Traveling to China on your own – what you need to know. Which regions of China can Russians enter without a visa? What do you need to travel to China?

Many countries around the world have abolished entry formalities such as visas for Russians. Under certain circumstances, our citizens can visit China without a visa. The uniqueness of the Celestial Empire is that different migration rules apply in its different territories.

Residents of Russian border regions can enter some areas of China without a visa

If you are planning a trip to the largest country in East Asia, find out in advance whether you can visit the areas of your choice without first going to the country's embassy or visa center.

The Chinese side is loyal to Russians entering its territory. However, the presence of concessions does not mean that you will be lenient if you violate migration rules. Therefore, before you start packing your bags, carefully read the visiting rules different regions PRC, so that, being there, you do not become a violator of the laws of the state.

The most popular option for travelers is to obtain a visa on arrival. This option is possible in cases where a pre-formed group is sent to the Celestial Empire. Travel agencies handle paperwork for groups. Even before tourists are sent to China, their lists are sent to the border zones. To get to China this way, you need to travel in a group of more than 2 people.

This route is suitable only for Beijing and Hainan Island, where high-quality tourist services and the opportunity not only to relax, but also to receive treatment are offered. As part of a group formed by travel agencies, you can stay on the territory of these parts of the state for no more than 21 days. You can't leave them. You can leave, just like you arrived, only as part of a group.

Even if you do not plan to purchase a tourist package, it makes sense to contact a travel agency. Many of them include additional people in the formed groups for a fee.

If your area borders China

Citizens can freely stay in China without a visa Russian Federation living in regions sharing the border with China:

  • Amur region,
  • Primorsky Krai,
  • Irkutsk region,
  • Khabarovsk region,
  • Transbaikal region.

If you live in one of the listed regions, to pass border control you will need one issued by the Chinese side. You also need a foreign passport and a document indicating where you are registered. With these documents, you will receive permission at the border control point.

The period of stay in China varies from 15 to 180 days.

Before heading to the Celestial Empire in this way, check which points at that time have the right to admit Russians with invitations. There are crossing points where such permits are not issued.

Transit travelers

Those traveling to other countries who have purchased connecting flights in China need to be aware of the country's immigration rules regarding transit guests.

Without visa documents, you have the right to stay in the country for 72 hours, provided that the transfer point is the following international airports: Harbin, Guangzhou, Guilin, Chongqing, Xi'an and Shenyang. In Shanghai, Xiamen, Qingdao, Chengdu, Wuhan, Kunming, Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Qinhuangdao, Shijiazhuani and Shenyang time transit connection you can stay for 144 hours in 2020.

It is important that you depart from the same airport you arrived at. This rule can only be bypassed in the following cases:

  • Your flights are served by one carrier.
  • The airline changes airports due to the need to refuel the aircraft.
  • You are being discussed different companies, but you have a single reservation form with one code.

Not all transit passengers can travel smoothly within China. For example, if your drop-off point is Chongqing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu or, you are allowed to admire the beauty of the city, but leaving its borders is strictly prohibited.

No matter what airport you arrive at, you cannot change to any means of transport other than an airplane to continue your trip.

Where a visa is not required

If you are thinking about how to travel to China on your own, without contacting a travel agency to buy a package or join a group, consider the various options for visiting the country.

For example, you have the opportunity to travel to Heihe without obtaining a visa. This is a city located very close to Russian border. You can go to it from Blagoveshchensk, located just one kilometer away. It is enough to cross the Amur, and you are in China.
When traveling, you only need to take your international passport for presentation at the border. Since 2004, Chinese migration legislation has allowed Russians to stay in Heihe for 30 days.

The trip from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe takes from 15 to 20 minutes. The choice of transport depends on the season. In the off-season, Puma ships equipped with air cushions are transported from Blagoveshchensk across the river to the Chinese side. Departures every 20 minutes. This crossing method is relevant for December, November and April.

When in the region during the winter months, you can travel from Blagoveshchensk on one of the buses that travel across the Amur River on temporary pontoon bridges. The availability of this type of travel to Chinese borders depends on weather conditions.

In the summer, once an hour along the Amur River to Heihe, a ship carrying 200 passengers carries people.

The Blagoveshchensk route is extremely popular, so to get through security you have to stand in a rather impressive line. To go to the other side, you need to fill out a migration card, half of which is returned after verification. It should be stored for the return crossing of the border. There is a fee for crossing to the Chinese side.

Suifenhe City

An excellent holiday destination is the city of Suifenhe, located in Heilongjiang Province. Since 2013, Russian citizens can stay in it without a visa for 15 days.


In order to travel to the listed areas without a visa stamp in your passport, you need to have return tickets and a passport with you.

Before you travel, check which areas may require proof of financial solvency and hotel reservations at the time of your trip. But it’s better to stock up on both the first and the second, just in case. This guarantees you unhindered passage.

Several years ago I had the opportunity to travel to China on my own. In this article I will tell you about all the intricacies of this way of visiting this wonderful country. Of course, if you already have a paid tourist trip to China, then there’s no point in making a fuss. In this case, feel free to travel with a tour group.

If you don't have a lot of money... Or does the spirit of adventurism live in you... Or, by the will of fate, you just ended up not far from China... Then.. Then it might be worth trying to go on your own. So, read this article. I hope it helps you..

