A story about heaven on earth or the most amazing place in Greece - Kassandra on the Chalkidiki peninsula. Kassandra Peninsula in Halkidiki: parties, beaches and excursions Greece Kassandra what a sea

Dias is a wonderful restaurant located in a picturesque corner of nature - on the outskirts of the village of Kassandra. The establishment is located in a well-kept green garden, from which magnificent sea views open up. You will find a huge selection of dishes on the menu here. Greek cuisine, the fish is cooked just perfectly, but the side dish is basically simple and the same. Homemade wine, which has a slightly tart taste and delicate aroma, is very popular among tourists. Service in the restaurant takes place at top level, the portions are large and filling, and the prices are pleasantly surprising. Some tables are located on the very edge of the cliff, from where a magnificent panorama of the village opens. You can pay the bill either in cash or by credit card.

The signature dishes of "Dias" are "Ladeniya" - a delicious huge pizza with mussels and shrimp, "Revifya" - creamy chickpea soup, and also guvetsi - baked meat with pasta. This restaurant is perfect for romantic dates and relaxing family vacation. Here you can not only eat deliciously, but also relax, forgetting for a while about the bustle of everyday life.

Coordinates: 40.07556300,23.44757500

Afitos village

Afitos is a traditional historical village with impressive architecture. Here you will find cobbled streets, fountains, houses and historical temples. This is a magnificent place with wonderful vegetation and great monuments of Neolithic history. Its first name is Afitis.

In ancient times, Afitis had its own currency and was a member of the Athenian competitions. Scientists learned about this from excavations of the famous temple of Zeus in Kallithea, as well as the sanctuary of Dionysus.

Among the local attractions, it is worth noting the Church of St. Demetrius, located in the central square, with a dome built in 1858, the restored Katsanis mansion and the house of the artist Parali. Also pleasing to the eye is an exhibition of works by the famous sculptor Pavlis.

This historical village was destroyed in 1821 by the Turks and almost immediately rebuilt. This is a wonderful place to relax with the whole family.

Coordinates: 40.09843400,23.43636700

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Kallithea village

The word “Kalithea” can be replaced with the synonym “holiday in Greece” or “Kassandra, Chalkidiki”. Kassandra is the most densely populated place in Halkidiki; almost all villages are crowded with tourists summer time. However, it should be noted that there are also dense, quiet forests here, where only a tourist who knows the way can get there.

The village of Kallithea is located on east coast Cassandra. In good and clear weather, the top of Mount Athos is clearly visible.

In 1925, the modern village of Kallithea was built by the Greeks. Before these times, the lands were the property of Russian monks from the monastery of St. Panteleimon.

Like everywhere else in Greece, Kallithea has archaeological sites. The main one is the remains ancient temple Ammon Zeus, located right by the sea. This temple was discovered during an attempt to build a hotel. During subsequent excavations, other very interesting discoveries were made.

Coordinates: 37.95575200,23.69868100

The small town of Kallithea is now widely known for its magnificent beaches and noisy discos, but it was once a place of religious pilgrimage. Believers came here to worship the god Zeus-Ammon.

The temple was discovered completely by accident in 1969. While building a new hotel on the seashore, builders came across the remains of ancient walls. Unfortunately, part of the sanctuary was irretrievably lost, but what was preserved allowed archaeologists to reconstruct the history of the temple. Apparently, the worship of Zeus-Ammon began when the Greeks from the city of Cyrene (modern Libya) visited the shrine of Ammon, the Egyptian oracle god, in the oasis of Siwa, lost in the Libyan desert.

The Temple of Zeus-Ammon, located near the sea, had six Doric columns on its transverse sides and eleven on its longitudinal sides. Judging by the proportions of the entire structure, the temple was built in the 4th century BC. e. The main building material was local limestone, and the entire surface was covered with a layer of white marble. The roof was made of relief clay tiles. From the few surviving architectural elements one can judge the greatness of the ancient building.

Today the territory of the sanctuary is accessible to visitors. The ruins of the Temple of Zeus-Ammon are attractive, first of all, for their considerable age, which deserves our respect.

Coordinates: 40.07716300,23.44857100

Archaeological Reserve of Olynthos

Olynthos is one of the oldest cities on the Chalkidiki peninsula, giving you the opportunity to see first-hand the principle of structure and planning of Greek settlements that arose before the advent of our era.

