What's interesting in the center

Beauty Moscow is an ancient and truly magnificent Russian city. Moscow, like a powerful magnet, attracts millions of tourists from all over the world who want to admire its countless cultural riches and historical attractions. In our article we will tell you where to go in Moscow to see the capital in all its splendor and touch its innermost secrets and centuries-old traditions.

1. Kremlin

The Kremlin is the first place every tourist must visit in Moscow. The ancient Moscow Kremlin, located on the banks of the Moscow River, is the main attraction of the Russian capital and the most recognizable architectural symbol of Russia. Stone walls and powerful towers, erected back in the 14th century, not only reliably protected the city, but also served as its main decoration. Today it is difficult to imagine that for five centuries the Moscow Kremlin was white stone, and only in late XIX century acquired its usual red color. The most famous of the twenty towers of the Kremlin is the Spasskaya Tower with the main Kremlin gates and the famous chimes. On the territory of the Kremlin there are many ancient Orthodox churches, including three cathedrals: Assumption, Archangel and Annunciation. One of most interesting museums The Kremlin is the Armory Chamber with its rich collection of grand ducal and royal treasures.

2. St. Basil's Cathedral

During a tour of Moscow, you should definitely visit the main Orthodox attraction of the city - Red Square, which rightfully ranks among the most beautiful churches in Russia. This is a real masterpiece of Russian architecture, reminiscent of a bright fairy-tale decoration: each dome of the cathedral has a unique color, and its walls are lavishly decorated with skillful paintings, semicircular kokoshniks and other decorative elements. The cathedral was erected by order of Ivan the Terrible in the middle of the 16th century in memory of the capture of Kazan. The temple received its name in honor of St. Basil, who had the gift of clairvoyance and enjoyed special respect from Ivan the Terrible. Currently, the cathedral houses a museum exhibition dedicated to the history and architecture of the temple.

The next place in Moscow where every tourist should go is Arbat. A walk along this famous pedestrian street in the center of the capital will allow you to fully experience the charm of old Moscow, as well as appreciate its modern attractions. IN old mansions Arbat was once home to the Golitsyns, Tolstoys, Sheremetevs and other noble noble families. Among the famous residents of Arbat was Alexander Pushkin, who lived here for several months with his wife Natalya Goncharova. In memory of this, there is a Pushkin house museum on Arbat, and opposite it there is a sculptural composition “Pushkin and Natalie”. The Vakhtangov Theater is rightfully considered one of the most famous buildings in Arbat, which is definitely worth a visit for connoisseurs of high art. In addition to historical places, on Arbat you can find many souvenir shops, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants and rather unusual entertainment venues. For example, here you can visit the Hard Rock Cafe, the Giant's House, the Museum of Optical Illusions and the Perfumery Museum. And talented artists and musicians who constantly stay on Arbat create a unique creative atmosphere here and give residents and guests of the capital a festive mood.

4. Diamond fund

One of the most interesting attractions in Moscow for tourists is the Diamond Fund, the exhibition of which is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin and is one of the largest and most famous collections of precious stones in the whole world. At the exhibition Diamond Fund Imperial regalia, masterpieces of jewelry, rare precious stones and large diamonds are presented. Among the particularly significant exhibits are the Great Imperial Crown, the imperial scepter with the Orlov diamond, the imperial orb with a diamond belt and a large sapphire, a giant emerald and the Mephistopheles gold nugget. Getting acquainted with the collection of the Diamond Fund will not leave even the most discerning visitors indifferent.

Every lover of opera and ballet should definitely go to the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, which deservedly enjoys the reputation of the main theater of the capital and is widely known not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Its history began in the second half of the 18th century, during the reign of Catherine II. And the modern building of the Bolshoi Theater, depicted on the hundred-ruble banknote, was built in the middle of the 19th century. IN different years Galina Vishnevskaya, Elena Obraztsova, Maris Liepa, Maya Plisetskaya, Nikolai Tsiskaridze and other world-famous opera and ballet stars performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater. A few years ago, a grandiose reconstruction was completed at the Bolshoi Theater: now the interior of the building has been recreated in the spirit of the pre-revolutionary era with its inherent imperial luxury. Bolshoi Theater productions are extremely popular, so it is better to purchase tickets 2-3 months before the performance.

6. Historical Museum in Moscow

State Historical Museum – popular tourist place in Moscow, a place where it will be interesting not only for history buffs. The landmark is located on Red Square and has a unique collection of exhibits demonstrating the development of the history and culture of Russia from ancient times to the present day. The museum was founded by order of Emperor Alexander II, who dreamed that every resident of the Russian state would know their history and be proud of it. The collection of valuables of the Moscow Historical Museum is so large that if you stop at each display case with exhibits, by the end of the tour you will have traveled about 3.5 kilometers. The collection includes primitive tools, Jewelry, ancient coins, ancient Russian chronicles, military armor and many other artifacts. Among the most memorable exhibits are a huge boat made of solid oak from the Stone Age, Novgorod birch bark letters of the boy Onfim, the first printed book “Apostle”, the royal throne of Ivan the Terrible, a huge globe of Peter I, a letter on a walrus tusk and the luxurious saber of Napoleon Bonaparte.

7. Gostiny Dvor

The Old Gostiny Dvor, located in close proximity to Red Square, is a large trade and exhibition center and the oldest Gostiny Dvor in Moscow. Since the 16th century, the wooden building of Gostiny Dvor housed merchant shops and warehouses. During the time of Catherine II, Gostiny Dvor became the most fashionable place in Moscow: the city's aristocracy bought clothes, jewelry and interior items here. Today, the spacious premises of Gostiny Dvor serve as a venue for charity events, grand shows, fashion shows and thematic exhibitions.

8. Armory

The Armory Chamber, located on the territory of the Kremlin, rightfully belongs to one of the most interesting museums and most visited attractions in Moscow. Within its walls is stored a unique collection of valuable objects and historical relics that belonged to Russian rulers and patriarchs, thanks to which the Armory Chamber is called the “treasury of Russia.” The exhibition is based on the grand ducal state regalia, ceremonial royal clothing, military armor, a collection of gold and silver items and a luxurious collection of antique carriages. Particularly noteworthy are the amazingly beautiful Faberge eggs, the double throne for Peter I and his brother Ivan V, as well as the famous symbol of the Russian state - the Monomakh Cap.

9. Gorky Park

While on vacation in Moscow, you should definitely go to Gorky Park. Without exaggeration, it is the main park in Moscow and the first world-class park in Russia. This is not only one of the hottest entertainment spots in the capital, but also excellent place for sports, recreation with children and cultural pastime. For lovers active rest The park has sports grounds, a tennis court, a mini-football field, a skate area and a dance area. Connoisseurs of intellectual relaxation will be interested in visiting the Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and attending fascinating classes on history, literature and foreign languages ​​in the Lecture Hall. Children's playgrounds, the Green School young naturalists club, and the largest sandbox in Moscow are open for the park's youngest guests. And after dark, popular events in Gorky Park include observing the stars and planets at the observatory and film shows in the summer cinema under open air"Pioneer".

10. Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery is the most famous art Gallery Moscow, which has one of the world's largest collections of Russian visual arts. This cultural site is rightfully included in the list of the most visited attractions in Moscow. The gallery was founded in the mid-19th century by entrepreneur and philanthropist Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, who had impeccable taste. The historic gallery building on Lavrushinsky Lane displays works from the times Ancient Rus' until the beginning of the 20th century, and the exhibition dedicated to the art of the 20th century is housed in a building on Krymsky Val. The general collection of the museum includes more than a hundred thousand paintings. Particularly noteworthy are such masterpieces as “Trinity” by Andrei Rublev, “The Appearance of Christ to the People” by Alexander Ivanov, “Bogatyrs” by Viktor Vasnetsov, “Apotheosis of War” by Vasily Vereshchagin and “Morning in a Pine Forest” by Ivan Shishkin.

11. Moskvarium Oceanarium

If you have a lot of free time, then do not forget to go to the main aquarium of Russia in Moscow - “Moskvarium” at VDNKh. Through the glass of huge aquariums here you can watch killer whales, giant Asian fish, moray eels, octopuses and stingrays at arm's length. Children enjoy spending time at the Dolphin Swimming Center: in special pools you can swim with friendly sea creatures, accompanied by experienced trainers. Moskvarium guests will be given a lot of pleasant impressions by exciting seminars about underwater world, interactive " Trip around the world"and spectacular water shows with the participation of dolphins, walruses and sea lions.

12. Ostankino TV tower

The tallest building in Europe, the Ostankino TV Tower, rightfully belongs to the main symbols of the Russian capital. The height of the Ostankino Tower exceeds half a kilometer, so it is not surprising that its powerful television signal covers the entire vast territory of Moscow and the Moscow region. To visit the Ostankino TV tower, tickets must be purchased in advance. During the tour you will learn Interesting Facts about the history of construction and architectural features towers, and also take a high-speed elevator to a closed observation deck located at an altitude of 337 meters (for comparison, this is the level of the 112th floor). It offers a magnificent bird's eye view, making the Ostankino TV Tower one of the most attractive places to visit in Moscow.

13. Moscow Planetarium

The Moscow Planetarium, one of the largest planetariums in the world, is deservedly considered the real pride of the capital. Its visitors will be able to feel the boundlessness of the Universe, feel the charm of the mysterious starry sky and take a virtual space journey to distant planets. The main hall of the planetarium is the Great Star Hall. Inside its giant dome, it creates the effect of a night sky dotted with bright constellations. You can witness the flight of a comet, lunar eclipse and other astronomical phenomena. In the Urania Museum you will see a collection of meteorites, relief globes of the Earth, Venus and Mars, as well as a grandiose model of the Solar System. From May to September, there is a Large Observatory on the roof of the planetarium, where with the help of a powerful telescope you can see the neighboring galaxy, distant planets and globular star clusters.

14. Bunker-42 on Taganka

Bunker 42 on Taganka, which goes more than 60 meters deep into the earth, was once a classified facility of the Soviet Union, and today has become a popular attraction in Moscow. In this secret bunker, which has about 20 underground floors, the Soviet leadership planned to hide from an atomic explosion at the height of the Cold War. The construction of the bomb shelter was entrusted to the designers of the Moscow metro, who coped with the task perfectly. The strong walls of the bunker reliably protected against ground attacks, secret technical facilities could, if necessary, deliver a retaliatory nuclear strike, and food supplies stored in underground pantries could last for several months. The bunker building hosts many thematic excursions, which will certainly be of interest to history buffs of the Soviet period.

15. Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard

The most famous circus in Russia was founded in Moscow in the second half of the 19th century by the hereditary circus artist Albert Salamonsky. During the Soviet Union, the stars of the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard were Oleg Popov, Mikhail Rumyantsev (known under the pseudonym “Pencil”) and the famous Soviet actor Yuri Nikulin, whose name the circus bears to this day. The show programs of the Nikulin Circus are always interesting and varied: acrobats, tightrope walkers, aerialists, illusionists, jugglers and, of course, domestic and exotic animals perform in its arena, demonstrating real miracles of dexterity and intelligence. This is one of the best places in Moscow where you can go with the whole family.

16. Moscow Zoo

Another wonderful attraction of Moscow for family vacation is the Moscow Zoo, which is known as one of the oldest zoos in Europe and is famous for its rich, long-standing traditions. For more than a century and a half, the Moscow Zoo has been delighting its visitors with a variety of exotic animals living outside its walls. The territory of the zoo is divided into many thematic exhibitions: “Cats of the Tropics”, “Spectacled Bears and Sloth Bears”, “Giraffe House”, “Birds of Prey Rock”, “Elephant House”, “Birds and Butterflies” and many others. Little guests of the zoo have a great time watching mischievous capuchins cheerfully jumping from branch to branch, and watching funny penguins, one by one, sliding down an icy mountain into the water.

17. Sparrow Hills

The legendary Sparrow Hills are one of the best places in Moscow for walking. Happy newlyweds come here on their wedding day, artists look here for subjects for their future paintings, and the great Russian writer Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said that everyone who wants to know Russia should see Moscow from here. You can start a walk through the picturesque territory of the Sparrow Hills from the famous high-rise building of Moscow State University, then go to the observation deck and enjoy the wonderful panorama of the capital. In summer, on the territory of the Sparrow Hills there are ecological trails, perfect for leisurely walks, and in winter, lovers of active recreation and skiing gather on the snow-covered slope.

Picturesque palace and park ensemble Tsaritsyno is one of the most beautiful sights in Moscow. The history of the estate began in the 17th century - then it belonged to wealthy Moscow princes. In the second half of the 18th century, Empress Catherine II bought the estate and established a luxurious imperial residence here, which included several palace buildings and a beautiful park. Today, guests of Tsaritsyn can take a fascinating tour of the palace halls and park alleys, as well as visit an art exhibition or a music concert, which has long become a good tradition here. A photo session in historical costumes against the backdrop of the luxurious interiors of the royal palace is very popular among visitors.

Now you know where to go in Moscow, but keep in mind: the listed attractions are only a small part of all the interesting things.

And for a snack beautiful video Moscow ↓


This article presents a rating of the main attractions of Moscow in 2020 with photos and descriptions. The best sights of Moscow are reflected on the map. You will also find out what to see in Moscow on your own in 1, 2 or 3 days and discover Moscow for children. Red Square, Kremlin, Arbat, Moscow City, Bolshoi Theater, Tretyakov Gallery, Ostankino TV Tower - not full list something that is firmly entrenched in associations with Moscow.

If you are visiting the capital for the first time or you only have 1-2 days for sightseeing, then you should start getting acquainted with Moscow from Red Square. It was here that history was made and the main iconic objects of the city were concentrated.

Red Square is surrounded by the eastern wall of the Kremlin, GUM, the House of Provincial Government, a number of cathedrals, monuments and museums. The eastern Kremlin wall includes a number of towers - Beklemishevskaya, Konstantino-Eleninskaya, Nabatnaya, Tsarskaya, Spasskaya, Senate, Nikolskaya and Corner Arsenalnaya, each of which is historical monument and an architectural masterpiece.