How I decided to go to China

As a matter of fact, the thought of visiting this interesting country I had it quite a long time ago. There are several reasons for this.

First, I've been to Europe quite a lot, but I've never been to Asia. I wanted to compare.

The second - when I was in military service (a very long time ago:) I served literally on the border with China and... of course, I also wanted to see it from then on.

Well, and thirdly, by the nature of my work. At that time, our company transported a lot of goods from China. And I had to communicate a lot with the Chinese. I even started learning Chinese a little :). Well, the Chinese actively invited us to visit.

By the way, all the photos in the series of articles about China are mine :) And they are clickable (enlarge by click).

Well, so... The authorities (and then I was still an employee) instructed me to open branches in the Far East. Vladivostok. Khabarovsk. Blagoveshchensk And again the old idea of ​​​​traveling independently to China was revived. Why not? After all, here he is - nearby..

Options for getting to China

In general, if you live in the European part of Russia. Or, like me, in the Urals, a trip to China will be quite expensive. Of course, the main expense item is air tickets. Well, in general, any tickets to China. What are the general options for getting to China on your own?

A. Train Moscow-Beijing. This is the most exotic option. For those who have nothing to do, it is interesting to travel a lot. The train travels only across Russia for about a week. Yes, and then in China for several days. To be honest, I don’t know anyone in their right mind who would make such a trip :).

b. Direct flight to China. Well, or with transfers. This is probably the most correct option for most fans. independent travel To China. Despite the fact that air tickets are quite expensive, sometimes there are very good discounts. And you can fly (or fly) from China two or three times cheaper regular price. By the way, that’s how I flew back from Beijing. On such a sale ticket. Also look at air tickets not to Beijing, but to other cities in China. Sometimes (very rarely) it is more profitable to fly to other cities and then travel by train or buses. But there are ambushes, which are discussed below...

Flights are very inexpensive - come here!

V. If you somehow ended up in Kazakhstan, then try driving from Almaty to Urumqi. You can get there by regular minibus. I myself saw how Chinese migrant workers boarded a minibus (by the way, a stop next to the main market of Almaty) and left for China. Most likely there are more civilized buses and trains. But then you need to go to Guangzhou. And from there to Beijing. I haven’t traveled this way myself, so look for similar options elsewhere.

G. Well, if you somehow find yourself in the Far East or nearby... That's bingo! From here the easiest route to China opens for independent travel! Simple enough cutting the barbed wire at the border, wearing shoes with hoof prints and under the cover of darkness... drive just a few kilometers and you are in China!

Yes. And I'm considering exactly tourist trip. And it basically assumes that you will somehow end up in Beijing. At the beginning of a journey or at the end. I am not considering holiday options on Hainan Island... This one is from another opera :)

How did I get to China?

I had the opportunity to travel to Blagoveshchensk at the expense of the company where I worked. Again, on company business. I came to Blagoveshchensk from Khabarovsk. By the way, you can get to China directly from Khabarovsk. As far as I remember, there is a bus from Khabarovsk to the local Chinese border town (I forgot the name, it starts with F). But he travels about a hundred or more kilometers. It was inconvenient for me then.

So here it is. To travel to China on my own, I chose to cross the border in the Blagoveshchensk-Heihe area. Fortunately, these cities stand on two opposite banks of the river at a distance of 5 kilometers from each other. In summer, small boats go there. In winter... I don't know. I was there in the fall. And we were transported by hovercraft. But that was three years ago. Now they say that the bridge has already been built.

From Heihe I took the train to Harbin. And from there by train to Beijing. From Beijing I flew directly to Yekaterinburg by plane. That's it in a nutshell. I will tell you in more detail about each stage further….

3. A little about China... Boring and necessary information

So. Read some information about China before your trip. I will write here “all in a heap.” What will I remember? So, great, don’t scold me :)

Car license.

As far as I know, European rights to China are not valid. Although, of course, I can accidentally lie. Better find out for yourself. But... I would not advise you to drive on the roads of the Celestial Empire on your own in a rented car, even you will have such an opportunity. Why? It's all about traffic...

Road traffic.

For a solo traveler to China, the traffic at first glance will look like hell! A huge number of cars and everyone is going somewhere! Everyone honks with or without reason... Veselukha! Moreover, oddly enough, there are no accidents. A European driver will feel uncomfortable in such a mess.

By the way, it’s also fun for pedestrians. The fact is that Chinese car owners are NOT required to give way to pedestrians at pedestrian intersections. That is, cars pass first, and then pedestrians in small dashes....:). Despite this, I did not see any pedestrians injured. Moreover, several times I had to cross a huge 10-lane road with a broken traffic light. And nothing... Cars honk, but let them through...


During my trip the yuan exchange rate was 5:1. Now... now higher. You can change Yuan for a trip to China yourself without any problems right at the border. I don’t know about airports, but in the city of Heihe they change it right at customs without any problems. The rate is much more profitable than in Russia. By the way, in Russia you still often cannot find yuan in exchange offices.

About use bank cards. And cash withdrawals. I didn't use it. But friends who tried to pay for purchases Russian maps Visa complained that there were ambushes. So, it’s better to look for information on this topic on other resources.


