Where to relax in the summer abroad. The best places to holiday abroad

Holidays abroad have always been considered a very expensive pleasure. However, there are many ways to reduce the cost of such a vacation so much that it becomes accessible to almost anyone.

Of course, it is much easier to travel abroad with the help of an agency. All you have to do is pay the money, and specialists will take care of buying tickets, booking a hotel, and completing paperwork. But the overpayment for the work of these same specialists is really huge - you can save from 5 to 20% of the cost of the trip.

For example, self-study a visa will already give you savings of one hundred euros - that’s how much the services of intermediaries will cost. It’s very easy to get a visa to some countries, so don’t be afraid of paperwork - you’ll have to run around a little, but the savings are impressive.

If you definitely want to relax in a hotel, you should book it in advance and online. Sometimes serious discounts are offered if you prepay a couple of months before arrival.

It is also worth remembering that hotels near the sea are much more expensive - just choose a hotel a little further away, and the price will drop several times. Also, rooms with beautiful view from the window.

Hostel in Thailand

However, you shouldn’t focus on hotels. In many foreign countries you can very inexpensively rent a room or a private house - this way you can spend less money on housing in a month than in two weeks. One more inexpensive option accommodations are hostels - large rooms with a bed, a night in which can cost from three dollars.

There are many countries, mostly Asian and African, where you can spend just a few dollars a day on accommodation, food and entertainment. Of course, this is only possible if independent travel.


This country is rightfully considered the cheapest for independent rest. With proper luck, you can find a room for $100 a month, which looks ridiculous even compared to our prices for renting premises. In Thailand, you can also quite inexpensively rent a wonderful house near the beach or right on the seashore.

House in Thailand

You can also eat very cheaply here, especially if you cook for yourself - prices for vegetables, meat and simple fruits in Thailand are very low, especially in the markets. If you don’t want to cook and don’t know how, then in local cafes you can have a full meal for just one dollar, and the lunch will include noodles or rice with meat, as well as some kind of drink.

Prices for other goods, including clothing, are just as meager here. If you are not too concerned about branding and quality, then Thailand is a good place to go shopping.


Friendly Vietnam has always been of great importance for Russian tourists. Only here could you find a room in a three-star hotel for $25 a day, and at the same time receive a level of service equal to good complexes Egypt or Emirates.

Entertainment area Vietnamese resorts also cannot but delight experienced travelers. The guest here is the main person, regardless of the country from which he came.

Vietnam, Nha Trang

For guests in most recreation areas, all conditions are created to make their vacation a success. On average, in a couple of weeks, even with the maximum program, no more than $500 is spent on entertainment. More is already from the category of luxury.

Meals are often already included in the price of a hotel stay, but in rare cases, when it is clearly low-cost, you have to pay extra for each breakfast, lunch and dinner. The average price tag of Vietnamese hotel cafes is 8-10 dollars for a full lunch. Finding it cheaper is quite possible, but many will doubt the quality of such food.

Shopping in Vietnam is a separate article for the joy of thrifty Russians. Local markets have long become synonymous with cheapness, albeit with a reservation about the quality of the goods. Few tourists return from Vietnam without an impressive bag with all kinds of inexpensive clothes, shoes and souvenirs.


You won’t be able to get to Cambodia, like neighboring Vietnam, without a visa. But, the additional expense item is compensated relatively inexpensive travel packages, and reasonable prices for rooms even in prestigious ones hotel complexes.

The monthly cost of living here starts from $200. This is higher than the minimum in Thailand or Vietnam, because in last years The demand for tours to Cambodia is growing. Hotels for the most part are cozy, comfortable buildings near beaches and important attractions.

Shopping and cultural programs Cambodia is also attractive for Russian tourists. Markets and shopping centers It's a little more expensive here than in Vietnam, but still definitely cheaper than most countries in the Asian region.


Housing in major cities in the Philippines can be found for $360 per month. And in full tourist city Cebu, with beaches and large shops, housing prices start at $150.

For a whole month of living in the country, $200 is enough for food, tobacco and alcohol, and if you don’t smoke or drink, then expenses are significantly reduced. A glass of beer or a carton of cigarettes costs about 60 cents here. These prices make the country very cheap to live in.


Fraternal Abkhazia is formally a foreign country, but the vast majority of tours from Russia here have ruble price tags. For 20,000 rubles you can find interesting offers for tours to Pitsunda or Gagra. In addition, prices for accommodation in New Athos are quite reasonable, in hotels with a rating of 3 stars or more.

The recreation program in Abkhazia is always varied. Even last-minute tours may imply a visit to one of the famous sanatoriums or a trip to the most significant sights of the republic.

The capital of Abkhazia, Sukhum


Belize is a country with amazing diving opportunities and amazing nature. The climate here is subtropical, and coastline considered the best in the world.

Beach in Belize

Belize loves foreigners very much, as it is very beneficial for the country. Tourists especially love the coastal reefs - a real treasure for divers of any skill level.

You will have an incredible experience in Belize, as the country is filled with beautiful nature, the best coastline in the world and a subtropical climate.

In Belize, you can live on $500 for a whole month, assuming you rent a luxury house in good area for $300 a month. You can save a lot by renting it with friends or staying in a simpler place.

The remaining $200 will go towards food, souvenirs and entertainment. In addition, by buying food at markets and cooking yourself, you can save much more.


