The cheapest countries to live. The cheapest countries in the world. Inexpensive Schengen countries

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Every year, many different ratings are compiled on the value of real estate, as well as the cost of living in certain countries.
All measurement experts agree that the most expensive place to live is in Switzerland. Singapore and Norway also made it into the top three most expensive countries. Also in first place are: Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Qatar, Australia, Venezuela, Iceland and Denmark.

Top 10 most expensive countries in Europe

1. Switzerland;
2. Norway;
3. Luxembourg;
4. Iceland;
5. Denmark;
6. Great Britain;
7. Ireland;
8. Netherlands;
9. Finland;
10. France.

It is noteworthy that this rating did not include Monaco, where real estate prices are the highest in the world.
Switzerland is interesting for rich people, the quality of local banks is known all over the world, and many global companies have offices in Zurich and Geneva. Every year the Geneva Motor Show is held in Geneva, during which the best automobile companies present their new products and concept cars. When purchasing real estate here, you can be sure of the possibility of renting it out. Small towns near one of the country's many lakes are more attractive for permanent housing. Popular among tenants are properties near lakes, as well as on ski resorts. Real estate in Switzerland is very expensive and because of this it is also known as the “land of millionaires”.

Norway is a Scandinavian country famous for its high quality life. Russian citizens do not pay much attention to it because for them it is a cold place, but for Europeans it is desirable; many seek to spend their holidays here. Tourists come to Norway for the purpose of ecotourism and visiting local fjords.

Third place went to Luxembourg, the country, like Switzerland, is known for its banking system, there is beautiful nature and a lot of tourist sites, most of which are castles. Only wealthy residents move to Luxembourg who want to live in luxury, comfort and surrounded by pure nature. The second part of immigrants moves here to find work.

Iceland is recognized as one of the most expensive European countries. The island has a very harsh climate, most of the products are brought from the continent and therefore it is very high prices. The country is famous for its many thermal springs and glaciers. Real estate in Iceland does not attract Russians because they do not like the local climatic conditions.

Another expensive country is Denmark. Country belongs to old Europe, is rich in attractions, but is not very popular among Russians as a place to purchase real estate. The most popular properties are located in Copenhagen.

The next place is taken by Great Britain, in particular London has long been the capital Russian oligarchs thanks to its investment program for obtaining a residence permit. In addition to London, foreigners pay attention to facilities located on student campuses.

Ireland has recently begun to gain momentum in terms of the number of properties purchased, but has already firmly taken its place among popular investment cities.

Another country in our ranking is the Netherlands, a kingdom known for its free morals and rich heritage. The density of attractions per square kilometer here is the highest in Europe. The tourist flow here is high throughout the year, so property owners always have the opportunity to rent out their homes.

Finland occupies the penultimate place in the top ten. Helsinki has very expensive real estate and high living costs, but in return you get a high-quality standard of living, a stable economic system and environmentally friendly pure nature. In winter, ski lovers come to Finland, as well as families eager to show their children the homeland of Santa Claus.

The last place is occupied by the most romantic country - France. The most popular properties are located in Paris and the Cote d'Azur. Politicians, billionaires and various pop stars have houses and apartments here. IN last years Russians began to pay attention to estates with their own vineyards. In such regions, gastronomic tourism is quite well developed.

The cheapest countries in Europe:

1. Macedonia;
2. Bosnia and Herzegovina;
3. Albania;
4. Serbia;
5. Romania;
6. Bulgaria;
7. Kosovo;
8. Montenegro;
9. Hungary;
10. Poland.

Although in first place, it has nevertheless become very attractive to investors. Reason for popularity: beautiful nature. This country has become interesting for girls, so the beautiful half of humanity often takes Macedonians as husbands and moves here for permanent residence.

Next comes Bosnia and Herzegovina, there are no high level life, only those who live very poorly in Russia pay attention to the country. The price level here is also low, this applies to both the cost of housing and the price of the consumer basket.

Albania, according to experts, will become a major tourist destination in the next few years. IN resort towns Foreign citizens They are purchasing real estate en masse, as prices have begun to rise, and the infrastructure is improving every year. Over the past couple of years, there have been quality highways, restaurants, shops and plenty of entertainment for young people. The resort part of the country is also constantly being upset; now on the coast you can find many hotels, villas and holiday apartments. On the one hand, Albania is very cheap, on the other hand, the local population is trying to make money from tourists, plus the flight to the country is inconvenient, which often makes it quite expensive.

Close Romania is also considered one of the cheapest countries. Although the country has a rich heritage, it is not of interest to tourists and investors. In most cases, Bucharest and Count Dracula's Castle are visited on the way to Bulgaria or during one of the European bus tours.

The top 10 was where Russians go on vacation every year and buy housing. The most popular cities for purchasing real estate in Bulgaria are Varna and Burgas, followed by popular Black Sea resorts Sunny Beach, Nessebar and Golden Sands. Housing in small areas is less popular resort villages– The Seagull, Saint Constantine and Helen and others. The Bulgarian capital Sofia is in demand mainly among businessmen; apartments located in one of the ski resorts are usually paid attention to local residents and residents of neighboring countries.

Kosovo is not popular. Memories of military operations in the country are still fresh in people's minds.

