How far is the Similan Islands from Pattaya? The magnificent Similan Islands are the pearl of Thailand. What to do on the islands

If national park open to tourists, you can also get here by ferry, which departs daily from Thap Lamu pier. Such a trip will cost 1,500 baht. For tourists who are new to Phuket, there is a transfer service from the airport to the pier, which costs 300 baht.

Cost of holidays on the islands

There is no need to pre-book a trip to Similan. In Phuket you can find travel agencies everywhere selling trips to the islands. This is a profitable option, especially for those who are in Thailand for the first time, because worries about living in an unfamiliar area cause a lot of trouble. High season, holidays in Similan are quite expensive. Peak prices fall between December and January. The cost of accommodation for one person will be:

  • Round trip ticket - 4500 baht.
  • Ticket for 2 days with an overnight stay on the island - 6,500 baht.

You can save on tours if you buy them in Khao Lak. From Khao Lak you can get to Thap Lamu Pier public transport, spending only 85 baht. The best option for the price would be a tour to the Similan Islands from Khao Lak. It will cost 2,000 baht, and upon arrival you can book a place in a pallet or rent a house in the forest for an overnight stay. Renting a place to stay overnight will be approximately:

  • Tent – ​​from 650 baht,
  • Bungalow without amenities - from 1500 baht,
  • Bungalows with modern communications – from 2000 baht.

Near the forest houses there are cafes and bars that open three times a day for 1.5 hours and close the rest of the time. You can eat all your meals here if you arrive on time. Prices are affordable and you can get a set breakfast, lunch and dinner for 250 baht.

Beaches of the Similan Archipelago

Despite the fact that the archipelago consists of 9 islands, only 2 can boast of clean beaches with white sand: 4 and 8. Since the islands are part of Thailand national park, access to some beaches is closed for safety reasons wildlife or due to nearby reefs and rocks.

The most popular beach is Donald Duck Beach, which is located on the island of Koh Similan. In general, the island consists of three more beaches: Beacon Beach, Honeymoon Beach and Princes Beach. The beaches are characterized by a gently sloping bottom, sandy beaches of small pebbles and incredibly clear water even during the high and low tide season. On the territory of Donald Duck Beach there is the most famous attraction of the Siminan Islands, Sail Rock, which offers incredible views of the sea horizons and tropical terrain.

On the island of Ko Huong, which is the first on the list of the archipelago, there is a wonderful beach, which is the longest in length in the entire archipelago. The best representatives of Thai flora and fauna are collected here, but in order to preserve nature, the beach is closed to visitors.

Things to do

The most popular view recreation among tourists is diving. Similan can also offer snorkeling and ecotourism, but these activities are not available on all islands of the archipelago, because local authorities care about the preservation of wildlife. Throughout the islands there are diving spots that are especially popular among tourists.

Koh Similan Island

Koh Similan is the largest island. The infrastructure is most developed here. Against the backdrop of partial civilization, a 30-meter coral reef seems like a fairy tale. A natural viewing platform is the rock formation to the west, which offers excellent views of the island. Ideal for scuba diving:

  • Reef Fantasy. It is located 180 meters along the western coast. The depth of descent is 15-38 meters, and maximum visibility is 23 meters. There is excellent fauna here, but the current is strong, so diving experience is required to descend to the Fantasy Reef.
  • Beacon Beach. There are underwater caves formed from solid coral reef. Nearby, at the bottom of the sea, there is a sunken ship. The depth is no more than 25 meters, which is ideal for those who are just trying to master diving.
  • Elephant Head. A rock formation in the shape of an elephant's head is located in the southern part of the island. At a depth of 25 meters there is deep caves. Due to strong currents, only suitable for experienced divers.
  • Beacon Point Reef. The hardened coral reef and large smooth rocks are where a lot of marine life hides. There is almost no current, and the depth varies from 4 to 33 meters.
  • Deep Six. The bottom of this beach consists of reefs, rocks and tunnels. The depth in some places reaches 46 meters, so it is possible to see a shark.
    Donald Duck's Lagoon. This beautiful place, no more than 17 meters deep, which allows you to dive without equipment, only with a mask. Here you can see a variety of different types turtles and fish. The current is not strong, so the lagoon is suitable for beginners.

The cost of diving in the Similayan Islands starts from 4,000 baht. Excursions with accommodation on board are possible, which will cost from 5,500 baht per day.
The Similan Islands offer two types of diving:

  • Diving by popular places with the group. Such trips involve a day or week-long tour of the best diving sites.
  • Dive with an instructor. For such a trip, it is necessary to draw up a route in advance and coordinate it with the personal preferences of the client.

