What a Russian needs to know in Cyprus. Is it worth going to Cyprus? Everything you need to know about Cyprus resorts

Let me make it clear right away that I am not going to force my opinion on anyone. How many people - so many tastes.

But for those who have never been to Cyprus and are planning to go there, I think my information will help make their vacation enjoyable. We are talking about May-June in Limassol and Ayia Napa.

1. Flight.

There is no big difference between the quality of charter and regular flight No. Moreover, the 3 - 3.5 hour flight from Sherematiego-2 to Larnaca passes quite unnoticed. Buy a magazine at the airport and read it during the flight. Food and drinks are typical; charters do not serve alcohol. All flights are non-smoking. Even in IL-86.

2. Larnaca Airport and transfer.

After leaving the plane, you will be driven to the airport entrance. You will walk through the doors and see booths right in front of you. passport control. The main problem is that there can be a very long queue at passport control. If you are not traveling alone, stand in different queues for different booths. Then figure out where it goes faster. Do not queue for the booths on the far left where there is a blue EEC sign with stars. they serve only European Commonwealth countries.

While you are standing in line, pick up a tourist entry card from any booth. It must be filled out at English language. Flight number, first name, last name, country of residence, date of birth, date of departure from Cyprus. When it's your turn, present your passport, card and airline ticket to the officer at the booth. He will put a stamp and give you the documents. Then you will go out into the hall, where you will pick up your luggage and then to the exit to the city.

At the very exit on the right side there are counters of various travel companies. Your meeting guide should be there. He will mark your arrival on his list and tell you the bus number. When you find the bus you need in the parking lot right in front of the airport (the airport is small and so is the parking lot), go up to the driver and name your hotel again - let him confirm that this particular bus goes to your hotel. Then the paths diverge - some to Limassol, some to Ayia Napa. The distance is approximately the same and it takes 40 - 50 minutes to get there and there. Maybe a little less. Depends on the driver. At the hotel you need to fill out a form in English (they love these cards!). First name, last name, arrival-departure, home address, profession, etc. If you really get stuck, don’t hesitate to ask the “receptionist” how to fill it out. In the best cases, guides help fill it out.

3. Hotel.

Don't choose a hotel for its beautiful name or on the advice of the travel company. This is clear. Surf the Internet, look at hotel descriptions on different sites. Look at the maps showing the location of the hotels. If you want a restful sleep, do not choose a hotel near the road. Buses, trucks and motorcycles emit sounds that will make you feel like you're in Formula One. Or book a room with a sea view. But it costs more. The floor also matters. The higher, the quieter. Don't forget about the "folklore evenings" that will be held at your hotel. This is when a couple of singers with an electronic piano perform in a restaurant from 21.00 to 24.00. About the "star rating" of hotels. My experience has shown that this makes a big difference. The more stars, the more expensive it is, but also the better. This is true. The breakfast is better, the service, even little things such as soap, shower gel, napkins, etc., change of linen, room interior, serviceability and quietness of the air conditioner, availability of hot and cold (!) water. If you don’t want to look at shabby walls and sleep on stained sheets, choose 4-5*.

The location of the hotel in relation to the city center, the beach and the tourist area matters. If you want to live in a hotel on the first line from the sea, not far from the city center, but not too close to it, then in Limassol I would give preference to the Apollonia Beach 5* hotels, Four Seasons 5* Amathus Beach 5*, Mediterranean Beach 4*, Holiday Inn 4*. In Ayia Napa this is Grecian Bay 5*, Nissi Beach 4*, Adams Beach 4*.

4. Structure of cities.

Both Limassol and Ayia Napa consist of three belts. If we go from the sea, we will cross: a strip of beach, then here and there a strip of green space, then the main road, then the city itself begins - houses, shops, offices, banks, etc. Ayia Napa is like that Small town that there is only one serious intersection and the only traffic light on it. Souvenir shops and cafes are located along the road and in the very center of the city. Also in the center there are several nightlife establishments - clubs, discos. There are no markets. Limassol is larger in size and has more shops, offices and traffic lights. In both cities great amount taxis that can take you from one end of the city to the other. There is also Shuttle Buses. The cities are clean, but here and there on the beaches there are cigarette butts, cocktail straws, and bags of peanuts. In cities, something is being built all the time and you can see heaps of construction waste. There are small abandoned vacant lots with elements of garbage and weeds. But all these negative aspects are insignificant.

5. Services and prices.

The currency in Cyprus is the Cypriot pound. Consists of 100 cents. In May - June, the exchange rate of the Cypriot pound to the dollar is 1:1.62. Those. for 1 dollar you will get 0.62 Cypriot pounds. Beaches are paid. Some hotels have their own free sun loungers on the beaches, but there are few of them. A sun lounger with mastras costs 1 pound, the same price for an umbrella. There are cafes on the beaches. There you can buy sandwiches, ice cream, salads, chips, hot dogs, drinks, etc. Much of what is in the cafe can be bought in shops near the beach - it’s cheaper there. There are showers on the beaches - 20 cents per shower. Shops for tourists in the tourist area and in cities sell absolutely original souvenirs and products. In the center of Limassol there are several shops selling branded goods (clothing, shoes, cosmetics), as well as a couple of department stores with European quality goods.

There are no similar stores in Ayia Napa. There are jewelry stores with exclusively 750 gold and silver. I can't say anything about the quality, but it looks very nice. In Limassol there are a couple of “fur and leather” stores that sell good things. There is no fur or leather in Ayia Napa. There are several stores with leather goods, but the quality of the products is very average. Lots of wonderful fruits and vegetables. Watermelons, cherries, strawberries, peaches, apricots, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes - all grown in Cyprus and of excellent quality.

Cafes and restaurants serve local dishes- leftiko, aphelia and other meat dishes. The quality is good and worth a try. Be sure to try fish dishes in fish restaurants. Cypriot dry white and red wines are good. The average cost of dinner for two with salad, hot food, alcohol and dessert is 20 -40 pounds. Depends on the restaurant and the amount of alcohol.

Products in stores:
mineral water 1.5 l - 0.45 lbs,
natural orange juice 1l - 1.20 pounds,
pistachios 150g - 3.15 pounds,
sliced ​​cheese 150g - 1.9 pounds,
sliced ​​ham 150g - £1.60,
yogurt - 0.60 lbs, 1kg cherries - 3 lbs.

ceramics - 2.50 - 20 pounds,
lace - 2 - 160 pounds,
small sculpture - 0.95 - 8 pounds,
T-shirts, scarves, caps - 3-15 pounds.

