100 best beautiful places. The most beautiful places on the planet

Beauty is an entirely subjective concept. Looking at the most fascinating places on our planet, a person begins to realize that true beauty is around him, and it is impossible not to enjoy it. Over endless millions of years, Mother Nature has created so many masterpieces that still not all the most Beautiful places on Earth cover tourist routes.

Lake Uyuni (Bolivia)

This is the largest in size salt Lake world, here time seems to slow down. You can even walk on its surface! During the rains, this salt marsh becomes a huge and extraordinary mirror. Here salt is mined, which is exported using antediluvian locomotives, the cemetery of which is located three kilometers from the city of Uyuni. The ideally flat and stable surface of the salt marsh, better than the surface of the ocean, makes it possible to adjust satellite instruments probing our planet. There are islands on the salt lake on which cacti manage to grow - photographs of such vegetation against the backdrop of the sparkling whiteness of the salt marsh are incredibly spectacular.

Pamukkale (Türkiye)

In the southwest of Turkey there is a very beautiful geological formation - a rock made of limestone tuff - Pamukkale. Here the river begins, which descends along stone terraces in the form of waterfalls and forms multi-tiered pools. Locals They rather poetically called this place “cotton castle.” Calcium-saturated water provided this unusual landscape with incredible whiteness. To natural terraces and thermal springs Thousands of tourists began to come to the foothills of the mountains every year.

Yunnan Rice Terraces (China)

The rice fields located on the mountain terraces of the Chinese province of Yunnan are extremely picturesque. They stretch for several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating all the curves of the earth's topography. The local ecological system is unique in its formation. In February, rice is planted in the soil, renewed by mountain springs, and the harvest is harvested in early autumn. WITH late autumn continues here until mid-spring tourist season. Inexperienced travelers are attracted by the mirror surfaces of rice paddies, reflecting the rays of the sun, which, when refracted, provide the entire solar spectrum.

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Great Blue Hole (Belize)

Off the coast of Belize in the Caribbean Sea there is a barrier reef, in the center of one of its atolls there is an unusual object - a mysterious, beautiful blue hole, perfectly round and leading into a very deep cave. However, in nature such phenomena occur often; in this case, the size of the hole is striking - the diameter is 300 meters and the depth is 120 meters. Extreme divers love to come here to get new doses of adrenaline. Once upon a time this hole was explored by Jacques Cousteau himself, after him it became famous throughout the world.

Arizona Wave (USA)

Near the Arizona-Utah border on the Colorado Plateau, there is an unusual sandstone formation with jagged fancy shapes with smooth curves and painted in rich ocher colors, which was given the name “Arizona wave”. All self-respecting professional landscape photographers definitely strive to get here, but to do this they have to overcome many obstacles, because good roads doesn't exist here. The peculiar structure, reminiscent of a frozen stream of caramel, arose as a result of a long process of petrification sand dunes into solid rock.

Jiuzhaigou National Park (China)

The southeastern Chinese province of Sichuan has many attractions, one of which is the incredibly beautiful Jiuzhaigou National Park. It is located in the north of the province. There are many lakes and waterfalls here, and the special composition of the local water gives them an incredibly beautiful turquoise color. They look especially magnificent in the fall, when their waters reflect the crowns of trees with leaves of all kinds of colors.

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Plitvice Lakes (Croatia)

IN Balkan country Croatia also has a mysterious, colorful and incredibly beautiful place - Plitvice Lakes. They are included in the largest national park in Croatia. The landscapes of the park smell of mysticism: it is surrounded by impenetrable dense thickets, which locals call the “devil’s forest.” The chain of lakes is located in one mountain valley, water from each upper lake numerous waterfalls flow into the lake located below. Since water quickly destroys limestone rock, the waterfalls change every year. In winter, frozen waterfalls are no less spectacular than in summer. All Plitvice lakes are divided into upper and lower.

Valley of the 10 Peaks (Canada)

The nature of Canada is very beautiful, especially its icy beauty. One of the notable natural sites is the Valley of 10 Peaks, which is located at the base of the multi-headed Vekchemna mountain range, which has 10 peaks. Nearby is glacial Moraine Lake, which is a prominent feature of Banff National Park. To better explore the local attractions, there are many trails for tourists. One of the views is called "20 dollars", because a 20 dollar bill was once issued with this landscape.

Mount Roraima (Brazil and Venezuela)

On the border between Brazil and Venezuela there is a very beautiful peak Roraima. In fact, Roraima is the name given to several mountain ranges rising among the Amazon wilds. This place became especially famous after the publication of Arthur Conan Doyle’s most popular novel “ lost World", it was here that he transferred the main events of the novel and populated the local lands, closed from the whole world by inaccessible mountains. In fact, these places can serve as a powerful source of imagination and creative inspiration.

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Monument Valley (USA)

In northeastern Arizona, on the border with Utah, there is the Colorado Plateau, a desert with an unusual and fascinating landscape. It was called the valley of monuments (monuments), because in the middle of the flat desert there are rocks, carved by the wind into unusual shapes, scattered, creating an alien landscape. Almost all American westerns were filmed here; we have long been accustomed to seeing dashing cowboys on the screen, galloping through the desert against the backdrop of these reddish rocks.

