International tourism in Asia. Asia: from Turkey to Vietnam. Tips for a thrifty tourist Tourist countries in Asia

Travel agency specialists note: every year among Russian tourists The popularity of holidays in Southeast Asia is growing. The natural question is: what is attractive about such travel?

Holidays in Southeast Asia are a great opportunity to see exotic nature and unique attractions, visit sacred places and appreciate the identity of the peoples inhabiting Asian countries. The growing popularity of such countries is also facilitated by the fact that Russians can enter almost all of them without a visa.

Seasonality of holidays in Asian countries

Having decided in favor of a trip to one of the countries in Southeast Asia, decide what time of year to go. Experience shows that you can travel all year round, but it is important to choose the right country.

January is favorable for holidays in India and Vietnam: at this time it is usually worth beautiful weather. A trip to Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Thailand will also be successful: in January there is practically no rain in these countries.

February is great for visiting popular beach resorts India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, as well as for travel to the Philippine Islands.

In March, a vacation in Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, and the Philippines will make a pleasant impression. You can complement your enjoyment of the beaches, sun and warm water with a visit to ancient temples and other attractions. A holiday in China will also be successful.

April traditionally marks the peak beach season in the Philippines. In addition, in April the popularity of a destination such as Indonesia sharply increases, but in Sri Lanka at this time the tourist season ends.

In May, choose a holiday in Malaysia, Indonesia or Vietnam, and you will not regret it. May is also good for a holiday in China or a trip to India.

June is the first month of summer, and it is known to be the rainiest time in almost all countries of Southeast Asia. Tourists can be recommended to visit Hainan Island, Malaysia or Vietnam.

July is the high season in Indonesia: it rains much less often this month than at other times of the year. An excellent solution would be a holiday in Malaysia and China.

In August good weather traditionally stands where two oceans meet - in Indonesia. In addition, travelers will enjoy holidays in China and Vietnam.

The dry season continues in September in Indonesia, and the weather is wonderful in Malaysia.

October is a good time to go to the beach on Hainan Island. Also this last month dry season in Indonesia, the chances of rain are starting to increase here. In November bright sun shines over the Hindustan Peninsula, so tourists will enjoy their holiday in India.

Tours to Goa are traditionally very popular in December. This month is ideal for trips to Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar, travel to Thailand and the Philippines.

The most popular countries among tourists in Southeast Asia

Travel agency specialists identify several Asian countries that are the most popular among travelers. These include Thailand, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Why do they attract tourists from all over the world?

The popularity of such a tourist destination as Thailand does not decrease from year to year. Here, vacationers will find clean beaches, the azure surface of the ocean, beautiful waterfalls, mysterious caves and jungle. Holidays in Thailand will appeal to both lovers of lounging on the beach and devotees active rest.

India attracts tourists from all over the world with ancient cities and temples that have preserved their splendor to this day. You will be able to visit the unique “pink city” of Jaipur, see the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum and hear the melodic sounds of Indian music. Got widespread and beach holiday in India: tours to Goa, in particular, are extremely popular. Extreme excursions, Ayurveda and yoga centers, exotic flora and fauna - you will find all this in India.

Would you like to relax in places that are called paradise for tourists? Travel to the island of Sri Lanka! Situated 800 km from the equator, it amazes with its riot of colors and splendor of tropical nature, long sandy beaches and beautiful reefs. Modern ones offer tourists maximum opportunities for a comfortable stay, and numerous excursions around the island do not allow you to get bored. It is impossible not to note the breadth of opportunities for active recreation: in Sri Lanka you can go diving or surfing.

A great way to spend your holiday is to travel to the largest island country world - Indonesia. On the island of Java, the world famous temple complex Borobudur, and on the island of Komodo - national park. On the popular island of Bali, you can relax comfortably on the beach or go surfing in one of the many centers.

Would you like to relax in an exotic corner of nature, where there are several attractions vying for inclusion in the new list of wonders of the world? Travel to the Philippines! The beaches of this island state are currently considered the best in the world. Walking around the capital of the Philippines, Manila, you can visit the largest in Asia shopping mall, while local prices for goods and services will pleasantly surprise you. Fans of active recreation are attracted from year to year by the island of Boracay, where excellent conditions for surfing and kitesurfing are created.

Having made a trip to, you will certainly appreciate developed infrastructure tourism. The country has numerous spa centers, massage parlors, restaurants, nightclubs and schools aquatic species sports Hotels in Vietnam today meet the most modern ideas about a comfortable stay.

If your goal is unforgettable journey, choose Southeast Asia. These countries will give you comfortable stay, which will leave pleasant memories for a long time.