Vacationing with children on the islands

The Similan archipelago is a paradise for children. It's quiet cozy place, which offers acquaintance with thousands of representatives of flora and fauna, swimming in clear water and relaxing on Cote d'Azur coast. If you come on vacation with children, then you definitely need to show them:

  • Giant turtles. On the island of Ko Huong there is a whole population of large turtles that annually hide eggs with their offspring in Sandy shore Adaman Sea. Giant turtles grow up to 1 meter in length and weigh 100 kg. For a child, meeting such an exotic animal is an unforgettable experience. During the breeding season, the population of giant tortoises on the islands reaches several hundred and some individuals are not averse to being fed.
  • Corals and reefs. The Similan Islands offer an opportunity to get acquainted with the world of wild marine nature. The variety of colors and textures of coral reefs will delight any child.
  • Exotic animals. The archipelago is famous for its abundance of marine life, but the terrestrial representatives of exotic animals are no less impressive. The entire territory of the islands is a national park, so 39 species of birds and wild animals can be found everywhere.

Also, the child will certainly appreciate boat trip, because in the sea you can see dolphins and sharks up close.


If getting to the archipelago is not difficult even in the low season, then leaving this resort is a little more difficult. If it is quite easy to get from Phuket to Thap Lamu Pier by public transport, then from the Similan Islands you need to go by boat or cruise ship. You can rent it for 450 baht and the journey will take 1.5 hours. Based on these calculations, you need to arrive at the pier in advance, because you can only get to Phuket airport by bus according to a schedule.

Another option is to take a taxi, which will cost from 1,000 baht. The best option would be to book a trip with a tour operator, who will take care of all the nuances of the road and deliver you to Phuket airport in no more than 3 hours. The cost of the transfer will be from 2 thousand baht per person, but this is a guarantee that you will be able to get to the city or airport on time.

Arriving in Khao Lak, I completely spontaneously decided to go to the Similan Islands, because it is from Khao Lak that boats usually depart there. It would be stupid to be close to the pier and not sail to the Similan Islands. If not now, then when, right? I have already advised other travelers on sea excursions around the islands, including the Similan Islands, so many times, but I have never gone there myself. Therefore, there was an urgent need to correct this omission.

I don’t know what I expected from the excursion, but now, sitting in cool and gray Moscow, I remember those places as a piece of paradise, as a place with an indescribable riot of colors. Yes, I didn’t like the crowds of people who “spoil” all the views (and I’m part of this crowd, of course), but in fact, beauty has not gone away. The national park of the islands looks exactly as beautiful as it did 100,500 years ago: azure water, White sand, huge smooth stones.

So for those who are not bothered by a large number of people, I highly recommend going to Similan. If you, like me, like to enjoy nature alone, then you will need to go overnight. All excursion groups They arrive around 9-10 am and sail back at 3-4 pm. Thus, you will have the opportunity early in the morning and at sunset to be, albeit not alone (usually 20-30 people come for an overnight stay), but in a very small company.

The road there

I have written all the information details below, and now I will tell you how the excursion itself went. First, all minibuses bring tourists from hotels to the pier. We sat there for about an hour, during which time we had breakfast and received instructions. During breakfast, a guide passed by and handed out pills for motion sickness; later I understood why. The speedboat bounces on the waves so that sometimes it feels like your spine will fall into your pants. Sitting on the bow is, of course, more interesting, but it shakes quite a lot, so to minimize shaking it is better to sit closer to the end of the boat, which is exactly how I rode back. And I didn’t want to shake, and I got really burned because I forgot my sun cream.

Island 4

We first sailed to island 4. It is stunningly beautiful! And the color of the water... You have to see it. I can’t even believe that this happens. But there were as many people as I was delighted with the views. It is assumed that you will want to swim on this island, but you don’t have much time. Since it was more interesting for me to walk, I first walked through the forest, where there are tents, bungalows and other buildings of the national park, and then climbed the stone embankment on the edge of the beach. By the way, it is on this island that people most often stay overnight, since it is better suited for this and there is more space. There is a walking trail to another beach, where excursions also sometimes come, but I didn’t have time to go.

Here you can sit and watch, watch...


Afterwards there was the first snorkeling. Usually they sail somewhere to a specific place near one of the islands not far from the coast, like right there appropriate place for snorkeling. Since I don't have a waterproof case for my camera or phone, I didn't shoot underwater. I won’t say that there is a lot to see there. After the Red Sea, Egypt is a bit sparse. But fish, all kinds of sea cucumbers, corals, tridacniforms, and rock crevices are present.

