Mountains of Karachay-Circassia.

Survival Not far from Kislovodsk, in the valley of the small mountain river Alikonovka (the old name of the tract is Nut Otvershki), there is a unique natural complex

- Honey waterfalls. Here, among the mountain gorges, there is a whole group of waterfalls, the highest of which drops a stream of water from a height of 18 meters.

There are three versions explaining the origin of the name “Honey”. Firstly, they were named so because of the honey herbs blooming along the banks, secondly, there used to be a great variety of wild bees here, which died in the cold winter. But tourists most like the third version, the most romantic - this place, due to its beauty, was chosen by many newlyweds for their honeymoon.

And the place here is really very beautiful. Dolomite slopes rise to the right, and to the left are areas of rocks overgrown with grasses and thick hazel. Among the lush greenery, transparent streams of a mountain river cascade down from high ledges. Through the bright daytime sun, breaking into thousands of drops and hitting the rocks, a sheet of water turns sunlight into seven colors of the rainbow. In winter, the rapid stream freezes, and icicles hang like fringes all the way to the ground.

Baduk Lakes The Baduk lakes are a cascade of three mountain lakes

, located along the Baduk River, in the Teberda Nature Reserve. These lakes are also called the Lower Baduk Lakes, and among the local population - Baduki for short. The lakes are beautiful in their beauty, surrounded by pine and birch forests. There are hiking trails around the lakes.

The first Baduk lake is the lowest along the river and also the smallest, its depth does not reach even five meters. After 260 meters there is the Second Lake, and after 60 the third: the largest and highest. The third lake is up to 9 meters deep and lies at an altitude of almost 2 thousand meters.

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Sofia waterfalls Sofia Falls - the source of the Sofia River, one of the five rivers that form the river called. It is from here that not only the entire flat part of Karachay-Cherkessia, but also the arid Stavropol region is fed with water from mountain rivers. Tons of water fall from a hundred-meter height, from the mighty Sofia glacier into the valley of the same name, with noise and roar, carrying large and small stones with it, calming down only far below, crashing on the green plain. The glacier feeding the waterfalls is located in a vast square under the very top of Mount Sofia, at an altitude of 3637 meters above sea level. Sofia waterfalls are the largest in Arkhyz. They are called pulsating - the flow of water in them is inconsistent, their peak occurs during the flood period of July-August, the time of greatest melting of snow in the mountains.

The Sentinsky Temple is a dilapidated abandoned Christian church, erected at the beginning of the 10th century. It is located on a hill on the left bank of the Teberda River in the Karachay region of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. The building, built from sand blocks, is about eight meters long and about ten meters high. Elements of images painted in the 11th century have been preserved on the walls. Nearby is a stone necropolis, probably built for the burial of priests.

Since near the temple in XIX century There was an Orthodox monastery, the monks supported the Sentinsky temple and were engaged in its reconstruction. During Soviet rule, the monastery was destroyed.

Mount Erzog

The peak of Mount Ertsog has a height of 3683 meters and is located in the western section of the Teberdinsky ridge. The name of this mountain comes from the Abkhaz word “Eruakhz”. According to legend, here once upon a time, a long time ago, a ship ran into a large stone and crashed.

This unusual beauty the mountain goes around the southwestern side of the Alibek River valley. The top of Mount Ertsog is so inspiring with its beauty that even Yuri Vizbor, who visited Dombay quite often, mentioned this unique and extraordinary miracle of nature in his song “Dombay Waltz”.

Dombai glade

Dombayskaya Polyana is a mountainous area that is located in Karachay-Cherkessia in Kuban in the North Caucasus of Russia. The southern border is the main Caucasus range. Its highest point is the Dombay-Ulgen peak with a height of 4046 meters.

The connection of three main gorges - Amanauz, Alibek and Dombay-Ulgen forms the natural center of the territory - the Dombay glade, located at an altitude of 1650 meters above sea level.

The borders of Dombay do not have strict boundary designations. This is the modern name of the upper part of the Teberda River, uniting several mountain gorges.

The word "dombai" is translated from the Karachay language as "bison". Previously, large herds of these mighty giants lived in the Dombay forests. There is another version according to which the Dombay glade was named after the hunter Dommai, who, catching up with the aurochs, was able to kill the beast, but could not resist and fell from the mountain into the abyss and died.

Dombay today is one of the modern sports recreation centers.

