Location and height of Elbrus. The seven highest mountain peaks of the six continents of the earth

In the ridge Caucasus Mountains is Elbrus. It is also considered throughout Europe. Its location is such that several peoples live around it, who call it differently. Therefore, if you hear names such as Alberis, Oshkhomakho, Mingitau or Yalbuz, know that they mean the same thing.

In this article we will introduce you closer to the most high mountain in the Caucasus - Elbrus, which once active volcano, and occupying fifth place on the planet among mountains formed in the same way.

The height of the peaks of Elbrus in the Caucasus

As already mentioned, the highest mountain in Russia is dormant volcano. This is precisely the reason that its top does not have a pointed shape, but looks like a two-peaked cone, between which there is a saddle at an altitude of 5 km 200 m. Located at a distance of 3 km from each other, the two peaks are different: the eastern one is 5621 m, and the western one is 5642 m. m. Reference books always indicate a large value.

Like all former volcanoes, Elbrus consists of two parts: a pedestal made of rocks, in this case it is 700 m, and the bulk cone formed after the eruptions (1942 m).

Starting from an altitude of 3500 m, the surface of the mountain is covered with snow. First mixed with scatterings of stones, and then turning into a uniform white cover. The most famous glaciers of Elbrus are Terskop, Bolshoi and Maly Azau.

The temperature at the top of Elbrus remains virtually unchanged and is -1.4°C. There is a lot of rainfall here, but because of this temperature regime, it is almost always snow, so glaciers do not melt. Since the snow cap of Elbrus is visible all year round for many kilometers, the mountain is also called “Little Antakrtida”.

Glaciers located at the top of the mountain feed the most big rivers these places are Kuban and Terek.

Climbing Elbrus

To see the beautiful view from the top of Elbrus, you need to climb it. This is quite easy to do, since you can get to an altitude of 3750 m by southern slope on a pendulum or chairlift. The Barrels shelter for travelers is located here. It consists of 12 insulated trailers for 6 people and a stationary kitchen. They are equipped in such a way that you can wait out any bad weather in them, even for a long time.

The next stop is usually at an altitude of 4100 m at the Shelter of Eleven Hotel. A parking lot here was established in the 20th century, but was destroyed by fire. Then a new building was built in its place.

The peaks of Elbrus were first conquered in 1829 by the eastern peak and in 1874 by the western peak.

Nowadays, the Donguzorun and Ushba massifs, as well as the Adylsu, Adyrsu and Shkheldy gorges, are popular among climbers. Mass ascents to the peaks are increasingly being organized. On the south side is the Elbrus Azau ski resort. It consists of 7 tracks, total length 11 km. They are suitable for both beginners and experienced skiers. The distinctive feature of this resort is freedom of movement. All routes have a minimum number of fences and dividers. It is recommended to visit it from October to May; during this period the snow is the heaviest.

Elbrus is at the same time very beautiful and dangerous mountain. After all, according to scientists, there is a possibility that in the next 100 years the volcano will awaken, and then all nearby regions (Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia) will suffer.

One of the main attractions of the Elbrus region is Mount Elbrus - the highest peak of Russia and Europe, located north of the Greater Caucasus Range on the border of two republics: Karachay-Cherkess and Kabardino-Balkarian.

Elbrus is a two-peaked extinct volcano. The height of the western peak is 5642 m above sea level, the eastern - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5300 m. The peaks are located at a distance of about 3 thousand m from each other. The main composition of the rocks is granites, gneisses, diabases and tuffs of volcanic origin.

Elbrus with two crater peaks was formed a million years ago during the creation of the Caucasus Range. Huge streams of ash mud rushed along the slopes of Elbrus, sweeping away all the stones and vegetation before them. Layers of lava, ash, and stones were layered on top of each other, thereby expanding the slopes of the volcano and increasing its height.

The scientific study of Mount Elbrus began in the 19th century. Russian researchers. The first person to determine the exact location and height of the mountain in 1913 was Academician V. Vishnevsky. In 1829, Mount Elbrus was visited by the first Russian scientific expedition, which included the famous Russian academician E. Lenz, Pyatigorsk architect Bernardazzi, botanist E. Meyer and others. The expedition was accompanied by General G. Emmanuel, the head of the Caucasian line. The first successful ascent to the western peak was made by a group of English climbers in 1874 under the leadership of F. Grove, its participant was A. Sottaev.

In 2008, Elbrus was recognized as one of the “7 Wonders of Russia”. Today Elbrus is the largest ski mountain in the world, as well as the most promising place for all-Russian and international competitions. Basically, the infrastructure is well developed on the southern slopes of Mount Elbrus, where there is a chairlift and a pendulum cableway leading to a parking lot called “Bochka” (at an altitude of 3750 m), which consists of 12 insulated six-seater residential trailers with a kitchen.

Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The western peak has a height of 5642 m, the eastern one - 5621 m. It is located on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, north of the Greater Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Elbrus is also considered the highest mountain peak in Europe, and therefore is included in the list of the highest peaks on the planet.

