Alanya city. Food and drink. Entertainment in Alanya

Being a person who is in love with the Mediterranean Sea with all my heart, I gladly accepted the offer to go on holiday to Alanya with the whole family in May. Holiday prices there are much cheaper than in most Eurozone countries. We heard a lot from friends interesting stories about the city and its attractions. Looking ahead a little, I will say that the impressions left from the trip cannot be compared with other people’s stories; they turned out to be much brighter and more interesting.

Short video about Alanya

How to get there

We took the simplest route, which most Russians follow, by booking a trip through a travel agency (by the way, you can look at them). But there are many other ways to get to Alanya. Marine and terrestrial species are used for them Vehicle. This is very easy to do, because Alanya is the largest resort city on south coast Mediterranean Sea in Turkey. There is a special site on this site where you can watch current prices for the flight.

Light modes of transport are also popular - ATVs and motorcycles. But they are only suitable for couples traveling without children. Rental cost is 30-40 USD. You can rent a bicycle. For this purpose, Call a bike rental points have been set up in Alanya. Payment and unlocking of the bicycle is carried out through a special machine, where you insert credit card. Price daily rental– 10 TRY, but 150 TRY is blocked on the card. This is to prevent bike theft.

Be sure to rent a car in Alanya to visit the surrounding villages and attractions. You don’t have to travel far to do this – they are all located within 45-50 km from the city. True, you need to allocate at least 3-4 days for travel; you won’t be able to see everything in one day.

Traffic on the streets of Alanya is heavy, but all drivers drive carefully, unlike Kemer, where we almost had an accident. The roads are in good condition, even in mountainous areas. During all our trips we saw traffic police with radar only once - at the entrance to Alanya. But we were driving at the allowed speed, so they didn’t stop us.

Alanya - holidays with children

Children are treated very cordially here - in hotels, hotel employees try in every possible way to help both with getting settled in the room and during breakfast and lunch in the dining room. Hotels with 4-5 stars always have animators for children and even special children's rooms where, for a fee, parents can leave them when they go on a mountain excursion. If you choose private apartments, you can independently arrange for the children to spend time during their holiday in Alanya.

Trips to water parks will delight little travelers. In addition, there are many free children's playgrounds and mini exercise equipment on the embankment. At the entrance to the city on the road from Antalya, there is a popular amusement park. A ticket for 5 different carousels costs 40 TRY or 10 EUR.

The picturesque Turkish resort city of Alanya, located at the foot of the Taurus Mountains, is famous for its excellent climate, magnificent sea, gentle sun, soft sandy beaches and developed infrastructure. However, Alanya is known not only as a resort. This is very ancient city, whose history begins in the 1st century AD. In those distant times, it was an independent state, on the territory of which the Alan tribes lived. In the 14th century, under the onslaught of Tatar-Mongol troops, these lands were completely devastated and ceased to exist. After this, Alanya alternately belonged to several states, until in the 20th century it became part of Turkey. In the 50s of the 20th century it gradually became tourist center thanks to the beautiful warm sea and healing air of the Damalatash cave. Of course, in a city with such rich history many have survived historical monuments and attractions that tourists should definitely see. In this article we bring to your attention main attractions of Alanya.

1. Alanya Fortress

Alanya Castle is located close to the city center. This is very ancient building, located on a rocky peninsula at an altitude of 250 meters, and built in the 13th century to protect the city from enemies. The location of the fortress was especially advantageous for repelling naval attacks, since all ships nearby were clearly visible. The fortress is surrounded by thick walls with a total length of almost 7 kilometers and consists of 140 towers, the central and most beautiful of which is the Red Tower. Thanks to this, she was practically impregnable for a long time.

Despite its outward simplicity, there used to be many buildings and premises inside the fortress: a mosque, the palaces of the sultans, a mint, a special room for the military, a bathhouse and a place for trade. Currently, the fortress houses a museum under open air. If you climb to the observation deck, on both sides you will see amazing views of Alanya and its attractions, the blue sea with white yachts, majestic mountains soaring into the heights with green vegetation covering them, and an endlessly blue sky.

