Holidays in Tunisia or Morocco. Tunisia and Morocco. Tunisian and Moroccan hotels

Planning summer rest and having chosen the African coast for this purpose, you will probably wonder which country to choose: Tunisia or Morocco. There is, however, also Egypt on the list of tourist favorites, but it deserves special attention.

If you find it difficult to choose, which is better: Tunisia or Morocco, take a look at geographical location both countries. Morocco offers holidays on both the Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. Tunisia is washed only by waters Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, it is natural that the temperature in Tunisia will be slightly higher. In addition, on Atlantic coast In Morocco, the wind almost always blows, raising small waves. This may appeal to surfers, but isn't quite suitable for the quiet crowd. family vacation.

Both Tunisia and Morocco are very hot in June-July, so you need to go there in August-September, when the heat is not so intense, but the sea in Tunisia is always much warmer than the ocean in Morocco, but swimming pools can solve the problem here.

In general, Morocco is a more vibrant country, but also more European. Tunisians are not as loyal to women walking the streets in short skirts and with open faces as Moroccans. Thinking what's interesting in Morocco, don’t forget about the local markets, the prices for the abundance of fruits here are simply ridiculous, and crafts from craftsmen can be bought by everyone you know without much damage to your wallet. And all Arabs, without exception, love to bargain, and there are plenty of thieves everywhere.

If someone chooses an Arab country for a vacation, it means they definitely want to get acquainted with the culture of the East. And he does the right thing. A choice for any tourist, what to visit in Morocco quite complex, the main attractions, apart from the fabulous and lush resort towns themselves, are located in the interior of the country, and you can’t do it without a local guide. But there will be more than enough impressions. Tunisia can also boast of many interesting historical and cultural monuments; the splendor of its palace buildings will not leave anyone indifferent.

The tourism infrastructure is rapidly developing in both countries, but if you need to improve your health through thalassotherapy, it is better to visit Tunisia: such services are cheaper here.

Restaurants and hotel complexes in Morocco do not shy away from European traditions; in Tunisia you will get a unique opportunity to enjoy spicy oriental dishes and unique drinks, of which wines are most often served. But only in Morocco can you taste real gray wine, whose homeland is France. The staff of establishments in both Morocco and Tunisia will be waiting for tips.

If you are not yet tired of asking experienced tourists about what to see in Morocco, it’s better to go there yourself, after reading a little about the culture and customs of this country, and also learning a few polite phrases, because Muslims really like the interest of Europeans in their culture.

The Black Continent is being actively explored by tourists from all countries and peoples. First of all, they are attracted by wild desert and savannah landscapes, National parks, introducing the main “five” representatives of the world of African fauna. At the same time, states located in the very north of the continent, on the Mediterranean coast, offer a civilized luxurious holiday in 5* hotels. Among them are or, close and so different.

Let's try to figure out what the difference is between holidays in Moroccan and Tunisian resorts, is there a difference in climatic conditions, what beaches do they offer, what are the dominant services in hotels, and what are the disadvantages.

Tunisia or Morocco – where is the climate better?

Guests note that the climatic conditions on the coast are quite favorable. In summer, the air temperature rises to +35°C, but it is well tolerated by adults and young tourists, since the air is quite dry. You can swim in Tunisian resorts until the end of October; the water warms up well and creates every opportunity for comfortable reception sea ​​baths With the most favorable climate conditions, it is in the center of attention of tourists.

The climate of Morocco is influenced by changes in relief and close proximity Atlantic Ocean. Climatic conditions on the coast and in the interior of the mainland of the country are radically different. The conditions for recreation near the sea coast are quite favorable, although the air temperature in summer can exceed +35°C, the heat is practically not felt, since the Atlantic breeze gives a feeling of coolness.

African beaches

It is important that all the beaches in Tunisia are sandy, they are owned by the state, and some of the territories are rented out to hotels. This makes it possible to create comfortable conditions, equip them with sun loungers, umbrellas and other beach equipment, and also protect guests from the attention of the local population.

The beaches in Morocco are also sandy, but are divided into municipal and private. The infrastructure of coastal areas allows you to relax in comfort. On some beaches you can admire the amazing phenomenon of ebb and flow.

