How to get to Supsekh beach. The village of Supsekh in the resort of Anapa. Interethnic and neighborhood relations

The beaches of Supsekha, or Su-Psekha, are a suburb of Anapa neighborhoods - it is difficult to call them not only equipped, but also accessible locations. In fact, these are three pieces of an edge of ultra-small width, separating the named microdistrict from Krutoyar to the west of Varvarovka and its “hotel” outskirts, Lesnaya Polyana. Mostly extreme “slopes” lead to the sea. Reviews positively describe only Bald Mountain and the “Paradise” automoto camping site. They try not to mention other locations because of their inconvenience.

Beaches on the map of Supsekh

Here is how the beaches are located on the map of the village:

Beach under Bald Mountain

A descent equipped with wooden steps and fences leads here, taking you down from a well-appointed resting place - the Swallow's Nest observation deck, where a fashionable hotel is being built, and artists and photographers “catch” amazing angles.

Pavel Smirnov © Yandex.Photos

This is the beginning, and the strip ends with the same equipped path, starting at the Supsekh cemetery. We are talking about a section of huge pebbles and cobblestones, equal to 1300 m, it is 1.5 m wide. The approach angle here is average.

From here there are passages to the landmark houses of Designer Street - they can be called an architectural experiment of the city. The Alexandria and Kraft hotels are visible nearby. The water is quite clear. For her sake it is worth climbing as many as 1000 steps from the “Nest”.

Under the relict pine park

Starting from the edge under the village churchyard, from where the shiny balls of the Soviet radar station and where it is better to leave the car, this “beach” continues the steep coastal foot of Bald Mountain, moving further to the south. It reaches the end of the park itself (then the coast disappears altogether).

Like the rest of Supsekh beaches, this one will become accessible only after a steep descent. It is better to produce it from the territory of the “Paradise” camping site “scattered” in different directions. The owners built a wooden staircase, barbecue area and changing rooms. The location is elongated. Just south of the campsite you will see a huge concrete cross. You can get here along Kavkazskaya Street (there is also a parallel road underneath it). © Yandex.Photos

Here the descent will be narrower - you will have to make friends with the “goat” path. There is a “bald” intermediate terrace. The most beautiful place on the coast is its upper “floor”. In addition to Pitsunda and Kokha pine (strangely enough, it should live only in the north), very fragrant juniper also grows here. Its smell will heal your nasopharynx quite well.

The length of the recreation is 3200 m. The peculiarity of the large pebble surface, decorated with slippery boulders, is the presence here and there of a shore at least 2 meters wide. The bottom drops sharply greater depth, as if continuing the cool thing. Photos of this Supsekha beach are verbose.

Under the observation deck of the Anapolis residential complex (Varvarovka)

This stretch of rocky coastline is often called by the name of the Varvarovka residential area. But this is wrong, since the natives of this village always choose the more convenient arm of the Varvarovskaya Gap.

But the Anapolis beach - "Resort Village", "starting" from the overview - is located only 300 m from the mouth of Shingari and is less visible in the photo impressive sight. There is no infrastructure here, nor any garbage. In addition, the normal width of the small-pebble surface (finally, as much as 10 m!) and relatively clear water are pleasing. The length of the section is only 750 m, it ends at the mouth of the Shingar River - a parking lot at the elite Dolphin club. At this point, the desired Riviera turns into. But before that, you will also come across a campsite of the same name.

andrey-fotto © Yandex.Photos

What else is interesting about Anapolis? Firstly, there are two observation platforms, the highest is at an altitude of 131 m above sea level. A dirt turn leads to them from the highway, here it bears the name of Kalinin Street - the one right behind Lesnaya Polyanka, opposite the passage to the Kavkaz winery. Secondly, a view of the ultra-modern high-rise buildings of the same name residential complex. Thirdly, along the way you will come across a newly built golden-domed Orthodox cathedral. Fourthly, the entry into the sea is satisfactory (average inclination).

Therefore, you can frolic here too. In a broad sense, the area descends into the gap between two mountains, on the upper terraces of which rare species of birds nest. Many of them come down here, sitting on huge boulders. And under the water you can see a lot of all kinds of fish, which sometimes even photographs allow you to see.

