When is it cheaper to go to the sea? Budget holidays at sea, inexpensive trips, where to go in Russia and abroad, search for cheap tours. When is the best time to go to the sea?

This year, the issue of inexpensive holidays is more pressing than ever - the depreciating ruble exchange rate was caught up with the economic recession and the closure of traditionally cheap Egypt and Turkey. And now, when prices for everything have doubled on average, the desire of Russians to save money on vacation is quite understandable. Many, according to surveys by sociologists, decided not to rest at all, spending their legal vacation in the garden. For those who cannot imagine their summer without the sea, even in the most difficult economic situation, we are publishing a selection of destinations that claim to be popular this summer.

For price analysis, we used the service to take a tour for two in the very middle of summer - from July 10 to July 20 or dates close to these dates. We look for air tickets on the Aviasale s website; the cost is indicated per person, in case of a serious difference between the capital and resort town We indicate both price options. In this case, of course, it is recommended to fly to the city with a cheaper flight (as a rule, such options are available in capitals or large economic centers with high traffic), arrange an excursion program and then move towards the sea by local transport.


Of course, closing Turkey and Egypt is beneficial Russian resorts, and Crimea has not disappeared from the news agenda for the last couple of years. The desire of Russians to look at the territory annexed to Russia, the absence of a language barrier, flights from many Russian cities, competition in the field of air travel and reasonable tariffs, the availability of train and bus services - these are the factors that explain the predicted popularity of Crimea this season.

The cheapness is explained not only by the possibility of ground transportation and not very expensive air transport - Russians are attracted by the opportunity to rent a house or apartment from private owners, the cost in this case will actually be significantly lower than when staying in a hotel. But the service is also a plus, plus the “pig in a poke” factor. However, according to the assurances of Crimean hoteliers, they promise to keep prices at an affordable level.

There is some skepticism: many note that hotels of the same level as in Turkey will cost much more in Crimea than they cost on the coast Mediterranean Sea, and flights cannot be compared in cost to the price of charters in a tour package to Turkey. Now, due to the new dollar exchange rate and the inability to find out potential prices for a full package of tourist services in Turkey, it is difficult to say anything definite in this regard, so we can only compare Crimea with the Krasnodar Territory and European resorts.

  • Flight Moscow - Simferopol for July 10 - 20, 2020: from RUB 13,780.
  • Tour to Crimea

Sochi and Abkhazia

This, one might say, is a classic holiday in the south of Russia. Only this year it is even more in demand due to the closure of Turkey and Egypt. Plus all the same advantages listed above about Crimea, only getting there is even more convenient and cheaper. For example, if you travel by land, you don’t need to transfer from the train to the ferry, and then to the bus. Flights from different cities Russia are fulfilled different airlines, which gives a large selection of both dates and prices.

Sochi, Adler, Gelendzhik and other resorts Krasnodar region In addition to the sea and beaches, they also have a decent range of attractions that will appeal to history buffs. You can also go to neighboring Abkhazia, where there is a lot of interesting things, and the country is not deprived of good beaches. We did not describe Abkhazia separately precisely because you can only get there through transport node Sochi - Adler. Next - by train to Sukhum or by bus to other places in the country. Read more in this tip.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Sochi for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Sochi from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: from RUB 30,000. for two.
  • Tour to Abkhazia from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: from 29,000 for two.


Speaking about the Black Sea, one cannot help but recall Georgia. A beautiful, inexpensive and close country, with an amazing history, and also very convenient in terms of logistics. You can either fly by plane from Moscow or take a “Komet” from Sochi by sea. You can also get there from Vladikavkaz by your own car. Prices within the country, as already mentioned, are quite reasonable, no visa is needed, and Georgian cuisine is a full-fledged attraction and cultural heritage of Georgia!

  • Flight cost Moscow - Tbilisi for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Flight cost Moscow - Batumi for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Georgia from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: from RUB 38,000. for two.


The obvious advantages of a holiday in Bulgaria include the following: close and inexpensive flights, simpler (compared to Schengen) visa rules, domestic prices are lower, and the hotel base is cheaper than Western European countries. Here you can add a loyal attitude towards Russians, good climate and a huge number of ancient attractions - in terms of the number of different monuments from Roman times, Bulgaria is in third place in Europe. Well, the beaches in Bulgaria are perhaps the best on the Black Sea.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Varna for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Bulgaria


This country, even with “allowed” Turkey, encroached on a piece of the tourism pie, and not without success - increasing the volume Russian tourists year to year. This was facilitated by the fastest issuance of visas in the Schengen area (in the summer it usually took 3 days) and low prices within the country compared to the rest of Europe. Well, there is no point in talking about the wealth of Greece - as the classic wrote, “there is everything” there. Against the backdrop of the absence of Turkey on the agenda, Greece’s position should strengthen even more, unless, of course, Crimea and Sochi pull the blanket over themselves. To the undoubted advantages of the country we add a large selection of islands and resorts, close flights and amazing local cuisine.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Thessaloniki for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Greece from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: RUB 38,000. for two.


