How much does a holiday in Croatia cost? Croatia

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The countries that are located in the Balkans have always been loved by our tourists. It’s beautiful there, it’s almost like home, and it’s very inexpensive to relax there. It is these reasons that allow the Balkan countries to lure Russians to their country for holidays in winter and summer. And one of these countries is Croatia. Reviews from tourists in 2018 will help you find out how to relax on local beaches, what kind of hotels are in Croatia and is it worth visiting the country right now? Photos and videos are also available to you, and you will learn about local prices. In general, let's watch.

“Last year we vacationed at a resort in Croatia. We vacationed in the summer, in July. I really liked it, everything was calm and quiet. The sea is beautiful, clean and warm. The beach is sandy, the sand is fine. Small, as if you were walking on starch.

But the prices here are not the lowest. There are not many tourists, but prices are still high. It seems to be due to tourists from Germany. There are many of them here, and they have money. There are especially many old pensioners from Germany here. They are everywhere here, and you can hear their conversation everywhere.

The nature of the country is something special. There are not many factories in Croatia, and the air is fresh. It's easy to breathe even in the city. Excursions into nature are interesting. The guide leads you into the forest, to the lake, to the mountains. There is mountain rivers, small waterfalls. Everything's great.
We are also going here this year. And even if it’s expensive, it’s calm and beautiful.”

“We came to Croatia on vacation by accident. More precisely, not so: we knew where we were going, but I thought that there was the Black Sea, only on the other side. And only on the plane I found out that the sea there is the Adriatic! That's the kind of geographer I am.
But still, the vacation turned out to be gorgeous, even the best on this moment. The sea is clean and warm in August. We swam on a boat and when we swam into the depths, the bottom was still visible. Locals protect the sea, remove it from dirt and debris. It feeds them, tourists come to the sea.

The beaches here are sandy and very cozy. The sand on them is fine, which makes it so pleasant for your feet to walk on it. The entrance to the sea is gentle, but there are depressions on the sides of the beaches. And if you are with children, then you need to keep an eye on them.
The country has quite a lot of islands in the sea, and we often sailed to them on excursions. This excursion costs from 20 to 50 euros. It all depends on how far away the island is. We also attended excursions to cities in Croatia. We visited local museums and saw the sights. The country is poor, but the people here are kind. Life goes on calmly, no one is in a hurry.

Nature is the real wealth of Croatia. She is virgin and untouched here. Forests, mountains, lakes, stormy mountain rivers - all this is beautiful and is popular among tourists.
Adriatic – great place. And it’s good that I mixed up the seas and got acquainted with Croatia, where we are going again, but in winter.”

“I enjoyed my holiday in Croatia and everything was wonderful. We came here with mom and dad, we booked everything ourselves. First we booked a hotel, then we applied for a visa, and five days later we were in Croatia.

Upon arrival, we immediately rented a car. We chose Audi, the cost of one day with insurance was 55 euros. But we decided it would be better this way. After all, we wanted not only to relax on the beach, but also to travel around the country, and we bought a special guide.
First about the beach. Our hotel had a beach, but not a very good one. There are pebbles underfoot, and to put it mildly, it’s not much of a rest. There was a toll on the side sand beach, where we went. The water in the sea is clean, but sometimes algae floats through. It's not that terrible, but sometimes it's unexpected. And when you swim in the depths, and something floats along your legs. The feeling is not the most pleasant.

We didn’t go on excursions, as we decided to see everything ourselves. This is why we actually rented a car. We went to cities to see local life, visited museums, and approached monuments. What I liked most were the trips to nature. Everyone says that the nature here is gorgeous, and it’s true. The roads in the mountains are not very good, but when you go up, you see such beauty! Rivers flow from the mountains and flow into lakes. People swim in the lakes, and we also swam.
Three weeks flew by quickly, and I want to come back here. There are no plans for this yet, but if the opportunity arises, I will certainly return to Croatia.”

“I went to Croatia not so much to go to the sea as to see the country. I went and looked and I want more.
This perfect place for a relaxing holiday. The country is not the richest, people do not have a lot of money. But they are calm, not in a hurry, and everything is fine with them.
Every day I took excursions to learn more. We visited a small village where they showed us how truffles are collected. We also collected some and used them to make pate. It was delicious and great.

We visited the vineyard; it was just September and the harvest was being harvested. They showed us everything about how they care for plants, how they harvest grapes, and how they make wine. They set a table for the tourists, there was wine and food on the table, and everyone sat peacefully. Afterwards, each tourist bought as much wine as he wanted. By the way, local wine tastes better than Italian wine and costs much less.
Walking around cities is a different story. All cities are very similar to each other, and differ little. What I liked most was walking the streets, sitting in the park and watching the residents. And they also walk, sit in parks and enjoy life. There are many monuments, museums and attractions in every city. The language is clear and you can learn a lot without a translator.
I recommend Croatia to everyone if you want to relax and have a “delicious” time.”

Capital: Zagreb

Currency: Kuna

Time: UTC+02:00

Thousands of magical emotions – your holiday in Croatia

Croatia is a cozy world where stunning forests, hills and mountains coexist with the most modern beaches. Croatia has a special, poetic name -

“The country of a thousand islands,” although it actually has about 1,185 islands. Each island is a bright piece of the natural mosaic of Croatia, which has been admired not only by tourists, but also by world-famous artists for many years.

The poetic charm of Croatia cannot be denied. I once spent my time here Honeymoon Agatha Christie is a detective legend. Kings and emperors have enjoyed their holidays here from century to century. Croatia was sung by Lord Byron, Jack London, Yesenin, Chekhov and other masters of words.

Contemporary art has also not bypassed Croatia: not so long ago picturesque city Dubrovnik became the prototype King's Landing in "Game of Thrones" - one of the most popular TV series of our days.

Trips to Croatia will give you thousands of magical emotions and thousands of truly beautiful photographs! Prepare your cameras, photo albums and more free space on a computer - there will be a lot of unforgettable impressions. As well as new desktop screensavers;)

Enjoying the pictures of sea voyages

A beach holiday in Croatia seems somewhat unusual at first glance. Of course, here you can simply walk to the seashore, enjoy the salty freshness of the air and raise fountains of sparkling spray. But beach trips in Croatia are primarily about contemplating and enjoying exquisite nature.

Poetic relaxation and an endless series of delights are combined with an excellent opportunity to get the most chocolate tan in the world. From May to October, pleasant Mediterranean weather reigns in Croatia: the air temperature is around 30 degrees, and the water temperature is 25-28.

At the very end of summer, the long-awaited the Velvet season– a magical time of calm. The popularity of tours to Croatia is simply off the charts, and this is understandable: into the “velvet” summer heat subsides, and young people return home to prepare for work and school everyday life.

