Canary Islands - Spain. Where are the Canary Islands

The Canary Islands belong to Spain, but they are an autonomous region. There are 2 capitals in the Canary Islands, which transfer their title to each other every 4 years. These are the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

The Canary Islands consist of 20 islands of volcanic origin. The largest of them, Tenerife, is famous throughout the world for its beaches, hotels and nature; it is adjacent to 6 more fairly large islands. But the remaining 13 islands are too small and therefore they are still uninhabited. total area The islands are just under 7.5 thousand sq. km.

Tourists different countries fly to the Canary Islands to enjoy surfing, diving and mountaineering. Beautiful nature and inviting waves await everyone.

The Canary Islands' closest neighbors by sea are Morocco and Western Sahara in Africa, Cape Verde to the southwest and the Portuguese island of Madeira to the north.

The smallest island in the Canaries, Montaña Clara, covers an area of ​​only 1 square km.

Geographically, the Canary Islands archipelago is located in the Macaronesia group of islands along with the Azores and Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Selvagenes. The Canary Islands are located near northwest coast Africa. Because of this position of the islands, the wind from the Sahara Desert, the Sirocco, often blows on them, bringing with it heat and sand. But cool air currents blowing from the northeast soften the effect of the desert winds.

On the island of Yero in the Canary archipelago, the smallest hotel in the world, called Punta Grande, has opened, although it is difficult to stay in it - rooms are booked several months in advance.

History of the conquest of the islands

Since ancient times, the Canary Islands belonged to Spain. But the Canary Islands were opened to Europe by Christopher Columbus. After that, so beautiful, they became the dream of many countries; they were attacked by both Dutch and British fleets, but the islands always remained under the influence of Spain. They speak mainly Spanish on the islands, because more than 80% of the population are native Spaniards. The rest are foreigners, usually Africans, trying to escape to the New World.

There are hypotheses that the Canary Islands are part of the sunken Atlantis. Therefore, confirmation of the existence of the island is constantly being sought on the islands. Scientists are interested in still unsolved ritual structures on the islands of Tenerife and Guimar.

In the Canary Islands everything is covered in flowers,
And the Canary Islands are drowning in the ocean.
I was in the Canary Islands in pink dreams
And there he declared his love to Marianne.​

Ensemble "Jolly Guys"

The Canary Islands (Spanish Islas Canarias, English Canary Islands, Canaries, Canarias) is the common name for an archipelago of a dozen volcanic islands located 115 km from the northwestern coast of Africa. They belong to and are one of the autonomous communities of this country. Have two capitals on different islands- Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The total area is 7447 sq. km. Population: 2,119,000 people.

The Canary Islands include 13 islands, of which 7 are main and inhabited: Lanzarote, Palma, Gomera, Hierro. The first four are the most popular and touristy. Also inhabited Not big Island Graciosa. No one lives on the small islands - Alegranza (10 km²), Montaña Clara (1 km²), Lobos (6 km²), Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este.

In the past, the Canary Islands were considered an elite and expensive resort, but currently they are quite affordable. What attracts tourists here so much? Warm and cool summers, mild winters, green hills and valleys, unusual rocks, amazingly beautiful beaches with volcanic sand, rich undersea world, natural and man-made monuments of various eras, good conditions for surfers, air accessibility, large selection of fruits at any time of the year, excellent service, low prices in shops compared to Europe (thanks to the fact that it is a free economic zone), varied cuisine, which is a mixture of Spanish, African and Latin American dishes - the list goes on and on. Each island has its own characteristics and unique flavor. Moving from one place to another, you will never get bored and will always discover something new and exciting.

The name "Canary Islands" comes from the Latin Canariae Insulae, meaning "Isles of Dogs". Two dogs can also be seen on the coat of arms. According to one version, in the past there were many dogs here, which local tribes considered sacred, and according to another, this refers to sea dogs or sea lions that had colonies on the islands.


A few facts

The official language is Spanish.

Currency - euro.

To visit you need a Schengen visa and.

Time zone - UTC+00:00 (winter) and UTC+1 (summer). It differs by 2 hours from Moscow in the summer (when it is 12 o’clock in Moscow, 10 o’clock in the morning on the Canary Islands) and by 3 hours in the winter. Go to summer time- last Sunday in March at 1 am, back - last Sunday in October at 1 am.

Short story

The Canary Islands have very rich history. The first settlements here were founded by the primitive tribes of the Guanches and Bimbaches. In ancient times, they were visited by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, but no cities were built here.

The first French sailors visited the islands in 1334, which 10 years later were donated to Castile (this is a historical region of Spain). At the beginning of the 13th century, colonization and displacement of local tribes began. It took only 2 years and in 1404 the Castilian king Henry III proclaimed Jean de Betancourt king of the Canaries. But for almost another century there were wars with the Guache tribes on the island of Tenerife. Only on September 29, 1496, Alonso de Lugo announced the complete subjugation of the Canary Islands.

During his first voyage in search of India, Christopher Columbus made a stop on the island of La Gomera. Later, the archipelago becomes the most important point on the way from Europe to America. Because of this, heated debates flare up, which lead to clashes. Attempts to capture the islands were made by the Dutch and the British. They did not escape the attacks of pirates. But Spain emerged from all conflicts with honor and left the archipelago behind itself.

