The most beautiful cities in Russia. The most interesting cities in Russia: rating, attractions

Russia is a huge multinational country with a population of about 145 million people, most of whom live in cities. Each settlement has its own history, culture and attractions created over several generations. As Chekhov correctly noted: “The city reflects the life of those who live in it.” Therefore, the appearance of this place depends on how citizens treat their common home. Where their history and monuments are respected, unique beauty and originality are preserved, which attract tourists and spiritually enrich the residents themselves.

St. Petersburg is known as the cultural capital of the country, the Russian Venice, northern Palmyra, paradise But even such bright epithets cannot convey all its splendor. The many unique monuments, architectural masterpieces, and picturesque corners of nature amaze the imagination. The banks of numerous canals and rivers are connected by beautiful bridges, some of which are drawbridges. If you visit St. Petersburg in May or June, you can observe a unique a natural phenomenon- White Nights.

General information

St. Petersburg is located in the northwestern part of the Russian Federation. It ranks second in the country in terms of the number of inhabitants and area. There are thousands of various enterprises and a giant business center.

The climatic conditions in the city are influenced by the proximity of the Baltic Sea. Cloudy days are more common than sunny days, and cold winds often blow, but most of the year the weather is quite comfortable. In late spring and summer, St. Petersburg is especially crowded. This is primarily due to the white nights season. Much fewer tourists come here during the winter months. Therefore, this time can be considered favorable for visiting the city. Firstly, there are no queues and crowds in museums and exhibitions, and secondly, accommodation will cost much less than in the summer.

In the metropolis there is no clear division into historical zones and modern neighborhoods. It is divided into 20 large districts, and most of them have many attractions, close to which there are residential buildings and offices. There are many gardens and parks throughout St. Petersburg.

St. Petersburg can be called the world capital of trams. The total length of all city lines is about 620 km. This feature is noted in the Guinness Book of Records.


An urban settlement appeared on lands conquered by Russia from Sweden during the Northern War. Thanks to him, Peter I hoped to gain direct access to European countries and strengthen the northwestern borders of the state. In 1703 from the bookmark Peter and Paul Fortress The history of the northern capital began. The city was dedicated to St. Peter, but later this name was associated only with the name of the first Russian emperor. In 1712, the “brainchild of Petrovo” became the capital of the Russian Empire, and remained so until 1918. Due to the rise of patriotism in the war against Germany, Nicholas II in 1914 renamed the city Petrograd. In 1924, in honor of the leader of the revolutionary movement, it received the name Leningrad. In 1991, the city again became St. Petersburg.


The number of different theaters, museums, and galleries is in the dozens. The Hermitage contains paintings by the best painters of all times: Titian, Leonardo da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Dyck, Rubens, etc. In the Peter and Paul Fortress, tourists are invited to visit: the Museum of Curiosities - the Kunstkamera, the tomb of the Russian Tsars in the Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Mint, etc. The most visited places are: Palace Square, Admiralty building, Bank Bridge, Russian Museum, Winter Palace. Among the majestic Orthodox churches, the following cathedrals stand out: St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, and the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The best Russian theater is located in St. Petersburg - the Mariinsky.

Many historical and cultural monuments are located outside the city. The most famous of them are located in Tsarskoe Selo, Gatchina, Peterhof.

Peterhof is a palace-museum of the residence of Russian emperors with a unique park complex: fountains, statues, ponds and magnificent flower beds. In Gatchina you can visit impregnable castle Paul I. In Tsarskoe Selo, in the palace of Catherine the Great, there is the famous Amber Room.

Suzdal is a wonderful city-museum under open air, in which unique ancient monuments are combined with the beauty of nature. Of the 60 architectural monuments, two thirds are temples, more than 30 of which are active. The limits of this ancient city have not changed since the 16th century. The population is only 10 thousand people. The absence of industrial facilities and modern high-rises is pleasantly surprising.

General information

The beauties of Suzdal are protected not only by the state; unique historical and cultural monuments are under the protection of the international organization UNESCO. The city's infrastructure is focused primarily on receiving and serving the numerous tourists who come here from all over the world. The program of visits is not limited to sightseeing; guests are offered interesting entertainment, allowing you to feel the local flavor. In winter you can ride here snow slides, ride in a sleigh on a troika with bells, visit a folk crafts fair. In the summer months, it can be interesting to wander through the forest with a basket, try different berries, several types of honey and the famous Suzdal cucumbers at the market.

You can admire beautiful views in different places: on a hill next to the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, from the bell towers in the Deposition of Robe and Vasilievsky monasteries, as well as on the Kremlin ramparts.

Despite the fact that there is a good selection of hotels in Suzdal, a room must be booked in advance, even when there is no influx of tourists. In addition to the hotel and hostel, tourists can stay in one of the monastery guest houses.


Mention of Suzdal is contained in the Novgorod Code, which is considered the most ancient book in Rus'. In 2024 the city will turn 1000 years old. In the 12th century. it was the center of the Rostov-Suzdal principality. By the 14th century Suzdal lost its political influence and subsequently became small county town. But it was precisely this “fall” that left it far from trade routes, which made it possible to avoid development in typical areas and the construction of industrial enterprises. Such conditions turned out to be ideal for preserving the rich cultural heritage accumulated and preserved over the centuries. In the middle of the 20th century. Suzdal turns into a museum and becomes the main point of the Golden Ring tourist route.


The word “Suzdal” itself comes from “zizhdit”, which means “to build”. There are hundreds of ancient buildings in the city and most of them are masterpieces of Russian architecture. The main attractions are: the Kremlin, the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, the Museum of Peasant Life. The Suzdal Kremlin is located in the oldest part of the city, near the Kamenka River. This historical complex consists of St. Nicholas Church, the Bishop's Chamber and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, which is considered a monument of the pre-Mongol period.

In the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery, the paintings of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral are amazing. Bright and kind faces, the beauty of bright colors and gilding, almost continuous bell ringing create a feeling heavenly holiday. On the bell tower there is an unusual clock with Slavic numbers.

In the vicinity of the city there are many wooden buildings: huts, barns, mills and temples. The most ancient of them surprise visitors in the Museum of Wooden Architecture.

There are five monasteries on the territory of the city. At various times, the Pokrovsky Monastery became a place of imprisonment for queens. The following people sent their wives here: Vasily III, Ivan IV, Peter I. Architectural features local temples are quaint concave tents. The churches of St. Antipius and St. Lazarus are fabulously beautiful.

In addition to several excursion programs, tourists in Suzdal are offered many unusual master classes: clay modeling, pretzel baking, birch bark weaving, painting frescoes and nesting dolls, artistic forging, etc.

There are about 1,200 cities in the Russian Federation, where more than 100 million people live. The number of cities that have historical, cultural and artistic value amounts to dozens, so it is difficult to choose even a hundred of the best of them. In various ratings and reviews of tourists, ten Russian cities are most often mentioned.

Founded in 1703 by decree of Peter I, the city is famous for its huge number of architectural masterpieces and garden and park complexes. Here you should definitely visit the Mariinsky Theatre, St. Isaac's Cathedral, the Winter Palace, and the Russian Museum. Attractions also include drawbridges, picturesque embankments and the legendary cruiser Aurora.

The city, known since the 12th century, survived attacks and fires, and, like the mythical Phoenix, was reborn again. About 15 million inhabitants live here, a considerable part of which consists of visitors and labor migrants. In addition to the Kremlin on Red Square - the main symbols of Moscow, it is worth visiting the Tretyakov Gallery, the Pushkin Museum, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Victory Park, Arbat, numerous theaters and parks.

Third place belongs to the capital of Tatarstan, Kazan. The main monument is the Kremlin with the famous Syuyumbike tower. The peculiarity of the city is the combination of influences of the West and the East in its architecture. Orthodox churches are located next to numerous mosques. The most famous of them: Sultanovskaya, Galeevskaya and Kul-Sharif, which delights with its turquoise minarets and dome.

Rock bands such as Chaif, Nautilius Pompilius and Agatha Christie were formed here. This theatrical city is considered the birthplace of modern drama. Countless memorial sites were destroyed by the Soviet regime, but some masterpieces were miraculously preserved. The estates of Zheleznov, Sevastyanov, and the Tsarsky Bridge have reached us. The modern cathedral, the Church on the Blood, was built on the site of the assassination of Nicholas II.

Due to the many important industrial enterprises, the city is often called the “wallet” of the state. Founded in the 13th century, it was able to preserve many ancient buildings. On Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street there are estates from the 18th century. The most famous modern monuments are the White House, the Vysotsky Skyscraper, a monument erected on the border of Europe and Asia.

Kaliningrad is almost the most western city Russian Federation, was founded in the middle of the 13th century. It became Russian after 1945. Despite great destruction during the war, it did not lose its old appearance European city. Its history is captured in the Brandenburg and Friedland Gates, the Louise Church, and the Königsberg Cathedral. The city parks are interesting, for example, in one of them there is the “Upside Down House”.

The city is known as one of the best scientific centers in the country. The most unusual of the local museums is dedicated to the sun. A vacation in the forest park “by the Sea of ​​Ob” can be wonderful. You can spend time with pleasure in the planetarium, Botanical Garden, and Zoo. It is worth visiting the majestic Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, where a piece of his relics is kept.

A well-known resort, a well-kept city with many sports facilities is attractive in any season. In Sochi you can relax in the Riviera theme parks, the Arboretum botanical garden, and the oceanarium. The unique natural monuments evoke admiration: mountains, waterfalls, beautiful southern plants.

The huge port city is considered the southern capital of the country. It was founded in the middle of the 18th century. The main attraction is the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God, designed by Thon. There are also several original monuments: the Gemini fountain, Stenka Razin and the drawbridge. In 2012, the city took fifth place in the ranking for the quality of its urban environment.


In the city, founded in the 16th century, a fantastic number of wooden buildings have been preserved. The brightest of them are located along the pedestrian Chumbarova-Luchinsky Avenue. The city has long been the main northern port state, which explains the abundance of maritime-themed monuments. Warm feelings are evoked by the monument to the “Savior Seal”, reminiscent of the tragedy of the war.

Most Russians associate their ideal vacation with beaches in Latin America, ski resorts in the Alps or a gondola tour of Venice. But is it worth spending a lot of money on such a trip if in the vastness of our Motherland there are places that are not inferior to their foreign counterparts either in beauty or in the quality of services provided. Some of them are unique, and there is nothing similar anywhere in the world. The infrastructure of most cities has everything necessary for a full-fledged stay and recreation for the most demanding tourists, and local attractions are masterpieces of architecture, landscape design and different types art.


In the 12th century. the city becomes the capital of the principality, however, over time it turns into a quiet county town. Today Suzdal can be considered as an open-air museum. The domes with gold stars on them attract attention. the oldest cathedral Nativity of the Virgin Mary. In the Museum of Wooden Architecture you can get an idea of ​​peasant life. Master classes are available to tourists: making dishes, bagels, baskets, etc.


Uglich became the place where the son of Ivan the Terrible died under mysterious circumstances, as a result of which the reign of the Rurik dynasty in Rus' ended. In memory of this event, the Church of Dmitry on the Spilled Blood was built. The Kremlin has preserved the chambers where the prince lived. Among other significant places it is worth noting the Resurrection, Epiphany, Spaso-Preobrazhensky monasteries, a number of museums: urban life, “Legends of Uglich”, hydropower.


Tutaev was formed by the merger of two small settlements - Borisoglebsk and Romanov. These days these are two main districts of the city, separated by the Volga. Until now, it is only possible to get from one place to another by boats or ferry. On the left bank stands the tallest building - a 25-meter tower from the beginning of the 20th century. In Borisoglebsky City Park you can relax and see interesting sculptures from the times of the USSR.