Chinese, oddly enough, is quite easy to learn. More on this below. More precisely, in another article.. I recommend... I strongly recommend... stocking up on cards on which basic “tourist” phrases will be written in hieroglyphs on one side (and Russian words on the other, so you don’t get confused :)). And the name of the cities where you will go (to purchase tickets).

Yes. The Russian language is well understood and spoken in border towns. The Chinese will no longer understand you further from the border. And even in Beijing very few people speak English. In Russian - even less. So, independent travelers to China, learn Chinese!


The Chinese are mostly simple open people. They helped me all the time. They suggested. Very polite. In general, the Chinese are quite straightforward :). What they think is what they say. Well, of course, if they don’t bargain with you at this time!

By the way, if a Chinese is an official, then be prepared to show him respect and respect. It is necessary! Even if it seems that he (the official) is talking to you somewhat condescendingly, do not pay attention. This is such an “official” style of conversation. How to recognize an official? Very simple! He will be dressed “in full dress.” Even the conductors on the train resemble our generals in appearance :).

Well, and one more thing. There are a lot of Chinese! There are a lot of them! Even where it seems they shouldn’t be, they are! And they move in small groups of 100-200 people! :) But strangely enough, even if there is a large (in the opinion of a European) queue, it moves very quickly!

Attitude towards Russians

Very good. But... Many Chinese of the older generation did not fail to express to me their negative attitude towards what is now happening in Russia. Like: “We looked up to you as older brothers, and you...” Young people are increasingly focused on America and Europe. And he tries to learn English, not Russian.

In cities where there are not many “white people”, many will come up to take a photo with you :). This is what happened to me in Harbin. In the "Russian village". But more on that later.

But.. still remember that the Chinese consider themselves “central”. That is, “the most important”. No wonder China’s self-name is translated as “Central State”! And other foreigners will still be, let’s say, less equal than the Chinese...


After the rise of the yuan, prices in China are no longer so low. And especially in Beijing. I would say that prices there are at the Russian level. Maybe just a little lower. Of course, there are options to save money, but... Don’t expect to buy a state-of-the-art smartphone much cheaper... Or clothes and shoes. It is cheaper, but for almost the same price you can buy it in Russia...

Well, or buy it very cheap - it’s bullshit! :) Just like with us!

But... keep in mind that you can and should bargain with the Chinese! Especially in the markets. As a result, you can reduce the price several times!

Chinese salaries

This is not surprising, given that wages in China have caught up and overtaken the average wages in Russia. The times when a Chinese lived on $1 a day are long gone! Pensions in China are also commonplace. And they are constantly growing. And the retirement age is decreasing!


There are several categories of trains. Please note that there are tickets without seats! At the same time, over quite long distances! If things go wrong, you can stand on your feet for 8-10 hours! Therefore, buy in a regular reserved seat or coupe. Such tickets cost approximately 30% less than our similar ones.

By the way, there is also high speed trains. Very convenient and comfortable. But also quite expensive!

Please note that train stations are usually very crowded. And you won’t always find seats. So, if possible, arrive at the station as close to the train departure as possible. By the way, sometimes some shady characters sell seats :) at a not very expensive price. I didn’t use these “services”, so I can’t say anything...

You will be released onto the platform literally 10-15 minutes before the train departs. Hurry up to get on the train! For orientation, right at the exit the board shows where the head and where the tail of the train is. Very comfortably!


For an independent trip to China (or rather within China), you can consider traveling by bus. Unlike our buses, the Chinese ones have lie-flat seats. This turns out to be a bus option. reserved seat carriage.


I won't say anything about them. I don’t know... I haven’t flown on domestic Chinese airlines. I'd better look elsewhere


China is located in 5 time zones. But the time is the same everywhere – Beijing! The difference with Moscow is + 5 hours.


Often in border towns, after you have cleared customs, so-called “helpers” may approach you. They speak Russian well and are ready to take you wherever you need to go. Well, tell me what and where. In principle, there is nothing bad here. I myself used the services of one “helping” to find the right address. Their prices are not too high (although, of course, it will be cheaper for you to get there on your own using a “regular” taxi). But no problems with the language barrier. Just before using their services, you need to discuss the price in detail! Otherwise you might get caught!


Nobody from Russia called me (and I didn’t call) during the trip. But in China we had to make several calls. To do this, they bought me (more on this later) a local SIM card for 200 rubles. This turned out to be enough.


The Internet is a problem for those who travel to China on their own. The fact is that wi-fi is everywhere, but only registered users can log in. You can only register using your passport. The registration interface is only in Chinese... In short, I was only able to access the Internet at the hotel. They gave me the Wi-Fi password and I was able to connect.

But this is not the case everywhere.

By the way. Some “foreign” sites (not Chinese) may be blocked. For example, Facebook. Or YouTube. Keep this in mind!


There are no problems with food in China for an independent traveler! There's a lot of it. She's cheap! And there are eateries everywhere where you can grab a bite to eat! The food is delicious! I recommend Chinese beer! Very cool and cheap!

As for exotic things like fried grasshoppers or dog meat, don’t worry! The vast majority of canteens do not have them. Unless you want to try it yourself. Although I still recommend learning the hieroglyph for “dog”... Just in case...

By the way, not far from the place where I spent the night (more on this in the next article), there is a large exotic food market. I wouldn't recommend eating it. But it’s interesting to watch!

