Coastal regions. Open left menu Primorsky Krai. Hunting in Primorsky Krai

FAR EASTERN Federal District. Primorsky Krai. Area 164.7 thousand sq. km. Formed on October 20, 1938.
Administrative center of Primorsky Krai - Vladivostok

Primorsky Krai– subject Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District, located on Far East. The region includes numerous islands: Russky, Popova, Reineke, Ricorda, Putyatin, Askold, etc. It is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan from the south and east.
Primorsky Krai is part of the Far Eastern economic region. A number of large and unique deposits of various minerals have been discovered in Primorye, on the basis of which the most powerful mining industry in the Far East has been created and operates. Main industries - Fishing industry: fish, seafood, canned fish; Mechanical engineering and metalworking: aircraft construction, shipbuilding and ship repair; Forestry and woodworking industry: commercial timber, lumber, plywood, furniture; Non-ferrous metallurgy: lead, concentrates (lead, zinc, tin, tungsten, copper), fluorspar, gold, silver; Chemistry: boron products, sulfuric acid; Construction materials industry, coal, light, food. Crops of grains (rice, buckwheat, oats, wheat) and feed crops, soybeans, potatoes. Vegetable growing, fruit growing. Meat and dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming, fur farming (mink), antler reindeer farming. Developed sea ​​transport. Major ports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny.

On April 6, 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was created.
On November 15, 1922, the Far Eastern Republic was transformed into the Far Eastern Region of the RSFSR (later - the region).
Primorsky Krai was formed on October 20, 1938 by the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the division of the Far Eastern Territory into Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories” (the Primorsky Territory included the Primorsky and Ussuriysk regions of the Far Eastern Territory, abolished in 1939 and 1943, respectively).
The region was awarded the Order of Lenin (1965).

Cities, Urban Districts and Municipal Districts of Primorsky Krai.

Cities of Primorsky Krai: Vladivostok, Arsenyev, Artyom, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Lesozavodsk, Nakhodka, Partizansk, Spassk-Dalniy, Ussuriysk, Fokino.

Urban districts of Primorsky Krai:
City district "Vladivostok"
Urban district "Arsenyevsky"
City district "Artemovsky"
Urban district "Dalnegorsky"
Urban district "Dalnerechensky"
Urban district "ZATO Bolshoi Kamen"
Urban district "ZATO Fokino"
Urban district "Lesozavodsky"
Urban district "Nakhodkinsky"
City district "Partizansky"
Urban district "Spassk-Dalniy"
Urban district "Ussuriysky"

Municipal districts of Primorsky Krai, Administrative center:
Anuchinsky district, Dalnerechensky district, Kavalerovsky district, Kirovsky district, Krasnoarmeysky district, Lazovsky district, Mikhailovsky district, Nadezhdinsky district, Oktyabrsky district, Olginsky district, Partizansky district, Pogranichny district, Pozharsky district, Spassky district, Terneysky district, Khankaysky district, Khasansky district, Khorolsky district, Chernigovsky district, Chuguevsky district, Shkotovsky district, Yakovlevsky district.

Primorsky Krai is located in the Far East of the Russian Federation. Its capital is Vladivostok, which is also the administrative center. Location - the Murvavyev-Amursky Peninsula, as well as the islands included in the Peter the Great Bay, connecting local reservoirs with the Sea of ​​Japan.


The capital of Primorsky Krai is final destination Trans-Siberian Railway. Local sea ​​port has a high cargo turnover rate and ranks fourth in its basin.

The main base of the Pacific Fleet is located here. There is a large center of education and science. The settlement appeared around a military post established here in 1860. This territory acquired an urban type in 1880. Since 1888, it has been the center of the administrative life of the region, and in 1938 the place became the center of administration, under whose jurisdiction the entire Primorsky Territory is located.

The capital, Vladivostok, was named a free port in October 2015. A special regime for customs operations, taxation, and use of investments has been established here. The total population is 606.6 thousand people. according to 2016 data

Ponds and peaks

Amursky and Protyazhnost are located nearby coastline is 30 kilometers from south to north and 10 kilometers from east to west. The Golden Horn is a bay that serves as a barrier that divides Vladivostok into two parts.

