Halkidiki detailed map in Russian. Chalkidiki on the map of Greece – where it is located. Old town of Thessaloniki

Halkidiki on the map of Greece

Detailed map of Halkidiki

Chalkidiki Map

Halkidiki - a peninsula on the northeast coast Aegean Sea, nome in northern Greece, in administrative area Central Macedonia. The peninsula extends 120 kilometers into the sea.

The map of Halkidiki draws a peninsula in the shape of a trident. The Greeks themselves call them “teeth” - “fingers”. The three “fingers” of Halkidiki are the peninsulas of Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos (Agion Oros). The surface of the peninsula is an elevated plain with peaks reaching heights of up to 2033 meters (Mount Athos). Length coastline is about 500 kilometers. The capital of the peninsula is the city of Polyyiros.

Kassandra is closer than other peninsulas of Halkidiki to the northern capital of Greece, Thessaloniki. It is separated from the mainland of the peninsula by the Potidea Canal, which runs through the narrowest part of the isthmus and connects the Thermaikos Gulf with the Gulf of Kassandra.

The middle “finger” - the Sithonia Peninsula - is washed by the waters of the Toroneos and Siengitiko gulfs. The coast of Sithonia is indented with picturesque bays.

The Athos peninsula has a length of 60 kilometers, and its width in different areas varies from 8 to 12 kilometers. In the southeastern part of the peninsula stands Mount Athos (2033 meters).

Chalkidiki Map with sights located in the map tab, in the places section. This service will help you navigate the area while traveling.

On each of the peninsulas there are many small colorful towns and villages and resorts. A detailed map of Halkidiki will introduce you to the main resorts and ancient cities with a rich history.

The Halkidiki peninsula, washed by the Aegean Sea, is the pearl of all Greece, and many tourists from all over the world come to see the sights of this territory.

The place is rich in its history.

This name was first used by Herodotus, Aristotle was born here, and the Peloponnesian War was fought here.

Now tourists come here to enjoy warm sea, clean beaches, see beautiful historical buildings and structures.

It takes several days to explore Halkidiki to see all the most bright places. But the famous Chalkida, founded in ancient times, despite the similarity of the name, is not located on the Chalkidiki peninsula, but on the island of Euboea.

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Halkidiki - famous attractions with photos

The most important attractions of the Halkidiki peninsula are the old buildings preserved from ancient centuries. In addition, there are many natural attractions that will not leave you indifferent.

White Tower in Thessaloniki

An important landmark of the city, located near the sea. The color of the tower is not white at all, but rather sand.

Now it is interesting to tourists for its observation deck and the Byzantine Museum, which is located right in it.

Meteora Halkidiki

Ancient temple complex on the rocks. You should definitely listen to a tour about this place, because the origin story is simply fantastic.

Note: The road is not easy, you have to constantly go uphill, because the attraction is located at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level.

Platamonas Fortress

The Platamonas fortress was founded in the 12th century, but even now the fortress has been preserved in good condition. Its views are often depicted on postcards and magnets, and tourists are taken here on excursions. If you are interested in history, then this place is simply not to be missed.

Great Lavra Monastery

There are many monasteries in this area.

The Great Lavra is the main complex on Mount Athos in Chalkidiki; it will take about half an hour to climb to it, but it is really beautiful and unusual.

Bright burgundy color, beautiful architecture, sights inside - this is what you need to see.

Old town of Thessaloniki All ancient cities must have " Old city

", in Thessaloniki it is also there. Only here you can see the remains of Byzantine culture, old walls former fortress, streets.

Although now there are many modern establishments - restaurants, taverns, cafes.

Waterland Waterpark From history to modern times. For active travelers

this type of entertainment is suitable. This water park is located in Thessaloniki.

Entrance costs around 14 euros for adults and 10 euros for children. The park is huge, you can find slides and pools to suit every taste, so if you get tired of looking at ancient buildings, then go here.

Arch and tomb of Galerius

Gaius Galerius is a Roman monarch; this complex, which is now located in the center of Thessaloniki, was erected to him.

The arch was connected to the mausoleum and the palace, thereby increasing the size of the building.


The name translates as “fortress of seven towers”; after the 19th century there was a prison here, at the same time many parts of the fortress were destroyed, so only a small building has reached us.

It is located in Thessaloniki; all history buffs should definitely visit it.

