Amazing places on the planet

Ecology of life: The most beautiful places on planet Earth. Angel Falls is the tallest free-falling waterfall in the world. It is located in the mountainous area of ​​Guyana in Venezuela on the Carrao River, which is one of the tributaries of the Orinoco. The name of the waterfall is translated from Spanish as “Angel”.

My husband and I are avid travelers! We've traveled half the world in search of adventure! Now we are creating videos from our travels and presenting to you a video about the Most incredible places on earth! (according to our version).

Angel Falls is the tallest free-falling waterfall in the world. It is located in the mountainous area of ​​Guyana in Venezuela on the Carrao River, which is one of the tributaries of the Orinoco. The name of the waterfall is translated from Spanish as “Angel”.

Since ancient times, local Indian tribes called the waterfall Churun-Meru (“Waterfall of the deep place"), and the plateau from which it falls is Auyan Tepui, which translates as "devil's mountain", due to the constant thick fog with which it is shrouded.

The main attraction of Venezuela

In 1910, the waterfall was discovered by the Spanish explorer Ernesto Sanchos La Cruz, but gained worldwide fame thanks to the American pilot and gold miner James Crawford Angel.

In 1949, an expedition from the US National Geographic Society was sent to the waterfall, which determined the main parameters of Angel. And in 1993, UNESCO added the waterfall to the list of World Heritage of Humanity. Now Angel is in the territory national park Canaima is considered the main attraction of Venezuela.

The waterfall is surrounded tropical forests and there are no special roads to it. Therefore, tourists are taken to Angel by air on a light aircraft or by water in a canoe with a motor. The most desperate lovers thrills can jump off the edge of a plateau on a hang glider. The starting point for tours to the waterfall is the small village of Kanaimi. With the influx of tourists here, the town has been transformed, several hotel complexes, restaurants and souvenir shops.

Son Doong is a cave in Central Vietnam that currently holds the title of the largest cave in the world. It is located in the heart of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh Province, not far from the Vietnam-Laos border. Its dimensions reach record levels - the height is 200 meters, the width is 150 meters, and the length is more than 5 kilometers. The total volume of the unique formation is 38.5 million m³.

The entrance to the cave, located deep in the jungle, was first found by a local resident named Ho Hanh in 1991, but the roaring water flow coming from there and the steep descent prevented him from exploring it from the inside. Only in 2009, a group of British scientists led by Howard Limbert managed to discover and successfully study Son Doong in Vietnam, after which they announced the official opening of the cave and confirmed that its dimensions allow it to be awarded the status of the largest on the planet.

“Hang Sơn Đoòng” translates to “cave” in Vietnamese mountain river"It actually has a fast-flowing underground river that floods parts of Son Doong during the rainy season. In addition, it has its own jungle, climate and even real clouds that form due to the large temperature difference. Two huge windows of a giant underground cavity allow light to penetrate many parts of it, resulting in a lush jungle with 3-meter trees growing inside.

Shondong is famous not only for its impressive size, but also for the best examples of cave formations on the entire planet. Here you can find interesting ancient fossils, stalactites and some of the tallest stalagmites in the world, up to 70 meters high. A particularly impressive formation is the Dog's Hand and a place called the Cactus Garden. Also in the cave there are examples of giant cave pearls that fill the limestone layers.

The flora and fauna of Shondong is a treasure trove for any scientist. Many rare plant species grow in the cave area, and recently a number of new animal species have even been discovered. Monkeys, hornbills and flying foxes all live in this unusual underground jungle.

The unique cave was formed as a result of a long process of washing away limestone water flow approximately 2-5 million years ago.

At the beginning of August 2013, the first tourist group went on an excursion to Shondong. To get inside the attraction, you need to use a rope to descend underground to a depth of 80 meters. Tourists crash there tent camp spending time in labyrinths underground cave or sitting comfortably by the fire. The cost of such entertainment is $3,000. From September to March, access to the cave is closed due to the rainy season, during which many areas are flooded. The 2015 tour schedule will be posted on the tour website later this year.

The world's largest cave, called Sơn Đoòng, has attracted a lot of attention from many film companies such as BBC, National Geographic, as well as famous Japanese and Brazilian teams. In 2011, she appeared on the pages of the popular National Geographic magazine.

Mount Roraima is the most famous and also the highest Venezuelan tepui (table mountain), reaching a height of 2810 meters. It is located at the junction of Brazil (Roraima state), Venezuela (Canaima National Park) and Guyana (the highest point of the country). The surface area of ​​the plateau of the “big blue-green mountain,” as it is also called, is 30 km².

Local Indians, in turn, call it the “navel of the earth” and believe that the goddess Queen, the ancestor of all people, lives at the very top of the mountain. Despite the fact that all tepuis are houses of the gods, it is Roraima that is considered a holy place. It is almost always surrounded by whitish clouds, giving it a mysterious quality that cannot but attract adventurers and admirers of beauty.

For a long time beautiful mountain South America remained inaccessible and unknown. Only the bravest Indians overcame the difficult path to the lands enchanted, according to their beliefs, through almost impassable swamps and forests.

The first European explorer to explore this area in 1835 was the German scientist Robert Schomburgk. He was amazed by the majestic mountains with a unique ecosystem, but attempts to climb one of them were unsuccessful.

Half a century later, in 1884, this was accomplished by two British scientists Everard Im Thurn and Harry Perkins, who conquered the top of Mount Roraima and revealed to the world all the secrets of this mysterious area. Exactly along this route modern travelers rise to the plateau of the famous Venezuelan tepuya.

A report written by the discoverers about the wondrous wanderings in uncharted lands inspired the famous writer Arthur Conan Doyle to create the fantasy novel “The Lost World” about the discovery of a plateau inhabited by prehistoric species of plants and animals.

