How much money to spend on a holiday in Thailand reviews. Price calculator: how much money to take with you and which resort to choose so that it’s inexpensive? First, let's determine the expenses needed for housing.

Before traveling to Thailand, you need to know how much money to take with you, in what currency and whether to take a bank card. If you do not answer this question before arriving in this country of smiles, then difficulties may arise, such as a lack of money for food or housing (these are extremes), as well as for souvenirs, attractions and restaurants (you can do without this, but you will have a rest not as comfortable as it could be).

First, let's figure out what currency to take with us to Thailand. It's best to take dollars, in extreme cases the euro. You can change dollars upon arrival at the bank or exchange office at a favorable rate for Thai baht (at the exchange rate 1 $ = 32 baht, 1 baht = 1.8 rubles - approximately). In Thailand, you can pay everywhere with baht or a bank card.

And now about the amount of money. On average, for a two-week holiday in Thailand you need to take 25,000-40,000 baht (not including air tickets), for a month you will need 50,000-60,000 baht, and if you take 60,000 baht, you can deny yourself almost nothing. This is the cost of a “typical” holiday, without frills, but with amenities. Some enterprising travelers fit into the budget of 20,000 baht for a whole month of vacation per person, but this is more like everyday life than a vacation (there are many Russians living on the islands of Thailand who moved there “for good” or for the winter).

It is important to understand that everyone vacations differently: someone lives in a 2-star hotel for 400 baht per day and goes to eat in inexpensive cafes, does not go sightseeing and buys souvenirs at a minimum. Such a two-week vacation will cost 10,000-15,000 baht. And some live in a five-star hotel for 5,000 baht per day, dine only in expensive restaurants, go to all kinds of spa treatments and go on a yacht in the evening. Such a two-week vacation will cost 120,000-150,000 baht. Therefore, it is better to decide in advance what kind of vacation you are counting on and based on this, roughly calculate how much money to take with you to Thailand. To make this easier, I have provided data on what and how much tourists spend on vacation in Thailand (excluding the cost of air tickets, how to buy cheap flights ).

Rental of property

This type of spending applies only to independent travelers; for vacationers on package tours, accommodation is included in the price of the tour. As for independent travelers: a room in a three-star hotel costs on average 700-1300 baht per day (breakfast is included in the price), i.e. for two weeks you need to pay 9800-18200 baht. How to book cheap hotel rooms. Alternatively, in some cases it will be cheaper than staying in a hotel. On average, a house not on the coast can be rented for 600-800 baht/day, thus paying 8400-11200 baht for two weeks. It is this item of expenditure that many tourists have the most and it is this that largely determines how much money you need to take with you to Thailand.


Food in Thailand is inexpensive, and cafes are found at every turn. Most hotels only include breakfast in the room rate, so you will actually have to spend on food. A hearty and tasty meal in a cafe costs on average 150-200 baht; in a restaurant for dinner (without alcohol) you will need to pay 300-400 baht per person. And even with three meals a day we will pay from 6300 baht to 16800 baht. Almost all cafes and restaurants have free Wi-Fi.


This expense item is different for everyone. for 200-350 baht/day and rides where he wants. Someone wants increased comfort, and he rents a car for 1000-2000 baht/day. And some travel exclusively by public transport, which is quite cheap, since a ticket on a city bus costs 10-40 baht (depending on the route). If you are not going to actively move around Thailand, then budget for spending 1000 baht on transport; in most cases this is quite enough.


There are a lot of excursions in Thailand. They all differ in duration and intensity, some include food and transportation, and some do not, so there is no specific figure for this expense item. Most excursions cost from 500 baht to 4000 baht, but you still need to go on them, because vacation is not only a vegetative existence on the beach in the sun, vacation should be varied and memorable.

Telephone, Internet

Here you won't spend much money. 500 baht for communication in two weeks is enough, which is enough to pay for several calls to your homeland and several hundred megabytes of traffic (Internet). It will be cheaper to buy a local SIM card upon arrival than to use an old one. Or you can avoid spending money on communications at all by talking on Skype in a cafe (after all, there is free Wi-Fi there). Some hotels charge Wi-Fi, so take this into account when choosing where to stay.

Shopping and entertainment

Also a very controversial expense item. Some people spend 10,000 baht in bars, restaurants and clubs in one day, while for others 3,000 baht is enough for purchases for the entire vacation period. I recommend buying what you want, but in moderation. A vacation is just a vacation to relax your body and soul, so you can pamper yourself, especially since everything is cheap in Thailand, especially where there are fewer tourists.

Emergency reserve (NZ)

When you decide how much money to take to Thailand, do not forget about the emergency reserve. You should always have money “just in case.” You never know what will happen, you might scratch your rented bike, snag and tear your jeans, or get too carried away with shopping. Everyone thinks that nothing bad will happen to them, but still, something happens to someone, and this “spare money” comes in handy. I recommend putting 15,000 rubles on a bank card and not using it during your entire vacation, only in extreme cases.

Prices for some goods and services

Products in storesPrice
Sliced ​​fruit20-40 baht
King prawns (kg)150 baht
Coconut (pcs)20-30 baht
Thai pancakes (pcs)from 40 baht
Fruit cocktails (liter)30-60 baht
European alcohol - whiskey, gin, martini (0.5 l.)500-700 baht
French wine (0.5 l.)from 700 baht
Thai alcohol (0.5 l.)150-300 baht
Thai beer (0.33 l.)30-40 baht
European beer (0.33 l)40-60 baht
Rice (5 kg)150 baht
Drinking water (2 l)10 baht
Iced green tea (0.6 l)20 baht
Bottle of sauce15 baht
Milk (0.8 l)40 baht

Bottom line

How much money do you need for a vacation in Thailand to be sure it’s enough?

In what currency should I take money to Thailand and how much will I have to spend per person? How to correctly calculate the budget, what you will have to spend on, and where you can save? It seems like a simple topic, but for those who have not been to Thailand for a long time, or are flying for the first time, the answers to these questions will be useful.

Current prices in Thailand in 2019 for food, excursions, hotels and apartments, shopping, walks and other needs.

Updated 01/12/2019

Ruble to baht exchange rate in Thailand 2019

The main thing in planning is, of course, the exchange rate of the ruble to the baht and the dollar to the ruble.

Everywhere in Thailand they pay in the local currency - Thai baht.
You cannot pay in dollars, euros or rubles, and you cannot withdraw any other currency from local ATMs other than Thai baht.

The ruble to baht exchange rate is not stable. Here is the current exchange rate of the Thai baht to the ruble for today

Today 1 baht is 0.46 rubles. To make it easier to calculate, you can multiply all prices in baht by 2, you will get an approximate amount in rubles.

Dollar to baht today 1 dollar – 32 baht.
Euro to baht today – 1 euro – 38 baht

What currency should I take to Thailand?

When going to Thailand, take dollars or euros.

Is it in dollars? Great, take them on. If you have already purchased euros, you do not need to exchange them for dollars and then for baht, the euro exchange rate here is also normal.

You need to take bills of 50-100 dollars or euros, since smaller bills are exchanged at a worse rate. Also pay attention to the year of the bills and take those that are not old. Old ones here may not be accepted for exchange at all.

In rubles, you should take a very small amount, which may be useful to you at the airport or for any fire department, due to the fact that the ruble to baht exchange rate fluctuates, good exchangers may not be nearby.

Rule No. 1 – Do not change money at the airport, the exchange rate is the worst in all of Thailand.
No money for a taxi driver? Agree that you will pay locally and that you need an exchanger. This is common practice.

If you are an independent tourist, on floor G you can get from Bangkok airport to Pattaya (and other resorts) by regular bus.
Pros - cheap (from 120 baht per seat)
Disadvantages – during the season you will have to wait a long time (there are a lot of tourists, the wait for “your time” can last for several hours)

Do you want to leave quickly because you are tired? kiwitaxi.
You can book in advance without full payment. they wait at the airport even if the flight is delayed, they meet you with a sign, there are child seats and spacious minivans for a large group.

Which card should I take with me?

