Area of ​​the Canary Islands. Where are the Canary Islands located? Entertainment in the Canaries

Before you understand where the Canary Islands are, you need to know that it is an archipelago consisting of thirteen volcanic islands.

The territory is located 115 kilometers from the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometers from Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands are an official province of Spain, which consists of seven large islands, which include Fuerteventura, El Hierro, Lanzarote, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Gomera. In addition to the named areas, there are also several small areas of land that remain uninhabited. It is also noteworthy that the archipelago has two capitals. Every four years, this honorary title passes from the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

It is worth noting that the formal affiliation of the islands with Spain in no way affects the local atmosphere, which can hardly be called European. Most travelers land at the Canary Islands airport for a truly exotic experience. For example, it is rare to find volcanic black beaches and such a wide variety of ripe, delicious fruits. An important factor is also the fact that the exotic is located only a few hours away by flight, if you do not take into account the time spent on transfers. Holidays here are not limited to idle relaxation on the beach; a huge number of prehistoric natural monuments are scattered throughout the archipelago, including valleys of cooled lava, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In addition, tourists are also offered high-quality service and a large selection of active entertainment, including for divers and surfers.

Climate of the Canary Islands The Canaries have long been called islands where eternal spring reigns. Wherein directly depends on their geographical location. Despite the fact that territorially they are considered part of Spain, in fact it would be more logical to call them northwest Africa. The proximity to the Sahara Desert played a significant role. However, the hot air masses are moderated by the northeast trade winds, as well as the El Golfo sea current, which washes the coastlines of the archipelago. The listed factors, combined together, recreate the climate of a provincial, remote part of Italy as it is today.

The Canaries are a year-round tourist destination, where the average annual temperature is +22 degrees. For winter period the average temperature is +18 degrees, and for summer - +24 degrees.

There are no sharp temperature changes on any of the islands of the archipelago, that is, the difference between the hottest summer day and the coldest winter day is usually ten degrees. If we consider individual island areas, it is worth noting that the temperature between them differs by 3 - 5 degrees, but in general the climate is slightly different.

Weather by month in the Canaries

If we describe the climate of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that winter here takes on a very conditional character. In the winter season it is windier here, which does not at all interfere with a comfortable pastime. The average daytime temperature in winter is +23 degrees, and the night temperature is +19 degrees. The water is also quite suitable for swimming. Its temperature is +20 degrees. In winter there is an influx of tourists who go diving or surfing. February is considered the quietest month with reasonable prices for holidays:

  1. December is considered a unique opportunity for a traveler to simultaneously enjoy a beach holiday and walk along the snow-covered mountain slopes.
  2. January is considered a windy month, so the ocean waters can be choppy. The water temperature usually does not rise above +19 degrees, so for relaxation it is better to choose a hotel with a swimming pool.
  3. February represents the coldest month when beach holidays are closed.

In spring, the Canaries warm up quickly, but it becomes rainy. Long showers do not cool the air, which only gains moisture from them. It is worth noting that the temperature in the Canary Islands does not change much from month to month in spring. Its indicator ranges from +22 to +25 degrees. Families with children choose April for a holiday in the Canaries, since it is already quite warm here, but there is no sultry heat. This circumstance greatly facilitates the acclimatization process for young travelers.

In summer, the archipelago attracts the most tourists who fly here from different parts of the world, so it is recommended to plan your summer vacation in advance.

June is considered the beginning of the high season, which ends in October. The weather of the first summer month is not significantly different from the spring. July can be called the culmination of the season, but there is no typical tropical heat. If we look at the weather of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that the temperature rises highest in August and reaches +30 - +32 degrees.

Moderate winds save you from the sultry heat. In autumn, the number of tourists decreases only due to the start of the school year, but the weather remains summer, favorable for recreation. Lovers of enchanting shows should visit the Canaries in September, as most national celebrations occur during this month.

How to get there You can get to the archipelago, which is a province of Italy, only by plane. It’s worth noting right away that tickets need to be purchased in advance. Direct flights depart from Moscow, the flight will take seven hours. To save a little you can choose connecting flights with transfers. Today, many tour operators advise making a transfer in Barcelona or Madrid. As a rule, for most flights from Europe or Russia, the destination is Gran Canario and South Airport in Tenerife. Air service established with all the islands belonging to the archipelago. Each of the seven islands has its own airport, which receives guests every day and sends them home. It's also worth remembering to go through passport control

Upon arrival, you will need a Schengen visa for the Canary Islands or a national visa for Spain.

What to see Teide National Park is located in Tenerife, that is, in the same place as the volcano of the same name. The main feature is the fact that the volcano is located inside the crater of another volcano. The surrounding valley is made of solidified lava and resembles the surface of Mars. A beach called Playa de las Americas is also considered a local attraction. Its infrastructure is very diverse. There are not only cafes and restaurants here, but also all kinds of water activities,. Garajonay Park, which occupies the territory of the island of La Gomera, is interesting for its flora and fauna. Fascinating excursions through laurel forests with unique animals will be remembered for a long time. You can get here by ferry; one day is enough to see the local attractions, after which it is better to move to another island.

The territories are rich in natural and historical monuments, so most tourists prefer to combine a beach holiday with a cultural one. In just a few days you can get acquainted with the history of these lands. So, no matter where you go on holiday in the Canary Islands, your holiday should be planned in order to enjoy it as much as possible.

Useful information for tourists about the Canaries, cities and resorts of the country. As well as information about the population, currency of the Canaries, cuisine, features of visa and customs restrictions of the Canaries.

Geography of the Canaries

The Canary Islands (in Spanish Islas Canarias) are washed by waters Atlantic Ocean. Together with the islands of Madeira and the Azores to the north and the Cape Verde Islands to the south, they form what is commonly called "Macronesia".

The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the largest island - Tenerife. To the west is La Gomera, Hierro and Palma. The island of Gran Canaria is located east of Tenerife. This is the third largest island of the archipelago. Further east are Fuerteventura and Lanzarote.

The Canary Islands are of volcanic origin.



Official language: Spanish


Residents of the Canary Islands profess Catholicism.


International name: EUR

Canary Map

Popular attractions

Tourism in the Canaries

Popular hotels

Excursions and attractions in the Canaries

In the Atlantic Ocean near the North west coast The Canary Islands are located in Africa. This volcanic archipelago is an autonomous province of Spain. The Canary Islands are a stunning picturesque resort with magnificent natural landscapes, gorgeous beaches and a variety of different attractions.

The largest and most popular island of the archipelago is Tenerife. Its capital (and one of the two capitals of the province of the Canary Islands), Santa Cruz de Tenerife, is famous for its famous sandy Teresitas beach, which is one of best beaches on the archipelago. The sand for this beach was specially brought from the Sahara. The symbol of the city and an important landmark of the entire Canary Islands is considered a masterpiece of modern architecture - the Auditorio de Tenerife concert hall. Other important cultural attractions of Santa Cruz are the Plaza de España, the Museum of Nature and Man, the Masonic Temple of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The city of San Cristobal de La Laguna and its Cathedral are also worth a visit. And, of course, exploring Tenerife would not be complete without visiting the magnificent National Nature Reserve Teide and the famous Exotic Park.

The picturesque island of Gran Canaria impresses with its natural landscapes and excellent beaches. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria is the capital of the island (and the second capital of the Canary Islands) and one of the largest ports in the Atlantic Ocean. The island is rich in various cultural and natural monuments. Among the most interesting places in Las Palmas are the Cathedral, the Columbus House, Doramas Park, the Canario Museum, the Underground Museum open air and the Gallery of Contemporary Art. In the town of Galdar it is worth visiting the Archaeological Museum and the Cueva Pintada Park with its famous caves, Church of Santiago de los Caballeros and Plaza Saint James. Natural attractions such as the Gran Canaria National Park, the Jardín Canario Botanical Garden and the Tamadaba National Park are also interesting.

The island of Lanzarote is also popular among tourists. Its most interesting attraction is the Timanfaya National Park and its magnificent underground caves Cueva de los Verdos. And the hallmark of the island of Fuerteventura is the beautiful sandy beaches- the best in the Canary Islands. The island is also very popular among windsurfers.

Canary cuisine

Hotels in the Canary Islands (Spain) are, first of all, first-class service, developed infrastructure recreation and entertainment. This resort is famous for its attractions and best hotels.

Tourism here began to develop not so long ago (in the early 90s), using advanced technologies. That is why all hotels in the Canary Islands are particularly comfortable, have a convenient approach to the sea, a traditionally high level of service, as well as a relatively “fresh” number of rooms.

The choice of accommodation in the Canary Islands is varied, ranging from apartment hotels with kitchenettes to hotels. Most hotels in the Canaries are four-star and five-star. Regardless of the level of the hotel - two-star (except for the cheapest), three-star, four- or five-star - all rooms have air conditioning, satellite TV and safes.

Food in most hotels in the Canary Islands is provided in the form of a buffet with an extensive menu. At the same time, breakfast is often included in the room price, and lunch and dinner are paid additionally, or all food is free, and only drinks are paid for.

Another feature of the Canary Islands is that almost all the beaches are located on the territory of hotels and are municipal property, which is important for vacationers.

When choosing a place to stay, it is worth remembering that there are several types of accommodation in the Canaries, including: family hotel (hostal) - one of the cheapest options for overnight accommodation, which is similar to a hostel, but is mainly managed by only one family, creating an atmosphere of home comfort ; villa – a private house, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay; aparthotel - consists of apartments that include one or more rooms, as well as a kitchen. An excellent option for spending the night on the Canary Islands are camping sites, which come in three types and vary in level of comfort, but this almost affects the cost of accommodation.

Canary Islands (Las Islas Canarias) located in the Atlantic Ocean. Geographically, this is northwest Africa (the coast of Morocco is only 100 km away), but they belong to Spain, which is more than 1000 km away. The islands are of volcanic origin and consist of 7 large and 6 small islands total area which is 7500 sq. km.

The largest and most populous island is located in the center of the archipelago - the Island of “Eternal Spring” Tenerife (2057 sq. km).

To the east of it are three smaller islands: Gran Canaria(2532 sq. km.), Fuerteventura(1730 sq. km.) and Lanzarote(795 sq. km.). West of Tenerife: o.Homera(378 sq. km.), Hierro Island(277 sq. km.) and Palma Island(728 sq. km).

2 km. from Fuerteventura there is uninhabited Lobos, and to the north of Lanzarote there is the Chinijo archipelago, consisting of five islets, one of which, Graciosa Island, is inhabited. The main part of the population of the Canary Islands is concentrated on the island of Tenerife and the island of Gran Canaria.

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History of the Canary Islands

The origin of the Canary Islands is associated with the myth of Atlantis - a continent that plunged into the abyss of the Atlantic Ocean, and these small islands are considered paradises Earth. However, genuine historical events are devoid of romance.

The indigenous population - the Guanches, whose exact origins are unknown, have been and remain one of the biggest historical mysteries. Guanches are tall, fair-skinned, blond, often with red hair and blue eyes.

They spoke only by moving their lips a little and without uttering a sound; they had access to the whistling language “silbo”, which they used to transmit information over long distances (up to 15 km), as well as a completely unique system of hieroglyphic writing.

They mastered the art of mummifying the dead, bred bardino herding dogs, and possessed the original art of stone processing and special architecture. At the same time, they lived at the level of the primitive communal system and they did not have anything resembling a fleet or shipbuilding.

In addition, the features of the anthropological type of the Guanches (mechtoid race) are not typical for the latitudes of their habitat.

Due to their geographical location, the islands have been a tasty morsel and a target for capture and possession for many centuries.

In the 12th century Arab sailors visited the islands, in the 12th century - French, in the 14th - Portuguese and Spanish.

The local inhabitants, the Guanches, who had spears with stone tips as weapons, desperately fought for their territories, but the plague epidemic greatly weakened their positions and in December 1495 the aborigines had to admit defeat.

The Spaniards completely took possession of the archipelago. Along with the conquerors, technological progress also came to the islands, and after the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, the islands turned into the most important sea transit transport point on the way from the Old World to the New.

The extraction of high-quality clay for pottery production was established on the islands, sugar was produced from local cane, winemaking developed, and the Canaries were famous for their rum. Commercial relations with America, Europe, and the British Isles developed.

In 1852 appeared decree on free ports, which established a free commercial regime on the islands, a kind of offshore zone. By the beginning of the 20th century, a crisis emerged in the relationship between the two main cities on the islands: Santa Cruz and Las Palmas. The political struggle complicated economic development the entire region as a whole. A solution to the problem was found in 1927 - the single province of Canaria was legally divided into two.

They still exist - the province of Las Palmas and the province of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. And only in the sixties of the 20th century, after the long post-war years, the excellent weather conditions and beauty of these heavenly places were in demand by tourists. The construction business, the hotel and restaurant business, the real estate sector and the service sector began to develop.

Today tourists are welcome in the Canary Islands luxurious beaches, museums and galleries, theme parks, shopping centers, casinos and nightclubs, theaters. This is an international center of tourism and recreation, which welcomes guests, thanks to its climate, all year round.

Video about the location of beautiful cities

Let's see how to get to the most beautiful cities on the islands, what you can see there and where to go. The most best restaurants and souvenir shops in the Canary Islands. The most favorite places for tourists, as well as places where you can spend the night with amenities and inexpensively.

Weather conditions in the Canary Islands

Climate in the Canary Islands moderately hot, soft and comfortable for relaxation. Summer is not very hot, winter is warm, with not big amount precipitation. The water temperature is almost constant and does not fall below +18C in the winter months, in April-May +21C, from June to November the water temperature on the beaches reaches +23+24C. For those who like to splash around in warm water, this is the best best time for a holiday on the islands.

The coldest months are January and February. The air temperature during the day can be +18-22C, at night +15-19C.

The hottest month is August. The average temperature during the day is +30C, in the evening +26C.