Southwest Asia includes the states of the Near and Middle East with an ancient history and predominantly Muslim culture. The exception is Israel, a country of immigration and widespread Judaism with its shrines. Historically, the city of Jerusalem is currently located on the territory of Israel, where the shrines of three religions are located: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. On the one hand, this attracts big number tourists, partly pilgrims, and on the other hand, it creates the ground for constant conflicts, which also affects the scale of tourism.

In the countries of this zone, the attention of tourists is attracted by the warm sea (especially the Mediterranean, washing the shores of Turkey, Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Israel), and the subtropical climate. Lovers educational tourism attract ancient cities or their ruins, numerous cities with their historical and cultural heritage - Istanbul (Turkey), Amman (Jordan), the ancient cities of Lebanon Baalbek, Saida, as well as organizing tourist center Beirut, Nicosia (Cyprus), Iranian cities of Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Hamadan, etc.

Certain countries of the Arab East, as well as Türkiye, attract many “shuttles” - participants in shopping tours. Afghanistan has interesting tourism opportunities, but the events of recent decades make it impossible to use them. South-West Asia includes the following tourist macro-regions: Cyprus and Turkey, Palestine, Arab states (Middle East), Middle East.

Cyprus is a state located on island of the same name in the northeastern part of the Mediterranean.

Cyprus first gained independence in 1960, but in 1974 Turkish troops landed on the island. After this, the northern territory of the country went to Turkey. There are no diplomatic relations between the Greek and Turkish parts. Turkish part closed to entry from the Greek side.

The territory of the Greek part of the island (Republic of Cyprus) is 5.9 thousand square meters. km, Turkish part ( Northern Cyprus) - 3.35 thousand sq. km. The coast of the island in the northern part is rugged and rocky, the south of the island is flat, with long sandy beaches. In the center and southwest of the island is the vast old volcanic massif of Troodos ( highest point- Mount Olympos, 1951 m). Between the mountains lies the vast and fertile valley of Mesaoria.

Cyprus in ancient times was the center of Mediterranean trade, which led to the mixing of cultural monuments of all European civilizations on its land. The capital of the country is Nicosia with the Center for Applied Arts located there, the Archbishop's Square with the Archbishop's Palace, the Gate of Ammochostos and the Statue of Liberty, the Archaeological Museum, the Venetian fortress walls (XVI century) with the Famagusta Gate and the ring of the Municipal Park outside, the Church of Chrysaliniotissa, built in 1450, the Omeriye Mosque , the churches of Trypiotis and Faneromeni, cathedral ev. John, built in 1662.

Limassol It is best known for its beaches, the Medieval Museum, old castles, and wine production. Monuments Larnaca are Larnaca Fortress (1625); Jami Kebir Mosque; church ev. Lazarus; Laiki Getonya (one of the ancient quarters); Church of Angeloktistos; the Hala Sultan Tekke Mosque (1816), one of the main Muslim shrines (since Umm Haram, the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad, is buried here); aqueduct (used for its intended purpose until 1939); Catholic Cathedral Sofia (XIII century); Archaeological Museum; royal chapel ev. Katerina.

Within the resort Pathos interesting Port Fortress, Paphos Mosaics, included in the world register cultural heritage UNESCO, Panayia Limeniotissa, Odeon Theatre, Catacombs. Solomonia, Royal Tombs, Church of Chrysopolites and Column of St. Paul, "House of Theseus", "Villa

Dionysus", Aphrodite beach, Smolensk Bay, the ancient Roman city of Curium with its Greco-Roman theater, Kolossi Castle. Monuments of ancient culture in Salamis are the tomb of St. Catherine, Costello Castle in Famagusta, Gothic Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Sea resorts Cyprus are Limassol, Protaras, Lara Beach with a sea turtle breeding station, Latchi, Cape Greco, Polis, numerous beach resort complexes southwest coast. Mountain chain Troodos, where it is located summer residence President of Cyprus, provides opportunities for mountain tourism.

Türkiye is a state in southeastern Europe and Western Asia with total area 780.6 thousand sq. km and a population of 80 million people. Capital - Ankara. In the north-west it borders with Bulgaria and Greece, in the north-east - with Georgia and Armenia, in the east - with Iran, in the south - with Iraq and Syria. In the north it is washed by the Black and Marmara Seas, in the south by the Mediterranean Sea, and in the west by the Aegean Sea. The European part of Turkey (Eastern Thrace, or Rumelia) is a hilly plateau about 1000 m above sea level. Asian part ( Asia Minor, or Anatolia) is limited mountain ranges The Pontic Mountains in the north and the Taurus system in the south, between which are the Anatolian Highlands (average height up to 1000 m), with river valleys and cones extinct volcanoes in the east.