It's best to take several bank cards. Both debit and credit. You can pay with credit card at 7/11 which are everywhere (you can’t use debit card)

It is beneficial to use debit to pay in stores, gas stations, and cafes. In this case, save the amount that is charged for cash withdrawal (250 baht, regardless of the withdrawal amount).

Thai ATMs only dispense currency in baht.

It is more profitable to take a dollar card from which dollars are immediately converted into baht, since with a ruble card they will first be converted into dollars and only then into baht.

Conversion occurs at the current rate of your bank. For example, it is more profitable to pay with an Alfa Bank card than with Sberbank, since Sber's rate is always worse.

If you are asked in a store, what currency do you choose? You always answer - rubles.

If for some reason the card stops working after purchase, there are customer service numbers on the spread. Call, in 99% of cases it was simply blocked in Russia, because they thought the operation was dubious.
Depending on the bank, unlocking takes from 1 hour to 5 days.
Therefore, it is also worth taking several cards.

How much does a trip to Thailand cost - where to buy?

Prices for trips to Thailand depend on the season.

The most high prices from December to April. The best time to visit is in the summer.

For winter holidays in Thailand Suitable resorts include: Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, Hua Hin, Samui(with a stretch), any islands.

Summer – Pattaya, Koh Samui. The rest have a pronounced rainy season, with all that follows in the form of waves, jellyfish, and difficult to predict weather.

The cheapest prices for tours to Thailand pop up on “inconvenient dates.”
For example: you can fly very cheaply from Thailand before the New Year celebrations, from December 25 to January 1.

The cheapest tours to Thailand from Russia fall at the end of August-beginning of September, when children go to school.

June, July, August, September - in general good time for a holiday in Pattaya, for example.
The weather is fine, there are few tourists, prices are lower than in season for everything: fruit, accommodation, excursions, discounts in stores.

If life allows you to plan your vacation and buy trips to Thailand in advance, that's great. The sooner you do this, the lower the price will be.
The dollar against the ruble is only growing, the prices of tours are always tied to it.

If it is not possible to buy tickets in advance, your option is last-minute tours.

It’s better to buy last-minute deals online, as this is the only way to get a truly profitable option.

The scheme is simple: the last-minute ticket is “thrown out” into the system for all agencies. Even if you have an agreement with your travel agent in the office, by the time you get to the redemption, she will certainly be “taken away” by someone more nimble.

According to statistics, best deals Last minute tickets are sold out within 40-60 minutes.

So don’t be afraid to use modern technologies; more than 40% of travelers already buy tours online and this figure is only growing.

The two most reliable and convenient companies for this purpose are:

All Russian tour operators are represented there, numbering 140.
Departures from all corners of Russia, but as usual, best options from Moscow.

Personally, I like Trevelata better; it’s easier for me to choose and navigate there. But Level Travel also has its fans.
And in any case, it’s worth checking the prices on both platforms.

To navigate prices, Level has a convenient price chart that allows you to select the travel dates for which the most low prices, instead of going through everything.

How much does it cost to rent a house in Thailand?

How much money will you need for housing in Thailand in 2019 and what to choose, a hotel room or a comfortable apartment in a modern condo?

This issue can be easily resolved.

Are you an independent traveler? Then it is cheaper and better for you to rent an apartment.

Are you flying to Thailand on a tour and for no longer than 2 weeks? Your option is a hotel.

1-bedroom in Seven Sis for rent

Hotel prices at all resorts + are the same, with the difference that housing on the islands is always more expensive.

In Phuket, any goods and services are 30-40 percent more expensive than in Pattaya and the choice of condominiums is much smaller.

Hotel cost per day in Phuket starts from 600 baht per room, studio apartments - from 12,000 for a short contract.
Prices in the high season (from October to March) are even higher than presented, the peak is December-January.

Prices in Pattaya for hotel accommodation – from 450-500 baht per day
Prices in Pattaya for renting a studio apartment - from 8,000-10,000 baht for an annual contract

(The most simple options are listed, without bells and whistles. Hotels costing 500-600 baht do not have a pool).

Again, the fact for how long and when you rent the house is of great importance.

If you need a contract for a year or six months, the prices for accommodation will be significantly lower than monthly.

If you come in November, December, January, do not be surprised that the same apartment is rented for a month not for 10,000, but for 20,000-25,000 baht, this is a common practice. The peak months are December-February, usually everything is completed in October-November.

Let’s say you are a family and come to relax on your own for 3-4 weeks.
IN low season I would say that housing without big claims will cost you 10,000 - 15,000 baht, in the high budget budget from 17,000 baht and above.

During the high season - from November to March, prices for renting an apartment in good area by the sea from 17,000 baht per month.

It is more profitable to look for housing in advance, as the closer to the high season, the fewer apartments and available options.
It is better to act than a trusted realtor, since there are plenty of scammers in this field.

If you need contacts, realtors through whom we selected housing for ourselves, write in the comments, I will send it to you by email.

There are more than 2000 hotels in Pattaya alone, with prices and conditions all very different.

The lowest prices, all discounts and promotions, bonuses can be seen through Roomguru, which sorts all booking systems and shows all the best options first. There you search, and book through the system that gives the lower price. Booking, agoda, island or something else.

Let's say a hotel for two in the low season costs you 500 baht for two, and in the high season from 1,200 baht for a family.

Total – from $500 per month for a hotel and from $500 per month for a studio apartment in high season.

Don't forget about the deposit you'll have to pay if you're renting an apartment (usually a month's rent, or a little less if you're renting for a couple of weeks), and a hotel deposit of around $100-$150.

How much money to take to Thailand for food

In the photo – Peking Duck – Pattaya

The topic of food expenses is a very controversial one. Some people can’t imagine life without three meals a day in restaurants, but for others, street cafes are fine.

Therefore, here is the order of prices for food in Thailand among all categories of catering.

How much you spend on food in Thailand will depend only on you and where and what you will eat. Can you eat 2-3 times a day in makashnits, snack on shawarma on the go and wash it down with water? Great! This means you can save a lot of money.
Although Thai food shops often look very unpresentable, the chance of getting food poisoning there is no higher than in an ordinary decent cafe-restaurant.

Food prices in Thailand in street cafes 2019

Rice with boiled chicken + broth – from 40 baht
Pad Thai with shrimp (fried noodles with shrimp, not spicy) – from 55-60 baht
Grilled fish fried in salt – from 100 baht
Portion of shrimp – from 100 baht
Tom Yam soup – from 70 baht
Spicy papaya salad Som Tam – from 50 baht
Fried minced meat with basil and rice – from 45 baht
Rice+omelet with chicken – from 45 baht
Noodle soup with soy balls – from 40 baht
Rice with duck – from 70 baht
Chicken or offal skewers – from 20 baht
Water – 10 baht

Total. The cost of food per day per adult, who eats at makashnitsa and markets, from 150-180 baht, (5-6 dollars), if we assume that a person had breakfast with an omelet with rice, ate tom yum soup for lunch and had a couple of kebabs with rice for dinner, washed down with water. As you can see, the option is quite acceptable.
You can diversify it by having breakfast at home, lunch in some nice cafe, and dinner at home or a light snack in the city.

From here we smoothly move on to food prices in Thailand to find out how much money you will need for food in Thailand if you plan to cook yourself.

All apartments in Thailand, if they are not quite Thai style, have a stove for cooking. In 99% of cases it is an electric stove; gas is not supplied to apartment buildings here. In my memory, gas stoves were used only by residents of private houses.

Grocery prices in Thailand 2019

In the photo-Market-Thailand-fruits

Food prices in Pattaya in 2019 increased by an average of 20-30 percent, compared, for example, with 2013-2015. Prices for vital food products such as rice, water, chicken, salt, sugar, etc. remain unchanged. This is the country’s policy; prices for them have not changed for decades.

Each family has its own budget for food, some cannot live without Parma ham and blue cheeses, while others only need rice, vegetables and fruits. Food prices in Pattaya are based on the assumption that you will buy food at a Makro supermarket. This semi-wholesale store is distributed throughout Thailand, and is located in Pattaya and other resorts. Cash and carry format.
There are two of them in Pattaya - one large one on Sukhumvit in the southern part of the city, the second on North Street.

