Main types of tourism and their characteristics. Types of tourism: sports, treatment, education. Classification of different routes

The simplest type of sports tourism is pedestrian or ski crossing for short distances (for example, weekend tours), and the most difficult - mountain, water, including sailing tourism and cave exploration.

These types are associated with risks to life and health and require special training.

What is modern tourism by purpose: table with characteristics

  • group and individual;
  • for children, youth and adults;
  • with obstacles different types (mountain, water, etc.);
  • professional or amateur;
  • combined and regular.

Table with types and main characteristics of tourism.

Types of tourism Definition Peculiarities
Pedestrian Hiking along a predetermined route (with or without an overnight stay) for an average duration from 1 to 16-20 days. There are hikes of different difficulty levels with an average distance from 50 to 250 km. The most popular types Hiking tourism is trekking (a regular walking tour) and hiking (a longer and more difficult trek). Group hikes are carried out with an instructor. Singles Hiking requires knowledge of the route and special skills.
Ski Overcoming the intended route on skis. The group moves with frequent stops. Stops are possible at ski resorts with ski slopes. Hikes are divided into six difficulty levels. Duration of the trip - from 1 to 16-20 days. Route length - up to 300 km. Travel time is from January to March. Always carried out with special sports equipment. Horse-drawn sleigh support is possible along the route.
Mountain Travel of a group of tourists through mountainous terrain with the aim of passing passes of a certain category of difficulty, including climbing to the peaks. Average transition time - from 3 to 15 days. Route length - up to 160 km. Climbing possible up to 3000 meters or more, as well as overcoming other natural obstacles. Requires special training (mountain climbing skills, etc.).
Water Movement on the water surface on a variety of watercraft(boats, yachts, etc.). The most popular types of water tourism are river rafting, rafting, and sea kayaking. The length of the route can reach 250 km. Requires sports vessels (kayaks, kayaks, etc.), good physical preparation when participating in rafting of increased complexity.
Sailing (yachting) One of the most popular types of water tourism. Overcoming the route on a yacht and other types of floating craft (on three- and five-seater boats, rafts with sails, boards). It is carried out not only at sea, but also on lakes and rivers. You must have a yacht helmsman's license or other skills in managing water transport.
Speleotourism A type of sport and recreation associated with the exploration of horizontal and vertical caves, slums and underground passages. Can be explored in one route from 1 to 5 caves. Travel may be at low temperatures, with almost 100% humidity air. Requires special training.


Route for land crossing is compiled in advance and can include both plains, long obstacles (for example, swamps, rivers), and difficult passes and mountain peaks.

Depending on the complexity of the hike, it is determined tourist equipment.

When calculating the category of difficulty, such features as extended obstacles are taken into account, for example, for bicycle tours, and for mountain hikes - local obstacles. U water routes category depends on mileage and the difficulty of the rapids.

Sports tourism differs from ordinary tourism in the need to overcome natural obstacles. For tourists, distance matters ( maximum up to 3-3.5 thousand km) and duration of the trip ( on average from 1 to 20 days). The route may have up to 5, and in some cases up to 6 categories and up to three degrees of difficulty.

Reference! Sports tourism is mainly a team sport. If it is not associated with the purchase of expensive vehicles, then in most cases does not require significant financial costs.

Tours by vehicle

In addition to hiking and water travel, there are popular types of tourism using horses, bicycles, cars and motorcycles. This speeds up progress along the route and makes it more interesting for those who love speed and risk.


Bike trips last as long as 1-2 days, and more ( up to 20 days). The group moves along bicycle paths or regular roads and often combines movement with sightseeing, recreation and walking.

Photo 1. A small group of tourists with bicycles following the path difficult route in mountainous areas.

Bike tours are popular in Tuscany, Turkey, France, Tenerife and others beautiful places. Route length cyclists can reach 600-800 km. Usually small groups are formed for movement from 3 to 10 people.

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Auto and motorcycle tourism

Traveling by motorcycles and cars allows you to travel long distances, along the way, tourists explore cities and attractions, stop overnight in hotels or in protected places. Main problems that may arise, - breakdowns on the road, difficulties with accommodation in unfamiliar areas and accidents.


This type of tourism includes both short-distance horse riding and long-distance travel ( for at least 4 days). You can go on a short hike without prior horse riding training. Highlight four difficulty levels such trips.

Photo 2. Horseback riding, as one of the types of equestrian tourism, can be for a short distance or last several days.

Combined tours

Combined tourism is called tourism, which combines various types of activities. For example, tracking is combined with search and rescue work, and auto tourism is combined with racing. Ski trips are often combined with mountain tourism or mountaineering, water trips - with diving or spearfishing.

Advantages of combined tours:

  • the ability to combine different types of physical activity;
  • rich cultural and recreational program(for example, sightseeing in different cities and countries).

The most common combination option in hiking and cycling, where walks are combined with trips, visiting caves or mountain hikes. When classifying combined trips, it is important that the section of one type of tourism is continuous.

Classification of different routes

Mostly hiking trails classify depending on their length, complexity, danger geographic area, variety of obstacles and many other factors.

Each type of tourism has its own obstacles, and the more serious they are, the more difficult the route is considered.

Exists Unified All-Russian sports classification of routes, which determines the difficulty of a particular distance.

Types of routes:

  • linear;
  • radial;
  • ring;
  • combined.


If the beginning and end of the path are at different points, then such a route is considered linear. For example, from point A a tourist moves to point B, that is, as if moving along one line. After completing the distance, the group either leaves for their cities or returns to point A by transport.


From one point of stay, the tourist goes to other points of stay, always returning to the place where the hike began(usually this is a sports or tourist base, camp).

For example, speleologists go out in the morning to explore a cave and return in the evening.

Radial sports tourism is also popular on regular vacations. You can go from the hotel on a walking tour for 2-3 days or go on a diving tour.


Tourist group starts and ends its journey in the same place. For example, tours along the “Golden Ring of Russia” are often taken from Moscow along the circular route. Ring distances are convenient for both bicycle tours and pedestrian crossings.


The route contains elements of linear, circular and radial. It is most often used in hiking and horseback riding, as well as hiking, caving and water travel. In one tour, people can complete the route as well as explore historical sites, engage in other sports.