The presence of the cold Canary Current softens the August heat and it won’t hurt comfortable rest. Thanks to the mountain ranges that separate the islands of Tenerife, Gran Canaria and La Palma, there are great differences in weather and climate between north and south. Strong winds and clouds saturated with moisture cannot overcome mountain ranges, so in the southern regions of the islands almost The weather is sunny and dry all year round. From the sweltering heat (a dry, sultry wind blows from the African coast to these islands) the northeastern wet and cool trade winds.

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Before your trip, be sure to check it out so as not to fall into the rainy season and ruin your vacation.

And of course, don’t forget to resolve the visa issue! Here we have described all the key points for a comfortable stay in the country.

In the northern part of the islands the weather is more changeable and windy, but these areas boast lush vegetation and excellent conditions for more active rest– surfing. Climatic conditions make the Canary Islands a year-round resort.

Holidays in Spain can please the most discerning travelers, regardless of whether you decide to spend your vacation on the mainland of this beautiful country or on the islands. Read about holidays on the mainland. If you still prefer a holiday on the islands, below I have collected a lot for you useful information. I hope it's useful. The Spanish islands - the Canary and Balearic - amaze with the diversity of landscape and climatic conditions. But what they have in common is that they are all literally created for perfect holiday. It is only important to understand which island is exactly what you need at the moment.

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Canaries- a symbol of the luxurious life of the “new Russians” of the early 90s, the land of eternal summer, a stunningly beautiful archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean with picturesque valleys and cliffs, wide beaches, and a very favorable climate. The archipelago includes 7 big islands(Tenerife, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, El Hierro, La Palma, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote) and several small ones. Interestingly, the capital of the island alternates between two cities: every four years the capital status moves from Santa Cruz de Tenerife to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria or vice versa.

Canary Islands(Islas Canarias - in Spanish, Canary Islands - in English) is an autonomous province of Spain, but the nature and atmosphere here are absolutely not European. Those who come here are looking for real exoticism: stunning landscapes with lush tropical vegetation, beaches with black volcanic sand (beaches with golden sand are also present!), real ocean waves, ripe tropical fruits, etc.

Moreover, holidays in the Canaries are by no means passively relaxed: the islands have so many natural and cultural attractions and opportunities for active recreation that not a single lover of active recreation will be bored here. Volcanoes and “Martian” landscapes in valleys of solidified lava, waterfalls, prehistoric monuments, not to mention numerous dive and surf clubs, the service of which is of the highest (!) European quality.

Canary Islands – which island to choose as a “location point”

If we describe all the islands of the archipelago briefly, then Gran Canaria- the largest, hospitable and one of the most picturesque islands of the Canary archipelago. Holidays here can be surprisingly varied - exactly the way you want at the moment. Among the many hotels in the main resort of Gran Canaria - Maspalomas - you can find accommodation to suit every taste. On Tenerife, traditionally popular among Russians, is rich night life and a lot of entertainment for children and adults (in this sense, the island of Tenerife, perhaps, has no competition), but the coast is steep and rocky in places. True, there are also good sandy beaches, but the island, in any case, is considered less picturesque compared to Gran Canaria and any other islands of the Canary archipelago.

Rest on Lanzarote will definitely impress nature lovers - there are as many as 300 extinct volcanoes. On La Palma And El Hierr There are few beaches suitable for swimming, but they are surprisingly beautiful and have a lot of greenery. Holidays on these islands are measured and calm. Fuerteventura It will also appeal to those who want to take a break from the hustle and bustle. A mysterious La Gomera will enchant you with ancient legends about witches, fabulous landscapes and will interest fans of ecotourism.

Getting to the Canaries quite simple: there are international airports in Tenerife (in the north of the island - TFN, and more favorable for tourists, located in the south of the island, Tenerife Sur Aeropuerto (TFS)), Gran Canaria (LAS, 20 km from the capital of the island), Fuerteventura (FUE ) and Lanzarote (ACE). A direct flight, for example, from Moscow to Tenerife will take about 7 hours, and to the rest of the Canary Islands you will have to fly with a transfer. Many airlines fly - Aeroflot, S7, Spanish Iberia and Vueling, the ubiquitous European giants such as Lufthansa, Finnair, etc.


The largest of the islands of the Canary archipelago, its area is more than 2 thousand km², its length is 80-85 km, and its maximum width (in the southwest) is 50 km. The length of the coastline is 342 km. The nature here is truly exotic, because from the coast of Tenerife to the coast of Africa is only 300 km (while the Iberian Peninsula, to mainland Spain, is about 1000 km.

Tenerife resorts - how to choose

The most popular resorts on the island of Tenerife:

Los Cristianos (Los Cristianos) – perfect for families with children, since, on the one hand, the place is quite calm, without big waves and strong winds, and on the other hand, around there are many entertainments and parks that are of interest primarily to young tourists.

Playa de Las Americas (Playa de las Americas) – a super-modern resort, with excellent infrastructure, perfect place for those who prefer a noisy, fun holiday.

Costa Adeje (Costa Adeje) - in fact, the wide beaches of Costa Adeje smoothly transform into the beaches of Playa de las Americas, and the strip of beautiful beaches stretches for more than six kilometers in this part of the island. Costa Adeje is a quieter place, compared to Las Americas, conducive to a family holiday. There is a trend here: the further from the border with Las Americas, the quieter it is.

The western, far end of Costa Adeje, near the excellent Playa El Duque beach, is the most privileged and, naturally, expensive part of the resort, and it is here that the best hotels and apartment complexes in the south of Tenerife are located.

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Santa Cruz de Tenerife) – this city, which is the capital of the island, is certainly interesting to visit: both in the city itself and in its surroundings there are a lot of must-see attractions. There are several good beaches in the city and near its border, however, beach holiday I would not recommend Santa Cruz: the wind rose here is such that in the northern part (where Santa Cruz de Tenerife is located) it is often cloudy and rainy. So, it’s definitely worth visiting the city while traveling around the island, but as a “permanent deployment point,” I would personally recommend one of the resorts in the southern part of the island.

El Medano (El Medano) – located in the southeast of the island, open to all winds, so it is suitable for windsurfing enthusiasts.

Attractions in Tenerife

Natural attractions of Tenerife

Climate and beaches of Tenerife

The main thing that people go to Tenerife for (as well as to the other Canary Islands) is unique climate and magnificent beaches. The length of Tenerife's coastline is 342 km. Best suited for a beach holiday South part islands: the climate here is drier and sunnier (while north of the mountain range formed in Tenerife as a result of volcanic eruptions, the climate is damper and cooler). The island is located at the latitude of the Sahara Desert, so even in the ocean the water warms up above 24 degrees by the end of summer and autumn (which, in my opinion, is, of course, not the Caribbean +27, but is already enough for more or less comfortable swimming).

The best beaches and tourist centers of the island are concentrated in the southwest, in two areas: Costa Adeje and Playa de las Americas. In the southeast there are quite strong winds and waves, so windsurfing and kitesurfing lovers are welcome here.

Tenerife is a volcanic island, so it has many beaches with black volcanic sand, which is considered terribly healthy due to the large number of minerals in its composition.

However, the island also has many beaches with traditional light golden sand (in the south). All of them are man-made, and the sand for them was specially brought here from the Sahara.

Teide National Park

The park is located around the impressive Teide volcano, which is also the highest point of the island (3718 m). The beauty of the park, with its almost unreal landscapes, as well as unique flora and fauna, is truly impressive. The park is especially beautiful from April to June - the flowering period of many plants.

You can get to an altitude of more than 2000 meters by car along a fairly decent quality asphalt road. Then you can take the funicular up another 1000 meters higher. The funicular operates daily, ascents are from 9:00 to 16:00, and the last descent is at 16:50 from the top (data as of June 2016, check the time on site!).

The ascent and subsequent descent by funicular costs €25 (adult ticket) and €12.50 for children. In 10 minutes, the 38-seater cable car will take you to a height of 3555 meters, and after taking the cable car you only have about 200 meters left to the very top. Those who wish can climb there on foot, but to climb on foot you must first obtain a pass from the park administration. Upon presentation of a passport, it is usually issued to everyone, and absolutely free.

It is popular among tourists to watch the sunrise at the top of the Teide volcano. There is even a guest house where you can spend the night for €20 in tolerable conditions. Don’t be fooled: it only sounds romantic, but in practice... I remember how in Sicily we once decided to “romantically” meet the sunset on the top of Mount Etna (the height of Etna is 3329 m).

(By the way, this was in August, and the temperature on the coast was about +40 degrees. And on Etna, not even at night, but in the evening, at sunset, it was +8 degrees, and in addition there was a piercing wind. In the end, the husband even refused get off the bus (most of our group did this), and I, having pulled on not only my warm clothes, but also my husband’s sweater and windbreaker, in company with a couple of other maniac travelers, ran to photograph that same “sunset” . Two short runs from the bus and back, and even in this form I was frozen at an altitude of more than 3000 meters - this is no joke, even in the summer in the south!)

But during the day it’s probably worth taking the funicular, at least to the observation deck on Teide. You just need to arrive either right before the opening (at 9 o’clock) or after lunch, since there are a lot of people who want to climb to the top of the volcano, and you risk “killing” the whole day in line for the funicular.

Laurel forests (Laurisilva)

Laurisilva is a rare evergreen relict forest that appeared several thousand years ago, during the Jurassic period, when there were probably no people on Earth. Included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Laurisilva is located in the northern part of Tenerife, in the Anaga mountain range, at an altitude of 500-1000 m.

This spectacle is truly unique: prehistoric trees intertwine branches overhead, from which lush garlands of green moss hang. The ground is covered with a dense carpet of moss, green ferns and other vegetation, and tree trunks and stones, due to dampness, are covered with lichens.

There are many in the forest walking routes with pointers. One of them, the most spectacular, leads to the Anaga lighthouse, located at the extreme northern point of the island, from where a stunning view of the mountains and ocean opens. Several trails lead through the thicket of the forest, offering rest at tourist sites. The longest route ends at the small but very picturesque village of Taganana.

The TF-12 highway leads right through this relict forest in the Anaga Mountains. A visit to the forest can be combined in one day with an excursion to the top of Teide. If you travel by car, then, having approached the volcano along the road from the south side, you will have to go down along the only path, moving north, straight through the forest.

Just like for a trip to Teide, here you will need warm clothes and comfortable shoes, because it is much cooler here than in the southern part of the island, and the asphalt and paths are slippery from the constantly drizzling rain.

Cultural and historical attractions of Tenerife

Auditorio de Tenerife

One of the famous concert halls in the world, the creation of the outstanding Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, impressive not only for its appearance, but also, according to experts, for its amazing acoustics.

The Auditorio de Tenerife, built in the city of Santa Cruz de Tenerife in 2003, is also Opera theatre, and a concert venue. Tourists have the opportunity to visit the site as spectators: tickets are sold 2 hours before the performance or concert, and also from 10 to 15 hours (Mon-Fri), and on Saturdays from 10 to 14 hours. Prices are very reasonable: from 15 to 90 euros.

Pyramids of Guimar

Like most pyramids on our planet, these ones, located in the town of Guimar, in the southeast of Tenerife, are full of mysteries.

Scientists are still arguing, trying to unravel the mystery of their origin and purpose. These pyramids, made of processed stones of volcanic origin, have a strictly defined orientation to the sun, they are very reminiscent of the pyramids in Mexico, Peru and Mesopotamia.

The famous traveler Thor Heyerdahl proved that the pyramids also have a sacred meaning - how else can you explain that all 6 pyramids have stairs facing the sun, and at the top of the highest of them on the day of the summer solstice you can watch the sun set twice?

An ethnological park has been created around the pyramids, the museum of which, in particular, displays an exhibition dedicated to the discoveries of Thor Heyerdahl. Ticket price for an adult is €18, for students under 25 years old – €12.15, for children – €5.50. The pyramids and ethnological park are open to the public every day from 9:30 to 18:00, except Christmas Day (December 25) and New Year's Day (January 1).

Official website (there is a version in Russian):

Basilica of Candelaria

The most famous religious landmark of Tenerife is the Basilica of Candelaria (located in the city of Candelaria). It is worth your attention: the richly decorated interior of the cathedral, consecrated in honor of Our Lady of Candelaria, is adjacent to a high bell tower. The basilica was erected on the site of the old temple relatively recently, in 1959.

The visit is free, the doors are open from Monday to Friday 7:30 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 19:30, and on Saturdays and Sundays - without a break, 7:30 - 19:30.

Twice a year the basilica becomes the epicenter of public festivities - on February 2 and August 15. Thousands of pilgrims come here, but the events, unlike many other places of worship of the Blessed Virgin Mary, are not held here in a purely religious vein, but are very fun, with dancing and fireworks.

La Orotava (La Orotava)

A city in the north of Tenerife, in a picturesque valley, founded by the Spaniards in the 16th century.

When approaching Orotava from the east, along the TF-21 highway, stop at the observation point - the Mirador, named after the German explorer von Humboldt (Mirador de Humboldt), which offers stunning views of the city and the valley in which it lies.

The architecture, typical of the Canary Islands at that time, has survived to this day in its original form. Fans of architectural history will find here a large number of mansions with wooden balconies decorated with carvings. In one of these mansions, the most famous (Casa de los Balcones), today a museum and a craft workshop are open, and opposite it stands the oldest building in the city, a 500-year-old building, the “Tourist House” ( Casa del Turista), open to the public.

Another attraction of the city is the church. Iglesia de la Concepcion(Iglesia de la Concepcion) is the best example of 18th-century Canarian Baroque in the archipelago. Tourists who have visited Latin American countries will find similarities with the churches built there. This architectural monument of national importance - a Baroque church with two symmetrical bell towers and a richly decorated facade - is visible from afar.