If you want to read something, bring literature with you. In Cyprus, popular Russian reading material is sold, but it is expensive - 6 pounds for a small book. Telephone conversation with Russia - 25 cents per minute. Any store sells telephone cards. After 23.00 and on weekends there are discounts. There are car, motorcycle and bicycle rentals in the cities. On the beaches there is jetskiing, scuba diving, parasailing.

6. Cautions.

There is practically no crime in Cyprus and you don’t have to worry about your wallet or things in your room. However, I would not recommend taking a lot of cash, mobile phone or jewelry to the beach. There is a safe in the room, which can be used for a fee. You can walk the streets all night long without fear for your life. Cypriots are Orthodox and treat Russians well. Many people in Cyprus speak Russian.

Be careful driving on the left.

There are no scary insects or reptiles to be wary of in Cyprus.

In May-June it is very hot in Cyprus and there is practically no rain. Temperature is about +35C. Be careful in the sun. Use sunscreen and after-sun lotion. This is especially dangerous for children. It's very easy to get burned.

7. Back to Russia.

When you arrive at the airport, you will go to your airline's check-in counters. After registration, you will need to take a green card from the counter and fill it out in English. The same as when entering, only a different color. Then pass passport control and you will find yourself in the departure hall, where you will see a large cafe, Duty Free and televisions hung here and there with information for departing passengers. Find your flight and find out the gate number. And then, with peace of mind, you can go to Duty Free or sit in a cafe.

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you find it useful. Ask questions - I will be happy to answer them.

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    Question about luggage...
    what's the best way to go to Sh-2: stuff all the junk into a couple of small bags and take them as hand luggage or dump everything into one big one and calmly put it in your luggage?? How long will you then have to wait for your luggage in the arrivals hall? I read here how in Sh-2 they manage to send things on the wrong flights - I don’t want to find myself in Cyprus without things at the time of vacation and devote all my time to figuring out the fate of my junk :(

    Are there safes on the beaches so you can put away your gold and money before swimming? Do they sell our vodka or will you take it with you? Will three pieces be enough for me and my friend for a week, or should I take more? Can our mobile phones be picked up there?

    Reply to Sergei
    Of course, if all the junk fits into small bags, it’s better to take it with you to the salon. Moreover, if you fly on an IL-86, there are spacious shelves. I have not experienced any loss of luggage. The wait won't be long. The transfer bus will wait for you anyway.

    Reply to Vitya
    There are no safes on the beach. Vodka - 15 Cypriot pounds for half a liter of Stolichnaya. If a friend likes jewelry with diamonds or a dress from Dior and you want to buy something from them, then three pieces will not be enough for a week. Restaurants are cheaper compared to Moscow, an excursion to Israel-Egypt - 100-120 Cypriot pounds per person. Cell phones can be received without problems if you are connected to roaming.

    Everything is written correctly, only we vacationed in Ayia Napa in the Kermia Beach luxury apartments and used sunbeds and umbrellas for free. I completely agree with the author that you need to take 4-5 star hotels (we have never taken anything lower), then there will be no disappointments. But if you are traveling in early May, take warm clothes - we were freezing for the first week from May 8-15 - there were strong hurricane winds, rain and cool. But from 15-22 it was hot.

    Ayia Napa
    I bought a ticket to Ayia Napa, but judging by your story, there is nothing to do there. Is it really that bad or have you simply not given Ayia Napa the attention it deserves?

    Reply to Lena
    No, no, I never said that Ayia Napa is bad. There are discos and night clubs there. But there are few of them and they are concentrated in the very center. There is a small water park. Folklore evenings are held in hotels, but, to be honest, this is more suitable for those over 50. On the beaches you can scuba dive, rent a jet ski, and fly with a parachute. But Ayia Napa is a very small city. Much smaller than Limassol. If you have the means, you can always rent a car and go to Larnaca or Limassol. A taxi to Larnaca will cost you about 20 pounds. Of course, if you are a fan of luxury holidays, it is better to go to Nice or Aspen. They say you can have a lot of fun in the Canary Islands.

    As far as I know, almost all the monasteries there are active. Will they be allowed in in trousers or is it necessary to go there in a skirt?

    Reply Jane
    They'll let you in in trousers. Shorts, swimsuits, too open T-shirts and short skirts are unacceptable.

    From the author: How to relieve sunburn
    After talking with many people who have visited resorts and received sunburn, I realized that this topic is relevant not only to me. My skin is very sensitive to the sun, however, I love to sunbathe and I do it quite well. My recipes are tested from my own experience and I share them with you: Sunscreen (Johnson, Nivea, Garnier) is good, but using it constantly, you will hardly get a tan. There can be no talk of any “bronze” skin. Use it for the first 2-3 days. Let your skin get used to the sun. Then, if you want to tan, use the following method: Take with you to the resort: Oil solution of vitamins E and A, sea buckthorn oil, tea tree oil, aloe tincture, brewer's yeast in tablets. Buy Nivea after sun lotion for sensitive skin (if you buy in Cyprus - after sun lotion for sensitive skin Nivea). I prefer this milk to all others. Throughout your trip, take yeast as directed on the label - it contains a full complex of B vitamins, which helps skin and hair regenerate and resist the sun. Mix the oils with milk (a little oil, more milk), add a few drops of aloe. Mix and apply sparingly to the skin of the body and face morning, afternoon and evening. After every swim and shower. The skin gets very dry in the sun, even oily skin, and you will see for yourself how your skin literally absorbs this “cream”. Take cool showers whenever possible, use only the mildest shower gels, and avoid lotions containing alcohol. If the burn is severe, take aspirin. Don't forget to fuel your body with vitamin C - fruits and vegetables. Kefir and yogurt are good, but it is better to take them internally. All this helped me a lot in Cyprus. Remember that my recipe is good for those who are not allergic to the listed components, but for children it is still better to use children's sunscreen throughout the trip.

Almost all tours sold on the island. Cyprus has a fairly high price, which rarely goes down. And there is an explanation for this:

  • O. Cyprus - very popular destination For beach holiday. The beaches of Cyprus are not just good, they are some of the best, because most of them are marked with the Blue Flag, confirming the status of the cleanest coasts;

  • the climate in Cyprus is mild and comfortable for any category of tourists;

  • a wide variety of hotels in Cyprus and a high level of service in them, often regardless of the number of stars.

