When is the best time to fly to Portugal on vacation? The best resorts in Portugal. Thermal resorts of Portugal

Great sea power Portugal. Holidays in the republic are famous for spectacular football, delicious cuisine, aromatic wines and gorgeous beaches. This is the real Europe, which is too proud and beautiful to participate in tourist competitions. Portugal is a country for wealthy travelers who value historical heritage and know how to enjoy life.

5 reasons to visit Portugal

Just imagine how wonderful it is to stroll through the winding streets of the old districts and smell the eucalyptus trees and oranges. Admire the colorful houses with quaint decor and feel the mood of the city.

Now let's look at the most interesting sides resort Here you can:

  1. Try the most delicious oysters. Local oysters are considered the best in the whole world. For maximum pleasure, we recommend adding Portuguese white wine to this dinner.
  2. Enjoy the ocean. There are more than 20 in the country famous beaches which are definitely worth a visit. To do this, it is advisable to come to the resort in the summer.
  3. Learn to surf. Here, conquering the waves is a way of life. Moreover, the sea of ​​Portugal is considered the most suitable place for this sport.
  4. Listen to fado. This is a whole performance in which the actors give their all. Emotional and heartbreaking singing, which captures notes of nostalgia, love and sadness.
  5. Take a ride on an old tram. This transport, of a kind, business card countries. A bright and vintage trailer travels through beautiful city neighborhoods and allows you to take a fascinating journey in retro style.

5 best months for a beach holiday

The warm climate of the republic contributes to a year-round flow of tourists. But it’s worth knowing in advance what to expect from Portugal in a certain season, and when is the best time to plan your trip.


The peak tourist season begins in mid-June. Unlike other European countries, there is no sweltering heat and stuffiness here. The weather is very comfortable, within +23-27°C during the day, and the water temperature is about +19°C.

Advice! This month there is always a generous harvest of berries and fruits, so we recommend replenishing the body’s vitamin reserves.


As in August, windswept Portugal is protected from extreme heat in midsummer. At this time of year it is good to go to the resort with children, but for the evening you should definitely take capes or sweaters with you.

July is ideal for combining beach and sightseeing activities.


The beginning of autumn is more like a continuation of summer. And only at the end of September and October, the velvet season begins. Continues fully this month swimming season, and the temperature in the ocean reaches +18°C.

Important! It gets noticeably cold at night, so be sure to take warm clothes with you.


Spring is the most beautiful time of the year in Portugal. Everything around is blooming and fragrant. And although in March there is still a significant amount of clouds and precipitation, in May and April the air begins to warm up more and more every day.

By the end of spring, most tourists discover the swimming season.


The Portuguese winter often experiences dense clouds. The daytime temperature fluctuates between +13 degrees, and at night it gets colder to +6°C. But this weather is not an obstacle to walking along the old Riviera and sightseeing.

Advice! In February, strong and gusty winds often blow, so sightseeing tours Be sure to wear windproof, warm clothing.

5 best places on the ocean

A huge number of vacationers from all over the world travel to the republic for beach holiday. This is due to mild winters and warm summers. And also the cleanest ocean and the absence of sudden temperature changes.

We have prepared for you best places by the ocean, where you can fully enjoy the picturesque beauty of nature and high-quality service.


An autonomous region on an archipelago in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. The volcanic terrain and numerous lakes have made the Azores very popular among travelers.
There is no developed infrastructure on the islands. Mostly sophisticated tourists come here, who have opted for a quiet and relaxing holiday on the coast. Diving and fishing are best here due to the picturesque marine life.

Important! Florish and Corvo are the most dangerous islands on the archipelago. The weather changes every minute, and car rental is even prohibited in Corva.


An almost continuous strip of beautiful beaches (about 150 kilometers). This is a suitable place for an active holiday, as well as for playing golf, tennis or even horse riding. In the Algarve you will find shark hunting, bullfighting, yachting and several huge water parks. It is here that the second scuba diving club in Europe is located, which is famous for its excellent conditions and equipment. History buffs should check out the red stone castle, as well as the old town of Lagos.