Sofiyskaya Polyana

The middle part of the Sofia Valley is a narrow gorge, squeezed by the spurs of the Cheget-Chat and Sofia ridges. From here you can climb to the valley of the Gammesh-Chat River. In the upper part the valley widens again. There is a farm, sheep sheds and camping, so-called Sofia glade. From this part of the valley you can climb to the pass Sophia saddle, in the Ak-Ayry and Kashkha-Erikchat valleys.

This place is called the Sofia Shelter. Once upon a time there were houses used by organized tourists for accommodation. In the nineties they were dismantled for firewood. It usually starts snowing here in May.

From the shelter the valley begins to expand. Soon a farm appears (it should not be confused with the so-called Glacier Farm - a clearing under the Sofia Saddle pass. In this clearing, there was once a farm demolished by an avalanche), from which you can see the Ak-Ayra valley with waterfalls, the Sofia Glacier with waterfalls, Sophia Saddle pass. To climb to the Ak-Ayra valley, you need to wade through Sofia above the farm, where the road descends to the river, and the river forms several branches. A little higher than this place is the Sofia Polyana tent camp.

Face of Christ on Mount Mitseshta

The face of Christ in Arkhyz. This icon is quite well hidden on the slope of the Matseshta ridge; various legends have been circulating about this Savior Not Made by Hands for many centuries. The image of Christ the Savior looks at the other bank of the river, at the middle temple, with which the painting of this icon is associated. Also, the Rock Face of Christ the Savior is possible that the appearance of the face coincides with the appearance of the Alan Diocese. Local old-timers say that several hundred years ago lightning struck the rock, breaking off a huge stone, and on the remaining part of the rock, on its steep part, the face of Christ the Savior was formed. According to another version, the image of Christ was created to protect the city from the plague epidemic that broke out in these places in the 14th century. Until now, no consensus has been reached on the appearance of this icon, but pilgrims from all over the world continue to flock to it.

The site presents all the sights of Karachay-Cherkessia, theaters, museums, streets, architectural monuments, temples, cathedrals, galleries, bridges.

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    0 m to city center

    One of the most beautiful resort places of our country is Dombay. The main attractions of this city are its picturesque places. The Mussa-Achitara ridge is considered the most picturesque ridge in this part of the Caucasus. In order to appreciate all the beauty that surrounds the guests of the resort, you need to climb the mountainside along cable car. From this place there is a wonderful picturesque view of the peaks and glaciers of the Main Range, the Teberda and Gonachkhiri valleys.

    0 m to city center

    Dombay Glade is considered one of the most beautiful places not only in our country, but also in the world. And the most picturesque place in this clearing can be considered the Alibek Gorge.
    The Alibek glacier is the only one among the local glaciers that descends to the forest zone of the glaciers. Local residents believe that everyone who is planning to come to Dombay should visit this unusual place, because “whoever has not seen the gorge has not seen Dombay.”

    0 m to city center

    A visit to the Chuchkhursky Falls route will also be interesting for guests of Dombay. The beginning of this mountain stream is the Maly Dombay glacier; the waterfall was formed at the mouth. It is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the Dombay region. You can approach it only either along the path from the side of the fork, or along the stream.
    This unusual name Waterfall translated from Karachay means “kicking stallion”. Water streams jumping, jumping and kicking, falling from the top of the waterfall. This is what gives the waterfall some resemblance to a young stallion.

    0 m to city center

    In the Karachay-Cherkess region, in the urban-type settlement of Dombay, on the Dombay glade of the same name, there is a monument erected in honor of the famous composer and bard Vladimir Vysotsky. It is located 125 km from Cherkessk in the mountains, on the “Russkaya Polyana”. The monument was unveiled in 1999 on February 22 as part of a local film festival called “Mountain Echo.”

    0 m to city center

    Ine Peak is located near the place where the northern Dzhugurlutchat glacier originates. The name of the mountain is translated as “Needle”; the mountain got its name because of its pointed top; this unusual view for mountains attracts many tourists from all over the world. The top of Ine Peak is covered with snow all year round, and although it sheer cliffs relatively difficult to conquer, the top of Ine Peak is quite popular place among climbers. The height of the “needle” reaches 3455 meters, which is about 600 meters lower than the highest mountain of the Caucasus watershed ridge. It is best to view the mountain from the site of Mount Mussa-Achi-Tara; it is 400 meters lower than Ine Peak, but in exchange it can be reached by cable car.