Everything you need to know about Cyprus

  • Official name
    Republic of Cyprus;

  • Capital
    city ​​of Nicosia;

  • Territory
    area more than 9,251 km²;
    island width - 100 km, length - 240 km;

  • Official language
    Greek and Turkish.
    The second most important language is English.
    Currently the staff and people
    related to tourism business, speak Russian well;

  • Population
    in the south - Greek Cypriots, in the north - Turkish Cypriots.
    The total population of Cyprus is 838,897 people (data from 2011), including:
    • 160,000 people are Turks;
    • 17,000 people are British;
    • more than 40,000 people are Russian.

  • Religion
    The Greeks profess Orthodox Christianity, the Turks profess Islam;

  • Time difference between Moscow and Cyprus
    In winter - minus 2 hours:
    (at a time when it is 12:00 in Moscow, 10:00 in Cyprus);
    IN summer time- minus 1 hour:
    (at a time when in Moscow it is 12:00, in Cyprus it is 11:00).

Geographical location of Cyprus

If you look at the world map and try to understand where the island of Cyprus is located, then it will not be at all difficult: the state is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea with an area of ​​9251 km2.

Knowing geographical position islands, it becomes obvious which sea in Cyprus will delight vacationers here with warm and crystal clear water.

The entire territorial possession of the island stretches for a distance of 240 km from east to west, and 100 km from north to south, and geographically belongs to Asia.

A few words about Cyprus' neighbors:

  • on the northern side, the closest neighbor is Türkiye, the distance to which is only 75 km;
  • the eastern neighbor, approximately 104 km away, is Syria;
  • on the southern side, Cyprus neighbors Egypt, which is the farthest neighbor, the distance to which is as much as 370 km.

The entire territory of the island of Cyprus is divided by ownership as follows: 98% is owned by the Republic of Cyprus, and 2% belongs to the British military bases of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. Few tourists know about Cyprus and that the Republic of Cyprus is not only the island itself, but also nearby islets such as Agios Georgios, Geronisos, Glyukiotissa, Kila, Kiedes, Kordilia and Mazaki.

In fact, all the possessions of Fr. Cyprus is controlled by three states: the Republic of Cyprus has at its disposal the largest part of the island - almost 60%, just under 40% is at the disposal of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, 3% of the territory is occupied by the UN and 2% of the island is owned by Great Britain, whose territory is military bases.

Everything you need to know about Cyprus resorts

All resort places the islands occupy South coast Cyprus.

  • Paphos, located in the western part of Cyprus, is considered an elite resort of the island - suitable for a relaxing holiday;

  • The youngest and noisiest resort in the southeast of the island is Ayia Napa, ideal for youth holidays in Cyprus, where life does not subside even at night;
  • Another resort on the south-eastern coast of the island - Larnaca - is an ideal holiday destination for any category of tourists, considered the most economical holiday destination on the entire island;

  • The place in Cyprus where you can meet the largest number of Russian tourists is the Limassol resort - the entertainment industry is very well developed here, which attracts tourists here even in winter (the period of tourist lull on the island);

  • The easternmost resort in location - Protaras - is an ideal place to relax with children in an atmosphere of peace and tranquility.

All the most important things about the climate of Cyprus

A temperate climate prevails on the island. Cyprus, which has the following features:

  1. A large number of sunny days a year;
  2. Short winter with a mild climate with an average temperature of +17-19ºС;
  3. Quite long swimming and beach holiday seasons in Cyprus, starting in mid-May and ending only in mid-October;
  4. High air temperatures are perceived quite comfortably - all thanks to the low humidity levels on the island.

Thanks to its climate, Cyprus can be described as year-round resort, because even in the coldest winter month (February) the water temperature does not drop below +14ºС. Therefore, the decision about when is the best time to relax in Cyprus is up to you.

Currency exchange in Cyprus

The largest bank in Cyprus is Bank of Cyprus.
In 2008, the Cyprus currency, the Euro, was officially introduced on the island. Not everyone knows what's on about. It is better to fly to Cyprus from the Euro: dollars here will be gladly exchanged for local currency, but at a very unfavorable rate. !!! Often, exchange offices charge a commission, which is written about in the most inconspicuous place. With rubles, things are even worse in Cyprus: the exchange rate for the Euro is extremely unfavorable and they are accepted only in large banks, and therefore we strongly do not recommend traveling to the island with Russian currency. !!! For those who like cashless payments, Cyprus has all the conditions for this: Credit cards are accepted everywhere, and withdrawals from cards at ATMs occur with minimal fees.

Visa to Cyprus

All tourists who want to relax on the island and learn a lot of interesting things about Cyprus when planning a trip are required to check with the travel agency whether a visa to Cyprus is required. Tourists from Russia require a pre-issued visa to stay on the island. As a rule, tourists going on vacation on a tour package are issued a temporary visa (provisa), which is exchanged upon arrival at the airport for a stamp in the passport, giving the right to a one-time stay on the territory of the Republic for a period of no more than 90 days.

All about the safety of tourists in Cyprus

Cyprus is an island that can be called absolutely safe place recreation for tourists.
Everything that tourists who want to relax in the resorts of Cyprus can be warned about only concerns compliance with the rules of behavior and compliance with the laws of another country:

  • the island has some of the strictest smoking rules in public places in the European Union;
  • be careful on the roads: on the island, traffic is on the left, so unusual for us;
  • do not park your car in unauthorized places; parking in a prohibited place will result in a heavy fine;
  • keep valuables and documents in safes provided in each hotel free of charge or at a certain cost;
  • resort to the help of the police if an unpleasant situation arises: Cypriot police are very attentive to the problems of tourists.

Beaches of Cyprus

Almost all beaches about. Cyprus municipal and free! But! The service provided on the best beaches of Cyprus is paid, namely: renting a sunbed and umbrella will cost money (on average 5 Euros/day). Want to save money? Sit completely free on a blanket on any of the beaches you like. Most of the island's beaches are awarded the Blue Flag. The beaches in Cyprus are different: some with golden-gray sand, others with snow-white and fine sand, and still others that boast only pebbles.

All about the cuisine and restaurants of Cyprus

In Cyprus, you can taste Greek cuisine in any of the local restaurants. On the island, seafood is more actively used in cuisine than on the mainland.