Türkiye attracts recreational tourists: coastal areas(along the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara, Black Seas) are known for their favorable conditions (warm sea, subtropical climate), which contributed to the emergence of the famous resorts of Antalya, Alanya, Kemer, Belek, Side, Izmir, Marmaris, etc. (Fig. 9.1). Available in inland areas Turkey resorts famous for their mineral springs. For example, the springs near the city of Bursa were used by the Byzantines. Fans of winter recreation are attracted by the modern ski resorts of Palandoken, Uludag, etc.

But, of course, Türkiye is also famous for its historical and cultural values. Many of them are concentrated on the shore

Conventional signs Excursion centers ^ Ski resorts A Seaside resorts

Borders of tourism

recreational areas

Tourist and recreational

  • 1 Marmara Sea Region
  • 2 Aegean Sea region
  • 3 District Mediterranean Sea
  • 4 Central Anatolia
  • 5 Black Sea region
  • 6 Eastern Anatolia
  • 7 Southeastern Anatolia

Rice. 9.1. Tourist and recreational centers of Turkey

Chapter 9 international tourism in Asia

Bosphorus Strait Istanbul(in the past - the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople, in ancient Russian documents - Constantinople). The transformation of an Orthodox Byzantine city into a Muslim city changed its appearance: Orthodox churches turned into mosques. There are many of them, therefore there are many minarets. The most famous temple is the Hagia Sophia, an outstanding work of Byzantine architecture. There are also museums in Istanbul, including archaeological (with the sarcophagus of Alexander the Great), antiquity, conquerors, Muslim art etc., Church of St. Irene, choral monastery church, Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mosque - Ahmed ( Blue Mosque), Mikrimachi, Selim the Conqueror, Bayazid, Suleiman, Eyup, underground palaces and reservoirs, the remains of a Byzantine fortress. In the 20th century Istanbul is largely Europeanized.

Other centers of educational tourism in Turkey: capital Ankara(where ancient buildings and the mausoleum of the founder of modern Turkey Ataturk (Kemal Pasha) are located; the birthplace of Homer Izmir, which is famous for its antiquities and annual fairs; Bursa, Adana, Erzurum with their ancient monuments and numerous mosques. Aspendos is a city created by colonists after the Trojan War , in which there are many beautiful buildings, including the theater-palace of the architect Zeno (2nd century) and the Roman arched aqueduct of Mira - ancient capital Lycia, the “land of bright rays”, famous for its necropolis, carved into the rocks, as well as the church of St. Nicholas, a place of pilgrimage for Christians. There are many in the country nature reserves- Olympos-Beydaglari, Munzur-Vadisi, Koprulu Canyon, etc.

Most of Turkey is plateaus and Not high mountains, which in the east of the country turn into high mountain areas. There is the Ararat massif, sacred to the Armenians (but located in Turkey after the First World War), where, according to biblical legend, Noah completed his journey, and the large and picturesque Lake Van. So in the east of Turkey there are many elements of natural attractiveness™. However, for now this one is undoubtedly potentially resort area little mastered.

Palestine. This macro-region includes the state of Israel, populated predominantly by Jews (natives and immigrants), and Arab territories, which have been fighting for many decades to create an Arab Palestinian state.

The territory of Palestine has seen many historical events in its lifetime. Suffice it to say that the very first city in the world was discovered in the Jordan Valley - Jericho (“city of dates”), which is seven thousand years old.

Jerusalem, the city of three historical faiths (Jewish, Christian and Muslim) attracts the largest number of tourists. Among the historical and cultural monuments, it is enough to name the Jewish Western Wall, Christian shrines - the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher, Golgotha, where Christ was crucified, the rock where he prayed (and many more places associated with evangelical subjects). According to Islam, from the rock where Christ prayed, he later ascended to heaven Muslim prophet Muhammad (the Omar Mosque was built here). It is no coincidence that during the division of Palestine after World War II, the UN decided on the special status of Jerusalem, which is historically divided into the Old and New City.

Located south of Jerusalem Bethlehem, over which, according to legend, a star lit up when Jesus Christ was born. A grandiose temple was built here.

Tel Aviv- the capital of Israel (although the country’s leadership considers Jerusalem to be the capital, which is not recognized by most countries in the world) with its Haaretz Museum of Mediterranean Art, art gallery. Among the streets of Tel Aviv there are Korolenko, Zola, etc. streets. It has practically merged with Tel Aviv Jaffa, unlike young Tel Aviv, has several centuries of existence. In this city you can walk along the streets of Pushkin, Pestalozzi, Michelangelo, Gorky, Ozheshko, Dante.