Be sure to try the signature dish - cataplana, made from shellfish and fish.


This place used to be quiet fishing village. Today it is one of the most popular destinations Portugal. Pine forests And orange groves amaze guests from all over the world with their beauty.
Albufeira has hundreds of restaurants, discos and shops. There is a huge amount of entertainment on the water, such as water skiing or jet skis.

The following attractions are a must-see:

  • Albufeira Castle;
  • Cerro da Vila;
  • Church of St. Anne;
  • Old city;
  • Municipal Museum of Archeology.

Advice! Despite the fact that it works great in the city public transport, it is advisable to rent a car to get your a tourist route on one's own.


Quite a large city. In its suburbs is the famous Praia da Rocha beach, famous for its beauty. Also, important monuments of ancient culture are concentrated here - the ruins of a Roman villa and the ancient necropolis "Alcalar" of the 2nd century BC.
Modern Portimao offers its guests excellent holiday conditions. Numerous cafes will happily feed you delicious local dishes, A shopping centers perfect for shopping. There are more than 60 hotels with different price categories to accommodate tourists.

Important! The city's rocky terrain can be a nuisance and even cause injury. Therefore, be careful and keep a safe distance near the rocks (rocks may collapse).


A town surrounded by vineyards and located on a hilltop. It was once the capital of the Algarve. The ancient maritime Lagoa has existed for more than 2000 years and is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. Previously, the main activities in the city were fishing, winemaking and farming. Now these activities have been almost completely replaced by tourism. Huge investments are attracted here, due to which the flow of visitors is constantly increasing.

Despite the fact that many ancient architecture was destroyed by a powerful earthquake in 1755, there is still a lot to see in the city:

  • Church of the Matriz de Lagoa;
  • Church of Matriz de Estombar;
  • Monastery of San Jose;
  • Monastery of Nossa Senhora do Carmo;
  • Fortress of São João de Arade.

5 photos from the resort

Colorful buildings and azure water of the southern European state. A unique atmosphere of romance and peace.

Video review

Report about a trip to Lisbon. Walk around its surroundings and beautiful views bird's-eye.

One of the oldest states in Europe, famous for its rich historical heritage, Portugal is quiet sunny country on the southwestern “outskirts” of the Iberian Peninsula, stretching along the border with Spain on one side and along the Atlantic coast on the other. Find out on the Tour Calendar why the most favorable time for a holiday in the “European province” is from the end of May to mid-September.

Portugal is the “provincial outskirts of Europe”, a favorite place for a measured, respectable holiday for tourists fed up with standard beauties

Tourist season in Portugal

Portugal is perhaps the most attractive European country for environmentally pure relaxation. Excellent climate, picturesque landscapes, impeccable beaches, marked Blue flag behind top quality water and amenities of coastal areas, an abundance of unique antiquities, delicious cuisine, good shopping - all this annually attracts up to 10,000,000 tourists here. Such impressive numbers give grounds for the conclusion that Portugal, with its Azores and the Madeira archipelago, ranks 5th in Europe in terms of tourist flow. However, its inherent measured, sedate holiday is available only to real gourmets with incomes “above average”, who, as a rule, have already seen many countries, and are now looking for something unconventional and very interesting in Europe. Therefore, the high demand for this tourist destination There is no talk among Russians yet.

High season

The largest number of fans Portuguese holiday comes to the country in the summer, when the weather is moderately hot, favorable both for swimming in the waters of the Atlantic and for participating in various excursion programs. The two weeks of the New Year are also considered to be high season. Travelers book trips both to the continental part of the country and to the island of Madeira, where they vacation all year round due to its warm climate. By the way, a magnificent carnival takes place here in February, so air tickets are sold out several months in advance. Portugal is visited by travelers from completely different parts of the world, but this moment The leaders are tourists from Britain (the Queen of England loves Portugal very much), America, Canada, Holland and Germany. There are never crowds in Portugal, even at the height of summer. Russians in high season quite a bit. The lack of regular direct flights is taking its toll.