From year to year, neighboring China pleases Russians with lucrative tour offers. Last-minute tours to Beijing, for example, are quite possible to find for $700 for 2 weeks, and the price will include accommodation, flights and several excursion programs.

Get to southern provinces China is more expensive due to the distance, but entertainment programs the same Shanghai or Hong Kong can be significantly cheaper than a trip to Egypt or India. On average, a maximum tourist in China pays 1000-1500 dollars for a program, depending on the intensity of the holiday.

In addition, in recent years, beach resorts China. Tours to Hainan, for example, are relevant almost all year round, thanks to the unique climatic conditions islands.

Shopping in China, as in Vietnam, is one of the key vacation profiles. Entire markets with Russian-speaking staff are prepared for Russian tourists in the northern provinces, and the selection and prices here fully meet the needs of guests. On average, for $2,000 you can take home several huge bags of shopping.

If you want to make your holiday abroad as inexpensive and comfortable as possible, then do not waste your time and do not look for tours on your own. Leave a request for travel agencies in your city, or call our specialists at toll free number 8-800-100-30-24 - they will select a tour for you strictly according to your budget, and at the same time, if possible, they will take into account all your requirements and wishes.

When the time comes to relax, it is better to already have vouchers in hand, or at least a clear idea of ​​where and how you can realize your plans. Of course, ideally, a vacation is a vacation without borders, summer, fulfillment of desires without much hassle.

But in life, going to any desired destination in the world may require visas, economical holiday abroad is implemented during the winter season, and the opportunity to go on vacation may appear quite suddenly, when there is no longer any time left to obtain visas.

Therefore, in order to plan your vacation in the most economical way, we will consider here a holiday abroad in 2019 with all-inclusive prices without a visa.

Where can you holiday abroad without a passport or visa?

If we want an inexpensive, safe vacation without a foreign passport or visa, then the first thing that comes to mind is traveling around our own country, especially since it is so large and diverse, and can provide options for every taste. The advantages of this option include the opportunity to organize your holiday yourself.

He does not have the disadvantages of holidaying abroad, such as the language barrier and unusual cuisine, life, and prices.

But these disadvantages of holidays abroad are rather advantages for many. I would like to get acquainted with a different culture, cuisine, nature, and economically, trips abroad can be more profitable than holidays in Russia.


Winter holidays at sea without visas are offered by such a hot eastern country as Thailand. However, tourists willingly go there in all seasons - in September, November, March-April, and summer. This asian country well known to tourists all over the world for its beautiful beaches, exotic nature and architecture, rugged nightlife, Thai massage.

Some of the most popular holiday destinations in this country are the resorts of Phuket and Krabi, and it seems that ancient and modern Bangkok never falls asleep. The cost of an all-inclusive holiday in a 5-star hotel including flights will be over 55 thousand rubles. Staying here without a visa is allowed for up to 30 days.


In winter, you can have a good holiday at sea abroad in the North African country of Tunisia. Here visa-free holiday may last up to two weeks. During this time, you can take advantage of the restorative capabilities of thalassotherapy, which are offered by many local resorts, extreme sports lovers can go on an excursion to the Sahara, and lovers of antiquities can visit the ruins of the legendary Carthage.

A stay in a three-star hotel for 7 days with all-inclusive meals will cost one person from 21 thousand rubles. The most golden weather conditions the time is in September, October, when the sea is already well warmed up and the summer heat has already subsided.


Israel, a holy land for three world religions, will be of interest to anyone. Everyone is interested in seeing with their own eyes the places that are described in literary and pictorial masterpieces, filmed in many films, and for people who believe this is a real pilgrimage.

However, Israel also offers the opportunity to enjoy a beach holiday and improve your health on the coast Dead Sea, which is also loved by fans of water sports. You can enjoy all these and many other holiday opportunities in Israel for up to 90 days. The cost of tours starts from 37 thousand rubles.


There is no person who has not heard about the myths and legends of this country, who has not seen photographs of its historical monuments and ancient sculptures, and who would refuse to see them in reality. Tours to Greece offer visiting its islands and mainland.

Here you can enjoy a beach holiday and interesting excursions, and enjoy shopping. Two adults can purchase a tour in June to visit Greece in a budget option from 48 thousand rubles. In September, beach holidays are still good here, but in November it’s worth going just for excursions and shopping.


On famous beaches Bulgaria Golden Sand and sunny Beach you can relax quite inexpensively. A flight to this friendly, beautiful European country, transfer and accommodation in a three-star hotel for 8 days will cost two people from 18 thousand rubles. The best holiday in terms of weather conditions begins in May; the best time to go to sea is in September.


Our tourists have already mastered and appreciated the convenience and benefits of staying in hotels in this country. A short flight, low prices, warm sea, and the convenience of all-inclusive service have made this country very popular for family vacation.

If we want to do this without issuing visas and obtaining a foreign passport, then five CIS countries give us this opportunity, which have the following advantages:

  • They are close to us in climate, which means they will not put such a large acclimatization load on the body, for example, of a child, as the tropics;
  • It is not difficult to find a common language with their residents;
  • Russians on holiday abroad will not be able to surprise them with their habits, since they know us well;

Each of these countries has its own cultural differences and interesting places for relax. So, without a visa or passport, you can purchase tours to the following countries:


This country, which is close to Russians, successfully combines beautiful nature, developed transport and hotel infrastructure, friendly people and low prices.