2. Kyzyl-Kule Tower

Octagonal watch tower Kyzyl Kule is not only the central tower of the fortress, but also one of the main attractions of Alanya. Kyzyl Kule is translated from Turkish as “red tower”. It got its name due to the color of the red brick from which it was built. The Red Tower was erected by the Seljuk Sultan Aladdin Keykubat after the conquest of Alanya in the port part of the city, in the first half of the 13th century. And this is no coincidence, because its main purpose is to protect the harbor. The height of the tower is more than 30 meters, it has five floors, and two thousand people can sit inside at the same time.

For several centuries in a row, the tower protected the inhabitants of the city of Alanya from enemies. Now it is considered a symbol of the city, and its image is even on the flag of Alanya. In the 70s of the last century, a museum was opened in the tower, where you can get acquainted with its history and the history of the city itself, as well as get information about heraldry.

3. Alanya Caves

Alanya Caves are among the city's most interesting attractions. It’s not for nothing that Alanya is called the “city of caves”. Some of them, such as Damlatash or Dim, can be seen on your own. And others, located high in the mountains or on rocky shores, can only be visited as part of excursion group or by renting a boat. To the very famous caves Alanya includes Dim, Damlatash, Lovers' Cave, Pirate Cave, Phosphorus Cave, Chatak.

4. Sialanya Park

Sialanya Park is huge entertainment center and one of the most popular attractions in Alanya. There is enough entertainment in the park for the whole day. The territory of the complex is very large and you can explore it entirely by taking a ride on water attraction"Slow River"

The main attraction of the Silanya park is a wonderful dolphinarium with dolphins, seals, sea lions, who, together with trainers, will show their visitors an interesting performance with mind-blowing tricks and dances. For those who want to get to know kind and smart animals better, the dolphinarium offers to swim with them for a fee. Those who are not afraid sea ​​predators, can visit a large pool inhabited by sharks, stingrays and others. You can admire them from the outside, and daredevils have the opportunity to dive into the pool in specially equipped cages.

In the Sialanya park there is a special enclosure where spectators have the opportunity to watch crocodiles without fear for their lives. And beauty lovers underwater world can by taking necessary equipment, dive to the bottom and swim in a pond with beautiful underwater inhabitants - colorful fish and corals. In addition to the attractions, the park has private beach, children's playgrounds, cafes and restaurants.

5. Alanya Archaeological Museum

Lovers of history and antiquities should definitely visit the Alanya Archaeological Museum, located near famous beach Cleopatra and city park. This most interesting museum opened in the 60s of the 20th century, and since then it has been regularly updated with new exhibits. The museum has accumulated such a large and substantial collection of various antiquities that they do not fit in the building, and some of the exhibits are exhibited on the street. In total, the museum has 14 halls. There are many exhibits belonging to different eras and civilizations: Ancient Greece, Rome, Byzantium and other civilizations, as well as things and objects dating back to the Bronze Age.

The museum displays an interesting collection of ancient coins, a vast collection of weapons, outfits, jewelry, dishes, household items and exhibits found at the bottom of the sea (boats and amphorae). The real pride of the Alanya Archaeological Museum is the sculpture of Hercules, made of bronze and located in a separate room. It was cast around the 2nd century BC. When you look at it, you are amazed by the highest skill of the sculptor - the work is so natural and beautifully done.