First ascents of Elbrus

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).
The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in July 1829 during a military-scientific expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized in Pyatigorsk, which is recorded in Diana’s grotto), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg, physicist Emilius Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier , founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director botanical garden Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe Marco) Bernardazzi (who made the first image of Elbrus), Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

The first part of the route from the Konstantinogorsk fortress (present-day Pyatigorsk) to the “Stone Bridge” fortification (on Malka) passed without complications. On July 8, 1829, travelers arrived at the Kharbas River (a tributary of the Malka). From here they climbed to a height of about 2600 m and camped near one of the mineral springs on the banks of the Kyzylsu River.

Inscription on "Emanuel's Rock"

Inscription on the “Emanuel Rock”: “1829 from July 8 to 11 Camp under the command of General of the Cavalry Emanuel”
Those directly involved in the ascent were Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Only four continued the further ascent: Emilius Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Kilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two accompanying men were forced to stop. According to some sources, the Karachai guide Kilar Khachirov was the first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. on July 10, 1829. This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a memorial inscription was carved on one of the stones, the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (by chance, 103 years later - it was hidden under centuries-old layers of lichens).
The first successful ascent to the western, highest peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and Balkar guide A. Sottaev, who participated in the first ascent.

Pastukhov Andrey Vasilievich

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is considered to be the Russian military topographer A.V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment, he climbed its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Pastukhov was also the first to map the peaks of Elbrus.
In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached a glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.
According to the Russian mountaineering and mountain classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A category of difficulty, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are others, more difficult routes, for example, Elbrus (W) along the NW edge 3A.

Elbrus during the Second World War

Due to its symbolic meaning as highest point In Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, German alpine riflemen managed to install Nazi banners on the western peak of Elbrus. At the same time, the capture of Elbrus was not part of the plans of the German high command.

By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and western slopes, respectively. eastern peak Elbrus, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

Climbing Elbrus
You can climb Elbrus from any direction: from the south, north, west and east. More than 100 different routes, basically their difficulty is within 2A-2B class, with the exception of climbing Elbrus along the Kyukyurtlu-Kol-Bashi wall, which has a difficulty category of 5B. But this route is slightly “far-fetched”, and there have been no repeated passages along it over the past 20 years.

The most popular and easiest route for climbing Elbrus is from the south, from the village of Terskol or from the Azau clearing. Therefore, this is exactly what we offer to those who do not have a mountaineering qualification. On the boring part of the route there is a lift, 2 steps of which will take you to the upper station “Mir”, located at an altitude of 3452 meters, in 30 minutes. From the station begins a breathtaking hiking climb to Elbrus. And acclimatization before the ascent is carried out in the Elbrus region, in the Adyr-Su gorge, which adds variety to the hike.

Whatever tour on Elbrus you choose, remember that the goal of the climb is not a mountaineering rank, but pleasure. And if you have good weather, luck and experienced instructors, it is guaranteed to you.

Sights of the Elbrus region

Valley of Narzans
The Narzanov Valley is located 34 km south of Kislovodsk, in the foothills of the Rocky Range of the Greater Caucasus, in the valley of the Khasaut River, at an altitude of 1300 m above sea level, on the border between the Stavropol Territory and the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Republic.

There are 17 Narzan-type mineral water springs in the Narzan Valley. Their water belongs to the carbonic acid bicarbonate-chloride sodium-calcium type with mineralization up to 3.3 g/l and carbon dioxide content up to 2.2 g/l. The nature of the valley fascinates with its beauty: majestic mountains, luxurious subalpine meadows, dense forest and numerous mineral springs. Before going there, you should take care of your beauty, perhaps get waxed and visit a beauty salon (just kidding).

Another Narzan Valley is located in the Baksan Gorge, behind the village of Baidaevo, a little closer to the Itkol boarding house. This place is often visited as it is easily accessible to all guests. The ground in the clearing is painted rusty brown. This occurs due to the high iron content in water. One of the springs in the clearing is so powerful that the thickness of its stream is comparable to the thickness of an adult’s arm.

Baksan Gorge
The Baksan Gorge is perhaps the most famous gorge of the Central Caucasus, known far beyond the borders of Kabardino-Balkaria. It's incredibly beautiful and unusual place. It is through the Baksan Gorge that the road to the Elbrus region goes, and it ends in the Azau clearing, at the foot of Elbrus. The length of the gorge is 85 km.

The gorge gets its name from the Baksan River, which accompanies the traveler throughout the entire journey. The upper reaches of the Baksan Gorge and its spurs are occupied by glaciers. Several glaciers flow here from Elbrus, as well as from the neighboring Donguz-Orun mountain, which give rise to the high-water and stormy Baksan.
The path to the gorge goes along three Caucasian ridges - Pastbishchny, Skalisty and Main through a number of villages. The road winds all the time, sometimes gaining height, sometimes decreasing.

In the gorge itself there are many interesting natural and historical monuments, including the Narzan Glade, ancient caves on the slopes of Mount Ullukai, a complex of monuments to the first climbers of Elbrus, the “Mourning Highlander” monument, etc.
From the Baksan Gorge you can get to the picturesque gorges of Adyr-Su, Adyl-Su, Itkol, Yusengi, Terskol, Donguz-Orun.
The gorge has long been favored by climbers. There are many camps located on its territory, including “Ullu-Tau”, “Elbrus”, “Dzhailyk”, “Shkhelda”.