We advise you to start your trip from Dubrovnik! This ancient fortress has retained the mystery and charm of magical antiquity. Adriatic waves crashing against high walls, bright roofs of toy houses, the light of magnificent street lamps in romantic bays... A holiday here will be a romantic gift for couples in love and an interesting adventure for both young people and older people.

Porec is another urban wonder of Croatia, attracting not only tourists, but also artists. All kinds of creative festivals are constantly held here, and on the streets you can often hear inspired music or poetry readings. The green beaches of Porec are no less elegant and picturesque than the city itself.

You will find many other beaches on the island of Istria, as well as in Southern and Central Dalmatia. Some beaches are rocky, some are pebbly. Sandy places are not so common in Croatia, but each of them is a real work of art. What are they worth at least? famous beaches on the islands - Korcula, Moru, Zadar... We highly recommend visiting the resort of Split, which is famous throughout Europe for its clean sea.

Yachtsmen and amateurs flock to Croatia every year water sports. Conditions for all kinds marine entertainment simply excellent! There are thousands of ports to visit in this region, many of which are well equipped for all types of boating tourism.

While traveling along the beaches, don’t forget to check out the Croatian restaurants and taverns, which are called “Konobe” in the local language. There you will discover the enchanting tastes of Adriatic cuisine: delicious stewed cabbage, Juha soup, sheep cheese, fish baked in various ways, shrimp, shells and other seafood. Don't forget to try prosciutto - charcoal-smoked ham, dried in the sea wind.

Finish your meal in sweet tones: try Croatian cakes and pastries, chestnuts, zucchini, cookies and even local brushwood. Various wines go well with these treats, especially red ones - they often arrive on counters and tables straight from the heat of Istria.

Obvious-incredible: interesting ideas holidays in Croatia

For lovers of everything unusual, mysterious and inspiring, Croatia has many sightseeing wonders in store. And one of the most exciting is a trip to Plitvice Lakes! This is a real natural masterpiece that has long graced the pages of hundreds of geographical magazines. National Park covers an area of ​​217 hectares and includes 16 different lakes and great amount waterfalls With its mesmerizing atmosphere, this place is somewhat reminiscent of Iguazu Falls on the border of Argentina.

In the capital of Croatia, Zagreb, a very unusual discovery awaits you - the Museum of Failed Relationships. Sometimes it is also called the “Museum of Divorce” or “Museum of Broken Hearts.” Zagreb also has a technical museum and an extensive

a zoo full of “worldwide” flora and fauna.

And a little more amazing! Do you want to see... walking fish? Yes, yes, fish on real legs! Go to Porec and look into the Baredine cave - there, at a depth of 60 meters, there is a special type of fish that has legs (they are very reminiscent of lizards). Interestingly, the skin of these fish is almost the same color as that of humans. Excursions to “human” fish are in high demand in this place.

If you like the romance of the road, be sure to rent a car and drive around Croatia like a breeze! Driving along the road and looking at the magnificent landscapes is a special, very “Croatian” pleasure. What is it worth at least scenic road from Split to Cavtat! Just be careful with these beautiful views drive

and you can stop forever.

TUI – your reliable tour operator in Croatia

Have you decided to visit Croatia? Do you want to enjoy your holiday without worries and worries? Contact us! We will be happy to select exactly the tour that will meet your expectations and capabilities. All you need is the desire to plunge into fabulous nature and recharge with its unique energy.

Holidays with TUI are 100% reliable! We are a European leader in tourism, and we place high quality services at the forefront. When traveling with us, you can be sure that your money will not be lost or “burnt” for any reason.

Holidays in Croatia are suitable for all categories of tourists:

  • For families with children, there are family rooms, mini clubs, children's pools, special children's menus and hotel equipment.
  • Young people and all lovers of noisy parties will enjoy the large selection of hotels near bars and discos.
  • For those who just want to relax and forget about the bustle of the city, hotels with SPA centers are perfect.
  • For tourists who prefer relaxing holiday, we can easily select quiet hotels with interesting but unobtrusive animation.
  • There are also hotels for those on a budget that offer excellent value for money.

Geographical location

The Republic of Croatia is located in Central Europe, bordering on Slovenia in the north, Hungary and Serbia in the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina in the southeast, Montenegro in the south, and the Adriatic Sea in the west. According to natural and climatic conditions, the country is divided into four regions: Istria, Kvarner, Gorski Kotar and Lika in the north-west; Dalmatia in the central and southern part of the Adriatic coast, the Northwestern region in the central continental part, as well as Slavonia, Baranja and Srijem in the east.


Religion: 87.8% - Catholics, 4.42% - Orthodox, 1.2% - Muslims, 0.19% - Protestants.


On the territory of Croatia, two types of climate can be distinguished: within the country - moderate continental, with cold winters and moderately warm summers, and on the coast Adriatic Sea– Mediterranean with warm, humid winters (+9..+15°C) and hot, dry summers (+25..+29°C).


The official currency of Croatia is the kuna (1 kuna = 100 lipa).

Foreign currency can be exchanged at a bank, exchange office, post office, travel agencies, hotels and campsites.

Credit cards (Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Diners) are accepted at almost all hotels, marinas, restaurants and shops, as well as at ATMs.

1 US dollar ~ 6.5 kn
1 euro € ~ 7.5 kn.


Official language- Croatian, in Istria the second language is Italian.

The shops

Shops are open from 08.00 to 20.00, and in high season from 06.00 to 12.00 and from 17.00 to 22.00. From two o'clock in the afternoon until five, when the sun is especially hot, many shops close altogether: it's time for a midday rest - a siesta.



In addition to the usual European cuisine, guests in Croatia are offered national dishes. Traditional Croatian snacks include: Dalmatian or Istrian “pršut” (a type of raw smoked ham), Pash (from the island of Pag) or lichka (from the Lika region) cheese, sheep cheese, Slavonian “kulen” (a type of spicy salami), the famous Samobor or Zagorsk “cheshnevki” (savory sausages), fresh homemade cottage cheese with homemade sour cream, etc. In Dalmatia, Primorye, on the islands and on the Istrian peninsula, the main dishes are prepared from fish and seafood, and among meat dishes, the most popular is “paštitsada” (a savory dish from beef) and boiled young lamb. Continental Croatia has a rich selection of meat dishes, with specialties such as turkey with “mlinci” (a type of pasta), baked lamb and suckling pig, and boiled or baked “štrukli” (cottage cheese pies) occupying a special place on the menu. ).

Croatia has a rich winemaking tradition, both in the continental part of the country and in the Littoral region and Dalmatia. Among the strong alcoholic drinks, the most famous are various varieties of rakia: slivovitz (from plums), travaritsa (from herbs) and lozovača and biska (from grapes), and from dessert wines - prošek and maraschino.


about 4,250,000 people, 90% - Croats, 4% - Serbs, 0.17% - Bosnians, 0.3% - Hungarians, 0.4% - Italians, 0.25% - Slovenes, Czechs and Albanians also live , Gypsies, Montenegrins and Macedonians


In hotels, restaurants and taxis, if the service charge is not included in the bill, the tip is 10%. If the cost of service is included in the bill, then the tourist is not required to pay a tip. It is also customary to leave a tip to guides and bartenders.