Colored rocks of Zhangye (China)

There are many in China amazing places, for example, the unusually beautiful colorful rocks in Gansu province. They arose during the Cretaceous period. An overview of this mountain range reveals a completely unusual range of colors in which its breeds are painted. It is explained by the fact that among other rocks, red sandstone clearly predominates, as well as sedimentary silt rocks that have undergone oxidation after the waters have receded from these places. Currently, the Chinese authorities have turned this place into one of the popular tourist routes. Landscape artists adore the local mottled ocher-colored rocks.

Ha Long Bay (Vietnam)

The poetic name Halong translated from Vietnamese means “the bay where dragons find shelter.” Following the bay, the city located on its shores inherited the same name. Perhaps the bay fully lives up to its mystical name, because it contains over 3 thousand small islands, mysterious caves and rocky mountains along the shores. In some caves, penetrating deep into the rocks, attractions have been arranged; here, exciting adventure routes have been prepared for tourists, and multi-colored lighting has been installed. Any guest here feels as if in the palace of a real dragon.

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Iguazu Falls (Brazil and Argentina)

Iguazu Falls means large complex, including 275 cascades. They are twice as tall and wide as the famous Niagara Falls. Waterfalls owe their origin to volcanic activity: After the eruption, a huge crack formed in the ground, right under the bed of the Iguazu River, which caused the appearance of a whole cascade of waterfalls. The waterfall looks especially impressive during the rainy season, which occurs in November-March, when the swollen river brings down 13 thousand cubic meters of water every second.

Crystal River (Columbia)

Although this Colombian river is officially called Caño Cristales, Indian tribes living in the wilds of Central Colombia call it “the escaped from paradise” or “the river of five colors.” There are many natural wonders in the tropics, but this fabulously picturesque multi-colored river is especially original! In different places its bottom is colored pink, red, yellow, green, blue and black. It's all because of the amazing colorful algae that turn the river into a rainbow flowing through the Amazon forests.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

The magic of this unusual attraction manifests itself every day for only an hour and a half - from 10:30 to noon, when the rays of the sun penetrate into the cave. This well, 37 meters deep, is located at the bottom of even more deep cave(80 m). But the water in it is so clean that at the bottom of the well you can see fragments of trees that fell there in time immemorial. As if by magic, the walls of the cave and the lake at its bottom are suddenly illuminated with a magical blue light. Access to this cave, located in the Chapada Diamantina National Park, is strictly regulated due to the abundance of visitors and the fragility of the local ecosystem.

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Marble Caves (Chile and Argentina)

This place is located on the border between Argentina and Chile and has three names: among the Argentines - Buenos Aires, among the Chileans - General Carrera, and among the local Indian tribes - Chelenko (lake of storms). Here actually mountain climate very harsh. But there are a lot of fish in the lake, including salmon and trout. On the Chilean side there is the most interesting place - marble caves. There are huge reserves of this valuable stone, in different shades, including even the rarest deep blue. The sunlight entering the cave is refracted from the marble in different colors.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

In the west of the ancient Japanese capital of Kyoto there is an extraordinary bamboo forest. Thousands of bamboo trunks, like masts, sway gracefully in the wind, while they rub against each other, emitting a subtle ringing sound. Next to the grove stands the ancient Buddhist temple Tenryu-Ji, protected by UNESCO.

Hamilton Basin (USA)

This unusual ecosystem is located near the city of Austin in Texas and is a lake hidden under the dome of a cave. Many thousands of years ago, an underground river flowed in this place through the karst rocks and gradually undermined them until the cave vaults collapsed in the center, revealing the river hidden beneath them to the sun. It turned out to be a very cozy secluded bay with a beach under the canopy. The water in the lake has a rich blue color. Moss and climbing plants hang from the vaults of the grotto in some places, and beautiful limestone stalactites descend in others. Swallows make their nests under the dome, and nearby a waterfall falls from a 15-meter height.

Valley of Flowers (India)

In the western Himalayas, in the upper reaches of the Ganges, there are incredibly beautiful flowering meadows. Almost all plants growing here are endemic. Scientists are closely monitoring the local alpine meadows, which stretch over 88 square meters. km. Magnificent flower meadows are adjacent to mountains, forests and waterfalls.

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Grand Canyon (USA)

One of the oldest national parks in the United States became the Grand Canyon area. This is one of the most large-scale creations of nature that has attracted human attention. The canyon is located in Arizona, and was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River. Until the middle of the 16th century, a tribe of Pueblo Indians lived in the canyon, who settled in small gaps in the walls of the canyon. These are the most beautiful places in the world, so now Grand Canyon turned into a giant tourist complex- there are many slopes, places to stay overnight and parking lots.

If you are looking the most beautiful places on the planet– it means you’ve come to the right place. In this review we present to your attention the Top 10 most beautiful corners of our vast world.

1. Great Barrier Reef

The Great Barrier Reef is the most beautiful place in Australia. This is the world's largest coral reef, its length is 2,500 kilometers. It consists of more than 3 thousand reefs and 70 coral islands.

The Great Barrier Reef is located along the length eastern shore mainland. Almost all reefs are surrounded by natural barriers that form islands. Here, between the mainland and the island itself, you can see beautiful shallow lagoons. From the outside Pacific Ocean The reef slopes are steep and go deep. The ocean waves rapidly destroy these structures, which causes them rapid growth and the formation of reef rocks.