Montenegro is a popular tourist destination, plus it is very affordable. Flies from Moscow throughout the year regular flight to Podgorica, and during the summer season there are many Charters to Tivat. While vacationing in you can visit neighboring Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, and if you have a Schengen visa, many other equally interesting European countries: Slovakia, Austria, Italy and others. The most expensive real estate in Montenegro is located on the beach Adriatic Sea, in particular in Budva. Cheaper properties can be found in Bar, Ulcinj and other resorts. The price of real estate in the capital of the country, Podgorica, will be lower; it will not be of interest to investors. From time to time, foreigners pay attention to regions that are located close to local ski resorts. But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Hungary and Poland are popular among tourists, the main reason being their close location, a lot of attractions, plus an ideal price-quality ratio. In Hungary, Budapest is very interesting - one of the most beautiful capitals of the world, followed by thermal baths that can save you from many diseases. Thanks to its favorable location, while vacationing or living in Hungary it is possible to visit Austria and its capital Vienna. Poland is rich in beautiful architecture, there is also excellent shopping and a lot of outlets. People come to the sales twice a year - the end of June and the end of January, and in outlets the cost of clothes and shoes from past collections is lower throughout the year.

Price level for food and rent

In addition to the cost of real estate, the cost of food should be taken into account. Switzerland also leads the list of expensive products; the consumer basket is slightly cheaper in Norway. Iceland is also considered an expensive country. After all, the bulk of products are brought here from the continent. It will be slightly cheaper in Denmark, France, Ireland, Great Britain and France.

If we consider establishments Catering, then the most expensive restaurants are in Norway, followed by Switzerland, Denmark, Luxembourg, Iceland and the Netherlands. The cheapest restaurants can be found in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Czech Republic, Albania and Bulgaria. In Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, the cost of food in restaurants will be higher than in smaller cities, a similar situation in the resorts of Bulgaria, where prices are often inflated.

The cheapest place to rent real estate is in one of the countries located in Balkan Peninsula. The most popular are Montenegro Albania, Albania is less popular, and last places are Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The cheapest rental housing options are located on the Balkan Peninsula - in Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The most expensive rentals will be on the French Riviera, Monaco and some regions of Spain. In the winter season, the price for renting housing in the ski resorts of Switzerland, Austria and France will be high.

In the current crisis, traveling abroad seems like an unaffordable luxury for many people. Prices for a week's accommodation in most foreign countries reach the annual income of the average person, turning a vacation into a pipe dream. But there are still countries in which the exchange rate plays into the hands of all tourists.

We have compiled a list of 7 countries that are considered the cheapest for tourists.


Housing prices per month: $30
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 550-600$

India is considered the cheapest tourist country in the world. It is rich not only in its hot climate and ocean, but also in a lot of attractions. And all this for just $80 per month.

Due to the convenient exchange rate between dollars and rupees, renting an apartment with all amenities will cost a tourist only $30 per month. And due to India's tropical climate, markets are filled with cheap fruits and vegetables year-round. In addition, you can buy several varieties of rice and other cereals for a couple of dollars. Thus, food will cost a tourist about $10 per week.

Best choice for vacation small towns. Prices there are cheaper than in Delhi, the housing is more comfortable, the population is smaller, and there are much more attractions and national flavor. Pocket expenses and excursions will cost the tourist about $40 more. It is worth noting that Indians themselves spend much less per month, since their average salary reaches only $50. Despite seemingly such economic decline and poverty, India is a very bright and colorful country. A vacation here involves not only sunny days on the beach, but also complete immersion in its culture and traditions.

Flights to India are cheap, compared even to European countries. Round-trip tickets from any CIS country will cost about $600, and if you book them in advance, you can save an additional hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-100
Meals per month: $20
Flight: from $1000

Indonesia is known to tourists primarily by its names famous beaches Bali, Malukru and Tengah, which amaze the imagination with paradisiacal landscapes, sun and crystal clear water.

Before you go on holiday to Indonesia, you need to plan everything carefully. Tour operators offer tourists expensive hotel rooms at $20 per night, so this is not an option for the average traveler. Many people go here with a tent behind them, since the warm climate fully allows this type of accommodation. Some are looking for comfortable small houses or bungalows on the ocean for $60 a month.

Food in Indonesia, as in India, is an abundance of exotic fruits, berries, vegetables and nuts, as well as various seafood. Thus, on average, a tourist spends $20 on food. If you prefer to visit restaurants from time to time and try national cuisine, then the monthly amount will increase to $40. Together with pocket expenses, the required amount for living in Indonesia for one month is $160-180.

The main thing to remember is one rule: never buy souvenirs from local residents at the prices offered. You should always bargain, since the real cost of all trinkets is only a few dollars.

Despite low prices, flying to Indonesia is not a cheap pleasure. Two-way tickets from all CIS countries cost about $1,200 for one person. But you can look for various promotions, discounts, or book tickets in advance to save a couple of hundred dollars.


Housing prices per month: $60-70
Meals per month: $40
Flight: 1000$

Laos is not only a beautiful country with magnificent mountain landscapes, but also a center of spiritual enlightenment. To find themselves and understand the meaning of life, tourists from all over the world go to Laos, where a calm and spiritual atmosphere reigns. Plus, it's also very cheap country, since there is nowhere to spend money here.

Rent for a month of a one-room apartment with all amenities costs only $60-70, depending on the availability of the Internet. The range of products in Laos is not very large, since this industry is underdeveloped. Thus, a tourist spends a maximum of $40 per month on necessary products.

But a two-way flight from any CIS country costs approximately $1,000.