Snorkeling second

Next we sailed to Island 8, the most famous of the entire group of Similan Islands, to drop off food and leave a few crew members to cook lunch. Then we went on another snorkeling trip and returned to the island for lunch. The second snorkeling was the same as the previous one. Another bottom, more interesting in terms of relief, but the same in terms of the richness of fauna.

Island 8

Many people have seen photographs from this island on the Internet: a huge boulder fell from the sky onto an observation deck overlooking the beach. When visiting the viewpoint of the island, you feel all the delights of the tourism industry - queues! The fact is that the road to the stone is in some places passable only for one stream, so the oncoming stream has to wait. Because of this, along a path that takes 5 minutes to walk, you walk for 15-20. And, to be honest, the stone itself was not impressive. It would be cool to sit near it in splendid solitude at sunset, but it’s just an attraction that’s essentially made up of nothing, and you can’t crowd around it. There are too many people on a small platform, and someone will accidentally push you and you will fly down. By the way, shoes are still left on the pier on the mainland, so during the entire tour you can only wear bare feet. So, the stone observation deck is so hot that, it seems to me, you can get a burn.

The path up is interesting, but...

But the island is simply overcrowded with tourist groups, which is why there are queues

Lunch was surprisingly varied and quite tasty. And in general, it seemed to me that they paid a lot of attention to food on this excursion; they fed us 3 times. It’s not bad, I don’t argue, but I’d rather watch something else, because I can eat later.

Visiting information

First of all, you need to know that you don’t need to go to Khao Lak just for Similan! It will be easier and cheaper to buy an excursion directly in Phuket. It may be strange, but excursions in Khao Lak itself cost the same as in Phuket. This is the logistics. You will be brought from Phuket by minibus, the journey takes about 2 hours.

They constantly ask me to recommend a trusted local agency, which I have used myself. I advise: . It’s convenient that you can write to them via messenger and place an order directly on the website.

A mask with a snorkel and fins are provided free of charge (for professional snorkelers it would be better to bring your own mask). You can also rent a waterproof soap dish (1200 baht), swimming goggles (280 baht), and a personal snorkel mouthpiece (100 baht). The price list will depend on the company you go through.

Picked up from the hotel at 7:30. We left the pier at 9:30. At 15 hours ago. On the first beach they gave us 45 minutes to swim, 30 minutes for each of two snorkeling sessions, and 30 minutes for lunch. last island 1 hour 40 minutes. That is, everything is quite fast and at a gallop, but most people are satisfied with such a program.

It’s better not to sit on the bow of a speedboat; it jumps very strongly, even if the waves are small. The speed is high, it swims 65 km in 1 hour 10 minutes. It makes sense to sit in the middle-end of a speed bot and take a motion sickness pill, even if you don't usually get motion sickness.

There are 9 islands, but only 4 are shown, since 1-2-3 are only for turtles, 5-6 islands are either underwater or something else is wrong with them. Shown: beach on island 4, snorkeling near island 7, beach on island 8 and again snorkeling near island 9. Because weather conditions The snorkeling location may change.

In total they fed 3 times. First, breakfast on the pier on land before sailing: coffee, tea, muesli, sweet rice, toast. Lunch on the island, almost Buffet: tom yum, rice, pasta, fried chicken and fish, spicy tomato sauce, pineapple and watermelon. Snack on the pier after the tour: coffee, tea, water, papaya salad, mango rice, ice cream, etc. During the boat ride, water and soda were constantly handed out.

The national park is only open for six months from October 15th to April 15th, but some say it runs until May 15th.

On the map

Below you can estimate where the Similan Islands are on the map. Distance approximately 65 km from the mainland, opposite Khao resort Varnish. Here are the coordinates of one of the popular piers: 8.568336, 98.224186. Usually tourists are taken from Phuket to Khao Lak by minibus and then transferred to boats, but I read that there are boat excursions directly from Phuket (3 hours sailing).

P.S. It may seem that I didn’t really enjoy the trip, but that’s not the case, I have no regrets. What can you do if there are so many people who want to see a piece of paradise :) Only perhaps visit less famous islands, such as Tachai Island. Although, I think, many people already know him too.

The Similan Islands, or as they are also called - the Similan Islands - are a real pearl among the many picturesque attractions of Thailand. They are located 50 km from the western part of Phuket - and consist of 9 small islands, the gorgeous beaches (considered among the best in the country) are washed by crystal clear blue waters tropical ocean.

“Similan” is translated as nine or a group of nine small islands.