In the city area Haifa And Nathanya on the Mediterranean coast, as well as in the Eilat area in the Arabian Gulf of the Red Sea are seaside resorts. There are also resorts on the coast below ocean level Dead Sea, the very high salinity of the waters allows swimmers to float freely. An appropriate infrastructure has been created for tourists in Israel.

The Arab countries of Southwest Asia include virtually the entire area, with the exception of Palestine, Israel and the Middle Eastern states. Essentially we are talking about the Middle East or most of Western Asia (from Lebanon in the northwest to Yemen in the southeast). These are all Muslim Arab states.

With the exception of some outlying areas - Mediterranean Lebanon and partly Syria in the northwest and “happy Arabia” (southern part of Yemen) on the edge of the Arabian Peninsula - all countries in the region are arid desert and semi-desert territories. Therefore, civilization developed only where it was possible to create irrigation systems using rivers (as in Mesopotamia) or groundwater - in oases. From the middle of the 20th century. In many countries in the region, oil is extracted, which leads to the formation of oases on an “industrial basis” due to the supply of water from deep horizons or the desalination of sea water. During these processes, modern civilization is formed with all its pros and cons. In particular, the centers of this new civilization attract a large number of “shuttle” tourists from the CIS countries to the countries of the region. In some states of the region, modern seaside resorts are appearing on the shores of the seas. There are also mountain resorts in Lebanese cities. All this serves the development of recreational tourism.

In almost all countries of the macroregion there are many historical and cultural attractions - monuments of distant millennia and centuries. Yes, on the territory Lebanon one of the earliest human settlements is located - Baalbek, where ruins of religious buildings dedicated to Jupiter, statues, sculptures of Venus, Bacchus, rows of columns and sculptures, and stairs are preserved. One of the ancient settlements in Lebanon is the city of Saida. The capital of the country itself - Beirut - along with the ancient quarters, is also distinguished by completely modern buildings, corresponding to the role of Beirut as a center of finance and culture.

IN Syria The ancient cities of Palmyra and Aleppo with their monuments of Hellenistic art are of great interest to tourists. The capital of the country, Damascus, attracts with objects of Muslim culture, including one of the most famous shrines of Islam - the Umayyad Mosque.

Muslim architecture is typical for most areas of the capital Iraq- Baghdad. The Nazimiya Mosque, or Golden Mosque, is very famous, decorated with four minarets with gilded domes (which is rare in this kind of structure). The city has many modern buildings and monuments, stylized in the spirit of Muslim traditions. To the side of the capital, located on the banks of the Tigris River, are the ruins of ancient cities, including Babylon. There are also summer high-altitude resorts in Iraq (in the north and north-east of the country). Despite the undoubted tourist attractiveness of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, the flow of tourists to these countries is limited due to political instability.

Others are much less interesting for educational tourism Arab countries Middle East: Jordan, Yemen, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain. In these countries, whose economies are based on oil production (Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates), modern cities attract attention.

Saudi Arabia occupies a special place among the countries of the Middle East. It is on its territory that the main places of pilgrimage for Muslims are located - holy cities Mecca (with the black Kaaba stone) and Medina, cities associated with the activities of the Prophet Muhammad and the birth of Islam. Hundreds of thousands, and in some years millions of Muslims from all over the world come here as pilgrims. Pilgrimage (Hajj) brings huge income to the country, and pilgrims “attach” themselves to eternal life in Paradise. The city of Jeddah is located on the country's Red Sea coast, through which thousands of pilgrims travel. There are also several historical monuments here, among which, according to legend, is the grave of the first woman, Eve.

Saudi Arabia covers an area of ​​1.6 - 2.4 million square meters. km (according to various sources). The country's population is over 18 million people, the capital Riyadh.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)- a country with an area of ​​83.6 thousand square meters. km and a population of more than 2 million people - this is a bright sun 360 days a year and a warm, clear sea, desert landscapes with oases and areas of red sand, wadis (dried river mouths) and dunes, the peaks of the Al Hajars massif, numerous key lakes of volcanic origin and color palette of stones.

The coral reefs of Kor Fakan are famous for their flora and fauna underwater world, and the coast Persian Gulf famous for its golden sands and exceptional water clarity. Hotels on the seashore offer tourists swimming pools and comfortable hotel beaches, equipped with everything necessary.

The capital of the UAE is Abu Dhabi. In the city of Dubai - ancient Arab buildings of the Bastakiya district, Dubai historical Museum(Fort Al Fahidi), Jumeirah Mosque, Sheikh Said Palace, historical village museum, Dubai Zoo - the best in the Middle East, Wonderland - one of the largest water parks in Asia. Once a year, Dubai hosts the world's largest shopping festival, attracting more than 2 million visitors. Dubai's Arabian Tower Hotel (Burj Al Arab) is the tallest hotel in the world (height 321 m). Hatta - mountain resort territorially belonging to the emirate Dubai, located in the center of Khajar mountain range and represents beautiful place, surrounded by palm trees, clear lakes and small farms.