I draw your attention to the fact that quite often you can find very spicy food. Learn these hieroglyphs too. I was “saved” several times from ordering such dishes by local residents!

By the way. It is normal to bring your own water to the “cafe” and order only food.

In cafes and restaurants it is customary to take advance payment from the visitor, so don’t be surprised... About tips... Who knows. I read before the trip that you shouldn’t leave a tip, otherwise the Chinese will be offended. Other sources wrote that, on the contrary, it should be left. But only to waiters and porters. In Harbin, out of curiosity, I didn’t leave a tip. And nothing... Nobody said anything. In Beijing, on the contrary, I left it. We took it without any problems...

Well... there are no forks anywhere! Learn to eat with chopsticks!

By the way, all sorts of McDonald's appeared in China. So if you want, you can eat there too. But why do this, you can go there at home too!

Buying tickets

If you are an extreme person in life, and traveling to China on your own is an ordinary thing for you, then you can try to buy tickets at the box office on the spot. At the same time, you should not be embarrassed by the huge (really huge!) queues and lack of knowledge of the Chinese language. In this case, be prepared to either not buy tickets at all or go to hell in the middle of nowhere :)

I acted wisely. Although more expensive. But not by much. I booked tickets in advance from a Chinese “assistant” through a travel agency in Blagoveshchensk. The Chinese “assistant” bought tickets in advance and gave them to me in Heihe. That's all! But more about this in my other article...


I have never even met hooligans. I didn’t notice the Chinese disturbing the order at all. In general, there are a lot of police in China. And it's not particularly noticeable. But if some kind of bada-boom appears, then they are right there...


Completing this enchanting article, I could not ignore such a “touchy” topic. But... I'll note a couple of points.

First, there are a lot of toilets in China. They are everywhere! And they are free.. And quite clean! That is, in China solo traveler can eat and... without any problems. vice versa…

Secondly, many toilets do not have a toilet :) How can I put this mildly... “A toilet like a toilet” :) Just a hole in the floor. Well, I’m writing this so that it doesn’t come as a surprise. :) Although in hotels and hostels “for foreigners” everything is fine! There are toilets there!

Phew. OK. You can continue endlessly. I think I told you the main thing. Well, if you have any more questions, just write to me... I’ll answer.

Your Traveler online
Alexander Bessonov

A trip abroad planned by yourself can be much more interesting than offers from travel agencies. The main problem is lack of knowledge of the language, so at the preparation stage it is worth taking into account all the nuances of the trip.

An independent trip on a tourist visa to China must be arranged in advance so that the traveler has confidence that his vacation will be as comfortable as possible.

Officially, Russian citizens require a visa to travel to China on their own. The cheapest single-entry visa will cost a traveler 1,500 rubles for 2018. At the same time, he gets the opportunity to stay on the territory of the Celestial Empire for a total of 30 days out of a corridor of 90. Similar conditions apply when processing documents at the consulate.

To obtain a visa you will need to provide:

  • international passport with a reserve of 6 months before expiration;
  • a copy of the internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • application form with color photo;
  • insurance;
  • confirmation of financial solvency for citizens who do not work;
  • round trip tickets;
  • invitation.

The invitation can be issued by a citizen of the receiving state or a travel agency. In the case of a personal invitation, you will need to provide the details of the host party (copy of passport and ID). An invitation from a travel agency is confirmed by a hotel reservation for the entire duration of your stay in the country.

An exception to the official visa rules is made for residents border areas who can issue Required documents directly at the ground crossing point. Also, other conditions are provided when applying for a visa at the airport at the place of arrival, but it is worth checking whether this is possible at all. Without a visa, you can only visit Suifenhe and the border trade zone for up to 15 days, with the obligation not to leave the city. This is where many entrepreneurs go to buy goods.

For those who have previously visited the Celestial Empire, they are additionally required to provide a copy of their old passport with the appropriate notes. And confirmation of financial solvency consists of an account statement. Regardless of the expected expenses, the account must have an amount of no less than $100 per day of stay in a foreign country.

Transport to your destination and within the country

Most travelers prefer to travel to China from Russia using airlines, although you can cross the border by any means of transport. There are frequent buses from Vladivostok, as well as border areas, which provide fairly fast border crossing for residents of the respective regions.

Before purchasing a ticket, you need to roughly outline a travel plan if you need to visit several cities. However, it is best to enter and exit from the same airport.

You can travel within the country using any convenient transport: planes, trains, ferries, buses and even taxis. IN major cities The best way to get around is by bus or metro. To do this, it is enough to buy a travel card, which you can return at the end of the visit and get a cash deposit back for it. The travel card is a plastic card that needs to be topped up periodically. Cost of one trip to public transport will be about 30-50 cents.

Advice experienced traveler! Taxis are quite cheap in China, and tourists who come here for the first time prefer to use this type of transport. However, after about a month of living, Russian residents often realize that they have to spend too much on transport. In many cities it is more convenient to get around on foot or on a rented bicycle.

How to find housing?

When applying for a visa through a travel agency, a hotel reservation is required for the entire duration of your stay in China. But often hotels do not meet the traveler's expectations, so long-term bookings have unpredictable consequences. It is much more convenient to book it for just 1-2 nights. This will provide an overnight stay in a hotel, but it can be changed if the conditions are not to your liking.

