Nassau is the capital of pirates, cruise ships and sea snails. Recreation and entertainment

How would you like, on a slushy and cloudy day, to plunge into the warm weather for at least a day? ocean waters and soak up the sun! Fortunately, modern man is free in his movements and can go to any paradise on the planet. Recently, Russians, already fed up with the resorts of Turkey, Egypt and Thailand, are in search of something new and exotic. The capital can give them this Bahamas- Nassau. The island on which this is located beautiful city, has been a stronghold of piracy and robbery since ancient times. But let's talk about everything in order.

Game of place names: what are you, Nassau?

If you start looking on the map of Nassau and are very careful, you will most likely find two geographical object with absolutely identical names, but they are only located in different parts of the world. In one case we are talking about the capital of the Bahamas, but in the other Nassau is an island in Pacific Ocean. The latter also deserves a detailed description.

Nassau - an island lost in the ocean

There are many lost archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean that have not changed their appearance for many centuries. Nassau falls into this category. The island is part of Cook and has amazing pristine beauty. It is almost completely overgrown with coconut palms, which are the only income of the few local residents.

The natives consider its shape to be one of the features of the island. The fact is that Nassau has practically no bays and lagoons - it is completely open to storms and winds. This significantly complicates life for the islanders, who are constantly subject to the destructive effects of cyclones and typhoons. After each disaster, they have to restore almost completely destroyed houses.

Description of the island

Nassau has absolutely small sizes, it is more correct to call it an atoll rather than an island. It is only 1200 meters long and 800 meters wide. The shape of a regular, slightly elongated oval ensured that Nassau lacked lagoons, which, in turn, significantly complicates the approach to the atoll. It is surrounded on all sides by coral reefs. In some places their width exceeds one meter.

Several years ago, a project to build a convenient harbor was actively discussed, which would give impetus to the development of tourism on the island, but the significant cost of this project prevents its implementation.

Many tourists would like to spend their holidays in secluded Nassau: the climate on the atoll is conducive to a lazy and relaxing holiday. The average temperature all year round is around 25 degrees, which would be very comfortable for vacationers. However, you will not see tourists in Nassau. There is absolutely no infrastructure for this on the island, and the industry is not currently expected to develop on the atoll.

History of the island

Initially, the atoll was inhabited; natives from the nearby island of Pukapuka settled on it. It is worth noting that Nassau still belongs to the population of this atoll.

Europeans discovered the island only at the beginning of the 19th century, but it did not make much of an impression on them. For literally 70 years, Nassau was periodically rediscovered by the French, British and whaling captains.

IN late XIX century, the atoll was occupied by the Americans, later it came under the jurisdiction of the British Empire, and only in the middle of the last century was it bought by the inhabitants of Pukapuka.

Population of Nassau

According to the latest data, only 70 people live on the atoll, more than half of them are school-age children. All the islanders live in one single village, which has not even been named. As we have already mentioned, frequent typhoons cause significant damage to the homes of the islanders, so they make their houses as simple as possible; the roofs of such huts are made of palm leaves and branches, which allows them to be restored quite quickly after the next hurricane.

In the middle of the last century, a school was opened in Nassau. It still works, which is very convenient for locals who do not need to leave their property to get an education.

Is it possible to buy tours to Nassau? Unfortunately no. In the best case, if you come to the Cook Islands, you will be able to get to the atoll as a guest with the help of local residents. But you are unlikely to be able to stay here overnight - the islanders are not too kind to foreigners.

But what exactly did we talk about at the beginning of our article? Take your time, we will definitely tell you about another Nassau now.

City of Nassau: description

Located on New Providence Island. The city occupies almost the entire territory and is the cultural center of the Bahamas. total area islands - approximately 20 sq. km, where beautiful villas, excellent harbors, entertainment centers and magnificent beaches are located. All this is available to tourists day and night.