One of the main and most famous objects of the square is the Lenin Mausoleum, the flow of tourists to which does not dry out all year round. Along the wall is the Kremlin necropolis - the burial place of Soviet politicians and prominent personalities of a bygone era.

It is not without interest to see the exhibitions of the Diamond Fund, the Armory Chamber and the Patriarchal Chambers complex. On the territory of the Kremlin (mostly on Cathedral Square) there are also ancient churches and cathedrals - Assumption, Annunciation, Arkhangelsk, Verkhospassky, Church of the Deposition of the Robe, Church-bell tower "Ivan the Great", Church of the Twelve Apostles and Church of the Nativity of the Virgin on Senya. By the way, the Verkhospassky Cathedral and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary can only be viewed from the outside.

The historical district adjacent to Red Square is Kitay-Gorod. On the southern side, the area is closed by the Moscow River. Currently, Kitay-gorod preserves some of the most iconic historical landmarks, such as Gostiny Dvor, churches, cathedrals and monasteries.

It is unlikely that you will be able to cover all the sights of the very “heart” of the capital in 1 day, so it makes sense to use the services of a professional guide who can compactly fit all the most interesting and important things into a short period of time. Ordering excursions is available within the framework of the project.

TOP 30 attractions of Moscow

Moscow sights on the map

Of course, in order to cover as many of the capital’s attractions as possible in one trip, you need to carefully plan your trip and decide on your priorities. Some will focus on cultural program. Those tired of the bustle of the city will “dilute” their busy holiday with a visit to Moscow parks or small museums.

Those who visit Moscow for the first time can plunge into the whirlpool of capital life and feel the energy big city, going to the pedestrian street Old Arbat. Walking along Arbat, you will certainly see several iconic capital attractions. For example, such artists as L. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Blok, Yesenin, Gorky, Bunin and many others spent time in the Prague restaurant.

Also on the main walking tourist artery of the city is the Museum of Illusions, Entertainment Center“Arbat 16”, Museum of the History of Corporal Punishment, Vakhtangov Theater, Central House of Actors, Perfume Museum, Tsoi Wall, Okudzhava Monument, Hard Rock Cafe on Arbat, Pushkin Museum-Apartment, Andrei Bely Memorial Apartment, Smolenskaya-Sennaya Square with its crowning building Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In Krivoarbatsky Lane (within walking distance from Arbat) there is a preserved unique monument architecture - Melnikov's house. The century-old avant-garde residential building with a workshop is designed in the shape of two cylinders and has hexagonal windows. Nowadays, there is a museum in Melnikov’s house.

To explore the main attractions of Moscow, you can use CityPass Moscow. The ticket gives you priority entry to 40 museums in the capital, discounts in 18 restaurants, a tour on a double-decker bus and a yacht cruise on the Moscow River, an audio guide, and a route map.

Connoisseurs of fine art will also appreciate the Shilov Gallery, the Museum of Russian Impressionism in Moscow, the Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art, the Tsereteli Gallery, the Applied Museum, Art Sleeve, the Red October art cluster and the Ilya Glazunov Gallery.

One of the main exhibition venues in the city is the Museum of Moscow, which presents the history of the capital in retrospect. The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve is extremely popular. The large museum and park complex attracts visitors not only with its elegant architecture, but also with a unique collection of paintings, porcelain, ceramics, sculptures, archaeological finds, etc.

About the difficult and interesting story and the development of the country will be told by the exhibitions of Bunker 42 on Taganka, the Victory Museum, Lenin Hills, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Museum of Archeology on Manezhnaya Square and many others. Technical museums in Moscow, such as the Polytechnic Museum or the Vintage Car Museum, will be of interest not only to adults, but also to children.

If you have time, it is worth visiting one of the ancient estates in Moscow. In addition to the breathtaking architecture and parks, the estates are home to museums with rich collections of paintings, ancient books, porcelain, etc.

Perhaps the most colorful remains the Kremlin in Izmailovo, it is best to set aside a whole day to explore it, since its territory contains architectural monuments, museums, exhibition galleries, a courtyard, workshops, cafes and much more.

What to see in Moscow on your own

Moscow is associated not only with the Kremlin and Red Square, but also with Gorky Park, the monument to Peter I, the Ostankino Tower, Moscow State University, the Government House, Stalin's skyscrapers, etc. Most of the capital's architectural landmarks are important in cultural and historical terms: as beacons of the era, reminiscent of significant events in the life of the country.

Of course, it is very interesting to get acquainted with the capital in the company of an experienced guide, but it is no less entertaining to take independent walks in Moscow.

The “tour” of the capital, oddly enough, begins directly from the Moscow metro. Moscow metro stations can be called an object cultural heritage: many have rich history and great decoration. Stucco molding, sculptures, mosaics, panels, stained glass windows are a small part of the design.

Some of the most beautiful stations are generally recognized as “Mayakovskaya”, “Novoslobodskaya”, “Revolution Square”, “Partizanskaya”, “Novokuznetskaya”, “Rimskaya”, “Komsomolskaya”, “Dostoevskaya”, “Kyiv”, “Vorobyovy Gory”, etc. .

Fine architectural solutions also reflected in the buildings of Moscow train stations. Yaroslavsky, Kyiv, Rizhsky, Kazansky - each is an architectural monument and a masterpiece with a rich history.

You can look down on the capital and feel like a hero of Yu. Yakovlev (film “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession”) by going up to one of the observation platforms in Moscow. The most popular are the observation decks of the Moscow City skyscrapers (Panorama 360), the Ostankino TV tower, Sparrow Hills (which offers the best view of the Luzhniki Stadium), the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, on the roof of the Central Children's World, in Gorky Park, as well as an observation deck RAS. At the end of November 2018 at Sparrow Hills The cable car opened and immediately became a new must-see attraction in Moscow.

To feel the contrast with the historical center and take some excellent photographs, you should definitely head to Moscow City. The new business center of Moscow amazes with its scale and beauty of architecture. The night lights of the city give skyscrapers a special charm.

One of the must-see places is VDNKh. The large-scale exhibition and park complex has remained one of the most popular places among tourists and local residents for many decades. It is here that you will see the famous monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”, the fountain “Friendship of Peoples” and “Stone Flower”, “Moskvarium”, models of rockets and aircraft and much more.

An object of cultural heritage is the Triumphal Gate in Moscow, erected in honor of the victory in the War of 1812. Unfortunately, when the ruling regime changed, the gates were dismantled and then restored not in their original form.

There are also religious target sites in the capital that have retained their purpose through the centuries. For example, from 1808 to this day, the Sandunovskie baths have welcomed both tourists and local residents. The baths are depicted in the films “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”, “Old New Year", "Brother-2", "The Master and Margarita", "State Councilor", etc. Over the years, the baths were visited by Pushkin, Chekhov, Mayakovsky and many other artists.

Recently, the Zhivopisny Bridge has been considered the most striking landmark of Moscow. The bridge got its name for a reason: the 105-meter bright red arch with a glass capsule crowning the bridge can be seen from afar. It is planned that one of the registry offices and an observation deck will be located in a glass capsule at the top.