In 1982, the Canary Islands became an autonomous region of Spain, and all its residents were full subjects of the Spanish crown.

Why go to the Canary Islands

Who should go to the Canary Islands? The answer will be short - everyone! It's hard to pinpoint any specific group that might not like it here. First of all, people come here because of the mild climate: in summer it is not as hot as in European resorts, and in winter it is quite warm - you can even swim, which is unlikely to happen in the Mediterranean Sea. And no rain will spoil your holiday, since there is very little of it in any season.

Nature lovers will find a lot of greenery here, rainforests, palm oases, vineyards, olive plantations, numerous volcanoes.

Of course, there are also beaches for lovers of the sea and relaxing on a sun lounger. There are both wild places (including nudist ones) and civilized ones with all the infrastructure. Many of the beaches are awarded Blue flag. From the exotic - beaches with volcanic dark sand.

Rich excursion program will not leave anyone indifferent. There are attractions here for every taste, which were left by ancient tribes, ancient and medieval settlers. Well, there is no need to talk about the many natural attractions.

Married couples with children can also safely go to the Canary Islands. Children won't be bored. An amusement park called Siam Park was built for them. water slides and attractions for all ages. There are also many parks on the islands where you can get up close and personal with unusual animals and birds.

Divers will find many caves and grottoes, sunken ships, rich flora and fauna in the sea. You can dive here all year round, since the water temperature, even in winter, rarely drops below +20 degrees.

Fans of active pastimes can enjoy water activities, ocean fishing, windsurfing, yachting, parachute jumping, golf, tennis, safari, karting, rock climbing, shooting, cycling, horseback riding and much more.

Entertainment lovers will find numerous discos and clubs, of which Tenerife has the most. Every month, several holidays and festivals take place in the archipelago.

Lovers of silence can retire to sparsely populated beaches or settle away from large ones. tourist places(they are on any of the islands).

Canary Islands on the world map

You can buy air tickets as profitably as possible using special search engines that collect data from all airlines.


Almost all of the Canary Islands have asphalt roads. Between popular settlements there are buses. You can always get to any place by taxi; the drivers are well versed in the location of hotels and main tourist attractions, although they do not always speak English.

Motorcycle and bicycle rental is quite developed. For everyone popular islands archipelago, cars of all brands are offered for rent. You can rent a car both at the airport and at most popular resorts. The doors of such well-known global companies as Avis, Budget, Europcar, Hertz, La Palma 24 are open for you. We recommend purchasing a card highways, since in major cities There are many one-way streets, and the road system is quite confusing. If you don’t want to look for rental offices on the spot, you can do it in advance. Then it will be waiting for you at the airport and you will immediately begin your journey, without any further distractions.

No matter what island you vacation on, you can always organize an interesting excursion program for yourself.

For example, on is ancient city Galdar with the remains of indigenous settlements. In Lanzarote you can see ancient fortress 16th century, in which the museum is now open. In Tenerife there are pyramids in the Guimar desert. On the island of La Palma it is worth seeing the Caldera de Taburiente volcano and the Columbus Museum. And these are only the most important attractions of the Canary Islands.


Each island of the archipelago is unique and has its own characteristics.

Most developed in in terms of tourism with good infrastructure. Steep, rocky shores alternate with volcanic sand beaches, mountains with dense tropical foliage give way to desert areas, and steep ravines give way to valleys of banana plantations. perfect for relaxing holiday Moreover, many of the beaches here have white sand. Lanzarote is famous for its volcanoes, of which there are more than three hundred.

The beaches on the Canary Islands are very diverse. Their total length is more than 1500 km. Most of them are of volcanic origin, which is why the sand on them is black. But many Tenerife beaches are covered with white sand imported from Africa. There are also pebble coasts.

Everyone will find something to their liking here. If you want to be closer to all the infrastructure and entertainment, then you should stay, for example, in the Las Americas area.

The most famous beaches Gran Canaria - El Ingles and, in Tenerife - Playa de Taganana and Las Teresitas, in Fuerteventura - Playa de Corralejo and El Reducto.


The climate of the Canary Islands varies and depends on the location of a particular place. It can be quite cold in the mountains, but in coastal areas the climate is similar to dry tropical and subtropical. In summer +25...+30 during the day and +20 at night, in spring and autumn about +20 during the day, in winter it rarely drops below +15. There is little precipitation, practically none at all in summer. The weather here is one of the best among all European resorts, with a record number of sunny days.

For many decades, the Canary Islands have remained one of the most attractive places for a beach holiday on our planet. The picturesque archipelago consists of 7 islands of volcanic origin. They are located in the Atlantic Ocean, near the northwestern coast of the African continent (Morocco and the western regions of the Sahara are closest to the Canaries). The islands are part of Spain.

Canary Islands on the map

The Canary Islands include not only 7 large and inhabited island formations, but also 6 tiny, practically uninhabited islets. .