Tunisian and Moroccan hotels

Guests should be prepared for the fact that Tunisia's hotel scene is still in its infancy. Quite often there are cases when the stated conditions do not correspond to reality, that is, the staff slightly embellished the capabilities and level of their hotel. Most of hotel complexes located on the coast, surrounded by exotic Mediterranean vegetation.

Available in Tunisia and unusual hotels, designed for tourists who love exotic holidays. Among such original proposals are tents installed directly in the desert or houses in the style of Skywalker, the Jedi Knight from the famous Star Wars saga, which was filmed against the backdrop of African landscapes.

The Moroccan hotel base is ready to provide accommodation for tourists of any star rating, from 2* to 5*. But, as in Tunisia, you need to be prepared for some surprises: in a five-star hotel there may be no sanitary facilities, but in a nearby 3* hotel everything is fine.

Hotels are located on the first, second and third lines, as a rule, the more stars on the facade, the closer they are to the sea line. Another feature of hotels in this country, according to tourists, is lazy or unhurried staff, these are the secrets of the mentality. Most hotel complexes are decorated in Arabic style, because Morocco is the famous Maghreb, the hero of many oriental fairy tales.

Thalassotherapy and other pleasures

In terms of the number of thalassotherapy centers, Tunisia has no equal; all hotels with 4* and 5* are ready to offer their guests full complex services based on seaweed, mud and sea water. Hotels 3* and below have their own spa rooms, in which a list of thalasso services is present, although to a lesser extent.

Moroccan resorts and hotels, following their Tunisian “colleagues”, are also trying to develop this popular destination relaxation, like thalassotherapy. 5* hotels are all equipped with centers offering body wraps, massage, and fitness services.

Africa is incomparable, its seaside resorts offer healing air, soft sand and gentle waves, historical sights and unique corners of nature. Comparing in in terms of tourism Tunisia and Morocco, the following nuances can be noted.

Tunisian resorts are preferred by travelers who:

  • do not require too luxurious hotels;
  • like real fans" Star Wars", dream of living in Skywalker's cabin;
  • love hot temperatures and dry climates;
  • love to relax on sandy beaches.

Guests from Europe or America come to Morocco on vacation who:

  • love to feel the breath of the Atlantic;
  • love to watch the ebb and flow of the tides;
  • They don’t like to rush, they are calm about the slowness of the service staff.

What real traveler doesn't dream of traveling to Africa? For centuries, this continent has been attracting the inhabitants of the planet with its mystery, uniqueness, exotic flora and fauna.

A trip to Africa for each of us is a unique opportunity to see a world completely different from ours - the world of ancient civilizations, national parks, wildlife. And what man doesn’t dream of going on a safari, seeing wild animals in their natural environment a habitat? As for women, they are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of pristine nature untouched by man.

Of course, a holiday in Africa will be remembered for a lifetime, because you will not be able to see anything like it in any part of the planet. And it is no coincidence that, having once visited this continent, hundreds of travelers strive to return here again and again.

The mysterious country of Morocco

Morocco is perhaps the most suitable country for traveling through African beauty. In the south it is bordered by the Sahara Desert, in the north by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the west by the Atlantic Ocean. Four mountain ranges with waterfalls and eternal snow on the tops, hundred-year-old cedar forests at the foot, vast plains covered with tangerine and orange trees, rivers flowing along the very edge of the desert and through the gorges of the mountains - all this will appear before your eyes.

Tourists from different countries world, there are many of our compatriots here. Vacationers in this country will find stunning resorts and beaches, comfortable hotels, unforgettable tours By historical places, hiking and ski resorts.

And how do the very names of Moroccan resorts sound to us - Casablanca, Rabat, Agadir. All these cities - international resorts on the Atlantic coast, with sandy beaches, blooming gardens, developed tourist infrastructure.