Springs of Djily-Su
The Djily-Su tract with its healing mineral springs is located on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus in the upper reaches of the Malki River at an altitude of 2380 m. unique place in the Elbrus region annually collects big number those who want to improve their health with the help of warm narzans. The most popular and main source comes directly from the rock. Water fills the artificial bath (about 12 cubic meters in volume) and it is renewed every 10 minutes. The water temperature in the source is +22-24 degrees. Swimming is carried out according to the schedule.

Healing properties Warm Narzan has a beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the musculoskeletal system, and treats skin and allergic diseases. Also, the mineral springs of Djily-Su are consumed internally. This helps improve the human body’s immunity, helps improve metabolism, and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are separate “specialized” sources: “renal”, “ocular”, “lumbar”, “hepatic” and others. In total, there are about 14 active springs in Djily-Su.

The Silver Spring with slightly mineralized water, which flows from mid-July to the end of September, is interesting. The water in the source is crystal clear and has a bluish tint. Each liter of water contains 4 mg of the precious metal silver. The healing properties of the source normalize heart function, equalize blood pressure, improve blood and lymph microcirculation, stimulate tissue regeneration processes, and cleanse the body of toxins.

In addition to mineral springs, there are other attractions in the Djily-Su tract. You should definitely visit the local waterfalls - the famous handsome giant Sultan (40 m), as well as Karakaya-Su (25 m) and Emir (7.5 m). Also popular excursion sites are the Kala-Kulak gully (Valley of Castles), the Valley of Stone Mushrooms, the Valley of Ancient Menhirs, and the German Airfield.

Blue Lakes
Blue Lakes is a unique natural monument located in Kabardino-Balkaria. There are lakes in the Cherek Gorge. There are five of them in total.

Lower Blue Lake (Tserik-Kel) is the most interesting and beautiful. The water in it is crystal clear, transparent and very cold. It has approximately the same temperature all year round and does not rise above + 9 degrees). With a surface area of ​​just over 1.5 hectares, the lake is one of the ten deepest in the world. Russian Federation(after Teletsky and).
There are camp sites scattered along the shores of the Lower Blue Lake, and a modern diving center operates. The fact that the lake does not freeze makes it possible to organize divers’ meetings and training here at any time of the year.

The Upper Blue Lakes are represented by the Eastern and Western communicating lakes. A dam is installed between them, through which water from East Lake goes to Western. These two lakes are rich in fish.
The other two lakes of the group are interesting in their own way - Secret and Sukhoe. Secret got its name because of its invisibility. The lake is located in deep depression, so it is not immediately visible. The dry lake is located at the bottom of a very deep canyon, the height of the steep walls of which reaches 180 m.

Chegem waterfalls

Chegem waterfalls are a unique natural monument that is definitely worth a visit if you come to the Caucasus. This is a whole group of waterfalls located in the gorge of the Chegem Gorge. Locals call these waterfalls "Sous Auzu", which means "water throat". And, indeed, the water rushes in a stormy stream with a roar from the rocks, flows out of numerous crevices, and falls from a height of 50-60 meters into the seething Chegem. The largest and most powerful waterfall of the group is called Adai-Su (Maiden's Braid). Its height is about 30 m.

In winter, the Chegem waterfalls present a fantastic spectacle in their beauty. Freezing, the water forms numerous ice columns and columns, turning the rock wall into a real work of art.
Near the waterfalls there is a small hotel, a cafe and a market. You can always buy from here local residents knitted items, wine, preserves, souvenirs. You will be invited to take pictures in folk costumes or take a ride on a donkey.

Glacier "Seven"

One of these natural wonders is the glaciological object Semerka glacier, which is part of National Park Elbrus region. The glacier is, as it were, “sewn” to the northern wall of the Donguzorun peak, and thereby faces Elbrus. Unusual name The glacier comes from its shape, which resembles the number 7.
The slopes of Mount Elbrus, the white ice shell of Donguzorun and the Semerki glacier - popular place among ski tourists.

Stone "mushrooms"

Stone "mushrooms" are the product of exotic erosion, which resulted in stone pillars with flat caps that look like mushrooms. They are located at an altitude of 3200 m. Arriving at the foot of Elbrus, you find yourself in the kingdom of the volcano, where nature has created many sculptures of the most intricate shapes from lava.

National Park "Elbrus"

Formed by government decree on an area of ​​101.2 thousand hectares in order to preserve the unique natural complex Elbrus region and its use for recreational, scientific and cultural purposes.
Elbrus region as an area of ​​traditional tourism and others active species sport, occupies an area along the Baksan River basin in the high-mountainous part of its tributaries - Adyr-su, Kyrtyk, Adyl-su and its sources - Azau, Terskol, Donguz-Orun.

Between the southern slopes of Elbrus to the Main Caucasus Range and the interfluve of Baksan and Chegem is located the most popular in Russia and beyond its borders. mountain resort. Another part of the National Park is the northern Elbrus region, located in the upper reaches and sources of the Malka River.

See also:

The State Hermitage is the largest art, cultural and historical museum in Russia and one of the largest in the world. The founding date of the Hermitage is considered to be 1764.

→ (Kamchatka)
Avacha Bay is one of the largest and most convenient bays in the world; in size it is second only to Port Jackson Bay in Australia.

