Yacht tours in Croatia. Yachting in Croatia, useful information about holidays on a yacht. What is included in the cost of a yacht expedition

On board
In the sea

Marinas in Croatia

Any trip on a yacht begins from the marina - a yacht complex in which the offices of charter companies are based, there are stations for charging the vessel with electricity and water, amenities such as multi-stall showers and toilets, Internet and telephone, restaurants and shops, car parking. The word “marina” (as well as the name Marina, common in Russia) comes from the Latin marīnus - “sea”, although now it is rather a piece of civilization, giving yachtsmen the opportunity to start or continue their journey across the sea.

The marina comes to life in the morning and evening: in the first half of the day, most of the yachts weigh anchor, and in the late afternoon new ships take their places. A special rush occurs on Saturdays - it is on this day that weekly charters usually end, the integrity of the vessel is checked, and final payment occurs. Then all the yachts are removed en masse and new “owners” occupy them. And the day before the yacht is delivered, industrial divers inspect it, examining the hull underwater.

The heart of the marina is the reception, where you can order a transfer, get wi-fi, buy broken parts (yes, these expensive toys also break) or go ashore, unable to withstand seasickness, and organize your own evacuation.

There are ATMs in Croatian marinas, plus you can always exchange dollars or euros for local kunas (it’s more profitable to change euros, keep in mind). Of course, not all marinas have all the amenities described - on small islands there is often no reception or shower, or shops and restaurants.

Electric charging stations are almost always available. They are much more environmentally friendly than car ones - the yacht simply plugs into an outlet like a commonplace mobile phone. By the way, only in parking lots you can fully charge your gadgets; in the marina there are 220 volts, and in the open sea - only 12.

You can eat in large marinas without any problems - many restaurants serve dishes of Croatian, Italian and conventionally international cuisine. Fresh fish and seafood are very good - they go into soups, salads, and hot dishes. Croatians, heirs of Venetian cuisine, quite easily add shrimp and octopus to pizza, pasta, lasagne and risotto.

The theme of shower and toilet is organized quite civilly. They are usually located in the same building (of course, there is a men's and women's section), the toilets are cleaned regularly, and there is paper, paper towels, and hand soap. The shower is a series of locked cubicles, naturally with hot water, and a changing room. There are queues, but yachtsmen are fast people, so they quickly clear up.

On the yachts themselves there is always a toilet (toilets), and on those that are more modern, there is also a shower. But the marina is still much nicer - there is more space, the water is unlimited and (most importantly!) it doesn’t pump.

The yachts in the marina are very close to each other, so that you can easily move from one vessel to another. That's why neighbors are an important part of your evening. Dinner and the constant evening libations take place on the deck (and not at all in the wardroom), so you will be able to hear everyone, and they will look at you askance if you make too much noise.

Rules of conduct on board the yacht

The most important thing on board is a good supply of rum, cola and lime. Although this is a joke, in hot and windy weather (there is always wind at sea) this mix goes much better than beer, wine and other cocktails. It’s better to buy rum in duty-free, make your own ice in the freezer in the yacht’s kitchen, and the rest of the ingredients can be easily sold in stores.

Rule of good manners: the yacht must have its own shoes, in which you cannot walk “on the street”. Firstly, this allows you to keep the yacht clean (all sailors run around the benches and on the roof in shoes), and secondly, yacht shoes must have a special, non-slip sole, which will simply wear off on the asphalt. It's also important that your yachting shoes breathe (being in the sun all day is no joke) and dry quickly.

The boss on the yacht is the captain; it is he who gives orders and delegates authority. Despite the fact that he is usually the most experienced on the team, he is constantly chained to the helm. The senior sailor is the captain’s hands; he is the one who solves the operational tasks of controlling the ship (unfurl the sail with other sailors, pull in, release, etc.). It's amazing that any crew member (if desired, of course) is important and useful. At the moments of mooring and casting off, sailors hang out or remove fenders, pull up or push away other yachts (this is done in order not to damage their own and other people’s yachts), and work with moorings.

In the event of a strong list, the yacht must be heeled to reverse side. In this case, all available sailors run to the appropriate side and hang out as far as possible. In the case of a regatta, this happens quite often, so by the end of the transition, the sailors may well feel fatigue in their muscles.

In addition to work (if we are talking about a team of like-minded people, and not about oil magnates with a hired crew), there is also recreation on the yacht - swimming in the open sea (in the Adriatic this is a special pleasure), for extreme sports - swimming with a rope and wakeboarding.

An expected, but no less unpleasant thing that can happen on board is seasickness. There are, of course, pills that slow down the reaction and generally have a bad effect on the body. Four reliable remedies are to drink less alcohol, be inside the boat less often, focus on the horizon rather than the details of the yacht, and give the body time to adapt. After 2-3 days after the start of the trip, he will get used to the constantly swinging environment, and you will begin to enjoy it to the fullest.

Russian yacht rally, participation in the regatta in Croatia

Participation in a regatta is not an ordinary type of yachting. This is not a “bikini, martini” vacation, but hard work, adrenaline, joy and disappointment from the results of your team.

Each day of the regatta there are one or two races along a pre-planned route. The route, of course, can change - as in kiting, a lot depends on the wind. Races are always sailed, i.e. The engine cannot be turned on (otherwise this means immediate disqualification and elimination from the race).

All yachts enter the starting area at the same time and wait for the signal to start the race. At this moment, you can still go by motor and even have time to admire the beauty of the Adriatic.

In the race itself, the yachts are often neck and neck. Speed ​​is affected both by the skill of the team and captain, and by simple luck (which is often also a consequence of skill). Usually all yachts sail under a mainsail and jib, but in light winds it is allowed to use a special 150-meter sail - a spinnaker.

The spinnaker, due to its large windage, gives the yacht speed. From an aesthetic point of view, it looks unforgettable - like a flotilla of Gray captains racing to Assol.

Every evening, the regatta organizers sum up the results of the races and reward the race leaders. The winner of the regatta is determined only on the last evening.

