Sri Lanka island on the physical map. Where is Sri Lanka? Beaches and coast

Sri Lanka on the world map

Sri Lanka is a country located on the island of the same name. The island is located off the southeastern coast of Hindustan. The shores are washed by waters Indian Ocean. The relief is mainly represented by lowlands. However, in the central part you can find mountains exceeding a height of two and a half thousand meters. The climate in Sri Lanka is monsoonal, subequatorial.

Map of Sri Lanka from satellite from Bing
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Sri Lanka on the world map

The vast majority of the population are Sinhalese, about 18% are Tamils. In addition, a significant percentage of the population consists of people who are descendants of Arabs and those born from marriages with Europeans. In addition, there remains indigenous people islands called Vedas. Their number now amounts to only about 1,000 people.

Sri Lanka detailed interactive map

Map of Sri Lanka in Russian

The country is well developed travel business. Particularly popular, of course resort towns located by the sea, as well as historical attractions. Also, if you wish, you can visit mountain resort, tea plantations, Buddhist monuments and national parks of Sri Lanka.

The nature of Sri Lanka is rightfully considered one of the most vibrant and diverse. Grows in the country great amount flowering plants and 8 types of forests. Sri Lankan cuisine is mainly represented by a large number of spices, herbs, tropical fruits and, of course, a wide variety of fish obtained from the Indian Ocean.


If you decide to visit Sevastopol, then, of course, comfortable hotels in Crimea are at your service. It is important to have detailed information about your place of residence so as not to be caught at the last moment while standing on the streets of an unfamiliar city.

Rice fields, palm groves, water buffalos and Buddha statues. Acrobatic fishermen, sacred trees, buildings and structures two thousand years old. Mountain slopes covered with a carpet of emerald green tea, dense jungles that have hidden archaeological treasures for centuries. Wild leopards, bears, whales and elephants. Magnificent orchid gardens, forests of red and black trees.

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Hundreds of dizzying rapids and waterfalls that refresh the mountain forests. A diverse array of hotels, 22 parks that make up a natural sanctuary, 8 sites declared by UNESCO as a Heritage of Humanity. Ports that have seen Malay pirates, Portuguese sailors, Arabs, Dutch and British call at them. Endless coconut palm beaches...

“Sailing from the island of Andaman and heading south-west for a thousand miles, you come to the island of Ceylon, which is the best among islands of its size,” wrote Marco Polo. Serendib, that’s what brave Arab sailors called this island in ancient times.

Sri Lanka, Ceylon until 1972, is a green and extraordinarily fertile island of untouched nature, largely wild, with stunning biodiversity. In a fairly small space, from a geographical point of view, Sri Lanka provides enormous climatic diversity, which is characteristic of a continent, not an island.

This Island state Since 2010, it has become a tourist destination, after the end of the military conflict associated with the Tamil uprising in the north of the country. In this article we will present a country that, in view of the above, has not yet adapted to the massive flow of tourists. And the brave traveler should visit it without wasting time!

Sri Lanka on the world map

Geographic coordinates of Sri Lanka are 7 degrees north latitude and 81 degrees east longitude. The island is located in the southeast relative to India and is washed by the Indian Ocean. The Palk Strait, which is 50 km wide at its narrowest point, separates the island from the continent.

The map of Sri Lanka indicates that the area is 65 thousand square kilometers, 435 kilometers long and 200 kilometers wide, which is approximately equal in area to the state of Ireland. The photo shows the island of Sri Lanka on the world map.

The country's population is 20 million people, 75% of the population is of Sinhala origin, Tamils ​​make up 12%, they came from the south of the continent and settled mainly in the north and west of the island. The Sinhalese are Buddhists, the Tamils ​​are Hindus. Peasant and Muslim communities are also large, averaging 7% of the population each. The literacy rate is one of the highest in Asia, at 92% of the population.

The official languages ​​of Sri Lanka are Sinhala and Tamil. English is widely spoken throughout the population, mainly within tourism-related sectors.

One of the reasons for the active development of tourism in this country is its tropical climate with average temperature 27ºC, although this value can fluctuate greatly during the same day between the coast and the mountainous interior of the island, where temperatures can drop as low as 10ºC.

Sri Lanka experiences two wet periods:

  • from May to July in the north-west of the country;
  • from December to January in the northeast of the country.

Despite this, sunny and warm days are frequent, even during the rainy season.

Map of Sri Lanka with attractions

The main attractive places in the country from a tourist point of view are the following:

Map of Sri Lanka with resorts

No Sri Lanka tour guide would be complete without mentioning tropical island with a slightly steep coastline and sandy beaches washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. With a total coastline of 1,300 km and an average water temperature of 27ºC, the island's beaches are semi-wild and ideal for the traveler who wants to relax. All water activities are available here ( surfing, scuba diving e and others), it is also possible see dolphins and whales.

The beaches of the southern and west coast islands. To avoid the monsoon period, it is recommended to visit western beaches from November to April, and eastern - from May to October.

In the west of the country stands out Unawatuna beach, which is one of the best in the world. It is a semicircular bay protected by a double belt of corals.