    0 m to city center

    At the confluence of the Alibek, Amanauz and Dombay rivers, the Dombay glade is comfortably located. This large alpine region is surrounded by the mighty majesty of the Caucasus Mountains, which are covered with glaciers and forests. This is a favorite place for tourists due to its beauty. In addition, the clearing is the center of the Dombay resort. Located in the southern part of the Teberda Nature Reserve, the clearing is conveniently located between the Bokovy Caucasian and Main ridges. Locals call the clearing a lowland, although for tourists it is not such, being located at an altitude of 1600 meters.

    0 m to city center

    Turye Lake, like many natural attractions of Dombay, has its own unique features that attract tourists. One of these unusual features is the color of the lake, which depends on the fact that the average water temperature in the lake reaches 0-3 degrees. Many people say that tours sometimes come down here to drink, which is how the lake got its name. Due to the fact that the Alibek glacier is located next to the lake, the lake is covered with ice until mid-July.

    0 m to city center

    In Karachay-Cherkessia, on the territory of the Dombay glade, there is a picturesque Alibek gorge. The entrance to the local valley is opened by a mottled mountain called Belalakaya, rising 3851 m above the ground. Very close to the bed of the Alibek River, once upon a time there was a glacier of the same name, the area of ​​which was about 975 hectares. Over time, since the 1930s. the glacier has retreated. In its place, he left the most beautiful Alibek waterfall - one of the most beautiful in Dombay, to which Yuri Vizbor dedicated the words of the song “Dombay Waltz”.

    0 m to city center

    In the North Caucasus, among the Dombay glade, somewhat east of the Back (Small) Belalakai mountain, there is a peak called Sufrudzhu. The height of the mountain is 3871 m. A wide depression divides the massif into two even parts - Southern and Northern. Both peaks are clearly visible from the Musat-Cheri ski resort. Southern part They called the Tooth Sufrudja, which translated means “Tiger Fang”. The massif stretches for 3600 m and acts as the main attraction of the mountainous Dombay.

    0 m to city center

    Belalakai is a mountain located next to the village in Dombay, since the village is a resort. The mountain has become a symbol of this village and attracts a lot of tourists. Its height is 3861 meters. Although the height of this mountain is 200 meters lower than the highest in Abkhazia, it is no less a landmark. Belalakai owes its fame to quartz. Most of the mountain consists of dark soil rocks and dark granite, however, due to centuries-old geological processes, there are deposits of quartz on the mountain. It is this quartz that created the white stripes that adorn the top of this mountain; the white stripes of Belalakai are especially visible in late summer. Due to the beauty of the local landscapes, the mountain has been mentioned more than once in songs and poems.

    0 m to city center

    Dzhuguturluchat is a relatively small massif in the Greater Caucasus Range. The mountain range rose to a height of 3921 meters, which is only 120 meters less than the highest high point on the Caucasus ridge. In the highest areas of the mountain range there are herds of aurochs; it was they who gave these mountains the name “Dzhugurluchat” - which translates as “herd of aurochs”. mountain range originates from the Dombay plateau, however, the most Beautiful places open from a place called “Mussa-Achi-Tara”; this is where most tourists gather.

    0 m to city center

    The Amanauz Canyon, this is the true name of the place “Devil's Mill”, it lasts about a thousand meters and is a stunning sight. The canyon received this name due to the fact that in some places its sides are connected up to one meter, when in the summer the Amanauz River rolls its waters here, a strong roar and whirlpool is formed throughout the entire area. Even experienced tourists cannot remain indifferent to this place, because even in cloudless weather you can watch a stunning spectacle - a multi-colored rainbow on the water dust. And how breathtaking it is from the seething water below and the rapid flow of the river.

    0 m to city center

    On the mountain border between Abkhazia and Russia, at an altitude of more than three and a half thousand meters, lies the Ptysh glacier, which is also a remarkable peak of Dombay. The Ptysh glacier can be seen far from its location from the Chuchkhursky waterfall. This big mountain in size, it descends from the pass. In order to get to it, you need to follow the path stretching along the right bank of Ptysh. You can get from Dombay to the glacier on foot in 4-5 hours.

    The North Caucasus is a treasure trove of natural beauty. All regions are excellent for active recreation. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic gives its guests unforgettable vacation and pleasure.

    It is here that you can encounter unique landscapes, ancient temples, climb Elbrus, visit various tourist complexes, and taste national Caucasian cuisine. While exploring the cultural and natural attractions, it is worth appreciating the traditions of the peoples living in this wonderful place.