Low season

The low season in Portugal runs from November to the last days of April, excluding holidays and religious weeks. Thanks to the warm climate, which is considered one of the most favorable in Europe, you can relax in this country even in winter. And Madeira is generally considered year-round resort, however, more suitable for eco-tourism, since good beaches there's practically none there. The main advantage of the low season is very affordable prices for accommodation, excursions and meals in restaurants. So, the same hotel room in winter will cost about half as much. Prices for SPA treatments are also being reduced. Therefore, if the cultural and historical heritage of Portugal and its gastronomy are more important to you than a beach holiday, which, in principle, can be replaced by a luxurious heated swimming pool, then do not waste time and book your tour now.

Beach season in Portugal

The beach season opens in mid-April. The sun's rays at midday are already quite hot, but at the same time they are quite safe. With patience, you can get a wonderful tan. But even the most seasoned holidaymakers do not dare to swim either this month or next month - the water temperature is still about +14 °C..+16 °C. The swimming season in Madeira begins the earliest, since by mid-to-late May the coastal waters of the ocean warm up to +20 °C..21 °C. In general, for many, Portugal will not seem like a very suitable place for a beach holiday, because the maximum water temperature, usually reached at all resorts on its continental part, does not exceed +20 °C under the influence of the cold Canary Current passing along the western shores. In addition, a cool wind constantly blows along the entire coast, which is why it becomes quite chilly to go ashore after swimming. Well, if you want to combine excursion program Since a beach holiday is great (it’s summer after all!), it’s better to give preference southern resorts or the Madeira Archipelago, where the maximum water temperature during the season is approximately +23 °C.

Velvet season in Portugal

The velvet season, which occurs in September in Portugal, is a relative concept, since the ocean significantly cools the perception of temperatures that are quite high for this time of year. And the water is somewhat invigorating - +20 °C..+22 °C. If you are planning to make your children healthier during the velvet season, then this is unlikely to work; it is best to prefer the same neighbor Spain, where there are still a lot of holidaymakers in September. In early autumn, tours are mostly booked for South coast countries, the Algarve province, or Madeira. In October, the ocean has not yet completely cooled down -19 °C..+20 °C, but more frequent rains and cold evenings can completely destroy hopes for a full-fledged beach holiday, so we advise you not to take risks and plan an appropriate vacation for more favorable months.

Windsurfing season

Extended coastline Atlantic Ocean Rarely completely calm, it is amazing for all types of surfing. Enough low prices, safe undersea world, wonderful surf spots and professional instructors, and most importantly - great weather have turned Portugal into one of the main centers of European surfing throughout the year. Hundreds of thousands of fans of this sport visit the country every year. The advantages of boarding in this country are that the season here lasts all year round. In winter, Australians flock to the coast for “powerful pipes,” and in summer, residents of northern Spain flock to the coast in search of moderate waves. The only disadvantage of local windsurfing is that in winter the water temperature does not exceed +14 °C..+15 °C, but a special suit saves the situation. The instructors themselves say that best conditions for windsurfing - the period from May to November, however, for those who feel confident in big waves, it is more advisable to prefer September - November and February - April. Popular surf spots in Portugal include Sintra, Sagres and Guincho. In winter, wind speeds in Guincho reach 30 m/s, creating ideal conditions for advanced surfers.

Fishing season

Fishing in Portugal has long been elevated to the rank of a sport. Locals practically do not waste their time on small fish, but “hunt” for big ones. If names such as blue marlin, blue shark, golden mackerel, bigeye tuna, swordfish tickle your ears, then you definitely need to take part in this exciting action. Night fishing, jigging, trolling - the season is open all year round. The peak occurs in July - October, when the catch is especially pleasing. When it comes to lampreys, underwater hunting for them begins in early spring.