Interested? You are already studying photos of the beaches of the village of Supsekh on our portal. It remains to wish you special care on the winding “arteries” leading to the water. It is better to explore the beaches of this village in the same order in which we presented them to you. So you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with people who are overlooked - Swallow's nest, radar spheres, the Worship Cross, “Paradise”, Pine Tree Park, “lookouts” beyond Lesnaya Polyana and the futuristic colossuses of the Anapolis residential complex. In conclusion, we offer a video about the beaches of Su-Psekha, enjoy watching!

The village of Supsekh is located just two kilometers from one of the most popular Russian resorts- the city of Anapa. Tourists have simply wonderful opinions about holidays in this place. Both beach lovers and beach lovers can have a pleasant time in the village of Supsekh. active rest.

A little history

Vacationers have good reviews about the village of Supsekh, primarily because it is located in an unusually picturesque place. The territory on which this is located today is to be settled locality, began in the Stone Age. Later, in ancient times, a large settlement was founded here, which subsequently existed for more than 700 years. It was inhabited mainly by Greeks, who were engaged in growing and selling wheat.

In the Middle Ages, this territory was inhabited by the Circassians. In the vicinity of the village of Supsekh, Russian archaeologists discovered burials of the 11th-12th centuries that were characteristic of this people. In 1479, the Black Sea coast was conquered by the Ottoman Turks. Supsekh, like many other settlements in the Caucasus, became part of Russia only in 1829, after the signing of the Treaty of Adrianople.

The village today

The modern history of this ancient village began in late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. During this period, the territory of the Black Sea coast was actively populated by immigrants from Russia, Asian and Mediterranean countries. Today, the village is home to more than 11 thousand people of various nationalities. Hundreds of tourists annually choose Supsekh for their holidays. Reviews available on the Internet speak more than eloquently about the attractiveness of this place for a summer vacation. Many vacationers consider this resort one of the best in the world.


The village is located at the very top. It has earned rave reviews from tourists, among other things, because its territory offers truly magnificent views of the sea and surrounding forests. Actually, the name of the village itself consists of two parts. “Su” in Turkish means “water”, “pse” also means “water”, but in Adyghe. The name of the village was not accidental. The fact is that in its vicinity it simply hits great amount springs

The lack of convenient access to the sea is what distinguishes the village of Supsekh. Photos and reviews about this place are presented in this article. Fans of outdoor activities have especially good opinions about this place. They claim that Supsekh is simply ideal for hang gliding. This village also has its own attractions - the spring of St. Barbarians with healing water and Supsekh is surrounded on all sides by vineyards and picturesque mountains.

Reviews of accommodation

The opportunity to rent a very inexpensive room in a mini-hotel is also what I got for nice village Supsekh reviews from vacationers. Many tourists come here only because it is easy to find a room here for only 350-500 rubles per day, even at the height of the season. Of course, there are also quite expensive and comfortable hotels in this village. In such hotels you can rent a room for 1000-4000 rubles. per day.

Reviews from vacationers about the Alexandria Hotel

This hotel is especially popular among tourists vacationing in Supsekh. There are 12 rooms of different price categories for guests here. If desired, you can rent a room for allergy sufferers or non-smokers. The guest house "Alexandria" (Supsekh), which has excellent reviews from vacationers, offers its guests special soundproofed rooms. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning. Food at this hotel is delivered directly to your rooms. Tourists also have a good opinion about it because cleaning is carried out regularly, so all the rooms are very cozy and clean.

The Alexandria Hotel has earned good reviews from vacationers, including for its very pleasant service. The hotel staff treats guests politely and attentively. Towels in the rooms are changed every day. The hotel has free parking. There are also special places for washing and ironing clothes. Vacationers also have a good opinion about the cuisine in this hotel.

The Alexandria Hotel (Supsekh) has excellent reviews, including because here you can swim in the pool or sunbathe on the equipped terrace. In addition, it offers its visitors another very original entertainment. The unique feature of this establishment is the presence of a large dome on the roof with a telescope installed in it. So vacationers have the opportunity to admire the lunar seas or the Martian polar caps late in the evening.

Many guests highly praise this hotel for the natural decoration of the premises. The walls in the rooms and corridors of the hotel are plastered, and the windows and doors here are not plastic, but wooden. The rooms are decorated in guest house“Alexandria” is very beautiful - in the folk French Provence style. Among other things, for the convenience of guests, the hotel building has a special smoking room.

In general, by renting a room in this hotel, you can make your stay in Supsekh as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Reviews from vacationers about this hotel definitely do not allow us to doubt its comfort. Among the disadvantages of staying at the Alexandria Hotel, vacationers note only too cold water in a swimming pool. In addition, guests sometimes have to adjust the telescope in the dome themselves. But still, most tourists consider the service in this hotel to be quite decent. Room prices in the Alexandria guest house start from 3,300 rubles per night.

