Macedonia lakes. The lake city of Ohrid is the main resort of Macedonia. Entertainment and attractions in Ohrid

If you search the Internet for photos of Macedonia, the search engines will definitely give you several pictures of the city Ohrid. Usually these are photographs of churches with a dazzling background blue lake. The canonical landscape, which, however, is not at all banal - on the contrary, it evokes a lot of impressions and invites you on a journey.

The local lake is one of those magnets that attracts tourists to this small town. About a hundred more magnets are Orthodox churches built from the 9th to the 14th centuries AD. Mention of the era is necessary, since the city itself appeared around the 6th century, but BC.

Interesting fact: Ohrid is a sister city of Russian Podolsk. It is completely unclear on what basis such a relationship was determined.

How to get there
There are direct flights to Ohrid from Moscow, approximately once a week. In order not to wait for a charter, you need to fly to Belgrade, and from there domestic flights get to Ohrid. The total length of the flight will be about 6 hours.

In addition, the airport, which is 7 kilometers from Ohrid, receives flights from Zurich, Ljubljana, Tel Aviv, Vienna, Amsterdam and Dusseldorf.

In a town of 60 thousand inhabitants, buses have taken root best. Many of them look tired, but they are still reliable. Reusable bus tickets can be purchased at tobacco kiosks.

The fastest form of transport in Ohrid is a taxi. The trips are inexpensive, on average, they will cost 150-200 rubles. True, some drivers like to overcharge tourists, so negotiate the price in advance before you get into the car.

Beaches of Ohrid
The beaches of Ohrid are located on the shores of a local lake. Their total length- more than 30 kilometers. This long line clean sand where you can sunbathe and have fun. average temperature water - 25 degrees Celsius. Swimming season lasts from May to September. Hotels and boarding houses have been built on the shore of the lake. One of the popular entertainments in Ohrid is sailing. Here you can rent a yacht or go out by boat.

Cuisine and restaurants
IN local restaurants you need to try the dishes first national cuisine. The city has a large selection of establishments that will tell you in detail about what edibles the inhabitants of Macedonia have invented over the past few centuries. For example, Ohrid meat or fried trout are excellent choices.

To complete the experience, it is best to choose a restaurant on the shore of the lake. Then you can enjoy both the food and the scenery.

The cafe sells various types of coffee and a variety of pastries. Service in local catering is at a good level. Prices are low, at the level of the average cost of a European lunch or dinner. By the way, all the famous places in the city are located close to each other, so you can wander from one cafe to another all evening.

Local residents are sure that you can still hear the heartbeat of St. Naum if you put your left ear to the sarcophagus with his relics in the monastery named after him.

Hotels Ohrid
Like many small towns, living mainly at the expense of tourists, Ohrid tries to please its guests in everything. This trait also applies to hotels. In the city a good choice various hotels, apartments, hostels, campsites and private housing. Most often there are 2-3 star hotels. The cost of living in a double room is from 25-30 dollars. You can get a discount with your YHA card. True, at the height of the season it is sometimes difficult to find a room, so it is better to take care of this in advance.

A hostel room costs about $10 per person. These are dormitories or houses designed for 5-10 people. If there are no places, then you may be allowed to pitch a tent on the hostel premises for only 5-6 dollars. Campsites are mainly open from July to September. Not far from the Sveti Naum camping site, located near the monastery of the same name, there is a nudist beach.

Private rooms in Ohrid are perhaps the cheapest type of accommodation. The average cost per night is 10-12 dollars. Almost like being in a hostel. Only the choice of rooms is much richer, and living alone or together is better than in a large room with 10 people.

The shops
There are two famous families living in Ohrid, who became famous for the production of pearl products - the Talevi and Filevi. Knowledge and skills in this matter are passed on in families from generation to generation. If you are in Ohrid, look for their stores if you want to buy earrings, brooches or necklaces.

In addition, national songs are popular in Ohrid. musical instruments, jewelry, wood and copper products. Tourists often purchase CDs with Macedonian music performed by local groups. This is, so to speak, genuine music, and not what can be found on torrents.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Ohrid
There are not many attractions in Ohrid. Basically, tourists look at monasteries and churches and ride around the lake.

Summer Drama Festival
This is one of the most important music and drama festivals in Macedonia. Troupes from all over Europe come to the city. The festival has been held in the Church of St. Sophia, the building of which has special acoustics, for 50 years. The event has clear dates - from July 12 to August 20.

Balkan Folklore Festival
A huge celebration in which more than a thousand groups participate. We can say that this festival is a collection of all the best that has been invented in the Balkans over many centuries. The festival is protected by UNESCO. While people sing and dance, spectators stroll through fairs and eat national food.

Monasteries and churches
As already mentioned, there are about a hundred monasteries and churches in Ohrid, some of which are more than 10 centuries old. For example, the monastery of St. Panteleimon was opened in the 9th century. The first Slavic university and the oldest medical school in Europe were located here. The monastery houses 800 icons made in the Byzantine style.

The Church of St. Clement is a tribute to Clement of Ohrid, a disciple of Cyril and Methodius. Clement is famous for adding letters to the Greek alphabet that were created specifically to represent the corresponding Slavic sounds. His relics are kept in the church.