Only one of them, the island of Graciosa with an area of ​​about 30 km 2, has a population. Roque del Este, Alegranza (area 10 km2), Roque del Oeste, Lobos (area 6 km2) and Montaña Clara (area 1 km2) are real corners of virgin nature

Canary Islands on the world map The local climate is of the tropical trade wind type and is considered warm and fairly dry. Since the islands are located close to the Sahara Desert, the sirocco often blows from there, bringing heat and sandstorms. Most often, dry weather prevails in eastern islands

. The rest of the region is dominated by northeastern trade winds, bringing precipitation and somewhat softening the African heat. The cold Canary Current off the coast of the archipelago also softens the climate, although it is responsible for a decrease in precipitation. Tourists are also attracted by the lack of heat on local beaches . On the most mountainous islands - Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Palma - the weather changes dramatically when descending from the mountains to the coast. If in coastal zone even in winter the thermometer rarely drops below +10–20 °C, then at mountain peaks

At the same time, there may be a thick layer of snow. In summer, the air temperature is +20–30 °C, and the weather is mostly dry and clear. The northern islands generally receive more rainfall than the southern ones.

Seven major islands of the Canary archipelago Popular among tourists large islands

  • , among which:
  • Homer;
  • Hierro;


Tenerife It is the largest and most populous spanish island not only in the archipelago, but throughout Spain. With an area of ​​just over 2000 km2, more than 900 thousand people live here. Tenerife is home to one of the two capitals of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The island is ideal for diving and exploring ancient cultures. It is here that you can see 6 mysterious step pyramids of Guimar, picturesque nature reserve

Infierno and the ancient Basilica of Candelaria - the largest sanctuary in honor of Our Lady on the islands

Homer The island, with an area of ​​about 370 km2, is considered the only one in the Canaries where not even the slightest traces have been recorded volcanic activity . Visitors to the island will be able to visit its capital San Sebastian de la Gomera with unique ancient architectural monuments, cross Garajonay and hear the famous “Homeric whistle”. Due to the rugged terrain of the island, this is how local shepherds talked to each other through gorges and abysses.


Its area is about 280 km2. The island is considered the smallest among the inhabited islands and is located in the westernmost part of the archipelago. Hierro is characterized by almost high-mountainous terrain. From a wide mountain plateau, located at an altitude of almost 1500 m above sea level, an almost vertical row of rocks descends to the shore. Gentle and convenient descent leads only to El Golfo Bay.


Quite a large island with an area of ​​almost 700 km2. Almost the entire area of ​​Palma is occupied by chains high volcanoes, interspersed with laurel and pine forests.

Gran Canaria

The island is the third largest in the archipelago with an area of ​​about 1600 km2. The second capital of the Canaries, the city, is located on it. The center of Gran Canaria is characterized mainly by a mountainous landscape, which is cut through by deep gorges stretching all the way to the coast. This is one of the popular centers of tourism in the Canary Islands: here guests of the island are provided with all the conditions for cycling and aquatic species sports, golf, exciting hiking

Scientists consider it the oldest of the Canary Islands (area about 1,700 km 2). There are the most beaches here, and the height of the mountains does not exceed 1000 m, which provides a relatively mild, warm and comfortable climate. Fuerteventura is very popular among lovers of secluded recreation and windsurfing.

The area of ​​the island reaches 850 km2. Caution should be exercised when traveling here as volcanic eruptions in Lanzarote are quite common. As a local attraction, guides show tourists the volcanic cave Cueva de los Verdes.

How to get to the Canaries?

There is good communication between the Canary Islands and Moscow direct flights thanks to the presence and Tenerife. The cost of the flight will be 450–500 USD, but you can choose more a budget option with a transfer in Barcelona or Madrid. Tickets from the capital of the Russian Federation to these cities will be cheaper - only 250–300 USD. After arrival, you need to transfer to an Iberia or Ryanair flight, thanks to which for only 70–90 USD you can get not only to the largest Canary Islands, but also to Lanzarote or Fuerteventura. There is also a ferry service within the archipelago.

Beaches of the Canaries

Most visitors to the Canary Islands come here to relax by the sea or enjoy water sports.

Beaches of Tenerife

Their “zest” is the amazingly beautiful and soft golden sand, brought here specially from the Sahara or extracted from ocean depths. Not far from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, tourists will find some of the most popular beaches of the Canary Islands: with fine light yellow sand and Playa de Tanagana with dark sand of volcanic origin.

Beach Playa de Martianez located near Puerto de la Cruz and impresses with original fountains, a giant lake filled with sea water, and many restaurants and bars.

Beach Los Cristianos is located in the port area and has convenient access to the water. Umbrellas and rattan sun loungers are provided to visitors for a fee.

Beaches Playa de Benijo And Playa de San Roque in the northern part of Tenerife will delight visitors with an almost perfect pebble surface. The El Médano area is a favorite place for windsurfers to relax.

Beaches of Gran Canaria

They amaze with the variety of landscapes: from flat strips of sand to real rock formations. The most popular beaches of the island are Maspalomas And. The latter stretches almost 3 km in length and is great for water skiing and jet skiing, as well as windsurfing, diving and sailing. With a variety of eateries serving... local cuisine, it’s quite possible to spend the whole day on the beach. What makes Maspalomas unique are the unique sand sculptures sculpted from the dunes by the elements of wind and water. In the south of the island near Las Palmas there is a narrow sandy strip of beach Las Canteras. It is securely fenced by a reef on the sea side, so it is completely safe for swimming.