Climate in Supsekh

Summer at this resort, like at any other Black Sea resort, is sunny, quite mild and very warm. It rains very rarely in Supsekh. In June it is 70 degrees above the horizon. The abundance of heat in these places is favorably combined with moderate humidity. Winter in Suspeh is also not too cold, and in autumn the air temperature is usually higher than in spring. The first nor'easters, carrying cold air masses, begin to blow only in early November. Reviews from vacationers indicate that swimming season in this area it opens in late spring and ends in late October. average temperature The air temperature in the village of Supsekh in winter is at -13 degrees, in summer - about +23. In the warm season it rains mainly only at night.

The village of Supeseh: reviews of beach holidays

As already mentioned, there is no access to the sea from this village. However, according to many tourists, the whole family can have a pleasant time here. The resort is also good for a beach holiday. After all, Anapa from Supsekh is only two kilometers away. At the same time, minibuses run regularly along the nearby highway. You can get to the sea from the village, which by now has become practically one of the sleeping areas, in literally 15 minutes. Some vacationers advise beginners to also go swimming and sunbathing not in Anapa, but on the quiet beaches of the nearby Utrishsky reserve. Sea and air in this most beautiful place just crystal clear. The relict forests and thickets of juniper, the smell of which destroys almost any microbes and bacteria, also make Utrish very pleasant to visit.

There is one beach in Supsekh itself. However, it does not attract too many vacationers. The fact is that the beach (Supsekh), the reviews of which are not very good, is located under a cliff. And you need to go down to it along a very long metal staircase (a total of about 800 steps). Besides coastline There is absolutely no equipment here. The length of the beach of the village is not very long; along the outer edge it is littered with boulders. However, this place is quite flat and, according to vacationers, the entrance to the sea here is quite convenient.

Is it worth going on an active holiday to Supsekh: reviews from tourists

As already mentioned, hang gliders have a particularly good opinion about this resort. There is a sports club in the village, founded by Anapa resident B. Yamushev. Unfortunately, the fate of this man turned out to be quite tragic. During one of the flights he had a heart attack. In memory of him, his friends and colleagues erected a large one to which people constantly come to lay flowers. Many tourists advise beginners, among other things, to go horseback riding in Supsekh. The surroundings of this village are truly unusually picturesque. And a horseback ride along them will certainly be remembered for many years.


In 2005, in the village of Supsekh, in memory of the Kuban people who died in and during the Second World War, a huge monument was erected - the Poklonny Cross. Its total height is more than 18 meters. Another attraction, because of which the village of Supsekh received good reviews from vacationers, is the healing spring of St. Barbara. To get water from this source, many tourists come to the village even from Anapa. Vacationers in Supsekh itself almost always have it. It is believed that this water strengthens the body very well and also cures many diseases. Many guests of Supsekh consider the resort’s most impressive hill, Bald Mountain, to be noteworthy. Many tourists climb it on foot specifically to look at the huge spherical radars and admire the local picturesque landscapes.

Andreevskoe Gorge

Available in the resort town of Supsekh (Anapa), which has excellent reviews, and another natural attraction. Near this village there is an interesting, also historically, St. Andrew’s Gorge. There are many crystal clear springs in this area. In ancient times, a ceramic water supply was laid from the deepest source of the gorge to greek city Gorgippia. The latter under Mithridates Eupator in the Bosporan kingdom was considered one of the most important settlements. At the end of the 19th century, a water pipeline was laid from the same silver spring of the Andreevsky Gorge as in ancient times to Anapa.


At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the lands of the village of Supsekh ( Krasnodar region), reviews of which are excellent from holidaymakers today, belonged to E. A. Prokopovich. It was this landowner who was the first to plant a huge vineyard on the territory adjacent to the village. Later, different varieties of this crop were grown in the village of Supsekh. However, Riesling has always been considered the best. Wine made from the berries of this variety was extremely popular, including in Europe. For example, it was delivered to the court of the English kings daily.

One even very much connected the village with this wine. interesting story. IN Soviet times first secretary of the regional committee Krasnodar region At a reception with the Queen of Great Britain, they were treated to numbers and wine from the village of Supsekh. Being unaware that this wonderful drink was once produced on Kuban soil, the official got into trouble by asking where it was brought from. Returning home, the first secretary convened a meeting at which it was decided to revive the production of Riesling wine in the village of Supsekh. Which was soon accomplished. Today, unfortunately, most of the grape plantings in the area between Anapa and the village of Supsekh have been cut down. Those lands on which this traditional culture for the Caucasus once grew were given over for development.

