Slovakia is an inconspicuous country in the center of Europe, but very attractive for tourists. Where is Slovakia? What country was Slovakia before?

Natural conditions

Bratislava is located in the west of the Danube Lowland. North of the capital Small ones begin Carpathian mountains. The city is located on the left bank of the Danube River near the confluence of the Morava River. Bratislava is surrounded by forests. A temperate continental climate prevails here. The seasons are distinct. In winter it is usually dry, the temperature stays within +2° C; in summer it is humid and warm - on average +21° C. About 500 mm of cages fall per year.

A special feature of the capital's geographical position in relation to the entire country is its border location. Usually main city The country is located in the center of the territory occupied by the state. With Bratislava the situation is different: the opposite bank of the Danube belongs to Austria.

Population, language, religion

The bulk of the capital's residents are Slovaks (85%); many Hungarians (10%) and Czechs. In total, 450 thousand people live in the city.

The official language in the state is Slovak, the formation of which dates back to the 40s of the 19th century. The Latin alphabet is used for writing. The Hungarian language is often spoken, and Russian, Czech, German, and English are also widely spoken in the capital of the country.

Bratislava, like all of Slovakia, is dominated by the Roman Catholic Church. About 60% of the city's residents consider themselves Catholics. Approximately 6% of the population are followers of the Slovak Evangelical Church. However, the capital is home to many believers of other faiths: those belonging to the Greek Catholic Church, Orthodox and Protestants in the Augsburg spirit.

History of development

On the site of present-day Bratislava in the 2nd-1st centuries. BC e. there were Celtic villages. However, the founding of the city is traditionally considered to be the merit of Piso, the military leader of the Roman emperor Tiberius (1st century AD). Obviously, the Romans rightly believed that it was here that it was necessary to build one of the strongholds of the Danube defensive line.

Unfortunately, no definitive evidence of a long-term Roman presence in the area of ​​modern Bratislava has been found. Therefore, the mention of commander Pizon as the founder of the Slovak capital leads into the realm of legends. Apparently, under the heirs of Tiberius, the barbarians managed to push the imperial troops to the south.

The place for the founding of the city was chosen very well by the Romans. The Danube is a waterway that connects a number of European seams. In addition, a number of convenient land routes from the Northern and Western Europe to the Balkans and the Middle East. Thanks to the advantageous geographical location, which promoted trade, the city was supposed to quickly grow and develop, but this was prevented by the movement of huge masses of people rushing to the west that soon began throughout Eurasia. By the 5th century In the vicinity of Bratislava, the ancient Slavs established themselves, who somewhat later, at the final stage of the era of the Great Migration of Peoples, created Great Moravia - one of the largest European states of the early Middle Ages. It was then that the first mention of Bratislava appeared in written sources (IX century). It was a fortified point of the rapidly growing principality.

Great Moravia existed for several centuries. She fell under the blows of the Magyars (Hungarians). The decisive battle took place in 907 near the walls of Bratislava. The city became part of Hungary and became known as Pozsony. In the middle of the 12th century. Pozhon received free status royal city. At this time, German colonization of the Danube lands occupied by the Slavs began. Just a century later, the influence of the Germans in the capital of Slovakia was so great that the city was renamed again and became known as Presburg. At the same time, he continued to remain under the rule of the Hungarian crown. Throughout the Middle Ages, Bratislava was one of the largest trade and craft centers in Eastern Europe. Here was one of the permanent residences of the Hungarian king Matthias Corvinus. The fate of the city was greatly affected by Ottoman expansion in the Balkans. In 1541, Buda, the capital of Hungary, fell. Bratislava became the capital city of the kingdom until 1784. There was also a religious center here: the capital housed the residence of the Hungarian archbishops.

With the collapse of the feudal system in Bratislava, capitalist relations developed rapidly. However, further movement along the path of industrial progress was hampered by backwardness government structure. After the capital of Hungary was transferred to Buda, recaptured from the Ottomans, Bratislava did not completely lose its importance as an administrative center. Until 1848, Hungarian kings were crowned here and the state assembly was located here.

At the end of the 18th century. The Slavic national liberation movement began in the city. It was caused by increased oppression from the Austrians and Hungarians. The processes of Germanization and Magyarization of the Slavic population in the 19th century. took on very sharp forms. In the 1820s. a department appeared in the Bratislava Lyceum national language and literature.

One of the significant episodes of the Napoleonic Wars at the turn of the 19th century is also associated with Bratislava. covering almost all of Europe. In 1805, peace was concluded between France and Austria in Presburg. The latter was unable to continue military operations and recognized its dependence on Napoleon. After the collapse of Austria-Hungary caused by defeat in the First World War, the creation of the Czechoslovak Republic was announced on October 28, 1918, uniting the lands inhabited by Czechs and Slovaks. On January 1, 1919, Bratislava became the administrative center of Slovakia as part of the new state.

The Second World War seriously affected the city. In 1939-1945, during the Nazi occupation, Bratislava once again received the status of the capital, this time nominally, since the invaders established a puppet state on the territory of Slovakia, which disappeared without a trace after the victory of Soviet troops over Nazi Germany.

After liberation, Czechoslovakia could not help but take the socialist path of development. However, this did not happen immediately, but only in 1948, when the communists achieved power. Czechoslovak Socialist Republic (CSSR), which arose from political map Europe on January 1, 1969, was significantly different from the state that preceded it.

It was not just a change in political course caused by the suppression of the Prague Spring. Czechoslovakia was a federal state consisting of two republics. Bratislava received the status of the capital of the newly created Slovakia. During the socialist period of history, housing construction was widely carried out in the city. The Ruzhinov and Petrzalka microdistricts were built. Bratislava became an industrial center. However, the activities of the main enterprises were highly dependent on Czech partners and partners from socialist countries. This led to negative consequences in the future.

It is worth focusing on the problem interethnic relations. Even after the end of World War II and federal reform, it was not fully resolved.

Of course, the situation in Czechoslovakia can in no way be compared with what it was during the Habsburg era, but the Slovaks still felt deprived. For a long time they were not recognized as a separate nation, even the existence of the Slovak language was denied. Independence within Czechoslovakia was not achieved immediately and with great difficulty. However, the most serious consequence of the latent (hidden) interethnic confrontation was the attitude towards Slovakia as a kind of appendage of the Czech Republic, providing supplies of raw materials and food. This reflected the fact that the standard of living of the population of Slovakia was lower compared to the standard of living of the Czechs.
Particularly strong dissatisfaction with the state of affairs existed in the circles of the intelligentsia. In the post-war years, Bratislava, as the largest city, was the center of the anti-Czech semi-underground opposition.

"Velvet Revolution", which occurred in November 1989, ultimately led to the peaceful fall of the communist regime. In 1990, Czechoslovakia was first transformed into the Czechoslovak Federal Republic (CFR), then into the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). The changes concerned not only the name of the state, but also the principles of coexistence of two republics in it. The more industrialized Czech Republic, which dominated the union, tried to prevent the collapse of the federation. However, this could not be avoided. In June 1992, parliamentary elections were held in the country. The Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (MDS) won an impressive victory in Slovakia. In July, the Slovak parliament adopted the Declaration of Independence. The authorities in Prague decided not to counteract the collapse with military force. Moreover, the federal authorities contributed to the peaceful formation of two new republics - the Czech and Slovak ones.

On January 1, 1993, Bratislava again - perhaps for the last time in its history - became the capital of an independent state.

Cultural significance

Capital of Slovakia - largest center not only the national culture, but also the culture of those countries that included Bratislava for a long time. Fortunately, many monuments of the past were preserved for posterity. The streets and squares of the city make an indelible impression.
The historical center of the capital is crowned by the Castle located above the Danube, a castle that was rebuilt several times over 9 centuries. The last changes to its appearance were made in the 18th century. To the north and east of the City lies Old city(Stare Mesto), whose name speaks for itself. It is worth noting that Bratislava, which changed its name many times, is characterized by a similar architectural feature. Many buildings in the capital were rebuilt, acquiring new features. This is especially noticeable in the example of numerous architectural monuments Old town.

Such, for example, is the Michal Gate topped with a tower. Their creation dates back to the 14th century, but the structure acquired its current appearance in the 18th century. Around the same time, the façade of St. Martin's Cathedral, built in the 14th-15th centuries, was changed in the late Gothic era. The monastery of the Franciscan Order began to be built in the 13th century, and the process continued for almost four hundred years. Architectural appearance The old Town Hall (XIII-XV centuries) was changed by a courtyard with arcades (1558) and a fountain (1572).
Among the medieval Gothic eclecticism there are also examples of purity of style. Such are the Church of the Order of the Clarices (end of the 14th century), the Church of the Holy Trinity (beginning of the 18th century), the Church of St. Alzhbieta (mid-18th century), the palace of the aristocratic dynasty of Esterházy, the palace of the primate (as the head of the city government of Bratislava was previously called). The latter are executed in a baroque and classicist spirit.