Around some reefs there are coral islands with unusual plants and birds. Some of them have not yet been explored. This is a wonderful abode of colorful and unusual fish, unique atolls and plants.

2. Great Blue Hole

Big blue hole- the biggest karst cave among those known to geologists. In appearance it is incredibly beautiful natural place in Belize it resembles a large reservoir with smooth walls, a kind of karst funnel. The attraction was discovered by researcher Cousteau.

Blue hole - famous place among diving enthusiasts. This beautiful corner attracts lovers of the unknown with its underwater caves, rare huge stalactites and stalagmites. At a depth of seventy meters, on the western part of the hole, water filled the entrances to the caves. These caves are connected to each other by rather intricate isthmuses, so there is danger for divers at such depths. Here you can see unusual species of fish and plants, in particular, the Caribbean shark and grouper.

Niagara Falls is deservedly considered one of the most... beautiful waterfalls on our planet. It is located on the border between America and Canada. To facilitate the movement of tourists and cars, the Rainbow Bridge is located between the two countries.

The rumbles of the seething water of Niagara Falls are so loud that almost nothing else can be heard near the reservoir itself. Here three waterfalls are combined into one - Horseshoe, American and Veil. The total height of the waterfalls is 53 meters, the width is more than 1200 meters.

At night on Niagara Falls you can see stunning illumination, about a hundred multi-colored spotlights direct their light directly onto the stream of water. In clear weather, the sun's rays, reflected in drops of water, form multi-colored rainbows. This is a very beautiful sight that is worth seeing.

This is incredible beautiful lake located in Canada's Banff National Park. There are also zoos, arboretums, ski slopes. But Lake Louise is the highlight of the park. Its width is about 500 meters and its length is 2 km. This beautiful place was formed due to the melting of glaciers. The water of the lake is saturated with pure emerald color, this is due to the dissolution of rocks in it. This place has all the conditions for recreation for tourists: hotels, tourist centers, restaurants, supermarkets.

Thanks to the terrain, guests can go skiing, cycling, horseback riding, or walking among the pine trees. An exotic form of recreation is dog sledding. Climbers can devote time to their favorite activity in rocky mountains. Both newlyweds and lovers come here to relax active type sports

5. Monument Valley in the USA

The list of the most beautiful places on the planet also includes the picturesque Monument Valley in the USA. This stretch of valley between Arizona and Utah is a unique geological formation. Among the monotony of desert landscapes, fantastic castles, temples, and abstract sculptures stand out. All of them were created by nature itself in the same way as rocks are created. Millions of centuries ago there was a sea in this place, and sandstones were deposited at its bottom. After the rise of tectonic plates, the huge plateau was systematically eroded by rain and wind. As a result, picturesque rocks, towers and columns were formed.

Iguazu Falls are recognized as one of the most picturesque places on Earth. Most big waterfall looks like a giant horseshoe, it is called the Devil's Throat. The complex is located between Brazil and Argentina. The waterfalls were formed as a result of cracks in the earth's crust and a volcanic eruption. There are almost 275 waterfalls here, which are separated by small islands.

The complex of these beautiful waterfalls is located along the length of the Iguazu River, its length is three kilometers. When falling, the water reaches a height of 80 meters. When the rainy season arrives, the Iguazus change and the water rises to such a height that tourists can visit the cascades by boat. When there is a drought, the water flow becomes shallow, at which time you can visit the complex on foot. At least 2 million tourists visit this beautiful place every year.

7. Yunnan Rice Terraces

In the southeastern part of the Chinese city of Yunnan there is an unusual beautiful place, which is famous for its extraordinary rice terraces. They look like hundreds of fantastic mirrors that cascade down from the mountains down to the Red River.

Rice has been grown on artificial terraces for hundreds of years. This structure is man-made; with pinpoint precision, Chinese peasants manually carved out multi-stage cascades, creating one of the most beautiful places in the world.

The most beautiful area is the artificial field, located at an altitude of about 1,500 thousand meters. China's rice fields are equipped with an autonomous irrigation system. Rice is planted once a year, in mid-spring. Harvest in mid-autumn. After the rice is harvested, the terraces are filled with water and then dried out again.

8. Grand Canyon National Park

In the northwestern part of Arizona is located the most beautiful national park in a world called the Grand Canyon. Its area is 5,000 kilometers. It is interesting due to its combination of volume, iridescent rock layers formed under the influence of erosion of the earth's crust and the action of winds.

The Grand Canyon was created over millions of years. Now at the very bottom of the depressions you can see unusual red rocks, causing the waters of Colorado to turn bloody. The scope and abyss of this gorge are simply breathtaking. Here you can see canyons, waterfalls, caves, towers, ravines. The length of the monumental chasm reaches 350 kilometers, and it goes 1900 meters deep. The park area contains forests and deserts and is home to unusual birds and mammals, amphibians and fish.

9. Northern Lights in Iceland

Northern lights in Iceland is an amazingly beautiful sight that is simply mesmerizing. It was formed as a result of the interaction of the planet’s ionosphere with solar wind particles. These particles reach our planet after flares occur on the Sun. The aurora appears as multi-colored long stripes in the night sky, red, green, blue, and are best observed in the evening and at night, from February to October. In other months, the stripes become brighter, but bad weather and blizzards can prevent you from seeing the glow.