Bentota and Beruwala, located 60 km south of Colombo, have a wide range of hotels with their various services. These places are suitable for a family holiday.

In the south of the island stretches coastline from Tangaye Bai to Weyigama, which has good spots for underwater excursions with its rich seabed. Also, just 17 km from Gaye is the most popular Gikkaduwa island beach. For whale watching enthusiasts the resort offers Dondra Point– a magnificent port in December, January and April. Kalpitaya from November to March allows you to watch hundreds of dolphins.

Few of us living in northern latitudes have wondered: what is the island of Sri Lanka, where is it located, what country is it, how to find it on the world map, what is it washed with? Many people are interested in the question - is Sri Lanka India or not? And what part of the world does Sri Lanka belong to?

Behind last years Vacations on this piece of land in the middle of the vast expanses of the ocean are becoming increasingly popular. Tourists come here for warm sea, sandy beaches, eternal summer, unique souvenirs, the opportunity to see whales.

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Geographical location

Geographically, Sri Lanka is located at the southern tip of the Hindustan Peninsula, it can easily be found on the world map in the Indian Ocean, since the state is located in the south of Asia, then the part of the world to which it belongs is Asia. Sandy shores, total length about 1300 km, washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean.

The island has an elongated shape from south to north; it is separated from the mainland by the Polk Strait, more than five tens of kilometers wide. Southern part The islands consist of mountain terraces that move towards the center into the highlands.

Geographic coordinates of Sri Lanka - 7°45′00″ N. la., 80°46′00 e. d.

Brief information about the country

When Sri Lanka was colonized by England, Portugal and Holland in the 16th century, it was called Ceylon. Now the island is called Sri Lanka, but as for how official name sounds in Russian, Wikipedia answers - “Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.”

Form of statehood – Democratic Socialist Republic. Type of government - presidential republic. The main nationality is Sinhalese. The first states appeared in the 5th century BC. The ancient inhabitants of the island traded with the Chinese, Arabs, and Romans.

From the 16th to the mid-20th century it was a colonial possession:

  • Portuguese;
  • Dutch;
  • English.


note: Officially, the main administrative center, the seat of government, is the city of Sri Jayawardanapura Kotte, founded in the 13th century as the Kotte fortress. Located between the Diyavana Oya and Kolonnava Oya riverbeds.

In fact, the economic and cultural center of the country is the city of Colombo, founded in the 7th century, presumably by Arab merchants. Initially, the city developed as a trading port.


The country has two official state languages– Sinhala and Tamil. IN tourist areas Residents understand English.


Residents of Russia must obtain a visa to visit. The easiest way is to fill out in advance the electronic form posted on the embassy’s website. Upon arrival, pay $35, present a valid passport, completed arrival card and receive a visa.

Note: A visa can also be issued directly upon arrival. However, this will cost more and take more time.


Ceylon is home to more than 21.5 million people. More than ¾ of the population is the titular nation - the Sinhalese, 1/6 - the Tamils. The descendants of Arabs and Austronesians, who are immigrants from, do not exceed 1/12 of the country's population.

In addition, descendants of European colonialists live here: the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British. Their number is about 1/15 of the total number of citizens.


Take note: Four world religions are officially recognized: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity.

The Sinhalese, the bulk of the population, profess Buddhism. Tamils ​​are Hindus, Islam is traditionally preached by Arabs and Austronesians. The descendants of Europeans are Catholics.

Sea and ocean

In fact, Sri Lanka is washed by the waters of two seas included in the Indian Ocean. The Palk Strait, separating Ceylon from the mainland, connects the Gulf of Mannar in the west with the Bay of Bengal in the east.

The northwestern shores are washed by the waters of the Gulf of Mannar, which is part of the Laccadive Sea.

The northeastern part is washed by the waters of the Bay of Bengal, which by its characteristics is a sea. The bay is famous for its coastal mangrove forests, rich in unique underwater world.

The rest of the island's coastline is washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean itself. The sea coast with lazy surf is great for beach holiday. For lovers active rest you should choose ocean beaches with their ever-roaring waves.


The national currency of the republic is the Sri Lankan rupee. 1 US dollar costs about 153 Sri Lankan rupees. 1 Russian ruble costs approximately 2.62 rupees; a euro costs about 166 rupees.


Sri Lanka has a fairly developed ground transport infrastructure:

  • tuk-tuks are the main type of transport, and are a cross between a motorbike and a pedicabs. It is allowed to bargain on the price of the trip;
  • city ​​buses;
  • an extensive network of intercity buses, representing the most comfortable view transport;
  • railway connections between populated areas;
  • Taxi. Developed only in tourist areas and capitals.

Car and scooter rentals are also available. Just keep in mind that:

  • the authorities do not recognize any rights other than local ones;
  • Only persons over 21 years of age are allowed to drive.

Difference in time

Moscow time is 2.5 hours behind Sri Lankan time. The time is 4.5 hours ahead of Sri Lanka, and 1.5 hours ahead of Novosibirsk. It is located in almost the same time zone as Sri Lanka: the difference is only 30 minutes.