Outside the Old Town, Bratislava also has quite a lot of architecturally interesting buildings, such as Art Nouveau buildings dating back about a century.
Bratislava is home to leading cultural and educational institutions countries. Here is the Slovak Academy of Sciences, the Comenius University, founded in 1919, the Higher Technical School, the Academy of Fine Arts, created in 1949. There is a City and National Museums. In Slovakia national gallery Numerous paintings by old masters are on display.

The cultural life of the city is determined by performances National Theater, founded in 1919

Tourist Information

Bratislava is a major tourist center. In addition to the cultural and historical significance of the city, do not forget about the ski resorts. At the end of the 1990s. little was known about them, but now they are rapidly increasing in popularity.

There are no special customs regulations in Slovakia. National currency- Slovak koruna. It is not difficult to exchange freely convertible currency. There are no restrictions on its import or export. In Bratislava, common types of credit cards are widely used.
The price level in the capital of Slovakia is lower than in others major cities Europe, but the level of service is quite high.

Slovakia has exactly two “chips” - but what kind! Healing thermal springs with the full periodic table and a crazy number of medieval castles (with ghosts, of course). Cozy Bratislava, treatment in Smrdaky and Dudince - all about Slovakia: tours, holidays, prices and photos.

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According to some, not very experienced tourists, Slovakia serves as a kind of “addition” to the Czech Republic in the market. Let's be honest: this opinion is not only offensive, but also fundamentally wrong. This country with its beautiful nature, spectacular mountain peaks, numerous castles and fortresses (each first one with its own ghost and every second one with its own dramatic story) may well compete with the “veterans” of excursion tourism.

Time difference from Moscow

− 2 hours in summer −1 hour

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Moderate continental, with pronounced altitudinal zonation. Average temperatures in July are +19...+21 °C on the plains and +8...+12 °C in the mountains, January +1...+4 °C on the plains and up to −10 °C in mountainous areas. The coldest month is January, the warmest months are July and August. It often rains in autumn, and in winter it is often windy in the mountains. Ski season lasts from November to March. The most comfortable time to visit the country for the purpose of treatment and broadening your horizons is from May to September. On thermal resorts It can be chilly in the evenings, so it is advisable to take a sweater with you.

The import and export of currency is not limited. When entering from non-EU countries, amounts over 10,000 EUR are subject to mandatory declaration. Duty-free import of 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos or 50 regular cigars, or 250 grams of smoking tobacco is allowed; 1 liter of alcoholic drinks with a strength over 22 °, 2 liters of wine; 50 ml of perfume, 250 ml of eau de toilette, as well as personal items worth no more than 430 EUR. Prices on the page are indicated for October 2018.

Medicines and medicines can be imported duty-free in quantities necessary to meet minimum personal needs. Tobacco products can only be imported by persons over 16 years of age, alcoholic products - over 18 years of age.

The import and export of weapons, explosives, pornographic products, narcotic substances, as well as cultural and historical values ​​that do not have documentary evidence of the legality of their acquisition are prohibited.

It is prohibited to import products containing meat or milk into the territory of the European Union, including sausage, canned food, lard and even chocolates. If they are found, they will be confiscated and the passenger will be fined. The ban does not apply to baby food and special medications necessary for people with certain diseases (in this case, the products must be carefully packaged and their weight should not exceed 2 kg).

  • How to get a visa to Slovakia for traveling by car

Tax Free

In Slovakia there is a system Tax free: by forking over 175.01 EUR in one check, you can get back up to 20% VAT. First, you will need to take a special form at the checkout with a list of purchased goods and enter your passport data there. At the airport, the completed form (along with the usual cash receipt, passport and freshly purchased items in undamaged packaging) must be presented to the customs officer to receive a stamp, and then exchanged for cash at the Global Blue pick-up point. If time is short, you can send a stamped Tax free check to the Bratislava office (but no later than 3 weeks from the date of registration) and wait for a refund to your bank card.

How to get to Slovakia

The second largest Slovak airport is in Košice. From Moscow, LOT (157 EUR one way, from 4 hours with a transfer in Warsaw), Czech Airlines (165 EUR, from 10 hours via Prague) and other carriers deliver here. Connecting flights from St. Petersburg organized by Czech Airlines (223 EUR one way, 23 hours via Prague), “ Austrian Airlines"(260 EUR, 21 hours 40 minutes via Vienna) and "Turkish Airlines" (399 EUR, 29 hours 20 minutes via Istanbul).

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The country is small in size and most transport is carried out by trains and buses. The main railway line Kosice - Bratislava goes through Spisska Nova Ves, Poprad, Zilina and Trencin. Tickets are sold at the office. on the carrier’s website (in English), you can get from the capital to Trencin for 6-8 EUR, to Ruzomberok for 11-23 EUR, to Kosice for 13-40 EUR (morning flights are cheaper). The Slovak Expres system operates on popular routes (office site in English): round-trip tickets for night trains cost 18-27 EUR.

There are in the country and water transport: The Danube connects Bratislava with neighboring cities and abroad (Vienna and Budapest). The cost of a sightseeing cruise around the capital's waters is 7 EUR for adults, 4.50 EUR for children (schedule - on the carrier's official website in English).

In Slovakia, there is a system of youth and student discounts; on weekends and holidays, travel on intercity buses becomes cheaper.

Public transport within cities

Trams, buses and trolleybuses serve as urban transport. Travel is paid with coupons, which are sold in orange machines at stops - they must be punched in the passenger compartment. Tickets have a limited validity period (15, 30 or 60 minutes), so you should buy them strictly before your trip. Single tickets cost 0.7-3.1 EUR, 3-day passes - 8 EUR. They can be purchased at DPHMB offices, underground passages, kiosks and railway station ticket offices.

Taxis in Slovakia are inexpensive, equipped with meters and small sizes cities are not very popular. Ordering them by phone is more profitable than catching them on the street. The standard tariff is 1-2 EUR per landing plus 0.50-1 EUR for each km.

Rent a Car

By renting a car in compact Slovakia, you can explore its main attractions in a few days: medieval cities, castles, national parks. The roads are good (although some of them are toll), there are few traffic jams, the drivers are polite and careful. There may be problems with parking: the ancient streets are not adapted to the abundance of modern vehicles. Most parking lots are paid: special coupons and cards are sold in tobacco and newsstands; an hour in an indoor parking lot will cost 1-3 EUR per hour (depending on the location - the center is the most expensive).

Rent a compact car - from 30 EUR, a standard model - from 52 EUR, a station wagon - from 56 EUR per day. The cost of gasoline is 1.44 EUR per 1 liter.

Car rental is possible if you have a driver’s license (both international and Russian), passport and credit card. Cash is often accepted for payment, but a credit card as collateral is required. Sum rent depends on the car and rental period, as well as on the day of the week - on weekends (from 15:00 Friday to 9:00 Monday) and holidays it is slightly higher (not taking into account the distance). The driver must be at least 21 years old and have at least one year of driving experience. The cost of renting Czech car brands is significantly lower than all others.

The maximum permitted speed within settlements- 50 km/h, outside of them - 90 km/h, on highways - up to 130 km/h. Low beams must always be on and seat belts must be used. Drinking any alcohol (even beer) and talking on a cell phone while driving are prohibited. Radar detectors are illegal in Slovakia. For exceeding the speed limit by 20 km/h, the driver will have to pay a fine of 100 EUR, and by 70 km/h - already 650 EUR. Driving while intoxicated can cost up to 2,500 EUR.

It is worth additionally taking out insurance against accidents (around 10 EUR per day) and against theft (for the same money). Insurance will cover any damage to the car only if the driver is sober.

Communications and Wi-Fi

There are several mobile operators in Slovakia: Orange, O2, Telekom and Swan. Orange is a leader in the number of subscribers and quality of communication. SIM cards costing from 3-15 EUR are sold in company offices and supermarkets (you need a passport for registration), the balance is topped up via the Internet or using scratch cards. For the Orange operator, calls to Russia cost 0.47 EUR per minute, for Telekom - 0.30 EUR.

There are payphones on Slovak streets that accept telephone cards with a value of 5-10 EUR. They can be bought at post offices and newsagents and called as local numbers, and abroad. Communication with your homeland from a call center will cost 10-15%, and from a hotel - 30% more than from a payphone.