The ancient city arose on the plain, in the center of Toroni Bay, back in the 7th century BC. There are two versions of the explanation for its name: according to the first version, it is associated with the name of the son of the mythological Hercules, and according to the second, Olintas was the name of the son of the king of Thrace, who was killed during a lion hunt. As a result of archaeological excavations, tourists today see the ruins of a once most beautiful city with large buildings decorated with mosaics and a developed sewage system. As a rule, houses had two floors and a courtyard. In the southern part of the city there was an agora ( market Square), and in the east - the houses of wealthy citizens. The remains of ancient mansions found as a result of excavations received symbolic names: Good Luck, Actor, Gemini-Eros. Fragments of mosaic floors, ceramic vessels, jewelry and clay figurines were discovered here.

Since 1998, on the territory of archaeological excavations ancient city Olinthos works Archaeological Museum. The main purpose of this museum is to demonstrate to visitors a complete historical picture of the ancient city, as well as a description of the progress of excavations and restoration work.

Coordinates: 40.29671200,23.35418700

Hanioti village

The small tourist village of Hanioti is specially designed for tourists, so everything is provided here for a comfortable stay. Numerous cafes, shops, hotels and beautiful beaches This is how they attract tourists who are seduced by the soft Greek sun.

In local shops you can buy various items with a strong creative focus: original ceramics, paintings, jewelry, souvenirs, books, as well as various local products.

The busiest place in Hanioti is the central square, where many cafes and bars are built.

The village itself is conducive to walking and relaxing - there are parks with fountains and benches, beautiful streets, cafes and taverns with delicious food. The village is located an hour's drive from Thessaloniki, so you can get there by bus.

Coordinates: 40.00112300,23.57496500

Kassandra Bay

Kassandra Bay stretches from north to south along the sea coast. Its length is one hundred meters. Several dozen rivers flow into it. The shores of the bay are mainly occupied by city and private beaches. Although there are wetlands. Northern part Kassandra has established many comfortable five-star hotels and inns. In the south of the bay there are farmlands.

Along the banks of Kassandra there are a lot of fields that are rich in lush green grass. For animals it is heavenly conditions, when on one side there are such delicacies, and on the other there is a pond.

The Thermaikos Gulf is located next to Kassandra Gulf. They are connected to each other by a small artificial canal called Potidea, which was dug quite recently. In this canal there is a small port where both tourist and fishing vessels dock. For a fee, you can go on an excursion along the coastal zone or even go on an exciting fishing trip.

Coordinates: 40.28031100,23.73041200

The most popular attractions in Kassandra with descriptions and photographs for every taste. Choose best places to visit famous places of Kassandra on our website.

Without exaggeration, we can say that for many years Greece has been one of the favorite countries Russian tourists. The Chalkidiki peninsula is perhaps one of the Mediterranean. It is important that this is an environmentally friendly area.

The Halkidiki peninsula, shaped like a trident, is an evergreen paradise. The liveliness and bustle of a large settlement is surprisingly combined here with peace and quiet. Magnificent Greece - Chalkidiki, Kassandra in particular, will be the topic of our conversation today.

Myths and legends

If you believe the myths and legends, the territory that we today call the Chalkidiki peninsula, consisting of such parts as Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos, was inhabited by titans. One day a battle broke out between them and the gods. In ancient times this land was called Phlegra, which means “place of fire.”

Legend has it that the titan Enceladus is buried alive under one of the rocks. Sometimes he wants to free himself, a terrible roar is heard, the earth shakes under his powerful blows. And then what modern man calls an earthquake occurs.

Local residents claim that in ancient times the titans Athos and Siton quarreled over the beautiful mermaid Pallini. This angered Poseidon. He threw his trident, and a peninsula appeared with three “fingers” - peninsulas.

Geographical position

Halkidiki is located in northeastern Greece. It is often called the “trident of Poseidon”. The most popular and most visited “finger-tooth” is the Kassandra Peninsula. The beaches of Halkidiki in general and Kassandra in particular, covered with snow-white sand, beautiful bays, luxurious pine groves will not leave anyone indifferent.

The middle “finger” of Halkidiki is Sithonia. It is bordered by many bays and charming coves. Fishing settlements, wild green forests, and blue seas have made this peninsula the most picturesque of its three “brothers.”

The most mysterious and practically untouched by civilization is the Athos peninsula, inhabited mainly by monks. The beauty of this place is impressive. The holy mountain that rises on it is covered with dense forests.

A fairly large peninsula that Greece has, Chalkidiki (Kassandra, Sithonia, Athos), covers an area of ​​​​two thousand nine hundred and eighteen square kilometers. Length coastline- five hundred kilometers.