Housing prices per month: $200
Meals per month: $100
Flight: 800-1200$

Thailand is one of the most exotic countries in Asia. It attracts tourists with its bright colors, carefree atmosphere, various festivals and show programs, and, of course, unique cuisine.

All more tourists prefer to plunge into the warm embrace of Thailand in winter, when the already low prices for holidays there drop by half. Indeed, this is an inexpensive country for the average traveler. And before you go to Thailand, you can make inquiries from blogs and websites of experienced tourists, who openly advise newcomers on places where there is cheap housing, inexpensive food and interesting places for relax.
There is an abundance of fruit, fish and game here for just a dollar. Thus, a tourist will spend $100 a month on food if he is not tempted by expensive Thai delicacies and culinary masterpieces.

It doesn't matter if you're vacationing in big city like Pattaya, or smaller ones like Phuket, Koh Samui, Chang or Phi Phi, a heavenly holiday is guaranteed with golden beaches, sun and exotic food. But the cost of housing differs radically. IN big cities a tourist will have to pay $400 for a month, but in small resort towns it’s about $200.

Costa Rica

Housing prices per month: $100
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

Costa Rica is a small paradise state in Central America, which tourists call the most beautiful place on earth. For travelers, there are nature reserves, parks, magnificent beaches overlooking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, waterfalls and wild jungle safaris.

To rent an entire house here, you need to spend $250 per month, but a simple apartment with all amenities will cost $100. Food in Costa Rica is also inexpensive, even if you eat in restaurants from time to time. Due to the abundance of seafood and fruit, dinner at the restaurant costs only $4. Thus, per month you will spend about $100 on food.

And since the beaches and the ocean are free pleasures, a heavenly month of relaxation is guaranteed to everyone.


Housing prices per month: $150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $1000

After the economic crisis, National currency Argentina has dropped significantly, making accommodation for tourists in this country quite affordable. But due to its remote location, flying to this beautiful country amounts to a decent amount.

Accommodation in a hotel, as in other countries, is of course more expensive than renting private housing. But an apartment with all the amenities right on the ocean will cost $150 per month. Unlike Asian countries, food in Argentina is much more expensive. If you are going to cook yourself, then be prepared to spend $200, and if you want to try magnificent culinary masterpieces national cuisine from the chef, this amount will increase several times.


Housing prices per month: $40-150
Meals per month: $200
Flight: from $500

The Philippines is crazy beautiful islands, with an interesting culture and hospitable people. In fact, this is not a very cheap place if you prefer to relax in a big city. But if you want to get away from the bustle of the city, lie on the beach by the ocean and enjoy a change of scenery, it is better to choose the small tourist town of Cebu for your vacation. There are also golf courts and shopping centers, and housing prices dropped to $150 per month. And if you visit the bustling town of Damakuete, you can live there with all the amenities for just $40 per month.

If you combine home-cooked meals with restaurant meals in the Philippines, you will have to spend about $200, without denying yourself anything.

We collect money for the flight and go to earthly paradise for a whole month. Have a nice holiday!

Pack your bags and suitcases! The top 15 countries have been compiled where accommodation will cost more on a budget than you imagine.

Of course, every country has its nuances, but the gentle sun, beautiful nature and azure water outshine all the disadvantages.


In this friendly country, prices are more than affordable. You can have a good meal for a dollar, and live comfortably for $150. However, it is better to carry out professional activities via the Internet, because finding a decent job in Indonesia is problematic. In addition to the profitable financial side, there are luxurious natural resources and picturesque landscapes that can be contemplated endlessly.


Cambodia is an excellent abode for those whose budget does not allow them to go wild. You can really live here for little money. For example, for 5 dollars they will catch you delicious fish or crab, which will be cooked right before your eyes. You can buy any seafood delicacies here for just a couple of dollars.

However, wild beaches predominate in Cambodia. They are not suitable for relaxing under a beach umbrella. On such a beach it is easy to meet animals or other unfriendly forest inhabitants. This a good choice for those who want to retire away from the infrastructure.


The highlight of the state is the huge wild forest. In addition, reservoirs in this country and considerable barrier reef are the ideal place in Asia for successful underwater hunting and scuba diving.

Housing in Vietnam can be rented for 100-200 dollars (per month). However, you need to be prepared that you will have to come into contact with the population regularly and share the beach with them.


This country is located in the Southeast part of mysterious Asia. It is famous for its ancient monasteries with Buddha statues and walks along the wild river. Lunch in Laos will cost about $5 on average. You can live here for 10-20 dollars a day. To get around, you can rent a bike and pay 9-10 dollars for it.


Thailand is very popular among tourists with different preferences. Although it will cost more than other Asian countries, its prices are still affordable, especially when compared with Europe.

Lunch in Thailand costs approximately up to 3 dollars, and a private house can be taken to long-term rental for 160-320 dollars. Moreover, among the real jungle you can find good quality housing for only 4 dollars a day.


India is famous not only for the Taj Mahal, but also for its ancient temples, dilapidated caves and unique culture. You can rent housing from Indians for 100-110 dollars. A chicken and rice dish will cost about 40 rupees (almost 60 cents). You can have a hearty meal for a couple of dollars.


Mysterious Nepal is known for its unique mystical atmosphere, conducive to meditation and spiritual enlightenment. For all those who are not into meditation, this is a great place for relaxation and relaxation among the luxurious mountain nature. In addition, in Nepal you can eat well for just one dollar a day. An exclusive dish in a restaurant can cost 8 dollars, and renting an apartment (a good one-room apartment) can cost 1-2 dollars. Public transport also available. It will cost about two cents per ride.