In Orotava there is also Botanical Garden. True, it is not very impressive compared to continental European ones, but still the flora of the subtropics and tropics is well represented in it. Plants were brought here from different continents, and now the garden’s collection includes more than 3,000 species.

Part of the territory of the botanical garden is occupied by Victoria Park, designed specifically for walks in the shade. The attraction of Victoria Park is the magnificent tomb of Roja, carved from delicate Carrara marble.

Every year in June, on the eighth day of the Catholic holiday of Corpus Christi, a solemn procession walks through the streets of La Orotava. On the eve of this very important event in the life of the city, they are decorated with original carpets made of flower petals, sand, stones and colored sawdust. The action is called “Carpet Day” (Dia de las Alfombras). And this, perhaps, is the main reason why tourists come to La Oratava.

The largest and most spectacular carpet is traditionally laid out on the square in front of the city hall. Two dozen craftsmen begin work on its creation from multi-colored volcanic sand from the Teide volcano a month and a half before the holiday. Unlike the monumental sand canvas in the main square (by the way, the pattern is never repeated), smaller-scale flower paintings on the streets of La Orotava appear directly on Carpet Day.

There are a lot of tourists in the city on this day, which creates certain problems, in particular with parking. The maximum number of spectators is at 10-13 o'clock, since the greatest interest is caused by the process of creating carpets. As a rule, none of the tourists wait for the religious procession led by the bishop.

"Carpet Day" in La Oratava in 2017-21:
Icod de los Vinos (Icode de los Vinos)

Like Orotava, Icod de los Vinos is a typical Canarian town, built by the Spanish in the 16th century, with traditional colonial architecture, imposing mansions, several cathedrals and, as in Orotava, wooden balconies. All ancient buildings are concentrated in the city center, and visiting them will not take more than a couple of hours. Plaza Pila, one of the most beautiful squares in the Canary Islands, is lined with old mansions, among which stands out the Casa de los Caceres, which now houses a museum. There is also a small botanical garden here. Nearby is the Church of St. Mark, built on the site ancient sanctuary Guanches.

But the most important attractions of Icod are not architectural: the city is famous for its wines, and the main thing for which tourists come here is a thousand-year-old dragon tree (one of the types of dracaena) with a trunk more than 10 meters in girth, included in the List in 2011 world heritage UNESCO. The tree grows in a park near St. Mark's Church, and experienced tourists they argue that it is not worth paying money to inspect a tree up close, since from a distance it looks much more impressive.

About three kilometers from the city center is the Wind Cave (Cueva del Viento), a bizarre lava tunnel stretching for more than 17 kilometers, almost Martian in appearance. The Wind Cave is the longest cave of its type in all of Europe. Its voids are located on three levels. You can walk along it with a guide (the excursion must be booked in advance), the journey takes 2 hours and requires at least basic physical fitness.

Amusement parks in Tenerife

Tenerife is truly famous for its amusement parks.

Loro Parque in Tenerife

The name Loro Parque translates as “Park of Parrots,” but parrots are not the only thing here. This is a huge amusement park (13+ hectares in area) located in the suburbs of Puerto de la Cruz, where you can see a huge variety of animals and plants. In fact, if you want to combine a visit to a zoo, a circus, an aquarium and a botanical garden in one excursion, this is the place for you. But be prepared that it will take a whole day to walk through the park and attend at least some of the shows held here. The park opened in 1972, and, indeed, it began with only 150 parrots living on 1 hectare. Today the collection of parrots in the park has increased to 4,000 individuals 350 different types, and became the richest in the world. So Loro Parque became the world's largest center for the study and conservation of parrots.

Every day the park hosts a variety of shows with animals: 5 times a day - with sea lions, 4 times a day - with dolphins (here, by the way, is the largest pool in Europe for shows with dolphins), Loro show (with parrots) - 6 times a day day, etc. More than 40 million people visit the park every year.

The owners of Loro Parque also own the second stunning amusement park on the island - Siam Park, and it is possible to visit both parks in two days, with a double ticket at a discount.

In Loro Parque you can see sea lions and otters, gorillas, chimpanzees and marmosets, jaguars and rare white tigers, flamingos and pelicans, alligators, as well as piranhas and a variety of sharks (the local aquarium has the longest tunnel in Europe). The park is only the second place in Europe where killer whales live and breed in captivity. In the wild bird zone, birds are kept without cages, almost in natural conditions. Plus, the park has a large greenhouse with truly rare orchids. There is a children's room on site playground Kinderlandia, a station where chicks grow up, a baby zoo that you can also explore, a market and many restaurants.

The park's newest attraction opened in 2014 - a large aquarium with jellyfish, beautifully illuminated in the dark.

Address: Avenida Loro Parque s/n.

Loro Parque is located in the north of the island and is easy to find by following the signs. From popular resorts in the south of the island, for example, from Las Americas, you can get here in an hour and a half.

Opening hours: 8:30 - 18:45 (the entrance closes at 16:00, but I advise you to arrive before the opening).

Entrance ticket for adults (from 12 years old) - €34, for children - €22. Combined ticket for 2 days to visit Siam Park and Loro Parque (without the cost of transfer from resorts): adults - €58, children - €28.

Siam Park in Tenerife

Siam Park in Tenerife is the main water park on the island. It is located in Costa Adeje, close to the popular resorts of Las Americas and Los Cristianos. The park's territory is huge: it occupies almost 19 hectares. The creators of the park set an ambitious goal: to build the most spectacular water attraction throughout Europe.

The Thai theme in Siam Park can be seen everywhere (which is not surprising, as it follows from its name): all the slides, park buildings and restaurants are designed in the Thai style. There are a total of 25 buildings in the park, which is the largest collection of Siamese-style buildings outside of Thailand. The park's designer, Christoph Kiessling, received permission from the Royal Family of Thailand to fully exploit the name and theme. However, he abandoned the concept of exact copies of palaces, temples and Buddha statues, so all the buildings on the territory of Siam Park are fantasy. It is home to the world's largest Thai-style building outside of Asia, and a gigantic dragon sculpture, the world's largest.

Construction of the park began in 2004, and it was finally completed in 2008. The total cost of the project was 52 million euros. On grand opening Siam Park was personally attended by the Princess of Thailand.

They say: what water entertainment is not in Siam Park is almost impossible to find somewhere else. In the "Palace of Waves" - a pool with artificial waves and artificial beach with white sand - there is a surf school. Here you can catch the highest artificially created wave in the world (about 3 m). In addition, the park has built slides with six race tracks; twin pinwheels spinning in different directions; vertical slide “Tower of Power”, rushing along which you will watch sharks and rays through transparent walls. And in 2012, a 200-meter-long slide was built in the park. Those who like a more relaxing holiday can go rafting on the river (the “lazy river” here has the highest rise in the world - 8 m). There is something here for children game Zone « Lost City» with 120 different games. On the “Dragon” slider, inside a funnel with a diameter of 20 meters, light shows are staged.

The park's restaurants offer visitors both Thai dishes and traditional fast food. The park also has its own charming, small Thai floating market.

The park is built on a hill, and its slides and other structures follow the terrain. In addition, this is the world's first green water park, and this is also its uniqueness. The water here is heated to +25°C, and its creator, designer Christoph Kiessling, called Siam Park "the world's first air-conditioned open-air water park."

Address: Autopista TFE-1, Salida, 28.

A free bus to the water park runs from the resorts of Las Americas, Los Cristianos and Costa Adeje.

Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00, entrance - from 10:00 to 17:00.

Adult entrance ticket for the day is €34, children's ticket is €23. Adult premium day ticket (with towel, locker and lunch) - €51, children - €36. Adult ticket for 2 days to visit Siam Park and Loro Parque (excluding transfer costs) - €58, children - €39.50.

Jungle Park Tenerife

Near Las Americas in Tenerife there is another amazing attraction - the Park of the Eagles. A complex has been built here where animals - from tigers, lions, crocodiles to fur seals and monkeys - live in natural conditions. Navy SEALs delight audiences of all ages with hilarious performances.

But the hallmark of the Eagle Park is a unique show featuring birds of prey. Trained eagles (this is an exception, very rare!) perform various steps and tricks, delighting the audience. You can happily spend the whole day in the Parque des Eagles in Tenerife: in addition to shows with animals and birds, there are plenty of other entertainments.

For visitors there is an 800-meter high-speed bobsleigh track, along which you can ride through a real jungle. Tourists are also offered to feed the inhabitants of the Park (of course, not all, but only those with whom communication is safe).

Visitors themselves have the opportunity to have a meal at a local restaurant.

Ticket prices to the Park of the Eagles in Tenerife: for adults (over 11 years old): €26, for children (depending on height) - €9-17.50. (You need to pay extra for attractions separately).

The Eagle Park in Tenerife is open all year round, from 10:00 to 17:30 (entrance until 16:30).

The easiest way to get here is by free buses, running every day from Las Americas and Los Cristianos.

Monkey Park in Tenerife

Monkey Park is not the most popular amusement park in Tenerife (compared to Siam Park or Loro Parque ) . But if you love monkeys and lemurs, you should visit here. A pleasant difference between this park and the parrot park (Loro Parque) is that in the Monkey Park you can communicate with the animals very close. It is absolutely safe, so visiting the park will be a great pleasure, especially for children.

The park is quite small, and it is impossible to get lost in it. Allow 3-4 hours for your visit: there is simply nothing more to do here. The route passes through a contact area where you can interact with animals, a swamp with alligators, a reptile area, areas of small and large primates, and then birds. The park is home to several species of lemurs, chimpanzees and monkeys. The park is also home to iguanas, which you can feed by hand.

In the middle of the day, lemurs overeat and no longer strive to communicate with visitors, but strive to doze off. Therefore, it is better to arrive in the morning or, conversely, closer to closing.

Feeding the animals is an almost obligatory part of visiting the park: without a treat, the animals will simply ignore you. But if you come with a treat, rest assured: the lemurs will sit on your neck, and they may even get into your pocket or steal your camera or bag. “Animal food” is sold at the entrance to the park, but you can also take it with you, for example, apples and grapes, lettuce, and biscuits for the parrots. Lemurs and monkeys are very fond of dates and bananas, but they quickly gain weight from them, so it is forbidden to bring these fruits into the park.

But do not try to force feed or pet the lemur: if you “get them” too much, they will bite.

Address: Llano Azul 17 La Camella, Arona.

The Monkey Park is located near Las Americas, but is not accessible by public transport. It takes about 10 minutes by car from Las Americas; the park is located right off the TF-1 highway and is easy to find.

Opening hours: daily, from 9:30 to 17:00.

Entrance: for adults (over 12 years old) - €10, for children from 5 to 12 years old - €5.

Official website:

Castle of San Miguel in Tenerife

To be honest, I was wondering where to classify this attraction: a historical one, or an amusement park? Still a castle...

But the fact is that the Castle of San Miguel in Tenerife is an exact, albeit slightly reduced copy of what exists in reality medieval castle, built for a costume show. According to the creators, this action takes guests back several centuries, to the romantic era of chivalry, familiar to us from historical books and films about King Arthur.

At the entrance to the castle, all guests are given multi-colored capes: during the tournament, you were given a lot to root for a knight wearing a cape of the same color. The entrance is guarded by horsemen willing to pose for photos.

At 20:00 the gates open and the action begins. First, a short excursion: you will pass through the armory room, where the king himself personally greets every guest of the castle. This moment will definitely be captured by a staff photographer, and towards the end of the tournament the photographs will be ready, and you will be offered to purchase the photo you like. (For this reason, you cannot take photographs yourself in the weapons room (but outside this room - as much as you like)).

Next, guests enter the hall where the knightly tournament is held. At the beginning of the show, the participating knights in armor demonstrate a variety of horse riding tricks. The winner wins the right to choose the “lady of his heart” from the spectators who were rooting for him. And the “lady of the heart” is sent to a place of honor in the royal box until the end of the performance. However, the honorary role of the “lady of the heart” has a serious drawback: the “lady,” alas, will have to do without a hearty knightly dinner of soup and chicken. And the rest will have to eat it from iron utensils with their hands, due to the lack of forks and spoons during the Middle Ages. But an undeniable advantage of the medieval way of life will be an unlimited amount of white and red wine, which, of course, will also have to be drunk from iron glasses.

The role of the entertainer at the dinner is played by a black dwarf, who amazes the audience with his ability to extinguish a burning torch in his mouth.

In the second part of the program, a battle “for life and death” takes place, during which out of six knights only one of the strongest will survive. Here you need to loudly support your knight, since the one whose supporters more actively expressed their support than others wins the tournament. The outcome of the battle ultimately depends only on you. Here it is permissible to whistle, shout, jump, stomp your feet, rattle dishes and insult the “rival” knights with not entirely decent gestures. It is not allowed to throw bottles or other heavy objects at knights.

It should be noted that an unlimited number of strong drinks contributes to an adequate perception of what is happening in the arena even by guests who are quite reserved in everyday life. The Middle Ages after all...

The Castle of San Miguel is open to visitors on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays (in summer) and Saturdays. The show itself usually starts at 20:30. Ticket prices to the San Miguel Castle: for adults – €48, for children – €24.

The castle is located in the town of Aldea Blanca on the TF-65 road to San Miguel. Exit highway No. 24 (if you go from the west side - before reaching the interchange - the turn to the airport).

The closest bus route to the castle is No. 416 (Las Americas - San Miguel)

Gran Canaria

The third largest island of the Canary archipelago (1560.1 km², 50 km in diameter), Gran Canaria is sometimes called a “continent in miniature”: the diversity of climatic zones, flora and fauna on the island really justifies such “exaggeration”.

Resorts of Gran Canaria - how to choose?