When classifying routes, local and extended obstacles, as well as the category of difficulty, are primarily taken into account.

Basic forms

Forms of tourism are classified according to different criteria.

For example, focusing on the organizational form or duration of the distance, the age of the tourist, and the seasonality of the trip.

A clear classification helps the tourist make a choice and not go on a journey that may be too difficult and unpredictable for him.


There is an amateur and organizational (planned) type of tourism activity. If tourists decide to go to hiking on your own, then all risks fall on their shoulders.

Another thing is an organized tour, where the route will be marked in advance, and possible support in the form of a professional instructor, transportation of things, organization of meals at rest stops. Planned tourism is organized by tour operators or sports clubs, which are responsible for the safety of tourists.

By number of participants

Depending on the number of participants there are different group and individual tourism. In the first case, groups are formed from 3 to 20 people, instructions are given, equipment and food rations are provided, after which the hike begins. In the second - a single tourist takes care of your own route, equipment and safety.

Important! Mostly they go on individual tours well trained athletes with extensive travel experience.

According to the age

In the Program for the Development of Sports Tourism in the Russian Federation for 2011-2018 sports tourism is divided into children's ( participants under 14 years old), youthful ( up to 18 years old), youth or student ( up to 25 years), adult (from 25 years old), as well as for tourism among old people. A distinction is made between multi-age tourism, when a group includes people of different ages and training levels.

Photo 3. A group of young tourists with equipment walking through a flower field, accompanied by adult instructors.

By travel duration

The duration of the trip affects the assignment to it difficulty categories. For the night, tourists stay in tents, at camp sites, in hotels and other places. Mostly to long-term types include hiking, skiing, mountain, cycling, auto, motorcycle, horseback riding tours, and less often - sailing tourism, speleology, rafting. Duration one day tour measured in hours, and multi-day - by number of overnight stays.

By season

Depending on the time, tourism is divided into summer, winter and off-season. Ski sport tourism is mainly practiced in the winter season. At the same time, cycling tours or any water sports require warm weather. Pedestrian transitions are mostly practiced from May to October month.

Photo 4. Ski tourism is a winter sport; lovers of this activity practice it in the cold season.

Thus, the seasonality of sports tourism is very important factor. It can be ignored only if you move to a country with a suitable climate (for example, fly to Tibet in the summer for mountain tourism or in winter to Egypt for water sports).

By use of vehicles

No trip is complete without equipment, but not everyone requires transportation.

A yacht, kayak, raft, boats and other types of watercraft are needed for water tourism. Cars, motorcycles, bicycles - for tours using them.

Such tourism usually costs more than other sports, since it requires refueling, maintenance, parking fees, etc.

Development of new types of active recreation

Every year new types of modern sports tourism appear in the world. For example, they are actively developing extreme species sports: ice climbing, para-gliding, hang gliding, auto tour rally (off-road driving) and much more. Popular descents to alpine skiing By unequipped tracks, desert racing, jungle treks for the purpose of survival.

Attention! Tourists often on one's own think over routes and combine them with participation in various events.

Useful video

The video review talks about new extraordinary types of tourism that are gaining popularity.


Sports tourism can vary in complexity. You can choose for yourself any degree of load depending on physical fitness, sports category, age and skills.

Routes are selected independently or as part of organized tour with mandatory compliance with all safety rules along the group's route.

This article will tell you what types of tours exist on the tourism market and which of them will suit your criteria for a good vacation.

Many of us have not even thought about the fact that vacation can be divided into various categories, and you can relax in different ways, even at the same resort. Therefore, tour operators, for the greater convenience of their clients, have identified several categories of tours that will enjoy some popularity.

The most popular is beach holiday, after all, our people work for a year in order to be able to go on vacation during their allotted two weeks of vacation. sunny Beach sea ​​and sunbathe to your heart's content. But no less popular are sightseeing tours, allowing you to get out for a day large metropolis and plunge into the history of cities, and maybe other countries.

Some turn to a tour operator in search of a tour to a sanatorium to heal their tired body. And sometimes parents are looking for interesting trips for your beloved children, so that they grow and develop into cultural and interesting personalities.

And tour operators happily fulfill all the whims of their clients, providing them with the vacation options that each of them came for.

Health tours

Currently, medical and health tourism is very popular. This type of tourism is intended for people planning to spend their holidays in order to treat and improve their health and at the same time have a good time at a health resort.

Quite a few tour operators offer such tours, and their duration can vary from several days to several months. The most popular can be considered health resorts in Israel, China, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Each of them has a clear direction in the treatment of certain organs. Therefore, before you go to get healthy, you should consult with your doctor.

Educational tours

There is currently a fairly wide selection of educational tours on the tourism market. Everything will depend on what exactly the tourist would like to see and where to go. Europe is rich in various interesting educational tours. After all, this is where travelers most often strive to go, purchasing bus tour.

But Russia is also rich ancient cities, which are historical monuments. And learning the history of your country will be much more interesting. In the arsenal of any tour operator there are many tours along the Golden Ring, an exciting trip to Kazan or St. Petersburg. In absolutely any city you will leave a piece of your heart and will strive to return there again.

Professional and business tours

Every year professional and business tourism is gaining more and more momentum. Basically, this is a trip to Europe for business purposes for several weeks. Although over the years, visiting European countries is gradually losing its position in this market, and the USA and Canada are becoming leaders.

Many companies resort to business trips, sending their employees on incentive tours or to visit thematic exhibitions. More often, business people go on such tours for conferences and presentations. Also, tour operators can offer business tours within the country, with escort and hotel accommodation for all business trip participants.

Sports tours

Sports tours designed specifically for real fans who are ready to follow their favorite team to any country in the world. Many tour operators are ready to help with this, having developed special tours that include not only visiting matches. On such a tour you have the opportunity to enjoy a trip to another country, get acquainted with its history and traditions, visit many memorable places and, of course, taste the signature dishes of local cuisine.

Therefore, if the World Cup is planned, then feel free to look at the websites of tour operators and choose the tour you like.