This island, especially its southern part, is in many ways similar to Greece, but with one important difference - you do not need a visa. More precisely, it is electronic and is completed entirely via the Internet. An island with a centuries-old history and stunning white sand lagoons can be quite inexpensive if you take a tour package with a charter flight, or if you use our tips for planning your own trip. Northern Cyprus also interesting, but this is Turkish territory and logistics will be more difficult, although you can always get there through southern part. Tourists usually rent a car and go explore the north on their own, or use the services of guides.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Larnaca for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Cyprus from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: from RUB 43,000. for two.


The only one on this moment The “substitute” of Egypt offers everything the same as its “big brother”: a warm sea, resort-type hotels with everything you need, a lot of water activities, Arabian flavor, hot sun and an excursion program. True, it is poorer than the Egyptian one, but Carthage, the Sahara and the troglodyte caves will not leave you indifferent. The Mediterranean Sea here, although warm, is slightly cooler than the Red Sea, but undersea world does not shine with such diversity as in the Country of the Pyramids. In any case, Tunisia has its trump cards at a fairly attractive price.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Monastir for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Tunisia from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: RUB 45,000. for two.


Among the beach Western Europe Italy has long been No. 1 in terms of the number of tourists from Russia. Despite the huge selection of beaches (Italy is washed by seas on all sides except the Alps), tourists for the most part go to Rimini. But, in addition to the rest of the coastal territory, there is also magnificent islands Sicily and Sardinia. But interest in Rimini is often dictated by a simple calculation: there are a huge number of hotels, including budget ones, and tour operators place charters in this city with wide beaches. In addition, one of the largest amusement parks for children and the duty-free shopping state of San Marino for mothers are nearby.

If we take other parts of Italy, the price tag will no longer be so humane, but the country can boast of quite moderate prices for food and transport compared to other Western European countries. More expensive than in Greece, but clearly cheaper than in the Benelux countries and Scandinavia. In addition, in terms of attractions per square meter, Italy confidently leaves behind all other countries in the world, and you can even pay extra for this.

  • Flight cost Moscow - Rimini for July 10 - 20, 2020: .
  • Tour to Italy from July 10 to July 20, 2020 on the Travelata website: RUB 52,000. for two.


Spain can hardly be called a close destination - it takes longer to fly from Russia than to any other European country except Portugal. But the country has a large number of beaches and hotels, and the demand for tours to Spain has been consistently high for many years; many have even acquired real estate in this sunny and cheerful country, where some kind of holiday takes place every day.

The euro exchange rate, as in the case of Italy, is a fly in the ointment, but the price level in the country is quite humane, approximately the same as in Italy, or even lower. As a plus, let’s add the warmest sea among the European Mediterranean, the atmosphere of constant celebration and many festivals, and beautiful architecture. Reasonable prices for tour packages apply only to tours around Barcelona, ​​where flights arrive from Russian cities, but this is where a huge number of attractions are concentrated - Catalonia is very rich in them. The rest of Spain is no less interesting, but already goes beyond the scope of a budget tour, although you can design a trip very inexpensively, we even released

Over the course of several years, we have visited many countries and cities in Europe and are not going to stop there!

✔ May 2014 - Montenegro (Kotor, Perast, Budva, Herceg Novi)
✔ 2014 July - Türkiye Kemer)
✔ 2015 January - Helsinki
✔ January 2015 - Prague
✔ 2015 July - Helsinki
✔ 2015 July - Rome
✔ 2015 July - Croatia (Dubrovnik)
✔ 2015 September-October - Montenegro (Kotor, Budva, Petrovac, Bar, Ulcinj)
✔ 2015 September-October - Croatia (Split, Trogir, Bol, Dubrovnik)
✔ 2016 February - Budapest
✔ 2016 February - Venice
✔ 2016 February - Rome
✔ 2016 July - Prague
✔ 2016 July - Munich
✔ 2016 July - Schwangau
✔ 2016 July - Barcelona
✔ 2016 July - Calella
✔ September 2016 - Montenegro
✔ 2017 January - Budapest
✔ 2017 January - Porto
✔ June 2017 - Amsterdam
✔ 2017 July - Paris
✔ 2017 July - Montenegro (Budva)
✔ 2017 July - Croatia (Dubrovnik)
✔ March 2018 - Prague
✔ March 2018 - Czech krumlov
✔ March 2018 - Karlovy Vary
✔ March 2018 - Riga
✔ 2018 July - Madrid
✔ 2018 July - Lisbon, Sintra, Cascais
✔ 2018 July - Porto
✔ 2018 July - Barcelona
✔ January 2019 - Tallinn
✔ 2019 July - Türkiye (Alanya)