Ancient city of Dion Now this is a small area with ancient excavations, but previously there was a city dedicated to Zeus in this place. Dion was in no way inferior to Athens. Here you can see a residential area, streets ancient city, you can visit

Archaeological Museum

right in the city. Dion is located 90 kilometers from Thessaloniki.

Iveron Monastery on Mount Athos It was founded in the tenth century, the name was received in honor of the founder - John of Iveron. The building of the Iversky Monastery itself has enough

beautiful architecture

, so even non-believers will be interested in visiting it. Vatopedi Monastery

Vatopedi Monastery in Athos

. Built in the 10th century. Vatopedi is famous for its library, which houses more than 1,500 manuscripts. Gregoriate Monastery

The Gregoriate Monastery was built only in the 14th century, but it is here that the relics of many saints are kept.

And ten years ago they began to build another temple here in honor of Seraphim of Sarov. Monastery of Dionysiates

The Dionysiatus Monastery stands on a cliff 80 meters high.

Even atheists will like this picturesque place. Now about 50 monks live here, although previously there were much more.

Dohiar Monastery The Orthodox complex was founded in the 10th century, now there are more than 50 monks.

The beautiful building is lined with marble, and Dohiar itself is located near the coast.

Here is a particle of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord.

Monastery of Xenophon

The sixteenth monastery on Mount Athos.

The Xenophon Monastery is small, now there are only 30 monks there, and it was originally dedicated to St. George the Victorious.

Monastery of Xiropotamus

The name translates as “Dry Stream”; according to legend, the Xiropotams were founded here in the fifth century, although it is officially recognized that it was built five centuries later.

There are some relics here.

Kutlumush Monastery Interestingly, the Kutlumush Monastery has its own pier.

Pantokrator Monastery

The Pantokrator Monastery is located on a cliff, near the sea. There are beautiful courtyards, temples and churches.

Monastery of St. Paul

The Monastery of St. Paul is located almost higher than all the others, at an altitude of 150 meters.

The main building of the Simonopetra monastery is located at an altitude of more than 300 meters, offering beautiful views.

120-130 monks live here.

St. Panteleimon Monastery

Russian monks settled here, and this continued until the beginning of the 20th century. Now there are Russian abbots left here, but there are fewer of them.

Externally, the St. Panteleimon Monastery resembles our churches and cathedrals.

Aristotle Square It is difficult to imagine a city without a main square, but in Thessaloniki this is exactly it. Here is located best hotel

city ​​and a cinema, which you can visit if you wish. Aristotle Square itself is quite large, people like to meet here local residents

and visiting people.

Church of St. Demetrios

The church stood on this site back in the 4th century, but it was rebuilt more than once, and that’s how the new Church of St. Demetrios was founded.

Externally, the Church of St. Demetrios does not at all resemble traditional religious buildings, but people come here for services. The beautiful mosaics on the ceiling are the decoration of this building.

Finding a church in Thessaloniki is not difficult; it has a museum.

Church of St. Sophia in Thessaloniki

The site is included in the UNESCO list, so this church is definitely worth seeing. The Church of St. Sophia was founded in the 7-8 centuries, outwardly not typical for such buildings.

Inside there are mosaics and icon paintings. The temple is not very big, but its history is unique. During the conquest of the city by the Turks, there was a mosque here.

The most beautiful place in Halkidiki

  1. It is difficult to judge what is the most beautiful in Greece, what are the most picturesque places, what is the most interesting thing that Northern Greece can offer to tourists? In Halkidiki, several places can claim this title: Cassandra.
    Not much, not little, but this is a landmark of the Halkidiki peninsula. Part of the peninsula, there are three “fingers” in total - Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos.
  2. So, Kassandra is considered the most suitable area for a beach holiday; it has the cleanest water in the sea, and the beaches have more than once become the best in all of Europe. Afitos (Chalkidiki).
    A small town in Kassandra, where every street is picturesque.
  3. Small houses, many flowers, clear sea - this is the key to a good life. Waterfalls of Edessa.
    Not far from Thessaloniki, you can find this gem. The waterfalls appeared around the 14th century, and now there are 14 waterfalls.
  4. The largest of them is Koranos. Mount Olympus. Of course, this is the most main mountain
    Greece. This is where, according to legend, the Gods lived, this is where the Olympics originated, the whole history of this country is connected with Olympus. The most reach an altitude of 2900 meters, developed here walking routes for tourists, there are shelters and hotels.
  5. Alistrati Cave. The cave was found in the 20th century by hunters who noticed that the animals had disappeared somewhere from view, as if they had disappeared underground.
    After all the research, the cave was opened to tourists and they were right: they come here in droves, although you need to get to the cave from Thessaloniki.
  6. Petralona Cave. Remains were discovered in this cave ancient man, opened Petralona in the 1950s.
    The cave is huge and interesting to everyone who loves something new. It is better to go with a tour, which is sold at every turn.