Religious tours

Today, religious tours have become quite popular. After all, every year many millions of pilgrims, and even ordinary travelers, use the services of tour operators to visit religious places around the planet. Some travel in the hope of experiencing the holiness of great places and immersing themselves in their faith, while others follow their interest in learning and discovering new places.

The main country for pilgrims is Israel. Very often tourists go to Palestine, Bethlehem, the town of Jaffa, where Noah built his ark. Holy places great amount, the main thing is to have time to visit them.

In any case, after a trip to the holy places, you will be left in a blissful mood and with a lot of memories.

Individual tours

And if you are an advanced traveler, and have already thought out the ideal route for yourself, then there are individual tours especially for you. An individual tour includes all your wishes and requirements for your upcoming vacation, taking into account travel routes, hotels and the format of meals in them, and a variety of excursions.

Individual tour It’s also good because you can visit several countries at a time, devoting as much time to each country as you see fit. At the same time, using not only air travel, but also other modes of transport. And in each country you yourself will choose which places are best to visit.

Tours with special offers

Many travel agencies offer their clients various Special offers to gain trust in the company and guarantee that the client will come again and again. Therefore, the tour operator often posts new special offers on its websites, both for regular customers and for new arrivals.

Various bonus programs, discounts and promotional offers have always attracted potential tourists. Therefore, when looking for a weekend getaway, you should pay special attention to this category of travel. Or ask your agent directly about such offers.

Last Minute Tours

Tours are starting to go on hold for obvious reasons - there is less and less time left before departure, and the tour has not been implemented. And in this case, the tour operator significantly reduces the cost of the trip in order to somehow return the money spent on booking hotel rooms and air tickets.

If your work does not have a strictly controlled schedule, and you can get up and go on a trip at any time, then this vacation option will undoubtedly suit you. In addition, with last-minute travel packages you can save significantly, while relaxing in the most best hotels resort.

Combined tours

Combined tours exist for those versatile individuals who want to visit all interesting places in a very short period of time. Moreover, these places are often not entirely compatible. For example, a walk through ancient relict monuments of the country's history and relaxing on the snow-white sand.

Thanks to the combined tour, all vacationers will be able to enjoy their vacation, because it can combine educational excursions, romantic gatherings on the river bank, and active recreation.

Mostly, combined tours are popular in the summer seasons, slightly capturing the end of spring and beginning of autumn. Therefore, it is worth booking them in advance to be sure of a successful vacation.

Tours for two

Tours for two are designed specifically for couples in love, future newlyweds or happy married couples who want to escape the shackles of family life and relax on a romantic trip.

Most often, such tours are prepared taking into account all the romantic nuances that all lovers would like to see, including double rooms in hotels with special design.

Such tours are popular in many destinations, like beach resorts Turkey, Thailand and the Maldives, and European France, Italy or Spain. Therefore, every tourist will be able to choose exactly what his other half would like.

Bus tours

Bus tours are very popular among travelers who want to visit as many places as possible in one tour. more countries Mostly, tourists go on a bus tour around Europe, because this is how you can travel through many countries, stopping in each and walking through the most famous attractions.

Bus companies can provide very comfortable representatives of their industry for such trips. They have all the amenities for a comfortable trip: air conditioning, a small kitchen, a dry closet and, of course, soft, comfortable seats that fold out into a horizontal position.

Cruise tours

Initially, cruises were only sea ​​fun, were carried out on huge liners and lasted more than one week. But progress does not stand still, and now tour operators are ready to provide their vacationers with a variety of cruises, both on the seas and on rivers. The duration of such trips is now also quite varied. Therefore, after carefully studying the tour operator’s offers, you will definitely be able to find what you have been looking for for a long time.

New tourism business train cruises are considered. No worse than liners, trains equipped for these purposes will provide you with comfortable cabins and luxurious dining cars. A vacation on such a cruise will be completely unusual and memorable.

Children's tours

Children's tours are successfully used in educational institutions. Tour operators are ready to offer tours both within Russia and abroad. This tour involves school-age children, united in groups, accompanied by professional educators and guides conducting excursions.

Children's tours can be for one or two days, if educational excursions to sights of the country are carried out. Or they can be longer, with an educational focus, when children go to Kid `s camp specific training specification. Children's tours to health camps are also very popular. There are rooms for children to stay, good nutrition, sports and mental entertainment.

Geography of tourist demand

1. Tourism classification

2. Characteristics of the main types of tourism

3. Geography of tourist demand by type of tourism

Tourist flows, which represent realized tourist demand in physical terms, are characterized by great diversity. Business trips are undertaken along with ethnic ones, and recreational tours coexist with the pilgrimage movement. Each type of tourism forms its own flows, which have very specific directions and differ in spatial distribution.

Tourism classification

In order to classify modern tourism, it is necessary to establish its most significant classification features. It is advisable to classify according to geography, direction of tourist flow, purpose of trip, method of transportation, means of accommodating tourists, number of participants, organizational and legal forms, etc. (Table 1).

Characteristics of the main types of tourism

1. Domestic tourism - travel for tourism purposes by citizens of the country permanently residing within the borders of their state without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay. Domestic tourism is not associated with crossing the state border and tourist formalities. The national currency, language, documents remain the same.

Domestic tourism in the world accounts for 80-90% of trips. Expenses for it are 5-10 times higher than expenses for international tourism. Especially popular in the USA.

2. international tourism covers trips for tourism purposes outside the country permanent residence without engaging in paid activities in a place of temporary stay.

At the 1st UN Conference on Tourism and Travel, which was held in Rome in 1968, a definition of international tourism was developed. “A foreign tourist is a “temporary visitor”, i.e. any person visiting a country other than the one in which he permanently resides for any purpose other than the exercise of a professional activity remunerated in the country visited.

TO foreign tourists includes all temporary visitors arriving in this country for at least 24 hours. It should be noted that in some countries deviations from the recommendations of the UN Statistical Commission are allowed. For example, some states consider international tourists to be those who stay in the country for at least 3 days, others for at least 2 weeks, and still others for at least 1 month. In our country, despite the recommendation not to include in the category of tourists persons traveling in transit, the latter are included in statistical data, since, given the large extent of Russia, passengers spend a long time on the road and use tourist services, especially when traveling by rail.