All restaurants on the island differ in their range of meze dishes. Speaking about the cuisine of Cyprus, it is worth noting dishes made from feta and halloumi cheeses, as well as green walnuts in syrup. For lovers of alcoholic beverages, Cyprus has a lot to offer: locally produced wines, liqueurs and local grape moonshine “Zivania”. As for tips, all restaurants already include a 10% service charge in the bill. Whether or not to leave a tip as a sign of gratitude is a personal matter for each tourist.

Hotels in Cyprus

The island has hotels of absolutely all categories: from 2* to 5*, and even hotels with the lowest star rating will have a decent and decent level of service. Hotels in Cyprus 2* - apartments. For many tourists, it is surprising that all sockets in Cyprus are three-phase and adapters are needed to use them. Most vacationers find out about this upon check-in. Don’t be upset - in every hotel at the reception you can take such an adapter for a deposit or buy it for a small price in any nearby store.

Transport in Cyprus

Taxis on the island are very popular among tourists. You can order a car by stopping it on the streets of the city, or by calling it by phone.
There are two tariffs for taxi travel in Cyprus:

  • daytime from 6:00 to 20:30;
  • nightly from 20:30 to 6:00.

The night rate is usually 15% more expensive than the day rate.
There is an opportunity to hire vehicle for traveling around cities for sightseeing. The cost of renting such a car is discussed in advance with the driver.

Rent a car
An ideal option for those who want to explore all the most Beautiful places islands. Car rental in Cyprus is available to tourists who meet the conditions and requirements of companies providing car rental:

  • The tourist must fall within the age limit scale - 25-70 years;
  • Rental companies always ask about driving experience and require at least 2 years of experience.

When renting a car for a long period of time for trips in Cyprus, unlimited mileage is provided. The average rental cost is 35 EURO/day. The rental price does not include insurance and VAT (15%).

Now you know and have the most important and necessary information for a trip to Cyprus. Make up your mind, the resort places of the island deserve attention and are worthy of your visit.

Have a nice holiday!

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Check availability of all necessary documents.

You must have with you:

  • a foreign passport valid for 3 months from the end of the trip;
  • round trip air ticket;
  • visa to visit the Republic of Cyprus;
  • tourist package (voucher);
  • insurance policy;
  • original power of attorney from both parents (for children traveling without parents) or original power of attorney from the second parent (for children traveling with one of the parents), photographs of children must be pasted into the passport of one of the parents starting from 0 years old, or the child must have his own travel document;
  • a veterinary certificate in the established form, as well as a document with vaccination and microchipping marks if you are traveling with an animal.

Visa rules for tourists traveling to Cyprus, see the VISA section.

Attention! Before booking a tour, check with the travel agency manager about the rules for traveling abroad for minors, the procedure for submitting and a set of documents for children traveling with parents or accompanying persons.


Flights within the framework of Mouzenidis Travel flight programs are carried out in international airports Larnaca and Paphos.

IN itinerary receipt the airport and departure time are indicated (always local for each airport). You must arrive at the airport 3-3.5 hours before departure. The seat on the plane is indicated at check-in for the flight. Check-in for the flight ends 40 minutes before departure.

If you do not show up for check-in at the specified time, the airline has the right to dispose of your seat at its discretion. Save boarding pass until the end of the flight.

Read in advance the rules governing the transportation of passengers, baggage and hand luggage, and animals when flying to Cyprus. The rules can be found on the airline's websites.

After registering for international flight You must go through customs, passport control, and security control.

In case of transportation of plants or animals, it is necessary to undergo phytocontrol or veterinary control.


Before preparing for departure, check with your manager about the rules for exporting goods from the country of departure and sums of money free of duty and import upon return of goods accompanied and unaccompanied baggage(cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, food and other categories of goods).

If you do not have items and/or valuables that are subject to mandatory customs control, you may not fill out a customs declaration and go through the “Green Corridor” for registration. Otherwise, you must fill out a customs declaration, the forms of which are located in front of the customs line on tables or on special counters.

When filling out the form, do not forget to indicate the ENTIRE amount of foreign currency that you are bringing with you. Cash in the amount of 10,000 US dollars (or the equivalent in other currencies, including Russian rubles) is subject to MANDATORY customs declaration. A certificate from the bank regarding the purchase of currency is not required.

Tourists can import photo and video cameras, sports and camping equipment, as well as 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of spirits, 0.75 liters of wine, 0.3 liters of perfume or eau de toilette into Cyprus without paying duties. .

The export of antiques from Cyprus is prohibited, and any attempt to violate the rules is punishable by law.


Liquids are allowed for transportation in hand luggage, the volume of each of which does not exceed 100 ml, and the total volume is 1 liter. Such liquids must be placed in a transparent plastic resealable bag, provided free of charge directly in the passenger screening area. Items containing liquid purchased in the Duty Free area will be packaged in sealed bags that cannot be opened until they arrive at their final destination.


You need to go through passport control and customs yourself. At passport control, present your passport with a Cyprus visa. Lack of an original visa may result in a tourist being refused permission to cross the border zone or board a flight.

It is recommended to carry cash at a rate of €500 per person per week. After passing through passport control and receiving your luggage, you will find yourself in the “customs area”, where random inspection of your luggage may be carried out.


When leaving customs zone Representatives of Mouzenidis Travel will meet you at the airport of Larnaca and Paphos. Comfortable transfer buses will take you to hotels on the island. At the resorts you will be met by company representatives who will help with accommodation, tell you about the offered excursion programs, and answer all your questions.

Attention! In case of any problem related to your stay(transfer, hotel accommodation, shortcomings in hotel service, excursion service etc.), please contact immediately with a representative of Mouzenidis Travel by phone numbers received from the guide.


Check that you have all the necessary documents. You must have your passport and air ticket with you.

Check in advance with a representative of the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel about the time of delivery to the hotel of transport that will take you to the airport. If you are late for the bus, the tour operator is not responsible for the expenses you incur (taxi fees, etc.)

On the day of departure, you should fold and pack all your things by the time specified by the tour operator representative and pay for Additional services services provided to you during your stay at the hotel (telephone conversations, payment of restaurant bills, use of the minibar, etc.) and to be in the hotel lobby at the time designated by the Mouzenidis Travel representative.



Never lose sight of your luggage at the airport. Your things should be in one place and as close to you as possible. Do not change large sums of money at the airport (you will not need them on the way to the hotel, and the exchange process may attract the attention of strangers).