Best time for excursions

Once upon a time, Portugal was a large kingdom that controlled half the world. Today it has a huge number architectural structures, historical monuments, taken under the protection of UNESCO. You will be amazed by the authentic atmosphere of ancient cities and the pristine natural beauty of the country. In our opinion, the most conducive time for sightseeing in Portugal is April - end of June and September - beginning of November.

Cruise season

In mid-spring, the navigation season opens in Portugal, during which cruise ships bring millions of tourists to the country's resorts. Portugal is one of the countries of call during cruises, most often carried out from St. Petersburg (via Denmark and the Netherlands), Copenhagen, Istanbul, Savona, Venice, Rome, Barcelona, ​​etc. Also cruise companies offer river trip along the Douro River, during which stops are made in many cities of the country.

Ski season

Today, Portugal can boast of only one ski resort, located almost in the very center of the country - Serra da Estrela. It is superbly equipped, but is mostly aimed at beginners, although there is plenty to do for advanced skiers as well. Four red and one black tracks await them. The skiing season does not last long - from January to March. The largest influx of vacationers is observed in February.

Wellness season

Excellent climate, virgin nature, clear fresh air, intoxicated with the aromas of mountain herbs and flowers, abundance thermal springs, healing golden sands - all these countless riches of Portugal serve for the benefit of human health. The country has over 40 large balneological resorts and dozens of SPA complexes offering a wide range of services to restore health and beauty - from simple cosmetic procedures and anti-stress programs, to treatment courses for correcting the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and digestive tract. Best time for taking care of your own health - this is early autumn and the second half of spring - early summer.

Religious season

The Portuguese, especially those who live in the north of the country, are very religious people. They celebrate all dates according to the Catholic calendar. Religious processions and masses throughout the country take place on such holidays as Good Friday and Easter Sunday, Corpus Christi (exactly 60 days after Easter), St. John - June 24, Dormition Day - August 15, All Saints Day - November 1, Immaculate Conception Day - December 8 and Christmas Day - December 25. Pilgrimage trips and walking tours to holy places and miraculous springs, of which there are quite a few, are very popular. For example, the city of Fatima is known throughout the world for the miraculous appearance of the Virgin Mary at the beginning of the 20th century, who predicted the near future of Russia. After this, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world began to flock here. Their largest influx occurs on March 13 and October 13 - these are the first and last dates of the phenomenon Holy Mother of God. People also come here on the 13th of the summer months and September 19th. In July, the Orthodox of Portugal traditionally carry out a pilgrimage, walking in the footsteps of the Apostle James, in which believers from Russia and Ukraine also take part. To date Russian tour operators They develop a wide variety of routes visiting the holy places of Portugal. As a rule, Spain is also included in them.

Football season

The Portuguese love football football teams there are a lot of them in the country. But the most titled are Porto, Benfica and Sporting, which form the Big Three. The next gaming season opens in September and ends in May.

Theater season

Particular attention in cultural life Portugal is occupied by the performing arts. Ballet troupes and actors from different countries world, including from Russia. The theater season opens at the beginning of May, and ends in mid-late October. In September, Porto traditionally hosts “ International festival puppet theaters”, which “attracts” tens of thousands of fans from all over Europe.

It's time for holidays and festivals

Portugal is famous for its noisy carnivals, and in each province the holiday has its own “color”

The most significant public holidays in Portugal include the following events: Carnival (“Fat”) Tuesday, preceding the day of the beginning of Lent, Freedom Day - April 25 (1st day of the anti-fascist revolution against the regime of Antonio Salazar), Portugal Day - June 10 (death day author of the epic about the history of Portugal), the anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic - October 5 and Independence Day - December 1. Throughout the whole year, the Portuguese attend noisy carnivals, fairs, and several dozen festivals of all kinds. The most magnificent festivities take place during the February carnival, which captivates the entire country. Particularly loud celebrations take place in Funchal on the island of Madeira, in the province of Lule and in Lisbon: huge platforms decorated with flowers, garlands and crowned with huge papier-mâché dolls are moved through the streets, all this action is accompanied by a costumed procession, music and fiery dancing. In April, Madeira hosts a dazzling 4-day festival of exotic flowers, and a similar celebration is expected in Campo Mayor in September. The whole of June is marked by a series of “Festas de Lisboa” events in honor of the Portuguese capital, which usually last until mid-July. In the middle of summer, one of the streets of Águeda turns into a real kingdom of colored umbrellas, where the fiery installation “Umbrella Sky” is staged, the beauty of which will take your breath away. The Portuguese know a lot about good cuisine. The country's famous gastronomic festivals include the April Lisbon Fish & Flavors seafood festival in Lisbon and the Óbidos chocolate festival in the second half of February.