The opportunity to independently travel around the country, getting acquainted with historical and architectural monuments, is not available in every country. And there is something to see here - National parks, ancient castles, big cities with cafes, theaters and museums.

For those wishing to secure an active holiday abroad, Belarus offers to visit its ski resorts. Those who want to improve their health can purchase vouchers to local sanatoriums, where inexpensive recreation is combined with high-quality treatment. Such a vacation is especially beneficial in March or, for example, in November, when it is not the season.


Unique Issyk-Kul, thermal springs, exotic beauty of nature and cheap holiday make tours here quite attractive.

But if you are not afraid of the lack of comfort and the need to navigate your own route amazing places, then this country will open to the traveler the unique beauty of nature, numerous historical and architectural monuments with a centuries-old history.

Horseback riding, hiking, excursions, hydrotherapy services - their cost here is relatively low, and the surrounding nature is truly unique.

Best options

But we must admit that the best option The majority of vacationers, especially families, consider vacationing in hotels with an all-inclusive system, and such high-quality offers in the CIS are still almost impossible to find.

Therefore, many people prefer to look for tours abroad, where such offers are much more common. These are not only Turkey and Egypt, well known to Russians, but also many other countries, including those that allow Russians to come without visas.

Vacation without borders, summer all year round is a completely feasible desire if you carefully study the list of countries that, under certain conditions and the presence of a foreign passport, can be realized by vacationers if they carefully consider this list of the most popular countries at different latitudes and directions.


Kazakhstan also provides budget holiday abroad for those who like to spend active time. There are wonderful ski resorts here, the legendary ice rink"Medeo" high in the mountains will provide good vacation for fans of these winter species sports in November, December, February, etc. However, not only skate and ski lovers can find interesting places in this country. Beautiful Astana alone is worth it!


Offers budget beach holidays. It opens at the end of May and continues until October. Beautiful beaches and clear sea, low prices and untouched nature, interesting story The ancient region is once again attracting Russian tourists. Gagra and Pitsunda, legendary since Soviet times, offer treatment in local sanatoriums and boarding houses.

In summer

In summer, the choice is especially large, but it is best to relax in countries close to our climate. These are Greece, Montenegro, Türkiye, Georgia, Bulgaria and others. In this case, if the main thing for you is to relax on the beach, then the best holiday would be in August, but keep in mind that this is the peak season in European countries ah, which affects prices and congestion of the tourist infrastructure.

in autumn

In September, October and southern countries Even in November, the holiday is the most comfortable: the heat has subsided, the sea is warm. Therefore, prices during this period are quite high. IN South America, where autumn is like our spring, you can relax on magnificent and inexpensive ski resort X. True, flying to these countries is not cheap.

in winter

In winter, you can choose from two holiday options abroad. Some people want to enjoy winter sports and recreation, others want to change their native winter to sunny summer and the sea. The first ones can visit the already mentioned ski resorts in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia.

If you want to combine a visit to ski resorts with the discovery of a completely new country and culture, then you can purchase a tour to Chile, where an excellent infrastructure has been created on the slopes of the Andes for lovers of such active rest. You can alternate skiing on slopes of different difficulty levels with swimming in thermal springs or excursions.

Those who want to experience sea pleasures abroad in January can go to the countries of Africa, Southeast Asia, and Latin America. And countries like Morocco allow you to enjoy all four seasons at the same time.

At one end of the country, gardens are blooming, and at the same time, in the foothills, the colors of autumn are rioting. Resorts in the south of the country are chosen by those who want to sunbathe on the beaches and go surfing. And in the mountains there are two ski resorts where you can ski from December to April.

in spring

Vacation in the spring has its advantages. In most places, holidays at this time - March, April - will be the most profitable. The decline in tourist flow forces prices to be reduced in hotels, transport and travel agencies, and various preferential promotions and sales are held.

Inexpensive holidays abroad

In this section we will look in more detail at the most popular countries, which Russians visit without visas, subject to deadlines and rules. The absence of visas gives an additional bonus when looking for inexpensive trips.

It is known that it is very profitable to purchase last-minute trips, whose cost is noticeably lower. It is much easier to take advantage of a last minute ticket to visa-free countries. There are more than 70 of them, but they are not all popular among tourists, and they provide the opportunity to stay in them without a visa for different periods of time. Here are some examples.

Economy tours

One of the cheapest options to see the world is Bus tours. For very affordable prices, tourists traveling by bus visit several European countries - Poland, Germany, Italy, France, etc.

You and your traveling companions see the sights of Europe and get acquainted with everyday life different countries, managing to visit several countries in a short time.

A comfortable bus allows you to travel long distances with ease. It is better to plan such a vacation in June or July, May or September, when the weather is especially favorable.

Where to relax with children

When organizing a vacation with children, you need to take a lot into account:

  1. The road there should not be too tiring;
  2. The kitchen must be child-friendly;
  3. The country and holiday destination must be safe;
  4. The place of residence should also be comfortable;
  5. Entertainment and recreation programs should be appropriate for the age of the little traveler.

That is why it is best to travel abroad with children on an all-inclusive basis in hotels that have water slides, animators and playgrounds for children. But still, this is a family holiday abroad, where both children and adults should enjoy it. Such conditions are offered by Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Montenegro, where many hotels and boarding houses are aimed specifically at family vacations.

Where to go on vacation during the May holidays

This year the calendar and the government gave Russians long May holidays, which can be turned into a small vacation. Where can you go on vacation in May?