Souvenirs and shopping

edible souvenirs from Croatia- wine, cheese, prosciutto (smoked pork ham), butter.
office souvenirs from Croatia. These are ties, neckerchiefs and fountain pens.
cute souvenirs from Croatia. Such souvenirs are usually brought to women. Among such pleasant gifts are unique lace from the islands of Croatia, homemade figured candles, and aromatic oils.


The most common type public transport in Croatia is a bus. A dense network of bus routes covers the entire country, with buses running in all directions every hour. Bus fares are low, they are comfortable and equipped with air conditioning. International bus service is also well developed. Bus routes run to Croatia from many European countries.

In addition to buses in major cities(in Zagreb and Osijek) there is also a network of tram lines. Tickets for travel are usually sold inside the bus or tram or at newsstands.

Bicycles are also popular in Croatia (especially in Istria, where there are many cycling routes).

Net railways connects all major Croatian cities except Dubrovnik (you can take a train to Split and then a ferry to Dubrovnik).

To rent a car in Croatia, you must be at least 21 years old, have at least 3 years of driving experience, credit card(or security deposit), passport and driver's license.


Security is another attractive aspect of Croatia. Today there are not many corners on earth where you can feel completely safe.

Croatia is one of the most safe countries. Here you can forget your wallet on a table in a cafe and return an hour later to find it in the same place, safe and sound. They don't steal here. But don't forget that in tourist season there are a lot of visitors here, and do not try such experiments, so as not to accidentally spoil your stay in the country.


All beaches in Croatia are free. Only rental of sunbeds and umbrellas is paid. Most beaches are pebble or artificial (in the form of a concrete platform). The swimming season lasts from late May to mid-September.

Do you know that…

Croats are very inventive people. The natives of this country are responsible for the creation of a modern torpedo, the discovery of alternating current, the invention of a mechanical pen, a fountain pen, a tie and a parachute, the beginning of naturalism and the birth of fingerprinting. Here is a one-of-a-kind beach that changes its shape depending on the direction of the wind. It is called Golden Cape and is located on the island. Brac. By the way, it was on this island that marble was mined for the construction of the White House in Washington. Another “miracle of nature” can be observed in national reserve on o. Mljet. More precisely, on one of its salt lakes, which has its own island - the island of St. Mary. This phenomenon is also called “an island within an island.” Finally, on the Istrian peninsula, Završe has its own Leaning Tower of Pisa. Its height is 22 m, while it deviates by 44 cm.


The Istrian peninsula is the most popular tourist region in Croatia due to its rich history, many architectural monuments, beautiful ancient Venetian-style towns, clear sea, magnificent beaches and excellent opportunities for comfortable rest. The beaches on the peninsula are mainly artificial concrete platforms, natural rocks and plateaus. From Istria you can visit 2 of Croatia's 7 national parks - Plitvice Lakes and the Brijuni Archipelago. The road to the south leads to Dalmatia. This fairly large region is divided into northern, middle (central) and southern parts. The coast of Central Dalmatia is one of the most beautiful in the entire Adriatic. The main resorts of Central Dalmatia are Split, Trogir, Sibenik, Makarska. Each city is unique and has only its own characteristics. It is generally accepted that the most picturesque part of Central Dalmatia is the “Makarska Riviera”, where the best beaches in Croatia are located.
Southern Dalmatia is a land of mountains and islands. Here, on the Peljesac peninsula, the best oysters in Dalmatia are grown and the most famous wines of Croatia are produced - Dingač, Postup and Malvasia. One of the most popular resorts in Southern Dalmatia is Dubrovnik. Dubrovnik is, as they say, a “must see” for all tourists who value cultural attractions: Dubrovnik is included by UNESCO in the top three most beautiful cities - monuments of Renaissance Europe. The other two cities are Venice and Amsterdam.
The main natural attraction of South Dalmatia is its islands. The largest of them are Korcula, Mljet and the Kornati archipelago.

During the times of the proud Romans, the province of Illyria was a desirable holiday destination for wealthy patricians. Attracted by the proximity to Rome, soft and pleasant climate, healing sources and... low prices. Since those distant times, Slavic hospitality and delicious local cuisine have been added to all the pleasures of the resort. And low prices have remained. Today, it is Croatia that holds the leadership in tourism among former countries socialist camp, bypassing both Romania and Romania.


Croatia is not yet a member of the Schengen zone, issuing its own visa to tourists. You can complete the document in a couple of weeks by paying 35 euros and providing Required documents(form, insurance, hotel reservation, plane tickets, etc.). Urgent processing (4-5 working days) is twice as expensive, and if you ask for help at visa centers and travel companies, you need to add at least another 20 euros to the regular fee.

If you already have a multiple-entry Schengen visa in your passport, then you do not need additional permission to visit Croatia.


The most popular airports in Croatia are Pula, Dubrovnik and Split. Several airlines from Russia also fly to the capital, Zagreb. Each of the cities can be reached by charter or regular flights.

The most inexpensive tickets to Croatian resort towns are offered by Austrian Air; a round trip flight with a transfer in Vienna costs 250-270 euros. A direct flight from Moscow is only available to Zagreb (310-320 euros), from where you need to travel a long time by bus or plane to the coastal resorts, spending additional money on bus tickets(from 25 euros one way, travel time from 5 to 8 hours).

Hotels, guest houses, apartments

The ever-increasing popularity of Croatian resorts affects the prices of hotel rooms. It is necessary to book accommodation in cities such as Pula, Dubrovnik and Split at least six months before your visit. Otherwise, you will have to settle for not the most convenient accommodation option.

average price for apartments near the coast - 30-40 euros/day. In the city centers there are many hostels where overnight stay in a room for 4-5 people is available for 20 euros per person. It is not difficult to calculate that, when traveling as a couple, you will have to pay approximately the same amount for accommodation for an apartment for two and for an overnight stay in a hostel. Of course, the first is preferable.

Among experienced tourists Homestays are popular. Owners of spacious and multi-room apartments rent out rooms to tourists with full board, half board (breakfast + dinner) or breakfast only. Such housing has its advantages:

  • you will make friends with whom you can stay in the future at a significant discount. You will have accurate information about the best restaurants and cafes in the city, the cost of visiting attractions, convenient transport and about many other things;
  • a warm, homely atmosphere that cannot be compared with hotel officialdom;
  • At your disposal will be a washing machine, a spacious refrigerator, an iron, a coffee maker - everything is included in the price of your overnight stay;
  • you are completely freed from worries related to nutrition. At your request, the hostess will prepare national dishes that are superior in taste to restaurant dishes.
  • The undoubted advantage of staying with a family is the price. A room for two with breakfast - no more than 25 euros/day. You won't find a hotel room or apartment for this price in Croatia.

