The capital and major cities of Madagascar. Description of Madagascar. Gifts and souvenirs

  • Ambalavao
  • Ambanya
  • Ambatulampi
  • Ambatundrazaka
  • Ambenya
  • Ambilube
  • Ambuhimahamasina
  • Ambuhimahasua
  • Ambusitra
  • Ambuvumbe
  • Amparafarawola
  • Amparihi-Beyofo
  • Ampitsikinama
  • Ampumbiantambu
  • Andapa
  • Antalaha
  • Antananarivo
  • Antanifutsi
  • Antsirabe
  • Antsiranana
  • Antsuhihi
  • Arivunimu
  • Betruka
  • Befandriana-Avararta
  • Wangaidran
  • Whatumaindry
  • Vuhimar
  • Ile Sainte-Marie
  • Ihusi
  • Maevatanana
  • Maintiran
  • Mampikuni
  • Manakara
  • Mananzari
  • Mandritsara
  • Maruantsetra
  • Maruvuai
  • Mahaboo
  • Mahajanga
  • Miarinarivo
  • Muramanga
  • Murombe
  • Morondava
  • Nosy Be
  • Port Berg
  • Sambava
  • Taulanaru
  • Tsuruarumandidi
  • Toamasina
  • Toliara
  • Farafangana
  • Fianarantsoa

Cities, resorts and regions of Madagascar

When choosing a vacation in Madagascar, you can perfectly combine a youth vacation with lively music at night and active daytime travel through the island’s reserves. The most popular place in the world, which can easily compete with resorts in France or Cyprus, is a small but wonderful resort on the island of Nosy Be. Here you can have fun in a modern nightclub, and during the day relax under the “colored” sun on a warm beach with emerald waves and white sand. attracts many tourists year after year.

In the city of Antsiranana you will also find great amount nightclubs with mesmerizing music and hot dancing. Most popular places, even among Hollywood stars, are the clubs “Vahin” and “NouvelHotel”. For people who are in search of good things health resort, it is advised to visit the fishing port of Mahajanga, which translated means “Bringing Health.” Here you will find not only beautiful buildings, but also the remains of the famous royal fortress, which is more than 300 years old,. Mahajanga is valued by its mineral springs, thanks to which hundreds of tourists are cured every year. According to legend, the water flowing under the ground of the resort contains certain substances that are considered magical, as they were given by the gods themselves during a drought.

Madagascar - Republican Island state with the capital Antananarivo. He became known to a wide circle of people after the release of the cartoon of the same name. Filled with bright moments, colorful scenes and an interesting plot, it found a response in millions of children's hearts and is still widely popular. But its creators not only made a fun and interesting cartoon, but also in some way described amazing life, taking place where Madagascar is located.

Geographical position

The main island of the Republic of Madagascar is located in the Indian Ocean off the southeastern coast of Africa. It is the fourth largest in the world. It is separated from the mainland by the Mozambique Channel. The area of ​​the state is 587 thousand square kilometers, the population is almost 23 million people, of which almost 5 million live in the capital.

It was formed after the division of the continent of Gondwana (about 90 million years), separating from India. This feature has given the island a unique fauna - 90 percent fauna found in Madagascar lives only here. However, due to the rapid increase in population, its animal world is under serious threat of extinction.

The island is divided into 5 districts:

  • Central Highlands;
  • Tsaratanana mountain range;
  • East Coast;
  • West Coast;
  • Southwest.

In the center of the republic is the Anjafi mountain plateau, which abruptly ends in the east and smoothly descends to the west. Most high point in Madagascar is the Marumukutru volcano, long extinct. Its height is 2876 m.

History of Madagascar

The first settlement of the territory where Madagascar is located today began between the 3rd and 6th centuries AD. Boarding light canoes, the Austronesian peoples crossed the strait and started the formation of settlements on the island. This theory is supported by latest research scientists based on a comparison of two cultures - Madagascar and Austronesian, namely: the similarity of language, methods of growing and processing crops, the same type of canoe.

The first written mention of the country appeared during the first arrival of the Arabs. At the same time, attempts began to Islamize the population of the republic, but this was not done fully. The ancient beliefs that have been present here since the first settlement are still practiced by the majority of the population today. About 45% of the population are followers of Christian beliefs (Catholic and Orthodox).

The republic received its name thanks to the famous Italian explorer Marco Polo, who described Africa. In his notes he mentioned in passing amazing island with untold riches, located off the coast of the continent and described it as Madeigascar.

The discovery of Madagascar by European explorers dates back to the early 16th century. According to official version it was the Portuguese navigator Peru da Covilhã, who received information about unusual island from Arab traders. Thanks to his geographical location the island was a tasty morsel for establishing trading outposts. Britain and France tried to occupy it, but the unfavorable climate for Europeans and extreme hostility local residents made this task much more difficult.