Cottages in the village

As you can see, the village of Supsekh has really earned very good reviews from vacationers. Vacationers consider this settlement itself to be quite clean and also very hospitable. There are not many streets here. And it is simply impossible to get lost in the village. On the street Serebryannaya, named after the historical spring of St. Andrew's Gorge, and some others, cottages are currently being actively built. Plots sold at not too high a cost can be purchased by anyone.

Just two kilometers from Anapa is the unique village of Supsekh. It cannot be called a traditional resort due to the unusual location of the village. It is located at the very top of the mountain called Lysaya. It seems that the sea is rustling very close, but in fact, to get to it, you need to climb several hundred steps.

Getting to the village is easy. It is located on a busy highway called the “resort” road. If desired, you can walk to Anapa. The climate in the village is steppe, temperate continental. It's hot in summer, warm in winter and there's no snow. In mid-summer the water warms up to 25 0 C, and the swimming season lasts until the end of October.

There is no traditional equipped beach in Supsekha, so holidays here are chosen by fans of secluded relaxation, who can sacrifice comfort for the sake of beautiful nature and silence. The beaches of Anapa or Sukko are very close from the village; you can get there by car or minibus at any time.

Beach in Supsekh

Not so long ago it could be said about Supsekha that there was no beach holiday in the village, and tourists staying here were forced to travel to Anapa or Sukko every day. If we talk about Anapa, the sea in the city is very shallow and it is problematic for an adult to swim in it.

Now the situation with beach holidays in Supsekh has changed. In the “high” village they built a staircase leading to the sea. The beach is located under a cliff, and it will appeal to lovers of active recreation. You can walk to the sea along Vishnevaya and Designerskaya streets. A metal staircase of 800 steps leads down. You can rest along the way. The stairs are equipped observation decks, where you can sit and admire the seascape. Locals with the advent of the descent to the sea, they began to actively advertise beach holiday in the village, claiming that Alla Pugacheva herself purchased a dacha in Supsekha and the stairs to the sea were built on her initiative.

By the way, if you look at the staircase from above, its silhouette will resemble a smaller copy of the great Chinese wall. Having gone down, tourists will be rewarded with the most clear sea in the Anapa region. Already from the mountain, the color of the water amazes the imagination - a transparent blue sea with an emerald tint.

There is no infrastructure on the beach. To get to the store, you have to climb the stairs and then go down again, so you need to take everything you need with you right away. You can’t always meet vacationers on the beach; the shore here is always free. The coast is covered with pebbles and stones, and there are also stones in the water, so swimming and walking along the shore will be problematic without special shoes.

The village's beach attracts not only sunbathers. Divers and snorkelers often come here. The water on the coast is very clear and allows for spearfishing or photography.

Where to sunbathe in Supsekh

Access to the sea in the village is difficult, with a child or an elderly person it is difficult to overcome high stairs impossible, so tourists staying in Supsekh go to the nearest beaches. Anapa is only 2 km from the village. This distance is easy to cover even on foot, and by minibus the journey takes only 15 minutes. Anapa is known to everyone as a children's resort. The beaches in the city are sandy and the sea is very shallow.

Many people prefer to go swimming and sunbathing on the beaches of the Utrish reserve. Compared to Anapa, it is much quieter and calmer here, but the infrastructure is less developed. The beaches in Utrish are clean, and the healing aromas of juniper are in the air.


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When we told our friends that we were going on vacation to Supsekh, they did not immediately understand us. They said there was nothing to do there, there was no beach there. And we liked it. The beach, of course controversial issue. It seems to be there, but not everyone dares to get to it. The village is located on a mountain, the sea is below, you can go down a single staircase of 850 steps (the locals told me different numbers, it seems no one was able to count). They are found by brave souls who dare to go straight down the slope. Such attempts end sadly; at best, you have to sit on the slope waiting for rescuers. We ventured down the stairs to the beach. At first it seems that there is nothing complicated, the stairs are quite comfortable, the steps have a good slope, it’s easy to walk, but the concrete steps are quickly replaced by metal ones. And if you look down, there will be a 100-meter cliff under your feet. Those who are afraid of heights have nothing to do here. You start clinging to the railing, but it’s just a metal pipe. Along the way there are observation platforms with benches. Theoretically, you can sit on them and relax, but in practice, the floor there is all rusty and it’s scary to enter the platforms. As a result, we went down for more than half an hour. But what we saw was worth all the torment. The beach is deserted, the water is clear, azure in color, the sea is warm, the beach is clean. Some advantages. I don't want to leave the beach. We spent the whole day on the beach. Children chased fish in shallow water. Climbing stairs is easier in the sense that you no longer look down and don’t notice the height, but physically going up is very difficult, especially after relaxing in the sun. It is important to take enough water with you. As a result, if we walked down for a little over half an hour, then it took us an hour and a half to get up (feel the difference)))