It is unlikely that only a beach holiday attracts a huge army of tourists coming to this country. The beaches here are great though! The most interesting thing in Morocco is the excursions. A trip to Marrakech will introduce you to the cultural center of the Arab world, perfectly preserved in all its ancient beauty. Openwork buildings, soaring minarets, vibrant markets and majestic landscapes of the foothills - this is why you should visit Morocco. The capital of the kingdom, Rabat or Fez, surrounded by gardens, is also the most interesting objects for excursions. They are full of the most beautiful and unique ancient monuments, all of which are simply impossible to list.

Here you can admire Morocco's unique living history, culture and art.

Hotels in this country are stylized as Moroccan buildings and look charming. Among the features of the holiday, we can mention such entertainment as riding purebred Arabian horses or traveling to the desert, to the Berbers, to get acquainted with their amazing way of life. Date groves, ancient settlements - kasbahs - wavy outlines sand mountains, all this can only be seen in Morocco.

If you are going to spend your first holiday in Africa, choose Morocco, you will not regret it.

Tunisia is a unique country

Experts say that Tunisia is Arab country with French charm. This is a country that combines many opposites. The mild Mediterranean climate and the severity of the tropical desert, the exoticism of an African country and the comfort of European hotels, a thousand kilometers of beautifully equipped coastline and the rugged Sahara Desert: all this is Tunisia.

But, above all, Tunisia is a unique repository of the architecture of three millennia, the history of the great Mediterranean civilizations. The main attraction of the country, of course, is the ruins of Carthage.

Why does Tunisia attract tourists from all over the world? First of all, by the variety of recreation, here every vacationer will find entertainment to suit his taste: excursions, surfing, golf, safaris and adventure-filled camel trips through the dunes of Southern Sahara. While relaxing in Tunisia, you will master scuba diving, go on a short trip on a yacht or ride a horse thoroughbred horse, and, of course, just sunbathing on the beach while sipping a tropical cocktail.

Tunisia is an ideal place for those who love active holidays.

The country has preserved the remains of ancient cities, temples, ancient sculptures, aqueducts, fortresses and forts. And above all, this is Carthage - ancient capital Tunisia, the richest and most influential city, a powerful power of antiquity, later destroyed by the Romans.

Add to this European service, comfortable hotels, clear sea and golden beaches, numerous souvenir shops, small cozy restaurants where tourists happily order dishes from fresh seafood and meat, and discover an amazing variety of seasonings, spices, and sauces. They are the ones who make local oriental cuisine unique.

Tourists enjoy visiting Arab bazaars and medieval mosques, numerous museums, etc.

When going to Tunisia, you should know that there is no free sale of alcohol in the country, and nightclubs and discos are not concentrated in all resorts. Many Tunisian resorts are good for families with children, treatment of various diseases in thalassotherapy health centers. Sea water for such procedures is taken far from the shore and from great depths; it is completely clean and very close in composition to human blood plasma. Hot baths, mud wraps, sea salt, algae - all this naturally quickly brings the body into excellent condition.

The best time to holiday in Tunisia: September - November and May - July.

Many tourists, tired of annoying Turkish and Egyptian resorts, busy searching worthy alternative: warm country. It’s not far to fly to, and you don’t need to get a visa.

I recently wrote a post , which is now one of the top ten tour booking leaders. But many have already been to Tunisia. And in many other traditional countries beach holiday.

And here Morocco For Russian tourists it still remains a mysterious country, a terra mythica. This direction is chosen, as a rule, by more sophisticated tourists who have been to many places, and for them, in addition to the beach, it is also important rich The cultural program . For such tourists, Morocco is the promised land.

I myself almost got ready to go to Morocco one day. And I even sent a request to the tour operator. But, due to some personal circumstances, I was forced to cancel the trip. Did not work out. And as it turned out later, my trip would not have happened anyway - the tour operator was on the verge of bankruptcy and canceled its flight program in Morocco. But my dream to visit this country has not gone away. So today I want to once again analyze with you the advantages that Morocco has as a tourist destination. And dream...

Morocco without hassle: a country that doesn’t bother you

So, the Kingdom of Morocco is located in the North-West of the African continent. And despite being African, there is just the least amount of Africa in this country. The country's population is 32 million citizens, half of them are Arabs. Official language- Arabic and French. Spanish is also often spoken. Well, it's not surprising, right? Spain is over there, across the Strait of Gibraltar...