Food prices in Pattaya at the Makro supermarket 2019:

Cheddar cheese, Mozzarella 1kg – 325-375 baht
Fresh large shrimp – from 180 baht per kg
Eggs 30 pieces – from 79 baht
Chicken breast without skin – from 75 baht
Fresh minced chicken – 70 baht
Minced pork – 85 baht
Pork tenderloin – from 130 baht
A liter of milk – 44 baht
Fresh fish – from 50 baht per piece
Fresh cucumbers – 25 baht kg
Fresh tomatoes – from 25 baht kg
Mango – from 30 baht kg
Apples – 100 baht kg
Bananas – from 70 baht, a large bunch of large ones
Water 5l – from 25 baht
1l. water in a vodomat – 1 baht
Packaged juices – from 55 baht per 1 liter
Rice – from 60 baht per 5 kg

That is, for 1 adult you need somewhere 2,500 – 3,000 baht per month for food from the store. ($70-90)

If you are traveling to another region of Thailand, for example, Phuket. Then simply add 25-35% to any prices given in the article.

Prices for food in a restaurant in Thailand

How much does it cost to dine at a restaurant in Thailand?

Average bill per person in Pattaya restaurants, without wine - from 500 baht (15 dollars)
Breakfast in cafes and restaurants – from 100 baht ($3)

Have a snack in an inexpensive Thai cafe with drinks - from 300 baht (9-10 dollars)

Prices for food in food courts are equivalent to those in grocery stores. The difference is maximum 10-20 baht. At any food court in the city you can find rice with chicken for 40-45 baht (1.5 dollars)

Prices in Thailand for transport and car or bike rental

How much money will you need in Thailand to rent a car for a vacation or rent a bike? As well as prices for public transport - tuk tuk and songthaew.

Car rental in Pattaya for a month in low season (from April to October) – starts from $16 per day for Nissan March, Nissan Almera(automatic, air conditioning, 4 doors, full insurance)

If you rent daily, in the low season, renting a car in Thailand, the same March or Almera, will cost $19 per day From December to March from $22

I don’t advise you to rent cars from Thais or dubious companies for the sake of a profit of a thousand rubles. It will cost you more.
They are handed over without insurance, often with defects or broken ones. After renting, they can blatantly point out non-existent scratches and abrasions; the police will be on their side.

The accident is a different story. Most local “drivers” do not have insurance, and they crash into cars and bikes very often. If you rent from such a Thai in order to save money, you will pay out of your own pocket. If you bully someone yourself or cause damage, even worse.

If you are going to rent a car in Thailand, look at the prices and options at
International car reservation system around the world, and No. 1 among Russians.
A large selection of cars, 8,000 verified rental companies, affordable prices and a full insurance guarantee. 24/7 service.

Car rental prices in Thailand

How much does it cost to rent a bike in Thailand?

Bike rental:

per day -$5.97 per day (195 baht or 423 rubles)
For a week – $4.85 (per day)
For a month – $3.7 (per day)

Models – Honda Click, Yamaha Mio, automatic.
Cooler bikes, like the Honda Psx, are 30-40% more expensive

Attached - full insurance, documents, helmets.
You need a copy of your passport, a deposit of 1000 baht.

Bicycle rental:

per day – $4.78
week – $28.66
month – 86$

Prices and selection - more details

Do not rent a bike, car, or bike without insurance!
Situations with scammers have been brought to the fore. They will steal yours and hang it on you.

Moreover, there are already companies like , in which you are protected from divorce by the landlord and are in touch with them 24 hours a day.

Prices in Thailand for public transport

Many resort towns in Thailand have public transport - songthaews or tuk-tuks.
In Pattaya, the cost of travel around the city is 10 baht, the color of songthaew is blue.
On the Sukhumvit highway (outside the city) - 20 baht. songthaew color – white
Children are usually free.

In Phuket, prices for public transport are higher and there are very few routes. Many tourists do not like this feature, since they have to spend money on a taxi, and taxi prices are high.

Prices in Thailand for excursions 2019

How much money to take to Thailand for excursions?

To find out how much money to spend on excursions in Thailand, read my article.
This article contains the best 20 excursions in my opinion, based on my experience and reader reviews.

You can find a more detailed description of ALL excursions in Pattaya in this article:

Prices and descriptions of all excursions in Pattaya 2019Prices and descriptions of ALL excursions in Pattaya

If you do not want to overpay tour operators and guides, who are obliged to sell you the same thing, but at 2-3 times more expensive, write in the comments, I will send you the contacts of the travel agency, whose services we have been using for 5 years and which I confidently recommend to all readers.

By the way, about tour operators. They have a trick of selling you several excursions in a package or individually, describing how great and cheap everything is there, but in reality it turns out that in Cambodia they don’t take you to Angkor Wat (or they take you, but you already pay an additional 60-70 $ for entrance), wherever possible and impossible they reduce the program and food, etc. Only in this, not the most honest way, can they try to compete with street agencies.

On some excursions, I agreed on bonuses and discounts for site readers.
Another convenience is that most excursions with this agency do not require prepayment and payment is made upon the fact when you board the bus that arrives for you.

I will give prices for the most popular excursions, and only you will understand which ones you choose and how much you will spend.

Prices in summer are slightly lower than in winter, and companies of 3 or more people can easily ask for a small discount.

Nong Nooch Garden – from 600 baht ($19)
Bangkok Express – 2200 baht for adults and 1200 for children
Khao Kheo Zoo – from 550 baht with guide ($15)

Crocodile farm and million-year-old stones park – 500 baht ($13)
Dream World in Bangkok, amusement park - 950 baht and 750 baht for children
Ramayana Waterpark – from 950 baht, from 850 baht for children
Waterpark Katun – from 1100 baht and 1000 children
Siam Park - amusement park in Bangkok - 750 and 700 baht
Sheep farm – 600-450
Pippo Pony Farm – 600/450
Bangkok express – 2050 baht
Paradise on the River Kwai – 2500/1500 children ($75)
Cambodia – from 4000 baht
Boat trip Odyssey – 1850/950 baht, children under 5 years free
Caribo boat trip – 2000 baht/1000 baht children, up to 6 free
Koh Kood Island – from 4600 baht
Samet Island - from 1000 baht - 1 day, from 1750 - with an overnight stay at the hotel
Koh Chang economy – from 2350 2 days and 1 night
Clean military beach Saikeo – 450 baht/350
Clean military beach Hat Nang Ram – 500 baht/350
Transvestite show – 450 baht

If you don’t know what to take first, take a trip to the River Kwai (2 days-1 night), some kind of sea excursion to the islands (Caribbean, Madagascar or Odyssey), a trip to the Khao Kheo Zoo (I liked the Vip program better - the difference in price is a penny, but it feels very good).
Excursion to Bangkok (for beginners, the Bangkok Express program is good)

There are also cool, but also more expensive excursions - Koh Kood Island, Alpaca Park - Land of Kings, Kaan Show, Amazing Thailand, Above the Clouds and others.

Among the exotic ones - a trip to a forest temple for a magical Sak Yant tattoo (you can also make it transparent, the power of the tattoo will still remain)

A trip to the Herbal tour - a herbal sauna and 2 types of massage at the monastery from real masters.

Mystical Buddhism is a museum that has no analogues in the world and a procedure for complete renewal and fulfillment of desires in the monastery by the monks.

List of the most inexpensive but interesting excursions in Pattaya

If you don’t have a lot of money, but you want to see something worthwhile and remember your trip to Thailand, I recommend these excursions first:

Nong Nooch Garden
Khao Kheo Zoo(vip)
Ramayana Water Park
River Kwai
Boat trip (optional)
Trip to military beach

Total 7000 baht per person ($200).

In my opinion, this is certainly the minimum that is worth spending on excursions, if this is your first time. Of course, you can vary it as you like, for example, I would certainly include Bangkok, at least for a day.
Bangkok is a must-see for first-time travelers to Thailand!

If you don’t have any money for excursions, what can you do? A holiday by the sea is also better than nothing; you can take a walk or go somewhere on your own.