What to bring

Since ancient times, the island has been famous for its tea plantations, spices, and pearls. The number of tea varieties is so large that it is almost impossible to taste them all.

For decades, precious stones mined from the depths of Sri Lanka have been highly valued in jewelry markets: sapphires, emeralds, almandines, opals, tourmalines, topazes.

Therefore, you should bring from your trip:

  • ceylon tea. You can buy it on plantations, in stores, and in the market. The price greatly depends on the proximity to tourist areas;
  • spices: vanilla pods, pepper, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon sticks;

  • natural essential oils tropical plants: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, sandalwood, wild lemongrass, vetiver;
  • jewelry with precious stones.

Advice: When purchasing, you should pay special attention to the metal: gold and silver are exported, so no one is responsible for the quality of the metals.

The stones have a mineralogical passport, which will need to be presented when going through customs;

  • cotton clothing. For its production, Indian cotton is used, characterized by long fibers that give the fabrics softness.


The island is entirely located in the zone of humid equatorial climate with a transition to subequatorial climate. The climate on the coast is monsoon.

High season is winter period. The climate is mild. There is practically no change in seasons. Ceylon is the kingdom of eternal summer. Even in the mountains, snow never falls. There are practically no average daily temperature fluctuations.

Note: the pole of cold is Nuwara Eliya, where the average daily temperature ranges from +11° to 13°C.

Air temperatures and ocean water always almost the same, 30°-32°C. The sea water temperature is 1–2°C lower. Night temperatures rarely drop below +25°C.

In the highlands the climate is less hot, the temperature rarely rises above +25°C. Climatic conditions are such that the local southern winter is much warmer than our northern summer.

How to get there

Direct regular flights from international airport Colombo is visited only in one Russian city- Moscow. Flight period: from June to August.

Direct flights are organized from other Russian cities to Colombo. charter flights, information about which can be obtained from the tour operator organizing the trips.

It is convenient for residents of the Asian part of the country to fly with transfers at the following airports:

  • Beijing;
  • Seoul;

With these cities, year-round regular direct flights. Russian airlines have tariff agreements with Asian airlines flying to Ceylon.

For residents of the European part, it is convenient to fly via Dubai or Doha. In addition, you can fly from Russia to Ceylon via, Mumbai, Delhi, Tashkent. These routes require 2-3 transfers.


Resort areas are located in almost all corners of the country:


In the western part of the country, the most popular resort is the fishing village of Negombo, located on the shores of the lagoon of the same name. Historically, the area is notable for its Portuguese fort, which the Dutch turned into a prison. Of interest to fans of history, cultural studies, and ethnography.

Advice: Negombo is ideal for those who love a lazy time on the beach.


Popular youth resort Colombo – cultural capital country, located on the shores of the bay of the same name in the west of the country. Like anyone eastern city, Colombo lives in contrasts: poverty borders on wealth, shacks of the poor huddle next to fashionable buildings.

The cleanliness of wealthy neighborhoods is replaced by the trash of slums. Glitter and poverty, eternal celebration and eternal work, past and future - all this is intertwined on the streets of Colombo. Of interest to lovers of active recreation.


A romantic resort on the sea coast is perfect for tranquility and lazy rest. It is a quiet place with a leisurely pace under the shade of palm trees. The main type of recreation is beach. Located southwest of Colombo.


It is located on the shores of the Laccadive Sea, where the Kalu River flows into it.

Aimed at lovers of active recreation and water sports.


The city is located in the southwest and is notable for its architecture. This resort is suitable for a relaxing, secluded holiday.


Located in the west of the country. It recently acquired the status of a resort, so the flow of tourists is still small. Fans of a leisurely, measured holiday will appreciate the sandy beaches in the vicinity of the town.


A small town in the south of Sri Lanka on the shore of a bay protected from ocean waves by a coral reef. Popular among lovers of individual travel.

Take note: Unawatuna is ideal for a relaxing holiday with children.

Resort on the southern tip of the island. Quiet place far from civilization. Unique undersea world attracts diving fans.

Kogalla is famous for its boat excursions, where you can spot wild whales and dolphins.

Mirissa - the best beach

Experienced surfers come to Mirissa for the high waves. Untouched marvelous nature, lack economic activity create a feeling of paradise. The place is secluded and conducive to a romantic getaway. Habitual resort entertainment are missing.

Surf paradise

The open ocean coast of the southern tip of the island is popular with surfers. The surf allows surfing all year round. Sandy beaches are good for beginner surfing. Experienced surfers catch waves among rocks and reefs.

Interesting to know: Hikkaduwa is the most popular beach among surfers. Beginners can take individual lessons from professional instructors or sign up for classes at surf schools.

Surfing schools also operate in Kogalle, Unawatuna, and Weligama.


Shopping is amazing in its variety and will bring true pleasure to those who love to shop.

Note: like everywhere else in the east, it is customary to bargain here. Local merchants do not like those who buy without bargaining. For them, this is one of the types of communication, centuries-old tradition which is still observed today. In addition, by haggling it is quite possible to reduce prices by several orders of magnitude.