Most often, travelers face the same problems when choosing a hotel:

Poor sound insulation

In some buildings, you can easily hear the conversation of people in the next room, even if they do not raise their voices.

Bad location. Often the point is not that the hotel is not located in the center or is difficult to find. The problem is what is in close proximity, for example, you can find a hotel opposite a landfill.

Conditions in the room

Foreigners choose their place of residence based on the room description and photographs, but they often do not correspond to the real state of affairs. Rooms can be much smaller than advertised and sometimes there is only a bed inside.

Those who do not want to face such inconveniences are advised to pay attention to the reputation of the establishment before booking. The best service is provided network companies, which operate in several cities. However, their housing costs will be an order of magnitude higher, so you need to prioritize: price or quality.

For most citizens, booking a hotel is the only available housing option if you plan to independent trip To China. If there are no restrictions in this direction, you can look for an alternative. Short-term rental of apartments is not practiced in Asian countries, since the standard contract is drawn up for a year. But if you wish, you can find specialized websites with intermediaries through which you can rent an apartment for a shorter period.

Price double room in an average or low quality hotel will be about 10-15 dollars per night. In chain hotels, the minimum price tag is set at approximately $30. Renting an apartment for a month will cost approximately 400-500 dollars.

This expense column most influences how much it costs to travel to China. The final vacation amount will range from $1,000 to $2,000 for two adults for 10 days. The difference lies mainly in the payment for housing.


It is important to know! Chinese food is very different from what people in Russia order for home delivery. Be prepared for a bright and very unusual taste, which will lead to an upset stomach. The aroma from most street cafes is quite unpleasant without getting used to it.

Be prepared for the fact that Chinese food is very different from what we are used to.

There are several food options:

  • in establishments under a well-known brand;
  • in local cafes;
  • self-cooking from products purchased in the supermarket.

In the Celestial Empire, you can easily find world-famous establishments. For example, McDonald's. Many tourists are accustomed to eating in such restaurants, since the employees carefully monitor sanitary standards, and the menu is identical almost everywhere. The disadvantage of this method is the rather high prices.

You can have a hearty meal in eateries for just $1.50. However, unlike food chains, the language barrier needs to be mentioned here. Not all cafes have menus with names written in Latin or photographs, so ordering food is at your own peril and risk. In addition, small restaurants serving local cuisine hardly adhere to hygiene standards, which has a negative impact on the health of visitors.

There are many street cafes in all Chinese cities. But finding an English-speaking waiter is almost impossible.

However, try local cuisine worth it, since it is an integral attribute of the Celestial Empire. Surprisingly beautiful and interesting snacks can be bought even from street vendors. And if you have concerns about your health, you should find out about the restaurants run by Chinese Muslims. These are the cleanest establishments. If you decide to travel to China on your own, you first need to find out the address and reviews about them on the Internet.

Eateries sometimes provide an interesting form of serving dishes: as in buffet or in churrasco. However, even in a simple cafe the portions are very large. Some dishes are only served for two.

Tourists who are not suitable for these methods need to take care of their own nutrition. Buying groceries in Chinese supermarkets without knowing the language will be a difficult quest, so it is recommended to go food shopping with a dictionary downloaded to your phone. Without clues, only some types of fruit can be identified. By the way, vegetables and fruits may differ depending on the area, because the area is very large. Tourists should try it Exotic fruits, especially from the southern part of the state. Some of them cannot be tried in Russia, since they cannot be transported. It is not advisable to buy sausages or sausages, as they are made from soy and taste completely different from regular food.

Externally, Chinese supermarkets differ little from ours. But it is difficult to buy anything without a dictionary.

Not all travelers have the opportunity to prepare hot meals themselves. Not all apartments even have a kitchen. Most ordinary residents use portable stoves that run on gas or electricity.

By the way, the price of traveling to China from travel companies does not always include meals at the hotel. Because of this, an independent trip can be much more profitable than exorbitant prices in agencies.

Additional costs: the mentality of local residents

All Chinese are very emotional and noisy, so on the streets of big and small cities the rumble does not subside for a minute. You can get used to this quite quickly, especially since visitors often join in with everyone’s shouts with pleasure.

Chinese streets are always very crowded and noisy by our standards

The Chinese make the most noise in the markets, where even an inexperienced tourist can bargain. Local residents are in a hurry to make money from foreigners, so do not hesitate to reduce the price several times. Such actions are the norm for all Chinese stores. The Chinese show numbers on their fingers differently than in other countries, which means you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the account before trading.

It is best to pay in cash, since Visa or Maestro cards are not accepted in all shops and cafes. There is a different system here that simply cannot complete a transaction with a foreign card. You can withdraw money from ATMs. Cash and valuables must be constantly monitored, as petty theft is very common here.

Yuan is the national currency

In the Middle Kingdom, it is rare to find Chinese who speak English well, so you should definitely take a phrasebook with you and download several translation programs. Even without basic knowledge of the language, these tricks will help you communicate with other people. In addition to phrase books, it is worth downloading several applications with maps of the cities you plan to visit.