In addition to the countries already mentioned above, agencies offer such May tours to Montenegro, where it is already warm and in some places, for example, Kotor, the sea is already warming up to +20. A visa is not required for Montenegro, and the level of service is quite European. The prices, since the season is just beginning, are still quite favorable.

In May you can swim in Vietnam. The air will heat up to +30, and the sea to +28. A holiday at sea here at this time is simply a fairy tale! Interesting and inexpensive excursions. For example, a two-day trip around Halong Bay with a visit to a fishing village will cost 3.5 thousand rubles per person. You can have a snack in a cafe for a hundred rubles, etc.

If during the May holidays you don’t want to relaxing holiday by the sea, and the discovery of new places and vivid impressions, then travel agencies offer inexpensive tours to Azerbaijan or Mongolia. These countries are completely different, but they are united by safety, a noticeable difference from Russia in culture and life, the originality of the cuisine, unusual beauty nature and at the same time a friendly attitude towards our country.

The most popular places for relax abroad - those that are most often visited by our compatriots. Popular Vacation Spots suggest not only a good rest, picturesque landscapes, comfortable hotels, but also some savings in money.

Türkiye and Egypt

Still popular holiday destinations- Türkiye and Egypt. These countries offer all-inclusive holidays. Therefore, such a vacation will cost less than in a similar hotel in Anapa. In Turkey, you can choose a resort that meets the wishes of vacationers. So, in Antalya there is an inexpensive holiday for the whole family. Marmalis is a great place for young people who enjoy nightlife. When choosing holiday destinations - Turkey or Egypt, you should not forget about the climate.

Best month for vacation

Thus, at the end of summer the air temperature in Egypt can reach 50 degrees. Not every adult can withstand such heat, let alone. In Turkey, the hottest period is July, and in August it becomes cooler. Nevertheless, best month The month for holidays in Turkey is September. The sea is still very warm, and the air temperature is quite favorable. The nights in September are also warm and pleasant for late night walks. The climate also depends on the specific location of the vacation spot. Yes, on west coast cooler than in the south. The climate on the Aegean coast is drier, so the heat is more easily tolerated here than on the coast Mediterranean Sea. However, it is worth remembering that there is currently an unfavorable holiday environment in Egypt, including due to local armed conflicts.


Popular holiday destinations are also Tunisia, Croatia, and Montenegro. Tunisia is famous for its spa resorts, sandy beaches, and thalassotherapy. The climate here is somewhat milder than in Egypt. For those who love nightclubs and discos, cities such as Hammamet and Sousse are suitable. But the quieter town of Mahdia is suitable for a family holiday. Here are the most best beaches in Tunisia.

Croatia and Montenegro

Croatia and Montenegro have the most economical holidays in Europe. The coast of Croatia consists of forested cliffs. Istria is located in the north of Croatia. Here is the most cool climate in the country. South of Istria is an area called Dalmatia. Here is the most famous resort countries Makarska - Riviera. There are many 5-0 and 4 star hotels here. In the south of the country there are many sandy beaches. Housing here is also cheap. In addition, cities have many inexpensive cafes and restaurants.


The popularity of Greece is also growing. This is a great option for those tourists who want combine a beach holiday with interesting excursions. Our compatriots prefer the Halkidiki peninsula from all the resorts in Greece. But, undoubtedly, the islands of Rhodes, Crete, Cyprus, and Corfu deserve attention. Holidays in Cyprus can be enjoyed all year round. These include excursions to old monasteries, spa treatments, wine and gastronomic tours.

A great country for a family holiday is Bulgaria. Here you can relax and have fun. There are many sandy beaches in the north of the country. These are the resorts Golden Sands, Albena, Rusalka. In the south the landscapes are different. Here rocks alternate with sandy bays. One of the cheapest hotels in the south of the country is Sozopol. You can also have an inexpensive holiday in Spain. For example, you can rent a mobile home with bathrooms and bedrooms. Such housing in Spain is quite inexpensive. You can also take advantage of last minute deals.


And, of course, traditional holiday destinations in Russia - Krasnodar region, Sochi, Anapa. But the sea is not everything. Many tourists have recently flocked to Altai, on a trip along the Golden Ring, to Seliger. Excursions around St. Petersburg and trips around the Leningrad region have become very popular.

There is no country in the world that is not of tourist interest. Exclusive historical and archaeological sites, luggage cultural heritage, ecological beauties are found in each. Unfortunately, visiting many of them seriously impacts the wallets of tourists. However, there is a list of world tourism leaders by inexpensive holiday, including countries with entertainment, marine, environmental and cultural areas.

  • Europe
  • Russia
  • South America
  • Near East

Three inexpensive and beautiful European countries

Europe is very heterogeneous in terms of prices within the different countries it includes. For example, in Finland, which is close to Russia, food prices are much higher than in the distant Netherlands, and therefore it is impossible to calculate a vacation budget based on distance.

Top three budget countries Europe includes:

  • Croatia
  • Poland
  • Romania


One of the most reasonably priced countries, gaining tourist popularity due to its location on the Adriatic coast and surrounded by chains of islands, holidays on which are little different from holidays on oceanic atolls: the same bright seascapes, the same snow-white sands, exotic nature. Yachting is developing rapidly on the beaches of Croatia: it is the main entertainment area.

Added to this is a daily varied menu of spicy and spicy seafood dishes and local wine, famous for its softness and flavor palette.