You can take a breather and relax from sightseeing in one of the Moscow parks. By the way, there are several dozen parks, forests, green areas and botanical gardens in Moscow. The most popular among local residents and guests of the city are Sokolniki Park, Izmailovsky Park, Patriarch's Ponds, Khodynskoye Field, Tyufeleva Grove, Lefortovo Park, Krasnaya Presnya, Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill, Muzeon Park and a dozen others.

IN summer time The Moscow Hermitage Garden and the oldest botanical garden, the Apothecary Garden, are especially beautiful. IN botanical garden Thousands of unique plants, including carnivorous ones, have been collected, and thematic exhibitions are also held on an ongoing basis.

If you have time, you can visit one of the capital's theaters. The posters of Moscow theaters are full of performances with the participation of the first Russian pop stars. Of course, the Bolshoi Theater is one of the most significant not only in Russia, but throughout the world.

Classical productions can be seen at the Moscow Operetta Theatre, Maly Theatre, Pushkin Theatre, Lenkom, Sovremennik, Mossovet Theatre, Mayakovsky Theatre, Vakhtangov Theater and many others. In general, there are dozens of theaters in Moscow, whose multi-genre productions delight audiences all year round.

What to see in 2 days

In two days in Moscow, you can not only take pictures on Red Square and see Lenin in the Mausoleum, walk along Arbat (with or without a crowd), form your own opinion about the most ambitious Moscow park Zaryadye, but also take a ride along the Moscow River on a motor ship, see Moscow City and VDNKh, visit the Bulgakov Museum and the Patriarch's Ponds, or go for a whole day for a walk in the estate park.

It's also not that difficult to plan for bad weather options for a two-day trip: plan to go to the planetarium, the Museum of Cosmonautics, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Darwin Museum, or even the Apple Museum. If you plan to take excursions on the second day, then some of the most interesting and unusual ones are around the Mosfilm film concern or to the legendary Red October chocolate factory.

What to see in 3 days

On a three-day trip, tourists usually plan to visit at least one of the major museums - for example, the Tretyakov Gallery or the Diamond Fund. The schedule needs to be clarified in advance and it is advisable to plan a trip to museums on weekdays, when there are not many tourists.

In order to have time to see the target places, it is better to immediately select thematic excursions: by, by, by. The Moscow metro holds several records, and some stations are decorated in such a way that they are confidently recognized as landmarks - and therefore it is not surprising that they even offer variable excursions.

One day can (and is worth it) be devoted to observation platforms: see Moscow from the heights of Moscow City, Sparrow Hills, Ostankino TV Tower, Central Children's Store. These viewpoints are the most popular, but you can always find other options: capture the panorama of the capital from one of the Stalinist high-rises or a new residential complex near the center, climb the bell tower of the temple or choose a tour of the roofs of Moscow.

The more days you have, the more convenient the “district” approach is. The first day is the Tverskoy district, which means certainly Red Square and the Kremlin, GUM, Lubyanka, the Hermitage Garden, parks and an extensive tour of the architecture of the central streets. Second day - Zaryadye, Arbat and at least partially Basmanny district - to Chistye Prudy. Third day - Dorogomilovo districts (namely Poklonnaya Hill and Victory Park) and Presnensky district - Moscow City.

Sights of Moscow for children

When visiting the capital with a child, first of all it is worth introducing him to the main attractions of the city in order to get an impression of the capital as a whole. You should also not forget about the entertainment part, because the best opportunities for children's recreation are concentrated in Moscow.

First of all, it is worth considering the wishes of the child. Fidgets will enjoy it more active pastime. One of the centers will help your child have fun, burn off energy and earn a good appetite. active entertainment. Trampoline and rope parks, attractions, quests, laser tag and wind tunnels in Moscow are not a complete list of what will delight your child.

At any time of the year, entertainment for every taste is presented in family park"Fairy tale" . In the summer there are carousels, rope mazes, rides, cartoon shows and interaction with animals in the petting zoo. IN winter period There is an ice skating rink in the park.

Young intellectuals will find it entertaining to visit one of the scientific parks in Moscow - Masterslavl, KidZania, Experimentanium, etc. Kids get acquainted with the world of sciences and professions in a playful way, which helps them decide on priorities in the future. One of the largest amusement parks of this theme in Moscow is KidBurg, which has 4 branches in different areas of the city (MEGA Belaya Dacha, Riviera, Zelenopark and Lubyanka). The Museum of Man "Living Systems" will help children understand one of the most complex systems in the world - the structure of the human body.

All year round, guests of the capital have the opportunity to enjoy water activities in one of Moscow’s water parks, the largest of which are Moreon, Kva-kva Park, Caribbean, Yuna Aqua Life, Fantasy and Kimberly. In addition to standard slides, the arsenals of water parks include wave pools, water slides, towns for kids and much more.

All children show interest in the animal world. A mandatory program for visiting Moscow with a child should include the famous Moscow Zoo with a collection of thousands of inhabitants, including rare species. Children are delighted with the wild animal feeding sessions.

You can meet representatives of the deep sea in one of largest oceanariums country - Moskvarium, where several thousand inhabitants are represented, such as octopuses, sharks, moray eels, stingrays, starfish, dolphins and many others. Less modest in area, but no less interesting, are the aquariums "RIO", Crocus City and the aquarium on Chistye Prudy.

One of the largest cylindrical aquariums is located in mall"Airpark". The 24-meter flask is home to more than 2,500 fish.

The brightest and most famous circus venues are also located in the capital. Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, which was under the direction of Yuri Nikulin, has been delighting visitors with colorful shows for decades. However, the largest venue is the circus on Vernadsky Avenue. Alternative platforms are

Moscow is a city with a centuries-old history, sophisticated culture and beautiful traditions. Many tourists, having arrived in Belokamennaya, do not know where to start getting acquainted with it. Today we will look at the main attractions of the Russian capital, which are recommended for all guests of this city to visit. We will find out where to visit in Moscow in order to absorb the spirit and atmosphere of the city as much as possible.

Red Square

The main one is located in the very center of the city. The streets leaving the square lead to different parts of the city, and then the country, developing into highways. You can look at the monuments on Red Square in Moscow all day long. Walking here, you can admire the beauty of St. Basil's Cathedral, which for many years has been considered business card Mother See. The square also houses such attractions as the Mausoleum, the Upper and Middle Trading Rows, the Kazan Cathedral and Driving around the square is prohibited, and bicycles are not allowed, so it is accessible only to pedestrians.

Many people go to Moscow to visit the tomb of V.I. Lenin, so it is worth indicating the opening hours of the Mausoleum. The attraction welcomes guests from 10.00 to 13.00 every day, except Mondays and Fridays. Entrance to the Mausoleum is free.

Kremlin and Manezhnaya Square

Waiting for you here Historical Museum, The Armory Chamber and the Kremlin are not only a symbol of Russian statehood, but also one of the largest in the world architectural ensembles. On its territory you can see temples, ancient towers, palaces and ceremonial administration buildings.