Recently, the Similan Islands attracted the attention of the Royal Family, which subsequently took measures to preserve the pristine beauty of nature - the national treasure of Thailand. The princess even built herself a house on Koh Miang (No. 4), where she comes almost every year.

Similan is famous for one of the best beaches in the world, excellent snorkeling and chic places for diving. Many who have visited there compare the landscape with the Dominican Republic, and the purity and transparency of the water and sand with.

These nine islands of Thailand are designated by UNESCO as one of the most beautiful places on the planet.

The archipelago has one unusual feature- significant diversity of landscapes from island to island. Rocky slopes to the west, massive boulders and winds have made the area barren. East Coast covered with the most popular gorgeous beaches and a coral reef.

On land you can see such rare beautiful birds, like the sea eagle, kingfisher and the very rare maned dove. At sea, lovers of underwater adventures will meet sea turtles, stingrays, moray eels and perhaps even whale sharks. And all this is surrounded by an incredible amount of tropical fish.

The Similan Islands are among the top ten best places in the world for diving and snorkeling. The first diver in these places was the founder of the scuba diving system, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who conducted filming and research of the underwater world of the pearl. Andaman Sea and marveled at its richness and diversity.

It seems that the huge ocean inhabitants, who, by the way, are quite peaceful and friendly, are specially waiting here for divers and those who decide to just snorkel. Ocean currents attract sea devils, whale, leopard and reef sharks, some species of stingrays, Napoleon fish and many other amazing sea creatures here, and these places will surpass the most famous tropical resorts in terms of the number of small bellied little things teeming with them.

And although the nature of these places was affected by El Niño (fluctuations in the temperature of the surface layer of water, leading to climate change) in 2010, many reefs are already recovering (even at shallow depths) and the coral looks great.

The most better weather here it starts in mid-February and ends in May. The rainy season begins in mid-May and lasts until October, accompanied by a strong northwest wind.

The average temperature in the year is + 27 degrees, with fairly high humidity - about 83%. 3,560 mm of precipitation falls per year.

The high season in these places is from October to May, but diving is possible all year round. The cleanest and clearest water is in the summer months. Visibility averages 20-25 meters and sometimes even reaches 40 meters!

Sounds good, right? But everything can’t be perfect - everything has its shortcomings. Here, these shortcomings are expressed in the crowds of tourists who fill them all year round. No, it’s not that there’s nowhere to step (the trip is still not the cheapest), but there are enough people. And despite all this, these places are still worth a visit.

The relief here is quite unique. If you draw an imaginary line in the middle of each small piece of land from north to south, then on the eastern half there will be sand placers, gradually going deeper into densely populated coral reefs, and on the western side there will be huge sheer boulders that meet powerful underwater currents and monsoon winds on land .

Because of their bizarre shapes, the dark rocks get quite funny names, for example, Donald Duck Cove.

Due to this unique topography, diving and snorkeling from the east and west sides will be completely different.

And because of them small size Those interested can view the unique undersea world both from the eastern and western sides within one day.

All western coasts of the archipelago are surrounded by hard coral reefs in the form of a sheer wall 30-40 meters deep. But there are also soft corals that rise in beautiful waves from the seabed. There are no strong currents here.

On the eastern side, the Similans are often surrounded by whirlpools around granite rocks, and the diving is almost extreme. But very bright soft corals grow here, and the very outlines of the rocks, and small fish, and these corals produce indelible impression for the most experienced divers.

Those wishing to stay here are offered three housing options. First of all, this is a bungalow or a tent. Secondly - a boat for diving tours. And thirdly - a tourist yacht with a cruise.

More details about the first option. Of all nine islands, you can only stay in a room or bungalow on Ko Miang (# 4) and Ko Similan (# 8) - the largest and most developed. In addition to housing, they have small inexpensive restaurants with simple and not always tasty food. Bungalows are a very good option - almost all have electricity all day, a fan, as well as a mosquito net, fresh water shower and toilet. This option will cost 1000 baht per night (room for two). If instead of a fan you need air conditioning under initial conditions, the price rises to 2000 baht per night (also for two).

A tent is also an option, albeit a simple one - there is a pillow, a blanket and a mattress on the floor. Well, you can’t go anywhere without a mosquito net. Showers and toilets are shared and separate. The tents are located 1-1.5 meters from each other, making up a small camping on the embankment. The tents are available for 2 and 4 people, are closed with a zipper, and there is a storage room for things at the reception. The cost of a night here is 570 baht (if you are planning to come on holidays, it is better to reserve your place in advance). And, of course, you should not come here with your own tent - this is prohibited.