Everyone should find their own picturesque place where it will be pleasant to be alone with nature, without unnecessary fuss. Greece is generally famous for its bays with blue water, cliffs, dense forests and flower parks.

Thermal springs of Halkidiki

People often come to another country to improve their health; this can also be done in Greece. Thermal springs are located in several places; to visit them, it is better to go to a resort.

The most popular is Loutra Pozar, where there are spa centers, massages, and other procedures. You can also visit the springs in Thessaloniki, they are called Suroti and Fermi , There is also a source called Canister.

In general, there are 20 throughout the country thermal springs, this allows Greece to take first place in this indicator in Europe. The sources can help in the treatment of many types of diseases, even in ancient Greece the soldiers rested in thermal waters. It is better to find out in advance how much it costs to enter the complex and think over a travel plan. It won't take a lot of money and time, but you can heal your body in healing waters in Greece.

Map of Halkidiki with attractions in Russian

Externally, the peninsula looks like three fingers, and there is even a legend associated with it.

Any traveler will need a map to avoid getting lost in the area.

Attractions are scattered throughout the peninsula, and it may take more than two weeks to travel around everything, so plan your route correctly.

Note: It’s better to stay in Thessaloniki, because from there you can get to many places - Meteora, Edessa waterfalls, thermal springs and almost all monasteries.

There are no problems with transport here, there is at least one bus that goes in the direction you need, but it is better to travel by own car, so you can stop at the most picturesque places peninsula.


Greece is a wonderful country; recently, more and more Russian tourists have begun to choose it for their vacation.

Low prices, beautiful nature, huge cultural and historical heritage - all this attracts travelers. And Halkidiki is one of the most popular destinations

in Greece, so you definitely need to stop by here.

People often come here only in the summer, although it is worth remembering that even in winter the temperature here is more than 20 degrees. Of course, you shouldn’t swim, but you definitely need to see the nature. In addition, traveling outside tourist season

- this means that prices will be lower, there will be fewer people, but the pleasures will be the same. Therefore, feel free to go to Greece even in winter, taking with you a history book to be aware of everything that happened here.


Watch the video in which an expert talks about the most famous sights of Halkidiki (Greece): Sunny Greece famous for its amazing and memorable resort areas

. One of these areas is the Halkidiki peninsula. On the map of Greece it looks quite unusual: like three fingers, or as the Greeks themselves call “legs,” stretch out into the Aegean Sea for 120 kilometers. In fact, these are three thin elongated peninsulas - Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos (Aion Oros).

Due to its unusual shape, Chalkidiki is also called the “Trident of Poseidon”.

It’s interesting that the names of the peninsulas that form the “fingers” are associated with ancient myths.
For example, the Athos peninsula was formed as a result of a long battle between mighty giants and numerous gods of Olympus. As you know, Chalkidiki was the birthplace of giants. And they waged war with the gods of Olympus from here, throwing huge stones at each other. And one such stone, thrown by the giant Athos, fell into the sea, forming a mountain “finger” - Athos.
And the Sithonia peninsula is named after the son of Poseidon - Siton.

On the third “finger” peninsula, named after King Kassander, who founded Thessaloniki, according to legend, under a stone thrown by Athena, there is the giant Engelados, who still does not give up trying to get out of the trap, creating earthquakes.

Greece Halkidiki – where it is on the map The peninsula itself is located in the northern part of the Aegean Sea in the northeast modern Greece and is the main part of the province of Halkidiki. It is surrounded by greenery even at the peak of the summer heat, has, cleanest beaches total length about 550 kilometers, many of which are marked " blue flag

", and is popularly considered the pearl of Greece.

The first settlements on the peninsula appeared around the 6th century BC. These were Thracians and Pelasgians who settled in Olynthos, Acanthus and Stagira.
And the first mentions of Chalkidiki are found in descriptions of the Persian Wars, after which big cities The peninsulas began to be part of the Athenian League.