The constant cloudiness around the mountain is associated with the fact that the Amazon, Orinoco and Essequibo rivers originate at the foot of Roraima.

The surrounding landscapes are indeed very similar to a fantasy world with black rocks hung with threads of waterfalls, colorful ponds, strange vegetation and rare animals.

Almost the entire surface of the mountain plateau is black from the “desert tan” and microscopic algae inhabiting the upper layer of the stone. Only in those places where the sandstone is not exposed to the sun and rain or is regularly washed with water, its true color - bright pink - appears.

The different rates of destruction of sandstone layers contributed to the formation of a large number of bizarre rocks on the plateau. Here and there the stone is cut through by huge cracks into which several rivers flow, which later burst out of the rocks with noisy waterfalls. Water covers about a fifth of the plateau: peat bogs, bright pink puddles, crystal clear lakes, fast-flowing rivers, the beds of which are strewn with rock crystals for several hundred meters.

The most colorful corners of the plateau are the peat bogs - beautiful flowers grow there, strange insectivorous plants, and colorful carpets of mosses and mosses. The local trees, which resemble bonsai in appearance, are represented by a very small number of species.

The fauna of the Roraima plateau also cannot boast of rich diversity, but it surprises with its unique representatives, most of which are endemic. Many inhabitants of this area are colored black, even dragonflies and butterflies. Also found on the plateau are noses, capybaras (capybaras), mice, lizards, several species of birds, spiders, predatory leeches and scorpions.

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The most amazing representatives The fauna of the plateau are miniature, about a centimeter in size, black toads that tend to whistle before the rain. Each large tepui has its own special type of these frogs.

Mount Roraima has another unusual feature: it attracts numerous lightning strikes, which almost every day strike the surface of its top and it is already very difficult to find a tree here that has not been damaged by thunderstorm activity. The unearthly landscapes of Venezuelan tepuis inspired not only the writing of science fiction novels, but also the creation of feature films, documentaries and even animated films.

In 1993, the valley at the foot of Mount Roraima served as the location for the filming of the famous science fiction film Jurassic Park, directed by Steven Spielberg.

In 2008, Griffin Productions released an educational documentary"Authentic Lost World", dedicated to Mount Roraima. It describes the fascinating adventures of a modern team of explorers who followed in the footsteps of the first conquerors of the summit, Ima Thurn and Harry Perkins.

The creators of the cartoons also paid attention to the famous Venezuelan mountain. In 2009, the Disney/Pixar film studio released the cartoon “Up,” in which the action takes place on Roraima. The film also includes a short film, "Adventures Out There," which follows the Pixar team's journey to Roraima in search of creative ideas and inspiration for the animated film "Up."

Today, several dozen people climb Mount Roraima every day. Climbing is usually done from the Venezuelan side, which owns three-quarters of the mountain, as this side has the gentlest slope. The Venezuelan town from which the path to Roraima begins is called Santa Elena de Uairen and lies near the Brazilian border.

To get there, you will first have to buy air tickets to Caracas (the capital of Venezuela) from Moscow with about an hour and a half transfers in Paris, Madrid or Rome. And from Caracas there are regular buses in the direction of Santa Elena de Uairen. Alternatively, this town can be reached by bus from Ciudad Bolivar.

Niagara Falls is lucky to be located on the border of the largest American states - the USA and Canada, which, naturally, has contributed to the transformation of Niagara into the most famous waterfall in the world, where crowds of tourists flock every year. Although in terms of its parameters, for example, in height, it is inferior to many other waterfalls, you cannot deny it popularity and publicity. It is also not the widest waterfall in the world, but Niagara Falls- the most powerful North America by the volume of water passing through it (about 5700 or more m3/s).

Niagara Falls, where the border of the two Great Lakes (Erie and Ontario) lies, consists of actually three separate waterfalls - American, Veil Falls and Horseshoe Falls, which is often called Canadian Falls due to the fact that it is located in this country. The height of Niagara Falls in the American part is 51 meters, and the free fall height is only 20 meters due to the large number of rocks.

But it is quite wide - 330 meters. However, this cannot be compared with the most impressive Horseshoe Falls, whose width reaches 790 meters due to its beautiful bend. The height of Niagara Falls in the Canadian part is 49 meters. Canadian and American Falls are separated by Goat Island. observation decks, alleys, souvenir shops and a monument to Nikola Tesla.

The third and smallest waterfall is Veil Falls. It is quite narrow and separated from the American Island by a small island called Silver Island. The beautiful Rainbow Bridge, built in 1941 and connecting Canada and the USA, spans the gorge through which the waters of Niagara flow.

An interesting event occurred in 1911, when, due to unprecedented frosts, Niagara Falls completely froze and turned into huge block ice, onto which numerous tourists who came to see this amazing phenomenon tried to climb.

The name Niagara comes from the old Iroquoian word "Onguiaahra", which is commonly believed to mean "Thunder of Water". The Western world learned about the existence of the waterfall thanks to the explorer Father Louis Hennepin, who described it in 1677 during one of his travels. And after a couple of centuries, due to the emerging fashion for tourism, Niagara Falls began to be actively visited, which led to the development of this area.

In particular, thanks to the efforts of the great Nikola Tesla, a power plant was built. Today, Niagara continues to attract crowds of tourists. The majority of visitors on the American side are Indians. IN recent years there was a massive influx of immigrants from India to the city of Niagara Falls, which today is filled with Indian food restaurants, souvenir shops, etc.

The world's largest dry salt lake. It glitters and shimmers so much in the sun that it hurts your eyes, so you can't do without sunglasses.

During the rainy season, from November to March, salt lake Uyuni turns into a huge mirror: the salt honeycomb is covered with a thin layer of transparent water, in which the sky is reflected, and it becomes completely unclear where the horizon actually is.