Beaches of Fuerteventura

They are covered with fine white and golden sand. On the Jandia peninsula located as a quiet and uncrowded beach Kofete so lively Sotaverno. The beach where black is mixed looks original volcanic sand and fine gravel.

Cuisine of the Canary Islands

The cuisine on the islands of the archipelago is truly distinctive thanks to the complementary influence of several culinary traditions: Spanish, Latin American (in particular Venezuelan), African and the cuisine of the indigenous Canary Guanche people. The local restaurants are a must try.

Before you understand where the Canary Islands are, you need to know that it is an archipelago consisting of thirteen volcanic islands.

The territory is located 115 kilometers from the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometers from Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands are an official province of Spain, which consists of seven large islands, which include Fuerteventura, El Hierro, Lanzarote, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Gomera. In addition to the named areas, there are also several small areas of land that remain uninhabited. It is also noteworthy that the archipelago has two capitals. Every four years, this honorary title passes from the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Santa Cruz de Tenerife. It is worth noting that the formal affiliation of the islands with Spain in no way affects the local atmosphere, which can hardly be called European. Most travelers land at the Canary Islands airport for a truly exotic experience. For example, it is rare to find volcanic black beaches and such a wide variety of ripe, delicious fruits. An important factor is also the fact that the exotic is located only a few hours away by flight, if you do not take into account the time spent on transfers. Holidays here are not limited to idle relaxation on the beach; a huge number of prehistoric natural monuments are scattered throughout the archipelago, including valleys of cooled lava, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In addition, tourists are also offered high-quality service and a large selection active entertainment

, including for divers and surfers.

Climate of the Canary Islands The Canaries have long been called islands where reigns eternal spring . Wherein climate of the Canary Islands directly depends on their geographical location . Despite the fact that territorially they are considered part of Spain, in fact it would be more logical to call them northwest Africa. The proximity to the Sahara Desert played a significant role. However, hot air masses are softened by the northeast trade winds, as well as the El Golfo sea current, which washes coastlines

archipelago. The listed factors, combined together, recreate the climate of a provincial, remote part of Italy as it is today. The Canaries are year-round tourist center , where is the exponent average annual temperature equals +22 degrees. For winter period average temperature

There are no sharp temperature changes on any of the islands of the archipelago, that is, the difference between the hottest summer day and the coldest winter day is usually ten degrees. If we consider individual island areas, it is worth noting that the temperature between them differs by 3 - 5 degrees, but in general the climate is slightly different.

Weather by month in the Canaries

If we describe the climate of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that winter here takes on a very conditional character. In the winter season it is windier here, which does not at all interfere with a comfortable pastime. The average daytime temperature in winter is +23 degrees, and the night temperature is +19 degrees. The water is also quite suitable for swimming. Its temperature is +20 degrees. In winter there is an influx of tourists who go diving or surfing. February is considered the quietest month with reasonable prices for holidays:

  1. December is considered a unique opportunity for a traveler to simultaneously enjoy a beach holiday and walk along the snow-covered mountain slopes.
  2. January is considered a windy month, so the ocean waters can be choppy. The water temperature usually does not rise above +19 degrees, so for relaxation it is better to choose a hotel with a swimming pool.
  3. February is the coldest month when beach holiday closed.

In spring, the Canaries warm up quickly, but it becomes rainy. Long showers do not cool the air, which only gains moisture from them. It is worth noting that the temperature in the Canary Islands does not change much from month to month in spring. Its indicator ranges from +22 to +25 degrees. Families with children choose April for a holiday in the Canaries, since it is already quite warm here, but there is no sultry heat. This circumstance greatly facilitates the acclimatization process for young travelers.

In summer, the archipelago attracts the most tourists who fly here from different parts of the world, so it is recommended to plan your summer vacation in advance.

June is considered the beginning high season, which ends in October. The weather of the first summer month is not significantly different from the spring. July can be called the culmination of the season, but there is no typical tropical heat. If we look at the weather of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that the temperature rises highest in August and reaches +30 - +32 degrees.

Moderate winds save you from the sultry heat. In autumn, the number of tourists decreases only due to the start of the school year, but the weather remains summer, favorable for recreation. Fans of enchanting shows should visit the Canaries in September, since most national celebrations occur during this month.

How to get there You can get to the archipelago, which is a province of Italy, only by plane. It’s worth noting right away that tickets need to be purchased in advance. Direct flights depart from Moscow, the flight will take seven hours. To save a little you can choose connecting flights with transfers. Today, many tour operators advise making a transfer in Barcelona or Madrid. As a rule, for most flights from Europe or Russia, the destination is Gran Canario and South Airport in Tenerife. Air service established with all the islands belonging to the archipelago. Each of the seven islands has its own airport, which receives guests every day and sends them home. It's also worth remembering to go through passport control

Upon arrival, you will need a Schengen visa for the Canary Islands or a national visa for Spain.