The tourist area located in the southern part of the island is Maspalomas, also sometimes called Costa Canaria - these are magnificent, wide and stretching 17 kilometers beaches with the finest golden sand. It is the oldest tourist destination in Gran Canaria. The main attraction of Maspalomas (and the entire island of Gran Canaria, if you think about it) are the Dunes (Dunas de Maspalomas): the Sahara desert in miniature with the purest golden sand and a 5-kilometer luxurious beach.

Maspalomas united 6 resorts, in fact, flowing into one another:

Bahia Feliz - a favorite vacation spot for windsurfers. There are two first-class windsurfing schools located here. But for other guests this resort will not be so attractive: at any time of the year, especially in winter, there are strong winds and waves.

Playa del Aguila- a quiet and small resort located in the southeast of the island of Gran Canaria, between the resorts of Bahia Feliz and San Agustin. The resort is popular with windsurfers (there are several centers for practicing this type of outdoor activity) and everyone who does not like fuss, but is looking for the ocean and sun away from the noise of large resorts. The beaches here are mostly pebble, but sandy ones can also be found. The beaches stretch in a continuous strip along the promenade. The hotels here are mainly 3-4*, as well as many apartment complexes and bungalows. There are practically no opportunities for shopping and entertainment here; for them you need to go to neighboring resort towns.

San Agustin - one of the most popular resorts on the island of Gran Canaria. Located in the southern part of the island. A special feature of the resort is a 2 km long beach with dark gray sand of volcanic origin. There is a lot of entertainment, restaurants, bars, shops, etc., but most of all this resort attracts the attention of fans of family holidays, including those with children. The surrounding picturesque rocks protect the beach from the wind and put you in a relaxed and peaceful mood, and the abundance of children's entertainment will not allow even the most spoiled little tourists to get bored. For example, theme park Sioux City is located next to the resort of San Agustin. The main feature of the park is its similarity to a typical American village of the Wild West. On the territory of the park there are saloons, in which traditional shootouts (staged, of course!) and other cowboy attractions take place every now and then. Throughout the day, actors and knife throwers perform a variety of colorful shows in the park. An unforgettable sight - cowboys driving a herd of cows. In the evening, visitors enjoy an open-air picnic, an event that children really enjoy.

Near the resort there is the Gran Canaria Sports Aero Club, from where helicopter rides are also available. Amateurs can make a parachute jump. Yacht excursions are also available here. A trip along the longest karting track in the Canary Islands (1650 meters) will also add adrenaline.

San Agustin is no less famous for its thalassotherapy clinics, in particular, the largest one in the Canaries is located here. major center thalassotherapy "Talasoterapia Canarias", from the terraces of which there are magnificent views of the ocean coast. Therefore, there are quite a lot of elderly vacationers in San Agustin.

Playa del Ingles- the largest resort on the entire coast of Gran Canaria. Perhaps the best beach on the entire island with fine golden sand. The resort is democratic and cheerful. It got its name at the beginning of the 20th century - even then, English sailors “had fun” in pubs here. Since then, life here continues to be in full swing. In terms of the scope of fun throughout Spain, this place is second only to Benidorm and Ibiza. Playa del Inglés has an excellent tourist infrastructure: excellent hotels and restaurants, street markets and luxury shopping centers, nightclubs, bars, water activities, water parks and much more. The four-kilometer Playa del Inglés beach in its western part turns into sand dunes.

Campo International - an upscale resort with lots of greenery, a natural palm oasis and luxurious 5-star hotels. Holidays here are relaxing, and in the evening, when all the interesting things are just beginning in Playa del Inglés, Campo Internacional is already falling asleep. The architecture here is mainly low-rise buildings. The main attraction of the resort is the 120-year-old lighthouse, the largest and oldest in the entire Canary Islands archipelago.

In the Campo International resort, in a nature reserve covering 400 hectares, there is a large golf course (18 holes) - the Maspalomas Golf Club. Also here you can take a break from the bustle of the metropolis, watching birds of rare species that live in the local freshwater lake. The beaches of the Campo International resort smoothly merge into the beaches of the Meloneras resort.

Meloneras - a resort with a long promenade - an embankment for leisurely walks, along which there are numerous restaurants. bars and shops. There is also a large Varadero shopping center, several new hotels surrounded by greenery with a huge territory. The most impressive of them is the Gran Hotel Costa Meloneras, which houses one of the two casinos located in Maspalomas. Meloneras is also home to the Convention and Exhibition Center. From Meloneras it is no further to the Maspalomas Golf Club than from Campo Internacional, but much closer there is another golf club with an 18-hole course - Lopesan Meloneras Golf. According to reviews from golf fans, it is even superior to the Maspalomas Golf club, because the Lopesan Meloneras Golf course offers stunning views of the ocean coast.

Pasito Blanco - located in the southwestern part of the island. A small resort with a sandy beach, several shops and restaurants. Here is the yacht port and the Lopesan Meloneras Golf Club.

Not far from Maspalomas there are separate nudist beaches. However, the whole of Gran Canaria is a resort without unnecessary prejudices, and even on ordinary beaches here every second person goes without any clothes at all.

Puerto Rico - the second most important resort of the island, the southern center of water entertainment in Gran Canaria. Here you can rent a yacht, go diving, windsurfing, boat trip on a boat or even a glass-bottomed vessel, go water skiing or go fishing. There is a port for yachts, but large ships do not come here. Recently, this resort has become a favorite place on the island for tourists with children. Today the port is divided into two parts by the beach, and on the rocky slopes there are several dozen hotels and apartments, all of the same type.

The beach in Puerto Rico is small (only 280 m long), but very cozy, with light sand, located in a bay and therefore protected from the waves.

Puerto de Mogan- a small resort, built on the site of a former fishing village, with Andalusian-style houses, allowing you to plunge into the romantic setting of southern Spain. West of Puerto de Mogan - inaccessible mountains which can be admired from the observation deck. The resort also has a yacht port, making it very convenient for boat trips.

On the northern coast of Gran Canaria there are picturesque cliffs, stones of volcanic origin, small bays with azure ocean water. The central part of the island is a riot of diverse tropical vegetation, evergreen trees and interesting mountainous terrain with two high peaks (Pico de las Nieves, 1949 m) and Roque Nublo, 1813 m above sea level.

Sights of Gran Canaria

Natural attractions of Gran Canaria

In the central part of Gran Canaria, a few kilometers from the city of Tejeda, there is the famous Roque Nublo National Park(Roque Nublo). The main attraction of this huge (26 hectares) park is the rock of the same name, Roque Nublo, - basalt cliff 60 meters high. From its top you can see the Teide volcano on the neighboring island of Tenerife. In a national park extremely popular among ecotourism enthusiasts, you will be surprised by the diversity flora and landscapes.

Roque Nublo National Park address: Los Manantiales, S/N, 35015 Tejeda.

Another natural Park located in the northwestern part of Gran Canaria, it is Tamadaba National Park(in the northwestern part of the island, near the city of Agaete. Tamadaba occupies 7,500 hectares, and most of it is in the mountains, at an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. The park is extremely picturesque: here you can admire the protected pine forests, dizzying gorges in which unique cacti grow. The park is also home to a large number of rare bird species.

Away from the coast, south of the town of Carreteria, there is a small Doramas Natural Park. This is cute landscape park with laurel and dragon trees, as well as waterfalls and lakes. It was defeated by the British in the 19th century.

Another impressive natural attraction of Gran Canaria is Caldera de Bandama. Located in the northeastern part of the island, a few kilometers from the capital, Las Palmas, near the town of Tafira Alta. This nature reserve consists of two parts: Bandama Peak and Bandama Caldera. At the top of the peak, at an altitude of 569 meters, - Observation deck, which offers an impressive panorama of the capital of the island and its surroundings, and in clear weather, even the outlines of the neighboring island of Fuerteventura (northeast of Gran Canaria) are visible from here.

Caldera (essentially a volcanic crater) Bandama with a diameter of 1000 meters and a depth of 200 meters. At the bottom of the crater, if you go down the path (quite steep, so you need comfortable shoes), among palm trees, fig and orange trees, you can see the remains of farm buildings, and in the 17th century, the Dutch merchant Daniel Van Dam grew grapes on the slopes of the volcano. (And it is in part of this merchant that the park is named).

Very close by is the oldest (founded in the 19th century) and one of the most prestigious golf clubs in all of Spain (Real Club de Golf de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria).

Cultural and historical sights of Gran Canaria

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria)

The capital of Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, is home to more than a third of the island's total population. This is where the nightlife of the entire island is concentrated. The city shares with Santa Cruz de Tenerife the status of the capital of the entire Canary archipelago (the status changes from one city to another every 4 years). Among the attractions worth visiting in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, it is worth noting:

  • medieval quarter of Vegueta with picturesque narrow streets and the famous cathedral Santa Ana with a history of half a thousand years; here, on the square in front of the cathedral, you can admire Bishop's PalaceXVIcentury, city hall buildings and colorful colonial-style buildings. On one of the facades you will see bronze figures of eight dogs - it is these animals that have earned the right to decorate the coat of arms of the Canary Islands with their image.
  • Casa de Colon (House of Columbus). The building was the residence of the governors of the island, and, according to legend, Christopher Columbus stopped here during his journey to the shores of America, waiting for his ships to be repaired; today there is a museum dedicated to the great navigators and geographical discoveries past, as well as a library and research center.
  • Museum of the Canary Islands with an exhibition on pre-Hispanic culture and archaeology. In the 11 halls of this museum you can see many exhibits from different eras (from 500 BC to the 15th century) - figurines of ancient gods, ceramics, Cro-Magnon mummies, models of historical buildings and much more. Particularly interesting here is the exhibition telling about the history of the Guanches - the indigenous population of the Canary Islands archipelago.
  • Museum of Science and Technology ELDER(the exhibition is completely interactive; the museum has an impressive collection of aircraft models);
  • Atlantic Center for Contemporary Art(opened in 1989, the collection includes about 2600 exhibits) – interesting museum avant-garde art designed to show the influence of European traditions. Africa and Latin America on Canarian culture. Interestingly, the Center occupies an ancient building of the 18th century, the facade of which has retained the characteristic features of the colonial style.
  • Nestor Museum, featuring works by renowned local artist Nestor Martin Fernandez de la Torre. He was born in Gran Canaria and, being part of the Symbolist movements in Europe, left behind an impressive collection of works.
Arucas (Arucas)

14 km from the capital is the town of Arucas, famous for the largest rum factory in the entire Canary archipelago (called the Destilerias Arehucas factory, operating since 1884). However, even for fans of this drink there is something to see in Arucas: much more interesting, in my opinion, is the neo-Gothic Church of San Juan, built in the 20th century. The towers of the church, 60 meters high, and the rest of the facades are lined with black basalt from a local quarry. Because of this, the church looks gloomy, even ominous, against the background of the surrounding light-colored colonial-style houses (from a distance it appears completely black). In the interior of the church, noteworthy are the multi-colored stained glass windows, as well as the figure of the resting Christ, which belongs to the hand of local sculptor Manuel Ramos Gonzalez.

Telde (Telde)

South of the capital, on the eastern coast of the island, is the small town of Telde. Its historical center is included in the list of national treasures of Spain, and not by chance: on the green cobbled streets there are cute colonial-style houses, the facades of which are decorated with carvings and mosaics. The Church of St. John the Baptist, founded in the 15th century, is especially impressive. The Gothic temple itself has undergone numerous restorations and reconstructions (even in the 20th century, the church had a new tower in the neo-Gothic style), but the original gates from the 15th century have been preserved here.

Among the interiors of the church, of particular interest is the Flemish gilded wooden altar (16th century), as well as the crucifixion of Christ, an image made around the same period by Mexican Indians using a unique traditional technique.

Artenara (Artenara)

Not the last place among all the historical attractions of Gran Canaria is occupied by the mountain village of Artenara (in some sources its name is found Artinare). This is one of the oldest villages in Gran Canaria, dating back to before the arrival of the conquistadors. In addition, it is also the most mountainous (located at an altitude of 1270 meters). The village is unique in that many of the houses here are simply built into the rock (and at the same time have all the most modern amenities).

The chapel deserves special attention from guests of Artenara. La Ermita de la Cuevita(La Ermita de la Virgen de la Cuevita), in which stands the famous miraculous statue of Our Lady of Cuevita.

Archaeological Park and Museum of Pintada Cave

The Pintada Cave Archaeological Park and Museum (Museo y Parque Arqueológico Cueva Pintada) is located in the northern part of the island, in the town of Gáldar. The city of Galdar (Agaldar) was the capital of the ancient Guanche kingdom during the island's pre-Hispanic period. This tuff cave, containing vases, shards and fragments of human skeletons, was discovered by chance in the northern part of the island in 1873 during agricultural work. Presumably, the cave once served as a necropolis for the Guanches.

This cave is popularly known as the Painted Cave in Galdar, which is not surprising: here you can see six interconnected caves, on the walls of which amazing drawings have been preserved - researchers suggest that this is an ancient calendar. Archaeological research in the complex continues to this day.

Amusement parks of Gran Canaria

In addition to excellent beaches and resorts, Gran Canaria has a lot of activities that can make your holiday truly unforgettable! Like the neighboring island of Tenerife, Gran Canaria is famous for its amusement parks.

Waterpark Maspalomas in Gran Canaria (“Aqualand Maspalomas”)

A world-famous water park, belonging to a network of world-famous water parks. In order to simply walk around it completely at a fast pace and visit each of the huge number of attractions once, it will take several days, because the area of ​​the park is more than 13 km 2 . It is this amusement park that is recommended to tourists in Gran Canaria first of all: a good mood and a powerful adrenaline rush are guaranteed! In the park there are attractions that are quite harmless, but there are also ones for real extreme sports enthusiasts. For example, a slide consisting of three almost vertical pipes. The widest slide in the world with the most impressive angle of inclination is also located here. This is why some attractions do not allow children under 12 years of age.