Free Wi-Fi is available in hotels, catering establishments (you will have to order something to gain access) and on the central streets of Bratislava. In large cities, Internet cafes are common, offering connections for 2-4 EUR per hour. Here and there you can find free Internet kiosks that allow you to check your email, send a message, or surf the web (but the connection speed is annoyingly slow).

Hotels in Slovakia

There are few 5* hotels in the country, most of them are located in Bratislava. The basis of the number of rooms in Slovakia are “three rubles” and “fours”. The price/quality ratio is as follows: 5* mainly belong to global hotel chains, the level is appropriate, 4* - very expensive and very good, 3* - from expensive and good to inexpensive and simple. Most leisure opportunities are in a hotel rather than a resort. In 90% of hotels, check-in is at 14:00, check-out is at 10:00.

Moreover, in the country wide choose private apartments, campsites and sanatoriums, many of which, built under socialism, are now being modernized with all their might. The hostels are for the most part clean and tidy, but possible disadvantages include old furniture, poor sound insulation, cramped rooms and problems with Wi-Fi.

Electrical voltage - 220 V, 50 Hz, two-pin sockets with a safety plug.

Police: 158, emergency and first aid on roads: 154, ambulance: 155, fire brigade: 150, emergency service: 112.

City codes: Bratislava - 2, High Tatras resorts - 52, Low Tatras resorts (Jasna) - 44.

Stunning views of Slovakia


Near Bratislava there are good conditions for diving - on the Senecke Lakes and Lake Gulaska, and with good visibility (in early spring and late autumn) - also on the Golden Sands and Štrkovecki lakes. You can also dive on the Danube Island, in the vicinity of the towns of Banska Stiavnica (lakes Rihnavskoe, Vindshakhtskoe) and Kraljovani (Shutovo), at the Liptovska Mara reservoir, at the Dedinki and Ruzhin dams.

The best time for diving is late spring and early autumn. The water in Slovak lakes is surprisingly clear, but almost always cool, so you have to prepare yourself for the thrill in advance. The bottom is mostly rocky, overgrown with all kinds of greenery; carp, eels, pike and small fish are found in the depths. Diving equipment can be rented from schools and clubs located in Bratislava and some other cities. The average cost of a two-hour rental is 10-15 EUR, a dive with an instructor will cost 55-70 EUR, two-week diving courses with theory and practice - from 350 EUR.



There are 63 water streams in Slovakia suitable for water tourism. People travel along the local rivers by boats, kayaks, kayaks and canoes. In Eastern Slovakia the most popular rivers are Poprad, Gornad, Torisa, Toplja, Ondava and Laborec, in Central Slovakia - Hron, Orava and Slana, in Western Slovakia - Vah, Nitra, Small Danube and Danube.

A two-hour rafting trip on Bela or Vagu will cost 23-30 EUR, taking into account equipment and an instructor.

The wildest river in Slovakia is the Bela, which is flown down from April 15 to September 30. Less difficult is rafting along the Vah River in the area from Červeny Klastor or along the bend of this river through the Great Fatra under the ruins of Strečna Castle. Beginners and even families with children have the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature during an easy descent along the Orava River (from Parnice in Žaškovy Brod to Kraljován). Vivid sensations are promised by the descent along the Dunajec in the Pieniny National Park and the mountainous sections of the Hron River, which is characterized by alternating quiet and stormy currents.

Rafting in Slovakia

Treatment in Slovakia

Tourists often come to Slovakia to improve their health: there are more than 1,200 thermal and mineral springs. Most resorts are located in the mountains: enjoying clean air, idyllic landscapes, peace and quiet in itself provides a healing effect. Doctors are also not lagging behind, creating effective wellness programs based on local ingredients for patients with any diagnosis and offering a high level of service in a European manner.

Nature of Slovakia

Cuisine and restaurants of Slovakia

The cuisine of Slovakia combines the features of European schools and strong national components. Local sheep cheeses, “oshtepki” and “parenitsy” are especially popular, and business card The local cuisine includes soups made from vegetables, broths and various complex soups made from meat and vegetables, dumplings with cheese, potato dumplings, cheese dumplings, as well as poultry dishes. You should definitely try the national cabbage soup (made from sauerkraut) and Segedin goulash.

Slovakia produces excellent local wines that occupy worthy place among the best European varieties, and at the same time very inexpensive. The most popular strong alcoholic drinks are “slivovitz” (plum vodka) and “borovichka” (juniper vodka), as well as a variety of herbal liqueurs. The best desserts are walnut roll “Orekhovnik”, steamed buns with plum jam, poppy seed cake “Makovnik”, strudels and “trdelniki” (spiral tubes of yeast dough).

Most resorts have traditional restaurants "salash" and "koliba" where you can taste national dishes accompanied by authentic Slovak music.

Pivnitsa beer bars also offer a wide selection of local treats: by the way, prices there are often lower than in other eateries. In major cities there are establishments with French, Italian, Chinese and Indian menus. Confectionery shops, pubs, wineries, coffee shops - there are places to satisfy both hunger and thirst. Lunch at inexpensive cafe will cost 10-15 EUR per person (the farther from the center, the cheaper), a snack in fast food - 5-8 EUR, dinner in a restaurant - from 35-40 EUR for two, excluding alcohol.

Guides in Slovakia

Entertainment and attractions

A tour of the sights of Slovakia is a fascinating journey through time: the elegant architecture of centuries past stands side by side with modern monuments. A striking example of this is Bratislava: the eclectic Old Town Hall, the elegant Capuchin Church, the Cathedral of St. Martin crowned with a gilded crown, the solemn Presidential Palace - witnesses of a glorious past. And nearby is the impressive SNP bridge, the Slavin memorial complex in honor of the soldiers of World War II, numerous museums and street sculptures - heroes of today.

Trencin not only has a majestic castle, churches and chapels, but also the Milos Bazovsky Gallery with an interesting collection of Czech and Slovak modern art.

The pride of Kosice is the luxurious St. Elizabeth Cathedral, built in the 14th century in the best Gothic traditions. Neo-Baroque ceiling opera house decorated with frescoes on the themes of Shakespeare's plays, and the jets of a singing fountain, illuminated by hundreds of light bulbs, soar to a 17-meter height. In the town of Komárno, works of Hungarian culture have been preserved, and in the village of Vlkolínec - traditional Carpathian farmsteads.

Castles of Slovakia

Slovakia is a magnet for fans of scary ghost tales and heart-warming love stories: countless local castles carefully guard their legends. For example, an inconsolable young lady, separated from her lover, once jumped from one of the towers of the Devin castle - the Maiden Tower. But on the other hand, much later, one resourceful comrade flew on a hang glider from socialist Czechoslovakia straight to unenslaved Austria.

Bojnice Castle annually hosts International festival spirits and ghosts: a lot of them have probably accumulated here over 10 centuries.

The mighty Bratislava Castle, towering over the Danube, stood in ruins for many years: they say that in the 19th century it was burned by drunken Austrian soldiers, and it only came to reconstruction towards the end of the next century. To build the Kezmar Castle, a small church had to be destroyed: there were not enough materials, and earthly values ​​turned out to be more important to the owner than spiritual ones.

In Orava Castle there is a bench, sitting on which you can get rid of infertility. And in the largest Slovak castle, Spissky Castle, the ghost of the nanny Hedwig still wanders, grieving for her stolen pupil.

National parks

There are 16 protected areas in the country natural areas and 9 national parks. The most picturesque - "Low Tatras" with karst caves, full of bizarre limestone cascades, stalactites and stalagmites. Most of the park is occupied mountain ranges: not tall, but very impressive. Through beech and coniferous forests, alternating with lawns and alpine fields, laid tourist routes different levels of difficulty.

In the Low Tatras you can meet bears, wolves and lynxes: they keep a respectful distance from people and do not pose a danger.

The Tatra National Park contains the highest point in the country - Mount Gerlachovský Štit. Here you can find endemic animals (for example, the Tatra chamois), many birds, several species of reptiles and amphibians; Both walking and cycling routes have been created for visitors. In the “Great Fatra” there is the largest yew grove in Europe, in the “Little” there is the Vratnaya Valley, beloved by skiers, the ancient village of Stefanova and the ruins of several castles. The main treasure of the Polonyny park is the virgin Carpathian forests, the Pieniny park is famous for the beauty of the Dunajec River gorge, and the Slovak Paradise is famous for its stormy waterfalls, the highest of which is the 70-meter Zavojovi.

The best photos of Slovakia Adrenaline Rush, Slovakia

Speleology in Slovakia

There are about 4,000 registered caves of all types in Slovakia: rock, ice and aragonite. 12 of them are open to visitors. Of particular interest are the Dobshinskaya Ice Cave, Gombasetskaya and Yasovskaya Caves, the Domitsa Cave and the Okhtina Cave - all of them are included in the UNESCO List.

