When is the best time to go on holiday to Vietnam? Holidays in Vietnam, where to go and what to see

What it will be depends on the chosen season and the holiday resort. The country's territory consists of over 50 provinces, which can be divided into 3 regions:

  • Northern Vietnam– there are many ancient sights, temples, places untouched by human hands. In winter, the resorts are cool, in summer it is too stuffy, so tourists go not for a beach holiday, but for excursions in the spring;
  • Central Vietnam– the choice of young people and everyone who prefers to sunbathe on the beaches and swim in the sea. There is an impeccable coastline, the weather is favorable for tourists all year round, there are many bars and nightclubs, luxurious nature;
  • South Vietnam- a place where the most valuable things are concentrated luxury hotels and specialty restaurants. In the south of the country you can relax both with children and with your significant other. Beaches, tropical jungles, fashion boutiques - there is everything for happiness here.

Where exactly depends on tourist preferences, the company of travelers, budget and season for vacation. However, in this country there is something for every taste and budget.

5 best resorts in Vietnam where you should go on vacation

There are a lot of rumors and myths about Vietnam - some tourists are even sure that this country is the same as Thailand, like a twin brother. In fact, it's not just two different states, but also absolutely unique, nature, resorts with their own advantages and disadvantages. The most popular places to visit in Vietnam are:

  1. Nha Trang– famous for its favorable climate from January to August, the most clean beaches, Not high prices, lots of entertainment for adults and children. Here you can explore the Pongar Tower, visit the Silk Museum, visit the pagodas and Monkey Island. True, a traveler may be confused by the crazy traffic on the roads - you shouldn’t get behind the wheel of a car or bike here;
  2. Phu Quoc– a luxurious beach resort with unlimited possibilities for relaxation on the coast. The season here lasts from November to June, there are many secluded places to relax, lovers will like extreme species sports. The only downsides are high prices and the lack of significant attractions;
  3. Ho Chi Minh City– there seems to be everything from boutiques to luxury hotels, from amusement parks to old landmarks. Beach holidays here are spoiled due to dirty water in the sea. Tourists are invited to visit the Palace of Independence, the zoo, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Cu Chi tunnels and many other places;
  4. Hanoi- This northern Vietnam, the capital of the country, where the exoticism of Asia coexists with a busy business life. There are no beaches here, but you can do exciting shopping, visit the Women's Museum, the Citadel of Hanoi, the Presidential Palace and Sword Lake;
  5. Danang– a paradise for lovers of nightclub life. The local beaches are recognized as some of the best in the world, and surfers and kiters will generally want to move to these parts. Among the attractions is the Lady Buddha statue, Marble Mountains, Cham towers, cable car and several pagodas.

Vietnam is diverse, therefore, when going on vacation and choosing where to go, look for a resort to your liking: study photos, read reviews, find out what attractions and entertainment there are so as not to be disappointed.

Tourism in Vietnam

Is in amazing Asian country and resorts that enjoy no less attention and love from tourists than the most popular places. Planning in Vietnam independent travel, consider resorts such as:

  • Mui Ne- I'll like it Russian tourists, since many people here speak Russian, there is an abundance of shops and active entertainment;
  • Vung Tau– ideal for romantics and a family trip, it is quiet, the beaches are wide, the sea views are spectacular, and there is also a colossal statue of Jesus, but the coast is quite dirty;
  • Phan Thiet– attracts with a relaxed holiday, free beaches, eco-tourism, here you can see red dunes, a magical spring with mineral water, Chemsky towers;
  • Dalatmountain resort with countless flower parks, temples and pagodas, you can come here from November to April, there are many attractions, but there are no beaches;
  • Hoi An- a resort where high season lasts from January to August, the beaches are beautiful, the prices are low, and there are fabulous events on the ships.

So, a holiday in Vietnam can be impeccable if you choose the right place to go. You should not rely only on the advice of tour operators - look for “your” resort yourself.