Later, the salt crust dries out, and the water from below bursts out - thanks to this “salt eruption”, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed.

Sudden temperature changes are common in the Salar de Uyuni. In the morning it can be below zero, and during the day the desert heats up to +70 C.

Cutting through the desert in a jeep, it’s worth getting to Fisherman’s Island (Isla de Pescadores), where giant cacti grow from 8 meters high and up to 1200 years old.

Another attraction of the Uyuni salt marsh is the Forest of Stones. This is an unusual landscape with stone statues and sculptures created not by man, but by wind and water. Postcards with the caption “Uyuni Salt Flat – Bolivia” will delight all your friends and relatives who at heart consider themselves archaeologists, speleologists and general artists.

On a trip to the Salar de Uyuni, you can spend the night in “salt” hotels, where even the beds and tables are made of sodium chloride.

After a 3-4-day journey through the salt marsh and the Altiplano plateau (in less time it is impossible to have time to look at all this beauty), you can look into the nearby town of Uyuni, famous for its steam locomotive cemetery. Slowly (due to the dryness of the local climate) rusting carriages lie near railway from Antofagasta to Bolivia since they were "retired" in the 50s. XX century: mineral extraction in these parts fell sharply, and steam locomotives were out of work.

A unique National Park called Lençois Maranhenses(Lencois Maranhenses) is located in the northeast of Brazil, in the state of Maranhão, known primarily for its Alcantara spaceport.

What is unique about this reserve? It would seem like an ordinary desert. Let's start with this impression. In fact, what you see in front of you is not a desert. The precipitation here is hundreds of times greater than in most deserts.

All precipitation forms fresh lakes between dunes of snow-white sand. When the rainy season comes, the “desert” comes to life and birds fly here. Naturally, living organisms (fish, shellfish, amphibians, etc.) appear in lakes. But the main attraction of Lencois Maranhenses is, of course, the magical combination of snow-white sand and turquoise-blue clear water.

Geyser Fly (Fly Geyser), which means Soaring Geyser, is an amazing geothermal geyser located approximately 30 kilometers from the city of Gerlach, Nevada, USA. The geyser is located at an altitude of 1230 meters above sea level, the amount of precipitation in the region is only 300 mm per year. The height of the geyser is about 1.5 m.

The Valley of Geysers is a canyon (gorge) up to 4 km wide, 400 m deep and 8 km long, through which the Geysernaya River flows. There are dozens of similar canyons in Kamchatka, but here, over 6 km from the mouth of the river, more than 40 geysers and many thermal springs are concentrated, which are conventionally divided into 9 sections.

Excursion ecological trail V at the moment passes through the central part of the Valley of Geysers, these are the so-called 5, 6, 7 thermal areas. Here you can observe all known modern forms of hydrothermal activity, including constantly operating and pulsating boiling springs, hot lakes, geysers, mud pots, mud volcanoes, steam jets, heated areas, compactly adjacent in a small space.

The Valley of Geysers cannot be perceived, assessed, or explored without connection with the complex and unique ecological system that has developed around the hydrotherms. The communities of local thermal bacteria, algae, lichens, mosses, and higher plants are unique.

The combination of “normal” and intrazonal areas of vegetation with the significant participation of thermal cenoses also affects the local fauna. In this regard, not only the photogenic nature of the Valley, but also the rare bio-ecological features of natural communities have led to increased interest in the Valley of Geysers among biologists of various specialties.

Hitachi National Seaside Park(Hitachi Seaside Park), located in Hitachinaka City (Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan).

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You shouldn't be afraid to travel alone. In fact, such travel has many advantages: more opportunities for reflection and chances to become better acquainted with the culture of the host country. We've compiled a list of 30 ideal places to travel alone.

(Total 30 photos)

3.​ The landscapes of Switzerland are breathtaking, the country is small, public transport clean and efficient, food delicious - the most convenient place, if you come alone.

4.​ Costa Rica was ranked number one in the Happy Planet ranking, which means its citizens live long and happy lives. Besides the fact that this is a country of happy people, it is great place for water sports and walks through the famous Misty Forest.

5.​ Vienna is just one reason to visit Austria alone. In the city's incomparable cafes you will find excellent coffee and delicious food, and sitting alone at a table is not considered shameful.

6.​ Cinque Terre is one of the most wonderful regions of Italy. Beautiful coastal villages, winding roads between the rocks, colorful houses - a great place to wander alone.

8.​ The city of Lagos is located on the southern tip of Portugal and is famous for its postcard beaches and caves. Almost everyone there speaks English. If you're not a fan beach holiday, there is also boat tours- and the town itself, with cobbled streets and plenty of bars and restaurants where you can meet fellow solo travelers.

9.​ Vancouver is a young city with a diverse population, it has a busy center, but there are recreational options outside the city - for example, Stanley Park with many walking routes. There is also Grenville Island, where you will find many shops, restaurants, galleries and markets.

10. Travel + Leisure recently named Kyoto the best city in the world - the rating was compiled based on the results of a vote among travelers. The city was the imperial capital of Japan for over a thousand years and is still full of temples, gardens and parks.

11.​ Although some areas of South Africa are not safe to travel alone, national park Kruger is not like that. There you will find a luxury safari: the animals you meet will replace you with a companion on your journey.

12.​ The town of Granada in the Spanish region of Andalusia is famous for the architectural and park ensemble of the Alhambra - XIII-XIV centuries. The ideal pastime is to wander around the palace and parks on your own, with a guide or with headphones.

13.​ B Siem Reap city in Cambodia there is an ancient temple complex Angkor. Lonely Planet named Angkor the number one tourist attraction in the world. Temples are a great place to think to yourself.

14.​ Wander between the white and blue houses on greek islands perfect alone. You can also go to the beach or take a boat tour.