In the monastery of St. Naum there is a sarcophagus with the relics of the saint, who dedicated his life to healing the sick. Local residents are sure that you can still hear the beating of Naum’s heart if you put your left ear to the sarcophagus.

The symbol of Macedonia is the Church of John Kaneo. It rises above the lake on a rocky cliff. This is very beautiful church, which is painted with frescoes from the 13th century.

3 things to do in Ohrid
- Go to a rave in nightclubs - in Ohrid there are, perhaps, best clubs Of Eastern Europe. People dance everywhere - in bars, restaurants, on the beach. All the clubs are located next to each other, so you can visit several establishments in one night.
- Climb into a thousand-year-old tree - this giant, which, according to various sources, is from 900 to 1100 years old, is located at the intersection of Gotse Delchev and Kliment Ohridski streets. Little remains of it, but the tree still evokes admiration. Previously, it housed a barber shop and a money changer's office.
- Organize a performance in an ancient theater - the ruins of an ancient Roman theater are located in the Varosha region. Here you can feel like a dramatic actor and, for example, stage your own play. You will create the desired atmosphere with the help of period costumes Ancient Rome.

Lake Ohrid
This lake is considered one of the most beautiful and cleanest in Europe. Its composition is similar to the Baikal ecosystem. The lake is so large and deep that it can be mistaken for the sea.

Here you can swim, dive, sail, and ride a boat. There are many churches on the shore of the lake. The wooded ridge overlooking Ohrid is located in national park Galicica is in a quiet area with almost untouched nature.

Galicica National Park
This park is located between the two largest lakes in Macedonia - Ohrid and Presla. The attraction of the park is Magaro Peak, more than 2 kilometers high. But the most powerful impressions are made by the plants, of which there are more than a thousand species. Some of them can only be found in this park and nowhere else in the world.

There are 18 villages located within the park. Local residents are mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, and also provide various services to tourists.

Going on vacation to Balkans, I didn't even suspect that Macedonia will turn out to be the country that will fascinate me forever. Having gathered with friends on this trip, we decided for some time which direction to choose and settled on a small resort town Ohrid, located on the shores of the lake of the same name. To be honest, at first I suggested choosing the banal Montenegro or Croatia, which, due to their fame, seemed to me more attractive as tourist route. However, upon reflection, I decided to agree with the opinion of the majority, which was inclined to conclude that Macedonia, as an exotic and unexplored country, would be perfect as a place for an ideal summer holiday. And now, a couple of weeks after the decision was made, we are already landing at the Skopje airport and heading to the shores of Lake Ohrid.

Having reached the city limits, we drove up to the future place of our two-week refuge, the Donco Hotel. It turned out to be a small hotel located very close to the city center, in a picturesque area, with comfortable rooms and a good selection of entertainment. Despite the fact that the hotel has only a three-star level, I have a strong feeling that its quality is clearly underestimated. Excellent swimming pool, sauna, own fitness center, gorgeous beach, an excellent restaurant and a lot of other useful advantages. Rarely in any three-star hotel in Europe can one find such an abundance of diverse services. The food, by the way, was also excellent. In the morning there was " Buffet"with a rich selection of dishes that corresponded to traditional Balkan cuisine. The hotel staff is friendly and welcoming, and speaks excellent English.

In the Balkans, Ohrid is usually called the “Macedonian Jerusalem”, since on its territory there are many historical attractions, most of which belong to the era of the reign of Ancient Rome. Once upon a time, Roman gladiators even fought to the death here, as evidenced by the ancient amphitheater that has been preserved here since those ancient times. Slavic writing also originated in these same places through the efforts of two Macedonian brothers, Cyril and Methodius. The city itself is very similar to a medieval port settlement. Low houses with red roofs are scattered chaotically across a hilly valley on the shores of a picturesque lake. This is probably what most European cities looked like many centuries ago.

On the very first day of our stay on Macedonian soil, we went swimming in the deepest lake on the European continent. Its depth is almost 300 meters, and the history of its origin goes back to distant centuries BC. Most of the lake is surrounded high mountains with dense green vegetation, which gives it even more beauty and charm. It is curious that approximately a quarter of Ohrid belongs to neighboring Albania, so when swimming in the lake you can inadvertently swim into a completely different state.

Naturally, traveling through these lands, we could not ignore the most sacred place of this region is the monastery of St. Naum. He once healed the sick, and according to legend, if you put your ear to his sarcophagus, you can hear the saint’s heart beating. To be honest, I didn’t do this because this legend already smacked of mysticism, like our Soviet Viy. By the way, Macedonia is a very religious country, which was noticeable by the number of churches in the resort.

The Old Town area in Ohrid made the greatest impression on me. It seems to rise up the hill, along the medieval brick walls that separate the area from the wide foothill valley. The most picturesque place area here is the Church of John Koneo, rising on a majestic rocky cliff, at the foot of which the waves of Lake Ohrid crash. On the outskirts of the Old Town there is a unique Archaeological Museum, in which you can learn a lot about the history of the country and the town of Ohrid, in particular.