Along with the advantages, living with a family also has disadvantages:

  • no matter how hospitable the hosts are, the feeling that you are not at home remains. You share a toilet and shower with the owners of the apartment (house);
  • lovers of nightlife must take into account the fact that the family may have a “curfew” - a time after which it is impossible to return to the apartment. You will have to “buzz” until the morning;
  • most often the food will be the same as is customary in the family. You won't have a choice. However, the food will be satisfying and definitely tasty.

Accommodation in a 3* hotel with half board costs no less than 70-80 euros/day.

Best season: when to go?

Croatia receives most tourists in the summer. But you can swim in the Adriatic in the fall (until mid-October). After taking off in June, July and August, prices decline in September, but remain “tourist” until the beginning of November. November is the cheapest month for tourists. In December - take off again, this time for Christmas and New Year. New recession - February, March and the first half of April.

Holidays in Croatia are not necessarily associated with the sea. There are many sanatoriums and medical complexes where you can improve your health all year round. And the ancient sights of Pula, Split and Dubrovnik are even better to see in winter, when there are not as many visitors as in summer. At this time, holidays in Croatia are quite inexpensive, and this does not affect the quality of the holiday in any way.

Plitvice Lakes National Park is located in Kvarner in Croatia.

Cuisine features and food prices

Croatia is a wine country. Local wine has a rich taste and unusual bouquet. Prices for homemade wines in local taverns (called “konobs”) do not exceed 1-1.5 euros per glass. Any konoba will offer many delicious dishes, but first of all you need to order:

  • prosciutto - dried meat in spices. The product is in no way inferior to the famous Prasciutto or Spanish jamon;
  • Chabana - beef with spicy herbs. A favorite Croatian treat, tender meat and spicy herbs create an amazing taste that will remain in the memory for a long time;
  • burek - layer cake with different fillings;
  • veskovachka begavitsa - lamb in sour milk, the main national holiday dish;
  • Samobor chesnovki - grilled sausages;
  • Rafiola - pies made from almond dough, soaked in rakia;
  • Gribanitsa - pie with honey and poppy seeds.

Despite the proximity of the sea, fish dishes in Croatia do not differ in special taste and quality. Slavs are meat eaters. But in every restaurant you will definitely find a dish called “brodeta”. This is a fish stew stewed in red wine.

Lunch, consisting of a salad, a meat dish, dessert and a glass of homemade wine, costs 10-12 euros in konoba. If you take local strong drinks instead of wine (in Croatia they make an excellent herbal strong liqueur, plum or pear vodka), then you will have to pay more - 15-17 euros.

Breakfast in a street cafe (scrambled eggs with tomatoes, coffee, pie) costs 3-5 euros. A set lunch in a modest restaurant costs 7-10 euros. Many people prefer to have a snack at eateries in the markets: a large sandwich, a plate of tomato soup, tea - the bill will not exceed 4-5 euros.

Prices for products from supermarkets are 12-15% lower than in Moscow. The daily budget of a tourist who prefers to eat on his own is 8-10 euros.

What to see and do on holiday in Croatia?

All the main cultural treasures of Croatia are concentrated in resort towns. The capital is in many ways inferior to these ancient places rich in attractions. It is worth visiting three cities on the Adriatic coast: Dubrovnik, Split, Pula.

The city appeared and flourished through the efforts of the Venetians, who owned these lands. An earthquake in the mid-17th century destroyed many of Dubrovnik's ancient buildings. But many architectural examples of the Renaissance appeared here, which tourists admire today:

  • Stradun is a street and a square at the same time. The main thoroughfare of the old city. During holidays, and just on weekends, musicians, dancers, magicians, and jugglers work here. Best restaurants are also located here. A special object is the fountain, built in the mid-15th century. According to local belief, if you drink from every tap of this fountain and make a wish, it will come true;
  • Church of the Holy Savior - built before devastating earthquake. Excellently preserved, it is a mixture of Renaissance and Baroque styles;
  • Cathedral of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary - built on the site of the first christian church on the coast, rebuilt after the earthquake. A striking example of mature Italian Baroque. The main treasure of the cathedral is the altar painting “The Assumption of the Virgin Mary” by Titian. Tourists have the opportunity to visit the cathedral treasury;
  • The Prince's Palace - there have never been any princes here, and the title of the mayor is rector. The head of Dubrovnik during his reign did not have the right to leave his residence, so the courtyard replaced the whole world for the official. The building houses a museum;

In the old town of interest are the city fortifications, the Dominican monastery and the city Aquarium.

Old City, well known back in ancient times, today offers the main attraction of all of Croatia - the palace of Emperor Diocletian. The history of the city began with this palace. The structure is well preserved and offers visitors:

  • Peristyle - a platform for religious ceremonies, surrounded by marble columns;
  • Cathedral of St. Domnius - stands on the site of the imperial tomb, the altar was made by the famous master Juraj Dalmatians;
  • Temple of Jupiter - in the Middle Ages it was adapted into a baptistery, so it looks great after 2000 years;
  • The round hall is the entrance to the emperor's personal chambers.

On the outskirts of Split, you can see the ruins of the Roman city of Salona, ​​which was once the center of the province. Procuration Square is a monument of Renaissance architecture.


In terms of the number of ancient ruins, only Rome can compete with Pula. But here the buildings are better preserved. While walking around the city you can see:

  • Triumphal Arch of Sergius;
  • Forum and Temple of Romulus and Augustus;
  • Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;

All these sights have been preserved since the first centuries of our era, built by the Romans, and escaped destruction only thanks to the natural economy of the Slavic tribes, who found use for all the buildings as soon as the Romans left the region.

It will not be possible to bypass the capital of Croatia, since this is where unorganized tourists most often fly. One day is enough to explore the city, but you need to see:

  • The cathedral's main treasure is the triptych in the sacristy. Author Albrecht Durer;
  • Strossmayer Gallery - works by European Renaissance and Baroque masters are presented;
  • The Church of St. Mark is an example of medieval architecture; frescoes by local artists have been preserved.

Organized tourists must visit the Krizek jewelry factory. Here you can not only get acquainted with the oldest jewelry production in Croatia, but also buy original wedding rings and other jewelry.

Beaches of Croatia

Sandy beaches on the sea coast are only found in the vicinity of Dubrovnik. In other places the beach is pebble, or in the form of a concrete pier. All coastal areas of Croatia are municipal property. You can sunbathe and swim for free; for an umbrella with a sun lounger you will have to pay from 5 to 10 euros.