The city itself is reminiscent of prim England with its buildings. And this is not surprising, because for a long time the island was under British rule. Most of the buildings belong to 19th century, many of them are historical monuments.

In recent decades, the city has been replenished with modern entertainment centers and casino. The newly built area of ​​Cable Beach amazes with its bright signs and abundance of people, because this is where all the night life Nassau.

City `s history

In the 17th century, it was the British who founded the city here, but in those days it bore the proud name of Charlestown. Although with such a beautiful name it existed for several years, and already in the 90s of the 17th century it was renamed Nassau. Under this name the city developed further.

It is worth noting that its history is very eventful. For a long time, New Providence was the main base of pirates. They hid their ships in numerous bays and enjoyed life in drinking establishments.

For many years, the British, Spanish and even Americans fought for power over the city. Nassau saw many bloody battles and deaths until power was established on it British crown. But at the end of the 19th century, the island became of great interest to Americans. They began to come here on vacation, and during the Prohibition period, many smugglers smuggled alcohol through Nassau.

Now the city is the capital of tourism in the Bahamas; vacationers bring up to half of all incoming funds to the budget. Nassau is developing at a rapid pace, the city is quickly adapting to the needs of vacationers, which is very valuable for them.

When can you go on vacation to the Bahamas?

The climate of Nassau is subequatorial. This is very conducive to the development of tourism, average temperature rarely drops below 25 degrees. In winter (February, March), the tourist flow subsides slightly, but Russians can relax calmly at this time of year. After all, by our standards, the water temperature is twenty degrees - this is quite acceptable for swimming.

IN summer period The Bahamas often experiences hurricanes and typhoons, so this is not the most best time for relax. High season in Nassau begins in September and continues until February.

Nassau City: Attractions

Typically, small islands do not have many attractions and monuments, but the capital of the Bahamas does not fall into this category. So, what can you advise tourists who come to Nassau? What to see first?

As a rule, guests go to Parliament Square. There is a large monument to Queen Victoria and almost all the buildings from the colonial era. They are distinguished by their special architecture and character.

Among the many museums in the Bahamas, the most popular is the Pirate Museum. It is dedicated to that period in the history of the island when the power of reckless corsairs was established on it. The museum exhibits are very interesting; the collection is periodically replenished with new finds.

Ancient forts designed to protect Nassau from the water are also of great interest to tourists. Many vacationers enjoy visiting the aquarium, which contains all the inhabitants underwater world Bahamas.

Excursions to Nassau have different directions. They are divided into historical and entertainment. The first category involves exploring the island's British heritage. But the entertainment excursion program includes various sports, boat trips and, of course, visiting nightlife establishments, of which there are a great many in Nassau.

Beach area of ​​the island

The beaches of Nassau are beautiful and varied, but most tourists prefer to spend their time on This small piece of land, literally covered with snow-white sand, is located very close to New Providence and is even connected to it by bridges. The most luxurious hotels are located here, and you can find a lot of interesting activities to make the day as fun and eventful as possible.

Most popular resort Paradise Island is called Atlantis and is often compared to Las Vegas. Once upon a time it served only as a haven for local fishermen, but in just two decades it has turned into a luxurious and fashionable resort.

There are no direct flights from Russia to Nassau, but with the help of transit routes, our compatriots will also be able to experience the pleasure of contemplating the beauty of the Bahamas and see all the sights of their capital.

The flight from Florida to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, lasts only 55 minutes. I flew with Bahamas Air, famous for always being late - the flight was delayed this time, though only by an hour. No one even announced the delay; the flight was displayed on the board as “on time” until the very end. At the same time, everyone participating in this performance - passengers, flight attendants, and airport workers - treated this with complete calm and slowly walked around, as if this was the way it should be.

The vast majority of the Bahamian population is black, and this was immediately apparent upon boarding my flight - virtually every face on the plane was black. But at the same time, the Bahamas is not a poor country at all; moreover, prices in Nassau are really steep, and finding a mid-level hotel turned out to be an almost impossible task. In the end, I found one hotel, which is run by elderly Greeks, and which cannot be booked online - you can only call there - and there were places and more or less divine prices.