1. Prague, Czech Republic)

We visited here for the first time on New Year's holidays in 2015. We visited again in the summer of 2016 and spring of 2018.

The main advantages of Prague are, firstly, accessibility (there are daily flights from Moscow and St. Petersburg for 6-7 thousand rubles) and budget (prices correspond to Russian ones, and for some cost categories they are even lower). Secondly, in addition to huge amount sights of Prague itself, in its surroundings and neighboring cities there is also a lot of interesting things.

  • Prices in Prague

2. Montenegro

We discovered this country in May 2014, when it was just gaining popularity among our compatriots. Since then we have visited it several times, both at the height of summer and at the Velvet season. Last visit - July 2017. We traveled the entire coast of the country, from Herceg Novi to Ulcinj, in different companies(with friends or with children) and without undue modesty we can assure you that we have penetrated into almost all aspects of the holiday here :)

  • Cities and resorts of Montenegro
  • Beaches of Montenegro
  • All about Montenegro for tourists

3. Budapest

In February 2016 we decided to visit Budapest and were very pleased. We went to the capital of Hungary again in January 2017.

  • 10 things to do in Budapest
  • Budapest route for 1 day + map

4. Rome

We’ve been to Rome twice and only briefly, so we don’t have a lot of material on this topic, but we can still tell you about the main nuances of the trip. In addition to Rome, we also spent several days in Venice.

5. Croatia

We have been to Croatia, as well as Montenegro, more than once. We stopped three times at the main resort of the country - Dubrovnik, spent several days in Split and took a short trip along the coast. Are you ready to answer the burning question: Where is it better to relax - Montenegro or Croatia?

6. Barcelona, ​​Catalonia

In the summer of 2016 we went to Spain and spent several days in the wonderful city of Barcelona. After that we went to the Catalan coast, the small town of Calella, where we arranged a week-long resort holiday :)

We visited Barcelona again in the summer of 2018.

  • Walking routes in Barcelona
  • Barcelona on your own: step-by-step trip organization

7. Munich

  • Where to go from Munich
  • Top 10 attractions in Munich

8. Amsterdam (Netherlands)

In the summer of 2017 we went to Amsterdam. This city left us an unforgettable impression and became one of our favorites among those we visited. As an experiment, we decided to make a separate guide site for Amsterdam.

9. Paris (France)

After Amsterdam, Paris awaited us, which left us with rather contradictory impressions. Currently, work is underway on a guide to the capital of France, information will be updated gradually.

10. Portugal

In February 2017, I visited Porto for the first time. The city became a real discovery for us. In the summer of 2018 we revisited Porto, as well as Lisbon and its surroundings. Currently, work is underway on a separate travel guide website for Portugal.

11. Helsinki (Finland)

As advocates of smart consumption, we often try to budget wisely for our travels, which is why we have repeatedly used Helsinki Airport as a starting point. During all this time, we have managed to get to know this city quite closely and we are ready to give some useful advice.

There are really a lot of places in the world where you can relax inexpensively at any time of the year. Choosing a country for a budget holiday is especially important in times of crisis, when many people have to tighten their belts.

However, traditional tourist destinations, like Turkey and Egypt, are starting to get boring. That is why we decided to create a rating for you, where we present best countries for a budget holiday, where you can “cheaply” but tastefully bask on the beach, explore another culture and see many sights.

So, let's go!

10. India

A distinctive feature of tourism in India is the fairly strong contrast between the standard of living in different parts of the country: from very rich to, so to speak, miserable. This gives complete financial freedom in terms of choosing a holiday.

Based on this, you should choose less populated cities, because the price level in India is directly proportional to the number of inhabitants in locality. Choosing small towns or resorts, you can only 300-400 dollars to rent housing and eat for 2 weeks!