In the city of Ajman there is a museum, which is located in a fort built in the late 18th century until the late 1970s. which was the residence of the emir. Its exhibition includes a collection of archaeological finds, ancient manuscripts, weapons, reconstructed traditional Arab rooms and a market.

Emirate Ras Al Khaimah represented by ancient cities (Yulfar - a thriving pearl trading center in the past, Digdaga - the largest Old city Ras al-Khaimah), Hatta hot springs, the Emirate Museum (a huge military fort) with traditional household items, jewelry, archaeological finds, the oldest of which dates back to the 1st millennium BC.

In the emirate Umm al-Quwain(“source of strength”) are located: Falaj Al Muala - a huge date garden surrounded by high dunes; water park "Dreamland" with an artificial volcano 18 m high with imitation fire, lighting effects, numerous water attractions; the city of Fujairah with sandy beaches and mountain headlands is one of best places for scuba diving.

Mereja, which is the “museum treasure of the UAE”, is the oldest district of the emirate Sharjah, where the following are located: one of the largest mosques in the Middle East, the King Faisal Mosque, which can accommodate up to 3,000 worshipers; numerous museums and exhibitions, beaches of the Khalid Lagoon. New but already popular entertainment in the UAE is sand skiing and car rallying in the desert.

The countries of the Middle East are Iran and Afghanistan.

Iran- a country of diverse nature and ancient history. Nature lovers will encounter seas and rivers, plains (low and elevated) and high Elbrus mountains with main peak Damavand (in the north of the country), various forests, dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts, healing mineral springs And healing mud. There are many monuments of Muslim culture (civil and religious buildings) in Iran - in the capital Tehran, the cities of Isfahan, Tabriz, Mashhad, Qazvin, etc. Currently, due to the difficult international situation of Iran (largely due to its isolation), the flow of tourists into the country very limited.

Afghanistan - multinational Mountain country, where hostilities have been going on for many years. Therefore, and also because of the very low level development of tourism infrastructure, the harsh but impressive nature of Afghanistan, and its historical and cultural sites located in the capital Kabul, the cities of Herat, Kandahar, etc. remain unclaimed. One of the most famous tourism sites in all of Asia - Biamine - is also practically inaccessible. In this depression, located in the central part of the country at an altitude of more than 2 thousand meters, there are rocks dug by hundreds of caves, and two 50-meter high Buddha statues carved into the rocks. The Shahar-i-Gulgula fortress is located on the hill. The possibilities of the winter resort of Jalalabad, hunting and observing local ritual holidays are also not in demand.

The only thing better than the mountains is a beach holiday. Or better yet: there is a time for the mountains, but there must also be a time for the beach. IN last years European winter resorts are losing popularity, giving the palm to the hot beaches of Asia. But Asia is big and the weather in different parts of it is different. Where to go to truly relax, and not sit in an exotic hut, escaping the monsoons and downpours? We have reviewed places where the weather is good in winter, where you can go on your own or by purchasing a tour. Where you can sunbathe and swim together, in a group, with children. We present to you 12 Asian resorts for every taste, color, interest and budget.

You can, of course, just lie on the beach, but it’s better to combine business with pleasure. Ancient temples, cities in the jungle, fantastic shows, new tastes and aromas. And all this, as a rule, is located some 1-1.5 km from that same luxurious beach with white sand. Read short review 12 best Asian resorts, where there is time for the sea, entertainment and relaxation for the whole family.


They wrote, talked, shouted, and made films about Bali. This is probably the most desirable island in the world. Not that big, but almost perfect. Weddings take place here, romantic vacations for lovers, the most fabulous dinners on the beach, and parents with children also come here. Bali has everything that lovers of the sea, sun and leisurely lazy rest. This is a fabulously beautiful place, a tropical paradise and a corner of earthly pleasures. And also, there are good-natured dolphins and good wave for surfers. If you have not been to Bali yet, then it is worth considering this option.

You can find and book a flight to Bali (Denpaser) Here.

Housing cost: from €25 per night.


First of all: Goa is not an island, as many people believe. This is the western coast, a former colony founded by the Portuguese. Let it not be so here White sand, and the sea is the most ordinary warm sea. But you will combine your vacation with a visit to snow-white Catholic churches, and you will see the old fort in Chapora. The relics of St. Francis are kept here. There is a very colorful old town. Goa is the spirit of freedom with the scent of the ocean breeze. And most importantly - well developed tourism infrastructure. Shops, services and a lot of housing offers. From expensive hotels to simple guesthouses.