Having received the title of a nudist paradise back in the early 70s of the last century, Croatia still holds the lead in the abundance of special places for those who like to “merge with nature.” Beaches of this kind are no different in terms of quality of coverage or convenience. The only thing is that there are practically no catering establishments here, and no one provides sunbeds and umbrellas.

Sanatoriums and hospitals

In the vicinity of Zagreb there are about two dozen treatment complexes. Croatia is rich thermal springs and mud, which help cope with joint diseases, metabolic disorders, gynecological diseases (infertility). People come here to lose weight, recover from complex operations, and heal frayed nerves.

Varazdinske Toplice, Stubicke Toplice, Tuchelske Toplice, Daruvar - no matter what resort you choose, there is something special, its own specialization, special procedures, competent specialists. The advantage of Croatian sanatoriums is reasonable prices with high effectiveness of treatment.

Prices for some procedures:

  • mud wrap - 8.5 euros/1 procedure (course - 10 procedures);
  • mud bath - 12 euros/1 procedure (course - 10 procedures);
  • consultation with a doctor (prescribing a course of treatment) - 25 euros;
  • Montenegro

    If you have a Schengen visa in your passport, then you can visit neighboring countries very wide:

    • get to know Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia - each of these countries can be reached by buses that run regularly from all major cities;
    • visit - the best way to get from Zagreb is by bus. The journey takes 5.5 hours, ticket from 35 euros one way;
    • from Pula you can take a ferry to Venice - the journey takes about three hours, the ticket costs 65 euros. If a tiring journey to the city of love and canals does not scare you (6.5 hours minimum), then the ticket will cost 12 euros;
    • Vienna can also be easily reached from Pula or Zagreb. In both cases, you need to transit through Slovenia, but with Schengen, it’s easy. Ticket from Pula to Vienna - 40 euros (11 hours on the way), from Zagreb - 20 euros, 5 hours on the way.

    A visit to Croatia will be pleasant for a tourist with any tastes and expectations. The country will soon enter the Schengen zone. As a result, prices will rise and become equal to the European average. We must seize the moment before this happens.

Every year, an increasing number of tourists from all over Europe and Russia go to Croatia. What do they find attractive in this country?

Croatia can rightly be called unique country. Everyone who comes to these parts finds their own treasure. No wonder holidays in Croatia have been gaining popularity since the reign of Rome, when every emperor considered it necessary to build his summer residence here.

Croatia experienced a real tourism boom in the last century with the creation resort infrastructure, when small fishing villages and seaside towns scattered along the coastline were replaced by popular resorts.

Most of large hotels was built during the era of the Republic of Yugoslavia. After its collapse, a large-scale reconstruction of the entire hotel fund was carried out. Now wondering where to relax in Croatia You will receive a lot of interesting offers from hotels of European level. Each major tourist complex has its own restaurant, cafe, equipped beach, SPA complex and sports center.

Where to relax in Croatia for beach lovers

Croatia is recognized best place for connoisseurs of beach holidays. And it’s not surprising, because here tourists will find the crystal clear water of the Adriatic Sea - the most salty water in the world, with unsurpassed healing properties. This is probably the best solution where to relax in Croatia with children and improve your health.

Croatia is an amazing country with unique natural and historical attractions, an excellent sea coast and numerous thermal springs! Meet here Alpine mountains, Mediterranean and Pannonia! Croatia is famous for its numerous castles, picturesque bays, wonderful, dense forests and mysterious rocks..

Country located in the west Balkan Peninsula and south Central Europe, is rightfully considered the pearl of the Mediterranean with the legacy of the powerful empires of Europe.

General information about Croatia

Photo taken from the website:

The area of ​​Croatia is 56542 sq/km. Croatia consists of a continental part (the region of the Sava River basin) and an Adriatic part, which stretches in a narrow strip along the entire coast of the Adriatic Sea. The capital of Croatia is the city of Zagreb, located at the foot of Mount Ursa. The most beautiful river in Croatia is Zrmanja.

Croatia has borders with the states:

  • With Slovenia in the northwest.
  • With Serbia and Hungary in the northeast.
  • With Bosnia, Montenegro and Herzegovina in the south.

The country is washed in the west by the Adriatic Sea. Croatia also has sea ​​border with Italy. The coastal waters of Croatia are clear even ten meters from the shore. The country is famous for twenty mineral springs and oil deposits, which are used for health purposes.

Croatia, among all European countries, is the most sunny. Average quantity sundial per year is two thousand six hundred. The Adriatic coast is located in the Mediterranean climate zone. Summers here are hot and dry. The air temperature reaches +25 + 29 degrees Celsius.

A temperate continental climate reigns in the central part of Croatia. In the summer, the maximum temperature ranges between +20 + 23 degrees Celsius. The swimming season in Croatia starts at the beginning of May and ends at the end of September. Worth a try when visiting Croatia local dish- strukli and donuts - fritule.

Plitvice Lakes - the pride of Croatia

Photo taken from the website:

Croatia is known to the world for its picturesque Plitvice Lakes, which are rightfully called a miracle of nature. There are sixteen of them in total. There are lakes on the territory of Plitvice national park in a valley (high in the mountains) and surrounded by dense forest.

The lakes occupy an area of ​​29.6 hectares, pass into each other, forming beautiful waterfalls, the roar of which can be heard in the surrounding area. In this area you can also see caves and beech-spruce forests.

Photo taken from the website:

Zagreb is famous for Lake Jarun. It is also called the Zagreb Sea. Here you can sunbathe and swim, play sports, water ski, and in the evening have fun in one of the many nightclubs. In this area there are well-equipped beaches with sand, pebble or grass. You can get to Lake Jarun from the center of the capital by trams No. 5, 17. You need to get off at the Jarun stop.

Amazing places in Zagreb

Photo taken from the website:

The capital of Croatia has many interesting places that travelers should visit. It is home to a large number of majestic municipal buildings, spiers, squares and churches. By cable car you can quickly get to Upper town, its historic district. The trip will cost a little more than one euro. Rising on the funicular, tourists can see Zagreb and its attractions from above.

Divorce Museum

Photo taken from the website:

In the capital, you can visit the Museum of Divorces, which houses things and objects given by former lovers. Behind each of them lies a story of complex love relationships, told in Croatian and English.

Hiking and cycling along the trails

Adherents of an active lifestyle can go to walking or ride a bicycle along special paths, of which there are eight in total. To see the city and its surroundings, travelers prefer trail number twelve.

Sights of Zagreb

Photo taken from the website:

In Zagreb you can also see the planets of the solar system in miniature. They are scattered throughout the city. Tourists will also be interested in visiting the most beautiful cemetery in Europe - Mirogoj, which resembles more a park than a burial place.

Shopping in the capital

Photo taken from the website:

Ilika Street in Zagreb is very popular among shopping lovers. There are a large number of stores presenting global brands, and the largest in the city shopping mall Avenue Mall. Fresh produce grown by local farmers can be purchased at the Dolac Bazaar.