On average, about 65% of all international tourist trips occur in Europe, about 20% in America and about 15% in other regions.

The development of international tourism in countries that primarily receive tourists is driven by the desire to increase the inflow of foreign currency and create new jobs. Many countries are trying to solve balance of payments problems through international tourism.

Arriving foreign tourists, paying for goods and services, ensure the flow of currency into the budget of the host country and thereby activate its balance of payments. Therefore, the arrival of foreign tourists is called “active tourism”.

The departure of tourists is accompanied by an outflow of national currency. International payments for tourism operations of this kind are recorded in the liabilities side of the balance of payments of the country that exports tourists, and tourism itself is called “passive”.

The division into “active” and “passive” tourism is inherent only in international tourism.

Recently, there has been a tendency towards convergence of domestic and international tourism, which is due to the simplification of tourism formalities (for example, the Schengen Agreement in a united Europe).

3. Inbound tourism - travel within the country by persons not permanently residing there for tourism purposes without engaging in paid activities.

4. Outbound tourism - travel of persons permanently residing in one country to another country for similar purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country visited.

5. Recreational tourism. Tourism for the purpose of recreation for a number of countries is the most widespread form of travel for foreign tourists to Spain; Italy, France, Austria primarily pursue this very goal. Recreational tourism is characterized by the duration of the trip, a small number of cities included in the route, and the widespread use of air transport, and above all, charter flights.

Trips for recreational purposes are very diverse and can include entertainment programs (theater, cinema, festivals, etc.), hobby activities (hunting, fishing, music, art, etc.), ethnic hikes related to the studied national culture of the host country, etc.

6. Wellness holiday It is of a purely personal, individual nature. However, there are often cases when tourists unite for joint trips, which is aimed at obtaining group discounts on travel. The usual duration of a treatment tour is 24-28 days, which is significantly longer than other types of tourism.

Wellness recreation, depending on the means of influence on the human body, is divided into climatic, balneo, sea, mud therapy, etc.

7. Educational (excursion) tourism. This type of tourism includes travel and trips for educational purposes. An excursion as a form of knowledge and a form of leisure serves the function of broadening one’s horizons and intellect. One of the types of educational trips is car tourism. Compared to traveling on other types Vehicle Traveling by car and bus provides tourists with a much greater educational opportunity.

8. Professional and business tourism. This type of tourism includes trips for business purposes. Life in a modern civilized society necessitates international contacts. Travel by representatives of business circles has recently become widespread.

A number of travel companies specialize in organizing group trips for businessmen for various purposes. A big advantage of business tourism is the possibility of organizing it during the low season. At the same time, travel agencies can provide purely tourist services - transport, accommodation, meals, excursion service, and specific - studying information, collecting data on possible trading partners, translations, providing the necessary economic materials, organizing business meetings, etc. Large congress centers are created specifically for this purpose, with meeting rooms and facilities for accommodating visitors. Often, congress participants are accompanied by members of their families, for whom the organizers of the forums, together with a travel agency, offer a purely tourist program. Often the participants themselves get acquainted with the sights of the city, and after the end of the congress they make tourist trips around the country.

A distinctive feature of this type of tourism is that participants in business meetings spend significantly more money during their stay in the country than an ordinary tourist. Therefore, many states strive to host international forums and other similar events.

9. Scientific tourism. Traveling for the purpose of training and advanced training is relatively new in international tourism. Educational trips abroad have become one of the established segments of the tourism industry. The most popular trips are those aimed at learning a language, especially to the UK and other English-speaking countries.

10. Currently very popular sports tourism. the main task of these tours - providing tourists with the opportunity to engage in their chosen sport. Sports tourism requires the necessary base: a variety of equipment, special trails, lifts, sports grounds, and facilities. One of the main requirements for sports tours is to ensure the safety of vacationers.

Sports tours, depending on the purpose of travel, are divided into two types: active and passive. In the first case, the basis is participation in some kind of sport, in the second - interest in sports, for example, attending competitions.

11. "Shop tours" typical for Ukraine and CIS countries. The purpose of traveling abroad is to purchase consumer goods for their subsequent sale (shoes, knitwear and other goods - in Turkey, Italy, Portugal, Syria; summer textiles - in Indonesia; fur coats - in Greece and Argentina; furniture - in Poland and Italy; television and radio products - in the UAE; cars - in Germany, Sweden, Finland, Holland).

The shuttle business brings a significant increase to the budgets of these countries. Thus, in Turkey, shuttle traders annually purchase goods worth 8-10 billion dollars. The government of the country strongly supports shopping tourism. The adviser to the Turkish Minister of Tourism for press relations said that tourists who bought a low-quality product have the right to demand its exchange, reduction or return of the amount paid, or the elimination of defects free of charge within 15 days. If a product is purchased with a hidden defect, the consumer has the right to file a claim with the seller within two years. It is even planned to reduce the price of air tickets for shuttles by 50%.

12. Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation and ensures not only that tourists stay in an attractive place for them, but also engage in an unusual type of activity ("royal hunt", "salmon fishing", "search for pirate treasures", etc.).

Adventure tourism is divided into several types:

– hiking expeditions;

– safari tours (hunting, fishing, butterfly catching, etc.);

– sea travel (yachting).

The geography and themes of adventure tours are quite extensive and varied. Usually this group tours. A specific feature of such tourism is the receipt of various licenses that allow hunting, fishing, and export of trophies. Adventure tourism involves certain risks, so highly qualified instructors are needed to ensure the safety of such tours. This type of tourism has a fairly high cost, and it can be classified as an elite vacation.

13. Religious (pilgrimage) tourism V Currently in demand and popularity. In tourism for religious purposes, several types can be distinguished:

– pilgrimage (visiting holy places to venerate relics);

– educational trips (acquaintance with religious monuments, history of religion, culture of religion);

– scientific trips (trips of historians and other specialists dealing with religious issues, etc.).

A serious problem in this type of tourism is the issue of training highly qualified personnel. It is important that they can not only show historical and architectural sights, but also be familiar with spiritual and religious values.