Yacht route around the islands of Croatia

The given route is a consequence of participation in the regatta. The finishing locations of the races were chosen based on their distance from each other, the size and amenities of the marinas (more than 20 regatta boats cannot always find a place to moor in a small marina), and the overall picturesqueness of the place.

For an independent trip, this route around the islands National Park Kornati is also quite suitable: marina Khramina on the island of Murter - island Žut - island Zhakan - island Zlarin - island Murter - marina Khramina on the island of Murter. The island of Murter is located near Zadar and is connected to the mainland by a bridge. Its marinas are large and equipped.

The situation is a little worse with island marinas - for example, on the island of Zhut there are only 2-3 restaurants, the piers are located far from each other and from the reception with a toilet.

You can walk around all the islands, and, most interestingly, climb to the top. The views of island Croatia are unforgettable, even in dull weather.

Evening mini-trekking is a popular activity; after a day's trek, it is especially pleasant to walk on a non-swaying surface.

The islands are sparsely populated (most are uninhabited), but the rocky soil is excellent for growing olives.

This is roughly what yachts look like when moored at night in a marina: nose-to-nose, like one large apartment building. By the way, before you move to someone else’s yacht, be sure to! you need to ask permission from its owners. Any other behavior will be perceived as extreme rudeness and ignorance.

Jacan Island is even smaller than Žut. It only has a restaurant, a store (which opens when yachts arrive at the marina) and an electrical charger. No water, no shower, Internet and toilet are available in the restaurant.

This “wildness” is fully compensated by excellent views. There are no olive trees growing on the island, but there are many flocks of sheep that roam on their own.

The island is small, you can get around it in just a couple of hours. By the way, romantic excursions to konoba (Croatian restaurant) Zakan are organized from the Khramin marina on Murter, so even if you are not into yachting, you can easily take boat trip and have dinner in this wonderful, uncrowded place.

Another marina is on the busy island of Zlarin. Here, again, there are no amenities as such, but there are many restaurants and hotels, several large villages. Judging by the number of people with suitcases and the arriving ferries, this place is popular for mattress holidays.

Zhlarin - large island and you can’t get around it in an hour. But it’s all the more pleasant to get out to one of the local peaks and look at local life and generally get a feel for island Croatia.

People are rarely seen in the evening, outside the embankment - local residents are already sitting at home, and the guests of the island are having dinner in konobahs overlooking the Adriatic.

The sunsets on the island are wonderful; some yachts return to the marina at dusk to see the blazing sky and sea from the water.

And at night (this is a property of any marina, not only in Zlarin) the marina generally takes on a fabulous look.

The island of Murter is already quite a civilization; you don’t need a yacht to get to the local marinas. Therefore, it also has full-fledged receptions, ATMs, and many shops and restaurants.

On the island you can go shopping, walk along the narrow stone streets, go up to the church on the top of the hill (they are found in almost every village).

If you're lucky, you can get to a local festival, in which local residents wear national costumes and go to dance in the main square.

The last night at the marina before the yacht is delivered is usually filled with household chores - getting ready, packing things, and superficial cleaning. The next morning, after handing over the yacht charter company, sea wolves again become land rats.

And, looking at the photos from your yacht trip in Croatia at home, you will probably want to return to these wonderful places with the emerald sea, picturesque nature and endless opportunities for yachting.

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The whole report about independent travel to Croatia

November 25, 2011 2:01 pm Dubrovnik, Krk, Split - Croatia September 2011

Oh, that Greek king Odysseus had no foolish lips, by no means... Having gorged himself to the point of hiccups (during the ten years of the siege of Troy!) of the vaunted Turkish “all-inclusive” with specific, but still animation, the hero of the Illiad paved the road to his native Greece through the Adriatic Sea , where he actually hung - and after all, he had a place... “The thousand two hundred islands are not figurines to show the sparrows,” I thought, washing down the spicy aroma of a rocky pine bay with dry Croatian Malvasia... and on the table is the same still life as the king of Ithaca had for several thousand years before the events described: white wine sparkles against the backdrop of lush, as if specially fattened, green hills; karst fissures of hard cheeses are softened by cascading waves of cured meats; bread, laid out without ceremony on the teak surface of the table, and the whole composition is completed by a wicker basket with fresh trophies - figs and grapes, obtained on this island located opposite... So Odysseus probably set foot on his land, climbed up the mountain over those stones, inhaled the smell of pine needles and rosemary, bent down from time to time to pick a wild grape or reached for fresh figs, lay down in the shade of a fig tree, quenched his thirst with that very Malvasia and fell asleep to the clatter-russling of the cicadas “well done, well done, well done” Of course well done, just like us who decided to go on a yacht from Dubrovnik to Shchebenik with a visit to the waterfalls.




If you don’t pull the show-offs, then renting a simple sailing yacht in Croatia in terms of six people is the same, if not cheaper, than renting an apartment with the only difference that in addition to a berth and amenities, you are also provided vehicle, which from the outside seems very, very fashionable... But only from the outside. Some five years ago, looking at people dining at cockpit tables somewhere in Cannes or Antibes, I never even thought about trying on such glamor. Glamor, yeah... now I know for sure that people dine at the tables of a yacht cockpit not because of financial excess, but because of its insufficiency. And then, in France, I was probably a little jealous of those yachtsmen and most likely wished to be in their place. Beware of your wishes - they come true! Would you like a Dolce Vita? Get - fry the cutlets in the hold with the hatches battened down during the transition. Otherwise, what will you eat after a beautiful mooring? The size of the restaurant bill last night directly indicated the supermarket for the next three days of the trip, and even teased “come on, come on, sama-sama-sama.” I give... myself... Who needs tea? Who wants cutlets? What? Should we throw everything to hell and run to re-hang the fenders, otherwise we'll scratch the side to hell? Well, this is me in a moment...