The dawn of the peninsula and the emergence of new cities such as Thessaloniki, Kassandria, Ouranoupolis and Antigonia occurred in 348 BC, when Chalkidiki became part of the Macedonian kingdom.
In 168 BC. The peninsula, along with Macedonia, was captured by the Romans. And after the division of the Roman Empire into Western and Eastern (Byzantine) in 395, Greece, together with its capital in Constantinople, became part of the Eastern (Byzantine) Roman Empire. The Byzantines at this time built many temples and monasteries, as well as defensive structures, but even this did not help. In 1430, the peninsula passed to the Turks.
At the beginning of the 20th century, local residents joined the fight for the freedom of Greece, and in 1912 Chalkidiki was liberated from the Turks and became part of the Greek province of Macedonia.
And now the peninsula is the most popular resort for numerous tourists.


Due to the fact that the mountains reliably shelter Halkidiki from the winds, it is dry and hot here in the summer. The climate of the peninsula is subtropical. The air temperature in the summer season averages +28°C, sometimes it can reach +33°C, and the water in the sea warms up to +25°C...+27°C.
The tourist season lasts from May to mid-October. Precipitation is not numerous, but is still sometimes diluted by sunny and dry days. In winter they fall much more often. This time is usually used by amateurs historical excursions to explore the many ruins remaining from buildings from different eras.


On each of three peninsulas Halkidiki has its own unique places, man-made and natural creations, heritage of history.
The main attractions of Halkidiki include:

- Petralona cave, with amazing stalactites and stalagmites, where remains of the presence of the first people living in Greece were found;
- sacred mountain Mount Athos with many temples and monasteries, which unfortunately not everyone can get into: entry is closed to women.
- Meteora monasteries, which are located on the tops of giant rocks, weird shape looming over the city of Kalambaka.
- Ancient traditional Greek village of Afitos.
- Ruins of the ancient city of Toroni
- Ancient Stagira is the birthplace of Aristotle.
- Vineyards of Porto Carras
- Spa resort LoutraPozar.

And many others wonderful places there are places to visit in Halkidiki.

How to get there

There is no airport on the peninsula itself. Therefore, you will have to fly to Thessaloniki by plane, and from there take a bus or taxi to Chalkidiki. The distance between Thessaloniki and the cities and regions of the peninsula is 60-150 km. By bus, the travel time, depending on the chosen region, will be one and a half to three and a half hours. But for the price it's the most cheap option. A taxi will cost more, but it will take a little faster - only two and a half hours along the longest route.

Halkidiki truly amazing place, having visited which you will fall in love with it forever.

Greece, in addition to the mainland, includes hundreds of islands, many of which have become famous resorts. In their shadow, cities and regions on the mainland get a little lost, although sometimes they are no less popular among tourists than Crete or Rhodes. And one of the pearls for which mainland Greece is famous, Halkidiki is a peninsula with a legendary history dating back to ancient times. Modern Halkidiki is also a tourist resort where you can have great fun and spend beach holiday, and the center of Orthodoxy, to which thousands of pilgrims flock, and a bright representative of the heritage of ancient Hellas. We will talk about the features of this region of Greece in the article.

Brief history and legends of Halkidiki

The first inhabitants of the Greek peninsula of Halkidiki were the Thracians and Pelasgians, who settled on these lands as early as 4 thousand BC. And in the 8th century BC. Settlers from the island of Euboea move here, and the colony of “Chalkidiki in Thrace” appears. Subsequently, it constantly expanded, and eventually the entire peninsula received the name Chalkidiki.

Halkidiki is adjacent to the famous Olympus, so it is not surprising that this area often appeared in ancient myths. The peninsula was considered the birthplace of giants, with whom the Olympian gods fought for a long time. As a result of battles, military cunning and remarkable strength, Zeus and his comrades nevertheless destroyed the giants, but the memory of them has survived to this day.

Various legends are told about the origin of the “fingers” of Halkidiki. According to the first of them, the giant Aphos, while fighting, tore off a block of rock and threw it so hard at Poseidon that the stone split into 3 parts - this is how the modern peninsulas turned out. According to another version, on the contrary, an angry Poseidon threw a trident at the giants, as a result of which Halkidiki received this shape. And finally, the third story tells that the goddess Athena threw stones, and a giant was walled up under each of the blocks. Allegedly, when an earthquake occurs, it is the giants who are trying to get out from the seabed.