14. Nostalgic tourism. This type of tourism is based on the need of people to visit relatives, places of birth and residence of loved ones and occupies an important place in international tourist exchange. Thus, tours around the Volga region are popular among tourists who come from Germany, Israel is popular among Jews, etc.

15. Ecotourism designed to create economic incentives for environmental conservation. The concept of "ecotourism" covers a wide range of travel - from small educational tours for schoolchildren to regular tourist programs in national parks and nature reserves. The profits from this type of tourism can be partially used for environmental protection measures.

16. A few words should be said about exotic tourism. IN last years tours appeared that were striking in their unusualness.

For example, the Greek travel agency Manos Travel is planning trips to the moon. The first tour took place on December 1, 2000 from the base of SEATTLE (USA) and cost 105 thousand dollars.

From the same base, Zegram Expeditions offers a space cruise. Although the orbital altitude will be only about 100 km, tourists will be able to experience weightlessness and see space. Registration for flights has already begun, the first tourists have reserved their seats by making a deposit of $5 thousand (the total cost of the trip will be $98 thousand). Beginning in 2001, it is planned to operate two flights annually with six passengers on each flight. The duration of the cruise is 2.5-3 hours, but first tourists are required to undergo training for 1-2 days.

The French company APSARA organizes icebreaker tours to Antarctica and the Arctic. The first cruise to Antarctica was organized in 1989. Currently, tourists travel on highly comfortable icebreakers with a sauna, swimming pool, gym and conference rooms. The icebreaker is equipped with boats and helicopters for excursions. The trip includes accommodation in these exotic places, where tourists observe the life of the local “residents” - seals, walruses and penguins. In 1997, about 10 thousand tourists visited Antarctica, paying from 9 to 16 thousand dollars for the trip.

Many people want to meet you underwater world. Most promising project in this direction - travel on a transparent submarine. One of its routes is planned to be laid to the site of the Titanic wreck. "According to statistics, since 1985, 46 tourist submarines have been in operation. In 1996, the number of tourists who visited the depths of the seas and oceans was more than 2 million, while the profit of travel organizers is 147 million dollars.

In Germany, a former prison cell is popular among tourists who love exotic things, where you can feel like a prisoner for just 20 DM. The chamber's furnishings consist of a narrow bed and a chair, the size is 4 incomplete steps, the air volume is 22.3 cubic meters. m, according to the inscription on the door. Judging by the fact that the company is thriving, the tour is in great demand.

The Paris Odeon Hotel has developed a route for its clients that exactly repeats Princess Diana's last earthly journey. Those who want to touch the mystery of the tragedy will proceed in a black Mercedes from the Ritu Hotel to the tunnel - the site of the disaster. The cost of the type is $25.

17. Focus on consumers forces producers of tourism services to seek new market segments. The organization becomes a profitable business wedding tours. Thus, the British company Thompson Honeydays sells about 5 thousand wedding tours a year.

It is profitable for travel agencies to engage in this type of tourism, since prices for accommodation are significantly reduced due to the provision of high discounts by hotels to newlyweds (up to 60-80%). The package of tourist services, in addition to the basic ones, includes video shooting, a limousine, flowers, champagne, etc. If the wedding ceremony is planned to take place on a trip, it will be organized as a memorable folklore holiday. Practice shows that newlyweds prefer to relax in the area Caribbean or in countries South-East Asia, Italy is popular in Europe, Las Vegas is popular in the USA.

18. Social tourism - These are trips subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs. The purpose of social tourism is not to make a profit, but to support people with low level income to exercise their right to rest.

This type of tourism is widespread abroad. IN former USSR this type of tourism was also popular, accounting for almost 80% of domestic tourism and 50% of international tourism.* The state allocated huge funds to strengthen the material and technical base of tourism. Thus, during the seventh five-year plan, 49.6 billion rubles were spent, the eighth - 183.2 billion rubles, the ninth - 460.0 billion rubles, the tenth - 470 billion rubles. (in prices of 70-80).** Several tens of thousands of objects with 1-2.5 thousand places were commissioned per year.

Currently, the lack of budgetary funds for subsidies for social tourism has led to the alienation of the vast majority of the population, especially weakly protected groups, from travel. The effectiveness of social assistance programs, calculated as the share of funds received by the poorest segments of the population in total social contributions, is only 19%, while the same figure in most developed countries ranges from 30-50%.

19. Organized tourism - These are trips of individuals or groups of tourists organized by a travel agency. Organized tourists acquire the right to a tour by purchasing a tourist voucher. However, the number of services may vary. For example, tourists can only purchase a meal plan or a range of services, including transportation services, meals, accommodation, transfers, excursion services, etc.

The type of tourism that is opposite in form of organization should be classified as unorganized or amateur.

It should be noted that in Russia and Ukraine tourism is distinguished by the presence of a significant part of organized tourism, while in European countries its share is less than 20% and tends to decrease.

To summarize the classification of tourism, I would like to cite the preferences of tourists from various countries according to the research of the Spanish specialist X. Montaner Montejano. In his opinion, the French like family tourism in countries with a culture close to them and are attracted to sunbathing, but at the same time they try to avoid long-distance travel.

Italian tourists prefer amateur tourism, choose outdoor recreation, and strive to get to know people and their culture.

For the British, important criteria when choosing travel are climate, cuisine, and recreation opportunities. At the same time, both organized and amateur tours are possible.

Tourists from Germany prefer organized holiday in campsites, family boarding houses. A significant factor is the environmental situation at the place of travel.

As can be seen from the data presented above, the most visited country in 2020 should be China. High growth rates are also expected in Hong Kong and Russia. The share of China and Hong Kong will be 12.3% of the global tourist flow. Particularly serious changes are predicted in Russia: in 2020, the number of incoming tourists will be 1.5 times greater than the number of people leaving its borders. The Czech Republic will achieve great success among European countries.

The greatest tourist mobility of the population is expected in the Netherlands, Germany, Great Britain, Canada and Japan, where each resident of the country will have 1.5-2 trips abroad per year. In most other countries included V top ten, tourist mobility is noticeably lower.

The classification of types of tourism includes more than 30 types. From our article you will learn what types of tourism there are.