Traveling through the city and its environs, we discovered many interesting places that offer absolutely stunning views of the surrounding landscapes. Their nature is so beautiful that we sometimes stood rooted to the spot, unable to take our eyes off the splendor that opened before our eyes. The color of the water in the lake is like a shining emerald, and the sensations are very unusual. It feels like you are swimming in spring water, only warmed up.

Traveling through the endless forest (and not only) expanses of Macedonia, I lost about 7 kilograms (just to my ideal weight). We didn’t feel like eating at all, so we limited ourselves to fruits and water, which we took with us on the road, and in the evenings we went to cafes in different quarters of the city. I note that Macedonian cuisine is a little reminiscent of Asian cuisine, in terms of the amount of pepper and spices. But despite this, it is quite edible and nutritious.

I would also like to note the hospitality of the local residents, who always helped us willingly and with a smile on their faces. Of course, few here know Russian, but the majority speak English. It was very pleasant to communicate with local residents, who for some reason perceived us as aliens when they found out that we were from Russia. I really enjoyed my holiday in Macedonia. I can’t remember so much greenery, fresh air and an abundance of amazing landscapes. So if the opportunity arises to visit the Balkans again, I will definitely look into Macedonia.

Updated 02/07/2019

Tourist guides call the city of Ohrid (Macedonia) the most beautiful in the country. I agree and confirm – the resort on the shore of the lake of the same name really looks nice. Here you can swim in clean, clear water, sail on a yacht, or sunbathe on the beach. In the city itself, I advise you to stroll along the old streets, climb the walls of the fortress, and look into churches and monasteries.

Next, I’ll tell you in detail about the attractions of Ohrid and the surrounding area, describe the route for a walk around the resort, give you accommodation options, and I won’t forget about how to get there. But I'll start with rich history region.

History of Ohrid and the lake

In the 3rd century BC, on the site of modern Ohrid, the ancient Illyrians and Macedonians founded the settlement of Lychnid. In 148 BC, the colony was captured by the Romans, who ruled here peacefully until 518. After a powerful earthquake, the new owners of Ohrid rebuilt it almost from scratch - now only marble pillars in the Old Town remain from the first settlement.

Under Roman rule and after the split of the Byzantine Empire, Ohrid (Macedonia) grew into a major trading center. The city stood on the Egnatian Way, a trade route leading from the banks Adriatic Sea to Constantinople. In the first years of our era, the inhabitants of Ohrid had already converted to Christianity. Local bishops already participated in the first ecumenical councils in the 1st-3rd centuries AD.

Since the 5th century, the region was inhabited by the Slavs; in 861 the city came under Bulgarian rule. It was then that the modern name appeared - Ohrid. Attractions of the time included a book school where St. Clement of Ohrid worked. Philologists believe that it was here that the Cyrillic alphabet was invented, and they see this as the merit of the student of the great Cyril and Methodius.

In 990, Ohrid became the capital of Bulgaria, and it remained there for 25 years. In 1018, the city will be captured again by the Byzantines, who will liquidate the Patriarchate and leave one archbishop. Under Byzantium, many temples and churches were built in Ohrid, which still stand today. In the XII-XIV centuries, the city returned to the recreated Bulgarian kingdom, and then came under the rule of the Serbs.

In 1394 Ohrid (Macedonia) captures Ottoman Empire, under whose rule the city would remain until 1912 - more than 500 years. The period left its mark in the form of mosques and Muslim inhabitants. IN late XIX centuries, most of the Bulgarians lived in the city, a little less Turks, and very few Gypsies, Volokhs and Albanians. The latter professed both Islam and Christianity.

In 1913, the city returned to Serbia; during the world wars it was occupied by Bulgarian and German troops. In the 20th century Ohrid, Macedonia and others Balkan countries have walked a similar path.

  • 1945 – Federal People's Republic Yugoslavia.
  • 1963 – Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
  • 1991 – Independent Republic Macedonia.
  • 1993 - The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia - the name for the UN.

Ohrid today is a city in independent Macedonia, a resort on a lake and one of the centers of Balkan tourism.

Sights of Ohrid

The main attraction of the city is the lake. Ohrid stands on the banks of the reservoir of the same name, with an area of ​​358 square kilometers and a depth of up to 288 meters. This is the oldest and deep lake throughout the entire peninsula, it appeared 5 million years ago. The lake is interesting due to its unique endemic ecosystem, and in this it is similar to Russian Baikal or African Tanganyika.

The lake is fed by underground springs, which ensure water clarity of up to 20 meters. Near the very shores, within the city limits, there is a lot of algae and silt in the water. It is difficult to see the opposite shore, so the lake even looks like a sea. The border between Macedonia and Albania runs through the center of Lake Ohrid, and mountains can be seen in the distance. If you have already arrived at Lake Ohrid (Macedonia), then do a few things:

  1. Sunbathe on the beach. In the very center of the city there are concrete slabs with stairs to the water, on the outskirts there are free and long sandy beaches. In the summer they put on them water attractions, there are cafes and bars.
  2. Take a swim in the lake itself. After the beach, I advise you to try the water of Lake Ohrid. From the central concrete slabs there is a steep descent via stairs. On the outlying beaches, the entrance to the water is gentle and suitable for children.
  3. Take a boat ride. There are large pleasure boats at the piers in Ohrid - you can sail around the entire lake on them. Nearby, look for small private yachts - the owners also take tourists on rides or even rent out boats.