The city was founded in the 13th century. at the confluence of the Volga and Oka. In the 19th century the largest fair was held here. Under Soviet rule, the city was called Gorky, in honor of the revolutionary writer who lived here. The main stronghold of Nizhny is the powerful Kremlin. To see the surrounding area, it is worth climbing the incredibly long Chkalov staircase. A walk along Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street will enrich you with souvenirs and give you pleasant impressions of ancient buildings, interesting sculptures, etc.


Yuryevets was founded at the beginning of the 13th century. In Soviet times, they planned to flood it to build the Gorky Reservoir. Fortunately, most of the city survived. Yuryevets is the birthplace of famous Soviet directors Arthur Rowe and Andrei Tarkovsky. The houses where they spent their childhood and youth now house museums. Among other memorable places, several museums can be noted: public education, local history, soft toys, etc.


Yaroslavl is an ancient Russian city, which is now a regional center of the Russian Federation. On its territory, ancient quiet streets, monasteries and temples coexist with high-rise buildings and wide modern avenues. The city has several wonderful theaters, parks and ancient estates. The sets built for the filming of the films “Doctor Zhivago” and “Crew” remain here. The main local monuments are the Bolkonsky House and the Nekrasov Estate.

Rostov Veliky

The settlement was first mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. Very ancient buildings have been perfectly preserved: the Kremlin, numerous churches, monasteries, most of which are located near the picturesque Lake Nero. The main attraction of Rostov is the Assumption Cathedral. In addition to it, you should definitely visit the Conception Cathedral, where ancient frescoes, the enamel museum and the Porec Gardener are preserved.


Myshkin is known as the “city of ten museums”. In this small town there are so many interesting exhibition halls that there would be enough of them for three cities. There are unusual museums here: vodka (the famous winemaker Pyotr Smirnov is from these places), retro technology, local history, mice, etc. New buildings are erected exclusively on the outskirts in order to preserve historical areas.


Plyos is one of those cities in which it is pleasant to live for a week or for years. This quiet, prosperous provincial corner has been featured in films more than once as a setting for scenes about peaceful and peaceful life. There are several interesting museums here: ancient Russian family, wedding, primitive hunting and fishing, public places. There is a gallery named after them in these parts. Levitan.

Kazan has been given the status of the third capital of Russia. In that beautiful city Russian and Tatar traditions are surprisingly harmoniously combined. Orthodox cathedrals are located very close to numerous mosques. There are a large number of ancient buildings here, the main one of which is considered to be the Kazan Kremlin. Bauman Street is the local Arbat, where there are many street musicians, artists, cafes and souvenir shops.

Pereslavl-Zalessky founded in the 12th century. Yury Dolgoruky. The main attractions of the city include the museum-estate Botik Peter, the City Garden, the Transfiguration Church, built in the 12th century, the tented cathedral of Peter the Metropolitan, and the railway museum. There are a lot of unusual museums in the city: an iron, a mask, a teapot, etc. On the shore of the lake you can find a blue stone - an object of worship from pagan times.

The Don River divides the city into European and Asian parts. Among the local attractions, it is worth highlighting Bolshaya Garden Street, the City Theater, the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the large drawbridge. There are several here interesting museums: local history, astronautics, railway. The Armenian Church of Surb Khach, built in the style of classicism, is unique and beautiful.

  1. Veliky Ustyug

In Ustyug, ancient temples, ancient estates and wooden houses are well preserved. The best monuments of the city are: the Church of Simeon the Stylite, the museum-reserve of the same name, the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, the Cathedral Courtyard. Children can purchase the most unusual set of Christmas tree decorations at the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women and attend a lesson at an Old Russian school. There is even a representative office of Father Frost, where you can talk to him about gifts and the weather.

The city has a special creative atmosphere, which influenced the success of famous rock groups (Chaif, Agatha Christie, Nautilus), famous opera singers, actors and directors. Among the interesting places it is necessary to note the archaeological site Stone Island, embankment, radio museum, skyscraper "Vladimir Vysotsky", the estate of the merchant Sevastyanov. In 1918, the Bolsheviks executed the royal family, in whose memory the Church on the Blood was built.

For several centuries, Kazan has amazingly combined oriental flavor and European culture. This applies to language, architecture and even local cuisine. The Kazan Kremlin is considered the oldest in Russia. It deservedly bears the status of the city's main attraction. In addition to it, you should definitely visit the beautiful Syuyumbike tower, the Temple of All Religions, a branch of the St. Petersburg Hermitage Museum, and the local Victory Park.

Kaliningrad is a synthesis of Russian and German cultures, which is reflected primarily in architecture. Here, “Soviet” microdistricts are adjacent to “burgher” neighborhoods, and the Orthodox Church may be located opposite the local church. Among the local attractions, the following are especially popular among tourists: Fishing Village, Curonian Spit Park, Ocean Museum, City Philharmonic, Kant’s Tomb, etc.

Sochi is the only city with a subtropical climate where there is excellent ski resort. But above all, it is famous for its beaches and gentle sea. The main attractions are the Seaport, the tower on Akhun, Krasnaya Polyana, etc. When coming to Sochi, you should definitely see the dolmens, visit the unique dendrological garden and stroll through the yew-boxwood grove.

  1. Volgograd

Volgograd is the most appropriate place for fishermen and military history buffs. Monument “The Motherland Calls!” considered the highest on the planet. The most high building and the tallest residential building in the world are also located in Volgograd. Among the city's record holders is the longest bridge in Europe. The best attractions include the Alley of Heroes, the “Battle of Stalingrad” panorama, the Dancing Bridge, etc.

The main street of the city is Red Avenue. From here you can take a tram to another local attraction - river station. The most beautiful building Novosibirsk is considered to be the Opera and Ballet Theater. In addition to it, significant cultural sites include the Philharmonic, the Globus Theater, the Puppet Theater, etc. The longest metro bridge on the planet is located here.

  1. Arkhangelsk

Arkhangelsk is, first of all, a trading port city, so the most important place here is considered to be the marine terminal. His image adorns the 500 ruble banknote. The city is considered the gateway to the Arctic and the homeland of brave sailors. The embankment is at the same time the main street with administrative buildings and the historical center with various monuments. Tourists need to visit Gostiny Dvor, the Ancient Mansion Museum, and the Maritime Museum.

The population of Russia has approached 150 million people and continues to increase. Most of them live in cities. As the population grows, the amount of transport increases. There are problems associated with traffic. Firstly, the number of accidents increases due to congestion. Secondly, passengers have to spend a lot of time on the road, losing it in long traffic jams. Buses, trolleybuses and trams cannot cope with such a load. In megacities this problem is especially acute. Better resolution in this situation is the subway, but, unfortunately, the subway is only in some cities of our vast homeland.

The total length of metro lines in all cities of the Russian Federation does not exceed the length of the New York subway. In Germany, a metro is being built in every locality where the population has reached 1 million people. But, despite the noticeable lag, Russian underground transport carries more than 3 billion passengers every year. In many Russian cities, metro projects have already been drawn up or construction has begun. Already existing lines are constantly being extended.

History of the Russian subway

On the territory of Russia, the first underground routes appeared in Moscow. The unusual railway project was approved in 1914. The length of the line exceeded 50 km. But, due to participation in the war against the Triple Alliance, work on the creation of the metro was stopped. In 1931, the Soviet government announced the start of construction of the metro. In the spring of 1935, the first trains were launched, repeating the ground tram rails with the largest passenger flow. During World War II, the metro served as a shelter that saved many lives; about 200 children were even born there. In St. Petersburg (Leningrad), the metro appeared in 1955, and only 30 years later this type of transport began operating in Nizhny Novgorod. The subway appeared in Novosibirsk in 1985, in Samara in 1987, in Yekaterinburg in 1991, in Kazan in 2005. Preparatory work is currently underway in Voronezh, and in 2018 the first trains will be launched in Chelyabinsk.

Russian metro in facts and figures

The Moscow metro is among the five busiest subways in the world. It consists of 12 branches, the total length of which exceeds 330 km, and includes more than 200 stations. More than forty of them are architectural monuments. The city administration plans to open almost 80 more new stations and reconstruct old ones. Every day at least 7 million people descend into the capital’s metro, and on holidays about 9 million. The deepest station is Victory Park. Its depth exceeds 100 m.

The metro in Kazan was launched for the 1000th anniversary of the capital of Tatarstan. It consists of one line and 10 stations. In 2018, another branch consisting of 13 stations should be opened. Every day the subway transports more than 30 thousand people.

The St. Petersburg metro is considered one of the deepest on the planet; its stations are decorated much more modestly than Moscow ones.

The Yekaterinburg metro was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the subway with the shortest sections in the world. There are 7 stations on its 9 km long branch. Together with the Samara metro, it has the shortest length.

The safest subway is in Yekaterinburg.

The cliché “Golden Ring of Russia” appeared in 1967 after the publication of the work of Yuri Bychkov. This is how he titled articles about ancient Russian cities. When this phrase designated one of the most interesting routes for travel, it immediately turned into a brand that attracts foreign guests and contributes to the development of tourism within the country.

Now the Golden Ring is a group of cities that are located in the central part of Russia and are of historical and cultural value. Highway, connecting all these settlements, forms a circle. Most of them are protected by the Russian authorities and the international organization UNESCO.

The traditional Golden Ring route unites eight of the country's oldest cities: Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Veliky, Sergiev Posad, Yaroslavl, Vladimir. This list changes periodically and new cities are added to it. In some versions, it consists of more than two dozen settlements. But large travel agencies try to stick to the original version.


In the 12th century. Vladimir was the head of an appanage principality and fought for the right to be the capital of the Russian land. At the end of the 14th century. it cedes leadership to Moscow and eventually becomes provincial town. Vladimir is located on the Klyazma coast, surrounded by forests and fields. Now it is the largest industrial and cultural center of the country, although its population does not exceed 350 thousand people. Among the ancient monuments that have survived to our time, the most interesting are: the Golden Gate, the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals, the churches of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, St. Nicholas in Galei, St. Nikita.


The city flourished in the 12th – 14th centuries, when it became the center of the principality. Over time, having lost in the political struggle, Suzdal becomes a provincial town. There were no major construction projects and no high-rise buildings were erected here, which allowed it to preserve its original appearance. Modern infrastructure develops the tourism sector. Guests should visit the Kremlin, the Spaso-Evfimievsky Monastery, the Museum of Architecture and Peasant Life. Tourists are offered interesting entertainment. They can try to paint boxes themselves, work in a forge, bake bagels, etc.


The settlement was formed in the 19th century. on the site of the village of the same name. Over time, it became the center of the textile industry. Thanks to local skilled craftsmen, the city became famous throughout Europe and began to be called the “Cintz Paradise.” Tourists may be interested in monuments from the Constructivist era. This style appeared in the 20th century. in Soviet Union. It is characterized by correct form and unity of image, an abundance of glass and concrete. There are two unique buildings in Ivanovo: in the shape of a ship and in the shape of a horseshoe. It may be interesting for tourists to compare the surviving old huts and examples of modern architecture.


Kostroma is a regional center with a population of less than 300 thousand people. It participates in the state program for the revival of ancient cities, thanks to which the tourism sector is developing here. Among the local attractions, the most numerous are Orthodox churches. The most famous of them: the Holy Trinity complex, the Epiphany-Anastasiin monastery, where one of the shrines of the royal dynasty is preserved - the icon of the Mother of God. A wonderful impression can be gained from visiting the Ipatiev Monastery, the place from where young Mikhail Romanov was called to the Russian throne.