15.​ The city of Taipei in Taiwan has so much to offer that you can go there alone. The city's night markets are a great opportunity to explore the country's food and culture.

16.​ In Chile you can ski, surf and walk around the city - all in one day. The diverse country boasts both lush valleys lined with vineyards and gorgeous snow-capped peaks - don't forget the coastal seaside towns. There's also vibrant Santiago and the untouched region of Patagonia.

17.​ There are many hotels and pubs in Ireland, also try walking tours of Dublin and the green hills and coastal cliffs outside the city.

18.​ Icelandic glaciers, national parks and waterfalls invite reflection. There is also a world famous geothermal spring " Blue Lagoon" And unusual city Reykjavik - with friendly residents, interesting museums and historical churches.

19.​ Vietnam is considered one of the most women-friendly places in the world Southeast Asia. Cities like Ho Chi Minh City are lively and safe. Explore Vietnamese markets - Ben Thanh in Ho Chi Minh City and Don Juan in Hanoi.

20.​ Tuscany with its endless vineyards is one of the most picturesque regions of Italy. Take walking tours - a great opportunity to stroll through old towns, taste famous wines and traditional Tuscan dishes.

21.​ In Finland, you can visit the designer shops, museums and markets in Helsinki, take a day trip to the coastal city of Hanko, or watch performances in the city of Espoo.

22. Ambergris Caye - small island in the state of Belize. There are many beautiful beaches and nice bars. You can dive with manatees, fish and even white sharks. This English-speaking country also has Mayan ruins and rain forests.

23.​ The capital of Sweden, Stockholm, is an unusual and compact city where you can kayak, bike through city parks, eat cafes on the verandas or visit the Museum of Modern Art.

24.​ Australia is a place where you will never feel alone. Cities such as Sydney and Melbourne offer restaurants, bars and museums, as well as incredible beaches and mountain trails.

25.​ The Dutch are considered the most tolerant people in Europe. You can explore Amsterdam on foot or by bike and admire its beautiful canals and colorful houses.

26. Singapore has strict laws, but that is why it is very clean and safe. Locals speak English, so this is the best place for those who are in Asia for the first time. Go explore the Singapore Botanic Gardens and the National Orchid Park, then go shopping on Orchard Street.

27.​ Adventure lovers should go to Panama - there you can go bungee riding and hiking. Many travel agencies offer trips from Panama outside the city. Don't forget the Panama Canal!

28. It’s convenient to travel around Berlin using the U-Bahn - this is the capital’s cheap metro. The townspeople are friendly and polite, and there are many historical sights, including the Berlin Wall.

in the world huge amount places and attractions you want to visit. They are all something special and attract the attention of thousands of tourists every year. When planning your next trip, take a look at this list and perhaps visiting one of these amazing places will leave a lasting impression on you.

A large castrum sinkhole located in the center of Lighthouse Reef, an atoll within the Belize Barrier Reef. The diameter of this natural miracle is 305 meters, and it goes 120 meters deep. Blue hole annually attracts a huge number of divers from all over the world.

2) "Wave" in Arizona, USA

In the state of Arizona in the USA, there are rocks covered with intricate layered patterns that give the place an unearthly appearance. located close to major settlements, therefore it has gained great popularity among tourists.

These hills, called chocolate hills, are located on the island of Bohol in the Philippines. In total, there are more than 1,200 such hills covered with greenery in this area.

This place in the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan is nicknamed the Gateway to Hell, it was formed after a failed gas drilling operation. During drilling in 1971, all equipment, including the drilling rig, fell into the resulting crater, which was filled with gas. To avoid accidents and poisoning, it was decided to set this gas on fire and since then, it has continued to burn for more than 40 years.

In the Chinese province of Hunan, they became the prototype for the fantastic landscapes from the movie "Avatar". More than 3,000 thousand sand mountains rise to a height of up to 800 meters and are of great interest to tourists, especially after the success of Cameron's film.

One of the most accessible amazing places on the planet, many Russian tourists We have already visited there, since Pamukkale is located just a few hours from the popular Turkish resort of Antalya. Pamukkale, which means “Cotton Castle”, is a snow-white terrace filled with water from mineral springs. The water in these terraces is believed to have healing properties.

7) Antelope Canyon, USA

Antelope Canyon is located in the southwestern United States, 240 kilometers from. Wind and water have done a lot of work over many thousands of years, resulting in this amazing canyon red-red flowers.

Do you know what the most active volcano located in Antarctica? Volcano Erebus (Ice Towers of Mount Erebus) was discovered on January 28, 1841 by an English expedition led by polar explorer Sir James Clark Ross on the ships Erebus and Terror. The height of this volcano is 3794 meters, making it one of the most high points Antarctica. Inside the volcano there is a large lava lake.

9) Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks Monument, USA

This national monument is located in the state of New Mexico, 60 kilometers from the city of Santa Fe and was formed due to sedimentation of volcanic rocks.

10) Ischigualasto Natural Park, Argentina

This park, also called The Valley of the Moon, is located in the province of San Juan in Argentina. Not the most popular place among tourists, as it is located far from the main tourist routes, but this is where NASA tested its Mars rovers. The landscape of this place looks alien.

11) Salt Flat of Uyuni, Bolivia

The Salt Lake (Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia is located near Lake Titicaca - this is one of the most amazing and photogenic places on our planet. Everything in this area is saturated with salt, it is everywhere, but the most amazing sight occurs when the rains fall and everything is covered with a thin layer of water, the ideal surface of which turns into a mirror.

12) Danxia Landform, China

This incredible landscape may appear to be just the result of Photoshop, but it is a real geological feature formed by the overlay of sandstone and other mineral rocks. This natural site is located in the Chinese province of Gansu. In 2010, the Danxia Landscape was listed World Heritage UNESCO.