India is a country with very rich cultural heritage, so there will be no problems with organizing leisure time. There are a large number of tourists at their disposal historical monuments, nature reserves, religious institutions, museums, etc. In addition to this, delicious and cheap food, a developed transport network, beautiful beaches and friendly people.

The disadvantages of holidays in India include the presence of an unpleasant smell and garbage in some places. And remember! Don't hurt cows in India ;)

9. Vietnam

Vietnam is located next to China, Laos and Cambodia and is one of the cheapest holiday destinations in Southeast Asia. Indeed, prices for food, accommodation and travel in public transport less than in European and Mediterranean resorts by 2-3 times!

In addition, at a low price in Vietnam you can get diving lessons, explore National parks And temple complexes. The only negative, which most tourists note, is a long and quite expensive flight.

8. Costa Rica

The small country of Costa Rica, which is lost between continents, is considered one of the most beautiful places on earth and attracts tourists with its luxurious beaches, beautiful landscapes and affordable living.

Vacationers often note unique nature Costa Rica with its rare animals and beautiful waterfalls, as well as its location between two oceans washing the country's shores.

Additional incentives for visiting Costa Rica are: low prices for housing and food. For example, You can rent a good apartment in the capital of the country for $200 a month. Food at local markets is cheap, so food costs no more than $100 per month. More sophisticated tourists can dine in numerous restaurants and cafes, where the average bill varies from 3 to 8 dollars.

The only disadvantages of traveling to Costa Rica are the long flight and a significant time difference.

7. Laos

Many tourists associate Laos with Thailand, which is located next door to this country. Indeed, the Lao People's Democratic Republic is very similar to Tai, only a little simpler and poorer.

Traditionally, Laos is considered a land of adventure, because... people come here for new experiences that can be obtained for a very reasonable price. For example, for a 30-day vacation with accommodation and meals you will pay no more than $300. And there’s really nowhere to spend money in Laos; there are practically no large stores, and on the shelves of small ones there are mainly local fruits and vegetables.

A distinctive feature of Laos is the presence of a huge number of temples and monks that are scattered throughout the country. Vacationers in Laos also note the calm and measured rhythm of the country; even there is no active traffic on the roads. Most of the resorts are small villages with quiet and clean beaches and green oases.

The disadvantages of Laos include not very good transport infrastructure and lack of nightlife in small resorts.

6. Thailand

Thailand is often called "land of a thousand smiles", which was largely due to the hospitality of the Thais. That is why millions of tourists from all over the world come here to relax, and some of them even move to permanent residence.

Mild climate, good beaches, delicious spicy food and low prices housing costs are determined by the fact that many freelancers, poker players, and remote workers who are not tied to their place of residence come to this country. They often choose Thailand as their “wintering” place. It is worth noting that behind For $200 you can rent a small house for a whole month, while spending $100-150 on food.

Tourists often cite the disadvantages of Thailand as the presence of transvestites, gay people, as well as the pollution of some areas (mainly large cities).

Useful advice for smokers in Thailand: take cigarettes with you from home; in Thailand they are very expensive and of poor quality.

5. Bulgaria

Bulgaria is one of the few European countries that can offer tourists high quality and inexpensive holiday by the sea. Due to the similarity of the Bulgarian language, this place attracts quite a lot of Russian-speaking tourists. Therefore, sometimes you can find signs and other information in Russian, especially since most Bulgarians understand it.

Bulgaria attracts many people due to inexpensive and short flights, well-maintained beaches, delicious food, and clean sea . The advantages also include absolute safety, because... Bulgarians are a peace-loving people and the local population very rarely exhibits aggressive behavior.

Prices in Bulgaria, of course, are slightly higher than at resorts in the Asian region, but are at a low level among European ones, while having high quality of service. A standard trip with a 10-day stay will cost you approximately 700 euros (2 people, 4* hotel).

It is worth noting that Bulgaria is excellent for holidays with children, especially since children’s trips to this country are usually subject to discounts. There are also health resorts in Bulgaria.

4. Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka provides all the services of a leisurely and relaxing holiday: calm ocean, clean beaches, diving, fishing, sightseeing tours and much more.

Many tourists enjoy the kind and hospitable local people of Sri Lanka, cheap fruits and seafood, and beautiful nature. When choosing housing worth paying attention to beach hotels , rooms in which are several times cheaper than usual. For example, for $200-300 you can stay for a whole month.

In order not to ruin your vacation, experienced vacationers recommend washing fruits thoroughly, boiling water, and also, when visiting the jungle, get vaccinated first and take anti-malarial tablets. The disadvantages of a holiday in Sri Lanka usually include only a long flight and expensive alcohol and cigarettes.