Gorky Park

One of the most famous Moscow parks, on the territory of which you can find a lot of entertainment complexes and attractions. In winter, when the attractions stop operating, a huge outdoor skating rink is filled here. IN holidays Gorky Park invites everyone to folk festivals, various shows, concerts and discos.

Those who want to relax in a calm, peaceful atmosphere can go to Golitsyn Pond. You can rent a boat here. And near the pond there are tennis courts, playgrounds, cafes and others for adults.

Tretyakov Gallery

Speaking about Moscow, we cannot forget about such a landmark as the Tretyakov Gallery. The opening hours of this interesting establishment will be convenient even for the busiest tourists. The gallery is a huge museum complex, whose history began in the mid-19th century. Within its walls are exhibits of Russian art from the 11th to the 20th centuries. The Old Russian section contains exhibitions of icon painters from the 12th to 17th centuries. Among them there are both very famous authors and anonymous ones. The works of Theophanes the Greek, Dionysius and Andrei Rublev deserve special attention. In the halls of the 18th and 19th centuries there are exhibitions that consist mainly of works by Russian masters. Here, the works of such authors as F. S. Rokotov, K. P. Bryullov and A. A. Ivanov deserve special attention. The gallery presents Russian art of the second half of the 19th century in a very diverse and comprehensive manner. Paintings by Kramskoy, Repin, Vasnetsov and Shishkin deserve special attention. The “Treasury” occupies a special place in the museum’s collection. It contains artwork made from precious materials. "Treasury" covers the period from the 12th to the 20th century. And this is not all that the Tretyakov Gallery can surprise. The complex's operating hours are: 10.00-19.30 on all days except Monday. The ticket office is open until 18.30.


The historical architectural reserve arose during the time of Catherine II. They're waiting for you here interesting buildings: Opera House, Palace, Bread House and other buildings that have recently undergone high-quality restoration.


Another symbol for which Moscow is known is VDNKh. In the impressive space that occupies exhibition complex, you can see dozens of pavilions. They host exhibitions dedicated to various issues of industry, science, Agriculture And social sphere. In addition to domestic developments, at VDNKh you can also find expositions of foreign specialists. Various leisure programs are regularly organized here, as well as celebrations dedicated to Russian and international holidays.

On the territory of VDNKh there are a large number of world-famous monuments. The lion's share of them appeared during the USSR. Separately, it is worth highlighting the composition entitled “Worker and Collective Farm Woman” by V. Mukhina. And not far from central entrance there is a monument “Conquerors of Space”.

"Bunker 42"

Back in 1956, an underground building was put into operation, which was intended to protect the top officials of the USSR from a nuclear strike. “Bunker 42” is located in the very center of Moscow - on Taganka. Its depth is more than 50 meters. Today, the shelter has lost its original value and has become a place where various thematic excursions are held, one way or another touching on the 50-80s of the last century. The museum is open 24 hours a day, but tickets can be purchased from 10.00 to 20.00.


Arbat in Moscow is one of the oldest streets, which is very popular among tourists. Following the example of Hollywood, an “alley of stars” was created on Arbat. To get to it, you just need to call the specified number and pay for your membership in the “stars”. But the main value of Arbat is its picturesque buildings, many of which were built in the 19th century. If you want to stroll along a beautiful street that will allow you to feel the spirit of old Moscow and recharge yourself with exclusively positive emotions, go to Arbat! In Moscow today there are not many streets with such energy. Paving stones, flowerpots, antique lanterns - all this enhances the effect and allows you to escape from the bustle of the metropolis.


The main exhibition that attracts tourists to the Moscow Zoo is “Island of Animals”. On the first floor you can find such exotic animals as the Amur tiger, the Himalayan bear and on the second floor there is an exhibition called “Exotarium”. It consists of a huge number of aquariums with exotic fish. There are also small marine animals from different parts of the planet.

“Island of Animals” is not all that can be seen at the Moscow Zoo. On its vast territory you can find many representatives of both Russian and foreign fauna: antelopes, various waterfowl, horses, polar and brown bears, cheetahs, wolves, snakes and many others. The zoo is open to guests every day except Mondays from 10.00 to 18.00. However, the ticket office is open until 17.00.

Continuing your acquaintance with the Russian capital, go to its old center - Armyansky Lane. Here you will find a museum dedicated to the city's street lighting. The building itself is a monument of Russian architecture - white stone chambers of the 17th century. And inside you will get acquainted with the history of street lighting. The exhibition presents all kinds of light sources used in one or another period of history. There are also many historical photographs of the capital in the evening. Anyone can light ancient lanterns using the control panel, or feel like a belated pedestrian on the street of the old city. In addition, the museum conducts various excursions, interactive programs and master classes for children and adults. Therefore, those who want to get acquainted with old Moscow should definitely look into the Lights of Moscow Museum. It is open daily from 11.00 to 18.00 for individual visitors and from 9.00 to 19.00 for excursion groups.

Here everyone has the opportunity to look at the Russian capital from a bird's eye view by climbing to the observation deck, which is over 300 meters above ground level. The program for visiting the TV tower includes an excursion into the history of its construction, familiarization with the exhibition dedicated to this issue, a ride up the high-speed elevator and an overview of Moscow with a tour of the main attractions. An interactive entertainment and educational program was organized for schoolchildren, which will not only provide useful knowledge, but also allow them to have a good time. IN summer period(May-October), if weather allow, there is an open area for visitors, which is located at an altitude of 340 meters. The closed one, which operates all year round, is equipped a little lower - at the level of 337 meters. Observation deck Ostankino will give you an unforgettable experience and allow you to admire the huge city from a decent height. And areas with glass floors will enhance the effect. The facility is open daily from 10.00 to 21.00. Sessions start every hour.

Opera and Ballet Theatre

Continuing the conversation about where to visit in Moscow, let’s touch on the world of high art. The Bolshoi Theater has been a symbol of Moscow and all of Russia for many years. More recently, it went through another reconstruction, which lasted for six years. The best of the best actors regularly appear on the stage of the Moscow theater. Moscow is proud of its theater and invites everyone who appreciates real art to it. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to go in Moscow, book theater tickets! Just remember that they sell out months in advance.

Poklonnaya Gora

Another attraction that definitely deserves attention. The Poklonnaya Gora Memorial Park preserves the memory of those heroes to whom we owe our lives and the world. The park has long become one of the favorite leisure spots among Muscovites and guests of the capital. They say that in ancient times travelers climbed this mountain to look at the city and bow to its greatness, hence the name. It was on this mountain that Napoleon stood in 1812, waiting for the keys to the capital city to be brought to him. Today in the memorial park there are many beautiful monuments, fountains, temples and other structures of historical and cultural value. Here you can go rollerblading and cycling, have a snack in a cafe and take part in various events.

Walk along the Moscow River

A great end to a hard day would be a walk around main river Moscow by boat. Its deck offers wonderful views of the evening city, and you can also dine here in a pleasant atmosphere. During the day, such walks are no less interesting, as they cover many attractions. In addition, on a boat you can see so much in a couple of hours. beautiful places, you won’t see much in a whole day if you use a car or public transport, given the problem of traffic jams in the capital.