In general, Nassau lives in rhythm cruise ships. Every day a giant cruise ship, or even several, comes there, and during the hours that it stays there, Nassau turns into a huge anthill - tourists jostle in the shops on the main street, restaurants are full of Americans devouring kilos of food, museums and shops are open. In the evening, when the cruise ships leave the port, the city suddenly becomes empty, almost everything is closed, and rare open restaurant boasts one or two visitors.

I'll start the story about Nassau with perhaps its main attraction - the Pirate Museum.

I decided that this was the main attraction at the end of my visit. Initially, I was not going to go there at all - because I read that it was a very superficial establishment. This is both true and not - of course, many families go there, so the museum is designed for both children and adults - but I learned a lot of interesting information about pirate times there. The fact is that in the 17th and 18th centuries Nassau was one of the main centers of piracy - if not the most important. According to a pirate tale of that time, when a pirate sleeps, he does not dream of paradise, he dreams of Nassau. The port of Nassau is shallow enough that it was able to accommodate small, low-slung pirate schooners, but the large warships of the Imperial fleets could not enter - creating such an uncontrolled harbor.

The museum begins with a representation of this pirate town. When you pass by certain windows, some friend suddenly starts shouting from them, or there are prayers, creaking, etc. - it's actually very funny!

Then you can go inside pirate ship and get acquainted with the life of pirates. Life was not easy. Food was scarce and supplies were replenished in the event of a successful attack - which did not happen often. Of course he was very low level medicine - often the ship's cook simultaneously performed the duties of a doctor. The pirates signed a contract, which indicated what share of the spoils belonged to each member of the expedition - the division was very democratic, the captain rarely received even 2 normal shares - usually one and a half.

This is a pirate's way of punishment for violating a ship's law/contract - the violator was left on a desert island.

You can also familiarize yourself with the main stages of the history of pirates. Piracy continued with the connivance of England for quite a long time - since the main victims of the pirates were Spanish galleons - that is, the enemies of England. When the English colonies in America gained economic weight, pirates began to threaten them too - and then England very quickly put an end to this practice, a governor was sent to the Bahamas with a fleet, the English fleet caught all the pirates in different parts Atlantic Ocean and most were executed.

First governor of the Bahamas who played a key role in eliminating piracy.

This is what the iron device looks like, with the help of which hanged pirates were shown to the population, so that it would not be common practice. The body was coated with tar so that it did not decompose and could hang in this form for a whole year.

The first coat of arms of the Bahamas - the motto sounds like "Expulsis piratis, restituta commercia" - that is, the pirates are expelled, commerce is restored.

What does Nassau look like? Let's go for a walk around the city. The main street and life center of the Bahamas is the cruise ship. Every day is new.

Another ship with the embankment at night:

The main square is with Parliament and the statue of Queen Victoria.

Bay Street is the hub of all the tourist shops and restaurants. The Bahamas uses the Bahamian dollar, which is equal to the American dollar - while both are in circulation at the same time. I saw a Bahamian banknote for the first time only on the third day of my stay there!

Typical house:

There is also quite a lot on the main street interesting museum Slavery and Liberation - he is in this pink building.

Most slaves in the Bahamas were either from the Yoruba tribes of Nigeria or from the Congo. Although the tribesmen were deliberately separated when transporting slaves across the ocean, in the Bahamas these two communities were restored and even feuded for a long time - although in our time the boundaries between them have already been erased.

The museum is naturally designed in the spirit of African pride. Many stands tell the story of the cultural development of African states before their enslavement by Europeans. I think it seriously changes perspective for people who don't know much about the history of slavery in the US and the Caribbean.

Continuing the walk through Nassau - the Columbus statue in front of the government house. In general, Nassau is located on the hills, every now and then you walk up and down.