The undoubted advantages of a holiday in Morocco include:

— visa-free entry for Russians,

— comfortable recreational conditions in terms of climate and safety,

- wide possibilities of thalassotherapy,

- an ideal place for surfing,

— a wide selection of excursion routes.

So let's take a closer look at these points.

So, visa to Morocco Although not required, some rules still exist. First, you must have a foreign passport valid for at least six months at the end of your trip. And secondly, the period of visa-free stay is only 90 days from the moment of crossing the border. For legal stay of more than 3 months, a pre-issued visa is required.

Weather in Morocco

In terms of climate, Morocco is also lucky: the optimal combination of water and air temperatures for a beach holiday is from June to October. The hottest month is August, when average temperature about +35 degrees. But on the coast there is always a pleasant breeze, so you don’t feel the heat. There is no rainy season. Sometimes the weather is cloudy. But the sun is still very active, so stock up on sunscreen. The water temperature in the ocean is +20-24 degrees. In general, you can vacation in Morocco at any time, depending on the part of the country and the purpose of the trip. So, starting from September and all autumn, winter and spring it is good to take sightseeing tours. I'll tell you about them a little later.

Safety of Morocco for tourists

A big plus for Morocco is the fact that this country, unlike Egypt and Tunisia, is politically stable. The King of Morocco is a highly respected person. And at the same time, there is absolutely no cult of the monarchy in the country. And the country is absolutely safe for tourists. The population in Morocco is very law-abiding. crime rate is lower than in European cities. This is greatly facilitated by strict legislation. Traffic rules here are strictly observed by all drivers. Drunk driving carries a prison sentence.

Roads in Morocco vary, but usually do not cause any complaints.

And the roads themselves in Morocco are for the most part very good. They are being watched. They are regularly repaired. Tourists are usually transported along highways, where the speed limit is generally 120 km/h, but for tourist buses— 100 km/h. And all transport that carries tourists to Morocco is subject to mandatory certification.

Guides, by the way, also work only with a license. To obtain it you need a diploma higher education, passing a medical examination (yes, that’s it) and passing a written and oral exam. And a special commission, based on the results of this exam, assigns the applicant the status of a regional or national guide. A regional guide has the right to work only in a certain region (for example, Marrakech), while a national guide can work everywhere.

So, as you can see, your holiday in Morocco will be handled entirely by professionals. Nice, isn't it?

Why you should go to Morocco

Let's move on to the next point. Kingdom of Morocco and SPA inseparable from each other. Everything that is necessary for the health of the body is located on the territory of the country: excellent climate, sea water, algae and anti-aging Argan oil from the fruits of a unique argan tree that grows only in Morocco. It is this oil that is recommended to be brought from Morocco as a souvenir. Many people know about its beneficial properties for skin and hair. So a bottle of this oil will be very useful for any woman.

Hotels in Morocco that have their own SPA centers: Royal Atlas & Spa 5*, , Hotel Tildi Hotel & Spa 4*, Hotel Boutique & SPA Khalij Agadir 5*.

Surfers chose Moroccan town of Essaouira . This wonderful city in all respects was in ancient times just a pirate port. It is conveniently located on a 6 km long sandy beach. Thanks to the bottom topography and constant wind, there is always a high wave here. This is why surfers love him. On this beach you will find about twenty surf stations and surf schools. The cost of accommodation and training in such surf schools is 350 euros per person per week (accommodation, breakfast and training surfing) what makes surf tours VMorocco the cheapest among all other places.

A favorite of musicians, artists and filmmakers, Essaouira will captivate you with its endless deserted beaches, dunes, waterfalls and an incredible mixture of smells that will make your head spin. Here lurking around every corner amazing stories about deceit and nobility, about love and hatred, about real exploits, about pirates and adventurers from all over the world. And they will tell you about all this on the excursion. Mysterious Essaouira

Essaouira was once a pirate town, then a Portuguese outpost, and now a mecca for surfers...