Lake Ohrid in Macedonia is not the only attraction of the city. If you prefer walking, then go to the old quarters. They are located at the foot of the main hill and on its slopes. Surely you will notice a characteristic feature of local houses - their upper floors are much larger than the lower ones. The reason for this lies in the past, when property taxes were calculated only by the area of ​​the first floor.

One-day walking route in Ohrid with map

The starting point of the route is the Upper Gate or Upper Gate (point A on the map) of the fortress of King Samuel, to which we will soon head. Total medieval city There were four entrances, but two have survived to this day. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the Upper Gate was closed at night and opened at dawn.

Before visiting the fortress, go down to the ancient Greek amphitheater (point B). Under the Romans, it was converted for gladiator fights and later destroyed. The amphitheater was discovered only in the 1960s; nowadays festivals and concerts are held here.

Not far from the amphitheater there is a church Holy Mother of God(point C), built in the 14th century in the Byzantine style. There is also another church - St. Constantine and Helena, as well as an icon gallery.

Next we go up to the fortress of King Samuil (point D), which you will probably notice even when approaching Ohrid. The stronghold was erected in the 10th century by order of Tsar Samuil, who decided to make the city the capital of the Bulgarian kingdom. Entrance fee is 60 denars.

There is nothing particularly interesting behind the fortress walls, but it is definitely worth taking a walk along them - from here you have an excellent view of Lake Ohrid, the city itself and the surrounding area.

After the walk, we go to the walking path, which begins to the right of the gate, if you stand with your back to the entrance. Our goal is the Early Christian Basilica and Panteleimon Monastery (Ohrid). They are located in the Plaoshnik area (point E). This is the name given to the site where archaeological excavations are still being carried out to this day. Entrance to the territory is paid - 100 denars. The Church of St. Panteleimon houses the relics of the creator of the Cyrillic alphabet, St. Clement of Ohrid.

We go down the path to Labino beach (more about it below), but we don’t reach it and go along the stone path to the cape. On it stands the Church of St. John Kaneo (point F). The temple was built in the 13th century (according to other sources in the 15th century); frescoes from those times remain inside. The cape offers magnificent views of Lake Ohrid.

Map of one day route in Ohrid

According to legend, Ohrid and its surroundings once had 365 churches. In our time, the number of temples has noticeably decreased, but even now it is unrealistic to get around them all. However, if you have noticed, most of the sights of Ohrid are religious buildings. By the way, for those who are going to Skopje, I have also prepared a map.

You can open the article with the map on your phone before leaving the hotel (if you don’t have mobile internet) and use it throughout the entire route.

The route to discover Ohrid ends at the port (point H), where the Lower Gate is located nearby.

Near the port there is a pleasant city park with a children's playground (note to those traveling with children), flower beds and benches. The easiest way here is to arrange a boat trip on the lake.

As an option, take a walk along the promenade that runs from the port to Sveti Naum. There are several beaches in the same direction.

If you have already seen everything in the city, then get out into the surrounding area. It has been written about them.

Lake Ohrid in Macedonia and the city of the same name on its shore - main resort ny center of the country. Macedonia has no access to the sea, so Ohrid became the main body of water, just as Balaton became it for the Hungarians.

For sunbathing and swimming, come to Lake Ohrid better in summer. In mid-July the air warms up to 38°C, making walking in such heat uncomfortable. If you want to swim and take a walk, then come at the end of May or beginning of September - there is no rain and it is not so hot. Although I was not particularly lucky, the day before arriving in Ohrid the weather in Macedonia suddenly deteriorated and the lake was cool. As soon as I left, the dream thermometer rose to 28 degrees. It was early September.

Beaches, as I already said, are of two types. In the very center of the embankment and in some places within the city, houses come very close to the water. Here, instead of beaches, there are concrete slabs, along the stairs from which you can go down into the lake. But Ohrid (Macedonia) is also loved for its normal beaches. Look for them a little further from the center, along the entire coast. The beaches are sandy, the entrance to the water is gentle.

In addition to city beaches, there are interesting places around.

  • Gradishte Beach – near the “Bay of Bones”, 20 kilometers south of Ohrid. Quite spacious, comfortable beach with big amount bars Ideal for young people, discos and parties are often held here.
  • Ljubaništa beach with a campsite of the same name is located next to the monastery, Ohrid is 30 kilometers away. Very long beach with clean sand. Many tourists come here, but I advise you to stay until sunset - you won’t regret it.
  • Labino Beach – located between the main city beach and the hill with the fortress. It’s quite small, there are a lot of stones among the sand, but there are practically no tourists here. I advise you to come in the morning so that there is no one at all.

In general, beaches are scattered along the entire shore of Lake Ohrid. You can get to them by car or pleasure boat.

How to get to Ohrid

Ohrid (Macedonia) acquired its own airport in 1952. But St. Apostle Paul only accepts charters and seasonal flights. There are planes from Moscow and St. Petersburg, but only in the summer and quite irregularly. In this case, you will still have to change planes; even charters do not fly directly to this airport. Ohrid is located 170 kilometers from Skopje and 140 kilometers from Tirana - you can get there by bus.