I climbed one hill to look at the local Cathedral- from there you can see the Hilton Hotel, the center of local prestige:

The cathedral itself - now the old part is being restored:

And this is the new part behind the old one:

I looked inside through the closed glass doors:

Next to the cathedral there is a platform with a lone player. In general, wandering around Nassau during the day, you feel completely safe. But when it gets dark, at times there is a slightly unpleasant feeling - especially when some clearly homeless-looking black characters appear around the corner. Of course, you shouldn’t automatically follow prejudices, but you shouldn’t lose your vigilance either. While I was there, I heard a report on the radio - it was on this day that two armed men attacked a store and shot a man.

There is also a local Art Gallery - which was closed. I admired the statue at the entrance.

There are three fortresses in Nassau - they were built by one slightly crazy governor. However, no one has ever attacked Nassau. I climbed into one of the fortresses - it contains the most high point cities. It's called Fort Fincastle.

It is made in an unusual triangular shape:

In practice it looks like this:

Admission costs $1.8 cents. In Nassau all prices are like this - not round. The fact is that a value added tax of 7.5% was introduced here on January 1. And with the inherent laziness of the Caribbean character, no one even thought that VAT could be included in the cost of a ticket or object - no, they simply add 8 cents to every dollar. Postcards also cost $1.8.

At the top of the Fort:

Water tower:

And the promised view of the city. On this day there are two cruise ships:

Very close to the fort there is a very impressive structure - the so-called Queen's Staircase. It was cut directly into the rock in honor of the abolition of slavery during the time of Queen Victoria.

It looks very impressive - and somehow unexpected in a Caribbean city!

In general, few people stay in the city center in Nassau - the main hotels are located outside the city, on the banks, and the so-called Paradise Island, or Paradise Island, is truly a separate small island, half of which is occupied by the huge Atlantis resort. However, it is connected to Nassau by a bridge and regular minibuses go there from Nassau for $4. Here we cross the bridge - this is Atlantis:

I entered Atlantis. There you can visit all sorts of water parks, a ticket costs $100 and up - I found it boring. The interior of the hotel is something like this:

There are several other hotels on the island:

The water area in front of Atlantis is full of yachts, one more luxurious than the other - Miami Boat Show is resting:

However, my goal was to watch the so-called Cloisters. This is an authentic monastery, which one enthusiast brought here from France in the 1930s and placed it in a park on the eastern part of the island. The thing is wonderful, and also unexpected here. This is the view from the sea:

View of the sea from the "monastery":

At that moment, they were doing a fashion shoot in the “monastery” itself:

On the other hand, through the garden you find yourself in another exclusive hotel (where mere mortals are not allowed to enter):

In the garden there are statues of idols of the enthusiast who created it. This is President Roosevelt (in the background;)):

And the discoverer Livingston:

In the Bahamas, it is customary to swim on the beach own hotel(this was not observed in mine). Still, out of curiosity, I went to the public beach. It is located a few kilometers to the west. You need to go there on a "jitney" - a broken-down local minibus driven by a Rastafarian with braids and a portrait of Haile Selassie on the front window. Beach entrance:

It's deserted, but someone recently built sand castles:

Maybe they are?

And someone else arranged a whole exhibition of shells on the pier:

Atlantis is visible in the distance:

Private boats pass by:

And the cruise ship slowly leaves for the next point on its route:

In a nutshell, more about local food. The main ingredient is conch, or sea snail. They do everything with her. In particular, I tried fresh sea snail salad. Very fresh! That is, not cooked at all - raw - just chopped and poured with sour sauce. Very tasty, although of course it’s a little scary to eat!

These are conch fritters - the main local snack. Sliced ​​and breaded sea snails. An appetizer is an appetizer, and after eating about 6 of the 8 fritters offered, I realized that I simply didn’t have the energy for the main course! Caribbean dishes are certainly killer - every time they brought me enough food to last me three times!