3. Türkiye

Türkiye is a favorite destination for Russian-speaking tourists, because... it is this country that has become synonymous quality but inexpensive holiday. But if you look at Turkey through the prism of history, you can see the successor to the great empires of the past with a rich cultural heritage.

However, despite this, by and large, Türkiye attracts tourists thanks to beautiful landscapes, good hotels, inexpensive food, high quality service. Holidays in Turkey include a full range of tourism services, from excursions to historical sights to active recreation.

Tourists cite only excessive intrusiveness as the disadvantage of holidaying in Turkey. local residents and traders.

2. Indonesia

Indonesia is the largest island state in the world, which every year becomes more attractive in the eyes of tourists. Mild climate, untouched nature, beautiful landscapes and beaches with snow-white sand - this is what Indonesia attracts lovers of exotic and active rest from all over the planet.

Every person there will be able to find entertainment to their taste: diving centers, surfing grounds, hiking in the mountains, yacht trips, nightclubs, safaris, excursions, etc. Prices may pleasantly surprise you, for example, average price lunch in a cafe varies from 2 to 8 euros. With the right budget, a month's holiday in Indonesia can cost 500 euros including accommodation and food.

Tourists often cite the disadvantages of traveling to Indonesia as long flights and difficult relationships with local aborigines.

1. Cambodia

Indigenous people of Cambodia - heirs ancient civilization, which survived the horrors of colonization, genocide and violence. But today Cambodia is considered one of the most promising tourist countries in the Southeast region of Asia.

Thanks to the historical past in Cambodia, many historical monuments, burial places, and temples have been preserved. In addition to architectural attractions in Cambodia, you can admire untouched natural landscapes, go to mountain walking, and also soak up the white sandy beaches . Low prices for housing and food are also considered an undoubted advantage of Cambodia. In particular, for 50-70 dollars You can rent a cozy apartment for a whole month.

Disadvantages include not very good transport infrastructure and poor condition of drinking water.

Everyone wants to relax by the sea at least once in their life, but the cost of such a vacation often scares people away - with such prices it is sometimes difficult to relax alone, not to mention a family vacation with children. However, there are some tricks and inexpensive resorts that will allow you to save on your beach holiday.


If you decide that you will not leave Russia, then the costs will consist of a number of points:

· Intermediary services, which can amount to 20% or more of the cost of the trip. To save money, it would be better to eliminate this expense item completely and go on a trip on your own, rather than through a travel agency;

· Road. To save money, you can hitchhike, also one of budget options is the bus or econom-class train on the train;

· Accommodation. You can save a lot by booking houses at a recreation center directly via the Internet, without any intermediaries. Of course, the living conditions will be worse than in a hotel, but you can save up to 40% of the cost of living. It is also convenient, especially when holidaying in Russia, to rent a house or room in the private sector - it can cost even less, and the conditions will be truly homely. The cost of living in the private sector in some places is only 250 rubles per day per person;

· Nutrition. You can save money here only if you can cook on your own - for example, if you are staying in a private house;

· Entertainment. Here the savings depend only on the vacationers themselves, but it is worth remembering that entertainment at large resorts and expensive beaches costs an order of magnitude more. Before booking a tour, it’s also worth looking through several offers and comparing prices;

· Treatment. If you do not go to the sea specifically for this, then this item of expense may bypass you - the main thing is to carefully follow all recommendations for vacation.

There are many inexpensive resorts V Krasnodar region: Anapa, Vityazevo, Gelendzhik, Adler, Lazarevskoye, Tuapse, etc. By the way, the most cheap holiday when living in the private sector and in very comfortable conditions - in Abkhazia, at the resorts of Tsandripsh, Pitsunda, New Athos, Sukhum, Gagra and Gudauta.

Last minute trips abroad

The leader in discounts and affordable last minute tours remains Vietnam, although just a couple of years ago, the first place was taken by another tourist “Mecca” of Asia - Thailand. The advantage of a friendly country is that the Vietnamese climate allows you to relax at sea almost all year round - even during the rainy season, the beaches of Nha Trang or Mui Ne are always filled with guests.

Actually Thailand, despite some increase in price due to the crisis, continues to remain among the most inexpensive resort areas for a beach holiday. Phuket, Koh Samui and Pattaya throughout beach season offer last minute tours at discounted prices especially for Russian tour operators. In addition, you can always choose low season.