Yes, by the way, about independent sightseeing.

The cost of entry from those nearby in Pattaya is equivalent to the price of an excursion with transfer, so there is no point in suffering on foot or taking a taxi to such places:
Mini Siam, Nong Nooch, Khao Kheo, Pattaya Aquarium, Bear Museum, Crocodile Farm, Art in Paradise Gallery, Tiffany, Alcazar, etc.

If you rent a motorbike or a car, it is beneficial to go on your own to the Sheep Farm, Pippo Pony, Khao Chi Chan Mountain, Silver Lake, Hat Nang Ram Military Beach, that’s probably all.

Me, having a car, in Bangkok entertainment places I don’t go to places like Dream World or Siam Park myself for several reasons.

Firstly, traffic jams, which are exhausting. Secondly, it’s cheaper for me, since my car only consumes gasoline and will consume more than 2,000 baht in pay-tolls; thirdly, of course, it’s more comfortable. Sit down in the morning and relax like a tourist! For lunch Buffet, they’ll bring you and take you back, and they’ll also tell you something interesting.

Therefore, even as a “native” in Thailand, I go on excursions quite often.

Shopping prices in Thailand

Shopping in Pattaya on a budget

As you understand, you can also spend as much as you like on things and souvenirs.

In my opinion, for a trip to Thailand for a couple of weeks, it is enough to spend 100-200 dollars on souvenirs, cosmetics, and some simple things.
Of course, the cheapest place to buy things is in Thai markets. In Pattaya, this is a weekend market - Thepprasit night market, which is open from Friday to Sunday from 17 to 23 pm.

You can take a walk to the Central Festival or Royal Garden Plaza, there are often discounts, there are children's rooms, cafes, food courts, a cinema and restaurants.

In October 2018, the huge Terminal 21 shopping center opened in Pattaya, which you should also definitely go to. I wrote about it on the website in great detail.

What to bring from Thailand as a gift?

In Thailand you should buy:
Thai balms, natural cosmetics for face and hair, Thai dietary supplements, maybe some inexpensive summer textiles.

To make it clear what Thai is clothing market- go to Ali Express. Many products overlap. Some things are cheaper here, some are more profitable to buy on Ali for rubles.

Contrary to popular belief, products made from crocodile, stingray, python and other exotic skins are quite expensive in Thailand. And there are a lot of fakes, so if you need a good bag or ballet shoes made of python, you should not go to Thailand, but to Bali.

You can also buy high-quality electronics in Thailand. For example, Samsung or Apple mobile phones. Sometimes, even despite the exchange rate of the ruble, it turns out cheaper than in Russia. If you buy in a company store, they will make a vat refund (VAT refund) and give a guarantee.
So, upon departure, you will receive another 5-10% of your purchase back.

Yes, do not forget to apply for a vat refund for all purchases in the amount of 2000 baht (total) in large shopping centers. You can get more information at the information desk. They also give out prizes, which are often awarded depending on the amount spent.

Prices in Thailand in nightclubs

If you are going to go out at night on vacation in Thailand, you should understand that prices in nightclubs are much higher than prices in cafes and restaurants.

Cocktail at a Pattaya nightclub from 200 baht, free entry. In my opinion, there is no point in eating there at all - it’s expensive and not tasty.

Walking Street in Pattaya is bustling night life daily from evening until 2-4 am.

Literally everyone can afford a walk around the local hot spots without much loss.
All clubs have free entry, and some give the girls a welcome cocktail, so you don’t have to get stuck in one place, you can go around everything in a couple of hours and choose the one you like.

The following clubs in Pattaya are in demand among Russian tourists: Mix, Insomnia, Lucifer, Russo-Turisto. In Russo-Tourist there is a fixed price for cocktails.
Something like 380 baht and drink it all night. The level of cocktails is directly proportional to the price.

I won’t go into too much detail about prices for corrupt women, I have no experience, sorry. According to rumors, from 1000 baht.

Prices in Thailand for massage

Prices for massage in Pattaya are cheaper than in Phuket. For example, a foot massage in Pattaya can be found for 150 baht per hour ($4.5), a Thai massage costs 200 baht, and an oil massage costs 300 baht. All other types of massage are not so popular and, in my opinion, are not worth attention.

My opinion is that since you come to Thailand, it is advisable to get a massage, even better, in a course, that is, at least 8-10 times.

So let it cost 2,500 baht for a massage in 10 days, including tips. ($73)

Do not let your feet walk on you (on your back), especially for men who are difficult to massage. This happens during a Thai massage and can end in failure (injury) for the massaged person.

Massage for the blind is in demand among Russians. There are in the northern and southern parts of the city. In Jomtien, in the jay near the Zign Hotel, there is the most popular salon.
Blind massage therapists are really good at feeling the problems of the person who comes and finding the right points.

Cigarette prices in Thailand

Very very important rule. Do not take more than 1 carton of cigarettes per adult. Children don't count; you can't take any credit for them. Do not put all cigarettes with one person, strictly 10 packs per person. They fined, found, fines.
5000 baht ($150) costs 1 block, confiscated. Occurs at all Thai borders. The story is the same with alcohol. Do not exceed the permissible limit.

In Pattaya and other resort cities of Thailand, you can buy cigarettes around the clock in the 7/11 and Family March networks.

The Thai government is fighting against smokers and prices for cigarettes are constantly rising, and the range is decreasing.

Do not take vapes and hookahs with you. They are prohibited, the fine is 150,000 baht.
You can’t smoke them in public places, there are precedents for fines, you can even go to jail.
On the beaches you can smoke in designated areas. Otherwise, everywhere. You can smoke cigarettes in cafes or on the street if there are no prohibiting signs.

Now at 7/11 you can buy locally produced cigarettes from 60 baht per pack. The brands we are familiar with are already much more expensive: Mild Seven, Camel, Marlboro - from 130 baht per pack. L/M - 60 baht.

There are also cigarettes on Beach Road, near Royal Garden Plaza, they sell them right on the road, there is a choice, and the prices are lower. They are mainly sold in blocks. The price is half cheaper than in the store and there are those that are not available in stores. It is impossible to buy parliament in Thailand; it does not exist.

Alcohol prices in Thailand

In principle, prices for local alcohol are quite low. A liter bottle of Sang Som whiskey - 290 baht.
This is the most popular view drinks here. Gin - from 400 baht a liter.
Exported alcohol is more expensive than in Russia. Red Label 1l - 900 baht (1700r), Vodka is about the same.
Alcohol is not sold from 14 to 15 pm and in the morning. Alcohol sales hours are from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Laws are not written 7/11 and Family Marches next to popular tourist hotels, for example, Jomtien Beach condo or Ambassador. I’ve noticed a hundred times that it’s easier for saleswomen to sell a scale to our suffering compatriot than to explain why it’s impossible :)
Beer - from 40 baht per bottle.
Local rice wine of the Siam Sato brand is in demand among tourists. Sold at 7/11, included with beer, costs 30 baht.

What to do if you run out of money in Thailand?

If for some reason you have run out of money and need a transfer from your homeland, use the Western Union service, it is available in many banks in Thailand, for example, in Ayutthaya Bank or Bangkok Bank.

It is enough to find out the secret code from the sender from SMS and come with your passport half an hour after the money was sent to you.

Unforeseen expenses in Thailand

It would be foolish not to mention unforeseen expenses. Naturally they will.

It is rare that when calculating the rent for an apartment, one takes into account the payment for utilities, or calculates the price of gasoline when renting a car, but it is also worth taking them into account. Fines, deposits, etc.

For example, the amount utilities per month for a 2-bedroom apartment in Pattaya will be from 1,500 baht.
1-bedroom from 800 baht, depending on how often you cook, wash, use air conditioning.

gasoline prices in Thailand, what to refuel in Pattaya

In Thailand, gasohol is used in 90% of cases. 91 or 95. Also gas or diesel.
Gasoline is rare.