Vietnam Vacation Tips for Independent Travel

A personally organized one is more difficult, but at the same time, it will be more interesting, because you can get a lot of positive impressions without regard to the tourist group. When you travel to Vietnam on your own, remember that:

  • there are many fake travel companies and scammers that a gullible guest needs to beware of;
  • You need to keep an eye on your things - they can not only be stolen, but also snatched from your hands, hold them tightly to yourself;
  • do not show that you are a wealthy traveler, dress more modestly, stock up on small change, it’s easier to bargain in the markets;
  • when going on an excursion with a group of tourists, try not to get lost - it’s very easy, so get to know someone and stick together;
  • be prepared to leave your passport at the hotel - this is a common practice for budget establishments;
  • cross the road with caution - pedestrians are not allowed to pass here, the main thing is not to make sudden movements, drivers themselves must go around you;
  • do not drink tap water, and buy ready-made food on the street if it is hot.

Although danger awaits the traveler, the holiday here promises to be eventful and memorable. Beautiful nature, luxurious beaches, excellent service, centuries-old attractions and countless entertainment - romance, families with children, and independent tourist, lover of history or shopping.

Vietnam is famous for its heavenly beaches, and go there primarily for their sake. However, this paradise will also appeal to diving enthusiasts - diving here is one of the cheapest in the world, but at the same time it is perfectly organized, and there are interesting dive sites, and you can dive throughout the year, just changing resorts.

Those who like excursion holiday , will appreciate the wealth and safety historical monuments. There are medieval imperial citadels, French colonial quarters, and partisan catacombs from the Vietnam War. And natural ones are like that small country amaze with their grandeur: the gigantic Mekong Delta, the most big cave of the world Son Doong, Bay of 3000 Ha Long Islands. Makes a great holiday seasoning local cuisine with a pleasant French accent.

Tours to Vietnam

Popular resorts

Vietnam on the map is stretched along the meridian with a winding line. At the top, in the north, is the country's capital -. In the center is ancient capital Hue, popular among lovers of excursion holidays.

Beach resorts begin a little further south, in Nha Trang, the most famous and popular of them. Even further south follow, especially suitable for surfers and kiters. Below begins the Mekong Delta, as well as the “Paris of the East”, the industrial and tourist center -.

In the extreme south of the country, the sea gives way to the Gulf of Thailand. In it, at the very borders of Cambodia, is located the largest island of Vietnam. Paradise beaches with white sand and coconut trees you should look there, on its western bank.


The level of hotel service in Vietnam is very high: even 3-star hotels in their comfort and quality of service are close to the European “fours”. And local “fours” and even more so “fives”, especially when it comes to historical hotels, are real luxury.

Animation for children, children's clubs and special entertainment programs are not yet available in every resort hotel; information about them must be clarified in advance. Also, not all hotels operate in the all-inclusive format, which, by the way, is not so much in demand. On Vietnamese resorts I don’t want to sit around the clock in a hotel when there are so many interesting and tasty things around.

You can come to Vietnam without even booking a hotel in advance. In large tourist centers You can always find available rooms right on the spot.

Tours to Vietnam

Prices for tours for 2 people for 7 nights with departure from Moscow are given.



The national currency of Vietnam is the Vietnamese dong. Its cost is such that you should have banknotes of 50,000 and 20,000 dong with you as “changes” to pay for a pedicab (“siklo”) or buy a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The largest bill is half a million dong.

It is best to take with you on a trip US dollars: you can pay with them here as freely as national currency. The euro has no such circulation.


Visa to Vietnam not needed for Russians who are going to come for a period of up to 15 days.

Those who plan to stay in the country longer need to obtain a visa. It can be single or multiple, but in both cases it is issued for a period of 1 or 3 months. To obtain a visa, you need to collect a package of documents and contact the consular department of the Vietnamese Embassy. The visa is issued within 5 - 7 working days. However, you can also apply for a visa on arrival at any of the main airports in Vietnam. It's both faster and easier.

Round-trip flights to Vietnam

Prices for tickets per person departing from Berlin are shown.

What to bring from Vietnam

Even by the standards of Southeast Asia, prices in Vietnam are very low, so no one comes from here without souvenirs. Russians often bring tropical fruits, medicinal artichoke tea and coffee from Vietnam, including such an exotic and expensive variety as “kopi luwak”: it is also cheaper here than, for example, in Vietnam. Snake wine and medicinal tinctures for snakes, scorpions and other poisonous creatures have become souvenir classics. Men consider them beneficial for their health.

Women love Vietnamese island pearl jewelry and silk clothing. On vacation, many even order the national women's Ao Dai costume, which consists of a long silk shirt and trousers, from local dressmakers. A traditional conical hat made from palm leaves goes perfectly with it.