13) Crystal Cave of the Giants, Mexico

This cave containing the world's largest crystals was recently discovered in 2000 near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giants measure up to 15 meters in length and 1.5 meters in width and are composed of zinc-silver-lead salts. The cave has a special climate (almost 60 degrees Celsius and 100% air humidity), in which a person cannot spend more than 5-10 minutes.

14) Dry Valleys, Antarctica

A dry valley is the territory of three oasis valleys (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica west of McMurdo Sound. Hurricane winds, lack of precipitation, low temperatures created this place unique climate. Rare lakes have long been turned into ice wells, in which, according to some scientists, unknown microorganisms live.

15) Socotra Island, Yemen

Socotra is an archipelago in Indian Ocean, consisting of 4 islands, located off the coast of Somalia. These islands preserve unique plant and animal life, many of which can only be found here. The symbol of the archipelago is the endemic dragon tree.

16)Giants Causeway, Ireland

More than 40,000 basalt columns form a path that leads to the foot of the volcano, thanks to the eruption of which these amazing columns were created. The Giant's Causeway is one of Northern Ireland's most popular tourist attractions.

17) Kliluk, the Spotted Lake, Canada

Local indigenous Indians consider this lake sacred. The water of this lake has bright colors, as it is saturated with sodium sulfates, calcium, magnesium and other minerals. During the hot season, the water in the lake dries up and many small puddles form, which have different colors, depending on which element of the periodic table predominates in them.

18) "Pulpit" or Preikestolen, Norway

Preikestolen Rock, a favorite place for photographers and just tourists, is a huge rock-cliff with a flat platform 25 by 25 meters. The height of the cliff is 604 meters and from its top you can see beautiful view to the surrounding landscape. The Preikestolen cliff is one of Norway's most popular attractions.

19) Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Plitvice Lakes is the main attraction of Croatia. There are 16 large and several small lakes, about 20 mysterious caves and 120 waterfalls. In this place you can find many species of plants and animals that are unique and found only in the Plitvice Lakes region, which is why they are strictly protected by UNESCO.

20) Cappadocia, Türkiye

Cappadocia, or “The Land of Beautiful Horses” - unique place, located in the Goreme Valley in Turkey. Cappadocia is practically a whole world, which is hidden in caves of volcanic origin, there are houses, monasteries, unique multi-tiered underground cities and much more, all this appeared before our era. This unique place is rightfully popular among tourists coming to Turkey.

21) Yellowstone National Park, USA

Yellowstone National Park is unique natural park, known throughout the world. The most famous and most visited national park in the USA. Yellowstone is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. This park is located in three states: Montana, Idaho and Wyoming. Yellowstone is famous for its unique geological features: geysers, geothermal springs and the largest dormant volcano on the entire continent - Caldera.

22) Tunnel of love in the city of Klevan, Ukraine

This tunnel of trees envelops the railway tracks that pass near the city of Klevan. Because of its amazing beauty and romance, this place was nicknamed the Tunnel of Love. In the summer, when the tunnel is in its prime, newlyweds like to come here; taking a photo against its background is considered a good sign.

23) Corinth Canal, Greece

It is impossible to believe that this channel was created by human hands. The construction of the Corinth Canal began under Emperor Nero in 67 BC, and was completed only in 1893. This unique human creation connects the Saronic Gulf of the Aegean Sea and the Corinthian Gulf of the Ionian Sea. The depth of the Corinth Canal is 8 meters and the width is 24 meters.

One of the most beautiful places in Chile is Lago General Carrera, which contains Marble Caves. This one is unique natural cave consists entirely of multi-colored marble (pink and blue), there are more than 5000 million tons of it.

25) Monsanto village, Portugal

This small Portuguese town is built among huge stone boulders, many of which are home to local residents. The town of Monsanto consists almost entirely of one-story buildings, which are separated by narrow streets; getting here, you can feel like you are in the Middle Ages.

Types of this ice canyon Greenland is mesmerizing, it's dark blue water It’s captivating and you can get lost in the many skillfully crafted ice arches. This canyon is the largest on the island, and its waters are home to bowhead whales, seals and walruses.

27) Skaftafell, Iceland

Skaftafell Park is a natural wonder of Iceland, home to the Jökulsarlon ice caves.

28) Multnomah Falls, USA

29) Seljalandfoss waterfall, Iceland

This temple carved into the rocks truly deserves the title of one of the wonders of the world. The construction of this city began before our era, and it is currently included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

32) Town of Riomaggiore, Italy

A small town in Italy, where houses are piled on the rocks right at the edge of the sea. Cars are prohibited in Riomaggiore.

33) Loy Krathong Festival, Thailand

Every year a festival is held in Thailand, the unchanging tradition of which remains the launch sky lanterns. This amazing sight, when thousands of luminous lights rise into the sky at the same time, is simply mesmerizing. If you're in Thailand in November, don't miss this festival.

34) Mount Roraima, Venezuela

The height of Mount Roraima is 2723 meters, and the summit plateau has an area of ​​35 square kilometers. Reports of an expedition to the mountain area inspired Arthur Conan Doyle to write his novel The Lost World.

35) Etretat, Normandy, France

It is impossible to list all the interesting places on the planet in one place, because each place is unique in its own way and deserves attention, but we tried to gather a lot interesting places, which you should pay attention to when going on your next trip.

We all love to travel and lead an active lifestyle. Sometimes we think about an easy life and a carefree old age. There are quite a few places on Earth that meet our needs, but what are they? best places for living on Earth. We have compiled sample list such places, without ratings or numbers, just the best places on Earth. Where would you like to live?

Health Care and Tolerance - Amsterdam, Netherlands

In 2009, the Netherlands earned the name of the most best country in the healthcare sector. The assessment system consisted of many criteria: respect for the rights and freedoms of the patient, awareness, electronic system healthcare, waiting time for treatment, range of services and medications offered and much more. The Netherlands, on top of that, is valued for its low level of bureaucracy and attention to the population.