Sergiev Posad

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is located here, the history of which goes back 8 centuries. For several centuries this monastery was major center enlightenment. Old printed and handwritten books are kept here. In the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery there is an ancient iconostasis, painted by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. Boris Godunov is buried north of the cathedral. There are several museums on the territory of the city: church and archaeological, toys, etc. It is believed that the famous matryoshka first appeared in Sergiev Posad.


In 2010, the thousandth anniversary of Yaroslavl was celebrated. In its historical center there are more than 100 buildings that are under UNESCO protection. Tourists should definitely visit the churches of St. John the Baptist and St. John Chrysostom. The walls of the Church of Elijah the Prophet are decorated with incredibly bright paintings of the 17th century. Warm feelings are evoked by modern urban sculptures, for example, a bear on a large boulder and a cat on a bench. Unusual is the Einstein Museum of Entertaining Sciences, where, in a non-standard form, you can gain knowledge of physics.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is a small provincial town. Its population does not exceed 40 thousand people. It was founded in the 12th century. Yuri Dolgoruky on the coast of the picturesque Lake Pleshcheevo. Not far from the reservoir there are several holy springs: Varvarin, Nikitsky and Klyuch Gremyach. A huge blue boulder has miraculously been preserved on the shore since ancient pagan times. Orthodox churches and ancient buildings are in good condition. There are several interesting museums: iron, cunning and ingenuity, crafts, etc.


Rostov the Great traces its history back to the 9th century. The main place of the city is the Rostov Kremlin. Admiration comes from walking within its ancient walls, from the garden and vegetable garden, first laid out centuries ago. The Rostov belfry houses a unique collection of 13 bells, the largest of which weighs more than 30 tons. Interesting sights also include the unique buildings of the 13th century, the Spaso-Yakovlevsky and Avraamiev Epiphany monasteries.

The best way to travel along the Golden Ring is by car, visiting numerous villages along the way and enjoying beautiful views of nature. This makes it possible to get acquainted with attractions that are not in travel agency brochures and get a more complete understanding of the history and culture of these historical places. If you deviate from the “ring” at a greater distance, you can see such unique cities as Uglich, Myshkin, Ples, etc. But, even if you choose the traditional route, an exciting trip is guaranteed.

Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad was founded next to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The Lavra includes many ancient buildings, most of which have enormous historical and cultural value. Near the Lavra there is the Kelarsky Pond. A little further is the State Toy Museum, the main exhibits of which are nesting dolls. In the suburbs of Sergiev Posad, near the Vori River, there is the Abramtsevo estate with a wonderful park where famous artists and writers gathered. There are several holy springs in the vicinity of the city. In the summer months you can plunge into the clean Torbeevskoye Lake.

Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for its monasteries, temples, ancient wooden buildings and beautiful nature. It is located near Lake Pleshcheevo, where Pereslavl vendace, depicted on its coat of arms, is found. The city has various museums: iron, railway transport, Peter's estate, toys, cunning and deceit, etc. Among the ancient monuments, Orthodox churches predominate, but on the shore of the lake one pagan idol has been preserved - a massive blue stone.


Yaroslavl is considered the starting point of the Golden Ring, and as the largest settlement on this tourist route, it can be considered its capital. The city has always been famous for its wealth, and during the Time of Troubles it was the main city of Rus' and a gathering place for the people's militia. The main city attraction is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, whose belfry serves as a magnificent observation deck. Among the city's museums, the most interesting are: “Music and Time” and the Museum of Entertaining Sciences.

Rostov Veliky

This is a quiet town that has left a big mark on the history of Russia. Here, every street leads to the main attraction - the Kremlin, where, in addition to viewing the exhibitions, you can walk along its walls. Also in its aisles there is a museum of enamel. Not far from the Kremlin there is big lake Nero, where you can take a boat trip. Among the museums, the following are particularly popular: the home museum, where household items from different times are collected, the “Jam Library”, and the interactive museum of the Frog Princess.


Vladimir in the 12th century. was the capital of the Grand Duchy. In the XIV century. he lost his influence, losing in the political confrontation with Moscow. In this city great amount ancient buildings, most of which are temple complexes and churches. The best of the buildings are monuments of white stone architecture of incredible beauty. The interior decoration of the Assumption Cathedral is decorated with frescoes by Rublev. In the Borodin forge, tourists can forge a horseshoe or poker.


Tourists are attracted here by the ancient beautiful temples, picturesque corners of nature and the atmosphere of antiquity. In the museum of wooden architecture and peasant life, guests can see absolutely all the tools and utensils that the inhabitants of Suzdal had. At the local market you can buy famous Suzdal cucumbers, jam made according to old recipes, sbiten, and mead. Numerous shops offer various unusual goods: kokoshniks, shirts embroidered with patterns, openwork tablecloths, etc.


Ivanovo has grown from a small village into an important textile production center. You can find out the history of this transformation and see ancient looms at the local chintz museum. Among the architectural monuments one can highlight the Shchudrovskaya tent and several houses of unusual shape.

The city itself is not very rich in attractions, but there are plenty of them in its surroundings. In Plyos you can visit the Art Museum named after. Levitan, and in Kineshma you can stay in a hotel on the water, in Palekh and Kholuya you can buy famous boxes and brooches with lacquer painting.


To the side of the city center is the Ipatiev Monastery, where the first king of the Romanov family was crowned king. In the suburbs, unusual excursions are organized - guests are taken along the paths that Susanin used to lead the Poles into the forest wilds and swamps. The image of the miraculous Theodore Icon of the Mother of God is kept in the women's Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery. This shrine, which patronizes family people, previously belonged to the royal family. Both adults and children can enjoy the elk farm in Sumarokovo.

There are more than a thousand cities in the Russian Federation. Among them there are several huge megacities and many small provincial towns. The number of inhabitants in the former amounts to millions, in the latter it is often limited to only a few thousand people. In large populated areas there is developed infrastructure, great opportunities for business, career and study, and small ones can boast of the absence of fuss and traffic jams. Taking into account all these factors, it is possible to create unique city ratings: by population, by area and by standard of living.

Russia's regions are developing at different rates and have different capabilities. The solution to many issues in the regions and individual cities depends on the competence of the administration and the activity of residents. There are many conditions, the fulfillment of which can make people's lives more comfortable.

The Department of Sociology of the Financial University studied various factors influencing the standard of living in 38 localities of the Russian Federation. The following points were taken into account: the social sphere, the state of the housing stock and roads, migration statistics, etc. Based on the results of the study, a kind of rating was compiled:

10th place – Orenburg. It turned out to be a leader in the level of healthcare, the number and condition of roads and the work of public utilities.

9th place – Novosibirsk. This largest industrial center has a lot of opportunities for work and business, and many attractions. There has also been a noticeable increase in population.

8th place – Krasnoyarsk. Thanks to developed areas of industry: hydropower, mechanical engineering and non-ferrous metallurgy, its population is provided with jobs. In addition, it is an important sports and educational center.

7th place – Ekaterinburg. This million-plus city is home to several educational institutions that are considered the best in the region and country. Combined with a developed industry, this factor opens up great opportunities for young people in the field of study and subsequent employment.

6th place – Chelyabinsk. Chelyabinsk is home to several large enterprises and more than 20 universities. It has excellent conditions for business.

5th place – St. Petersburg. It is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the country. northern capital is small homeland for 5 million Russians. It has a developed infrastructure and hosts the best educational institutions. This major tourism center can provide jobs not only for its residents.

4th place – Krasnodar. The pace of construction of new buildings here is very high, which is caused by the large number of people who want to move to this place. Proximity to the Black Sea, mild climate, good opportunities for small businesses - these factors are decisive when choosing Krasnodar for permanent residence.

3rd place – Kazan. Its infrastructure is constantly improving, excellent roads are being built, and there are several universities. More than 90% of the townspeople were satisfied with life.

2nd place – Moscow. About 73% of Muscovites consider the capital the most favorable city to live in the Russian Federation. This beautiful city has no shortage of housing and jobs. There are dozens of some of the best educational institutions in the country and the world. Roads are repaired regularly.

1st place – Tyumen. The best work here is the work of public utilities and road construction departments. The city has accessible and high-quality education, excellent infrastructure, plenty of work and high salaries.

In the Middle Ages, foreigners called Rus' Gardarika, which translates as “land of cities.” Over time, urbanization increased their numbers. The following list shows the largest cities:

The population of Moscow is 14 million people and it is constantly increasing. The capital offers great opportunities for study and career. Salaries and social benefits here are many times higher than in the periphery. There is everything for a good rest: dozens of museums, theaters, parks, entertainment centers, etc. Thousands of labor migrants come here every year, some of whom remain for permanent residence.

St. Petersburg is the northernmost metropolis in the world. It is home to about 6 million people. The beauty of the city attracts a large number of tourists, thanks to which jobs are created and small and medium-sized businesses flourish. St. Petersburg has all the conditions for a comfortable and interesting life, so it remains one of the most attractive for migrants.

Novosibirsk cannot boast of an ancient history like Moscow or St. Petersburg, but it also has: numerous attractions, developed industry, and high salaries. The city is home to dozens of the best universities and the famous Academy Town, which allows you to get an education highest quality and work in the scientific field in excellent conditions.

Ekaterinburg is a city with a population of one million. This industrial center provides jobs not only for its citizens, but also for hundreds of thousands of visitors who have lived here for years. The fairly young city has a large number of places for recreation and education: museums, architectural monuments, beautiful parks.

Nizhny Novgorod is a city where the beauty of ancient monuments and the convenience offered by developed infrastructure are combined. Numerous ancient temples, monuments and museums allow you to touch great history. The VAZ automobile plant, a shipbuilding and aircraft plant, etc. are located here. Large industrial enterprises and a developed tourism sector provide citizens with decent income.

Kazan is the most unusual Russian metropolis, the appearance of which was formed under the influence of two different cultures: Tatar and Russian. There are several Orthodox churches here, which are located next to Muslim mosques. Kazan can be called a prosperous city, which is developing due to tourism and the work of numerous enterprises.

7. Chelyabinsk

In the 18th century, Chelyabinsk was an impregnable fortress on the eastern borders of the Russian Empire, then it became important transport hub, and over time turned into the largest industrial and commercial center. A large number of factories ensures the development of the city and the prosperity of the citizens, but they also cause an unfavorable environmental situation.

The largest city in the Russian Federation, undoubtedly, is its capital. The population of Moscow is approaching 15 million people, and this is only according to official statistics. This metropolis has more than half the population European countries, such as the Czech Republic, Finland, Norway and is almost equal to a fairly large country - Kazakhstan. The indigenous population of the metropolis amounts to only a few million people, and most of the residents are migrant workers, immigrants, and out-of-town students. There are many people in Moscow living without registration and the corresponding document. According to some data, such citizens range from several hundred thousand to 2 million.

Most of Russia's megacities are home to 1–2 million people. For example, no more than 1.5 million people live in Novosibirsk. The city appeared about a century ago and for so a short time became a thriving industrial center. There are 1.4 million inhabitants in Yekaterinburg, and about 1.3 million in Nizhny Novgorod. More than a million people live in Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Volgograd, Samara, Kazan, and Krasnoyarsk. Some million-plus cities have lost their status. Most often, population decline is due to economic reasons or deteriorating environmental conditions.