Many tourists are interested in holidays in Vietnam. This country has become popular for many reasons, including visa-free entry, and chic sandy beaches, And pleasant climate, low prices for local hotels.

So tourists from all countries flocked there, including Russo tourists.

I was lucky enough to visit two of the most popular Vietnamese resorts in this country, so I had the opportunity to compare them. And in this article I will talk about the features of these resorts, and why Vietnam can become your most vivid tourist experience!

Socialism in paradise: who will enjoy a holiday in Vietnam

Do you remember how during the Soviet Union we treated foreign tourists? That's right: they ran on their hind legs in front of them, they, foreigners, were offered only the best. They were built for them good hotels, expensive restaurants worked for them.

This is exactly what it looks like in Vietnam. If the same Chinese built their loved ones for themselves, then the Vietnamese do not yet have so many rich people to build luxury hotels for them. And they were built specifically for tourists. Moreover, they were built quite recently - about 10 years ago. Since, unlike the same thing, before this Vietnam was somehow in no hurry to develop resorts.

But after a tourism development program was adopted in the country at the beginning of the 2000s, the Vietnamese began to build in such a way that everyone gasped.

So, if you want to feel like a celestial, go to Vietnam!

By the way, please note that there have been changes to the rules for entry into Vietnam. You can read more about this in this article:

When is the best time to go: holiday seasonality

To begin with, let's first define best season for the trip. In Vietnam there is a dry season and a rainy season. Due to the fact that Vietnam is sort of “stretched” from north to south, the climate in different parts of Vietnam is also different.

But both the north and south are affected by the monsoons. From November to April it is cooler in the north, but there is less rainfall. And from May to October it is hot and humid. The south has high humidity all year round, and the rainy season lasts from May to November. Because most popular resorts are located closer to the south of Vietnam, perhaps, it is worth choosing for a trip to Vietnam time from November to April.

Most often, tourists do just that. Accordingly, prices in the dry season are more expensive, and during the rainy season, tours to Vietnam are slightly cheaper.

Look current prices You can go on holiday in Vietnam here: Tours to Vietnam

Resorts in Vietnam - which one to choose?

Choosing a resort in Vietnam should also be approached quite responsibly, because two most popular resorts Vietnam - Nha Chang And Phan Thiet- very different in their structure and location.

Having been both there and there, I can say that by choosing any of them, you will get an excellent vacation and a lot of opportunities for excursions.

But it’s still better to know about the features of these resorts in order to get exactly the impressions from your trip that will make you remember Vietnam with love and delight.

Phan Thiet Resort

So, Phan Thiet located quite far from the airport - 200 km, the transfer there takes 3-4 hours. Actually, the town of Phan Thiet itself is not a tourist destination. This is an ordinary small town where the local population earns a living by fishing.

Next to it - about 15 km - there is Mui Ne resort area . That's where all the hotels are located.

Just 10-15 years ago, mostly surfers and kitesurfers traveled to Mui Ne. During the day, the guys rode the waves and in the evening they drank beer on the beach and picked up girls in several local bars. A kind of specific paradise on earth, a party for our own people.

But everything is changing. The big ones found out about Mui Ne travel companies. Monsters of the tourism industry have considered the potential local beaches and began to creatively improve this place and sell organized tours to a godforsaken village in southern Vietnam.

Now there are more than 70 hotels. They are of different levels - from three to five stars. But the nice thing is that all the hotels in Mui Ne have their own large or not very large, but, as a rule, beautiful and green territory, and are located on the 1st line from the sea, and their beaches with pleasant golden sand have a gentle entrance to the sea .

3* hotels:Vinh Suong Resort 3*, We lived in it: an amazingly green and cozy hotel, very well located - everything is nearby. Hotels MUINE OCEAN RESORT & SPA 3*, CANARY BEACH RESORT 3* also decent, with beautiful areas and good rooms.

4* hotels: BAMBOO VILLAGE BEACH RESORT & SPA 4* — very stylish, with good territory; PALMIRA MUINE 4* a little away from other hotels, but for have a relaxing holiday with children - ideal. NOVELA RESORT 4*- small area good rooms(and view from most rooms), good location. SUNNY BEACH PHAN THIET 4* great area, flowers everywhere, nice rooms .