→ (Yakutia)
In the city of Mirny (Yakutia) there is one of the world's largest diamond quarries - the Mir kimberlite pipe. Even helicopters do not fly over this mine.

→ (Chelyabinsk region)
Arkaim - mysterious ancient city, a fortified wooden settlement of the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e., considered the same age Egyptian pyramids and ancient Babylon.

→ (Irkutsk region)
Lake Baikal is one of the oldest lakes on the planet and the most deep lake in the world. It is among the top ten large lakes on the planet. Its average depth is about 730 meters.

→ (Astrakhan region)
Lake Baskunchak is a unique creation of nature, a kind of depression on the top of a huge salt mountain, whose base extends thousands of meters into the depths of the earth.

→ (Tatarstan)
The Syuyumbike Tower is a recognized architectural symbol of Kazan and is widely known far beyond the borders of Tatarstan. The Syuyumbike Tower belongs to the “leaning” towers.

→ (Tula region)
The Bogoroditsky Palace (museum) is located in the former estate of the Bobrinsky counts. The estate was created by Catherine II for her illegitimate son A.G. Bobrinsky.

→ (Siberia)
In the center of the Siberian Federal District (SFD), between the Ob and Irtysh rivers, there are the Vasyugan swamps. This is the largest swamp place in Russia and the world.

→ (Transbaikal region)
Many people in Russia call the eighth wonder of the world a unique place in the Trans-Baikal Territory, where the Great Source of Fresh Water is located. From this place water flows are divided into the channels of 3 rivers.

→ (Vladivostok)
The Vladivostok fortress is a unique complex of military defensive structures, which was built in late XIX century in Vladivostok and its environs.

→ (Ingushetia)
The historical building of Vovnushki received its name from an Ingush village in the Dzheirakhsky region of modern Ingushetia. The defensive castle was built by an ancient Ingush family.

→ (Bashkiria)
Shikhany Mountains - unique and inimitable natural monument in Bashkiria. In ancient times, there was a sea in this place, and the Shikhans were reefs. To this day, they retain imprints of mollusks on themselves.

→ (Kamchatka)
The Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka is one of the largest clusters of geysers in our world, and the only one in Eurasia. The Valley of Geysers is located on the territory of the Kronotsky Nature Reserve.

Dolmens have colossal mysterious force, for which there is still no explanation. It is believed that being close to them, a person discovers unusual abilities.

→ (Krasnoyarsk)
Nature reserve"Pillars" is one of oldest reserves Russia. The main attraction of the reserve are the rocks, which have a common name - pillars.

→ (Buryatia)
Ivolginsky datsan - significant place pilgrimages of Buddhists not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This is a complex Buddhist monasteries traditional Sangha.

→ (St. Petersburg)
St. Isaac's Cathedral is one of the largest churches not only in St. Petersburg, but throughout Russia. Located on St. Isaac's Square. Since 1991 it has the status of a museum.

→ (Karelia)
Kizhi - museum-reserve under open air, one of the largest in Russia. This unique natural and historical complex is of particular value in cultural heritage Russia.

(Vologda Region)
Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery - monastery in the Vologda region, located on the shore of Lake Siverskoye within the city of Kirillov, which grew out of a settlement at the monastery.

→ (Chukotka)
Whale Alley - ancient sanctuary Eskimos on Itigran Island (Chukotka). It is an archaeological complex where huge bones of bowhead whales are dug into the ground in 2 rows.

→ (Kamchatka)
Klyuchevskaya Sopka is a volcano that is the highest mountain in Kamchatka and the highest active volcano in all of Eurasia.

→ (Perm region)
Kungurskaya ice cave– one of the most famous and popular tourist attractions in the Urals. One of the main business cards Perm region.

Moscow State University is the largest educational organization, which includes more than 600 objects with a total area of ​​about 1 million square meters.

→ (Volgograd)
Mamayev Kurgan and the sculpture “Motherland” is the central height of Russia, a holy place for all the people of a huge country that defeated fascism.

→ (Murmansk)
The Memorial to the Defenders of the Soviet Arctic (Alyosha) is large memorial Complex, located in Murmansk. Represents an impressive figure of a Russian soldier.

→ (Tatarstan)
home cathedral mosque Tatarstan is located on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. It recreates the appearance of the main mosque of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed during the capture of Kazan by Ivan the Terrible.

Geographical description



Climbing history

Elbrus(karach.-balk. Mingi Tau) - a mountain in the Caucasus, on the border of the republics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. Elbrus is located north of the Main Caucasus Range and is the highest peak in Russia. Considering that the boundaries of the European part of the world are ambiguous, Elbrus is often also called the highest European mountain peak.

Geographical description

Elbrus is a double-peaked volcanic cone. The Western peak has a height of 5642 m, the Eastern one - 5621 m. They are separated by a saddle - 5200 m and are approximately 3 km apart from each other. Last eruption dates back to 50 AD. e. ± 50 years.

According to the mountaineering classification, Elbrus is rated as 2A snow-ice, the passage of both peaks is 2B. There are other, more difficult routes, for example Elbrus (W) along the NW edge 3A.