The capital of the Primorsky Territory has a series of small rivers and streams. There are also reservoirs. The highest point can be called the Blue Hill, whose height is 474 meters, it is located on the Muravyov-Amursky Peninsula. Also worthy of attention are the Eagle's Nest and Russian Mountain.


Monsoons are a phenomenon that is very typical when studying the climate that characterizes the Primorsky Territory. The capital is no exception. During cold weather it is dry here and the sun is often clear. In spring, warmth is slow to arrive. The weather can change rapidly. In summer it is observed high level humidity.

During the year, the most precipitation falls at this time. Autumn is passing quickly. In August the heat is at its strongest - an average of about 19-20 degrees. In January, the temperature drops to minus 12. It is best to come to the beach in July and end in September. The maximum water temperature in the sea is approximately 25°C.


The capital of Primorsky Krai is a territory with rich history. At one time, power here was exercised by the rulers of the Bohan Empire. This happened in the period from 698 to 926. In the tenth century, the Khitans settled here, and then a state called Eastern Xia.

In 1233 there was an attack by the Mongol horde, due to which the land was devastated. What followed was a series of territorial disputes and claims to this land, but the next written mention dates back only to the 19th century.

1858 was the moment when the Aigun Treaty was signed between China and Russia. As part of its terms, the two states jointly used the site where Primorsky Krai is now located. The capital was founded here in 1860. This year, the Beijing Treaty was signed, according to which the Russian Federation completely assumed control.


Further development occurred. In 1890, the culture of the region was already concentrated here. After the October Revolution occurred, power changed here many times. Interventionists from many countries landed in the Primorsky Territory. The capital in 1920 became one of the parts that were part of

In 1921 it was declared the center of the Amur region. Since 1922 it has been included in the RSFSR. In 1958 the city was closed due to its location Pacific base. In 1960, Khrushchev came here, which became the impetus for the start of large-scale construction work. Then a funicular and many other important objects were built.

In 1991, like the entire Soviet Union, the Primorsky Territory underwent changes. The capital of the region has become open again, foreigners have the opportunity free access to her territory. A negative feature of this time is the decline in living standards and the collapse of the economy, which was characteristic, in essence, of the entire USSR at that time. Now the material and social aspects are getting better. This point is given importance as a major transport hub, trade and industrial center. Rapid development and growth is also expected in the future.

Curious places

Among the attractions here, it is extremely interesting to look at the Vladivostok Fortress, which is considered the most important landmark of the city. There is a picturesque forest park area and a beautiful coastline around.

Taking advantage of the protection of this architectural structure, in the past Russia carried out settlement and colonization that took place in the Ussuri region. total area fortifications - 400 square meters. There is a museum. This historical monument is given great importance.

No less interesting is a visit to the Catholic Church, which was built in 1921. Until 1935, services were held here. Nowadays, a restoration project is being carried out, funds for which were collected from donations from Catholics and those wishing to help preserve the unique building.

Important exhibitions

There are many interesting exhibits in the Arsenyev Ethnographic and Cultural Museum on Svetlanskaya Street. Here you can learn about how the region was developed.

There are a large number of exhibitions on the topic of Slavic customs and water world. There are collections on ethnography and archeology. Every tourist has the opportunity to acquire interesting souvenir: natural stone or gem.

There is a lot of information here about the people who explored this territory, for example about the scientists Arsenyev, Przhevalsky, Venyukov and other prominent personalities.

For art lovers, a visit to art gallery, which began to be created in the 30s of the last century. Then it belonged to the Arsenyev Museum. The separation occurred in 1966. You can learn a lot about the fleet by visiting the military history museum. The military vessels of the local port have a large and interesting story, which can be seen in high-quality exhibitions. The number of exhibits exceeds 40 thousand. This is the place where soldiers who serve in the Pacific Ocean take the oath, as well as important events and celebrations.

Proximity of the water element

So big sea ​​town It’s hard to imagine without an aquarium, which people love to visit local residents, and city guests. A beautiful and delightful, mysterious undersea world.

The complex was put into operation in 1991. The area of ​​the halls is about 1.3 thousand square kilometers. There are dioramas here, corals extracted from depths of the sea, sponges and shells, fish and sea animals. After exploring the animal world, you can switch to the human contribution to the development of water spaces. The opportunity to do this appears when meeting the ship “Red Vympel”, which became the first Far Eastern ship of the USSR.