It is customary to visit Croatia at the height of the summer heat, starting in June, and in early autumn, until October. But prices for accommodation, food and entertainment in the next season - October-November - will drop by half. At this time, you won’t always be able to swim, but going on a yacht and spending time in the lap of exotic nature will be quite cheap.

Flight: from 13,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.


This is a country in which the Middle Ages have remained intact in many places. When traveling to Poland, get ready for the fact that almost every resort will offer you an overview of the perfectly preserved knight's castle or the ruins of historically significant fortifications of the 12-14th centuries.

Most resort towns in Poland are ancient cities with atmospheric architecture, beautiful churches, picturesque landscapes. Lakes framed by forests and parks create lyrical pictures that are pleasant for tourists tired of the bustle of big cities. offers cultural and ecological tourism with hospitality and affordable accommodation and food. The climate of Poland allows you to admire it at any time of the year.

Flight: 8,400 rub.

Accommodation: from 1400 rub.

Day stay for two: from 5600 rub.


The leader in the list of the most inexpensive countries in Europe, and at the same time provides a variety of vacation destinations. For curious tourists - a country of fortresses and castles of the 14th-16th centuries. (among them the castle of the famous vampire Dracula!). For active tourists there will be ski slopes and mountaineering routes, for lovers sea ​​holiday– Black Sea coast.

Romania is a very wooded country, it charms with its pristineness, interspersed with modern and very cozy cities.

The climate of Romania is similar to Russia, with the difference that winter rarely gets colder than fifteen degrees below zero. But summers here are not very hot: on average, up to twenty-five degrees Celsius.

Ski season: winter, from mid-December until the snow melts (usually the end of April). Holidays on the Black Sea last a little more than two months: from June to mid-August.

Flight: 10,500 rub.

Accommodation: 1750 – 2100 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4900 rub.

Asia: exotic things you can afford

One of the well-known inexpensive Asian destinations is Thailand, and relatively recently two more exotic beautiful countries have entered the world of widespread tourism: Cambodia and Vietnam.

Countries actively developing tourist destination, always have inexpensive prices and very attentive service. This is how they earn their reputation.


Many tourists have fallen deeply in love with this extremely friendly inexpensive country. Violet and turquoise lagoons of long beaches, stone steles as if dropped from the sky by giants, flowery outfits local residents– we have seen all this at least once in photographs, and all this is quite accessible to see in reality.

The main shrines of Thailand - White Temple, as if carved from ivory, and more than thirty thousand Buddhist temples, carved, colored, inlaid.

The islands of Thailand are kept clean and fresh in their original form, undersea world charming. Local cuisine is divided into two directions: Japanese-Chinese (you won’t see such huge rolls anywhere else) and local spicy cuisine, sometimes even too exotic.

Visit Thailand from late November to February - this is the tropical season, ideal for beach holiday, and the hot season that follows, from mid-March to May. At this time, the temperature rises significantly, up to 37 degrees. The rainy season (June-October) is interesting in its own way, but there is a risk of spending your entire vacation at the hotel looking at the rain.

Flight: from 20,000 rub.

Accommodation: 1000 rub.


Thailand's small neighbor, Cambodia has finally dealt with the revolutionary upheavals and has begun to develop as a tourist country.

Surprisingly, Cambodia offers lower prices than Thailand and higher level of service. The beauty of the country is unique: twenty-two national parks attract eco-tourists. Blooming jungle, rare plants, lushness tropical forest adjacent to beach areas on the shores of a very clean ocean.

Little Cambodia has the largest religious building in the world - the Angkor Wat temple is the main attraction of the country. The climate and recommendations for visiting Cambodia are the same as the climate and recommendations for visiting Thailand.

Flight: from 33,000 rub. (Siem Reap)

Accommodation: 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.


The popularity of Vietnam is becoming attractive for those who are willing to spend money on air tickets in order to then establish a financial balance through cheap accommodation and food.

The culture of Vietnam, long hidden from the eyes of Europeans, developed separately and is therefore so attractive to those eager to get acquainted with the unknown. Temples of rare beauty, excursions to the habitats of small ethnic groups of Vietnam, hiking and cycling through forested mountains: Vietnam invites not a tourist, but a guest.

He generously shares his rich views, gives relaxation on beaches stretching almost three thousand kilometers, and willingly introduces mysterious world exoticism and Asian mystery.

Vietnam also has the cheapest pearls in the world, the most unusual cuisine and very friendly local people.

From December to April, you can exchange the chill of the Russian winter for the delightfully warm breeze of the Vietnamese coasts. At this time, prices in the country are slightly higher than in the subsequent season, which lasts from May to October. This is the rainy season, but prices drop so noticeably that tourists are little bothered by the rain. They buy multi-colored Vietnamese umbrellas with fringes and go for an impression!

Flight: from 27,000 rub. (Ho Chi Minh City)

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 4500 rub.

Russia: such a familiar stranger

Holidays for the most active travelers. Karelia provides many tourist centers, and the tourist centers vying with each other to please tourists, offering fishing, hunting, kayaking, hiking to the forest and mountains.

The nature of Karelia is poorly described in words: it is not only unique, it does not even have a pale resemblance to itself. Northern coniferous forests imprisoned by stormy mountain rivers in lace frames, multi-colored rocks are reflected in the waters of lakes, sunsets and sunrises paint the world in all shades of gold.