Tours to Morocco

Russian tourists who travel to Morocco choose it precisely for the opportunity to combine a vacation on the ocean with a visit to ancient cities . Yes, this is understandable: having a vacation 1-2 times a year, many want it to be as eventful as possible. And that’s why our tourists want to do everything in one trip - both shopping and shopping. beautiful places take a ride.

Well, that's welcome! Ideal for such tourists tour of imperial cities Morocco, which includes Casablanca, Rabat, Fes, Meknes, Marrakech - cities famous for their rich history and a culture with many different architectural monuments and interesting colorful places.

Tours to Morocco are more expensive than to Egypt or Tunisia. You can find out about prices and choose a suitable tour here: View tours to Morocco. About where and how to buy package tours(tours) via the Internet (and also what to avoid) you can read in this article:.

Sights of Morocco

Rabat - the modern capital of Morocco. The sightseeing of the city will begin with a visit to Royal Palace- residence of King Mohammed VI of Morocco. You will also see the Hassan Tower - one of the three most beautiful minarets of Islam, the mausoleum of Muhammad V - final resting place three prominent members of the royal family, as well as the Kasbah of Udaya, the ancient citadel of the city.

Hassan Tower.


Marrakesh cultural capital Morocco, located at the foot of the Atlas Mountains, is a real eastern city with snake charmers, water carriers and street performers.. Most often, tourists stay here for 2-3 days. It is the country's third largest city after Casablanca and Rabat. The city was founded in 1062. The Medina of Marrakech, listed as a World Heritage Site in 1985, is called the “red city” because of the reddish hue of its adobe buildings and fortifications.

In the heart of the medina is Djema el-Fna Square. Here you can see acrobats, storytellers, water sellers, dancers, and musicians. Behind the old town lies a long palm grove. Marrakech is generally famous for its gardens and parks.

Marrakesh. Morocco.

And in the evening, tourists who come to Marrakech are invited to attend the famous show CHEZ ALI (Chez Ali). Every self-respecting tourist who visits Morocco tries to attend this show. For a very reasonable amount of money, you get the opportunity to simultaneously enjoy the dishes of Moroccan cuisine, get acquainted with the performing arts of Moroccan music and dance groups, chat with lovely local girls, taste excellent local beer and, in the end, fully experience the flavor of local customs.

To get to know the real Marrakech, you can book a tour Marrakech for its own. Secrets of the old city, and then you will immerse yourself in the unique atmosphere of the city, see a complex and fascinating history in a unique interweaving of cultures, learn to bargain in Moroccan, learn your fortune from a fortune teller and take a photo with a cobra.

Located 75 km from Marrakech ski resort , open from December to April. Skiers and tourists who want to go trekking or jeep rides in the mountains can relax there.


Meknes - a city that combines Islamic and European traditions in its architecture. Story Meknes began in the 8th century, when a fortified settlement appeared on this site. But the city's finest hour came in 1673, when it became the capital of the powerful Sultan Moulay Ismaila. The Sultan ordered to build magnificent palaces, surround them with powerful fortress walls, lay out beautiful gardens with pools, fountains, exotic plants and everything else that should be in an almost magical oriental garden. The idea was comparable in beauty to the best European palace complexes. And now Meknes is often called the Moroccan Versailles.

At the same time it was erected great amount mosques, which gave rise to calling Meknes the city of a thousand minarets. Stones and columns from the Roman city were used to build Meknes Volubilis, the ruins of which can still be seen near Meknes.

Meknes. Morocco.

If the color of Marrakesh is red, Rabat is blue, then Meknes is represented mainly by green - green gardens. The main attractions of Meknes are the stone fortress walls with impressive corner towers, nine gates, richly decorated with ornaments, huge stables, capable of accommodating 12,000 horses. The monumental Bab al-Mansour gate is also located here - one of the most beautiful in Morocco. In general, friends, photographing the sights in this city is not over-photographing...