We were going to the sea and stopped in Supsekh. The village is wonderful, we were very lucky with housing, but local beach we didn't dare to go. The stairs seem insurmountable, and I'm also afraid of heights. Therefore, we went by car to Anapa. Everyone knows about Anapa: the sea is shallow, there is sand on the beach, there are a lot of people and it’s noisy.

The village of Supsekh in the resort of Anapa

You are a resident of a metropolis, but you selflessly love nature, especially the sea, and you are also keen on gliding or hang gliding, and during your vacation you are annoyed by the noise, din and wild chatter... In this case, for relaxation you best place You won’t find anything like Supsekh near Anapa!

They write the name of the village differently - some are Supsekh, and others are Su-Psekh, it is important to understand the essence. Both the word SU and the word PSEKH mean the same thing - WATER - a place where there is a lot of water. This is translated from Adyghe - the people who founded the village. By the way, it is not located in a “dense forest” at all, but only two kilometers from the famous All-Russian health resort for family and children's recreation and treatment. Almost nearby are Sukko and Utrish - a nature reserve with its relict forests and, in particular, juniper forests, which with their breath can destroy all viruses and microbes that have settled in your body and, according to experts, cure you of asthma, diseases of the bronchi and lungs. And from here it’s just a stone’s throw from the famous Russian Black Sea coast dolphinarium with theater open air where is everyone holiday season sea ​​animals give fantastic performances and willingly pose with the audience for a television camera or photo camera.

With its neat and clean streets with orchards and front gardens, the village is located on Mount Shiroka - at the very beginning of the Great Caucasus Mountains. By the way, it’s quite possible to reach it on foot from Anapa, on the way stopping at the resort’s largest shopping and entertainment complex “Red Square”, of which there are only a few analogues in the region and in which there are eight dozen shops alone, plus a cafe, a restaurant, six cinema halls , children's hall slot machines and other miracles.

The village has only a little over seven thousand inhabitants. But very hospitable and attentive to their guests. And here you can rent an entire house or cottage. You can get to the city in a matter of minutes Shuttle Buses, minibuses, taxis, where you will have either pebble or sandy beaches, entry to which is completely free, and they do not charge any money for it.

From the steep bank a stunningly beautiful view of the sea opens up. It is vast, boundless and irresistibly alluring. True, not everyone can access it. It is necessary to overcome almost eight hundred steps from the top to the foot of the cliff. It's easy to go down, but to go up! Only a well-seasoned person can do this. But what an extreme experience and what a pleasure it is to plunge headlong into the foamy sea waves!

It’s quite appropriate to talk about gliding and hang gliding here. The founder of these breathtaking sports is Anapa resident Boris Yamushev. It was he who organized a specialized sports club. Unfortunately, his fate was tragic - during his next flight, his heart stopped right in the air. Many people took his death to heart. In memory of him they erected a monument - a large marble slab. Athletes and ordinary citizens come to her and lay flowers.

Among the attractions of Supsekh is the highest in the entire Kuban and the majestic Worship Cross. It rises more than eighteen meters into the sky. And in high season there are always people around it. The Worship Cross was installed in 2005 - in memory of heroic defenders Fatherland during the Great Patriotic War. Another attraction of the village is the source of St. Barbara. People even come specifically for water, but vacationers always have it. They say it cures many ailments.

Bald Mountain, the highest hill of the resort, is also notable in the surrounding area. Many people also go there on foot to look at the huge balls - radars. To admire the vast expanses of the never-freezing sea.