I also tried the third form of sea snails - the main dish - but forgot to photograph it. But I did film a typical cocktail with rum - again, pay attention to its size!

I read about the traditional Fish Fry market, which is located west of the center and consists of many small booths where local people crowd and sell sea snail dishes. But I came there on a weekday and the booths were closed - but the restaurant was open, where I took the previous photo.

Another future Bahamian dish looks at me through the glass of the aquarium:

Nassau is the capital of the Bahamas

Thanks to its tropical climate and natural landscape, Nassau has become a place of pilgrimage for travelers who can enjoy a relaxing holiday under the gentle Caribbean sun during the day, and at night - Magic world entertainment. The city is famous for its beautiful harbor, tropical breezes, the enchanting rhythm of drums, delicious dishes local cuisine and the most breathtaking opportunities for complete leisure.

Nassau – main city The Bahamas, its economic and Cultural Center, it is very modern and immediately attracts attention with the color of its buildings. The most modern publications stand side by side with magnificent examples of old colonial architecture. Nothing reminds us that once upon a time in its place there was a small and noisy village, founded not by anyone, but... by pirates. A beautiful harbor and port promenade, crowded business districts, a variety of shopping outlets - all this is Nassau today.

Despite its remoteness from Europe and other centers of civilization, Nassau is of interest to travelers from all over the world, and not only beach holiday, entertainment industry, shopping, but also unique attractions. Only in Nassau and nowhere else more tourists can combine serenity with active activities, and vivid impressions are guaranteed. Everyone who has visited this at least once wonderful place, as they say, with reverse side globe, will definitely come back here. In order to once again feel the whole rich palette - natural, historical, ethnocultural - of this magnificent resort city.

Climate and weather

The equatorial climate zone in which Nassau is located is characterized by hot weather throughout the year: the air temperature varies between +20...+32 °C. There are two seasons – wet and dry. The first is established in May and lasts until October, characterized by hot and stuffy weather, the second - from November to April, and can be called more comfortable. In general, the climate of the capital city is very mild, which is due to the influence of the warm Gulf Stream, as well as the trade wind - the southeast wind constantly blowing from the equator.

The coolest month is January, when the air temperature drops to 17 degrees with a plus sign, but this only happens at night. During the day, the thermometer can show +25 °C. The hottest months of the year are July and August, when the average temperature minimum reaches +24 °C, the maximum reaches +32 °C.

The minimum monthly precipitation - within 40 millimeters - is observed in February and March, which are considered the driest in Nassau. But in the wet season, the maximum amount of precipitation on average reaches 150-220 mm/month. For “complete happiness”, tropical hurricanes begin to blow at this time, characteristic, however, for all Caribbean. As for the water temperature in the area of ​​the capital of the Bahamas, in August-October it warms up to +30 °C, and in the remaining months of the year it stays at +25...+27 °C.

History of Nassau

Nassau, founded in the 17th century by the British, is an ancient and very beautiful city. It was originally called Charlestown, and by the end of the century it was renamed Nassau in honor of William III, the great ruler of England and Scotland, whose real name was Willem van Oranje-Nassau.

The capital of the Bahamas is perhaps the only one in the world that is called a pirate city. And it is no coincidence, because in the 18th century these regions were chosen by sea robbers, the most famous cutthroat among whom was Blackbeard. Here they settled so firmly that in 1706 they even founded the Republic of Pirates on the islands. The quasi-state, although nominally part of the British Empire, was not actually controlled by the latter. Pirates have become a real disaster for shipowners and merchants, and that's putting it mildly. The robbery continued until the British sailor Woods Rogers arrived in Nassau in 1718, bringing a royal pardon and restoring British control over the city and the islands as a whole.

At the end of that century, Nassau became the target of numerous attacks by the Spanish. In 1776, it was captured by American revolutionaries - although not for long. Six years later, the Bahamas and their capital were also occupied by the Spaniards, but a year later, in July 1783, British loyalists recaptured them without firing a shot. While I was walking Civil War in the States, more than 7 thousand loyalists moved to Nassau and other regions of the islands from the United States.