A particularly revered place in Karelia is Kizhi Island, quiet and quiet place with preserved wooden buildings and wonderful temples with carvings self made, one of which carries as many as twenty-two chapters.

The island preserves the memory of the original culture of the Karelian peoples and woodcarvers.

For a good rest, it is better to choose August - this is the month when the annoying midge disappears, and the beauty of Karelia is fully revealed. Fans of winter hunting and ice fishing can safely go in winter - it is very beautiful and cold in the Russian way, no annoying slush.

Road: from 1700 rub. (Reserved seat Moscow – Petrazovodsk)

Accommodation: from 600 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 12,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


Seliger is a long chain of lakes, traces left by a glacier that once passed here.

The transparency and purity of the water, the environmental friendliness of Seliger attract tourists with children to recreation centers, of which there are many built on the banks. Pleasant entertainment on the water is offered: fishing and boating, kite and windsurfing and simply relaxing in nature, necessary for modern city residents.

On Seliger, people often visit the Nilova Pustyn Monastery. The monastery was founded in the 16th century on the site where the holy hermit Nile, revered in Orthodoxy, reposed. Many stories are associated with him about miracles of humility and signs from above that surrounded the pious elder.

The monastic monastery is a place of pilgrimage.

Seliger is visited in the warm months, from May to mid-September. In winter, the lakes are a bit boring, although tourist centers offer New Year and Christmas holidays with festive entertainment.

Road: bus Moscow – Ostashkov from Tushino bus station. 7 hours travel, cost 781 rubles.
Then take a bus from Ostashkov to Berezovy Ryad or Svapusche. Cost 126 rub.

Accommodation: from 800 rub. (private sector)

Weekly accommodation for one + travel: 10,000 rubles, if you feed yourself.


The most visited place in Altai is Lake Teletskoye, the center tourist excursions to the wonderful places of this region. Mountaineering, horse tourism, fishing, hiking and cycling trails with visits to caves, mountain ranges, forest gorges and waterfalls are developed.

Who hasn't heard of Lake Titicaca? A funny name for Russian-speaking tourists is the name of a lake that climbed to a height of more than three thousand meters above sea level. And these are not all the wonders of Bolivia!

Another lake, the dry salt lake of Uyuni, leaves the impression of visiting a lake on another planet - the whiteness of the salt formations sparkling in the sun creates bizarre patterns and figures of unknown creatures, frozen forever.

There are traces left on the territory of Bolivia ancient civilization, which once rebuilt the stone settlement of Tiwanaku. This is a system of steps, plateaus, peaks and temples, mysterious statues and ruins of palaces. Tiwanaku was built not by people, but by gods - this is what the locals believe.

For extreme sports enthusiasts, the Bolivian Death Road will be a challenge - the most dangerous mountain bike route in the world.

Bolivia is a very poor country, and this explains the low prices for staying there. From May to October there is a dry season in Bolivia, this is the best time to visit the country.

Flight: from 64,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.


Argentina's national parks combine all the world's wonders: these are gorges that are two hundred million years old, and blue ice, frozen in creative chaos, and scarlet deserts with the largest cacti in the world, and amazing forests with trees bent in dance. Argentina's waterfalls adorn almost any national park, so without impressive spectacle you won't stay.

In addition to eco-tourism, it is proposed to spend time in Buenos Aires, a city of lush contrasts, where there is an artist district, La Boca, the colorful splendor of creative architecture, the center cultural life capital Cities. Culture in the Argentinean way is a fireworks display of meanings, colors and paradoxes, but it makes excellent souvenirs. Summer period in Argentina it lasts from our December to February.

Flight: from 55,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.

Africa: where humanity was born...

And sooner or later he is drawn to return to his roots. Almost everyone dreams of getting there, such is the romantic aura attached to traveling through it. And there are African countries that allow you to make your dream come true inexpensively. This:

  • Tunisia
  • Burkina Faso

South Africa

The former territories of English colonists gave the world such famous names as Table Mountain and Cape Good Hope. Now Table Mountain has become the center of a national park, and the Cape of Good Hope is part of a museum area with ports and castles.

South Africa is rich in polar types of attractions - these are museums in the English style, and the famous Big Hole - a mine museum, and, in contrast, truly African nature reserves lions, giraffes and other wild animals. Two civilizations have tightly merged in South Africa: one is industrial, urban, and the second is still wild.

The paradox does not leave South Africa alone: ​​here in Africa, you will see a diamond museum, an island inhabited by fur seals, a beach where a colony of penguins has managed to settle. Amazing country With low prices awaits you from December to February and from July to September.

Flight: from 34,000 rub.

Accommodation: from 1000 rub.

Day stay for two: from 2500 rub.


The favorable location of Tunisia made it an arena for the redistribution of ancient Roman power. From the Romans in this beautiful country Many buildings remained, including the Colosseum, which is not much inferior to what is now located on the territory of modern Rome.

From their rivals are the remains of the once richest Carthage. Add here wonderful mosques, Arab fortresses, cathedrals, left over from the times of colonization, and feel the intensity of historical events that took place on this land.

The center of attraction for tourists here is still the Sahara Desert and Lake Chott el Nerid. Excursions to the great desert of the world and to huge lake, like ice covered with a crust of salt, is a must-see for a traveler looking for the wonders of the world. And in Tunisia you can try vodka made from figs!