Automobile tourism (auto tourism)

A popular type of recreation, travel using road transport along the main part of the route. Traveling by own car or gathering in a small group of several cars, tourists most often do not resort to the services of tourism organizers.

Active tourism

A type of travel associated with active methods of movement along a route and performed by a person for recreational and sporting purposes.

Business tour (MICE)

A type of travel that is necessary for business people and may require special services, such as a meeting room or secretarial services.

The abbreviation MICE stands for four areas of business tourism:

    Meetings - business meetings;

    Incentives - incentive tours (incentive tours) for employees, partners, clients;

    Conferences - organization of conferences, participation in exhibitions;

    Events - organization of corporate events.

Bicycle tourism

Popular view active rest, which has many varieties: from small walks and excursions to complex cycling trips. Routes cycling tourism laid in different areas: along country roads, across plains and across mountain passes. Special bicycle designs have been developed for cycling tourism.

Domestic tourism

Tourism within the country. A feature of domestic tourism is the temporary departure of citizens of a particular country from their permanent place of residence for recreation, satisfaction of educational interests, sports and other tourist purposes. Carried out only within the national borders of that country. Used to determine tourism by residents within their own country. In international calculations and statistics, domestic tourism may refer to the definition of activities and expenditures by tourism and non-residents in a given country. Domestic tourism does not represent a separate sphere, but is connected with all other sectors of national life.

Water tourism

A type of tourism in which recreation is carried out on the water using kayaks, boats, catamarans, motor ships and other watercraft.

Inbound tourism

Travel within the country by persons not permanently residing there for tourism purposes without engaging in paid activities from a local source.

Gastronomic tourism

Tours for gourmets and lovers of delicious food. Many tourist regions attract travelers with exquisite cuisine or wines. The brochures of travel companies contain information about gourmet dishes typical of the area.

Group tourism

A type of tourism in which a tourist trip is made by groups of people (including families) according to an individual plan or according to a travel company plan, including the definition of areas to visit, duration of stops, overnight conditions, etc. During the group’s travel, a temporary team arises, which provides a high degree of educational impact during meetings, contacts and conversations provided for by the groups’ stay programs on the routes or tourist centers. The possibility of obtaining a group rate makes this type of tourism very attractive.

Long-distance tourism

Trips that require a significant amount of time to get to the destination (more than four hours by plane, four days by car and four to five days by boat or train, etc.).

Children's tourism

An organized trip for a group of school-age children (from 7 to 17 years old) accompanied by a leader. IN modern conditions exists in new forms: educational children's tourism for the purpose of learning a foreign language; health tourism for children in sports and summer camps located both in our country and abroad; excursion and educational children's tourism, etc. There are travel agencies specializing in children's tourism.

Disabled tourism

A type of recreational tourism designed for people with disabilities.

Individual tourism

One person's journey according to his own program. Travel agencies fulfill the orders of individual tourists (determining areas to visit, duration of stops, overnight conditions, etc.). Individual tourism can develop through the channels of kinship and family ties, creative exchanges and visits by invitation. Individual tourism is also practiced under social and youth tourism programs. Service at individual tourism carried out by special, regular or specialized travel agencies.

Intensive tourism

A type of business tourism, i.e. tourist trips(usually group) provided by the administration of enterprises and institutions to their employees on exclusively preferential terms or free of charge as a bonus for high production performance.


A common type of automobile tourism is on a caravan or motorhome-type vehicle with a body or trailer specially equipped for housing.

Horse tourism

A form of active recreation, a type of sports tourism.


A tourist trip using a particular vehicle not only for transportation, but also for temporary accommodation, food and service.

Cultural tourism

Kind of international tourist travel associated with acquaintance of tourists with national cultures, customs, and traditions in the host country.

Medical and health tourism

A type of tourism undertaken for health or medicinal purposes. Resorts provide tourists with complexes of medical and health procedures, massage services, etc.

Ski tourism

A type of sports tourism that involves skiing along the plains and foothills. Ski tourism requires special training of participants and increased attention from organizers.

Youth tourism

A specific type of tourism activity of youth and adolescents, implemented both within national borders and at the regional and global levels.

Museum tourism

A type of tourism, the specificity of which is the use tourism potential museums and surrounding areas. Cooperation between museums and tourism is based on the formation of a system of historical, cultural and natural territories.

Nostalgic (ethnic) tourism

A type of tourism that is carried out by people to the places of their historical residence. Participants in nostalgia tourism are mainly elderly people who previously lived in the area.

Educational tourism

A tourist trip in which a tourist combines relaxation with education.

Organized tourism

A trip by one tourist or a group of tourists according to the exact route and regulations established by the travel company. At the same time, tourists and the travel agency are bound by mutual requirements and obligations. Vouchers for such tours are usually sold on the basis of advance payment.

Pilgrimage tourism

A type of religious tourism carried out by believers of different faiths to holy places.

Adventure tourism

A type of tourism associated with the organization of non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves, with unusual non-traditional means of transport. Adventure tourism includes hiking expeditions, safari tours (hunting, fishing, photo hunting, etc.), circumnavigation(yachting).

Amateur tourism

Travel using active modes of transportation, organized by the tourist independently.

Wedding tourism

A type of tourism designed for newlyweds.

Rural tourism

A type of tourism that involves a temporary stay of tourists in rural areas for the purpose of recreation and/or participation in agricultural work. Mandatory condition: tourist accommodation facilities, individual or specialized, must be located in rural areas or small towns without industrial and multi-storey buildings.

Sports (active) tourism

Type of active recreation; active and targeted types of physical training and exercise, training, such as swimming, running, cycling, etc. The main task is to guarantee the opportunity to engage in the chosen sport.

Student tourism

A type of youth tourism; travel of students and students.

Shopping tourism

A type of tourism aimed at visiting shops (most often shopping and entertainment complexes) and purchasing goods. Often, “shopping tourism” means not just the purchase of goods, but the entire complex, which also includes related entertainment (restaurants, cafes, cinema, etc.).

Ecotourism (ecotourism)

Visiting places with relatively untouched nature and well-preserved cultural and historical heritage.