For those who are alien to all this extreme, the park is equipped with a huge swimming pool with a Jacuzzi and a lazy river. The park also has a large selection of attractions for the youngest guests.

The park is usually open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., but it’s best to check opening hours and ticket prices.

Address: Carretera Palmitos Park, Km 3, 35100 Maspalomas, Las Palmas, Spain


“Sioux City” is a 320,000 sq.m theme park, stylized as a Wild West town. Particularly recommended for fans of Westerns, children and anyone who doesn't mind having some fun. The park is built with typical Wild West houses, a church, a ranch, a bank and a saloon.

Actors perform performances here all day long, and the public is offered such shows as “Duel to the Death,” “Saloon Brawl,” and “Indian Rain Dance.” Several times a day, cowboys drive a herd of bulls along the main street, and also show a skit about a bank robbery with the subsequent hanging of the criminal in the city square. Everyone is given the opportunity to take a souvenir photo with the sheriff.

And of course, wherever there are cowboys, there must be Indians... Don't miss the opportunity to look into the Indian reservation!

There are also performances by Mexican acrobats performing tricks with lasso, whips and knives, and much more.

In the saloon you can drink beer and have a snack (don't look for pickles, however: standard fast food), there is also a performance with shooting and a show with dancing and throwing knives at a woman (more precisely, around her)).

For children, in addition to everything already listed, there is a small zoo with cute animals.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 17:00 from Tuesday to Saturday, closed on Monday.

On Friday from 20:00 to midnight there is an open air barbecue and evening shows.

Address: Barranco del Aguila, s/n, 35100, Las Palmas, Spain

Official site(alas, only in Spanish):

CACTUS PARK – “Cactualdea Park”

A large botanical garden, the main “exhibit” of which is, of course, cacti. This park is located near the city of San Nicolas and is considered truly unique. It is famous for its amazing variety of exotic ornamental plants from all over the world. There are more than a thousand species of cacti alone, of very different shapes, colors, sizes - it’s hard to even imagine! All the islands of the Canary archipelago have similar nature reserves, but the park on Gran Canaria is the largest of them.

The easiest way to get to the cactus park is by car, or on one of the excursion buses that go from all major cities and beach resorts - almost all of them stop near Cactus Park.

In the Cactus Park in Gran Canaria, they breed and grow various types of cacti, so if you like a specimen, you can buy one for yourself right in the park for a small amount. (Only the import of plants with soil and roots, for example, to Russia, without special phytosanitary documents is prohibited; so if you want to bring a cactus home as a souvenir, keep in mind that it will almost certainly be smuggling).

In general, if you still think that a cactus is just a prickly plant that has little to do with beauty, you should definitely visit this park to see otherwise.

In addition to many interesting plants from all over the world, the park houses an amphitheater where spectacular Canarian wrestling competitions are regularly held. There are also several historical exhibitions located on the territory of the reserve, the most impressive of which is a copy of the Guanche cave, with rock writings of primitive tribes.

Address: Carretera del Hoyo Tocodoman, 35478 La Aldea de San Nicolas

PALMITOS PARK (Palmitos Park)

Palmitos Park is located in the south of the island, far from the Maspalomas resort area, and is easily accessible from almost any large city or island resort, either by car or by excursion bus. This park is both a reserve for many rare species of animals and plants, and an entertainment center for everyone who loves nature and wants to have a good time with family or friends.

One of the unique features of Palmitos Park is the large number of truly rare birds, most of which do not sit in cages, but move freely throughout the park and beyond. Sometimes you can watch them literally at arm's length and even feed them with special food, which is sold at the entrance to the park and in small shops inside the park. Birds in Palmitos Park are brought from African countries, South America and other equatorial zones. In addition to birds, you can observe many exotic animals in the park.

Also in Palmitos Park, rare plants from all over the world coexist with each other. In the park there is a clearing full of various orchids, and very close to it there are cacti - the pride of the Canary Islands.

In addition to simply observing the flora and fauna of the park, you can visit various exhibitions of animals and insects - the local butterfly house will definitely not leave you indifferent, and you can observe exotic fish - both marine and freshwater - in the local Aquarium.

Especially for children and inquisitive adults, the park regularly hosts performances in which trained eagles, falcons and parrots play the main roles. Birds perform amazing tricks worthy of the best circuses on the planet - don't miss this spectacle!

The park is constantly expanding; not long ago, a dolphinarium was opened on its territory, where anyone, for a fee, can chat and swim with dolphins, or simply watch exciting shows with the participation of these intelligent animals. For monkey lovers, the park has a “primate island” where you will meet many different types of monkeys, from miniature chimpanzees to huge humanoid orangutans.

Palmitos Park in Gran Canaria is full of various places to relax, cafes and restaurants, and souvenir shops. There is convenient parking near the park and a luxury hotel with beautiful views of the island.

Opening hours and show times:

Address: Barranco de Los Palmitos s/n., 35109 Maspalomas (Gran Canaria)


Holiday World is the most big park attractions in the Canary Islands. Here you can spend time with the whole family and everyone will definitely find something interesting for themselves. Of course, this is not Disneyland, but this park is good as entertainment for the evening.

Entrance to the amusement park is free. You can walk around it for free. And if you want to go on the rides, you will need to buy a magnetic ticket with the required denomination. The conventional units in an amusement park attraction are points. At the entrance to each attraction there is a sign indicating the price in points.

There are rides and other entertainment for visitors of all ages: in addition to the symbol of the park - the Ferris wheel, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow - there are many excellent slides, spinners, carousels, slot machines and much more.

For adults who are not fans of the rides, the park has a 16-lane Punto Zero bowling alley and an Irish pub.

Adults will also definitely enjoy the local wellness center: Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, beauty treatments, open pool with hydromassage and heating. Also in the park there are plenty of restaurants, bars, Internet cafes, slot machines and billiards.

The amusement park is open daily. The operating hours are different in winter and summer.

On Fridays and Saturdays, attractions are usually open from 18.00 to 00.00, on other days - until 23.00. And you can play bowling on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 to 02, and on other days of the week - 9 am to 1 am.

Opening hours and prices can be clarified before your visit.

Address: Holiday World Maspalomas Avda.

SUBMARINE (Atlantida Submarine)

Journey to the bottom of the ocean for everyone

If you are not a fan of diving, but... ocean depths they still beckon you - a dive on the “Atlantida Submarine” is what you need!

On board this submarine, everyone can contemplate the beauty with their own eyes underwater world, plunging to the ocean floor. Company “Atlantida Submarine” S.L. guarantees absolute safety to its passengers. The submarine makes several 45-minute tourist walks every day - dives to a depth of 20-25 m.

During the dive, the guide will tell you about each of the ocean inhabitants that you will meet along the submarine’s path.

Naturally, the design of the excursion submarine differs significantly from military prototypes. The excursion submarine is much smaller in size and equipped with huge acrylic windows for observing the ocean, its inhabitants and inspecting the wrecks that you will encounter along the way.

The pleasure boat runs on batteries and therefore has a limited cruising range, but this 45-minute dive will still remain a very vivid memory in your memory. Special monitors clearly show what is happening above the submarine at the moment. Directly from the hotel there is a transfer by a special bus, directly to the submarine pier.

Address: 35138, Mogan, Las Palmas, Spain


In Gran Canaria you have the opportunity to drive a go-kart, getting a lot of fun and a powerful adrenaline rush. Gran Karting Club is located in the south of the island, next to Maspalomas. Upon your request, a free shuttle bus will be sent directly to your hotel (only for hotels located in nearby resort areas - San Agustin, Playa del Ingles or Maspalomas).

On the vast territory of this club there is the longest racing track in all of Spain, 1650 meters long. Anyone can feel like a supercar pilot, from a child (at least 5 years old) to an experienced driver. Some kart models are able to accelerate to 100 km/h.

Truly, every boy’s dreams come true here! There is a separate area for children where all safety rules are followed, and there is no need to worry about your children. Experienced instructors closely monitor young riders and come to their aid in any difficult situation. For children aged 10-15 years there is a separate sector with a junior track. And on the “adult” track (Senior class), racers over 16 years old compete.

All racing participants must follow several important rules:

  • Each participant must wear a protective helmet before boarding the kart.
  • In the event of an emergency, it is prohibited to leave the kart. In this case, you should call the instructor by extending your hand up.
  • If a participant breaks the rules or provokes other race participants into collisions, the club administration has the right to disqualify such a racer and not reimburse him for the cost of the race.
  • Drivers under the influence of alcohol are not allowed to operate a kart.

Address: Carretera General, 1, 35107 San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Las Palmas, Spain

How to get to Gran Canaria: There are no direct flights to this island from Russia, so the most convenient way is by plane to Tenerife, and then another half hour by local flight, or for a longer time by ferry to Gran Canaria. There are also flights to Gran Canaria from Madrid, Barcelona and various cities Europe - London, Frankfurt, etc.

La Gomera

If you are looking for peace and tranquility in the Canaries, this small (with an area of ​​just under 370 km2) picturesque island of volcanic origin is for you. (Don't worry, there hasn't been any seismic activity in this region for a long time). La Gomera is located in the western part of the Canary archipelago and boasts an extremely beautiful, almost pristine nature.

How to choose a resort on La Gomera

Valle Gran Rey (Valle Gran Rey) – main, most popular resort area, located in the west of the island. Includes several coastal villages - Vueltas, La Puntilla, La Calera, Playa de la Calera.

The area of ​​Valle Gran Rey attracts travelers with its developed tourism infrastructure, excellent sandy and pebble beaches (black in some places due to volcanic origin) and magnificent scenery. The island is also popular among surfers due to the almost continuous ocean waves all year round. It is in this area that the most beautiful road on the island, surrounded by picturesque basalt rocks. And the miniature agricultural fields located on terraces along the slopes of the valley are very reminiscent of the rice fields of Bali. The surroundings of Valle Gran Rey are simply ideal for a break from the hustle and bustle of civilization, which is why for several years now the place has been popular among fans of alternative tourism.

Playa de Santiago (Playa de Santiago) - second by size resort center to La Gomera (after Valle Gran Rey). This resort is located in the south of the island and grew up on the site of a former fishing village.

This place has its own microclimate: it is considered the sunniest on the island. And the local pebble beach (1.5 km long) is very convenient for swimming, as it is protected from the ocean waves by huge breakwaters.

There are a lot of hotels, restaurants and shops in the area.

San Sebastian de La Gomera (San Sebastian de la Gomera) – the capital of the island, this resort can be recommended to those travelers who still want to enjoy the benefits of civilization: go to museums, walk around the city, visit night club. All the sights of this city are in one way or another connected with the name of the great navigator Christopher Columbus.

IN main church city ​​(Iglesia Matriz de la Asunción) Columbus offered prayers before continuing his long journey. further path. And he spent the night in the Casa de la Aduana house during his entire stay on the island. Now there is an exhibition dedicated to the voyages of Christopher Columbus to America. In the courtyard of the Casa de la Aduana there is a well preserved, from which water was drawn to consecrate the unknown continent.

If you find yourself in San Sebastian de la Gomera, it is also recommended to visit the Count's Tower (Torre del Conde), built in 1447. The tower was built west of the central city square, by order of the first Spanish ruler.

The length of the beach in San Sebastian on the island of La Gomera is 600 meters, and the width of the coastline is 55 meters. The beach is well equipped: rental of umbrellas and sun loungers, water activities. What is important is that the beach is reliably protected from tides and waves by a breakwater.

There are also several nudist beaches on the island - for example, the Playa de Argaga beach, reliably protected from prying eyes by rocks, is located near the Vueltas resort.

Sights of the island of La Gomera

How to get to La Gomera: There are no direct flights to this island from Russia, so the most convenient thing is to fly to Tenerife or Gran Canaria, and then another half hour by local flight (the local airport is considered the most modern in the entire Canary archipelago, although it serves only domestic flights), or about 50 minutes - by ferry from Tenerife or Gran Canaria to the island of La Gomera.

El Hierro

The islet of El Hierro is the smallest in the Canary Islands archipelago and the most remote island archipelago (located 480 km from the northwestern coast of Africa and 120 km southwest of Tenerife). Because of this, the western coast of the island was long recognized as the “end of the world,” and cartographers mistook El Hierro for the prime meridian (which, as we know, was later “moved” to Greenwich.

The area of ​​El Hierro is only 268.71 km². The highest point is 1501 m above sea level. Population: about 11,000 people. The island of El Hierro, like the entire Canary archipelago, is of volcanic origin. Due to the activity of local underwater volcanoes, earthquakes have frequently occurred on the island since 2011. The underwater volcanoes erupted between October 2011 and March 2012, and authorities even evacuated a short time residents of the village of La Restinha.

How to choose a resort on El Hierro Island

Most of the coastline of this small mountainous island is made up of almost sheer, bizarre cliffs. There are no beaches with regular light sand or pebbles on El Hierro, there are only a few tiny beaches with black volcanic sand (for example, in La Restinha), as well as natural pools with clear water suitable for swimming.

In addition, the island is very popular among divers; the water off the coast is truly crystal clear.

The capital of El Hierro is the city Valverde, where almost half of the island's total population lives. Most of the hotels are also located there. In addition to Valverde, you can also stay in towns Frontera, La Restinga, in villages Timihirake, Tamaduste, Sabinosa or Isora. It should be remembered that all these resorts are not beach resorts, in the traditional sense, these are rather eco-resorts.

Attractions of the island of El Hierro

The most famous historical landmark of the island is the Faro de Orchilla lighthouse - the westernmost lighthouse in Spain, when visiting which you can even receive a certificate of crossing the prime meridian. Otherwise, the main local attractions are stunning nature, unique landscapes, peace and quiet. Due to the lack of full-fledged good beaches, there are usually few tourists on El Hierro, which, you see, in itself is already an advantage of this place.