    IN mountain system Greater Caucasus A mountain of unique beauty stands out, this mountain is the double-peaked volcano Elbrus. You can see it on the border of the Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian republics.

    Elbrus attracts thousands of climbers. After their rise to the top, their emotions are difficult to express in words. “The whole earth is at your fingertips” - this is how climbers can describe their feelings. Endless snowy expanses, mountain ranges, the brightest sun and the blue sky - all this is the top of Elbrus.

    Dzheganskoe gorge, Ust-Dzhegutinsky district

    One of the most popular routes in the Ust-Dzhegutinsky district among tourists who prefer leisure, is the exploration of the Dzhegonas Gorge. This place is attractive in spring and summer. The most interesting place in the gorge is the canyon of the Dzhegonas River, with rocky banks and waterfalls. The view of the river bed is striking in its beauty.

    On the way to the waterfalls, you need to overcome a steep descent, and then at a bend the river ends abruptly, forming beautiful waterfall. On hot days it is especially good here, thanks to the freshness and coolness. To explore the next waterfall, you need to go downstream, walking along the river bed. By the increasing sound of the water you can understand how close the waterfall is. The river is surrounded by a wonderful forest, which is also worth a walk.

    Here you can meet coniferous and deciduous trees, discover animal tracks, and enjoy the singing of birds. You may also be interested in visiting the Alimkin Cave, located on the left side of the Dzhegonas beam. The cave contains interesting finds, such as ceramics and household items of ancient people.

    The unique acidic springs have been known to residents and guests of the republic for many years. You can get to them from the village of Phiya, Urup district, a dirt road leads there.

    The journey begins from the Bolshaya Polyana, and from it to the springs. Once you get to this Big Glade, you never cease to admire amazing beauty nature, its purity, splendor. Around the clearing mountain slopes With pine forests, and a fast-flowing river flows along it, flowers grow.

    There is also a lake called Black. The water is warm, you can swim and sunbathe. Then the “Health Path” begins, leading to the springs. A special energy is felt at the springs; people visit this place to improve their health. Next to each source, and there are 18 of them, there is a stone with a name, for example, “Heart”, “Lungs”. All the Narzans merge together and fall off the cliff into the river.

    Park of Culture and Recreation "Green Island" in Cherkessk

    The city of Cherkessk is the capital and pride of the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. And the pride of Cherkessk is the Green Island cultural and recreation park. It was not by chance that the name was given to him, because great amount green spaces in the background large city looks like an island.

    Sports and events are held here cultural events, here you can relax for the population and guests of the city. In the park there are many reservoirs with clean water, and around them there is a thicket of trees and shrubs. The islands are connected by convenient passages in the form of bridges. There are various attractions, cafes, and a very interesting visit to the Lukomorye alley based on the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin.

    Location: Ordzhonikidze street - 2.

    Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Cherkessk

    When going on various trips, even if the trip is not a pilgrimage, Orthodox believers often want to visit holy places and Christian cathedrals. The current temple in the city of Cherkessk is the Temple of the Intercession Holy Mother of God. This is both a holy place for Christians and an architectural decoration of the capital.

    The history of the temple is unique, it has existed for 275 years, and during its life it has traveled from the Cossack village of Khopra to the Caucasus. The church is wooden and was often moved from place to place, the Cossacks tried to transport it carefully. Now in the church, clergy preach sermons, conduct services, and bells cast from copper sound. And as long as the temple stands on this land, the people’s path to it will never be overgrown.

    Location: Lenin street 156-V.

    Monument to fallen soldiers in the Great Patriotic War in Malokarachaevsky district

    The Great Patriotic War claimed millions of lives. Soldiers from the village of Krasny Kurgan, located in the Malokarachaevsky district, also went to the front, many of whom never returned home.

    In gratitude for their priceless feat, saving lives at the cost of their own, a monument was erected in this village. This is a large composition in the form of a man and a horse, made in full height. The material from which the monument is made is bronze. There are trees and benches around. Every year on Great Victory Day, celebrations are held here and wreaths are laid. You should definitely approach this landmark and pay your respects to the soldiers who defended our lives.

    Not far from Karachaevsk there is an ancient christian temple, which was built in the 10th century right in the mountains. Now he is historical monument. Many people will want to see it, because the temple on the slopes of the mountains is a real miracle of architecture. The cross-domed church is made in the Byzantine style; its white walls are visible from afar.