The Freedom Cave in the Demanovska Valley is popular for its colorful limestone formations: “mushrooms”, “trees”, pillars and icicles, painted in soft pink, terracotta and other shades. Prepoštska Cave in Bojnice turned into a Museum ancient man: the artifacts found here - tools, bones, jewelry - are more than 30 thousand years old. There are as many as 250 cave systems in the Muranska Platina National Park, but all of them are dangerous and therefore closed to tourists. But the “Slovak Karst” is a haven for adventure seekers: endless labyrinths of grottoes, passages and faults keep many amazing secrets.


Fish from the carp and salmon families, including trout and grayling, are caught in the rivers and lakes of Slovakia. The most popular among fishermen are the rivers Danube, Váh, Hron, Turiec, Orava, Gornad, Ondava, Latorica, Laborec, Nitra, Ipel, Dunajec, Liptovska Mara reservoir, Zemplinska Širava, Oravska dam, Velka Domasa, Slnjava, Duhonka, Ruzhin, Teply Wierch and Dedinki.

Holidays and Events

January 1 in Slovakia is not only New Year, but also Republic Day, so the fun is in full swing. The main holiday of spring is Easter with solemn services, warm family dinners and ancient customs such as general dousing with water. May 1 is Labor Day (greetings from the socialist past), May 8 is Liberation Day from Fascism. On July 5, Cyril and Methodius are honored, who once visited Moravia on a Christian mission. August 29 is the Day of the National Uprising against the dictator Tiso, September 1 is Constitution Day. On November 1, deceased relatives are remembered, and November 17 honors students who participated in the 1989 demonstrations.

December passes under the sign of Christmas: a special, fairy-tale atmosphere reigns in decorated cities throughout the month.

Slovakia loves festivals: the capital hosts Jazz Days in the fall, and Coronation Day with colorful theatrical processions in the summer. The local analogue of Maslenitsa is Fashanka with songs, dances and street fairs; on Ivan Kupala (St. John) there are round dances and fortune telling for the betrothed. Starts in Kosice in October International Marathon world, in December cities pass the baton of the Febiofest film festival to each other. Trencianske Teplice hosts music shows all summer long, a large crafts fair is organized in Kezmarok in July, and in Pezinka in September they organize “Vinobranie” - a wine festival with competitions for the title of the best Slovak alcohol.

– interests everyone planning to spend time in the mountains in December-April - the Carpathians, High and Low Tatras; in May-September - enjoy the natural beauty, go to sightseeing tours, go fishing and rafting on Slovak rivers.

Slovakia: where is the “land of caves and mineral springs”?

The location of Slovakia (the capital is Bratislava; the country's area is 49,034 sq. km) - Central Europe. Landlocked Slovakia is surrounded to the northeast and north by the Western Carpathians. The most high point in the form of a 2650-meter peak Gerlakhovsky-Stit, located in. Slovakia has common borders with (670 km), (90 km), (420 km), (90 km) and (200 km).

Slovakia consists of the Žilina, Presov, Košice, Trnava, Nitra, Bratislava, Trenčín, and Banská Bystrica regions.

How to get to Slovakia?

To get to from, travelers will have to fly through, as a result of which the journey will last 6 hours, after - 14 hours, through the capital - 7.5 hours, through - 15 hours, through the Italian capital - more than 8.5 hours.

Tourists who need to be in will be offered to make a stop in the Austrian capital (passengers will have an 8.5-hour flight), in (the journey will take 7.5 hours), in the Czech capital (tourists will arrive in Kosice 6 hours 40 minutes after departure from Moscow), in (the journey will end 11.5 hours after boarding the first flight).

Those wishing to use the train's services will get to the Slovak capital, Liptovsky Mikulas and Kosice with Kievsky railway station Moscow in about 42 hours.

Holidays in Slovakia

Those who decide to spend a vacation in Slovakia are advised to pay attention to Bratislava (famous for the castle, Bratislava Castle, SNP Bridge, St. Martin's Cathedral, St. Stephen's Capuchin Church), (those who want to get rid of arthritic psoriasis, acne, dermatitis and eczema through mud and mineral baths flock here, light and hydrotherapy, reflex and manual massage, electrotherapy, rehabilitation exercises), (the resort consists of 2 ski areas: the Nova Gola area is aimed at professionals, and Zagradishte is aimed at beginners; for snowboarders there is a Fu Arena snowboard park; Donovaly has 16 lifts , one of which, Telemix Nova Gola, has a 1300-meter cable car), (famous for the castle of 1069, the Executioner's House, the Church of St. Mary, the Chapel of St. Michael, the Town Hall; if you wish, you can stay at the Ostrov camping site, located on the shore of Lake Vah, and also come to Trencin for the Pohoda music festival that takes place annually here), waterfall Skok (his water flow, temperature +4-6˚C, falls from a 25-meter height; these scenic spots are suitable for hiking, especially those laid over the waterfall hiking trails with pointers).

Slovak beaches

  • beaches on the shores of the Zemplinska Sirava reservoir: the local 12-kilometer beach has bungalows, private villas, bars, boat rentals, tennis courts, mini golf courses. Those who wish can go fishing, because the reservoir is home to bream, eel, carp, pike perch, and pike.
  • beaches on the shores of the Senets Lakes: they are suitable for diving and fishing, and their equipment is represented by a water park, cottages, boarding houses, volleyball courts, and rental shops for sports equipment.

Souvenirs from Slovakia

Those leaving Slovakia should not return to their homeland without Figaro chocolate, painted gingerbread, Tatranka cookies, pumpkin butter, sheep’s cheese, plum brandy, boletus, Janosik’s hat, wickerwork, homespun rugs, and “volašek” (shepherd’s crook).

The content of the article

SLOVAKIA, The Slovak Republic is a state in Central Europe, formed on January 1, 1993 after the collapse of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (CSFR). From 1918 to 1992 inclusive – component Czechoslovakia; until 1918 – for almost nine centuries – part of Hungary. The country's area is 49,035 square meters. km, population – 5.34 million people (1995). It borders in the north with Poland, in the east with Ukraine, in the south with Hungary, and in the west with Austria and the Czech Republic. The capital is the city of Bratislava. see also CZECHOSLOVAKIA.


Since 1990, Slovakia, which was part of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic, began the transition from a centrally planned economic system to a market economy.

In 1990–1992, 9,500 small businesses, mostly retail and service industries, were sold at auction. By the beginning of 1993 there were approx. 16 thousand private enterprises, of which approximately 2 thousand were joint stock enterprises, and 800 were owned by foreign companies. The privatization of large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises in 1993 was carried out through the issuance and sale of vouchers.

In 1991, there was a slowdown in the rate of economic development of the Slovak economy as a result of a sharp decrease in foreign trade, the transition to market relations and the almost complete absence of the influx of foreign investment. In 1992, Slovakia's gross domestic product (GDP) decreased by 30%, and by 1993 the unemployment rate exceeded 10%. Both agriculture and industry suffered. Agriculture suffered significant losses due to high costs and decreased demand for food products associated with rising retail prices and declining household incomes, as well as the termination of government subsidies. In industry, the decline in output was especially large in the manufacturing industries.

A very serious problem for the Slovak economy was the conversion of the military industry. 35 engineering enterprises that were engaged in the production of military equipment for the Warsaw Pact countries found themselves in a difficult situation. Since 1993, after the collapse of the CSFR, Slovakia continued the process of economic reform, revising the reform scenario towards strengthening social support and government regulation.

In 1993, GDP amounted to 367.3 billion crowns, in 1994 – 385.0, in 1995 – 414.7 billion crowns. In terms of growth rates, the country was among the leaders in the transition economies of Central Europe, and in terms of the depth of economic reform, it came in fourth place after Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic, based on the sum of points scored in assessing the market measures taken. In 1996, the country achieved high GDP growth rates (6.9%), a further increase in production volumes in industry (2.5%), construction (3.7%), agriculture(2.3%). There was a decrease in inflation (to 5.9%), unemployment decreased slightly (to 12.6%). The share of the private sector in GDP creation has increased noticeably (76% versus 63% in 1995). The main source of economic growth was the increase in domestic consumption: while the share of exports in GDP decreased to 57.5%, the share of imports, on the contrary, increased to 68.1%.

Positive macroeconomic results, expressed in GDP growth for several years now, have not led to a noticeable increase in the living standards of the majority of the country's population.

Foreign trade and investment.