Croatia became the first independent sea voyage after learning yachting in Tenerife. The memory of Tenerife, or more precisely of the drill and the daily eight-hour ocean motion, made a face twist for three months after the end of the course. It was a lot of rocking, but the knowledge that the captain managed to impart into us then turned out to be surprisingly strong - who would have thought that we would be able to manually plot a route, maneuver in the thick twilight among a dozen islands and moor at night in an unknown marina the first time! Remove the sails! Bay - "o-ix-o" - hawse - starboard side is ready! Bay - "o-ix-o" - hawse - port side is ready! Fenders, a hook, a mooring for the cleat, and our “Nikita” gracefully enters the opening, barely visible to the eye, between two yachts.




The first toast to the young skipper is super! Well done! He still doesn’t really understand that he succeeded. The second toast is to the captain-teacher, he is now somewhere at the regatta, we wish him good luck. Ko-skipper, that is, I limit myself to a handshake and dry kisses on the cheek - well, as they say, who studied for whom... Then we drink without toasts.

Alcohol on a hike is not drunkenness, but a tribute to tradition and a disciplinary measure. The “Admiral's hour”, striking at twelve o'clock in the afternoon, could not be violated - you would anger the monkfish, and they are wow. Exceptions are children and pregnant women. “Admiral's Hour” also carries an element of education - no matter how bad you feel in the morning after an evening binge, you cannot even think about beer until twelve o’clock in the afternoon. Torment yourself with self-analysis and draw organizational conclusions.

The crew members, who are considered teetotalers on land, switch to the “mode” already on the second day - if there is no pitching and seasickness, then not drinking during the transition is a pure sin, and considering that a liter of wine in Croatia is one euro more expensive than a bottle of plain water, then... Executed on tenth, last day of transition poster gesture “I don’t drink anymore!” led to the fact that the “executor” became the only crew member capable of holding the steering wheel for four hours while the team snored in concert. But I would drink and go to the airport like a person, in a taxi. Sea devils are cunning and inventive in their revenge.

“Tutto vicino!!! Tutto vicino!!!”, i.e. very close, yells the Italian skipper, rolling his eyes and frantically waving his arms. Tutto Vicino is about fifteen meters from the starboard side of his yacht “Roma” and the same amount from the left side of the French catamaran “Esmeralda”. For reference, the length of our “Nikita” is thirteen and a half meters, but the Italian, judging by his gestures, is afraid that we were poorly attached to the pine tree, it didn’t matter if we threw a chain onto a stone ledge, and frankly speaking, we weren’t successful with the anchor, so what... He tends to suggest that in the event of a natural disaster, we can hook its side with ours. Late. A natural disaster has already occurred and its name is “Esmeralda”, from which we covered the ungrateful “Roma”. The fact is that while the Italians were splashing in the sunset rays that illuminated the uninhabited island, and we were suffering in the same rays, but only with mooring, the French finished water procedures and proceeded to barbecue accompanied by a hefty libation. In their latitudes, apparently, the “admiral’s hour” begins at sunset. The higher the degree, the stronger the fire, the louder the voices, the more active the movement. Will they set it on fire or not? The Roma skipper is the first to break down. Despite the pitch darkness, he gives up and moves twenty meters to the left. Out of harm's way. Our skipper, masking his anxiety with the words “there’s nothing to eat in the house, I’ll go night fishing,” sits down at the stern with a fishing rod at the ready. And on the “Esmeralda” they have already gone to pieces - when everything has been eaten and drunk, they somehow lift the anchor, start the engine and... miraculously, without catching anyone, they leave with a whoop in an unknown direction... The Italians are relieved to turn off the lights in the cockpit, and ours The skipper finally puts the bait on the hook and casts the line.



If it were not for the need to collect water and charge the battery, it is unlikely that we would have spent the night in equipped marinas. They would go on and on, stopping for sightseeing and replenishing provisions... Yes, the marina sometimes has hot water and the number of toilets is always more than one, it has shops, restaurants, laundries. In some you can find boutiques, spa salons, a golf course, and (attention!) swimming pools with sea water, but... what’s the point in a restaurant with, scary to say, an enoteca if you can’t go out on deck, scratch what’s itching without looking at your neighbors and through an instant to find yourself in clean, clear water? And then I woke up and fell into the sea! You get out, wrap yourself in a towel, and instead of “good morning” you are asked a direct question: “How many mussels will we take for lunch?”, and you answer so imposingly, so casually, “Yes, they’re already tired of them. The sausage is over..." Yes, best fish This is a sausage, and its closest habitat is, whatever one may say, Marina. Besides, we have a tight schedule and no matter how nice it is in a quiet bay or anchorage, we have to move forward. Swimming, breakfast, washing dishes and the captain, having deployed the pilot, commands “Take off your panties!”

Oddly enough, but the command “Take off your panties!” does not carry any erotic charge. Absolutely. But it helps the team withstand the bon ton. Here an observer stands on the shore, looks at the horizon and his eye catches a white yacht. The wind inflates her sails, she is all so thin, graceful, confident in herself, rushing, cutting the surface of the sea, and... panties and towels flutter on the sides in time with the sails. So that “Nikita” does not make the same impression, the captain stepped up the preparations with a team about underwear. Although, a rare sailboat will enter the marina “without panties,” and in the end we also relaxed and sent welcome signals to the city of Trogir once again with the help of swimsuits. The residents of Trogir, I think, are no strangers, but the owners of swimsuits and the person responsible for getting ready received a slight reprimand.

Yacht household items, as you might guess, are specific. In some places even very much. Well, take, for example, such a question as washing. It would seem something simpler, but it’s not. If you do laundry in the marina, that’s one thing, more on that later, but on board it’s a completely different matter. Firstly, you need to save water. Secondly, electricity. Therefore, we combine washing panties (T-shirts) with washing. That is, panties act as a sponge for the body. There is also a nuance with natural needs - everyone hears what you are currently performing, and at the end of the process you need to do a simple combination of maneuvers to pump waste products into a fictitious tank. Now about washing in the marina. There are laundries there, but they are used by those who have time. In the end, you can buy a basin to wash, but this is not methodical. Those who don’t have the time or desire to buy a basin wash it in sinks. But you can wash small things in the sink, but it was more difficult for us fairies in white trousers and white tunics. But that’s why we are fairies - we found a way out of the situation! And not with the help of a pumpkin and a magic wand, but with simple Russian ingenuity. We went in to wash (if there was hot water in the marina) right in what was available and turned on the shower. In other words, they washed it on themselves.