A type of tourism in which the tourist lives in a house with the owners. A tourist can immerse himself in a foreign culture and learn a foreign language more easily in an everyday context. Staying with a local family is becoming increasingly popular among language tour participants, school and exchange students, and individual interested tourists.

Types of tours

Types of tourism and tours, tourism theory
Caravanning is a journey by car, when the latter serves as a “house” (the tractor of the house). The term "caravanning" translates as caravanning with accommodation in caravans or caravans." A form of caravanning for which the base is a motor home. This is camping using more specialized technical equipment. These are not only specialized motorhomes, but also

How long has the tourism industry existed, but the question still arises - how to write and say correctly: “tourist” or “tourist”? And only every professional knows for himself what is “correct”. For those who would like to support the opinion of all experts with an outside opinion, we publish the history of this issue. Opinion of the Institute of Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the Word

The main difference between exclusive tourism is the level of service and, of course, price. However, as it turns out, the price is only a payment for an individual approach and maximum satisfaction of all client requirements. For example, a Private Tour represents a specific product that is not marketed for mass use. And a VIP tour means

In order to give the most complete classification of types of modern tourism, it is necessary to use the most significant features that characterize this or that type of tourism, in particular, the nationality of tourism; basic need, the satisfaction of which determines tourist trip; main means of transportation used

Currently, excursion and educational tourism occupies one of the leading places in the tourism services market. The number of tourists taking advantage of this type of recreation increases every year. This forces tour operators to work on expanding the range of excursion and educational tours, to develop more interesting programs. Excursion and educational tourism

Health tours are a “piece product”. An exclusive product implies high quality and the desire of a satisfied customer to return to the seller. Medical tours are in a fairly high price niche, so it is beneficial for the agent to master the intricacies of their sales, receiving a decent commission and becoming a kind of consultant and confidant of the client who wants to improve Business tourism covers travel for official or professional purposes without receiving income at the place of temporary stay. The WTO includes trips to this type of tourism to participate in congresses, scientific congresses and conferences, industrial meetings and seminars, fairs, exhibitions, salons, as well as for negotiations and contracts, installation and Mass tourism is a phenomenon of the 20th century, as it acquired modern look mainly due to cars and aircraft with jet engines. However, people have been traveling since time immemorial, mainly to avoid hunger or danger. The remains of early humans (Homo erectus) have been found in Western Europe, Africa, China and Java. This fact Organized tourism for the purpose of getting to know the culture and nature of other peoples existed back in ancient world. So, in the VI century. BC e. the ancient Greeks and Romans traveled to Egypt, where they were attracted ancient history, culture, unusual nature, magnificent Egyptian buildings. The first Greek tourist about whom there is reliable data is the “father of history” Herodotus. Mushroom tourism is a great opportunity to wander through the forest, find an edible mushroom, and present your achievements to your fellow vacationers. Mushroom tourism also has its own quest, for example, searching for high-quality categories of mushrooms, as in France through the help of pigs - truffles, together with an experienced guide, finding a Caesar mushroom somewhere in San Marino, or going to the Siberian taiga not with a basket, but Net walking routes The "Crimea tour" through the mountainous Crimea included 1047 km of trails, 24 equipped tourist sites, ready to accommodate more than 1000 people at a time. Experienced instructors accompanied groups of tourists from all over the Soviet Union. According to research from the Mountain Forestry Experimental Station (Alushta), in the early 90s, due to unsatisfactory environmental conditions, the tourist movement in the USSR is developing in accordance with state policy in the field of protecting public health. About 1.0 billion rubles are allocated annually from state social insurance funds alone. for the purchase discounted vouchers and subsidies to recreation, tourism, and sanatorium treatment institutions. In addition, significant amounts of money are allocated for the same purposes.

Youth recreation- the concept is so broad, for what reason, constituting detailed description each type of recreation, it is not forbidden to write a decent-sized book. Youth holidays are both continuous fun and unforgettable experiences. The main thing is agreement and the key to effectively spending time is the tangible benefits of relaxation, health and mood. Not difficult

Characteristic signs mountain bike: reinforced frame, often with shock-absorbing rear suspension, almost always with a shock-absorbing fork, raised carriage to increase ground clearance in line with the bushings, thick tires with a convex, embossed tread, durable wheels. At the same time, the chain drive is equipped with a speed switch that even provides low gear, Modern tourism This is not just a hobby or fashion, it is a vital need for most people. IN different times and eras, people were attracted to tourism by the romance of travel, communication with friends, acquaintance with new culture, new countries. Tourism fills life with unexpected discoveries in nature, society, encounters with beauty, helps the formation of a person spiritually and Hobby tourism is a type of tourism with the goal of doing what you love among like-minded people while traveling (tours for car enthusiasts, for sports fans, craft tours, tours for those who like ales, certain drinks or food products) For such people there are special tours for car enthusiasts, for “fans” and sports fans to sports

Nostalgic tourism is a type of recreational tourism. This type of travel is very popular among people in countries Western Europe, and recently it has begun to conquer many Russian-speaking countries. During such trips, tourists study certain groups of the local population, which are divided into ethnic groups. Get acquainted with their life, peculiarities of life and culture.

Logistics in tourism covers all stages of the development of a tourism product, right up to its direct consumption. For example, the most important task on tourist route is the timely provision of vehicles to the plane, hotel, or excursion. When route changes occur, immediate response is important...and this is where elements of logistics come into play. There are External (exogenous) factors of tour rating, characterized, first of all, by their uncontrollability and, often, unpredictability, but the ability to directly or indirectly influence tour rating and tourism in general. Depending on how (directly or through third institutions and relationships) environmental factors influence the activities of the tour operator, their

Photo tourism is a journey that allows photographers and amateur photographers to discover new corners in the company of like-minded people, aimed at improving their photographic level and replenishing their portfolio with new photographs. Photo tourism includes elements of the following types of tourism: educational, environmental, sports, recreational and ethnographic

The Russian tourism industry is increasingly joining the global market. The development of tourism, like no other sector of the economy, stimulates job creation and the development of small businesses, redistributes resources between countries, and has a stimulating effect on such sectors of the economy as transport, communications, services, trade, construction, and production of goods.