Few people know that Madagascar was home for pirates. Auctions for slave traders were held here. The most famous pirates: John Bowen, William Kidd, Robert Drury and others called the island their homeland and spent their time periodically plundering sea routes from India.

At the end of the 19th century, during the colonization of Africa, French troops invaded the territory where Madagascar is located and subjugated it, overthrowing the local monarchy. In 1897, Britain, Portugal and Spain recognized the French protectorate over the republic.

During the Second World War, when France was defeated, power over the republic passed to the Vichy regime, which did not have to rule for long - already in 1943 it returned under French protection.

The country gained independence only in 1960, when the Malagasy Treaty was proclaimed. independent republic. Then the islands where Madagascar is located became unitary and independent. The influence of France on the island can still be traced, just remember that French along with Malagasy, it is official in the country.

Economy of the Republic

Madagascar today is a developing country. According to the GDP rating, the country ranks 110th (before Georgia, after Estonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina). Basis economic development and the most promising industry today is tourism. Other main sectors of the economy include fishing, growing spices and herbs for export, Agriculture.
The country is one of the leaders in the production of the following products:

    • legumes;
    • vanilla;
    • bananas;
    • cocoa;
    • coffee;

Democratic Republic of Madagascar.

The name of the country comes from the ethnonym of the people - Malagasy.

Capital of Madagascar. Antananarivo.

Area of ​​Madagascar. 587041 km2.

Population of Madagascar. 15983 thousand people

Location of Madagascar. The state is located in Madagascar, the fourth largest in the world. Separated from the strait. There are also several small islands.

Administrative divisions of Madagascar. The state is divided into 6 faritaniyas (provinces).

Madagascar form of government. Republic.

Head of State of Madagascar. President, elected for a term of 5 years.

Supreme legislative body of Madagascar. Bicameral Parliament (Senate and National Assembly).

Supreme executive body of Madagascar. Government.

Major cities of Madagascar. Toamasina, Fianarantsoa, ​​Mahajanga, Tulear, Antseranana.

Official language of Madagascar. Malagasy, French.

Religion of Madagascar. 52% are pagans, 41% are Christians, 7% are Muslims.

Ethnic composition of Madagascar. 26% - Merina, 12% - Betsileo, 7% - Tsimiheti, 6% - Sakalave, 5% - Antaisaka.

Currency of Madagascar. Malagasy franc = 100 centimes.

Flora of Madagascar. Tropical forests grow in the eastern part of the country, predominant in the western regions, and desert areas in the south. Here you can see the famous “Travelers Tree” - the Madagascar Ravenala, which looks like a giant fan.

Fauna of Madagascar. Among the representatives of the animal world of Madagascar, numerous species of lemurs, which are found only in this territory, should be highlighted, as well as insectivorous tenrecs, water boars, and bats.

Rivers and lakes of Madagascar. The largest rivers are Betsiboka, Tsiribigya, Mangoki and Onilahi. There are many waterfalls along the course. The most big lake- Alaotra.

Sights of Madagascar. In Antananarivo - Museum of Art, Museum of Archeology, building former palace Queen of Madagascar. Tourists are also attracted by coral colonies and rare animals.

Useful information for tourists

Flying up to Madagascar on a plane, you are filled with surprise - is the earth really that color? A surreal landscape from The Martian Chronicles appears before your eyes - bright red earth and bright green vegetation. There are no luxury hotels and sanatoriums here, this is a paradise for those who appreciate the hospitality of the residents and true exoticism - the ocean, mountains, and wildlife. The main thing that gives Madagascar its special glory is the unique originality of its flora, fauna and even population, the genetic connections of which with the inhabitants of neighboring continents remain largely unclear to this day. The natural attractions of the island are extremely diverse, ranging from placers of precious and semi-precious stones to geysers, waterfalls and amazingly beautiful lakes formed in extinct craters.

It is better to tip in local currency; in restaurants it is 10% of the total cost of the order.

Madagascar island on the map of Africa
(all pictures are clickable)

The state of Madagascar is located off the southeastern coast of Africa on island of the same name with a total area of ​​587 thousand sq. km (it ranks fourth in size in the ranking, confidently displacing Sumatra and the UK). The country also owns a scattering of tiny green oasis islands in the neighborhood.

Geographical position

Madagascar is separated from the continent by the Mozambique Strait (which is about five hundred kilometers wide), and is surrounded on the other three sides. Indian Ocean. Almost the entire coast is a not too wide low-lying strip, abundantly indented by small lagoons and bays.

The closest neighbors are the same island states (but much smaller): Mauritius and Comoros.