And finally the oldest of the four imperial cities of Morocco, the largest center of Islamic culture and education in northern Africa, which is world heritage UNESCO. Founded around 789 by Idris I. There are already 2 medinas in Fez - old and new. The old one is more than 1,000 years old, and the new one is only 700 years old. The Old Medina is one of the largest pedestrian areas in the world. The Al-Qaraouine mosque is located here and was constantly expanded and by the end of the Middle Ages it became the largest in North Africa, accommodating up to 20 thousand believers.

In general, it is in Fez that you have every chance to plunge into the Maghreb Middle Ages and experience its delights and horrors. Well, the charms are quite clear: cute narrow streets, shopping districts. People come here for cheap leather goods, musical instruments and basic souvenirs (babushi slippers, ceramic tagine pot).

But the harshest impression from the medina of Fez is, of course, leather workshops. Not everyone can overcome the terrible smell wafting over them: the skin is soaked in bird droppings and other “natural raw materials”, which is why there is an eerie odor for kilometers around...

Looks nice, but smells... Tannery districts in Fez.

What else will they show you in Fez? There is a large golf course here. By the way, there are many spa centers in Fez. So every tourist will see this city the way he wants to see it.


Casablanca. Attribute Casablanca To imperial cities according to the rules of Moroccan studies it is impossible - never in its history this city was not the capital of the kingdom. And now it is the business center of Morocco. But the size of the city and its popularity among tourists make it possible to put it on a par with Fez, Marrakech and Rabat.

Casablanca - literally " White House", and a distinctive feature of the city is the abundance of white buildings. The city stretches along the Atlantic coast and is a symbol of modern Morocco. During the Middle Ages, Casablanca was a prosperous city known as Anfa. It was destroyed by the Portuguese in 1468 and rebuilt by them in 1515. After a strong earthquake in 1755, the city was rebuilt again. In 1907, Casablanca was occupied by the French. During French rule the city grew rapidly. Modern city was built around the old Moorish town.

Casablanca - Moroccan beauty

City sightseeing will include a visit to the Hassan II Great Mosque (outside), one of the largest mosques in the world. Also attracting the attention of tourists will be the Twin Towers of the business center (115 m high) - a symbol of economic prosperity, the tallest secular buildings in Morocco and the entire Maghreb region in North Africa; Catholic Church of Notre-Dame de Lourdes (mid-20th century); Habus quarter is a new medina built by the French at the beginning of the 20th century.

But if you really want something special from visiting Casablanca, I advise you to take a tour East market. The East has always been famous for its markets and bazaars - what can you see there! Narrow streets connect the bazaars into a single whole: an olive market, a confectionery market, and a pottery market. Nearby are antique shops selling unique items. Here you can inexpensively buy high-quality leather and silk goods or enjoy a piece of date cake...

Not included in the colorful imperial cities tour . But it's definitely worth seeing! It is no coincidence that the capital of the Moroccan film industry, Ouarzazate, has a second unofficial name - Wallywood: the number of films shot here exceeds fifty. The town owes its simultaneously medieval and futuristic appearance to such close attention of filmmakers. The local medina with its ancient fortress walls of ocher-brick light seems to have been transported here straight from the Arabian Nights.

Against the backdrop of the landscapes of Ourzazate, the actions of Lawrence of Arabia and Asterix and Obelix unfolded, the gladiator Russell Crowe wandered here and the restless Cleopatra had fun. Well, in recent film history, Ourzazate appeared in the mega-popular saga “Game of Thrones”. Until its cinematic heyday in the 20th century, Ouarzazate was little more than a fortress and transit point on the route of trade caravans from the Sahara to the interior of Morocco and on to Europe.

Ourzazate is a fairy tale city, a dream city...

Well, are you tired of the sights? It's time to relax, sunbathe and finally swim in the sea and ocean.


Agadir - most popular resort in Marocco. Large sandy beach 10 km long. A shallow bay that is protected from waves, and due to its small size, the water in it warms up well. This makes Agadir an ideal place for a beach holiday (both for youth and with children). A little further from public beach Taghazout Beach is located and is perfect for surfing. On a secluded beach, athletes and amateurs can catch waves without disturbing vacationers. More than 40 hotels, as well as cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs and as many as 3 casinos - that’s what Agadir is!