Outdoor recreation is not just a type of travel, it includes various tours, such as adventure tours: visiting volcanoes, exotic places, waterfalls, islands, etc. These are usually non-standard tours to exotic and environmentally friendly natural reserves that are associated with unusual travels, non-traditional means of transportation. In some

Travel is a movement (real or virtual) into someone else's cultural space with the goal of going beyond the limits of existing existence to understand oneself and the world of everyday life of the Other. In virtual travel, a person imagines the ways of his existence, he gains an understanding of himself. Virtual travel- these are ways of self-understanding. In real travel, Travel is “moving (real or virtual) into someone else’s cultural space with the goal of going beyond the limits of existing existence to understand oneself and the world of everyday life of the Other.” In virtual travel, a person imagines the ways of his existence, he gains an understanding of himself. Virtual travel is a means of self-understanding. In real travel, Tourism is an actively developing area in which advertising occupies an important place not only due to high competition among travel agencies. Advertising in tourism is becoming more than just a means of informing a mass audience about the services provided by a company. Advertising becomes a tool for “objectification” and “materialization” of the proposed tourism product, since there is no other way for the consumer. The tourism industry has a number of features that make the cluster approach relevant in the development of the sphere of recreation and travel. The tourism industry is distinguished by the breadth of intersectoral connections and a fragmented structure, which gives some researchers reason to question the legitimacy of classifying tourism as a sector of the economy, the predominance of small and medium-sized businesses. The development of tourism is one of the industries whose development characterizes a post-industrial economy. Tourism allows you to solve a wide range of important socio-economic problems: increasing employment, improving the quality of life of the population, etc. In addition, in modern world tourism is one of the most profitable types of business in the world. That's why

Currently, one of the travel priorities is ecotourism. According to one definition, ecotourism is all types and forms of tourism in which the main motivation of the tourist to travel is observation and communication with nature, which contributes to the preservation of the environment and cultural and natural heritage, exerting minimal pressure on them

Tourism organizers are tourism enterprises for the development, promotion and sale of tourism products (tour operators and travel agents). Tour operators perform the functions of organizers and creators of a complex product for group tourism, and a travel agent is an individual or entity, acting as an intermediary in the sale of tours generated by the tour operator. It just so happened

There are a large number of approaches to the classification of tourism. They differ in the principles of construction, applied tasks and even the very understanding of the essence of tourism.

The most significant, from a practical point of view, basis for the classification of tourism is its division into categories, types, types.

Tourism, depending on the components of services and services to categories of the population, is divided into domestic and international.

Domestic tourism is the temporary departure of citizens of a particular country from their permanent place of residence within the national borders of the same country for recreation, satisfaction of educational interests, sports and other tourist purposes. Internal trismus does not represent a separate sphere, but is connected with all other sectors of national life.

International tourism is a systematized and purposeful activity of tourism enterprises related to the provision of tourism services and tourism products to foreign tourists on the territory of a certain state (inbound tourism) and the provision of tourism services and tourism products abroad (outbound tourism). Truism in many countries is an activity that is under the close attention of the state as an economically advantageous and profitable industry.

There is also the concept of national tourism - a combination in the sphere of domestic and outbound tourism, i.e. serving tourists from among the residents of their state.

According to the method of organization, planned and amateur tourism are distinguished

Planned tourism is any type of tourism developed and regulated by tourism organizers - tour operators. Planned tourism is regulated by the state through laws and regulations. It forms the basis of the mass tourism industry.

Amateur tourism- a specific type of public tourism activity carried out on a voluntary (amateur) basis. It is based on the activities of voluntary tourist associations, unions and tourist clubs, which issue their own regulations regulating tourist activities, conduct hikes, tourist rallies and competitions. Amateur tourism has a programmatic and regulatory framework that determines the directions, nature, content of tourist social practice, and requirements for mastering tourism skills.

The identification of individual types of tourism is primarily determined by the purpose of travel. In accordance with this feature, it is advisable to distinguish the following types of tourism. Recreational tourism is the most widespread and is carried out for the purpose of relaxation, recovery, restoration and development of physical, psychological and emotional strength. This type of tourism is the most widespread.

Health tourism - trips made for health and medical purposes. Wellness holiday is an individual type of trismus, which, depending on the means of influence on the human body, is divided into climate, balneo, sea and mud therapy. This also includes beach holidays.

Educational tourism includes trips to get acquainted with natural, historical and cultural attractions, museums, theaters, social order and the traditions of the peoples in the country being visited. The basis educational tourism- rich excursion program.

Business tourism covers travel for official or professional purposes without receiving income at the place of temporary stay. Travel for business purposes is considered one of the most important components of international tourist exchange.

Religious tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Traveling for religious purposes (pilgrimage) is the oldest type of tourism with deep historical roots.

Ethnic tourism pursues the goal of visiting relatives and places of birth. This type of tourism occupies an important place in international tourist exchange. Ethnic tourism is of particular importance for countries where part of the population lives abroad.

Ecotourism is aimed at familiarization with natural values, environmental education and education. The peculiarity of organizing this type of tourism is to ensure minimal impact on nature, create a network of ecological hotels, and provide tourists with environmentally friendly food.

Rural tourism includes tourists visiting rural areas, recreation and recreation in ecologically clean areas.

Adventure tourism is a unique type of recreation associated with visiting exotic places (volcanoes, islands, waterfalls), engaging in unusual activities, and using specific vehicles ( balloons, dog sleds). In many cases, such tourism is associated with risk and serious physical exertion.

Sports tourism, depending on the purpose of travel, is divided into active and passive. In the first case, the main motivation of the tourist is the opportunity to practice his favorite sport. In the second, the purpose of the trip is to attend sports competitions as a spectator.

Tourism is the temporary movement of people to another area without paid activity; it differs from travel in a short period of time. In turn, tourism is divided into certain types, characterized by the method of organization, sources of financing, component services and services to the population, etc.

Adygea, Crimea. Mountains, waterfalls, herbs of alpine meadows, healing mountain air, absolute silence, snowfields in the middle of summer, the murmur of mountain streams and rivers, stunning landscapes, songs around the fires, the spirit of romance and adventure, the wind of freedom await you! And at the end of the route are the gentle waves of the Black Sea.


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