Data from the latest census indicate that one hundred five thousand nine hundred and fifty people live on the peninsula.


The main town of the peninsula is Polygyros, which is located on a plateau surrounded by hills and forests. It is built in the form of an amphitheater at the foot of Mount Holomontas. It offers simply stunning views of the vast sea and the peninsula itself.

Beaches of Halkidiki

This amazing peninsula has many well-developed places along the coast. But perhaps the most popular and most visited are the beaches of Kassandra.

Nea Moudania is a resort located fifty-seven kilometers from the city of Thessaloniki. Six thousand five hundred people live here. This is a very green place with an abundance of apricot, citrus and olive orchards. The sandy beach of Nea Moudania, well equipped, has everything you need to practice various water sports.

The next resort is sixty kilometers away from the city of Thessaloniki. This is Nea Potidea. The settlement appeared in nineteen twenty-two. The population is only one and a half thousand people. The beach is sand and pebble, has necessary equipment for a comfortable stay.

On the site of an ancient settlement, ninety kilometers from the city of Thessaloniki, there is the resort of Sani - one of the most famous in the country. It is often called the “Monte Carlo of Greece”.

In summer, people enter the harbor of this resort expensive yachts, which deliver their owners for a holiday to Halkidiki. Tours to the peninsula are becoming more and more popular every year.

Afitos, according to many vacationers, is the most beautiful resort Cassandra. An ancient village with cobbled streets overlooks a wonderful white sandy bay. Two sandy beach surrounded by low cliffs and bays, where you can quietly spend your vacation, taking a break from the bustle of the city.


The most favorable season for holidays on the peninsula is summer. At this time, here is simply magnificent Halkidiki, Kassandra in particular, and this is largely why they attract tourists from all over the world to their beaches. The most best months for holidays - July and August. At this time, it is always clear and calm on the peninsula. Rain during these months is extremely rare. Evenings and nights are very warm, which contributes to the scope of club life in Kallithea - the capital of Kassandra. Only in October does the rain begin and cold winds are felt.

Features of the resorts

You should know that on the peninsulas of Halkidiki beach season somewhat shorter than in other resorts in Greece. It ends in September. However, this disadvantage is more than compensated by its obvious advantage: despite the fact that in the summer the air temperature can rise above thirty-five degrees, it is very dry here, which is why the heat is almost not felt. The mountains reliably protect the peninsula from piercing and cold winds. The water in the sea is always warm and calm, so it is very comfortable to relax here with children.

For many tourists, the most desirable place where they would like to spend their next holiday is Greece. Chalkidiki, Kassandra, Sithonia are peninsulas that can make everyone's dream of an ideal vacation come true. I must say that the holidays on them are different. For example, the atmosphere on Sithonia is more peaceful and calm than on Kassandra. Therefore, lovers of a quiet family holiday should choose Sithonia.

The beaches of Chalkidia throughout the peninsula are well equipped, equipped with sun loungers and umbrellas. You can also rent snorkeling equipment.

Sights of Halkidiki: Kassandra

If you think that you can only relax on this wonderful peninsula on the beach, then you are deeply mistaken. There are many attractions that you can see in Kassandra.

This peninsula is the pearl of Halkidiki. Kassandra (a map of Greece will tell you) is located between the Thermaikos and Toroneos canals. It is connected to the land by the Potidea Canal. The beaches of the peninsula stretch for fifty kilometers. The recreation area is very picturesque and well equipped. The sights of Halkidiki (Kassandra in this sense is no exception) represent numerous historical and cultural monuments. Not far from the peninsula there is a natural memorial place peninsula - legendary mountain Olympus, where the gods lived.

Not everyone knows that the birthplace of the great Aristotle is the village of Stagira in Chalkidiki. And the karst has gained worldwide fame. The monuments of ancient times in Athens, the capital of Greece, are extremely interesting. The village of Afitis makes no less impression on travelers. It has well preserved typical Ancient Greece architectural style with its narrow streets and small restaurants treating their guests to dishes of national cuisine.

The village of Kalandra is famous for its well-preserved Temple of Poseidon.


Almost the entire territory of Kassandra has Internet and Wi-Fi. Cellular connection is working properly. If necessary, you can use international and long-distance communications.


Experienced travelers know how comfortable Cassandra in particular is, adopted best experience in this direction. Here you can choose a hotel that fully suits your financial capabilities. You can stay in a modest 2* hotel room or in a luxurious apartment in a five-star hotel. We would like to warn you right away that the quality of service in them does not depend on the category: in Greece it is always at the highest level.