China can confidently be called a contrasting country. On the one hand this concrete jungle, and on the other - natural picturesque nature with extraordinary untouched beauty. The unruly latitudes of the Gobi Desert and, of course, highest point globe- Everest are integral components of the heritage of the Chinese.

This state has very developed infrastructure. Therefore in greater China It’s very easy to move to any desired point. A taxi in many cities can cost one dollar if the trip is short. You can pay just a couple of dollars for a hearty lunch.

Bulgaria. Veliko Tarnovo

Housing is not cheap in this state. However tourist holiday won't hurt your pocket. Veliko Tarnovo has very beautiful and scenic spots no worse than in France. You can rent an apartment here for $200 a month.


Everything is inexpensive in Nicaragua. Both food and accommodation are simply a godsend for budget accommodation. If you are used to a high level of comfort, then for $900 you can rent luxury housing, eat quality food for two, go to the cinema and restaurants, and also use the services of a cleaning lady.


This state has a rich cultural history. It has a lot of historical sights and natural resources. The best tropical fruits and aromatic coffee will be available if you wish.

Guatemala is rightfully considered one of the most budget countries for a measured life. Of course, your own home with 10 rooms can cost about 100 thousand greenbacks. However, they may ask for $200 to rent a good one-room apartment. You can have a full meal here for 30-40 dollars for a whole week.


In recent years, this previously unexplored country has been rapidly growing and progressing in terms of tourism. Everything in it is cheap, very tasty and chic. You can enjoy healthy delicacies for just $3.


In Peru, prices are quite contrasting. They, of course, are not cheap in big cities and even towns. However, in small populated areas, which are located in the jungle itself, you can live for ridiculous money.

Mexico. Guanajuato

Guanajuato is a pretty progressive city. Housing there will cost about $200 (per month), and a good grade of beer costs less than a dollar. You can watch a movie in a theater for only 3-4 dollars.

But one of the most popular and famous tourist attractions ancient city is the Museum of Mummies. Such a museum - the only one in the world. It stores the mummified bodies of deceased people. The mummification process occurred naturally.

The article provides a selection of countries where it is cheapest to live, so you can choose a paradise for yourself, to which you can move at any time if you wish.

There are countries in which our citizens with an average income will feel rich, receiving in addition a warm sea, and Exotic fruits at your side. In Europe and the USA, many people, after retirement, began to move to live in countries with a low cost of living, because on a pension of 500-1000 dollars you can live there without denying yourself anything.

1. Thailand

Sunny Asia is one of the most favorite places for Russians to move, and Thailand was not chosen by chance, since the average salary of a Russian here is a decent fortune, despite the fact that the exchange rate of one Thai baht is approximately equal to two rubles.

You can live right on the Cote d'Azur, surrounded by palm trees and warm sun. Of course, we are not talking about life in tourist places, but about the option of living as an ordinary Thai citizen. You can rent a comfortable apartment with one or two rooms with all amenities almost in the center of Bangkok and maybe even with a swimming pool for 22 thousand rubles. You cannot find such prices for similar housing in Moscow or St. Petersburg.

A full lunch in a Thai cafe - first, second with meat and drink - will cost you 200 rubles, but if you cook it yourself, like at home, the cost of food will be even lower. Such prices can be found in the center of resort towns, and if you move to a less popular city, then the costs can be halved. But what is a little expensive here is gasoline: about 100 rubles per liter.

2. India

India is a country of contrasts, a mixture of ancient cults and customs with modern technologies. Here, living in a penthouse, you can see the local slums from the window, and painted yogis in a state of trance and monkeys will sit on the central streets. But the cost of living for us here is lower, therefore, having earned money in Russia, you can live luxuriously in India, since here the cost of 1 rupee is just over a ruble.

Even at the height of the season in Goa, you can rent an excellent apartment with amenities for 20-25 thousand rubles per month. And here local kitchen, of course, not for everybody, but if you like it, a hearty lunch at a local shack will cost from 70 to 200 rubles.

3. Indonesia

Indonesia generally offers incredibly low prices for accommodation; here you can invest $150 a month, although without luxury, but you can decide for yourself how much extra you want to spend. A full meal here will cost only $1. But this country has a very high unemployment rate and low salaries, therefore, it will be possible to live beautifully here provided that you receive income in your homeland.

4. Bali

Bali is Paradise Island, owned by Indonesia, but here, due to the promotion of the resorts, life will be more expensive than on the mainland. However, if you try to avoid popular resort places and eat in warungs for the locals, then you can live here, just like in Russia, but not in gray and dull courtyards, but in a paradise near the ocean. Here the local rupee exchange rate is as follows: 100 rupees costs approximately 0.58 rubles.

In Bali, near the sea, you can rent a decent room for a month for about 100 bucks, and a three-room apartment, if you look hard enough, for 400 greenbacks. Lunch for two here will cost an average of 230 rubles, and vegetarian dishes - even less. But if you live in less popular places Bali, then rent and food will be cheaper.

5. Philippines

Living in the Philippines is also cheap, with the exception of the capital city, as it is very popular among tourists, so if you want to live where it is cheaper, then it is better to choose other cities besides Manila. The exchange rate of the local peso in relation to the ruble was on average 1 to 1.70, respectively.