The Netherlands, in particular Amsterdam, has become extremely popular throughout the world due to its tolerance of prohibitions. The authorities believe that people should choose what they consider morally right, with the least possible involvement of the state. Therefore, soft drugs are legal in Amsterdam. Tattoo parlors, sex shops and red light districts undoubtedly attract tourists, and in the summer seasons all hotels are packed to capacity.

When it comes to culture, Amsterdam boasts famous museums where you can see works by Van Gogh, Vermeer and Rembrandt. You can learn the story of Anne Frank, relax in beautiful parks and ride bicycles almost everywhere. “They say that Amsterdam has more canals than Venice, more cafes than Vienna and more bridges than in Paris." You can undoubtedly see everything for yourself, and also discover other secrets of the city.

Best place for singles - New York, USA

Although living in New York requires more and more financial investment, it doesn't make it interesting city less attractive to people. This destination has a lot to offer, with 35,000 restaurants, 3,800 bars and 734 museums, you're sure to find plenty to do in New York City. This overpopulated city is suitable for singles or divorced people who want to enjoy some privacy, relaxation and good fun. It is noteworthy that the largest dating site in America has greatest number questionnaires from New York. However, in order to live normally in this metropolis, you need to be loyal to the crowd. New York is essentially a large gathering of people from all over the world.

“The City That Never Sleeps” easily lives up to its name. From piano lounges to jazz bars, nightlife in New York continues until the morning. Nightclubs where world-famous DJs perform, and fashionable establishments for the most sophisticated people.

Whatever interests you, rest assured, you will find it in New York, the capital of the world.

Mild climate - Malta

An island state located less than 100 kilometers from Sicily, the Republic of Malta. Is a multiple winner Quality of Life Index in the nomination better climate and geography. Currently in the ranking of the 28 most countries with the best quality of life. Mild winters, warm summers, a huge number of sunny days - this country is designed to be the best. Diving, sailing yachts, colorful fairs, horse riding, golf and much more that you can do in your free time.

Yes, sometimes it rains in Malta too. During this time, you can visit such wonderful institutions as the opera, ballet or theater Manoel Theater in Valletta. The Manoel Theater is one of the two oldest theaters in Europe.

Malta's politically stable government, low cost of living and crime, hospitable residents and ease of movement and travel, despite the state's island status - for all this you will definitely love Malta!

Best for Family - Virginia, USA

The state of Virginia has beautiful coastlines and beaches. Virginia is a very family-friendly and community-oriented place, with a huge number of exhibitions, festivals and other community events. The people here are very friendly and diverse, and the schools are highly regarded, where your child can find a lot of extracurricular activities and additional courses.

The state takes the health and safety of not only all residents, but also children and schoolchildren very seriously. In 2010, more than $515,000 was allocated there to support youth and prevent violence and drug addiction among them.

So, Virginia is a great place for a quiet family life.

Low Cost Living and Retiring – Brazil

Brazil is the most big country in South America and therefore offers extensive living and travel opportunities. From the Amazon jungle to famous beaches– everywhere you will find entertainment to suit your taste, and hospitable residents will help you get comfortable. And although Brazil's expensive nightlife is world famous, not everyone knows that Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are among the cheapest cities to live.

Do you want to pay off your debts? Brazil is good place to resign. High pensions will be available after obtaining a retirement visa, and retirement visas come with proof of income. They are general and legal for all residents who have at least some real estate in Brazil.

Brazilians are also very sensitive to their health. You don't even need to be a resident of Brazil to benefit from the national healthcare system. Most services are free, but if you wish, you can seek private healthcare services. Nevertheless, for the same money you will get more than, for example, in the USA.

With well-developed agricultural, mining, manufacturing and service industries, Brazil's economy is larger than that of other South American countries and is rapidly expanding its presence in international markets.

Simply wonderful - Belize

Belize, one of the most beautiful countries Central America. Belize is a beautiful clean beaches, subtropical climate, varied wildlife and, of course, low cost of living. Magnificent barrier reefs and scuba diving. The indescribable dreamlike waterfalls of the Mayan Mountains are rivaled only by the hundreds of colorful birds flying in the sky.

Renting a huge house on the beach in the Cayo area will cost you about $300 dollars per month. Food in stores is reasonably priced, the official language is English, you can retire at 45, and tax-free life is possible. What else is needed for happiness?

If your job allows you, you can live in Belize seasonally: leaving here for the winter at home. The wet season runs from May to October, with frequent rain and a possible risk of hurricanes. But from November to April there is beautiful, wonderful weather that will help you relax and unwind during the winter holidays.

Stunning scenery - Cape Town, South Africa

Cape Town is the second most populous city in the Republic of South Africa (RSA). Offering you some of the world's best beaches and exciting travel experiences in the world. Here you can swim in the clearest warm water and immediately watch whales swimming nearby. On one of the beaches you can sunbathe with penguins or just relax on secluded wild beaches. A distinctive feature of Cape Town is Table Mountain, consisting of giant sandstone slabs with breathtaking views, trails for hiking, and paragliding for adventure lovers.

Cape Town is also renowned for its cultural diversity and social tolerance. This coastal city typically has mild, rainy climates in winter and dry, warm weather in summer. Restaurants and fast food chains provide not only the full variety of world cuisine, but also famous local wines that will not leave anyone indifferent. Clubs, saloons, and other entertainment centers make Cape Town ideal for the music community.

Thanks to the FIFA World Cup in 2010, Cape Town has become a booming economic hub and every year more and more people are looking to move to this beautiful coastal city.