The best hotels are located on the seashore. Almost all of them have their own beaches with free umbrellas and sun loungers. If you come on vacation with a child, then when choosing a hotel you need to pay attention to the availability of baby food, a club for kids, and animation. Children will enjoy staying in a hotel with a water park or water slides located on its territory. Before your trip, carefully study hotel ratings and reviews from vacationers. You can book a hotel in Kassandra via the Internet. It is better to do this several months before the intended trip. This will not only save you money, but will also give you a 100% guarantee that right time a free room in the chosen hotel will be provided to you, even at the height of the beach season.

Kassandra Palace 5*

A magnificent hotel located on the Kassandra Peninsula. The building is surrounded by a luxurious garden, the basis of which is tropical trees. Those who have already been to this hotel note the unsurpassed service, helpful and respectful attitude towards the wishes of guests, and a friendly and warm atmosphere.

The hotel welcomes guests from the beginning of May until the end of October. Many good hotels are located on the Halkidiki peninsula. "Cassandra Palace" is rightfully recognized as the best. It has two hundred and eighty rooms and has its own sand and pebble beach.

All hotel rooms are well equipped technically. There is a refrigerator, safe, TV, satellite TV, telephone. Each room has a balcony or terrace overlooking the emerald sea or the magnificent garden. The hotel differs well developed infrastructure. There is a magnificent spacious restaurant offering guests dishes of Greek and European cuisine. You can visit the stylish bar located in the hotel lobby, the pool bar, and the Greek tavern.

For younger guests there is a cot, swimming pool, playground, a club for kids. If necessary, you can order individual nanny services.

Those wishing to spend their holiday actively can visit the outdoor swimming pool, basketball and volleyball court, tennis court. You can work out in a well-equipped gym.

Many hotels on the peninsula use the now popular All Inclusive system. These are usually four star hotels. By booking a room with them, you will receive all services for free. This includes meals, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, gym classes, etc.


As you know, in any corner of sunny Greece, including the Kassandra Peninsula, preference is given to (meat and fish dishes, a large number of vegetables and fruits). Athonite monastery cuisine, which is based exclusively on natural products, must be highlighted separately.

Guests are always welcome sunny Greece. Halkidiki (Kassandra) is suitable for holidays with family, children, as well as those who appreciate good beaches, pristine nature, professionalism and friendliness of the staff.

Many will be pleased with the resorts on the Halkidiki peninsula. Kassandra (you can see the photo in this article) offers interesting and educational excursions, a wonderful holiday on the beach, original cuisine, luxurious nature, unique monuments history, comfortable hotels.

Kassandra is a peninsula in northern Greece, on the shores of the Aegean Sea, located between the two gulfs of Toroneos and Thermaikos. It is one of three that make up the larger Halkidiki. The Potidea Canal separates the Kassandra Peninsula from the mainland. The region has a developed tourism infrastructure; many tourists from various countries come here. From airport northern capital Thessaloniki can be reached here by bus or taxi.

Greece (Chalkidiki) Kassandra

Greece (Chalkidiki) Kassandra Detailed map in Russian.

Tourism is central to the economy of this region. The coast, 15 km wide and stretching for 50 km, is sandy and sandy-pebble, alternating with picturesque capes and bays, and is one of the cleanest in Europe. There are no big cities on the northern coast; all entertainment is concentrated in small coastal towns and villages, many of which are popular resorts with developed tourism infrastructure: with hotels, shops, restaurants.

Attractive landscape

Tourists are provided with Greek taverns, discos, bars and other entertainment. Hotels of any class for both budget and wealthy vacationers. The most prestigious and fashionable ones are located near the coast. Wide choose active pastime: hiking and cycling in the mountains and pine forests, exciting voyages on yachts or scuba diving in the depths of the sea.

Weather and climate

The climate in the region is considered Mediterranean, with dry summers and mild winters.

From the beginning of May to the end of September it is sunny and rarely rains. Holiday season begins in May, the air at this time warms up to +23 °C.

The area is protected mountain ranges Because of the cold winds, the water in the sea quickly warms up. It is comfortable to relax with children in June, the air temperature rises to +27 °C, and the sea water is warmer than +22 °C.

July and August are the hottest times

July and August are the hottest times, the air at this time heats up to +30°-34°C.

At the beginning of autumn it is still warm here, +27 °C, but there are significantly fewer vacationers; dry, sunny days persist throughout September.

The first rains begin in October, and the rainy season begins in November.