El Hierro is a unique place with amazing, truly pristine nature. The island is divided into 5 environmental zones protected by UNESCO. In fact, the entire island is a biosphere reserve. The relief of El Hierro is very diverse, it contains several hundred large craters formed as a result of volcanic activity. For the same reason, a large number of caves and natural tunnels appeared on El Hierro. But at the same time, there are enough dense forests and fertile fields where local residents grow vegetables and fruits. Also, a significant part of the island is occupied by vineyards.

The main natural attraction of El Hierro, thanks to which the island has gained worldwide fame, is its juniper forests. To admire the beauty of the protected park with relict plants, it makes sense to head to the highest point of the island. Along the way, you will have stunning views of the picturesque El Golfo valley. At the highest point of the island - the top of La Dehesa - grows the oldest tree on the island, a real natural treasure of El Hierro. This is a juniper, the tree received the name: “Sabina de El Hierro”. Under the strongest winds, it changed the direction of growth, bent down to the ground and formed an arch with its powerful branches. Located in the West of the island (along the HI-500 highway), near the holy places of Nuestra Señora de los Reyes. A short walk from the parking lot you will see the "Sabina de El Hierro" sign and the tree itself.

La Palma

La Palma is a small, beautiful green island (with an area of ​​only 728 km2), which, like the entire archipelago, is of volcanic origin (some volcanoes are still active, although the last major eruption occurred here in 1971). The coastline of the island of La Palma is mostly rocky, and, just like El Hierro, there are not many convenient beaches here, but it is very beautiful and green (the island is recognized as the greenest of all the islands of the Canary archipelago).

La Palma is an unusually mountainous island. Its highest peak is Peak Roque de los Muchachos– reaches a height of 2387 m. Northern part The islands, at an altitude of 500-1500 m above sea level, are covered with cherry laurel forests. Once such forests covered the entire south of Europe, but now they can only be found here. The forested ravines of Cubo de la Galga and Los Tilos are declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO. There are numerous hiking routes throughout the reserve. (Alas, in August 2016 there was a severe fire here, caused by a 27-year-old German tourist, who “for environmental reasons decided to burn used toilet paper" The result is sad: about 5 hectares of forest burned. However, fortunately, the fire was stopped, and many untouched corners still remained on the island.)

Sights of the island of La Palma

Capital of the island Santa Cruz de La Palma– a cute town with cute narrow streets and ancient buildings. In the city center is the Plaza de Espana, a miniature Plaza of Spain with a stone fountain (1776). On the square there is the Church of the Savior (Iglesia Matriz de El Salvador), built in 1503, with a high bell tower. The ceiling is made in the Mudejar style from the heartwood of pine trees. The church's sacristy houses a collection of magnificent Gothic wood carvings.

On the opposite side of the square you will see Town Hall(Ayuntamiento), built in 1569, with an arcade in the Italian Renaissance style. There is also a fortress towering over the city. Castillo de Santa Catalina, which once served faithfully in protecting Santa Cruz from pirates.
At the end of Calle Real you will find a life-size model of Christopher Columbus's famous ship Santa Maria. There is a maritime museum inside.

To the north of the capital, in the mountains, there is a chapel - a sanctuary of the island's patroness, the Madonna of the Snows ( Nuestra Señora de las Nieves). The altar in the chapel is made of Mexican silver, and it is in it that the terracotta statue of the Madonna is located. Once every 5 years, Madonna is brought to the capital, Santa Cruz, to participate in the festival La Bajada de la Virgen(The Apparition of Madonna) is a purely Spanish “mix” of religious experiences and general fun and entertainment.

Another holiday takes place in the city of Santa Cruz de la Palma on May 3 - the Day of the Cross, when a nationwide competition of decorated crucifixes is held with fun, with dancing and music.

But La Palma is especially rich in its natural attractions:

Palmitos Park– a huge garden-reserve for butterflies. In addition to butterflies, you can see about 230 species of exotic birds here.

La Caldera de Taburiente National Park (Caldera de Taburiente)

This extraordinary park is essentially a giant crater with a diameter of 8-10 km and a depth of up to 2 km. It was formed, naturally, as a result of powerful volcanic eruptions. In 1954, this place was given the status of a National Park. The park has great amount walking routes (climbing some of them requires really excellent physical shape). In addition to the giant volcanic rocks (up to 10 km in diameter), there is also the “Gorge of Fear” (the height of the walls reaches 2000 m). The park can be easily reached by bus or car from Santa Cruz (8 km).

Pico de la Cruz is one of the highest peaks in the park. The ascent to it can be completed in 4-5 hours. Roque de los Muchachos is a trail that runs along the highest peaks and offers breathtaking views of the crater. At the very top of Mount Muchachos, at an altitude of 2400 m, the highest observation deck on the island has recently opened. This site is part of the popular tourist route Espigon del Roque de los Muchachos. Roque de los Muchachos is also home to the International Astrophysical Observatory, opened in 1985, which houses Europe's largest telescope. And from the bottom of the crater rises an 800-meter stone spire - Idafe Rock. Legend has it that there was a Guanche altar on which sacrifices were made. But not everything is so scary in this park: there are quite simple and short routes, for example, the Lomo de las Chosas trail.

Los Tilos (Los Tilos)

It is in this park that you can see what people mainly come to the island of La Palma for: on the rocky walls of the Barranco del Agua gorge there is the largest site of ancient laurel forest on the island - laurisilva. In 1983, Los Tilos was declared a biosphere reserve by UNESCO.

In this small, area of ​​only 5 km 2, national park There are several walking trails. One of them leads to the Mirador Las Barrandas observation deck. Longer (6 km) and difficult route, with steep ascents, leads northwest to the Caldera de Marcos y Cordero, where you can enjoy beautiful views to the waterfalls.

La Zarsa (La Sarsa)

In the archaeological site of La Zarza, evidence of the existence of the ancient inhabitants of the island - the Benajoares - was discovered. Evidence of their existence that attracts tourists is the bizarre symbols carved on the rocks (petroglyphs), which can be seen in the areas of Roque Faro, Don Pedro and Juan Adalid. These writings consist mainly of spirals, linear figures and circles, and their meaning is not understood to this day. Most often, postcards and other local souvenirs include drawings whose style is strongly reminiscent of the Aztecs - this is an image of a man and an abstract figure of a woman with the head of an insect.

There is a tourist information center in the excavation area, which houses a museum. The museum's exposition is dedicated to the life of the ancient Benajoares people. From the 20-minute film you will learn a lot that archaeologists have discovered about the medicine, nutrition and funeral rituals of these people.

For divers La Palma has a very exotic attraction: Las Cruces de Malpique (Las Cruces de Malpique)

Not far from the southernmost point of the island of La Palma, at a depth of 25 meters in the Atlantic Ocean, there is a unique underwater cemetery. The story goes: in 1570, a ship carrying 40 Jesuit monks was attacked by pirates. The captain of the ship invited the monks to take up arms and defend themselves, together with the entire crew. But they refused to kill, preferring to humbly pray for salvation and help the wounded.

The ship ended up in the hands of Protestant pirates, who demanded that the brethren renounce the Catholic faith. But the Jesuits preferred death to apostasy. Local residents installed 40 stone crosses at the bottom of the ocean, at the site of the heroic death of the monks, in memory of their feat.

At the end of the 20th century, UNESCO included this memorial complex in the list of natural reserves (i.e. places that clearly demonstrate the harmonious interaction of man with nature). Every year it's mystical place attracts thousands of diving enthusiasts, but only the luckiest ones get to see the burial with their own eyes, because diving to 25 meters in this place is possible only in clear and windless weather.

How to get there: Las Cruces de Malpique is located at the very beginning of the Costa el Faro highway, not far from the famous Fuencaliente Lighthouse (Salinas de Fuencaliente, or in English, Lighthouse Fuencaliente), built in the very southern point islands.

Resorts and beaches of La Palma island

Despite the fact that the coast of the island of La Palma is rocky and there are not too many beaches here, several amazingly beautiful beaches can still be found here:

  1. Puerto Naos– black sand, an abundance of palm trees and developed infrastructure;
  2. Tazacorte– black sand, clear water and an abundance of fish restaurants;
  3. Charco Verde– a small beach with black volcanic sand, surrounded by picturesque cliffs; ideal for a leisurely day;
  4. Los Cancajosthe best place on the island for lovers of diving and snorkeling. Small secluded bays, a separate pond for children and clear water are the main advantages of this beach;
  5. Playa Nueva– there are constant waves here, so the beach is popular with surfers;
  6. Las Monjas– official nudist beach, located 1.5 km from Puerto Naos.

The island of La Palma offers great opportunities for activities for everyone aquatic species sports, as well as hiking. In the capital of the island, the city Santa Cruz de La Palma, there is a yacht club, as well as a famous sports club fishingLa Gaviota.

Puerto de Naos- the largest and popular resort islands with stunningly beautiful black sand beaches. Nearby is the village of San Nicolas, buried in 1949 as a result of the eruption of the Nambroque volcano. Now, among the frozen lava fields, only a lonely church rises here.


Fuerteventura is the second largest island of the Canary archipelago (after Tenerife). Its maximum length is 100 km, width – 25 km, area – 1660 km 2. It is called the island of sun and tranquility, although Fuerteventura owes its name to the wind that almost never ceases here (in Spanish “fuerte” - strong, “el vento” - wind). This island is considered to be the oldest of all in the Canary archipelago, formed, like its neighbors, as a result of volcanic eruptions many millennia ago.

Fuerteventura was originally covered with dense forests, just like neighboring islands, but these forests fell victims to the archipelago’s turbulent naval past—in other words, they were used for the construction of ships. Now the landscape of the island is quite deserted. But, unlike Lanzarote and Tenerife, on Fuerteventura some of the beaches are covered not with black volcanic sand, but with golden sand.

There are no noisy nightclubs and discos in Fuerteventura; relaxation here is quiet and secluded, family-friendly; The island is also loved as a holiday destination by surfers from all over the world.

Sights of the island of Fuerteventura

There are, of course, not as many historical attractions and amusement parks in Fuerteventura as, for example, in neighboring Tenerife and Gran Canaria - the local attractions are mainly natural. However, you won’t be bored on your holiday in Fuerteventura.

Oasis Park (Oasis Park)

– the largest amusement park on the island (with an area of ​​about 800,000 m2). In fact, this is a huge zoo, which has a dolphinarium and a lot of other entertainment for tourists, such as a camel safari in the park, etc.

Walking along the shady alleys and various recreation areas of this park, you will meet on your way more than 6,800 species of plants and animals brought from all over the world.

Rare birds (living not in cages, but almost in natural environment), giant reptiles, monkeys and lemurs, kangaroos, hippos, giraffes, cheetahs, ... - in such an environment, complete immersion in the atmosphere of a real African savannah is guaranteed! Special areas of the park - a camel farm, an antelope valley, an elephant trail, a dolphinarium with a daily sea lion show - will not leave anyone indifferent. The park also has a good selection of restaurants and cafes, so you could easily spend a whole day there.

Prices and opening hours of Oasis Park – at official website

Aqua Water Park

A water park in the Corralejo area with a lot of water activities for children and adults. Nice place with free parking, free sun loungers and opportunities for both active recreation (slides and other attractions) and not so much (lazy river, jacuzzi area, relaxation area, area for the youngest visitors, etc.)

Opening hours and cost entrance tickets check on the official website.

Village of Betancuria

The most beautiful village on the island of Fuerteventura, with a rich historical past, the village of Betancuria was founded in 1404 and received its name in honor of the conqueror of the island, Jean de Betancourt.

Betancuria was well protected from pirate raids, but in 1593, a Berber bandit named Haban de Arraez finally reached this city and destroyed all the buildings of Betancuria, including the Church of Santa Maria. The church was rebuilt in 1620, and Betancuria continued to serve as the capital of the island until 1834.

Today in the village of Betancuria you can admire the picturesque ruins of an ancient monastery and the “devil's hollow” (Pozo del Diablo) located next to them. According to legend, local heroes managed to chain the Devil to a rock and force him to break out and carry stones to build the monastery walls.

Exposition of the city Archaeological Museum dedicated to the life and rituals of the Machos - this is the local, Fuerteventuran, name of the Guanche people.

"American Star"

Luxurious a cruise ship, launched in 1940, was converted for the needs of the US Navy during the Second World War and took an active part in sea convoys.

Since 1946, "American Star" again began to perform transatlantic flights as a passenger ship. In December 1993, the ship was decommissioned and planned to be used in Thailand as a floating hotel. However, unable to withstand the storms, the American Star was thrown aground off the west coast of Fuerteventura and broke into two parts.

Today, tourists specially come to the coast near the Playa de Garcey beach (otherwise unremarkable) to take pictures against the backdrop of the bow of the liner, or rather, its skeleton.

Yes, the sights are not what most tourists come to Fuerteventura for, however, there are plenty of opportunities for entertainment and a busy holiday, for example:

  • Deep sea fishing(fishing boats depart from the ports of Corralejo and Morro Jable).
  • Boat trips(from Corralejo - on the glass-bottomed catamarans "Celia Cruz" and "Blue Delfin" or on the sailing catamaran "Catlanza", the captain of which, on the way to the island of Lanzarote, will kindly allow you to “steer”; or on a yacht chartered just for your trip).

Pleasure boats also depart from the port of Morro Jable on the Jandia Peninsula, but the choice of boats and route options here is significantly less.

Detailed information on the websites:

  • Diving

Due to cold currents, there are no coral reefs off the coast of the Canaries, and the fauna of the Atlantic Ocean is not as diverse as in warm tropical seas. However, diving enthusiasts here will still be able to get a lot of impressions from observing underwater caves, volcanic landscapes and the unique spirit of the ocean.

Diving is indeed very popular in Fuerteventura, and you can find a diving center in almost any popular tourist area of ​​the island.