Economic Opportunities - Frankfurt, Germany

Anyone looking for certain high standards of quality of life is sure to find them in Frankfurt, the economic capital of Germany. The Frankfurt Stock Exchange is the largest in Germany and one of the most important in the world. According to research agency Mercer, Frankfurt has the highest concentration of jobs in Germany, with 922 vacancies per 1,000 inhabitants.

Frankfurt residents enjoy life in the city not only because of economic security. You can take advantage of museums, historical centers, theaters and many other delights of social life in this city. For tourists and residents, travel difficulties are reduced to nothing. Frankfurt Airport is the most big airport In Europe, not counting island Britain, Frankfurt Central Station is one of the largest railway stations in Europe, and few can resist the temptation to take a ride on the signature German autobahn. Wonderful views along the Maina River, famous and beautiful works of art such as Imperial Cathedral of St. Bartholomew And botanical garden Palmengarten, where on 20 hectares you can see landscapes of all climatic zones of the earth.

The cost of living is quite high, but it is compensated low level unemployment, high wages, cheap business transport and much more. In addition, Frankfurt is the industrial and financial center of Germany, wonderful place for accommodation and the author's choice. :)

The most romantic - Paris, France

The air in Paris is simply saturated with romance. The fascinating atmosphere of this city simply attracts people from all over the world. Cozy bistros and dimly lit restaurants are ideal for couples. In general, Paris is the city of dreams.

However, Paris is not only a city for lovers; it is simply filled with a rich historical heritage and amazing architecture. The Louvre, Versailles, Notre Dame Cathedral are just a small part of all the world-famous beautiful buildings that adorn Paris against the sky. An unimaginable number of paintings and sculptures will surely satisfy every lover of beauty.

As the fashion capital of the world, Paris is home to some famous designers and fashion designers. Those looking for a career in this field will not find more suitable place than Paris. France is also the birthplace of such noble drinks as cognac, Armagnac, and champagne.

However, among all the advantages there is one disadvantage - the high cost of living. The good news is that in the future France will be one of the most advanced countries in the field of employment. So, if you dreamed of living in France, all roads for you lead to Paris.

Hot and Sexy – Miami, USA

Miami is known as the “Magic City” for good reason. The sensual Latin flavor combined with the tropical location makes Miami a home for all fun-loving and free-spirited people. A huge number of lonely girls on the beaches and vibrant nightlife. Having enjoyed all these delights to your heart's content, you will later discover that this wonderful city also offers you many career opportunities, despite the city's attractions.

This sunny multi-ethnic city is bursting with new developments and provides excellent living opportunities with low taxes, housing costs and an exceptional education system.

Miami is a city of eternal summer, sea, sun, beaches, low prices, parties, shopping and much more! Another magnificent city which is included our top 10 places to live on Earth!

If you are dreaming of a radical change of place of residence, especially moving to another country, I would recommend that you weigh and calculate everything very carefully - after all, sometimes such changes turned out to be successful, sometimes they led to almost disastrous results. When making a decision, I would use every opportunity to find out the result in advance, including using the relocation technique. Read about what it is.

There are a great many picturesque corners on Earth that can arouse admiration. And it doesn’t matter at all whether nature created them or whether they were the work of man himself. Nai most beautiful places planets that have become a real paradise for travelers fascinate, beckon and evoke an irresistible desire to return here again. Today we will perform without leaving home virtual tour and appreciate the true beauty geographical objects located in different parts of the world.

The rich imagination of Mother Nature

What place on our planet can be called the most beautiful? Of course, there is no definite answer and cannot be. The delightful landscapes of Mother Nature are not repeated, and those who have seen them once are unlikely to forget the variety of colors. The very concept of beauty is very subjective, and it is not clear what criterion to focus on when compiling the “Top 10 most beautiful places on the planet” rating? However, we have chosen amazing corners that are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Let's make it clear right away that they are presented in random order, since it is rather ridiculous to determine which of them take first or last place.

Magical landscapes of India

Natural work of art

The most beautiful places on the planet are places where the heart beats faster in amazement. Looking at the grottoes carved by water in the thickness of the rocks, dotted with patterns reminiscent of marble, you want to scream with delight. Tourists do not immediately realize that this is not fiction, but reality. A true natural masterpiece, the galleries and shafts of which were formed after the limestone rock was washed away by water, is not inferior in beauty to the works of the greatest architects.

Guests entering the grottoes, shimmering with all shades, understand how rich is the imagination of nature, which created a majestic temple, the beauty of which man had no hand in creating. The smooth cone-shaped teeth of the cave combined with the crystal clear water will make everyone believe that heaven really exists on Earth.

Crystal Cave in Iceland

We will never stop admiring the amazing creations of nature. The best architect in the world, who creates masterpieces that are beyond the power of man, once again shows his skills. And one of these works is the caves in Iceland, which were formed due to the movement of air and water through small crevices in the Vatnajökull glacier.

The crystal dungeon, where sunlight penetrates, looks simply fantastic from the inside. For millions of years, melt water flowed down, solidifying and taking on the most unusual forms. The color of the crystal caves can change depending on the lighting, and the rich azure hue turns into bright orange and even purple when ice grottoes the fire is burning.

Unfortunately, the most beautiful places on planet Earth may disappear over time. The vault of the cave, which is safe to be in only in winter, when it freezes completely, will someday collapse due to the constant movement of the glacier, and the natural object, reminiscent of the Snow Queen’s castle with frozen galleries and bizarre labyrinths, will disappear forever.

Canyon that did not become a national park

According to Americans, the most beautiful places on the planet are in the USA, and the country's government is sensitive to the preservation of miraculous masterpieces and creates national parks. In Arizona, nature has created a real pearl, no less beautiful than the famous Grand Canyon, but, unfortunately, not as popular. The magical corner is not protected by the state, despite its amazing beauty. Antelope Canyon, whose tawny walls resemble the skin of a graceful animal, belongs to the Indians, who charge an entrance fee to enter the territory with very unusual landscapes.