Kassandra (Greece) attractions

Ancient Greece experienced periods of Byzantine and Ottoman influence, the culture of this country was formed over thousands of years and today has a variety of incarnations.

Afitos is a village in Greece, impressive with its ancient architecture and historical temples. In the center is the Church of St. Demetrius, built in 185. Next to the church there is a small ethnographic museum.

Fact! The village of Neya Potidea is one of the oldest and most beautiful places with the ruins of an ancient castle and a beautiful church.

South of the village of Nea Potidea, there is the village of Nea Phokia with picturesque bay. At the very edge of the sea rises a Byzantine tower built in 1407 in honor of the Apostle Paul.

Sani Resort offers views of Mount Olympus. During construction work they found here archaeological finds indicating that there was previously an acropolis of ancient Sani. At this place in 1543, the servants of the Athos monastery built watchtower, which still stands today.

The town of Olynthos is one of the oldest settlements, in which there are ruins of a beautiful town with buildings decorated with mosaics and a developed sewage system. An archaeological museum was opened on the territory of archaeological excavations in the town of Olynthos.

Petralona Cave

Not far from the village of Petralona there is a cave of the same name. The remains of an ancient European man and the fossilized remains of prehistoric animals were discovered here. Petralona Cave is famous for its extraordinary stalagmites.

Popular excursions include visiting the rock monasteries of Meteora and a cruise around the holy Mount Athos. For almost two thousand years, monks settled here, and civilization has not yet penetrated into this corner. Athos is the only Orthodox Monastic Republic where people live according to church canons. There are 20 monasteries here. Some of them were built on big rocks. Cruises are organized around Mount Athos, and men have the opportunity to visit the Russian St. Panteleimon Monastery. Women are prohibited from entering the territory.

Monasteries on Mount Athos

In the villages of Arnea, Parthenonas and Afito, the original Greek architectural style has been preserved.

It is famous for the sights of Thessaloniki, there are a lot of them here, it’s impossible to get to know them in a day. The territory contains many different temples, monasteries, synagogues, mosques and many other attractions. It is worth visiting the archaeological museum, where archaeological finds from the prehistoric period and a large number of exhibits from antiquity are collected.

Most high peak country is the legendary Mount Olympus. Located around the mountain national park, which is one of the most beautiful in all of Greece.

Mount Olympus

Rent a Car

Renting a car in Greece is not difficult. Renting a car is convenient if you need to see hard-to-reach sights, drive along the coast, or visit different villages. This can be done in any tourist town or village.

Note! The driver must be at least 21 years old.

In almost every hotel in Greece you can rent a car and the necessary equipment, including child car seats and boosters at no additional cost. The rental cost depends on the season, the availability of full insurance and various additional services. The range of brands and models offered is large. The roads throughout the country are excellent. The car is the most comfortable and convenient transportation for an overview of most of the sights of Greece.

Popular resorts

Kallithea (Greece)

Kallithea (the resort of the same name is on the island of Rhodes) is the busiest resort town. The life of the resort during the season is intense and subsides only in the morning. The bulk of the apartments are located outside the village of Kallithea.

The embankment has a sandy and clean shore, and it’s a great place to relax with children. The entrance to the sea is sandy and flat, without stones or sharp depths. There are almost never storms in Kallithea, as it is protected from the winds by the hills.

Kallithea (Greece)

The descent and ascent to the center of the village takes place along a long steep staircase.

The busy shoreline of the seaside town is covered in lush vegetation. There are many in the village inexpensive places where you can have a delicious lunch.

Hotel Atos Palace is located 2 km from Kallithea and 75 km from international airport"Macedonia" in Thessaloniki. On a picturesque cape, among gardens with lush vegetation, there is an eight-story hotel building. Designed for tourists of any category. The hotel operates an all-inclusive system: breakfast, lunch and dinner are served, snacks and drinks are served.

Hotel territory

Modern Kallithea was founded in 1925 by settlers from Asia Minor. Until 1950, its residents were engaged in agriculture and livestock farming. Today, the population of Kallithea is mainly employed in the tourism sector.

Today Kallithea is one of the most popular resorts region. The clean coastline and developed infrastructure attract tourists from all over the world.

Kallithea (Greece) has its own historical attractions - the ruins of the temples of Zeus and Dionysus.

Pefkochori (Greece) is a small village with modern infrastructure. Is located in pine grove, and the streets of the village are buried in bright southern flowers. The sand and pebble coastline is awarded the Blue Flag. The silhouette of Mount Athos is visible from the shore. The coast of Pefkochori is divided into parts by a pier: on one side there are hotels, on the other - the city beach. Sun loungers and umbrellas are provided free of charge if you buy a drink at the cafe or bar.