A third of Tunisia is given over to the Sahara, and on the other side of the country the gentle sea washes the cleanest beaches. Their visiting season is from June to September. From November to early April you can also swim, but dusty winds often blow and it rains.

It is a country with a population of more than a thousand tribes with a distinct culture and way of life. Burkina Faso is a must visit for those looking for real Africa with ritual magic, wildlife, safaris and predators.

There are national parks here where Africa lives life to the fullest, not knowing that civilization has long closed a ring around it. The parks are inhabited by hippos and antelopes, lions and rhinoceroses.

You can see another famous African predator in Koudougou: the sacred Sabu crocodiles live there, quite harmless and friendly despite their terrible reputation. You can take a photo with them, and they don’t mind at all.

An interesting museum-repository that reveals the secrets of African magic is the Manega Museum, which has collected exhibits and objects of the sacred cults of ancient African tribes. The exhibits are quite dark and fascinating. Some are over a thousand years old.

A small Arab state-kingdom, almost completely covered with deserts, but attractive for beach holidays on the shores of the Gulf of Aqaba, where diving is developed and beautiful coral reefs are hidden under the water.

Dead Sea, source of mineral salts, medical resort And amazing creation planet, is also located on the territory of Jordan. People seek it for a cure for many diseases; its mud and salts are used for cosmetic purposes. A visit to the Dead Sea, Jordanians believe, rejuvenates a person by ten years.

Not long ago, a city with a history of nine thousand years was included in the list of wonders of the world. This is Petra stone city, which once had both water and wealth obtained from the spice trade.

Petra is completely carved in stone and grandiose in its decline: its beauty is sad and majestic to this day.

Last minute tours during the period December-March and hot June-August will be very cheap, because this is the period when sea holidays will not be successful, but these months are great for excursions to the sights of the ancient Arab city. For a seaside holiday, choose winter period: from December to February.

Warm, welcoming and also safe. Turkey has always been inexpensive for tourists with a large selection of holiday destinations: it provides beaches on two seas, overviews of monuments of Roman and Greek culture and architecture, excursions to cooled volcanoes and cities hidden in caves.

Holidays in Turkey are never the same. Its diversity is limitless for connoisseurs of Eastern culture and ancient countries.

From Turkey you can bring not only impressions, but also inexpensive souvenirs and useful gifts, for example, real Turkish coffee.

The beach holiday season begins in April and ends in October. The “off season” lasts from November to mid-April, but this is the best time to spend a cheap holiday without crowds of tourists in a country with many cultural monuments and attractions.

Prices for food, gifts, souvenirs and decorations fall fabulously at this time: almost 70% of beach season prices.

Flight: from 9,000 rub. (Istanbul)

Accommodation: from 1500 rub.

Day stay for two: from 3500 rub.

Unable to take a summer vacation? No problem, we offer great travel ideas for the coming fall. Moreover, for many countries this is the best time to relax. Spain, India, Morocco and other countries in our review.


Those who didn’t have time to go to the sea in the summer can easily treat themselves to a beach holiday on the northern coast of Italy in September. The air temperature during this period is 33-34 C°, water temperature is 24-25 C°. At this time it is good in Sardinia, San Remo, and the Venetian Riviera. In the fall, the famous film festival takes place - a significant and interesting event.

Fashion week awaits fashionistas in the second half of September. In October in northern Italy it becomes quite cool and it is better to go by South coast or at . The water here warms up to 22-23 C° at this time of year. For lovers thermal waters The island of Ischia, near Naples, is suitable. Geysers here shoot right into the waters of the beach.

For lovers of walks and excursions, it is best to go to, where the air temperature in October is 21-22 C°. Well, gourmets should wait until November and go to Italy for the New Wine Festival. In addition, at this time you can go to farmers' fairs and try famous varieties of cheese, hundreds of varieties of sausages, hams and olives.

Fly from Moscow 6-8 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax September October


For many tourists, holidays in Spain in autumn are more attractive summer holiday. The air and sea temperatures are in perfect balance. It’s nice that the flow of tourists is no longer as large as in summer and prices have been significantly reduced. In September the weather is similar to the beginning of summer - air temperature up to 27 C°, sea temperature up to 23 C°.

This weather is suitable for relaxing on the beach, for excursions and walks. In October, the air temperature does not rise above 23 C°, and the water temperature does not rise above 20 C°. Traveling to Spain in October is suitable for those who cannot tolerate the summer heat and want to escape the grayness of the Russian autumn. It's better to do it in November sightseeing tours in , and , because at this time it is already quite cool here (17-20 C°) and it is more pleasant to visit architectural monuments and museums than the beaches.

Fly from Moscow 4-7 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-October


It's good to fly to Bulgaria the Velvet season. The ratio of quality of recreation and price at this time is optimal here. The air is still quite warm, 25 C°. During this period, prices for spa programs are lower than in other seasons. In addition to beach holidays, there is a rich excursion program. You can climb the mountains or arrange a horseback ride. Autumn is the time of ripening of amber grapes in Bulgaria, when wonderful young wine is made here.

Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-September


The Czech Republic is a country where you can go at any time of the year, but it is especially good here in September. It is no longer as hot as in summer and the autumn rains have not yet begun. It is better to prepare for the trip in advance - take both warm clothes and light clothes with you, because during the day it is quite warm here, and in the evening it gets cold. In autumn, it’s nice to stroll around the city, get acquainted with the history and culture of the country, and go on excursions to medieval estates and fortresses. You can spend the evening in bars and pubs with a glass of wonderful Czech beer.

Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May, June, September


Autumn in Greece is a special time. The heat has already subsided, but the sea is still warm like summer. In September-October there are no storms on the coast, the weather is favorable for a beach holiday.

In the Balkans beach season ends at the end of September, but in October the air temperature is 28 C°, and in November 20 C°. This temperature is quite suitable for vacationers who come from colder regions. The sea is warm in September and October - up to 23 C°, by November it begins to storm.

It is good to go on excursions at this time - they become less tiring than in the hot summer. You can explore the islands, Santorini. The traveler will forever remember the palaces and temples of Greece.

Fly from Moscow 4 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May-October


The main problem in Cyprus is the summer drought. Therefore, with the onset of rare autumn rains, Cyprus blossoms and looks much more attractive than in summer. In addition to cyclomena, hyacinths and other flowers, travelers will be pleased with their blooming strawberry tree, strewn with ruby ​​​​flowers. This is also the time of ripening of citrus fruits, plums, apricots, and pears. Here you can please yourself with papaya, mango, grapes, olives and figs. September is full summer in Cyprus. Therefore, you don’t have to deny yourself a beach holiday.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa needed
Best time to relax May, June, September, October


Fly from Moscow 3 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax May-October


Autumn is the most popular time to travel to Egypt. The scorching heat subsides by mid-September and the air temperature does not exceed 30 C°, and the sea is especially warm and gentle. Demand for tours increases in the autumn months, so it is better to book a tour in advance. In addition, tours to Egypt in the fall are more expensive.

It's especially nice here in October. The breeze from the sea creates a deceptive feeling of coolness, but the sun is still active and there is a risk of getting sunburned. When traveling to Egypt at this time, you need to stock up on sunscreen and hats.

In November you can go on those excursions that are not carried out in the summer due to the heat. This can be an educational tour of the rich architectural and historical monuments country. Until mid-November the sea is still warm and attracts tourists.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax April, May, September, October


Prices autumn tours in the UAE are higher than in summer because the weather for holidays is becoming much more pleasant. The sun is no longer scorching, and the sea is still warm. Beach holidays become luxurious. In addition, you can get acquainted with the sights and safari parks without exhausting yourself in the suffocating summer heat.


In autumn, Tunisia attracts tourists with its mild climate and bright colors. The air temperature here in September is 32 C°, the coastal waters are very warm, and the tan acquired at this time will have a golden hue. In October, the air temperature drops to 25-27 C°.

This season is good not only for relaxing on the beach, for wellness treatments and for excursions historical places and architectural landmarks. In November it is already quite cool here, but thalassotherapy lovers flock here from all over the world.

Fly from Moscow 4-5 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax March-June, September-October


Of all the autumn months, November is the best time to travel to India. The time of rain has already passed, and the air temperature has settled at 23-25 ​​C°. This is the very beginning of the season, so prices for trips have not yet reached their peak. The recreation program at this time can be especially varied and eventful. You can combine a beach holiday with excursions, elephant riding, spa treatments, safaris and even skiing.


Favorable weather for holidays in Vietnam lasts until October. Summer heat I was already asleep, and the heavy rains had not yet begun. In October there are already short-term rains, after which it is warm again - 25 C°. In September, Vietnam celebrates the festival of fertility and femininity. In the evening, all residents take to the streets, dance, sing and release lit lanterns into the sky.

The beaches of Phan Thiet and Phu Quoc are beautiful in September. The air temperature is 27 C°, it’s time to soak up the sand, plunge into the warm sea, and admire the coral reefs with their numerous inhabitants. October Vietnam is rich in festivals: bullfights in Haiphong, the Keo Pagoda Festival, the Bac Kiel Temple Festival, folk song festivals and ox racing. Even if the weather is unfavorable for a beach holiday, the traveler will always find something to enjoy.

Fly from Moscow 9 o'clock
Visa need not
Best time to relax April-October


In autumn, the weather in the subtropical south of China remains warm. This time is good for exploring the sights of Xi'an and. You can go shopping or relax in the resorts of Qingdao and Dalian.

In autumn, China celebrates the Moon Festival or Harvest Festival. It is accompanied by colorful theatrical performances and festivals. City streets are decorated with lanterns. In November it is attractive for tourists. The climate here is favorable for beach holidays all year round. The island has popular thermal spas, nature reserves, and parks.

Fly from Moscow 10-11 o'clock
Visa needed
Best time to relax November-March

Dominican Republic

Autumn - good time to visit the Dominican Republic. August and September are considered the peak of hurricane season, but the chance of catching one here is very small. If the weather is clouded by rain and wind, it will not be much. Sea water temperature is 25 C°, air temperature is up to 30 C°. Another aspect that makes autumn holiday particularly attractive in the country - low season. Prices for tours are reduced, the level of service is high, and there are not too many tourists.

Here tourists with different temperaments and interests will find something to their liking. Active recreation enthusiasts can enjoy aquatic species sports, horseback riding and going to the mountains. Numerous attractions await tourists. And for all those who like to soak up the warm sand, more than 350 beaches are open.

9-12 hours

Autumn is high season in Montenegro and Croatia. But the vacation promises to be unforgettable. Pleasant climate, warm sea and beautiful scenery attract tourists and beach lovers here.

Fly from Moscow 3-4 hours
Visa need not
Best time to relax May-October

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com


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