Gasohol in Pattaya costs 30 baht E-95, which is usually used to fill cars. The cost depends on what kind of car you rent. For example, Nissan March spends only 500-600 baht (15-17 dollars) for a trip to Bangkok and back (about 300 km).
Gasoline - 38 baht (if the car or bike is rented, you do not need gasoline)

Never leave your passport as collateral anywhere. Not when renting a car or bike, not in a hospital, nowhere. No matter how much you talk about it, there will always be people who do this, and then don’t know how to fly out of the country, because they have been given non-existent scratches on their bike and are being cheated out of money.
If you were left under some unpleasant circumstances, but you need to fly away, go to the Russian consulate in Bangkok, report the loss of your passport, show your return tickets, and receive a certificate for departure.
At the same time, if you were admitted to the hospital under insurance, you will have to give up your passport, there is no need to worry about this.

Don't come to Thailand without insurance.
If you have a "free" one with your tour, check before you go. They are always of poor quality and do not cover anything. They come with a deductible (mandatory payment) and have a lot of exceptions. At the same time, you can get normal tour insurance for 500-600 rubles, which will cover even expensive operation in Thailand and sleep peacefully.

Thailand is the only country for insurance companies that produces losses year after year. Insurance prices in Thailand are only rising, but why?
Because they often seek medical help, they often get sick, and the hospital bills are exorbitant.

Our experience: a week with a child in the hospital (bronchopneumonia) - 100,000 baht for insurance. Bronchitis is a very common illness among children.
Injuries, bruises, bites, allergies, poisoning, colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, etc. The list can be endless. Just take my word for it, you can’t go to Thailand without insurance.
The only profitable option is to apply before the trip. More choice, lower prices.

Prices, tips, and reviews from tourists are described in great detail in this article:

If you are too lazy to read and delve into it, we take out insurance. Today, the most inexpensive, good in quality and quantity of options are Sberbank, VTB, Alfa insurance. We used them, everything was clear, without failures or cheating. All requests were paid in full.

Don't drink tap water in Thailand, even boiled. It's better to buy it at a water dispenser, they are everywhere. 1l - 1 baht.

Do not pay for all excursions in advance. In general, never pay in advance anywhere. Normal agencies work on the principle of payment on the spot.

The exception is some expensive excursions for which places and hotels are booked, such as Koh Chang, Kwai, Kaan show, Sak Yant tattoo.

In general, regarding excursions, read my article about. The worst thing you can do is overpay 2-4 times and get quality worse than what you get from street agencies.

Just in case, take medications you know., especially if you have children with you. Personally, I miss here for life - Pentalgin, Hilak Forte, Enteros Gel, ointments like Vishnevsky. That is, everything seems to be there, but there are no usual medications. At the same time, people from Thailand bring antibiotics to Russia because they are better and cheaper here. It is also profitable to buy products for asthmatics and the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases, such as Ventolin and Pulmicort. A large package without a prescription costs about 500 baht. Fascino Pharmacy, on North Street in Pattaya.
(A good antibiotic is the European Zithromax (Bayer)

How much money to take on a trip to Thailand - Results

Let's summarize!

If you are traveling to Thailand on a package tour, you already have insurance, transfer to and from the airport, you will only have to spend money on food, entertainment, excursions and trips around the city.

How much money do you need for 1 person for 2 weeks in Pattaya?

Meals in inexpensive cafes, makashnitsa and restaurants for 14 days for 1 person - from 5,000 baht (10-12,000 rubles)

I calculated this taking into account that some days you will eat on excursions, some days in decent cafes and restaurants, some days at food courts and convenience stores. No cooking at home.

For fruits - 500-1000 baht per person. Taking into account that you will buy yourself mangoes, watermelons, pineapples and so on every day. (from 1000 rubles).

On excursions - on average 7,000 baht. In my opinion this is the minimum. In total, 7 days out of 14 will be occupied with excursions (16,000 rubles).

Trips to the nearest Koh Larn island- taking into account that you got there by tuk tuk for 10 baht one way, left by ferry for 30 baht one way, took food with you and bought a light snack there, paid for a tuk tuk to and from the beach: it will cost from 400 baht per person. (from RUR 900 per person)

Hiking to local towns Pattaya beaches- for free. Paid sun lounger and umbrella - 50-100 baht per day (another 100 rubles per day per person).

Souvenirs and nice little things bought in a store or markets - 3,400 baht for 14 days (7,500 rubles)

Overhead expenses like traveling in tuk-tuks and other unplanned things - 1000 - 2000 baht for a couple of weeks.
2000-4000 rubles.

Massage - 2000 baht for 10 sessions - 4500 rubles

In total, I got about 50,000 - 60,000 rubles per person for 14 days in Pattaya. at the current rate

Or - 900-1000 dollars, or 64 dollars per day. In my opinion, this is even with a reserve.

Taking into account the fact that you have already paid for the hotel, transfer and insurance. You can shorten it by removing anything from what I described above.

People! This is a very rough budget. It can differ greatly in one direction or the other. In my opinion, this is not a very spartan, but not a chic type of holiday, without frills, but without counting every baht.

So to speak, reasonable savings. This option is suitable for those who can count and plan. If you are a master of spontaneous spending, then you are unlikely to fit into the indicated amounts, there are too many temptations.

Plus, we must take into account that spending does not grow exponentially, that is, if you calculate the amount for two adults for 14 weeks in Pattaya, it will not be $2,400, but somewhat less.

If you have a child with you, then most excursions for children under 5-6 years old are free, and after that they simply offer discounts.

The budget of a person who comes to live in Pattaya is completely different. It will decrease due to excursions and meals, but will increase due to rental housing and visas.

Probably you can give up some things, not wander around the markets and shopping centers, cut down the excursion program, but what to do. “Stretch your legs over your clothes,” as my grandmother used to say.

How to save money on a hotel or apartment on vacation?

I'm looking on the Rumguru website. It contains absolutely all discounts on hotels and apartments from 30 booking systems, including booking. I often find very profitable options, saving from 30 to 80%

How to save on insurance?

Insurance abroad is required. Any appointment is very expensive and the only way not to pay out of pocket is to choose an insurance policy in advance. We have been applying for many years on the website, which gives the best prices for insurance and selection along with registration takes only a couple of minutes.

In my opinion, a good budget for one person coming to Thailand on vacation is 30-50 dollars per day or 3,000 rubles per day. One way or another, somewhere you will spend more, on some days less, due to visiting excursions, food and attractions.

I’ll be happy to hear your stories, how much time you manage to fit in your vacation, it’s interesting to know how much money you need to take to Thailand in the opinion of my readers.

Friends often ask me how much you need to take money with you to Thailand? How to calculate your travel budget? These questions are both simple and complex at the same time. It all depends on where exactly you are going Thailand, how long and what level of comfort you prefer. For tourists arriving in Thailand for a week, money You only need to take it with you for food, excursions, etc. Those who stay in Thailand longer should take money already for other expense items: transport, rental housing, visas, etc.

Budget planning formula from We Traveled-We Know.
How much money you are willing to spend on housing is the same amount you will spend on everything else. Not less. If you are traveling on your own, look at housing prices on Booking in advance, and multiply this by two - this is approximately how much money you need to take with you to Thailand. Plus the price of an air ticket.

Let's estimate the average budget for a trip to Thailand. Let's consider how much money should you take? for food, shopping and excursions.

Thailand currency, money

The currency in Thailand is the baht (THB). All prices in the article will be indicated in baht, because... the course is constantly changing. To convert baht to rubles, hryvnias and other currencies, use Google. For example, like this: 345 THB to RUB

Where can I change baht? The easiest way is to withdraw money from a bank card at any ATM upon arrival in Thailand. There are many ATMs and they are everywhere, the fixed commission for withdrawal is 150-220 baht, so it is not profitable to withdraw small amounts. The largest maximum amount (30,000 baht) is issued by Krungsi Bank ATMs, the lowest commission (150 baht) is issued by AEON ATMs. You can withdraw money from a bank card without commission at bank branches. Have your card and passport with you.

In addition, it must be taken into account that payments in small shops and markets will only be possible in baht; no other currency will be accepted. Large stores accept payment.