6. Suleymaniye Mosque

Next to the Byzantine fortress there is an amazingly beautiful and majestic landmark of the city of Alanya - the Suleymaniye Mosque, which is also called the Ala-ad-Din Mosque and the Fortress Mosque. It was erected in 1231 by order of Sultan Aladdin Keykubat. Time passed. The magnificent mosque building became dilapidated and began to collapse. And only in the second half of the 16th century, during the reign of the Turkish Sultan Suleiman I the Magnificent, a new Suleymaniye Mosque was erected, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

The stone building of the mosque is square in shape, and its gates, windows and doors are made of wood and decorated with magnificent elaborate carvings. The mosque has only one minaret. Under the main dome of a hemispherical shape is located Big hall for prayers, the floors of which are covered with beautiful oriental carpets, and the walls are painted with words from the Koran. The Suleymaniye Mosque has another unique feature - excellent acoustics inside the building. In due time, to ensure such High Quality sound inside the room, the architects hung fifteen small balls under the very dome.

7. Tersane Shipyard

The Tersane shipyard is located on the seashore, near the Red Tower, and is on the list of the most popular tourist destinations in Alanya. Erected in 1228 by the then ruler Aladdin Keykubat, who dreamed of becoming the sovereign master of the sea in the newly conquered territory, it is an example of architecture from the Seljuk era. Due to its advantageous location, it was difficult for the enemy to notice it. Here new ships of the Sultan's fleet were built and old ones were repaired. On the territory of the shipyard there were outbuildings, premises for workers, a mosque and a well. Tersane was used for its intended purpose until the mid-14th century. Today she continues to serve local residents– boats and small ships moor here, and in the evening the shipyard is beautifully illuminated.

8. Port of Alanya

Once in Alanya, be sure to visit its magnificent cruise port in a picturesque Mediterranean harbor. It is famous for its beautiful promenade, very attractive for walking and cycling. Near the port rises a majestic medieval castle Alanya.

It’s not for nothing that Alanya is called “sunny”, because here the sun shines over three hundred days a year, and average temperature water in the coastal bay is 22-23 degrees! Therefore, boat trips along Mediterranean Sea, starting right at the port of Alanya, will leave a pleasant and romantic impression. Numerous shipping companies speak almost all the world's languages. And in the restaurants located near the pier, offering a varied assortment, you should definitely order their signature dish - fresh mussels with lemon. There are also many shops and souvenir shops here.

Alanya is rightfully considered not only wonderful resort, but also one of the cities that have preserved numerous historical and architectural monuments- a legacy of past eras. Therefore, during beach holiday, be sure to visit the most interesting sights of Alanya, which we introduced you to in this article.

All the main attractions in Alanya concentrated in one place - on the mountain where the fortress is located, and near this mountain. I suggest two routes, which include visiting all of these attractions in one go. The only difference between the routes is the difficulty.

The most important attractions of Alanya that are included in these routes, you can see with a tour in Russian, ordering it at home via the Internet on the website.

The first route is easier: you need to walk down the mountain, the second is more difficult: it is necessary walk up the mountain. You can take these routes as a basis and walk through the main attractions of the city in a slightly different way. Read about all the attractions that you can see in Alanya in a separate article.

In one day you can see in Alanya all the main attractions. This is the easiest route, but you will need to pay for the cable car ticket as well as entry tickets for paid attractions. The route is designed for the whole day. You need to leave early in the morning - right after breakfast, otherwise you may not have time.

The route begins from (1) . Before your walk, you can take a swim in the sea, and then go to (2) , which is located 100 meters from the beach. It will take no more than half an hour to explore the cave. Advice! Buy a single ticket, which will allow you to visit not only the cave, but also the Red Tower and the Tersane shipyard - these two attractions are also included in our walking route. A single ticket costs slightly less than all three tickets if you buy them separately. After the cave we need to return to the bottom station cable car (3) . Here we buy a ticket and climb almost to the very top of the mountain, where (5) .

Cable car not laid all the way to the fortress (5) from the upper cable car station (4) You will have to climb several tens of meters on wooden platforms. On the mountain, first we go to (5) : To do this you need to buy a ticket. This ticket is also valid for visiting (8) , which we will go to a little later. Then we go to (6) . This mosque is active, and you can see it in Alanya on your own (go inside). Next go to Museum “Traditional Turkish House” (7). This museum is free and the museum staff is friendly. The museum is located next to the mosque, the road to it is marked with signs that say Kültür Evi - Culture House.