Climate in Portugal

The weather in Portugal is dictated by its location in the zone of influence of the subtropical Mediterranean climate, but it has moderate features. This means that sudden temperature changes are not typical for the country. Summers in southern Portugal are dry and not very hot, while winters are cool and damp. In the north of the country, most of whose area is occupied by hills, average air and water temperatures are several degrees lower. There is often snow on the hills in winter. The climate of Madeira and the Azores is milder - there is no heat in summer, and very warm in winter. In general, the bulk of precipitation falls between November and April, with the northern regions of the country receiving it in greater quantities.

Portugal in spring

Spring comes quite early in Portugal - already in the last days of February. Nature is renewed with fresh greenery thanks to the earth, which has “drinked” enough of the abundance of precipitation over the winter, and the subtle, delicate aroma of almonds and the sweetish smell of acacia hovers in the air. Rains are happening less and less often, and the weather is more often pampered with sunny days. Although in the north of the country residual manifestations of winter are still possible. The best time to visit is Madeira, where the tourist season lasts all year round. There the thermometer easily reaches +20 °C. In April there is still enough rainfall, but it becomes much warmer, the first rays of the sun gently warm, gently sliding over the skin. Many people flock to the beaches to lie on the sand and sunbathe, while others devote a fine day to sightseeing. In May the weather is very warm. The piercing blue of the bottomless sky is only occasionally broken by fluffy clouds floating across it, and a light breeze blows. It may still rain, but it is extremely rare. The only thing that can cause inconvenience at this time is the sudden cold snap immediately after sunset.

Temperature and weather in Portugal in spring

Weather in MarchWeather in AprilWeather in May
Lisbon +17 +15 +19 +16 +22 +17
Madeira +19 +18 +19 +18 +21 +19
Algarve +18 +16 +20 +17 +22 +18
Porto +16 +14 +18 +14 +19 +15
Coimbra +17 +19 +21
Evora +17 +19 +22
Faro +18 +16 +20 +17 +22 +18

Portugal in summer

June is the most comfortable summer month in terms of weather with an average daily air temperature of about +25 °C. The sun shines up to 10 hours a day, its rays are already scorching, but it is not at all hot, so, without any doubt, you can go on long trips. sightseeing trips. The first days of summer are also marked by a decrease in precipitation and an increase in daylight hours. However, the ocean is still quite cool, so the bulk of tourists can be seen on land. On the islands the situation is somewhat different. There, thanks to the warm Gulf Stream, the water warms up to +20 °C..+21 °C, but due to fresh ocean breezes blowing across the entire coastline, prolonged bathing is not yet possible. At the height of the season, the air temperature on the Portuguese mainland warms up on average from +27 °C to +30 °C. Fortunately, these temperatures are well tolerated due to dry weather and low relative humidity levels. Madeira is less hot, making it an ideal holiday destination for those who cannot tolerate summer heat. In the northern regions it is much cooler, and in the mountains (by the way, we recommend going on an excursion there) the maximum temperature of the thermometer does not exceed +18 °C. Please note that evenings throughout Portugal are quite cool, so bringing some warmer items into your suitcase is not crazy, but a reasonable necessity.