Detailed information on the websites of diving centers:

  • Windsurfing and kitesurfing in Fuerteventura

Thanks to the incessantly strong wind here, surfing, windsurfing and kitesurfing are the most common sports in Fuerteventura. Add to this year-round beach season, – as a result, Fuerteventura today is the most popular place in Europe to practice this sport. Every year, tens of thousands of professionals and amateurs of various types of surfing flock here to hone their skills, and in the summer even the World Championships are held here.

The largest windsurfing center not only on the island, but throughout the world is called “Pro Center Rene Egli” and is located on Sotavento beach, next to the Sol Gorriones hotel. Visitors to this center have about 450 boards and 1000 sails at their disposal.

And there are several more windsurfing centers in different parts of the island of Fuerteventura.

Detailed information is available on the websites:

Winter's Mysterious House

During the Second World War, in which, as is known, Spain formally maintained neutrality, the Jandia Peninsula was a closed area where, according to guesses and assumptions, a top-secret German submarine base was located.

Speculation began to appear, not without foundation: in 1939, everyone was evicted from the peninsula local residents, and on April 28, 1941, the contract for the sale of the Jandia Peninsula to the company “Dehesa de Jandia S.A.” was registered by a notary in Madrid. under the management of the German engineer and industrialist Gustav Winter.

On Cofete Beach, in the most secluded place of the peninsula, Winter built a villa in which he lived with his family until old age. Legends and speculation still hover over this villa. Historians claim that in caves among the rocks, which could only be reached from under water, German submarines “sat out” between campaigns, and Winter’s house is just a “surface”, very small, part of the iceberg. It is known for certain that there were underground passages under Winter’s villa, the entrances to which were walled up during the reconstruction of the villa in 1985. One of these tunnels, according to Gustav Winter's son, connected Cofete Beach with the village of Morro Jable. Today, rumors about Nazi treasures hidden here “until better times” haunt many treasure hunters.

How to choose a resort on the island of Fuerteventura

The main resorts of the island of Fuerteventura are located on the Jandia Peninsula (in the south of the island) Costa Calma, Morro del Jable and Playa Matorral, as well as Corralejo (or Playa de Corralejo) and Caleta del Fuste. Each resort has its own characteristics.

Peninsula Jandia famous for its stunning white sandy beaches. Also, this is where the highest point of Fuerteventura is located - the 807-meter Pico de Zarza, a peak from which stunning views of the island open. Tourists come to Jandia for a calm and peaceful holiday in nature, without noise and fuss. Jandia and the towns on this peninsula are the most popular tourist destinations on the island of Fuerteventura.

Costa Calma (Costa Calma) – a resort popular among windsurfers, who are especially numerous here from March to October. This is the greenest resort on the island, with truly lush vegetation. The thickets of palm trees and other plants in Costa Calma are especially striking in contrast to the desert landscapes of other Jandia resorts. From the town of Costa Calma begins the many kilometers and almost deserted coastline of Sotavento, the longest beach line throughout Fuerteventura. This resort is especially popular among German tourists.

Morro del Jable (Morro del Jable) – near this town the many kilometers of beach coast of Sotavento ends, and at the western borders of the resort the coast is already rocky. In Morro del Jable, the historical center of the resort is perfectly preserved with charming houses and a picturesque port. On the waterfront, in countless restaurants you can try a variety of dishes made from freshly caught fish.

Playa del Mattoral (Playa del Mattoral) – here you will find an amazing, wide and clean snow-white beach, stretching for 12 km. This beach receives the Blue Flag award year after year. The Playa del Mattornal resort itself is much larger in size than the neighboring Costa Calma: there are more entertainment options, hotels, restaurants and cafes.

Corralejo, or Playa de Corralejo is one of the largest resorts on the island of Fuerteventura, but this does not prevent the residents of the town from leading a calm, measured lifestyle and maintaining the lifestyle and atmosphere of a tiny provincial town. At the same time, Corralejo is considered a more modern and party resort than Jandia. A large number of people always relax on the coast of the city (mostly English, in contrast to the resorts of Jandia, which are completely “occupied” by German tourists). The most attractive for tourists is the southern part of Corralejo, where there is a stunning 10-kilometer beach. The distance from Corralejo to Fuerteventura Airport is 70 km.

Castillo Caleta de Fuste, often referred to simply as El Castillo, is located just 9 km from the only airport on the island. It is this convenient location that, first of all, determines the popularity of the resort among tourists. The beaches of Caleta de Fuste are mostly rocky. But within the resort town itself there is an artificial sandy beach, perfectly protected from the waves by the shores of the bay.

In all resort towns and the villages of the island of Fuerteventura, diving clubs with diving schools and windsurfing schools are organized: this place was literally created for practicing these sports. Also in Fuerteventura you can have plenty of golf on courses specially equipped for this game. In addition, an underwater photo and video photography competition is organized every year on the island.

How to get to Fuerteventura island

You can get to Fuerteventura by plane from Barcelona, ​​Madrid, or from the island of Tenerife, which has air connections with Russia. There are ferry and air connections between Fuerteventura and the other Canary Islands. It is convenient to get around the island by bus, taxi or rent a car.


Lanzarote- the fourth largest island of the archipelago. Lanzarote is the most unusual of all the islands of the Canary archipelago: it is an island-reserve of volcanoes. There are about 300 volcanoes on its territory, for which the island received the name “island of fire-breathing mountains.” In 1730, an almost simultaneous eruption of 30 volcanoes began here. It lasted 6 years. Since then, approximately 30% of the island's surface has been covered volcanic ash and frozen lava. Because of this, the plants seem to grow directly from dry soil. The landscapes here are more Martian than typical island: bright colors of the earth (or rather, lava) and absolutely no signs of life.

Entertainment and attractions in Lanzarote

Located in the western part of Lanzarote national park Timanfaya (Parque Nacional de Timanfaya)- this is where the volcanoes are located, which once so dramatically and forever changed the appearance of this island. The famous hardened lava field " Fire Mountains"Tourists travel around by bus. Even so, you can easily feel the heat emanating from the depths of the earth, because already a few centimeters from the surface the temperature reaches +350°C.

The territory of the Timanfaya Nature Reserve is especially protected, so walking on the solidified lava is not allowed here.

In the northeast of the island there is a massif La Corona, where, under the vast lava fields of the Corona volcano, there are unique volcanic pipes Los Jameos del Agua And volcanic cave Cueva de Los Verdes. Cueva de los Verdes is the largest volcanic cave in the world, 6 km deep. Some of its halls reach 15 meters in height and 24 meters in width, and thanks to the excellent natural acoustics, they were able to equip a unique concert hall inside. Attending a concert in this cave is almost a must for any self-respecting traveler who gets to Lanzarote!

In the coastal area of ​​Los Ervideros, where lava intricately merges with the sea, there is the amazing green crater El Golfo.

Connoisseurs of ancient architecture will love the fortress. Castillo de San Jose San Jose) - an impressive fortification built in 1779 on a high basalt ledge to protect the entrance to the port of Lanzarote. Inside the fortress is the Museum of Contemporary Art (MIAC), which houses a rich collection of paintings and sculptures of the 50-70s of the twentieth century, in the style of abstract art, as well as works by the great founder of the museum, Cesar Manrique, who was friends with Picasso and Miró.

In the north of the island there is a beautiful " Valley of a Thousand Palms", visiting which you will get an idea of ​​what the landscape of the island was like before the volcanic eruptions. The northern part of Lanzarote is separated by a narrow, 1.5-kilometer strait from the tiny islet of La Graciosa, where, according to legend, pirates hid looted treasures.

Once on Lancerote, it is also worth visiting:

  • Rocks of Tamar. In the northwestern part of the island, a beach of golden sand stretches for 5 kilometers - Playa de Famara. The beach is on site Natural Park of the Chinijo archipelago, between the seaside settlement of La Caleta de Famara and the base of the impressive Famara Rock. It is especially beautiful here at low tide: the sky and rock are reflected in the water, which covers the wide one in a thin layer, like in a mirror. If you are lucky enough to watch the low tide here at sunset, you will be able to enjoy the view of one of the most beautiful scenery Canary archipelago, with the island of Graciosa visible on the horizon.
  • cactus garden(the creation of landscape architecture by the same Cesar Manrique);
  • Mirador del Rio observation deck, which offers stunning views of the neighboring Chinijo archipelago.
  • Volcanic cave complex Jameos del Agua- like the Mirador del Rio observation deck, it was created by the famous resident Lanzarote, the restless Cesar Manrique. This unique complex includes, for example, a small bar overlooking the lake, a water grotto with a lake (which serves as a haven for small blind albino crabs), a huge cave with tropical plants and a swimming pool (swimming in this pool is strictly prohibited, but they say the king of Spain once did this) and a cave-concert hall for 600 people. Jameos del Agua, like the Cueva de los Verdes cave, is part of a 6-kilometer lava tube formed during the eruption of the Montaña La Corona volcano about 4,000 years ago. Cesar Manrique sought to combine art and nature in his native Lanzarote and create unique attractions, contrasting them with popular water parks, amusement parks and standard, tourist-trodden resorts. And, I must admit, he succeeded quite well.
  • In the town Salinas de Janubio, in the southwest of Lanzarote, there are salt marshes - a habitat for small shrimp. Numerous flocks of pink flamingos flock here to feast on seafood - an amazing sight, simply a fantastic landscape!

How to choose a resort on Lanzarote

The best beaches of the island, with clear water and white sand, stretch along the southern coast of Lanzarote, in the bay Papagayo (Playa de Papagayo). But getting to this bay is quite difficult, perhaps that is why the beaches have not lost their pristine beauty.

In the south-eastern part of Lanzarote are located oldest resorts islands: Puerto del Carmen (Puerto del Carmen) and Costa Teguise (Costa Teguise) . The constant winds blowing here have made them favorite resorts for windsurfers. But just lounging on the beach here is unlikely to be comfortable (due to the same rather strong winds). Costa Teguise is literally a 15-minute drive from the airport.

Playa Blanca Resort(PlayaBlanca) - relatively young, but already now it can boast of excellent service, as well as very beautiful beaches that are easily accessible to tourists. This resort is perfect for families with children. Off the coast of Playa Blanca, at a depth of 12 meters, is the first underwater museum in Europe. About 300 human-height sculptures standing on the seabed are available for inspection here. The author of all these creations is British sculptor Jason Taylor. The exposition is available for inspection by divers and free divers, and other curious people can look at the sculptural exposition from a special vessel with a glass bottom.

Restaurants with cuisine from a variety of nations and regions of the world are abundant in Lanzarote: Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Caribbean, Mexican, Indian, etc. As a result, even real gourmets will be able to find many noteworthy places here.

Excursions from the Costa Brava

Monastery of Montserrat


Basic moments

Tenerife island and Teide volcano

Four western islands(Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro - in decreasing size) are famous for their picturesque rocky coastline. Sharp rocks rise above the ocean to dizzying heights. Only Tenerife has decent beaches. The golden sand, which has made the Canaries extremely popular, is brought from the Sahara or taken from the bottom of the sea. In total, the archipelago has about 1,500 km of coastline. The bright blue color of the water is explained by the colossal depth of the ocean - between the islands the depth reaches 3000 m.

The bulk of tourists are scattered along the sandy beaches of Tenerife, the largest island, overlooked by the snow-capped peak of Teide. The next most popular place is Gran Canaria with its rich nature. La Palma features green landscapes that contrast with the unusual lunar landscapes of Lanzarote or the deserts of Fuerteventura. Idyllic La Gomera is overgrown with subtropical groves of palms and laurels, and the tiny windswept cliffs of the Hierro end in rows of intertwined junipers.


With a temperate climate in the Canary Islands, you can practice almost all sports all year round. Although the dominant position is occupied by water activities - diving, surfing, sport fishing, there are also surprises - from Canary wrestling to parachuting.


After Spain joined the European Union in 1995, the duty-free status of the Canary Islands had to change. The islands still enjoy certain tax incentives, but from a tourism point of view the only real discounts remain on alcohol and local tobacco, despite the fact that Las Palmas has duty-free shops selling watches, jewelry, optics and electronics.

Opening hours

Shops and offices usually observe an afternoon siesta and are open Mon-Sat from 9.00 to 13.00, then from 16.00 to 20.00 (on Saturdays, most often until lunch). But in tourist areas many shops are open all day and close very late. Banks are usually open Mon-Fri from 9.00 to 14.00. Some are open on Saturdays. The post office is open Mon-Sat from 9.00 to 14.00.

Best buys

In Tenerife, we recommend buying local wines. The best place to visit is Casa del Vino La Baranda in El Sauzal. You can buy excellent cigars in La Palma and Tenerife self made from local tobacco. The famous queso de flor cheese from Guia, Gran Canaria is famous throughout the world. Note the red and green jars of mojo sauce and the almond bien-mesabe dessert. Buy honey (miel) in Tenerife – the best brand is “Las Canadas del Teide”. Check out the different varieties at the House of Honey at the House of Wine in El Sauzal.

Handicrafts, including textiles, baskets and ceramics, can be bought in shops and markets in Gran Canaria, but best products you will always find in the branches of Federacion para la Etnografia y el Desarrollo de la Artesania Canaria (FEDAC). Visit Calle Domingo J. Navarro 7, Las Palmas and the tourist office on Avenida de Espana, Playa del Ingles.

In Tenerife, traditional folk crafts are embroidery and lace-making. A good souvenir there will be tablecloths and pillows. Such products should be purchased from reliable places, for example from the House with Balconies in La Orotava or branches of this company. By purchasing such souvenirs, you support local crafts, but do not count on discounts. If a product is cheap, it means it is a mass product. Quality handicrafts can be purchased at Artenerife, located behind the port in Nuerto de la Cruz, and at Artesanas El Sol in Santa Cruz.

A few days before departure, buy some Strelitzias - the “birds of paradise” in the world of flowers. These same flowers can be bought at the airport. Prices for exotic plants in the Canary Islands are surprisingly low. Plants are packaged in special boxes and are very easy to transport.