Cooking is a separate section of the navigation topic. There is a stove in the hold. It swings, maintaining a horizontal position. This allowed us not only to cook while moving, but also to regularly boil the kettle for tea or coffee. In general, yachts are rented with a full set of dishes and knives, right down to a coffee maker, so if we wanted, we could easily afford a blanc mange with jelly, but frankly, I don’t have the time or desire to tinker with ready-to-wear cooking under an inflated sail. Sweeping the deck turned out to be an extremely exciting experience. At least because it is one of the cures for sea motion. This is what ship work was invented for, and the size of a yacht deck is tiny - it’s a sin not to carry a mop.

The daily routine, depending on the place of overnight stay, begins either with swimming (wild bay) or with breakfast (overnight in the marina). Then again, depending on... bathing again, “taking off your panties” and weighing anchor, or division according to interests - some for sightseeing, some for swimming or exploring a new beach, some for getting some sleep, some for drinking coffee on shore, and so on. Gathering at the agreed time and ritual removal of panties. There were situations when culture was located in places inaccessible to yachts. Then they threw off the cute little pot-bellied ace and rode on it to the shore. They threw Tuzik on a leash or agreed with someone from the team that at the agreed time we would call or stand there this and there and that Schidt on the ice floe would desperately wave his arms.




The architecture of seaside and island towns is not even shy about Italianity. Why be shy when part of the islands belonged to Italy before World War II, and the rest, over the course of centuries of history, were one way or another part of the Apennine neighbor or had serious trade relations with it. Red tiled roofs, narrow cobbled streets running up and down; lancet, “Venetian” windows of ancient houses; Baroque curlicues and Florentine rosettes on the facades of cathedrals, squares with a “pencil” clock tower, squares like palazzos, and of course, laundry on lines - where would we be without it. Dubrovnik, Hvar, Korcula, Mljet, Trogir, Skradenj, Shchebenik, they are all similar to each other, like children of the same parents, and just as different from each other. Hvar and Dubrovnik are older. These are well-fed and self-confident boys, Korcula is a modest girl, timidly lowering her tender blue eyes, Shchebenik is a handsome and bully, his mother’s favorite, Skraden is a quiet one, Mlet is a greedy toddler.



And Skraden is truly quiet. At first glance, it is no longer remarkable except for the tourist boats going to the waterfalls of the Krka River. But if you enter it from the sea, then along the way you can see the high rocky banks of the Orinoco River. I'm not confusing anything. During the Soviet Union, films about good Indians and bad cowboys were shot here. It was here, where the river flows into the sea, that the handsome black-browed Gojko Mitich famously swept away fathoms in a wooden canoe, set snares for birds and hunted deer. The water near Skradnya is already river water - dark, “heavy” and smells of silt. The banks are lined with reeds, reeds and other marsh vegetation. Ducks quack, swans swim imposingly. We anchor, lower ourselves into the water and are surprised to discover that not only does it taste salty, but the lower layers are warmer than the upper ones! Let's dive to warm up! You can’t show this in a film; you have to feel it.




“Excuse me,” I select a forty-two-foot “Odyssey” under the English flag as a victim, “Are you the last one to refuel?”

- Do you think we’re waiting for the bus here?

We smile and settle down near the Odyssey. But not everyone is so cultured; some strive to look like a fool. Some “Galata” thinks that she doesn’t have time to spend an hour and a half and is trying to wedge herself into the queue. The impudent “Galata” is being put in its place by the whole world and by all available means: shouting, whistling, hands, towels, I blow, or rather make a not very decent sound, with a brass pipe. Of course, it has a special nautical name, like a watch - flask, a toilet - latrine, even an inflatable boat is affectionately called - tuzik, but in terms of the sounds I make, the best name for a musical instrument is pipe.

After ten days of the trip, we already imagine ourselves as experienced sea wolves. We are completely relaxed - we don’t put on life jackets, we walk along the deck, despite the inflated sails, without bending down... The latter cost the life of the famous Russian navigator Evgeniy Gvozdev - he received a blow to the head with a boom. For me, my imaginary experience almost cost me a phalanx of my left little finger. Thanks to the acrylic on my nails, I held the sheet taut for a minute, under which my finger got caught, while the captain “turned” the boat, loosening the tension of the sails. The same relaxation became the reason for the striptease that we, dressed in short dresses and tunics, showed to everyone gas station pushing the yacht away from the pier with your feet during side mooring. But if we had tied the fenders higher, as the captain said, then who would have appreciated our “mooring” pants?

Well, if I may say so, our regatta has come to an end. We rent out the yacht, load our things into the rented car and go to the airport, which is two hundred and forty kilometers away, twenty of which are in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. So, at least fifteen minutes, I was still in Bosnia and Herzegovina; it’s a pity I didn’t buy a magnet. When will such an opportunity arise again? But the next case, I hope will never happen again - having arrived at Dubrovnik airport at one in the morning, we found out that it opens at five in the morning. So from the snow-white yacht we went straight to the snow-white benches. Well, such an experience, not counting bronchitis, can be considered useful; in future we will be more prudent.

That's all for sure now. Goodbye toy towns, picturesque bays, uninhabited islands. Goodbye, not very smiling, but still nice Croatians, “praise” you for the lemonade, “prosciutto” and “mixed meat”. Thank you for the warning that there is a “storm” on the island of Vis and forgive me that in supermarkets we behaved like in Auchan - one person takes a place, five run around with baskets. Don't be discouraged Marina cold water, paid buoys and water taxis. We will come to you to play the harp next to the street musician; drink coffee on the steps of Diocletian's Palace under a cappello from under its domes; breathe in the salty pine air interspersed with lavender and rosemary; drink champagne with a cold oyster on the square in front of the port; look at the stone baptistery of the temple in Shchebenik and again sail between one thousand or so islands along the waves of the sea the color of old, well-worn turquoise. Dovidzhenya!