He had the opportunity to participate in fierce battles and the removal of mines in the Sea of ​​​​Japan. Now the time has come for him to rest. The same applies to the submarine "S-56", which at other times sank 10 submarines Vehicle fascists. Every year a large number of tourists gather around it.

FAR EASTERN Federal District. Primorsky Krai. Area 164.7 thousand sq. km. Formed on October 20, 1938.
Administrative center of the federal district - Vladivostok city.

Cities of Primorsky Krai:

Primorsky Krai– a subject of the Russian Federation, part of the Far Eastern Federal District, located in the Far East. The region includes numerous islands: Russky, Popova, Reineke, Ricorda, Putyatin, Askold, etc. It is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan from the south and east.

Primorsky Krai is part of the Far Eastern economic region. A number of large and unique deposits of various minerals have been discovered in Primorye, on the basis of which the most powerful mining industry in the Far East has been created and operates. Main industries - Fishing industry: fish, seafood, canned fish; Mechanical engineering and metalworking: aircraft manufacturing, shipbuilding and ship repair; Forestry and woodworking industry: commercial timber, lumber, plywood, furniture; Non-ferrous metallurgy: lead, concentrates (lead, zinc, tin, tungsten, copper), fluorspar, gold, silver; Chemistry: boron products, sulfuric acid; Construction materials industry, coal, light, food. Crops of grains (rice, buckwheat, oats, wheat) and feed crops, soybeans, potatoes. Vegetable growing, fruit growing. Meat and dairy farming, pig farming, poultry farming, fur farming (mink), antler reindeer farming. Maritime transport is developed. Large ports: Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vostochny.

On April 6, 1920, the Far Eastern Republic was created.
On November 15, 1922, the Far Eastern Republic was transformed into the Far Eastern Region of the RSFSR (later - the region).
Primorsky Krai was formed on October 20, 1938 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the division of the Far Eastern Territory into Khabarovsk and Primorsky Krai” (Primorsky Krai included the Primorsky and Ussuriysk regions of the Far Eastern Territory, abolished in 1939 and 1943, respectively).
The region was awarded the Order of Lenin (1965).

Cities and regions of Primorsky Krai.

Cities of Primorsky Krai: Arsenyev, Artyom, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnegorsk, Dalnerechensk, Lesozavodsk, Nakhodka, Partizansk, Spassk-Dalniy, Ussuriysk, Fokino.

Urban districts of Primorsky Krai:"Vladivostok" "Arsenyevsky"; "Artemovsky"; "Dalnegorsky"; "Dalnerechensky"; "ZATO Bolshoy Kamen"; "ZATO Fokino"; "Lesozavodsky"; "Nakhodkinsky"; "Guerrilla"; "Spassk-Dalniy"; "Ussuriysk".

Municipal areas: Anuchinsky district, Dalnerechensky district, Kavalerovsky district, Kirovsky district, Krasnoarmeysky district, Lazovsky district, Mikhailovsky district, Nadezhdinsky district, Oktyabrsky district, Olginsky district, Partizansky district, Pogranichny district, Pozharsky district, Spassky district, Terneysky district, Khankaysky district, Khasansky district , Khorolsky district, Chernigovsky district, Chuguevsky district, Shkotovsky district, Yakovlevsky district.

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The land of Japanese cars, fog and hills - Primorye remains one of the most romantic regions of Russia. Primorsky Krai is the most South part Far East of Russia, uncharted territory for many residents of the European part of the country. It is in the capital of Primorye - Vladivostok - that the world's largest Trans-Siberian Railway ends. Crossing Russia from west to east by train is a cherished dream of travelers

First of all, Primorye is a beach holiday. The sea here is warm, but the swimming season is short - from 30 days in the east to 100 days in the south. Beautiful coast and a rich underwater world Sea of ​​Japan, waterfalls, ancient extinct volcanoes, caves, tourist bases on the islands and easy access to most attractions make the region very attractive to travelers.

People come to Primorye for environmental and health tourism (especially from China): in the region there are National parks“Call of the Tiger”, “Udege Legend” and “Land of the Leopard”, six state nature reserves and healing Shmakovsky springs mineral waters. There is also plenty for extreme sports lovers: you can go skiing, kiting, rafting, surfing, diving, horse riding, explore caves, skydive or paraglid.