Pefkohori embankment

You can learn how to dive with multilingual instructors, and for the more experienced there are night scuba dives to wrecks.

For children, there is a mini Luna Park on the embankment with a variety of slides and attractions.

You can walk around and see the 19th century church and a partially preserved old mill. Climb the mountains and admire the olive groves and wonderful landscapes.

Greece is one of the safest countries to travel, but even here you need to be careful and follow simple safety rules. As everywhere else, petty theft and fraud occur.

Important! You should not carry large amounts of cash with you. It is prudent to store documents and money in a hotel safe or place them in the most inaccessible place.

It is better to negotiate the cost of a taxi ride before the trip, otherwise the taxi driver will be able to deceive you by greatly inflating the price.

It is recommended to travel to Halkidiki during velvet season, in the middle of summer it is very hot and there are a lot of people, and in winter it is sad around. Spring is more suitable for excursion holiday- it’s not very hot and everything around is blooming and fragrant. In spring, many unusual flowers and greenery bloom. From May to October you can visit resorts for beach time.


In this region, only a few hotel restaurants operate on an all-inclusive basis. Most often they offer only breakfast or half board. At the same time, many hotels provide special meals for young children.

Greece loves children very much, which is why you can find a large number of parks, water parks and children's museums throughout the country.

Interesting! In Greece, there is a “Tax free” system that allows you to return tax on purchases, but it does not apply to the purchase of fur products.

WITH local residents Greece can bargain. They can give a discount of 10-15 dollars on any product or accommodation.*

For traveling, it is most convenient to travel by rented car.

Taking a tour to any corner of Greece will leave an unforgettable impression for a long time, thanks to the incredibly clean coasts, mild climate, stunning natural scenery and variety of entertainment. National cuisine Greece is one of the most useful in the whole world. Everything is tasty, varied, healthy. The Greeks are hospitable people. Having been here once, you want to come back again.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.

In its southern part it branches into three smaller peninsulas, outwardly similar to three fingers. These are Kassandra, Sithonia and Athos.

Kassandra is the western “finger” of Halkidiki. Quite small in width, this Greek peninsula impresses with its exotic nature and pristine beaches. Having come here to relax, you will remember the charming atmosphere of Kassandra for the rest of your life and, undoubtedly, you will want to come back here again. Let's talk about what to see in Kassandra and the features of local recreation.

Sights of Kassandra in Halkidiki

The Kassandra Peninsula was once named after the famous king, son-in-law of Alexander the Great. The first settlement dates back to the 4th century BC. Later, in its place arose a rather major port, trade flourished here, and in our time the tourism business has developed.

Of course, the main attraction of the Kassandra Peninsula in Greece is its unique nature. Tourists who come here are surprised first of all by the intoxicating combination of clean air filled with the aromas of coniferous trees, sea breeze and mountain herbs, and then by the magnificent views of the bay (from the east) and the sea (from the west).

If you are interested in archaeology, then a trip to Halkidiki cannot but please you. Places where remains were found primitive people, ancient caves decorated with rock paintings, an archaeological complex called “Olynthos Museum” and, of course, the ancient town of Olynthos - all this cannot but captivate true history buffs.

The Monastery of Saint Athos is a place where only men are allowed to enter. Many Orthodox Christians from all over the world have been making pilgrimages for a long time.

The temples and churches of Kassandra also have their value. Take a tour of ancient religious places - the Church of St. Demetrius, the Temple of Zeus-Amon and Poseidon, the Sanctuary of Dionysus, the Acropolis of Antigone and others.

Holidays at the resorts of Kassandra in Halkidiki (Greece)

Out of 44 settlements Cassandra as best resorts Let's note the following.

Tatiana Solomatina

Kassandra Peninsula: where to go on vacation?

Hello, friends! Today we’ll talk about the Kassandra Peninsula – the “Pearl” of Halkidiki. The peninsula is rich in natural scenery and clean beaches. Millions of people from every corner of our planet dream of visiting here to swim in the turquoise waters of the Aegean Sea, see ancient sights and, of course, taste traditional Greek cuisine.

Where to relax in Kassandra? Which hotel or guest house to choose?

In the article I made a selection of good suggestions, based on reviews from tourists and recommendations from “experienced” people that I found on the forums. I tried to choose both budget and luxury options. Read mini reviews with prices, perhaps these offers will interest you.