Phuket, Thailand

Tours to Goa They are consistently popular among Russians, despite unpredictable price dynamics. From November to May, discounts on tours to this Indian state are possible, but to get them you need luck and the ability to correctly track the timing of discounts.

The cheapest place to fly is to Egypt in winter - it is at this time that there are maximum discounts on accommodation, as well as quite bearable weather, without extreme temperatures and the risk of sunstroke or heatstroke. The same can be said about United Arab Emirates , although tours to this destination will be somewhat more expensive.

Cheap tours V Tunisia in the summer it is simply impossible to find, but closer to November it is quite possible. Extreme temperatures in this small African country recede by October, but significant discounts on travel packages consistently occur in late autumn.

Here are the tickets to Turkey It is best to purchase in mid-September, when the Mediterranean resorts mark their signature velvet season. Of course, some hotels continue to speculate on prices, seeing interest among tourists, but it is quite possible to find inexpensive offers.

An option for those who do not want to choose the “mainstream” can be last-minute tours to Israel. Russians here are issued a visa upon arrival, so the entire cost of the tour will depend only on the flight and choice of hotel. The peculiarity of Israeli tours is that, in addition to beach Eilat You can organize a full-fledged pilgrimage to Christian shrines.

For many tourists it is still a discovery that tours to China They can also be worn exclusively in a beach format. The leader in such tours remains Hainan Island, but in last years in the south of its large Russian neighbor, many other resorts have appeared, focused on inexpensive and at the same time high-quality beach holidays.

Hainan, China

Rest as a savage

Traveling abroad without the help of a travel agency is a long and difficult undertaking, but the savings here are truly enormous. In this case, you will have to apply for a visa yourself and that’s it. necessary documents, book a hotel, buy tickets and develop a travel itinerary.

For housing at independent trip you can save a lot - just rent some a private house or cottage. Of course, this will require basic knowledge of at least English, but in the end you will spend much less than on a hotel.

You can also save on excursions - it will be enough to buy a guidebook or just look on the Internet where you should go and see all the sights on your own.

If you are going to any European country, then you can try hitchhiking - but remember that in this case a visa is also necessary, and traveling alone this way is somewhat dangerous.

If a savage holiday is not for you, and you prefer trips planned by professionals, then you can contact travel agencies in your city or get help in choosing a tour by calling 8-800-100-30-24. We will try to choose a tour to suit any budget, so that even an inexpensive vacation will be pleasant and interesting for you.

Evpatoria began its resort career with a focus on children a very long time ago, so today you can find a lot of entertainment for kids of all ages! A huge dolphinarium and amusement park with a tropical zoo, an original aquarium and water park, as well as a children's fairy-tale theater and an entertainment dino complex! All that remains is to add a calm, warm sea and comfortable, gently sloping beaches with pleasant soft sand, as if specially created for kids.

Even more ideas for children's recreation close to home, look in .


Modern Sochi is the southern capital of Russia with a lot of all-season entertainment. Olympic venues and interactive museums, several water and amusement parks, as well as a real racing track, an extreme skypark and a family ropes course. Nature lovers will have their own adventures: hiking in the mountains, among gorges and waterfalls, and excursions to vineyards and tea plantations. And when it’s time to relax in the summer at sea, Sochi turns into main city countries. Tourists are attracted by about a hundred local beaches, which, by the way, are mostly pebble, but the water here is even cleaner than on the sandy coast.

Compose full list A “must visit” to Sochi and the surrounding area will be helped by our material about.


Whatever the ill-wishers say, Anapa was and remains one of the most developed resorts in the country, which can boast best beaches throughout the northern Black Sea region! People also come here to improve their health or simply enjoy SPA in local water and mud baths. And what a colorful vacation it turns out to be, thanks to the mixture of Caucasian and Kuban traditions, cultures and, of course, cuisines! Don't forget to try the juicy kebab, different types fish and seafood, order baklava or churchkhela for dessert, and “drench” this entire belly celebration with traditional Kuban wines.


Even if you don’t have a “wonderful man,” this is not a reason to refuse a trip to Gelendzhik! Maybe that's where you'll find him? Who knows... But you will definitely find a whole assortment of beaches, from well-maintained sandy and pebble beaches to completely wild rocky ones. However, Gelendzhik is not only a seaside resort, but also a sanatorium resort, where they use mineral water And healing mud. In between relaxation and procedures, it is pleasant to stroll along the picturesque city embankment, enjoy communication with animals in the safari park, go to air travel By cable car and visit one of the largest water parks in the country.