For cheap and comfortable accommodation, foreigners choose the province of Cebu, which is quite developed, but the prices here are low. Rent of an entire house with amenities can be found for $300 per month, and a comfortable room for two in a hotel for 1,200 rubles per day. You can have a hearty meal within 100-150 pesos, and if you want exotic fruits, then go to the market for them, where they will cost you almost pennies.

6. Cambodia

Sunny Cambodia will greet you with its Asian flavor, unusual ancient temples and strange cults. This country is considered the most popular among budget tourists who want to find a place where they can live without spending a lot of money. You can rent a two-room apartment with amenities here from $300, and a two-story house with two bathrooms, three bedrooms and a front garden - for $550.

A hearty meal in a cafe will cost 3 dollars, and if you want to visit a European restaurant, you will have to shell out about 5 dollars.

However, not everything is so sweet here. On wild beaches, which are not particularly clean, packs of stray dogs and forest inhabitants quietly walk around.

7. Vietnam

The coast in Southeast Vietnam is beginning to gain popularity among travelers, as it has a chic a tropical forest spreads over 11 hectares, and the most beautiful coral reef off the coast is considered best place for underwater excursions and hunting throughout Asia.

Since these places are not yet very popular, even on weekends there are not too many tourists here, so you can rent decent housing for $150-200 a month. But it is worth noting that in close proximity, even on the beach, local residents will always be with you.

8. Laos

Laos is famous for its mountains, Buddhist culture and extreme rafting on rubber boats mountain rivers. Living in Laos is not only beautiful, but also cheap, since renting luxury housing here will cost a maximum of $20 per day, and a budget option can be found for $9. If you rent housing in Laos for a month, you can count on $150-200 for a comfortable one-room apartment in residential area.

When it's time for lunch, you can eat your fill at a cafe for $2-4. And if you want to rent a bike to get around Laos, this pleasure will cost only $10 per day.

9. Nepal

Nepal has earned the reputation of a mystical country with the Asian center of spirituality. Travelers who are looking for their path and love to philosophize on the topic of existence love to come here. For budget tourists, this is a real Paradise - you can admire the local attractions, beautiful nature and abundance of temples for literally pennies. For example, renting a one-room apartment in Kathmandu will cost you a maximum of $200, and the most expensive dish in a luxury restaurant will cost a maximum of $8.

10. China

China is a huge country with wild desert plains, picturesque countryside and metropolises bustling with active life with skyscrapers and other benefits of modernity. But, despite this, China is a fairly cheap country for a foreign tourist to live in, and the level of income here is not like poor Cambodia, but much more decent. A taxi ride around the city costs an average of one dollar, lunch costs 2 dollars, and renting a luxurious apartment with several rooms and all amenities in an excellent location, taking into account utilities, security and other benefits can be purchased for 20 thousand rubles.

11. Bulgaria

For those who do not like the flavor of Asian countries and want to live cheaply somewhere in Europe, it is best to go to Bulgaria. Of course, there are no very low housing prices here, as in some Asian countries, but it is much cheaper to live in Bulgaria than anywhere else in the European Union.

If you try, you can rent excellent apartments in a residential area of ​​the capital or province for $200 a month. In addition, there are wonderful beaches and it is beautiful, definitely no worse than in France. By the way, if you want to relax by drinking a bottle of beer, here it will cost you only 80 cents.

12. Romania

Romania is another inexpensive country to live in the European Union. Here, of course, it is not as warm as in all previous countries and there are no Cote d'Azur shores, but in very beautiful architecture, many ancient castles and other attractions. The forests and mountains are famous for their beauty, where in winter you can go skiing and stay in an ice hotel.

Despite the fact that prices here are higher compared to poor Asian countries, accommodation is still cheaper than ours. Lunch in a cafe will cost a maximum of 350 rubles, and renting an apartment will cost 14-23 thousand rubles in the center and 8-17 thousand in residential areas.

13. Nicaragua

This country is just real paradise for budget accommodation for people who like to save money. Everything is cheap in Nicaragua: housing, food, entertainment, transport rental. Here, $1,000 is enough for two people to live comfortably in a huge apartment, without denying themselves anything, and even invite a housekeeper to clean your home several times a week.

14. Guatemala

Guatemala is interesting country with a rich man cultural heritage and attractions, accommodation in it will be inexpensive, but beautiful. Renting a comfortable and spacious one-room apartment per month will cost 200 dollars, and 25-30 bucks a month will be enough for food. There is also a real abundance of tropical fruits here, which are record-breakingly cheap.

15. Honduras

We are used to jokingly attaching all sorts of absurdities related to politics to Honduras, but today this country is developing very rapidly in tourist destination. It's not only cheap and fun, but also very beautiful, romantic and tasty.

You can get a filling meal for just $3. But it is worth knowing that it is better not to visit the city of San Pedro Sulla, it is recognized as the most dangerous city in the world, where markets and streets are constantly patrolled by the military, so there is no place for foreigners.

16. Mexico

In cultural developed city In Guanajuato, Mexico, you can rent a wonderful apartment for 150 - maximum 200 dollars a month, go to the movies for 3 dollars, and drink a glass of beer for less than a dollar. Mexico is a very beautiful and free country, with azure beaches and interesting colors.

17. Albania

South part this prosperous countryperfect place for a quiet and dignified life. It has a mild Mediterranean climate and beautiful views. Living in this country, unlike its European neighbors, is significantly cheaper.