Be that as it may, the origins of local folklore are also visible in the names of the islands. Cassandra, formerly called Pallini, was named after the daughter of the giant Alcyoneus, who tragically committed suicide after the death of her father. Much later, the peninsula was renamed in honor of the Macedonian king Kassander. Sithonia is a derivative of the name of the Thracian king Siton, son of Poseidon. And the third “finger” of Athos even received the name of the giant Athos, the legendary “founder” of the Chalkidiki peninsulas.

general information

As can be seen on the world map, Chalkidiki is located in Greece, on the northeastern edge of the country. The province, named after the peninsula, also includes part of the mainland, and its borders are closely adjacent to the “northern” capital of Greece - Thessaloniki. Everything is laid from this large policy transport connection between the cities and resorts of Halkidiki on the map of Greece. But we’ll talk about this in detail a little later.

The total area of ​​the territory is 2,900 km 2, and the coastline is 850 km. If we talk about what kind of sea washes the shores of Halkidiki in Greece, then there is only one answer - the Aegean, in whose waters the peninsula is located. The coast is a ridge of sandy beaches with cozy bays and lagoons. Moreover, sometimes lush vegetation approaches the shores: pine forests, oak and beech groves, maquis thickets.

The southern part of the Halkidiki peninsula is “cut” by the sea into 3 small peninsulas: Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos, also known as Aion Oros. Let's talk about each separately.


The westernmost "finger" and tourist centre Halkidiki: here are the most hotels, entertainment, equipped beaches, party places and nightclubs. Also on Kassandra is the largest resort of Halkidiki - the city of Nea Moudania. Lovers of parties, shopping and entertainment will not find another “paradise” like this on the peninsula. For thoughtful leisure and well-established tourism infrastructure Greece and Kassandra deservedly receive positive reviews tourists.


The middle “finger” of Halkidiki – picturesque and cozy place for a relaxing holiday. There is a sense of regularity, tranquility and unity with nature in everything here. If on the Kassandra Peninsula the map of hotels in Greece contains dozens of offers, then Sithonia offers tourists a more modest choice. Therefore, it is not crowded here, there are no noisy parties and excursion fuss. But there is beautiful nature, azure sea, and golden sand - so Sithonia is an ideal place for a beach holiday.

How to get to the resorts by bus

And here is the road from the airport to booked hotel depends on the distance of the resort. According to reviews, for most travelers Greece and Chalkidiki are primarily the Kassandra Peninsula, because its resorts are located closest to Thessaloniki (approximately 60 km). You can get to Kassandra from the airport by bus, but this will require a couple of transfers.

  1. Take bus route 79 from the airport to Thessaloniki.
  2. Get off at the IKEA station and transfer to bus number 36, which will take you to the city bus station KTEL Halkidiki.
  3. Get off at Halkidikis Bus Station and take a bus to the desired resort.
  4. From the station at the resort, walk to the hotel or take a taxi.

Check the bus schedule and ticket prices on the official website of the carrier.

Rent a Car

Resorts on the Halkidiki peninsula are not connected bus routes between themselves, and you have to move around the island through Thessaloniki. This is not very convenient, so many people prefer to rent a car, especially since there are dozens of rental offices and bureaus here. Renting a car costs on average 45-60 euros per day.

Halkidiki on the map of Greece

We suggest laying detailed route to the resorts of Greece in Halkidiki on interactive map Google. It will also help you get to any point on the island and give you coordinates for your navigator. But anything can happen with technology, so don’t forget to purchase or print a map of roads, attractions and hotels for traveling around Halkidiki in Greece. It is desirable that the map of Halkidiki be detailed and in Russian.

Greece, Halkidiki – attractions of the peninsula

Local lands are rich in historical and cultural heritage, as well as natural attractions.

This is not just a rocky shelter with bizarre stalactites, but the oldest discovered dwelling of the first people. It was here that a unique find was discovered in the middle of the 20th century: the skull of a man who lived about 700 thousand years ago! Later, scientists explored the cave in detail and found many more ancient artifacts. Thanks to them, the local anthropological museum was founded.

Today people can visit here: organized excursions, so independent tourists. The cave is located near the village of Petralona, ​​just north of the Kassandra Peninsula.

Almost every tourist from Halkidiki makes a trip to the Meteora monasteries, which are located nearby. This is a ridge steep cliffs, on which ascetic monks managed to build snow-white temples. Today, out of 24, only 6 monasteries remain, and 2 of them are no longer considered religious monasteries, but tourist museums.


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