By the way, many are still interested in In what currency should you take money with you? If you want to travel with cash, then in Thailand it is absolutely no problem to exchange dollars and euros for baht. You can also exchange rubles, but the exchange rate will be very unfavorable.

Advice: We went, we know.
To use mobile internet 3G/4G in Thailand is cheap, buy Thai SIM cards at a discount. If you are flying to Phuket, then in advance, and get it at the airport at the DTAC office, International Terminal 2, on the first floor - it’s easy to find, the airport is small (there is a map of the office location at the link). Discount up to 50%! To receive, show the voucher with a code on your smartphone, which will be sent by e-mail immediately after purchase.

How much money should you take to Thailand for food?

In the photo: how much you will spend on food in Thailand depends on the chosen holiday destination.

Mobile communications in Thailand

Lifehack We went - We know.
Do you want to save on mobile communications in Thailand? It's simple! 3 days before departure, order a Thai SIM card, and upon arrival simply receive it at the airport. There will be such a SIM card twice cheaper than buying without pre-ordering!

Flying to Phuket? Then a 4G SIM card can be ordered.
How to get a SIM card: at Phuket airport, go to the 1st floor (Terminal 2). Find a DTAC kiosk. Show the employee your voucher with a QR code (printed or on your smartphone) and pick up your SIM card. The dtac kiosk is open 24 hours a day.

Where to get a Thai 4G SIM card at Phuket airport

How much does a solo trip to Thailand cost?

If you are traveling as a couple, an independent trip costs from $650 per person for 2 weeks, including everything (flights, accommodation, food). A visa to Thailand is not required (up to 30 days!), so all you need to do is buy a ticket and book a hotel. And don't forget your passport!

But on your own you will be able to stay not only where travel agencies take you, but also visit the white sand islands of Thailand. For example, we wrote, . Here he is:

In the photo: at Sunrise Beach on Lipe Island

Let's calculate how much a trip to Thailand costs in dollars for 14 days per person:

1. A plane ticket to Thailand costs from $300., There and back again
The lowest prices are from March to November.
View and compare prices for flights to Thailand different airlines.
2. Hotel from 30x14=420 room for two. For one 210 dollars.
Prices for good Thai hotels also greatly depend on the season and location. For example, if you go to the seaside to relax in, it will be cheaper than in. Despite the fact that many people like Krabi better: beautiful nature, a more relaxing holiday, fewer tourists.
Here are the prices for hotels in the south of Thailand:

3. Food from 10x14=$140

Total for 14 days: from $650 per person.

It’s more profitable to go to Thailand for a month (30 days) - you get the same amount as for 14 days!

In Thailand, it's time to think about how much money you will need for a comfortable holiday.

Have you thought about how much money to take with you on a trip to Thailand? That's right, the question is not simple, so it should be seriously thought about. No one wants to be left without a livelihood in the midst of a vacation or count every penny, denying themselves the purchase of souvenirs or visiting an excursion. To avoid ending up in any of these situations, your travel budget should be calculated carefully and in every detail.

What are the prices in Thailand?

Depending on which tourists plan to visit, you can start calculating the tourist budget. There are places that are quite expensive, such as Phuket and Samui, there are places that are average in terms of prices and quality of service - Hua Hin, and there are the most affordable and cheap ones, including Chang, Samet and Pattaya. Each of these resorts is attractive in its own way; everywhere you can have a quality rest, the only difference is how much the guest is willing to spend his own finances.

Cost of food

Food can safely be called the most important source of costs that await a tourist in Thailand. Of course, visiting inexpensive cafes or even eating at a hotel can help save money, but buying local fruits and tasting traditional dishes still cannot be avoided. So, for example, dinner at picturesque place(which in any resort town country enough) will cost at least 300-500 baht (7-11 euros), a higher-class establishment has prices in the region of 700-1500 baht (16-35 euros) and higher.

Money for travel expenses

Public transport in Thailand is quite inexpensive for guests of the country, so they use it actively. Directions to minibus in the city at most resorts it costs from 10-20 to 40 baht, a trip in a regular taxi will cost 100-300 baht. More expensive resort places dictate other prices - up to 100 baht for a minibus and up to 500 baht for a taxi.

Costs for souvenirs

If guests bring clothes and shoes as souvenirs, then they made right choice. Here you can buy items from world brands at prices that are quite European. As for the products of local craftsmen, the goods they produce are quite cheap - T-shirts sell for up to 100 baht (2-3 euros), shoes - from 700 baht (16 euros), and for any item you can, with a fair amount of haggling, reduce the price.

total amount

As they say experienced tourists, holiday in this country - even taking into account visiting the most elite resorts– is not an expensive pleasure. You won’t need to take more than 2,000 euros to Thailand, and this money includes a lot of exquisite pleasures, such as visiting a variety of excursions and relaxing in local spa centers.

What money to take to Thailand

Any trip always comes down to calculating the budget for it. The quality of your vacation and the impressions received during it will depend on the correct determination of the amount of resources. But it is also very important to determine what money to take with you to Thailand.

A favorite and long-proven option is cash. However, there is one caveat: if the visit is short-term, then there is no need to worry. But if a person intends to stay in an Asian country for a long time (a month or more), then he needs to take with him a heavy bag of banknotes. Besides the fact that this may attract the attention of burglars, it is worth noting that in Thailand there are no special places for storing valuables. Hotel rooms, of course, are equipped with a safe, but, as experts say, it looks like an ordinary box, locked with the same key. Leaving money and jewelry for safekeeping at the reception is also not safe, and there is always a long queue at the bank safe deposit boxes, booked several months in advance. Conclusion: taking only cash with you on a trip is not the best idea.

Which currency is preferable? Both US dollars and euros will do - they can be exchanged anywhere without any problems. Also, any bank will accept the Australian dollar and Japanese yen. Some resorts also accept Russian rubles (Pattaya, Bangkok), but experienced travelers note that the exchange rate for such an exchange is extremely unfavorable.

Traveler's checks are especially popular in Thailand. You can buy them at home at any bank, and upon arrival at a hot resort they can be profitably exchanged for local currency. Checks are cashed at a special exchanger or bank branch, charging a small commission for this. The advantage of storing money this way is that in case of theft (or loss), the owner can restore the check, and the robber will not use it: you need a passport and the signature of the person who bought it.

Plastic cards are a reliable and convenient option. The issue of currency is not so acute: if a person receives money in rubles, then such a card is quite suitable for a guest in Thailand. A dollar card is beneficial if you have one and the income is received in American currency. You need to be careful with a card with a euro account: you should find out how the conversion takes place: if the euro is transferred to the dollar, and then to the baht, then it is better to refuse this option. Therefore, there is no need to open a currency card for travel, since you can also use a ruble one. It’s better to open an account in a Thai bank (beneficial for those who visit the country often and for a long time).

The question “How much money to take to Thailand” should be divided into two, “How much money to take if you go on a tour package” and “How much money to take for an independent trip.” You should also choose a suitable resort for yourself (Pattaya or Phuket), your vacation budget also depends on this.

If you are traveling to Thailand on a package tour, then part of the expenses (air tickets, insurance, hotel, breakfast, transfer) have already been paid for by you and there is no point in worrying about it, but independent trip You should calculate your budget more carefully.

How much money to take to Thailand on a tour package

If your vacation takes place as part of a package tour, then you made part of the expenses back at home, in some cases it is more profitable to travel this way, and in some cases, independent planning trips are much cheaper and a hundred times more interesting. But nevertheless, in any case, you should have money for entertainment, excursions and other tourist pleasures.

The expenses of a package tourist consist of several conditionally obligatory items; of course, you can eliminate some of them and save every baht, but this will no longer be a vacation; doing this in Thailand is highly not recommended.

What do package tourists spend money on:

  • transport - you can walk, but when your hotel is located a kilometer from the beach, and it’s +30 outside, you won’t find much on foot;
  • food - most package tourists include breakfast in the price of the tour, but you won’t be full with breakfast alone;
  • excursions - you can’t do without excursions in Thailand, believe my experience;
  • souvenirs and shopping - you can do without souvenirs, but package tourists love souvenirs and actively buy them;
  • alcohol, cigarettes, entertainment and other bad habits - there is enough of this goodness here, there is entertainment for every taste and budget.