You can rent a decent apartment for only 100-120 dollars, drink a bottle of beer for 90 cents, and have a tasty and satisfying meal for 6 dollars.

18. Peru

In addition to the fact that it’s inexpensive to live here and you can rent comfortable housing from $150 a month, in Peru you can also find something to do to your liking, look at the stunning Beautiful places and visit the famous and mystical place Machu Picchu.

All the necessary food (cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc.) costs mere pennies here, even a kilo of fresh salmon will cost no more than $20.

But what is truly expensive here is the Internet with terrible speed (and it is not available everywhere). Depending on the area, prices can range from $20 to $200 per month.

19. Belize

This small country in Central America is not as popular with tourists as with various investors due to offshore zones. But it’s very beautiful here, and those who have visited the local Cote d'Azur Caribbean Sea travelers note the beauty of these places and the cheapness of accommodation.

Here, 500-600 dollars a month is enough to live for an entire family, this amount includes rent big house, good food and fresh fruit.

20. Ecuador

Ecuador is the most popular country for accommodation with pensioners. There is a mild climate, beautiful nature, many parks and interesting local people. Ecuador is considered the center of the world, so it is shrouded in a fabulous atmosphere.

For a decent apartment here you will have to pay 150-200 dollars, a hearty meal at one time will cost 2.5-3 dollars. In general, 1000 dollars here is enough for a calm and interesting life in full abundance.

If a Russian or, say, a Belarusian decides to change his place of residence, then in most cases he is faced with the problem of choosing the most suitable country for moving. The most developed countries of Europe and America, where you can get a well-paid job, in addition to all sorts of benefits of civilization, also offer the highest prices for goods and services.

Quite often, moving to a highly developed country makes sense if there is a real prospect of finding a job with a high salary and a full benefits package. For such a category of migrants as pensioners or, for example, freelancers, a state with a lower, but also less expensive standard of living can often be suitable.

Top 20 cheapest countries to live:

  1. Cuba.
  2. Indonesia.
  3. Romania.
  4. Albania.
  5. Thailand.
  6. Laos.
  7. Nepal.
  8. China.
  9. Nicaragua.
  10. Guatemala.
  11. Honduras.
  12. Peru.
  13. Mexico.
  14. Bali.
  15. Philippines.

Such states today can still be found on the map of Europe, Asia, Africa or Latin America.


Among tourists from all over the world, Thailand has long been considered one of the most attractive holiday destinations. However, in recent years, potential immigrants, including many Russians and citizens of other CIS countries, are increasingly turning their gaze towards the kingdom. How can Thailand attract a foreigner as a possible immigration option? Obviously, among all the advantages of moving to a country for permanent residence, one of the first places can be given to the relatively low cost of living.

Of course, if you are a highly qualified specialist with experience in one of the professions in short supply in the country, then getting a job will be much easier. Quite often, vacancies for a Russian language teacher or translator appear on the Thai labor market: in this case, it is necessary to have a perfect command of the Russian language and a good level of English.

In addition, the solution to the financial issue can be the ability to make money on the Internet. However, you should not overestimate your capabilities: if you have not had successful experience working as a freelancer in your home country, then you should not expect that everything will be different in Thailand. An experienced freelancer knows that self-organization and self-discipline play a very important role in his work, and in Thailand (especially at first) a foreigner will have many temptations to put off work until later.

The main part of a foreigner's expenses in Thailand is usually related to housing and food. It would be unfair to say that the cost of food and living space in the country is the lowest in Southeast Asia, but there are countries that are more expensive in this regard.

A quite decent one- or two-room apartment in Bangkok can be rented for 10–20 thousand Thai baht per month (1 USD = 33 THB). A full lunch in one of the capital’s cafes will cost $5, renting a motorbike, an extremely popular form of transport in the country, costs 3–4 thousand THB per month.

If a foreigner manages to find an employer willing to hire him with official registration of employment, then he will be required to obtain a work visa outside of Thailand.

A visa application fee of 35 euros plus a service fee of 19 euros is required. Urgent processing of the document will cost 70 euros. A number of applicants are exempt from paying the consular fee: among them are children under 6 years of age, spouses of Bulgarian citizens and residence permit holders in the country, students, schoolchildren, disabled people, etc.

The cost of rental housing may vary in different parts of the country, but you can rent a decent apartment for 3 people in Plovdiv, Varna or Burgas for $200–300 per month.

Food prices in Bulgaria are for the most part lower than in Russia (particularly in Moscow), for example (in terms of Russian currency):

  • 1 kg of potatoes - 37–39 rubles,
  • 1 liter of milk - 56–60 rubles,
  • 1 kg of sugar - 44–50 rubles,
  • white flour loaf - 31–39 rubles.

Properties in different cities also assessed differently:

  • in Sofia, 1 square meter of living space costs 45–75 thousand Russian rubles,
  • in Varna - 50–125 thousand,
  • in Plovdiv - 30–65 thousand rubles.

In general, if a foreigner intends to find a job with high wages, develop professionally or open successful business, then Bulgaria may not be his country. This Balkan state is ideal for those immigrants who are not faced with the task of solving financial problems.

Having settled in Bulgaria and issued a residence permit, a Russian citizen has the opportunity to take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Visa-free travel to any EU country.
  • Low taxes for entrepreneurs.
  • Living in a clean environment.
  • Affordable prices for housing and food.
  • The similarity of mentalities and common religion of our peoples.