Do not allow non-hotel employees to take care of your luggage.

Keep documents, money and valuables, including airline tickets and passports, in a safe located in your room or at the hotel reception (this service may be provided for an additional fee).

The representative of the tour operator serving your hotel will offer you booklets in Russian containing information about the excursions offered, the schedule of breakfasts, lunches and dinners in the restaurant of your hotel, additional services that you can receive at the hotel, as well as other useful information.

Bills for telephone calls and other additional services provided to tourists (minibar in the room, drinks in bars, laundry services, etc.) are paid on the day of departure at the reception.

Each hotel has a checkout time, so on the day of departure you should vacate your rooms by this time and make payments for purchased additional services.



You can choose and order the excursion you like when booking a tour or on site from a representative of the Mouzenidis Travel company. Before each excursion, check the availability of documents for this particular excursion. Don't take more cash with you than you need for one day. Don't be late to board the bus at the start of the excursion. During the tour, during stops, arrive on time to the meeting point appointed by the guide. Don't leave in excursion bus money and valuables, the driver is not responsible for them. At the end of the excursion, do not forget your things on the bus.

Attention! The tour operator Mouzenidis Travel is not responsible if a tourist encounters problems with organizing an excursion purchased from other companies.


There is no need to carry personal documents with you - they will be replaced by a hotel card. We recommend that you always carry copies of your passport and insurance policy with you. If your credit cards are stolen or lost, block them immediately. On the street, try to avoid large crowds of people - a favorite place for pickpockets. When traveling on public transport, prepare money for travel in advance, without giving strangers the opportunity to remember the place where you keep your money and valuables. Do not take large amounts of money with you unless absolutely necessary and avoid storing money in hand bags. Carry cameras and video cameras only with a strap over your shoulder. When you go for a walk with your family or in a group, agree in advance on a meeting place in case you suddenly get lost. Do not buy jewelry or other valuables on the street. In bars and restaurants, do not leave bags on the floor or on the backs of seats.


Please note: in Cyprus you drive on the left!

If you decide to rent a car, follow the general rules:

  • never, even for a few minutes, leave a car with things unattended;
  • never get out of a car with the engine running, even if you only need to ask for directions;
  • always carry your car keys with you;
  • try to remove all valuable items (cameras, car radios, etc.) from sight when leaving the car in the parking lot;
  • do not leave documents in the car;
  • If, while driving along the highway, one of your companions asks you to stop, do not do so until you reach the “Service Area”.


Please note: in Cyprus, electrical sockets are used in the “British” format - with three holes.

To charge phones, laptops and connect other compact devices that require electrical power, you will need an adapter. A travel adapter can be purchased locally. The network voltage is 240 Volts, with the usual frequency of 50Hz, no additional transformers are required.


  • In the event of an unpleasant incident (threat or actual attack, robbery, etc.) with you or other tourists, be sure to contact the nearest police station.

A single number for calling the police, firefighters or ambulance (Police / Fire Service) is 199 or 112. If you lose your passport You must report the incident to the police, where an appropriate report must be drawn up, one copy of which will be given to you. You will need the protocol in order to obtain a return certificate

a document replacing a passport. You need to contact the Embassy (Consulate) of your country in Cyprus: Consular Section of the Russian Embassy:

tel. +357 22-776832, fax +357 22-783030 Consular Section of the Ukrainian Embassy:

tel. +357 22-464383, fax + 357 22-464381+357 25-351888

Consul of Kazakhstan:

You can contact the Consulate in case of emergencies or other circumstances that threaten the safety of your life and health, as well as in cases of danger of harm to your property.


Each tourist traveling to Cyprus is insured for the amount of 30,000 euros. Be sure to read the insurance conditions before your trip. If an insured event occurs, you must contact representatives of the tour operator Mouzenidis Travel at the resort, who will call a doctor. If you consult a doctor on your own, the insurance company does not guarantee payment of compensation for the insured event.

Tatiana Solomatina

What does a tourist need to know about Cyprus?

Greetings to all visitors to my blog! I wrote a small guide to the island, where I collected everything a tourist coming to Cyprus for the first time needs to know. Certainly complete guide

It’s difficult to fit into one post, but the most necessary information for getting to know the island is here.

I wrote a separate article about what to do and see. You can see more details about entertainment and possible leisure activities for tourists, I will publish it tomorrow and the link will become active. In this post, read about the geography of the island, climate and season, beaches, hotels, cuisine, visa regime mobile communications and the Internet, safety and important holidays.

The article about Cyprus was quite lengthy. To save time, you can go directly to the desired section by clicking on the item you are interested in in the content.

Cyprus is one of the most large islands Mediterranean Sea, its area ranks third after Sicily and Sardinia. The island is surrounded by Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and the island of Crete, and its area is just over nine thousand square kilometers.

The landscape of Cyprus is mountainous, on its territory there is a large mountainous region and the Kyrenia ridge, which stretches across coastline in the north-east. Main peak The ridge is Mount Arkomanda, you can climb it by overcoming 1023 meters. And in the west of the island there is an even larger mountain range– Troodos, the peak of which goes up to 1952 meters.

The island has been a tasty morsel for the surrounding countries for many years. Due to its ideal location, in the very center of the Mediterranean Sea, Cyprus was tried by the Assyrians, Egyptians, Persians and Romans. Over many centuries, Cyprus was part of the Byzantine, Venetian, Ottoman and British empires.

The last Turkish invasion actually divided the island into two parts: the Republic of Cyprus, where hundreds of thousands of holidaymakers come, and Northern Cyprus, which is not popular among tourists.

Read about the capital of Cyprus - Nicosia.


Cyprus is located in the subtropics - the local mild climate is ideal for a cozy holiday.

Summer on the island is hot and rainless. In the warmest months, the air temperature on the island varies from +25 to +40 degrees, which undoubtedly pleases tourists.

Winter in Cyprus is warm and with precipitation, average temperature air is +10 - +20 degrees, and in mountainous areas can drop to -4 - - 7. The water temperature in the sea in summer rises to +24, in winter it drops to +14 degrees.


High tourist season in Cyprus it takes place in the summer, as well as in early autumn, when the heat goes away and the sea is still warm and pleasant.

The peak season falls in July and August - during this period, Cypriot hotels are maximally full, and the air temperature during the day reaches +40 degrees. Winters on the island are mild, but most of the year's rainfall occurs in January and February. Mid-autumn and the second half of spring are the off-season at the resort. The weather is comfortable, sometimes hot, but the sea water is no longer warm enough for swimming.