Croatia: sea holidays

There are many places for a great holiday in Croatia:

  • Kvarner region - Opatija, Crikvenica, Krk, Mali Losinj, Rab, Lovran, Njivice, Cres, Malinska.
  • Makarska region - Riviera Brela, Makarska, Tučepi, Drvenik, Supetar.
  • Porec and Umag.
  • Rovinj and Pula.
  • Zagreb and Opatija.
  • Brela and Sibenik.
  • Dubrovnik and Baska Voda.
  • O. Brac and Rogoznica.
  • Trogir and Cavtat.
  • Medulin and Vodice.
  • Podgora and Tucepi.
  • Split and Nečujam (Solta Island).
  • Biograd and Zadar.
  • Vrsar and Zivogosche.
  • Supetar and Hvar.
  • Drvenik and Crikvenica.
  • Lovran and Mlini.
  • Novi Vinodolski and Petrcane.
  • Podstrana and Primosten.
  • Rabac and Selce.
  • Donji Miholjac and Slatina.
  • Malinska and Fr. Ciovo.
  • Kastel and Bol.
  • O. Krk and Plivic.
  • Slano and Novigrad.
  • Savudrija and Korcula.
  • O. Mljet and the island of Vis.
  • o.Lošinj and o.Pag.
  • O. Slave and Funtana.
  • Gradac and others.

The beaches of Brela are considered the best in the entire Adriatic. The sea here is very clean and the climate is favorable. The water remains transparent even at a distance of fifty meters from the seashore. tourists are impressed by the incredibly beautiful mountain fortresses of the Dinaric Alps.

The Adriatic resort of Medulin is very popular among tourists. The coastline in this area is amazingly beautiful. There are numerous peninsulas and islands in the sea. In the summer, concerts are held in Medulin classical music. Delicious Mediterranean cuisine can be enjoyed in cozy restaurants.

Croatia has more than a thousand islands which tourists choose for beach holiday.

Let's look at the best of them:

  • Hvar. The island of Hvar will give tourists a relaxing holiday! The resort part of the picturesque island is especially popular among families with children. Coastline This area is rich in bays and bays. It stretches for sixty-eight kilometers along the coast of Central Dalmatia. It is not only the longest island in Croatia, but also one of the sunniest on the Adriatic coast! There are three hundred and forty-nine sunny days a year in this area! The ancient towns of Hvar tempt tourists amazing monuments architecture, excellent, clean beaches. Here the air is filled with the aromas of lavender and rosemary. Popular beaches among holidaymakers are located in Milan, Stara Tower and Dubrovica.
  • Krk- largest, northern island in the Adriatic Sea. There are numerous cities, towns, beaches (Vela Plaza, Rupa, Soline and Stara Baška), secluded bays, night bars and family restaurants. In this area, tourists will be able to try Valomet champagne.
  • Vis. The area is characterized by unspoiled nature and cozy restaurants where you can taste local delicacies, such as lobster. The island is known for its amazing white wine. In the city of Vis you can go on a sightseeing tour, see the ruins of the Roman and Greek eras. Interesting place for tourists is the town of Komiza. From here you can go to the Blue Grotto, located on neighboring island Bishevo. The beaches on Vis are sandy and small-pebble. The most popular beaches among tourists are Stončica, Zaglav, Vela Smokova and Grandovac.
  • Slave. The island is quiet place with stunning, endless beaches. IN medieval city You can see four white bell towers. There are stone beaches in the west of the island, and pebble beaches in the east. Sandy beaches are found only in the north. The island has the famous “Paradise” beach.
  • Korcula. The island is famous for its dense forests, vineyards and fishing villages, where you can relax quietly away from the hustle and bustle.

Photo taken from the website:

The city of the same name is interesting to tourists for its massive medieval walls, cathedral and Marco Polo Gallery. Banje and Luka Korčulanska and Mandrač, Bilin Žal and Vela Przina are the island's popular beaches among tourists.

  • Brac. The third largest island in the Adriatic Sea, it is famous for the limestone rocks that make up most of it. There are many rock slopes and caves in this area. The center of the island is the city of Supetar. The area is characterized by long, sandy beaches surrounded by pine forests. vineyards and olive groves. Here are located tourist complexes— Supetar and Bol, there are bars, restaurants and discos. Tourists spending their holidays on the island of Brac will be able to go diving, feel the adrenaline of paragliding, and go cycling. The most popular beach on the island is Golden Cape. Among other beaches, Sumartin, Lucice, Osibova should be highlighted.
  • Mljet. There are a large number of quiet bays in this area. Park Island is an ideal place for a romantic getaway. It is popular with kayakers and cyclists. In the north, the coast of Mljet is protected from winds blowing from the sea. The most popular beaches among vacationers are located in Saplunar and Prozurska Luka, Pomena and Okuklje.
  • Cres. One of the most large islands Croatia is located in the northern part of the Adriatic Sea. It is ideal for those people who want to spend their holidays in privacy and tranquility. Largest city The island of the same name captivates tourists with its unrivaled Venetian architecture. Travelers can go to the village of Lubenice, located in the mountains. It offers superb views of the sea and nearby islands. Lake Vrana, characterized by a depth of fifty meters, is of great interest to travelers. The beaches on the island of Cres are small in size, but at the same time they are very picturesque and romantic. The most popular of them are Valun and Statina, the beach in Lubenica and the sandy beach of Meli Bay.
  • Murter. The island is famous for the garden, planted in 2012, in a bay near the village of Thissen. The following events are held here - the Garden festival (in early July), parties - Electric Elephant, Soundwave, Suncebeat and Stop Making Sense. In this area there are olive groves and charming sea ​​ports and picturesque bays. Popular beaches on the island are Kosirina and Podvrske, Lovisce and Slanica.
  • Dugi Otok. The length of this island is forty-five kilometers, and the width varies, depending on the terrain, from one to four kilometers. Tourists on the island of Dugi Otok are attracted by sandy beaches and crystal clear azure waters. There are many secluded bays with picturesque nature. In the southeast of the island is natural Park Telasčica, which is famous for its salt lake Peace and healing mud. Tourists in this area will be able to go diving, spend time fishing and cycling, and go on photo hunting. The most popular beach on the island is Saharun. It stretches for several kilometers and is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay.
  • Pag in Northern Dalmatia. The island is famous for the magnificent Zrce beach, which hosts the legendary festival called Hideout and other music events. Here you can buy unique lace as a souvenir and taste page and sheep cheese. The coastline of the island of Pag is large and almost all places are suitable for swimming. The most popular beaches among tourists are Trincel and Povljanu, Kukurina and Strashko, Kasku and Ručica.

Resorts of Croatia: TOP 11 best places

In Croatia, a seaside holiday will give you a lot of positive emotions and bright emotions! We offer TOP 11 beach resorts Croatia, which deserve special attention from tourists.