What to see Teide National Park is located in Tenerife, that is, in the same place as the volcano of the same name. The main feature is the fact that the volcano is located inside the crater of another volcano. The surrounding valley is made of solidified lava and resembles the surface of Mars. A beach called Playa de las Americas is also considered a local attraction. Its infrastructure is very diverse. There are not only cafes and restaurants here, but also all kinds of water activities, volleyball courts

. Garajonay Park, which occupies the territory of the island of La Gomera, is interesting for its flora and fauna. Fascinating excursions through laurel forests with unique animals will be remembered for a long time. You can get here by ferry; one day is enough to see the local attractions, after which it is better to move to another island. The territories are rich in natural and, so most tourists prefer to combine a beach holiday with a cultural one. In just a few days you can get acquainted with the history of these lands. So, no matter where you go on holiday in the Canary Islands, your holiday should be planned in order to enjoy it as much as possible.

: 28°32′11″ n. w. /  15°43′17″ W d.28.53639° N. w. 15.72139° W d. / 28.53639; -15.72139

(G) (I)

Etymology According to another version, sea dogs were called “dogs” (lat. canis marinus

) or sea lions, which previously had large colonies on the islands. It's also possible that indigenous people

archipelago, the Guanches considered dogs sacred animals. It is possible that there is a relationship between the Egyptian cult of the deity Anubis with the head of a dog and the Canarian dog worship.

Ancient Roman sources also contain a version of the name of the islands based on the Berber tribes living in Morocco.

Geography The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the most large island

- Tenerife (2057 km²), Tenerife is the largest and most populous island. To the west are the islands of La Gomera (378 km²), Hierro (277 km²) and Palma (708 km²). The island of Gran Canaria is located east of Tenerife. It is the third largest island of the archipelago (1532 km²). Further east are Fuerteventura (1659 km²) and Lanzarote (795 km²). Of the six small islands, only Graciosa Island (27 km²) is inhabited by people. To the east are the islands of Alegranza (10 km²), Montaña Clara (1 km²), Lobos (6 km²), Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este. There are 13 islands in total.

Geographically, the archipelago is part of Macaronesia, a group of volcanic islands along with the Azores, Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Selvagenes.


  1. The climate of the Canary Islands is tropical trade wind, moderately hot and dry, it is determined by:
  2. It is close to Africa (the Sahara Desert), which is why the Shergi (Sirocco) wind blows here in waves, bringing heat and sand. The eastern islands are drier;
  3. Constant trade winds blowing from the northeast. They carry moisture and soften the influence of Africa; Influence Atlantic Ocean
  4. These islands are mountainous, so the climate and weather are also affected by altitude and topography. This is especially noticeable on Tenerife, Palma, Gran Canaria - the highest islands of the archipelago. They are said to be “continents in miniature”: the climate varies dramatically from sea level on the coast, where the temperature even in winter rarely deviates from 20 ° C, to 2000 m altitude, rising to which you can see snow, sometimes even in summer;
  5. The entire archipelago is characterized by significant differences in climate and weather between north and south - northern islands greener, wetter, southern - drier.

In general, the islands are characterized by an extremely uniform temperature distribution. Most days the weather is warm, sunny, dry, the water temperature is constant all year round, does not fall below 20 °C, on the coast the air temperature rarely drops below 10 °C and rarely rises above 25 °C in winter, while in summer the temperature is rarely lower 20 °C, but often exceeds 30 °C.


Before Europeans arrived on the islands, they were inhabited by Guanche tribes. Their development was at the level of the Stone Age, they were engaged in cattle breeding and primitive agriculture. Animal skins were used as clothing. They knew how to mummify their leaders. They left behind the pyramids of Guimar - amazing monument megalithic architecture.

In Antiquity, the Canary Islands were visited by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, as mentioned by Pliny the Elder.

Provinces Adm. center Population,
people (2011)
Municipalities Qty
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 995 429 3381 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Arona, Adeje, La Orotava, Granadilla de Abona, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Candelaria, Icod de Los Vinos, Tacoronte, Los Llanos de Aridane, Guia de Isora, Guimar, El Rosario, San Miguel de Abona, Santa Cruz de la Palma, Santa Ursula, Santiago del Teide, Tegueste, San Sebastian de la Gomera, El Sauzal, La Victoria de Acentejo, La Matanza de Acentejo, Arico, El Paso, Breña Alta, Tazacorte, Arafo, La Guancha, Garachico, Breña Baja, Los Silos, Buenavista del Norte, Valle Gran Rey, San Juan de la Rambla, Valverde, Villa de Maso, San Andrés y Sauces, Frontera, Vallehermoso, El Tanque, Fasnia, Tijarafe, Puntallana, Barlovento, Hermigua, Puntagorda, Alajero, Fuencaliente de la Palma, Vilaflor, El Pinar de el Hierro, Garafia, Agulo
Las Palmas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1 087 225 4066 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Telde, Santa Lucia de Tirajana, Arrecife, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Arucas, Puerto del Rosario, Ingenio, Aguimes, Galdar, Mogan, La Oliva, Pajara, Teguise, Tias, Santa Brijida, San Bartolome, Yaiza, Santa Maria de Guia de Gran Canaria, Tuineje, Teror, Antigua, Valsequillo de Gran Canaria, La Aldea de San Nicolas, Moya, Vega de San Mateo, Firgas, Agaete, Tinajo, Aria, Valleseco, Tejeda, Artenara, Betancuria