Optimal weather conditions to see the radiance is the night sky without clouds. If weather forecasters record increased solar activity, you can expect an intense glow in the night sky.

10. Neuschwanstein Castle

AND last place Neuschwanstein Castle was ranked in our ranking of the most beautiful places on the planet. It's fabulous beautiful castle in Germany with swan symbolism is the embodiment of romance and strength at the same time. The structure was built by King Ludwig II in the Bavarian Alps. The landscapes here are simply magical.

Vacation in our time for many people is something they wait for the whole year, working tirelessly. Some people like to relax at their dacha - cheap and cheerful. Many love excursion holiday to European cities is also a great option. However, most people dream of going on vacation to a place where the warm sea caresses the skin, the hot sand burns the feet, and the cool breeze develops the hair. We present the ranking of the 14 best beaches in the world.

14 Brazil – Copacabana

List of the most beautiful places for beach holiday opens the most famous beach Rio de Janeiro, which stretches for 4 kilometers in the southern part, has the same name and is one of the city's attractions. Brazilians call this beach “Princess of the Sea” and consider it the best place for tourists due to the abundance of hotels and entertainment for every taste. Copacabana is the most popular area in Rio. There are beautiful apartments and huge penthouses here. This area is considered a convenient starting point for all excursions, and it is here that one of the most colorful New Year celebrations in the world takes place. Every year, on the night from December 31 to January 1, more than 2 million tourists gather in Copacabana. In addition to beautiful beaches, Brazil also boasts many, some of which are considered among the most amazing in the world.

13 Australia - Whiteheaven Beach

This huge 6 kilometer long beach is covered in fine white sand and is best beach Australia. The sand is not the finest, its consistency resembles snow, and in water it turns into something reminiscent of sour cream. Hardly to be found all over the world the best place for diving and snorkeling. The weather here is warm and tropical all year round - average temperature air 27.4C. Whitehaven Beach, like the island of Whitesunday on which it is located, has the status of a national park in Australia, which is why there is not just one hotel on this island, but rather more than a dozen. All tourists stop at neighboring islands, and then take boats to this fantastic beach.

12 Cuba – Varadero

This beach is part of the beach of the same name resort town and the most famous resort area of ​​Cuba. The beaches here stretch over 20 kilometers and are protected by the largest coral reef in the Corib Sea. Varadero Beach was recognized by UNESCO in 1992 as one of the cleanest beaches in the world, and for local residents the entrance to this resort area prohibited. During the day, tourists can enjoy sandy hotel beaches, crystal water and sunbathing, and adventure seekers can enjoy yacht trips, deep-sea fishing and excursions to a variety of exotic corners of Cuba. In the evening, the nightclubs, discos and restaurants that Varadero is so famous for open. The resort is located just 134 kilometers from Havana. Life here is vibrant both day and night.

11 Hawaii - Hanalei Bay Beach

This magnificent beach is located in one of the most beautiful parts of the world and if scenic views are what you are looking for, then Hanalei Beach Bay Beach is a must visit. An almost perfect semicircle resembling a white sandy bay surrounded by waterfalls and magnificent mountains reaching up to the clouds. This can be seen by clicking on the photo of this beautiful beach. He is on Hawaiian island Kauai, which was recognized the best island Hawaii, and the beach was voted the best in the USA in 2009. Kauai is an island with lush vegetation covering it from the mountains to the ocean. There are more than 80 kilometers of white sandy beaches. While this beach can be packed with tourists, especially in winter when surfing conditions are ideal, you won't find a more stunning view anywhere else in the world.

10 Philippines – White Beach

This four-kilometer beach of white and fine sand, lined with coconut palms, is located on Philippine island Boracay is the center of the tourist life of this place. This is a great place for both a relaxing beach holiday and active rest. Boracay - small island, but nevertheless it was still included in the ranking of the most beautiful beaches in the world. Its length reaches 8 km and width – 2 km. East Coast the western one is no more than half an hour's walk away. All along coastline There are white sand beaches. The island has a variety of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to affordable bungalows.

9 Indonesia – Lombok

Ninth place on the list is taken by an island measuring 80 km, located north of the island of Bali. The shape of the island resembles the Indonesian Lombok pepper, hence its name. Tourist infrastructure is most developed in the western part of Sendjiji Island. There, tourists will be able to completely immerse themselves in a state of solitude and closeness to nature. Landscapes of Lombok with its jungles and thickets, coral islands and long clean beaches will impress even a seasoned tourist. This island has recently been actively built up with new hotels and is developing tourism infrastructure. In the central part of Lombok, Mount Rijani, 3726 meters high, with a crater lake in the middle, is visible from everywhere. Locals worship Rijani, it is one of the 4 most high mountains Indonesia.