Historical Museum

The 39 halls of this museum present the history of Russia from its inception to the beginning of the 20th century. It all starts from the second floor, the exhibition of which is dedicated to primitive society, Ancient Rus', the development of Siberia, the fight against invaders and the unification of Russia. The third floor shows Russia during the time of Peter the Great. It touches on issues of culture, politics and economics of the then state.

During its existence, the museum has undergone a global reconstruction. Despite the preservation of historical interiors, the cultural institution fully meets modern requirements. In addition to posters and other information materials, the museum halls contain many monitors on which you can see everything that is not available in its natural form, for example, pages of books that cannot be picked up with your hands.


Today we figured out where to visit in Moscow so that the trip is truly memorable and leaves only positive impressions. Many, having arrived in the capital, are overwhelmed by its size and variety of interesting places. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to draw up a clear action plan before the trip, properly distributing your time. Don’t forget to take into account the opening hours of certain cultural sites and attractions so that there are no problems later. For example, the opening hours of the Mausoleum will not suit everyone. To fully get acquainted with the Russian capital, you need a lot of time, because even local residents sometimes they get lost in dynamically developing Moscow. Therefore, today we focused only on the main attractions that everyone should see at least once.

Every year this center is visited by a large number of fans from all over Russia.

Address: Moscow, st. Vysotskogo, 3, Taganskaya metro station

The museum displays art different countries, eras and styles.

Address museum: Moscow, Volkhonka st., 12, metro station "Kropotkinskaya"

Moscow center

One of the oldest stationary circuses in Russia on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

Address: Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 13, Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station

Museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye"

Palace and park ensemble of the late 18th - early 19th centuries, located on the banks of the Moscow River in the Krasnogorsk region.

Address: Krasnogorsk district, Arkhangelskoye village, Ilyinskoye highway, 5th km

Many come here to see with their own eyes the places described by Bulgakov.

Address: Ermolaevsky lane, 5-13, Mayakovskaya metro station

The National Museum of Russia, which houses historical monuments from ancient times to the present day.

Address: Moscow, pl. Krasnaya, 1, metro station "Revolution Square"

Among the high-rise buildings around the world, the building ranks fourth.

Address: Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 15, bldg. 2, VDNH metro station

Red Square

Red Square is a symbol not only of Moscow, but of all of Russia.

Address: pl. Krasnaya, 1, metro station "Revolution Square"

The Mosfilm Museum takes anyone into the mysterious and unforgettable world of cinema.

Address: Mosfilmovskaya st., 1, metro station “Kyiv”

Concert hall with 7,000 seats, located on the territory of the Crocus City business center.Events >>

Address: Moscow, MKAD, 65th km, Crocus Expo IEC, pav. No. 3, Myakinino metro station

Equilibrists, aerialists, acrobats and dancers will make your holiday unforgettable!

Address: st. Melnikova, 7, metro station “Proletarskaya”

“Kolomenskoye” is a complex monument of history and culture of Russia, includes churches, the temple-bell tower of St. George the Victorious.

Address: Andropov Avenue, 39, Kolomenskoye metro station

Botanical Garden of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills in Moscow, founded by Peter I in 1706

Address: Moscow, Prospekt Mira, 26, building 1, metro station “Prospekt Mira”

One of the big ones concert halls Moscow, which is the main concert venue of the Moscow Philharmonic.

Address: Moscow, pl. Triumfalnaya, 4/31, Mayakovskaya metro station

A children's town that replicates the adult world in miniature for learning various professions.

Address: Moscow, Teatralny pr-d, 5, Central Children's House on Lubyanka, metro station "Lubyanka"

The estate of the Sheremetev counts, where the architectural and artistic ensemble of the 18th century has been preserved.

Address: Moscow, st. Yunosti, 2, metro station "Ryazansky Prospekt"

Excursion along the roofs of Moscow

The best way to view the exceptional beauty of the heart of Moscow - Red Square - is from above!

Book an excursion>>

Moscow's Central Park was founded in 1928 and is located on the banks of the Moskva River.

Address: st. Krymsky Val, 9, Oktyabrskaya metro station

Cathedral of the Russian Orthodox Church. The structure recreates the appearance of a temple built in the 19th century.

Address: Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 15, metro station "Kropotkinskaya"

The museum's holdings include thousands of documents and personal belongings of participants in the Napoleonic War.

Address: Moscow, Revolution Square, 2\3, metro station “Revolution Square”

One of the most beautiful palace complexes in Moscow.

Address: Moscow, st. Dolskaya, 1, Tsaritsyno metro station

St. Basil's Cathedral

Orthodox church located on Red Square in Moscow.

Address: pl. Krasnaya, 7, metro station “Alexandrovsky Sad”

Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich

Wood royal palace, built in the village of Kolomenskoye near Moscow in the 17th century.

Address: Moscow, Andropova Avenue, 39, building 69, metro station “Kashirskaya”

A large open-air sculpture museum, a center of contemporary art in Moscow.

Address: Moscow, st. Krymsky Val, Vlad. 2, metro station "Oktyabrskaya"

Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery

The gallery presents works by Zurab Tsereteli, which demonstrate his creative approach to various genres and techniques

Address: Moscow, st. Prechistenka, 19, Kropotkinskaya metro station

This is the country's largest department store, located in the center of Moscow, on Red Square.

Address: Moscow, pl. Krasnaya, 3, Okhotny Ryad metro station

Ilya Glazunov

The gallery invites visitors to view the works one of the contemporary artists of Russia .

Address: Moscow, st. Volkhonka, 13, metro station "Kropotkinskaya"

Moscow Zoo

This is the oldest and largest zoo in our country, located in the very center of Moscow.

Address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 1, metro station "Krasnopresnenskaya"


This is the largest exhibition complex in Russia, a recreation and entertainment area.

Address: Moscow, Mira Avenue, 121, VDNKh metro station

SK Olimpiyskiy

The largest indoor sports complex on the territory of Russia and Europe.

Address: Olimpiysky pr., 16, Prospekt Mira metro station

Alexander Garden

Alexander Garden is popular places walks of Muscovites and guests of Moscow.

Address: Manezhnaya street, 13/1, metro station "Alexandrovsky Garden"

Central Exhibition Hall Manege

Various exhibitions, concerts, cultural events capital Cities.

Address: Mokhovaya street, 18, Okhotny Ryad metro station

Central Children's Store on Lubyanka

The building of a department store for children, built in 1953-1957 in the center of Moscow.

Observation deck on the roof of the Central Children's World

The site offers views of Lubyanka Square, the Polytechnic Museum, and the Nautilus shopping center.

Address: Moscow, Teatralny pr-d, 5/1, metro station "Lubyanka"


A large interactive educational project for children from 5 to 15 years old in Moscow.

Address: Presnenskaya embankment, 4, building 1, Vystavochnaya metro station

Central House of Artists (CHA)

The Central House of Artists is a large exhibition venue for many creative projects.

Address: Moscow, st. Krymsky Val, 10, Oktyabrskaya metro station

Saltykov-Chertkov Estate

A cultural heritage site of federal significance in the center of Moscow.