The inhabitants are descendants of marriages between the Spaniards and the ancient indigenous population, the Guanches (proto-Berber population), although there is a significant preponderance in favor of the Spaniards:

Total population: 2,111,013 people
Cities with more than 10 thousand inhabitants
as of January 1, 2005
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 378,6 Candelaria 20,6
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 221,6 Los Llanos de Aridane 19,9
San Cristobal de La Laguna 141,6 Santa Brijida 18,8
Telde 96,5 Guia de Isora 18,7
Arona 65,6 Plowman 18,2
Santa Lucia de Tirajana 56,3 Santa Cruz de la Palma 17,8
Arrecife 53,9 San Bartolome 17,5
San Bartolome de Tirajana 46,4 La Oliva 17,3
La Orotava 40,4 Tias 16,9
Los Realejos 36,2 Guimar 16,5
Arucas 34,2 El Rosario 16,0
Adeje 33,7 Mogan 16,0
Granadilla de Abona 33,2 Teguise 15,8
Puerto de la Cruz 30,6 Santa Maria de Guia 14,1
Puerto del Rosario 30,4 Santa Ursula 12,6
Ingenio 27,3 Tuinehe 12,5
Aguimes 25,5 Terror 12,2
Icod de los Vinos 24,3 San Miguel de Abona 11,7
Galdar 23,2 Santiago del Teide 11,2
Tacoronte 22,3 Tegeste 10,3

The problem of illegal immigration

In recent decades, the Canary Islands have gradually become a transit point for immigrants from countries West Africa(Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, etc.) trying to move from their countries to Spain or other countries of the European Union. Many die at sea before reaching land in their homemade boats or rafts. The islands have special relief camps for refugees, including specialized facilities for children, whose number among illegal immigrants is constantly increasing due to the fact that Spanish laws prohibit the deportation of persons under 18 years of age.

see also

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  • Knipovich N. M.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Bolshakov A. A. Behind the Pillars of Hercules. Canary Islands. - M.: Nauka, 1988.