Halkidiki is the heart of international beach tourism. The blue of the Aegean Sea deservedly received the mark “ blue flag", which is assigned only to the cleanest beaches. Have you already imagined how beautiful it is here?

The Kassandra Peninsula is the “first finger” of Halkidiki. It is named after the strategist Alexander the Great. Previously, the peninsula bore other names. But let's not go deep into history.

Unique monuments, clear sea, air filled with the aromas of forests and herbs, picturesque landscape, resorts with developed infrastructure and comfortable hotels on the shore - all this makes the Kassandra Peninsula a paradise for youth and families with children.

The Mediterranean climate provides hot summers. The tourist beach season in Kassandra begins in May (air - 24-25C, sea - about 20C) and ends in October (air - approximately 22C, sea - 20-22C). The hottest months are July and August.

Watch the video clip that perfectly conveys the beauty of the peninsula.

Now let's talk about where it is better to relax in Kassandra. In my opinion, these options may interest you. I selected them based on different budgets; there are both expensive and economy accommodation options.

Pefkohori resort

Pefkohori is an ideal place to restore strength and health. This small village harmoniously combines mountain and sea ​​air. There are pine forests around, clean beaches and silence. A great option for a relaxing family holiday, isn’t it?

Adriana Studios Complex

Among the good budget offers are the Adriana Studios apartments. Not far from them is the sea. The beach is clean and fully equipped, relaxing here is a pleasure. The downside is that it is crowded during peak season. Many more complain about unstable Fi-Wi and sometimes poor room cleaning.

I would like to note: under the phrase “filled with vacationers,” you probably imagined the crowded city beaches of the Black Sea. But that's not true. There's enough here free space for smooth movement.

The hotel itself is modern with good rooms, you can choose sea or mountain views. It will be convenient for everyone to relax at Adriana Studios. But you shouldn’t expect any attributes of high-star hotels. Suitable for relaxing holiday with kids. Price – from 36 euros per room per night. Many tourists note the convenient location of the hotel and the optimal price/quality ratio.

Hotel Aeollos

Among the more expensive options is Hotel Aeollos. It is located next to the beaches of Xenia and Chaniotise. The only drawback is the large number of people during the season. As was the case with the previous hotel.

Hotel Aeollos offers guests decent conditions for relaxation: modern rooms, SPA, restaurants, dry cleaning, laundry, free parking, animation program. The hotel is suitable for a relaxing holiday with the whole family. The price per room per night is approximately 108 euros.

Art Boutique

If you have the opportunity to have an expensive and luxurious holiday in Kassandra, then I advise you to book a room at the Art Boutique Hotel. The studios and apartments feature original décor. There is a kitchenette and other amenities for demanding guests. The beach is clean and located right in front of the hotel. An excellent option for a family. Are there any disadvantages? I haven’t encountered any negative reviews about Art Boutique. The room rate is high - 158 euros per day.

Kallithea Resort

If you are planning to relax in Kassandra, pay attention to the Kallithea resort. I'll especially like it here active tourists. Bars, clubs, restaurants are open for guests around the clock. This is a place for young people. And for those who get tired of nightlife you can go sightseeing. From any point of this resort opens beautiful landscape, which also has a positive effect on the emotional state.


From budget options, I liked the Maria Hotel. Kallithea beach is 200 meters away. If you wish, you can relax by the pool. Tourists note the cleanliness of the rooms and the responsiveness of the staff. Which, by the way, is Russian-speaking here. The downside is the lack of parking on site.

This type of accommodation on Kassandra is suitable for budget-conscious guests. Despite enough low price, the conditions are decent. The cost of a room per night is only 30 euros.

Pallini Beach Hotel

In the middle category I liked Pallini Beach. The hotel is located on the seashore. Beautiful green area, several swimming pools. An excellent option for both young people and families with older children. There is a volleyball court, a bar, and entertainment events are held regularly. In general, you can have a decent holiday here, a good option for accommodation in Kassandra.

There are nightclubs nearby the hotel. Because of this, it can be noisy in the evenings. Room rates per night start from 68 euros.

Villa Kristy

Would you like to have a luxurious holiday? Rent a villa in Kassandra. For example, the guest house at your service is Villa Kristy. Located 150 meters from a gorgeous beach (marked with the Blue Flag).

The villa has everything for quality rest guests. The staff is always polite. Tourists comment exclusively on Villa Kristy positive reviews. Price per villa per day – from 230 euros.