The largest Russian city by territory is Sochi. Area of ​​this Black Sea resort exceeds 3600 km 2. In addition, it is considered the record holder for the longest. Its length exceeds 140 km, almost 120 of them run along the Black Sea coast. The capital of the Russian Federation has a large area - approximately 2500 km 2. Recently, Moscow has increased almost 2.5 times. This happened due to the annexation of some districts near Moscow. Top three major cities closes St. Petersburg, whose area is about 1500 km 2.

TOP 10 beautiful cities in Russia

Moscow is not only the administrative, cultural and historical center of Russia, but also the most amazing and densely populated metropolis in Europe. There are a huge number of parks, various museums and theaters, entertainment centers, many restaurants and hotels. All this attracts millions of tourists from all over the world to Moscow. The city hosts various events every day: exhibitions, presentations, festivals, concerts, street performances and celebrations. Free time– this is the only shortage for tourists in the capital, rich in sights and interesting events.

General information about Moscow

Moscow is considered the largest city not only in the Russian Federation, but also on the entire European continent. According to the latest data, more than 14 million people live in it. The metropolis is divided into 12 districts and 126 districts.

In 2002, major architectural changes began here. The city is being renewed and rebuilt, high-rise office buildings, shopping and entertainment complexes are being erected, and a modern transport infrastructure. Several beautiful skyscrapers rise in the new business center of the capital. These innovations did not damage the historical appearance of the city and its architectural monuments.

Population growth has caused some serious problems, such as traffic jams and congestion. public transport. These difficulties are being overcome by creating dedicated lanes for public transport, constructing overpasses, interchanges and new metro stations.

The capital's metro is a unique structure. It includes 13 regular lines (188 stations), the MCC and a monorail. Many stations are beautiful sights. The Moscow metro is considered the fifth busiest on the planet.

There are about 200 universities in the capital, the oldest of which is Moscow State University, founded in the 13th century. The city has excellent conditions for sports. A huge number of sports facilities have been built here: gyms, stadiums, sports grounds, skating rinks. The most famous of them are the Dynamo Sports Complex, the Olympic Sports Complex, the Luzhniki Stadium and ski resort in Skolkovo.

History and sights of Moscow

The oldest mentions of Moscow date back to 1147. Then it was a fortified settlement, part of the domain of Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. At the end of the 13th century it became the center of a separate appanage principality, and in the 15th century. capital of the Russian state. Several times the city was destroyed by fires, it was ravaged by foreign conquerors, but it rose like a phoenix from the ashes and became even more beautiful.

In the center of the capital is its main attraction - the Moscow Kremlin. Russian princes and tsars lived in this ancient fortress, and now the residence of the country's president is located here. On its territory there are several museums and ancient temples.

Walking through the quiet courtyards of Old Arbat, you can see amazing architectural monuments, get acquainted with the works of local artists, listen to street musicians, and buy souvenirs.

There are about 70 museums in the city. The Pushkin Museum and the Tretyakov Gallery are the largest repositories of paintings by famous artists in Moscow. There are many private galleries open in the metropolis, most of which are dedicated to contemporary art.

Some shops can also be considered Moscow attractions. GUM is famous not only for its huge area, but also for its exquisite interior design and magnificent architecture. Okhotny Ryad is a unique underground shopping center.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

The main Orthodox church in Moscow is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Among the religious buildings, it is worth highlighting the old monasteries. The oldest of them, Ioanno-Predtechensky, was founded in the 16th century, in the year of the birth of Ivan the Terrible. On the territory of the Novodevichy Convent there is an amazing museum, there are many beautiful places for hiking with magnificent views; Exhibitions are also regularly held here.

Walking through the streets, you can find various monuments, many of which are dedicated to great people. There are also funny street sculptures in Moscow, for example: Khoja Nasreddin with a donkey, ducklings, Munchausen, a stray dog, processed cheese and a stool.

The capital is famous for its abundance of magnificent estates. One of them, the Golitsyn family nest, is more than 300 years old. A museum was built within its walls.

The city has a great variety of theaters from traditional to avant-garde. Great places recreational areas include a zoo, circuses and the sports and entertainment district “Park of Legends”.

Moscow sights, amazing, so many that it can take years to visit them.

Although St. Petersburg is not an ancient city, it has a rich history filled with significant events, which is closely intertwined with the lives of outstanding people. For more than two centuries (1712 – 1918) it was the cultural capital and main city of the Russian Empire.

General information about St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg is considered the second largest city in the Russian Federation and the largest of all non-metropolitan cities in the world. Its population is about 5 million people.

There are not many cities in the world where monuments, museums, theaters, palaces, and parks are presented in such numbers. St. Petersburg can also boast of its cultural heritage, as writers, poets and composers whose names are known all over the world worked here. St. Petersburg is included in the UNESCO heritage list and its entire historical center is under the protection of this organization. There are places of worship belonging to more than 40 faiths.

The city is known for its changeable weather, cold winds and humid climate, due to its proximity to the Baltic Sea. Despite this, the air here in summer warms up to 25˚C, and winter temperatures most often remain at -10˚C. From the end of April to the beginning of August, you can observe an amazing natural phenomenon - “white nights”.

About 70 rivers and streams flow through the city, forming more than 40 islands. Almost 600 bridges connect the banks.

Districts of St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg there is no clear boundary between the historical and modern parts of the city. There are almost no skyscrapers here, and small groups of high-rise buildings often form separate areas. Therefore, such close proximity does not interfere with amazing views of ancient streets and unique architectural monuments.

The historical center begins in the south at the Obvodny Canal and ends at the banks of the Neva, which goes around it on three other sides. The area of ​​this area is so huge that it can only be covered on foot in a few days. Most of the attractions are located in the area between the Neva and Nevsky Prospekt. Visitors, first of all, strive to visit the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, and the Kazan Cathedral.

Located in the west of the city Vasilyevsky Island. Tourists may be interested in the following places: the Kunstkamera, the Menshikov Palace and St. Petersburg University.

The Petrograd side is an island territory in the northern part of the city. Here tourists can visit the Peter and Paul Fortress, the St. Petersburg Mosque, the Artillery Museum, the city zoo, Botanical Garden. Petrogradka is considered a prestigious area with wonderful architecture.

Hotels in St. Petersburg

There is a large selection of hotels in St. Petersburg. From mid-May to the end of June, during the “white nights”, it is not easy to find a good inexpensive option, but in other months it is not difficult to find a decent hotel at a reasonable price.

Tourism in St. Petersburg is constantly developing: mini-hotels, apart hotels and for young people are opening. Such options are economical and are mainly located in historical areas. There are also many luxury hotels here. In addition to the famous apartments from the Astoria and Grand Hotel Europe, wealthy visitors can count on rooms from such brands as Radisson and Corinthia.

History of St. Petersburg

The history of St. Petersburg began in 1703 with the construction of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1712, the Tsar’s court and almost the entire administration were moved to the city under construction. This was the beginning of the transfer of the capital from Moscow to northern lands. The city officially became the center of the state in 1721.

The founding of St. Petersburg opened up new trade routes in Western Europe and accelerated the emergence of the Baltic Fleet. Magnificent palaces, temples, theaters, libraries, and educational institutions began to be erected here en masse.

At different times the city witnessed terrible events. It survived the fire of 1812, two revolutions, the bloody turmoil of the Civil War, the blockade, but it survived and became even more beautiful.

During Soviet rule, it bore the names Petrograd and Leningrad, and in 1991, St. Petersburg was returned to its historical name.

Sights of St. Petersburg

In addition to a huge number of palaces and temples, the city is decorated with more than 7 thousand ancient residential buildings with beautiful and unusual facades. Here, river transport runs along numerous canals and rivers, where you can take an unforgettable walk or excursion. Many bridges are opened at night or when ships pass through. There are hundreds of wonderful fountains and ponds in St. Petersburg, the most famous of which are located in Peterhof.

The city is famous for its gardens and parks. Some of them have their own interesting story. For example, the Summer Garden was laid out by Peter I himself.

There are more than 100 theaters in the city. The first of them was created by the sister of Peter I. Subsequently, in 1785, the Hermitage Theater opened in the Winter Palace. Its building is considered the oldest of the theater buildings. The Mariinsky Theater has the reputation of being one of the best in Russia.

Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan. This is a city with a rich history and interesting culture, which was formed under the equal influence of East and West. In 2005 it celebrated its millennium.

General information about Kazan

Kazan is a large port city located on an area of ​​426 km2. It is located at the confluence of the Kazanka River with the Volga, which divides its territory into two parts. The capital is home to about 1 million 250 thousand inhabitants, the majority of whom are Tatars and Russians.

In winter, severe frosts are common here (up to – 40 ˚C), and in summer there can be extreme heat (up to + 37 ˚C), but usually the air temperature does not drop below – 12 ˚C and does not rise above 22 ˚C.

Kazan is the center of the agglomeration of the same name, which includes 3 large settlements and 6 suburban areas. The city itself is divided into 7 districts.

History of Kazan

In ancient times, on the site of Kazan there was a settlement that was part of the Volga Bulgaria. Turkic-speaking tribes lived there - the Bulgars. After the Tatar-Mongol conquest, the population of the area became subject to the Golden Horde. Conveniently located at the intersection of trade routes, the settlement grew rich and expanded.

At the end of the 14th century. This place was chosen as their residence first by the Bulgar princes, then by the Tatar khans. Then the main attraction of the region was erected - the Kazan Kremlin, which includes the Khan’s palace and several mosques amazing beauty. Now it's historical monument of global significance.

In 1552, Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible annexed Kazan to his possessions.

Sights of Kazan

The symbol of the city is the Kazan Kremlin. It is located in the historical center on a picturesque hill. Next to it there is a beautiful mosque and an ancient Orthodox church, emphasizing that the capital belongs to two cultures. Behind the medieval Kremlin walls there are museums, ancient buildings, and monuments. Climbing the Preobrazhenskaya Tower, you can see the entire historical center in detail. The Kremlin is the only surviving example of an ancient Tatar fortress, to which several architectural elements from different centuries have been added. Now there are administrative buildings and the residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Another symbol of the Tatar people is the Syuyumbike Tower. According to legend, Princess Syuubmike did not want to submit to Ivan the Terrible and committed suicide by throwing herself down from the top tier of the tower.

Kul-Sharif is an ancient architectural monument and the main mosque of Tatarstan. During the reign of Ivan IV, it was severely destroyed and rebuilt only in 1996. The religious building includes several exhibitions and two museums: ancient manuscripts and Islamic culture of the Volga region.

The oldest of the city's stone buildings that have survived to this day and the main Orthodox shrine is the Annunciation Cathedral - a unique monument of ancient Russian architecture. Now it is part of the Kazan Kremlin museum-reserve. The walls of the temple are decorated with miraculously preserved frescoes of Theophanes the Greek.

Bauman Street

The best place for walking in Kazan is Bauman Street. This oldest street city, an analogue of Moscow Arbat. There are many local attractions here: large beautiful clocks decorated with oriental ornaments, ancient buildings in the Ottoman style and much more. Tourists can relax in one of the cozy cafes, listen to street musicians or visit the “House of Tatar Cooking”, where they can not only enjoy dishes of national Tatar cuisine, but also learn some of the secrets of their preparation.

Located on the city border Blue Lake, whose diameter is only 33 m, and its depth is no more than 18 m. It was formed in a small karst sinkhole many centuries ago. The lake has an amazing property - its temperature remains unchanged all year round - + 4 ˚C. The reservoir is fed by springs saturated with special salts and minerals, due to which it has a sky-blue color and healing properties.