Cannons on the fortress wall on the "Warden's Path" between the Red Tower and the shipyard.

After visiting the museum, head to (8) . In the fortress, as I already said, the same ticket is valid as for visiting Ekhmedek fortress (5). Inside you will see water storage tanks (9) and dilapidated Church of St. George (10). Co observation deck (11) the citadel offers breathtaking views of the sea and Cape Gilvarda (12).

If you have good eyesight, then you can see on the cape Christian monastery (Manastir Surlar) (13). It cannot be visited because the road to it is currently impassable. To get a better look at the monastery, it would be good to have binoculars with you or look at it through a camera lens if you have one that zooms in on objects. Then from the Ich-Kale fortress we have to go down the mountain. Please note that you can go not only along highway, but also along paths, which are much shorter. A leisurely descent will take no more than an hour.

As you go down, you will pass through narrow Turkish streets with beautiful houses that are crowded onto the mountainside. This is the so-called Old Alanya (14). In general, I advise you not to rush: some residents run a cafe where you can sit, relax and drink Turkish tea. When going down, focus on (15) – you need to get out as close to her as possible.

Red Tower also paid, but to visit it there is a single ticket that you bought for the Damlatash cave. After the tower, be sure to go to (17) — the same single ticket is valid there. This is a very interesting place, especially interesting for children. The shipyard is located 250 meters from the Red Tower. The path to it partially goes along fortress wall, on which the guns are installed. You can also see medieval throwing machines here. Sometimes this place is called "The Path of the Guardians" (16). After inspection shipyards (17) go back to Red Tower (15) and from there go to Alanya embankment (19).

There you will see lighthouse (18) and many ships, some of which are dressed up as medieval ones. You can get closer to the lighthouse and even, if you’re lucky, go inside. At the discretion of the lighthouse keepers, they may charge you money for this, or they may let you through for free. On the embankment you can treat yourself to hot corn or cold ice cream. Now head to the main tourist area Damlatas street (20), where there are many cafes and souvenir shops. By the way, on the right side of the road on this street there is a cheap chain store BiM market. Walk through the entire street and finally, if you have any strength left, visit (21) . That's it - the walk is over.

Route No. 2 – more difficult, for adventure seekers

You can see in Alanya in one go all the main attractions that are included in route No. 1, plus a few more small ones. This route is more difficult: You will need to climb the mountain on foot along the fortress wall. But at the same time it's more interesting route , designed for those who like a little more extreme. Route designed for the whole day– leave immediately after breakfast.

The route begins from small (1) . After visiting it, walk along the main tourist road Damlatas street (2) to sea port and embankment (3). There you will see various ships (some of them converted into antique ones) and lighthouse (4), which you can get closer to and even, if you’re lucky, visit. Sometimes the lighthouse keepers charge money for entry to the lighthouse, sometimes they don’t. After a walk along the embankment, go to (5) (it is clearly visible from the embankment).

To visit the tower, buy a ticket. Take a single ticket right away, which will also be valid for the shipyard and Damlatas Cave - all these attractions can be seen in Alanya in one day, which is what we will do during our walking tour. One ticket is cheaper than three individual tickets! From (5) By "Watchmen's Path" (6) go to (7) . This is approximately 250 meters. "Watchers' Path" (6) partially runs along the fortress wall, where cannons and throwing machines are installed. To enter the shipyard, present the single ticket that you bought at the Red Tower.

After visiting the shipyard, go to Arsenal (Tophane) (8). Through this tower next to the shipyard (through the gate) you can go out onto the streets Old Alanya (9) and walk along them, climbing the mountain to the fortress. There are two options: first (simpler) – climb the mountain through narrow streets Old Alanya (9), second (more complex) – climb the mountain along the fortress wall.