During World War II, the American Coast Guard based its boats and ships in Nassau to resist Kriegsmarine submarines. Since 1968, the city has assumed capital functions in the modern sense: the residence of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas, which was initially a self-governing territory, is located here, and since 1973, the city has housed the government of the independent state of the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, which, in turn, was part of the British Commonwealth .

Sights of Nassau

The most visited attraction in Nassau is the Queen's Staircase. The unique building is invariably included in the list of must-see places in the city. The staircase got its name in honor of the British Queen Victoria. The Queen's staircase consists of 65 steps - the same number of years she was on the throne. The steps were hollowed out by slaves for ten years in the mountain, which is located in the very center of the capital. At the top of the stairs there is an excellent panorama of the city and its surroundings.

However, the most best view in Nassau it opens from a water tower, the height of which reaches 40 m. This attraction can rightfully be considered one of the main calling cards of the city. It was built back in 1928. Interesting fact: For some reason, the government of the neighboring United States allocated funds for construction. In itself, this object is not particularly interesting from an architectural point of view, but how observation deck he has no equal in the city.

Another famous place in Nassau is the Atlantis Bridge. From here it opens best review on the strait separating New Providence and the adjacent Paradise Island. Ships pass freely under it, and the road surface itself sharply rushes upward from the shore. Traffic on the bridge is organized in such a way that there are no traffic jams: on the left side traffic moves to the island, on the right side – from the island. From the Atlantis Bridge you can clearly see the famous pink Atlantis Hotel, cruise ships at anchor and boats running back and forth along the strait.

Are you interested in the beauty of pristine nature? Then you need to visit the Royal Victoria Gardens, which are located in the southern part of Shirley Street. They represent a great Botanical Garden, whose history dates back to the 19th century. The family of a wide variety of tropical plants collected from all over the world includes over 300 species. Particularly striking are the magnificent orchids, of which there are a lot here, including rare species. Bizarrely entwining trees, they emit such exquisite aromas that everything around seems to be saturated with them. This idyllic picture is complemented by many birds, singing so masterfully, as if competing with each other, whose trill is louder and more beautiful.

After enjoying the natural beauties of Nassau, it’s time to look into the kingdom of books. Public library Bahamian capital, located in an unusual octagonal building built at the end of the 18th century, is also one of the main attractions of the city. The interior is also interesting, from which you can’t tell that until 1879 there was a prison here. After the last prisoners were released from here, books took up residence in the former prison cells. Other rooms in the ex-prison were also used: one was used as a reading room, while others housed a magnificent museum dedicated to colonial times.

Can you visit Nassau without visiting the famous Rawson Square? This is hardly possible, because around it, in fact, lies the historical center of the city with buildings from the 18th-19th centuries that have survived to this day. In the center is a sculpture of the first Governor General of the Bahamas, Sir Milo Butler. Over time, this place became very lively, it was chosen by hawkers, street musicians, bankers and, of course, tourists.

Rawson Square is adjacent to two of the most famous streets - Prince George's Wharf and Bay Street, forming the crossroads of the Old Town, where a whole complex of historical buildings is located. Bay Street is also famous among tourists for the fact that it houses many shops, cafes and restaurants. It is one of the main centers of trade and recreation aimed at visitors. Prince George's Wharf can also boast of its shops and cafes, which, in addition to tourists, are very popular with sailors of local and foreign ships. If you find yourself in Nassau for the winter holidays, be sure to come here, because the annual Christmas carnival is held here.

Another city square, Parliament Square, is located just south of Rawson. Here, at the end of the 18th – beginning of the 19th centuries, buildings for administrative structures were erected. Here are the buildings of the former colonial administration and the current Parliament of the Bahamas, as well as Supreme Court and the House of Assembly. One of the dominant features of the square is the statue of Queen Victoria. The beautiful two-story Parliament building with an antique portico is decorated with four columns.