If you are only considering an airplane, then the options are as follows:

  1. Find air tickets Moscow – Ohrid or St. Petersburg – Ohrid. There will only be charters with all the consequences, irregular even in the summer. Usually they change planes in Belgrade, but then you will immediately get to Ohrid and will not see the very controversial capital of the country.
  2. Choose a flight Moscow – Skopje or St. Petersburg – Skopje (more details on the link above). You will also have to change planes, but fly on regular flight. Aeroflot, Air Serbia, Alitalia, Pegasus Airlines fly from Russia, Turkish Airlines, Austrian Airlines FlyDubai.

Don't forget that Ohrid Airport is located 7 kilometers from the city itself. You can get to the resort by taxi or rare buses. It’s the same story with Skopje, first you have to get into the city by bus or taxi (), and then find a route to Ohrid. Buses depart from the bus station regularly.

From Skopje to Ohrid buses leave every hour, the journey takes 3 hours. Come to Central Bus Station, from where it’s half an hour of easy walking to the center. So you can immediately take a dip in Lake Ohrid (Macedonia) upon arrival.

If the bus route Skopje - Ohrid takes 3 hours, then by taxi (it’s better to order online) or the road will take 2.5 hours. I advise all tourists with a license to take a car upon arrival and book it in advance (instructions for booking and finding a car are available at the link above).

Where to stay in Ohrid

On 90% of my trips I rent accommodation through Airbnb service(follow the link to an article on how to get a discount on your first booking with this service). Macedonian Ohrid was no exception. I rented an apartment on the pedestrian part of Gotse Delchev Street. But since I was not delighted with them, I will not talk about this experience. But I will leave links to accommodation options that were highly rated by earlier guests. They are suitable for those who are used to booking through Booking.

In the comments, tell us about your favorite restaurants in Ohrid, so that other readers can know where they should go and where they should not.

Always yours, Daniil Privonov.

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Looking for a hotel or apartment? Thousands of options at RoomGuru. Many hotels are cheaper than on Booking Many tourists call Ohrid the most beautiful city Macedonia. For several centuries it was the capital of the ancient Macedonian state. Modern Ohrid is the most popular city

throughout the Balkan Peninsula. Its history goes back more than 2500 years. A week is not enough to see all its sights. The ancient Greeks called the city located next to big lake with crystal clear water, Lychnidos - "city of light". In the 80s of the last century it was included in the list of the World cultural heritage UNESCO. Today many historians and art critics call Ohrid " Slavic Jerusalem

”, because there are 365 active Orthodox churches on the Macedonian coast of Lake Ohrid. The most famous place not only in the city, but throughout Macedonia - this is unique Lake Ohrid

. It is famous as the deepest body of water in the Balkans: its depth reaches more than 300 m. The magnificent views of the lake from Ohrid enchant many travelers.



55,800 people (as of 2006)

2nd century BC uh

Population density

142.9 people/km 2

Macedonian denar


UTC+1, UTC+2 in summer

Postal code

International dialing code

Climate and weather

Ohrid is located in the southeast of Macedonia, in a subtropical climate zone. This is especially noticeable in the southern region of the city. Here the thermometer never drops to sub-zero temperatures.

Summer in Ohrid is characterized by hot and dry conditions, while winter is unusually warm and rainy. The coldest months of the year are January and February. During the day, the air temperature reaches only +12 °C, and at night drops to +6 °C. This period is also characterized by heavy rainfall. Their greatest number occurs in December, when it rains heavily for half the month. Summer in Ohrid is hot, this is especially felt in August, when the air temperature during the day warms up to +33 °C, and at night rarely drops to +19 °C. That is why best time

The best time to visit Ohrid is the end of spring - the beginning of autumn. During this period there is practically no precipitation, and the temperature is most comfortable for staying and relaxing in the city.

Nature Ohrid is located on the top of a cliff above a picturesque pond. Lake Ohrid east coast rises a wooded ridge that belongs to the territory National Park "Galichitsa". This environmentally friendly, untouched piece of land is very popular among fans of eco-tourism. The area around Ohrid is mainly covered by dense forests and subalpine meadows. The main pride of this park is considered to be the small population of Balkan lynx.

The biggest natural attraction of Ohrid is a huge tree, which, according to local residents, about a thousand years. Only a large company, about twenty people, can clasp its trunk, but a hundred people can hide in its shadow at once! This giant is protected by local environmental authorities.


Ancient Ohrid is famous for its incomparable architectural monuments. The most famous of them are Samuil's fortress, which was built back in the 6th century, and Church of St. Clement, on the walls of which frescoes from the Byzantine period have been preserved. Built in 1295, this temple today houses a large number of icons, books and other religious objects.

Of great importance for the history and culture of Macedonia is Monastery of St. Panteleimon(IX century). This monastery became the very first Slavic University, which included the oldest Medical School in Europe. The monastery became famous for the 800 icons stored here, painted in the Byzantine style. This collection is considered the second most important after the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

The real symbol of Macedonia is the famous Church of John Kaneo, rising directly above Lake Ohrid on a rocky cliff. The church is painted with frescoes from the 13th century.

The main attraction of the city is Lake Ohrid, called The Pearl of Macedonia. Magnificent landscapes and unique flora and fauna of inhabitants attract thousands of ecotourists here every year.