Two 4* hotels stand out: Novotel Coralia 4* And PARK DIAMOND HOTEL 4*. They are no longer located in Mui Ne, but on the outskirts of Phan Thiet itself. But if Novotel Coralia 4* is a large area, its own beach, infrastructure, excellent rooms with balconies, i.e. a good hotel for a good rest, then PARK DIAMOND HOTEL 4* this is essentially a city hotel without territory, with the beach across the road. And I wouldn’t want to spend all 10-12 days of my vacation there...

5* hotels: ANANTARA MUINE 5* pretentious, high-tech style, excellent territory, endless swimming pool, huge rooms with stylish interiors... in short, the most cool hotel in Mui Ne. MUINE DE CENTURY BEACH RESORT & SPA 5* a large beautiful area, colonial-style houses, in general, heaven on earth.

Across the road from the hotels, on the 2nd line from the sea, is the entire tourist infrastructure of Mui Ne in the form of restaurants, shops, massage parlors, travel agencies and rental offices.

And in the surrounding area there are several natural and cultural attractions:

  • white sand dunes
  • red dunes
  • hot springs and geysers
  • Fairy Creek (Red Creek)
  • Cham towers

All of them are located at different distances from the resort. You can try to get there on your own by renting a scooter, or you can take a tour and go admire the nature and landscapes of southern Vietnam with a guide.

By choosing the second option, you will see several amazing places: Visit the White Sand Dunes and admire the lotus blossoms on the lake next to the dunes. Near the Fairy Creek, where, according to local legend, magical fairies live, you will take a barefoot walk right along the shallow stream. It goes along the jungle and sand mountains and leads to a small waterfall.

In addition, you will have to climb cable car to Mount Taku, 694 meters high. It offers stunning views of the South China Sea and the landscapes of South Vietnam. On the mountain you will also see the famous 49-meter statue of Buddha, see an active temple in which monks live, and pagodas to which Buddhists make pilgrimages.

The pretty girl Alexandra can take you on such an excursion. You can view the program of this excursion here: Amazing Binh Thuan

As I already mentioned, the Mui Ne resort area is a mecca for wind, kite and other surfers. There are excellent conditions for practicing these sports - stable winds and moderate but also stable waves.

The only disadvantage of a holiday in Mui Ne may be the abundance of compatriots. Even in Turkey there are probably recent years became smaller. Signs in cafes and restaurants are entirely in Russian, and in the evenings you can hear Baskov’s drawn-out voice and Pugacheva’s old songs from the speakers. But if after 10 days of rest you get bored with seafood and want borscht, you will find it.

Kega District

I want to say a few more words about resort area Kega (KE GA).

It is also located a 20-minute drive from Phan Thiet, but only in the opposite direction from Mui Ne. About 10 hotels have now been built and operate there. They are all very decent, even three rubles, for example ROCK WATER BAY 3*, or Eco Spa Village 3*(in the spirit of a Vietnamese village with cozy eco-style houses buried in the jungle).

But there is really nowhere to leave the hotel in the evening - there is no infrastructure around. So if you book a hotel in the Kega region on breakfast, then you will have a problem with dinner - you will either need to go to Phan Thiet, or pay extra and make do with the hotel restaurant. Usually tourists choose the first option, because... At a hotel dinner, everyone quickly gets bored.

In general, you can go to Phan Thiet itself, even if you have a hotel in Mui Ne, by renting a scooter to get acquainted with the life of the local population. Well, perhaps young people will like it nightclub: it can be easily found by the glowing beam of the club spotlight, which is visible against the background of the night sky even at the entrance to the town.

In general, for lovers of parties, extras and nightlife, and also for everyone who does not like long transfers from the airport to the hotel, it is better to go to another popular resort Vietnam - in Nha Trang.

Hang out in Vietnam: Nha Trang

Nha Chang– big enough and modern city(about a million population), the road to it from the airport will take a maximum of 40 minutes.

All hotels except one - ANA MANDARA RESORT 5*, - are located across the road from the sea, but right in the city itself (with the exception of island ones). This is both a plus and a minus.

Plus - all the temptations are available to you right on your doorstep big city. The downside is that the population of this big city is numerous on this very city beach. But this is a minus rather for those tourists who are ready to communicate with the local population only in the form of refined hotel staff.