Not far from Nassau there is a hill on which stands Fort Charlotte, built in 1787, named after the beloved wife of the Bahamian King George III. Now there is a museum here. The former fort is surrounded on all sides by a moat with water. This place attracts tourists with the popular local costume festival-carnival Jonkonu. It is held here twice a year: at Christmas and New Year, and then in July-August.

When in Nassau, be sure to visit the Pirate Museum; it is located in the very center of the capital of the Bahamas, on the corner of George and Marlborough streets. The museum is small in area, but it contains a large number of fascinating and exclusive exhibits. The creators stylized it as a ship, which visitors can enter through the “docks” - dark rooms with poor lighting. But on the “decks” of the makeshift “ship” there are memorial plaques with information about the most famous thugs of the Caribbean.

And finally, a few words about the island of Silver Bay, not far from Nassau. Here is the Crystal Cay Marine Park Aquarium, which covers more than 16 acres. Notably, it was built around natural reefs, allowing visitors to drop as much as 20 feet below sea level. Many travelers take advantage of this unique opportunity to get acquainted with the life of the underwater world.

Recreation and entertainment

Nassau has its own amusement park, the Aquaventure water park, located on the island of Atlantis Paradise. And among the children's entertainment that the capital of the Bahamas offers its guests, one can note the Castaway Cay park. It is a real town where pirates, characters from Disney cartoons, “live”, and which provides young visitors with the opportunity to plunge into the world of unforgettable adventures.

For adults, Nassau has its own range of entertainment, which includes many entertainment venues, bars, restaurants and nightclubs. Among the latter, Senor Frogs and Booze & Cruise are very popular. Since the nightlife does not subside until the morning, you are sure to find comfortable places to relax, where you can relax, drink local rum and dance to your heart's content. And to stay in shape after night vigils, during the day you can play tennis, golf, diving, yachting and other sports - the city also has all the opportunities for this.

Located on an island, Nassau is famous for its marine areas, where, in addition to water sports, you can indulge in fishing. South coast New Providence is surrounded by long and deep reefs like a wall. They curve especially bizarrely around Coral Bay. Concerning west coast, then it is shallow and literally teeming with life. This is where fans of sea fishing and snorkeling flock. Nassau has also gained fame for its yacht clubs - there are more than a dozen of them in the vicinity.

Beaches of Nassau

Beach holidays in the capital of the Bahamas are truly unique heavenly conditions that one can only dream of. Selective White sand, crystal clear waters and magnificent coral reef patterns are all characteristic of the beaches of Nassau. Here you can not only sunbathe to your heart's content, but also go yachting, water skiing, diving and sport fishing.

Paradise Island is home to the city's most famous beach, connected to the city by a bridge. It opens from it beautiful view overlooking the ocean, so it is not surprising that many vacationers take so many photographs here. This piece of land, which fully lives up to its name, is perfect for families with children. Here you can meet representatives of specialized training schools aquatic species sports: they are looking for students among tourists. Be sure to send your child to such a school and in just a week he will learn to swim and also play water polo.

You may have heard of the world famous Dolphin Encounter program. So, it is being implemented on Paradise Island. As part of the program, you will be able to swim with these amazing and very intelligent mammals, interact with them, and learn to understand them more. It is, as you guessed, primarily designed for children, who will be under the supervision of an experienced instructor.


To get around Nassau, choose a taxi or rent a car. Taxi drivers, like everywhere else in the world, will have to pay according to the meter, but be careful not to be deceived. But to rent a car, you must be at least 21 years old. Plus, you will be required to have an international driver's license. And don't forget that in the capital of the Bahamas, traffic drives on the left.

There are also public buses in the city shuttle buses. Well, if you need to go to Paradise Island (second name Paradise Island), which is part of the urban agglomeration, use the services of a water taxi. Ferries provide transportation around Nassau and to the surrounding islands.