Ohrid is famous for its excellent fish restaurants, which serve the famous Macedonian dish - fish in Ohrid style. A special feature of the cuisine of this city is the widespread consumption of Ohrid trout. The taste of this fish will be emphasized by the exquisite red wine of Macedonia "Alexandria".

You can also taste other famous Macedonian dishes in any Ohrid restaurant: tavche gravce, ajvar, tulumba and others. You can try all this in a restaurant Letnica, located on a quiet street near the city center, or in a cafe Ostrovo Sveti Naum, which is located on a rock above the lake, next to the famous Monastery of St. Naum.

The favorite drink of all Macedonians, rakia, is very popular among tourists in Ohrid.

It is worth noting that food prices in Ohrid are noticeably lower than in Skopje. So, for a dinner for two with alcohol you can pay no more than 15 €. And when having lunch in a small street cafe, you can spend a little more than 8 €.


Ohrid is considered the most visited city in Macedonia, so there is an excellent network of hotels and inns here. Thrifty people can use the services of small private hostels and boarding houses. At the same time, the cost of rooms will differ significantly from the services of large and expensive hotels, and the level of service is in no way inferior to them (if not superior). It is definitely worth remembering that the territory of Lake Ohrid is considered the largest resort area in Macedonia, so before arriving in this area you must book your accommodation in advance.

But even if you forgot to do this, you can stay in campsites, the services of which are preferred by lovers of traveling on own car. The prices for this type of housing will pleasantly surprise you. When staying in cabins, you will have to pay 8 €, and when spending the night in a tent camp, even less - only 2.5 €. The most famous campsites in Ohrid are “ Gradiste" And " Sveti Naum».

The most popular hotels in the city center among tourists are Orhidea Apartments And Villa Lava. Their big advantage over other hotels is their advantageous location - near the shore of Lake Ohrid. Like all similar establishments, these hotels offer a wide range of services - from free classes in fitness rooms and swimming pools to free Internet access.

The average room rate in the city is approximately 15 € per night. The final price depends on the room configuration and services provided by the hotels.

Entertainment and relaxation

The main attractions for tourists in Ohrid are numerous excursions to the sights of the city and its surroundings. The most popular is the fascinating excursion to ancient Macedonian city of Struga. Today, near this place, the famous Macedonian vineyards stretch for many kilometers. This town is famous for its International Poetry Festival, which is held here annually at the end of August.

Of great historical interest are the ruins of the ancient city ​​of Heraclea. It was founded back in the 4th century BC. Philip II, father of the famous Alexander the Great. After the city was captured by the Romans, Heraclea became one of the most important points on the Egnatian Way. Since then, the amphitheater and Roman baths have been well preserved.

Ohrid is home to one of the largest collections of Orthodox relics - Museum of Icons. The exhibition of this museum presents the most famous and significant icons of Ohrid. It is also home to some of the rarest icons in the entire world.

Lovers of active pastime will also find something to their liking in Ohrid. Fishing in these places is widely famous. Its uniqueness is manifested in the excellent bite and the opportunity to catch quite rare species of fish, for example, the Ohrid eel (it is considered a particularly valuable catch among all fishermen).

Travel companies offer their clients unforgettable walking and cycling trips in the picturesque surroundings of Lake Ohrid. Particularly famous are the routes that run through the territory National Park "Galichitsa". Some tourists prefer exciting trips around the big lake Balkans by motor or rowing boats. The lake offers stunning views of Ohrid and its surroundings.

In the evening and at night in Ohrid you can have a great time in clubs and discos, of which there are plenty.


Ohrid is recognized as the most “commodity” city in Macedonia. Here you can buy various souvenirs on almost every street and square of the city. The most sold souvenirs are considered to be various products with the symbols of Ohrid and Macedonia, Jewelry from Ohrid beads or pearls, famous Macedonian opants, clothes and shoes made of genuine leather, wood crafts and much more.

When purchasing the famous Ohrid pearls, you need to be especially careful not to encounter a fake. Most tourists prefer to purchase such products in stores from well-known manufacturers Filev family And Talev family.

Numerous Ohrid shops are pleased to offer you a wide range of food products. The famous Macedonian brandy and the excellent local coffee are especially popular.

Almost all shops in Ohrid are open from 9:00 to 20:00. The only exceptions are a few large supermarkets located in the city center. The doors of these establishments are open to visitors around the clock.


The main mode of transport in Ohrid is the car. Quite outdated models of buses ply the streets, but the comfort of such Vehicle highly doubtful. True, the cost of traveling by bus is the lowest of all the proposed modes of transport - about 0.5 € per trip. Single-entry tickets, as well as multiple-entry passes, can be purchased at specialized kiosks or from the bus driver.

Most tourists prefer taxis. Their services are somewhat more expensive than city buses, but the travel conditions are more comfortable. The cost of travel in private transport is about 0.3 € per kilometer.

Residents and guests of the city can reach attractions located outside of Ohrid via intercity buses. The ticket price directly depends on the distance. When planning such an excursion, it is worth booking your seat on the bus in advance.