8 Goa – Palolem

This beach perfect place For independent travelers, surfers and kiters. Diving is very popular here and there is a special diving center, boat trips, swimming with dolphins and fishing. Among the many attractions, people are most attracted by the beautiful beaches. Palolem Beach has a crescent shape, and it is quite long, 2-3 kilometers, but it is one of the most favorite vacation spots for tourists. In search of freedom, in Goa everyone finds what they were looking for. Thanks to the local nature and the very calm, gentle sea, this place is the most popular for a beach holiday in India. Life here is in full swing, especially in high season, all the hotels are filled to capacity, and the promenade along the beach is almost crowded. Like many others Goa beaches, at night near the sea there is a lot of fun, music is playing, and people are dancing until the morning in reggae, rock and live music, enjoying nature. Local nightlife is famous for its so-called quiet noisy parties, when people on the beach dance with headphones playing music. Many tourists consider India the best country for a beach and at the same time club holiday.

7 Canary Islands - La Gomera

This almost round island, with an area of ​​372 square kilometers and a population of 20 thousand people, is located near the bustling Tenerife. The island of La Gomera is different from most Canary Islands. It seems like it was created for an ideal peaceful holiday. Tourists come here only to relax on the ocean coast with black volcanic sand, far from any civilization. Those who come here usually surf and live on the shore for several days. The highlands of the island have turned into a giant greenhouse, providing shelter for almost 400 species of plants that disappeared in Europe and Africa millions of years ago. Among them there are some that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

6 Bora Bora - Matira

Matira Beach, located on the southern side of Bora Bora, is the best and most popular beach on the island. Its snow-white sand stretches from the Bora Bora Hotel to Matria Point. Here, topless sunbathers enjoy the calm and serenity of the beach. This place is well cooled by the trade winds. At low tide you can get from the end of Matira Point to barrier reef. It is this shallow water that prevents yachts from sailing around the island or inside the reef. Bora Bora's shallow lagoon is great for snorkeling. Another activity you can enjoy in Bora Bora is kayaking or canoeing, which you can ride close to the shore. Here you will discover a coral garden filled with tropical flowers.

5 Fiji - Wakaya

The Fiji Islands group comprises more than 300 islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Only one third of the islands are inhabited; the other islands are areas of untouched nature. Wakaya is one of Fiji's most beautiful destinations, combining new standards of hospitality with unparalleled relaxation by the Pacific Ocean. This is a private island of the Lomaiviti archipelago, with an area of ​​8 square kilometers, located west of the main island of the Fiji archipelago - Viti Levu. Picturesque landscapes with rocky cliffs and lush tropical forests, rich flora, beautiful sandy beaches of Wakaya Island, and excellent conditions attract tourists from all over the world.

4 Mauritius - Paradis

The shores of Mauritius are famous for their coral sand and luxury hotels. The island is protected on all sides by coral reefs, so near the beach the water is always clear and calm, which creates ideal conditions for diving and yachting. Morna Beach is located immediately behind the Paradise Hotel and is considered by many to be the most beautiful on the island of Mauritius. Amazing nature, not yet touched by the ubiquitous hotel business: luxurious vegetation, a clear lagoon and the grandiose spectacle of rocky cliffs in the sea at sunrise and sunset.

3 Maldives - Cocoa Island

This small private island is designed for those who love solitude and walking on the sand. Small houses are located in the ocean, and you literally sleep on the waves. When you wake up, you can walk 3 meters and find yourself in crystal clear water, through which you can see the clearest ocean bottom. On the island you can do yoga, take advantage of spa treatments, diving, and yacht trips. In general, this small island with its amazing beaches is the dream of any person who wants to have a quality and relaxing holiday.

2 Seychelles – Anse Source D`Argent

This is perhaps the most famous beach in the Seychelles - it has been voted the best beach in the world several times and is considered the most photographed beach in the world and one of the most photographed beaches on earth. Almost all Seychelles postcards and desktop wallpapers are photographed here. The beach is located on the territory of the L’Union Estate park, entrance fee is 100 rupees (260 rubles), every third visit is free. In principle, you can climb over the fence or walk through the water early in the morning. The beach consists of a series of small bays stretching for a kilometer. The uniqueness of the beach lies in the large number of large and small granite boulders that litter the shore, some of which are in the water. In some places you can find “installations” of these boulders, incredibly piled on top of each other.

1 Bahamas – Pink Sands

So we came to the first place where the most beautiful beach world – Pink Sands on Bahamas island Harbor. The beach owes its name to the fabulously pinkish sand, which azure sea and the sky makes a stunning impression on vacationers. In addition, diving enthusiasts will find real pleasure here. If you like to swim, the water is warm and calm almost all year round because the beach is protected by coral reefs. You can enjoy the sand, sea and natural surroundings of the entire island. Tourists really feel very calm and comfortable at Pink Sands. If you are planning a vacation in the Bahamas, then you should already think about it, because the most best time for holidays from September to May. This paradise Hollywood stars have long chosen them for their country houses - Robin Williams, Susan Sarendon, Keith Richards and others.

The most beautiful places in the world have always attracted the attention of lovers of everything beautiful. Nature has created a huge variety of beautiful places on our planet.

People helped decorate the landscape and nature of these places in order to further emphasize their pristine beauty. I bring to your attention the top most beautiful places in the world.