The market in the Canary Islands is always interesting. Prices here vary, and traders can be persuaded to offer serious discounts. The biggest and brightest markets usually take place on Sundays. The Sunday morning flea market near the port in Las Palmas is extremely attractive. You can come to the Nuestra Señora de Africa market in Santa Cruz de Tenerife at any time. An excellent Friday market takes place in Puerto de Mogán in Gran Canaria. In Lanzarote, the best Sunday handicraft market is in Teguise.

holiday in the Canary Islands with children

Night life

In the main tourist centers The Canary Islands offer evening entertainment to suit every taste - from extravagant and informal evening shows in elegant restaurants to cheap karaoke bars. Plus, there's a wide variety of clubs everywhere. In Gran Canaria, Playa del Inglés and Maspalomas remain the centers of nightlife. You can also have fun in shopping centers. Among the largest and interesting centers Kasbahs – “Fantasy Island” and “The Garage”. The Yumbo Center is famous for its gay bars and clubs. However, there are also plenty of establishments for ordinary people here. In Las Palmas, the Mesa y Lopez neighborhood remains the center of nightlife. In Tenerife, the most active nightlife is in Playa de las Americas. The most famous street is Veronicas, where there are more than a hundred bars and clubs open until the morning. The most extravagant shows are held in the Piramide de Arona. Dance and song performances are also given at Tropicana. Evenings in a medieval spirit take place in the fortress of San Miguel in the city of the same name in Tenerife.

Casinos are especially popular in the Canary Islands. There are gambling establishments in Gran Canaria in the hotels Santa Catalina, Las Palmas, Melia Tamarindos, San Agustin. In Tenerife: Taogo Casino, Puerto de la Cruz; casino "Playa de las Americas", hotel H10 Gran Tinerfe. A passport is required to enter the casino.


The folk music of the Canary Islands is a reminder that the archipelago has always been a bridge between Spain and the New World. Most of all, Canarian music resembles South American music. To experience local songs and dances, head to the Canarian Village in Las Palmas. Traditional festivals are held on all the islands, most often on the day of the patron saints of different cities.


The Canarian Carnival lasts ten days, usually from mid to late February - before Lent. Thousands of Canarians are having fun with all their hearts. Shops and offices close, young and old people in unusual costumes fill the streets and dance until the early hours to energetic Latin music. Costumes are chosen in accordance with the given theme. Stunningly beautiful carnival costumes are prepared throughout the year. Musical ensembles and dancers are located on large platforms and travel through the entire city. Tourists also often put on masks and costumes and join in the general fun.

The largest and most fun carnival in Tenerife takes place in Santa Cruz and Puerto de la Cruz, and in Gran Canaria in Las Palmas. These carnivals are almost as good as famous carnivals in Rio and New Orleans. Hotels are full during this period, so rooms should be booked in advance.

Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi is celebrated from late May to mid-June and is the most vibrant event in the Canary Islands after Carnival. But the nature of the celebration is completely different. On the streets and squares, real pictures are created from colored volcanic sand, colored salt and flower petals. The subjects are very diverse - religious, copies of paintings by famous artists or abstract. In Tenerife, very extravagant scenes can be seen in La Orotava and La Laguna, but the holiday is no less celebrated in Las Palmas on Gran Canaria and other towns and villages on all the islands. Paintings perish - sometimes in a few minutes - under the feet of participants in solemn processions.

Lively celebrations with songs, dances, food and wine - romerias - are held immediately after Corpus Christi. They restore the balance between sobriety and fun.

Lucha Canaria and Juego del Palo

Lucha Canaria - Canarian wrestling. This sport is extremely popular. Fights can be seen at rural festivals and special arenas in Canarian cities. Two teams of 12 wrestlers each fight in a sandy ring. The main goal is to throw the enemy to the ground. After three rounds, the winner is revealed - the team that lost fewer wrestlers. This type of fighting dates back to pre-Spanish times, but then the battles were more serious.

Juego del Palo (stick wrestling) – another one rural view sports that can be seen on local holidays. The main task is to stay in place, despite all the enemy’s attacks, and repel all blows.

Holidays in the Canary Islands with children

Bright sun, sandy beaches and plenty of activities on and off the beaches - all this makes the Canary Islands a great holiday destination for children of all ages. Many hotels have special children's programs: games by the pool, children's evening entertainment, and for the little ones - babysitting services. Here's something your kids will love.

The karts never go too fast, and they sit low enough that they can't tip over. The only problem is dragging your child off the track when it's time to leave. Karting Club Tenerife, Arona (10 minutes from Playa de las Americas) has fast and regular tracks. Gran Karting Club has a branch in Gran Canaria, in Tarajalillo, San Agustin (next to the GC-1 highway), in Lanzarote, in La Rinconada (near the airport). Karting centers have high-speed tracks for seniors, as well as tracks for children.


Children do not always like museums, but in the Canary Islands there are some that will appeal to them.

Gran Canaria: Children admire the Guanche skulls and mummies at the Canarian Museum in Las Palmas, as well as the reconstruction of a Guanche village in the Mundo Aboriginal Park (open: daily 9.00-18.00) near Maspalomas. Children also love the Elder Museum in Las Palmas.

Tenerife: Guanche skulls and mummies can be seen at the Museum of Nature and Man in Santa Cruz. Also of interest to children is the Museum of Science and Space (open: Tue-Sun from 9.00 to 19.00), which is located in La Laguna.

Animal and plant parks

Gran Canaria: Los Corralillos Park is located next to Playa del Inglés and Maspalomas. It houses parrots, monkeys, deer and crocodiles (the popular Palmitos Park was badly damaged by fires in July 2007; information on its condition can be found at

Tenerife: Loro Parque, located in Puerto de la Cruz, has an aquarium and a dolphinarium where dolphins and sea lions perform. There are also many parrots kept here. The Las Aguilas Park (open: 10.00-16.30) in Los Cristianos hosts eagle shows. In addition, you can see a variety of birds and animals here. The park features a Jungle Raid obstacle course.

Lanzarote: At Las Pardelas Recreational Park, children will love the farm animals and donkey rides.

Water and recreational parks

Gran Canaria: Home to the largest park in the Canary Islands, Aquasur (open: daily 10.00-18.00). In Puerto Rico there is another large park, Aquapark (open: daily 10.00-18.30 in summer, 10.00-17.30 in winter).

Lanzarote: best park on the island there is the Ocean Water park (open: daily 10.00-18.00).

Tenerife: Aqualand Dolphinarium Park (open: daily 10.00-18.00) is located on Costa Adeje.

Fuerteventura: Baku Family Park, Corralejo (open: daily 10.00-18.00 in summer, 10.00-17.00 in winter).

Cuisine of the Canary Islands

The traditional cuisine of the Canary Islands is one of the most unusual and delicious in Spain. It combines traditional Spanish recipes with various "interventions" of Latin American and African culinary traditions.

Residents of the Canary Islands love to eat a lot, so the cuisine here consists of high-calorie, filling and healthy ingredients.

In the Canary Islands they know how and love to cook very tasty meat dishes. They serve a variety of incomparable meat stews, which include stewed beef or several types of meat at once. One of the most popular meat dishes is “carne de fiesta”, it is prepared from well-marinated pork.

Canarians love various vegetable soups: squash, watercress or mixed vegetable soup. A very thick soup is also prepared, which includes ingredients such as beans, pork ribs, corn on the cob, herbs and cumin.

Since the Canary Islands are washed by various waters, it is worth noting that the traditional cuisine here is seafood dishes, mainly prepared from fish. For example, such as boiled fish, which is most often served with sweet potatoes (“sancocho”) or a dish of fried fish with a sauce made from vinegar, coriander and a little garlic.

A piece of cake from a patisserie in La Laguna

Residents of the Canary Islands, regarding alcoholic beverages, prefer wines, sweet and fortified. Canarian wines are very diverse; here you can find very young varieties, which are served in small restaurants. Such a wine will be approximately 13-16 degrees and will drink very easily, but you can also find expensive wines with more early date production.

Grilled scallops with broccoli, leeks, crunchy hazelnuts and green apple cream

Many Canarians make their own wine at home, but it is usually not bottled but sold in small bars and restaurants in 16 or 18 liter wooden barrels.

Wine tasting

Canarian cuisine is similar to Spanish cuisine in many ways, but there are also interesting regional differences. Many dishes resemble Latin American ones, although it is unclear whether these recipes were introduced to New World natives of the Canary Islands or American recipes appeared in the Canaries thanks to those who returned to their homeland.

You will see many restaurants serving Basque (cocina vasca) and Galician (cocina gallega) cuisine. These regions of Spain are famous for their delicious cuisine, and restaurants like these are very popular.


Rocky coastline in western Fuerteventura

Like Spain, the currency of the Canary Islands is the euro. It is best to exchange currency at banks, but you can also do this at exchange offices (casas de cambio), which are open even when banks are closed. Look out for "cambio" signs. You can also exchange money in large hotels, but the exchange rate here is less favorable than in banks. Banks and exchange offices exchange traveler's checks at a more favorable rate than cash. Don't forget to take your passport with you or use an ATM where the rate is most favorable.

Landscapes of La Palma

In the Canaries you can easily use most international credit cards, although smaller establishments still prefer cash. The most common cards are Visa, MasterCard and Eurocard. With the help of credit and debit cards You can withdraw cash from ATMs, which are available in all cities and resorts. This is the most convenient way to receive cash, and the exchange rate is always the best.

Many hotels, large shops, restaurants and travel agencies in the Canary Islands accept traveler's checks. You can also do this at a bank, where the rate will be more favorable (you will need a passport). It is safer to cash out a small amount at a time and keep the rest of the checks in the hotel safe.



The most common crime against tourists in the Canaries is theft from rental cars. Never leave anything valuable in cars. Keep your valuables in the hotel safe, including your passport, and carry a photocopy with you. When leaving and during sleep, lock the windows and doors of your room. However, crime in the Canaries is low, so just use common sense. All thefts must be reported to the local police within 24 hours in order to receive an insurance claim.

Clouds descend on the island of La Palma


In the Canary Islands, as elsewhere in Spain, there are three types of police. Most often you can find the Guardia Civil (civil guard) in green uniforms. Each city has its own Policia Municipal - the color of the uniform depends on the city and time of year, but most often the uniform is blue and gray. The third type of police, Cuerpo Nacional de Policia, is the national police, which fights crime. You can recognize these police officers by their light brown uniform. All police are armed. Spanish police are strict but polite towards foreign tourists.

To travel around the island it is very convenient to rent a car. The roads in the Canary Islands are excellent!

Most tourists, including EU and US citizens, only need a valid passport to enter Spain and the Canary Islands. Tourists from other countries, including the Russian Federation, require a Schengen visa. However, on April 5, 2016, the year of mutual tourism began between Russia and Spain, so the procedure for obtaining a visa for parents with children 6-12 years old has been simplified. In addition, Spanish visa centers will issue visas for Russians within 3 working days.

From the Canary Islands you can bring with you 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 g of smoking tobacco; 1 liter of spirits with a strength of more than 22° or 2 liters of alcohol with a strength of less than 22° and 2 liters of wine.


Most of the hotels in the Canaries are designed for family holidays and meet fairly high international standards. There are many apartments and “apart-hotels” on the islands, where the rooms have their own kitchens, but are otherwise absolutely similar to hotel rooms. If you are going to come during the high season (from late November to March or in July, August), then you should book your accommodation in advance. Breakfast is not always included in the price, and this issue must be clarified when booking. We recommend using the hotellook service, where you can compare hotel prices and reserve apartments with a discount of up to 60%.

For an independent tourist Finding cheap accommodation in major resorts is not easy as most hotels are three and four star. But in big cities such as Santa Cruz and Las Palmas, there are many cheaper hotels.

In the Canary Islands, vacations in casas rurales are actively developing - rural or ancient city houses turned into small hotels and apartments. You can settle in such houses and live completely independently.

Hotels on the coast of Tenerife

Paradors are state-owned hotels that are located in historical buildings outside cities and in rural areas. There are paradores in Tenerife, El Hierro, Fuerteventura and La Palma. Rooms in such hotels should be booked in advance. Contact: Paradores de Turismo, Central de Reservas, Requena 3, 28013 Madrid, Tel: 902-547-979.

Moderate winds save you from the sultry heat. In autumn, the number of tourists decreases only due to the start of the school year, but the weather remains summer, favorable for recreation. Lovers of enchanting shows should visit the Canaries in September, as most national celebrations occur during this month.

By plane

Various airlines operate flights to the Canary Islands: Aeroflot, Iberia, Air France, Air Europe", "Lufthansa", "KLM" and others. The flight time to Tenerife depends on the chosen airline: a direct flight from Moscow with Aeroflot or Delta will take about 7-8 hours, if you fly with a transfer, for example, with Lufthansa (via Frankfurt, Munich) or Airfrance » (via Paris), then the flight time can be from 12 to 14 hours and depends on the waiting time between flights. Many tourists go to the Canaries through aviasales - and this is the cheapest way.

To get to small islands, fly to Las Palmas or Tenerife, and then board local planes Binter Airlines company.

By sea

Trasmediterranea ( operates ferry services between Tenerife, Gran Canaria and Fuerteventura, as well as to all the islands except La Gomera and El Hierro.

The Fred Olsen Shipping Line ( operates ferries between Gran Canaria and Tenerife 6 times a day. Ferries depart from Puerto de las Nieves, Agaete (journey time - about 70 minutes, free bus from Las Palmas). In addition, the company organizes a connection between Tenerife and El Hierro (travel time - 2 hours). Naviera Armas ( provides connections between Gran Canaria and Tenerife, Fuerteventura and Lanzarote, Tenerife and El Hierro and La Palma.


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