The Riga seaside is a tempting option for those who don’t know where to go on vacation in the summer so that it doesn’t get too hot. The once bohemian resort is now more accessible to “mere mortals”, but it still lacks charm and nobility! After enjoying the endless beaches with fine sand, go on a date with the capital Riga. Explore the history and architecture of the city while wandering the cobblestone streets or enjoying the magnificent panorama from the bell tower of the Dome Cathedral. And closer to night, go on a “binge” in numerous bars and nightclubs, where the best European and local DJs perform. Most importantly, do not forget to apply for a visa to visit Latvia in advance!


Here the mild climate is combined with a gentle shallow sea, the beautiful sandy beach stretches for many kilometers, and it is framed by a huge green Park, a favorite place for residents and guests of the city. What else is needed for comfortable rest with kids? Oh yes, entertainment! At your service in Burgas is an amusement park and a children's workshop, a mini-zoo and playgrounds, and in July-August an international sand sculpture festival is held here. Even more interesting things can be found in the vicinity of the city - the traditional Bulgarian village of Bata, a water park in Pomorie and a zoological park in Aytos. By the way, to visit Bulgaria you need to obtain the appropriate visa.


What association do you have with the words “beach holiday”? We bet that one of them is Antalya, the most popular destination, where to go to the sea in the summer without a visa! The main thing is not limited to all inclusive! Explore the city itself, because its history began not with the construction of hotels, but much earlier - more than 2000 years ago. Go shopping in colorful bazaars, craft shops and shopping centers. And for relaxation, go to the countless beaches of Antalya: party and youth beaches, where life does not stop for a minute, or quiet and secluded ones, which are more suitable for family vacation with kids.


Andalusia is a real mixture of cultures, styles and eras, so people come to Malaga not only for resort holiday, it’s hard to sit still here… or rather “lay down”! When spread out nearby old City with an Arab fortress, an ancient Roman theater and buildings in Art Nouveau and Baroque styles, there is no time for a beautiful tan! And if you remember such pearls as Granada and Seville, your feet will carry you to the station. Still, the beaches of Malaga are worthy of at least a week of your vacation. It is always clean, comfortable and fun, and the sea is ideal for those who like to swim at a depth that starts almost from the shore. The only inconvenience is the need for a visa.


This resort is always good, but it’s especially good to have a beach holiday here in July, when the sea has finally warmed up, and in the evenings you don’t need to take a jacket with you. Alicante is a universal place where all tourists will feel good: adults and children, young and old. The resort’s endless sandy beaches with all the necessary infrastructure are interspersed with secluded picturesque bays with a more rocky entrance to the sea. Lovers of beauty are surprised antique part Alicante, fashionistas are attracted by boutiques and shopping centers, gourmets are constantly tasting all kinds of tapas, and children frolic on the rides and in the safari park. In short, there are all kinds of entertainment here, but they are only available to holders of Schengen visas.

Find even more cool places in Spain in our guide.


A beach holiday in June sometimes frightens us with the cold sea and unstable weather, but this is definitely not about Sicily! Sunny Italian island opens swimming season one of the first in Europe. There are a lot of resorts here and they are all different - popular and secluded, with long beaches and cozy bays, with pebbles and sand, and the latter also differs in color - from snow-white and golden to black volcanic. However, throughout the entire island you will invariably encounter the hospitality of local residents, a lot of antiquities and beauty, excellent cuisine and... a romantic aura from stories about the mafia! But in order to see all this, it is important not to forget to apply for the appropriate visa.


If you really want to go to Italy, but your budget is limited, then Rimini is for you! This is the most democratic resort in the country, which also offers an excellent beach holiday with children. The sandy coast here stretches both in length and width, so there is enough space for everyone, and the gentle entrance to the water is perfect for kids. In addition, young tourists will find water parks, a dolphinarium, an amusement park and the “Italy in Miniature” attraction, where you can hug Leaning Tower of Pisa or look inside the Colosseum! And for adults, the resort has prepared the famous Italian shopping, a lot of excursions to antiquities and, of course, whole list gastro pleasures! Please note that a visa is required to travel to Italy.

Heraklion – Crete

A beach holiday in Europe is not a cheap pleasure, but Crete is trying to break this stereotype and, I must say, quite successfully! On the largest greek island you can find accommodation for almost any budget, from inexpensive guesthouses to luxurious 5-star hotels. But the sea, sun and many beaches here are free for all tourists. Crete (this is Greece, after all) has it all: quiet family resorts and fun youth parties, ancient sights and natural beauty, good diving, more better shopping, and what kind of cuisine is here...! In short, come and see and try everything for yourself, most importantly, don’t forget to get a visa!