1. Umag

Photo taken from the website:

Among the beach resorts in Croatia, Umag should be highlighted. The ancient city, a center of tourism and sports, is located on west coast peninsula of Istria, near Novigrad, Vrsar and Rovinj, close to the border with Slovenia. The international airport of Pula is located eighty kilometers from Umag.

The village has a large number of courts for professional tennis. An international tennis tournament, the Croatia Open ATP series, is held here every year.

Tourists in Umag will be able to see architectural buildings from the Illyrian, Celtic, Roman eras, as well as medieval streets, modern buildings, hotels and campsites. The main attractions of the city are:

  • Church of the Holy Roc.
  • Church of St. Peregrine.
  • Ruins of Sipara Fort.
  • Villa Tiola.
  • Lighthouse in Savudrija.
  • Archaeological Museum, located in the city center.

The beaches within the city and the shore in its vicinity are mostly rocky and pebble. Sandy ones are very rare. Eight Umag beaches are marked with EU blue flags for exceptional cleanliness and environmental friendliness.

For a comfortable stay for tourists, many of them were equipped with special concrete platforms. Stairs are provided for easy descent into the sea. The resort has both public and private beaches. They are all free. Showers are installed on the beaches at the disposal of hotels. You can use sun loungers and sun umbrellas.

Most popular and visited resort beaches:

  • Laguna Stella Maris in Monterola. It is approximately two kilometers away from the center of Umag. The beach is surrounded by green spaces. It is covered with small pebbles. There is a gentle slope into the sea. You can rent equipment for aquatic species sports. There are cafes on the beach. The place is very comfortable for relaxing with small children.
  • Katoro and Polynesia. The beaches are located in Katoro, three kilometers from the center of Umag. They have a pebble-sand surface, are surrounded by pine trees, and are equipped with showers and changing rooms. The beach area is dotted with children's playgrounds and sports grounds. There are swimming pools, restaurants, cafes and bars, and a bustling night life.
  • Aurora. This beach is concrete. It is located in Katoro and is surrounded by trees. Tourists will be able to use sun loungers, sun umbrellas, and rent water sports equipment. The descent into the sea at Aurora Beach is very comfortable.
  • Kanova. The beach is rocky. It is located south of Umag, not far from Karigador. There are areas for sunbathing here, and there are specially equipped descents into the water. In this area there is a camping site, restaurants and cafes, swimming pools and shops. In the recreation area, adults and children will find something for themselves interesting entertainment!
  • Kanegra. This beach is small pebble. It is located north of Umag, near Savudrija. Kanegra. surrounded by trees. The beach is ideal for family vacation with kids. There are a lot of entertainment options for little tourists. There is a campsite next to the beach.
  • Savudrija. This beach is rocky and has a gentle slope into the sea. It is located in Savudrija. The beach is surrounded by a pine forest. The area is especially popular with surfers. Not far from the beach there are cafes, restaurants, and swimming pools. There are grounds for sports here. The beach has access for people with disabilities.

Choose among best tours for two you can go to Umag.

2. Dubrovnik

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Dubrovnik is one of the most beautiful cities in Croatia, located in its southern part, in a mild Mediterranean climate. This is one of the most popular and expensive resorts Mediterranean. Dubrovnik was included in the UNESCO list the best monuments Renaissance Europe.

Locality on the Adriatic coast of Dalmatia, tourists are interested in stone fortifications, a beautiful ancient center, the Gothic Sponza Palace, Loge Square and numerous boutiques and cafes. Visitors are offered to go on a tour of the fortress bastions and visit cable car and view the city and the sea coast from above.

In Dubrovnik, tourists will be pleased with the well-kept pebble beaches, fantastic beautiful landscapes and a warm, clean sea. Cypresses, pines and laurels grow here. There are twelve Elaphiti Islands along the coast. The resort's coastline is heavily indented. In this area there is a large number of calm, picturesque, untouched by civilization bays, surrounded by greenery. In Dubrovnik you can find both beaches with stone platforms and pebble beaches.

Main Dubrovnik attractions:

  • Church of St. Vlah and the Prince's Palace;
  • Dominican and Franciscan monasteries;
  • fountains by Italian architect Onofrio de La Cavi;
  • the oldest synagogue in Europe;
  • ethnographical museum And art Gallery;
  • fortress walls.

Tourists can book excursions to Kolocep and Lopud, Korcula and Mljet National Park. From Dubrovnik you can also go on a romantic, amazing beautiful island Lokrum. Vacationers will be invited to visit the aquarium located in the old town, buy homemade wine and fruit at the market in the port of Gruz.

A visit will give you an unforgettable experience panoramic platform, located on the top of Mount Srdj. From here you have a magnificent view of the city and nearby islands, as well as the park and port of the old city.

Photo taken from the website:

IN resort town day and night life is in full swing. They are arriving here cruise ships from all over the world. There are many restaurants in Dubrovnik that offer seafood and lamb dishes. The most popular restaurants in Dubrovnik are Atlas club Nautika, Konavoski dvori, Vila Koruna, Orsan, Komin, Eden, Domino.

There are a large number of bars in Dubrovnik:

  • Hamingway, decorated in Cuban style;
  • Otok, Jazz bar, Gradska kavana — cozy place for connoisseurs of a calm atmosphere;
  • Rock Cafe and others.

The discos of Dubrovnik (Divinae Follie, Esperanza, Latino club) gather cheerful young people in the evening and at night.

Departure date: August 27
Tour duration: 6 nights, 7 days
Nutrition: breakfast
31519 hryvnia

Other tours to Dubrovnik:

3. Porec (Parenzo)

Photo taken from the website:

Porec is major center tourism in Croatia. The resort is located sixty kilometers from the airport. The settlement is located on the west coast of Istria, in a lagoon with jagged line shores. Its length is twenty-five kilometers. In this area, the beaches mainly have rocky plateaus and concrete platforms, with convenient descents in the sea. In Porec you can also find places with large pebbles and where you can enter the sea directly from the stones. Majority hotel beaches equipped with fresh water shower.

In the resort area, under open air, there are a large number of cafes. Along the coastline there are numerous restaurants, bars and discos. Club International is very popular among young people.

Porec has a wonderful, crowded embankment. From here you have a wonderful view of the islands located nearby, as well as yachts and fishermen's boats. In the Old Town, tourists will be able to see public gardens with pine plantations. The cozy courtyards of Porec amaze with a riot of greenery. The Mediterranean city has preserved ancient temples and buildings from the Roman era, fortress walls, and towers from the Middle Ages.

Vacationers in Porec are offered excursions to:

  • Plitvice National Park.
  • Brijuni National Park. On the island you can see a safari park, the Church of St. Hermain, the Byzantine Castrum, the ruins of a Romanesque villa (Verij Bay).