"Pearl of the Balkans"

“The Pearl of the Balkans” - Croatia and Montenegro is a gourmet European holiday destination. These countries are quiet, calm and homely, very rich in attractions. Here you can spend hours walking along the promenades of ancient towns, receiving an unimaginable positive charge for the future. The nature of these places will definitely amaze you with its riot of greenery, the turquoise of the sea, and its pristine ecological purity.

Rocky beaches, water clarity up to fifty meters deep, mild climate - all this will make your vacation unforgettable. A vacation in these countries will also delight you with the peace and sedateness inherent in Croats and Montenegrins.

Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with unique architecture (it is not for nothing that it is protected by UNESCO as a cultural monument of world significance), picturesque bays, rich Mediterranean vegetation and clear water warm sea. Long beaches, a wonderful climate and excellent hotels make a holiday here extremely pleasant.

Route- Bar - Dubrovnik - Korcula island - Ston island - Cavtat - Herceg Novi - Kotor - Perast - Gorgija island - Tivat (Porto Montenegro) - Budva - St. Nicholas island - Mamula island - Bar

Sights of Dubrovnik

The old town is the most beautiful and ancient part Dubrovnik. The center of the Old Town is the Stradun or Placa, a busy street that cuts the fortress into two unequal parts. Once upon a time there was a strait that separated island part cities from the mainland. The main square of Dubrovnik is the Lodge (Luza), on which rises the City Belfry - a tetrahedral clock tower. And nearby is the graceful Small Fountain of Onofrio della Cava. The city is surrounded by fortress walls built in the 11th-15th centuries. Their length is 1940 meters and their height is 25 meters. On the land side the walls are double. The thickness of each wall is 4-6 meters, and on the sea side it is 1.5-3 meters.

From the Minceta tower, which rises above the fortress, one can see beautiful view to the city.

Lovjenac Fortress is a famous free-standing fortress built on a 37-meter-high cliff.

The Franciscan monastery was built in the 13th century, but then at the beginning of the 14th century, due to possible military danger, it was moved under the protection of the fortress wall. The monastery courtyard is very beautiful with a colonnade of double hexagonal pillars, each of which has its own unique capital.

The Prince's Palace is one of the most important architectural monuments not only of the city, but of the entire Adriatic coast.

National cuisine of Croatia

The national cuisine of Croatia is rightfully considered one of the best in Europe in terms of the variety of dishes and the richness of their flavors.

Profitable climatic conditions countries allow the use of fresh or cooked vegetables for cooking, all possible varieties of meat, including game, and in the beautiful Adriatic there are over 100 species of edible fish and shellfish. South Croatian cuisine is considered one of the healthiest and most dietary in the world, thanks to the use of olive oil in almost every recipe.

Montenegro cuisine is abundant big amount a variety of vegetables, meat and spices. Seafood dishes are common: fish goulash made from various types of fish. You can try smoked bleak, which is caught in Lake Skadar. It is cooked on a roasting pan and served with high-quality dry red wine “Vranac”.

Montenegro has a national alcoholic drink - lozovac, grape moonshine made from the best grape varieties. Lozovac is usually served with the best ham, which is produced in Njegusi, a small town near Cetinje. In addition to pork, Montenegrins love and cook lamb superbly.

Route: Trogir - o. Šolta - o. Vis - oh. Hvar - o. Saint Clement (Marina Palmisana) - Fr. Korcula - o. Lastovo-o. Mljet – Dubrovnik

Traveling around Croatia on sailing yacht- This is an adventure that you will definitely want to repeat. Warm sea, endless blue sky above your head and a fast yacht moving along the intended course... what could be better? Unless you stop at small marinas and big islands Hospitable Croatia! When you sign up as a participant in this sailing yacht trip, you will see Trogir first.
This ancient city founded by the Greeks, about three centuries BC. Historians claim that Trogir is one of the very few cities where ancient buildings from the times of Roman rule and the Gothic era in architecture are perfectly preserved. Thousands of tourists come here to admire the unique monuments of antiquity. We'll stop here too, because Old city is just a five minute walk from the marina. The Venetian Camerlengo Tower, Cipiko Palace and other significant sights of the city will remain in your memory for a long time, and cozy restaurants and taverns in Trogir will delight you with delicious dishes of national cuisine.

After sightseeing and a little refreshment, we will go to the island of Vis. Here travelers are hospitably greeted by the village of Komiža, where the fishing museum has many interesting exhibitions. In addition, Vis is an island that stands out among others for its well-kept beaches of fine sand and pebbles. Vis was once of great strategic importance, therefore, in addition to great beaches and restaurants with Mediterranean cuisine, there are many interesting fortifications.

The next stop on your sailing yacht trip is the island of Hvar. The island is called the sunniest place in Croatia, because heavy rains are very rare here. Hvar is also considered one of major centers nightlife and a wide variety of entertainment, making it one of the most visited islands of the Adriatic Sea.

Having appreciated the cultural life and attractions of Hvar, we move on to Palmisana. It is said that this holiday destination is popular even with members of the royal family of the United Kingdom. True, we were unable to find photographic evidence of this fact. But the following fact is beyond any doubt: Palmisana is an excellent choice if you like to sunbathe, lying in a comfortable sun lounger on golden sand, near a warm blue sea. Very, very beautiful place!

After Palmisana the island of Korcula awaits us. It is rightly called the pearl of Croatia. Oddly enough, it only became like this after Korcula was captured...by the Venetians. This happened back in 1420. Militant but economic people from Venice made a great contribution to the architecture of the city-state. Imagine a picturesque old City, surrounded by thick lush greenery. And in the very center of this splendor is St. Mark's Cathedral. It was built over a hundred years! The island is amazingly beautiful: olive groves and pomegranate trees grow around ancient buildings, souvenir shops and small cafes open on narrow streets all year round... And the most famous resident of Korcula was famous traveler Marco Polo. It is very easy to guess this here - many streets in the city are named after him.