Temperature and weather in Portugal in summer

Weather in JuneWeather in JulyWeather in August
Lisbon +25 +18 +27 +19 +28 +20
Madeira +22 +20 +24 +21 +25 +23
Algarve +25 +19 +29 +21 +29 +22
Porto +22 +17 +25 +18 +25 +19
Coimbra +26 +28 +29
Evora +27 +31 +31
Faro +25 +19 +29 +21 +29 +22

Portugal in autumn

The first days of autumn in Portugal mark the beginning velvet season. Moderately warm weather, invigorating water and a predominant number of sunny days per month are the maximum you can count on in September. The ocean has a significant influence on the weather, due to which even the highest temperatures in the fall are felt quite moderately. As October approaches, the intensity of precipitation increases, fogs make themselves felt more and more often, and as the evening approaches it becomes noticeably cool. Unlike mainland Portugal, in Madeira the summer celebration continues. The weather here doesn’t even think about deteriorating, and many tourists still swim, however, the water and air temperatures at this time are the same - about +22 °C. In November, her whims appear more and more clearly, even on the islands where the massive beach season is coming to an end. cold rains and strong winds become frequent guests. If you come to Portugal late autumn, choose for your routes central areas far from the Atlantic coast, which is very turbulent during this period.

Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where is the best place to vacation in Portugal throughout the year.

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Travel The World experts give several answers to the question of where is the best place to vacation in Portugal throughout the year.

In our diverse world, every country has something special. In this regard, Portugal is an example of a civilized, respectable holiday. Although people lived here long before known history, in some areas of this country nature has been preserved in excellent condition. Portugal also offers various options active rest. In summer you can safely come here with children of all ages.

Where to go to Portugal with children

In principle, for both children and adults, for a beach holiday it is better to go to the southern coast of Portugal, in the so-called. Algarve. More people stay here, you can find more water activities, visit natural areas and water parks. In addition, on the cool Portuguese coast in the Algarve region, sea water is warmer. Popular resorts in this area include Villamoura, Faro and Albufeira. Due to the high popularity of the Algarve, prices here are accordingly higher than in the country as a whole.

If the child has reached adolescence, then you can go with him to the slightly less popular coast of the Lisbon Riviera, represented by the resorts of Estoril and Cascais. Holidays here are no longer associated with beaches (although they are there too), but with city sightseeing and eco-tourism.

Other places of recreation and entertainment for children include the Lisbon Zoo and Aquarium, the colorful Pena Palace in Sintra, and the theme park ensemble “Portugal in Miniature” in the city of Coimbra.

Calm and secluded holiday in Portugal

This country is besieged by crowds of tourists during the tourist season. Madeira and the Azores are much less crowded and calmer, however, prices are high even for Europeans. For tourists, Madeira has its own characteristics. The sea here is deep near the shore, and the beaches are very narrow due to overhanging rocks. Visitors mostly swim in swimming pools. For this reason, the island is more attractive for nature tourism and attractions. Where exactly to choose a place to stay in Madeira depends on the hotel.

In Madeira you can visit:

  • the highest point of the island - Pico Ruivo;
  • the Monte Palace with its surrounding tropical garden;
  • Cathedral in the city of Funchal.

The Azores is one of the most alluring places on earth. The beaches here are covered volcanic sand and debris. Although the local resorts are very uncrowded, the islands offer very active recreation, such as scuba diving and climbing volcanoes. The Azores Islands are best place in Portugal for diving. In addition, spa treatment is developed here.

In the Azores you can visit:

  • caves of Terceira island;
  • Sete Fontes Nature Reserve;
  • historical museum in Ribeira Grande;
  • Church of St. Barbara;
  • ancient villages of the island of Flores;
  • volcanoes Pico Alto and Caldeira.

In mainland Portugal, the most secluded place is the village of Sagres. This is the extreme southwestern point of Portugal, it closes the Algarve coast from the west, the closest big city is Lagos. In the village you can visit the Beliche Fortress, Fort Sagres, the fortress and Cape Saint Vincent.