Sea of ​​Japan lake Khanka Furugelma Island 1 Vladivostok 2 Arsenyev 4.1 Ussuriysk 3 Nakhodka 4.2 Mount Livadiyskaya 5 Posiet village 6 Yew Grove 8 Safari Park 7 Ussuriysk Reserve 9 Trans-Siberian Railway 10 10. Trans-Siberian Railway 9. Ussuriysk Reserve 8. Yew Grove (Petrova Island) 7. Safari Park (Shkotovsky district) 6. Posiet village 5. Livadiyskaya 4. Nakhodka and Arsenyev 3. Ussuriysk 2. Vladivostok 1. Furugelm Island Primorsky Krai

Sea of ​​Japan lake Khanka 4.2 7 6 10 8 9 2 1 3 4.1 5 2. Vladivostok 1. Furugelm Island 3. Ussuriysk 4. Nakhodka and Arsenyev 5. Mount Livadiyskaya 6. Posyet village 7. Safari Park (Shkotovsky district) 8. Yew Grove (Petrova Island) 9. Ussuri Nature Reserve 10. Trans-Siberian Railway Primorsky Krai

How to get there?

The only one international Airport Primorsky Krai is located near the city of Artyom, 45 km north of Vladivostok. You can get to Primorye from Moscow in 8 hours and 12,000 rubles one way. IN reverse side tickets will be significantly more expensive, especially in tourist season. From Vladivostok airport planes fly to cities in Siberia, the Far East, Central Russia, as well as to Japan, China, Korea and the USA.

Road from Moscow to Vladivostok:

The train from the Russian capital takes six days to get here. Electric trains depart from the Vladivostok railway station to Ussuriysk, Nakhodka, Artyom, Smolyaninovo, Partizansk and Kiparisovo. Moreover, from almost every settlement You can take a bus to the central regions of the region.

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Vladivostok, the capital of Primorye, is the most Big City Russian Far East and one of the largest ports on the Pacific coast. Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen once compared it to Naples, and Nikita Khrushchev, returning from a tour of the United States, promised to turn the city into “our Soviet San Francisco.”

Zolotoy Rog Bay is the city center. In the 19th century, on its banks, the Governor General Eastern Siberia Nikolai Nikolaevich Muravyov-Amursky ordered the founding of a military post and gave it a name - Vladivostok. For a long time, the bay cut the city into two poorly connected parts, but in 2012, for the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Community, the two shores were connected by a magnificent cable-stayed bridge, called Golden.

On holidays it is closed to cars - and walking The bridge provides the best opportunity to see the central part of Vladivostok from above. There are always several ships on duty in the bay itself Pacific Fleet, and in the summer they moor at the marine terminal ocean liners. Several unconnected embankments were built along the bay. The most popular among Vladivostok residents, Tsarevich Embankment, opened quite recently. Here you can rent a bicycle or roller skates and ride along the water sparkling in the sun.

In addition to motor transport, it is convenient to get to the bay by boat and ferry, but swimming in it, to put it mildly, is not recommended. The environment of the Golden Horn is in dire straits: garbage and oil products float on the surface of the water.

Vladivostok seems like a romantic city: hills, descents and ascents, terraced buildings, fiery sunsets, a night port, lighthouses, walking sailors and fog. The neighboring regions also have a large coastline, but cannot boast of dozens of islands nearby.

The largest is Russky Island, on which Soviet time there were several military camps, turned into the main brand of the APEC summit. For a long time, Russky Island remained the outskirts of Vladivostok - a sparsely populated area with several residential settlements and clusters of military bases. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military abandoned almost all units on the island, and city residents were able to appreciate the numerous cozy bays with warm water and access to the open sea. Everything changed after the APEC summit in 2012, which was significant for Primorye.

A grandiose cable-stayed bridge connected the mainland with the island, and a modern complex Far Eastern campus buildings federal university. Now you can get to Cape Tobizin or Filippovsky Bay, beloved by Vladivostok residents, in just half an hour. The administration of the city and region has big plans for Russky Island: the largest aquarium in Russia will open in the near future, and in the future the authorities plan to complete a ring highway around the island and build it up with sanatoriums and residential areas. However, the appearance of the bridge has already entailed side effects - just a couple of years after the opening of the bridge, environmentalists sounded the alarm: the once virgin clean beaches by the end of summer they are overflowing with garbage.