If you decide to walk along the fortress wall, then you need from Arsenala (Tophane) (8) go along the streets of Old Alanya (9) to the left, gradually approaching the fortress wall. Along the way, you will see several stone necks, similar to chimneys, that stick out from the ground. This water storage tanks (10). In a place where the wall is built with a slope (it begins to rise uphill), you need to find steps that go to fortress wall (11). There are such steps in many places: if you miss one, then look for the next ones. Attention! It is almost impossible to pass under the wall! There are huge boulders there!

You must walk along the fortress wall carefully. The path along the wall is not equipped with any barriers and exists in the form in which the builders left it many centuries ago. Keep in mind that the path is along the wall not very wide and in some places rises above the ground several meters. So if you fall from here, then injuries cannot be avoided, because below there is not sand, but sharp stones and boulders.

The path along the fortress wall will lead you to observation deck (12). But the most important thing is that there will be no steps down - you will have to go down without them. Jumping down is also not easy, because broken bottles and stones are scattered below. Go down carefully, use the niches hollowed out in the wall. It’s good if there are two of you, then you can back each other up. The height of the wall at the descent point is no more than 2 meters.

After the descent go to observation deck (12) and then go to (13) . Along the way, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed pomegranate or orange juice. The Ich-Kale fortress is paid, but the purchased ticket is also valid in another (21) , where we will go a little later. There is an old Christian church in the citadel Church of St. George (15) and several water storage tanks (14). Co observation deck (16) inside the citadel there is a wonderful view of Cape Gilvarda (17). There is a very ancient Christian monastery on the cape (Manastir Surlar) (18), but you can’t get to it now - the path is very dilapidated. The best way to view the monastery is from the sea if you book boat trip yacht.

After visiting the citadel we go to (19) . The mosque is operational, and you can see it in Alanya on your own (go inside). Next to the mosque is free museum which is called "Traditional Turkish House" (20). On the signs it is indicated in Turkish as Kültür Evi and in English as Culture House. Next go to (21) . To enter the fortress you will need the same ticket as to enter the citadel.

Free Museum “Traditional Turkish House”.

Then from the fortress go down the wooden platforms to the upper cable car station (22). Buy a ticket and go down the cable car to the lower cable car station (23). After descending, it is best to go first to (25) , in which a single ticket is valid, purchased for the Red Tower and the shipyard. And after the cave go to (24) and take a swim in the sea after a long and eventful walk. That's it - the route is over.

Türkiye is one of the favorite resorts of our compatriots. Not only families with children, but also young people love to come here. In Turkey you can enjoy not only the sea, but also visiting the sights. Let's consider what attractions there are in the resort town of Alanya.

Sights of Alanya

Alanya is one of the ancient cities of the Turkish coast with a rich history. The city was founded by Greek colonists in the 2nd century. BC uh, after some time it began to serve as a refuge for pirates. Further, the city was captured by the Romans and presented to the Egyptian queen Cleopatra.

Alanya was also part of Byzantium and only in 1571 the city came into the possession of the Ottomans.
Over the long history of the city, a large number of attractions have been preserved.

In Alanya you can see not only ancient fortresses and mosques, but also visit modern museums, go for a walk to the ruins or see the caves that nature created.

The most famous attractions of Alanya:

Car rental in Alanya

What to see in Alanya on your own?

You can go on the following excursions on your own in Alanya:

Order an inexpensive transfer - taxi in Alanya

Best excursions

TO the best excursions in Alanya include:

  • Alanya fortress;
  • red tower;
  • shipyard;
  • Damlatash cave.

Excursions to take with your child

When traveling with a child, you can visit the following interesting places:

  • Dolphinarium Sealania. At the dolphinarium you can see a performance and also swim with them if you want to get up close and personal.
  • Water Planet water park. The water park is located about 30 km from Alanya. The water park has 24 slides that both adults and children can ride.
  • Waterpark Damlatas is located very close to the Alanya embankment. There are not many slides in the water park, but believe me, there are enough to have fun.