How much money to take for transport

Costs of transport and travel around Thailand greatly depend on the type and location of your holiday. If you are going on holiday to Phuket, then you should take into account that tuk-tuks and taxis are very expensive here, and public transport is in its infancy; the only way to save on transport is to rent a bike.

When renting a bike, you should pay attention to many details (there will be a separate post about this), you should also have an international driving license and be sure to. In Pattaya, everything is much better with public transport, but renting a moped costs the same.

If you are a follower beach holiday, then your expenses on transport will be minimal, but you are unlikely to be able to completely abandon transport.

For a standard package vacation lasting 14 days, according to the most conservative estimates (for renting a bike), you will spend 5,000 baht (14 days * 300 baht/day rental + gasoline). To this amount should be added (optional) fines for driving without a driver's license/without a helmet (the cops here are meticulous, but fair), etc. and the cost of insurance (required). About the baht to ruble exchange rate, read the link.

Minimum amount for Thai transport if you are on a vacation package: 5,000 baht.

How much money to take for excursions

Excursions in Thailand are interesting and very colorful, but you have to pay for everything in this world. I have not yet met a single package tourist who did not attend numerous excursions. Depending on the resort, the excursion programs. For example, from Pattaya you can quite comfortably travel to Cambodia, and from Phuket to neighboring Malaysia. Read about

If you save a lot on excursions, you can organize them yourself. However, there are a number of excursions that everyone should visit, in Pattaya - this is the “Excursion to the River Kwai”, and in Phuket - “Similan Islands”. As a rule, visiting these excursions includes excursion group It will be much cheaper and easier than organizing such a trip yourself.

Minimum amount for excursions if you are on a vacation package: in Pattaya 2,500 baht per person (Excursion to the River Kwai), in Phuket 5,000 baht per person (Similan Islands). However, these expenses can be made before traveling to Thailand, so you will save some of your precious time at the resort.

How much money should you allocate for food?

How much money to take for food is a controversial and ambiguous issue. The first thing you should understand and accept is that high-quality and tasty food in Thailand is expensive. A simple example, the famous Thai Tom Yam soup costs on average 100 baht (about 200 rubles), I would not say that it is very cheap. In addition to standard tourist restaurants and cafes, there are luxury restaurants with Michelin stars and other attributes of status, where dinner can cost more than your ticket.

But let's return to the standard vacationer with his standard 14-day voucher. As a rule, in such cases, food costs about 1,000 baht per day (without alcohol and cigarettes), but it can be cheaper if you cook it yourself and buy food in supermarkets and markets (baggers practically don’t do this nonsense).

Minimum amount for food if you are on a vacation package: approximately 14,000 baht per person can be spent on food only (14 days of vacation * 1,000 baht).

How much money to take to Thailand for souvenirs and shopping

For me, buying souvenir magnets and fashionable crocodile shoes has long ceased to be relevant, but I can’t tell you how to resist if you see all this abundance of exotic things for the first time. I don’t dare talk about the need to buy up all the tourist trash in Thailand, but I regularly Russian tourists Those flying from this country pay for excess baggage - this is a fact.

What I strongly recommend that you buy in the form of souvenirs (so to speak), buy fresh fruit - it will the best souvenir for your family and friends. A ripe, juicy Thai mango as a souvenir evokes more vivid emotions than a Chinese-Thai refrigerator magnet, I checked it a million times.

Minimum amount per thai souvenirs, if you are on vacation with a package: my surveys of tourists revealed that the smallest amount that was spent on all sorts of nonsense was 3,000 baht.

How much money to take for alcohol, cigarettes and entertainment

High-quality alcohol and cigarettes in Thailand cost a decent amount, but what would a vacation be without alcohol, so every vacationer faces a dilemma: either try local unknown varieties, or overpay for familiar brands. A pack of Marlboros in Phuket costs around 100 baht, and imported beer is sold at 50 baht for a small 0.3 liter bottle.

The above prices apply only to shops; in restaurants and other entertainment venues their prices may vary greatly.

In tourist Thai cities there is entertainment for every taste and budget, from standard pub bars to trendy clubs with paid admission. You shouldn’t be fooled by free flyers and invitations that will be offered to you at every turn. Often for free entry for a spicy show, you will be required to buy any drink from the menu (they will), and the price tag on the menu can start from 1,000 baht for a bottle of ordinary mineral water.

Coming to Thailand and not visiting a couple of dens with half-naked Thai women dancing on tables is blasphemy, so you should definitely allocate five thousand for such male entertainment.

Dancing of drunken, half-naked Thai women may not be of interest to everyone, but what I definitely recommend you to visit are local massage parlors, please do not confuse them with massage parlors for men, of which there are many in Thailand. A standard hour-long foot massage costs 300 baht, talk about its usefulness and medicinal properties I don’t dare (doctors write about this), but the fatigue disappears like a hand. Sometimes I go to similar salons twice a day, which I advise you to do as well.

Minimum amount for entertainment: according to the most conservative estimates, this is 5,000 baht per person for 14 days of vacation.

Minimum amount of money for a holiday in Thailand on a tour package

Let's summarize how much money to take if you are traveling on a 14-day tour; all the figures are very, very approximate and are designed for one tourist.

  • transport - 5,000 baht for renting a moped for all 14 days of vacation;
  • excursions - for Pattaya 2,500 baht per person, for Phuket 5,000 baht per person;
  • food - 14,000 baht per person, you will have a delicious dinner and lunch all 14 days of your vacation;
  • souvenirs - 3,000 baht is enough for gifts and other tourist tinsel that tourists bring home;
  • entertainment is the very essence of a holiday in Thailand, here you need to spend at least 5,000 baht, you shouldn’t skimp on it.

The total minimum amount of spending for a package tourist (14 days of vacation excluding the cost of the tour) is approximately as follows: for Phuket - 32,000 baht per person, for Pattaya - 29,500 baht per person.

How much money to take to Thailand when traveling independently

If you are traveling to Thailand on your own, then your expenses will be slightly different from those of tourists who are on vacation package tour, but many of the points from the above list will also be relevant for you. In this part of the post I will tell you about those financial aspects that differ from the usual expenses of a package tourist.

Main difference independent tourist from packaged means more freedom and usually more savings Money. A simple example: if a package tourist is accommodated in the most tourist place(does the bagger have a choice?), then be prepared to spend a lot more money on the same fruits, which in a non-tourist place are much cheaper, and so on with everything else.

What do independent tourists spend money on in Thailand:

  • An air ticket is one of the important expenses when traveling on your own; take care to purchase it in advance;
  • insurance - it is advisable to have a good one health insurance with a large amount of coverage;
  • housing - the choice of housing is huge and every tourist can choose the right one;
  • emergency reserve - it should be and preferably the more, the better.

How much money do you need for an air ticket?

With the advent of the Internet and modern convenient services for searching and purchasing air tickets, independent travel has become much easier and the cost has decreased significantly. Today you can monitor changes in prices for air tickets in real time and at any time. convenient location you just need to install the application on your phone (for iOS, for Android, for WindowsPhone), compare current offers on many websites, and so on, and all this is almost automatic, you just need to subscribe to alerts about reduced prices for air tickets.

There are several tricks that will help you buy an air ticket even cheaper:

  • buy a plane ticket in advance - this way you can catch good price. For example, today (July 24, 2016) I found an air ticket from Moscow to Bangkok with a departure on December 7, 2016 for 13,667 rubles (I am attaching a screenshot), the probability of buying a ticket to Thailand for 13,667 rubles in December tends to zero;
  • subscribe to price updates - if you have enough time before your trip, be sure to subscribe to price updates and when the price drops you will receive an alert by email;
  • promotions and special fares for air tickets - sometimes there are very tasty prices, some of which are the result of marketing or ordinary sloppiness, don’t miss your chance ().

About all the tricks and features of hunting chip flights read this link and this one, I told you the most best ways searching for air tickets, which I actively use myself.