The central part is a highland, bounded on the south by the Ivakuani ridges, and on the north by the Tsaratanana massif (this is where the Marumukutru volcano, the highest local peak, is located). This territory is cut by the beds of sixteen rivers - those flowing to the east are particularly full of water and have an abundance of rapids. In the southwest there is a desert region.

The island of Madagascar is divided into several climatic zones. Tropical monsoons reign in the east, so it rains here almost all year round, with the exception of only the beginning of autumn. The thermometer shows from +30 to +15 °C (cold temperatures occur in August-September).

Weather west coast depends on the season: from November to April there are showers, the rest of the time it is sunny and moderately warm. In the north there is heat and constant wind, in the central plateau it is much cooler, and there are frosts in the mountains. In the south, eternal drought reigns: precipitation is rare, daytime temperatures range from +24 to +30 °C.

Flora and fauna

Of all the African countries, few are able to surprise with such an abundance of unique fauna. Madagascar - the only place, where the fossae are preserved. Here you can find pygmy hippopotamuses, lemurs and civets, ancient bristly hedgehogs, rare bats, chameleons, and geckos. The coastal lagoons are home to manta rays and moray eels.

The world of flora is no less diverse: the island has real mangroves and savannas with huge baobab trees, tropical forests and shrubs - in total more than three and a half hundred species of plants.

State structure

Madagascar island map

Madagascar is a unitary republic comprising six autonomous provinces. Executive power is in the hands of a popularly elected president and prime minister, who is appointed by the head of state. The legislative power is represented by the parliament, consisting of the Senate and the National Assembly. The country has a multi-party system. The capital is Antananarivo.


The country's population has increased by a third over the past ten years and today amounts to almost 24 million people - this East African republic ranks twentieth in the world in terms of birth rate.

The ethnic composition is predominantly Malagasy (descendants of Austronesian and African settlers), speaking their own dialect. French is used for business communication. In religious terms, the island of Madagascar is unique - half of the local residents officially declare their adherence to the ancient faith associated with the worship of the souls of their ancestors.


The country is not a prosperous one, but its economy is last years began to actively increase its turnover (largely thanks to abundant foreign investment). The island recently discovered its own oil reserves.

Traditionally main part income is provided by agriculture (trade of coffee and cocoa, sugar cane, spices). Minerals such as nickel and coal are also exported. Prospects for the development of tourism business are high.

Scientists argue about who first settled this territory: the Bantu tribes who swam across the Mozambique Strait, or the ancient Austronesians. But it is known that later the aborigines successfully resisted attempts at colonization. In the 17th century, when the rest East Africa was practically divided between the European powers, Madagascar island only welcomed pirates.

Only in late XIX centuries, as a result of French intervention, a strategically attractive corner off the coast received a permanent “owner”. During World War II, a fierce struggle broke out for the island between the British, Japanese and Germans. Madagascar ceded back to France in 1943, but active political demarches and uprisings of the local population forced the metropolis to recognize the country's independence fifteen years later.


Madagascar gives a lot of amazing experiences to fans of ecotourism - here you can look into the mouth of a dormant volcano, swim in the jets of a waterfall, go on extreme rafting, watch whales and sharks. Join local beauties You can visit De Ranomafana Park or the Tsingi de Bemaraha Nature Reserve, buy unique jewelry in Antsirabe, and enjoy the best snorkeling in Nosy Tanikeli.

In recent years, Madagascar, often called the "Vanilla Island", has become very popular among tourists. This is not surprising, considering that on this island unique nature and no less unique animal world, friendly residents and very interesting story. Madagascar is perfect place both for beach and active recreation.

Geography of Madagascar

The Republic of Madagascar is an island state in the Indian Ocean, located off the southeastern coast of Africa. This state includes the island of Madagascar (the fourth largest island in the world), as well as several small islands. total area– 587,041 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is 6,004 km.

In the central part of the island of Madagascar there is a high-mountain plateau of Anjafi (from 800 to 1800 meters above sea level), gradually descending to the west and abruptly ending closer to the east coast with its lowlands. In the north of the island it extends mountain range Tsaratanana. The highest local peak is the Marumukutru volcano, whose height reaches 2,876 meters (nowadays it is already an extinct volcano).

The Betsibuka River flows in the north-west of Madagascar - largest river of this island (its length is 525 km.)


Antananarivo is the capital of Madagascar. More than 1.5 million people now live in this city. Antananarivo was founded at the beginning of the 17th century.

Official language of Madagascar

There are two official languages ​​– Malagasy (belongs to the Austronesian language family) and French.


Almost half of the population follows the traditional Madagascan religion, based on the veneration of ancestors. Another 45% of the population are Christians (Catholics and Protestants).