While vacationing on the island, you should visit numerous jewelry factories with shopping centers. Jewelry assortment shopping centers amazes with the variety and beauty of the products presented. Local jewelers can create custom jewelry with your favorite stones.

After taking a trip to the tea plantations, strolling through the spice gardens, it is worth visiting the shops. True, prices there are much higher than in small shops and markets.

Available at local markets Exotic fruits, spices, spices, essential oils. In addition, here you can purchase clothes made from cotton or have them custom-tailored.

This is especially true for countries South-East Asia. Even if tourists bring any plants or seeds, they can simply be confiscated at customs. To prevent this, it is recommended to refuse the purchase or issue a herbal passport. It is better to carry fruits in packed luggage, this way they will definitely not be confiscated.


Leaving a tip is voluntary. Hotel staff, guides, porters, and drivers are advised to tip a dollar.

In cafes and restaurants, tips are already included in the bill. In other cases, tourists determine the tip size themselves; the maximum amount can reach 10% of the check value.


National cuisine Sri Lankan food is predominantly vegetarian with a lot of spices and herbs. The main food product is rice. Local cuisine originates from Indian cuisine; the Portuguese, Dutch, British, Arabs, and Chinese contributed to it.

Therefore, modern dishes are a mixture of the culinary traditions of these peoples. A spice for all occasions is curry, which is served as a side dish with boiled rice.

Hotels offer tourists the usual Europeanized menu. National dishes are served in adapted form. You can try authentic Sri Lankan dishes in restaurants frequented by locals. For most Europeans National dishes seem very spicy, this must be kept in mind when ordering dishes.

Flora and fauna

The fauna of this corner of the planet is one of the most diverse. The island is home to many endemic species of animals, amphibians, birds, insects that are found only here - 16% of the total.

More than half of the species are threatened with extinction:

  • Indian sambar deer;
  • Sri Lankan leopard;
  • Sri Lankan elephant;
  • sloth bear.

The island is also home to more than 200 bird species, a quarter of which are also endangered. More than half of the amphibians may also disappear forever, and more than a hundred species live here, 90% of them are endemic.

Scammers on the island

You can come across scammers everywhere: on the street, in restaurants, shops, in transport. Traders and drivers usually quote a price that is many times higher than the actual price. There is only one piece of advice: find out the cost in advance and bargain desperately.

You can also become a victim of scammers when exchanging currency; tourists are often lured by a tempting exchange rate. Therefore, it is necessary to remain vigilant, not to be fooled by tempting offers, while maintaining a critical perception. As the saying goes: free cheese only comes in a mousetrap.


Sri Lanka is a country with a thousand-year history and unique nature.

Traveling around the island, you can see architectural monuments that are cultural heritage under the protection of UNESCO:

  • the ancient cities of Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa, built three thousand years ago by Indians;
  • ancient man-made lakes;
  • the Sigiriya palace complex, located on mountain terraces;
  • Horton Place National Parks, Yala;
  • royal botanical garden;
  • legacy of the colonial period;
  • numerous ancient temples.

In fact, the whole of Ceylon is one big attraction. Nearby are the eras of Ancient India and colonization, modern buildings and ancient palaces, botanical gardens and thousand-year-old plantations.

tour cost

Weekly cost package tour for two with departure from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk starts from 60 thousand rubles.

A little about what will be useful for any tourist to know about holidays in this wonderful country.

Most hotels in Sri Lanka have a system Buffet. The national cuisine of Ceylon is very spicy. But there are also options that are more or less close to the European one, which are less spicy. If you do not like spicy dishes, then talk to the waiter (he will find the most acceptable option for you). The fact is that, most likely, the waiter himself is local and will be a fan of spicy food. Therefore, his understanding of acute and yours will be completely different. So it's best to ask for the least or non-spicy options.

If you still decide to try spicy dishes, then always prefer to eat bread (it’s a good substitute) rather than drink it with water. Sri Lanka is also a good place for vegetarians.

Interactive map of Sri Lanka online

In Colombo there are specialized shops that sell real Ceylon tea. He's excellent. Be sure to bring a couple of jars home. I also recommend buying various exotic fruits in Colombo. Local pineapples are very tasty.

Especially do not indulge in local spirits. Arak is the main national alcoholic drink of Sri Lanka. This is coconut moonshine. Don’t try too much, as it is quite strong, but, nevertheless, be sure to try it. Sri Lankan bottled whiskey and gin are not of very high quality, although they are quite easy to drink. So don’t be surprised if drinking in the morning results in a headache, and on vacation on hot days it’s very unpleasant.

Since Sri Lanka is quite big Island, which has many beaches and resorts, then you should not ignore the issue of choosing a vacation spot on this island. It is important to remember that different areas of Sri Lanka can experience very different weather at the same time. So if you are thinking about where it is better to go in Sri Lanka, then you should not forget about the climate. Even if you find a resort in Sri Lanka that suits you completely, take the time to look at what the climate is like in this resort in the month in which you plan to travel.
The most popular resorts in Sri Lanka are located in the west and south of the island, but there are also several good resorts located in the east and north of Sri Lanka. Since the west and south of the island were not as badly damaged by the civil war and the 2004 tsunami, tourism development here was much faster than in the east and north of Sri Lanka. It is therefore not surprising that most of the popular resorts are located in the south and west of the island, despite the fact that the north and east of Sri Lanka have great tourism potential.
If you are thinking about where to go in Sri Lanka, then our article about resorts in Sri Lanka may be very useful for you. In this article we will present short descriptions of popular resorts in Sri Lanka, but you can always get more information on our website detailed information for a specific resort. After reading all the information, you will already be able to understand which resort in Sri Lanka is best to choose for a holiday at this or that time of the year.