Address: Moscow, Myasnitskaya street, 7, Lubyanka metro station

State Kremlin Palace

The Kremlin Palace hosts musical concerts and performances by ballet troupes.

Address: Moscow, st. Vozdvizhenka, 1, metro station "Biblioteka im. Lenina"

Lenin Mausoleum on Red Square

The monument-tomb where the body of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin has rested since 1924.

Address: Moscow, pl. Krasnaya, metro station "Ploshchad Revolutsii"

Stadion "Otkritie Arena"

Home stadium of the Spartak football club (Moscow). Stadium capacity: 45,000 people.

Address: Moscow, Volokolamskoe highway, vl. 69, metro station "Spartak"

Novodevichy Convent

The monastery in Moscow was founded by the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III in 1524

Address: Moscow, Novodevichy pr-d, 1, metro station "Sportivnaya"


Intellectual games where you have to solve logic puzzles to escape from locked rooms.

Moscow Artistic Theater named after A.P. Chekhov

Drama Theatre, founded by Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko in 1898.

Address: Moscow, Kamergersky per., 3a, building 2, Teatralnaya metro station


This is a famous treasury museum, part of the Grand Kremlin Palace complex.

Address: Moscow, Kremlin, metro station “Alexandrovsky Garden”

Tour “Abandoned Moscow” »

Going into an abandoned building is like stepping back in time.

Sign up for a tour>>

Big Planetarium of Moscow

This is one of the largest planetariums in the world and the oldest planetarium in Russia.

Address: Moscow, Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya st., 5, building 1, Barrikadnaya metro station

Sokolniki Park

One of the oldest parks in Moscow, there are attractions, a museum, an ice skating rink, and playgrounds.

Address: Moscow, st. Sokolnichiy Val, 1, st. 1, Sokolniki metro station

Children's theaters in Moscow

Space Museum

The museum was opened on April 10, 1981 to mark the 20th anniversary of Gagarin's space flight.

Address: Moscow, prosp. Mira, 111, VDNH metro station

A parkVictoryon Poklonnayagrief

Memorial park in Moscow, created to perpetuate the memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War.

Address: st. Brothers Fonchenko, 7, metro station "Park Pobedy"

Sparrow Hills

From the Sparrow Hills there is a view of Luzhniki, Moscow City, the Moscow River, and the building of the Academy of Sciences.

Address: Moscow, Kosygina street, Vorobyovy Gory metro station

Museum of Soviet slot machines

The museum contains more than 70 Soviet-era slot machines that you can play on.

Address: Moscow, st. Kuznetsky Most, 12, metro station Kuznetsky Bridge»

Winzavod Center for Contemporary Art

Winzavod houses creative galleries, exhibition halls, workshops and art agencies.

Address: Moscow, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1, building 6, Kurskaya metro station

Tverskaya Street has been one of the main streets in the center of Moscow for many centuries.

Address: Moscow, metro station “Okhotny Ryad”, “Tverskaya”

Excursions around Moscow

A large selection of excursions around the capital of Russia.

Book an excursion>>

Museum cold war"Bunker-42 on Taganka"

A secret bunker from the Cold War between the USSR and the USA at a depth of 65 meters.

Address: Moscow, 5th Kotelnichesky lane, 11, Taganskaya metro station

Chistye Prudy

Pond in the center of Moscow on Chistoprudny Boulevard. Also this park area on the boulevard.

A day off comes, and questions inevitably arise: what to see in Moscow today, where to go for free? How to find out about interesting events in advance, and not when they have already passed? In this review, we will talk about budget Moscow places that not every old-timer knows.

After, we decided to write a continuation, and now the second part is in front of you!

Watch a film in a cinema or film club

Surprisingly, even today in Moscow you can find several places with free entry for everyone, and watching a movie won’t cost you a penny! Where are they located?

  • A visit to the ZIL film club rarely leaves viewers indifferent.
    The club is open to the public twice a month (usually on Friday evenings), but pre-registration is required.
  • “World of Art” is one of the first Moscow electronic cinemas, despite its modest size, and still attracts visitors with a variety of genres. Film club meetings take place on Wednesdays. Changes are possible, the current schedule can be viewed on the official website.
  • Standing apart on our list is the building of the Library of Foreign Literature named after. M.I. Rudomino.
    Despite the fact that the library's themes have few points of intersection with the field of cinema, you can regularly attend screenings of foreign films here. Most often, the films are shown in the original (Russian subtitles are possible).
  • Moscow School of Photography and Multimedia named after. A. Rodchenko.
    Here you can not only receive a certificate of completion of courses in the art of photography, but also watch a high-quality original film completely free of charge. The screening takes place at the Blue film club on Saturday. Don't forget to take any identification document with you.
  • Visit to the Film Library named after. Eisenstein has a variety of plans for the weekend. The main topics are films by Russian and Soviet filmmakers. Various film events and anniversaries of film workers are also held here.
  • Visit to the library named after. M.A. Svetlova. As part of the Mayak film club, you can not only watch interesting film, but also discuss it with other participants, meet new people and have a good time in an informal atmosphere.

Lifehack! If you want to see new items, which are currently in theaters, and do it with minimal costs, then take a look at the website of the Moscow Cinema cinema chain. 13 cinemas under the Moscow Department of Culture where you can enjoy watching films from 90 rubles!

Listen to classical music

If you are looking not only for free entertainment in Moscow, but also want to attend concerts of talented groups, then this section is for you.

  • Concerts at the Moscow Conservatory

The Maly and Rachmaninov Halls, located on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, regularly invite guests to free performances. Also there you can witness a variety of festivals related to classical music.

The interesting thing is that you can attend the event for free not only on a weekday; the halls are often open on weekends. If you are only attracted to Big hall, then don’t despair, free concerts are held there too, but a little less often. In the conservatory’s poster, look for the inscription “free admission.”
Address: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 13/6.

  • Organ concerts at the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church

Have you thought about where to go for free on a weekend in Moscow? Are you familiar with the enchanting music of the organ?

When the last Sunday of the month arrives, church workers organize a social concert of organ music (usually starting at 15.00). The organ, created in the 19th century, performs famous works of classics.

The church is located on M. Trekhsvyatitelsky Lane no. 3 (metro Kitay-Gorod). If you want to borrow comfortable spot, then arrive 30 minutes before the start of the event.

Don’t think that only student concerts are open to the public. Very often, professional artists come to the Russian Academy to give free concerts (the main venues are the Musical Living Room of Shuvalova’s House and the Small Hall). Almost every weekday evening there is some kind of event at the academy. On weekends you can visit Gnesinka both in the morning and in the evening.
Address: st. Povarskaya, 30/36.

  • Events at the All-Russian State Library for Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino

Usually visiting libraries is not conducive to noisy events. However, here everything is different: to the sounds of the unchanging classical music you can not only enjoy your favorite works, but also discuss them with like-minded people. The library is located on Nikoloyamskaya street 1 (entrance on the right side).