Minimum amount for an air ticket to Thailand: as of today (July 24, 2016) I found it at a price of 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht) one way, but I’m sure that with a more thorough search you can find it cheaper.

How much money do you need for insurance in Thailand?

It is useless to talk about the need to have good insurance; you just need to take this fact for granted. Why is it mandatory for all independent travelers to have insurance when visiting Thailand? There are several important points here, I’ll tell you about it now.

Translated into human language, the essence of the law is clear and to some extent fair; now the state does not bear any responsibility if something happens to a Russian abroad and he does not have an insurance policy.

What else is important to know when independent travel In Thailand, medicine here is very expensive and a simple fracture can be operated on for 1,000,000 baht or more. Regularly in in social networks I see posts raising funds for tourists who have been involved in moped accidents, as a rule, these are very young people and they are literally shocked by the amounts that are announced to them in local hospitals.

Minimum insurance amount for Thailand: Today (July 24, 2016) insurance can be purchased at a price of 2,889 rubles (1,560 baht) for a month per person from Liberty Insurance, but this is the simplest without driving a motorcycle and other important things.

How much money do you need for housing?

The variety of accommodation in Thailand is enormous, and every traveler can find acceptable living conditions. For example, in Phuket you can choose from more than 1,500 hotels and hotels on the island; prices are also different, from 100 baht per day for a bed, to $1,000 per day or more for a luxury villa on the seashore.

In the vast majority of cases, independent travelers choose cottages and apartments in condominiums, where rental housing is lower than in classic hotels. The cost of living is also strongly influenced by the location of housing and proximity tourist season. You can rent a simple house for around 10,000 baht per month; when renting, it’s worth checking what expenses are included rent(water, electricity, garbage collection, internet, etc.) and which ones not.

Minimum amount for housing: a modest house far from the sea can be rented for 10,000 baht, but it all depends on the season.

How much money do you need for an emergency reserve?

The concept of NZ (emergency reserve) is very vague and everyone has the right to understand it in their own way, for some NZ is 100 dollars in the cover of their passport in case the restaurant bill turns out to be more than planned, for others it is an entire financial structure, etc. d.

For every traveler, I would recommend having some kind of “safety cushion” in case of unforeseen circumstances that can happen to anyone. Practice has shown that $1,000 per person is quite enough, and it is important that this $1,000 be available to you at any time and preferably in different places. This could be a separate bank card (precisely a separate one, not the one you use every day), an agreement with family and friends that they will be able to transfer the required amount by money transfer, hiding places in your clothes, etc. For these purposes I use a credit card, which is my “safety bag”, since ordinary life It's not even activated.

In what situations should you resort to emergency reserve (emergency supply)? There can be many cases (you were robbed, the bank blocked your card, etc.), but it is important to understand that these funds should help you return home, i.e. they should be enough for a plane ticket.

Minimum amount of NZ: approximately $1,000 per person (35,000 baht).

Let’s summarize how much money to take to Thailand if you are traveling on your own; all the figures indicated are very, very approximate and are designed for one traveler. I will give all the calculations for half a month (so that you can compare them with the expenses of a package tourist) and for a month.

  • air ticket - as I wrote earlier, a one-way air ticket can be bought for 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht), i.e. our expenses are 13,667 rubles (7,400 baht)*2 (return ticket) = 27,337 rubles (14,800 baht);
  • transport - 5,000 baht for renting a moped for all 14 days of vacation; if you rent a bike for a month, then the rental amount can be the same as for half a month for a daily rental;
  • insurance - minimum insurance for a month from Liberty Insurance costs about 2,889 rubles (1,560 baht);
  • housing - renting a simple house in Phuket will cost about 10,000 baht per month;
  • excursions - for Pattaya 2,500 baht per person, for Phuket 5,000 baht per person, as a rule, independent travelers organize excursions for themselves, but they also require money;
  • food - 14,000 baht per person you will be allowed to have a delicious dinner and lunch all 14 days of your vacation, if you rented a house with a kitchen, then you can spend less on food per month than package tourists for half a month;
  • souvenirs - 3,000 baht is enough for gifts and other tourist tinsel that tourists take home; as a rule, independent travelers do not buy them;
  • entertainment is the very essence of a holiday in Thailand, here you need to spend at least 5,000 baht, it all depends on personal preferences and hobbies, but you can spend 5,000 baht;
  • emergency reserve - $1,000 per person (35,000 baht).

Total spend independent traveler(for 14 days) in Thailand is approximately as follows:

  • for Phuket - 77,600 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 800 baht + housing 5,000 baht + excursions 5,000 baht + food 7,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35,000 baht);
  • for Pattaya - 75,100 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 800 baht + housing 5,000 baht + excursions 2,500 baht + food 7,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35,000 baht).

The total amount spent by an independent traveler (per month) in Thailand is approximately as follows:

  • for Phuket - 89,560 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 1,560 baht + housing 10,000 baht + excursions 5,000 baht + food 14,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35 000 baht);
  • for Pattaya - 87,060 baht per person (air ticket 14,800 baht + transport 5,000 baht + insurance 1,560 baht + housing 10,000 baht + excursions 2,500 baht + food 14,000 baht + souvenirs 0 baht + entertainment 5,000 baht + NZ 35 000 baht).

What currency to travel to Thailand with?

What currency to travel with is the very first question asked by tourists who have purchased tours to resorts in Thailand. To be brief, the only correct answer will be something like this: bring anything, but not rubles. Now I will explain in detail my position on the currency issue.

A little earlier, I wrote an article in which I described in detail all the features of currencies and their relationship to the Thai baht. I will try to briefly talk about the dollar, euro, ruble and their relationship to the baht.

Dollar in Thailand

They will exchange dollars for you everywhere, but in some places they may find fault with old bills (they may not accept dollars older than 1996). When exchanging dollars into baht, there is a rate for different denominations of dollars, the most unfavorable for 1 dollar bills, the most profitable for 100 dollar bills.

Euro in Thailand

The euro in Thailand feels even better than the dollar, they don’t find fault with old banknotes (however, such banknotes do not exist in nature), they change the euro everywhere.

Ruble in Thailand

The ruble is not considered a currency as such, however, most Russian export companies treat the ruble the same way and sell Russia’s wealth exclusively for dollars and euros.

The ruble in Thailand can be exchanged, but at a very unfavorable rate. The value of the ruble for Thais is on the same level as Ukrainian hryvnia, Belarusian bunnies, Kyrgyz soms and other Zimbabwean dollars. Unfortunately, the ruble should be used exclusively as Russia’s internal currency; this state of affairs can only be understood and forgiven. :)

How to bring money to Thailand

There are several standard ways to bring money and use it in Thailand; we’ll talk about the most popular ones in this part of the post.

Bank cards

The most convenient and safe way to store and transport money is a bank card, and for reliability you should have several bank cards. How to choose a bank card that is profitable for travel, read the link.

To avoid blocking your card by the bank, before your trip, inform us that you are going to Thailand. Some banks still practice blocking cards if money is withdrawn from countries South-East Asia, which are considered very unreliable. How to secure your bank card, read the link.

There are several nuances when withdrawing money from a bank card in Thailand:

foreign currency account - it is advisable to have a foreign currency account, otherwise you will lose on double conversion, your rubles will be converted into the currency of the Visa or Master system (and here the ruble has no use), and then dollars or euros will be converted into baht;
commission - when withdrawing cash, you will be charged several commissions, your bank (approximately 1 - 2% of the amount) + Thai ATM commission (100 - 200 baht);
limit on cash withdrawals - a Thai ATM will allow you to withdraw no more than 20,000 baht at a time, sometimes this is not convenient.

Cash currency

If you are bringing dollars or euros, then when exchanging for baht there are no commissions or restrictions, which is very profitable. How to choose a currency for a trip abroad, read the link.

Cash in your pocket is a big risk of “losing” it without any possibility of getting it back.

Cash currency and bank cards

The best way to minimize the risk of losing money in Thailand is to wisely divide the amount allocated for vacation and place it on several accounts (several bank cards), plus part of the amount should be brought in cash. My selection of bank cards for travel, read the link.

Have a nice holiday.


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