Resort Hanioti

Where else can you relax in Kassandra? Pay attention to the resort of Hanioti. Tourists speak well of this place on the peninsula.
Lively resort village. Local taverns will delight you with variety Greek dishes. There are many shops, although there are no branded ones. A very beautiful embankment, nice to stroll along the sea in the evening.

Bella Grecia

Among the inexpensive hotels on the Kassandra Peninsula in the village of Hanioti, I was attracted by the Bella Grecia guest house. It is located approximately 150 meters from the sea. The beach is clean. In the territory guest house There is a snack bar, and there is also a swimming pool for children. Barbecues are often organized. The rooms are modern and fully equipped for a comfortable stay.

After reading the reviews, I learned that many consider the main disadvantages of the hotel to be adjacent to the road and a poorly lit route to the store. But the cost of the room will please you, per day - from 20 euros. Agree, very nice price. Therefore, you can close your eyes to such shortcomings. As you can see, you can vacation on Kassandra on a budget. Do you think so too?

Ostria Sea Side 4*

A more expensive option is the Ostria Hotel Sea Side. It features a Greek restaurant, an outdoor swimming pool and modern rooms with views of the Aegean Sea. The beach is very clean.

It's good to relax here with small children. The downside is that it’s not very active. entertainment. But not everyone needs it. Sometimes tourists complain that the room is poorly cleaned. But mostly the reviews are positive. Room price per knock – from 120 euros.

Villa Aelia

A luxury accommodation option at the resort will be the Aelia Beach Villa. It is located right on the shore, with stunning views of the sea from the French windows. The beach is clean and empty. Guests can rent a car or a yacht. Ideal for privacy. Suitable for anyone who is willing to shell out about 350 euros per day. It's a pity that not everyone has the opportunity to relax so luxuriously.

Afitos Resort

Afitos – history come to life ancient Greece. One of the most quiet resorts on Kassandra. Cozy streets, picturesque houses surrounded by greenery, gorgeous beaches and the clearest sea. Everyone can relax here comfortably.

Apartment Palatino

For budget holiday suitable for Afitos Apartment Palatino. Located on a hill, the beach is a 15-minute walk. For guests there is a tennis court, basketball and mini-football courts, self-catering apartments, a children's playground with slides and other amenities.

There are practically no young people. Tourists in reviews note “tired” furniture. On the plus side, responsive hosts and beautiful view on the sea. Room cost per night – from 40 euros. A little expensive, of course, given the distance from the beach, but the stunning sea view justifies the inflated price.

Boutique Apartments Niovi

An average holiday option can be called Boutique Niovi apartments. The main disadvantage is that the beach is about 7 km away. This is an excellent option for family accommodation if you have a car; it will be difficult to relax without a car.

The apartments are new, with high-quality finishes and stylish design. Comfort zone near the swimming pool. Even despite such remoteness, the hotel deserves your attention. I couldn't resist telling you about it!
Room price per night – from 90 euros. An ideal option for the conditions that the hotel offers.

Afitis Boutique Hotel

For those tourists who want to relax in luxury, I found Afitis Boutique Hotel in Kassandra. It seems to me that every traveler will feel like in a dream here. It is located in a picturesque garden. Well suited for “passive” tourists for whom comfort is important.

The hotel has private beach, 2 outdoor swimming pools, massage room, hot tub, 2 restaurants and rooms with sea views. I don’t think it’s worth noting how top-notch everything is here.

The downsides are minor: tourists complain that you can’t store your food in the minibar, and also that it’s too quiet here. Apparently active tourists should not come here. The room price is high - from 440 euros.

Prices at all Kassandra resorts are approximately the same - 40, 100, 200 euros for economy, standard, luxury conditions, respectively. One thing can be said about the beaches - they are all clean and beautiful. It’s not for nothing that we received the Blue Flag.

Kassandra Peninsula – a good place For beach holiday in Greece in the summer. You can rent a car and go deep into the mainland. While vacationing in Sana, we managed to go to Kastoria in one day, buy a fur coat and return back. If you are interested in how it was, read.

Are you already packing your bags? By the way, I have an article on this topic. Also, if you find it difficult to calculate a budget, I recommend reading.

The blog published a review of a hotel located on the seashore near Sana. The review contains many exclusive photos that will clearly show you the environment of the hotel. Maybe you’ll like this option on Kassandra better, although it’s hard to call it budget-friendly.

Perhaps you have already been to the peninsula? Tell us about your impressions. Tell readers where is the best place to relax in Kassandra. Write in the “Readers' Travels” section. Read how to publish a story.

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This is where I say goodbye for a moment. See you again!
Tatiana Solomatina


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