Meals for those who come on the excursion are organized on island No. 4 - Koh Miang. There is also a restaurant at Koh Similan (No. 8). Menu - alcohol - only beer.

In general, housing here is very modest. This is not a homeless shelter, of course, but if you are used to comfort, it’s not worth staying overnight. And the living conditions are quite normal. And for these minor inconveniences you will be adequately rewarded by the local nature and the rich underwater world.

West Side almost all of the Similan Islands are occupied by beautiful beaches with white sand and access to crystal clean sea. From the coast there are paths leading to places with stunning views, such as the popular Donald Duck Mountain on Koh Similan (No. 8).

Beaches at No. 4 - Koh Miang and No. 8 - Koh Similan are accessible to tourists. Most famous beach archipelago is located on Ko Similan (No. 8). This is, first of all, Donald Duck Bay, the same one where Sail Rock is located, the most recognizable local attraction and advertised on many postcards. In addition to this, at No. 8 there is another one for tourists, Beacon Beach. At No. 4 (Ko Miang) two beaches are also open to the public, Hat Yai (Honeymoon Bay) and Hat Lek (Princess Bay).

There is a very large and beautiful area with wonderful sand at No. 1 (Koh Huyong), however, unfortunately, it is generally closed to visitors for the purpose of nature conservation - a colony of giant turtles has settled there. In the rest, coastal recreation areas are not landscaped and are often just a picturesque pile of huge boulders. If you have a strong desire and you have rented a boat from Phuket, then you can very well try to land at one of these wild places (with the exception of No. 1).

Snorkeling can be done both from the shore and from a tourist boat. You can rent it directly on the spot or from travel agencies in Thailand. There are 25 diving sites in the region. Among the most famous places where the rich underwater world is clearly visible even from the surface are East of Eden, Deep Six and Anita’s Reef. Although, of course, only divers can appreciate all the beauty here.

The most common underwater inhabitants are butterfly and flagpole fish, and turtles. You can meet large barracudas, tunas, and trevally. Giant manta rays also come here with their faithful companions - cobia, very similar to sharks.

A standard one-day excursion to the archipelago includes snorkeling in four places: No. 8-Similan, No. 9-Bangu, No. 4-Koh Miang, No. 5-Koh Haa - snorkeling, amazing holiday on snow-white sand, then climb Mount Sail and to the observation deck on Koh Miang.

To walk on the stones, be sure to wear sandals, as the stones heated in the sun can burn you. The view from Mount Parus (it’s in the first photo) is breathtaking, but to climb it, you will need to climb stairs and in some places even pull yourself up on ropes. But from a height of 244 meters you can enjoy a gorgeous view of the surrounding area - the blue sea and nearby land.

Since the archipelago is quite remote from other habitats, from the first medical care Delays may occur. A boat with a doctor will be sent from the mainland immediately, but it will take time until it gets there.

Mobile phones work on islands No. 4 and No. 8, but the Internet can be found everywhere thanks to AirCard. There are no ATMs here either, so take enough cash.

As for accommodation, book in advance. Especially the bungalows - they are almost always full. So from November to May (visiting season), make sure you have a place to stay before you arrive.

But before you live somewhere, you need to get there. Everyone gets there mainly from Phuket (which is about 100 kilometers to the south). In Phuket, you drive along Taplamu Pier (about an hour and a half), and then about the same amount - to Hyong Island (No. 1 on the map), and then to No. 4 or No. 8.

Divers have another, quite interesting, option for organizing a multi-day trip to the Similan Islands. It is possible to purchase a multi-day liveaboard liveaboard, commonly called a “liveaboard”. The price of such a tour is 5,000 baht per person for each day of the trip.

If your budget allows, it would be a good idea to rent a boat or yacht (along with a captain). This type of service is widespread in Thailand, especially in Phuket. And not necessarily for an excursion here, but also to other wonderful paradise places in Thailand. The cost of a day's rental starts from 20,000 baht and depends both on the size and quality of the vessel, and your bargaining ability. Don’t be alarmed, the amount mentioned above looks mind-blowing only at first glance. Yachts and boats are not single-seaters, and if the rental cost is spread over the entire company, the costs of organizing such a trip will no longer look so impressive.

Yes, and be sure to note that excursions to these heavenly places are only available from November to April. During the other six months, the archipelago is closed to visitors in order to restore the surface and underwater world, trampled and scared away by numerous tourists.