Do not think that a small island is not able to offer its tourists a large palette resort entertainment! Lovers of antiquities will plunge into the color of ancient cities, explore monasteries and ancient ruins. Fans of natural attractions will find the Butterfly Valley and Seven Springs. Wind and kite surfers will definitely appreciate the efforts of the Rhodian winds in the west of the island. And if you prefer a calm sea, it’s better to go to East Coast. It’s also worth coming here with children, for whom the island has all the conditions: family hotels and a huge water park, rides and ostrich farm. So get your visa quickly and come to Rhodes!


If you are wondering where to go to the sea in the summer without a visa, then go to main resort Montenegro. Here you can find everything you want! Vibrant nightlife and sporty daytime, noisy Old city and secluded monasteries, long sandy beaches and pretty pebble bays, emerald hills and sheer cliffs, going into the depths of the sea. There is also a lot of entertainment for children here - a mini zoo, a water park, attractions, trampolines on the beaches and many playgrounds in the city.


There are many resorts in Cyprus, but it is Larnaca that combines two qualities - budget and beach holidays with children. There are inexpensive, cozy guesthouses and apartments, and the shallow sea with a smooth sandy bottom is ideal for those who are just learning to swim. In addition, there is an amusement park and a camel farm in the Larnaca area. Adult tourists will also never be bored: their entertainment program will include trips to the capital of the island and ascent to mountain monasteries, and closer to night it is worth going to neighboring Ayia Napa for an “excursion” to local bars and nightclubs. By the way, a simplified version will help you save even more on your trip. visa regime with Cyprus.


Don’t let the name of this resort confuse you; holidays here can be called democratic, just like throughout Cyprus. However, unlike typically beach places, people come to Paphos not only for the sea, but with a thirst to touch ancient history islands. Unique mosaics, royal tombs, an ancient theater are just some of its witnesses. Local beaches mostly covered with pebbles, so the water here is clean and transparent: it is not surprising that amid such beauty, Aphrodite decided to go ashore from the sea foam, and then had dates with Dionysus here! Come to Paphos too, especially since a simplified visa regime has been created for this.


Refined, luxurious and expensive - these are the epithets applied to the resort in Cote d'Azur. In Nice, you can have the best beach holiday in July, when the sea is already warm enough for swimming. During this same period, the city is enveloped in the amazing musical atmosphere of the Jazz Festival. Add a pinch of history here by strolling through the ancient quarters with colorful houses and pretty churches. A little bit of chic in the form of a promenade along the embankment surrounded by pompous buildings and no less pompous people. And you will get exactly what in France is called a truly aristocratic vacation! Oh yes, we almost forgot: you will need a visa to travel.

By the way, a holiday on the Cote d'Azur can be combined with!


Malta is the case when a beach holiday in the summer comes as a dessert, and the main course is still an excursion. In addition, the island successfully teaches English language, so the ideal Maltese holiday is calculated using the formula study + sea ​​holiday+ inspection of beauty. Despite the size of the archipelago, you barely have enough time for the last part. Cute Italian-style towns give way to delicious ones fishing villages with Arabic names, and high cliffs plunging into the sea adjacent to the Blue Lagoon of an unreal aquamarine color. There is also a cartoon village, many dive sites and still a couple of excellent beaches! And to see all this, you definitely need to get the appropriate visa.


Would you like to spice up your August beach holiday with oriental spices? If your answer is yes, then fly to Agadir! This month is the warmest here, though ocean water still invigorating. And if this stops anyone, it’s certainly not surfers. However, athletes are not the only tourists in these parts. It's good to indulge here lazy rest on giant sandy beaches, explore the surrounding area during horseback riding and hone your bargaining skills in oriental bazaars. In addition, Agadir is an excellent starting point for traveling around southern Morocco. And it’s also very convenient that you don’t need a visa to travel here.

Tel Aviv

Israel is a great option for a beach holiday in June, for which you don’t even need a visa! In order not to limit yourself to sweet idleness, we recommend that you stay in Tel Aviv. Despite the urban format, the local beach has such parameters that many Mediterranean resorts will envy it! And outside the lounger and umbrella, there are plenty of exciting activities awaiting you. A walk through the labyrinth of streets of old Jaffa, tastings and gastro-shopping at the bustling Carmel market, meeting four-legged Israelis in the safari park and going crazy night life cities. In addition, the size of the country itself seems to scream: do not limit yourself beach holiday and go travel! And ours will help you with this.


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