Take a walk along the embankments or ride a bike, rollerblades, or longboards

If you are, then be sure to visit the beautiful embankments leading from Muzeon to Vorobyovy Gory. Also interesting route For visiting there will be a Park of Culture - Novodevichy Convent - Kyiv metro station.

Remember that on the embankments you can ride bicycles, rollerblades, longboards, or just stroll around enjoying the view.

Visiting parks and estates

If you want to visit historical interesting places in Moscow for free, and the weather permits, then be sure to go to nature: fresh air, friendly people and beautiful landscape will drive away any melancholy. You should also remember that almost every day off is a holiday, so you can easily get to a festival or other event. Estates include:

  • Muzeon
  • Park named after Gorky
  • Zaryadye
  • Sokolniki
  • Tsaritsyno
  • Kuskovo
  • Izmailovo
  • Kolomenskoye
  • Learn about industrial culture

Are you nostalgic for the 20th century or would you be interested in seeing with your own eyes how things worked back then? Be sure to visit the Museum of Industrial Culture. It is here that you can travel in a time machine to the past, look at household items, equipment, toys and clothes of the last century. You can even buy soda from a special machine!
Address: Lyublino metro station, Zarechye st. 3A.

  • Learn about water

The Water Museum is also an environmental center. Here you can not only learn interesting facts about drinking water, but also acquainted with those nology of water treatment facilities and water supply schemes for the capital, which operated at different periods of time. The museum is located in the former Main Pumping Station, dating back to the 19th century.
Address: Proletarskaya metro station, Sarinsky proezd, 13.


Despite the worldwide fame of the Mausoleum, visit historical place possible only at strictly designated times. Currently this is the morning (10-13) of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. Visiting the Lenin Mausoleum remains free.
Where: Red Square.

Cathedral of Christ the Savior

One of the most famous temples in all of Russia also does not require payment for visiting. However, if you want to hear an interesting story about the construction and history of the temple, then you will have to pay the guide a certain amount.
Where: st. Volkhonka, 15.

For creative people

  • "Winzavod"

Be sure to visit the first art territory of the capital's industrial zone. If you look carefully at the exhibition schedule, you will find several free ones there. No documents or prior registration are required to visit the center.
Where: metro Kurskaya, 4th Syromyatnichesky lane, 1/8.

  • "Bottle"

This design factory was also a pioneer. Currently, creative evenings, film screenings and various festivals are held here. You can get to some of them without paying a penny, you just have to study the poster. Since the place is extremely popular, it is recommended to arrive to events 20-30 minutes before the start.
Where: m. Dmitrovskaya, st. B. Novodmitrovskaya, 36.

  • "Factory"

The center is interesting not only for its diversity (connoisseurs of theatre, music and cinema, as well as artists gather here), but also a huge amount free installations. Almost every day you can come to 18 Perevedenovsky Lane and visit a new exciting exhibition of a contemporary artist.

Who said you can't combine American fashion photography with Belgian classics and Korean modernism? Gary Tatintsian's gallery has always been distinguished by the originality of its ideas, and free exhibitions are a pleasant, but not the main addition to the overall impression.
Where: Chkalovskaya metro station, Serebryanicheskaya embankment, 19.

Going to the theater is almost free

Some places cannot be called completely free. But the small fee (within 200 rubles) is fully paid off by the emotions after visiting these places.

  • Visit to the Satire Theater

Usually the cost of theater tickets exceeds the above-mentioned amount, but if you carefully monitor the promotions, you will definitely see budget performances. Believe me, their quality is absolutely no different from ordinary performances: positive emotions are guaranteed!
Where: Triumfalnaya Square, 2.

  • Performances of the Vakhtangov Theater

Despite the huge period of work (more than 90 years) and the talented troupe, the theater values ​​​​its audience, offering them budget ticket prices (from 100-200 rubles).
Where: st. Arbat, 26.

  • Visit to the Luna Theater

The theater has been operating for a quarter of a century and is distinguished original ideas directors, unique scenery and talented selection of music. Ticket prices start from 200 rubles.
Where: st. Malaya Ordynka, 31, building 1.

  • Performances from the workshop of Pyotr Fomenko

The combination of theater traditions and experimental discoveries makes the Workshop's productions interesting and unusual. Prices for performances also start at 200 rubles.
Where: "old" stage on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 30/32 and the “new” stage onTaras Shevchenko Embankment, 29.

Find an idea on our Instagram

Every Friday we publish in our Instagram @idem_gulyat a selection of the most interesting and free events of the weekend! Subscribe, and you will no longer have to suffer with the choice of leisure time.

Visit the events of the creative space "Symbol"

All events at Symbol are carried out free of charge, i.e. Anyone can register on the official website and attend a very interesting master class or lecture! There were all sorts of events here, from dance classes and music concerts to business meetings and psychological trainings. We recommend!

Official site
Where: st. Zolotorozhsky Val, 11, building 20.

Swing on a swing on Triumfalnaya Square

You know that on Triumfalnaya Square, under the sensitive gaze of V. Mayakovsky, there is a playground with 12 paired swings for adults? This is a delight, comrades! Remembering childhood and enjoying the moment is available to everyone.

Where: metro Mayakovskaya, Triumfalnaya square.

Take a walk through the fabulous Kremlin

The Izmailovo Kremlin delights us with its magical decoration. Walk around the Kremlin and do bright photos- a pleasant opportunity to brighten up your day off.

Where: metro station Partizanskaya, Izmailovskoe highway, 73zh.

Take a walk around the city center or around the Moscow City complex

There can be a lot of ideas for walks, we will just start this endless list of beautiful places in Moscow, and you will continue it to your taste. To look at Moscow City you can start with best view- from the Taras Shevchenko embankment, and then continue the walk on the territory of the complex itself, crossing the Bagration Bridge. Surely you will also experience a breathtaking sensation at the foot of the tall buildings.

As for walking around the city center, we won’t be original here. Places that never cease to delight the eye every time: Red Square, St. Basil's Cathedral, Bolshoi Theater, Big Stone Bridge, Manezhnaya Square, Old and New Arbat, the area of ​​cozy streets of Kitai-Gorod, boulevards of the central district of the city, Patriarch's Ponds, Kuznetsky Most, Crimean embankment, Krutitskoe courtyard and so on...

Attend an event in a modern library

Libraries "Turgenevka" and "Nekrasovka" can rightfully be called modern, beautiful and useful! If you are interested in the format of an exhibition, concert or discussion club, then feel free to choose the event you like and come! Admission is free by prior registration on the official websites of libraries.

By the way, it’s simply impossible not to fall in love with Nekrasovka; such a beautiful and cozy interior makes you come back here again and again.

“Nekrasovka”: official website, metro station Baumanskaya, st. Baumanskaya, 58/25, building 14.
"Turgenevka": official website, m. Turgenevskaya, Bobrov lane. 6, pp. 1,2.

Another youth and modern library is definitely worth mentioning! This is the library. M.A. Svetlova or otherwise they call her "Svetlovka". A large number of events take place here: meetings of poetry club participants, drawing master classes, game rooms, literary evenings, meetings with famous cultural figures, events of film and environmental clubs and much more!
You can find the current schedule in


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