Sights of Lisbon

Many people in Portugal prefer getting to know its history and culture over a beach holiday. Lisbon is not a good place to spend it here full vacation, the best option will visit it on a guided tour. Interesting sights of the Portuguese capital include:

  • Jeronimos Monastery;
  • Arc de Triomphe;
  • Santa Justa elevator;
  • Palace of Queluz;
  • Fortress of St. George;
  • Cathedral;
  • maritime museum;
  • Aguash Librish aqueduct.

Of course, neighboring Spain takes away a lot of popularity points from Portugal due to its greater “promotion”. If beach holidays in both countries are absolutely the same, then in terms of “excursion” they are little similar to each other. Portugal surprisingly well combines active recreation and comfort.

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Having visited many regions of Portugal, I can note that the regions of this small country really different: in architecture, mood and even climatic zones. Conventionally, Portugal can be divided into north, south, the capital region, the central part of the country and the islands - the Azores and Madeira. Resorts in different parts of the country are quite diverse.

They can be divided into beach, thermal, ski and diving resorts.

Algarve, Madeira, Lisbon Riviera: beach resorts

In Portugal, as is easy to see, there are many medieval cities, historical and architectural monuments, but the lion's share of vacationers come here for the sun and sea. Beach resorts tourists traditionally come first.

This can be seen from the number of pale Germans, Swedes and other Northern European tourists who come to the sea already in April. The country's coastline stretches for almost 2 thousand kilometers. The possibilities for relaxation are varied and for every taste: for active and passive recreation, for lovers of water parks, diving, surfing, water skiing and fishing.


This region is the absolute leader in popularity among tourists who come for a beach holiday. Unlike the rest of mainland Portugal, the climate here is not Mediterranean, but subtropical. It is noticeably warmer here by 3-7 degrees. In winter, the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees, often around 20, and in the summer in July and August the air warms up to 35-40.

In my opinion, local beaches cannot be confused with anything else! The Algarve is a riot of colors. The sand here is bright yellow, the ocean is very bright shades of azure, and lemon and orange gardens bloom throughout the region all year round. The beaches here are different. In the west they are rocky, with bizarre “cheese” holes in the grottoes, and in the east they are sandy.

One of the best beaches in the region, in my opinion, is Praia da Rocha in the city of Portimão. Before visiting, I looked at very bright photographs on the Internet and thought that they had been altered by filters, the colors were so saturated. However, it turned out that nature here is actually like this. The sand on this beach is yellow-gold, and the ocean plays with all shades of blue and green.

There's a lot around resort hotels, some are located directly on the seashore. Accommodation prices start on average from 60-80 euros per night, depending on the season. Tourists are offered boat and yacht excursions, fishing, and a variety of water sports. The beach is very clean and comfortable. One of the unpleasant moments is that all sunbeds and umbrellas on it are paid for.

Tourist season in the Algarve all year round. Even in winter, when it’s already cold to swim, tourists come for sea ​​trips and tanning. By the way, during the off-season, housing prices here fall by an average of 30 percent. During the Easter holidays in April, the Portuguese themselves flock here from all over the country, tired of the rainy season. And already in May the high season begins in the Algarve.

At first I was very surprised that there is a record number of golf courses here, as well as specialized resorts for fans of this game. It turned out that the whole point is that the Algarve is literally occupied by the British, who live here as tourists or permanent residents. The British are known to be fans of this sport.

Lisbon Riviera

This is an ocean coast area located an hour's drive from the city. According to my observations, the most popular are the beach areas - and Estoril. This is also where large cluster resort hotels. Almost all the beaches here are very compact and the closer you get to Cascais and the farther from the city, the more beautiful, azure and transparent the ocean becomes.

Those who like a relaxing holiday like Portinho da Arrábida beach. It is located in a quiet bay, not far from Lisbon, on the other side of the Tagus River. The place is famous for its oceanographic museum and some of the best seafood restaurants in the area. There are only a few resort hotels here, their prices are relatively low, starting from 60 euros.