Map of Sri Lanka with resorts

To begin with, it would be nice to find out about the location of all the resorts on the map of Sri Lanka. This page provides a general map of Sri Lanka resorts and a map of the southern coast of the island with resorts. Perhaps some of the resorts described in this article are not marked on the maps, but the most popular resorts in Sri Lanka are still marked.

Beruwala Resort

This resort is great for couples, although all tourists can find good holiday conditions in Beruwala. When it is winter in Russia, the weather around the Beruwela resort in Sri Lanka is warm and relatively dry. It's peak time here tourist season. From May the weather begins to change as the southwest monsoon arrives here, bringing strong winds and heavy rainfall.
The Beruwela resort owes its great popularity among tourists to its beach. This is magnificent sand beach, one of the most beautiful in Sri Lanka, and with countless palm trees and colorful bird life. Another plus of Beruwela - wide choose housing for every taste and budget. There are both simple ones here guest houses and luxury villas for rent. But especially popular here are the large hotel complexes, which offer not only all-inclusive meals, but also numerous sports and entertainment events.
It is worth noting that the Beruwala resort in Sri Lanka focused on wellness holidays. Several hotels in this resort specialize in Ayurveda. So if you want to delve into the world of traditional Indian healing, Beruwala is definitely suitable place for those who want to combine a holiday on a beautiful beach with Ayurveda.
Beruwela Resort is located approximately 56 km south of the capital Colombo and 90 km from Bandaranaike International Airport. Typically, a taxi ride from the airport to this resort takes about two hours.
Beruwela Beach, 1.2 kilometers long, pleases with its light, fine sand. If you also remember the crystal clear ocean and countless coconut palms that provide shade on the beach, it is not difficult to understand why Beruwela is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Sri Lanka. Families with children will appreciate the shallow waters around this beach, which offer good conditions for bathing and swimming. Thanks to the reef, Beruwela is also good place for snorkeling and diving.
At the southern end of the beach, the Bentota River flows into the Indian Ocean. The diverse flora and fauna of the river and its valley invites you to explore in detail. Boat trips of three hours or more pass through beautiful mangrove forests to Little Adam Peak.

Bentota Resort

Over the past 40 years, Bentota has transformed from a sleepy fishing village into a first-class resort. Large hotels with spacious swimming pools, specialized restaurants and luxurious wellness centers are no longer able to accommodate everyone who wants to relax in these perfectly fitting beautiful landscape resort complexes. Like many other resorts on the west coast of Sri Lanka, Bentota has several all-inclusive hotels. Guests from all over the world appreciate hotels operating under this concept not only for the numerous included services, but also for the fact that they do not need to think about spending during their vacation and do not need to constantly count money.
In addition to great hotel complexes, Bentota also has guest houses for tourists with a smaller wallet. As a rule, such guest houses are located a few steps from the beach.
The undisputed advantage of the Bentota resort is its magnificent sandy beach. This is a four-kilometer long beach with light and very fine sand, which is bordered by a strip of palm trees. Water sports enthusiasts will appreciate good surfing conditions, sailing, diving or snorkeling on this beach. But those who simply want to swim in the calm waters of the Indian Ocean will also find a suitable place for themselves. At the northern end of the beach, the ocean is usually quite calm, making it ideal for swimming. Higher waves can be seen in the southern part of the beach.
Bentota is located right at the mouth of the river of the same name, approximately 62 km south of the capital of Sri Lanka. The international airport is located approximately 100 kilometers from Bentota. It can be reached in about an hour and a half drive.
The Bentota Ganges, which flows into the Indian Ocean near the resort, is home to countless birds and other diverse flora and fauna of Sri Lanka. We recommend taking a mangrove boat tour along this river to Little Adam Peak.
An interesting place of peace and serenity is located 10 kilometers from the resort of Bentota. This is a garden designed by Bevis Bava in 1920 with beautiful tropical plants that can be seen in a paradise with small ponds and winding paths.
If you want to get a glimpse of life local residents, then you should visit the weekly market in the nearby village of Aluthgama. While walking around the market, you can see a lot of interesting things, including unique products that are sold only in Sri Lanka.