Hokkaido Blue Pond

This body of water, unique in nature, is actually the creation of human hands. The pond is located on the left bank of the river in Japanese Hokkaido at the foot of the mountain. The Hokkaido Blue Pond was formed due to the construction of a dam. Subsequently, it became one of the Japanese nature reserves. Water is stored in the forest plain at a stable level, creating a picturesque pond from which it is impossible to take your eyes off. The poetic name Blue Pond speaks for itself. The fact is that the name itself very much coincides with the bright blue surface of the water against the background of trees.

It is surprising that the origin of the characteristic blue color of the water cannot be explained to this day. But according to scientists, this phenomenon is associated with an increased content of aluminum hydroxide in the composition of the water in the reservoir. It is capable of reflecting blue light, just as it can in the earth's atmosphere.

The Hokkaido Blue Pond is capable of changing shades of blue and blue depending on the time of day and viewing angle. The Blue Pond is a famous tourist attraction that attracts many tourists from all over the world. It's amazingly beautiful and beautiful place. Therefore, it is rightfully included in the most beautiful places in the world.

Tulip fields in Lisse

These magnificent tulip plantations in Holland can surprise every person with their unique beauty. It seems that the earth is decorated with all the colors of the rainbow. Blue, red, yellow, pink – these are the colors that cover the territory of Lisse in the western part of the Netherlands.

The first flowers called “tulip” appeared in the Netherlands back in 1570. These flowers, or rather their bulbs, were brought by an Austrian scientist and botanist. After some time, a wave of tulip cultivation swept across the country. Tulips have become really popular. In some cases, people were willing to pay a lot of money for rare specimens of tulips. The country has changed a lot since then, but the Dutch people’s reverent attitude towards these flowers remains to this day.

To this day, the Netherlands remains the largest supplier of tulips and roses in the world. Every year, the tulip fields attract the attention of thousands of tourists who come to see with their own eyes the 3,000,000,000 tulips that transform the earth into a rainbow paradise. These flowers are sold in all flower shops around the world. But most of all they are popular in Germany and the USA.

Stone forest in Madagascar

The stone forest of Madagascar is the most unusual and beautiful place on the planet. This forest is located within the Bemaraha Nature Reserve in western Madagascar. The area of ​​the stone forest reaches 152,000 hectares.

Its originality and uniqueness is explained by the fact that stone forest consists of vertically standing stone rocks, which are easily recognized by their cone-shaped shape. These rocks were created due to the erosion of the limestone that makes up the stone forest. It is interesting to note that the age of the stone formations reaches more than a million years.

Nowadays, the stone forest in Madagascar is a huge block of stone with numerous amazing labyrinths, so while traveling through this forest you can sometimes get lost.

Ashikaga Flower Park

A stunning variety of colors, magnificent design, incredible compositions and fragrant flower tunnels occupy an area of ​​more than eight hectares. In spring, this beautiful place is dominated by wisteria. There are about a thousand such plants here. One of the main attractions in the park is the 100 year old wisteria.

The many branches of the subtropical plant hang almost to the ground and are stunning with their fragrant flowers that resemble butterflies against the backdrop of bright green foliage. This sight is truly unforgettable and beautiful.

But the uniqueness of Ashikaga Park is not only in the blooming wisteria. Unique plum trees amaze the park with their beauty in spring. And in summer, tourists from all over the world are impressed by hydrangeas, petunias, roses and hyacinths.

Ashikaga Park is a place where you momentarily plunge into a dream.

Great Ice Canyon in Greenland

As a result of global warming, some of the most ordinary and monotonous landscapes on our planet have been transformed and become incredibly beautiful and impressive. Such places include the island of Greenland. Who was transformed and began to attract huge attention travelers from all over the world.

Numerous canyons have formed in the central part of the island. The most popular and largest is the Grand Ice Canyon. It impresses with its size and beauty. The canyon is home to the Arctic wolf, lemming, and arctic fox. And in coastal waters you can find walrus, harp seal, whale and many other animals. The canyon is also home to ptarmigan, gulls and eiders.

The fabulous canyon view of the canyon attracts thousands of curious tourists, hikers, climbers and explorers every year. Such beauty excites the imagination and takes your breath away.

National Park of Brazil

There is an amazing park with sand dunes in Brazil. It occupies a huge area with beautiful golden sand. The main attraction of the national park in Brazil is its unique desert.

It should be noted that the desert territory is half water. The fact is that the desert is located in an area where heavy rains are not uncommon. Therefore, the desert sands are simply not able to cope with the large volume of water that remains after heavy rains. It is worth noting that it is thanks to heavy rains that a luxurious lagoon with warm water is formed in the desert.

The Brazilian national park is especially beautiful in the spring, precisely when there is plenty of water in the desert. In summer you can see many beaches located right in the desert, near the lagoons. The main mode of transport in national park is a bicycle. Mostly visiting tourists travel on foot.

Havasu Falls, Grand Canyon

The height of Havasu is 37 meters. The uniqueness of the waterfall is that the water that falls into the lake acquires bright blue, blue and greenish shades. This delightful color palette is created by calcium and magnesium carbonate, which are washed out of the rocks.

Crystal clear water and constant water temperature are another feature of Havasu Falls. The best place is sand beach in the shade of trees. This is truly a heavenly place to relax on a waterfall.

It is worth noting that 800 years ago, these places were inhabited by the Havasupai Indian tribes. Literally translated, it means “the people who came from the blue-green waters.” And this is really true. Amazing contrast creates crystal clear water the color of the sky and the steep red cliffs of the Grand Canyon.

