its embankment (by the way, the longest in Europe - 12 km) - a new section overlooking the sea was built. There are bike paths and sports equipment here. There are flowers all around. In general, everything is as best resorts peace.

“I love Gelendzhik for the mountains, sea and pine trees,” admits Anna Zubova from Khabarovsk. - This year I was pleasantly surprised that all the stalls had a uniform style. “Everything is located on one side and does not spoil the view.” New entertainment has also appeared at the resort. This is a Roman park, where you can see dramatizations of the life of the ancient Romans, and the largest fountain in the region. A large gastronomic festival will be held in mid-July: the most famous chefs in Russia will compete in their art and hold master classes.

Housing (cost per day):

Bed space (hostel)

from 500 rub.

1 room apartment

from 2 thousand rubles.

Hotel room 3*

from 4 thousand rubles.

Room in a 5* hotel, with breakfast

12.5 thousand rubles.


100 g kebab

from 150 rub.

100 ml dry red wine

from 160 rub.

Lunch for 1 person in the dining room

from 180 rub.


for free

Chaise longue+umbrella

150 rub. at one o'clock

Water park ticket

1400 rub., children under 5 years old free

Dolphinarium ticket

adult 900 rub., child 600 rub., children under 5 years old free

Dolmens, waterfalls, caves

What is a must-see in Sochi and its environs?

A. Staroverov, Murmansk

Among the most popular excursions in Sochi is, of course, a trip to the sites of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games and to Krasnaya Polyana. But in the vicinity of the “summer” Russian capital there are many other completely unique attractions.

So, in Skypark you need to walk across one of the longest pedestrian bridges in the world. Its length is 439 m, height 207 m. The bridge is held by 8 cables.

Don’t forget to visit the Matsestinskaya Valley - its healing hydrogen sulfide springs. In her clinic, everyone can visit a doctor and get a referral for a bath course.

Another point of attraction is the Eagle Rocks, where, having climbed to a height of 379 m, you will see the sculpture of Prometheus.

Agur waterfalls are cascades of water falling into Blue Lake, in which you can swim. However, in the Sochi region there are waterfalls on almost every river, and a route called “33 waterfalls” was even created for tourists. It is interesting to visit the Vorontsov caves, which have 10 entrances, and the Volkonsky dolmen - the only monolithic one in the world stone house. He is at least 5 thousand years old! Scientists are still wondering who and why it was built. In total, there are 200 dolmens in the Sochi area.

The Black Sea is a body of contrasts, stories and legends. Like any huge water resource, he has hundreds of secrets. The Black Sea at the junction with the Azov Sea is especially interesting - there you can appreciate the beauty of their differences and scale. If the Sea of ​​Azov resembles more huge lake with little depth, then Black is a real abyss. An ominous, beautiful and breathtaking abyss.

Paleontologists believe that in the Black Sea region, since the formation of the Earth, there have been salty bodies of water: the Pontic and then the Meotic seas. In other periods, the area dried up, and fresh springs-lakes formed here. Modern borders, the depth and type of water the sea acquired a little more than 8,000 years ago. The reason for these changes was devastating earthquake, which formed the Bosphorus Strait. Due to it, the Mediterranean Sea connected with a water source nearby and began to give water to the “newborn”.

The area of ​​the Black Sea is greater than 422 square kilometers. Its length is 580 km from north to south, while the maximum depth is 2210 m. The reservoir connects southern Europe and Asia Minor.

Facts, mysteries and wonders of the Black Sea

You can tell more than one long story or legend about the Black Sea. Here are just 15 small, but interesting facts about him:

  1. According to ancient legend, Jason set off across the Black Sea with the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece. Their path ran through land and water to Colchis.
  2. The first mentions of a sea source are in documents of the 5th century BC; they are associated with the expansion of the lands of ancient civilization.
Black Sea, view from space
  1. The Black Sea alone has many names that are still used by different peoples and countries. Some names have disappeared over time. The ancient Greeks, for example, called it the Inhospitable Sea, or Pont Aksinsky. It was renamed Hospitable because the Greeks developed the shores and found them attractive for winemaking, Agriculture, trade. In ancient Greek, the name began to sound like Pont Euxine. Much later, during Ancient Rus', the sea was called Scythian, somewhat less often - Russian. In historical documents found in European countries and in Asia, other names are also mentioned. So, it corresponds to: Temarun, Holy Sea, Ocean, Akhshaena, Blue Sea, Cimmerian, Tauride. There is no exact information about why it became known as Black. Some historians believe that it is called this way because of the color of the designation. Previously, the North was designated black, and this sea referred to it. The second theory indicates that the sea received its name due to the large amount of hydrogen sulfide in the water. If any metal got to the bottom, it turned black. However, thanks to this same hydrogen sulfide, sunken ships remain at the bottom several times longer than in the waters of other seas.
  2. Only 2,500 species of animals live in the waters, perhaps due to the peculiarities of their composition. Usually 2-3 times more representatives live in the seas. In the Mediterranean - 9000.
  3. Hydrogen sulfide is no less important in a small number of inhabitants. Its concentration at a depth of more than 200 meters is so great that not a single living creature is able to survive there.
  4. In August, at night, the sea waters begin to glow due to the migration of plankton populations, which phosphoresce.

Glowing plankton in the Black Sea
  1. Unlike many seas and oceans, the name Black in different countries has different inscriptions and pronunciations.
  2. Due to its young age, the Black Sea may increase in size. The same goes for the mountains located around it. This can also be seen in the ancient cities of Crimea, which go under water for tens of meters. Oceanologists believe that every 100 years the size of the reservoir increases by an average of 20 cm.
  3. Sea dragon- the most predatory and deadly fish living in the Black Sea waters. Its spines contain poison that can kill an adult.
  4. The seal is a creature of cold climates, but it finds refuge in the waters of the Black Sea.
  5. The main biomass is represented jellyfish– only 10% is allocated to other creatures.
  6. The Black Sea has one large peninsula - Crimea - and only 10 islands. When compared with the Caribbean or Mediterranean, this amount is ten times less.
  7. The Black Sea is a source of oil and gas. But they lie so deep that no country has yet reached production.
  8. Far from the shores, the surface of the sea is cut by huge whirlpools, the wave length of which reaches 400 km.
  9. In winter, the sea waters freeze only partially; there is a glaciated area near Odessa. Byzantine documents indicate that in 401 and 762 BC, shackles of ice completely covered the sea surface.

The Black Sea is home to thousands of resorts and sanatoriums on its shores, which are visited by millions of tourists every year. However, few people think about how much power and danger lurks in these hospitable waters.

Resorts are very popular this year Black Sea coast. These are not only the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory and Crimea, but also sunny Bulgaria. Pleasant climate, beautiful landscapes, warm and gentle sea, reasonable prices - this is what attracts tourists. Even during the difficult economic situation in the country, they are not ready to say goodbye to their vacation, which is why they are looking for budget alternatives to fashionable resorts. Not everything is as rosy at the resorts of the Krasnodar region as travel agencies and operators present it. Their goal is to sell the tour and attract the attention of vacationers. They will never take responsibility for your vacation, so you need to approach the choice of a resort more demandingly and carefully, since, except for yourself, no one can provide the most pleasant, comfortable and safe conditions.

Shocking news

Infection detected in the Black Sea! This news literally blew up the entire world community. Daily local residents go to medical institutions with complaints of intestinal infection. It became obvious that the water in the Black Sea is contaminated with microorganisms that cause a similar reaction. in the region is really unfavorable. All local residents and vacationers want to receive complete and reliable information about what is happening, to protect themselves and their loved ones if possible.

Let's understand the reasons

Intestinal infection in the Black Sea is not uncommon. On the one hand, its presence is fully explained objective reasons. The water temperature, when reaching an anomalous level of 29 degrees Celsius, caused the active proliferation of quite dangerous algae. Geographical position The sea can hardly be called the most successful, and all because the circulation of water in it occurs very slowly. In fact, this is a closed reservoir, so pathogenic microorganisms, having appeared in it, only increase their power. If this reason is called the main one, then, perhaps, every year it will appear in the Black Sea. But over the past three years, it has really been causing discomfort to vacationers.