As for good hotels in Nha Trang, I can recommend the following:

More expensive: Sheraton Nha Trang , Balcony Seaview Nha Trang Center, InterContinental Nha Trang, The Light Hotel& Spa

Cheaper: Dendro Hotel, Golden Tulip Hotel, Green Hotel, New Sun Hotel , Euro Star Hotel,Seaway Hotel

Those tourists who need an ideal beach with sun loungers/umbrellas and no local population on it, and indeed all tourists vacationing in Nha Trang, will really like it on Vin Pearl Island , which is connected to Nha Trang by cable car.

In addition to a gorgeous beach in a quiet, wave-free harbor, this island has luxury hotels - VINPEARL RESORT NHA TRANG 5 * And VINPEARL LUXURY NHA TRANG 5*, and the huge Winpearl Land park with a water park, an aquarium, an amusement park and a 3D cinema. Tourists with children, I think, will appreciate all the possibilities of Vin Pearl Island.

All this is available for about 600 rubles with our money. Having paid this amount for the ticket, you get there by cable car and spend the whole day there on the beach, water slides and other attractions (you only have to buy food and drinks). And it all ends with an evening fountain show. It is also included in these 600 rubles.

Why else should you choose Vietnam?

Well, how do you like this country already? Let me give you a couple more reasons in favor of a holiday in Vietnam.

Good excursion programs

In Vietnam you can and should go on excursions . Any resort in Vietnam will offer you excellent excursion program: from a trip to hot mineral springs or V Sand dunes to Dalata.

IN Dalat It is advisable to go just for a couple of days, because... The road takes quite a long time, and there is a lot to see.

Those who are more active will of course go to Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) And Ha Long Bay.

If you don’t like to go off the beaten path, and you want to see the real Vietnam, views that will make your heart beat faster, then you should take these excursions:

Dak Lak Province and Lien Son Village– two-day trip: wildlife, rice fields, coffee fields, huge waterfalls, elephant and boat rides, local tribes and their national cuisine.

Fishing village and Vinh Hy Bay: see how ordinary Vietnamese fishermen live, learn about their way of life and the structure of the village, see how the fish is dried, which is then sent to stores around the world; look at salt fields, where the locals mine salt, and look at Vietnamese vineyards, try young Vietnamese wine.

Good inexpensive shopping

Vietnam is good shopping . The country is famous for its cosmetics, tea and coffee, as well as silk and pearl products. What can you bring from Vietnam? Yes, almost everything: jewelry, leather goods, clothes and shoes. And all this is very inexpensive. After all, many famous brands have been making their collections in China and Vietnam for a long time. It sells both traditional silk clothes and clothes made from patterns from world brands; You can also find local designer shops.

When going shopping, be prepared to play by the rules. And they are as follows: if you want to buy a thing, do not immediately give the amount stated by the seller. You need to bargain, even you are not used to doing this. But you will get an item of excellent quality for an inexpensive price. These are the rules of shopping.

When buying street goods, you can also use the following “psychological maneuver”: walking away from the tray with an offended look. The merchant will call you back and will definitely give in. Well, there is no bargaining in supermarkets: their prices are fixed.

Seafood and other delicacies

What else can make you fall in love with Vietnam is its cuisine. Vietnam is not only a variety of fruits and seafood at ridiculous prices:

Vietnamese kitchen represents the totality of all known world traditions: Indian, Japanese, Chinese and so on. Let's remember the history of Vietnam - who was there: the Mongols, the French, and even the Americans!

Thus, the Vietnamese share the Chinese concept of “five tastes”: food should have a balance of salty, sweet, sour, bitter and spicy. As in Chinese cuisine, vegetables and herbs play a large role in dishes. However, the Vietnamese use less oil when frying food than the Chinese.

Following China, Mongolian shepherds came to Vietnam in the 10th century and taught the Vietnamese to eat beef. Neighboring Cambodia also influenced the development of Vietnamese cuisine: thanks to it, Indian spices and seasonings became quite common in Vietnam.

The French, coming to Vietnam in the 19th century, brought their philosophy to cooking: respect for high quality ingredients and correct use. Asparagus, avocados, corn, tomatoes and wine appeared in Vietnam thanks to the French. They taught the Vietnamese to eat bread (baguettes), drink beer, coffee with milk and make ice cream.