Unusual sights

Unusual attractions include:

  • Lovers Cave“There is a legend that lovers’ dates took place in this cave. And one more thing, if you jump from the cape of a cave into the sea with your loved one, holding each other's hand, then your love will last forever.
  • Pirates' Cave. This cave once served as a hideout for pirates. Unfortunately, it is now flooded and can only be visited by boat.
  • Iotape. Here you can see the ruins of an ancient ancient city. Roman baths, city walls and a fortress have been partially preserved here.
  • Tomb of Askebe Turbesi. Not far from the Suleymaniye Mosque is the burial place of Sultan Askebe Turbesi. The tomb was made of stone, but the dome and interior walls were covered with brick. There is an assumption that the tomb was previously covered with faience. Only part of the decorations and inscriptions have survived to this day.
  • Phosphorus cave. It is named so because it glows in the dark. The fact is that the rock contains a large amount of phosphorus, which allows the cave to shine unusually. You can only get into the cave by water. Phosphorus Cave is considered an unusual miracle of nature.

Alanya - Cleopatra Beach

Russian tourists are still in summer period prefer to choose famous resorts Turkish Riviera, known for its excellent holiday conditions. Among them Alanya– the city, famous for its sandy beaches, plays an important role. After all, here on a tiny coastal area tourists find everything they need to remember the days of their luxurious vacation for a long time. A local beaches often compared to the famous French Riviera. The main beach here, named by residents in honor of the famous queen of Egypt, surprises vacationers with the unusual properties of the local sand. It is believed that it was brought here for Cleopatra - the name of this place is associated with her name.

To the amazement of travelers, the sand on this beach never becomes so hot that tourists, as usual, are simply unable to take their favorite sunbathing. The secret is explained by the special composition of the sand, which contains virtually no dust. The sea waters in these places are transparent and clean. Similar sandy beaches are found only on the North African coast. But the uniqueness of this place does not at all lead to an unpleasant increase in the cost of accommodation in hotels. On the contrary, the prices here are quite acceptable and reasonable.

Excursions in Alanya

Resort towns in the Alanya region

Alanya - Mahmutlar Village

Vacationers who are looking for a vacation opportunity closer to the central part go to Mahmutlar- an inexpensive and small resort village, which is located only 12 km south of the Alanya, But Mahmutlar the most distant from Antalya airport (almost 140 km). He is famous for his quite reasonable prices in hotels even during the season, because most of the hotels in Mahmutlar are located 100-300 m from the beaches.

Alanya - Okurcalar Village

Starting from the northern part of Alanya region (the part that is closer to Antalya), the first resort on the seashore is called Okurcalar. Located nearby Okurcalare– a sand and pebble beach, famous for its extraordinary warm sea, the most suitable conditions for relaxation of adult tourists and their children. Throughout the entire Turkey There is no place where the water temperature would be higher than here. In this area there are mainly 4 and 5 star hotels hotels located right on the seashore among beautiful sand and pebble beaches.

Alanya - Incekum Village

It begins immediately after Okurcalar resort village Incekum, whose name means “fine sand” in Turkish. On Incekume– eight-kilometer sandy beach, located in the same resort town, first of all, young travelers who love these places for amazing sunsets, silence and wonderful air that the picturesque pine forests. The hotels here welcome guests even in winter.

Alanya - Alanya Port at night

Konakli just like Mahmutlar is located close to the central part Alanya. The resort is located just 12 km west of Alanya itself. Hotel base Konakli does not contribute expensive vacation, because mostly inexpensive hotels are located here, and in terms of Konakli beach it is slightly inferior to Avsallar, since here the sand is mixed with pebbles. Travelers will not have to spend long choosing a beach in a wonderful Alanya and its surroundings. Here, anywhere on the coast, regardless of whether it is sandy or pebbly, favorable conditions for an eventful and rewarding holiday are always preserved.


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