State structure

According to the Constitution, Madagascar is a democratic multi-party republic, headed by a President elected by universal suffrage. The President appoints the Prime Minister.

The bicameral local parliament consists of the Senate (22 senators) and the National Assembly (125 deputies).

The largest political party in Madagascar is I Love Madagascar. The remaining parties have very little political influence.

Administratively, the country is divided into 22 regions, which in turn are divided into 119 districts, and then into 1,579 communes.

Climate and weather

The climate in Madagascar is hot subtropical, cooler in the mountains; the south and western regions are especially dry. The local climate is influenced by winds from the Indian Ocean. The coldest month is July, when average temperature air ranges from +9C to +21C. The warmest month is December - +28. However, you need to take into account that December is the rainy season.

The eastern and northern regions of Madagascar are prone to storms and cyclones from December to March. The rainy season is from November to March, and the dry season is from April to October.

Ocean off Madagascar

Madagascar is washed on all sides by the Indian Ocean. Average annual temperature water near the shore - +26C.

Rivers and lakes

The largest river of this island is Betsibuka, flowing in the northwest. The length of this river is 525 km. There are several on the island large lakes- O. Alautra, o. Kinkuni and Fr. Ihutri.

Culture of Madagascar

The culture of Madagascar is very original and interesting. The customs of the inhabitants of this country are also interesting. Thus, mothers whose children are three months old choose a person who would cut their hair. small child. The main thing is that this person has good thick hair, then the child’s hair will be fine.

The main event in the life of local men is the circumcision ceremony (Famoràna). Before the circumcision, all the boy's relatives and friends gather for a cheerful dinner. This party goes on all night. On east coast Madagascar practices collective circumcision.

Local New Year called Alakhamandi and it is celebrated with great pomp every March.

Other popular holidays are Easter, Christmas, Uprising Day, African Unity Day, Republic Day, Donia Music Festival.


People in Madagascar love to eat. The people of this country eat a lot, the portions are large and everything is very generous. A typical lunch, for example, necessarily consists of a large portion of meat, vegetables with spices and sauce. Pepper is almost always added to hot dishes, and therefore they are quite spicy. Many Madagascar desserts are flavored with vanilla (this is understandable, since the island of Madagascar is called “Vanilla Island”).

We recommend trying the following dishes: “Ro” (beef or pork marinated in vinegar, then boiled with onions, vegetables, pickles, and seasoned with spices), “Ravitoto (fried meat), “Ramazava (beef or pork pieces fried in oil with greens), “Vary amid 'anana” (rice with herbs, meat, and sometimes shrimp), “Kitoza” (long slices of fried or smoked meat).

Traditional soft drinks – “rano vda” (rice drink), mineral water.

Traditional alcoholic drinks - Litchel (aperitif made from lychee), Toaka gasy (drink made from sugar cane and rice), beer.

Sights of Madagascar

In Antananarivo, we recommend that you definitely see the ensemble of the palaces of Ruva Ambuhimanga, which houses the tombs of Madagascar monarchs, as well as Botanical Garden, Izutri Theater, Presidential Palace, Museum of Archeology and Paleontology, Iwatu Crocodile Breeding Farm.

In the vicinity of Antananarivo, tourists will be interested in the volcanic lake Tatamarina, Antafufu waterfalls, lakes Andraikiba and Tritriva, the fortress on the Ambuhimanga hill and the ruins of the castle of the Madagascan king Ralambu, built in the 16th century.

Always of great interest to tourists National Park Montagne d'Arbre. More than 50 species of lemurs, one species of pygmy hippopotamus, several species of crocodiles, iguanas, narrow-mouthed frogs, snakes, boa constrictors and a large number of birds live there.

Cities and resorts

The largest cities are Antananarivo, Antsouhihi, Sambava, Antsirabe, Toamasina, Fianarantsoa, ​​Manakara and Toliara.

In the vicinity of Madagascar there are many small islands, which are ideal for beach holiday after traveling through the tropical forests of this state.

The most popular Madagascar island for a beach holiday is Nosy Be, where there are always a lot of tourists. Less heavily populated by tourists are the islands of Ile Sainte Marie on the east coast, Nosy Komba on the north coast and the private islands of Tsarabanjina and Nosy Iranja. These islands have many secluded beaches with fine sand and clear water, over which frigate birds soar.

Tourists in Madagascar can go diving, active aquatic species sports, or just sunbathe on the beach.


Tourists in Madagascar buy handicrafts, knitted and embroidered tablecloths and clothes, Jewelry with semi-precious stones, leather goods, vanilla sprigs (no more than 100 g), saffron and other spices, honey.

Office hours


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