Peter and Paul Cathedral

The Peter and Paul Cathedral was built after Peter I visited these places in 1722. Since a significant part of the city's residents profess Orthodoxy, the temple is almost always crowded. At one time, all the emperors visited here, A.S. Pushkin came here, and Chaliapin led the local choir. After the revolution, a planetarium was built within the walls of the cathedral, but in 1930 the parishioners managed to defend the shrine and return it to the Church. The decoration of the temple is an ancient iconostasis 25 m high.

Modern attractions include the Riviera hotel complex, whose height is more than 80 m, two theme parks “Kyrlay” and “Korston” and a local water park, the State Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum. Separately, it is worth mentioning the local Wedding Palace, known as Kazan. This tall building has an unusual shape, and on the roof there is a wide observation deck from where you can admire the beauty of the city.

Yekaterinburg is the administrative center of the Urals. The city was founded by decree of Peter I in 1723 in the valley of the Iset River. It was named in honor of the autocrat's wife, Empress Catherine. This region is glorified in Bazhov’s fairy tales; the groups “Chaif”, “Nautilus Pompilius”, “Agatha Christie”, opera soloists Yuri Gulyaev, Boris Shtokolov, Vera Baeva began their creative careers here. Yekaterinburg is the cradle of “new drama” and the birthplace of world-famous playwrights.

General information of Ekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg is one of the five most populated cities in the Russian Federation and is one of the largest agglomerations in the country. It consists of 7 large districts, home to more than 1.5 million inhabitants.

The architecture of the metropolis is dominated by modern styles, but in some places islands of a pre-revolutionary appearance still remain. Among the high-rise buildings made of glass and metal you can find old estates, temples, theaters and other historical and cultural monuments. For example, in a residential area consisting of two streets, October Revolution and February, there are wooden houses, estates and gardens that are more than 200 years old. The literary quarter, whose streets are paved with granite slabs and surrounded by carved fences, preserves the spirit of the revolutionary era.

In the central area there are many green areas: gardens, squares, parks. Here you can stroll around local Arbat- pedestrian avenue, which includes a section of the old merchant street. In these places in the 18th century. An ironworks was built, which marked the beginning of the foundation of the city.

The small area of ​​Voznesenskaya Gorka is also historical place. Here is the majestic Church of the Ascension of the Lord and the architectural ensemble “Rastorguev-Kharitonov Estate”.

Each area has its own attractions. Sverdlova Street is considered the “front gate of the city.” Its monuments are on the list of cultural heritage. Chkalovsky district is considered oldest part city, which appeared three centuries ago. The first church and school in Yekaterinburg were built here.

Hotels in Ekaterinburg

Today there are about 60 hotels in Yekaterinburg. Not far from the Iset River, on the territory of the Government Quarter, there is the Hyatt Hotel. Accommodation there costs 14 thousand rubles/day. In some local five-star complexes this amount will be 2–3 times less.

Most of the mid-star establishments are located in the central part of the city and near the airport. The rooms cost about 1.5 thousand rubles. /day.

Relatively inexpensive hostels and mini-hotels are very popular among young people.

Visitors with children prefer rented apartments and private apartments.

History of Yekaterinburg

City Day in Yekaterinburg is celebrated on November 7. This date is associated with the start of operation of one of the first metallurgical plants in Russia. The city was built as an industrial center of the mining region, located on a vast territory in two parts of the world (Asia and Europe).

In 1917, Soviet power was established here. In July 1918, the last Russian Tsar Nicholas II was shot in Yekaterinburg in Ipatiev’s house. In 2003, a temple (Temple-on-the-Blood) was erected on the site of the massacre.

In 1924, the city was renamed Sverdlovsk, in honor of the famous revolutionary. In 1991, Yekaterinburg was returned to its former name.

Sights of Yekaterinburg

Vayner Street is called Yekaterinburg Arbat. This is a long pedestrian zone with many small cafes, restaurants, and souvenir galleries. There are several interesting bronze monuments installed here: a couple in love, a banker, an old car, etc. Some local customs and signs are associated with them: if you rub a banker’s ring, you will have good luck in money, and if you make a wish and touch a street vendor’s box, it will definitely come true .

Not far from the circus building there is an unfinished television tower. The long-term construction with a height of 210 m has become one of the city’s attractions and a favorite place for extreme sports enthusiasts and skydivers.

Former Russian President Boris Yeltsin worked in Sverdlovsk in 1975, holding the post of first secretary of the regional committee (in the modern interpretation - mayor). By his order, the construction of the House of Soviets began, where the entire central apparatus of civil servants was to be located. Upon completion of construction, the result was a majestic 23-story building, decorated with white marble slabs. Now it is considered a kind of monument to the first president of Russia and is called the “White House”.

To see Yekaterinburg from a bird's eye view, just climb one of its skyscrapers. One of them, 200 m high, bears the name of the famous bard Vladimir Vysotsky. This building has a cylindrical shape and a beautiful blue glass facade. It has 547 floors, which house offices, a hotel and Entertainment Center. On one of the floors there is an excellent observation deck from where you can admire the beauties of Yekaterinburg.

Nizhny Novgorod is awarded with such epithets as “the third capital” and “the pocket of the country.” In the 13th century. it was founded by Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich. From a border fortress, the settlement became a major center of trade in Rus'. The most big fair in the country, which ensured the city's prosperity for many centuries, and thanks to the courage of its inhabitants, its stone Kremlin was never captured by attacking enemies.

General information about Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is the center of the Volga region. Its population is about 1 million 300 thousand, making it one of the five most populous cities in the country.

Many ancient cultural and historical monuments and real masterpieces of architecture have been preserved here, so it is under the protection of UNESCO. There are more than 600 such objects in Nizhny. Among the local museums of the city, the largest is the complex dedicated to the writer Gorky, who spent his youth here.

Districts of Nizhny Novgorod

The formation of districts in Nizhny Novgorod was influenced by its location at the confluence of two rivers: the Oka and the Volga. It is divided into three large parts: Zarechnaya, Nizhnyaya and Verkhnyaya, on the territory where the historical center and the Kremlin are located.

The Nizhny Novgorod region is considered central. It includes the historical part and the modern quarter of Verkhnie Pechory. On the old streets of the city there is the Kremlin with 13 towers, the Church of the Archangel Michael, embankments, and the Chkalov staircase. In the modern microdistrict you can visit the Park Cinema multiplex, the Fantastica entertainment center, and many restaurants, clubs, and shops.

In the Sovetsky district, most of the territory is built up with high-rise buildings of the Soviet period, but there are several interesting places here: the building of the university named after. Lobachevsky, the magnificent Switzerland Park and two museums: history and architecture.

The Prioksky district is considered industrial due to the location of a number of factories. The unsightly appearance of these enterprises is brightened up by a large number of green areas. Here you can visit the Shchelokovsky farm, take a walk in the Botanical Garden, Ankudinovsky Forest Park.

In the Kanavinsky district, tourists should visit the Nizhny Novgorod Fair, the circus, the Central Department Store and take a walk along the Grebnevsky Canal.

In the Avtozavodsky district there is an airport, the famous GAZ automobile plant and a confectionery factory.

Nizhny Novgorod Hotels

There are no problems with accommodating tourists in Nizhny Novgorod. Here you can easily find temporary housing for every taste: hotels, from ordinary Soviet “three rubles” to luxury apartments, mini-hotels, hostels and boarding houses.

Several inexpensive hotels are located in the central part of the city. In them, tourists can get a room without frills, but this drawback is compensated by walking distance to local attractions.

Luxury hotels are located in a prestigious area in the center or in the suburbs. In the second option, guests are offered accommodation in a country hotel complex or cottage.

History of Nizhny Novgorod

In 1221, Prince Yuri Vsevolodovich of Vladimir, at the confluence of the Volga and Oka, founded a border fortress, which was supposed to defend the borders of the principality from warlike neighboring tribes. It was named Novgorod of the Nizovsky land. In 1350 it became the capital of a separate Nizhny Novgorod-Suzdal principality. Thanks to its wealth and large territories, it could compete even with Moscow. Under Peter I, the city became the center of the province of the same name. In 1932 it was renamed Gorky, but in 1990 the previous name was returned.

Sights of Nizhny Novgorod

The Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin is a unique fortification structure from the Middle Ages. The stone fortress consists of powerful walls with small loopholes and several blind towers located on several tiers. Inside the Kremlin, the Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, which was built in the mid-16th century, has been preserved. In addition to a walking tour of the Kremlin, tourists are offered to take a trip on a small boat and explore this ancient landmark from the outside, listening to the fascinating stories of the guide.

Only one building has survived from the ancient Nizhny Novgorod fair; the rest of the buildings were demolished during the Soviet era as hostile to communist ideology. The most beautiful Alexander Nevsky Temple was built next to the fair.

Nizhny Novgorod cable car is one of the types of local transport. It connects the outskirts of the historical center with the neighboring town of Bor. Its length is more than 3.5 km, and its height is more than 80 m. Both of these parameters are an absolute European record.

In Nizhny there are a large number of museums: Gorky, Dobrolyubov, Pushkin, Sakharov’s apartment museum, literary, Russian photography, etc.

The museum complex “Shchelkovo Farm” consists of wooden buildings of the 12th-19th centuries: houses, barns, temples, etc., brought from the surrounding villages.

Visitors with children are invited to visit the most interesting zoo and ride on a miniature railway at a theme park.

There are few people in Russia and the CIS countries who have not heard about the city of Sochi. Recently, the whole world has learned about it, because this beautiful resort city became the capital of the XXII Winter Olympic Games. The length of Sochi is impressive: 4 districts - Adlersky, Lazarevsky, Khostinsky and Central occupy 145 km along the Black Sea coast. The city's population is not so large by capital standards - a little more than 340 thousand people, but Sochi annually hosts about 70 thousand people from different countries on its territory during the summer months.

The calling card of the city is its warm and humid subtropical climate, healing sea air, springs mineral waters, lush vegetation. Thanks to this, Sochi has become the center of sanatorium and resort treatment in Russia: there are many sanatoriums, boarding houses, as well as world-class hotels. The air temperature in Sochi never drops below 0 ºС, even in the winter months. In summer it is very comfortable here: the air temperature is on average + 25 ºС, and the water temperature in the sea is + 24 ºС.

In addition, Sochi is known as the venue for the Kinotavr film festival. Theatrical, fashion, and music festivals are also held here, as well as international water sports competitions and the Formula 1 stage.

Sochi is not only a beach and sanatorium holiday. Beaches by the sea, by the way, are mostly pebble, and there are almost no sandy ones. Things to do here active species sports that take your breath away. Among them are mountaineering, skiing, horseback riding, paragliding, mountain biking, as well as aquatic species sports - sailing regatta, windsurfing, diving, aquabike, rafting on mountain rivers.

Sights of Sochi

As in any locality, Sochi has its own attractions. If you go on vacation to this resort city in the near future, it will be useful to read about the most famous places in Sochi.

The main attraction of Platanova Alley are the Singing Fountains, which have become a recognized symbol of Sochi since Soviet times. In the evenings, in holiday season, this wonderful spectacle gathers around not only residents, but also guests of the city: the pressure of the water creates incredible pirouettes and shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow to the accompaniment of a variety of music. For example, if rhythmic music is played, the pace of water movement accelerates.

In the central part of the city, on Kurortny Prospekt, there is the famous Sochi Arboretum, with an area of ​​49 hectares and consisting of 3 levels. On this moment Over 1,800 plant species from all over the world grow here. At the bottom of the Arboretum there is a huge aquarium with an area of ​​150 sq.m. It houses marine life. At the same level there is a large pond - a habitat for ducks and black swans. Nearby is a rose garden in which over 70 varieties of roses are grown. In the central part of the Arboretum there is a Moorish gazebo. The upper part of the Arboretum is crowned by a semicircular rotunda. There are many bronze sculptures throughout the arboretum.