Best beaches

The best Cypriot beaches await tourists in Ayia Napa and Protaras.

Niss Beach is a very picturesque and popular among travelers, with snow-white fine sand. Cypriots love the Ladies' Mile beach; it is located west of the city of Limassol and is the longest on the island. The most fun and interesting parties are gathered at the Governor's Beach.

Larnaca boasts the wonderful beaches of Mackenzie and Phinikoudes, which belong to the Cyprus Tourism Organization.

Since the beaches on the island are municipal, not many of them offer free sunbeds - the average cost of renting a sunbed and umbrella is 5-7 euros.

A brief description of the main resorts and beaches of the coast can be found in.


Cyprus has excellent hotels of all possible categories. Even the cheapest 2-star hotels offer decent European service. All rooms have air conditioning, and the reception is staffed by friendly, often Russian-speaking staff.

The price of a 2-star hotel includes limited breakfast, while 3, 4 and 5-star hotels usually include a buffet in the price.

The hotels have expensive restaurants, a variety of entertainment for children, and high-level hotels have own beaches. The average cost of 4 and 5 star hotel rooms is 4,000 – 8,000 rubles per day.

Renting an apartment in Paphos, Limassol or Larnaca will cost from 75 to 200 euros per day, and from 650 to 1300 euros per week, depending on the season and location of the property.

My review for tourists of one of the hotels in Paphos -.


The main culinary traditions of Cyprus were influenced by Greek cuisine, as well as Turkish and Arab culinary traditions.

On the island, much attention is paid to fish dishes and seafood, which are abundant here. A traditional Cypriot appetizer is shish kebab in a flatbread, and as a main course Cypriots prefer baked fish or charcoal-grilled lamb. A lot of cheese is added to salads, and for dessert they serve rice porridge with nuts and cinnamon, halva and fruits with honey.

The original alcoholic drink is grape moonshine, Zivania, it contains 80% alcohol and is very popular with tourists.

Visa regime

Cyprus is part of the European Union, but is not a member of the Schengen Agreement. To enter the island, citizens of Russia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries need a Cyprus visa.

Documents for visa:

  • international passport and a copy of its first page
  • application form filled out in English
  • color photograph in 3x4 format
  • a copy of a tourist voucher or confirmation of a hotel reservation

You can obtain a visa for free, within one day at the Cyprus Embassy or Consulate General.

Read more about how to apply for a visa.


The transport of goods and personal items across the Cyprus border has some restrictions. Items purchased in EU countries are allowed to be transported in the following quantities: 800 cigarettes, 200 cigars or 1 kilogram of tobacco, 10 liters of alcohol (above 22%), 22 liters of alcohol with a strength below 22%, 110 liters of beer, 30 liters of wine, 60 liters champagne.

Items purchased outside the EU: 200 cigarettes, 50 cigars, 250 grams of tobacco, 1 liter of alcohol, 2 liters of wine, 16 liters of beer.

A sum of money over 10,000 euros is subject to declaration. Fresh vegetables and fruits, flowers, meat and dairy products cannot be transported onto the island.

Currency and banks

In Cyprus they use the euro. You can exchange currency on the island at banks; they are open from Monday to Friday from 8.15 to 13.00. To sell foreign currency, a tourist must have a passport with him. The commission for currency exchange is 1 – 2%.

In Cyprus there are 24-hour ATMs for withdrawing money from a credit card, their commission is 4%. In the island's entertainment venues, restaurants or hotels, you can pay by credit card.

Avoid banknotes of 50 - 100 euros, as they are often counterfeit.


Public transport in Cyprus is limited to buses. There is no metro here or railways. Cypriots prefer to travel by private car, while tourists use a rented car or taxi.

However, there are bus routes in every resort town, fare 1.5 euros one way.

International routes are not in particular demand among tourists, although they are quite comfortable. The price for transportation is 3 euros for every 50 km of travel. The journey from Nicosia to Paphos costs 5 euros.

Getting to villages and small villages is problematic, since there are usually a couple of flights a day, usually in the morning and evening.

In Northern Cyprus public transport is in demand and costs much less - 15 - 20 buses run between cities daily, and the fare is 1.5 euros per 50 km.

You can call a taxi on the island at the hotel or just stop the car on the street. From 20.30 to 6.00 there is a night rate, it is 15% more expensive than the day rate. In local taxis, you must pay separately for luggage transportation.

Car rent

By law, you can rent a car in Cyprus only from the age of 25, with a minimum of 3 years of driving experience, however, private rental companies rent cars to tourists over 18 years of age.

When you rent a car, you will most likely get unlimited mileage. Simple insurance is included in the price, but you will have to pay extra for extended insurance.

The average cost of renting a car of democratic brands, for example Hyundai-Getz, is 35 euros per day. In the off-season, car rental prices are approximately halved, and tourists can rent a car for 20 euros.

Documents for renting a car: a driver's license (a national license is enough) and a credit card to block a deposit of 200 - 300 euros on it. In private offices they may not take a deposit, limiting it to the name of the hotel where you are staying.

Mobile communications and Internet

All Russian operators provide roaming in Cyprus. Communication is good, even in remote areas. However, the price is high, it is better to connect additional services.

For more profitable calls, you can purchase a local card; it is sold in mobile communications departments.

Internet cafes are popular in Cyprus - an hour of use costs 1 - 3 euros. All hotels have wi-fi.


There are no security problems in Cyprus; holidays here are calm and serene. In cities and towns, the safety of tourists is ensured by the police; they speak good English and are always ready to help.

However, on any journey, even the most safe countries, troubles are possible, so you should follow basic rules of caution. Watch your bags and pockets, keep valuables in your room safe, and don’t get involved in conflicts!

Cyprus is very clean beaches, hotels with good service and an easy “excursion”. Entertainment includes mini-cruises, thalassotherapy and delicious Greek cuisine. The capital Nicosia, Paphos and Ayia Napa, Limassol and Protaras - all about Cyprus: weather, tours, reviews, maps and prices.

  • Last minute tours to Cyprus
  • Tours for the New Year Worldwide

Perhaps the most adequate assessment of tourist Cyprus will sound like this: “strong Mediterranean goodness.” That is, this is a completely typical destination for a beach holiday, without any bright or unique “tricks”, but without any major drawbacks (unless, of course, you include fairly high prices as such). The island has a mild climate, hotel service is quite adequate to their level, and the beaches are very clean, with many Blue flags- so tours to Cyprus are more than deservedly popular among travelers.