In 1989, 67% of Slovakia's exports went to the USSR and other Eastern European countries and 27% to the countries of the European Union and other Western European countries. In the same year, 50% of all imports came from Eastern Europe and 32% from Western Europe. By 1993, the picture had changed: 53% of Slovakia's exports went to Western Europe and 35% to Eastern Europe, while 46% of all imports came from Western Europe and 42% from Eastern Europe. The main items of Slovak export are semi-finished products for the manufacturing industry, machinery and chemical products. The main import items are cars and various types of fuel.

Foreign investment since 1990 has been less than might have been expected. By 1993 they reached only 234 million dollars. The main investors are Germany, Austria and the USA. Already in 1996, there was a noticeable deterioration in the situation in the financial and budgetary sphere and in the field of foreign trade. The state budget deficit of Slovakia increased to 4.4% of GDP (versus 1.6% in 1995). The volume of mutual non-payments in the economic sphere, which decreased in 1995 by 32% compared to the previous year, in 1996 increased by 16 billion crowns and reached 102 billion crowns.

If in 1995 the trade balance was reduced to a small positive balance (1.79 billion crowns), then in 1996, in conditions of predominant growth in imports, a huge trade deficit emerged on a national scale in the amount of 64.5 billion crowns. To limit the growth of the negative balance of trade and payments, the Slovak government introduced a 7% import surcharge in July 1997, covering more than 75% of all imported goods, and also took a number of other measures to reduce imports. In 1997, exports increased by 9.9%, and imports by only 4.5%.

In 1996, Slovakia's foreign debt increased from 5.8 to 7.8 billion dollars, and by the end of 1997 it amounted to about 10.27 billion dollars; its growth trend did not stop in 1999. At the same time, its main part was the debt of enterprises and commercial banks.

Monetary system.

The monetary unit is the freely convertible Slovak koruna. Inflation during this period ranged from 10 to 15% per year. By 1993, Slovakia's external debt amounted to $3.3 billion. In 1997, inflation in the country, despite a slowdown in imports and an increase in some regulated prices, amounted to only 6.5–6.7%, slightly exceeding the previous year's figure (5.8%). ).

In 1996, the country's foreign exchange reserves increased, but their growth was significantly lower than the growth of Slovakia's external debt, which increased by $2 billion and by the end of 1996 reached $7.2 billion (of which public debt was $1.7 billion .). At the same time, Slovakia in terms of external debt per capita ($1,360) differs markedly from other Central European countries (for the Czech Republic this figure is $2,300, for Hungary – $3,000).


The history of Slovakia is divided into four major periods: the period preceding the Hungarian conquest in the 10th century; era of Hungarian rule until 1918; the Czechoslovak period (1918–1992) and the period of the independent Slovak Republic (from January 1, 1993). The ancestors of modern Slovaks inhabited the southern slopes of the Carpathians from about the 5th century. In the 9th century The Great Moravian State was created, which included both the Slovaks and their neighbors, the Czechs. Apostles of the Slavs Cyril and Methodius in the 9th century. converted the Slovaks to Christianity. At the beginning of the 10th century. During the Hungarian invasion, the Great Moravian Empire was destroyed. Slovakia, having separated from the Czech and Moravian lands, came under the rule of the Hungarians.

Hungarian rule.

The country conquered by Hungary was populated mainly by peasants. Hungary behaved towards the Slovaks as if they were a defeated people. In the 13th century The territory of Slovakia was subjected to a devastating invasion by the Mongols who invaded Hungary. Later, with the advent of settlers (mainly from Germany), economic development Slovak lands. Cities grew, and a class of Slovak burghers emerged. In the 13th–14th centuries. ties between the Slovaks and Czechs were restored. The Hussite movement in the Czech Republic also affected Slovakia.

The result of the Turkish victory at Mohács in 1526 was the division of the Kingdom of Hungary into three regions: the central one under the rule of the Turks, Transylvania under the control of local princes, and the so-called. Royal Hungary under Habsburg rule; Slovakia was also included in the latter. Slovakia occupied a central position in the Kingdom of Hungary, and Bratislava was the capital of the Habsburgs until the final expulsion of the Turks and the liberation of all of Hungary at the end of the 17th century. Protestantism became widespread in the region, but under the Habsburgs the forces of the Catholic Counter-Reformation became more active.

The period of enlightened absolutism under Emperor Joseph II (reigned 1765–1790) was particularly important for the development of Slovakia. Although social reforms and religious tolerance had a beneficial effect on Slovakia, the introduction German language in Hungary caused outrage among the local population, which in turn affected the Slovaks. The growth of Hungarian national consciousness contributed to the Slovak national revival; a similar movement occurred among the Czechs. Slovak writers such as Jan Kollar and Josef Safarik played equally important roles in both the Czech and Slovak revivals. Both wrote in classical Czech language. Some writers began to use the Slovak dialect as a literary language. This was a reaction to the policy of Hungary, which in 1836 declared only Hungarian as the official language. In 1845, the Slovak writer and patriot Ludovit Štur began publishing the first periodical in the Slovak language, the Slovak People's Newspaper.

The patriotic upsurge and spread of revolutionary ideas in Hungary continued to have a stimulating effect on the Slovak patriotic movement. During the revolution of 1848, the “Demands of the Slovak People” program was developed - the first expression of the political demands of the Slovaks. The program called for the use of the Slovak language in schools, courts, local government, and for the election of the Slovak parliament on the basis of universal suffrage. This led to confrontation between the Slovaks and the Hungarians; some Slovak revolutionaries moved to Prague. The defeat of the Hungarian revolution and the victory of the Austrian reaction did not improve the situation of the Slovaks. In 1861, the “Memorandum of the Slovak People” was adopted, which contained a demand for local autonomy. The cultural and educational society "Matica Slovak" was founded.

The creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire (1867) increased the Slovaks' dependence on Budapest. The Hungarians, inspired by the idea of ​​unifying their part of the empire, pursued the policy of Magyarization with great zeal. “Matica Slovakskaya” and Slovak higher educational institutions were closed, the Slovak language was allowed only in primary schools. Political discrimination against Slovaks continued; Slovak deputies were extremely rarely elected to the Hungarian parliament. There were no mechanisms for the formation of the Slovak elite; The role of political leader was often assumed by the clergy. On the eve of the First World War, Slovak patriots worked closely with other peoples of the Austro-Hungarian Empire; It was at this time that the idea of ​​​​creating a Czechoslovak state began to take clear shape.

During the First World War, Czechs and Slovaks demanded a unified state. Slovak General Milan Stefanik, along with Czech leaders Tomas Masaryk and Eduard Benes, spent the war years in the West, seeking support from France and Great Britain. In Slovakia itself, priests Andrei Hlinka and Vavro Srobar called for the creation of a new country; Milan Goggia became the spokesman for Czechoslovak and Slovak interests in Vienna. As soon as the independence movement gained momentum within Slovakia and abroad, Slovaks in the United States took the initiative to sign an agreement with the Czechs, which contained plans for the creation of a Czechoslovak state. The Pittsburgh Declaration of May 30, 1918, signed in the presence of Masaryk, did not have the status of an official document; it stated that Slovakia should become an autonomous part of the new state with its own parliament, administration, judicial system, and the Slovak language was supposed to be used as the official language.

Education of Czechoslovakia.

On October 28, 1918, the Czech National Council proclaimed the independence of Czechoslovakia in Prague, and on October 30, the Slovak National Council in Turčanský Sveti Martin (modern Martin) announced the separation of Slovakia from Hungary and the creation of a Czechoslovak state (the so-called Martin Declaration). The joint state was recreated on the basis of the unification of two peoples after ten centuries of separation, but the question of a clear relationship between them remained open. In the constitutional debate, the centralist tendency won, receiving the support of the majority of Czechs. Czechoslovakia was proclaimed a single and indivisible republic. The idea of ​​a single nation using a common language found support both in Prague and among part of the Slovak population. And yet, the centralist nature of the new republic did not suit many citizens of Slovakia, primarily supporters of Hlinka’s People’s Party, as well as Josef Tiso, who demanded complete autonomy for this part of the country and received 32% of the Slovak votes in the elections of 1925. Some of the votes in Slovakia received also more moderate parties that opposed autonomy. Catholics played a leading role in the more extremist movements.

As a result, the Slovak question became the central problem of the new state, and antagonism and tension between Czechs and Slovaks often obscured genuine achievements in Slovak development. Some of its more moderate leaders held high positions in the Czechoslovak government.

In 1938, after the Munich Agreement, many Slovaks from among the extremist wing of the autonomists came out with demands for complete separation from the Czechoslovak state. As a result of this agreement, the line towards the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia prevailed; Hungary and Poland annexed parts of the territory of Slovakia. When Hitler captured Prague in March 1939, German and Slovak Nazis created a separate Slovak state. His government was a Nazi dictatorship led by President Tiso. Later, Slovak troops were sent to the Soviet-German front to demonstrate support for the German invasion of the USSR.