The friendliness of the Vietnamese

In Vietnam, no one, I repeat - NO ONE, will pull you by the hand into their store, shop, restaurant. No one will pester you on the street with their goods. The Vietnamese generally deserve the sympathy of tourists precisely because of their friendliness and unobtrusiveness.

So, to summarize: Vietnam is a great option for your vacation if you need a warm sea, good hotels, cheap seafood and a lot of impressions.

For those who could not decide on a resort, there is combined tours, giving the opportunity to live in both Nha Trang and Phan Thiet.

See you on the blog!

Vietnam is very interesting beautiful country, with its own character and culture. But it is not as popular in terms of tourism as Thailand, although it is very close. The reason for this is not weak infrastructure, unsuitable political system and not the bad character of the inhabitants. It's quite the opposite. Climate is the reason. Most of the country is located in a subtropical region with frequent monsoons. Only southern part The coast of Vietnam is located in the hot, tropical and dry zone.

Vietnam is one of the five countries most dangerous in terms of natural disasters. Frequent tropical downpours over the course of several months erode roads, wash away the top layer of soil, and cause landslides and mudflows. Even despite such difficulties, this is a very worthy country to see. The tourism industry here is developing very quickly. Therefore, you need to have time to see Vietnam as unspoiled as it is now.

In our article we will tell you what is good in Vietnam, what you can see and where to relax. Let's start from the north.

One of the northernmost towns in the country. It is surrounded by mountains about 3,000 meters high. The city itself is located at an altitude of more than one and a half kilometers. It’s worth spending a few days here to wander through the surrounding mountains, admire the man-made terraces for growing rice, and see the life of the mountain villages. From here you can cross the border into Laos.

Tourists who plan to visit not only beach hotels. The city is very rich in attractions. It is very difficult to single out something. Many buildings in the city center remain from the times of French colonization. There are ancient temples and modern monuments. It's better to explore everything to the maximum:

  • old quarters of Hanoi;
  • Mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh;
  • Park and Lake of the Returned Sword;
  • Hanoi Fortress;
  • water puppet theater;
  • Quan Tha Temple;
  • Cathedral of Saint-Joseph.

Ha Long Bay

A unique place, you won’t find anything like it anywhere else on our planet. It is also called the Bay of a Thousand Islands. There are really a lot of islands, more than 3000. It is worth seeing, both high pointobservation deck, and from the water - taking a ride and even possibly spending the night on a boat in this bay.


The capital of the last dynasty of Vietnamese emperors. It is under the protection of UNESCO, which means there is something to see here. More than 300 historical, religious and cultural monuments are no joke.


One of largest cities countries. Here great beaches, shops, restaurants and interesting objects historical heritage. This city is already suitable for full-fledged beach holiday.

City-museum. Huge number temples, mountain peaks, beautiful scenery. The Great Silk Road ran through Hoi An. At the same time, there are magnificent beaches and few tourists.

Nha Trang

Most Popular beach resort Vietnam. Here you can find everything your heart desires. The only thing you won’t find is boredom and deserted beaches, especially in high season. Here is the highest concentration of hotels and tourists per square meter.

Phan Thiet

Excellent hotels of different levels, golf courses, windsurfing, kitesurfing. There are constant winds blowing here, which lovers of boards, sails or kites adore. But it’s better to spend a beach holiday in Vietnam elsewhere.

Mui Ne

And in Russian - Muinovka or Muinya (forgive my French). Continuation of the beaches of Phan Thiet. If you are already tired of Vietnamese food, come here. Here you will meet familiar faces, familiar food, prices are 5 times higher than elsewhere and other attributes of Russian life. It’s almost constantly stormy here, just like in Phan Thiet, so it’s better not to go here with small children.

Dalat - an unusual mountain resort

It was founded by the French who wanted to “escape” the sweltering heat of the south. Here they encountered alpine landscapes, waterfalls, rivers, and forests similar to their native ones.