Riviera Park also received worthy place on the list of the most popular places in Sochi. It covers an area of ​​14.7 hectares. In addition to lush vegetation, there are numerous attractions, the famous Green Theater concert venue, a large Oceanarium, and the Friendship Glade, where many magnolias are planted. According to established tradition, newlyweds come to Riviera Park and take pictures near the fountain and the Love Bench.

One of remarkable places Greater Sochi is the Agur waterfalls, formed by the mountain river Agura and located in a very beautiful gorge of the same name. Agur waterfalls include 3 powerful water streams: the upper waterfall is located next to the Devil's Hole cave and has a height of 21 meters, the middle waterfall consists of small streams of water, and the lower waterfall is formed by two streams 18 and 12 meters high. They all fall into small lake at the bottom of the gorge. Agur waterfalls are a tourist attraction and are located just half an hour’s walk from the sea coast. Unfortunately for tourists, swimming is prohibited here, but this is compensated by the picturesque view.

Another attraction of Sochi is the Zmeykovsky waterfalls, located in a picturesque gorge near Mount Zmeyka. This is a chain of waterfalls, differing in size, which are erupted by the Dikarka River with loud noise. The tallest of them reaches a height of 30 meters, the rest are smaller, but no less beautiful. It is noteworthy that the water in them is very cold regardless of the time of year, and at the last of the waterfalls there is a spring with crystal clear drinking water.

In Khostinsky district Krasnodar region The Vorontsovskaya cave system is located, the total length of which is about 12 km. They are among the three longest caves in Russia. The largest in the cave system are Vorontsovskaya, Dolgaya, Kabanya and Labyrinthnaya. The age of the Vorontsov caves exceeds 120 million years! During this time, they managed to visit the lair of wild animals, the home of ancient people, a warehouse, and even became a place of imprisonment. Their walls are formed of limestone; it is from the caves that the Kudepsta and Khosta rivers take their sources. Only 400 meters are open to tourists cave complex: the first 120 meters fall on the Prometheus Grotto, behind which there is a Music Hall with an organ, and the reliefs of the walls and ceiling of the hall resemble bizarre animals and plants.

Kaliningrad - The largest city Russia, located in the west of the country. It was once part of Prussia and was called Königsberg, or the Royal City. Walking around Kaliningrad, you can see many buildings and neighborhoods reminiscent of the glorious past of this amazing city. During the Great Patriotic War, it was heavily damaged by bombing, but was practically rebuilt, regaining its original charm.

Now Kaliningrad consists of 3 large districts, in which over 425 thousand people live - Leningradsky, Moscow and Central.

Today's Kaliningrad is not only the administrative center of the region of the same name, but also the cultural capital of Western Russia. There are such objects as the Cathedral, where people come to honor the memory of the great philosopher Kant, who was buried here, the Fishing Village craft and ethnographic center, the Philharmonic building, located in the former church of the Holy Family, and the Sailors' Palace of Culture. The city has preserved defensive fortifications built during the reign of the Prussian kings.

Children will certainly enjoy a trip to the zoo, which is one of the oldest in Europe. They will also enjoy a fun holiday in the Yunost park, where there are many attractions, carousels, a karting club, and there is also the opportunity to ride catamarans and boats. In one of the park's pavilions they will be able to admire exotic butterflies. Another park, “Central”, was founded in the 17th century. It is notable for the fact that there is a puppet theater and a monument to Baron Munchausen.

Sights of Kaliningrad

There are still 7 historical gates in Kaliningrad. The most notable of them are the Royal ones, which were built in the pseudo-Gothic style from red brick in the 19th century. These gates have become a kind of symbol of the city. Their facade is decorated with bas-reliefs depicting Prussian kings and dukes. Previously, on the site of the Royal Gate there was the Neue Sorge gate, which stood for 2 centuries.

Everyone who arrives in Kaliningrad strives to get to the Amber Museum. It is located in the very center of the city and is the only museum of its kind in Russia. The museum building occupies 3 floors of the Don fortress tower, which was built in the 19th century. In 30 halls you can see over 150 thousand exhibits made of amber. The most famous among them is the “Sunny” stone. The works of Russian, French, Prussian and Japanese artists are also exhibited here.

The Museum of the World Ocean will primarily attract lovers of marine flora and fauna. The area of ​​the museum is almost 10 thousand square meters. and houses almost 60 thousand exhibits. Here you can learn a lot about the World Ocean, see collections of corals, shells, as well as the skeleton of a 15-meter sperm whale. Part museum complex also included sea ​​vessels and submarines located at the sea pier. To view all the exhibits, you will need at least 2-3 hours.

The Friedrichsburg Gate (or Friedland Gate) was also built in the 19th century and is made in the same style as the Royal Gate. At one time they performed a defensive function. Nowadays, jousting matches and other costume events are held here. Currently, the gate consists of 6 parts, each of which has a separate tower. The facade of the fort is decorated with 2 statues and a diamond-shaped ornament, as well as arches. This historical complex also includes a museum.

One of the historical districts of Kaliningrad is the Fishing Village, which is located on Oktyabrsky Island. The Fishing Village is a craft and ethnographic complex, by visiting which you can get an idea of ​​the life of pre-war Koenigsberg. Various cultural events are often held in this part of modern Kaliningrad. On the banks of the Pregol there are historical buildings in the neo-Gothic style, as well as an art gallery, which displays interior items, weapons and utensils from the last 3 centuries. From the height of the lighthouse tower opens beautiful view to the cathedral and other ancient buildings.

Among other attractions of Kaliningrad, it is worth noting the Palau fortress, the Curonian Spit with endless sand dunes, the castles of Ragnit, Insterburg and Schaaken.

Of course, people come to Kaliningrad not only to admire its architectural monuments. There are several car markets in the city. Most car enthusiasts are attracted by the affordable prices for used cars imported from Germany. Along the way, souvenirs are taken away from Kaliningrad - jewelry and interior items inlaid with amber. By the way, on the coast of the Baltic Sea, if you are lucky, anyone can find a piece of sunstone.

When going to Kaliningrad, remember that winter here is very mild thanks to the Atlantic Gulf Stream, and mostly cloudy or cloudy weather prevails.

Novosibirsk is the largest city in Siberia, founded in 1893. It was built on the banks of the Ob, and until 1925 it was called Novonikolaevsk. In terms of population, the city ranks 3rd in the Russian Federation; more than 1 million 400 thousand people of various nationalities live in it.

Due to its large area and population, Novosibirsk is considered the unofficial “third capital” of Russia. It is located at a distance of over 3.5 thousand km from Moscow and covers an area of ​​more than 500 sq. km. The city is divided into 10 districts, and the greatest interest for guests is the Central District with its many attractions.

Novosibirsk is a city with a lot of “very best” things, for example, Novosibirsk Opera theatre is the largest in Russia. In addition, one of the largest Russian hydroelectric power stations was built here, and the local zoo is one of the three largest in the country. There are also a lot of educational institutions, parks, squares and hotels. Novosibirsk has an achievement included in the Guinness Book of Records - its growth rate has surpassed such megacities as New York, Tokyo and Chicago.

The climate in the city is sharply continental: in summer the temperature can reach + 37 º C, and winters can be very cold, sometimes down to - 50 ˚ C.

Cultural program of Novosibirsk

In Novosibirsk, every year since 2000, the Siberian Snow Culture Festival has been held, where sculptors and artists not only from Russia, but also from other countries demonstrate their skills. According to established tradition, in January many beautiful sculptures are created from ice and snow, which can be admired until spring comes.

The Novosibirsk Philharmonic is one of the most important cultural objects. Concerts of famous musicians, international festivals and competitions of symphonic, jazz, and folk music are constantly held on its stage. It has become a good tradition to hold the international music festival “Classics” on the stage of the Philharmonic, during which connoisseurs of symphonic music gather here.

It is in this city that Russia’s newest planetarium is located, which was opened in 2012. He is in park area and is a 2-story building: on the ground floor there are studios making films, and on the second floor there is a hall of stars, observatories, as well as classrooms and a cafe. Observatory towers are attached to the building, and in one of them there are telescopes, looking through which you can see the stars. In addition, the planetarium has museums where you can learn a lot of interesting things about astronomy.

Novosibirsk Academy Town unites many academies of sciences, institutes, a university, a school with a physics and mathematics focus, and residential areas. Over 70 thousand people work and live here. This unique place is one of the main scientific and educational centers in Russia. Scientific symposiums, conferences, and physics and mathematics Olympiads are often held in Akademgorodok. Science here coexists with a beautiful landscape, creating the impression of a forest city in which it is easy to breathe.

The Novosibirsk Zoo is one of the largest in Russia, second only to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Its area is 60 hectares, which is home to over 10 thousand animals, among them a rare species of leopard, which you will not see in any zoo in the world, rare wild cats and monkeys, snow leopard, blue sheep, musk ox, white tigers. In total, more than 600 species of animals are housed here. Once the Novosibirsk Zoo won a prestigious award, beating many Russian zoos.

Sights of Novosibirsk

The Novosibirsk metro bridge connects two parts of the city and is the longest in the world. The metal beam of the bridge, supported by reinforced concrete supports, consists of 7 spans, and the length of the bridge is more than 2 thousand meters.

Other attractions of Novosibirsk include the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, built 2 years after the founding of the city, the Ascension Cathedral - the largest temple in the city, the Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Botanical Garden, as well as the unusual Museum of the Sun and the Birch Bark Museum.

In the evening, Novosibirsk shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow: it is at this time of day that the fountains, as well as the Dmitrovsky and Oktyabrsky bridges, are illuminated.

To visit Siberia and not taste real Siberian dumplings is nonsense! They are truly hearty here and are prepared from 3 types of meat. Cafes offer a large selection of delicious pies with various fillings - meat, mushroom, fish, vegetables, and cottage cheese.

To ensure that a trip to Novosibirsk remains not only in memory, figurines of a liger - an animal that lives in the local zoo - are brought from here, as well as birch bark and cedar products, and real felt boots. Felt boots are vital in the harsh Siberian winter.

Rostov-on-Don has so many nicknames! He is “Rostov the Pope”, and “the harvester capital of Russia”, and even “Liverpool of Azov”.

Rostov-on-Don was founded more than 250 years ago and named after St. Dmitry of Rostov. Currently it consists of 6 districts - Zheleznodorozhny, Kirovsky, Leninsky, Oktyabrsky, Pervomaisky and Sovetsky. The Kirovsky district is the historical center of the city, which is home to numerous cultural and recreational parks.

Sights of Rostov-on-Don

During its existence, Rostov-on-Don has acquired many attractions, including the embankment of the Don River, the Botanical Garden, the zoo, the Rostov Sea - a large man-made reservoir, the Kumzhenskaya Grove, the Musical Theater, the Rostov Circus, and the Dolphinarium. Located on the outskirts of Rostov-on-Don, the Liventsovskaya fortress, whose age is approximately 19 thousand years, will attract the attention of connoisseurs of antiquity.

Rostov embankment is favorite place walks for residents and guests of the city. There are many bronze and copper monuments installed next to it, flowers grow here in large numbers, and at this time ships and boats slowly sail along the Don. By the way, the embankment has its own name and is named in honor of Fyodor Ushakov. On the days of city festivals, tables are set up on the embankment, laden with treats, and traditional Caucasian toasts are heard everywhere, ending with the clink of glasses. The main decoration of the Fyodor Ushakov embankment is the dancing fountain “Petrovsky”, the jets of which “dance” to the music and shimmer in the dark with different colors of illumination. It is only open in summer and until the end of September.