Off the coast of Russky, in Novik Bay, there is an amazing tiny island of Papenberg, its shape reminiscent of a whale. In fact, it is an “island within an island.” Its length is about 90 meters and its width is 50 meters. The uninhabited island is difficult to see on maps, but tourists, having seen it in person, dream of getting there. Papenberg has rocky and steep shores, as well as a pebble beach, and the island is mainly covered with dense deciduous forest, dominated by oaks and lindens, with the occasional birch tree.

Vladivostok, thanks to its natural topography, is famous for its numerous viewpoints. They are one of the unique features of the city. Of course, it’s difficult to walk uphill or downhill, but you can always enjoy the beauty that opens from above. The best way see the city from two different points at once - walk along the central street Svetlanskaya from the Square of Fighters for Soviet Power to the FEGTU stop and take the funicular up to Orlinaya Sopka. This panoramic platform– the oldest and most popular in the city. By bus from the top station of the funicular you can get to the Primorsky Opera and Ballet Theater, while at the same time admiring the views from the Golden Bridge. And near the theater there is a newly built second viewing platform, which opens up the city from an unexpected side. More viewing platforms in Vladivostok are equipped on Zmeinka, on the Shkota Peninsula.

At the very high point within the city limits - Mount Refrigerator, 258 meters high - does not go public transport, but in good weather from here you can see with your own eyes that Vladivostok is located on a peninsula and see the Ussuri and Amur bays at the same time. Unfortunately, the highest hill in the suburbs of Vladivostok - Mount Vargina 458 meters - is occupied by the military, and it is simply impossible to get to it. Unless you agree in advance.

Guidebooks often unfairly ignore the Vladivostok fortress. Meanwhile, the city has dozens of unique long-term fortifications built at the beginning of the 20th century. The fortress was built taking into account the experience of the Russian-Japanese War and was the most fortified of all defensive buildings of that period. They didn’t have time to complete it, but they still spent, according to some information, an eighth of the entire gold reserve of the Russian Empire. redoubts, coastal batteries and forts are scattered throughout Vladivostok - but now, alas, most of the fortress’s structures are abandoned or occupied by the military. Several forts have become a popular place of leisure for Primorye residents; they are attracted by the extensive network of catacombs up to 25 meters deep and the dizzying views that open from the walls of the fortress. Among the most popular is Fort No. 7 named after Tsarevich Alexei. Located just half an hour from the city center, it has been preserved much better than other buildings, and people can walk through its dungeons. inexpensive excursions. On the territory of the Bezymyannaya fortress battery there is a museum exhibition dedicated to the fortress.

It is worth visiting the Zarya Center for Contemporary Art. According to some connoisseurs, it can replace the Moscow Garage for those who cannot live without Tissue magazine, workshops and discussions on the topic of multidisciplinary new media. The gallery owners bought the loft space from the garment factory of the same name, and now it is an art residence for artists, a co-working space, a cafe, a bookstore and a meeting place for advanced youth. In the center you can attend a course by St. Petersburg graffiti artists, talk about video art with the Thai artist Saravuta Chutivongpeti, a new resident of Zarya, and say hello from Moscow friends to curator Maria Kramar, who teaches a course here on transgression in contemporary art.

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Ussuriysk is called “the largest Chinese market Primorye". The city has a huge market for things from China, open even at night. But main symbol city ​​is a stone turtle installed in the city park. The figure on the pedestal dates back to the 13th century and belongs to the culture of the Jurchen state - a stone statue, presumably the tombstone of a Jurchen military leader, was excavated in the city in 1964 by archaeologists.

2 hours by express train (190 rubles)

or 2 hours by bus from the bus station (261 rubles)

The city itself is very green, but for real exotic plants, you should go to the lotus lake in the village of Oak Key. In summer it turns pink with flowers. And in the Komarov Nature Reserve, cedars, elms, black firs and ginseng grow. Far Eastern leopards, Ussuri tigers, black storks, forest cats, and mandarin ducks live there. On the territory of the reserve there is the only rehabilitation center in Siberia and the Far East for bear cubs that have lost their parents: they are looked after for a while, fed, and then released.