Ho Chi Minh City - the southern capital of Vietnam

A large metropolis with all its attributes, into which an ancient town, once captured by the French, has turned. The Americans, during the Vietnam War, called it Saigon. In the USSR, the word Saigon was considered synonymous with robbery and vice. Those times have sunk into oblivion. Now it's beautiful city with abundance interesting monuments and places worth visiting. For example:

  • palaces and buildings of the French colonial period;
  • guerrilla tunnels of Cu Chi;
  • Jade Temple;
  • zoo and botanical garden;
  • park areas - there are many of them here;
  • markets and shopping complexes.

Phu Quoc

An island located in the Gulf of Thailand. Wide snow-white beaches, jungles, temples, villages - an absolutely calm and measured lifestyle. People come here for this and nothing else. Although the island already has an airport, this does not prevent it from delighting its guests with the absence of fuss. At the same time, if you get tired of silence, you can easily go to noisy Ho Chi Minh City.

We hope this information helped you.

Have a nice trip to Vietnam!

Recently, Vietnam has become more and more popular - people go there on a par with Thailand or Egypt. In this article we will look at the best resorts in Vietnam, and not only beach resorts.

Nha Trang

In Vietnam, the resort of Nha Trang is a tourism center and the most popular holiday destination. Its main advantage is three luxurious beaches with deep sea. Basically, the coastal zone belongs to the city, that is, visiting it is free. Lots of activities, such as surfing or parasailing in tow. The sea is deep, more suitable for adults.

It is very good to relax both in the bay of Nha Trang itself and on the Che and Tam islands - the second is less popular among tourists, and the first can be reached by cable car over the sea. And at a distance of 50-60 kilometers from the city there are the gorgeous beaches of Jungle and Doc Let.

There are many hotels in the city, including 5* ones, but the all-inclusive system is not yet popular. There are several "three rubles". In terms of price-quality ratio, Yasaka and Que Huong are popular.

Treshki are very inexpensive, starting from $7 per night. “Fours” are already reaching 40 per day.

There are also interesting sights here - Po Nagar towers, Long Son pagoda, Cathedral, Bao Dai Villa Museum and beautiful waterfalls. Conducted sightseeing tour.

Mui Ne and Phan Thiet

A resort with a double name - Phan Thiet is usually called when booking tours, and Mui Ne - when independent rest. Reviews about him are very contradictory - some consider him best place, and for some, the worst resort in Asia. By the way, there are no hotels in the village of Mui Ne and the city of Phan Thiet - the area between them is called a resort.

If you figure out what's going on, it becomes clear that the problem is in the hotel. The resort has a huge 17-kilometer beach, and the quality of the coast and water varies from place to place. In cheap hotels, the quality of the coast is noticeably worse, there are no normal cafes and the food is not very tasty. There are areas where the coast is not monitored. Budget holiday there is one in Mui Ne, but it won’t be good.

There is no airport, and you will have to endure a five-hour transfer. Due to strong waves, swimming is inconvenient almost all year round, but it is ideal for kitesurfing.

There are also significant advantages here - the opportunity to relax all year round, the location of almost all hotels is close to the sea, great opportunities for active recreation and golf. And there is also a very developed infrastructure in Russian - signs, menus, Russian-speaking staff.

Ha Long Bay

If a holiday in Nha Trang is mainly beach, then here it rather involves cruises and sightseeing of amazing natural monuments. 90% of tourists definitely visit the bay and come here practically for its sake. Here, in a small area, there are about 2 thousand islands and islets, very beautiful and picturesque. The place is protected by UNESCO.

Cruises are organized around the bay - tourists explore caves, travel through Cat Ba Park and swim on wild beaches. The Lan Ha Bay section on Cat Ba is especially good.

Cruises usually depart from Ho Chi Minh City and are organized by various travel companies. There are trips of two to three days and longer, as well as one-day walks, but they are too incomplete.

Cruise ships always sail to karst cave Dauzo, to the Kissing Rocks, Shyngshot Cave and others interesting places.

Ha Long itself has hotels and beaches, although the infrastructure is not as well developed as in other resorts. The coastal area in the city is quite dirty, the water is muddy, so it is better to swim on the islands or on Tuan Chau, 8 kilometers from the city. But usually people come here not for swimming, but for exploring the natural beauty.

Phu Quoc

To the question “Where to relax in Vietnam?” many answer with the name of this island in the Gulf of Thailand. Warm turquoise water, palm trees, light clean sand - everything is like in the real thing tropical paradise.