The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the main Orthodox church of the city, built in 1795. During its existence, it was rebuilt several times, as it deteriorated and fell into disrepair. Currently, the cathedral building is a beautiful temple complex in the Russian-Byzantine style with a high bell tower, made in the style of Renaissance and Classicism. The height of the bell tower reaches 75 meters. Next to the cathedral is Cathedral Square, on which there is a bronze monument to Emperor Alexander II.

The Holy Iversky Monastery is an active convent belonging to the Rostov diocese. Its construction began in 1903 and was completed 5 years later. Previously, it was called Fedorovsky, after the name of the merchant who donated cash for its construction. During the formative years of Soviet power, it ceased its activities and was revived only in 1991. You can go on an excursion to the monastery by prior agreement. Tourists can get acquainted with the life of nuns and visit the Church of the Iveron Mother of God.

The active Armenian monastery of Surb Khach (or Church of the Holy Cross) is the oldest stone building in Rostov-on-Don, over 300 years old. It was built by the Armenian people, resettled from Crimea to the Don in the 17th century under Catherine the Great. It consists of a small church with beautiful decorations, a chapel, a long stone staircase and a holy spring. From the windows of the monastery there is a beautiful view of the Don.

The Zmievskaya Balka memorial is the burial place of over 27 thousand city residents who were brutally killed during the fascist occupation. This largest burial place in Russia from the Great Patriotic War period consists of a gray concrete installation with an observation deck, as well as a hall of mourning, decorated with black marble. The Eternal Flame is always burning at the memorial, and is visited by wedding processions, as well as residents and guests of the city.

The monument “Tachanka-Rostovchanka” is a dynamic 15-meter high copper monument dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution. The composition consists of four horses with a cart, a machine-gun crew and a dashing Red Army soldier driving the horses. The location for the installation of the monument was the battlefield on which the First Cavalry Army under the command of Budyonny and parts of the Volunteer Army under the command of Admiral Denikin met.

Fans of alcoholic beverages will undoubtedly be interested in the private Rostov Museum of Winemaking and Don Moonshine, located in the building of the Petrovsky Prichal hotel complex. Here you can see a collection of the best wines made from local grape varieties, as well as learn about the history of Don winemaking, wine production and its proper storage. Wine tasting is the favorite part of excursions for tourists. Each museum guest can try to distill dry wine into alcohol. Here you can also buy and bring home your choice of wine as a souvenir, as well as Don Cossack clothing and household items.

In addition to these souvenirs, Semikarakor ceramics and Cossack attributes, such as whips, are brought from Rostov-on-Don.

Astrakhan – ancient city on Mother Volga, known since the 13th century. Once upon a time it was the capital of the Astrakhan Khanate. Modern Astrakhan is a large multinational city in which representatives of various faiths coexist peacefully, which is why Christian churches, Muslim mosques and a Buddhist khurul are built here. This city is famous for its history, which remembers the reign of Ivan the Terrible, during his reign the Astrakhan Khanate and Stenka Razin ceased to exist. During the Soviet years, Astrakhan became famous for its watermelons, smoked sturgeon and beluga balyk.

There are several museums in Astrakhan: the Local History Museum, the house-museum of the poet Velimir Khlebnikov, the cultural and historical center of Sarai-Batu, which was once the capital of the Golden Horde, which terrified many nations. In Sarai-Batu you can see Mongolian yurts and ride a camel. Among other cultural sites, it is worth paying attention to the Astrakhan Drama Theater, which celebrated its 200th anniversary in 2010, as well as the magnificent facade of the Opera and Ballet Theater building.

The main attractions of Astrakhan

The Astrakhan Kremlin is the main tourist attraction of the city, the construction of which began in the 16th century. During its construction, material from the ruins of Sarai-Batu, the capital of the Golden Horde, was used. The location for the Astrakhan Kremlin was not chosen by chance: swamps and 2 rivers protected it on 3 sides, and in the corners there were high observation towers. The thickness of the fortress walls reached 5 meters. The most interesting of the buildings of the Astrakhan Kremlin are the perfectly preserved Assumption Cathedral and the Trinity Monastery.

The 50-meter majestic Vladimir Cathedral is located in the very center of Astrakhan. Its construction began in 1895 with the support of the City Duma and was completed in 1902. It was built in the Byzantine style and consecrated in honor of Prince Vladimir. This is currently active architectural complex has the status of a monument of federal significance.

John the Baptist Monastery monastery construction began in 1688 and was completed in 1697. It served as an Orthodox church and at the same time was a defensive structure. During its existence, the monastery ceased its activities several times for various reasons. From 1992 to 2008, restoration work was carried out, and since then it has been operating again. The façade of the temple amazes with its grandeur and beauty, as well as its beautiful interior decoration.

Since 1722, oak trees began to be planted in Astrakhan, which were necessary for shipbuilding. The Oak of Peter the Great can be seen on General Gerasimenko Street. This 12-meter tree, the girth of which at its widest part reaches 5 meters, was actually planted by the hands of the Russian emperor-enlightener. Despite its venerable age, it still produces a good harvest of acorns.

In addition to Christian temples, in the territory near Astrakhan, in the village of Liman, there is the only Buddhist khurul in this region. Its construction began with the support of local authorities in 1997 and was completed in 2003. In the center of the temple there is a 1.5-meter statue of Buddha. The parishioners of the khurul are local Kalmyks, adherents of Buddhism.

Lotus fields with an area of ​​more than 100 hectares are another attraction located near the village of Liman. It is here that the world's largest lotus flowers grow, the diameter of which can exceed 60 cm, and the leaves are even larger - up to 120 cm. From July to September, the lotus fields are colored pink and white. A spectacle of incredible beauty! While admiring the beauty of the Caspian lotus, do not forget that it is included in the Red Book.

The Astrakhan water divider is a hydraulic structure that was created to control water flow. With its help, the required water level was ensured during the spawning season of fish on the Volga and in the Buzan River.

After visiting these attractions, it's time to start shopping for souvenirs. Most often, tourists buy mugs, T-shirts and magnets depicting a Caspian lotus, plates and postcards with images of the Astrakhan Kremlin, wickerwork made from chakan - lake reeds, as well as key rings and key holders made of fish skin. They also do not forget about buying local watermelons, delicious caviar and delicious fish.

Arriving in Astrakhan, tourists, as a rule, want to ride camels in Sarai-Batu and sit with a fishing rod on the banks of the Volga. While in Astrakhan, it would be a sin not to try the local cuisine. Of course, it is dominated by fish dishes: balyk, heh, “triple” fish soup, smoked sterlet, caviar. Meat is also prepared here, for example, kebabs, lula kebab, steaks, Azerbaijani saj. All this splendor is washed down with Astrakhan beer, which deserves highly appreciated everyone who tried it.

In February 2016, we asked the magazine's readers to tell us in two or three sentences about the city in which they live and what it is famous for. What is famous about the main Russian cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg - is known to almost everyone today, but with the rest of the cities (there are ~1100 cities in Russia) things are not so optimistic. Unfortunately, only 4 people responded to our appeal. There was no mass revelation or engaging dialogue. Nevertheless, our collection of “stories about cities” continues to grow and we will continue to post everything that we “collect” in encyclopedias, on forums, in comments in this section. Let's start our educational excursion with Tula, Voronezh, Yekaterinburg and Volgograd. So, what are these Russian cities famous for?


Shares knowledge: Cometa

For Halloween, the dinosaur standing at the entrance to the Tula Exotarium was dressed in a witch costume

"Hero City will replace gingerbread, samovars and weapons. And we also have Yasnaya Polyana nearby! Here's something else I remembered - Tula Exotarium!!! Here, all kinds of exotic snakes give birth to children, which sometimes does not happen in any country in the world (under artificial conditions)!!! This is especially surprising knowing what tiny rooms they live in! And next to dinosaur monument, but people always call it “the monument to the mother-in-law.” :) On New Year They put a red hat on him.”

From the editor: The famous Tula “dinosaur-mother-in-law” is dressed up not only for the New Year, but also on September 1, March 8, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, City Day, and they even tried on a kimono for the arrival of President Putin.

By the way, the first weapons factory, which was built specifically for the war with Sweden, was opened during the reign of Peter I in Tula. Subsequently, Tula became the most weapons-rich city in Russia.

Samovar factories at the beginning of the 20th century there were about 50 in Tula. At this time, the saying “You don’t go to Tula with your own samovar” arose. Naturally, there is a samovar museum in Tula.

A curious fact about Tula gingerbread: A unique Tula gingerbread was considered to be one whose baking form was cut out and left to infuse for 10-20 years. It was then that gingerbread could be baked in it, but only once. The second gingerbread baked in the same form was no longer considered unique. One of these unique gingerbread cookies was baked for the coronation of Nicholas II. The profile of the king himself was depicted on the gingerbread itself. By the way, the heaviest Tula gingerbread weighed 1 pood (16 kg), and the smallest baked one weighed only 50 grams.

Among other things, Tula is considered to be the birthplace of the Russian accordion. The funniest thing is that they started producing harmonics Tula gunsmiths at samovar factories (!) Tula was the main supplier of harmonicas for the entire Russian Empire. The sound capabilities of accordions imported from abroad did not satisfy Russian musicians, and by that time one of the artistic and stylistic features of Tula accordions had already emerged - their unique chamber sound.


The city is considered the birthplace of the airborne assault force, as well as the Russian Navy. It was first built in Voronezh admiralty. It was here that the first Russian fleet was located in the 18th century. For his perseverance, courage and heroism during the years of struggle for independence and freedom of the Fatherland, in February 2008, he was awarded the proud title "City of Military Glory".

Voronezh is famous all over the world for its black soils. Chernozem soils are among the most fertile in the world and occupy about 75% of the territory. Voronezh region. Of the 49 million hectares of chernozems in Russia, 3 million hectares are located in the Voronezh region. An interesting fact: at the famous fourth World Exhibition in Paris (1899), which lasted for six months, the “Russian department” looked so respectable that out of 818 participants, 662 awards were awarded to Russia. The most “unusual” award was a gold medal to the Russian “soil scientist” Dokuchaev and his black soil.

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General view of the Champ de Mars, 1889

Russian restaurant at the 1889 exhibition

Russian Pavilion, 1889

Russian Pavilion, 1889

Main gallery Russian department, 1889

Here’s what the press wrote: “Among the huge Russian samovars, pound candles, piles of Siberian furs and barrels of caviar at the pavilion of the Russian Empire, on a high pedestal stood a huge cubic monolith of black soil, each face of which was two meters. Thus, in that “cube” there was not one, but eight cubic meters of first-class, anthracite-black chernozem. They took this monolith not far from Voronezh, in the current Paninsky district.

After the exhibition closed, the National Museum, the University of the Sorbonne, various institutes and scientific societies of France asked to cut the monolith of Russian black soil into pieces and distribute it as visual evidence of the immense soil wealth of Russia and all of humanity. But they still decided to preserve the miracle monolith in its entirety; by lot it went to the Sorbonne and was kept there for many years.”

In 1968, major student unrest occurred at the Sorbonne and during battles between youth and the police, the monolith was completely destroyed. French soil scientists preserved only fragments of that monolith. The largest of them is 60 cm in length, 40 in width and 25-30 in height. The remains of the sample are now stored in the attic of the National Agronomic Institute.