    The view of the temple is mesmerizing; it seems that it rests on the vault of heaven. Christians believed that it was more convenient to talk to God from the heights of the mountains. And its age of more than a thousand years gives it even greater grandeur. Ancient temple Mount Shoana holds many mysteries. And in order to solve them, you should go to this beautiful place as quickly as possible.

    Sentinsky temple in Nizhnyaya Teberda, Karachay district

    One of the ledges on the left bank of the Teberda River is decorated with a Christian temple. The Sentinsky temple has been decorating these picturesque places for more than a thousand years.

    Its architecture is striking, it fits well into the surrounding landscape, its forms are impeccable, and the slabs and blocks are carefully adjusted. Despite its age, there are no cracks in the temple. A wonderful view of the Teberda Gorge opens from the temple site in winter; the ridges are covered with snow, which creates an impressive spectacle.

    Watchtower Adiyukh Khabez region

    In the Adiyukh settlement, located in the Khabez region, there is the Adiyukh tower, built from sandstone blocks in the 18th century. It has five floors and is part of a ruined fortress. The tower had defensive significance and also served as a storage place for food supplies.

    At the tower rectangular section, the truncated pyramid narrows upward, and its walls thicken. U local residents there is a legend about the tower. According to which, there lived a beautiful girl whose hands shone in the sun and were very white, so that they could illuminate the way at night. And then one day, she quarreled with her husband, and on a dark night she did not show him the way, and he died.

    The girl grieved about this for a long time, hitting the stones, which soon turned red. Then she married another man, but died tragically without ever entering his house. The unfortunate husband buried her in a rock. Many years later, a woman’s burial was actually discovered in the rock, and next to the tower there is a mound in which her first husband may lie. Now the Adiyukh Tower is a historical monument and the main attraction of the Khabez region.

    Recently, excursionists had the opportunity to visit the Special Astrophysical Observatory of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which has become the most popular tourist site. And, although first of all, this is a scientific site, you can go on a tour here.

    It is located in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz and the village of Zelenchukskaya. There are two types of viewing available for visitors: daytime viewing and nighttime viewing. During the day excursion, they are introduced to the operation of telescopes, their location, and distinctive features. And during night excursions you can watch the stars using one of the most powerful telescopes.

    Tourist complex "Honey Falls"

    The best vacation is outdoor recreation. The Karachay-Cherkess Republic has excellent natural resources, which everyone should definitely appreciate. On the territory of the tourist complex “Honey Falls” in the Malokarachaevsky district of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, everyone can have a great rest. Indescribable sensations and picturesque views await them here.

    The holiday is comfortable, because there is everything you need - cottages, cafes, a Russian bathhouse. On the territory of the complex there is ethnographical museum“Karachay Compound”, which contains unique exhibits from various historical eras.

    There is a souvenir shop nearby. The tourist complex offers its guests horseback riding of various themes - from a simple walk to a horseback riding trip to the foot of Elbrus. Among active tours There are rafting trips, jeep tours and safaris. And at the end of a busy day, it’s worth visiting a Russian wood-burning bathhouse or sauna, this will help you gain strength for new adventures.

    Residents of Russia have long known the name “Arkhyz” thanks to the mineral water of the same name. IN last years the village of Arkhyz, where this mineral water is bottled, is gaining popularity among outdoor enthusiasts.

    People come here to study aquatic species sports that take place on the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River. Among these activities: rafting, kayaking and rafting, sailing on catamarans. And four years ago a ski resort also opened here. It is located on the slopes of three valleys, has long ski slopes, and excellent lift capacity.

    Here in the village of Arkhyz there is an interesting rafting base “Neptune”. It provides recreation accessible to everyone. “Neptune” gives extreme emotions, makes vacation unforgettable, here people can easily relax from the bustle of the city.

    While rafting down a mountain river, travelers admire the amazing beauty protected areas, try dishes of Caucasian cuisine. Professional trainers are always present with the group, and all the necessary equipment is given out right here.

    Health complex "Pearl of the Caucasus" Prikubansky district

    Karachay-Cherkessia is rich in water natural resources. There are large reserves of fresh water, mineral and thermal springs. Therefore, the region attracts many tourists.

    Opened in the Kubansky district health complex"Pearl of the Caucasus". It includes pools with water that has healing properties. The complex also has saunas, Russian baths, and cafes. "Pearl of the Caucasus" in given time It is developing rapidly; there are additional plans to open a zoo here, which will especially appeal to children. And for lovers fishing a pond is expected.

    Location: Stroiteley Street - 1A, Kavkazsky.