A state like this may be of interest to a certain circle of foreigners who are looking for a place to immigrate, provided that the applicants (especially Europeans) are prepared for a radical change in their usual climate, living conditions, daily way of life, the contents of grocery store shelves, etc.

One of the main attractions of India is the Taj Mahal.

For many Russians, the contrast will not be so noticeable, since Russia also cannot yet claim leadership in most world rankings that reflect the main economic achievements of the country: the standard of living of citizens, the purchasing power of the population, the quality of education and medical care, etc. And Nevertheless, today our country is almost twice as ahead of India in all indicators.

According to statistics, about half a million Indians live today on 0.5 cents a day, another 2 million people live on 2 cents a day. Approximately 200 million citizens of the country consider themselves representatives of the middle class, and the country ranks 5th in the world in terms of the number of billionaires.

This sharp contrast between the living standards of different segments of the population is caused by many reasons, and one of them is the export of capital abroad: Indian oligarchs prefer to place their existing savings in foreign financial institutions or invest in the most promising enterprises outside India.

As a result social sphere The country continues to remain underfunded and the number of low-income citizens is not decreasing.

However, despite any economic difficulties, India cannot help but attract millions of foreigners with its unique historical and architectural monuments, features of cultural life, unique traditions and customs, mysterious oriental charm.

The number of migrants, including from the post-Soviet space, who annually attempt to come and settle in India is not decreasing.

Many of the arriving guests of Russian origin are attracted by the opportunity to live in a warm climate all year round; some choose India as a place to do business or receive education. However, statistical data states that at present the overwhelming majority of Russians who have moved here are our women who married Indians.

As in most other countries that can be classified as exotic, there is also a layer of immigrants who have passive income in their homeland (for example, renting their own housing) or are engaged in remote work.

Due to the catastrophic shortage of jobs, it is extremely difficult to join one of the Indian companies: only highly qualified specialists in critically scarce professions with knowledge of Hindi or English can apply for official employment in the country.

What does a Russian who moves to India face? First of all, with the need to “reformat” their everyday habits: women change into a sari (to learn how to put it on, some Europeans will need a special training course) and take off their shoes. In addition, it is sometimes difficult for our compatriots to immediately get used to high humidity and a large number of insects.

Food will be cheaper if you cook it yourself, buying food in supermarkets or at the market. At the same time, the supermarket must have a good reputation for sanitary conditions (this is often a problem in India), and it is better to go to the market early in the morning, when food prices are somewhat reduced.

The cost of a loaf of bread can be about $0.5, a dozen eggs - $0.8, chicken breasts - $2-2.5, confectionery - $1-3, beer - up to $1, local rum - $3, t That is, everything is quite accessible.

The rupee to ruble exchange rate in 2019 is approximately 1 to 1. In the tourist state of Goa, you can rent an apartment from 7,000 to 20,000 rupees per month. You can rent for 15000-20000 small house on the seashore. Renting a scooter will cost another 5,000 rupees per month.

Prices for many fruits and products will be even lower than in Russia. But, for example, chocolate is expensive, it costs from 70 to 120 rupees.

Table: comparative characteristics of prices in different countries

Name, criterion

Cost (expressed in USD)
Average bill in a cafe2.60 5.46 2.55
Average bill in a restaurant10.60 10.02 5.60
A cup of coffee1.60 1.35 1.20
Bottle of water0.25 0.34 0.25
Can of beer2.12 1.08 0.70
A bottle of wine8.80 5.85 5.00
1 kg rice0.84 1.40 0.7
1 liter of milk1.42 1.30 0.88
1 kg tomatoes1.20 1.50 0.20
1 loaf of bread1.15 0.72 0.54
1 kg bananas1.00 1.50 0.47
1 kg oranges2.09 0.75 1.40
1 kg apples2.66 1.23 2.80
1 kg potatoes1.47 0.87 0.37
1 kg pork pulp4.87 6.31 4.37
1 kg chicken meat3.53 5.70 3.60
1 kg hard cheese14.90 10.80 7.20
10 pieces. chicken eggs1.63 1.50 0.60
Traveling on public transport0.71 0.80 0.17
Taxi ride6.05 3.60 6.25
1 liter of gasoline1.06 1.07 1.12

According to many rating agencies, today it is one of the cheapest places to live. South Africa is considered to be the most developed state on the African continent, where the purchasing power of the population is growing due to the minerals mined in the country: gold, platinum, diamonds, coal.

South Africa is the only African country that is part of the G20. The active development of the economy began in the 90s of the last century, when the apartheid regime that had existed for more than 40 years was ended. According to Forbes, the country ranks 39th in the world in terms of business friendliness.

The standard of living in the country is slightly higher than in other African countries, but it is too early to say there are no problems: unemployment remains at 40%, water and electricity supplies are not available in all regions, the crime rate still does not allow the country’s residents to feel comfortable. in safety. And yet the economy is growing and the number of foreigners coming here every year to settle for a long time does not decrease.

If you try to calculate how much it will cost an immigrant to stay in the Republic of South Africa, you can take as an example the family of a foreign specialist from Europe living in the center of Johannesburg. It should be noted right away that such a standard of living is not available to every local resident.