The yacht trip around Croatia will continue with a visit to the island of Lastovo. His coastline is indented by many secluded bays, and if you look into the village nearby, you will be amazed by the variety of chimneys. It seems that every house in the village of Lastovo has its own pipeline project!

Then we will visit the island of Mljet. Here the Big and Small lakes, the dense greenery of the reserve and its winding paths, rich undersea world and the opportunity to surf, paddle board or kayak...or just go fishing. Mljet captivates with its beauty, making you grab your camera almost every minute.

Following this, the journey on a sailing yacht will continue with the entrance to the marina off the island of Dubrovnik. Its beaches Lapad and Banje are well known experienced tourists, and the city itself evokes only warm feelings. Since the 14th century, Dubrovnik has become the center of cultural life and trade in Croatia, successfully competing in this even with Venice. Time rapid growth and the mixture of cultures has left its mark on the appearance of the city streets: in addition to well-groomed beaches, there are hundreds of ancient buildings that just beg to be hosted by an artist.

To see all this with your own eyes, to spend your vacation in an unusual and interesting way, join us. Traveling on a sailing yacht in Croatia takes two whole weeks, full of pleasant impressions!

Promotions and discounts


The cost of the trip includes renting a yacht, paying for parking in marinas and fuel consumption, a security deposit, paperwork, and final cleaning of the yacht. There are no additional charges during or after travel.

Video tutorials, mobile application

To prepare for this trip, we recommend that you review our topics: setting up a sailing yacht, preparing the crew, preparing the yacht before leaving, setting the sails, mooring - leaving the marina, mooring - entering the marina, setting sails, cleaning sails, basic sail control, reefing sails, anchoring, man overboard under motor, man overboard under sail. And be sure to practice with the terminology of the courses in the 3D wind module.

Take part in the event

To book free place on a yacht, you need to choose the dates that suit you for this event or, if you have already decided on the date, immediately send us a request.

Raise the sails! All hands on deck!

Hi all! This news is that we are going on an expedition to Croatia to explore the open spaces for 7 daysMediterranean on a snow-white yacht, visiting places that will take your breath away.

  • Take a dip in clear waters Adriatic.
  • Take the helm for the first time in your life, feel the taste of freedom and the salty sea wind.
  • Stroll through the thousand-year-old narrow streets where Roman emperors walked and where Game of Thrones was filmed.
  • Take photos to show to your grandchildrenand taste the famous Mediterranean cuisine.
  • Touch the history of one of the most the most beautiful regions Europe.

Video invitation to our yachting in Croatia:

Why did we decide to organize a yacht tour in the Adriatic?

Yacht expedition is ours old dream. Who among us has not dreamed of joining a team of brave explorers navigating the vastness of the seas and oceans, reading Jules Verne, Rafael Sabatini or Emilio Salgari in childhood?Who didn’t admire the adventurous adventures of Cousteau’s team when watching films about the seas and oceans, which forever turned his consciousness and settled in his heart a hitherto unknown feeling that begins to call somewhere as soon as you see the silhouette of a ship on the horizon?

If you understand what is written here, then we will be glad to see you on our yacht expedition along amazing places Croatia.

But why yachting in Croatia?

  • Incredibly beautiful region
  • Great weather in June. The likelihood of storms is extremely low
  • One of the most environmentally friendly places on Earth
  • Average air temperature in June +27C, water +21C
  • “Game of Thrones” was filmed here “at every step!” (we are also waiting for season 7, yes)

History of those places

dates back thousands of years, during which the Croatian land saw Greek colonialists, Roman legions hunting the first Christians, countless hordes of Turks, and Hungarian rulers. This fact leaves a vivid historical imprint on these lands, and we will be able to touch this history, learning much more than we could read in history textbooks.

Until now, in the lands where we are going to go, you can find buildings and monuments that have miraculously survived and survived to our time, despite the chaos of troubled times. Since Croatia became a member of the European Union, the country has become one of the most attractive countries for world tourism, and is distinguished by its careful and reverent attitude towards the numerous historical monuments on its territory.

Today we have a wonderful opportunity to combine two approaches in an expedition - on the one hand, we will go on a yacht trip and walk along the Adriatic, on the other hand, we will see a lot of attractions located in our anchorages.

The worst day of life on a sailing yacht is much better Have a good day in the office.

My interview with Irina, who went on a yacht in Greece last year, together with our captain:

Yacht travel in Croatia 2017: main points

  • Where: Croatia
  • What we do: we travel on a yacht, see the sights, learn the basics of yachting and go through a series of master classes on learning how to operate a sailing yacht, sunbathe, swim, visit taverns and museums, take photographs, search for and find adventures.
  • Requirements for participants: beginners (men and women), no special training required
  • Band size: 11 people, 1 yacht
  • Expedition leaders: Alexey Martynov(captain – license International Bareboat Skipper Sail by IYT Worldwide), (project “On the Edge”)
  • Dates for traveling on a yacht on the Adriatic: 8 days on a yacht (from June 10 to 17), 2 days on the way there (from June 9 to 10), 2 days back (from June 17 to 18).
  • Duration of the yacht expedition will be 9 days - from June 9 to June 18.
  • Cost of participation in the expedition- listed below. The price does not include (visa, meals outside the yacht, souvenirs, transfer from Kaliningrad to Trogir and back (we will decide this issue collectively), and other costs not specified in the cost of participation in the expedition)
  • Route: Trogir - Hvar - Loviste - Dubrovnik - Lastovo - Vis - Trogir (about 300 nautical miles)

Yachting expedition program in Croatia 2017:

June 09, Friday:

Arrival in Trogir from Kaliningrad in the afternoon. We check into the hotel and go for a walk. Let's look Cathedral St. Lawrence of the 13th century, then we remember what we want to eat and have dinner in one of the cozy restaurants in the city. There we also hold a briefing and listen to our captain’s story about the upcoming expedition and how to avoid being susceptible to seasickness. Alexey knows 5 legal methods that work with 100% efficiency and will give you the opportunity to have a wonderful trip. Overnight at the hotel.