In contact with

This is, first of all, snow-white beaches and turquoise, incredibly clear water. During tourist season excursions depart daily to Similan with tourists eager to see tropical Paradise islands from advertising brochures, swim in clear water, admire tropical fish, stroll along snow-white sandy beaches.

From this article you will learn:

What is the Similan Islands and why do people go to these islands?

The Similan Islands are a group of 9 islands, a national park in Thailand, which is open to tourists during the dry season from October to May. At other times of the year, the islands are almost uninhabited (except for a couple of reserve rangers).

There is no airport in Similan, no hotels, no ground transport and there's not even a pier. Therefore, there is no point in searching on booking sites hotels on the Similan Islands or ferries to Similan, since there are simply none. The islands can only be reached by tourist boats. Only two islands (No. 4 and No. 8) are allowed for tourists to set foot on. Near the remaining islands you can only swim, dive or scuba dive.

Each island has its own name, for example No. 8 is Similan Island, No. 6 is Nok, No. 4 is Miang. But usually they are called by numbers.

The Similans are granite islands of volcanic origin (which makes them similar to the Seychelles). The islands are covered with lush vegetation and snow-white sand in the bays. Land crabs of impressive size and fruit bats live on the Similan Islands. Fruit bats are also called flying foxes or flying dogs and are 100% vegetarian. The islands are home to a large number of hermit crabs.

But all of the above are just dry facts. The main thing that attracts thousands and hundreds of thousands of tourists to Similan is incredibly beautiful turquoise sea and snow-white beaches.

Turquoise water with white sand - business card Similan

How to get to the Similan Islands

You can get to Similan only during the dry season, when this national park is open to tourists - from October 16 to May 15.

The easiest way to get to the paradise Similan Islands is from Phuket by purchasing an excursion. Price per day excursion on Similan is about $100 per adult or child over 11 years old (children from 4 to 11 years old - $80).

To get to Similan from Phuket Island, first you need to go 53 km north to the port of Khao Lak. Then take a speed boat for another hour to rush through the waves and open spaces of the sea to Similan. The boat will most likely shake a lot, so it’s worth taking anti-motion sickness tablets 30 minutes before boarding the boat (sold at any pharmacy or given out at the briefing before boarding the boat).

You can get to Similan on your own(no excursion). First you need to get to Khao Lak (by bus, taxi, rented car). The main port from which boats depart for Similan is Thap Lamu Port. In the morning at 8:30 a.m. a boat belonging to the national park departs from Thap Lamu Port (price: 2,700 baht round trip = ~$80). This boat can take you to islands #4 or #8. As you can see, independent trip it is much more difficult and not cheaper than buying an excursion from Phuket or Krabi.

Panoramic view from the observation deck on the Parus rock (island No. 4)

Why is it worth buying an excursion to travel to Similan?

I usually lean towards doing it myself organized trips, but in this case a group excursion is the most convenient way visit Similan.

The price of the excursion to the Similan Islands includes transfer to the islands, and interesting program according to the most beautiful beaches and Similan bays:

  • transfer from the hotel to the pier in Khao Lak and back to the hotel on Phuket or Krabi,
  • rental of snorkeling equipment (to swim with a mask and admire the fish),
  • tour of three to four islands with stops to swim or climb to the observation deck,
  • lunch and refreshments (including unlimited water throughout the trip).

Where to live on the Similan Islands

P.S.: since 2018, overnight stays on the Similan Islands have been prohibited.

But there is an alternative - you can spend the night on a ship. An option for those who want to go to Similan for a few days and scuba dive is an excursion on a large ship with full-fledged cabins like in a hotel.

What to take with you to the islands

On a trip to Similan you must take with you:

  • swimsuit and towel,
  • sun cream (waterproof),
  • hat and sunglasses,
  • anti-motion sickness tablets (to be taken 15-20 minutes after boarding the boat),
  • mosquito repellent spray or cream (these bloodsuckers can bite even at midday if you decide to dine in a shady place).

Underwater in Similan there are many fish and corals, and turtles can often be found. Be sure to take mask, fins and snorkel to admire the underwater beauty. If you don't have your own kit, no problem. You can rent a mask, snorkel and fins on the shore in Khao Lak before boarding the boat.

If you are a bad swimmer, wear life vest and swim to your heart's content. Vests are available on all excursion boats.

If you tend to get sunburned, wear a long sleeve shirt and swim in it. On the second day on Similan, I really regretted that I didn’t have anything like that with me. Salvation came from heaven - the sky was overcast and this saved me from serious sunburn.