Railway transport in Ohrid is also used mainly for intercity travel. For foreign tourists This method of transportation is not very convenient, as it requires the additional use of other modes of transport to reach the final point of the route. The Ohrid railway is connected to other major cities Macedonia and neighboring countries.

Near Ohrid there is a large St. Peter's Airport. This airport has international status and serves flights of two airlines: Avioimpex And Macedonian Airlines. Air traffic within the country is not organized due to the small territory of the state.


Communications in Ohrid are well developed. Landline telephones are installed everywhere here, allowing you to contact subscribers in any city in the country and the world. A magnetic card can be purchased at any post office. The cost of one minute of an international call is 0.18 €. You can also call abroad directly from your hotel room, and you will have to pay a little more for this service - approximately 0.55 €.

mobile connection Here it also functions flawlessly. Local mobile company Makedonski Telekomunikacii supports roaming of many European operators, including Russian ones.

There is an Internet connection in all major establishments, and this applies to both hotels and hotels, as well as restaurants, cafes and shopping centers. You can use the services of the World Wide Web here for about 0.8 € per hour.


Macedonian Ohrid has the reputation of one of the safest cities in the country. At the same time, local residents are very friendly towards foreign guests of the city. However, when in places large cluster People need to keep a close eye on their belongings, particularly their bags and wallets - even here, petty pickpocketing and fraud occur.

Business climate

Ohrid, thanks to its wonderful location and amazing natural scenery, is becoming more and more visited every year. Many sanatoriums and resorts have been built near it. That is why foreign investors began to pay attention to it, who prefer to invest their cash V travel business. Indeed, the pace of development of Ohrid makes this business quickly pay for itself.

It is interesting that the Macedonian authorities are doing everything possible to attract additional investment into their economy: weakening the influence of the state, reducing taxes, etc.

Real estate

Great interest in Ohrid and its magnificent resort areas increases the demand for real estate there. A large number of residential premises are being purchased for the purpose of arranging a hotel or hotel there. Prices for apartments in Ohrid are slightly lower than in Skopje.

The average cost of apartments in this cozy town is about 400 € per square meter, although in areas located near historically significant attractions, you will have to pay more than 2,500 € per square meter of housing.

As in any city in Macedonia, in Ohrid it is necessary to remember that Macedonians really do not like it when foreign guests start talking about events that happened in the 90s of the last century. The peculiarities of modern politics are also not worth discussing in Macedonian cities.

Remember that smoking is prohibited in local restaurants, theaters, clubs and other public institutions.

To travel around the city in Ohrid, you can use the car rental service. To do this, you must have an international driver's license.

Serbia – city tour + holiday in Macedonia Lake Ohrid

1 day: Arrival at Nikola Tesla Airport, Belgrade. Transfer to the hotel. hiking around Belgrade accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide:

excursion to the main attractions of Belgrade, located in the city center: Republic Square, Prince Mihailo Boulevard, 1823 cafe “Question Mark”, Cathedral Church, Belgrade Fortress, Ruzica Church, St. Petka Church, Kalemegdan Park...

Day 2: New Garden, Sremski Karlovci, Fruska Gora.

Departure from Belgrade in the morning. The road to Noviy Sad takes about an hour. Sightseeing tour located in the center of Noviy Sad. Visit to the Petrovardinsky fortress. Visit to the city of Sremski Karlovtsi - the origins of the spiritual culture of Serbia, as well as the region of wine and honey, sightseeing: Cathedral, Patriarchate, honey museum, wine cellar with tasting. Departure to the picturesque Fruska Gora, inspection of the monasteries. In the evening return to Belgrade. Departure by bus to Macedonia for the holidays of Lake Ohrid.

not only in the city, but throughout Macedonia - this is unique located in the southwestern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Two thirds of its area belongs to Macedonia, one third to Albania. The lake is located on 699m above sea level, it is surrounded on one side by a field, on the other by a mountain peak - the Galicica National Park. And while in July and August tourists swim in the warm and clear water of the lake, the snowy peaks of Galicia are reflected in the same water, as if in a mirror.

Lake area 358 km², length coastline 87.53 km, maximum lake depth 286m. The period of formation of Lake Ohrid is the same like Baikal. Due to the uniqueness of its ecosystem, which includes many endemic species, Lake Ohrid is close to Lake Baikal. The lake is fed mainly by numerous underground and above-ground springs. The most charming place with springs is the area Monastery of Saint Naum.

At the foot of the hill there are 46 springs that form a unique landscape, with small islands that today house restaurants and cafes. The waters of these springs feed the river Black Drin(make.Tsrn Drim), which immediately flows into Lake Ohrid, flows through the lake (from the air the flow of the river is clearly visible - one of a number of unusual phenomena associated with Lake Ohrid) and flows out of the lake near the town of Struga. Lake Ohrid attracts visitors all year round. In summer, from mid-June to the end of September, its beautiful beaches are covered with coarse sand and pebbles, with amazingly clean and clear water.

On the shores of the lake, which belong to Macedonia, there are cities Ohrid and Struga.