According to one version, the name Elbrus comes from the Iranian Aitibares - “high Mountain”, more likely - the Iranian “sparkling, brilliant” (like Elburs in Iran). The Georgian name Yalbuz is from the Turkic yal - “storm” and buz - “ice”. The Armenian Alberis is probably a phonetic version of the Georgian name, but the possibility of a connection with the pan-Indo-European basis to which the toponym “Alps” goes back is not excluded.

Other names:

  • Mingi Tau - eternal mountain (Karachay-Balkar).
  • Elburus - wind guide (Nogai).
  • Askhartau - snowy mountain of the Ases (Kumyk).
  • Jin Padishah - king of mountain spirits (Turkic).
  • Albar (Albors) - tall; high mountain(Iranian).
  • Yalbuz - mane of snow (Georgian).
  • Oshkhamakho - mountain of happiness (Kabardian).
  • Uryušglyumos - mountain of the day.
  • Kuskamaf is a mountain that brings happiness.
  • Shat, Shat-mountain - Old Russian name (from Karach.-Balk. chat, chat- ledge, hollow, that is "mountain with a hollow")


The gorges of Adylsu, Shheldy, Adyrsu, the Donguz-Orun and Ushba massifs are very popular among climbers and mountain tourists. Elbrus region is the most popular ski resort in Russia.


total area Elbrus glaciers 134.5 km²; the most famous of them: Big and Small Azau, Terskol.


Mainly concentrated on the southern slopes, where the pendulum and chairlift are located. Lifting height cable car- 3750 meters, here is the Barrels shelter, which is more than ten six-bed insulated residential trailers and a kitchen. Currently, this is the main starting point for those climbing Elbrus. At an altitude of 4000 m the most high mountain hotel"Shelter of Eleven", which burned down at the end of the 20th century, on the basis of which the boiler room in given time A new building was rebuilt, also actively used by climbers. A number of residential 12-seater trailers and a kitchen have been installed. In the evenings, a diesel generator is organized to supply electricity to the trailers. At an altitude of 4600-4700 m the Pastukhov rocks are located. Above the Pastukhov rocks in winter there is an ice field. From an altitude of 5000, the so-called oblique shelf begins - a trail with a smooth climb. Standard route to the Western and Eastern peaks passes through the saddle. From the saddle, both peaks rise to a height of about 300 m.

Since 2007, work has been underway to build a rescue shelter (“Station EG 5300”) on the saddle of the mountain (height 5300 m). The shelter will be a geodesic dome hemisphere with a diameter of 6.7 m, installed on a gabion foundation. In 2008, a reconnaissance of the area was carried out, a base camp was prepared, and the design of the shelter began. In 2009, the dome structures were made, construction work began: gabions were erected by the expedition members, and the dome elements were transported to the construction site (including using a helicopter). Completion of construction is planned for 2010.

On the northern side, the infrastructure is poorly developed and is represented by several huts on one of the moraines (at an altitude of about 3800 m), which are used by tourists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. As a rule, this point is used for ascents to the Eastern peak, the path to which passes through the Lenz rocks (from 4600 to 5200 m), which serve as a good reference point for all climbers.

Climbing history

In 1813, Russian academician V.K. Vishnevsky first determined the height of Elbrus (5421 m).

The first successful ascent to one of the peaks of Elbrus was made in 1829 during an expedition led by General G. A. Emmanuel, head of the Caucasian fortified line. The expedition was of a scientific nature (the Elbrus expedition of the Russian Academy of Sciences was organized from Pyatigorsk, which is recorded in Diana’s grotto; see also Mountaineering in pre-revolutionary Russia), its participants were: academician Adolf Kupfer - geophysicist, geologist, founder of the Main Physical Observatory in St. Petersburg , physicist Emilius Lenz, zoologist Eduard Minetrier, founder of the Russian Entomological Society, botanist Karl Meyer, who later became an academician and director of the botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, artist-architect Joseph (Giuseppe-Marco) Bernardazzi, Hungarian scientist Janos Besse. The auxiliary service of Emmanuel's expedition consisted of 650 soldiers and 350 line Cossacks, as well as local guides.

Those directly involved in the ascent were Kupfer, Lenz, Meyer, Minetrier, Bernardazzi, 20 Cossacks and guides. However, lack of experience and poor quality of climbing equipment forced most of the participants to turn back. Only four continued the further ascent: Emilius Lenz, Cossack Lysenkov and two people from the group of guides - Hilar Khachirov and Akhiya Sottaev. At an altitude of about 5300 m, due to lack of strength, Lenz and his two accompanying men were forced to stop. The first to climb the eastern peak at about 11 a.m. on July 10, 1829 was the Karachai (according to other sources, Kabardian) guide Hilar Khachirov. This event was marked by a rifle salute in the camp, where General Emmanuel watched the ascent through a powerful telescope.

At the location of the camp, a memorial inscription was carved on one of the stones ( below and in Fig.), the location of which was lost over time. It was discovered by Soviet climbers already in the 20th century (by chance, 103 years later - it was hidden under centuries-old layers of lichens).

During the reign of All-Russian Emperor Nicholas I, the Commander of the Caucasian Line, General of the Cavalry, Georgy Emanuel, camped here from July 8 to July 11, 1829;

with him were his son, Georgy, 14 years old, academicians sent by the Russian government: Kupfer, Lenz, Menetrie and Meyer, also the Official of the Mining Corps Vansovich, Mineralnye Vodyъ Architect Ios. Bernardazzi and the Hungarian traveler Iv. Besse.