At the same time, Ussuriysk is the largest in Primorye transport node. From here you can go to all corners of the region - take a break from the hustle and bustle in the reserves of the Khasansky district, admire the lotuses of Lake Khanka, climb Mountain peaks Sikhote-Alin or spend the whole day on the beaches near Nakhodka. Every day from Ussuriysk there are regular buses to the nearest Chinese provinces of Heilongjiang and Jilin (Girin): the journey to the border trading Suifunhe will take about three hours, and if you wish, you can get to Harbin in half a day - central city all of northeastern China.

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In Primorye there are two more completely different cities, which are definitely worth a visit: Nakhodka - in summer, and Arsenyev - in winter.

Nakhodka with the neighboring port of Vostochny is the main sea gate of the Russian Far East. In Soviet times, when Vladivostok was closed city, everyone arrived in the USSR through Nakhodka Foreign citizens, among whom was once the legendary David Bowie. Foreigners who came to the Union for the first time noted the amazing photogenicity and unearthly appearance of the fog-shrouded city. Nakhodka, stretching along the slopes of the hills of the Trudny Peninsula, still looks extremely picturesque - and from almost any point there is a stunning view of the port.

How to get there from Vladivostok

Express train – 4 hours, 375 rubles (regular train takes 5 hours).Regular bus – 4 hours,440 rubles. Private minibuses – from 3 hours and 500 rubles

However, the city itself is not of particular interest to tourists. A few Stalinist buildings, a few shopping centers- but only. Nakhodka is cut off from the sea by railway stations and port infrastructure. In hot weather, you want to run away as far as possible from the coal dust rising above the Vostochny port. Fortunately, there is where to go: the beaches in the suburbs of Nakhodka are famous throughout the Far East, and, unlike the Khasansky district, they are well equipped. The most popular are in the village with the “Crimean” name Livadia and in the Volchanets microdistrict.

The best is considered to be Triozerye Bay, which received its name because of the fresh lakes located on its coast. Getting to it from the center of Nakhodka is more than 40 kilometers along a not very good road, but it’s worth it. In addition to relaxing on the many kilometers of beaches in Triozerye, tourists can go diving, windsurfing or kiting. As in all of Primorye, the water here is warmest in August - at this time in the shallow waters of the bay it warms up to + 25°C.

How to get there from Vladivostok

5 hours by bus from the bus station

Vladivostok(640 rubles)

Arsenyev is the center of ski tourism for the entire Primorye. The city is located at the very foot of the Obzornaya hill, which has several ski slopes. Recently, the population of Arsenyev itself, which is relatively large by the standards of the Far East, has decreased by one and a half times, but the city-forming enterprise - the Progress plant - has survived, and today it produces Ka-52 Alligator multi-purpose military helicopters. Locals have long been accustomed to the “pinwheels” circling over the city, and for tourists every weekend, specialists from the local airfield conduct parachute jumps - a test jump from a height of 800 meters will cost only 2,500 rubles.

Also in the vicinity of Arsenyev there are many natural monuments– caves and waterfalls, as well as a lotus lake, which appeared several years ago through the efforts of naturalists.

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In the Primorsky Territory there are several uninhabited protected islands, the most famous are Askold, Petrova and Furugelma. Sika deer were previously raised on Askold, and Petrov Island is famous for its yew grove - there are only a few of these left in the world.

How to get there from Vladivostok

5 hours by bus to the village of Zarubino (600 rubles)

and 16 kmby boat to the island

The most interesting island is Furugelma. It is called the “last Russian island”: after all, it is located south of all the islands of the Russian Federation. In Soviet times there was a military garrison and an artillery battery here - and now it is home to tens of thousands of seagulls. Ecologists say that there is no such diversity of birds as on Furugelm even in the Volga delta. Getting here is not easy - this is a protected area and you can only land on the island with an organized excursion.

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Stretches the entire length of the Primorsky Territory from north to south mountain range Sikhote-Alin. In the north, the mountains reach a height of two kilometers and represent a very rugged terrain, barely developed by man. The southern part of Sikhote-Alin is accessible to tourists: the mountains have a regular rounded shape and climbing them is not difficult. Most of all, tourists love Mount Livadia, 1333 meters high, known under the ancient name Pidan.