Visitors use the Internet only via Wi-Fi. It can be found everywhere. Mobile Internet and communication when traveling for several days will be too expensive both with a native SIM card and a local one. Buying a foreign SIM card will cost more than $40 and will require language skills to understand its terms and conditions. If you wish, you can buy a SIM only in specialized communication stores.

A personally prepared trip to China with children or a loved one will be interesting experience. This is the only way to truly see the country from the inside, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

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Holidays in China

Holidays in China

Holidays in China

China- This amazing country, which attracts tourists with its culture and ample opportunities for varied recreation. Vacations in China appeal to very different people, as everyone can find something of their own here - attractions, bustling nightlife, exotic cuisine, beaches, shopping and much more.


China is enough big country with a huge number of resorts. We will try to describe the most popular of them.


Hong Kong

Entertainment center in China. Famous for its richness nightlife and low prices for local goods.


The city of flowers with numerous cultural attractions.


Resort in Tibet, main religious center China with many monuments of Buddhist architecture.


A city on the border of Russia and China, with great shopping opportunities.


A large cultural and business center in southern China, very popular among tourists.


The capital of China, with numerous cultural and historical attractions and very wide opportunities for active and have an interesting holiday.


Tropical island in southern China, perfect place For beach holiday and diving.


A resort with a very vibrant nightlife and excellent opportunities for inexpensive shopping.


The best ski resort in China, which also has all the conditions for various types of winter and active rest.


IMPORTANT: It is most comfortable to vacation in China in autumn and spring, when there is no sweltering heat or cold, and there are not very many tourists.

Visa and customs

To obtain a visa to China, you must contact the embassy or consulate. However You can visit Hong Kong or Hainan for two weeks with a tour group without a visa, and in Xijiao and Macau (this is the airport in Manchuria), a visa is issued right at the border. You can also stay 72 hours without a visa in Harbin, Wuhan, Guilin, Dalian, Shenyang, Chongqing, Chengdu, Guangzhou and Shanghai, but only if you fly through these countries to others.

How to get to China

By plane

Planes fly from different cities of Russia to Beijing, Harbin, Urumqi, Guangzhou and several other places. The journey by train will take much longer - from the European part of Russia the journey will take approximately 130-140 hours, sometimes in transit through Mongolia. From the cities of the Asian part of our country, of course, you will have to travel less.

By bus or taxi

From some southern cities of Siberia and Far East Buses depart regularly, for example, to Manzhouli and some other cities. But it is still much more convenient and cheaper to get to Beijing and the southern cities of China by plane.


You can travel around China by plane, train and bus. Aircraft at local residents not very popular, but there are airports in almost all major cities, so this method is quite convenient.

Buses are quite popular, some have beds, and routes between large cities are even equipped with toilets. Sometimes the buses can be noisy due to the TVs constantly on.

IN trains There are always a lot of passengers in China, the trains are mostly modern and run on schedule. Class Z express trains are especially good.

In cities you can ride buses, but they are always very crowded. There are subways in Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Tianjin, and it is better to give preference to it, since traffic jams are always terrible in the cities.


China's main currency is CNY. It is best to travel to China with dollars, although you can exchange rubles and euros almost everywhere. Often people pay on a trip with a regular ruble card.

Suifenhe, located on the border, recently officially allowed payments in Russian rubles as an experiment.



The beaches of Beihai town in Guangxi province are no worse than the beaches of Hainan. Of particular interest is the long two-kilometer white sand beach. True, this beach is paid, and entry costs 25 yuan.


In Liaoning province, in the city of Dalian, there are many not only attractions, but also beaches. For example, on the rocky Tigris beach you can admire interesting marble statues and visit the local water park. Tourists also love Bangchuidao Juggu, Fujiashuang Beach and Golden Stone Beach.


This island is located in a tropical climate zone, so you can relax here all year round. There are a lot of beaches on the island, but tourists especially love the city of Sanya for White sand beaches and amazing palm trees. Yalong Bay Beach is also very beautiful. Hainan's secluded beaches can be found on the Lihuitou Peninsula.


Shandong is a city with interesting architecture and amazing beaches. Members of the Communist Party like to relax here. There are six numbered beaches in total. The sixth is located most conveniently, and the second is much cleaner and quieter. However, it is best to relax on Huang Dao.


The city of Shenzhen has one of the best beaches all over China. The most popular beaches are Dameisha and Hioameixa. The beaches are well equipped, and a short distance from the coast there are picturesque islands where you can also have a good rest.


Xiamen's coastline stretches for miles, providing nearly endless opportunities for swimming and sunbathing. What’s nice is that the white sand beaches are absolutely free.


People who understand have no longer associated China with something low-quality and cheap, because here you can buy excellent quality goods of various kinds at fairly reasonable prices. However, going to China on your own for shopping is not so easy, since you can end up significantly overpaying for purchases. That's why it's so popular shopping tours to Beijing, Hong Kong, Shanghai or, for example, Guangzhou, because they allow you not only to shop at a guaranteed low price, but also to explore local attractions.

Buying something is especially pleasant in Beijing - after all, there is even a Russian street, Ya Bao Lu, where sellers speak Russian, and all goods are adapted for us. Inexpensive clothes, shoes and accessories can be bought at the Silk Market, while souvenirs and antiques are worth buying at the Panjiayuan Market.