European hotel chains are widespread in Agadir: Sofitel, Iberostar, RIU. There are also hotels of “local” origin here. The proximity of eminent competitors forces them to meet the set bar. And those who cannot boast of infrastructure try to compensate for the shortcomings with national flavor and hospitable, helpful staff.

Powered by ALL INCLUSIVE: El Pueblo Tamlelt - All Inclusive 3*, Caribbean Village Agador 3*, Royal Decameron Tafoukt Beach Resort 4*

Apartments and apart-hotels: Residence Yasmina Agadir, Sidi Yusef Home, Residence Amwaj

Close to the beach: Hotel Marhaba 3*, LTI Agadir Beach Club 4* , Royal Atlas & Spa 5*, Sofitel Agadir Royal Bay Resort 5*

Agadir pleases everyone!

Just when you choose a hotel, keep in mind that all hotels are located across the boardwalk from the beach. At night this promenade is well lit, and you can walk along the ocean shore until the morning.

Hotels operate on breakfast, half board, and less often - full board or all inclusive. But you can always drink/eat outside the hotel: tea/coffee will cost about 10 dirhams, a main course = from 50 dirhams (for 1 dollar they now give 8.7 dirhams, for a euro something like 10.5 dirhams). In addition, in Agadir there is a hypermarket (like our Auchan) where you can buy the necessary products. In principle, everything can be bought except alcohol. Alcohol is sold only in specialized stores (the country is Muslim, after all).

Yes, since we're talking about food.

Moroccan cuisine is an explosive mixture of Arab, Berber, Moorish, Jewish and Mediterranean cuisine. This incredible culinary mix was facilitated by both historical realities and geographical position Morocco. Moroccan cuisine can rightfully be called one of the most delicious cuisines in the world. There will definitely not be pork (because Muslims), but there will be beef, lamb and camel meat. Try couscous, meat pie, and of course, tagine. The dish is named after the earthenware vessel (medium-sized frying pan with a high lid) in which it is prepared. The correct way to cook a tagine is over coals. At its core, tagine is a stew. It is prepared with beef, lamb, camel meat, chicken, turkey, and fish. Usually vegetables, fruits, seasonings are added to meat, poultry or fish, and all this is slowly stewed in a tagine-ware. In general, in Morocco a lot of things are cooked in a tagine; this utensil is the main tool of Moroccan cuisine.

Tagine - both dish and utensils)

Morocco is already making my mouth water, what about you?

Well, and finally, here’s an argument in favor of Morocco (maybe for some the most convincing): weddings daughters Putin took place in one of the most luxurious hotels Morocco. Do you understand everything? So, take note of Morocco, friends.

Share your impressions of the country in the comments and see you on the blog!

Hello, friends!

Of course, traveling has become easier now. But there are some not entirely pleasant and troublesome moments in preparing for a trip, such as obtaining a visa.

Maybe (and most likely it is) in reality all this is not so scary, but for the second year now, for this reason I have been postponing a trip to Germany to visit our friends.

There is no visa center in our city. And, of course, you need to go somewhere to get this document.

It is more convenient and easier for me to obtain a visa in Moscow. Moreover, there The visa center of the German Embassy was opened on January 1, 2013., and you can sign up to submit documents by phone (free) or through the visa center website. But that's a topic for another time.

And it’s May and I want to relax now or go on a trip very soon.

Where can you go without thinking about a visa if you couldn’t plan your trip in advance?

There are many interesting options and great opportunities conduct summer holidays with children in countries where a visa is not required at all or where there are special or simplified conditions for entry into the country.

Let's start with exotic and not entirely explored destinations by Russians.

For a fairy tale in the Maghreb

Maghreb- that's what they called in ancient times North Africa, on whose territory it is located Morocco.

Remember the beginning of the fairy tale "Aladdin's Magic Lamp"? A young man, bewitched by the spell of a Maghreb sorcerer, embarks on a journey full of amazing adventures to find treasures.

Re-read this fairy tale again, and I am sure that “meeting with the powerful sorcerer of the Maghreb” will push you to travel to oriental fairy tale in Marocco.

Maghreb, Marrakech, Morocco...