The Academicians and Bernardazzi, leaving the camp located 8,000 feet (i.e. 1,143 fathoms) above the sea surface, entered Elbrus on the 10th to 15,700 feet (2,243 fathoms), the peak of which was 16,330 feet (2,333 fathoms) was reached only by the Kabardian Hilar.

Let this modest stone pass on to posterity the names of those who first paved the way to reaching the now considered inaccessible Elbrus!

The first successful ascent to the western, highest peak was made in 1874 by a group of English climbers led by F. Grove and Balkar guide A. Sottaev, who participated in the first ascent.

The first person to climb both peaks of Elbrus is considered to be the Russian military topographer A.V. Pastukhov. In 1890, accompanied by four Cossacks of the Khopersky regiment, he climbed its western peak, and six years later, in 1896, he conquered the eastern one. Pastukhov was also the first to map the peaks of Elbrus.

In August 1974, three completely standard (without winches and traction chains) UAZ-469 vehicles reached a glacier on Mount Elbrus at an altitude of 4000 meters during a test run.

Now Elbrus is very popular for climbing, both in mountaineering and mountain tourism.

Elbrus during the Great Patriotic War

Due to its symbolic significance as the highest point in Europe, Elbrus became the scene of a fierce confrontation during the Great Patriotic War, in which units of the German mountain rifle division “Edelweiss” also participated. During the Battle of the Caucasus on August 21, 1942, after occupying the Krugozor and Shelter of the Eleven mountain bases, German alpine riflemen managed to install German banners on the western peak of Elbrus. By the middle of the winter of 1942-1943, the Wehrmacht was knocked out from the slopes of Elbrus, and on February 13 and 17, 1943, Soviet climbers climbed the western and eastern peaks of Elbrus, respectively, where Soviet flags were hoisted.

I had to face this question as a child; my parents were not supporters of children's camps, so they chose an alternative form of recreation for me in the summer! And it was great, I was assigned to a children's tourism club. Every summer we went on unforgettable trips to different parts of Russia. One day we had a hike to Elbrus.

Let's try to figure out where Elbrus is located

Elbrus located in the south of Russia, it occupies a special place in the Greater Caucasus Range system. This is an amazing place on earth, so amazing and beautiful that you definitely need to see it with your own eyes. He is located at the junctionRepublics of Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia. In clear weather, Elbrus can be seen from several tens of kilometers away.

Its peaks dominate mountain range, near Elbrus two peaks: Western and Eastern. MoreWestern is considered high, although the difference in height is insignificant. On the slopes of Elbrus on different heights There are shelters, that’s what hotels are called, places where tourists gather, where you can relax and wait out the bad weather.

How to get to this amazing place in Russia

The first thing you need to do is get to Mineralnye Vody or Nalchik.

  • The fastest and convenient way This air travel. You can admire beautiful views mountains from above, if it is clear and cloudless.
  • But I'm one of those who are ready to immerse themselves in romance railway with its pros and cons and hit the road with this particular type of transport.

I can imagine how the landscapes outside the train window will change, the quiet swaying, the conductor offering to order tea from her in a beautiful glass holder - beauty and that’s all.

Once you reach the city of your choice, the matter remains small, since there will be enough people willing to help you get to your destination. Also from Mineralnye Vody and Nalchik daily flights to the foot of Elbrus are organized. From the bottom to the top you can make unforgettable journey by cable car, it will be a long and exciting journey. Don’t forget to have a snack in a cafe and listen to the stories of experienced tourists.

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Until recently, my knowledge about Elbrus were limited to almost forgotten data from boring geography textbooks and an angry tirade from a geography student about how it’s a shame not to know where you are the most high peak Russia and Europe. But last year, my theoretical knowledge was replenished with practical ones, in other words, I visited the Caucasus and I saw this with my own eyes nature miracle, and before that I studied all the guidebooks about it wonderful place.

The trip to the Caucasus was not spontaneous, it was long-awaited and carefully planned. Therefore, I decided to prepare in advance and scout out the situation, so to speak. I was interested in the following questions:

  • where is it and how to get to Elbrus;
  • what transport can you use to get there? to a local attraction;
  • where to start climbing on mountain.

Where is Elbrus

I knew before that Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, and to be more precise, then 150 kilometers from the city of Nalchik. And to be completely precise, it is located between two republics - Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, but it is believed that the mountain is located on the territory of the latter. It is interesting that in these republics Elbrus is called differently, for example, the Circassians call Mount Oshkhomakho, and the Kabardians call it Mingi Tau. Inexplicable but the fact!

First misleading impressions

Driving close to the city, you can see a Caucasian landmark. From a distance, it seemed to me not so impressive and huge, but when I arrived at my destination, my opinion changed. Of course I knew that the height of the mountain is more than 5500meters. But I had no idea how high it was. I would say too high. I couldn’t look at this beauty for a long time; my neck was stiff.