    For scientists, the appearance of images of saints in various places, be it churches or natural objects, remains unclear. Believers consider this appearance a miracle. While in the village of Nizhny Arkhyz, it’s worth going to Mount Mitseshta to see such a miracle with your own eyes. About 20 years ago, the Face of Christ was discovered in a small sandstone grotto.

    The image resembles the Sinai icon. Dimensions: length - 140 cm, width - 80 cm. Getting to this image is quite difficult, but it's worth it. Moreover, now there is a staircase with railings installed there, and there are also benches. On the way back you can stop for observation platforms and admire the beauty of the mountains.

    Karachay-Cherkessia is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus. Two-thirds of its territory is occupied by the Greater Caucasus mountains: the Main Caucasian, or Watershed, ridge, Bokovoy and neighboring advanced ridges. The cavalry of nomads passed through this land, the indigenous peoples survived centuries of oppression, battles on the slopes of Elbrus with the mountain rangers of Nazi Germany and deportations.


    Having built a state on the site of present-day Karachay-Cherkessia, the Alans could not withstand the onslaught of other nomads. The inhabitants who remained after the Alans were called Circassians.

    Traces of human presence on the lands of present-day Karachay-Cherkessia date back to the Stone Age, to the Mousterian culture. Flint tools from that period were discovered at the mouth of the Ovechka River near Cherkessk. On the local land rich in ore deposits, as iron was developed, the original Upper Kuban culture, similar to the famous Koban culture, was formed. From that time on, the tradition of making Circassian edged weapons and armor began, which have no equal in the world either in terms of durability or richness of decoration with carvings and inlays.

    In the first millennium BC. e. Scythian-Sarmatians lived in the north of what is now Karachay-Cherkessia, and Colchians lived in the south. In the IV-VIII centuries. V mountain valleys Abkhazians settled, and Alans settled in the mountain gorges of the Kuban. At the end of the first millennium AD. e. The lands of Karachay-Cherkessia were part of the state of the Alans - nomadic Iranian-speaking tribes of Scythian-Sarmatian origin.

    In 372, the Alans were defeated by the Huns, became involved in the process of the Great Migration of Peoples and were forced to hide in the foothills of the Caucasus. Here they switched to a sedentary lifestyle, taking up farming and raising livestock.

    The Alans managed to overcome inter-tribal differences and created a union of Alan and local Caucasian tribes, which became the basis for the creation of an early feudal state in the Central Ciscaucasia, which lasted until the 13th century, when the Tatar-Mongol invasion began.

    Alania was unable to resist the hordes of nomads and was already defeated by 1230. The surviving Alans found refuge in the mountain gorges of the Central Caucasus and Transcaucasia, where they assimilated with the local Caucasian population.

    The territory of Karachay-Cherkessia was part of the Alanian state, and some architectural monuments of that time have been preserved here: the Zelenchuk, Sentinsky, Shoanin Christian churches. Arkhyz settlement of the X-XI centuries.

    Since the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, all local tribes began to be called Circassians. Since the 15th century. they are waging a bloody struggle with the Crimean khans. As a result of the Russian-Turkish wars of the 18th century. Kuban became the border of the Russian Empire. After the defeat of Turkey in the wars, according to the Russian-Turkish Peace of Adrianople in 1828, the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia became part of Russia as Batal Pasha, a certain department of the Kuban region.

    After the October Revolution of 1917, a unified North Caucasian Soviet Republic was created here. After the end of the Civil War, in 1922, the Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Region was established. In 1926, it was divided into the Karachay Autonomous Okrug and the Circassian National District (since 1928, the Circassian Autonomous Okrug).

    In 1942, during the Second World War, Cherkessk was captured by fascist German troops; fierce battles were fought in the mountains for the passes of the Main Caucasian ridge, at an altitude of 4000 m, among glaciers and rocks. During the war, 15 people from Karachay-Cherkessia became Heroes of the Soviet Union.

    In 1943, the Karachay Autonomous Okrug was liquidated, the population was forcibly evicted. The Stalinist leadership accused the Karachais of treason during the years of the German offensive in the Caucasus. In 1957, the united Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Okrug was created.

    In 1992, a referendum was held in which, according to official results, the majority of the population of Karachay-Cherkessia spoke out against division. Since December 9, 1992, this land has been called the Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

    About 80% of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic is located in mountainous areas. Within the republic there are three zones: the foothill plain, the foothills and the Caucasus mountains. Main river- Kuban. On the border with Kabardino-Balkaria is Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in the Caucasus.