Cuisine and restaurants

There are many restaurants in Nassau, some of them are well known not only outside the city, but also far abroad. One of them is Martinique, which serves French cuisine and is famous for its impeccable service. Interestingly, this establishment was even mentioned in one of the first films dedicated to the famous agent 007. The mention in the film gave the restaurant good advertising, after which James Bond fans flocked here.

Do you want to taste exotic Brazilian cuisine? Then welcome to Humidor Churrascaria, where you will be offered steak, pork, roast lamb and a variety of salads. For those who like to drink (in the good sense of the word) there is an assortment of more than 200 thousand bottles of wine, which are stored in the basement of the establishment. They also offer visitors cigars – and real ones! You will have to choose from 90 titles.

But in the Portofino restaurant you can taste real Bahamian cuisine. Breakfast here is served in the form of “ buffet" On Saturdays you can enjoy a variety of delicacies and seafood. It is especially worth highlighting Friday, when national cuisine days are held.


Most goods in the capital of the Bahamas are sold duty-free, which is best reflected in the pricing policy of local retail outlets. If you buy perfumes, jewelry, porcelain, photographic equipment or watches, they will cost you half as much as in other countries.

Nassau's main shopping street is Bay, where great amount shopping centers and stores selling branded goods. Here you can buy the most fashionable things, and at reasonable prices.

The city of Nassau, like all of the Bahamas, is considered one of the most exotic places on Earth, so it is not surprising that travelers tend to leave here with memorable local souvenirs. What do they buy most often? First of all, products made from shells and straw, fabrics, perfumes and, of course, alcoholic drinks. Tourists are happy to purchase national clothes, various symbols and amulets, as well as jewelry. All restrictions on the import of currency and the export of goods in the country have been lifted, so you can buy whatever you want and in the quantities you need.

In the center of Nassau there is a souvenir market, which is also called the straw market. From a scattering of goods self made, which are offered by smiling sellers, literally makes your eyes wide open. However, try not to buy into their charm, because this cordiality has one goal - to sell the product as expensive as possible. Don't be shy and negotiate persistently.


The capital of the Bahamas, despite its tourist attractiveness, remains, unfortunately, the most dangerous place in the country. Crimes such as assaults and robberies are common here. Local criminals - it seems that many of them were given “lessons” by the pirates themselves - not only break into houses, but can easily rob right on the street.

South of the center of Nassau is the Over-the-Hill area, where tourists are not at all advisable. This is the poorest part of the city, there are many unemployed people who sometimes don’t even have anything to eat. Of course, they will not pass up the opportunity to rob some lost foreigner. When hiring a taxi, try to avoid private cab drivers: many professional robbers often pose as taxi drivers, with all the ensuing consequences...

Nassau Hotels

Accommodation in Nassau cannot be called cheap. But not because hotel owners are very greedy people. The fact is that hotel owners are forced to include a government tax of 10% of the cost in their bills.

Local two-star hotels are more like cottages. Rooms cost from 1,500 rubles in Russian currency and more. In hotels of the three-star level and above, double apartments cost tourists 2,500-3,000 rubles. per night. All these price inconveniences are to some extent compensated by the presence of swimming pools and beaches just a few steps away and beautiful view overlooking the ocean - all this can be found in almost any hotel.

How to get there

Nassau International Airport Linden Pindling is the largest in the Bahamas. It serves most US airlines.

Aeroflot operates flights from Moscow to Nassau, but they are connecting flights, that is, joint flights with other airlines. Here are several directions: Moscow - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot and American), Moscow - Paris - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot and Air France-American), Moscow - London - Nassau (Aeroflot and British Airways), Moscow - Zurich - Miami - Nassau (Aeroflot, Swiss and American). Relatively inexpensive and comfortable flights are operated via New York and Miami by Delta and American airlines.


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