IMPORTANT: It is customary to import tea, porcelain, silk products and pearls from China. Many people like porcelain vases and ivory souvenirs. Almost every shop sells various colorful souvenirs such as lanterns and boxes.


Beijing cuisine

The cuisine of this region is based on rice. It is served here as a separate dish and added to meat, vegetables and fish. The preferred meat here is lamb, pork, and poultry. Here are the dishes typical for Beijing, northern or imperial cuisine:

Peking duck;

Beggar's chicken - clay-baked chicken stuffed with cabbage, herbs, onions and mushrooms and wrapped in lotus leaves;

Pork in sweet and sour sauce;

Chinese samovar made from many components;

Chinese dumplings can be made with either vegetables or meat;

Dandelion salad.

Shanghai cuisine

In the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, it is customary to add rice vodka and a large amount of spices to meat, and many dishes contain fish and seafood:

Shanghai duck;

Soy fish cake - tofu;

Hairy freshwater crab;

Cabbage soup with pork;

Mushroom noodle soup;

Squid in spicy garlic sauce;

Eel with garlic in wine;

Noodles fried with shrimp.

Cantonese cuisine

Very sophisticated, the dishes here are prepared in unusual ways from unusual ingredients. When cooking, they use the meat of turtles, snakes, dogs, cats and other animals. Light snacks are very popular among locals. Even if you don't like exotic things, it's worth a try:

Pies with daikon;

Chinese dumplings fried in oil;

Steamed fish;

Rolls with rice noodles;

Shark fin soup;

Steamed dumplings dim sum;

Cantonese rice.

Sichuan cuisine

It is famous throughout the world for its spicy and spicy dishes - garlic, red pepper, anise, coriander, sesame and many other spices are always used in cooking. Products are most often steamed or smoked. Worth a try:

Sichuan braised pork;

Little tofu, a meatless soybean dish;

Szechuan noodles, dan dan mian;

Gongbao chicken - spicy, with peanuts;

Duck baked in green tea;

King prawns seasoned with garlic;

Doufu is a cheese made from fermented soybeans.

In general, Chinese cuisine is very interesting and varied, so it is definitely worth trying in all the regions you visit.

Sights of China

There are really a lot of attractions in China, and it’s impossible to list them all. From natural attractions One can note the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, Mount Taishan, Dongbhuang Caves with examples of ancient art, stone forest in Wanshen, caves near Guangxi and much more. However, many value much more not the natural, but the architectural sights of China, which are mainly concentrated in cities.


Beijing is not the most Old city China, but perhaps the most interesting. To the north-west of it there are some sections of the Great Chinese wall, deserves special attention in the city itself Forbidden City- a unique palace complex, an architectural landmark, which has now been turned into most interesting museum.


In that ancient city There is a museum of terracotta figures, which houses figures from the tomb of the famous emperor Qin Shi Huang.


This one is unique picturesque mountain- a highly revered shrine of Taoism. Not far from it is the Confucius Temple and the Yanshenggong Residence.


Many of the attractions and cities listed above are on the list world heritage UNESCO.


In this region there is great amount monasteries, Buddhist temples and ancient cultural monuments. Lhasa is considered the center of Tibet, which is a must-visit for all lovers of Eastern culture and philosophy.

Amusement parks

China is famous not only for its sights and beaches - there are many large, interesting and extreme amusement parks. One of them, for example, is located in the city of Guangzhou. There is also a zoo and a unique eco-hotel.

Beijing Park Happy Valley also deserves attention, as there are many world-class attractions and interesting thematic areas. By the way, there are parks with the same name in other cities of China, and in all of them you can have a good rest with the whole family.

To Changzhou summer time open amazing island Dinosaurs, with interactive exhibits and attractions for both children and adults.


Some time ago, alpine skiing was very unpopular in China. However, the government decided to support local ski resorts, and their level has grown rapidly, so that now China has excellent conditions for skiing alpine skiing Oh. The season here in some places opens already in September, although it is better to come in November so that there is definitely snow everywhere. Snow cover lasts until April. At the same time, there are practically no abnormal frosts; the temperature does not drop below -10 degrees Celsius, which is very comfortable.

Mountain ranges There are a lot of them in China, so resorts are scattered almost throughout the country. The season opens early at the resort Wanglun. There are good resorts in Tien Shan, both elite and very economical.

Many ski lovers stop at Chengbae- the snow for skiing here is simply perfect, and since the resort is located in a nature reserve, all the tracks go through very scenic spots. In addition, the resort has hot springs.

The resort is popular among beginners and experienced skiers Alshan, on which, by the way, there are also best tracks for cross-country skiing.

The largest ski resort China is Yabuli. Tourists like it due to its varied terrain, numerous trails of varying lengths and difficulties, jumps, and a large freestyle area. The landscapes here are also very picturesque.

There are not many opportunities for diving in China - it is mainly available in Hainan or Zhejiang, but in general undersea world It's pretty sparse here;

Surfing. Best for surfing tropical island Hainan with fairly high waves. Beginners will love Houhai Bay Beach.

As you can see, holidays in China are truly extremely varied, and everyone can find something to their liking.