    Karachay-Cherkessia is located in the zone of mountain steppes and deciduous forests. Rich flora and fauna have been preserved in the forests and highlands. On the territory of the republic there are the Teberda Nature Reserve and partly the Caucasus Nature Reserve.

    Teberda Biosphere Reserve is located on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range. The reserve was founded in 1936 and covers an area of ​​85 thousand hectares. Here mountainous terrain, and the most high mountain Dombay-Ulgen (4042 m). The main river is Teberda, in the valley of which traces of ancient glaciation have been preserved. There are 151 lakes of glacial origin in the reserve, the largest of which is Blue Ullu-Murudzhinskoye Lake.

    About 1,100 plant species grow on the territory of the reserve, of which 272 are endemic to the Caucasus, and 21 species are listed in the Red Book of Russia. The reserve is home to 47 species of mammals, including Caucasian deer, Caucasian brown bear, lynx, forest cat, stone marten, Caucasian weasel, and especially valuable species - Caucasian tur and chamois. 202 species of birds live here, including hobby, snowcock, and Caucasian lentil. The most common fish is trout.

    Teberda Nature Reserve is an environmental research and environmental education center of federal significance. In 1994, the reserve was awarded the Diploma of the Council of Europe, 1st degree. In 1997, the reserve received biosphere status. Karachay-Cherkessia is an agricultural and industrial republic. In the north, light industry, chemical production and livestock farming are more developed, in the south - mining and woodworking industries. There are significant reserves of copper ore and various building materials: granite, marble of various colors, limestone and many types of clay.

    Tourism is of great importance for the economy of the republic, especially given the mountainous nature of the area - mountaineering. This sport is practiced mainly in the south of the republic, where the main mountain resorts: Dombay, Arkhyz, Teberda and others.

    Arkhyz is a mountainous region in the upper reaches of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River (after the name of the Karachay aul, in the past - the Arkhyz settlement). In the X-XM centuries. The Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement was an outpost of Byzantine influence in the North Caucasus. Large Christian churches of medieval Alanya have survived to this day. Part of the Great Silk Road passed through the gorge.

    Ski resort Dombay is located at an altitude of 1650 m, at the foot of the Main Caucasus Range in the Dombay Glade in the intermountain basin at the foot of the northern slope of the Caucasus Range. Dombay Glade is famous for its exceptionally clean air.

    Transport links on the territory of the republic are poorly developed.

    This explains how geographical features region, and complex political situation throughout the North Caucasus. So. Karachay-Cherkessia does not have its own airport, and the nearest one is in Mineralnye Vody(Stavropol region).

    Karachay-Cherkessia is still one of the most unstable North Caucasian republics. There is a frequent change of power here; a solution to long-standing conflicts on ethnic and religious grounds, which become especially acute during the election of the President of the Republic, has not yet been found.


    ■ The coat of arms of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic was adopted on February 3, 1994, it has round shape, in the center of the composition is a stylized silhouette of Elbrus.

    ■ The Karachay horse breed has been formed over many centuries. Horses are adapted to life in the mountains and easily move over mountains and rocks. In 1998-1999 These horses were used for the first ever horseback expeditions to Elbrus.

    ■ Mount Elbrus has different names among different peoples: Mingitau (Karachay-Balkar), Elburus (Nogai), Askhartau (Kumyk), Jin-padishah (Turkic), Albar (Iranian), Yalbuz (Georgian), Oshkhamakho (Kabardian), Shat -mountain (Old Russian).

    ■ Circassian - men's outerwear, common among many peoples of the Caucasus and borrowed by the Terek and Kuban Cossacks. A distinctive feature of the Circassian coat is the gazyri - special pockets for pencil cases. The pencil case contained a charge of gunpowder and a bullet to load a flintlock or matchlock gun at a gallop. In the outer pencil cases, located almost under the armpits, dry wood chips were stored for kindling.

    ■ Alibek waterfall is one of the largest waterfalls in Dombay. more than 25 m high. Appeared in the 20th century. In the 1930s there was no waterfall, and the rocky ledge was covered by the tongue of the Alibek glacier, which retreats upward by a meter and a half every year.

    ■ The Military-Sukhumi Road, known in ancient times as the Turkish Trail, connects the city of Cherkessk through the Klukhorsky Pass (2781 m) and the Kodori Gorge with the capital of Abkhazia - Sukhumi and is the shortest route from Caucasus Mountains to the Black Sea.