You can find and book a flight to GOA (Dabolim) Here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.

Sri Lanka

Yes, yes, this is Ceylon. The birthplace of delicious tea. But that’s not the only thing that will surprise you with the island. This is very beautiful nature, , ancient architecture and a very pleasant environment. Here you can take a boat ride, dive on a coral reef, or go windsurfing. Here you will be offered to experience for yourself what real Ayurvedic medicine is. The warm, gentle and very clean sea will appeal to everyone: there is also something for surfers. Don't forget about the abundance of tropical fruits. You won't gain extra pounds from such lazy rest.

You can find and book a flight to Sri Lanka (Colombo) Here.

Housing cost: from € 15 per night.


The most popular beach town in Thailand. There really is something for every taste and color, as they say. Do you want active nightlife right on the beach? Then head to Patong. If your priority is calm, measured days with your family, then the quiet beach of Nai Harnom will be such an ideal option. For a stormy romantic adventure, Karon is suitable with a picturesque cape, cafes, and places for a couple in love to retire. By the way, we do not recommend swimming far into the sea, it can be dangerous. There is not only active life here, but also predatory fauna.

You can find and book a flight to Phuket Here.

Housing cost: from € 22 per night.


Beaches squeezing in Golden ring tropical hills of all shades of green. This is what it is, the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Here you must always be on your guard, otherwise small monkeys will easily steal your towel, camera or cap. You will need a camera, especially during the flowering period of the red jasmine. Here you can enjoy fresh papaya, yellow watermelons and rambutans and exotic durian to your heart's content. The best freshly squeezed juices, fruit and even alcoholic cocktails are available to you in bars. The food is delicious, Asian-spicy. Lots of fish, noodles and, of course, where without spicy curry?

You can find and book a flight to Kuala Lumpur Here. From KL to Langkawi you can travel by local airlines, ferry, bus or train.

Housing cost: from € 17 per night.


Here you won’t need shoes, and you can immediately forget about your bad mood. The Maldives is not one island, but 1200. An entire archipelago of small islands covered with amazing white sand. It's not so much sand as shells crushed by the ocean. Some islands are larger, there are more large hotels or bungalow complexes. And there are very small ones, with only 1-2 houses on stilts. They don’t really like TVs here, and there’s not enough internet. Yes, all this is not so necessary on vacation, when you can swim, walk, look at incredible beautiful birds and butterflies, scuba diving. Spend one or two days doing aromatherapy at a spa. They really know how to give a massage, which brings even the most avid worker back to life.

You can find and book a flight to the Maldives (Male, Hulule Atoll) Here.

Housing cost: from €34 per night.


It was opened relatively recently. Just in the 1970s. Tourists on a boat accidentally swam into these waters. And they couldn’t hold back their cries of admiration. The island looked as if no one had ever been here. Paradise Island With coconut trees and a couple of huts. Very soon, rampant construction began. Everyone wanted to invest in this new paradise for Europeans. Of course, there is pure white sand, an amazing blue sea, green jungle right up to the shore. Only 50 years have passed and now Samui has become luxury resort Thailand. It has not lost its charm; hotel owners take great care of this.

You can find and book a flight to Koh Samui via Bangkok Here.

Housing cost: from €21 per night.

Vung Tau

An excellent solution for those who value a “50/50” vacation. The resort is located quite far from the noisy big cities of Vietnam. But not so far away that you can't visit Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon. It's warm, beautiful, tasty and very interesting here. You have the opportunity to take a break from beach life and plunge into city life. Vietnam is a very beautiful country, worth visiting.

Here. From Ho Chi Minh City you can get to Vung Tau by speedboat or bus.

Housing cost: from €9 per night.


There are beautiful ones in China too tropical islands. Previously, by the way, unwanted nobles were exiled here so that they could live away from the capital and secular pleasures. Now tourists are tearing off tickets to this best resort in China. All 12 months of the year are in season, there is a warm sea and a lot of interesting things to do. Let's not forget that this is the best health resort in the entire Celestial Empire. Here you can improve your health, strengthen your immune system and prepare for life “after the holidays.”

Find and book flights to Hainan (Sanya Airport) you can here.

Housing cost: from € 12 per night.


Now let's move to the Arabian Sea in South India. There's another one here famous resort. Kerala or the Kerala coast, Varkala resort in particular, looks as if someone has persistently perfected it in Photoshop. White sand, tall palm trees with coconuts, leisurely days in blue light during the day, pink sunsets, clear air. It is convenient to enter the sea, the descent is gentle. They say this is where Ayurveda was born. So, welcome to spa treatments, massages, all kinds of relaxing treatments. For almost 5,000 years, masters of oriental medicine polished their skills here. Here they treat not only the body, but also the spirit. Don't miss the offer to relieve stress right on the seashore.