During the war years, some Slovak leaders (Stefan Osuski, Juraj Slavik, etc.) collaborated with the exile government of Czechoslovakia, headed by Benes; a group of Slovak communists, who did not have much influence in Slovakia, began active activities in Moscow. In December 1943, the Slovak National Council was created, which became the head of the underground resistance movement, in which communist and non-communist forces participated. The Council opposed the Tiso regime, recognized the need to restore Czechoslovakia on the basis of an equal partnership between Czechs and Slovaks, and began preparing an armed uprising. It began in August 1944 in the area of ​​​​Banska Bystrica under the leadership of communist partisans. Despite assistance provided by the Soviet advance from Poland, the Slovak partisans were routed by superior German forces.

At the end of the war, the Slovak National Council took control of all of Slovakia. Using the slogans of Slovak nationalism, the communists sought to retain power, but in the 1946 elections, non-communist parties received 63% of the seats in the council. Then the communists changed their tactics, relying not on persuasion, but on violence; Mass arrests began in the country. After the communists seized power in 1948, Slovakia for the first time received broad autonomy, which was later largely curtailed. The sovereignty of Slovakia became one of the main goals of the 1968 liberation movement in Czechoslovakia. Despite the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the armed forces of the Warsaw Pact countries in August 1968, a constitutional law was adopted on October 30, 1968, establishing in Czechoslovakia federal state. The new law, which came into force on January 1, 1969, granted broad powers to the Czech and Slovak regional administrations and established a bicameral national assembly, in one of the chambers of which Czechs and Slovaks had equal representation.

Demonstrations in November 1989 brought an end to communist rule. In the Czech Republic, the Civil Forum (CF) movement arose, and in Slovakia, the Public Against Violence (OPV). The country received a new name - the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic. In the 1990 elections, the OPN and the Christian Democratic Movement (CDM) gained greatest number votes.

On the way to independence.

At the end of 1990, the federal parliament granted Slovakia the right to manage its budget, without resolving the issue of guarantees of its sovereignty. In 1991, federal, Czech and Slovak government circles held a series of meetings at which issues of granting autonomy to Slovakia were considered, but no agreement was reached. The OPN movement split, in particular on the issue of separatism, and in the 1992 elections new organization Patriotic forces - the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (MZDS, founded in 1991) - received a majority of seats in the Slovak legislature. In June 1992, the leaders of the federal, Czech and Slovak governments agreed on the peaceful division of Czechoslovakia. On January 1, 1993, two independent states emerged: the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic.


After the establishment of Slovakia as a sovereign political entity, the development of its political system was characterized by processes of regrouping and polarization of forces. The initial period of the political history of the Slovak Republic is associated with the name of Prime Minister Vladimir Meciar. During his first term as Prime Minister (January 1993 - March 1994), Meciar advocated gradualism in privatization. In addition, holding the post of prime minister twice, as well as important economic positions in the government, Meciar had a great influence on foreign policy, which led to strained relations with Hungary. Josef Moravcsik, who had previously been Minister of Foreign Affairs in Meciar's government, made accusations against him and in early March 1994 Meciar did not receive support in the Slovak National Council when discussing the issue of a vote of confidence.

On 16 March, Moravcsik was elected head of a provisional coalition government, which included representatives of the following opposition parties: the Democratic Union (DU), the Democratic Left Party (PLD), the Christian Democratic Movement (CDM) and the National Democratic Party (NDP). However, the victory of Meciar's opponents turned out to be short-lived: the opposition did not have enough time to create a real alternative to Meciar. In September 1994, early parliamentary elections were planned.

The first national elections in Slovakia after its independence were held from September 30 to October 1, 1994. 18 parties and movements and 76% of all registered voters took part in them. The Movement for a Democratic Slovakia by V. Mečiar received a predominant number of votes. The “General Choice” bloc (PLD, Social Democratic Party of Slovakia, Green Party, Agrarian Movement) received 10.41% of the votes (18 mandates), Hungarian Coalition (Hungarian Christian Democratic Movement, Coexistence Movement and Hungarian Civic Party) – 10.18% (17 mandates), CDA – 10.08% (17 mandates), Democratic Union – 8.57% (15 mandates), Union of Workers of Slovakia – 7.34% (13 mandates), Slovak National Party – 5.4% (9 seats).

The DZDS originates from the Public Against Violence (OPV) movement, which arose after the Velvet Revolution. Mečiar was one of the founders of the OPN and served as Minister of the Interior in the Slovak government from January–June 1990. During the debate about the future of Czechoslovakia in March 1991, Mečiar suffered his first political defeat and was forced to resign as Prime Minister of Slovakia because he was accused of damaging Czech-Slovak relations with his position on full autonomy for Slovakia. Meciar left the ranks of the OPN and organized the DZDS.

Mečiar remained in power from 1994 to 1998. During this time, he became involved in a protracted struggle with President Michal Kovac, his former associate in creating the DZDS and rival in the presidential elections. On September 25–26, 1998, parliamentary elections were held in the country, in which 17 parties took part. Meciar was opposed in the struggle for power by the opposition - the Slovak Democratic Coalition (SDC), which united five parties, including Christian conservatives, the Green Party and Socialists; it was headed by Mikulas Dzurinda. KFOR received approx. 23% of the vote, and parties in opposition to Meciar won about two-thirds of the seats in the national assembly (93 out of 150).

In addition, the National Assembly was represented by the Civil Accord Party (CCP), led by Rudolf Schuster; the center-right Christian Democratic Party (CDP); the Party of Left Democrats (PLD), successor to the Communist Party of Slovakia led by Josef Migaš, which received 15% of the vote in the elections; the three-party Coalition of Hungarian Parties (CHP). Although the DZDS, led by Meciar, achieved the support of 27% of the votes, i.e. More than any other party, it has lost almost a quarter of its former electorate. The DZDS coalition partner, the Slovak Workers' Party (SWP), received only 1% of the votes, failing to cross the 5% threshold required for representation in parliament. The Slovak National Party (SNP), another member of the DZDS coalition, received 9% of the vote. Having received 57 seats in the national assembly (jointly with the SNP), Meciar was not re-elected as prime minister.

In the spring of 1999, the political crisis associated with the absence (since March 2, 1998) of the country's president was resolved in Slovakia: Michal Kovac, elected by the parliamentary majority in 1993, came into conflict with the country's Prime Minister V. Meciar, and left his post. Having been defeated in the parliamentary elections in September 1998, Mečiar announced his retirement from the political scene, but after the Slovak parliament adopted a decision in January 1999 to hold direct popular elections for the presidency, he announced his candidacy. Its support was the parliamentary opposition, mainly the DZDS, which received the largest number of votes (about 500 thousand out of 3 million voters). The opponent was the mayor of Kosice, 65-year-old Rudolf Schuster, former chairman of the Slovak parliament in Czechoslovakia, member of the central committee of the Communist Party of Slovakia. Shuster, the candidate of the government coalition, received 57% of the votes in the second round of elections (May 30, 1999), while Meciar received 32%. The presidential elections strengthened the position of the parliamentary majority, and also strengthened the country's pro-Western course in foreign policy: the desire to join NATO as quickly as possible was declared (in the spring-summer of 1999, the government supported NATO during the military operation against Yugoslavia, providing airfields and transport communications to Western countries and refusing to provide air corridors to Russian aircraft) and to the European Union (tightening the monetarist course and curtailing trade ties with Russia and neighboring countries).

The most popular souvenirs among tourists are ceramics, wooden figurines, toys and dishes, as well as ancient folk musical instruments of the Slovak people.

Among the Slovak souvenirs, there is a “chrpak”, a special wooden mug decorated with carvings and national ornaments, which was once used for the first sample of sheep’s milk. In the mountainous regions of the country, the most useful souvenir is the “valashka”, a kind of hatchet-staff that makes it easier to move along mountain paths. And the unique Slovak “fujara” (wind instrument) was even included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. A large selection of Slovak souvenirs is presented in the ULUV chain of stores located in the most important tourist cities of Slovakia.

Antique shops in Slovakia (Starozitnosti) will delight their customers with a large selection of beautiful furniture, antique jewelry, paintings and all sorts of interesting trinkets.

An excellent gift brought from Slovakia would be a bottle of delicious wine produced at a small winery, or local brandy from the brands Hradne Brandy, Old Herold Vinjak, Karpatske Brandy O.X. and etc.