June 10, Saturday:

Wake up, breakfast. Acceptance of the yacht. Purchasing provisions for the team. First trip to the sea, lunch on the yacht, we go to the island of Hvar. We arrive on the island of Hvar. Hvar is great. At this time of year, soft purple lavender and pink oleander bloom there, making the island fantastically beautiful and fragrant.Beauty, crystal clear blue sea, big green hills, clean air and a lot of old stone. We try to conquer the Spagnola fortress on the mountain by renting a moped. A must-try dinner is the grilled squid with olive oil and the famous cucumber salad. If we have the strength and desire left, we’ll rush into night club Carpe Diem to rock to deep house. Overnight on a yacht.

June 11, Sunday:

Wake up, breakfast, go to sea. The third day is proclaimed the day of the gourmet. And this is the reason. We go to Loviste, along the way having lunch in the open air on the open sea on a yacht. Lovište is a quiet fishing village where they cook amazing lobster and octopus, and the red wine produced in this region, called Dingac, is one of the ten highest quality wines in the world. Add to this an excellent beach, swimming, sunbathing and gorgeous views of the tall mountain, and you will get a day that will be remembered for a long time. We spend the night on the yacht.

June 12, Monday:

Wake up, breakfast, go to sea. We're going to Dubrovnik. On this day, we actively study yachting, listen to master classes from the captain, learn the theory and immediately, in practice, test the acquired knowledge. We have lunch at sea on a yacht. After a day's trek we arrive at the magical fortified city of Dubrovnik. We devote the evening to sightseeing and dinner at a tavern, discussing plans for the next day. Overnight on a yacht.

June 13, Tuesday:

Wake up, breakfast on the yacht or in the city - optional. Dubrovnik – we have come for you. This day is dedicated to exploring this ancient Croatian city. We move through narrow streets, eat delicious ice cream, have lunch in the city, take a bunch of memorable photos, shoot videos, visit places where the most famous TV series of our time “Game of Thrones” was filmed: Lovrijenac fortress (Red Castle), Minceta Tower (House of the Immortals), Cathedral Assumption of the Virgin Mary, old town ( King's Landing) etc. Free time. Dinner in a tavern or restaurant. Overnight on a yacht.

June 14, Wednesday:

Wake up, breakfast, exit to the open sea from Dubrovnik. We are going to the open sea. This day is dedicated to master classes from the captain. At the end of the day we arrive at national park"Lastovo". This place is a gift for everyone secret introverts our company. A quiet, calm island-reserve with the cleanest air and water, clear as a baby’s tear. Our expedition is turning into a naturalistic one. We disembark, rent bicycles and ride around the island. The task is to find out what the “fumars” look like and where the lost temple of St. Blaise from the 12th century is located. If we don’t find it, it’s okay - after all, there is always delicious cuisine in one of the restaurants. We spend the night on the yacht.

June 15, Thursday:

Wake up, breakfast, weigh anchor and leave Lastovo. Let's go open sea to the island of Vis. On the way we have lunch on the yacht. Vis is the most distant inhabited island in Croatia from the mainland. There was once a secret military base here, but now the island has been opened to the public. We anchor, go into town, see the sights, have dinner, and walk.

The most curious adventurers can try to find that very secret sea military base On this small island, which is famous for its taverns and excellent cuisine. Beauty lovers can try to persuade the captain to go to the neighboring island of Bishevo, where the world-famous cave with blue water is located. Overnight in Vis on a yacht in the area of ​​​​Komiza - the town of fishermen.

June 16, Friday:

Wake up, breakfast, leave Vis. We go to Trogir, swim in the open sea, look at the dolphins who frolic right along the course of our yacht and which can quite easily be found in this part of the Adriatic at this time of year. We have lunch on the yacht. We come and see what we didn’t have time to see on the first day of the expedition, and buy souvenirs. In the evening, we arrange a farewell dinner in another cozy restaurant, suppress our tears because the expedition is coming to an end, and do not show sadness. But, no, no, let’s brush away the tears that come out. We spend the night on the yacht.

June 17, Saturday:

Wake up, breakfast. At 9-00 in the morning we return the yacht to the parking lot, after giving it its original appearance and eliminating traces of our stay on it in the form of garbage and dirty dishes, we say goodbye to the yacht, take photographs, load things and memories onto transport. The end of the yacht expedition. We leave in the direction of Kaliningrad, heading home.

Yachting route in Croatia:

Weather warnings:

Please note that due to changes in weather conditions, the expedition route can be changed unilaterally by the captain of the yacht. Our goal is to get maximum pleasure, comfort and relaxation from your yachting adventure. The safety of expedition participants is most important. Therefore, in case of unforeseen situations with weather conditions, we can change the yacht route without agreement with the expedition participants.

What is included in the cost of a yacht expedition:

  • Yacht charter in Croatia,
  • Accommodation on board for 2 local cabin within 7 days while the yacht is at sea,
  • Payment for yacht fuel,
  • Yacht cleaning,
  • Payment for parking in Croatian ports,
  • Yacht captain's job
  • Master classes on seamanship from the yacht captain (yacht management, knots, navigation, weather, working with sails),
  • Payment of insurance for the yacht,
  • Payment security deposit(refundable fee),
  • Internet on the yacht throughout the journey,
  • Payment of Croatian tourist tax,
  • Meals on the boat during the entire expedition (breakfast + lunch: we prepare it ourselves, we buy food in Trogir)

What is not included in the price of a yacht expedition:

  • Meals on shore (dinner in taverns or restaurants),
  • Souvenirs for yourself and loved ones,
  • Schengen multi visa,
  • Transfer from Kaliningrad to Sibenik (Croatia) and back - we will solve this issue together. We either book a minibus or go by private car.
  • Accommodation in hotels on the way there and back (1-2 nights, we will decide, see point above).