Excerpt characterizing the Canary Islands

– So, did our militias really benefit the state? No! They just ruined our farms. It’s better to have another set... otherwise neither a soldier nor a man will return to you, and only one debauchery. The nobles do not spare their belly, we ourselves will all go, take another recruit, and all of us just call the goose call (that’s how the sovereign pronounced it), we will all die for him,” the speaker added with animation.
Ilya Andreich swallowed his drool with pleasure and pushed Pierre, but Pierre also wanted to talk. He stepped forward, feeling animated, not yet knowing why and not yet knowing what he would say. He had just opened his mouth to speak when one senator, completely without teeth, with an intelligent and angry face, standing close to the speaker, interrupted Pierre. With a visible habit of leading debates and holding questions, he spoke quietly, but audibly:
“I believe, my dear sir,” said the senator, muttering his toothless mouth, “that we are not called here to discuss what is more convenient for the state at the present moment - recruitment or militia.” We are called to respond to the appeal with which the Emperor has honored us. And we will leave it to the highest authorities to judge what is more convenient - recruitment or militia...
Pierre suddenly found an outcome to his animation. He became bitter against the senator, who introduced this correctness and narrowness of views into the upcoming occupations of the nobility. Pierre stepped forward and stopped him. He himself did not know what he would say, but he began animatedly, occasionally bursting into French words and expressing himself bookishly in Russian.
“Excuse me, Your Excellency,” he began (Pierre was well acquainted with this senator, but considered it necessary to address him here officially), “although I do not agree with Mr.... (Pierre paused. He wanted to say mon tres honorable preopinant), [my dear opponent,] - with Mr.... que je n"ai pas L"honneur de connaitre; [whom I do not have the honor to know] but I believe that the class of nobility, in addition to expressing its sympathy and admiration, is also called upon to discuss the measures by which we can help the fatherland. I believe,” he said, inspired, “that the sovereign himself would be dissatisfied if he found in us only the owners of the peasants whom we give to him, and ... the chair a canon [fodder for guns] that we make of ourselves, but I wouldn’t find any co…co… advice in us.
Many moved away from the circle, noticing the senator’s contemptuous smile and the fact that Pierre spoke freely; only Ilya Andreich was pleased with Pierre’s speech, just as he was pleased with the speech of the sailor, the senator, and in general always with the speech that he last heard.
“I believe that before discussing these issues,” Pierre continued, “we must ask the sovereign, most respectfully ask His Majesty to communicate to us, how many troops we have, what is the situation of our troops and armies, and then...”
But Pierre did not have time to finish these words when he was suddenly attacked from three sides. The one who attacked him the most was a Boston player who had known him for a long time and was always well disposed towards him, Stepan Stepanovich Apraksin. Stepan Stepanovich was in his uniform, and, whether because of the uniform or for other reasons, Pierre saw a completely different person in front of him. Stepan Stepanovich, with senile anger suddenly appearing on his face, shouted at Pierre:
- Firstly, I will report to you that we do not have the right to ask the sovereign about this, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had such a right, then the sovereign cannot answer us. Troops move in accordance with the movements of the enemy - troops depart and arrive...
Another voice came from a man of average height, about forty years old, whom Pierre had seen in the old days among the gypsies and knew to be a bad card player, and who, also changed in uniform, moved closer to Pierre and interrupted Apraksin.
“And this is not the time to speculate,” said the voice of this nobleman, “but we need to act: the war is in Russia.” Our enemy is coming to destroy Russia, to desecrate the graves of our fathers, to take away their wives and children. – The nobleman hit himself in the chest. “We will all get up, we will all go, all for the Tsar Father!” - he shouted, rolling out his bloodshot eyes. Several approving voices were heard from the crowd. “We are Russians and will not spare our blood to defend the faith, the throne and the fatherland. But we must leave nonsense if we are sons of the fatherland. “We will show Europe how Russia is rising up for Russia,” the nobleman shouted.
Pierre wanted to object, but could not say a word. He felt that the sound of his words, no matter what thought they contained, was less audible than the sound of the words of an animated nobleman.
Ilya Andreich approved from behind the circle; some smartly turned their shoulders to the speaker at the end of the phrase and said:
- That's it, that's it! This is true!
Pierre wanted to say that he was not averse to donating money, men, or himself, but that he would have to know the state of affairs in order to help him, but he could not speak. Many voices shouted and spoke together, so that Ilya Andreich did not have time to nod to everyone; and the group grew larger, broke up, came together again and all moved, buzzing with conversation, into the large hall, towards the large table. Not only was Pierre unable to speak, but he was rudely interrupted, pushed away, and turned away from him as if from a common enemy. This did not happen because they were dissatisfied with the meaning of his speech - it was forgotten after a large number of speeches that followed it - but in order to animate the crowd it was necessary to have a tangible object of love and a tangible object of hatred. Pierre was the last. Many speakers spoke after the animated nobleman, and everyone spoke in the same tone. Many spoke beautifully and originally.
The publisher of the Russian Bulletin, Glinka, who was recognized (“a writer, a writer!” was heard in the crowd), said that hell should reflect hell, that he saw a child smiling in the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder, but that we will not be this child.
- Yes, yes, with thunder! – they repeated approvingly in the back rows.
The crowd approached a large table, at which, in uniforms, in ribbons, gray-haired, bald, seventy-year-old noblemen sat, almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their homes with jesters and in clubs outside Boston. The crowd approached the table, still buzzing. One after another, and sometimes two together, pressed from behind to the high backs of chairs by the overlapping crowd, the speakers spoke. Those standing behind noticed what the speaker had not said and were in a hurry to say what was missed. Others, in this heat and cramped space, rummaged in their heads to see if there was any thought, and hurried to say it. The old noblemen familiar to Pierre sat and looked around first at this one, then at the other, and the expression of most of them only said that they were very hot. Pierre, however, felt excited, and the general feeling of the desire to show that we didn’t care, expressed more in sounds and facial expressions than in the meaning of speeches, was communicated to him. He did not renounce his thoughts, but he felt guilty of something and wanted to justify himself.
“I only said that it would be more convenient for us to make donations when we know what the need is,” he said, trying to shout over other voices.
One of the nearest old men looked back at him, but was immediately distracted by a scream that began on the other side of the table.
- Yes, Moscow will be surrendered! She will be the redeemer! - one shouted.
- He is the enemy of humanity! - shouted another. - Let me speak... Gentlemen, you are pushing me...