There are many beaches, but the most popular are Long Beach and Bai Sao. The first is well-groomed and clean, the second is very beautiful, but located at a distance. There are sparsely populated wild beaches in the north of the island, an ideal place for solitude.

Holidays here, of course, are on the beach, but you can stroll along national park, see pagodas and temples or have fun in an amusement park. There are also excellent pearl plantations here and you can buy inexpensive, beautiful pearls. But the nature of the resort is very beautiful, especially at west coast.

Fukuoka is very inexpensive and good diving. There are excursions to Turtle Island - two dives will cost $65. There are interesting dive sites off Antoy Island and on the northwestern coast.


This major port, famous thanks to gorgeous beach"China Beach". Tourists come here for gorgeous waves, light sand and developed beach infrastructure. Da Nang is a business metropolis where skyscrapers coexist with ancient temples and quiet beach areas. The Chinese beach two kilometers from the city is no less good.

Tourist infrastructure developed - many hotels, beaches equipped with sun loungers, free showers, etc. It’s especially good for surfers here - there are special clubs, the bottom is flat, and the wind is very stable. Equipment is available for rent. The wind and waves are strongest in winter.

Hoi An

This is a Vietnamese city with beautiful beaches, interesting sights and a distinct Chinese atmosphere.

Tourists mainly swim at An Bang. Cua Dai used to be more popular, but An Bang turned out to be more convenient and closer to the center. Both coastal zones good - they have clean sand, warm sea and developed infrastructure.

Hoi An is an ideal place to combine a beach holiday with sightseeing related to the history of Vietnam. For example, it deserves attention Old town with Chuk Thainh pagoda and ancient houses. Tourists enjoy the Japanese covered bridge, numerous pagodas and chapels, and museums.

Con Dao

Con Dao has only recently begun to relate to the best resorts Vietnam - its government is striving to catch up with local and foreign resorts. Hotels are springing up on Con Dao, of which the most interesting is the bungalow complex from Six Senses.

There are various entertainments - swimming, diving, etc. The fishing here is very good - it almost always bites, you can even catch sharks.

In general, the resort is developing rapidly, and so far holidays here are inexpensive and at the same time quite calm and secluded.


Vietnam not only has beaches, but also beautiful mountains, in which the cool resort of Sapa, surrounded by greenery, is located. It’s not worth staying here for your entire vacation - you’ll quickly get bored. There are many hotels, you can walk along the local streets or bargain at the market, but there is no special entertainment. But for sending to hiking The place in the mountains is ideal.

There are beautiful places- Underwater Palace caves, Silver Falls, Dragon's Jaw Mountain and Fansipan, the highest peak in Indochina. Very interesting in the villages of local peoples, Kat-Kat and Ta-Fin. In general, it’s definitely worth a visit here for a couple of days.


If you are interested in where to relax in Vietnam with health benefits, then choose the high-mountainous Dalat. Clean air, untouched nature and, most importantly, many spa hotels that offer luxurious Vietnamese and Indian massage. We especially recommend treatments with hot stones.

The best spa center is La Cochinchine in the five-star Ana Mandara Villas Dalat Resort & SPA.

There are also interesting sights. What remains from the French is a Catholic cathedral, Alpine villas and a radio tower reminiscent of the Eiffel. The railway station building is very beautiful, although now it only serves one flight for tourists to the village of Taimat. But the main local attraction is nature, for example, the Flower Garden with gorgeous orchids, roses, etc. Is here and beautiful lakes and waterfalls.

Vung Tau

This is a very unique resort. You can’t call it a beach beach - the Mekong River flows into the sea, which carries dirt with it. Locals swim, but tourists don’t really like it. Everything is aggravated by strong waves and not very chic landscapes.

IN local hotels You can have a great break from the bustle of the city and swim in the pools or beach clubs. The sea is also relevant, but only for surfing or kite surfing - there are many schools here, there are Russian-speaking instructors, for example, in Vungtau Beach Club.

Hotels are inexpensive, prices start at $10 per night, but it is better to choose from $20 for comfort. It is better to book a hotel in advance, especially on weekends or holidays.

There are also attractions, for example, Buddhist temples, the royal residence of Bat Din and the beautiful Hai Dang lighthouse. And on December 6-11, a gorgeous kite festival takes place on the beach.


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