Hikkaduwa Resort

If you are interested in the most popular resorts in Sri Lanka among Russian tourists, then you simply do not have the right to ignore the Hikkaduwa resort.
Initially, on the site of the Hikkaduwa resort there was a small fishing village, but later a secret place for “selected” tourists appeared there. Today Hikkaduwa is one of the most famous resorts Sri Lanka. Despite the many hotels, this place has retained its charm.
The beach resort of Hikkaduwa in the far southwest of Sri Lanka is a popular destination, especially for active tourists. During the day, most tourists here engage in water sports, and in the evening they spend time in bars. The resort of Hikkaduwa is especially popular among young people. Divers and surfers appreciate good nightlife in Hikkaduwa, which is mainly concentrated in the southern part of the resort.
Recently, in addition to small hotels and guest houses, Hikkaduwa has also received large resort hotels, which offer all the necessary amenities so that guests do not feel the need to leave the hotel premises.
The sandy beach of Hikkaduwa is covered with beautiful light sand and countless coconut palms. Surfers can count on good waves on this beach. Both beginners and professionals will be satisfied with the surfing conditions here. In general, Hikkaduwa is considered the best place for surfing in Sri Lanka, where there are many surf schools, board rental stations, and shops offering everything you need for surfing.
The coral reef in the Hikkaduwa area is one of the most famous diving spots in Sri Lanka. Moreover, it is located near the coast. Many of the corals are unfortunately dead, but the variety of colorful fish will satisfy even seasoned divers.
The capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, is approximately 115 kilometers from Hikkaduwa, and the international airport near Negombo is 147 kilometers away. Therefore, a taxi ride from the airport to Hikkaduwa will last from 2.5 to 3 hours.
Halle, the most important city on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, located approximately 25 minutes from Hikkaduwa.
For nature lovers, we recommend taking a boat trip to the lagoon near Dodanduwa, which is just five kilometers south of Hikkaduwa. You can also go to the lake of the same name, where there is a beautiful temple on an island in the middle of the water. To the north of the city is a moonstone mine. During a tour of this place, you can get an idea of ​​how popular jewelry is created.

Kalutara Resort

Tourists who are only interested in best resorts Sri Lanka, for some reason, the Kalutara resort is often overlooked, which, together with Wadduwa, Beruwela and Bentota, forms the most important resort region on southwest coast Sri Lanka. This is due to the long beautiful beaches, excellent water sports facilities and excellent hotel industry. These premises are also complemented by the magnificent surroundings, which boast of its lush nature and countless coconut palms. The Kalutara area is also famous for its mangosteen fruit, which is considered the best on the island.
Along the beautiful Kalutara beach there are many hotels that offer a high level of comfort and service. The spacious resorts blend harmoniously into the tropical environment and are fully catered for international guests. Spacious swimming pools, good restaurants, as well as exclusive wellness centers where Ayurvedic treatments are often carried out, are available in many of these hotels. As in other resort areas of Sri Lanka, hoteliers in Kalutara are increasingly using the all-inclusive concept, which is especially popular among guests from Russia and Europe.
Kalutara's lively town center has small markets and shops offering a wide range of souvenirs. The selection ranges from textiles or small art pieces to the palm frond or coconut fiber bedding that Kalutara is famous for.
The quiet, kilometer-long Kalutara beach is one of the most popular in the country. Particularly pleasant is the northern area of ​​the beach, where the sandy beach remains almost untouched. Kalutara Beach offers ideal conditions for walking, swimming, surfing and snorkeling.
The Kalutara resort is located at the mouth of the Kalu Ganga River, approximately 45 kilometers from the capital and 80 kilometers from Bandaranaike International Airport. To travel from the airport to Kalutara you will need from 1.5 to 2 hours.
The main attraction of Kalutara is temple complex Gangatilaka Vihara. At the center of the temple is the impressive Dagobah, whose white dome can be seen from afar. Although the temple has no historical significance, it is still a popular pilgrimage site for devout Buddhists. The reason for this is the 2000 year old Boddhi tree under which Buddha was enlightened. For visitors, the fact that Dagobah is the only one accessible in Sri Lanka is a special reason to visit the temple. Also a popular excursion destination is the Kalu Ganga River, where boat trips are available. The flora and fauna along the lush banks of the river, as well as the opportunity to watch local fishermen as they work, make this excursion very popular among tourists.

Marawila Resort

If you are thinking about which resort in Sri Lanka to choose, then it is important to understand how you want to spend your time. If you're into outdoor activities and water sports, then the picturesque fishing village of Marawila, just north of Negombo, is probably the place for you. However, you can find here quiet place away from crowds of tourists.
Only a few hotels in the Marawila area have been carefully integrated into nature to preserve the originality of the surroundings. Hotel buildings have no more than three floors and offer a high level of comfort. Luxury hotels with spacious swimming pools, international restaurants and a variety of sports and entertainment activities often offer an all-inclusive concept for their guests. But there are also comfortable middle-class hotels and simple guest houses in the Marawila resort area.
The three-kilometer Marawila beach is washed on one side by the turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, and on the other hand it is bordered by a strip of countless coconut palms, which provide the shade necessary for sunny days. Families with children and those tourists who cannot swim will appreciate the shallow waters of this beach. Like all beaches in Sri Lanka, Marawila Beach is also open to the public. Water sports enthusiasts and anyone who wants to become one can find good conditions for diving and surfing at this beach. Reef diving tours, where there are many colorful fish and coral reefs, are recommended for all diving enthusiasts.
Marawila Resort is located in the Gampaha region, north of the famous tourist resort of Negombo. About 30 kilometers - this is the distance you need to cover to travel from Colombo airport to Marawila. Typically the journey takes about 40 minutes, depending on traffic.
Although Marawila does not have a dream beach, this resort is a famous place in Sri Lanka because the village is the center of batik in Sri Lanka. The exclusive Budhi company operates here, which has branches in the capital, as well as numerous small family businesses. Although the art of batik originated on the island of Java, the people of Marawila have been practicing this craft for many years. Art lovers should visit one of the companies, where they can watch the colorful fabrics being made and learn about the complex production process. If you want, you can buy some of the fabrics which will cost much less than in souvenir shops, especially in other parts of Sri Lanka.