Move to the sea in Supsekh

And at the end of the story about Supsekha - practical advice. This is a rapidly developing village. Land and real estate are cheaper here than in the city and other municipalities. Immigrants from Kazakhstan and other former Asian republics of the Union arrived here for permanent residence. We have settled down and are very happy with our current fate. So if you have a desire to move to the sea and you have the financial means to do so, welcome to Supsekh - a truly heavenly place under the sun, which shines in the blue sky all two hundred and eighty days a year and where grape plantations bear fruit abundantly!

Location on the map

No, it was cool there, but driving there for 5 hours, walking along a stream for a couple of hours and driving back again 5 hours is such an idea.

But we are talking about Supsekh (or rather Su-Psekh), its stairs and the generally unreal views that open from these cliffs near Anapa.

For personal archive - we went there on May 2, so far everything normal people rested from alcohol and barbecue intoxication.

As always, we overslept and instead of 6 a.m. we left at seven.

This is fine.

How to get to Supsekh

From Novorossiysk it takes about an hour to travel to the village of Su-Psekh. Just 54 kilometers or something like that. The road is excellent, it’s difficult to miss. First to Raevskaya, then to Anapa, closer to Anapa it is difficult to miss the sign to Su-Psekh.

These are the signs at the exit from Novorossiysk.

By the way, if you go not in May, but in early June, then this road will be full of local cherries, which are much tastier and cheaper than in the markets or on the same road you just drove along. Keep in mind.

If you are coming from Novorossiysk, you need to turn to Gaikodzor and take the main road there almost all the time. Don't turn onto Varvarovka.

From Anapa you just drive along the Supsekhskoe highway.

Now the important thing.

If you were looking on the Internet for how to get to that very staircase in Supsekha, most likely you and I read the same articles in Google or Yandex results.

And many of them lie.

And we are not on time.

In short, many people write that it is impossible to drive up to the stairs itself by car. Can. And it is necessary, because from Sovetskaya to the cliffs themselves there is nothing interesting except private houses, a dusty road and some yellow flowers in the field.

You may be advised to leave the car before the primer on Gagarin. Don't do that.

Drive a little further (or vice versa - do not reach a couple of streets if from Anapa) and turn towards the sea along Tereshkova Street. Along it you can use alleys to get to a large platform, from where the stairs are 50-100 meters away.

We obeyed and stomped on foot.

From Supsekh along the entire cliff to the Anapa embankment (in my opinion) you can walk. When it’s sunny, the view is simply gorgeous - blue, blue sea, sheer cliffs, blue sandbank. Sometimes paragliders begin their flights from these cliffs.

If you go from the stairs towards Utrish, there will be a monument to the first paraglider.

And the second staircase.

It is smaller (only 400 steps), but overall it is exactly the same.

But we went to the right to the main one - the one that makes people sweat, and especially well-fed tourists sigh “oh, when will it end”, “ugh... how long can it take” and “Lida, damn, why the hell are we here?” stuck."

The stairs themselves are not too steep.

It’s convenient to go down, especially since there are handrails and platforms where you can relax or take a selfie.

A good photographer will definitely be able to arrange some kind of airy, soaring photoset here.

The last flight is the steepest - it looks like a ship's ladder. But it’s okay to walk if you watch your step.

Watch your step when stomping up the stairs at Supsekha!

Supsekh village beach

He's gone.

If you compare, it is similar to the accumulation of stones under the sorcerer mountain on Myskhako near Novorossiysk. It's just a very narrow strip of sushi. Rocky, with fairly large cobblestones. It is unlikely that you will be able to lie down on a towel here. Need a lounger or chair.

The entrance to the water is bad.

Very much so.

It’s very shallow, so you can’t dive or swim right away - you have to walk 15-20 meters. All this time you will have to carefully choose where to place your foot - there are a lot of stones and sharp rock breaks. I would not advise anyone to come here with children. Moreover, there is Dzhemete nearby or a little further.

The beach on Supsekha is wild, so there is no infrastructure there - no toilets, changing rooms or showers. There is a lot of algae in the water, so swimming is not very pleasant.

We took a dip, dried off and stomped back.

Climbing stairs is fine. Finish it in 15-20 minutes.

Those who don't walk much can relax on benches - they have been prudently installed here in abundance.

In total, the climb takes 786 steps. But Google maps says that there are 782 of them. We don’t know, we got lost after 512. Count it - then tell us in the comments how many there actually are :)

Is it worth going to see the stairs in Supsekha - definitely yes. A very cool attraction of Anapa. One of the best, perhaps. Is it possible to relax there? It’s unlikely; you don’t really go shopping or lie there. Moreover, the stones become hot in the heat - even walking will be difficult.

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