From the Istrian peninsula, tourists with a Schengen visa will be able to travel to Venice. Traditional and country tours are popular among visitors, during which wine tasting and presentation of a folklore program take place. Tourists will also be interested in the Limfjord.

Tours to Croatia

Croatia, Porec

Departure date: August, 26th
Tour duration: 7 nights, 8 days
No power
Tour cost for two adults -27091 hryvnia

Other tours to Porec:

Photo taken from the site:

Pula is the largest ancient city Istria from rich history and unique attractions, located on the Adriatic coast in Croatia. It is also an important port in the southern part of the peninsula. Not far from it is international Airport Istria.

The area is famous for its ancient Roman buildings, including the Roman amphitheater, located on the outskirts of the old town and well preserved to this day, Venetian buildings, fabulously beautiful Mediterranean beaches, ancient historical monuments, exhibitions, concerts, active entertainment. There are many beer bars and pubs here.

Pula has diving centers, sports grounds, discos, nightclubs and casinos. The resort seduces tourists with its mild climate, beautiful, calm sea, and pine forests. The area has preserved ancient traditions of winemaking, fishing and shipbuilding.

Pula has mostly rocky beaches. They spread out in cozy bays. You can find concrete beaches equipped with convenient descents into the sea. Competes with the Punto Verudela resort area of ​​Medulin. Here, surrounded by Mediterranean greenery, there are wonderful beaches with small pebbles, entry to which is free. Tourists will only have to pay for the rental of sun loungers and umbrellas.

In the beach area there are rental points for sports equipment, a diving center, volleyball courts, and bike paths. IN walking distance There is a restaurant serving Croatian cuisine, where you can not only have a tasty and satisfying meal, but also enjoy a charming panorama of the Brijuni Islands.

Good swimming spots can be found in Valsalina Bay. One of the best beaches in Pula is located thirteen kilometers from the city. Its exact location is Cape Kamenjak (south of the Istrian peninsula). This area is a natural park.

The city and its surroundings are also located:

  • Rocky, island beaches of Crveni Otok.
  • Pebble beaches of Duga Uvala. These are narrow strips with a gentle entrance and picturesque nature, which are ideal for a secluded holiday.
  • Sandy beaches of Bijeca.

The beaches of the Verudela peninsula are very popular among tourists (ambrela stands out among them). There is an incredibly clean water area and a large selection of water activities.

Brioni offers tourists rich and interesting entertainment programs. Total on site resort area There are forty-four beaches, marked with the blue flags of the European Union for their high level of environmental friendliness and cleanliness.

Tours to Croatia

Croatia, Pula

Departure date: September 2
Tour duration: 7 nights, 8 days
No power
31027 hryvnia.

Photo taken from the website: mybeach.rf

Trogir is an ancient city in Central Dalmatia, founded in the 3rd century BC. It is located north of Split, at a distance of twenty kilometers from it. Old city with labyrinths of ancient streets dotted with palaces, temples, towers and ancient buildings, is located on small island. It is separated from the mainland by a narrow channel, and from the island of Ciovo by a wider one. The population of Trogir mainly lives on the mainland and the island of Ciovo. Nowadays Trogir is a popular beach resort.

The main attractions of Trogir:

  • St. Lawrence Cathedral and the Prince's Palace.
  • Kamerlengo Fortress and Chipiko Palace.
  • Dominican Church and Town Hall.
  • Diocletian's Palace and City Museum.

At a distance of three kilometers from Trogir, on the island of Ciovo, in the Gorny district, lies the best beach of the Trogir Riviera - Copacabana, reaching a length of two kilometers. Incendiary music plays here around the clock, and there are a large number of cafes and restaurants. You can have a snack at the pizzeria. The beach has all the conditions for various water sports.

Another, no less amazing beach is Kava. It is located in the eastern part of the island of Ciovo, near the village of Spatina, twelve kilometers from Trogir. The beach is not crowded. It is surrounded by pine trees. The sea has clear water. You can have a snack in a cafe that serves fast food. The establishment also offers refreshing drinks to vacationers.

Tourists will be able to spend unforgettable vacation in Krknjasi Bay with beautiful nature. There is an excellent sandy beach here. The sea is shallow. Another three-kilometer sandy Medena beach is located near the town of Seget. It is surrounded by pine trees. The beach is equipped with playgrounds and is characterized by a wonderful promenade. Here you can have a pleasant time in a bar or restaurant. Tourists can get to the beach from the city of Trogir by ferry.

In the south of the island of Ciovo, in picturesque bay with the crystal clear waters of Mavarstika, there is a long sandy beach. It got the name White beach. Tourists will be able to sunbathe and swim in the sea on the Pantan beach, which is located two kilometers from Trogir. He's surrounded pine forest. There is a Mosquito bar on the beach. You can have a great time at a local restaurant.

Tours to Croatia

Croatia, Trogir

Departure date: September 3
Tour duration: 7 nights, 8 days
No power
Tour cost for two adults -
28975 hryvnia

Photo taken from the website:

Baska Voda is a cozy town on the Makarska Riviera, in the past it was a fishing village. The settlement is located sixty kilometers from Split, and ten kilometers from Makarska. The distance to the airport is seventy-five kilometers.

The city is located near the Biokovo mountains, on the slopes of which grow pine forests, olive groves and vineyards. Today Baska Voda is popular resort Croatia, which is famous for its hospitality, clean beaches covered with small pebbles and surrounded by pine forests, the clearest sea. The area also has the only sandy beach.

There are a large number of restaurants, bars and cafes in the resort area. Tourists will be able to visit the local restaurant “Arka”, located on the Brela embankment and taste fish and seafood dishes.

In the city, tourists will be able to see ancient buildings, cathedrals, churches - St. Nicholas, dating from the 19th century, and St. Lovro, decorated in the Baroque style.

Tours to Croatia

Croatia, Baska Voda

Departure date: September 3
Tour duration: 7 nights, 8 days
No power
Tour cost for two adults -
32937 hryvnia

Photo taken from:

Opatija is a popular Croatian resort among visitors, located in the north of the Adriatic. The city is located on the shores of the Kvarner Bay. The recreation area has a mild climate and stunningly beautiful nature. The territory is protected from the winds by Mount Uchka.

The area has rocky shores. Beach places mostly concrete, equipped with special descents into the sea. Most hotels in Opatija have swimming pools with sea water. TO best beaches Pathologies noted Blue flag, relate:

  • Slatina, Tomasevac.
  • Shkribichi and Lido.

Slatina beach stretches along the Lungomar promenade. It is equipped with showers. Here you can rent umbrellas and sun loungers and have a good time in a cozy restaurant or cafe. Near the embankment there is another, no less popular, sandy beach, Tomasevac, which is chosen by families with children. In the resort area there is also a concrete and pebble beach, equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay, called Shkribichi.

Tours to Croatia

Croatia, Opatija


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