A mysterious country with a unique history, culture, way of life and unique nature. Amazing pictures emerge before your eyes, in which real events are intertwined with fragments from famous Arabian fairy tales.

In the south of Morocco, the hot Sahara Desert approaches the borders, Northern part The country is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean approaches from the west.

Here you can swim and sunbathe on numerous beaches almost all year round. Winter is very warm - the temperature is not lower than +15 degrees, in summer it is not hot (not higher than +35 degrees).

Agadir(“white city”) – the largest beach resort on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. Tourists from Russia most often vacation here. The climate is almost the same as on Canary Islands located nearby. A lot of sun, good conditions for surfing.

Agadir– rather a European than an eastern city. But from here it is very convenient to go on excursions to old cities: Marrakech, Fes, Meknes. And this is the living history of Morocco with a unique fabulous oriental flavor, amazing culture and art.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always wanted to visit these places. Africa attracts and beckons. After reading many reviews, I made some conclusions for myself.

Morocco– this is not a place where you can go without hesitation with children (especially small ones).

Morocco is a country for enthusiastic travelers who are interested in exploring the world in all its diversity.

And in this case, a trip with children who will already be able to appreciate the beauty and unique flavor of Arab cities, architecture, and unique way of life will be useful not only for improving health (swimming in the ocean, playing golf, horseback riding and quad biking, surfing, water parks and safaris), but also for the soul and development of the intellect.

In addition, the conditions for holidays with small children (again, according to reviews) are not very suitable. There is almost no children's animation, either in English or French(possibly because there are not many tourists from Russia). Problems with baby food and water may occur.

My opinion: it is best to go to Morocco with older children. But this, I emphasize once again, is purely my opinion. Well, think for yourself, decide for yourself: to fly or not to fly.

For those who decide to travel to the Kingdom of Morocco, some general information:

  • State capital: Rabat city
  • Distance from Moscow: approximately 4550 km
  • Travel time: about 6 o'clock
  • -3 hours
  • Language: French, Arabic
  • Currency: Moroccan dirham, 1 MAD ≈ 3.72 rubles.
  • Visa: not required for a trip of no more than 90 days


Here Russian tourists happen more often than in Morocco. The tourism industry is well developed, including in terms of organization children's recreation. But, nevertheless, I would also classify Tunisia as an “exotic” tourist destination.

Africa again, with unique nature and climate, healing sandy beaches and thermal waters. And, besides, tourists are attracted here ancient history and numerous historical monuments.

Resorts of Tunisia– these are excellent hotels with their own beaches, parks, water parks, golf courses and SPA centers, professional animators. In a word, there is everything for have a great holiday with kids.

Sus- An ancient Phoenician year on the Mediterranean coast and the most popular resort in Tunisia, which is famous for its famous sandy beaches, upscale hotels and excellent service.

Here, for the first time back in the 60s, the idea of ​​​​creating tourist complexes, combining hotels, restaurants, swimming pools in one place.

For a family holiday, this resort is good because here you will not have to choose: relax, lie on the beach or devote most of your time to excursions around interesting places(which is not always easy to do with small children).

In Sousse, everything is compact and you won’t spend much time visiting architectural monuments.

Hammamet(translated from Arabic as “place for swimming”) – quiet and calm resort in a small old town with low-rise hotels. There are excellent beaches and SPA centers, dive centers, good conditions for windsurfing and water skiing.

Not far from the old part of the city (Medina) - a new resort area Yasmine Hammamet.Here more attention is paid to organization children's leisure: there is a water park, a children's entertainment center.

Information for tourists:

  • State capital: Tunis city
  • Distance from Moscow: approximately 3000 km
  • Travel time: about 4 hours
  • Time difference with Moscow:-3 hours
  • Language: English, Arabic, French
  • Currency: Tunisian dinar, 1 TND ≈ 19.7 rubles.
  • Visa: not needed if you are traveling on a tour package for no more than 30 days. In other cases, the visa is issued at the Tunisian consulate in Moscow

That's all for now.

Next time we'll talk about those that are well known to us.

See you! Bye bye…


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