So, if migrants do not have their own real estate in the country, then renting housing in good area can cost 8-10 thousand South African rands (1 USD = 13 rands). Foreigners who have their own home in South Africa may find it useful to know the cost of home care services:

  • Residential cleaning - R650 (for two visits per week).
  • Maintaining the garden in a well-groomed condition - R500 (1 time per week).
  • Home security - R500.
  • Neighborhood security - R200.
  • Building insurance - R700.
  • Existing property insurance - R400.

This adds up to R3,000 a month. In addition, it is very likely that the foreigner will be forced to pay the following bills:

  • Water and rubbish removal - R500.
  • Electricity - about R1200.
  • Cable TV - R600.
  • Internet - R200.
  • Cellular - R500.

In addition, the property owner must pay a so-called property tax, which is up to R1,000.

Feeding a family of three costs R500–600 per month, while daycare costs around R3,000 per month. All other expenses depend on the individual requests and financial capabilities of the guest of the country.

Cambodia invariably appears on the lists of the cheapest countries to live in, given by various statistical agencies. The state on the Indochina Peninsula may well be of interest to foreigners who wish to move away from the benefits of civilization. The level of infrastructure development in the country is inferior to neighboring Thailand, however, as compensation for the lack of comfort, a guest of the country receives lower prices for food, rental housing, and leisure activities than in any of the neighboring countries.

The island is very low salaries, the average salary is 15 US dollars per month. You can find work in Cuba on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba. The portal presents many different vacancies. Most often, foreigners are employed as guides. But for such work, the applicant must have knowledge of English or Spanish. The following professions are also popular in this country:

  • teachers;
  • cooks;
  • waiter;
  • car mechanic;
  • nurse;
  • doctor;
  • driver.

Russians can obtain a temporary residence permit on the island for the period of higher education.

Foreigners note that it is easiest to find work in cities such as Varadero and Havana.

How to work in a country where everything is prohibited, watch the video

Cuba is one of the few countries that is famous not only for its exoticism and the presence Atlantic Ocean, but also tasty, and most importantly inexpensive food. So you can have lunch in Cuba for only 5 dollars per person, and dinner will cost about 10 dollars. A glass of freshly squeezed juice costs about $1, and you can try lobster in a restaurant for a maximum of $15.

In Cuba, as in any other country, there is a rule for locating a cafe or restaurant. As a rule, food in metropolitan cafes is always 3-5 dollars more expensive than in provincial towns.

One of the main advantages of living in Cuba is the low cost of real estate. You can buy a one-room apartment in Havana for just $15,000, and a small house will cost only $5,000. Housing in the center of Havana costs from $1,500 per 1 square meter. Those wishing to purchase a villa in Cuba will have to pay at least $75,000, while a villa on the coast costs at least $200,000.

Rent an apartment in the center costs from 400 US dollars per month. Housing outside the city is much cheaper - from $270 per month.

But foreign residents should be aware of one important drawback - a citizen of another country cannot purchase secondary housing in Cuba. A citizen of another republic has the right to buy real estate only from developers in new buildings. Most often, foreigners purchase real estate in areas such as El Electrico and Alamar, where the cost of 1 square meter starts from $1,200. When purchasing real estate, its owner is required to pay a tax to the state in the amount of 8% of the value of the purchased property.

Food prices are also very affordable. So, for example, a kilogram of tomatoes costs 0.7 dollars, and a kilogram of cucumbers can be purchased for only 0.5 dollars.

Food prices in Cuba (expressed in US dollars):

  • Guava (kg) – 0.7.
  • Pineapple (pcs.) – 0.5.
  • Mango (kg) – 0.5
  • Bread (loaf) – 0.5.
  • Eggs (10 pcs.) – 0.7.
  • Milk (1 l.) – 1.8.
  • Fresh chicken breast (kg) – 4.
  • Apples, pears (kg) – 4.

Everyone knows that Cuba is famous for its alcoholic drinks, and in particular rum. So a bottle of rum costs between 8 and 25 US dollars.

Vietnam can rightfully be considered one of the cheapest countries to live in. To travel to this country, Russians do not need to apply for a visa only if the trip lasts no more than 15 days. In other cases, a visa is issued at a diplomatic mission. It is issued for 3 months. The visa is allowed to be extended 3 times. Foreign residents who want to move to Vietnam for permanent residence should apply for a residence permit. This permission can be obtained only in several ways:

  • entering into an official marriage with a resident of Vietnam;
  • concluding an employment contract with an employer in this state;
  • making an investment contribution to the development of the Vietnamese economy.

To obtain a permanent residence permit in this state, you must live at least 5 years. Also, an applicant for permanent residence must be healthy, that is, not have diseases that are dangerous for Vietnamese residents, and also have no criminal records or offenses.

Lunch at a local cafe costs 2.2 US dollars per person. A bottle of beer in this country costs approximately $0.90, and a cup of cappuccino costs only $1.1.

The most popular dishes of Vietnamese cuisine are steamed octopus and shark fin soup. These delicacies cost about $5 in a restaurant.
It would be good to take out insurance for a trip to this country

Table: prices in Vietnam

The most popular cities in Vietnam are Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Renting a one-room apartment in Hanoi costs from $500 per month, and similar housing in Ho Chi Minh City costs from $200 per month. Renting such housing in the center of Hanoi will cost about $700, and in Ho Chi Minh City you can rent such an apartment for $400 per month. You can rent a 3-room apartment in Hanoi from 1,200 to 2,500 US dollars, and in Ho Chi Minh City for 600 to 800 dollars per month.

How to rent a house in Vietnam, watch the video


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