There is another opinion to which everyone is inclined large quantity experts. So, intestinal infection in the Black Sea becomes a consequence of excessive activity and the huge appetite of local officials, who are trying to squeeze the maximum out of the resorts at the very peak of the season. What does it mean? The fact is that the beaches of Adler are overcrowded with people; it is simply impossible to swim normally in the sea. Dirt on the beach, garbage and bottles in the sea are a normal phenomenon for resort areas. Is this not the reason for the emergence and active spread of infection? Moreover, this year tourists noted the presence of waste and sewage water in the sea. The inaction of local authorities at a time when hospitals are simply overflowing with patients is striking. If you go to a medical facility in a timely manner, the infection can be overcome, but your vacation will definitely be ruined. It is unlikely that tourists who have gone through all the hell of local hospitals will want to come back here again.

Talking about infection

Let's try to answer the question what kind of infection is in the Black Sea in August. Many people call it rotavirus. So, this is an infection caused by rotaviruses. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, vomiting, weakness, and increased body temperature.

There are several ways to become infected, so it has a fairly large source of spread, often resembling an entire epidemic, which is why it becomes even more dangerous. Adults and children can become infected on the beach while sunbathing and swimming in sea water. Infection also occurs through common objects and crowded places. In hot conditions, the infection begins to spread even more rapidly. Most often, bacteria affect the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Of course, when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist and begin treatment in order to shorten the duration of the disease and prevent the development of complications.

How the situation really is

At the height of the season, all hospitals in Sochi and Adler are overcrowded with patients who have contracted the infection. The situation is truly critical; some tourists decided to abandon the trip altogether out of fear for their health. This position is correct, especially if there are small children in the family. Agree, going to the coast at the height of the season, where an epidemic is raging, is the height of recklessness.

Tourists' opinions

Tourists in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory complain about the state of the water in the sea, its pollution by sewage and wastewater. IN in social networks There are quite a few stories describing how, in just two days at sea, children are stricken with rotavirus infections and, instead of the long-awaited vacation, go on a not-so-pleasant tour of local hospitals. All stories are the same.

About hospitals

All vacationers in the Krasnodar Territory infected with rotavirus are sent to Regional Hospital No. 4. If you believe the information about it, it is designed to serve 110 thousand patients, and in the season up to a million vacationers and tourists. The scale is impressive and amazing. This is probably an excellent medical center, with an impressive territory and equipped with modern technology.

In fact, the hospital has about 350 beds, only two infectious diseases departments designed for 110 patients. An attentive and hospitable attitude towards patients, and even more so a qualified medical care There’s certainly no need to count. Hospital staff complain about a lack of specialists, staff and great amount infected patients. In the unsanitary conditions that prevail in a medical institution, it is not possible to recover, or even improve your condition. It is for this reason that many tourists prefer to be treated with their own means.

Authorities' response

Rospotrebnadzor could not stand aside and answered everyone’s question whether there is So, the expert commission reported that the state of water in the Black Sea is constantly monitored, nothing was found, so there is not the slightest reason for concern. So why are the city's hospitals literally overcrowded with people at the height of the season? Rospotrebnadzor is confident that this is not an infection in the Black Sea at all, but banal food poisoning that is widespread. According to him, during high air temperatures the spread of intestinal infection is simply impossible, and vacationers often visit establishments Catering on the beach, resort, without observing basic hygiene requirements. They often buy sweets, fruits and food from vendors on the beach.

The situation is aggravated by the increasing heat. Under the influence of direct active sunlight, it is quite easy to get, which can lead to vomiting, increased body temperature and general weakness.

What to do in case of defeat

Is the Black Sea as dangerous as the evidence suggests? mass media? How to protect yourself and your children from infection? These questions are actually very important.

If you notice the first symptoms of infection, you must immediately seek help from medical specialists, undergo a comprehensive examination to determine the exact cause of what is happening and begin treatment. Before the doctor arrives, it is better to place the patient in a cool place and give him to drink as much fluid as possible to prevent dehydration. Of course, this should be a liquid at room temperature, and in no case ice water from the refrigerator.