When disembarking from a boat, be sure to take your shoes with you because the path to the most beautiful observation decks often strewn with thorny branches, sticks and leaves. Although wearing shoes is prohibited on the islands, this rule is not enforced on the paths inside the island.

Incredibly beautiful color of the sea near the Similan Islands

Is it worth going on an excursion to Similan with children?

It’s definitely not worth traveling with small children. The road to Similan is tiring even for adults. With children it is better to go to the nearest islands from Phuket. For example, Maiton Island is not much inferior to Similan - turquoise water, snow-white sand and it takes about 40 minutes to get there by speedboat.

Basic moments

The Similan Islands stretch for about 20 km. They consist of nine separately standing islands, which are stretched in one line parallel to the mainland. Highest point rises 244 meters above sea level. In the Yawi dialect of Malay spoken by the ethnic Malays of Thailand, the name of the islands means "nine".

Although the Similan Islands are more often referred to by numbers, each of them has a name Thai language: Huyong, Payang, Payan, Miang, Ha, Payu, Hin Pusar, Similan and Bangu. In 1989, two more islands were added to the Similan National Park - Tachai and Bon.

The largest in size is Similan Island (No. 8). It stretches for 4.3 km and has a width of 1.4 km. Miang Island (No. 4) was chosen by a Thai princess. She built a house here and actively cares about preserving the pristine nature of the archipelago. Travel to the Similan Islands is very popular among holidaymakers in Phuket and Khao Lak.

Since the climate in Thailand has seasonal nature, best period For a visit to the islands, the end of December - the end of March is considered. At this time, the weather is clear, there is almost no precipitation, the sea is not stormy, and travelers can enjoy a pleasant beach holiday. During the peak tourist season, the Similan beaches can be quite crowded.

Most often, boats with tourists sail to the island of Hin Pusar. The seabed around it is distinguished by a variety of relief and an abundance of underwater fauna. Some travelers stop overnight on Similan and the second largest island, Miang, which measures 2.2 km by 0.65 km.

From May to October, when the rainy season begins, the weather on the Similan Islands changes dramatically. Strong monsoon winds raise high waves in the Andaman Sea, and travel to offshore islands can turn into a dangerous journey. During the rainy season, authorities completely close Similan National Park to tourist groups. A period of desolation begins, which has a beneficial effect on the restoration of local fauna and flora.


Most tourists come to the island archipelago for beach holiday. And although there are nine islands, the beaches of only two of them are open to travelers - Miang (No. 4) and Similan (No. 8). Other islands are closed to visitors to the national park so that people do not unnecessarily disturb animals and birds.

The most popular beach, Donald Duck Beach, is located at the very big island Similan Archipelago (No. 8). Many boats with tourists dock here. As a rule, all travelers go to climb the picturesque Sail Rock, which is located next to the beach, because it is one of the recognizable symbols of the Similan Islands. It is not difficult to walk to the top of the sail-like rock in 5-10 minutes. For convenience, the ascent is equipped with wooden stairs. And from the vantage point it opens beautiful view almost the entire island archipelago.

On the other side of Similan Island (No. 8) there is another popular beach - Beacon Beach. It is smaller in size, but just as clean and covered in fine white sand.

There are two beaches on Miang Island (No. 4). Hat Yai is large in size, also called Honeymoon Beach, and small but very picturesque beach Hat Lek, named after Princess Beach. This island has its own vantage point at an altitude of 130 m and several hiking trails for exploring the jungle.


The first diver to explore the bottom of the Andaman Sea was Jacques-Yves Cousteau. In the middle of the last century, a team under his leadership discovered the wonderful world of the Similan Islands and filmed underwater flora and fauna.

These days diving west coast Thailand is very popular among divers all over the world. Here you can see the most picturesque underwater landscapes. Around the Similan Islands, nature is practically untouched by man. Various types of corals thrive in the sea, and there are hundreds of species of tropical fish. It is no coincidence that the Thai authorities have organized a national park in this part of the Andaman Sea.

Divers come to the Similan Islands from December to April. At this time, the sea water is very clear, and there are practically no storms. Visibility under water reaches 20-25 m, but can reach up to 40 meters. There are about 30 dive sites around Similan, located close to each other. Near Huyong Island (No. 1), popular dive sites are Surgeon Rock, where you can meet stingrays, and the picturesque Coral garden. Near Payu Island (No. 6) divers like East of Eden, near Similan Island (No. 8) Elephant Head Rock and Fantasy Reef, and near Bangu Island (No. 9) Breakfast Bend and Christmas Point.