The main question, as usual:

How much money is needed?

  1. 320 euros per person - first payment (pay before May 20, 2017). Used to prepay the first half of the yacht rental fee. The fee is non-refundable; if you cancel your yacht trip in Croatia, we will not be able to physically return the money to you, as we transfer it to the owner of the yacht.
  2. 320 euros per person - second installment (pay before May 25, 2017). Used to prepay the second half for a yacht charter in Croatia. The fee is also non-refundable if you cancel a yacht expedition in Croatia for the reason described above.
  3. 190 euros per person - we take it with us (09 June 2017). It goes towards paying expenses related to meals on the yacht, parking fees, fuel for the yacht, and tourist taxes.
  4. The remaining expenses will be associated primarily with transfers from Kaliningrad to Trogir and back, with overnight stays along the way. We will decide this issue collectively with the expedition participants.

Attention! To participate in a yacht tour in Croatia, you must have an open Schengen visa.multiple visas. We will be in the European Union, and during our trip we plan to visit not only Croatia, but also Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Austria. We will visit these countries while passing through, but we might want to see something along the way.

Important point!

Our sea voyage will start from Kaliningrad, but if you want to join us from another city in Russia, we don’t see any difficulties in this. Contact us, we will discuss the terms of your participation and resolve in advance all issues related to your participation in the yachting adventure from the “On the Edge” project.

Master classes from the captain:

During our cruise on a yacht in the Adriatic, we will go through a number of important master classes from Alexey Martynov, each 1-2 hours long. These will be small events for learning yachting and yacht management for beginners, which will make our pastime interesting and exciting, and will also help in the future if you want to repeat a similar experience:

  • A short list of planned MKs is given below: Water rescue:
  • rules, techniques, first aid for a drowning person How to tie sea knots:
  • drawings, knitting patterns, practice and competitions for the most beautiful sea knot Correct mooring:
  • basics and strategy, beginner mistakes, rules and nuances Operating an ocean sailing yacht:
  • theory and practice for beginners How to set sails on a yacht:
  • spar, staysail, jib and mainsail, as well as other scary words. From theory to practice. Navigation on a yacht with sails
  • , determination of distances and cardinal points and control on different wind courses
  • How to deal with seasickness? 5 most legal ways that provide 100% efficiency and joy from traveling.

Clothing and equipment

Proper clothing on a yacht and proper shoes for yachting are the key to comfort and health. We will go along the Adriatic when it is warm, but this does not mean that we should completely neglect clothes or shoes. Shoes with light-colored soles that do not stain the deck are suitable for a yacht. It's easy to check - put on your shoes, scratch on a light surface: if a mark remains, then such shoes will not fit. It is ideal to take moccasins, boat shoes or sneakers with light-colored soles. On clothes for yachting - written below.

What else to take for life on a yacht?

  • Headdress. Panama hat, cap or hat,
  • Sunglasses with a lanyard around the neck. Without a lace, there is a risk of losing them overboard,
  • Shorts,
  • A couple of T-shirts
  • Swimming trunks/swimsuit,
  • Sun cream (waterproof),
  • After sun cream,
  • Shales,
  • Bicycle gloves are recommended (for working with ropes),
  • Lanyards for badges. Tie on a cap, mobile phone, etc.
  • Goggles or mask for swimming underwater.

An important point is that things are put into a travel bag, not a suitcase. People don’t come to live on a yacht with suitcases, as there is simply no room for them. They remain in the marina (yacht port), such is their fate.

Sailing requires passion and patience. Daily distances usually do not exceed 40 - 50 miles, but there may be surprises.

Photo of a sailing yacht that we rent in Croatia

Sailing-motor oceanic yacht. Length 45-52 feet (13-16 meters).Crew 11-12 people.

Who else if not you? Who if not us?


A person is born free, but modern society imposes a number of restrictions that lead to the fact that people sooner or later begin to lose this feeling. We are looking for new ways to be different from everyone else, creating new ourselves, including through such travels, where everyone can find a new themselves and reveal the unique facets of their uniqueness. Sea travel on an ocean sailing yacht is one of these ways.


If you feel it, it means you are still alive and that means you shouldn’t waste time. We sincerely believe that each of us has our own strengths, talents and features. On our sailing trip, everyone can try something new, or show the world what you do best. And those around you will appreciate and recognize it, rest assured!


For several years now we have been organizing adventures related to active recreation, extreme species sports, travel and everything that makes our lives brighter. Such events contribute not only to new impressions and exciting experiences, but also to new acquaintances. A hundred friends are always worth more than money, you know that yourself.


Real emotions are what make our lives brighter and richer. True emotions are difficult to describe in words, as anyone who has sailed, jumped with a parachute or traveled many kilometers from home, racing on a bike along endless roads, knows. Money is just paper that comes and goes. Real emotions from the happy moments you have lived stay with you forever!

Know yourself:

Time flows differently at sea. We will not notice how we will have to return back from our sea ​​travel on a yacht, in the rhythm of everyday life. What will remain in my memory are scarlet sunsets and sunrises that no technology can convey, the sound of waves, dolphins following the course of our yacht, the sun-warmed narrow streets of ancient cities and a feeling that is difficult to describe in words. The same thing that visited you in childhood when reading books about sea ​​adventures, the same thing that you experienced on your own and which there will not be enough words for you to describe.

Subscribe to our telegram channel “On the Edge”— project news, announcements of upcoming events and juicy reports about our adventures regularly appear there.

Still have questions? Contacts for communication

If you notice any inaccuracies in the text or have questions, please tell us about it. Either in a personal message or in the comments to the text. This is as important as my call above. Thank you for reading this far. I tried to make the text not very long and at the same time remove the maximum number of questions.

Text— Dmitry Pelin (c)

In contact with


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