Negombo Resort

Once a small fishing village, Negombo has grown into the fifth largest city in Sri Lanka with a population of under 150,000 inhabitants. Today the city, although one of the most important fishing ports on the west coast, is a renowned holiday destination. Already in the 1970s, tourism began to develop in this region of Sri Lanka.
A beautiful beach, good water sports facilities, as well as historical buildings and various cultural influences have made Negombo a popular holiday destination. Along the long sandy beach of Negombo there are large and small hotels of different levels of comfort and in different price categories. Particularly popular among travelers are large hotels that offer comprehensive services and a high level of service. Almost every large hotel has its own wellness center offering massages, treatments and Ayurvedic treatments.
There is a certain pattern in Negombo related to the level of hotels when moving from north to south. Hotels in the north tend to be more luxurious, but also more expensive, than in the south of the city. Behind the beach is the main Negombo road, where there are numerous restaurants, cafes or souvenir shops. It is also worth adding that Negombo has a pretty vibrant nightlife.
Negombo beach is well suited for families with children, as the entrance to the water is gentle. The eight-kilometer beach has tall palm trees that provide shade, but such palm trees are not everywhere here. Not far from the shore there is an interesting coral reef with colorful marine life. Additionally, in the waters near Negombo there is the Kudapaduwa shipwreck.
Negombo has an excellent location: the capital of Sri Lanka is only 40 kilometers south, and Colombo International Airport is only six kilometers south of Negombo. Due to its proximity to the airport, Negombo is ideal not only for a long beach holiday, but also for a stopover at the beginning or end of a trip to Sri Lanka.
The Portuguese, Dutch and British played important roles in Negombo's history. Evidence of the city's interesting past are numerous buildings and churches, as well as the colonial Old city. The most impressive feature here is the Cinnamon Canal, a 100-kilometer canal leading from Colombo to Puttalam. It was created in order to facilitate the transportation of the popular spice.

Wadduwa Resort

The fishing village located next to the Kalutara resort is well known for its fantastic beach and charming surroundings. Lovers of a relaxing holiday and water sports You will appreciate the beautiful sand and clear ocean in this place.
Wadduwa is a popular destination for foreign tourists, but also this popular place recreation for local residents. So it's no surprise that it gets crowded on weekends. But on other days of the week the atmosphere in the resort is quite calm.
Wadduwa has accommodation to suit every taste. Many hotels here operate on a tried-and-true all-inclusive concept, which includes meals as well as numerous sports and entertainment activities. The large resort hotels on Wadduwa Beach have been cleverly integrated into the lush landscape. Therefore, they are characterized by low, usually only two-story buildings.
Wadduwa has several shops selling traditional wood carvings and other souvenirs, as well as several restaurants and bars. Also worth visiting is the original village of Wadduwa, home to local fishermen and rice farmers.
If you choose Wadduwa as your Sri Lanka holiday destination, you will be rewarded with a beautiful beach and a relaxed atmosphere. The golden yellow sandy beach of Wadduwa is one of the most beautiful places on the west coast of Sri Lanka. It is surrounded by fine sand, countless shady palm trees and a sparkling ocean. Moderate waves offer good conditions for windsurfers. However, the beach is relatively safe for swimmers most of the year.

Koggala Resort

To the east of Galle you will find beautiful beaches that have not yet been embraced by mass tourism. One of these beaches is Koggala, which belongs to the resort of the same name. Although the resort offers good tourism infrastructure, the three-kilometer-long beach does not feel overcrowded. Koggala Beach is wide and covered with fine sand, as well as countless coconut trees and bizarre rock formations.
Koggala Resort is especially popular with couples who appreciate a peaceful and tranquil environment. At Koggala Beach, walks along the ocean provide much-needed rest and relaxation. Families with children also sometimes choose this place to relax because the gentle entrance to the ocean is ideal for children.
There are several hotels and guest houses in Koggala that offer simple and comfortable accommodation. The all-inclusive concept is not as common here as in popular resorts west coast of Sri Lanka.
Main city The southern coast, Galle, is just 15 kilometers from Koggala, and the charming town of Matara is just 30 kilometers east of this resort. True, the distance to Colombo International Airport is quite impressive, because it is 175 kilometers. Therefore, it will take you about three hours to get from Colombo airport to Koggala.
The Koggala resort is famous for its fishermen who catch fish while sitting on a pole. In many other fishing villages in Sri Lanka, this traditional technique fishing is already history. However, in Koggala, during the morning and afternoon hours, visitors can see fishermen sitting on poles.
Big lake Koggala is located a few kilometers from the resort of the same name. Although it is actually a natural lake, the water is salty due to the fact that ocean water does flow into it. This lake offers boat trips where you can admire the mangroves and tropical plants growing along the shores, as well as the variety of animals and birds that live in the area. There are several islands on the lake, such as the temple island Buddhist monk or Cinnamon Island, where one family of cinnamon grows and processes it.
Another interesting place is the Koggala Folk Museum, which is located in beautiful garden. The museum is located in the birthplace of the most important Sinhalese writer of the 20th century, Martin Wickramasingh. Numerous exhibits provide insight into the culture and traditions of Sri Lanka, as well as the work of the famous author.