Features of the underwater world of the western part of the Similan Islands are underwater canyons, grottoes and caves, huge rocks and giant boulders, as well as an abundance of soft and hard corals descending like a wall to depths of 30-40 m. The sea is home to schools of colorful fish, as well as barracudas and tunas. The currents here are fast and strong, so diving in the west is done by more experienced divers.

The eastern part of the Similan Islands is distinguished by beautiful coral gardens with sea anemones, between which colorful fish scurry. The sea here is shallow and absolutely calm, and these conditions are perfectly suitable for those who are taking their first steps in diving.

In addition to daytime diving, diving in Similan is popular. dark time days. During night diving you can find different types of crabs, including large hermit crabs and spiny lobsters.

Since February, sea water temperatures have risen, currents have changed, and a lot of plankton appears in the sea around the Similan Islands. Such an abundance of food attracts stingrays, including giant manta rays. During this period of the year, divers can meet different sharks near the islands - gray, whale, leopard, whitetip, reef and nurse sharks.

Fauna of the island archipelago

Each of the Similan Islands looks like a large green cap covered with lush tropical greenery. The waters of the Andaman Sea have become a haven for giant turtles, whose shells reach 1 meter in diameter. sea ​​turtles favored by locals sandy beaches for laying eggs, so the longest beach, which is located at the very south island Huyong Archipelago (No. 1) was specially closed to tourists. Female turtles lay eggs on it every year.

There are 39 species of birds nesting among the trees, some of which cannot be seen on the mainland because they live only on the outlying islands. This is where they breed their offspring. beautiful views pigeons - Nicobar and two-color fruit. These are calm, not shy birds, and are often seen by tourists. The Similan Islands are also home to the flying fox, 16 species of bats and large lizards - monitor lizards.

Where to stay

Most travelers limit themselves to a one-day tour of the islands. However, those who want to spend a wonderful time in Similan also stop tropical paradise a few days. Conditions for overnight accommodation have been created on the largest island - Similan (No. 8) and Miang Island (No. 4).

There are no comfortable hotels and guesthouses here, but wooden bungalows are built, equipped with air conditioning, fans and mosquito nets. A bungalow with a fan costs 1,000 baht, and a bungalow with air conditioning costs 2,000 baht per night. Electricity is generated using a generator, which is usually turned on at night from 18.00 to 6.00, so air conditioners and fans do not work most of the day.

If you wish, you can spend the night in camping tent, designed for 2-4 people. This is what most travelers who stay on the Similan Islands do. However, it is worth considering that you will have to use local tents, since the administration of the national park does not allow you to bring tents with you. In addition, when spending the night at a campsite, tourists use common toilets and showers. A night in a tent costs 500-600 baht.

There is another option for overnight accommodation. Some tourists prefer to sleep in specially equipped boats anchored near the shore.

Useful information for tourists

  • They sell one-day tours and tours with one or more overnight stays to the Similan Islands. Their price includes transfer, tour guide, three meals a day and snacks, insurance and accommodation.
  • When purchasing a tour, the cost of visiting the national park is also included in the price. And when visiting the islands on your own Foreign tourists They pay 500 baht per adult and 300 baht per child.
  • Divers purchase a multi-day diving safari, during which overnight stays are organized on a ship (liveaboard). Such tours cost from 5,000 baht per day. Some lovers underwater diving rent a ship with a captain. The cost of such rental starts from 20 thousand baht per day.
  • Standard one day tour includes 2-3 snorkeling stops. You can bring your own fins, snorkel and mask or rent them from the tour organizers.
  • After the devastating tsunami of 2004, the underwater world around the Similan Islands became much poorer. You should not expect that while snorkeling in local waters you will see as many colored fish as in the Red Sea.
  • When boarding the boat, tourists are asked to leave their shoes, so the entire tour of the Similan Islands is barefoot.
  • For tourists on the islands of Miang (No. 4) and Similan (No. 8), common dining rooms and several cafes offering Thai dishes and fruits are open. They serve food according to a schedule, and the rest of the time tourists can buy water, nuts and chips.
  • On Similan and some other islands of the archipelago, you can rent a boat or use a taxi boat to travel between the islands.
  • There are no ATMs on the islands.

How to get there

The Similan Islands are located in the Andaman Sea, 70 km west of the Thai province of Phang Nga. The provincial capital of the same name can be reached by highway. The journey by bus or car from Bangkok takes about 12 hours.

Most travelers reach the Similan Islands by speedboats departing from Taplamu Pier. People go here from Phuket shuttle buses and taxi. They cover a distance of 100 km in 1.30-2.00 hours. The boat ride from the pier to the islands takes 1.10-1.15 hours.


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