In total, there are approximately ten thousand hotels of various levels in China, and approximately seven hundred of them are five-star. Local hotels here they are classified separately, only representatives of international hotel chains have star ratings. A Chinese inn is the equivalent of one-star accommodation, a guest house is two or three stars, and a wine house is approximately 3-4 stars. Only chain hotels are five-star. In general, tourists note that the level of service in China is often lower than that accepted in other countries.

  • A truly varied holiday;
  • There are a lot of interesting cultural attractions and architectural monuments;
  • Pleasant climate, especially on the islands;
  • Many people like local traditional medicine;
  • Low prices, especially for fairly expensive goods;
  • Interesting nature.
  • Very dirty in places;
  • Some resorts and areas are not interesting, more like ordinary Russian cities;
  • There is a very strong language barrier - almost no one speaks English, you can’t even dream of Russian;
  • Some people are unlucky with the Chinese attitude towards tourists;
  • Municipal equipped beaches are often filled with Chinese;
  • Large cities like Beijing and Shanghai are very crowded;
  • Some resorts have almost no infrastructure.

There are dozens of Chinese cities behind us. The road from the border with the Russian city of Zabaikalsk, which I crossed by train, to Laos, which I entered on foot. (Don’t worry, I took the bus later).

Experimentally, it was found that, firstly, China is a wonderful country for independent travel, and secondly, it is possible to travel abroad even without knowing the language, although it is still not clear how I managed it. The golden rule of any business, “take it and do it,” also works for free wanderings, “take it and go.”

Don’t let the language factor bother you (they don’t speak English in China), but you shouldn’t relax either. Phrasebooks, guidebooks, basic English (at least for communicating with other foreign travelers) will come in handy. And the rest is details.

How to travel to China on your own?


Personally, I applied for a Chinese visa through an agency, simply by giving my passport to specially trained people while still in Russia. I won’t say that it was very difficult to submit the documents myself (although at that moment I lived in Kamchatka and agents, among other things, sent documents to Vladivostok, to the representative office), but I had one rule - the start should be easy. China is the first country of the first journey, and even an independent one, also alone. I decided to free myself in some way. Therefore, a passport, photo and money were all that was needed for 30 days in China People's Republic. But I extended it on my own, on the spot. The next 30 days were marked by the submission of the same documents.


China is such a big country that you can’t get away with generalized conclusions about the weather. Decide on your exact location, and then check with eyewitness accounts in this region. Where are you planning: to the Himalayas or Hainan? By the way, I’ve been to Hainan twice, and both times in October. Rumors about local typhoons are not exaggerated. I witnessed flying coconuts and uprooted palm trees the next morning. Although, if now someone asks whether it is possible to go to Hainan in October, I will not dissuade you. Both times I had a great time. The hardworking Chinese planted all the palm trees in place literally the very next day after the hurricane.

Where to live

In hostels. This will provide you with pleasant (read “low”) checks for accommodation, excellent acquaintances among foreigners from all over the world and people who actually speak and understand English, which long stay very relevant in the country. According to my personal observations, hostels in China are some of the best in Asia, with the right atmosphere of general drive for life and new discoveries. Stories like “I worked as a lawyer and then decided to change everything” or “we sold the car and went around the world” are the norm. Plus, your fellow travelers miss white faces and English speech just as much as you do. In China, a white man is a close friend to a white man, if not a relative. And don’t even worry about nonsense like “how can you live in a room for four?”, the main thing is not for fourteen (anything can happen), and you’ll even like the rest. I guarantee it.

Popular destinations

This is also a limitless topic, so I’ll highlight my TOP places in the “other” Asian country: Beijing and Shanghai - looking at the world from the top floors of skyscrapers really puts you in the right mood; (Huangshan and others), Hainan is that same banal tropical island that you dream about from home; Guilin and Yangshuo with their karst hills and lulling rivers, as well as the entire Yunnan province.


Experience of riding Chinese trains can be included in your resume as proof of courage and fortitude. How to read in Chinese, namely hieroglyphs, where your train is and when it leaves, if you are at a Beijing train station the size of small town and the wrong chosen direction can lead very far not only from the place of departure, but also from the truth as a whole? One fact is that you can travel on Chinese trains no matter what, I would even say despite it. Each time I was the only white face in the entire carriage and they constantly brought me some kind of food, trying to somehow satisfy my curiosity and gawk at the white girl, without being able to otherwise compensate for the language barrier.


To survive in China, and by survival, as you guessed, I mean getting to the right station and the right train, you need to clearly remember the “three people” rule, which sounds like this: “If you ask a Chinese how to get to the place you need (and , it doesn’t matter if he suddenly answers you in English or reads your phrasebook and gestures), do not go in the indicated direction until at least three people point in the same direction.” Simply put, ask at least three people “how to get there,” even if the first one knows exactly where you need to go and is ready to take you personally. Saying “I don’t know” in China means losing face and is a traditional trait. It’s better to show it wrong, especially to some foreigner, than to goof off and show your ignorance. Always ask again about everything, especially if you are in a hurry.

Otherwise, the safety rules are no different from other countries - stay vigilant and you will be happy on Chinese soil.

Do you want to confess? I still don’t understand how I managed to travel through the whole of China with a backpack on my back. Subsequently, the longer I lived in hospitable countries South-East Asia, the more mysterious this Chinese “phenomenon” became for me. It's just that everything in life is simpler than it seems. But this can only be determined experimentally. Good luck!


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