They get to it from the village of Lukyanovka, 74 km from Vladivostok: on average, it takes four hours to walk to the foot of the mountain, and another three hours to the top. At the height of the season, dump trucks bring tourists from the village to the foot of the mountain several times a day; smaller vehicles may not be able to get through. Livadia is surrounded mystical stories about ghosts and special energy at the top. Scientific fact - on the mountain there are dozens of megalithic blocks left over from ancient civilization. From the top of Livadiyskaya there is an excellent panorama of the mountain range, and in good weather you can even see the Sea of ​​Japan. Although, while admiring the picturesque landscape, you should be extremely careful: on the mountain there are many copperheads and vipers, the bite of which is very poisonous.

Primorsky Territory - amazingly picturesque and simply unique place in the Russian Far East. Nature lovers will find here beautiful hills, the coast of the ice-free Sea of ​​Japan, a fascinating underwater world, the unique Ussuri taiga, mountain slopes Sikhote-Alin, natural reserves. And extreme sports enthusiasts will certainly enjoy river rafting and comfortable ski slopes, sailing and windsurfing.

Primorye occupies the most extreme part of southeast Russia. By land it borders with Khabarovsk Territory, China and North Korea, and in the east and south it is washed by the Sea of ​​Japan. The Primorsky Territory, in addition to the mainland, includes numerous islands.

Among all the diversity of ecotourism in Primorye, marine tourism is the most developed. This sea ​​cruises, leisure on the coast and islands, and, of course, diving. In addition, here you can do adventure, sports and hunting, fishing (amateur underwater fishing, fishing and photo hunting), recreational, as well as extreme (equestrian sports, caving, surfing, parachuting, paragliding, kiting, skiing, snowboard) tourism.

Large cities of the region are Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Artem, Arsenyev, Spassk-Dalniy, Partizansk, Dalnegorsk, Lesozavodsk, Bolshoi Kamen, Dalnerechensk, Fokino.

Population - about 2.1 million people. Time difference with Moscow: 7 hours ahead of Moscow.

Weather in Primorsky Krai

Winter in Primorsky Krai is long, with low temperatures. In central and northern regions in the region lasts 4-5 months, in the southwest 3-3.5 months. The weather in winter is mostly clear and sunny. The first snow appears on the peaks of Sikhote-Alin already in early October. average temperature January from +12.5 °C to -23.9 °C.

Spring in Primorye is cold and lasts 2-3 months. The average temperature in April is +3...+5 °C. Frosts in the foothills and mountains of Sikhote-Alin may last until mid-June, and on the Khanka Plain - until the first half of May.

Summer is warm, and in areas far from the sea it is even hot, but damp. The warmest month in continental areas is July, on the coast - August. Autumn is warm and dry. The air temperature drops slowly. The heat lasts especially long in coastal areas, where autumn is the most best time of the year.

The Primorsky Territory has a number of specific climate features: monsoonal nature associated with frequent typhoons; high air humidity; big number days with strong winds and fogs; short duration of stable snow cover in the southern and foothill regions.

Tourist safety

In Primorye, blood-sucking insects are widespread, as well as carriers of a number of dangerous natural focal diseases.

In the bays and bays of the Sea of ​​Japan during the period swimming season Poisonous jellyfish (crossfish) often appear in large numbers.

Main resorts of Primorsky Krai

The best resort region of Primorye - South coast and the islands of Peter the Great Bay. This territory has optimal natural characteristics and picturesque landscapes. The banks are heavily indented, but there are many wide sandy beaches and forest areas on adjacent terraces and slopes.

Excellent places for tourism and recreation are located in the foothill areas of the right-bank tributaries of the Ussuri, the central and northern parts of the Sikhote-Alin. Ancient extinct volcanoes are also of constant interest, especially the Baranovsky volcano (Razdolnaya River) and the volcanoes located on Cape Povorotny and Cape Olympiada.

Primorsky Krai also has unique opportunities for organizing medical and health-improving types of tourism.

Primorsky Krai also has unique opportunities for organizing medical and health-improving types of tourism. There is not just an impressive supply of natural healing and health resources, rich deposits of mineral waters and therapeutic mud, but also unique sources, which have no analogues anywhere else in the world.