    ■ Teberda Nature Reserve;
    Mountain region Arkhyz;
    ■ Dombay ski resort: Dombay glade, Belalakaya (Striped rock);
    ■ G Elbrus;
    ■ Polovtsian statue “Bowl Holder” (right bank of Bolshoi Zelenchuk);
    Religious buildings: Sentinsky temple (south of Karachaevsk, first half of the 10th century), Shoaninsky temple (north
    Karachaevsk, first half of the 10th century), Zelenchuk, or Nizhne-Arkhyz, temples (gorge of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, 10th century);
    ■ Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement (Arkhyz settlement) (village of Nizhny Arkhyz, X-XII centuries);
    ■ Gumbashi Pass (Upper Mara);
    ■ Monument to Kurman-Ali Kurdzhiev (Karachaevok);
    ■ Museum of Tourism and Mountaineering (Teberda).

    Atlas. The whole world is in your hands No. 101

    The ridges of the Greater Caucasus, the Marukh and Klukhor passes, the beauty of snowy peaks, the transience of mountain rivers, flowering meadows and plains - this is the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. Once here, you will not be able to stop yourself from sightseeing, and believe me, there is a lot to see here! You can visit the Throat of Barlog and the Sofia Valley, the mysterious ancient settlement of Adiyukh, the Shaonin temple located on high peak, Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, others unique places. The charm, originality and uniqueness of the monuments of Kabardino-Cherkessia will be remembered for a long time!

    Today we will virtually go on a trip around the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and the site will introduce you to the most current news of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the latest news of the republic, in addition, you can watch the popular channel "Arkhyz 24" directly online.

    Honey Falls

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, near the village of Kommunstroy

    Having walked 6-7 kilometers from the “Castle of Cunning and Love” along the gorge, you can see sheer cliffs from which the so-called Honey Falls fall. Here really gorgeous places. Mountain streams and rivers form several gorgeous waterfalls at once. They are all so different that it is difficult to say for sure which of them is more beautiful.

    Mountain Elbrus

    Russia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia

    Mount Elbrus is considered the most high mountain in Russia, but this is not its main feature. For many centuries, legends have been made and fairy tales told about Elbrus

    Nizhne-Arkhyz settlement

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Zelenchuksky district, Nizhny Arkhyz

    Alans are ancient people, which existed from the beginning of our era until the fourteenth century. This wise people are known throughout Europe and to the Caucasus. Their fame spread throughout Western Europe, a people who spoke Iranian, taught the Goths and Germans horse fighting

    Caucasian Natural Biosphere Reserve

    Russia, Krasnodar region, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia

    The biosphere reserve in the Caucasus is considered one of the first in Russia. Once upon a time there were hunting grounds where the great princes loved to hunt. The reserve appeared only during Soviet times in 1924. The environmental organization decided to create in these picturesque places a protected area to preserve populations of unique animals and protect forests from deforestation

    Gorge and canyon of the Amanauz River

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karachaevsky district

    The Amanauz River Gorge amazes with its beauty and variety of natural attractions. This is the source of the Caucasian Teberda River. Every year, numerous tourists come to these parts to see all this splendor with their own eyes.

    Sofia Valley

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Zelenchuksky district, Arkhyz

    For those who prefer to relax on sandy beaches- a trip to the Sofia Valley will simply be too tough. This place is suitable only for hardy, purposeful and nature-loving people

    Chuchkhur waterfall

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Dombay

    This waterfall is formed thanks to the powerful flows of the Chuchkhur River, which flows from the Chuchkhur Gorge into the Dombay-Ulgen Gorge. Moreover, the waterfall has several cascades

    Shoan Temple

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Karachaevsk

    On the banks of the Kuban River near Karachaevsk there is the oldest Christian temple, built in the 10th century. Shoanin Temple is a unique landmark of Karachay-Cherkessia - a temple rising on a mountain slope and is an ancient monument of architecture and history

    Settlement and tower of Adiyukh

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Khabezsky district

    One of the most mysterious and interesting tourist places in Karachay-Cherkessia is considered a settlement and watch tower Adiyukh. The settlement was founded in the 7th-8th centuries AD, a few kilometers from the place where the village of Khabez is now located, on the high bank of the Maly Zelenchuk River

    Barlog's Throat

    Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Urupsky district

    Barlog's throat is amazing place in Karachay-Cherkessia, but despite all the inconveniences caused by high humidity, cliffs and deep wells - it is worth a visit


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