You can find and book a flight to Trivandrum, the capital of Kerala Here.

Housing cost: from € 13 per night.


On the shores of the Gulf of Thailand is the only and unique resort in Cambodia. Yes, there is only one, but what a one! 500 km closer to the equator than Thai resorts. But, unlike Pattaya, it is calm and quite secluded. Although, the laurels of the famous neighbor do not allow Sihanoukville to sleep peacefully. Perhaps in another 10 years, we won’t recognize Sihanoukville. It will turn into the “Pattaya of the future”. If you need to visit Cuba before McDonald's arrives, then Sihanoukville is worth a trip before it becomes a second Pattaya.

Find and book flights to Phnom Penh, the closest airport to Sihanoukville, Can Here.

Housing cost: from €18 per night.

Phan Thiet

Just 200 km from Ho Chi Minh City. But the roads here are such that expect a minimum of 4 hours. More and more popular resort Vietnam among Russians in recent years. So, if you wanted to be away from your native speech, you won’t be able to do that here. There are a lot of cheerful young people, there are married couples, adventure seekers on their own, and lovely English elderly couples. In short, there is a very diverse crowd here. All because of what Phan Thiet has to offer great holiday all categories of tourists. Pleasant climate, warm sea all year round. What more could you ask for?

You can find and book a flight to Ho Chi Minh City Here. From Ho Chi Minh City you can get to Phan Thiet by taxi, bus and train.

Housing cost: from €9 per night.

All these resorts are suitable for winter holidays. But we must remember that the islands are in the sea, and where there is sea, there is a monsoon period. On one side of the island it is warm and dry, on the other it is windy and unpleasant. Check the details - they are the key to a relaxing holiday.

If you decide to buy voucher at a travel agency and they made you a “profitable” offer at a very low price, check for yourself whether there are monsoons during this period, in this particular place. The weather on the islands is very different: on one coast there is paradise, on the opposite coast there is boredom.

Relax and enjoy, but choose the place carefully!

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For European people, Asia is a fabulous and mysterious side of the world. People come here for impressions, for new knowledge, for answers to unsolvable riddles. And also to the warm sea or ocean, for exotic entertainment and culinary delights.

Asia begins just beyond the Bosphorus. Türkiye is a well-known country for mass tourists. Unfortunately, few people perceive the countries of Central Asia as a vacation option. Of the distant countries, Thailand is best known, but Cambodia or Vietnam are rarely considered as final destination flight to the sea.

One of the biggest attractions of traveling to Asia is the prices for food and accommodation. They are extremely attractive and can inspire tourists with the most modest budgets. Despite the long and expensive flight. In return, traveling to Asia gives the tourist the opportunity to save on housing and food so much that the high cost of the flight will not seem so hopeless.

How to make your visit to Asian country informal, exclusive and inexpensive? Which countries give chances to tourists with a small wallet? What can you see, where can you visit? We have dedicated this article to the answers to these important questions.

Türkiye: an all-inclusive country

Tourists love Turkish resorts for their low cost of living, inexpensive food and fun entertainment. The abundance of ancient ruins, the secular nature of the state (all Muslim attractions are available to tourists), sandy beaches and the opportunity to relax on an all-inclusive basis are the main attractions for mass tourists. It is impossible not to add that hotel and restaurant staff speak Russian, which makes resort life easier for our travelers.

The Hagia Sophia Museum is a symbol of the “golden age” of Byzantium, located in the historical center of Istanbul.

Traveling independently to Turkish resorts involves many hassles. But as a result, the tourist pays more than the average tour offered by tour operators costs - 200 euros/week. This is how much it costs to travel alone, meals are only breakfast, accommodation in a 3* hotel, out of season.

An independent flight to Antalya and back will cost the same two hundred euros (the cheapest is with PEGASUS). Accommodation in a modest hotel - from 13 euros/day (91 euros/week) for Double Room with breakfast.

Lunch in a modest restaurant will not cost more than 6-7 euros per person. If you feed yourself (many hotels have kitchens), then the daily cost of food will not be more than 5-6 euros. In this case, it is better to make purchases at bazaars, and buy only dairy products and semi-finished products in supermarkets.

Excursions to any place of interest to tourists can be purchased at tourist kiosks (in no case from street vendors!). One day tour to Ephesus or Didim with lunch included will cost about fifty euros per person.