Regions and resorts of Cyprus

The island of Cyprus has several excellent beach resorts and one ski resort.

Time difference from Moscow

no in winter −1 hour

  • with Kaliningrad
  • with Samara
  • with Yekaterinburg
  • with Omsk
  • with Krasnoyarsk
  • with Irkutsk
  • with Yakutsk
  • with Vladivostok
  • from Severo-Kurilsk
  • with Kamchatka


A daily flight to Larnaca from Moscow is operated by Aeroflot, and since 2016 also by the low-cost airline Pobeda. S7 Airlines flies from Moscow to Larnaca and Paphos three times a week. The journey takes about 4 hours.

From St. Petersburg, direct flights to Larnaca are operated by Rossiya Airlines on Thursdays and Sundays. During the summer season, there are additional charter flights, and the rest of the time it is easier to fly with a transfer in Moscow.

Also in summer there is charter flights from Yekaterinburg, Ufa, Rostov-on-Don, Moscow, Samara and other cities.

By sea

Cyprus can be reached by sea using regular flights and private ships from the ports of Greece, Egypt and Israel. From the Greek port of Piraeus, several transport companies operate regular ferry services to Limassol and back.

In particular, flights from Greece (including the islands), Egypt and other ports are operated by Cruise Cyprus (website in English). Cruise prices start from 250 EUR per person one way. Prices on the page are as of September 2018.

Search for flights to Cyprus


You can travel around the island by intercity buses. From every major city, buses usually depart twice a day (morning and evening), except Sundays.

Travel cost: approximately 3 EUR for 50 km. There are single, daily, weekly, monthly and annual passes. All, except one-time, offer an unlimited number of trips. A single trip ticket from Limassol to Larnaca costs 4 EUR, a day ticket costs 7 EUR, a weekly ticket costs 33 EUR, and a monthly ticket costs 70 EUR. You can purchase them at bus stops or from the driver.

There are also single travel tickets valid on all intercity routes: for one day - 15 EUR, for a week - 75 EUR. More detailed information about tariffs, routes and stops - on the carrier’s website.

Public transport in cities

IN major cities There are municipal buses and minibuses. Travel time is from 4:00 (in some cities - from 6:00) to midnight. In large tourist cities There are 24-hour buses, but they have special night rates (but in any case they are cheaper than a taxi). On Sundays and holidays, many drivers have a legal day off, but in tourist centers there are rare buses.

The ticket system is the same as for intercity buses. There are single, daily, weekly, monthly and annual passes. A single day ticket (from 4:00 to 21:00) costs 1.50 EUR, a night ticket (from 21:00 to 4:00) - 2.50 EUR. A daily weekly pass (there are no night passes) will cost 20 EUR, and a daily intercity pass (a one-day ticket that gives the right to travel on both intercity and city transport) will cost 15 EUR.

A taxi can be stopped on the street, called through the hotel administrator, or by phone from any store or restaurant. There are two tariffs: day (from 6:00 to 20:30) and night (from 20:30 to 6:00, 15% more expensive); The baggage transportation tariff does not depend on the time of day. It is better to agree on the price with the driver in advance, and a few words in Greek can reduce the price a little. The average cost of a taxi ride is 5-10 EUR for a 10-15 minute journey, depending on the city.

Car rental in Cyprus

Police, fire service, ambulance: 112, 199 (24 hours a day).

Information help desk: 191, 192 (24 hours a day).


All beaches in Cyprus are municipal and free; you only have to pay for sunbeds and umbrellas (3-7 EUR per day). Some hotels provide beach equipment for their guests free of charge, but this is more likely to apply to the most expensive hotels. In city centers, hotels are separated from the beach strip by a highway.

Diving in Cyprus

Diving in Cyprus is not as spectacular as in Red or Caribbean seas, but also offers good opportunities for beginners and experienced divers. The flora and fauna of the Mediterranean Sea is not particularly diverse, but it is full of sunken ships, caves and other interesting objects. Best places dive sites are located around Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca and Ayia Napa.

In Larnaca there is one of the most interesting dive sites in the world - the sunken Swedish ferry "Zenobia", which was wrecked in 1980. None of the crew members were injured, only the ferry itself and the trucks, which lie on the seabed at a depth of about 40 m. at a depth of 33 m in the same area rests the cruiser HMS Cricket from the Second World War, which sank in 1947. A little deeper - at 50 m - there is a rock in the form of a mushroom Mushrooms Rock, and at 10 m in depth - Octopus Reef, where they live octopuses.

The Swedish ferry Zenobia, which sank in the waters near Larnaca, is one of the ten most interesting dive sites in the world.

In Paphos, divers will be interested in seeing the Greek vessel Achilleas, which was wrecked in 1975 under unclear circumstances (depth 12 m), and the unique natural monument, similar to an amphitheater (12 m). And just 5-10 m in these waters you can see Amphorae Reef - amphorae and other ancient pottery that sank along with Greek galleys.

In the waters near Limassol there are also many ships at different depths, from 7 to 23 m. There are caves that look like ancient tombs, where you can watch the cute fish living there (for example, Tombs caves at a depth of 12 m).

Ayia Napa has a very picturesque canyon (depth 25 m) with corals, caves and the remains of ancient Phoenician wooden ships.

Dive centers are located throughout the island. Beginners will first be offered diving in the pool, and then released into open water. Almost every major dive center has Russian-speaking instructors, so there will be no problems with communication.

Beginning divers undergo mandatory training, which includes instruction, swimming pool and diving open water at a depth of no more than 10 m. The cost of one dive is from 50 EUR. The Open Water Diving program involves a training course lasting 4-5 days, from 5 dives in open water, and based on the results an international diver certificate is issued. Cost - from 250 EUR.

What to bring

Popular souvenirs: a figurine of Aphrodite, models of ships and dolls in national costumes. Fans of culinary delights can bring from Cyprus goat cheese “halloumi” (easy to transport), Cypriot sweets: Turkish delight, halva, “suzoukos” - almond grains in grape molasses, etc.

From October to April, shops are open from 8:00 to 18:00 (break from 13:00 to 15:00), and on Wednesdays and Saturdays after lunch they close completely. Shops are usually closed on Sundays.