Pamukkale Türkiye

Endless snow-white plains in the middle of a sultry summer - this is Pamukkale. This beautiful place is located in the southwest of Turkey, Denizli province. Translated from Turkish it means Cotton Castle. Pammukale is natural object, which consists of seventeen geothermal springs.

Unusual ponds and terraces formed in carbonate mineral deposits in hot springs. The main attraction is the so-called travertine. You can walk on it without shoes due to its fragility. The depth is no more than a meter.

The healing properties of heat mineral springs and dazzling white travertine formations have been known since ancient times. They are famous among most of the tourists who visit Turkey.

Indian fort Chittorgarh

Chittorgarh is one of the oldest forts in India. It was built by the king. The fort was erected as a dowry for the king’s daughter back in the 12th century.

Externally, it is a massive building with many doors inside. The area of ​​Chittorgarh is about 700 acres. Despite the large number of people who once lived in the fort, it was subject to constant attacks.

Very often, the enemies held the siege, thereby forcing the men to leave the fort directly to meet the enemy. There are more than a hundred temples on the territory, which have survived to this day in the form of ruins. But there are also temples that have been preserved in excellent condition.

Seven-colored lands on the island of Mauritius

There is a corner of our planet where the earth is naturally colored in seven colors. This natural wonder is located on the island of Mauritius, near the Black River. It was there, on the famous Kharamel plains in 1960, that this geological phenomenon was first discovered.

The dunes in this place are painted in seven colors. Among them are green, red, purple, unusual brown, yellow, and even blue. The peculiar “highlight” of these sands is the unusual, spontaneously colored layer of soil. Because of this, it can sometimes feel like there are incredible paintings all around you.

Scientists suggest that the appearance of multi-colored sands is caused by molten volcanic rocks. However, the exact origin of the unusual sand has not yet been established. And the characteristics of the soil itself are still being studied. Surprisingly, even rains cannot destroy the colored layers of soil.

Today the dunes are protected and carefully fenced with a special fence, which does not allow tourists to get close to the paths with multi-colored sand.

The world is beautiful! You just have to look around.

Good luck to all!

Video The most beautiful places in the world

Our planet is beautiful. And the more a person travels, the more he becomes convinced of this. But a lifetime is not enough to visit all the beautiful places, cities, lagoons and natural sites. It is difficult to rank the “Top 10 most beautiful places on the planet.” And what can serve as a criterion? People have different aesthetic senses. In addition, there are also man-made landscapes, the sight of which will take your breath away. These are, for example, tulip fields in Holland, flower plantations in Provence, Hitachi Park near the Japanese city of Hitatinaka, established in 1991 on the site of the former military base, or the Rhine Valley with its medieval castles and vineyards. But we still chose ten dizzying landscapes that should appeal to everyone. In this article we will list the most beautiful places on the planet with their descriptions and photographs. Do you agree with the rating below?

Big Blue Hole

This unique natural phenomenon is invariably present in all lists of the most beautiful places on our planet. Perhaps he doesn’t take first place everywhere. Near the Yucatan Peninsula, along the coast Caribbean Sea, the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef stretches for 700 kilometers.

Jacques Yves Cousteau discovered the Blue Hole in a section of the Lighthouse underwater coral ridge. The phenomenon administratively belongs to Belize and is located one hundred kilometers from the coast of this Latin American country. The hole is a perfectly round hole with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 120 m. Among the azure shallow waters, it appears as a dark blue pupil. Alas, the most beautiful places on the planet are often the most inaccessible. You can also admire the hole from the air. But to fully enjoy the beauty of this phenomenon, you need to immerse yourself in it - in the most literal sense of the word. If you are a professional diver, you will experience an unforgettable sight. The walls are surrounded by stalactites, and this “cave” is inhabited by huge groupers, stingrays and lemon sharks.

Geyser "Fly"

The most beautiful places on the planet are not limited to masterpieces created by nature, such as the Blue Hole. Fly Geyser is a thermal and permanent spring on the ranch of the same name in the US state of Nevada.

This beauty appeared... by mistake. In 1916, a rancher wanted to dig a well. But in his zeal he dug into a geothermal pocket. Boiling water began to dissolve mineral rocks and in 1964 came to the surface. Now the geyser is throwing out three jets of water to a height of one and a half meters. Cyanobacteria, algae and calcium carbonate give the liquid a strange color. Unfortunately, few people can see this beauty. And not because the ranch is located in inaccessible mountains. No, the geyser, which ranks second in the “Top Most Beautiful Places on the Planet,” is located 30 km from the town of Gerlach and very close to the R34 road. But the ranchers carefully hide their wealth and only allow anyone they want to see it. All attempts to purchase the territory in order to make the passage to the geyser accessible to the public have so far been unsuccessful.

Crystal River

The official name of this waterway is Caño Cristales. But local tribes living in the jungles of Central Colombia call it the “River of Five Colors” or “River of Paradise.” Many planets are in the tropics. But Caño Cristales is the most original river.