Tangalle Resort

Located away from the main tourist centers On the western and southern coasts of Sri Lanka, the small fishing village of Tangalle has not yet been touched by mass tourism. Although there are several guest houses and small hotels on the coast, their number is still small. Small but sophisticated boutique hotels on Tangalle Beach offer a good level of comfort.
Tangalle resort attracts with its tranquil atmosphere: here tourists enjoy their holiday picturesque beach during the day and spend quiet time in restaurants and cafes in the evening. Tangalle is also a stopover for some travelers on trips to the famous Bundala and Yala National Parks, which are located to the east of the city.
The two-kilometer Tangalle beach is covered in golden-yellow sand and is good for swimming. Not far from this beach you will find other picturesque coves and deserted beaches such as Rekawa Beach, located ten kilometers from Tangalle.
Tangalle resort is located on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, approximately 37 kilometers west of Matara and 80 kilometers from Galle. In the east there is only more Big City Hambantota, which is located about 50 kilometers from Tangalle, is in close proximity to the Bundala National Park. Before the famous national park Yala, which is also east of Tangalle, can be reached in about two hours. A taxi ride from the international airport, which passes through the interior of Sri Lanka, usually lasts between 3 and 3.5 hours.
An interesting place near Tangalle is the Howling Hole, which is a hole in the rock with a diameter of about one meter and a depth of 20 meters. It “shoots” strong fountains of water every 10-15 minutes. During the southwest monsoon, from May to September, the height of such a fountain can reach 15 meters.

Trincomalee Resort

Now it's time to introduce the best resorts in Sri Lanka for holidays east coast. The most popular of them are Trincomalee and Batticaloa. We will talk about them below.
Beautiful beaches and the photogenic harbor are located in the coastal city of Trincomalee, on the northeastern peninsula of Sri Lanka. Trincomalee is the capital of the eastern province, often called "Trinco". Particularly noteworthy here are the beaches in the north of the city, the natural harbor surrounded by hills, the ferry port and the idyllic suburbs.
Trincomalee is of interest mainly to beach lovers and nature lovers, as well as people who simply want to experience the vibrant life of a typical Sri Lankan city. However, if you are looking for interesting sights, you will be disappointed with this harbor city as there is not much to admire here. The main attraction of the city is the so-called Fort Frederick with the Hindu sanctuary of Koneswaram, which is located on Swami Rock, at an altitude of about 130 meters above sea level. Here, next to the main Shiva temple, there is a small Ganesha temple.
Fort Frederick is certainly worth a visit, but today it is mainly used as a barracks by the Sri Lankan military and as such only a small part of it is open to the public.
Off the coast of Sri Lanka in the Trincomalee region there are several small islands, one of which is Pigeon Island. This island has a very beautiful coral reef that attracts snorkelers and divers. The island can be reached in just 10 minutes by boat from Trincomalee.

Batticaloa Resort

On the shores of the Bay of Bengal on the east coast of Sri Lanka lies the little-visited and small town of Batticaloa. It has retained much of its original charm. Being half located on an island in a lagoon, the city was only slightly damaged by the tsunami. The 54-kilometer saltwater lagoon has truly scenic spots, which are recommended to be explored during a boat trip.
The Batticaloa resort area is mainly known for its "singing fish" phenomenon, the existence of which has not yet been proven. However, it is mentioned even in the Encyclopedia Britannica. To experience this phenomenon, you need to plunge an oar into the water on a moonlit and calm night and keep your ear on the other end of the oar. In this case, you can hear various subtle sounds. This natural phenomenon has not yet been scientifically proven, but it is still the main attraction of the area.
More tangible attractions are Batticaloa's many Hindu temples, as well as the magnificent 17th-century Dutch fort. It is located right on the shore of the lagoon. Many remains of the walls are well preserved.
Another interesting place in Batticaloa is the Lady Manning Bridge, which connects the land to the island. The steel bridge dates back to the British colonial period and is one of the most long bridges in Sri Lanka.
Near the coast of Batticaloa Japanese air Force sank the British aircraft carrier Hermes in 1942. The sunken aircraft carrier is located at a depth of 55 meters and is one of the most interesting places for diving in Sri Lanka.
If you are interested in beaches in the Batticaloa area, then the best of them, in our opinion, is Kalladi Beach. It is not very crowded and is therefore recommended for those looking for a quiet place to relax.


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