There are more than 3 thousand lakes in the Primorsky Territory. Khanka is the largest. There are also several small lakes with an area of ​​0.2 to 3.3 square meters. km are located in the south of the region, in the Khasansky district. This is also where salt lake Talmi.

Guides in Primorsky Krai

Entertainment and attractions

On the territory of Primorye there are more than 2 thousand archaeological and historical monuments having great cultural significance. About 900 of them date back to the era of the primitive communal system (Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic settlements) and the Middle Ages (the first state formations - the Bohai and Jurchen states).

There are more than 2 thousand archaeological and historical monuments on the territory of Primorye.

Interesting areas of the Posyet Bay basin (about 120 monuments), the vicinity of the village. Chernigovka (about 180 monuments), as well as the valley of the Razdolnaya River, the upper reaches of the Ussuri, the Ilistaya River basin, and certain sections of the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan.

Hunting in Primorsky Krai

Here they hunt elk, wapiti, wild boar, roe deer, sika deer, brown bear; of small animals - brown hare, white hare, Manchurian hare, badger, fox; from field game - pheasant; from waterfowl - geese, ducks and waders. In addition, there is commercial hunting for fur-bearing animals - wolf, sable, squirrel, mink, otter, raccoon dog and muskrat.

The greatest interest is in hunting for male red deer during the roar and on salt licks. The most productive lands are located in Chuguevsky, Olginsky, Krasnoarmeysky, Terneysky and Pozharsky districts. Hunting for roe deer opens only in the autumn-winter period.

The greatest interest is in hunting for male red deer during the roar and on salt licks.

In addition, the largest subspecies of wild boar lives in the Primorsky Territory. Approach hunting is often done in feeding areas, as well as very exciting hunting with dogs. Wild boar habitats: Anuchinsky, Partizansky, Lazovsky, Olginsky, Chuguevsky, Krasnoarmeysky and Pozharsky districts.

Sika deer are searched for in the Khasansky, Nadezhdinsky, Ussuriysky and Shkotovsky districts. The elk lives only in remote and hard-to-reach places in the Krasnoarmeysky, Pozharsky and Terneysky districts.

The brown bear's habitat includes the territories of Anuchinsky, Chuguevsky, Olginsky, Dalnerechensky, Krasnoarmeysky, Terneysky and Pozharsky districts. Of the traditional types of bear hunting, hunting from the approach and in dens is considered the most successful.

Waterfowl hunting is open for only 10 days in the spring and for 2 months in the fall. Pheasant hunting - in the fall for 20 days.

Fishing in Primorsky Krai

In terms of fish species diversity, the Sea of ​​Japan ranks first among all Russian seas: there are about 900 species, of which 179 are commercial. There are up to 100 species of fish in lakes and rivers.

Traditionally, marine fish are caught: smelt, rudd, cod, navaga, brown greenling, flounder, and Pacific herring. In the Khasansky region, in the shallow sea waters, rudd, greenling, and flounder are well caught, and in small mountain streams and rivulets - lenok, dolly malma, kunja, parsley, minnow, crucian carp, and snakehead.

There is also a good catch in the Kavalerovsky and Olginsky districts: flounder, nelma, cod, greenling, herring, smelt, grayling, lenok, sawngas, taimen, masu, pink salmon, chum salmon, parsley, dolly malma, kunja, navaga, char, rudd, crucian carp, pike , catfish And in the Shkotovsky district: Dolly Varden, pestle, lenok, minnow, gudgeon.

In the Lesozavodsk and Kirov regions, crucian carp, pike, grayling, carp, lenok, and taimen are common. In the rivers and lakes of the Pozharsky, Krasnoarmeysky and Dalnerechensky districts, grayling, lenok, taimen, carp, pike, catfish, burbot, guar, and crucian carp bite well. In the Khanka basin there are pike perch, yellowjacket, Chinese perch, crucian carp, topgazer, catfish, killer whale, carp, pike, grayling, lenok, taimen, and Dolly Varden.

The most widespread, especially in southern Primorye, and the longest-lasting activity is ice fishing. It runs from late November to early April. On the first ice, fish are caught at river mouths and in shallow water in sea bays.

The most popular places fishing in the Peter the Great Gulf: Posiet, Slavyansky, Amursky, Sukhodol bays and the bays of the Russky and Popov islands, as well as Muravyinaya Bay of the Ussuri Bay.


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