How to get to Elbrus

You can get to the mountain get there by car, this is the most popular option, also excursion buses run, fortunately they go often. We traveled by car, so We reached the mountain in 2 hours, the bus will take a little longer. But it's worth it! Elbrus is very popular among climbers, it’s not surprising, who wouldn’t want to conquer this famous Caucasian peak. If you decide to climb the mountain, then your the path will run through the village of Azau. Most climbers begin their climb from this place; before climbing, locals advise spending a couple of days in the village for acclimatization. And then hit the road to conquer the inaccessible peak!

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I rightfully consider climbing Elbrus one of the most important achievements in my life. An indescribable feeling of being on top of the world. In principle, this is so, because Elbrus is one of the highest mountains on our planet. Follow me, I will tell you where this mountain is!

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

The 5642-meter peak is the pride of Russia, located in the north Greater Caucasus, what is between the territories Kabardino-Balkaria And Karachay-Cherkessia. Included in the list of the “seven peaks” of Europe. By the way, I want to say that the height of 5642 m is only western peak. Second, eastern, has a height of 5621 m, that is, Elbrus has a double peak. You will be surprised to know that the mountain is actually a dying volcano. This is Elbrus with a secret! You might also be interested in Name mountains. There are a couple of versions of its origin:

  • translated from Iranian, Aitbares means “high mountain”;
  • or from Georgian Yalbuz, which means “storm and ice”.

Climbing a Giant

We started our climb with cable car to the village called Azau(3750 m). Here we spent a couple of days (for acclimatization) at the Bochki shelter. Then one day we climbed to a height of 4700 m at Pastukhov rocks. The next route was through the saddle at an altitude of 5300 m, located between 2 peaks of the mountain. After a little rest we only had to overcome about 500 m, which we did safely.

I want to tell you that the spectacle is magnificent! Mountain landscapes and nature of stunning beauty will not leave you indifferent. And for lovers ski resort this place will actually seem like paradise, take my word for it!

I hope I was able to answer your question and ignite a spark of thirst for adventure and new emotions in your heart. Finally, I would like to add that we should be proud of such a miracle of nature, such a uniqueness of the Caucasus. Today this place is very popular. It's huge rest zone, is also located here national park , in which the nature of the Elbrus region is in its original form.

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Gray Elbrus is young at heart. Powerful and passionate - just touch him. There is a universal cold in his brow. There is a crazy fire in his chest.

While thinking about how to start my report today, I suddenly came across a poem few people famous person named Lvovich Belilovsky. I was amazed - Belilovsky’s naive lines, in contrast to the florid pathos of Pushkin and the hysterically decadent style of Mandelstam, perfectly conveyed the essence of the famous Caucasian peak- after all, covered with mighty snows Elbrus is a volcano. But first things first.

Where is Elbrus

The two-headed giant settled down in the Caucasus, on the very border of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria. How one of the peaks of the Side Range of the mountain system named Greater Caucasus , Elbrus is a volcanic mountain range with a clearly defined a pair of vertices - Eastern And Western(height 5621 and 5642 m, respectively). The peaks are separated by a one and a half kilometer saddle - Elbrus pass(altitude 5416 m), where the station is located RedFox 5300(climbing shelter). It should be noted the difficult fate of this shelter: previously a hut was built here " Saddle", abandoned in 1959 due to the fact that it was constantly clogged with snow. In its place, a new one was built in 2010. station EG 5300, but squally winds and miscalculations in the design led to its destruction.

How to get to Elbrus

Elbrus region(official term) very well developed in terms of transport, since the highest Russian and European mountain is extremely popular among fans of extreme climbing.

You can get to Elbrus from the nearest settlements - Nalchik or MineralWaters(well, or directly get to the place in your own car). Get there to the above cities can be done in several ways:

  • on a Kuban Airlines plane(flight from Moscow lasts 2–3 hours and will cost 4 thousand rubles);
  • by train(departing from Kazansky railway station the train will take you for some 38 hours, and, having bought a compartment ticket, you will spend the same 4 thousand rubles);
  • by bus(the road will take day, and you’ll have to pay for the ticket 2 thousand rubles).

Looking at the dazzlingly shining cone of the Caucasian giant, I would like to end (as I began) on a poetic note.

... And in their (clouds) circle, a two-headed colossus, Shining with an icy crown, Elbrus is huge, majestic, White in the blue sky.

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Do you dream of visiting the mountains? Once upon a time, a similar desire was firmly in my head. But, as you know, if you really want something, it will definitely come true! Sometimes it happens that it’s as if the Universe itself is pushing you, circumstances develop on their own, and now your dream has already come true. This is what happened to me too. That spring I met my future husband, who turned out to be an amateur climber. And in the summer we are together went to conquer Elbrus. Needless to say, that I will remember the trip for the rest of my life.

Where is Elbrus

Then I didn’t know where it was either. But now I can find it on the map instantly. You just need to find Black and Caspian Sea. Found it? Do you see a huge gap between them? mountain system? This is Caucasus. It is usually divided into Big and Small. Exactly Greater Caucasus Range that's what interests us. It serves as a natural border between Russia and Georgia. On the side of our state, its territory was divided by the republics: Adygea, Dagestan, Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria. Now find the city of Nalchik and, moving from it towards the Black Sea, on the border of two of the above republics of Karachay-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria, you will definitely see Elbrus. By the way, don't be surprised, but Elbrus - volcano, which originated a very long time ago, more than two million years have passed since then. Its last eruption occurred a little less than two thousand years ago. By the way, scientists even today cannot agree whether Elbrus went out or just fell asleep, and thermal springs, originating in its depths, these disputes only fuel. Elbrus has two peaks, the western one rises to a height of 5642 meters, and the eastern one is only 21 meters lower.. Above 3.5 thousand meters, the mountains are covered with glaciers, the melt waters of which give life to several large rivers. Here are the largest of these glaciers:

  • Terskol;
  • Big Azau;
  • Maly Azau;
  • Irik.