At this time, with quick steps in front of the parting crowd of nobles, in a general's uniform, with a ribbon over his shoulder, with his protruding chin and quick eyes, Count Rostopchin entered.
“The Emperor will be here now,” said Rostopchin, “I just came from there.” I believe that in the position we find ourselves in, there is not much to judge. The Emperor deigned to gather us and the merchants,” said Count Rastopchin. “Millions will flow from there (he pointed to the hall of merchants), and our job is to field a militia and not spare ourselves... This is the least we can do!”
Meetings began between some nobles sitting at the table. The entire meeting was more than quiet. It even seemed sad when, after all the previous noise, old voices were heard one by one, saying one: “I agree,” the other, for variety, “I am of the same opinion,” etc.
The secretary was ordered to write a decree of the Moscow nobility stating that Muscovites, like Smolensk residents, donate ten people per thousand and full uniforms. The gentlemen who were sitting stood up, as if relieved, rattled their chairs and walked around the hall to stretch their legs, taking someone by the arm and talking.
- Sovereign! Sovereign! - suddenly echoed through the halls, and the entire crowd rushed to the exit.
Along a wide passage, between the wall of nobles, the sovereign walked into the hall. All faces expressed respectful and frightened curiosity. Pierre stood quite far away and could not fully hear the sovereign’s speeches. He understood only from what he heard that the sovereign was talking about the danger in which the state was, and about the hopes that he placed in the Moscow nobility. Another voice answered the sovereign, reporting on the decree of the nobility that had just taken place.
- Gentlemen! - said the sovereign’s trembling voice; the crowd rustled and fell silent again, and Pierre clearly heard the sovereign’s so pleasantly human and touched voice, which said: “I have never doubted the zeal of the Russian nobility.” But on this day it exceeded my expectations. I thank you on behalf of the fatherland. Gentlemen, let's act - time is most valuable...
The Emperor fell silent, the crowd began to crowd around him, and enthusiastic exclamations were heard from all sides.
“Yes, the most precious thing is... the royal word,” said the sobbing voice of Ilya Andreich from behind, who heard nothing, but understood everything in his own way.
From the hall of the nobility the sovereign went into the hall of the merchants. He stayed there for about ten minutes. Pierre, among others, saw the sovereign leaving the merchants' hall with tears of tenderness in his eyes. As they later learned, the sovereign had just begun his speech to the merchants when tears flowed from his eyes, and he finished it in a trembling voice. When Pierre saw the sovereign, he went out, accompanied by two merchants. One was familiar to Pierre, a fat tax farmer, the other was a head, with a thin, narrow beard, yellow face. They both cried. The thin man had tears in his eyes, but the fat farmer wept like a child and kept repeating:
- Take life and property, Your Majesty!
Pierre no longer felt anything at that moment except the desire to show that he didn’t care about anything and that he was ready to sacrifice everything. His speech with a constitutional direction appeared to him as a reproach; he was looking for an opportunity to make amends for it. Having learned that Count Mamonov was donating the regiment, Bezukhov immediately announced to Count Rostopchin that he was giving up a thousand people and their contents.
Old man Rostov could not tell his wife what had happened without tears, and he immediately agreed to Petya’s request and went to record it himself.
The next day the sovereign left. All the assembled nobles took off their uniforms, again settled in their houses and clubs and, grunting, gave orders to the managers about the militia, and were surprised at what they had done.

Napoleon started the war with Russia because he could not help but come to Dresden, could not help but be overwhelmed by honors, could not help but put on a Polish uniform, could not succumb to the enterprising impression of a June morning, could not refrain from an outburst of anger in the presence of Kurakin and then Balashev.
Alexander refused all negotiations because he personally felt insulted. Barclay de Tolly tried to manage the army in the best possible way in order to fulfill his duty and earn the glory of a great commander. Rostov galloped to attack the French because he could not resist the desire to gallop across a flat field. And so exactly, due to their personal properties, habits, conditions and goals, all those innumerable persons who took part in this war acted. They were afraid, they were conceited, they rejoiced, they were indignant, they reasoned, believing that they knew what they were doing and that they were doing it for themselves, and all were involuntary instruments of history and carried out work hidden from them, but understandable to us. This is the unchangeable fate of all practical figures, and the higher they stand in the human hierarchy, the more free they are.
Now the figures of 1812 have long since left their places, their personal interests have disappeared without a trace, and only the historical results of that time are before us.
But let’s assume that the people of Europe, under the leadership of Napoleon, had to go deep into Russia and die there, and all the self-contradictory, senseless, cruel activities of the people participating in this war become clear to us.
Providence forced all these people, striving to achieve their personal goals, to contribute to the fulfillment of one huge result, about which not a single person (neither Napoleon, nor Alexander, nor even less any of the participants in the war) had the slightest aspiration.
Now it is clear to us what was the cause of the death of the French army in 1812. No one will argue that the reason for the death of Napoleon’s French troops was, on the one hand, their entry at a late time without preparation for winter hike deep into Russia, and on the other hand, the character that the war took on from the burning of Russian cities and the incitement of hatred of the enemy among the Russian people. But then not only did no one foresee that (which now seems obvious) that only in this way could the army of eight hundred thousand, the best in the world and led by the best commander, die in a clash with the Russian army, which was twice as weak, inexperienced and led by inexperienced commanders; not only did no one foresee this, but all efforts on the part of the Russians were constantly aimed at preventing the fact that only one could save Russia, and on the part of the French, despite the experience and so-called military genius of Napoleon, all efforts were directed towards this to stretch out to Moscow at the end of summer, that is, to do the very thing that should have destroyed them.
In historical works about 1812, French authors are very fond of talking about how Napoleon felt the danger of stretching his line, how he was looking for a battle, how his marshals advised him to stop in Smolensk, and give other similar arguments proving that it was already understood there was danger of the campaign; and Russian authors are even more fond of talking about how from the beginning of the campaign there was a plan for the Scythian war to lure Napoleon into the depths of Russia, and they attribute this plan to some Pfuel, some to some Frenchman, some to Tolya, some to Emperor Alexander himself, pointing to notes, projects and letters that actually contain hints of this course of action. But all these hints of foreknowledge of what happened, both on the part of the French and on the part of the Russians, are now exhibited only because the event justified them. If the event had not happened, then these hints would have been forgotten, just as thousands and millions of opposing hints and assumptions that were in use then, but turned out to be unfair and therefore forgotten, are now forgotten. There are always so many assumptions about the outcome of every event that takes place that, no matter how it ends, there will always be people who will say: “I said then that it would be like this,” completely forgetting that among the countless assumptions, completely opposite.


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