Cuisine and restaurants of Cyprus

The island has mainly Greek cuisine, which differs from its mainland version in that it contains more seafood. Cypriot cuisine is based on meat, fish and vegetable dishes, and the main “culinary attraction” of the island is “mezze”: a set lunch that includes 20-30 dishes. Serving “meze” begins with appetizers, salads and vegetables and ends with meat and fish dishes, and each tavern has its own menu. Another popular Cypriot dish is souvlaki - kebab wrapped in flatbread. It is traditionally served without sauce so as not to overpower the taste of the meat. Also worthy of attention are “moussaka” - minced meat baked with vegetables and a sauce of sour cream and beaten eggs, and “kupelka” - cabbage rolls in grape leaves.

You should definitely try Cypriot feta and halloumi cheeses, as well as green walnuts in syrup. We should not forget about Cypriot wines, spirits and liqueurs, of which there are plenty on the island. The most famous wine is “Commandaria”. This is a type of Cahors, and it is best to purchase it at the Kykkos Monastery in Troodos. Beer lovers can recommend the foamy drink of two local brands - “Keo” and “Carlsberg”.

Those who like it stronger will appreciate the Zivania grape moonshine, the alcohol content of which can reach up to 80°. True, you can only bring home memories of tasting it: the export of drinks with an alcohol content above 50° from Cyprus is prohibited.

You can have an inexpensive meal at snack bars or kebab shops, of which there are plenty on the island. Lunch will cost an average of 5-8 EUR excluding alcohol. The most popular establishments are traditional Cypriot taverns. These are small family restaurants that are passed down from father to son, and the owner and his relatives usually work there. The menu is rarely extensive, but all traditional dishes local cuisine there are usually there. The portions are large, you can safely order one for two, and taverns often offer dessert or liqueur. Lunch in such a restaurant will cost 12-20 EUR with wine, dinner may be more expensive.

In hotels and restaurants, a 10% service charge is usually included in the bill. Therefore, tipping in Cyprus is optional, but small change is always gratefully accepted.

There are also classic restaurants on the island, and the most interesting of them are located near wineries. They offer Cypriot cuisine and local wine. The average bill will be higher than in taverns: from 25 EUR per person.

Halloumi is a divinely delicious Cypriot goat's milk cheese that everyone should try.

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Guides in Cyprus

Entertainment and attractions

Cyprus - relatively small island, but it surprisingly accommodates a huge number of monuments of nature, culture, history and art from different eras. The ruins of Stone Age settlements and temples from the times have been preserved here. Ancient Greece, Roman theaters, ancient Byzantine monasteries, Venetian fortresses and Gothic cathedrals. And due to the compactness of the island, many of these attractions can easily be visited in one trip.

It is worth visiting the capital of Cyprus Nicosia, all the main attractions of which are collected in the old quarter of the city. These are the Byzantine church of Chrysalinotissa and the church of Trypiotis with the famous iconostasis, the Archbishop's Palace, Cathedral St. John's, Famagusta Gate and Venetian Wall.

On the Akamas Peninsula, the ruins of the ancient cities of Morion and Avagos, the monastery of Agios Georgios have been preserved, and the territory of Lara Beach Bay, located to the south, has been chosen by green and big-headed turtles. It is also worth visiting the Baths of Aphrodite, which is not far from Latchi Bay. Amathus is one of the oldest cities in Cyprus, the ruins of which are located on the seashore 5 km east of Limassol. Modern archaeologists have found here a basilica of the early Christian era, a sanctuary of Aphrodite, ruins of baths and aqueduct systems - of course, time, as they say, has not been kind to them, but even in this form they make an impression.

No less ancient, Kourion was one of the largest city-states of the island. To this day, Roman baths and rich houses, the sanctuary of Apollo of Hylates, an ancient theater and numerous mosaics have been preserved there. Troodos Mountains - nature reserve And ski resort. There are also numerous churches and monasteries, some of them are included in the UNESCO List of World Cultural Heritage and are under state protection.

Cruises from Cyprus

Mini-cruises from Cyprus are an opportunity to travel to Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Greece, or Lebanon while vacationing on the island. For example, a two-day cruise to Egypt includes a full-day trip to Cairo (with a visit to Cairo National Museum) and an excursion to the pyramids and papyrus factory on the second day.

During a cruise to Jerusalem and Bethlehem, tourists will see the Church of the Nativity and Grotto, built over the birthplace of Jesus Christ. After lunch at a local restaurant, the tour continues in the Holy City of Jerusalem with a visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Golgotha ​​and the Western Wall.

The cost of a two-day cruise starts from 300 EUR per person, this amount usually includes transfers from the hotel to the port of Limassol and back, required visas(not always), excursions with a Russian-speaking guide, full board, all entertainment on board the ships and accommodation in a cabin of the selected category.

10 things to do in Cyprus

  1. Swim in the bay of Petra tou Romiou, where, according to legend, the sea goddess Aphrodite emerged from the foam, and find eternal youth and beauty.
  2. Go to a small winery to taste Commandaria and other wines.
  3. Travel back to the Middle Ages in Kyrenia and visit the local Shipwreck Museum.
  4. Have dinner in an authentic Cypriot tavern and drink a glass of liqueur with the owner.
  5. Buy a hand-embroidered tablecloth in the village of Lefkara.
  6. Dance all night until dawn in the discos of Ayia Napa.
  7. Climb into the tower of the jealous Moor in Famagusta, where the supposed prototype of Othello, the governor of Cyprus, Christopher Moreau, lived in the 12th century.
  8. Watch flamingos on the Aliki salt lake near Larnaca.
  9. Ride a donkey named Hitler or Schumacher at the Dipotamos donkey farm in Ayia Napa.
  10. Look from afar at the ghost town of Varos in Famagusta (you can go inside, but it’s very expensive - a fine of 500 EUR).

Holidays and Events

A separate reason for traveling to Cyprus is the endless holidays and festivals. In April, the country celebrates the National Day of Cyprus. In May-June, coastal cities celebrate “cataclysmos” - the festival of water and the global flood, and Limassol hosts a Folk Dance Festival. In July-August there is a Festival of Ancient Greek Drama: performances are given in the ancient amphitheater of Kourion, in the Paphos Odeon, Larnaca Fort and in the Monastery Square in Ayia Napa. The beginning of September brings an invigorating breath to the popular Wine Festival in Limassol, dedicated to the god of wine, Dionysus.


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