The largest airport in Slovakia is located in Bratislava (Bratislava Milan Rastislav Stefanik Airport), from which there are regular flights to most European capitals (Paris, London, Rome, Copenhagen, Prague, Moscow, etc.), other major cities (Milan, Antalya, Barcelona, ​​Kurgada, etc.). There is one domestic flight Bratislava – Kosice costing 40–60 €.

The country is very well developed railway transport In addition to international trains, there are many high-speed trains running to neighboring countries (Austria, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic).

Bus transport is used, as a rule, for traveling short distances. The cost of 50 km of travel is approximately 1 €.

When traveling around Slovakia in your own vehicle, you must comply with pan-European rules traffic, including the speed limit (no more than 50 km/h in the city, 90 km/h outside populated areas and 130 km/h on highways), constant use of low beam at any time of the day and any weather. There are large fines for violating traffic rules in the country, for example, 1000 € for drunk driving.

City transport is represented by buses, trams and trolleybuses. Travel tickets can be purchased at bus stops (orange machines) and from drivers. The cost of the trip depends on the travel time (the schedule is published at the stops). There are taxis in every city in Slovakia; they are not expensive, but due to the short distances they are not popular among tourists.


Mobile communications in Slovakia are provided by 3 operators: T-Mobile, Orange, Telefonica O2. All mobile operators also offer the service of connecting to the Internet via a mobile phone or via a 3G modem (from 8 € per 1 MB of traffic). The cost of a 3G modem is about 50 €, and the modem is passwordless, i.e. it can be used to access the Internet from SIM cards of other operators. Free Wi-Fi is provided by most hotels, guest houses and hostels.

To make calls abroad, you can use a pay phone by purchasing a card at a newsstand or post office.


Due to the absence of religious, territorial and national conflicts, Slovakia is considered quiet and calm country, but always and everywhere you should observe basic precautions on the roads, in very crowded places and at night. In city transport, pickpocketing is rare, but possible. At ski resorts, you need to be careful about the safety of your sports equipment, especially expensive models.

There is a paid mountain rescue service in the mountains.

Upon request of the police, the foreigner must present an identification document and health insurance.

Business climate

According to World Bank research, registration of a foreign company in Slovakia consists of 8 procedures and lasts 18 days, which is much simpler and faster than in other EU countries.

Enterprises operating in Slovakia are required to pay net profit tax (19%), value added tax (20%), as well as taxes on income from dividends (15%), rent (25%), royalties (25%) .

Tourism is considered the most profitable area of ​​business in Slovakia.

Real estate

In Slovakia there are no restrictions for foreigners buying residential or commercial real estate, the purchase of which automatically acquires ownership of the land. Company registration is also not required when purchasing real estate by foreign investors.

The cost of real estate in the major cities of Slovakia and the High Tatras is comparable to the cost of real estate in the best Mediterranean resorts. The high cost is explained by the economic prospects, safety and environmental situation in the country. For 1 m2 in Bratislava today on average you will have to pay about 1700 €, in Kosice - 950 €, in Presov - 800 €, etc. The monthly rent of a one-room apartment in Bratislava will be from 350 to 500 €, in Kosice - from 300 to 450 €.

Property owners in Slovakia pay a property tax, the rate of which differs in different regions of the country, on average it is 0.2 € per 1 m2. When selling or renting out real estate, you must pay income tax (19%).

When planning a trip or excursion to national parks Slovakia, you should always think about places to stay overnight in advance, since the number of hotels and campsites here is very limited, and you should set up your own camping strictly prohibited.

At ski resorts, it is more profitable to use the lifts with special weekly ski-pass tickets (approximately 2 €).

It is usually more profitable to exchange currency in banks rather than in exchange offices.

You should not plan your trip to Slovakia in July-August, as at this time the resorts will be crowded with Slovaks themselves who have come on vacation from their cities, and problems with accommodation may arise. The optimal time of year for traveling around Slovakia (except for ski resorts) is considered to be the second half of spring, the beginning of summer and the beginning of autumn.

Visa information

Visiting Slovakia is possible with a Schengen visa. A visa is issued upon presentation of a number of documents: a passport valid for more than 3 months from the date of expiration of the visa, with two or more blank pages, a standard application form, 2 color photographs, a document confirming the applicant’s solvency (minimum 56 € per day), international insurance sample, etc.

A visa is issued within approximately 10 days upon payment of a consular fee of 35 €, within 3 days - 70 €. When submitting documents, the person receiving the visa must be present in person.

Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Moscow - st. Yu. Fuchika, 17/19, tel. 956-49-23.


Slovakia has overcome much of the difficult transition from a centrally planned economy to a modern market economy. The country's government made significant progress in macroeconomic stabilization and structural reforms in 2001. Privatization has largely been completed, the banking sector is almost entirely in foreign hands, and foreign investment is growing. The Slovak economy has exceeded expectations of the early 2000s, with the exception of a decline in exports. A rebound in domestic demand in 2002, thanks in part to rising incomes, offset slowing export growth, helping the economy move toward its strongest growth since 1998. Unemployment, which reached 19.8% at the end of 2001, fell significantly by 2003.

According to a study by the German Chamber of Commerce in March 2004, about half of German investors view Slovakia as the best place for investment.


The head of state in Slovakia is the president, elected by direct universal suffrage for a 5-year term. Most executive power is vested in the head of government, the prime minister, who is usually the leader of the party or coalition that wins the majority in parliamentary elections and is appointed by the president. The remainder of the cabinet is appointed by the president on the recommendation of the prime minister.

The highest legislative body of Slovakia is the 150-seat unicameral People's Rada of the Slovak Republic (Národná Rada Slovenskej Republiky). Delegates are elected for a 4-year term on the basis of proportional representation.

Parliament can dismiss the president if three-fifths of the total number of deputies votes for it. The president can dissolve parliament if he does not approve the government's policy statement three times within a month after the elections.

The highest judicial body is the Constitutional Court (Ústavný súd), which has jurisdiction over constitutional issues. The 13 members of this court are approved by the president from several candidates nominated by parliament.


The first settlements on the territory of modern Slovakia appeared already in the Paleolithic era. This very long era is characterized by alternating glaciations and interglacials. There are traces of various cultures: from Olduvai to Swider. A fragment of the skull of Homo erectus was found in Spišské Podhradie (this part was lost during the Second World War), then the earliest information is that of Heidelberg man. The oldest finds of skeletons are Neanderthals, and the most famous are from the Ganovce site.

The Mesolithic era is characterized by a noticeable retreat of the glacier, the border of which at that time ran along the north of the territory of modern Slovakia. People settled on sandy hills.

There is more information about the Neolithic, when agriculture arose. It is assumed that the people of the Linear Band Ware culture came to the territory of Slovakia around 5000 BC. Remains of settlements, burial grounds (for example, in Nitra and Šturovo), remains of ceramics, votive gifts or cult objects have been found, for example, female figurines (“Paleolithic Venus”) from Nitra Castle or Moravan nad Váhom. In that era, the culture of linear-band ceramics, the Zhelezovka culture, the Bukovogorsk culture was represented mainly on the territory of Slovakia, and the development of the Lengyel and Polgar cultures began.

The Chalcolithic era is characterized primarily by the beginning of the use of metals (copper and gold; the oldest copper objects found belong to the Neolithic), the division of society into layers (artisans, farmers, cattle breeders, traders) and the beginning of barter trade. Later, agriculture was improved by using animal power (farming tools appeared); The role of men in society has increased (patriarchy). In those days, first of all, the development of the Lengyel and Polgar cultures continued, and later the Baden culture appeared.

In the Bronze Age, characterized by the expansion of the use of bronze, many different archaeological cultures were represented on the territory of Slovakia (Unetice, Magyar, Otoman, single barrow cultures, single urn field cultures, including the Lusatian culture). Bronze sickles and remains of wooden buildings without the use of nails date back to this era.

The Iron Age and its technology came to Slovakia around 800 BC, probably from the Anatolia and/or Italy region. During the Hallstatt era in Slovakia, thanks to favorable climatic conditions, mining of iron, tin, gold and salt is developing. A potter's wheel appeared. Social differentiation continues. At that time, the Hallstatt (namely Kalenderberg) culture, Kushtanovic (Thracians) and Wekertzug (probably Scythians) cultures were represented on the territory of Slovakia; the Lusatian culture still existed in the north. Perhaps the Cimmerians also lived on the territory of Slovakia at that time.