Uzbekistan: Star of the East

The country, well known from Soviet times, today is perhaps the most developed and pleasant power for tourists in the Central Asian region. If the capital - Tashkent - is not very interesting for travelers, then Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand can satisfy the taste of the most sophisticated traveler, not to mention the novice tourist. Ancient mosques, mausoleums, palaces of emirs, vast bazaars, delicious cuisine and a warm climate - what else does a traveler need?

Registan Square in Samarkand.

If you eat in numerous national street restaurants or coffee shops, then lunch will cost you no more than 4-5 euros. Fees for visiting attractions and museums are so low that in a week you will hardly spend more than 5 euros, visiting two or three establishments daily.

The police in Uzbekistan are very strict, tourists here feel protected and protected. It’s worth adding that all the stories about the incredible hospitality of the Uzbeks are true! You will certainly make many friends.

The climate here is hot, especially in summer. Therefore, it is better to choose spring or autumn for a visit, when the temperature does not break records and you can not only get a good tan, but also enjoy admiring the mosques, medieval quarters, abundant bazaars and green gardens.

Flight from Moscow to Samarkand and back - 400 euros (UTair is the cheapest). Accommodation - from 21 euros/day (for two people in guest house close to the historical center), breakfast - 3 euros.

India: the birthplace of Buddha

One of the most exotic and rich in cultural monuments countries of the world. It's interesting here how big cities, and in small villages. People often come here just to live and observe the lives of people who neglect earthly goods. On the other hand, many tourists are shocked by their visit to this country, the worldview of Indians and Europeans is so different.

Bengal tiger in one of national parks India.

The attractions of India are so numerous and varied that it is difficult to choose the ten or twenty most outstanding. Hindu temples, Buddhist monasteries, ancient palaces and fortresses, the sacred Ganges and National parks with rhinoceroses and tigers - it’s hard to list everything.

India will be of interest to lovers of antiquity, admirers of natural beauty, seekers of the meaning of life and those who prefer a serene pastime on the beach. To save on transport, it is best to rent a scooter for the duration of your visit; it costs 50 euros/week. The vast majority of attractions are free. But to museums and cultural centers, entry tickets can cost up to 10 euros.

You can eat at street stalls (if your stomach is healthy and you can easily tolerate spices) - a huge portion of a vegetarian dish of rice and vegetables costs less than 1 euro. If you prefer European cuisine, moderately spicy, then lunch in a restaurant will cost from 7 euros per person.

A visa to India for tourists costs 60 US dollars. You can apply for it on the Internet.

Flight from Moscow to Mumbai and back outside the season (April-September) - 415 euros (Turkish Airlines).

Accommodation in India is very cheap, but if you want to live in a room without bugs, but with air conditioning, you will have to pay from 10 euros per night (a double room in 2-3* city hotels).

Vietnam: a small country with big opportunities

Vietnam is not often considered by budget tourists as a holiday option. Completely in vain! Holidays in this picturesque and hospitable country are cheaper than in the vaunted Thailand.

Russians can spend two weeks in Vietnam every year without a visa. The country offers tourists not only perfectly clean beaches and a warm, clear sea, but also many unexpected cultural and historical monuments, unique cuisine, good-natured and smiling local people. And it’s also unusual in Vietnam low prices for food and overnight stay in a hotel or guest house.

Flight from Moscow to Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City and back - from 424 euros (offer from Emirates).

Double room in a modest but clean and modern hotel- from 8 euros/day.

Ha Long Bay, Hoi An, Mui Ne, Nha Trang - the names of the most attractive resort places Vietnam has little to say to the budget tourist. There are extraordinary things hiding behind them Beautiful places, cozy restaurants, comfortable hotels, original festivals, green parks and Buddhist pagodas.

Long Son Pagoda (Nha Trang).

Eating in street cafes and snack bars, you can easily spend 6-8 euros per day. Lunch at an expensive restaurant - 12-15 euros. Fruits in the country of victorious socialism are so cheap that many tourists switch to a fruit diet and spend no more than three or four euros a day on food. Transport costs can be easily minimized by renting a bicycle - 30 euros/week.

Visiting attractions in organized groups, accompanied by a guide - from 35 euros for a one-day trip, including meals. Country tour (5 days) - 180-220 euros.

There is almost no street crime in Vietnam. The level of security here is very high and the police are very efficient.

Entrance to a beach party or night club- from 2 euros.

Similar prices, entertainment and attractions in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos. But air tickets to these countries will cost no less than 500 euros. In Sri Lanka, Nepal, and even in China, a budget tourist will also feel confident and carefree.

Each of these countries has a lot of exotic entertainment, inexpensive accommodation and delicious food. The main thing is to visit these countries not during high tourist season, and book tickets and hotels no later than six months in advance.

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Best resorts South-East Asia

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Are you ready to dive headfirst into the exotic? Then - go ahead!












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