One of the most beautiful beaches near Lisbon is considered to be Guincho (Praia do Guincho). World championships and international spectacular windsurfing competitions are held here. Locals They love the place for its clean water and sand. Hotels here are quite expensive, prices start from 90 euros.


Madeira is a Portuguese archipelago located in the middle of the ocean. It is of volcanic origin, so, strictly speaking, there are no beaches here, except for pebble ones.

However, it is worth mentioning unique beach Calheta with sand, which is brought here specially from. This is a calm, peaceful place, protected from sea winds and bad weather by a strip of breakwater.

Room rates at this resort are record high, ranging from 130-150 euros per room during the season. In general, Madeira has plenty of resort hotels with their own pools and rocky outcrops to the ocean. In terms of cost, they can be compared with hotels in. During high season, the cost of a night's stay in luxury hotels starts from 100 euros.

Many resorts offer access to the sea on pleasure yachts, water skiing, surfing and a variety of diving programs for beginners and advanced swimmers.

Algarve, Azores Dive Resorts

The options for divers in Portugal are plentiful, as are the scenic and interesting places off the coast.


For example, the unique grottos, which I have already mentioned, where old warships from the Second World War are sunk especially for athletes. Regional authorities say that soon there will be a independent park for lovers of scuba diving.

For beginners, there are schools where you can learn to dive into the depths of the sea from scratch.


The Azores are very popular among diving and sea fishing enthusiasts. This is an archipelago in the ocean, not far from Madeira.

The fact is that near these islands there is a diversity of marine fauna like nowhere else. You can meet whales, dolphins or rare sea creatures such as parrot fish and so on.

Northern Portugal: thermal resorts

Judging by the reviews of my friends in Portugal, Russian tourists love resorts with hot and healing thermal waters. Among the most popular are Caldas de Saude and Chaves. Usually, along with wellness procedures, clients are offered additional services.

Resort Chaves (Termas de Chaves)

This resort in the north of the country, a stone's throw from the border with Spain, has been known since the times of the ancient Romans. The mineral-rich water of local springs is said to relieve weight problems, and people suffering from diabetes and hypertension also come here.

Tourists appreciate thermal pools not only for medicinal properties, but also at relatively low prices. A night's stay in the hotels of this resort costs from 40 euros.

Caldas de Saude

A resort in the north of the country, near the city. It is famous not only for the healing properties of hot springs, but also for its picturesque places. Spa centers specialize in treating various diseases of the joints and the respiratory system.

Wraps and a wide range of treatments are available to all guests. In addition to medicinal products, they offer cosmetic procedures. Prices per night start from 50 euros.


This is enough big resort, consisting of rustic-style houses, plunge pools and a swimming pool under open air. The complex is located next to the Serra de Monchique National Park. Vacationers are offered a variety of spa treatments, as well as opportunities for active recreation, such as a boat tour mountain biking around the surrounding area.

The ocean is quite far from the resort, 20 kilometers. A day at this resort costs 50-80 euros, depending on the season.

Serra da Estrela: ski resort

I was in the Serra da Estrela mountains, on the slopes of which the only ski resort is located, in April. To be honest, I was not impressed by the Portuguese mountains. The slopes seemed very gentle to me, and the mountain was low, its very high point– 1993 meters. Of course, due to the low altitude and topography, the Portuguese resorts are not impressive and can hardly compete with neighboring French or Spanish ones.

However, they are characterized by relatively affordable prices and low hotel costs. The cost of living here starts from 20 euros per night. The cost of a ski pass for one person is 25 euros per day, or for 100 euros you can buy a 6-day pass. On the slopes of the mountain there are a total of 9 slopes for alpine skiing and snowboarding, both for beginners and professionals. For the latter there is a special track on an artificial slope.


In general, Portuguese resorts, with the exception of ski resorts, are quite diverse and provide guests with a truly wide range of additional services. A big plus is that prices for holidays in this country are sometimes several times lower than in neighboring Italian or Spanish resorts.


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