Climate or when to take risks

In the Elbrus region the climate is mild with fairly low humidity, but the volcano itself is not a hospitable host. in winter average temperature the air at its foot is -10 degrees, at an altitude of 2.5 thousand meters - already -25°C, and at the top - all 40 degrees below zero. And it’s not hot in summer: if the air is up to 2500 meters and warms up to +10 degrees, then at an altitude of 4.2 thousand meters, even in July the thermometer does not rise above –14 °C. And all this disgrace is accompanied sudden change of weather. The sun was just shining and there was no wind when a snowstorm began. Therefore, even experienced climbers most often They plan to climb for the period from July to August.

Climber or hiker

At all You don’t have to be a climber to enjoy the grandeur of Elbrusand feel all its power. It is enough to be an ordinary tourist, come here, see this two-headed giant, and then, perhaps, dare to climb.

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As a child, I really loved reading Russian classical literature. And the theme of the Caucasus has always been something special, its nature seemed magical, as if from another world. One day, while searching for visualization, I came across a reproduction of M. Yu. Lermontov’s painting “Elbrus at Sunrise” and was struck by the beauty of this mountain. I couldn’t believe that this extinct volcano was located not somewhere in the Himalayas, but here.

Geographical position

Elbrus -highest peak in Russia, and the entire European part of the continent. I have always been amazed by the appearance of this devout pearl North Caucasus, because the size of the volcano is truly incredible. Don't notice it while traveling around Chief Caucasian Ridge , impossible - the peak is located in its northern part, away from other mountains, and the gaze returns to it every now and then. It is a kind of natural border between the republicsKabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia.

How to get there

If you are going to not only enjoy the view of this mountain, which, by the way, has two peaks (double beauty), but also to conquer Elbrus, then there are more detailed coordinates. Nearest settlement - villageVerkhniy Baksan. Its picturesque nature sank into my heart: mountains, river, in a word - beauty and freedom. And the proximity to the top is only 28 km! A little further from the peak there is a city Tyrnyauz, administrative center of the Elbrus region. Those who do not consider themselves fans of rural romance can enjoy the view of the mountain from there. Traditionally considered a gathering place for climbers Azau glade - the largest sports ground, which is located directly at the foot of Elbrus. It is recommended to get there by car, but you can also get to the parking lot and by bus, flights depart from almost all nearby cities.

Before you travel, research popular routes. For myself, I selected several popular ones and safe directions.

  1. Climbing the southern slope is the most popular climbing option. The route contains several ropes of simple climbing in bundles.
  2. Climbing the northern slope assumes the same level of complexity, but is aimed at more experienced lovers of mountaineering, there are fewer parking areas.
  3. Climbing along the eastern ridge you'll like it for extreme sports fans, climbing it is noticeably more difficult.

There are other routes, but they require good physical preparation. Unfortunately, I don’t have one. But I’m sure the mountain will not leave you indifferent, and perhaps next time you’ll want to try this route.

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Oh... I remembered the old days when my health still allowed me to go hiking regularly. We had our own company of 8 people. Every year we conquered more and more mountain peaks. Unfortunately, everything tends to end. So our company broke up, everyone had a family and children. And all we have left are memories and a couple of photographs. The most memorable expedition was the climb to Elbrus.

Where is Mount Elbrus located?

Located this incredible peak in the Caucasus mountains, namely in the Side Range. You probably know that Elbrus - not just a mountain, but highest peak in Russia. To conquer her, you need to be experienced traveler, have steel health and endurance. The climb is not easy and requires a lot of physical effort, but believe me, it is worth it. When the top is reached, the beauty of the whole world opens up before you in full view. It's like you're God. Before you are mountains, forests, fields, sunset.

Interesting fact about Elbrus: It was only recently that geologists concluded that this mountain was in the past a volcano that went out.

For those who want to conquer Elbrus

Elbrus - five thousand meter(that is, its height is more than 5000 meters) . It means that you need to remember that:

  • lifting requires a lot of material costs(gear, equipment, food). And most importantly - air cylinders;
  • adaptation will take quite a long time(adaptation is time spent at an altitude of approximately 3000 meters so that the body gradually gets used to the altitude);
  • at an altitude of more than 4000 meters you need to climb while breathing with the help of a cylinder(it's physically difficult);
  • There is always a risk of developing altitude sickness- this sore is dangerous because you may not immediately feel the symptoms, and when you do feel it, it may already be too late, mountain sickness is deadly!

To get to the point from which the ascent will begin, you must arrive on the border of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria and the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia.

Exact location of Elbrus

Elbrus is located in the Caucasus, in the Caucasus Mountains, 130 kilometers from the city of Nalchik, if you move to the west.

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