And the city also has its own sea— “Voronezh” is a local reservoir. The length of the reservoir is about 30 kilometers, the width is about 2 km, the average depth is about 2.9 meters. The reservoir on the Voronezh River was built in 1972, and became the first man-made reservoir of such a scale within the city in the history of the USSR. The “sea” was intended for the industrial water supply of Voronezh.

And also Voronezh - Homeland of the Oryol trotter. The Oryol trotter is a famous Russian breed of horse with a hereditary ability for a fast trot (trot is the gait of a horse in which it alternately rearranges pairs of legs located diagonally).

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Great Oryol trotter "Krepysh"

One of the victories of "Krepysh"

Oryol trotter "Bedouin"

Trotter "Bull"

Trotter "Balagur" with a lady

Oryol trotter

Trotter "Crown Prince"

Oryol trotter "Kochet"

Trotter "Huge"

Count Orlov

The Orlov Trotter breed was bred at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries at the Khrenovsky stud farm, which still exists and is located in the village of Khrenovoe, Bobrovsky district, Voronezh region. The breed of trotting horses was named Orlovskaya in honor of the favorite of Catherine II - Count Alexei Orlov-Chesmensky, who worked on creating a new breed until his death - from 1775 to 1808. His co-author in this matter is deservedly considered the serf Vasily Ivanovich Shishkin, who after the death of Alexei Grigorievich successfully completed the work he started. It is thanks to V.I. Shishkin, the Oryol trotter spread to stud farms and became the main Russian factory breed.

Portrait of Alexander I on horseback (artist Franz Kruger, from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg).

A funny incident: There were legends about the Oryol trotters; crowds of people gathered to watch them run. Once, in 1812, Alexander I visited the Khrenovskaya stud farm. When the emperor stepped onto the threshold of the stable, 500 horses, as if welcoming him, reared up and neighed deafeningly. The secret was that a few weeks before the Tsar’s arrival, Shishkin, who managed the plant, ordered the grooms to open the shutters on the windows when distributing oats to the horses, thus developing a conditioned reflex. As soon as the emperor entered the stable, the shutters were thrown open... Alexander was very pleased with this reception, gave Shishkin a diamond ring and asked Anna Orlova, the count’s daughter and heir, to give Vasily Ivanovich his freedom.

Orlova complied with this request of the tsar, but refused to violate the ban established by her father - not to release a single uncastrated stallion from the stud. When Alexander I wanted to get “Khrenov’s” stallions for riding, he was given geldings...


Natalia Balbutskaya: « The city is famous for the “Musical Comedy Theater”, a dozen of the strongest Universities, the railway, museums, theaters (24), literate people, just a normal HUGE Ural city, the capital of the Southern Urals.”

A forum member with the funny nickname “Rain’s Wife” shared more extensive information: “Ekaterinburg is the stronghold of the state. It is famous for being located on the Europe-Asia border; execution of the family of the last Emperor Nicholas II; the first president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, lived and studied here; KVN team “Ural dumplings”; humorous artist from “Our Russia” Sergei Svetlakov; S/C Greenwich, where Gena Bukin from “Happy Together” works; there are many Olympic and world champions, for example Sergei Chepikov, etc.”

S. Chepikov, Soviet and Russian biathlete and skier, two-time Olympic champion and two-time world champion in biathlon. The first winner of the Biathlon World Cup in the history of new Russia. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

The information and tourism service of Yekaterinburg pleased with the following facts:

The world's oldest wooden sculpture, the Great Shigir Idol, is kept in Yekaterinburg. He is older Egyptian pyramids, its age is 9,500 years. Radiocarbon dating of fragments of the idol found in the vicinity of the city gave a sensational result: it was made with stone tools during the Mesolithic era in the 8th millennium BC.

Yekaterinburg houses the one-of-a-kind Kasli cast-iron pavilion, created by Ural craftsmen and which won the Grand Prix and gold medal at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1900. Each of the 25 Ural workers who assembled the pavilion at the exhibition received a personalized silver watch in Paris as a reward for their art. The pavilion is made up of more than 1,500 unique cast iron parts and sculptural compositions and weighs about 20 tons. In 1978, the pavilion was registered by UNESCO as a rarity - the only architectural structure in the world made of cast iron that is in a museum collection.

The products of Yekaterinburg metallurgical plants were used to create the most famous architectural structures and designs around the world. It is known that the first industrial machines in England were made from Ural iron. In 1820, the roof of the English Parliament building in London was made of roofing iron produced in Yekaterinburg. Ural steel was used in construction Eiffel Tower in Paris, and Ural copper - during the construction of the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Yekaterinburg is the first city in Russia in which ore gold was found and began to be mined. From 1745 to 1922, 559 tons of alluvial and 145 tons of native gold were mined - about a third of Russia's total balance. But the significance of this Ural metal can hardly be overestimated: it was the first Russian gold. Here, the technology for searching for primary and alluvial deposits, technologies for processing ores from gold-containing sands were developed, and machines for gold extraction were designed. In short, the historical, geological, and technological significance of Ural gold is unusually great.

In the 18th century, the Yekaterinburg Mint was one of the main mints in the country, producing up to 80% of the copper coins in the Russian Empire. For almost two centuries, the entire population of a huge country paid for purchases daily in Ural nickels.

The first bicycle, an analogue of modern models, was invented in Yekaterinburg. Peasant Efim Artamonov built a model not much different from modern ones, and in 1801 he arrived on it for the coronation of Emperor Alexander I in St. Petersburg. A similar two-wheeled “running machine” with pedals appeared in Europe only in 1839.

The world's first jet aircraft, BI-2, was tested in Yekaterinburg. On May 15, 1942, BI-2, under the control of test pilot Grigory Yakovlevich Bakhchivandzhi, took off for the first time using a rocket engine. The flight lasted 3 minutes 9 seconds at an altitude of 840 meters.

Yekaterinburg, like the entire Urals, is directly related to the opening of the space age of mankind. It was in Yekaterinburg that a transmitter was invented that made it possible to receive signals from a satellite to Earth.

The world's most famous walking excavator, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, was produced in Yekaterinburg. The boom length of the giant model ESh 100.100, manufactured at the famous Uralmash plant in 1980, is 100 meters. One bucket of such an excavator loads two railway cars at a time.


Revived from the ashes, the hero city of Volgograd (formerly Tsaritsyn, Stalingrad) is primarily known to the whole world memorial complex"Mamaev Kurgan" and the statue of the "Motherland" erected in memory of one of the most terrible battles in the Second World War. Mamayev Kurgan - the most high point in the central part of Volgograd. Its military name is "Height 102"

Battle of Stalingrad- is the largest land battle in human history. For 140 days and nights, the troops of the 62nd Army under the command of V.I. Chuikov stood to the death on the slopes of Mamayev Kurgan, which occupied a key position in the battles for Stalingrad. Therefore, whoever owned the mound at that time also owned the city. That is why, holding this height in your hands was a matter of life or death. In total, the Battle of Stalingrad lasted exactly 200 days and nights!

The fierce nature of the battles for this height is confirmed by the fact that immediately after the battle, from 500 to 1250 shell fragments were found on every square meter of land on Mamayev Kurgan. In the spring of 1943, not even the grass was green here. According to official data, the human losses of the Soviet army exceed 1,130,000 people.

Most tall monument Lenin in the world - The stone giant is located in the Krasnoarmeysky district, on the Volga embankment. The height of the monument together with the pedestal is 57 meters, and the Lenin sculpture is 27 meters.

Volgograd is famous for its embankment! Embankment named after the 62nd Army named after the army that defended it in the Battle of Stalingrad. Its length is 3.5 km. One of the most popular places recreation for Volgograd residents and city guests. For many tourists and vacationers, their acquaintance with Volgograd begins from the central embankment.

The most noticeable building on the embankment is Volgograd River Station. This is the largest structure of this type in Europe: the length of the building is almost equal to the length of Red Square in Moscow and is 296 m, the width is 36 m, and the height at the top is 47 m. The river station building was built on reclaimed territory. 6 ships can moor at the station at the same time.

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Interesting cities in Russia? Ratings issued search engines the Internet, are usually compiled based on statistics from queries such as “attractions...” or “what to see in...”. Based on this data, we decided to compile a list of interesting places in Russia, dividing the cities into categories.

The most interesting millionaire cities

According to 2016 data, there are 15 large cities in Russia with a population exceeding 1 million people. Undoubtedly, the most interesting and beautiful among them are Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan.

Moscow - the main city of Russia, which has a long history. There are many interesting places here that attract both tourists from other cities and foreign guests. The main attraction, which is visited by a huge number of people every day, is Red Square. Here you can admire the Kremlin towers, see the changing of the guard at the eternal flame and visit St. Basil's Cathedral.

In addition to Red Square, there are many more amazing and beautiful places in Moscow:

Well, and of course, we must not forget about such wonderful places that are simply created for walking, such as the old Arbat, Vorobyovy Gory, Victory Park, VDNKh.

city ​​of federal significance. Compared to Moscow, this is a rather young city, but, according to many tourists, it surpasses the capital in beauty.

it is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. The city is located at the confluence of the Kazanka River and the Volga. Kazan is an ancient city; in 2005 it celebrated its millennium. But despite its venerable age, it can safely be called a youth city. There are many specialized secondary and higher educational institutions here, where students from all over Russia study. In Kazan there is a place to have a good rest and cultural enrichment. Here are a few must-see places for all visitors to this city.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a whole a tourist route, which runs through eight ancient cities. Among them, 4 cities are considered the most interesting and beautiful by tourists.

Suzdal – quite a small town with only about 10,000 people. It is called the capital of the Golden Ring. It was here that the classic Soviet cinema “The Marriage of Balzaminov” was filmed. Suzdal is a city-reserve, where you can come across a historical monument at almost every step. The most visited place here is the Suzdal Kremlin, which is the oldest part of the city. You can wander around Suzdal for hours, admiring the churches, wooden huts with elaborate carvings, and simply the beauty of nature. Of course, this is the city where you want to return.

Kostroma. This city, where at one time the fate of the Russian state was decided, is located on the banks of the Volga. There are many temples, museums and monasteries here.

Vladimir. This ancient city was once the capital of the Vladimir Principality. It is famous for its unique architecture and picturesque landscapes.

This is an ancient city, it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruky in the 12th century. There are many interesting museums here that will undoubtedly appeal to both children and adults:

In addition, in Pereslavl-Zalessky it is worth visiting its main attraction - the Dormition Goritsky Monastery. This is a whole complex consisting of a chapel, churches, a cathedral, a bathhouse, a belfry and a school building.

The most interesting cities on the Black Sea coast

There are many beautiful and interesting cities on the Black Sea, but I would especially like to mention Sevastopol and Sochi.

Recently, this is another, third, city of federal significance. Probably not even a month is enough to visit everything. interesting places of this city. Everything here is steeped in the military history of our country. Here is just a small list of what is worth seeing in Sevastopol:

Not far from Sevastopol you can see a beautiful place - Cape Fiolent. There are picturesque cliffs, clear water and a jasper beach, to which there are about 800 steps.

Sochi. Recently, thanks to the 2014 Winter Olympic Games, this resort town has noticeably transformed. Now Sochi has become not only a popular Russian holiday destination. To ride on alpine skiing, European tourists also come here. The most famous sights of Sochi:

And, of course, one cannot help but recall a city like Kaliningrad. Its whole appearance suggests that this is a city built in accordance with European architectural traditions. Here you can see ancient fortresses, temples, stroll through parks and nature reserves, and visit museums.

Of course, these are not all the most interesting cities. The rating can be replenished, because our country is huge and there are a lot of interesting places in it.


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