Its waters are indeed colored red, green, yellow, black and blue. They are made that way by the inhabitants of the river - algae. Rainbow flows across the foothills tropical forests Amazons. You can get to this natural phenomenon with an excursion to the Serrania de la Macarena National Park. Tours last four days and run from June to November, during the peak algae bloom period.

Bend of the Colorado River

Many of the most beautiful places on the planet, photos of which are known to everyone from posters and postcards, are located in the USA. The government of this country carefully protects natural attractions, creating national parks and reserves. The Colorado River itself is very picturesque. But there is a section in its bed that, bending, forms the shape of an ideal horseshoe. The best way to look at such beauty is from a bird's eye view - from aboard a helicopter. The Colorado Bend is located near the city of Page, eight kilometers below Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam.

Arizona wave

To see this natural phenomenon, you need to be lucky and win the lottery. Why? Because these mountains were formed from ancient sand dunes about two hundred million years ago. Under the influence of winds and rains, the ridge acquired a truly unearthly landscape. However, excessive presence of people here can destroy the soft sandstone. Therefore, only twenty people are allowed here per day. Ten vouchers are drawn online four months before the excursion, and another 10 the day before, on R89. This highway passes near the already mentioned Page. It just so happens that these most beautiful places on the planet - the Colorado Bend and the Martian landscape of the Arizona Wave - are located nearby.

Cave Cueva de los Cristales

Some of the most beautiful places on the planet, alas, are hidden underground. This natural object was discovered quite recently - in the year two thousand. And then the Mexican city of Chihuahua became known not only as the birthplace of the Chihuahuan dog breed. When they were digging a new mining tunnel, they came across an underground cavity filled with water. Its depth is three hundred meters. But this is not why the cave made it into the Top 10 “Most Beautiful Places on the Planet.” The photo shows giant ray-shaped crystals that grew on the walls of underground halls. Some of them reach a size of fifteen meters. And what’s most interesting is that these crystals formed in an aqueous environment. Over the course of several hundred thousand years, selenite (a type of gypsum) settled on the walls of the labyrinth. Tourists are not allowed into the cave, because the temperature in it is +60 o C, and the air contains hydrogen sulfide.

Salar de Uyuni Salar

The facility is located near the high-altitude Lake Titicaca. It is named after the nearby town of Uyuni (Bolivia). This is the largest dry lake in the world. But it wasn’t because of its size that it was included in the “Most Beautiful Places on the Planet” rating. The huge field is covered with small salt crystals. They sparkle so much in the desert sun that you won't be able to do it without protective glasses. But that's not all. Tourists are taken to look at the salt marsh during the rainy season, which lasts in Bolivia from November to March. Then this natural attraction again turns into a shallow lake. But a high concentration of salt gives the water the properties of a mirror. The reflected sky merges with the horizon.

Later, the lake becomes covered with a salt crust. The water breaks out into small cone-shaped volcanoes. The city of Uyuni is also famous for its Fisherman's Island (Isla de Pescadores). In fact, this is an oasis in which eight-meter cacti grow, which are sometimes up to a thousand years old. And the shores of the salt marsh are surrounded by a forest of stones. The whimsical sculptures are created by rain and wind.

Spotted Lake Kliluk

For three seasons a year, this is the most common body of water. And only in the hot summer the surface and shores of the lake turn into the most beautiful places on the planet. This body of water has the highest concentrations of sodium, calcium, magnesium sulfate, titanium and silver in the world. When the summer heat sets in, the top layer of water dries out. Minerals form multi-colored islands called “ice floes” that float on the surface of the lake, and you can walk on them. Imagine! The color of such icebergs depends on the predominant substance. The facility is located near the city of Osoyoos in Canada, near the US border.

Europeans gave the reservoir the name Spotted Lake, which is a literal translation of the name given to the object by the Okanagan Indians. For them, Kliluk is still sacred place. After all, the waters of the lake heal wounds. Indigenous people bought the reservoir and does not allow whites near it. You can only admire the lake from a distance - from the highway.

Enchanted Well

If Canadian lake is included in the Top 10 “Beautiful Places on Planet Earth” only in the summer, then this attraction reveals its magic only for an hour and a half a day. After all, there is an enchanted well at the bottom of an 80-meter cave. The water in it is so clean that you can see the bottom down to the smallest detail. But the well is deep - thirty-seven meters! At the bottom lie trees and branches that fell into the cave many years ago. The well reveals its charms from half past ten until noon. Then the sun's rays penetrate into the cave.

As if by the wave of a fairy's wand, everything - the reservoir and the walls of the underground cavity - is illuminated with magical sapphire light. This phenomenal natural site is located in the Chapada Diamontina National Park in northeastern Brazil. Due to the fragility of the eco-system, access to the well is strictly regulated.

Marble Caves

And the end of the list of “The most beautiful places on the planet” is a lake located on the border of Argentina and Chile. It has three names at once. The Argentines call it Buenos Aires, the Chileans call it General Carrera, and the local Indian tribes call it Chelenco, which means “Lake of Storms.” The name is very apt, since the climate here is harsh and mountainous. But the lake is teeming with fish, especially trout and salmon. The most beautiful and original corner is on the Chilean side. These are the Marble Caves.

There is no visible or invisible valuable stone here. And the marble in the caves is of different shades - even deep blue. The sun's rays penetrating under the cave arches make the mineral play with hundreds of colors.


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