Trying to prevent defeat

Doctors strongly recommend that parents do not take children under 3 years of age to other climatic zones. A sharp change in climate can have an extremely negative impact on a child’s body that is not yet strong enough, making it vulnerable to various infections, including rotavirus. Today you can see how families with very tiny children spend time on crowded beach all day, trying to get the most out of your vacation. It is clear that in such conditions the probability of infection or getting the same heat stroke is quite high. Children on the beach are at risk.

When going on vacation, especially with small children, be more careful when choosing a hotel, give preference exclusively to rooms with air conditioning, choose only proven cafes for your meals, or cook yourself.

If you have chosen resorts on the Black Sea coast, you should not visit them during the high season. Even if the water in the Black Sea is not contaminated, the likelihood of infection and infection does not decrease due to mass gatherings of people, overcrowding of beaches and cafes. Remember that you are primarily responsible for your health and the health of your children, so you should not expose yourself to even minimal risks - it is better to give up rest altogether.

Currently, the water in the Black Sea is very, very cold. You can only wash your feet, and only for a seasoned person. However, experts believe that after a few days the water will become much warmer, so it will be possible to fully relax.

Thus, weather forecasters assure that the sea will become warmer after the twelfth of the current month.

IN given time on Russian resorts a lot of people. Everyone goes just to get to the sea, because in the territory Russian Federation There are no resorts where you can swim in the sea all year round.

However, now luck has turned against tourists, so for now you can only enjoy the sea views, and the bravest ones can wash their feet in the sea. Now the sea temperature is very low to dive and enjoy the summer. Experts note that the water will begin to warm up only after the twelfth of July.

Thus, the resorts located in Sochi and Novorossiysk are not very relevant. Over the past few days, the water temperature in Sochi has remained at thirteen degrees, and in Novorossiysk - twenty.

You can only swim in the Black Sea in Anapa and Gelendzhik, because here the temperature reaches twenty-six degrees.
In addition, you can see upwelling in Sochi. This is a phenomenon during which the wind pulls back warm water, instead of which cold waves wash ashore. In the Black Sea the difference can reach up to sixteen degrees.

Why is the water in the Black Sea so cold?

Well, in fact, why in mid-July doctors and the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Anapa give recommendations to limit swimming for organized groups of children due to the low water temperature in the sea. And, to be honest, adults, having plunged into far from gentle waters, run back. Not comfortable!

The first, simplest explanation of the situation is given by specialists involved in studying the quality of sea water: The cold spring and the slow-starting summer were unable to warm up the deep waters in time. And now the weather is Central region does not spoil us, and here on the Black Sea coast the nights are still cool and, despite the fact that the heat has set in throughout the day, it will not be able to save the situation at once. The Black Sea is not a bathtub or a font; it will not be possible to warm up a colossus with a volume of 555 thousand km³ at once.

Second version Other experts talk about the influence of the surge phenomenon, which is more typical for winter, but has increasingly begun to appear in summer. As a result, the water level in the sea and its temperature change. The cause of the phenomenon may be poor ecology. The same is the constantly observed bloom of water, caused by an overabundance of algae, that is, eutrophication. Plants consume oxygen dissolved in water, which leads to problems in the life of animals and fish, and therefore to their death. In satellite images you can see how the color of the Black Sea water differs from others. There is simply no one to purify the water, because the microorganisms living here that cope with this have been exhausted.

Forecasters explained why it is prohibited to swim in Anapa waters

Kuban weather forecasters said that the water temperature is at its peak swimming season decreased along the entire northern part of the coast of the Krasnodar Territory. The center of the cold is in Novorossiysk, where the sea is “frozen” to 13 degrees, in Tuapse the water is 16 degrees, the same in Anapa.

A decrease in temperature in the Black Sea in summer is usually caused by cold currents that come close to the shore. The movement of air masses also plays a role.

According to employees of the hydrometeorological center of the Krasnodar Territory, tourists in Anapa and other cities will very soon again be able to pamper themselves with sea swimming. “In general, warm water is returning, and all we need is for the wind to change and everything will be fine for holidaymakers. “Literally two or three days and everything will change,” the weather service noted.

However, periods of cooling may occur several more times during the summer.

“Literally in a few days, a drop (in water temperature) may begin again, and it cannot be said that the cold water will go away, only warm water will remain. Everything depends on small synoptic processes,” the hydrometeorological center reported.


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