Over the course of many centuries, gigantic cracks have formed in the rocks, resembling stripes with bizarre patterns. Heavy rains, which often flood the canyon, have treated the rocks like a skilled jeweler, and have painted on them mysterious lines of various shades, and even modern cameras cannot convey the true beauty of the picturesque places.

Best time to visit

Tourists who have visited the canyon recommend visiting the most beautiful places planet to get aesthetic pleasure from the red sandstone where the giant depressions appeared. The best time to come here is in the summer, when the bright rays of the sun illuminate the bottom of the unique canyon and play with a variety of colors on its surface.

Video clips of famous musicians and popular films are often filmed here, and viewers who see the luxurious landscapes will never confuse them with something else.

Rainbow colored geothermal spring

The amazing, most beautiful places on the planet are not only ancient forests, mysterious caves and fabulous looking canyons. They also include the prismatic geyser of Yellowstone National Park (USA). Having unique colors that constantly change, it appeared at the site of the eruption giant volcano more than 600 thousand years ago. The thermal spring created a rainbow lake that looked like an eye with long eyelashes.

Due to the high temperature, the water in the pool, which is called "prism", is always transparent, and its color depends on the bacteria living on the surface. This is the most spectacular geothermal source in the world, ranked among the top most beautiful places on the planet. The bright orange shores of the geyser and the rainbow tints formed by microorganisms attract tourists traveling around America. Natural miracle about 50 meters deep, amazing a riot of colors, recognized as a symbol of the national park.

Deadly beauty

Alas, sometimes the most beautiful places on the planet are often difficult to access, and not every tourist will get to the Dallol volcanic crater, located in the Danakil Desert (Ethiopia). However, we can take a virtual tour and admire the unearthly landscapes of an uninhabited place, which in ancient manuscripts was called the “hellish abyss”. Standing apart from the rest of the wonders of the world, it is the most impressive geological formation, the colored rocks of which perfectly illustrate the millions of years of evolution of the solid shell of our Earth.

The volcano, which has a crater below sea level, is dotted with thermal springs, however, instead of water, there are springs of hydrochloric acid and sulfur, so it is impossible to stay on its territory for a long time. There is a large deposit of potassium salts here, and plains covered with fantastically colored sediments surround the Dallol crater. An unusual corner, mesmerizing with its deadly beauty, surprises rare guests who never cease to admire the imagination of nature.

Maldives: complete relaxation

The most beautiful places on the planet are places with amazing landscapes that nature generously gifts us with. A trip to the islands of the Maldives archipelago, which is the epitome of paradise on earth, will never be forgotten, and Vaadhoo Beach with its natural illumination moonlight and even more so. Small blue lights "light up" along beach coast, and the entire area is illuminated with a magical glow. It seems that the sky dotted with myriads of stars has descended to the earth, covering it with a sparkling canvas.

Millions of neon dots scattered in the blue sea fascinate vacationers, especially lovers of romance who spend their nights by the ocean. The surreal spectacle has its own explanation: there is no magic here, but the amazing glow is produced by microscopic organisms - phytoplankton, within which a chemical reaction occurs. Spend an evening on the beach, watching a fabulously beautiful picture of shining bluish color coastline, is one of the most best options in the Maldives.

Japanese fireflies

Nature has created a huge number of masterpieces, looking at which you feel like you are in a fairy tale. This is what tourists remember when they visit Japan in the summer, when the rainy season begins. In the woods exotic country The lights come on, and real fireflies put on a mysterious show. Tiny insects illuminate the path with different colors, thus attracting the attention of the opposite sex, and vacationers are left to admire the natural beauty of Japanese forests, turned into decorations for unique spectacles.

Buddhist shrine on the edge of a precipice

The most beautiful places on planet Earth are not limited to natural masterpieces, and the Chaittiyo Pagoda in Myanmar, located on a huge boulder that hangs over an abyss, is proof of this. The Buddhist shrine sits on top of a tall stone covered in gold leaf. The powerful structure seems to be balancing on the edge of a cliff, and guests who see this miracle for the first time feel as if the boulder is about to fall down.

The monks allow several tourists to rock the local landmark, but for two and a half thousand years no one has yet been able to roll a stone found at the bottom of the sea off a cliff. Although there is an ancient legend that says that only a woman can do this, therefore representatives of the fair sex are not allowed closer than 10 meters to the pagoda.

Breaking the laws of gravity

The Buddhist temple hanging over the abyss was first mentioned in chronicles in the 16th century, and believers believe that hair donated by Buddha and stored in the pagoda protects it from falling. Many skeptics believe that the stone and the rock are a single monolith, but in fact the boulder, which violates all the laws of gravity, is a separate formation. People often come here in the evening to enjoy the amazing views, but foreigners are not allowed to spend the night near the pagoda.

Little known plateau

Sometimes it seems to us that the most beautiful things are in the remote corners of our planet, and we underestimate natural objects Russia. However, unique attractions, such as Baikal, Elbrus or Seliger, are often not inferior to the world's. Many of us have heard little about some miraculous monuments, and it’s time to correct this unfortunate mistake.

The Divnogorye plateau, located in the Voronezh region, is considered a nature reserve. Solid chalk pillars, which are evidence of the distant past of the earth, look like fabulous tall giants. Here you can visit cave churches, hollowed out in pliable rock. During the Time of Troubles, monks hid in them and dug underground labyrinths. Wonderful corner, enchanting unusual beauty, evokes admiration for its grandeur, and you need to visit it to understand how multifaceted the world is.

In this article we have listed the most attractive places on the planet with descriptions. We sincerely wish you to see them with your own eyes. It is believed that there are only seven wonders of the world, but we are sure that there are many more of them, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to tell about them all.


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