In those days (about the 5th century BC), the Celts came to Slovakia, who can be considered the first known ethnic group on the territory of Slovakia. The Celts came to the Carpathian Basin from the territory of Germany, France and the Alps. Upon arrival, they subjugated the local population. By the end of the La Tène era, they built several fortifications - oppidums, for example, Bratislava. Most of them lived in small fortified structures made of wood and used iron locks. The Celts were skilled artisans - blacksmiths, potters, farmers and traders; they maintained close contacts with the Greek and Roman civilizations, which retained great influence on their culture. At the end of the 2nd century. BC. The Dacians, who lived on the territory of modern Romania, also came to Slovakia. During the time of the first Dacian king Burebista, the Dacians settled and actually annexed Dacia southern part Slovakia, from where they expelled part of the Celts. In 10 BC, however, the Romans defeated the Dacians and extended the borders of the Roman Empire into the Middle Danube. The Romans also founded several settlements in western Slovakia. The Dacian population disappeared from Slovakia around the 1st century. AD, it lingered longest in the east. The liquidation of most of the Celts was completed by the attack of the Germans from the north-west at the beginning of the 1st century. AD However, the Celts remained in the north of Slovakia even until the 2nd century. AD (cats). During the Great Migration in the 4th century, tribes of the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Lombards and Gepids passed through the territory of Slovakia.

In the 5th century the Slavs came here. In the 6th century, the territory fell under the rule of the Avar Khaganate, and in the 7th century the Samo Empire was formed here; a century later, the Nitra Principality arose here, which became part of Great Moravia in 833. In 906, Great Moravia was attacked by Hungarian tribes and Great Moravia gradually disintegrated. In 1018, the gradual annexation of Slovak lands to Hungary began. In 1029, the Principality of Nitra fell and by the end of the century the entire territory was annexed to Hungary.

In 1241, the territory of Slovakia was subjected to a Mongol-Tatar invasion. The Mongol-Tatar invasion weakened the power of the king in the territory of Slovakia and so the territory was ruled by oligarchs like Matus Csak. Only Charles Robert, who defeated the oligarchs in the Battle of Rozganovtsy, was able to strengthen the strong royal power. Charles Robert's son, Louis I the Great, did a lot to strengthen the country and during his reign, Hungary became a strong European power. During the time of Sigismund, Hungary again plunged into a series of battles with the Turks and Hussites. The region most affected by the Hussites was Slovakia, on whose territory in 1467, near Velki Kostolyany, Matthias Hunyadi eventually defeated the Hussite troops of the “brothers”. After the defeat from the Turks near Mohács in 1526 and the death of King Lajos II, most of the territory of Hungary, with the exception of western Hungary, Slovakia and Croatia, became part of the Ottoman Empire, and lands not subject to the Turks, including Slovakia, became part of the possessions of the Austrian Habsburgs.

After the defeat at Mohács in 1526, two kings were crowned on the Hungarian throne at once - the ally of the Turks, Janos Zapolyai, and the Austrian Ferdinand I of Habsburg. A war broke out between the two sides, which ended in peace in Orada in 1538. In 1536, Bratislava became the capital of Hungary, and the Archbishopric of Esztergom was moved to Trnava. At the same time, the Turks also captured southern Slovakia. The 17th century passed under the banner of the struggle of nobles from Slovakia with the Austrian emperor. In 1605, Istvan Bocskai captured almost all of Slovakia, and a truce was signed in 1606. In 1618, Bethlen captured eastern Slovakia, and in 1619, western Slovakia. In 1622, a truce was signed. In 1643-1645, battles took place on the territory of Slovakia between the Habsburg troops and the rebellious Ferenc I Rakoczi. In 1678-1687 Slovakia again became the scene of battles, this time with Imre Thököly, and in 1703-1711 the last uprising took place - Ferenc II Rakoczi.

In the 18th century, Slovakia, devastated by the centuries-long war between the nobles and the emperor, began to rebuild. The first manufactories appeared - in Shashtin and Golic, and mining began again. The reforms of Maria Theresa and her son Joseph II had a positive impact on the economy. At the same time, the Slovak revival began - in 1783, the first book written in Slovak by the priest Ignac Bajza appeared. In 1790 Bernolak compiled the first grammar of the Slovak language. The first awakeners (mainly Lutherans) adhered to the view that Czechs and Slovaks were one people. In 1847, Stuhr codified a version of the Slovak language close to the modern one, which was approved by both camps - both Catholics and Lutherans. During the Hungarian Revolution of 1848-49, the Slovak People's Council called on the Slovaks to take up arms against the Hungarians and support the Austrians. In 1867, the Austrian Empire was transformed into Austria-Hungary and the Slovak lands became part of the Hungarian Transleithania, as a result of which the pressure of the Hungarian authorities on the Slovaks increased. In 1875, the Slovak Matica was dissolved, and later other national organizations. In the 1890s, the concept of Czechoslovakism arose and the Slovaks began to receive help from the Czechs. In 1906, the first Slovak party arose - the moderate nationalist Hlinka Slovak People's Party. The emergence of Slovak organizations increased pressure from the Hungarians and prompted attempts at increased Hungarianization of the Slovaks, which continued until the collapse of Austria-Hungary in November 1918.

By the beginning of the First World War, Czech and Slovak politicians had developed a fairly clear concept of the future state of the Czechs and Slovaks. This idea was proposed to the Russian Tsar at the beginning of the war and he approved the creation of the Czechoslovak Legions. On the Czech side, the main representatives were Tomas Masaryk and Eduard Beneš, and on the Slovak side, Milan Stefanik. In 1915, Masaryk officially presented the plan for the creation of Czechoslovakia in Geneva. In October of the same year, emigrant organizations of Czechs and Slovaks in Cleveland signed a joint declaration. The final agreement was signed on May 31, 1918 in Pittsburgh. The first provisional government met in Paris. On October 28, 1918, independent Czechoslovakia was proclaimed. On October 30, 1918, the Slovak People's Council in Martin signed a declaration of entry into Czechoslovakia. On November 14, 1918, Tomas Masaryk became president of the Czechoslovakia.

The first Slovak government met in Skalice, then in Žilina. On February 4, 1919, Bratislava became the capital of Slovakia.

The entry of Slovakia into Czechoslovakia had a number of positive factors. Education in the Slovak language was introduced, in 1919 the Comenius University in Bratislava was created, in 1922 compulsory 8-year education, an 8-hour working day were introduced, Slovak political parties and cultural institutions like the Slovak Matica were allowed, in 1926 it was Slovak Radio was founded, citizens over 18 years of age were given the opportunity to vote, and so on. However, the entry also had a number of negative factors. Thus, many enterprises in Slovakia could not withstand competition with Czech enterprises and in Slovakia, especially in the east, unemployment increased, which caused mass emigration to the USA and Canada (104 thousand people emigrated before 1937), the promised autonomy was not granted, and the concept also caused rejection Czechoslovakism, which argued that Czechs and Slovaks are a single people, and their languages ​​are only dialects of the “Czechoslovak language”. This strengthened the position of nationalist parties, in particular Glinka’s People’s Party.

On September 28, 1938, the Munich Agreement of 1938 was signed in Munich; on October 6, 1938, Slovak politicians in Zilina proclaimed the autonomy of Slovakia within Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovakia government was forced to approve this and appointed Josef Tiso as prime minister of the autonomous government. On November 2, 1938, as a result of the Vienna Arbitration, Hungary and the Third Reich tore away its southern part from Slovakia. On March 13, 1939, Hitler, at a meeting with Tiso, invited him to proclaim the independence of Slovakia, otherwise Slovakia would be divided between Poland and Hungary. On March 14, 1939, the First Slovak Republic was proclaimed, and the next day German troops occupied the Czech Republic, Moravia and Czech Silesia.

The First Slovak Republic was a puppet state that was completely dependent on Germany. This fact caused discontent among the Slovaks; on the eastern front, many Slovak soldiers went over to the Soviet side. So on November 30, 1943, 2,000 soldiers crossed over to the Soviet side near Melitopol. As the Red Army approached Slovakia's borders in 1944, the Slovak National Uprising broke out and ended unsuccessfully. On September 21, 1944, the Red Army crossed the border of Slovakia at Medzilaborec. On January 19, 1945, Bratislava was liberated - the First Slovak Republic fell and Slovakia again became part of the Czechoslovakia.

The first elections took place in 1946. In Slovakia, the Democratic Party won them, with the Communist Party in second place. In February 1948, a political crisis erupted, democratic ministers resigned, and President Benes, under pressure from communist demonstrations, created a government dominated by communists. On May 9, 1948, a constitution was adopted and after the death of Benes, Klement Gottwald became president, under which Czechoslovakia became a socialist state.

On January 1, 1969, after the federalization law, Slovakia became a federal republic within Czechoslovakia, which was called the Slovak Socialist Republic.

In 1989, the communist regime fell (see Velvet Revolution), nevertheless, contradictions between the Czech Republic and Slovakia increased in the Czechoslovakia. In the summer of 1992, the leaders of the republics agreed to divide the country.


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