City of Ohrid is a real gem. There is much that will take the breath away of visitors to Ohrid:

— in the 80s of the last century it was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List;

— many historians and art critics call Ohrid “ UNESCO. Today many historians and art critics call Ohrid "”, because on the Macedonian coast of Lake Ohrid there were once 365 Orthodox churches (now there are fewer due to its turbulent history);

— picturesque streets of the old part of the city with its own specific and recognizable architecture (House of the Robevtsi family);

- Church of Hagia Sophia;

- Roman amphitheater from the 2nd century BC;

- Church of the Virgin Mary Perivelept from the 13th century;

— Samuel’s fortress, towering above the city, from which a stunning view of the lake opens;

- the Church of St. Panteleimon, built on the site of the ancient monastery complex Plaoshnik, in which St. Clement is buried, with the ruins of an early Christian basilica from the 5th century AD, with magnificent mosaics;

— Ohrid is also famous for Ohrid pearls (the secret of production is passed down from generation to generation and currently two families are engaged in this). Russian emigrants brought this secret here and passed it on to local residents, and now these artificial pearls are known all over the world;

- St. John's Church on a steep slope overhanging the lake;

- in the low-lying part there is also market Street ancient-looking with numerous jewelry stores, cafes and pastry shops with traditional local sweets, restaurants serving national cuisine

— trout fish prepared in different ways; — local quality wines.

- sincere hospitality; here tourists feel like guests, and not a source of income for local residents.

Day 3 Arrival at Lake Ohrid, accommodation at the hotel. Rest on the lake 7 nights.

Day 10 Departure from the hotel at 16:00.

Day 11: In the morning, arrival in Belgrade.

Hotels on Lake Ohrid

Č INGO 3* – located in the very center of Ohrid. The hotel has a restaurant serving national and international cuisine, a conference hall with 60 seats. Each room is equipped with cable TV, air conditioning, minibar, safe, direct dial telephone, internet and bathroom. Parking with video surveillance is provided for guests. Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu.

DISCOUNTS: Children under 7 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, children from 7 to 12 years old in a separate bed receive a 50% discount. The third person in a double room in a separate bed receives a 30% discount.

TURIST 3* – located 7 km from the city of Ohrid, completely renovated in 2007. The hotel has 88 double and triple rooms. Guests can use all the services of the neighboring hotels “Metropol” and “Belvi”. The hotel has private beach, parking and sports center. Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu.

DISCOUNTS: Children under 6 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, children from 6 to 10 years old in a separate bed receive a 50% discount. The third person in a double room in a separate bed receives a 30% discount.

Supplement for single room – 20 euros per day.

Cost per person half board 550 euros

SILEKS 4* – located on the shore of Lake Ohrid in the tourist village of Sveti Stefan, 4 km from the center of Ohrid. The hotel has 104 rooms equipped with cable TV, direct dial telephone, Internet, terrace and bathroom. Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu.

DISCOUNTS: children under 6 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, children from 6 to 12 years old in a separate bed,

50% discount is provided.

Supplement for single room – 40%.

Cost per person half board 600 euros

BELVEDERE 4* located 4 km from the city center in pine grove, just 100 m from the lake. The hotel has 86 double rooms and 5 apartments, a restaurant, a meeting room, an aperitif bar, an antiques shop and private parking. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, cable TV, minibar, free internet, direct dial telephone, bath and balcony. The special offer of the Belvedere complex is a restaurant serving international and national cuisine in the city center. Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu.

DISCOUNTS: children under 3 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, children from 3 to 9 years old in a separate bed,

50% discount is provided.

Supplement for single room – 40%.

Cost per person half board 665 euros

BELVI 4* located 7 km from Ohrid. The hotel has 170 double rooms with the ability to accommodate an extra bed, three standard apartments and one luxury suite. All rooms are equipped with TV, minibar, bath and terrace. The hotel has a swimming pool and private parking. Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu.

DISCOUNTS: children under 6 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, children from 6 to 10 years old in a separate bed,

50% discount is provided. The third person in a double room in a separate bed receives a 30% discount.

Supplement for a single room – 20 euros/day.

Cost per person half board 625 euros

METROPOL 4* - located 7 km from Ohrid. The hotel has 110 double rooms with the possibility of placing an extra bed, 4 standard apartments and one luxury and 1 resident apartment.

The hotel has 4 congress rooms, an aperitif bar, and a fitness room. All rooms are equipped with cable TV,

air conditioning, direct dial telephone, mini bar, bathroom and terrace. The hotel has its own parking.

Meals: breakfast - buffet, dinner - choice from the menu .

DISCOUNTS: Children under 6 years old without a separate bed stay free of charge, and children from 6 to 10 years old in a separate bed receive a 50% discount. The third person in a double room in a separate bed receives a 30% discount.

Supplement for a single room – 10 euros per day.

Cost per person half board 635 euros

GRANITE 4* – located in the tourist village of Sveti Stefan, 5 km from the center of Ohrid.

The hotel has 87 rooms double rooms, 9 single rooms, 22 apartments, 1 residential apartment

and 1 presidential apartment. All rooms are equipped with telephone, TV, hairdryer, minibar, internet and bathroom.

The hotel has a restaurant, an aperitif bar, a congress hall, and a cafe-bar. The hotel has its own parking.

Meals - three times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner), buffet.

Cost per person half board 685 euros

Included is a 3* hotel in Belgrade, breakfasts, transfers, guided tours, transfer to the lake and back, half board accommodation on the lake for 7 nights.


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